HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-02-14 FIN A L 4:30 P.M. February 14, 1994 Room 5/6, County Office Building 1) Call to Order. 2) Consent Agenda (on reverse side) . 3) Discussion: Route 682. 4) Other Matters not Listed on the Agenda. 5) Executive Session: Personnel. 6) 5:30 p.m. - Joint Meetina with School Board. a) Presentation of film on transportation issues created by inclement weather. b) Other Matters not Listed on the Agenda. c) Executive Session: Personnel. 7) Adjourn. *It is intended that the Board will hold an Executive Session under Virginia Code Sections 2.1-344.A.1 (personnel matters). CONSENT AGENDA paR APPROVAL: 2.1 Resolution to accept Signal Hill Road in Signal Hill Subdivision into the State Secondary System of Highways. 2.2 Change in Policy Prohibiting Bingo Games on Sundays. paR INFORMATION: 2.3 Letter dated February 4, 1994 from Senator John Warner, with attached letter dated January 24, 1994 from Ray D. Pethtel, Commissioner, Department of Transportation, re: response to Board's request for an interchange on Route 64 at Route 742 (Avon Street) . David P. Bo rman Charlottes il\e COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 Charles S. Martin Rivanna Charlotte Y. umphris Jack Jou tt Walter F. Perkins White Hall Forrest R. Ma shall, Jr. Scottsvil e Sally H. Thomas Samuel Miller MEMORANDUM Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive v. Wayne Cilimberg, Director, Planning & Community Development Ella W. Carey, Clerk euJ ~ TE: February 15, 1994 BJECT: Board Actions of February 14, 1994 Following is a list of actions taken by the Board of Super- isors at its meeting on February 14, 1994: Agenda Item No.1. Call to Order. to order at 4:30 p.m., by the Chairman. The meeting was called Agenda Item No. 2.1. Resolution to accept Signal Hill Road i Signal Hill Subdivision into the State Secondary System of Highways. ADOPTED the attached resolution which has been for- arded to the County ~ngineer. Agenda Item No. 2.2. Change in Policy Prohibiting Bingo G mes on Sundays. AMENDED the Board's policy relative to the issuance of permits for bingo games and raffles as follows: "3. D ys of operation: Anyone day, Monday through Sunday." Agenda Item No.3. a tached resolution. Discussion: Route 682. ADOPTED the * Printed on recycled paper l"emo To: Iate: Eage 2 Robert W. Tucker, Jr. v. Wayne Cilimberg February 15, 1994 Agenda Item No.4. Other Matters not Listed on the Agenda. APPOINTED Sonia H. Barton to the Jaunt Board to replace lrvin R. Land, Jr. Agenda Item No. 6a. Presentation of film on transportation issues created by inclement weather. Presented - no action. Agenda Item No. 6b. Other Matters not Listed on the Agenda. 1here were none. Agenda Item No.7. Adjourn. Adjourned at 6:33 p.m. EWC:mms Fttachments cc: Richard E. Huff, II Roxanne White Jo Higgins George R. St. John Larry Davis File RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation held a Location and Design Public Hearing to cpnsider the proposed location and design of Route 682 from the intersection of Route 250 to 1.784 miles south of the Intersection of Route 787 in Albemarle County (Project #0682-002-P33, C501; and WHEREAS, comments were received from persons in favor of the project and from persons opposed t the project. In response to specific requests for changes to the plan presented, the Virginia Department of T ansportation supported the following: 1. the use of rustic, non-galvanized guardrail instead of standard galvanized guardrail; 2. to shift approximately 1000 feet of alignment between Sta. 268 and Sta. 278 to avoid cutting numerous mature trees; and 3. to lessen the grade, from the CSX Rai I road, on the south side of the tracks to provide a safer approach at the railroad crossing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that tl e Board does hereby endorse Alternative II as proposed by the Virginia Department of Transportation with tf e above outlined changes. * * * * * I, Ella W. Carey, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a resolution a ~opted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on February 14, 1 B94. /-~'l !! /} l,r' 1/ I /, J 1/ < ./,' I /1 '}.-..I- U'c.cL v"l-/ L_ LU,-tl . ) Clerk, Board of County Superv~9fs v The Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgin- i , in an adjourned meeting on the 14th day of February, 1994, a opted the following resolution: RES 0 L UTI 0 N WHEREAS, the street in signal Hill Subdivision described on e attached Additions Form SR-S(A) dated February 14, 1994, lly incorporated herein by reference, is shown on plat recorded i the Clerk's Office of the circuit Court of Albemarle County, irginia; and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised the Board that the street meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Reouirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Albemarle Board of ounty Supervisors requests the Virginia Department of Transpor- at ion to add the road in Signal Hill Subdivision as described on e attached Additions Form SR-S(A) dated February 14, 1994, to he secondary system of state highways, pursuant to 4,633.1-229, ode of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Re- uirements; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board guarantees a clear nd unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary asements for cuts, fills and drainage as described on the ecorded plats; and FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be orwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of ransportation. * * * * * Recorded vote: Moved by: Mrs. Humphris. Seconded by: Mr. Bowerman. Yeas: Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Bowerman. Nays: None. A Copy Teste: ~a Ella icj CMC ~ ~ ~ C Gl E oS:: o .., ~ < ... ~ ~ ~ ... ar 'tJ ] C ~ 0 0 GI (/) G i .s::. E - .E 0 ., - ,!; t ;; en 0 !5 p :J 1l tl a: S ., , ..... a. ..... :J en H 0 i:C < "0 ~ III ~ . a: ~ ~ (/) H tI.l :E >: a: E 0 .. c !5 .Q U. '" :>L ;; (/) ~ =0 .c Z ~ .D :J 0 B en l- i '0 c E Gl .c E C 0 ~ III < < Z C :J o U -6 i ClI ~ . -' .. !5 .1; p 1i C1'I C1'I '0 i 0 0 "0 . . < () .. 01 11 ~ S 0 t- I ti z .. ~ i 'i 0 .. ~ ~ g 0 -6 - Ii: "0 0 ~ Lf'1 .-l C""l r-. I co N ~ 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; iD .. 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Bo rman Charlotte ville COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 229024:'<)6 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 9724060 Charles S Martin R1V<lnrM Charlotte Y umphris .Jack Jo ell Walter F Perkins While Hdll Forrest R. M rshall, Jr Scottsv Il{> Sally H. Thomas SilnHJf'1 Mdler . M E MaR AND U M 0: Loret Ruppe Engineering Department ROM: Ella Carey, ClerkCZ~~ February 15, 1994 UBJECT: Signal Hill Subdivision At its meeting on February 14, 1994, the Board of uperVlsors adopted a resolution to accept Signal Hill Road in ignal Hill Subdivision into the State Secondary System of ighways. Attached are the original and three copies of the dopted resolution. EWC ttachments (4) * Printed on recycled paper .. The Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgin- i , in an adjourned meeting on the 14th day of February, 1994, a opted the following resolution: RES 0 L UTI 0 N WHEREAS, the street in Signal Hill Subdivision described on e attached Additions Form SR-5(A) dated February 14, 1994, lly incorporated herein by reference, is shown on plat recorded i the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, v'rginia; and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the virginia Department Transportation has advised the Board that the street meet the quirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements the virginia Department of Transportation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Albemarle Board of unty Supervisors requests the Virginia Department of Transpor- tion to add the road in signal Hill Subdivision as described on e attached Additions Form SR-5(A) dated February 14, 1994, to e secondary system of state highways, pursuant to 4,633.1-229, de of virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Re- irements; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board guarantees a clear d unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary sements for cuts, fills and drainage as described on the corded plats; and FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be rwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of ansportation. * * * * * Recorded vote: Moved by: Mrs. Humphris. Seconded by: Mr. Bowerman. Yeas: Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Bowerman. Nays: None. A Copy Teste: (E Ii (( ! ( ) Ella CMC .# ~ C ::J 0 li () ~ c CD E L: 0 III :z:: c( ~ ~ I=l:i :il ~ CIII "C ] C ~ 0 U CII en CI i .J:. E - E ., .!; ~ ~ rJ) 0 6 '" ::> II I II: S ., .~ ~ a. ~ ::> rJ) H 'l5 = < "U :il Il) ~ I ~ a: iSI en H tn ~ >: a: "6 0 c c 6 .Q u. en :0: "> en ~ '5 .r:. Z ~ .0 ::J 0 B en .... i a c E CD .r:. E C <> l! III < -< z j; I 01 ~ . ...J C 6 .~ ., .. C1"I C1"I '5 i 0 0 "U . :.-. < 0 c a> II ~ ~ l- I II z ., ~ ~ 'i 0 ., ~ ~ g 0 j; - ct "U 0 ~ l/'1 .-t <""l ,.... I co N ~ CD CD CD CD CD CD c a> a> a> a> a> a> a> ,.... CI CI CI CI CI CI CI a. a. a. a. a. a. a. co <Ii ~ a> CI C C1"I <""l .i1 .-t l/'1 i; 0 "0 fS .-t C CI tn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .; ...... iC .; C .-t i i i i i i i :; i ,.... <> .-t ~ 0 0 0 c 0 c c l! 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Ruppe, civil Engineer II LCZ February 4, 1994 Signal Hill Subdivision (SUB-88-206) A tached is a description of the section of road in the Signal Hill Subdivision to be accepted by the Virginia Department of T ansportation for maintenance at this time. / tachment The road described on Additions Form SR-5(A) is: 1) signal Hill Road from the intersection of state Route 1171 (station 19+08) to the end of the cul-de-sac, all as shown on plat dated June 23, 1989, recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in Deed Book 1053, pages 728-731. Il ,2 -/tJ (/(( {('f. 6,;{/</( .;<.~) COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE 4E .;J MEMORANDUM TO: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors FROM: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive DATE: February 10, 1994 RE: policy Prohibiting Bingo Games on Sundays e Charlottesville Chapter Women of Moose would like to operate ngo games on Sunday once a month in the County. It seems that ere is a policy adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 1973 that ohibits such games on Sunday. There is no state law or county dinance that prohibits this activity on Sundays and surrounding calities permit this to occur on Sunday as well. Staff does not pose this request, therefore, if the Board supports rescinding e policy, it can be accomplished through your consent agenda. ould you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not sitate to contact me. T,Jr/dbm .024 tachment CHARLOTTESVILLE CHAPTER No. 731 j,~- en:z , P. ( . Box 6065 _ J-)? "J.{, ~ Charlottesv He, Virginia 22901 '3f)~ ~ de ~ e February 09,1994 Mr Robert Tucker Executive Director of Del7elopment & Community Affairs COlnty Office ~ 40 McIntire Rd. Chcrlottesville,Va.22902 Deer Mr. Tucker: ::like. ~ Cherlottesville Chapter Women of the Moose~~permlsslon to pley Bingo on Sunday in the Charlottesville Moose Lodge 1028. Th, Lodge Board of Officers have given us permission if we can get it approved by the Board of Supervisors. It seems Bingo was last discussed in your 1973 Board of SUlervisors minutes. Al surrounding counties of Albemarle play Bingo on SundAYS ANI WE WOULD APPRECIATE IF Bingo would be approved for AU emarle County. An early reply would be appreciated. Charlottesville Board of Officers of Women of the Moose Senior Regent~~q.J~~ ,/ Jr. Regent ar:::dz,:/ ~cD Charlain dAt..~.-J_xI. ~~ Jr. Grad. Regent{!~~ Recprder~ j.---;-- Treasurer ft'r p ~ Y-{ ,.) -1 'I \.) ',. . ./;.,.:/ /c , i~ had noih ng to do with trying to make up any cost to private enterprises. They also recommended that the reduced rates be kept for welfare receipients, Mr. Fi her asked if the committee had looked at the possibility of providing additional ervices in the parks. Mr. Kirksey said they had discussed many additional serVIces, b t had tried to keep their report in line with what the Board had charged them to investig te. He said they did not include a recommendation for a comfort station at Mint Spring but he was sure this would have been one of the recommended items. Mr. Wo d said he felt the committee had performed a service for the County and he saId the Bo rd should decide at this time if they want the committee to continue. He saId uld be needed during preparation of the annual budget. He was in favor of continuing he committee on a permanent basis. Mr. Fi absent at this time, before making any final decision. agreed. He said he would prefer to talk with the Chairman, since Mr. Wheeler Mr. Th cker thanked Mr. Kirksey and the committee, on behalf of the Board members and the ent re county. He said they had performed an excellent job and also felt that the committee should be continued on a permanent basis. "lr. Fisher said he and Mr. Carwile had served as a commIttee to recommend a policy cO the Board as to how the 30ard would receive applications for permits for operation Gf bingo an'l l"affle games. He gave the followIng conditions for consideration: For ames open to the ublic: (1) imum frequency of operation - one event per month. (2) rs of operation - 6:00 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. (3) of proceeds - To benefit the general public. (4) s of operation - Any day, Monday through Saturday. (5) ounting of proceeds required per State Code. (6) mits to be valid from date of approval, for one year. For SiD]o games for prlvate (membership) only: (1) M~~lmum frequenc~' of operation - onc event per week. (2) ,.Ll':mum hours of .)periOtion - 6:00 P.M. to 10:30 P.~1. 3) i.'i.' of proceeds - rt'stricted only by State Code. (4) ]),_1/5 of operatlo: - Any day, Monday through Saturday. 15) ~C'ouDting of proceeds required per State Code. (6) Pe mits to be valid from date of approval, for one year. Raffles - ublic events: (1) Ma imum frequency of operation - no restrictions given at this time. (2) Ho rs of operation - no restrictions given at this time. (3) Us of proceeds - to benefit the general public. (4) Da s of operation - Any day, Monday through Saturday. (5) Ac ounting of proceeds required per State Code, (6) Pe mits to be valid from date of approval, for one years. Raffles - private (1) Ma imum frequency of operation - unrestricted. (2) Ho rs of operation - unrestricted. (3) Us of proceeds - restricted only by State Code. (4) Da s of operation - Any day, Monday through Saturday. (5) Ac ounting of proceeds required per State Code. (6) Pe mits to be valid from date of approval, for one year. Mr. Fis er then asks for comments on this policy. Mr. Jam s E. Samsell, representing the East Rivanna Volunteer Fire Company, said the country was uilt on compromise and he asked that the Board compromise. He said to limit bingo games 0 once a month is not often enough. The idea behind the bingo games is to ,. J /' 375 .have a ~e ularly scheduled event and he asked that the Board allow these games twice a month. H said the hours of operation do not pose a hard ship. Mr. alph Sandridge, representing the Crozet Volunteer Fire Company, said that there must be a pattern set for attendance at these games and he did not feel that limiting bingo to once a month would work for the fire companies. Mrs. Elizabeth Rosenblum asked if State law restricts games to only the days between Monday th ough Saturday. Mr. Fisher said he did not know, but the committee felt citizens in the commu ities would be opposed to any Sunday operation of bingo and raffle games. Mrs. Rosenblum asked if there were something evil about playing bingo on Sunday. Mr. Fishe said evidently some people felt there was and this was the reason the General Assembly ad turned this authority over to the localities. Mr. andridge said that if the Board restricts the operation of bingo games to once a mo th, it will not work, and will cause the fire companies to approach the County fo larger contributions. Mr. vheeler returned to the meeting at 10:45 A.M. Mr. Thacker explained the policy which was under discussion. Mrs. Rosenblum said that stopping games at 10:30 P.M. seemed like a curfew. Mr. ~ac Stahl, representing the Moose Lodge at Keswick, asked when the permits would A-u ,*,u...~ <<>,,/} ~~, A-/./?//-..;/zy.77"""u~ " go into e feet. Mr. Thacker asked Mr. St. John if they d~d not go into effectAapproved. Mr. St. Jehn yes. Mr. vheeler said he did not object to increasing the hours of operation to 11:00 P.M. for the vclunteer fire companies, however, he said the primary purpose of the volunteer fire companies is to fight fires and he felt that in the matter of finances they do receive considerable help from the county and during their annual fund drives, from the citizens. He said if bingo games are held too often the emphasis will change from fighting fires to playing bipgo and will also cause a nuisance to the people who live nearby. He asked that for the fi st year, operation of bingo games be held down to one per month. Mr. S~msell he had checked other localities for their experience and found that bingo work~ much better if it is a consistent event. He said the county gives the fire company $7~00 a year, but fire hose is $2.10 a foot and hose life is only five or ten years. He said th~ir building is falling down and needs renovating. The money goes back to the community .n fire protection. Mr. Wreeler said if this fire company makes a lot of money from bingo, he feels contributi ns from the public will decrease. Mr. S ndridge said their fire company is grateful for the $7200 contribution made by the Boa d each year, however, they have recently purchased a piece of new equipment which cost $32,0 0 and are in the process of purchasing another. He said they do protect the entire are and do not feel that they can make any money on bingo games held only once a month. Mr. W od said he has no objection to approving these permits for Sundays or having ~376 " lo~ger hou.s of operation. If the games are properly operated they can be a vast source of revenue a d save the taxpayers money. Mr. Fis er suggested that several changes be made in the policy under consideration. (1) approve he permits for six months; (2) allow public bingo games twice a month; (3) change t e hours of operation to 6:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M.; and (4) permit the operation of games on ny day of the week. He then offered motion to adopt this as policy. The motion was s conded by Mr. Wood. Mr. Whe ler said he felt it was outlandish for the Board to even consider allowing the operatio of these games on Sunday nights. Mr. Fis er then amended his motion to change the days of operation back to Monday through Satu day. Mr. Wood said he did not feel this should be restricted so that it would not wo k. Mr. Wheeler said that when the churches start applying for permits to hold bingo g mes on Sundays he will probably change his mind. Mr. Wood accepted the AYES: Messr amended moti n and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. Upon mo ion by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Fisher, lottery permit application for the Crozet Ledge No. 2164, Loyal Order of Moose, Crozet, Virginia, was approved in accordance with the pol.cy adopted. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: NAYS: None. AYES: Messr. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. Upon mo ion by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Fisher, lottery permit application for East Rivanna Volunteer Fire Company, Inc., Keswick, Virginia, was approved in accordance with the pol.cy adopted. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messr,. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. Upon motion by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Carwile, lottery permit application for the CharlottEsville Lodge No. 1028, Loyal Order of Moose, Keswick, Virginia, was approved in accordance with the policy adopted. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: NAYS: None. AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. Upon motion by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Carwile, lottery permit application for the Crozet Volunteer Fire Company, Crozet, Virginia, was approved in accordance with the policy as adopted. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: NAYS: None. AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. At 11:00 A.M., the Chairman called for a public hearing on an amendment to Chapter 12, Article I of the Albemarle County Code by the addition of Section 12-91-1 entitled "Vehicles exejnpted from taxation - volunteer firemen and rescue squadsmen." Notice of 1973 : this public h~aring was published in The Daily Progress on November 2 and November 9, , :~ t t '~ f i i .~ I ~ (11-20-70 Day) 4UJ. .' /.1/, /) " ... ~ . , N 27. :la~ification of Lottery Pe~mit Policy. Policy clariPicatj wa reoueEted ~'cc Lettie ~. Neher, :lerk, when a member of the :harlottesville-Albemarle America~ ~egio~ Pest ~7_ PF,. f:J~ds hould rot be used for maintaining and operating the legion ~al]_. Mr. Bailey reE.d port~o~:s l~ a memo and~~ written by Mr. James Bowling, Deputy :ounty Attorney regarding suggested revisicns t t1-le Cc' ;lty'S ~ottery "ermit policy. The revised policy would read as follows: said i' n:ct io~ t'a 1101,1: ~, ~lg0 ''Jar::es: ~aximum freque~cy of operation - one per week. Maximum hours of oneration - 6:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M. ~se cf proceeds - restricted by State Code Section IB.2-~~5. Jays cf operation - Any day, Monday through Saturday. hccounting of nroceeds required by State Code. Permits ~n hp vRJirl from rlatp 0f 8nrrnvnl nrllv f(1r thp r:~lpn(1~r '. 2 : l"' in 'v\'hi (:]-1 ;., ?( f'fles: ~laximurn frequency of operation - unrestricted. Hours of operation - unrestricted. Uses of proceeds - restricted by State Code Section 18.2-335. Days of operation - Any day, Monday through Saturday. Accounting of proceeds required per State Code. Permits to be valid from date of approval only for the calendar year in which is ? " ~ c. r . Fisher questioned the State Code Section used in the proposed poliCY change. 01r. St. de Section 18.2 superseded Code Section 18.1 as of July, 1975. Mr. Thacker then offered approving the above policy change. Motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher, and carried by tC ng recorded vote: ~ss: ~essrs. Carwile, Pisher, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. ~JA YS: None. r~E,s~':n~ ~,1:'. ::er.ley. second ".ccord ('0110'1'1/ 28a. Lottery Permit =ast Rivan~a Volunteer Fire CODpany: Motion was offered by Mr, Larw 10, ~ by ~r. ~hacke~, to approve a lottery permit ~or the East R~vanna Volunteer Pir'e Compa~-lY, G nce with adopted regulations o~ this Board for the calendar year 1975. Motion car~ip~ t ~ ~g recorded vo:e: .I,BSENT AY~S: Messrs. Carwi~e, F1isher, Thacker, Wheeler and Vood. >:A YS: ~\one. 1>1r. i-'enley. N second c~_ance follow ~.YES : :lAYS: .[;,BSEI-JT 28b. Lottery Permit Crozet Volunteer Fire Company. Motion was offered by Mr. Thacker, d by Mr, Fisher, to approve a lottery permit for the Crozet Volunteer Fire Company, in accor- ith adopted regulations of this Soard for the calendar year 1975. Motion was cEcrried by the ng recorded vote: Mrssrs. Carwile, Fisher, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. none. Hr. Henley. N t Docketed. Mr. Thacker read Notice of Application by Mr. Kyle E. Allen, t/a Scottsville Bus Lines, Scottsville, Virginia; giving notice of a public hearing to be held on January ~'6, 1976, at 10:00 ..M. in the State Corporation Commission's Courtroom, 13th Floor, Blanton Building, Bank and Govern r Streets, Richmond. Mr. Allen is requesting a certificate of public convenience and nec- essity as a common carrier of passengers by motor vehicle over the following route: T\" ervisc licen~ 8 tween Fork Union, Virginia, Scottsville and Charlottesville, Virginia over Virginia Highway 6 a d Virginia Highway 20 and between Scottsville, Charlottesville and Farmville OVE.r Virginia H ghway 20 and U.S. Highway 15 and return, Thacker stated he received a telephone call from Mr. Allen, requesting the Board of Sup- s to endorse his effort before the State Corporation Commission for a temporary and permanent r1r. Thacker then offered motion to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, Kyle E. Allen, trading as Scottsville Bus Lines, has applied to the State Cor- p ration Commission for a certificate of public convenience and necessity as a common carrier o passengers by motor vehicles to serve the southern portion of the County of Albemarle, i cluding the town of Scottsville; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County believes that there exists a sub- s antial public need for the services of a common carrier of passengers by motor vehicle within t' e said portion of Albemarle County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County that the a plication of the said Kyle E. Allen, trading as Scottsville Bus Lines, be, and the same h reby is, recommended and endorsed for approval by the said commission; and that the com- ill ssion be, and it hereby is, memorialized to reconsider its denial of Mr. Allen's request for a temporary certificate of public convenience and necessity to the end that service may be b gun at the earliest possible date. AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors that the Clerk be, ard she hereby 0~~a~e1 ~n ~~pn~mit p true conu of this reso]lltion to the Clerk of the State Cornoration , , 8 , .~ I . I ,:.::) i . .... "or-.da ~~r:. .,0. Febru9..r.:LJLJ21.L.tR~lJlar-- A 11 ---Day_...MReLingL_ B. C. D. E. F. ,'..!":pc::.r-:trnents: Eco~: r.1ic 0'evelopmer:t Ccmmission. Health Systems Agency, Subarea Council. Industrial Development Authority. Jail Board. Ment 1 Health & Retardation Services Board. Jord n Development Corporation. There we e no appointments for the above vacancies. * * * * * r;. Tran portation Study-Policy Committee. r~otion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom to ': appoint Dr. L ster Hoel to the Charlottesville/Albemarle Transportation Study Policy Committee.li Dr. Iachetta econded the foregoing motion and same carried by the following recorded vote: . AYES: NAYS: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. None. * * * * * H ',vat Rolf Benzinge Plan Committe vote: I". YES: \JAYS: ~shed Management Plan. Motion was offered by D~. Iachetta to appoint Dr. to represent the water consumers of the County on the Watershed Management Mr. Lindstrom seconded the motion and same carried by the following recorded Mess~s. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. None. ***** ~otion w s offe~ed by ~~. Lindstrom to appoint Mrs. Jacq~elyn Huckle to the Parks and Recreatien Ce,mission, Dr. Iachetta seconded the motion and same carried by the following recorded 'lote AYES: Messrs Dor~ier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. NAYS: None. Hetion w ,past Chairman the Jail Boar 'recorded vote "AV';C", Hessrs iINAYS; None. \1 I. il !IOf Ac;~~n~~~o [bingo games. ilshall be fi Ie '!as the lecal 'employee of t :'this recommen :Taylor's resp liRoudabush ar.d Ii lip. YES : Messrs !'NAYS: None. I. i! " I: Agenda I !1977, was rec II ***** s offered by Mr. Dorrier to acknowledge appreciation to Dr. Harry Gamble, of the Parks and Recreation Commission, and Hr. Charles Vest, past member of Dr. Iachetta seconded the foregoing motion and same carried by the following Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. ~~~fi~~~~~~~~~~~ Agenda I em No. 19. Lottery Permits, Discussion. 2i>b<.1:iU:vI0lb~i1fllQX.,tit.JQifwtuiLluuIf.'K.I1t. noted letter dated February 7, 1978, rom Mr. Robert E. Taylor, Commissioner sking for relief of responsibilities or filing of records on raffles and Mr. Agnor said Section 18.2-335 provides that records of all receipts and disburs annually with the Commissioner of Accounts "or with such other local official overning body made designate." Mr. Taylor has recommended that an officer or e County receive the records because the County issues the permits. Based on ation, Mr. Agnor recommended that Mr. Ray Jones, Director of Finance, assume Mr. nsibilities. Motion to this effect was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. carried by the following recorded vote: Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. em No. 20. Report of the Department of Social Services for the month of December ived in accordance with Virginia Code Section 63.1-52. I I, I' II i " 'I .Agenda ~tem No. 22. .CtateClents of Expenses for the Director of Finance, Commonwealth's :1 Attorney and 'heriff's Department were received for January, 1978. The statements were presentdd by Mr. Agner "nd motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta to approve the statements as presented. 1 'Er'. Dorrier seconded the foregOing motion and same carried by the following recorded vote: ' Agenda I em No. 21. presented as 'nformation. ;AYES: NAYS: Report of the County Executive for the month of December, 1977, was Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. None. , Agenda Item No. 23. Statement of Expenses for the Regional Jail for the month of January, 'J978, was presented. Motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Roudabush, to approve the stateClent as presented. The foregoing motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AVES: ~es"rc. Sorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. ?-;{>.Y;:': :Jo::..:::'. ~e~G~ 'e~ ~o. 24 ~~>iona' Jail Report (State Departmont of Corrections), January, (rC'U.OCbm) f!f~~~1 ) ments _i . uly 11, 1979 (Day Meeting) ...,~ .~~ / / I '1,:,r; I ( YES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Iachetta. ~AYS: None. BSENT: Messrs. Dorrier and Iachetta. Agenda Item No. 20. Bingo and Raffle Permits. Mr. Agnor noted that the Board had eceived a memo from the Director of Finance dated June 20, 1979, in which the following "as stated: t "The General Assembly passed House Bill NO. 1219 during the 1979 Session which related to the conduct of bingo games and ra:fles. This new bill imposes cumbersome conditions on organizations and local governments. There are currently 16 organi- zations in Albemarle County which have obtained permits for bingo games and raffles. Many of these organizations rely upon proceeds from bingo games for the majority of their operating funds. The new law stipulates: 1) The annual permit which is required to be issued by the Board of Supervisors before operating any game will now cost $25.00. This permit fee can be waived by the Board. 2) Not more than one- third of all bingo receipts can be earned from "instant bingo". 3) Proceeds must be separated into categories as set out in the new law. 4) Each organization must submit, under oath, an annual report of its gross receipts and expenditures. This includes funds from all sources and not just those from bingo. 5) The board of directors of each organization must submit a certificate declaring that the proceeds from operation of such games are used for purposes set out in the State law. 6) An annual audit must be performed of the records of each organization. The Board of Supervisors shall establish a reasonable audit fee not to exceed one percent of gross receipts. 7~ door prize shall exceed $25.00; no game shall exceed $1,000; and no jackpot shall exceed $1,000." Mr. Jones has recommended that the Board take several actions on this matter, namely: 1) Determine if the permit fee will be waived or not; 2) Establish a reasonable audit fee; 3) Designate a local officer to rcerform the audits." L Mr. Agnor said he had one other recommendation which was not contained in the memo f om Mr. Jones. Miss Neher, the Clerk, has been receiving applications and issuing these p rmits. With the more stringent regulations regarding investigation of applicants and t e requirement for an audit, she has asked to be relieved of this duty. Mr. Agnor said h agrees that this should be a part of the duties of the Finance Department. I r Mr. Fisher suggested that the staff study this item further and make more specific commendations to the Board at their August 8th meeting. Agenda Item No. 21. Appointments: Industrial Development Authority, Library Board, C mmunity Action, Mental Health, Welfare Board, Ecomonic Development. There were no n minations and these appointments were ordered carried over to the August 8th meeting. Agenda Item No. 22. Statement of Expenses - Director of Finance, Sheriff and Common- walth's Attorney for the month of June, 1979, were presented. Upon motion by Mr. Roudabush s conded by Mr. Lindstrom, these statements were approved as read. The motion carried by t e following recorded vote: A ES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Roudabush. N YS: None. A SENT: Messrs. Dorrier, and Iachetta. Agenda Item No. 23. Statement of Expenses for the Regional Jail for the month of June, 1979, was presented. On motion by Mr. Henley, seconded by Mr. Lindstrom, this statement was approved as presented. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AY~S: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Roudabush. NA~S: None. AB~ENT: Messrs. Dorrier and Iachetta. Agenda Item No. 24. Regional Jail Report - June, 1979. Statement of expenses inpurred in the maintenance and operation of the Regional Jail for the month of June, 19 9, along with summary statement of prisoner days, statement of jail physician and st~tement of salaries of the paramedics and the classification officer were received. On motion by Mr. Henley, seconded by Mr. Roudabush, these statements were approved as re d. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AY S: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Roudabush. NA S: None. AB ENT: Messrs. Dorrier and Iachetta. Agenda Item No. 25. Report of the Department of Social Services for the month of Ma , 1979 was received as information in accordance with Virginia Code Section 63.1-52. sa op Su is I on ! Agenda Item No. 26. Central Well Permit: Piney Mountain SUbdivision. Mr. Agnor d on February 14, 1979, the Board approved an application from Mr. W. L. Clover to rate a central well to serve five single-family dwelling units in the Piney Mountain division. Mr. Agnor said the County Engineer has tested the well and found that it pumping 3.25 gallons per minute, an amount adequate to serve the five dwelling units -half gallon per minute. with . . '~A ~D"ust 8 lq7q~ (Ree:u{ar Dav MeetinD"1 II ,. ;! /...../ '~,/ Y/~( Adjustments in the ranges of the Director of Finance and the Deputy Director of Finance are recommended in the expansion of the department. An evaluation of bot~ positions by a factor system which is d part of the County's Pay and Classific2tion Plan shows the following: JirectJ~ of Finance Deputy Di~ecto~ of Finance Present Range 29 23 Salary Ranp;e (26,656 - 37,492) (18,939 - 26,656) Recommended Range 31 24 L It is ~ecommended that the reorganization of the Finance Department be approved effective immediately. The timing of the change will accommodate the biennial real estate assessment cycle, will allow time for department procedures to be established and tried for inclusion in the system design of replacement accounting equipment, and will be an accomplished fact when the time arrives for a physical relocation to a central administration building. The design of the Lane Bmi~d~ngwill accommodate these changes. No additional personnel will be required by this reorganization. It is possible that revising purchasing procedures may create additional clerical needs, but these revised procedures will not be completed for several months, at which time personnel requirements will be considered." L I II !I ~ Mr. Fisher asked if the data processing system would be under the direction of the I,F nance Director. Mr. Agnor said the consultants recommended a separate department managed lib a staff committee of department heads. Mr. Fisher asked Mr. Jones his opinion of the iir~organization. Mr. Jones said many of the present prOblems particularly with calls about !Ir~al estate, will be solved with this reorganization. Dr. Iachetta then offered motion to iabprove the expansion of the Finance Department as recommended by the County Executive with il t(1e salary ranges of the Director of Finance and the Deputy Director of Finance to be fir flected as presented above in the Pay and Classification Plan to be effective August 1, ~l 79. Mr. Roudabush seconded the foregOing motion and same carried by the fOllOWing recorded il v te: !.I'A ES: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. i N YS: None. I II ~ Agenda Item No. 14. Report of the County Executive for the month of June was received I[a information. Mr. Agnor also presented a financial report from Ray B. Jones dated July ,2 , 1979 summarizing the year's activity. He noted the carry-over balance was increased 'f r the year by $900,993.24. ******** l__ I Claims against the County for the month of June, 1979, which had been examined, allowed la d certified by the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds iw re presented as information: :i 'i " II ii I ! Commonwealth of Virginia--Current Credit Account General Fund School Operating Fund Cafeteria Fund School Construction Capital Outlay Fund Textbook Fund Joint Security Complex Fund Town of Scottsville 1% Local Sales Tax Federal Revenue Sharing Fund General Operating Capital Outlay Fund McIntire Trust Fund Mental Health Fund Crozet Elderly Housing Escrow Debt Service Fund $ 1,439.89 4'19 ;210':85 2,367,997.00 .00 10,840.44 n.n 65,967.38 224.24 80,629.36 ;3,250.00 .00 168,760.70 8,215.00 23,737.00 $3,149,643.57 Agenda Item No. 15. Bingo and Raffle Permits. The issue of bingo and raffle permit procedures was discussed at the July 11, 1979 Bo rd meeting and deferred to this date in order to allow the staff time for further review of the matter and to make specific recommendations. Mr. Agnor then presented letter dated Au ust 2, 1979 from the County Attorney's office regarding this matter: "This letter is to follow up on our conference on Friday, July 27, 1979. At that conference you posed the following questions concerning new legislation affecting the Bingo Law, Virginia Code Section 18.2-340.1 et ~: 1. The new Bingo Law became effective July 1, 1979. Do those people holding bingo permits granted by the County prior to July 1, 1979, have to reapply for permits under the new law? Recent amendments to the Bingo Law do not state that the amendments are retroactive. Further, by the rules of statutory interpretation they should not be applied retroactively. I believe that those people holding permits under the old law are not required to file under the new amendments until their current permits have expired. I understand all permits issued prior to July 1, 1979 will expire on December 31, 1979. The old permit holders should be notified in the fall of 1979 of the need to reapply under the new law. 2. May the Board of Supervisors require permit applicants to maintain separate bank accounts for bingo and lottery funds as a condition of issuance of the bingo or lottery permit? I, I ii II I' :1 Ii 'I II I: Ii I' ,I II I II II 0,17 ~ . . . A 110'11 "t. R 1070 (D. ., ~_ n"" M~~..<_~) The n w Bingo Law, Virginia Code Section 18.2-340.6, now requires those holdi g bingo games or lotteries to keep complete records of all receipts and d sbursements and to file annually a financial report on those receipts and d sbursements. Virginia Code Section 18.2-340.7 now requires all such financial reports to be audited by a local official designated by the local goverring body. I believe that because of the requirements of Virginia Code Sections 18.2-34D.6 and 18.2-340.7, the Board of Supervisors may require those holding bingo or lottery permits under the new amendments to maintain a separate bank account for bingo or lottery proceeds. Otherwise, I believe the County will h~ve problems in satisfactorily complying with the audit requirement. 3. You have asked whether the Director of Finance or other official n~med by the Board of Supervisors to be responsible for the audit requirements c~n rely upon an audit statement of an independent certified Public Abcountant? Virgin shall whatev stater:1 audit. a Code Section 18.2-340.7 states that the required financial reports e audited by the local official. However, the local official may use r information or methods he considers reliable, including an audit nt of an independent certified public accountan:, in carrying out his " You have asked who should investigate applicants after an a plication for a permit has been filed? The Bi go Law provides an exemption from what is otherwise criminal activity. At pre ent, questions concerning an applicant's eligibility for a permit are direct,d to the Commonwealth's Attorney in Albemarle County. This office feels "he County should continue this practice. 5. You have asked whether the Board of Supervisors should consider adopting a local ordinance paralleling the changes in the state Bingo Law? This office believes that the state law is self-enforcing and that no parallel local ordir.ance is needed. ~he Board of Supervisors may continue its present practice of se:ting condit~ons for issuing permits through resolution of the Board." Mr. Agnpr said the following recommendations are offered for the Board's consideration: 1. Ap the bin passed Departm oint the Director of Finance as the "local official" to administer o laws. Permits would be filed with the Finance Department, o the Board for approval, and administered by the Finance nt, including performance of audits. 2. Wa ve the $25 permit fee as provided in the State law. Mr. Agnor did not feel th application and approval process encouraged that much expense. 3. Es ablish an audit fee of $7.50 per hour with 1% of gross receipts as a maximum fee. An audit performed by a CPA would be accepted in lieu of one by the ounty. 4. Do not enact a local ordinance prohibiting "instant bingo", which is a local o!tion in the State law. 5. Include in the County's annual legislative requests to the General Assembly, through ohe Virginia Association of Counties, an amendment to the State Co~e which would provide a local option on the one-third limitation of annual g ass receipts from "instant bingo", and allow discretion of the "local 0 ficial" on the need for audits by local governments. Mr. Agnor said no probl~ms to the locality have arisen from this and should not be any limitatipn on the permit holders as to the receipts of that instant bingo. As for tbe second item pertaining to the discretion of the local official, Mr. Agnor fe t it should only be applied to the permit holders that complaints have bee received about as to their utilization of funds. If that becomes a proble , then perhaps an audit can be asked for. Mr. Agnor felt to require an audit every year was burdensome. In summa i Iachetta offe II Mr. Roudabush 'AYES: Messrs. NAYS: None. y, Mr. Agnor requested approval of items 1, 2 and 3 as set out above. Dr. ed motion to approve items 1, 2, and 3 as recommended by the County Executive. seconded the motion and same carried by the fOlloWing recorded vote: Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. Not Docketed. Mr. Fisher then requested that the staff, Board members and Planning Commission mem~ers consider suggestions for the legislative package to the Virginia Associatior I, of Counties fa modifications to State Law. Agenda It~m No. 24. Insurance Committee, report from. Mr. Agnor reviewed his memorandum dated August 2, 1979: "The Coun y has beer" approached by the Virginia Municipal League regarding a study conducted by the League on the feasibility of localities pooling insurance. The League ha concluded that the organization of a reciprocal insurance company would create su stantial savings for its pOlicy holders. Additionally, as experience is gained an financial resources increase, service could be expanded to include specializ d coverages designed for the need of local government operations, tnP'O+;}...""'t" 1.-4'~,... "","~l.~ ""'"'1_~_,-,__~~'" _,-.,..,...f....__ '""1-_ I..., .f_. !v II r/ Ii Ii ii II I II :1 Ii :1 Ii Ii I' il I! ~ u . .. --" '.... ~/<') /C/ M~. Linds:rom asked how the residential are~s shoWn on this community Dlan will be hown on the revised zoning map. Mr, Tucker sai'l the high density areas cannot be designated xactly because there are no property lines on this plan. The high density areas will be hown for a one-acre density on the zoning map, knowing that when development is to take place rezoning will have to be requested. All this plan does is to recognize areas for resi- ential use. L Mr. Lindstrom asked how the areas outlined ~or industrial uses will be shown on the oning map. Mr. Tucker said most of those areas will be shown as agricultural and a rezoning o industrial would have to be requested when the land is proposed for development. Mr, indstrom said he had no problem with designatinG more land in the Hollymead Community Plan or industrial purposes than is recommended in the Comprehensive Plan this plan as long as hese lands are not shown that way on the zoninv ~ap, Mr. Fisher said only about 30% of the areas marked ~or industrial purposes meet slope riteria. He felt that if these lands are shown for industrial purposes and the terrain is at suitable, when a rezoning request is received, the Board will be "boxed in." Dr. Iachetta sked if just one of the sites shown on the map is better suited for industrial purposes. Mr. 'ucker said the staff would have to do further study. 1'here is a stream that runs through hese properties, but he felt there are some g008 areas. Mr. Lindstrom said if the criteria utlined in the Board's Industrial Development Policy is used to designate areas that can be sed, the Board will be in "good shape" when reouests for rezoning are received. Mr. ~oudabush suggested that the areas on the map be reduced to about 40% of that shovln ano nly the better sites be designated. Mr. Fisher asked if all of the industrial lands shown n the north side of Route 649 meet the industrial criteria. Mr. Tucker said yes. Agenda Item No, 3. At 4:34 P.M., at the reouest of the Chairman, motion was offered by r. Roudabush, seconded by Dr. Iachetta, to adjourn into executive session to discuss legal atters, Mr. Agnor said he had one item to disc'lSS with the Board before going into executive ession and the motion was withdrawn. Mr. Agner said Mr. James Skove had brought to his attention that the resolution adopted y the Board in June authorizing application for an experimental mass transportation ride- haring grant, contained wording which indicated that JAUNT and the County would work together n this project. ~he County has been informed that no agency which wants to be a provider of ervices ir. the program can be excluded, but there is a need to exclude JAUNT from being a art of the designing organization of the program. Mr. Agnor then requested that the Board dopt the following resolution to solve this problem: l_ EE IT RESOLVED by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors that the County Exeutive is authorized, for and on behalf of Albemarle County, to execute and file an application to the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation, Commonwealth of Virginia, for a grant of transportation special revenues, Chapter 850, budget item 62l.C. of the 1978 Acts of the General Assembly, as amended, for an experimental mass transportation/ride- sharing project; and to accept from the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation grants in such amount as may be awarded; and to authorize the County Executive to furnish to the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation such documents and other information as may be required for processing the grant request. The Board of Supervisors certifies that the funds shall be used in accordance with the requirements of the Appropriation Act; that the record of receipts and expenditure of funds granted Albemarle County as authorized in the Acts of the General Assembly (Chapter 850, appropriation item 62l.C - State Aid for Experimental Mass Transportation and Ride-Sharing) may be SUbject to audit by the Department of Highways and Transportation and by the State Auditer of Public Accounts; and that funds granted to Albemarle County for defraying the expenses of the mass transportation or ride-sharing project of Albemarle County shall be used only for such purposes as authorized in the Acts ef the General Assembly. Motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was offered by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by Dr. achetta, and carried by the following recorded vote: YES: AYS: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. None, ~r. Agno~ noted a me~orandum received this date from the Director of Finance relative to he Board's r'11es used when issuing permits for hingo games and raffles. The memo stated in art: "The Board of Supervisors adopted a policy on November 20, 1975, under Section 18.2-335 of the Code of Virginia, as follo~s: 1 - Maximum frequency of operation of games: one time per week for bingo games and unrestricted for raffles. 2 - Maximum hours of operation: 6:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. for bingo games, unrestricted for raffles. - Days of operation: Anyone day, Monday through Saturday; no operations on Sunday. Sectie~ :8.2-335 of the Code was repealed pffective July 1, 1979, and this nolicy does not conform to Chapter 8, ~itlf' 18.2, Article 1.1, which allows: 05.6 f-~-'---~~ . \~ . '.. September j, !979 (Afternoon) (Adjourned from Au~ust 16, 1979) f - 1 -- Fre~uency of operation of games: two days per wee;" 2 - Eo~ws of operation: none are specified. 3 - Days of operation: does not delete Sunday operatia~s. -~ - ----------I---u--- 'I II I Does thr Board of Supervisors intend to continue the pel icy set out above? If so, I would recommend that official action be taken to readopt the pOlicy since the Code SeFtion referred to in the old policy has been rerealed." AYES: NAYS: The Boa~d members felt that the above policy had worked well in Albemarle. Motion was .offered by Db. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Lindstrom, to readopt the policy set out above. The motion carri~d by the following recorded vote: Messr~. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. None. Lottery Permit application from the Greenwood Ruritan Club for a raffle on September 10, 1979, was re eived. On motion by Mr. Henley, seconded by Mr. Roudabush, this permit was issued in acpordance with the Board's adopted rules for issuance of such permits. The motion carried by tpe fallowing recorded vote: AYES: NAvS: f1e s s r None. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. Mr. Agn r noted t~at the Registrar has published a listing of the extra hours her office will be open so citize~s can register for the general election in November. Mr. Agn Hingate Appr begin their 1980. r said work began on the 1981 reassessment of real estate on August 29th. isers, the firm hired to help the County's staff with the reassessment, will ork in the County on October 1, 1979 and should have it completed by October 1, Mr. Agn r noted receipt of a memo from the Virginia Association of Counties about a I conference t be held in Roanoke on September 2~. It is called a Workshop on Economic AnalYS~r for Lecal Of icials; the purpose being to make elected offic:als more aware of the apPlicati01' of economics to the financial matters of their jurisdictions. This workshop is being sponsore by t~e Natio, al Association of Counties and the National Le"~ue of Cities. . i i i At ij:"5 r.M., the Chairman requested an executive sess~Gn for the purpose of discussing legal and pe.sonnel matters. Such a motion was offered by . Roudabush, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, and carried by the fOllowing recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: \ Ii ii II Messr . Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, None. Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. ~;ludJ crd~ C2 ~- fJJ.t~ ~o J AL:gu3;~i~;"198,2, ~~~h-tQ;.! c~~~e~ti;~~- ~~'n~ted~' The motion was seconded by X1ss Nash and carri d by the f6110wi~g recorded vote: . AYil,S,; NAYS: Mr. Butler, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash. None. 1 i I ,'OT DOCKETED. Mr. Fisher asked for an update regarding a letter noted in the minutes of h~ ust 11, 1982, concerning the drowning of Chris Hicks near Camelot Subdivision. Mr. Agnor reported that discussions have been taking place regarding the requested signs, but that aid discussions now include the Albemarle County Service Authority and the Rivanna ',;ate,' and Sewer Authority. Mr. Agnor noted that no recommendations have yet been formulated. ""} genda Item No.4. Discussion: Raffle and Bingo Permits. Mr. Agnor noted receipt cf a L,emorandum dated September 15, 1982, from Ray B. Jones, Director of Finance, regarding the i suance of raffle and bingo permits. (NOTE: Copy of Mr. Jones' memorandum is on file .n the office of the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors.) Mr. Agnor noted that according to St te Code Section 18.2-340.2, the local governing body is authorized to designate a local official to give final approval of raffle and bingo permits, and he would recommend that he Director of Finance be delegated that authority. The memorandum also stated that quart rly reports could be issued to the Board of Supervisors summarizing all raffle and binge permits issued. .. 1 /)/ _____u//;J/J ~/'."_ /~) (/, / .) ? -/~~ . , :.I ! ,. ~/ -.- 4 14- (ctober 13, 1982 (Regular Day Meeting) Mr. Fisher said he was in favor of this action, but cautioned Board members that if this is approved, the Board will essentially be approving all raffle and bingo permit requests which come to the County. Mr. Agnor noted that all applications are submitted to t~e Commonwealth's Attorney to assure compliance with State law, and that this practice will continue if the Director of Finance is designated to approve the permit requests. Mr. Butler said this change in procedure might correct the problem of approving p~rmit requests retroactively. Miss Nash felt that if the Director of Finance had questions apout the approval of any permit application, said application could always be brought bbfore the Board of Supervisors. Motion was then offered by Mr. Lindstrom to designate the Director of Finance as the Ibcal official in charge of issuance of raffle and bingo permits, in accordance with State Code section 18.2-340.2; that all applications will continue to be submitted to the Commonwealth's Attorney for conformance with state law and that quarterly reports on all abplication approvals will be submitted to the Board of Supervisors. The motion was s conded by Mrs. Cooke and carried by the following recorded vote: L A ES: Mr. Butler, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash. N YS: None. Agenda Item No. 5b. Other Highway Matters. Mr. Roosevelt said the Hydraulic Road p oject has been advertised for bids which are due in November. Mr. Roosevelt said active c nstruction on this project will begin in April, 1983 Miss Nash said the Hatton Ferry Committee is considering recommending that the ferry b taken out of operation during the winter months. She asked what would happen to the " spent funds. Mr. Roosevelt said any unspent money can be used for other projects in A bemarle County. Mr. Lindstrom asked for a progress report on the Georgetown Road Walkway project. M Agnor said he would request Mr. Maynard Elrod, County Engineer, for updated information f r the Board. Mrs. Cooke asked the approximate completion date of the reconstruction of the Park S reet Bridge. Mr. Roosevelt said some time in early summer, 1983. Mrs. Cooke noted that t e temporary bridge is a great improvement over the old structure. Mr. St. John informed the Board that following issuance of a suit against the developers o Windrift Subdivision the County has voluntarily received from the developer full payment o road improvement costs which payment exceeded the amount of the developers bond which h d been cashed and used by the County to complete the roads in Windrift, Section I. L L 'L l~ ! l_ " ," . '7 1 tl I, , 09 ~~ :)ruary 9, 1.98~: (:=teg1J.~ar Day }~eeti!lg) million dollars, and the third year five percent to generate six million dollars. Mr. A nor said the agreement being presented for approval today would make a retroactive c ange on all billing which has occured since July 1, 1982. The new agreement will ex ire on June 30, 1985. Mr. Agnor said since the Virginia Association of Counties and t e Virginia Municipal League both undertook the negotiations, which in earlier years had to be paid for by the County, he recommends approval and authorization for him to execute the new cont~act. Motion was then offered by Mrs. Cooke, seconded by Mr. Lindstrom, to approve the agreement for the purchase of electric service by municipalities and counties of the Co monwealth of Virginia from Virginia Electric and Power Company as on file in the Clerk's office with the term of the agreement being July 1, 1982 to June 30, 1985 and a thorizing Mr. Agnor to execute same. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: Mr. Butler, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash. None. Agenda Item No. 12. Discussion: Lottery Per~its and conditions of approval placed on same. Mr. Agnor said this item is on the agenda as a result of an application presented to the Finance Department for approval of a bingo permit tophy games on Sunday. Mr. Agnor s id since the first policy was adopted by the Board in 1973 for local regulations attached to the issuance of lottery permits games have been excluded on Sundays. Mr. Agnor said th question is if the Board desires to amend the policy to include Sunday operations. Mrs. Cooke said she had no problem with the present policy and did not feel there any need for lottery permits to include games on Sundays. Mr. Fisher asked Mr, St. Jo n i~ there was any problem with continuing the ,;resent policy. Mr. St. John said no. Mr. Fisher said ^ithout any action to amend the policy, the present policy remains in ef ect. Agenda Item No. 16. Agreement: Earlysville Volunteer Fire Company. Mr, Agnor said this agreement is to provide for the disbursement of funds from the ital Improvement Budget to the Earlysville Volunteer Fire Company. This agreement s out the amount of funds that the Earlysville Volunteer Fire Company will receive m the County each fiscal year and the repayment schedule of those funds. Motion \~as offered by Mr. Butler, seconded by Mr. Henley, to approve the following eement between the County and the Earlysville Fire Company with the Chairman authorized execute same. Mr. Lindstrom questioned the legality of binding funds for a future cal year. Mr. St. John said that is the reason this is in the form of a service eement. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: S: Mr. Butler, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs, Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash. S: None. THIS SERVICE AGREEMENT, made this day of February, 1983, by and bet\~een the COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE and EARLYSVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC. ("Earlysville"); WIT N E SSE T H That for and in consideration of the operation by Earlysville of a volunteer fire company which will fight fires and protect property and human life from loss or damage by fire during the period of this agreement, the County shall pay to Earlysville the sum of FIFTY-SIX THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ($56,500.00) DOLLARS in fiscal year 1982-83 and the sum of FORTY-THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ($43,500.00) DOLLARS in fiscal year 1983-84, from the County's capital fund. Thenceforth, the sum of FOURTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ($14,500.00) DOLLARS per year shall be withheld each year by the County from the County's annual grant to Earlysville for a period of six consecutive years beginning fiscal year 1983-84 and the sum of THIRTEEN THOUSAND ($13,000.00) DOLLARS shall be withheld by the County ~rom the County's annual grant to Earlysville during fiscal year 1989-90, so that at the end of the seventh year, which is the term of this service agreement, a total of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND (2100,000.00) DOLLARS shall have been withheld. Agenda Item No.3. Approval of Minutes: September 1 and December 1, 1983. Mr, Lindstrom felt more discussion had occurred at the September 1, 1982 meeting t an is shown in the minutes, particularly his statements and conversation relating to the Service Authority as opposed to the County's general fund paying for fire hydrants. He felt the conclusion of the minutes was accurate. Mr. Lindstrom then suggested that the minutes be reexamined and approved at a later date. Mr. Lindstrom had read the minutes of December 1, 1982 and found no errors and oPfered motion to approve same. Mr. Butler seconded the motion and same carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Butler, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs, Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash. :;AYS: ;Jane. ARM D SERVICES SELECT COMMI EE ON INTELLIGENCE ENVIRONMEN AND PUBLIC WORKS RULES AN ADMINISTRATION tinittd ~tatts ~tI1att .. (~2 "/0 . ,) C/ . 22lt_8Eh~EEN.T& OFFICE BUILDtNG .' 9.1.:bS~3'1:e~~i~-46'1 CO~STt~U~~~ S~~~;CE ~Fy.leS. 490 WORLD TRADE CENTER MAIN STREET CENTRE NORFOLK. VA 23510-1624 600 EAST MAtN STREET (804) 441-3079 RICHMOND, VA 2321 i-3538 . February 4, 1994 235 FEDERAL BUILDING 180 WEST MAIN STREET ABtNGOON. VA 24210-0887 (7031 au..au& FIRST UNION BANK BUtLDING 213 S. JEFFERSON ST. SUtTE 1003 ROANOKE, VA 24011-1714 tJOSt8l11'-28n .., . David P. Bowerman irman emarle County Board of Supervisors McIntire Road rlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 De Mr. Bowerman: Attached is a letter which I have received from the Co issioner of the Virginia Department of Transportation in re ponse to the inquiry which I made on your behalf. I regret that I cannot provide you with a more favorable ponse. However, I note that the Department of Transportation 1 continue to monitor the existing interchanges in this area insure that their function is beneficial to those entering or ting the Interstate. kn w. If I may be of assistance in any other matter, please let me With kind regards, I am " __-___---,.-u__ Sincerely, /J r" ~IN~ John Warner JW cc , PLEAS REPLY TO THE OFFICE INDICATED: 0 WASHINGTON 0 RICHMOND [] ROANOKE o ABINGDON 0 NORFOLK ;"'. .. I ~~ I COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA RAY D. PE HTEL COMMISSI NER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND,23219 January 24, 1994 The Honorable John Warner Congress of the United states United states Senate First Union Bank Building 213 S. Jefferson Street, Suite 1003 Roan ke, Virginia 24011-1714 Dear Senator Warner: This is in response to your letter of January 13 regarding a st for an interchange on Route 64 at Route 742 (Avon Street) at ottesville. The requested interchange has been looked at in the past and beca se of the proximity of the two adjoining interchanges, it is not feas"ble to add another interchange and retain the level of safety desi ed on this major corridor without adding a system of collector dist ibutor roadways which would be cost prohibitive. The Department will continue to monitor the existing inte changes in this area to be sure that their function is beneficial to t~ose entering or exiting the Interstate. ! Commissioner CC: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY .1 \. David P. So rman Charlottes ille COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 Charlotte Y. umphris Jack Jou It Forrest R. Ma shall, Jr. Scotlsvil February 15, 1994 r. Dan S. Roosevelt esident Highway Engineer PO Box 2013 Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Mr. Roosevelt: At its meeting on February 14, 1994, the Board of S pervisors adopted the attached resolution in support of the ute 682 project. V~y truly yours, Ii {iiL te/ (a~;y Ella w. Carey, Cler~ E C:mms A tachment * Printed on recycled paper Charles 5 Martm HII.i<\nn,l W"ller F Perkms While Htlll S"lly H Thomas ,->.,ll!lW! Miller -\ ~ l. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation held a Location and Design Public Hearing to onsider the proposed location and design of Route 682 from the intersection of Route 250 to 1.784 miles sputh of the Intersection of Route 787 in Albemarle County (Project #0682-002-P33, C501; and WHEREAS, comments were received from persons in favor of the project and from persons opposed tp the project. In response to specific requests for changes to the plan presented, the Virginia Department of ransportation supported the following: 1. the use of rustic, non-galvanized guardrail instead of standard galvanized guardrail; 2. to shift approximately 1000 feet of alignment between Sta. 268 and Sta. 278 to avoid cutting numerous mature trees; and 3. to lessen the grade, from the CSX Rai lroad, on the south side of the tracks to provide a safer approach at the rai I road crossing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that t~e Board does hereby endorse Alternative II as proposed by the Virginia Department of Transportation with t~e above outlined changes. * * * * * I, Ella W. Carey, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a resolution a~opted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on February 14, 1~94. /~~' !! /} ~~ j/ /, /'" " (j;7 L.t( L-''L/ l_ (;(/21.:.;"'--\ Clerk, Board of County superv~s l/ "~ II II II " I I ! ; II 3" I I 1 i u !. ! ! " ::0 VI c> --< "- > ,.., --< <>,.., --< VI ,.., <> --< C5 z .." ,.., CJ ,.., ::0 t>- O- 1> is --< -< " m " " :c VI m o c: 1> 0- --< i'Ti VI 0- m Z C") --< :I: Z n 0- c: CJ ~ 0- m Z C") --< :I: fT1 .;-; 0- c: CJ Z C") I I I I I I /-, I I~, ----- -----. o m o o N o o / / / -I -.. , <D "" (Jl ....-:::. _ ;:--""1- - - \ -~(~..- ~""'\ :. ,? " II I, " ""- ---====" ~::i:= ""- ----~-~ ""- ~--== - "'-, ""- /- ""- //, ""- 10-1, / ""- ,,'- / ""-~ ""- "'- "'- " "'-" -!. 0 Mechums West Oriv~ "'- ~~f1).~ y,,---,./ ""- / "" 7",,- / :7 ""- / "",---- ""- / " > / "'---- / / / / / I / //-, 1 ~?:?' '/ / 1""- ""- / ""- "'- / / ""-" / / "",- / / ""-::----. /Pr / ""-",,- '" 2,., / 'v0 ro( ~O,-O I '/ 210,- J 1,OJ 8. / / 1.// 41;0 '/( / I I I / 1/-, t- -/- \~, Pr 25 I " ----- -----. I Po r 2500 fOO. Of 81( I "'- / I fOf.rg 4HO I "I / -2S I "'-II 0 7v I P\~ / POT 254 +43.10 ~HO I / (\ \ 81\ / I \ PT 27\+27Jb _ / / I \ POT 21\+43.<32 ~HO I \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ) /' \ ,---- /7"--, \ I ILO~ ./ / I } '- /' I I \/ I I I I I I I I I I I I - -- +- - -- _ _ I I I c, / I I /'g, --"~/ I I I 1- ~---I-_-1 I I I pr 307f8J.08 BK I FO r 3071-89.60 AHD I I I I I -_l_____ I I " \ ~ ~ , --- --- --- / y-----. \ ----- \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ ""s '1, 300 ..:;-'. .-) , / 1) <? <!-..:>/i r> cJ!- ' ) / j 'f ') V S T A. 185 +81.L11 ~ 0 o 0 P==i 0 ~ ::::: ~::::.~ 00 ~ V ~ (j) ::0 CJ :::0 ~ -+('0('0 0 o -+. en . ('00 C- o N-,-, r-v co -- C>::J~ + 0- 0 (;')('00 C/lJ u, ::J Ol <-D l>- CO ::c: N 0 0 ~ 0 Z N U ~ VJ VJ 0 n I Ul ;;0 0 ~ M 0 ~ 00 ~ . - .- ---------------- ---~- COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA T TLE: Rt. 682, Road Paving Realignment Project AGENDA DATE: March 2, 1994 ITEM NUMBER: 9), /.J. ol INFORMATION: ACTION: x for one CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: Yes (3 p --- STAFF CO Messrs. Cilimberg, Benish REVIEWED BY: BACKGRO This is improve priorit Decembe a road paving project which is identified ents and the VDOT Six Year Secondary Road paving project in the County. VDOT held a 7, 1993. Attached is a report from VDOT on in the County priority list of road Construction Program as the highest location and design public hearing on the public hearing. DISCUSS ON: Two alt rnatives were pr~sented by VDOT at the public hearing. The project is scheduled for adverti ement in August 1994. The expected construction time is twelve months. VDOT's report describ s the differences between the alternatives. These differences are summarized below. ive I: sts $1,690,000 ($40,000 more than Alternative II); re curves in the alignment than Alternative II; eates limited (though adequate) sight distance and a difficult left turn at an trance for two properties; uld allow traffic to be better accommodated during construction than Alternative II. ive II: sts $1,650,000; nerally straighter alignment than Alternative I; es not create access problems to any properties; re difficult than Alternative I to accommodate traffic during construction. ests for specific changes to the plan were received at the public hearing. ATION: VDOT ha supported incorporating all specific requests for changes to the plan except a bridge .n place of pipes at Station 236+30. Staff agrees with VDOT regarding the five requests for specific changes. Although staff has no strong feelings as to alternatives, it should b noted that Alternative II does provide superior access for two properties and is slightly less expensive than Alternative I. cc: Dan Roosevelt RAY D. PE HTEL COMMISSI NER . _cd: .:!(l_~-qt:L I'IT' N'l'- ~- ''0''-.~._-- .,.-.. ~:.....-.. COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA t _""",-'.'.U"'-:__. ;} ..'-., . -:' ,..' . -'<('OO-;-! <;.ill'" ....it". .._.:..,'''-'' n-:...")~ ..--.--------. J DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P. O. BOX 2013 CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22902 February 2, 1994 D. S. ROOSEVELT RESIDENT ENGINEER Route 682 Project: 0682-002-P33,C501 Albemarle County M . Ella W. Carey, Clerk, CMC Bard of Supervisors 4 1 McIntire Road C arlottesville, VA 22902 D ar Ms. Carey: Attached is a report on the public hearing on Route 682 which was held on D cember 7, 1993. Please make this report and the attached handouts available to t e Board members prior to their February 14, 1994 meeting. a tachment Mr. V. Wayne Cilimberg Mr. Robert Tucker Mr. R. H. Connock, Jr. TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Yours truly, AAdr G. G. Utz ,:?, Contract Administrator reject: 0682-002-P33, CSOl epert,'to the Board of Supervisors on the Location & Design Public Hearing At a public hearing held on December 7, 1993 a proposal was presented to rade and widen Route 682 from Route 250 to 1.784 miles south of Route 787. Two Iternatives were presented for the section of road from Route 250 to a point 'ust south of the railroad tracks. The remainder of the Route 682 alignment enerally follows the existing road. The total estimated cost including onstruction, right of way and utility relocations using Alternative I is 1,690,000 and $1,650,000 using Alternative II. The current Six Year Plan nticipates $1,690,000 for the work. Alternative I begins at a location approximately 240 feet east of the xisting intersection and continues on a new location across the railroad tracks. his location improves the alignment and allows traffic to be maintained during c nstruction. Alternative II begins at the present intersection of Route 682 and Route 250 d runs to the east side of the existing road. Alternative II crosses the ilroad tracks at the same location as Alternative I. The Alternative I construction cost is approximately $40,000 greater than A ternative II. Alternative I incorporates more curves in the alignment and c eates an entrance to two properties Iwhich has sight distance which just meets m'nimum requirements. This alignment also creates a difficult left turn movement i to this entrance. The hearing was attended by approximately 60 people. We received comments om 59 people before the December 17, 1993 deadline. Of the 59 comments we ceived, 52 were in favor of the project and 7 were opposed. Three of those mmenting preferred improving Route 682 only to the intersection of Route 787. also received eight letters after the deadline with six in favor of the oject and two opposed. Of those who expressed a preference of the two a ternatives, nine favored Alternative I and seven favored Alternative II. The reasons stated by those opposed to this project were the possibility of i creased speeds, increased traffic volume, a change in the character of the a ea, and the high cost for the number of people served by this improvement. We received five specific requests for changes to the plan presented at the h aring. The use of rustic, non-galvanized guardrail was preferred instead of t e standard galvanized guardrail. The request for this guardrail treatment can b incorporated into the plan with a small increase in cost and is supported by t e Department. We also received a request to shift approximately 1000' of alignment between S a. 268 and Sta. 278 to avoid cutting numerous mature trees. This shift would i volve cutting smaller trees on the opposite side and will possibly require a ditional utility easements in the shifted area. We support this change which c n be incorporated with a minimal cost increase. A request was received from the CSX Railroad to lessen the grade on the south side of the tracks to provide a safer approach at the railroad crossing. This change is supported by the Department. At a location just south of the railroad tracks, a property owner requested that we plant trees to replace vegetation removed during construction. This egetation acts as a light screen for headlights of approaching vehicles. The bove grade change for the railroad approach will accomplish this with an mbankment created by this change. It was requested that a bridge be used in place of the pipes as shown on the lans at Station 236+30. With the drainage area of this stream, the pipes as hown on the plans will adequately handle the flow. The use of a bridge will lso increase project costs. The Department is recommending construction in this rea as shown on the plans using pipes instead of the bridge. The Department is recommending that the project proceed incorporating our bove recommendations. We are requesting a resolution from the Board supporting his plan with the changes and their preference of Alternative I or Alternative I specified. I I .. J ~ L VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - IDeATION AND DESIGN PUBUC HEARING ROUTE 682 ALBEMARLE COUNTY FROM: INT. RTE. 250 TO: 1.784 MI. S. INT. RTE. 787 I I DATE: TUESDAY~ DECEMBER 7, 1993 TIME: 5:30 PM TO 8:30 PM PLACE: MERIWETHER LEWIS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LOCATED ON ROUTE 676 NEAR - THE INTERSECTION WITH ROUTE 678, .- NORTH OF IVY o' n PROJECT NUMBER: 0682-002-P33. C501 r -- ", HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ROUTE 682 ALBEMARLE COUNTY PROJECT: 0682-002-P33. C-.501 FROM~ INT. RTE. 250 TO: 1 .784 MI. S. INT. RTE. 787 LENGTH: 2.448 MILES I I I o 1 MILE 2 MILES ~.n"VirginiO Deportment d T ronsportotion VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LOCATION AND DESIGN PUBLIC HEARING DECEMBER 7, 1993 TIME: 5:30 P.K. until 8:30 P.M. PLACE: MERIWETHER LEWIS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LOCATED ON ROUTE 676 NEAR INT. OF ROUTE 678, NORTH OF IVY PROJECT: 0682-002-P33, C501 FROM: INT. ROUTE 250 TO: 1.784 MILES SOUTH INT. ROUTE 787 INTRODUCTION The purpose of the public hearing is to provide a formal pUblic opportunity for persons acting on their behalf or representing a group or governing body to offer comments or submit written material for the record on the proposed project. Public hearings are beneficial to citizens and the Virginia Department of Transportation. They permit an exchange of information, ideas, and suggestions before final design features are approved. They permit the engineers to report on the facts developed in their studies and obtain citizen comments which offer help materially in determining the location and design details of proposed projects. Alternative I has Route 682 beginning at a new location on Route 250 approximately two hundred and forty feet east of the existing intersection and continuing on a new location across the railroad before tying back into the same line as the existing road. This revised location improves the horizontal alignment and also allows the traffic to be maintained on the existing roadway while the revised roadway is being constructed. The existing roadway, north of the railroad, will remain in place after construction and a connection will be provided from the revised Route 682 to the existing road. This will provide access for the property owners along the existing road with a T-turn around on the north side of the railroad. The existing roadway will be maintained by the Department. Alternative II has Route 682 beginning at its present location on Route 250. It is then relocated to the east of Route 682 and crosses the railroad tracks at the same location as Alternative I. This revised location improves the horizontal alignment. It will be difficult to maintain traffic on existing Route 682 during construction of this alternative due to the fill imposing on the existing roadway. As with Alternative I, a connection will be provided from the revised road north of the tracks to the existing roadway. This access point for the property owners will have limited turning movement to the south. T-turn around will be constructed at the end of the road. This connection will be maintained by the Department. A minimum width of fifty feet of right of way along with construction easements will be acquired to accommodate the slopes where they exceed the existing and proposed right of way. The height of fill or depth of cut will dictate whether this easement is permanent or temporary. The contractor who is awarded the contract will be required to take measures to control siltation in accordance with the Department's contract special provisions which have been approved by the state Water Control Board. All disturbed areas will be seeded to minimize erosion. TRAl'FIC In 1993, this roadway carried approximately 350 vehicles per day. Ten percent of the vehicles were trucks. Traffic is expected to increase to 590 vehicles per day by the year 2006. ESTlXATED COST The construction of the relocated Route 682 is expected to cost as follows: ALTERNATIVE I ALTERNATIVE II CONSTRUCTION $1,450,000 $1,410,000 RIGHT OF WAY 240,000 240,000 TOTAL $1,690,000 $1,650,000 This project will be financed with state Secondary Road Funds allocated to Albemarle County. REMAINING ACTIONS The following steps remain before this project is constructed: 1. Review and evaluate comments received at the Public Hearing (Winter 1993) 2. A recommendation by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors (Winter 1993) 3. Approval by the Commonwealth Transportation Board (Spring 1994) 4. Acquisition of necessary right of way (Summer 1994) 5. Advertisement of Project (August 1995) RIGHT OF WAY OR RELOCATION ASSISTANCE Any questions concerning right of way or relocation assistance should be directed to: '.. Mr. J. W. Jenkins Culpeper District Right of Way Manager Virginia Department of Transportation P.o. Box 671 Culpeper, Virginia 22701 WRITTEN COMHENTS Maps, drawings, and other information are available for public review in the Department of Transportation's District Office located on Route 15 (Business) south of Route 3 in Culpeper and in its Residency office located on Route 250 approximately 3 miles east of Charlottesville. Self-addressed envelopes for written comments will be available at the meeting. Written comments to be made a part of the public hearing must be received within 10 days after the public hearing. Mr. D. S. Roosevelt Resident Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation P.O. Box 2013 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 . t 1 ... ~ . t t t t { { { { ( f'-.. ~ a~ co lC) <-.0 ~~ ~ ~::::> ... ::::>() a ()O::: C"J ~ O:::!-: a .. <: 0:::-- ct: ~ .. 2 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( - ~ -t ... ~ ~ '. . . '" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a <..0 ~Q:: ~ ~ ~< :::J-- ~ au) Q:: a -..: ct: 6::~ ~'\I- ~ . ~ r . r r r . 2 r r r r r r r r r r r r r I r { . 1 - C"\J - co ~ - ~ f ~ ---L MOTION: Mrs. Humphris SECOND: Mr. Martin MEETING DATE: February 14, 1994 CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE MEETING WHEREAS, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provi- sions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 requires a certification by the Supervisors that such executive conformity with Virginia law; of the Code of Virginia Albemarle County Board of meeting was conducted in NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (i) only public business mat.ters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors. VOTE: AYES: Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Bowerman. NAYS: None. [For each nay vote, the substance of the departure from the requirements of the Act should be described.] ABSENT DURING VOTE: None. ABSENT DURING MEETING: None. tJ (!tiAU Clerk, Albema:r: e County Board of Supe isors MOTION: Mrs. Thomas SECOND: Mr. Martin MEETING DATE: February 14, 1994 CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE MEETING WHEREAS, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provi- sions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 requires a certification by the Supervisors that such executive conformity with Virginia law; of the Code of Virginia Albemarle County Board of meeting was conducted in NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors. VOTE: AYES: Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Bowerman. NAYS: None. [For each nay vote, the substance of the departure from the requirements of the Act should be described.] ABSENT DURING VOTE: None. ABSENT DURING MEETING: None. County e visors -'" -7 David P. Bow rman Charlottesvil e COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Superw"ors 401 McIntire ROdel Charlottesville, Virgima 22902'1"96 (804) 296-5843 FAX (tl04) 9.;24060 Charles S. Martin Rivanm Charlotte Y. H mphns J <'Ie k ,Joue t Walter F. Perkins White Hall Forrest R. Mars all, Jr SCOllsville Sally H. Thomas Samuel Miller February 15. 1994 M . Sonia H. Barton 1 6 Georgetown Road, Apt. #4 C arlottesville, VA 22901-2525 D ar Ms. Barton: At the Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 14, 1994, you were appointed to the JAUNT Board, with term to expire September 30. 1996. On behalf of the Board, I would like to take this opportunity to express the Board's ap reciation for your willingness to serve the County in this capacity. Sincerely. !;J~~+~ Walter F. Perkins Chairman W P/jng cc The Honorable James L. Camblos, III Linda Wilson * Printed on reel'( lee! {'Ufl<" County of Albemarle ""---'-'-''''~'"''~I ~l_,~ J~Llli.J_~l .m..1l Magisterial Employer Business Ad Office of Board of County Supervisors 40 I McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (804) 296-5843 APPLlCA nON TO SERVE ON BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE (please type or print) J AUNT BOARD 0."- c.,. r" ..h... "~'--""-'''-.-'''''''''--'--'''-'-~'--''--''.'"'''_~'cJ ission / Committee SONIA H. BARTON 146 GEORGETOWN ROAD, APT. # 4; Home Phone 804/977-0261 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 2~~01-2525 JACK JOUETT istrict in which your home residence is located RETIRED I PERMANENTLY DISABLED Last emp I oyer: ---___L__ Phone National Mental Health Association (national headquarters) Date of Em pI yment 1978 to 1984 Years Reside t in Albemarle County 3t Spouse'sNa e Divorced (Paul E. Education (D grees and Graduation Dates) Occupation / Title ADM I N I STRAT I VE ASS I STANT Previous Residence A LEXANDR I A, V I RG I N I A (32 yea rs No. Va.l Barton) Number of Children TWO ADULTS (Beth and Mark) HIRAM COLLEGE, Class of '56, HIRAM, OHIO Membershi s in Fraternal Business Church and / r S THOMAS JEFFERSON MEMORIAL UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST (Charlottesvi lie) Public Civic Lea ue of Women Voters in Northern Vir inia Str n Interest: LITERACY (inactive outside nei hborhood level) 1990 from the Washington, D.C., area led me to investigate other areas that contributed to the independence of the disabled. /JAUNr'was the decisive factor in selecting C'vi lie for my home. The informati n provided on this application will be released to the public upon request. J J If? -/ ~f; /~/ ,x:)t<Yu a /)"-:7, UC:? ! It: 71./ / '17 FEBRUARY 9, 1994 Return to : lerk, Board of County Supervisors Ibemarle County o I McIntire Road harlottesville, VA 22902-4596 Signature Sonia H. Barton 1"6 Georgetown R_, Apt.. 14 Charlotteavile, VA 22901 Date