HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP199900023 Action Letter .. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & CommunIty Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, VirginIa 22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 June 22, 1999 George Cumming 9211 Arboretum Parkway Richmond, VA 23220 RE: SP-99-23 Triton (Ramada Inn) Tax Map 78, Parcel 45A Dear Mr. Cumming: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on June 16, 1999, unanimously approved the above-noted request to construct a treetop tower to support PCS antenna. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The height of the tower shall not exceed seven (7) feet above the elevation of the top of the trees within forty (40) feet of the tower. The applicant shaH provide a certified statement on the height of the tallest tree; 2. The tower shall be designed, constructed and maintained as follows: a. The tower shall be painted to look like wood; b. Guy wires shall not be permitted; c. The tower shall have no lighting; 3. The tower shall be located on the site as follows: a. The tower shall be located approximately as shown on the attached plan initialed "WDF 5/9/99"; 4. Antennas may be attached to the tower only as follows: a. Antenna shall be enclosed within the tower or attached to the tower such that no portion of the antenna is more than one-and-one-half (1. 5) feet from the tower; b. Satellite and microwave dish antennas are prohibited; 5 - The tower shall be used, or have the potential to be used, for the collocation of other wireless telecommunications providers as follows: a. The permittee shall allow other wireless telecommunications providers to locate or utilize antennas on the tower and equipment on the site, subject to these conditions: (1) Prior to approval of a final site plan for the site or the waiver of the site plan requirement, the permittee shall execute a letter of intent stating that it ,. will make a good faith effort to allow such location and will negotiate in good íàith with such other provider requesting locate on the tower or the site; (2) The permittee shall provide to the County, upon request, verifiable evidence that it has made a good faith effort to allow such location. Verifiable evidence of a good faith effort includes, but is not limited to, evidence that the permittee has offered to allow other proivders to locate on the tower and site in exchange for reciprocal rights on a tower and site owned or controlled by another provider within Albemarle County; [The use of this facility by additional telecommunication providers will require amendment of this special use permit. The presence of this condition in no way implies approval of additional uses for this tàcility or this property.] 6. Each outdoor luminaire shall be fully shielded such that all light emitted is projected below a horizontal plane running through the lowest part of the shield or shielding part of the luminaire. For purposes of this condition, a luminaire is a complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp or lamps together with the parts designed to distribute the light, to position and protect the lamps, and to connect the lamps to the power supply. Outdoor lighting shall be limited to periods of maintenance only; 7. No trees of more than three (e) inches in diameter may be removed; 8. The permittee shall comply with § 5.1.12 of the Zoning Ordinance. Fencing of the lease area shall not be required; 9. The tower shall be disassembled and removed from the site within ninety (90) days of the date is use for wireless telecommunications purposes is discontinued; and 10. The permittee shall submit a report to the Zoning Administrator once per year, by not later than July 1 of that year. The report shall identify each user of the tower and shall identifY each user that is a wireless telecommunications service provider. In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued shall not be commenced within eighteen (18) months after the issuance of such permit, the same shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. For purposes of this section, the term "commenced" shall be construed to include the commencement of construction of any structure necessary to the use of such permit within two (2) years from the date of the issuance thereof which is thereafter completed within one (1) year. Before beginning this use, you must obtain a zoning clearance from the Zoning Department. Before the Zoning Department will issue a clearance, you must comply with the conditions in this letter. For further information, please call Jan Sprinkle at 296-5875. 1 . If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, vU~~b0gL Director of Planning & Com unity Development VWC/jcf . Cc: Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey Tex Weaver Steve Allshouse STONE aOUN~ (fOUNO) _~ -------- -----. ,,_,---- WAP ,07llOO--DO-DO-œ;100 ~" - WllDRED SOWEll. ANDERSON _" ___ ~, 2102 HANSEN WOUNTAIN ROAD \ ~ '\ CHARLOms.'lLJ..E. VA m11 ~ '- :Ii"'. OŒD BOOK 9« PAGE 7<W ':Ii"'~~~ ___~~~~--------- - ,.,,~~-- 587-35" V / / 23.10' , , I. I I / , iv/ ~/, I,) I Cl ~I.>..:. (\'. , !Ò. r\v,(lj ~v/ >..:. , I / I I / I I / I Y TRITON pes, Iue 9211 AR90RnuW PAAKWAY sum 200 RICHWOND, VA 23236 ornCE: (804) 323-9500 FAX: (804) 323-1560 PROPOSED lRlTON TO\IÆR ;Y1' "" Cl ~/î~ , / "'( '0 r¡,0, i J:£" 5'-0 / ~ < \ "/ '~_ \ ,/9' hCl/ / il-:./ '1" LEGEND l' CONTOUR INlUlVAl ð' CONTOUR INlUlVAl ------- PROPERTYUNE _ EJQS11HG O'ÆRHEAD .RES _ EXIS1IlG CHAlNLJN ( FLNŒ _ Ð!lSTlN(;.RE fENCE · Ð!lSTlN(; UTl./TY POl£ · CONTROl POINT (lllW) · IRON PIPE (fOUND) · STONE BOUND (fOUND) EIolL: 1m VICINITY MAP ! ~ GROUP, INC. DRI>£ # C5 9917TRl P.C. 5( tj };q RAMADA INN RAWLAND .jÇ¡' SITE # CY-1-310J 2097 INN DRIVE , SlTE PLAN CHARLOITESVILLE. VA 2:Y SCALE ," = 3D' 22901 SCAlé 1" - Xl' 0 15 JO 00 iO - LEGAL DESCRIPTlON OF LEASE AREA I A.B. ~99 I ISSUED fOR REVIEW No.1 DATE REVISION ATLANTIS 810 BOULDER SPRINGS R1CHIolOND, VA 23225 ID.:(S17) 965-0789 fAX:(S17) 965-0103 PROJECT NUWSER: BY: APPROVED BY: DRAWN ..,:;, WAP , 07IlOO-DO-DO-04500 SOU1HERN SUN, INC. 7224 WERRIWAC TRAIL YI1WAWSBURG, VA 23185 OEED BOOK 1090 PAGE 0J8 ZONE RA AREA - 6.320 ~ 1 1-64- VIRGINIA OEPARTWEHT Œ'TRANSPORTATION 1.w1 EAST BROAD S1RŒT RlCHWONO. VA 2321 9 W'fERS'fÁ'l'E ROU'ft WAP ,07llOO--DO-DO-06000 SOU1HERN SUN, INC. RT. 13 BOX 42 CHARLOTmMll£. VA 22901 DEED BOOK 1090 PAGE 0J8 ZONE HC AREA - ....370 ACRES 1 GENERAL NOTES F1ElD SUR'ÆY OAn:: IoIARQi 10, 1~ ~11CAl. DA WW: NA llONAl CEOOE11C ~11CAl. OA 1\JW CF 19211. HORIZONTAl DA1Uol: NORlH AWERlCAN DAWN CF 1963 (NA0a3}. ŒNlUl CF PROPOSED lEAS( Nl£k LA111\JDE: N38-{l1'13.9" LONQ1\JOE; W7&-2:;'J2.:;" QlQUNO Ð....: 514.2" 1 OWNER: SOUlHERN SUN. INC. 7224 WERRIWAC TRAIL .UJAWSBURG, VA 2J1 a:; e. Silt NAW£: IWoIADA INN RAYlUND 7. SITE NUIotBER: CV-1-J1OJ I!. SITE ADDRESS: 2Oll7 INN 0Rl'Æ CHARLDTTESVlU£, VA 22901 9. APPl..JCANT: lRlTON pes, INC. 9~1~WP~AY SUITE 200 RlCHWONO,VA2J2.36 10. .AJRlSDtCllON: AlBOlARL£ COUNTY 1'. ZONNG DISTRICT: RA 12. WAQSTERlAl DISTRICT: R1VANNA 13. TAX D: 07llOO-OO--OO--O 1.... DEED REFERENCE: BOOK logo PAGE 03e 15. PLAN REFDlENCE: BOOK 514 PÞŒ. ~ 111. ElEVAlKlNS AND COORDINATES fROI GPS LOCA11ONS 17. All UNOERGROUND Ul1UTY INfOR , A11ON PRESENTED I£REON WAS D€lERNINED fROI SURf'ACE ~DENŒ ANO PlANS Of RECORD. All UNDERGROUND UllU11ES SHOUlD BE LOCATED IN 1HE F1ElD PRIOR 10 COWIotENCDlENT CF All SITE lIItIRl(. NO S\J8SURf ACE 1N'ÆS11<õA llON BY A llANTlS lõROUP. INC. 11!. ACCORIlING 10 FtŒRAL DÆRGENCY WANAGOolENT AGENCY WAPS, 1HE WAJOR INPROVDlENlS IN lHlS PROPERTY ARE LOCATED IN AN AREA DESIGNATED AS ZONE: C NIUS CF WINIWAl FUXlDING. COWIotUNITY PANEl NO. :;10001l 0245 B. AI..BEWAALE COUNTY, VIRGIN.... EFFECll'Æ DATE: DECDlIIER 1 e, 1980. NO WETlANDS NIUS HA'Æ BŒN OOJNEATED. 19. PROPERTY UNE INfORWA llON IS COWPLfD fROI DŒDS NfJ PLANS Œ' RECORD NfJ IS NOT THE RESUlT Œ' A FUU. BOUNDARY SUR'ÆY. PROPERTY IS SUB.£CT 10 All EASEWÐllS AND RESlRlCllONS Œ RECORD. lltS SUR'ÆY WAS PREPARED .lHOUT THE BENEFIT CF 11M REPORT. 20. flEAR NO SYSTEW CF THIS PLAN IS BASED ON GRID NORlH. CON'ÆRSlON 10 TR\Æ: NORlH IS 00'02'<4{)" CLOClOllSE. FAA CERTlFICA T10N 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SHEET TlTLE LAND SURVEY SHEET NUMBER C-1 Commencln9 at tho n«thwater1 y _ of Ioaø proper:ty at on Iron pipe. then"" S 1lO--34'10· E 00.20' 10 tho north_er1y oorn.- of ~ 1_ ore<1. eold polnt being Ill. POINT CF 8EQNNINC; tn..."" N l!lHl1'3J" E JO.OO feet, then"" S ~2J" E JO.OO feet. tnence S l!lHl1'3J" W JO.OO fMt. thence N 09-5ll'2J" W JO.OO feet. to tn. POINT CF BEGlNNING; Conlolnlng goo 0.1. '\" , , '\" , '\" , , '\" , , '\", , '\" , , EST om 9: 2~:~' 3-18-99 991 7trL.R1 .dwg I HEREBY CER11FY lHA T lHE LA 11lUO£. lONGlllJOC NfJ El.£VA11ONS PRESENTm HEREON NŒT 1HE REQUIRÐlENTS CF 1HE FAA 'IIlH lHE f'OUO'lllNl;: ACOJRAC"t"s: + /- TlIIÐITY (20) rŒT ~l1CAll Y + /- ArTY (50) rŒT HORIZONTAllY OA TE: 03/12/119