HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-01-12(A) /- /-'/;/ , " At-Large Planning Commission Interviews January 12, 1994 @ 5:30 p.m. Time Name 5:30 Levi Wilson 5:45 Bruce Dotson 6:00 Melonie Besio 6:15 Katherine Imhoff 6:30 Albert Murray I .. .,. '- COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM 0: Board of Supervisors Ella W. Carey f!LJU January 7, 1994 ATE: E: Applications received for Boards & Commissions rchitectural Review Board: . Jeff Collins . Timothy Matteus Michel . Robert Moje . Don A. Swofford hildren and Youth Commission: . Jacob C. Shively . Sharon L. Jones . Levi Wilson . Geri Schirmer . Allan Edgar Holmes . Maurice H. Lipper, MD . Ann T. Myers Note: Interviews scheduled for February 2, 1994 ualization Board: . White Hall District . Donnie R. Dunn . Allan Edgar Holmes /-;7->Y' 1 ~ ...". , I dustrial Develo ment Authori . Rivanna District . Jack Baskin . Ken Clarry Commission: . Charlottesville District . lE. Goodrich . Samuel Miller District . Helen Schwiesow . Walter F. Johnson . A. Bruce Dotson . AT-LARGE MEMBER . Melanie Besio . A. Bruce Dotson . David Kalergis . Walter F. Johnson . Katherine L. Imhoff . Donnie R. Dunn . Albert E. Murray . Mitchell E. Neuman . Peter Stark . Levi Wilson . Robert L. Tobey Note: Interviews scheduled for January 12, 1994 e ional Disabili Services Board: . Brian P. Lindquist . Thomas J. Jakubowski Note: Interviews scheduled for February 2, 1994 C/jng .... llV"1. (.)1 \J .1.1 J J l.ULU.\ J ;\1. :H!U . 0oU0 /94 16~e;5 .... .. COLONIAL AUTO ~003 ~002 ! \ (~()U llty of Albcrnarle ~Oi^i~:-" J..<' "'I ..~ . f.jf 'l'~ (:~ !T'" \., f.;' ~.1" ~~:~\~,.~ OffIce or ROlU'd or Count.)' Supervisors 40 I Mclntite Rund ChM!C'llCSVillc", V 1\ 22~02.4.596 (804) i%.SR43 AflPl.lCA 1'ION 10 ,C:;J.:llVF. ON BOAIU) I (:UMMISSION I COMMJTfEn (plellse lyf'le Or pril\1) . BOlltd I C~lrnl wisil,llll CUllllllil[~C .....A8.~'U_.,f/.k T'~It'-_.Rflll!J:...~/!;4" It&> _ .___ _ i Applkbnt', ,O\e ,&~"'C........m C>~ 6._ __ _ _ _ 110m. Phone 8.1 r . <1-<; .!"~ \ HomeAddre~ ~L. oc" ,.~~.,. --8ulllto _._._________._,_; Magirt~riaI 0 strict in whil:t\ your IlI'",I\: residence is located _~"''''''(... /It ~ ~ t.1t. ! Employer D~ "AJ:.,,/.J"C,C;~~_ _._.__ _ Phone ~_.-.(' fr<t-..__ BU9incs", Add css ._~ _..i1. ~--.:JL IV.6. . _ __'_.__~_____._._.__ DAte of Empl j'l'ncnt Jtt1C -'1..-l,.J'."'Y' Occupt\tir>n I Tillt:: .!l4C.IIC'P'': f;,'r' _L&~~/P~:::':f _ _ Yeattl Reside r ilt A lbclflarle (:o\lJlty~. .lY4!.II"--.. Previous Rcsjdtnce Ci~!" CI.,"';t~~/c.(..( Spou..'s Nom A IK~ ..L?1.."f ~ _ _.-"- _ Numl"" of Child,,,, _ A... _ '_.._._ _ I Education (Dc reel> ,n.nd CirndunllOo Daks) _ 11 AItf,fJ vll/4 -.1'17( .~ ___ -.--- '-'_'_~~"'''H ~_/ti"_o__~. '___ o.frilt~. Jlmj 1~.QuI r~dJ.ur 5ocial..iliou~ - .- -- -- _.. 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VIRG\~\~ Office of Board of County Supervisors 40 I McIntire Road Charlottesville" VA 22902-4596 (804) L96-5843 APPLICA nON TO SERVE ON BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITfEE (please type or print) {D)! rn @ ~ U W ~ ~! 1\Jli LL. 7: 2 1993 ~ I BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ission / Committee Architectural Review Board Mattheus Michel Home Phone 295-8609 1520 West Pines Drive. Charlottesville. VA 22901 Magisterial istrict in which your home residence is located Samuel Miller District Employer S If Phone 295-1131/979-8162 Business Ad ress '101 Falll COTIPr Drive. SlIi te 5. Charlottesville. VA 22903 Occupation I Title Associate Broker. McLean Faulconer, Inc.: Vice President, King Travel Inc.; President, Michel & Wilcox,In 20 years Previous ResidenceDevon. PA Date of Empl yment N/ A Years Reside t in Albemarle County Spouse's N e Virginia P. Michel Education (D grees and Graduation Dates) of Architecture 1976. Number of Children 2 Lafayette College BA 1970; University of Virginia, Master Chamber Charlottesville/Albemarle Board of Realtors; St. Thomas Aquinas Church; Public - Board of Directors Live Arts business 0 serve m community. My past experience as a Real Estate Broker. and landsca e architect ma be useful in this osition. on request ,/ ./ December 20. 1993 Date Return to : Clerk, Board of County Supervisors Albemarle County 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 . ( '() II n tv 0 f A I he III a r Ie ~, t~I.:r"f~~ m JiJ~ I ~~i! ,v . .' ..15OL. if! J., '.".I"..J." JI"I.....' ...../ UOj:'" 6 1994 ,111r J " j K U"A"'"-f"JD 0 '. s I ;.:~ 1 F UPERVfSOR5 ! ~ Ilcurd / ( (II11IlI <;';J( -II (()Illllllilc'l' ..,4,fB AppllGu1t's N: 11C :JEr:p CCiL//J<; Ilome Phol1c cr-z '37 (7 3.~ Home Address !fbt4,xV~2:i3!I./Ei________,__ n ________.__.. Maglstenal DistrIct III which vour home reSidence IS loc~ted -q!~([fSl.,iJ!ji; Employer n~_ftfj~~_ .. . _____ Phone -=1- 7'J ~ BUSIness Addr S5 to BC)^Ei~Y._.CJ$rb~:;"k ____ _ Dale of Em pl"ym"" 7/1! (ku'pa(,on / Till, ("'ftdX"{f-Mif,:1J {~JJoJ f iiYnwl' Years Resldel1t III Albemarle Countv fzJ(o't\P!ve. ___, PrevIous ReSl(icnCl~~J lYl R>4tuctJ Spouse's N,ulll' _, m~_ Number ofChildrel1 Education (Degrees :l1id Graduation Dates) .e~k.~ ~ jddzf.sC1f?€;ArrJi:ie..(.~X?v.n JlffY( --------- ----------(5cpw4~)~ ". ,.. Mcmlliaslupsl! I'rdtl.:rnaLUlISLUt;'ss..Clmrch iUld!01_ S,QQ.aLGmllPs ____6:?LA J. Uutred JYl~fuJ:6.idK4L~~.cj~rl1~ilft~_______ \ l'l'l 1(\ II()r'~ I () S II~ VI: ON BOARD / COMMISSION / CO \1,\1 I IT! I (please type Of pnnt) Eu b Ilc~_ CJ~ I ~'u;1I1 j (' h:J rll:,l blr;.. O,Dl<:'<:ilDQJoLOth<: L.8.<diYilic_s_m.lI}JS:Q;SJ $ -- ._----~-._---~.._--- ----- he~IIIrJ~ -- ------ ._._.....~-_.- _..__._~-------------- Rcturn to: C c['k, BO;lId of COLin!)' ,'lJptTvisors A bcmarlc County ~ ( I 1',,1 clnt i "C H 0 a d C ladOltesvjllc, V/\ 22')()2 .J<;')(, Slgnil(Ufl' f6/iJl ) , I I ~ .. .., .~ . County of Albemar I';b ~ @rno W ~ ~l..].. ru: I ! I I n _ 6 1994 i ): Ul " i BOARD OF SUPERVlSORJ Office of Board of County Supervisors 401 McIntire road Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 804-296-5843 APPLICATION TO SERVE ON BOARD/COMMISSION/COMMITTEE Board / Commission / Committee: ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD Applicant's Name: DON A. SWOFFORD Ibne Phone: 973-9336 Home Address: 321 DOVER ROAD, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 Magisterial District of home Residence: CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICT Employer: SELF Phone: 979-7407 Business Address: 812 EAST HIGH STREET, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 Date of Employment: 1978 TO PRESENT Occupation: ARCHITECT Years Resident in Albemarle County: 20 Previous Residence: DALLAS, TEXAS Spouse's Name: GINGER Number of Children: ONE Education: HIGH SCHOOL, MCALLEN, TX; BARCH, TEXAS A&M, 1970; MARCH, UVA, 1976 Memberships in Fraternal, Business, Church, Social Groups: HOLY COMFORTER CATHOLIC CHURCH, FORMER STUDENTS-TEXAS A&M, UVA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, SEE RESUME FOR OTHERS Public, Civic, and Charitable Office and or Other Activities or Interests: ALBEMARLE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, PRESERVATION PIEDMONT, MONTICELLO MODEL RAILROAD CLUB, NATIONAL RAILROAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY, SANTA FE MODELERS ASSOCIATION, CHARLOTTESVILLE FLYERS, SEE RESUME FOR OTHERS Reasons for Desire to Serve on the Planning Commission: I HAVE A DESIRE TO SERVE MY FELLOW CITIZENS IN THE CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICT, AND THE COUNTY. I AM NOT AN ADVOCATE FOR UNPLANNED GROWTH, AND BELIEVE CAREFUL THOUGHT MUST BE GIVEN TO EVERY ASPECT OF THE SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, AND GEOGRAPHIC ATTRIBUTES OF THE COUNTY WHEN CONSIDERING DEVELOPMENT. I AM A CAREFUL PLANNER, A SENSITIVE DESIGNER, AND A SOUND MANAGER OF ASSETS. I BELIEVE IN TRADITIONAL VALUES, AND RECOGNIZE THE RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS AFFORDED EVERY AMERICAN. I AM PARTICULARLY AWARE OF THE VISUAL ASSETS OF THE COUNTY'S ENTRY CORRIDORS, AND BELIEVE I POSSESS THE TRAINED SKILLS TO GIVE PRUDENT AND VALUABLE JUDGEMENT TO THE PRESERVATION OF THOSE CORRIDORS SCENIC BEAUTY. l PERSONAL: EDUCATION: EXPERIENCE: LICENSES: PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: DON A. SWOFFORD ARCHITECT Born 4-14-47 in Houston, Texas Married: Wife, Ginger Son, James Social Security Number: 466-82-6978 Hobbies: Railroad Industrial Archaeology, Model Railroading, Flight, Music. High School Diploma (1965) McAllen High School, McAllen, Texas Bachelor of Architecture (1970) Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas (1965 - 1970) Master of Architectural History (1975) University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. (1972 - 1975) Office of David Ashcroft, AlA, McAllen, Texas Draftsman (1967 - 1969) Department of City Planning, Urban Design Division, Dallas, Texas Historical Preservation Planner (1970 - 1972) Grigg, Wood & Browne, Architects, Charlottesville, Va. Architect, Architectural Historian (1972 - 1978) Don A. Swofford, Architect, Charlottesville, Va. Principal (1978 - 1989) WSSA pc - Wood, Sweet & Swofford - Architects, Charlottesville, Va. Corporate Secretary and Treasure, Director of Operations (since 1989), recently transferred back to DASA,pc Registered Architect - Virginia (#3763) & District of Columbia (#6078) NCARB Certificate #37055 American Institute of Architects Appointed Member of National Historic Resources Committee Virginia Society American Institute of Architects Chair of Historic Resources Committee National Trust for Historic Preservation Society of Architectural Historians Association for Preservation Technology Preservation Alliance of Virginia Albemarle County Historical Society Association for Preservation of Virginia Antiquities Interfaith Forum on Religion, Art and Architecture IFFRA Preservation Piedmont Chairperson of Steering Committee . - l .. HONORS & OTHER AFFILIATIONS: Eagle Scout Distinguished Military Student, Texas A&M University Distinguished Student, Texas A&M University Texas Society of Architects Design Award 1968 Governor's Conference on Urban Affairs Jefferson Scholar, University of Virginia Licensed Pilot - Instrument Rated Bishop Walter Sullivan's Building & Renovation Committee, Catholic Diocese of Richmond - co-chairman Listed in Who's Who in America 1986 to present Loudon County Historical Society Citation for Preservation, 1984 James River Chapter AlA Design Award for Farley, 1991 National Trust for Historic Preservation - 1991 Great American Home Award for Craftsmanship for Farley, Brandy Station, VA. Works published in newspapers and magazines: William Walker House. Washinp;ton Post. Nov 1974. Three Young Architect's Making the Break. Albemarle County, January, 1981. Orkney Springs. Virp;inia Record, Jan 1979. Farley. Dailey Progress, Nov 1981. Hearthstone. Colonial Homes, Jul 1985. Hearthstone. Building Stone News, Jun 1984. Martha Washington Inn. Virginia Business, Jul 1987. Farley: Great Homes of America Prize, Washinp;ton Post, Richmond Times Dispatch, Historic Preservation News, Dee, Jan, Feb 1992. Ash Lawn: the Science of Historic Preservation, Charlottesville Observer, Jan 1992. PUBLICATIONS & PAPERS: Fayetteville: A Plan for Preservation. Fayetteville, Texas: Fayetteville Bank, 1969. Swiss Avenue Survey Report. Dallas, Texas: City of Dallas, 1972. "Bethany College" APT JOURNAL, October 1976. "Swiss Avenue Preservation," Paper delivered to the Society of Architectural Historians meeting in San Antonio, Texas, April 1978. "Selecting Your Architect." Albemarle, January, 1978. The Office of Milton L Grigg, FAIA A Prop;ram for Community Preservation in Fells Point. Baltimore: Fells Point Historical Society, 1974. Stonewall Jackson House: A Feasibility for Restoration. Charlottesville: Lee Jackson Society, 1975. Fluvanna County Courthouse: A Historic Structures Report. Charlottesville: Fluvanna County Historical Society, 1975. A Study for the Restoration of the Old Mud Meetinp; House. Harrodsburg KY: Harrodsburg Historical Society, 1975. Old Main: Bethany College. Bethany WV: Bethany College, 1976. A Study for the Restoration of Little Fork Church. Culpeper: Little Fork Church, 1976. Gunston Hall: StudY__Qf_the Plant<:!Jion. Charlottesville: Milton L. Grigg, 1977. Prestwould Plantation: A Historic Structures Report. Charlottesville: Prestwould Foundation, 1977. Levy Opera House: A Historic Structures Report. Charlottesville: Town Hall Levy Opera House Association, 1977. John Woodward House: A Historic Structures Report. Richmond: Woodward Foundation, 1977. The Office of DASA or WSSA, Personal Authorship: Staunton Hill A Historic Structures Report and Maintenance Study in Two Volumes. Charlottesville: David K.E. Bruce, 1979. Orkney Springs Hotel: A Preliminary Historic Structures Report. Charlottesville: Orkney Springs Foundation, 1979. Frascatti: Study for Restoration. Charlottesville: Admiral and Mrs. Barrows, 1982. Miller- Kite House: A Historic Structures Report. Charlottesville: Historic Elkton, 1983. Village View: A Historic Structures Report. Charlottesville: Historic Emporia, 1989. Charlottesville City Mall: A Deterioration Analysis and Urban Design Review. Charlottesville: City of Charlottesville, 1989. Goochland Courthouse: A Historic Structures Report and Space Use Analysis. Charlottesville: Goochland Board of Supervisors, 1989. Venable- Wade- McKinney House: A Historic Structures Report. Charlottesville: Historic Farmville, 1991. Boyd Tavern: A Historic Structures Report. Charlottesville: Boyd Tavern Foundation, 1991. Old Cape Henry Lighthouse: Stone Stabilization. Charlottesville: Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, 1992 Richmond National Structures Report. National Cemeteries Cemeteries: A Historic Charlottesv ille: System, 1993. SEMINARS AND PRESENTATIONS: "Stabilization of and Structural Analysis of Wood in Historic Structures." Series of presentations given at VPI School of Architecture, October 1973 "American Association for State and Local History, Historic Preservation Symposium." Six day intensive course and instruction in professional practice of historic preservation at Shakertown, Kentucky, November 1973 "Passive Solar Heating in Historic Buildings." Presented at School of Architecture at University of Virginia, November, 1982 "Thomas Jefferson: The Architectural Influences of His University." A slide lecture presented to various organizations between 1984 and 1989 including: The Torch Club, Federal Executive Institute, Society of Professional Engineers, Phi Beta Kappa (Texas Tech, Lubbock). "Historic References in Albemarle County." Piedmont College, 1992. "History of Christian Architecture." A slide lecture on the evolution of design in the Christian Church from prehistoric to modern day, presented to church organizations between 1986 . . .- , PROJECTS AND E \.PERIENCE: and 1992 including: Saint Francis Catholic (Staunton), Holy Infant Catholic (Elkton), The Building Commission, Holy Name of Mary Catholic in Bedford (part of a three day intensive design session with the church building committee), and Saint Augustine Catholic in Richmond (two day intensive design session) . Various Religion and Theological Education programs at. Saint Thomas Catholic (1972- 76), Saint Paul Episcopal (1976-80), Holy Comfort.er Catholic (1980- present). "Evolution of Restoration Philosophy in the Works of Milton L. Grigg, FAIA, and Don Swofford, AlA: Edgemont, Bremo and Farley" Presented to the AlA National Committee on Historic Resources, Charlottesville, November, 1992, Office of David Ashcroft AlA: July 1967 - July 1969 McAllen City Hall Hidalgo County Farm Bureau, Pharr, Texas City of Dallas: August 1970 - August 1972 Author and Coordinator of the Dallas Historic Landmark Program Organized and initiated the Dallas Historic Survey Author of the Swiss Avenue Survey and the Swiss Avenue' Plan for Preservation University of Virginia Graduate Program, August 1974 "Farley" an Historic Structures Report of an 1800 house indt Virginia Piedmont (1973). "William Walker House" an historic structure report submitted for Master's Thesis (1975). The Office of Milton Grigg, FAIA, Charlottesville, Virginia, August 1972 - October 1978 Fells Point Historic District, Baltimore, Mary land Stonewall Jackson House, Lexington, Virginia Davidson-Tucker House, Lexington, Virginia Fluvanna County Courthouse, Palmyra, Virginia Mud Meeting House, Harrodsburg, Kentucky Bethany College, Bethany, West Virginia Delta Tau Delta Chapter House, Bethany, West Virginia Gunston Hall, Lorton, Virginia Kenmore, Fredericksburg, Virginia Little Fork Church, Culpepper, Virginia Ash Lawn, Charlottesville, Virginia Gunston Hall Plantation, Lorton, Virginia Robert Pace Residence, Fluvanna County, Virginia Paint Research Thalian Hall, Wilmington, North Carolina North Carolina State Capitol Farmington, Louisville, Kentucky St. Martin's Church, Berlin, Maryland Old St. ,John's Church, West Point, Virginia Charleston Hotel Development, Charleston, South Carolina The Office of Don A. Swofford, Architect, aka DASApc October 1978 June 1989 Roger Shattuck Residence, Charlottesville, Virginia Allan Blunden Residence, Liskard, UK James Walker House Restoration, Warren, Virginia Red Hill Farm, for Mr. and Mrs. Edward Maxfield, Char lottesville, Vir ginia Hearthstone, restoration of 18th Century residence for Mr. B Mrs. Joseph Jarvis, Round Hill, Virginia Staunton Hill, historic structures report and maintenance manual for David Bruce's family estate, Brookneal, Virginia Farley, restoration of 18th Century manor house of Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Ward, Culpepper, Virginia Ferguson House, restoration of 19th Century house for Mrs. Penny McGhee, Free Union, Virginia Magerfield Residence, Moving of 18th Century structure for use as residence, North Garden, Virginia Seibert Residence, Jeffersonian Revival residence Hickory Ridge Farms, Albemarle, County, Virginia Dr. and Mrs. Richard Edlich Residence, addition, 1930 colonial revival structure addition, Charlottesville, Charlottesville, Virginia Newstead, residence for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore, Cartersville, Virginia Ponsonby Place, London, UK town house remodelling for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jarvis Deter Residence, restoration of 18th Century residence Syria, Vir ginia Frascatti, historic structures report for Admiral and Mrs. John Barrows, Orange County, Virginia Tamworth, restoration of manor house, Leesburg, Virginia Hickory Stick, restoration of residence for Mr. and Mrs. Konrad Busse, Albemarle, Virginia Orkney Springs Hotel, restoration of 19th Century hotel complex for Episcopal Diocese of Virginia Saint Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Church remodelling, Lovingston, Virginia WVIR Television Studios and Offices, 503 E. Market Street, Charlottesville, Virginia Fredrick House Inn, Bed and Breakfast, Staunton, Virginia Hoban Road, restoration of 1930 residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Ward, Washington, DC Wiloma, restoration of 18th Century residence for Mr. Garrick Steele, Fincastle, Virginia Martha Washington Inn, restoration and remodelling of 1830 historic Inn, Abington, Virginia McArthy Residence, restoration of 19th Century residence Syria, Virginia General Electric, retained architects for inhouse improvements, Charlottesville, Virginia Miller-Kite House, historic structures report, Elkton, Virginia Greenfront furniture Store and Offices, Farmville, Virginia Montpelier, HABS measured drawings for the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Orange, Virginia Quayle Residence, Jeffersonian Palladianism, Farmington, Virginia Wellsprings, Jeffersonian Palladian residence for Ginger Bauler, Charlottesville, Virginia .. . .. . TEACHING COMPETENCY: Ireland Residence, remodelling of private residence at #12 Oak Circle, Farmington, Virginia Morrell Residence, remodelling and design of portico for private residence, Washington, DC James Moore and Sue Symons Residence, Jeffersonian Palladianism, Onancock, Virginia William Marlatt Residence, Jeffersonian Palladianism, Montpelier Station, Virginia Saint Francis of Asissi Catholic Church, Staunton, Virginia, Restoration of 1890 Church The Office of WSSA,pc Since June 1989 Edgewater, Locustville, Virginia, residence for Mr. and Mrs. George McMath Blessed Sacrament Church, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Restoration of 1900 Church Montdomaine Vineyards, Charlottesville, Virginia, A Classical structure of Vineyard's corporate offices and recreation Market Street Methodist Church, Onancock, Virginia, addition to 1870 church Goochland County Courthouse, restoration and addition to 1830 courthouse built by Dabney Cosby Holy Infant Catholic Church, Elkton ,Virginia Saint John's Catholic Church, Waynesboro, Virginia Charlottesville Mall, material study to determine causes for deterioration of sub slabs and sub mortar beds and make recommendations for repair and Urban Design considerations. Saint Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Fluvanna County, Virginia Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church, Bedford Virginia Highlands, Home of President James Monroe, Albemarle County, HABS Drawings and restoration of the South Facade Cold Harbor, Fort Harrison and Seven Pines Cemeteries, Richmond, Virginia, restoration of brick walls and preparation of historic structures report and maintenance manual for use on the National Cemetery System for the Veterans Ad ministration Old Cape Henry Lighthouse, Cape Henry, Virginia restoration maintenance of the sandstone Saint Andrews Basilica, Roanoke, ADA compliance and Parish Center addition to 1900 Gothic Revival Church Architectural History American Architecture Focus on Jeffersonian Neo Classicism 1780 through 1900 Southwest Architecture 1600 through present Industrial Architecture and Engineering, 1920-1950 Religious Architecture and Liturgical Design Historic Preservation Historic Structures Studies Secretary of the Interior Standards Planning and Legal concepts Historic Preservation and Conservation Planning Classical Architecture WORK IN PROGRESS: Theory, design and modern application PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION George McMath Residence, Locustville, Virginia Gilliam Residence, Charlottesville, Virginia PUBLICATIONS IN WORK "Architecture as Investment: Design Rational for Quality in Building and Detail Based 0 Historic Structures." "Recycling the Built Environment for a ustainable Future: Philosophy and Technique," a precise presented to AlA press for consideration. "Architects and Landscape Architects Working Together" for Traditional Building. "John Patterson: Architect and Engineer in Warren VA, 1815. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE / - ?'-;>;/ MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Walter F. Perkins, Chairman Ella W. Carey ~)C January 7, 1994 Board Appointments Following is a complete list of all Boards and Commissions on hich Board members currently serve: Bowerman: . Audit Committee (appointed 1/5/94) . Darden Towe Memorial Park Committee . Charlottesville/Albemarle Planning and Coordination Council . Route 29 North Corridor Development Study Policy Committee hris: . Jail Board (reappointed 1/5/94) . Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Committee (reappointed 1/5/94) . Fiscal Impact Committee . Charlottesville/Albemarle Planning and Coordination Council M . Marshall: . Building Committee . Fiscal Impact Committee . Jaunt Board . Long Range Salary/Benefits Task Force . Shenandoah National Park Advisory Committee . .. ~ r. Mart in : . Annual Oversight Committee for Children and Youth Commission (appointed 1/5/94) . Darden Towe Memorial Park Committee . Hazardous Materials Local Emergency Planning Committee . Piedmont Job Training Policy Board 1\ r. Perkins: . Agricultural/Forestal District Advisory Committee . Agricultural/Forestal District Industry Committee . Audit Committee . Building Committee . Crozet Crossing Citizen Advisory Committee . Long Range Salary/Benefits Task Force . Shenandoah National Park Advisory Committee . Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission (appointed 1/5/94) Ivrs. Thomas: . Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Committee (reappointed 1/5/94) . Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission (appointed 1/5/94) E~C/mms MOTION: Mrs. Humphris SECOND: Mr. Bower.man MEETING DATE: January 12, 1994 CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE MEETING WHEREAS, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provi- sions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 requires a certification by the Supervisors that such executive conformity with Virginia law; of the Code of Virginia Albemarle County Board of meeting was conducted in NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors. VOTE: AYES: Mr. Bower.man, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, and Mrs. Thomas. NAYS: None. [For each nay vote, the substance of the departure from the requirements of the Act should be described.] ABSENT DURING VOTE: None. ABSENT DURING MEETING: None.