HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201300061 Plan - E&S 2013-09-24GENERAL NOTES 1. Site statistics: Albemarle County TM# 21 -12C1. Zoned: RA. Total area of existing lot - 20.97 acres. Proposed use: Church. Total disturbed area = 2.6 acres. Building area = 7,000 sf. Pavement and walk area = 0.94 acres. Total Impervious area ='1.0 acres. Green Space = 19.97 acres (95 %). Site is not located within a reservoir watershed. 2. Work in this project shall conform to the latest editions of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Road and Bridge Specifications, the VDOT Road and Bridge Standards, the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations and the County of Albemarle Design and Construction Standards. In the event of conflict between any of these standards, specifications or plans, the most stringent shall govern. All utilities to be dedicated to the County of Albemarle shall be constructed and tested to conform to Commonwealth of Virginia Board. of Health Waterworks and /or Sewerage Regulations. 3. Erosion and sediment control measures shall be maintained continuously, relocated when and as necessary and shall be checked after every rainfall. Seeded areas shall be checked regularly and shall be watered, fertilized reseeded and mulched as necessary to obtain a dense stand of grass. 4. All drain inlets shall be protected from siltation. Ineffective protection devices shall be immediately replaced and the inlet cleaned. Flushing is not an acceptable method of cleaning. 5. When the crushed stone construction entrance has been covered with soil or has been pushed into the soil by construction traffic it shall be replaced with a depth of stone equal that of original application. 6. The location of existing utilities as shown is approximate only. The contractor is responsible for locating all public or private utilities which lie in or adjacent to the construction site. The contractor shall be responsible for repairing, at his expense, all existing utilities damaged during construction. Forty -eight (48) hours prior to any excavation call Miss Utility 1 (800) 552 -7001. 7. All underground facilities located within the County's right -of -ways shall be installed prior to the placement of any part of the pavement structure. 8. All materials used for fill or back -fill shall be free of wood, roots, rocks, boulders or any other non - compactible soil type material. Unsatisfactory materials also include man -made fills and refuse debris derived from any source. 9. Satisfactory material for use as fill for public streets include material classified in ASTM D -2487 as GW, GP, GM, GC, SW, SP, SM, SC, ML and CL groups. The moisture content shall be controlled within plus or minus 2 percentage points of optimum to facilitate compaction. Generally, unsatisfactory materials include materials classified in ASTM D -2487 as PT, CH, MH, OL, OH, and any soil soil too wet to facilitate compaction. CH and MH soils may be used subject to approval of the VDOT Engineer. Soils shall have a minimum dry density of 92 lb. /cu.ft. per ASTM D -698 and shall have a liquid limit less than 17. 10. Compaction of fill material under building slabs shall be based upon recommendations of soils engineer after completion of standard Proctor test and shall meet bearing requirements of architect of buildings. The Contractor shall be responsible for testing. 11. Materials used to construct embankments for any purpose, back -fill around dreAnoge structures or in utility trenches or any other depression requiring fill or back -fall shall be compacted to 95% of maximum density as determined by the standard P octor- test as set out in ASTM standard D -698. The contractor shall, prior to any operations involving filling or back - filling submit the results of the Proctor tests together with a certification that the soil tested is representative of the materials to be used on the project. Tests shall be conducted by a certified materials testing laboratory and the certificatipns made by a licensed professional engineer. 12. All excavations, including trenches, shall be kept dry to protect their integrity. 13. Any discrepancies found between the drawings and specifications and site conditions or any inconsistencies or ambiguities in drawings or specifications shall be immediately reported to the engineer in writing, who shall promptly address such inconsistencies or ambiguities. Any work done before the engineer is consulted shall be done at the Contractor's risk. 14. A preconstruction conference shall be held prior to the start of the construction. The contractor shall arrange the meeting with the County Erosion Control Administrator. 15. All storm sewer piping shall meet VDOT standards. Pipe bedding to be per VDOT PB -1. 16. All sanitary sewer piping be PVC SDR 35 unless stated otherwise on plans. Sanitary sewer lateral to be 6" PVC SDR 35 from sewer main to building at a minimum slope of 1.0 %. 17. Handicap spaces to have vertical signs with the international handicap symbol. At leas one space must be van accessible with "Van Accessible" sign below the international sign. Minimum height to sign bottom is 4' -0 ", maximum is 7' -0 ". 18. The Erosion and Sediment Control Narrative is considered part of this plan and shall be adhered to and its requirements met by contractor. 19. The Owner will coordinate with the County on the exact sign location and size. The sign location and size is to conform with County Ordinances and a permit from the County is required prior to sign construction. 20. All areas not designated as parking stalls are to be fire lanes with no parking. 21. Provide and install one Knox box on the building as directed by the Fire Marshal's 8 Office. SP- 2010 - 00046. New Hope Community Church (Signs #12 &15). App,oved:JUly11,2012 1. Development and use shall be In general accord with the conceptual plan titled "Conceptual Plan -Soccer Field Removed: New Hope Community Church," prepared by Blackwell Engineering PLC, revision number (dated 5- 17 -12), (hereafter "Conceptual Plan "), as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator. To be in general accord with the Conceptual Plan, development and use shall reflect the following major element within the development essential to the design of the development, as shown on the Conceptual Plan: • location of buildings and structures, which may be built in phases; • location and maximum number of parking spaces, which may be bulk In phases; • leaden of the entrance; • lecstkmofthe "wooded area to remain," within which land clearing and developmentshall not occur, with the exception that the designated "Pmposed Reserve Drainfield° site maybe cleared and used onlyfor that purpose. Minor madificakons to the plan which do not conflict with the elements above may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The area of assembly shall be limited to a maximum four hundred (400)seat sanctuary. 3. All outdoor lightingshall be only full cut- offfrtures and shielded to reflect light away from all abutting properties. Alighting plan limiting light levels at all property lines to no greater than 0.3 feet candles shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator or their designee for approval. 4. There shall be no day care center or privateschool on site without approval ofa separa [especial use permk. 5. Entrance design and location must be approved by the Virginia Department of Transportation before constmctim, fthe acres road forthis use may commence. 6. Written approval of water - supply and septic facilities must be submitted before this use my commerce. NEW HOPE CHURCH EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN 4 c0 QF zq .NTI g. e,a d3 forsytna�o SiiE \te *C d County Rea' c+ 0 pa = tihitney [; VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 1,000' ALBEMARLE COUNTY GENERAL NOTES 1. Prior to any construction within any existing public right -of -way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All paving, drainage related materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plans and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be achieved. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the Albemarle County Director of Engineering, or Directors designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). SITE DESIGN: BLACKWELL ENGINEERING, PLC 566 EAST MARKET STREET HARRISONBURG, VA 22801 540- 432 -9555 BUILDING DESIGN: BLUE RIDGE ARCHITECTS ATTN: RANDY SEITZ 61 SOUTH MAIN STREET HOUCK BLDG, SUITE 200 HARRISONBURG, VA 22801 540- 437 --1228 OWNER- DEVELOPER: NEW HOPE COMMUNITY CHURCH MICHAEL HENDERSON, TRUSTEE 3445 SEMINOLE TRAIL, SUITE 300 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22911 PROPERTY INFO: TM# 21 -12C1 20.97 ACRES WkITE HALL MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ZONED: RURAL AREAS USE: VACANT PROPOSED USE: CHURCH FEMA FLOOD ZONE: X !) V 1L1/11Y V 11'YIr0. BLDG AREA =4,000SF BLDG HEIGHT = 30' STEEPLE HEIGHT = N/A USE GROUP =A3 GONSTRaETIOri TYPE � 3B APPROVED by to Albemarle County Commu ity Development Department ` Date - Z 4 • L o 13 File aDMONDIL r :123 BLACKWELL G p EDMOND H. 't` 3831 a .d L- No. 3831 I% SERI ty O -2 w Sg ONAL 6 566 EAST MARKET STREET HARRISONBURG, VA 22801 PHONE: (540) 432 -9555 SURVEY NOTES 1. Both the boundary and topographic surveys were conducted under the direct and responsible charge of Brian Ray, L.S., of Charlottesville, VA, 434- 293 -3195. 2. Vertical Datum based on NAVD88. The horizontal datum is tied into the Virginia South - State Plane coordinate system. 3. Date of topographic mapping: 2011 - 2013. FAX: (540) 434 -7604 z EBLSC EDITION SHEET INDEX U DESCRIPTION ry A REVISED 8 -28 -13 PER COUNTY E &SC COMMENTS 2 A REVISED 8 -15 -13 PER COUNTY E &SC COMMENTS = U A REVISED 6 -28 -13 PER COUNTY COMMENTS 4 A REVISED 4 -9 -13 ADDITIONAL TOPO ADDED LLJ ORIGINAL PLAN DATE: 1 -17 -2013 0- O S EBLSC EDITION SHEET INDEX SHEET DESCRIPTION 1 TITLE SHEET 2 GRADING, ECS AND WATER QUALITY PLAN 3 ADDITIONAL NOTES AND DETAILS 4 ADDITIONAL DETAILS AND PROFILES LLJ Z PROJECT 2167 NUMBER: As EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN EDITION DITCH TABLE � -� - '� -, -� \ ��' '` � -- � \ E &SC LEGEND MIN. / i _ , \ 47C SOIL TYPE Date: OCT 2012 BOTTOM LEFT RIGHT 10 -YR 2 -YR DITCH DITCH SLOPE LINING WIDTH SLOPE SLOPE DEPTH DEPTH VELOCITY -� - "' - -i' -' -1\ � ',i� \ \ .. \ - _ -.. -. S'A7 - -__� EXISTING CONTOURS I min 0.00' 2:1 2:1 0.64' 1.14' 1.59 6.80% GRASS �''' �1 1maz 0.00' 2:1 2:1 0.62' 1.12' 1.69 12.00% GRASS /- � '/ %� \ _ \ \ I \ c PROPOSED DITCH OR SWALE Scal A$ NOTED V e TE 1 @ Inletdd3 0.00' 2:1 2:1 0.76' 116' 1.88 6.10% GRASS " / �� \ \ \ \ - + 28.5 PV PROPOSED SOT ELEVATION / .�- _ Designed by:EHB/TBF n = Q/r- °�, -� �' / i /� 518 ` I DRAINAGE FLOW �V` PAVED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE (SEE DETAIL) 2 0.00' 2:1 2:1 0.62' 1.12' 0.67 1.00% GRASS i 3 min 0.00' 2:1 2:1 1.04' 154' 0.94 2.50% GRA55 I / CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZAnON (3.03) Drawn by: EHB/iBF \ \ n SILT FENCE (3.05) 3m x 0.00' 3:1 3:1 0.77' 1.27' 1.15 13.10% GRl55 / �'' / / -- 1 x Q�INEE7 PR9TEET161r -(397} Checked by: NWB CULVERT DIVERSION D KE PROTECTION (3.08) FILL DIVERSION (3.10) _ / / �' sr SEDIMENT TRAP (3.13) CRITICAL SLOPES _ , _ ' ® / -�" SEE SEDIMENT TRAIP #2 �' / /' o TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN (3.15) ® Qr AIL SHEET 4/ ' /' / "i' lY • � - _ _ _ ` � � \ _. - _- � '' / / � �' I' J- � / / - _, ` ` - - PF PAVED FLUME (3.16) �../ DP OUTLET PROTECTION (3.18) 7 VI AS TREE \ � � 520 / / � � � � / � _ - _ \ GD � ROCK CHECK DAMS (3.20) __PRO ON ON DOWNSLOPE - - \\ CD MODIFIED ROCK CHECK DAMS i E SEE SEBIMFN P �1 SID F EXCAVATIONS ` - / 7O / / / / g'' / _ / / \ \ \ \ SHEET 4 \\ p / ' 9• _ m TOPSOILING (3.30) 4' CONTOUR I TERVALS \ _ \ i 1 N _ - _ - F•'�I w m FRO) COUNTY / / O Ott \ (3.31) N N g u l 15 TEMPORARY SEEDING SEE BI �T SED NT \ 31 - FOREBAY SEP -TOR BEL 1 - - - - - \ \ � _ - I � / / / / / / ® / �' %G ' - - - - - / / TS PS \ \ \ \ \ O PERMANENT SEEDING (3.32) \BENCHMARK: NAIL SET IN \ _ Nu MULCHING (3.35) O j 2 B SE 9° RED DAY( \-'- 1P TREE PRESERVATION &PROTECTION (3.38) r l 3 `./ u E 534.59 \ ........ DISTURBED AREA ~( rn � o ( RVEYOR I / 3:1 I J I ROCK - \ /' /' / / / / / I \ \ \ NUMBERS IN PARENTHESES REFER TO VESCH MEASURES ° Q n SF / _____ / J- / DD OUTCROP_ yx -?,Re ® /' 6+00 /' /� // 3JJ TC / // \\ _- __.... a �o v°i m I ! ! �s - 7- I 'I r \ \ Q� '' M w �'` g I / ! C - p / / / `. NOTE: F+i \ ! !2' CONTdl1R INTERVALS I J t olJl1 2 /� .�' / _ _ \\ 47 CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS SHOWN 2 W \ \ I I I FROM SU9VEYOR / I I I� ST m ml x _ -O�' / - - -- - _ \ ARE FINISHED GRADES OF FUTURE O + �''� -„p •�'i / �x i _ - - - - - _ - _ _ - _ _ _ PAVEMENT. CURBING AND SIDEWALK. a l /l I l ' •3T - 5 \. 0� / `JJ / \ I I J F Tl i� 1 C ADJUSr FOR SUBGRADE: \ \ I I I I J J BENCHMARK: 2 {PAILS 9(ET J I >� ���i -� I / - x / � � � �` - - - _ - _ - _ - - HEAVY PAVEMENT. -13° I IN BAS OF P WER P N .� "l$w' - \ \ _ q / / / _ TO LIGHT PAVEMENT: -10' /V =5 1 ' - �� �> T / �'/ / / / SOIL TYPE /' - TS SIDEWALK: 8' / 00 C _ -�/ // \ __ -�' / / / ' -___ BOUNDARY 4Y i _ / 2e9 30 RSk / CHMARK. 2 s SETT To / / / / sF \ 2gI 1 SI r- EENCE-°ERWS AS TREE \ '\4 3 �I I CD T 3o -ri IN SE OF PO LIE 3 +62.34 CI ` > Sy, X \ \ELEV -535. / / / / i TS u5 / / S / / / / SIDE OF EX AV OWNSLOPE \ - - - - 1 a BUI Dwc \ / / / / ' / s / / - / \ - W Q ¢ z t SUBG ACE \\\ ?t /' - -__ \\ -�- WOO \�U �O`TCH 03 A' d\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ 37¢ •� , /Li ��'' // / / - ._. - - -_- r1l \ \O \ \ \ \ \ \ i l.�� \ FUNRE \ SF \ 372r STY#` \y��i %r �� // / / - \�� - - -- \� \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\\ \ NOaGRADING \ \\ Cx x� �i / / / / - / a@!>~ - -.., \ Revision Dates \ oR HEAW 4 -9 -13 TOPO ADDED \10 `EQUIPMENT 6 -28 -13 CO COMMENTS B -15 -13 CO COMMENTS B -28 -13 CO COMMENTS \ BEHMARK: NAIL \\ \ \ I \ WI MP 2 t \ \ \ \ \ \ IN \BASE 12' CEDA / 2 ACRES OR LESS OF DRAINAGE AREA: \ \ OP ® N \ \ \ \ \\ \\ ELEV =5�. CRIT'GAL SLOPES / \ \ \ \y\ \ SILT FENCE SERVES AS -TRF_E _/ PROTECTION ON DOWNSLOPE -�\/ / / // / / / \ / \\ OPTIONAL ZQ \ SIDE OF EXCAVATIONS / / - / - / / /' / / / / i \ \ 94C TER CLOTH .._l COARSE AGGREGATE (DOWNSTREAM VIEW) •J \ \ \ VDOT /1 Q. FLOW 2:1 2:1 w } 20' LONG 18 "x6'xW STAINLESS STEEL OR ALUMINIUM ANGLE SET I I \ \ \\ / \ / / / / / / �'' ' J N O ACROSS SEDIMENTOPREBBAYO \ I \\ \ \\ \ \ \ 5C \\ / / / / // / //r - Q wM F ® \ // I / / _ - MODIFIED B w BIORETENTION SEDIMENT I \ \\ \ / / / / `\ ar w 0) \ \ \ ROCK CHECK DAM V U :I_ c14 BASIN FOR 1' DEEP DITCHES N N ELEV =518.5 FLOW FROM (D I I �- _ C ° \ \ I ® I I \ \\ / j%� // // // - / NTS W = WITH EES42 � � � ! / /// \ \\ / /// /' ' I Q U v� L ! ` j �' / 2 ACRES OR LESS OF DRAINAGE AREA: 3 W F J FENCE\SERVES\ AS TR[E _ j. i �' / / \ -. / / / / / / O ! (/ TECTIO ON CXVA LOPE ( - - - /j/ SIDE OF)E %CA�AnOt�\ 9pq 17 P i-�� --- ���' / / / / /// /' /'l / / ♦ Q Q 2J V) Lu EA 7RAK \ ` / / F BIORETENTION BASIN- \ / CRITICAL SLOPES / opnoNU Q a O SLR RA WL INLET \ \ `\ \ \ \ / / / FILTER CLOTH II III II SEDIMENT FOREBAY ALPDj° RADING DETAIEj 4 \ _ \ 9.4 \SY GLA55 1 \ ` \ / E7 \ / VDOT #1 _ (DOWNSTREAM VIEW) U I'-I = N Q ® SEPARATOR I \ \ T¢ C ` \ \ \C / / / COARSE AGGREGATE N Z -, x / 2:1 2:1 W W SCALE: 1 ° =2' \ \ \ \ � _ .� / BANS OF�24 NAIL SET IT� // / STONE i -- -TO' NIN. FLOW .. Z M / \ \ ELEVF515.21 \ \ / GG1ST1UC1 -1. \ ACCESS 3• Su 2A ASPHALT TOP / zs. sY c a -21 R 20° 3 / \ \\ \ \\ \ \ //I /'' za couasE 2r vs eT rm ROCK CHECK DAM } Z 0 / NTS 1 DICKEY SO / a s _ - ° \ \\ - R II ATE BASE `u, OMPACTED SOIL / 11 LATE � i - _ San � / P OFILE / am �$ ,.. ADE \6\ y // \ I / M Mw. 18° MIN. FLOW V CONSTRUCTION ASPHALT PAVED - `r^ `_ •�'• ^_ �`�n -V - Ir^l^J WASHRACN I \ ffi J I ?F �R PAVEUENTJ 4.5' MIN. 2% 12' MIN.• Drawing No. I DIVERSION DIKE ,/ / POSITIVE DRAINAGE NTS SOIL (N \ -MUST EES A DELL WIDTH A BWNDAR•�� VO A / OF INGRESS AND EGRESS TO SETI1MENf \. iRAPPIN6 DEVICE . � .�� \ \ // / oPERAnoN FOR THE PURPOSES OF PLAN REVIEW AND APPROVAL, PLAN POSITNE DRAINAGE EDMOND H. BLACKWELL, P.E., IS THE CERTIFIED RESPONSIBLE LAND DISTURBER (CRLD). CONTRACTOR 2x TO SEDIMENT SHALL PROVIDE REPLACEMENT CERTIFICATE AT TIME OF of 4 Sheets 6° OF VDOT Js AGGREGATE \, \ _ _ TNAIPIVG DEVICE CONSTRUCTION TO THE COUNTY E &SC ADMINISTRATOR. \ GRAPHIC SCALE FILTER cLGna CONSTRUCTION CRI.D FOR THIS PROJECT IS: 30' 0 30' 60' SECTION A -A NAME: - - -- CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZATION _, _ PAVED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE Job No. 2767 Nyg ���, � � SCALE: 1 ° =30' NTS CERT. # --- _ ---- _____ VDOT GENERAL NOTES V1. AR work on this project shall ...form to the current editions of and latest revialona to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Road and Bridge Specifications and Standards, the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations, and any other applicable state, federal local regulations. In ease of a discrepancy or conflict between the Standards or Specifications and Regulations, the most stringent shall govern. V2. All construction shall comply with the latest U.S. Department of labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and Virginia Occupational Safety & Health (VOSH) Rules and Regulations. V3. When working within VDOT right -of -way, all traffic control, whether permanent or temporary, shall be in accordance with the current edition of VDOT's Work Area Protection Manuel. Furthermore, all traffic control floggers moat be certified in accordance with Section 105.14(a) of the VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications, V4 The developer shall be responsible for relocating, at his expense, any and all utilities, including traffic signal poles, junction brute., controllers, etc., owned by VDOT or private / public utility companies. It le the sale responsibility of the developer to locate and identify utility facilities or items that may be in conflict ns with the proposed cotruction activity. VDOT approval of these plane does not indemnify the developer from this responsibility. V5. Design features relating to field construction, regulations, and control or safety of traffic may be subject to change as deemed necessary by VDOT. Any additional expense incurred as a result of any field revision shall be the reeponeild ity of the developer. V8. Prior to initiation of work, the contractor shall be responsible for acquiring all necessary VDOT land use permits for any work within VDOT right -of -way. V7. H required by the local VDOT Residency Office, a pre - construction conference shall be arranged and held by the engineer and /or developer with the attendance of the contractor, various County agencies, utility companies and VDOT prior to initiation of work. V8. The contractor shall notify the local VDOT Residency Office when work is to begin or cease for any e. es and shall receive 48 hours advance notice prior to required undetermined length of time. VDOT requires p .0.y q or requested inspection. be responsible for maintaining adequate access, to the project from the a ent public V9. The contractor shall n entrance aning q p 1 Section p roadway is a construction entrants that Is contracted and maintained in accordance with Section led of the Virginia hall b and Sediment Control Handbook. Furthermore, recess to other properties ite.ted he this project shell be maintained through construction. The Developer shall hove, within the limits of the project, an employee certified by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (VDCR) in Erosion and Sediment Control who shall inspect erosion and al tation control devices and measures on a continuous basis for proper installation and operation. Deficiencies shall be promptly rectified. V10. Contractor shall ensure adequate drainage is achieved and maintained on the site during and at the end of c.nstruction. Fit All water and sewer fines within existing or proposed VDOT right -of -way, shall have a minimum thirty -six (36) inches cover, and when possible shall be installed under roadway drainage facilities at conflict points. V12. Any unusual subanol .. conditions (e.g., unsuitable oils, spring., sinkholes, vaids, eaves, t..) a n Countered during the coure, of construction shall be immediately brought to the attention of the engineer and VDOT. Work shall canes in that vicinity until an adequate design Can be determined by the engineer and approved by VDOT. V13. All fill areas, borrow material and undercut areas shall be inspected and approved by a VDOT representative pri or to placement and fill. Where CBR testing I. required, a VDOT representative shall be present to inure the sample obtained M representative of the location. When soil samples arc submitted to private laboratories for testing, the samples shall be clearly identified and labeled as belonging to a project to be accepted by VDOT and that testing shall be performed in accordance with all applicable VDOT standards and procedures. V14. All roadway fill, base, aubgrade material, and backfill In utility /storm sewer trenches shall be compacted in six (6) inch lifts to 95% of theoretical maximum density as determined by AASHTO T -99 Method A, within plus or minus 2% of optimum moisture for the full width of any dedicated street right -of -way. At the direction of VDOT, density tests shall be performed by a qualified independent agency I. accordance with VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications. Certified copies of test report. shall be submitted to VDOT daily, unless specified otherwise. V15. VDOT Standard CD and UD underdrain shall be Installed where indicated on these plans and /or as specified by VDOT. Vill. The installation of any entrances and mailboxes within any dedicated street right -of -way shall meet VDOT .late- design standards end is the responsibility of the developer. V17. Prior to VDOT acceptance of any streets, all required street signage and /or pavement markings shall be installed by the developer or, at VDOT's discretion, by VDOT on an account receivable basis following the Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices. V18. The developer .hall provide the VDOT Residency Office with a list of all material sour s prior to the start of construction. Copies of all invoice. for materials utilized within any dedicated street right -of -way meet be provide to to the local VDOT Residency Office prior to acceptance of the work. Unit and total price. may be r . V19. Aggregate bee. and subbsse material. shall be placed on anbgrade by means of a mechanical spreader. Density will be determined using the density central strip in accordance with Section 304 of the VOGT Road and Bridge Specifications and VTM -10. A certified compaction technician shall perform these test.. Certified copies of test reports shall be submitted to VDOT daily, unless specified otherwise. In addition to checking atone depth., a VDOT representative shall be notified and given the opportunity to be present during the construction and testing of the density control strip. V20. Asphalt concrete pavements shall be placed in accordance with Section 315 of the VDOT Road and Bridge Specification.. Density shall be determined using the density control strip as, specified in Section 315 and VTM -78. A certified compaction technician shall perform these testa. Certified copies o[ teat report. shall be submitted to VDOT daily, unless specified otherwise. A VDOT representative ahall be notified and given the opportunity to be present during the construction and testing of the control strip. V21.In accordance with Section 302.03, the foundations for pipe culverts thirty-six (36) inches and larger .hall he explored below the bottom f the excavation to determine the type and condition of the foundation. The contractor shall report findings of foundation exploration to the engineer and VDOT for approval prior to placing pipe. Foundation design shall comply with VDOT Road and Bridge Standard PB -1. Where soft, yielding, or otherwise unsuitable foundation is encountered, the foundation design and/or need for foundation stabilization shall be determined by the engineer and approved by VDGT. V22. The foundations for all box culverts shall be investigated by means of exploratory borinpa advanced below proposed foundation elevation to determine the type and condition of the foundation. The contractor shall submit copies of borehole loge and report findings of foundation exploration to the engineer and VDOT for approval prior to constructing box. Foundation designs shall comply with VDOT Road and Bridge Standard PB -1. Contrary to the Standard, where rock is encountered and cast -fn -glace box is proposed, the thickness of holding shall be at. (6) inches. Where soft, yielding, or otherwise uneuftell. foundation id encountered, the foundation design and/or need for foundation etabfliaation shall be determined by the engineer and approved by VDOT. V23. Approval of these plane shall expire five (5) years from the date of the approval letter. V24.VDOT Standard CG -12 Curb Ramps shall be installed where indicated on these plans and /or as, specified by VDOT. V25.VDOT Standard Guardrail shall be installed where warmusi and/or as proposed on theme plane in accord ... a with VDDT's installation criteria. Final approval of the guardrail layout to be given by VDOT after grading is mostly complete. Rev. January 9, 2009 SEQUENCE OF EROSION CONTROL 1. Mark limits of clearing. 2. Install Siit Fence (SF) at downslope limits of clearing and Install Time Protection (TP) at up.l.p. limits of clearing. 4. Install Culvert Inlet Protection (CIP) at existing culvert in Dickerson Road. 5. Install Paved Construction Entrance (CE) and Type III Barricade. 6. Clear trees. 7. Install Sediment Trap (ST) and Diversion Dike (DD). 8. Strip and stockpile topsoil. 9. Grade entrance drive. 10. Install Check Doms (CD) on both sides of entrance drive. 11. Install Construction Road Stabilization (CRS). 12. Install Temporary Slope Drain (TSD) and Outlet Protection (OP). 13. Grade remainder of site, 14. Install Fill Diversion (FD). 18. Install Temporary Seeding (TS). 19. Install Topsoil (TO), Permanent Seeding (PS) and Mulch (MU). 20. Install bioretention basin and plantings. 21. Upon approval of E &SC Administrator, remove sediment and temporary erosion control measures. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Prior to any construction within any existing public right -of -way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horzoatol.vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be achieved. 6. Paved, rip rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. S. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe -Class III. 9. Ail excavation for underground pipe Installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926), GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANS 1. The plan approving authority most be notified one week prior to the pre - construction conference, one week prior to the commencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. 2. Ail erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR 625 -02 -00 Erosion and Sediment Central Regulations. 3. Ali erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing. 4. A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. & Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans (including, but not limited to, off -site borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by 6. The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion contra) measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing 'vities and during site 7. All disturbed areas are to drain to approved s g g acG g during meat until final tiobilizwate is achieved. 8. Duringpd..tering operations, water will central pumped into an approved filtering device. 9. contractor shall ;..past ill erosion control measures erosion con and after shah runoff- r imme tely. l event. An necessa The maintain periodically P 9 Y rY .pairs or cleanup to k nfr the effectiveness of the er borr co trot devices shall be mods immediately. 10. All fill material to be s taken from an approved, ed wasted area. w area. 11. All waste materials shall be taken to an approved waste area. Earth fill shall be inert materials only, free of roots, stumps, wood, 12. Borrow, or waste areas are to be reclaimed within 7 days of completion per Zoning Ordinance section 5.1.28. 13. All inert materials shall be transported in compliance with section 13 -301 of the Code of Albemarle, 14. Borrow, 811 or waste activity involving industrial -type power equipment shall be limited to the hours of 7:00am to 9:00pm. 15. Be"-, fill or waste ..tivity hall be conducted in a safe manner than maintains lateral support, or order to minimize an az hard to persons, physical damage to adjacent land and improvements, and damage to any public street because o slides, sinking, or collapse. 16. The developer she)] reserve the right to install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent stormwater management facilities where applicable all erosion control measures required by this plan regardless of the sale of any lot, unit, building or other portion of the Property. 17. Temporary stabilization shall be temporary seeding and mulching. Seeding is to be at 75 Ibs /acre, and In the months of September to February to consist o 50/50 mx of Annual Ryegross and Cereal Winter Rye, or in March and April to consist of Annual Rye, or May through August to consist of German Milled. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs /100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion central inspector. 18. Permanent stabilization shall be time and fertilizer, permanent seeding, and mulch. Agricultural grade limestone shall be applied at 9011s /1000sf, incorporated into the top 4 -6 inches of soil. Fertilizer shall be applied at 1000lbs /acre and consist of a 10 -20 -10 nutrient mix. Permanent seeding shall be applied at 1801bs /acre and consist of 95% Kentucky 31 or Tall Fescue and 0 -5% Perennial Ryegrass or Kentucky Bluegrass. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs /1009f. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. 19. Maintenance: Al measures are to be inspected weekly and after each rainfall. Any damage or clogging to structural measures is to be repair immediately.Silt traps are to be cleaned when 50% of the wet storage volume is filled with sediment. All seeded areas re to be reseeded when necessary to achieve a good stand of grass. Silt fence and diversion dykes which are collecting sediment to half their height must be cleaned and repaired immediately. 20. All temporary erosion and sediment central measures are to be removed within 30 days of final site stabilization, when measures are no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector. 21. This plan shall be void if the owner does not obtain a permit within i year of the date of approval. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17- 204G.) 22. Permanent vegetation shall be installed on all denuded areas within nine (9) months after the date the land disturbing activity commenced. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17 -207B) All dams and constructed fill to be within 959 of maximum dry density and moisture content. All 811 material to be approved by a geotechoical engineer. Geotechnical engineer is to be present during construction of dame. Pipe and riser joints are to be watertight within stormwater management facilities. For temporary sediment traps or basins which are to be converted to permanent management facilities; conversion is not to take place until the site is stabilized, permission has been obtained from the County erosion control inspector. SEEDING & MULCHING TABLE ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT SEEDING WITHIN 7 DAYS FOLLOWING FINISH GRADING, SEEDING SHALL BE DONE ACCORDING TO STANDARD & SPECIFICATION 3.31 TEMPORARY OR 3.32 PERMANENT SEEDING, OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK AND DCR TECHNICAL BULLETIN #4. APPLICATION RATES FOR MULCH. FERTILIZER, LIMESTONE AND SEEDING MIXTURE SHALL BE AS INDICATED BELOW. TEMPORARY PERMANENT SPECIES LBS /ACRE SPECIES LBS /ACRE ANNUAL RYEGRASS & CEREAL RYE 50 -100 KENTUCKY 31 FESCUE 128 ANNUAL RYE GRASS 60 -100 RED TOP GRASS 2 GERMAN MILLET 50 SEASONAL NURSE CROP* 20 TOTAL 160 -250 TOTAL 150 Z p -USE SEASONAL NURSE CROP AS INDICATED BELOW ❑ SEPT. lot - FEB. 15th ANNUAL RYE & CEREAL RYE ❑ MAR. - MAY 15th ANNUAL RYE ❑ FEB. 16th - APR. 30th ANNUAL RYEGRASS ❑ MAY 16th - AUG. 15th FOXTAIL MILLET ❑ MAY lot - AUG. 31s1, GERMAN MILLET ❑ AUG. 16th - OCT. ANNUAL RYE ❑ NOV. - FEB. WINTER RYE FERTILIZER: 10 -10 -10 0 450 LBS /ACRE (10 LBS /1,000 SF) FERTILIZER: 10 -20 -10 0 500 LBS /ACRE (12 LBS /1,000 SF) PULVERIZED AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE 2 TONS /ACRE (90 LBS /1,000 SF) PULVERIZED AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE: 2 TONS /ACRE (90 LOS/1,000 SF) ORGANIC MULCH MATERIALS AND APPLICATION RATES VESCH TABLE 3.35 -A RATES MULCHES PER ACRE PER 1000 SF NOTES: 1i - 2 TONS 70 - 90 Ibs. FREE FROM WEEDS AND COARSE MATTER. MUST BE ANCHORED. STRAW OR HAY (MIN. 2 TONS FOR SPREAD WITH MULCH BLOWER OR BY HAND WINTER COVER) FIBER MULCH MINIMUM 35 its. DO NOT USE AS MULCH FOR WINTER COVER OR DURING HOT, DRY 1500 lbs. PERIODS.* APPLY AS SLURRY CORN STALKS 4 - 6 tons 185 - 275 Ibs. CUT OR SHREDDED IN 4 -6° LENGTHS. AIR DRIED. DO NOT USE IN FINE TURF AREAS. APPLY WITH MULCH BLOWER OR BY HAND. FREE OF COARSE MATTER, AIR- DRIED. TREAT WITH 12 Ibs. WOOD CHIPS 4 - 6 tons 185 - 275 Its. NITROGEN PER TON. DO NOT USE IN FINE TURF AREAS. APPLY WITH MULCH BLOWER, CHIP HANDLER, OR BY HAND. BARK CHIPS OR 50 - 70 c.y. 1 - 2 c "y. FREE OF COARSE MATTER. AIR - DRIED. DO NOT USE IN FINE TURF SHREDDED BARK AREAS. APPLY WITH MULCH BLOWER, CHIP HANDLER, OR BY HAND * WHEN FIBER MULCH IS THE ONLY AVAILABLE MULCH DURING PERIODS WHEN STRAW SHOULD BE USED, APPLY AT A MINIMUM RATE OF 2000 Ibs. /ac. OR 45 lbs. /1000 sq, ft. s -6' MAX - EXCAVATE 4" X 4" TRENCH UPSLOPE OF STAKEUNE. - ATTACH FENCE MATERIAL AND EXTEND INTO AND ALONG BOTTOM OF TRENCH. - BACKFILL AND COMPACT EXCAVATED SOIL. SILT FENCE (SHEET FLOW PROTECTION} XTS TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP NTS TOP WIDTH 0' IGINAL GROUND ELEV. IoASIABI F DRY STORAGE 2.1 WET STORAGE CROSS- SECTION AT OUTLET HEIGHT CLEAN UT LEVEL EDGE OF PAVEMENT GRAVEL_... HC[ BE, Qrlfvh. s. HLLU, �Z6,#J GR +{5 OF *DISTANCE 15 6' MIN. IF FLOW IS TOWARD EMBANKMENT GRAVEL CULVERT INLET PROTECTION 3.f -CIP NTS FLOW -•- q: / 2.5' r VDOT #3, #357, #5, J56 OR #57 COARS LTER LASS I AGGREGATE TO REPLACE SILT FENCE IN FABRIC RIPRAP "HORSESHOE" WHEN HIGH VELOCITY OF FLOW IS EXPECTED CULVERT INLET PROTECTION STONE COMBINATION NTS ® EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN EDITION IDate: OCT 2012 Scale: AS NO "fE7 Designed by:EHB /TBF C- -- 1 Drawn by: HTBF Checked by: NWB a 1�1 fit r� (Y !. M E !WI o W w v Q7 � N �J N I in 1 m a m N g S " w z 0 a yl�OlI1IA Ag3� x0 x a co H oN V O ��9 Revision Dates 14 -9 -13 TOPO ADDED 6 -28 -13 CO COMMENTS B -15 -13 CO COMMENTS AJA8-28-13 CO COMMENTS J a F- w O LAJ Q W O M - Q _ In W tT CJ F_ 04 Z ~� a a = , �> W U� J J O 0 zJw Z -r 0 w H zr J 0-M SJ Q ELI 0 tw = a Z p Z UJ F- Z M Q Q Drawing No. 3 of 4 Sheets Job No. 21677 DO 90 9 +00 10 +00 11 +00 ROUTE 606 - 35 MPH ENTRANCE SIGHT DISTANCE PROFILE A SCALE: HORZ 1' =20' VERT 1' =4' / SEDIMENT TRAP TABLE ® 520 Sri ST2 i -i �- 520 / 521.0_ 57 / I \ / 518.0 \ DD s DRAINAGE AREA AC OUTLET LENGTH 0.83 6 0.43 6 7 1 HEIGHT 2.0 1.5 .5 TOP WIDTH 2.0 2.0 .S TOP ELEVATON vio 519.0 4 .5 BOTTOM W IDTH 29' AVG 6.8' AVG 2 BOTTOM LENGTH 67'AVG 92 390' BOTTOM ELEVATION O 515.0 0 +� �x 1,501 778 3 1 MIN. DRY STORAGE CF 1,101 778 A TCIP WETSTORAGE ELEV. 519.0 O 6W Mwdt 4 0 TOP DRY STORAGE E. 520.0 518.0 4 5 rz w 2.0 2A PVI STA =0 +68.59 EX Q?A 7E a �' DI ERSON_ROAD_ -AND -U1NE i K =16.67 -_.__ / �`•� - mm mm _- i ICKERSON INTERSECTION 115 FINISHED ENTRANCE 1 GRADE OF • FROM EX. mo / EX av >o a 4 00 ,�____ \ \ _ -- -__ _ - - -- _ N EX CRAOE� �•\/ / _______ __ ___ ___ _ __ __ _ _- _ -_ / m / �xo FINISHED GRADE o / i -i �- 520 / 521.0_ 57 / I \ / 518.0 \ DD s DRAINAGE AREA AC OUTLET LENGTH 0.83 6 0.43 6 7 1 HEIGHT 2.0 1.5 .5 TOP WIDTH 2.0 2.0 .S TOP ELEVATON 521.0 519.0 4 .5 BOTTOM W IDTH 29' AVG 6.8' AVG 2 BOTTOM LENGTH 67'AVG 92 4 BOTTOM ELEVATION 518.0 515.0 0 MIN. WET STORAGE CF 1,501 778 3 1 MIN. DRY STORAGE CF 1,101 778 A TCIP WETSTORAGE ELEV. 519.0 5175 4 0 TOP DRY STORAGE E. 520.0 518.0 4 5 SIDE SLOPE X 2.0 2A 510 ry + 518.0 BOTTOM ' 5 .0 / I O o / 9.0 6' OUTLET / 21 500 SEDLb1ENT TRAP1A TO SCALE 490 500 Date: OCT 2012 Scale: AS NOTED Designed by:EHB/TBF Drawn by: EHB/TBF Checked by: NWB U a �a 490 a n E 12 +00 13 +00 14 +00 W J.- N N o W" c x1 c _ L� m iO V N I 0 W C e m 6 � � ° o 5 `_ - o +oo \ 19.0 + - -� 2:1 + _ _ 19.0 + 6' STONE OUTLET 0 WHOM r {W4.5 TOP ' SCALE: 1" = 10' 1 +00 2 +00 ENTRANCE PROFILE A SCALE: HORZ 1' =20' VERT 1' =4• NEW HOPE CHURCH REPLACEMENT DETAIL FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN EDITION SHEET 4 OF 4 \ 96.0 \ \ \ 93.5 4.5 T A E 4.5 TOP � � I CULVERT INLET PROTECTI REVISED 9 -5 -2013 / SCALE: 1" = 10' WET STORAGE REMOVED 52 ` F+� WN° � J_ -9 -13 TOPO ADDED _ zJ. o a 8 -15 -13 CO COMMENTS 510 1n 0 0 CL W1h-- O = y W OI U =) ~N Z �N Q 4G�IA add -J 4 a- LLj Q 2J fV) = v o Ld 3 ado J w Cl a 1 y MO " Z3 Z c=D O p lVVyt'03 44 H / LOW PT STA =0 +18.59 a LOW PT ELEV= 497.16 i PVI STA =0 +68.59 PA ELEV= 499.16 i K =16.67 _ 100.00' VC - mm HD= 117.52' i O adn mo / N N EX CRAOE� �•\/ / 8m / m / FINISHED GRADE o / a 5 `_ - o +oo \ 19.0 + - -� 2:1 + _ _ 19.0 + 6' STONE OUTLET 0 WHOM r {W4.5 TOP ' SCALE: 1" = 10' 1 +00 2 +00 ENTRANCE PROFILE A SCALE: HORZ 1' =20' VERT 1' =4• NEW HOPE CHURCH REPLACEMENT DETAIL FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN EDITION SHEET 4 OF 4 \ 96.0 \ \ \ 93.5 4.5 T A E 4.5 TOP � � I CULVERT INLET PROTECTI REVISED 9 -5 -2013 / SCALE: 1" = 10' WET STORAGE REMOVED 52 ` F+� WN° � J_ -9 -13 TOPO ADDED _ zJ. o a 8 -15 -13 CO COMMENTS 510 1n 0 0 CL W1h-- O = y W OI U =) ~N Z �N Q 4G�IA add -J 4 a- LLj Q 2J fV) = v o Ld 3 ado J w Cl a 1 y MO " Z3 Z c=D O p lVVyt'03 44 H 500 Revision Dates J_ -9 -13 TOPO ADDED 6 -26 -13 CO COMMENTS 8 -15 -13 CO COMMENTS 8-28-13 CO COMMENTS 3 +00'V () W J_ LA- O 1n 0 0 CL W1h-- O = y W OI U =) ~N Z �N Q 5 Q = I J> -J w " a- LLj Q 2J fV) = v o Ld 3 ado J w pww xN Q Z3 Z c=D O Lu zM H a Drawing No. 4 of 4 Sheets EROSION AND SEDIMENT drab No. 2ts7 CONTROL PLAN EDITION