HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-03-17 TENTATIVE 1:00 P.M. March 17, 1993 Room 7, County Office Building Work Session - 1993-94 County Bud~t 1) Call to Order. 2) Bud~t Work Session: 1:00 - School Division, Robert Paskel - separate document 1:30 - Thomas Jefferson Health District, Dr. Susan McLeod - Page 124 1: 40 - Region Ten Community Services, Jim Peterson - Page 125 1: 50 - Social Services, Karen Morris - Page 126 2:00 - AIDS Support Group, Emily Dreyfus - Page 139 (P7) 2:10 - Children & Youth Commission, Rory Carpenter - Page 140 2:20 - Charlottevsille Free Clinic, Betty Newell - Page 141 (P17) 2:30 - Sexual Assault Resource Agency, Annette Grimm - Page 142 (P33) 2: 40 - District Home, Robert Tucker, Jr. - Page 144 2:40 - Jefferson Area Board for Aging, Gordon Walker - Page 146 (P23) 2: 50 - JAUNT, Linda Wilson - Page 145 3:00 - BREAK 3: 10 - Madison House, Cindy Frederick - Page 148 (P21) 3:20 - Focus-Teensight, Alicia Lugo - Page 149 (P37) 3: 30 - Shelter for Help in Emergency, Carti Lominack - Page 150 (P35) 3:40 - Outreach Counseling, Alan Segar - Page 151 (P31) 3: 50 - Charlottesville I Albemarle Legal Aid Society, Ed Wayland - Page 152 (P15) 4: 00 - United Way, Jewel King - Page 153 (P39) 4: 10 - Central Virginia Child Development Association, Ilene Railton - Page 154 (P13) 4:20 - Northwestern Virginia Health Systems Agency - Page 138 3) Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. 4) Adjourn. () Program Review "- Edward H. Bain, Jr. Samuel Miller COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 Forrest R. MarshaB. Jr. Scottsville David P. Bowerman Charlottesville Charles S. Martin Rivanna Charlotte Y. Humphris Jack Jouett Walter F. Perkins White Hall MEMORANDUM TO: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive FROM: Ella W. Carey, ClerktD~ DATE: March 18, 1993 SUBJECT: Budget Work Session, March 17, 1993 School Division - Add up to an additional $1 million to the School budget. Thomas Jefferson Health District - No change recommended. Region Ten Community Services - No change recommended. Social Services - Add $81,320 for local match for Comprehensive Services Act. AIDS Support Group - No change recommended. Mr. Bowerman suggested that Ms. White work with the organization to put together a viable program. Children & Youth Commission -No change recommended. Charlottesville Free Clinic - Add $4600 to fund their request. Sexual Assault Resource Agency - Add $37,750 for Child Assault Prevention. The Board wanted to make sure that the $25,000 recommended for funding is allo- cated to the programs that the funds were requested. The Board also requested staff to find out if the City intends to fund SARA's request. District Home - No change recommended. ---(!)- Printed on recycled paper I: ~ Memo To: Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr. Date: March 18, 1993 Page 2 Jefferson Area Board for Aging - Add $47,825 to the recommendation. JAUNT - No change recommended. The Board suggested that JAUNT work with Charlottesville Transit Service to come up with alternatives whereby JAUNT could eliminate some of its bus trips to retirement facilities. Madison House - No change recommended. Focus-Teensight - No change recommended. Shelter for Help in Emergency - Add $925 to fully fund their request. Outreach Counseling - No change recommended. Charlottesville/Albemarle Legal Aid Society - No change recommended. United Way - No change recommended. Central Virginia Child Development Association - No change recommended. Northwestern Virginia Health Systems Agency - No change recommended. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. Mr. Marshall announced that he would not be present next week for the budget work sessions and wanted to go on record that he does not support any increase in the tax rate and is looking for a way to reduce the tax rate. EWC:mms cc: Roxanne White Richard Huff, II File . . . COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM TO: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors FROM: DATE: RE: D. Jackson zimmermann, Management Analyst II ~9~~ March 5, 1993 Replacement Pages for the FY 93-94 Proposed Budget E closed are two replacement pages for the FY 93-94 Proposed B dget. On page 5, the total necessary inititives should equal $ 63,296 and the total unfunded initiatives should equal $ ,921,772. On page 156, the expansions and initiatives listed as u funded were actually fully funded expansions and initiatives. D Z/dbm 9 .001 Albemarle County Schools ddressed in the School Division's budget: . Teacher Salary scale adjustment/movement . Classified/Administrative 1.3% scale adjustment and merit vesting . Increase in cost of health care . Maintain 4% merit pool . Funds growth budget requests . Special education staffing guidelines . Small school stop loss provision . 2% baseline increase in cost center budgets . Salary Compression · CA TEC · Instructional Initiative Package · Lower student adult ratio by .25 - 4 teaching positions · Humantities Teacher Scholar grant The full sc 001 budget is presented in a separate document. 156 $901,854 $457,320 $309,150 $63,186 $1,194,031 $140,169 $105,219 $179,914 $305,299 $48,376 $l,666,546 $140,264 $13 ,268 Education Albemarle County Schools Financial Data - FY92193 - - FY93/94 - - FY92193 - $ % ADOPTED BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE INCREASE %OF TOTAL LOCAL CONTRIBUTION 32,828,664 32,715,500* 34,314,190 1,485,526 4.53% 55.86% TOTAL SCHOOL BUDGET i'I,II~~I~I~:~i~l: 60,106,434 61,427,129 2,186,009 3.69% *The actual budgeted number reflects a transfer of$113,164 from the School Division original allocation back to the general fund for computer networking services budgeted in the Department of Information Services. In FY93-94 those services (3 staff positions) are funded in the School Division's budget. Description Albemarle County's fifteen elementary, four middle, and two high schools, plus an alternative high school, provide quality education to approximately 10,435 students under the direction of the Albemarle County School Board. Programs for adults are offered through Adult Education, Community Education and special classes at the Charlottesville/Albemarle Technical Education Center. In addition to basic education, the schools offer a variety of special progams, including an enrichment program and student services such as social work, psychological health, and guidance services. The school budget is adopted by the Albemarle County School Board in March and presented to the Board of Supervisors. The FY 1993-94 total school budget of $61.4 million includes the School Fund of $56.1 million and Self-Sustaining Funds of $5.3 million. Total revenues are projected to increase over the current year budgeted amount by approximately $1.3 million (2.2%), which reflects a 1.9% increase in the School Fund and a 5.2% increase in the Self-Sustaining Funds. As shown above, when the FY92-93 reappropriation of $757,057 is subtracted, the increase over the FY92-93 adopted budget is approximately $2.2 million (3.7%). The general fund transfer to the School Division is $34,314,190 an increase of $2,485,526 or a 4.5% increase over the FY 1992-93 appropriation. Education 155 FY93-94 Unfunded Priorities Unfunded expansions/initiatives have been listed in each department or division summary tlYoughout the budget document by order of priority. Ranked from high to low, the categories are Committed, Priority, Necessary, Beneficial and Deferrable, Only expansions or intiatives in the top three categories are listed below: COMMITTED INITIA TIVES SOLID WASTE TEEN CENTER SUBTOTAL COMMITTED INITIATIVES PRIORITY INITIA l1VES AHIP AHIP CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FIRE PREVENTION FIRE PREVENTION GENERAL DISTRICT COURT JOINT SECURITY PLANNING POLICE - ADMINISTRATION SHERIFF SHERIFF SOCIAL SERVICES-SERVICE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. SUBTOTAL PRIORITY INITIATIVES NECESSARY INITIA TIVES GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMONWEALTH ATTORNEY FINANCE - ACCOUNTING FIRE PREVENTION FIRE RESCUE TRAINING HOUSING- EMERGENCY REPAIR HOUSING -HOME OWNERSHIP HOUSING REHABILITATION PAAKS/RECREATlON POLICE - PATROL POLICE - PATROL POLICE - PATROL SOCIAL SERVICES-SERVICE SUBTOTAL NECESSARY INITIATIVES BENEFICIAL INll1A l1VE GENERAL GOVERNMENT GROUNDWATER MONITORING AT KEENE LANDFILL TEEN CENTER (STAFFING) REHABILITATION PROGRM1EXPANSION EMERGENCY REPAIR CARPENTER FILING CABINETS PORTABLE AND MOBILE RADIO GENERAL INSPECTIONS EQUIPMENT DICTATING MACHINE ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR OPERATIONS/EQUIPMENT HOUSING COORDINATOR PAAT-TIME PROPERTY CLERK PAAT-TIME SECRETAAY HIGH BAND RADIOS COMPREHENSM: SERVICES MATCH (55% MATCH) HEPATITIS SHOTS SAl...AAY COMPRESSION TRAIL ADVOCACY CLASS FILING CABINETS UNIFORMS REPAIR OF FIRE TRAINING CENTER LOAN FUND LOAN FUND LOAN FUND ADDITIONAL PART-TIME HELP TRAFFIC OFFICER - MOTORCYCLE TACTICAL UNIT EQUIPMENT PATROL OFFICER FILE CABINETI PARTITION DEPARTMENTAL COMPUTERIZATION (would partially fund $75,000 of identified computer needs throughout general government departments) SUBTOTAL BENEFICIAL INITIATIVES LISTED IN INDMDUAL DEPARTMENTS TOTAl UNFUNDED INITIATIVES SUBTOTAL DEFERRABLE INITIATIVES LISTED IN INDMDUAL DEPARTMENTS 80,000 19,328 99,328 25,935 26,035 2,000 1 ,400 565 800 32,945 17,685 8,115 8,977 7,200 77,085 15,000 223,742 130,000 1,200 330 1,350 1,000 55,000 75,000 69,500 3,750 71,096 2,000 52,670 400 463,296 40,000 444,814 650,592 $1,921,772 ntroduction 5 Summary of FY93-94 Revenues CD e? g~ ~o CDe :s:: (5.5 "t:l"lt CDm '01 C:C") CDe>> ~it o o CD a: "t:l('l) CDm Q)~ C)m ~it '0'" CDm '5.1 0"" 'Cm <it en Q) ~ c:: ~ II: -as 0..... ..... 0 a51- o ... 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"C c:: ~ LL e Q) c:: Q) (!J ! ~ I~EGINNING RESERVE FUND (~OUNTY EXECUTIVE ADJUSTMENTS plus reduction Scottsville Rescue Squad plus Juvenile Detention Home budget reduction plus Joint Security budget reduction plus VRS Life Insurance savings plus savings Emergency Operations Center 650 13,925 815 80,000 6,875 ., OTAL COUNTY EXECUTIVE ADJUSTMENTS TOTAL RESERVE FUND 102,265 bOARD OF SUPERVISOR (BOS) CHANGES- GENERAL GOVERNMENT Board of Elections part-time Office Assistant Board of Elections terminal/bags/file cabinet Trial Advocacy Course - Commonwealth Attorney Part-time secretary - Sheriff's Dept. Hlg-Band radios - Sheriff's Dept Traffic Officer with motorcycle Patrol Officer Property Clerk (part-time) Narcotics Investigator Conflict Resolution Course - Police Fire Prevention - Inspections equipment Fire/Rescue expanded training Maintenance fire/rescue training center JCFRA - Hepatitis shots OAR - Third year salary upgrade 4,655 1,030 1,200 8,980 28,000 71 ,095 52,670 8.115 51,240 3,000 565 1.835 1,000 15,000 3,725 10TAL BOS CHANGES - GENERAL GOVERNMENT TOTAL RESERVE FUND 252,110 E OS CHANGES - SCHOOL DIVISION lpTAL BOS CHANGES - SCHOOL DIVISION TOTAL RESERVE FUND O~ /17/93 $551,800 $654,065 401,955 o 401,955