HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-03-15
1:00 P.M.
March 15, 1993
Room 7, County Office Building
Work Session - 1993-94 County BudJ!et
1) Call to Order.
2) BudJ!et Work Session:
1: 00 - Budget Overview - Robert Tucker, Jr. - Page 1
1: 10 - Board of Supervisors, Ella Carey - Page 28
1:15 - County Executive, Robert Tucker, Jr. - Page 30
1: 20 - Personnel, Carole Hastings - Page 32
1: 30 - Legal Services, George S1. John - Page 34
1:35 - Finance, Melvin Breeden - Page 36
1: 45 - Information Services, Fred Kruger - Page 48
1: 55 - Board of Elections, James Heilman - Page 50
2:00 - Circuit Court, Jean Easton - Page 54
2: 05 - General District Court, Sterling Hudson - Page 56
2:10 - Magistrate, D. D. Hudson - Page 57
2:10 - Juvenile Court, Ann Patton - Page 58
2: 15 - Clerk of the Circuit Court, Shelby Marshall - Page 60
2:20 - Commonwealth's Attorney, James Camblos - Page 62
2: 30 - Sheriff, Terry Hawkins - Page 64
2: 40 - Police, John Miller - Page 68
2: 55 - Emergency Operations Center, Wayne Campagne - Page 80
3:05 - BREAK
3:20 - Fire-Rescue Volunteer Coordinator, Carl Pumphrey - Page 82
3: 25 - Jefferson Country Fire & Rescue, John Hood - Page 92
- City of Charlottesville, Julian Taliaferro - Page 95
3:35 - Joint Security Complex, Albert Tumminia - Page 96
3: 45 - Inspections, Jesse Hurt - Page 98
3:55 - Community Attention, Paul McWhinney - Page 101 (P19)
4:05 - Juvenile Detention Home, Robert Tucker, Jr. - Page 100
- SPCA, Robert Tucker - Page 102
4:15 - Offender Aid & Restoration, Pat Smith - Page 103 (P29)
4:25 - Engineering/Solid Waste, Jo Higgins - Page 106
- Water Resources Management - Page 110
4: 35 - Staff Services, A1 Waugaman - Page 112
3) Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD.
4) Adjourn to March 17, 1993, at 1:00 P.M.
() Program Review
Edward H. B n, Jr.
Samuel Mill r
Office of Board of Supervisors
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596
(804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060
"arrest R. Marshall. Jr.
Charles S. Martin
Charlotte Y.
Jack Jouett
Walter F. Perkins
White Hall
March 16, 1992
Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive
-r57._ I ! 1/1 _
Ella W. Carey, Clerk, CMC r_uv~
March 16, 1992
Budget Work Session, March 15, 1993
was decided that the Board would make a decision on each budget item as
at item was discussed by taking an actual vote on any suggested changes. No
em will go on the reconsideration list just at the request of one member.
. Bain asked for some statistics in the way of employees, population growth,
crease in school population, local contribution to the school system, etc.,
st on the last three or four years. All of this is related to a statement
de by a Pam starling at the preliminary budget hearing on March 10. A copy
her statement was requested to be mailed to the Board members.
s. Humphris read a sentence from a statement made by the Coalition on Tax
ity: "To make whatever adjustment is necessary to reduce and contain the
st of government so that it's budgetary growth does not exceed the overall
te of inflation adjusted to accommodate the increase in population." She
ked for figures on this statement.
Board of Supervisors - No change recommended.
County Executive - No change recommended.
Personnel - No change recommended.
County Attorney - No change recommended.
Finance Department-All Divisions - No change recommended.
Information Services - No change recommended.
Circuit Court - No change recommended.
."'.-' --.
M mo To: Robert W. Tucker, Jr.
D tel March 16, 1993
P ge 2
General District Court - No change recommended.
Magistrate - No change recommended.
Juvenile Court - No change recommended.
Clerk of the Circuit Court - No change recommended.
Board of Elections - Add Part-time Assistant @ $4,655
Add Courier bags @ $400
Add Terminal to hook to state system @ $450
Commonwealth's Attorney - Add $1200 for Trial Advocacy Course
Sheriff - Add $8977 for Part-time Secretary
Add $7200 for High band Radios
Police - Add $71,096 for 1 Traffic Officer with Motorcycle
Add $52,670 for 1 Patrol Officer
Add $8115 for Property Clerk
Add $51,240 for 1 Narcotics Investigator
Add $3000 for Conflict Resolution Training
The Chief was requested to make a recommendation as to the items he
uld prefer to have funded if the Board decides to add money to the proposed
lice Department budget.
Animal Control - There is a typographical error on Page 78, in the
ntence reading "replace one truck", it should state "replace two trucks".
herwise, no change was recommended.
Emergency Operations Center - No change recommended.
Fire/Rescue Volunteer Coordinator - Add $565 for General Inspection
E ipment under Fire-Prevention category.
Add $1835 for Expanded Training under Fire/Rescue-Training category.
Mrs. Humphris suggested staff formulate figures to show how much it
c sts to operate fire/rescue functions with volunteers, and how much such an
o eration would cost using all paid staff, no volunteers.
Jefferson Country Fire and Rescue Association - Add $15,000 for Hepa-
is shots for all volunteer firemen in the County.
City Fire Department - No change recommended.
mo To: Robert W. Tucker, Jr.
March 16, 1993
Joint Security Complex - Change figures for Recomm column to $163,105.
ange figure for Increase column to $26,504. Delete $32,945 from Priority,
funded, since it is no longer necessary. otherwise, there was no change
Inspections - No change recommended.
Community Attention - No change recommended.
Juvenile Detention Home - Under Recomm column, change figure to $60,050.
o herwise, no change recommended.
SPCA (Animal Shelter) - No change recommended.
Offender Aid & Restoration - Add $5450 for third year salary increases
f r personnel.
Engineering - No change recommended.
Solid Waste Disposal - Status report on recycling is ready for Board
r view as soon as it can be put on an agenda for discussion.
Water Resources Management - No change recommended.
Staff Services - No change recommended.
Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda - It was suggested that staff try
arrange training for the real property assessors locally, maybe involving
me of the surrounding counties.
Board is having dinner brought in on Wednesday because of the time
of the two meetings.
The Board adopted a resolution declaring a local emergency in Albemarle
nty due to the Blizzard of '93. Resolution forwarded to the state Office
Emergency Services.
The Board adopted a resolution thanking all people who had helped during
th Blizzard of '93. A copy was sent to all 17 media people on the Board's
ma'ling list.
cc: Richard Huff
Roxanne White
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I would like to take this opportunity to briefly discuss the several items
WE have requested that do not appear in the County Executivels recommendations.
Bl t first, a word about our budget in general. I bel ieve that over the years
we have been frugal with the County's money. I doubt that you have ever heard
complaints about my bloated payroll or overly lush offices. Our costs have
always been driven by necessity, necessity spawned by a greatly expanded elec~
torate. When I took office in April 1987, County registration stood at 25,500;
by election day last fall, that figure was 37,200--an increase of 46 percent.
Ad~ to this the extra workload generated by local redistricting, federal
re~istricting, and a host of code changes increasing registrars' duties and
re~ponsibilities--and I can say without hesitation that you have gotten a lot
of mileage out of comparatively modest increases in our budget.
As for this year's budget request, you will note that the County
Ex~cutive's recommendation shows a 9.6% decrease overall from FY 92-93. This
in ludes a 25% decrease in operating costs and a 100% decrease in capital costs.
Th re are five items we requested that do not show up in this recommendation.
If you fully funded everything we requested, this budget would still show a 4.7%
de rease overall, a 25% decrease in operating costs and a 74% decrease in capi-
ta costs.
The requests we made that do not appear in the County Executivels baseline
relommendation are small--they total $5,685. With one exception, they are
es~ential. I would now like to briefly mention each of them in the order of
their urgency:
- W~ requested $450 to purchase an additional data entry terminal. All data
transactions and record inquiries that we do are entered on two terminals
dir~ctly hooked to the State Board of Elections in Richmond. The number of
transactions and inquiries that we process during election season has become so
gre~t that we are physically unable to handle them any longer on two terminals.
Las~ year, I was able to borrow a third terminal from the State Board of
Ele~tions. For several days, all three terminals were in use all day long and
intp the evening. I will not be able to borrow the State's again. This is the
mos critical need we have.
- WE requested $9,375 to hire a year-round half-time clerk. This would result
in n estimated savings to the County of $4,820 in reduced temporary and over-
timE costs, so the actual cost to the County would be $4,655 for this position.
As JOu may know, my current staff consists of one full-time assistant. I can It
pin~oint the time exactly, but I believe this full-time position was put on the
payroll around 1976 or 1977. A lot has changed since then. At election time in
1976 we had 20,600 registrants; in 1992 we had 37,200 (an 80% increase). In
1976 the registrar's office registered, changed, or deleted 9,500 registrants;
in 1992 that figure was 15,800 (a 66% increase). And that's not counting the
two ~o three thousand registrations we did for--and sent to--other Virginia
localities; those were not done at all in 1976. In 1976, 127 election officials
were recruited, trained, and utilized in 16 precincts on election daYi by 1992
that figure had jumped to 210 officials in 21 precincts (a 65% increase). And
stil I have only one year-round employee. State and federal mandates con-
cern ng voter registration grow each year and are reaching the point where I
cann t meet them with only one assistant, let alone meet my own personal goals
for I ur office such as expanding .permanent registration to County schools and
open ng our office for 9 hours a day instead of. the current 8. When preparing
my bldget, the Electoral Board strongly urged that I request a full-time per-
manert position, and they still feel that even a half-time person-Ts not enough.
(~ final note on this subject as it relates to the E-911 issue: Changing
over 15,000 rural addresses to street addresses both on the computer and on
in~ividual physical records is going to be a monumental task, because it all has
to be done manually. I believe someone told Mr. Bowerman that the County was
pa~ing to have this done for me. The only truth in that it is that the County
pa~s for my staffing, because I and my staff have to do it all. It's only going
to get done when I have the staffing to get it done.) The need for ~ addi-
tibnal staffing is urgent, and I am perplexed that this request is listed as a
"d~ferrab1e need". It's been deferred long enough.
- We requested $400 for bags for election officials. Here is a list of the
ma erials that election officials must take to and bring back from the polling
pl ces. It includes everything from pencils and pens to voting machine keys to
th official documents with the precinct results. It's a large list, more than
car be carried in each precinct's portable ballot box. Currently, each chief is
gi'en part of his materials in a paper bag. When the bags rip, we fix them with
ma'king tape. We think the importance of the materials being carried warrant a
be ter container. These permanent, sturdy bags cost about twenty dollars apiece
anc would serve this purpose well. At 21 precincts, that's about $420. This
"cepital cost expansion" was not recommended by the County Executive's office in
anj of the first three need categories.
- ~e requested $180 to buy one two-drawer file cabinet. Recent state law
Changes have added on to some record retention periods and have increased the
nurrber of documents that at one time the clerks kept but now we keep. On the
way out of the building, I invite you to come look in my office. Documents are
now filed in cardboard boxes, in open stacks, and under desks. The only outside
sto~age we have is one jail cell in the old County jail. It is virtually full.
We eel this is a modest request to provide a little more order and security to
our records.
- F nally, there is one item that is not an urgent need. I requested a salary
supl>lement. The General Assembly authorizes you to supplement my salary up to
10 llercent (which is $3.000); I only requested $1.000. I requested this because I
thil k I deserve it. I am the director of a department, yet my salary is less
thar the lowest-paid assistant director of any other department in general
govE rnment. I get no merit bonus; most County employees do. I believe I have
donE a good job. not just for the State but for the County. I know I have
done a lot for the County above and beyond the call of duty; take the 1991
redistricting plan for instance. I would not want to try to count the number of
overtime hours I put in last fall--I know it was well over 100--as I do every
fall; for these I get paid nothing. Last year I asked for a supplement for the
first time and provided a four-page letter to Mr. Tucker documenting my reasons
for ~sking. I will not take your time by going over all the points I made in
that letter. But I do ask, as you are considering scale adjustments, merit
pool~, compression adjustments, etc. for the others that work in this building,
that you consider me as well.
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March l5, 1993
emarle County Board of Supervisors
4 1 McIntire Rd.
C arlottesville, Virginia 22901
ar members of the Board of Supervisors:
On behalf of the Albemarle Law Enforcement Association, I would like to formally support the
pr posed Police Department budget as presented by Chief John Miller and the salary compression
in'tiative proposed by Mr. Tucker at the Joint Board meeting of March 3rd. We believe that both
o these are necessary for the well-being of our community.
The current proposed budget for the Police Department is necessary for the Department to
k ep up with the growth of Albemarle County. We understand that certain cut backs are needed
d ring this time of financial difficulty. All of the County's departments are in need offunding for
ea h of their respective programs and services, and we support them in their efforts to provide
q ality service to the citizens of Albemarle County. This is what our goal is as well - to provide
th best law enforcement services to the community as we are able to do so. Obviously, as
Al emarle County continues to grow, more and more resources are required to provide the same
a ount of service. For this reason, we thank the Board for supporting the Comprehensive
G owth Plan in the past and hope that the Board continues to support the Plan for the upcoming
fis al year.
We also wholeheartedly support Mr. Tucker's salary compression initiatives. The salary
compression issue has been around for a long time and is not department specific. This problem
te ds to decrease morale and makes it more difficult to attract and retain quality employees. We
su port any initiative to correct the current situation.
The Albemarle Law Enforcement Association understands what a large and difficult task lies
a ead of the Board. There are many pressing needs throughout local government. We hope that
t e Board will not take a step back when it comes to our communities' law enforcement needs.
Scott Parker
c All members of the Board
the County of Albemarle was declared a local disaster area
on March 14, 1993 due to blizzard conditions of major
proportion; and
many citizen volunteers, utility companies, the Red
Cross, and state and County employees provided unselfish
and extraordinary service to the citizens of Albemarle
County during this blizzard;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, wishes to thank the above
listed groups for their untiring and continued
contribution to this community.
* * * * *
I, Ella W. Carey, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing
a true, correct copy of a resolution unanimously adopted by the
ard of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia at an adjourned
eting held on March 15, 1993.
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Ella W. Carey, Clerk
Albemarle County Board
of Super
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Edward H. B n, Jr.
Samuel Mill r
Office of Board of Supervisors
401 Mcintire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
(804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060
Forrest R. Marshall. Jr.
Charles S. Martin
Charlotte Y. umphris
Jack Jouett
Walter F. Perkins
While Hall
March 16, 1993
D partment of Emergency Services
3 0 Turner Road
R'chmond, Virginia 23225-6591
Mr. George Foresman
Mr. Foresman:
Enclosed is a resolution adopted by the Albemarle Board of
unty Supervisors on March 15, 1993, declaring a local emergency
i Albemarle County due to the heavy snow fall, extreme cold and
wind storms over the last weekend.
If there is any further information required, you may
ntact the County Executive, Robert W. Tucker, Jr., at this same
~y y~urs.
Lettie E. Ne r
Chief Deputy Clerk
Mr. Kaye Hardin
Emergency Services Coordinator
Robert W. Tucker, Jr.
County Executive
Printed on recycled paper
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
V"rginia, does hereby find that:
Due to the heavy snow fall, extreme cold and wind storms,
Albemarle County is experiencing wide spread power outage
situations. These conditions have caused such peril to
life and property as to necessitate the proclamation of
the existence of an emergency;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that effective 5:00 A.M., March
1 , 1993, an emergency now exists throughout said County;
AND FURTHER RESOLVED that during the existence of said
e ergency the powers, functions and duties of the Director of
E ergency Services and the Emergency Services Functions, as
o tlined in the Integrated Charlottesville City, Albemarle County
a d University of Virginia Emergency Operations Plan, shall be
t ose prescribed by State law and the ordinances, resolutions and
a proved plans of Albemarle County in order to mitigate the effects
o said emergency.
D ted:
March 15, 1993
David . owerman, Chairman
Albemarle County Board of
A test:
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Albemarle Cou
Board of Supervisor
Commonwealth of Virginia