HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201400190 Correspondence Christopher Perez
From: Andy Herrick
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2015 8:45 AM
To: Christopher Perez
Subject: RE: Glenmore Water Tank SUB2014-190
Could you return the counterpart original signe eed and plat to my office? We'd like to retain those
original documents in our files. Thanks.
Andy Herrick
Sr. Asst. County Attorney
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mistake. Thank you.
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 9:13 AM
To: 'Jeremy Lynn'
Cc: Jim Bowling; Andy Herrick
Subject: RE: Glenmore Water Tank SUB2014-190
The plat and deed have been approved and are at the front desk of Community Development awaiting you to
pick them up and record them.
Christopher P.Perez j Senior Planner
Department of Community Development 1County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road'Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
From: Andy Herrick
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 4:50 PM
To: 'Jeremy Lynn'
Cc: Jim Bowling
Subject: RE: Glenmore Water Tank
Great. I'll let Chris Perez know to expect you. Thanks.
Andy Herrick
Sr.Asst, County Attorney
County of Albemarle
(434) 972-4067
err° f.r�
Christopher Perez
From: Andy Herrick
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 4:50 PM
To: 'Jeremy Lynn'
Cc: Jim Bowling
Subject: RE: Glenmore Water Tank
Jeremy, 1
; I2
Great. I'll let Chris Perez know to expect you. Thanks. I ) h
/Hi ,/"\-17
Andy Herrick
Sr. Asst. County Attorney i'
County of Albemarle
(434) 972-4067
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recipient. If you receive this message and are not a designated recipient you are requested to delete this message immediately and notify me that you have received this by
mistake. Thank you.
From: Jim Bowling [mailto:jmb @stlawva.com]
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 4:44 PM
To: Andy Herrick
Cc: 'Jeremy Lynn'
Subject: FW: Glenmore Water Tank
See below.
James M. Bowling, IV
St. John, Bowling, Lawrence& Quagliana, LLP
416 Park Street
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
(434) 296-1301 Fax
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information. It is intended only for the designated recipient. If you receive this message and are not a designated
recipient you are requested to delete this message immediately and notify me that you have received this by mistake.
Thank you
From: Jeremy Lynn [mailto:jlynn@ serviceauthoritv.orq]
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 4:38 PM
To: 'Jim Bowling'
Cc: Alex Morrison
Subject: RE: Glenmore Water Tank
Either Alex or myself will pick up one executed deed and plat from Community Development on Monday.
Jeremy M. Lynn, P.E.
Senior Civil Engineer
NNW lave
Albemarle County Service Authority
168 Spotnap Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911
(434) 977-4511 ext. 114
From: Jim Bowling [mailto:jmb(astlawva.com]
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 4:36 PM
To: 'Jeremy Lynn'
Subject: FW: Glenmore Water Tank
Let me know how you want to proceed.You can email Andy and me.
James M. Bowling, IV
St. John, Bowling, Lawrence & Quagliana, LLP
416 Park Street
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
(434) 296-7138
(434)296-1301 Fax
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information. It is intended only for the designated recipient. If you receive this message and are not a designated
recipient you are requested to delete this message immediately and notify me that you have received this by mistake.
Thank you
From: Andy Herrick [mailto:aherrickCaalbemarle.orq]
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 4:25 PM
To: 'Jim Bowling'
Cc: Roy Hamilton Via
Subject: RE: Glenmore Water Tank
Great. Thanks for the confirmation.
I understand that the plat has now been approved by the Subdivision Agent and is ready for pickup and
recordation, along with the signed deed. Since duplicate original counterparts of the deed and plat were executed,
did you intend for us to retain one original counterpart set and for you to record the other?
Let us know how, when, and what you'd like to pick up (from Community Development). Thanks.
Andy Herrick
Sr. Asst. County Attorney
County of Albemarle
(434) 972-4067
Notice: This email may contain attorney-client privileged information,privileged work product,or other confidential information. It is intended only for the designated
recipient. If you receive this message and are not a designated recipient you are requested to delete this message immediately and notify me that you have received this by
mistake. Thank vou.
From: Roy Hamilton Via [mailto:rhvCa>stlawva.com]
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 3:10 PM
To: Andy Herrick
Cc: 'Jim Bowling'; jlynnCa serviceauthority.orq
Subject: Glenmore Water Tank
[I am Jim Bowling's legal assistant. He has dictated the matter set out below and
asked me to send it to you.]
This email is to confirm that the ACSA has wired into our trust account funds in the amount of$100,000.00.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
James M. Bowling, IV
St.John, Bowling, Lawrence &Quagliana, LLP
416 Park Street
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902
(434) 296-7138
(434)296-1301 Fax
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information. It is intended only for the designated recipient. If you receive this message and are not a designated
recipient you are requested to delete this message immediately and notify me that you have received this by mistake.
Thank you.
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Christopher Perez
From: Andy Herrick
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 4:25 PM
To: 'Jim Bowling'
Cc: Roy Hamilton Via
Subject: RE: Glenmore Water Tank
Great. Thanks for the confirmation.
I understand that the plat has now been approved by the Subdivision Agent and is ready for pickup and
recordation, along with the signed deed. Since duplicate original counterparts of the deed and plat were executed,
did you intend for us to retain one original counterpart set and for you to record the other?
Let us know how,when, and what you'd like to pick up (from Community Development). Thanks.
Andy Herrick
Sr. Asst. County Attorney
County of Albemarle
(434) 972-4067
Notice: This email may contain attorney-client privileged information,privileged work product,or other confidential information. It is intended only for the designated
recipient. If you receive this message and are not a designated recipient you are requested to delete this message immediately and notify me that you have received this by
mistake. Thank you.
From: Roy Hamilton Via [mailto:rhv@astlawva.com]
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 3:10 PM
To: Andy Herrick
Cc: 'Jim Bowling'; jlynnCa serviceauthority.org
Subject: Glenmore Water Tank
[l am Jim Bowling's legal assistant. He has dictated the matter set out below and
asked me to send it to you.]
This email is to confirm that the ACSA has wired into our trust account funds in the amount of$100,000.00.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
James M. Bowling, IV
St.John, Bowling, Lawrence &Quagliana, LLP
416 Park Street
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902
(434) 296-7138
(434) 296-1301 Fax
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information. It is intended only for the designated recipient. If you receive this message and are not a designated
recipient you are requested to delete this message immediately and notify me that you have received this by mistake.
Thank you.
OVOSt1 This email is free from viruses and ma!ware because avast! Antivirus protection is active.
64 hit
Michael Baker Innovation Done Right...We Make a Difference
January 15,2015
Mr. Christopher P.Perez
Senior Planner
Department of Community Development
County of Albemarle
401 McIntire Road,North Wing
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
RE: SUB 201400190 Glenmore Water Tank Easements
Dear Mr.Perez:
The following responses to County comments,dated December 9,2014,are provided. All comments are included and
our responses are provided in bold text.
�' 14-302(A)(4&5)] Private and Public easements.There are discrepancies in labels between the site plan,the plat,
and the deed.All items must be consistently labeled between all documents.
-On the • e plan there is a"ACSA water storage tank/pump station easement";however,on the plat and the Area
T ations Chart that same easement is simply labeled a"ACSA Easement".
Response: All documents have been changed to be consistent with the plat.
-O e site plan there is a"proposed 20' ingress and egress easement"(which scales out to 20');however,on
plat that easement is simply labeled a"20' ACSA ingress and egress easement"or in the Area Tabulations
Chart an"ACSA ingress and egress easement"or in the deed as"20' permanent ingress-egress easement".
Response: All documents have been changed to be consistent with the plat..
items must be consistently labeled between all documents.Revise appropriately.
sponse: Revised as indicated.
2. 14-302(A)]Public easements. All proposed public easements shall be labeled as"dedicated to public use".
Response:No new public easements are provided. 0 K
3. 302(B)4]Places of burial.The location of any grave,object or structure marking a place of burial located on
the property.On the plat locate the approximate location of any cemeteries/graves.If none found please provide a
note which states this on the plat.
Response: Added following note to plat:"There are no know graves,objects or structures marking a
place of burial located on the property."
4. [14- (B)(5)]Zoning classification.On the plat provide the zoning of the property: "Neighborhood Model
'strict(NMD)with a Code of Development, Proffers associated from ZMA200100008 and ZMA201300012"
Response: Added following note to plat: "Zoning classification of property: Neighborhood Model
District(NMD)with a Code of Development,Proffers associated from ZMA200100008 and
5. [14- 2(B)(7)]Reservoir watershed and Agricultural-forestal district.On the plat provide a note that states that
` e property is not within a reservoir watershed nor is it located in an agricultural-forestal district."
Response: Added following note to plat: "The property is not within a reservoir watershed nor is it in an
agricultural-forestal district."
272 Bendix Road,Suite 4001 Virginia Beach,VA 23452
Jma �Lh mama /SALLYPORT
MBAKERINTL.COM Office:757.463.87701 Fax:757.463.0503
`v,.r r,/
Michael Baker
Mr.Christopher P.Perez
January 15,2015
Page 2 of 3
6. [14-303(A tatement of consent to division. Provide the following required statement of consent: "The platting
or ded. ation of the following described land[insert correct description of the land subdivided]is with free
co ent and in accordance with the desire of the undersigned owners,proprietors and trustees, if any."
Response:Added following note to plat: "The platting or dedication of the following described land
(GPM 093A1-00-00-00200)is with free consent and in accordance with the desire of the undersigned
owners,proprietors and trustees,if any."
7. [ -303(D)] Acreage of lots.Provide the acreage of the parcel.
Response: Added acreage to plat.
8. - 03(0)] Signature panels.Include individual signature panels for all owners,and provide a signature panel for
"The Agent of the Board of Supervisors".The signature panel for the owners shall be immediately followed by a
notary panel.
Response: Added signature panels to plat.
9. 14-302(A)(15)] Identification of all owners and certain interest holders. Provide the owners' address on the plat.
Response:Added owners and addresses to plat. 11.4._ ,�Also '7 ..vdi,,(
at�l T'. yrt. 'j, . 7
10. [14- (B)(1)] General Information.When the plat is revised,please provide the he date of the last revision on the
Response: Revision date provided.
ilI omment]The Deed of Easements associated with the plat has been sent to the County Attorney for review/
approval,comments will be provided to the applicant once receiv d.
Response:Acknowledged. peiv4 0 ���,`�^Srx,
12. [G eral]Any engineering comments that may be forthming will/need to be addressed before this plat can be
Response: Engineering comments have been addressed on the plat. A-((4.11,-(55-,,,/
]-a6 -is
13. [Comment]The plat cannot be approved until the Board of Supervisors holds a public hearing which allows them
to sign off on granting the easement to ACSA.Planning staff will be working with Jeremy Lynn on this issue and
the County Attorney's office. I ' o ff/ f /
Response: Acknowledged. �1.. �'��`�v; ,_ ,; .4,1---
Engineering Comments a f, ._ , „ A„
4 7
1. Furnish/show endpoints for all curves and line segments,for example: L11-L10-C4-L9; L1-L2-L3-L4;and
L5-L6. Delineate curve and line endpoints
Response: All endpoints have been added.
2. 143.59' line segment,sheet 2,reported elsewhere(SUB201400188)as 143.60'-revise,if not rounding error
Response: Line segment was corrected.
Michael Baker
Mr. Christopher P.Perez
January 15,2015
Page 3 of 3
Thank you for assistance in this project.If you have any questions or require additional information,please do hesitate
to contact me.
Chip Votava,P.E.
Project Manager
1:\civiljob\2012 acsa contract\glenmore tank,ps and wm design(138025)\easement plats\jan 15 2015 plat&deed revisions\0931a1-00-00200\2015
1 15 response to perez on plat 201400190.docx
Christopher Perez
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 1:57 PM
To: 'Jeremy Lynn'; Jeremy Lynn
Cc: Claudette Grant
Subject: SUB2014-188, 189 t "+re Water Tank- Easement Plats
Attachments: CDP_SUB2014-188_Glenmore Water Tank 11-25-14.pdf; CDP_SUB2014-189_Glenmore
Water Tank 11-26-14.pdf; CDP_SUB2014-190_Glenmore Water Tank 11-26-14.pdf
Attached are Planning's comments on the Glenmore Water Tank Easement Plats (SUB2014-188, 189 ..
Assure these are provided to Ryan J. Dreelin so he can make the required changed. Take a look at the comments
as there are a few items which appear to have come up which may take some time to address.
Please note Engineering was distributed these plats and their review is pending. Also, the County Attorney's
Office is reviewing the deeds which were supplied to us. Their comments will be forwarded when complete.
1 s i,4opher ez>j Senior Planner
Department of Community Development County of Albemarle.Virginia
401 Mclntire Road l Charlottesville.VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443