HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201500066 Review Comments Preliminary Plat 2015-05-20�pF A
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
Project: Wayland's Ridge- Preliminary Subdivision Plat
Plan preparer: Shimp Engineering, P.C.
Owner or rep.: Frank, Ann Jarman & Walter M Jarman JR & George Burton Jarman
Plan received date: 21 Apr 2015
Date of comments: 20 May 2015
Reviewer: Michelle Roberge
Engineering has completed the review for application SUB201500066. Please address the
following comments. The comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional
comments may be added or eliminated based on further review.
Condition of approval for Preliminary Subdivision Plat:
1) Entrance is crossing preserved slopes. This is okay without a rezoning if we find there is no
reasonable alternative. Confirm with VDOT.
2) Verify the ditch line is running north adjacent to Crozet Ave. I recommend this resolved now so
you are not proposing a grass swale next to another ditch. This will impact design of the channel to
the biofilter. Also, clarify how the pipe outlet at entrance will be conveyed into the grass channel.
It appears to be uphill.
3) Provide more backyard for lots 4 -6. Cut slope back.
4) Clarify grading and drainage for lots 10 -15 and 17 -19. It appears runoff will flow towards homes
and into the garage. Are you providing trench drains at end of driveway before the garage?
Driveway grading should be away from garage and pitched to one side. This is typical
construction. For example lot 10 and lot 20 with a crown does not work well. Revise.
5) Clarify type of dwelling. This may help resolve comment #4.
6) Grass channel is a BMP facility. This should be off lots. Create a special lot or show in open space
for grass channel. Another option is to provide a normal Swale just to convey runoff with inlets at
every 3 lots. This will not be counted for quality.
7) Label road as public.
8) Show conceptual pre - treatment area. This is to verify you have enough room for BMP.
Engineering Review Comments
Page 2 of 2
9) Location of biofilters will work better on the other side of the road. I recommend to relocate. I also
recommend resolving this at the preliminary stage to verify there is enough room for the BMPs
with the proposed number of lots.
Otherwise, address concerns listed below prior to the approval of the preliminary plat:
a)Verify there is enough room for the embankment.
b) The standards states no more than 1' ponding for biofilters. In cases of larger storm events
verify that it can bypass biofilter. Runoff should not overtop embankment and spill into road B.
c)Avoid short circuiting. See location of pipes into biofilter.
10) Both future extensions will need to be verified by planning to clarify how the R/W should be
shown around the cul -de -sac.
Address for Final Subdivision Plat:
(Additional comments may be added or eliminated based on further review)
1) Lot 10 -16 driveways should not exceed 16%
2) Proposed contours should be 2' contours.
3) Show CG -6 around cul -de -sac to avoid runoff towards retaining wall.
4) Show retaining wall design. Any walls supporting roads require engineered plans (not generic
manufacturer's details) and computations.
5) Verify classification of trail and provide a detail that meets Albemarle County Design Standards.
Trails should be in common areas, and maintained through neighborhood covenants or
private agreements. When not in common areas, all trails are required to have easements,
which must be a minimum of 10' wide. Concentrated runoff must not run across the trail and
where a nonpaved surface is used, trail breaks and erosion prevention measures must be used on
grades above 7% to prevent repeated washout of the surface.
6) Provide outlet protection at the end of culverts from biofilter.
Michelle Roberge
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County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Justin Shimp
From: Megan Yaniglos- Principal Planner
Division: Planning Services
Date: May 19, 2015
Subject: SUB2015 -066 Wayland's Ridge- Preliminary Subdivision Plat
The Planner for the Planning Services Division of the Albemarle County Department Community
Development will recommend approve the plan referred to above when the following items
have been satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those that have been
identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based
on further review.) [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle
County Code.]
1. [Section 2.2.3 Open Space; 4.7 Open Space Requirements] Cluster developments (Lots
less than 30,OOOsf) require a minimum of 25% open space. Not more than eighty
percent of the open space can be located within the flood plain. If open space is not
provided, lots must be a minimum of 30,OOOsf and have a minimum frontage of 100
Limitation on certain elements. If open space is required by this chapter, not more than
eighty (80) percent of the iuininunn required open space shall consist of the fallouig: (i)
land located i4qthin the one- hundred year flood plain: (ii) land subject to occasional,
coinnicii or fvgiient floodmg as defined in Table 16 Soil and Water Featlu•es of the
tiiuted States Department of Agricultrue Soil Conservation Sen-ice; Soil Survey of
Albemarle County, Virginia, August, 1955; (iii) critical or preserved slopes; and (iv) land
devoted to storini ater amnagenient facilities or flood control devices, except where the
facility or feature is incorporated into a pennanent pond, lake or other water feature
deeined by the agent to constitute a desirable open space amenity.
2. [Density Bonus] For the maintenance of wooded areas: Show where the areas are and
provide a conservation plan. The wooded areas must meet the definition in order to
qualify (see below). Also, state the calculations in the Area Summary table.
The wooded areas must be outside of the dedicated land to the County, as well as, not
within the proposed lots in order to assure maintenance.
97boded area, forested area: An area contairung one of the rn=iiun munber of trees of specified
size; or combinations thereof, from the Mousing table:
Diameter of Tree
Per One -
at Breast Hei jit
Half Acre
3A" - 4.9"
5A" - 6.9"
7.0" - 8.9"
9.0" - 10.9"
11.011- 12.9"
13.0 " -149"
15.0 '+
3. [Density Bonus] For the street trees: no easement is shown along the proposed roads,
provide the easement. Show the trees and provide the required information per 32.7.9.
4. [Density Bonus] The park land to be dedicated must be approved by the Board of
Supervisors. It was advised that the applicant take the proposal to the CCAC, did this
occur? What was the feedback from that meeting? If this has not been to the CCAC,
coordinate with me so that I can attend.
5. [14- 302(A)(3)] It appears that the right of way for Road 'B' will be extended to the
property lines, will this be dedicated to public use? If so, state "dedicated to public use"
and state the width. Also, the proposed cul -de -sacs are outside of the right of way.
They should be within the right of way.
6. [14 -422] Sidewalks must extend all around the proposed cul -de -sacs. Also, it appears
that the cul -de -sac is not within the right of way. Revise to have the cul -de -sac within
the right of way.
7. [14 -422] It appears that the proposed property lines are within the proposed sidewalks
and landscape strips. The landscape strips and sidewalks need to be within the right of
8. [14- 302(A)(7)] Show the existing property lines. This proposal is made up of two
separate parcels which must be shown, and if combining show the boundary line
adjustment land hooks.
9. [14- 302(A)(12)] The entrance is located within the preserved slopes, however the
entrance may need to be moved to provide less impacts to these slopes. Provide the
information required by VDOT to determine if the entrance is located in the best
possible location and cannot be moved to the south to lessen the impact.
C. �recessaii- public facilities. Public facilities tie cessat -v to allDiv the use of the lot,
provided that the lot does not contain adequate land area outside of the
preserved slopes to locate the public facilities and one or more of the follolving
exist: (1) the laud disturbing activity avoids impacts on other protected resour -ces
Stich as stream buffers or floodpla114 (ii) the alignment of the public facilities is
consistent with the alignment of public facilities depicted or described ui the
compreliensil�le plan; (iii) tlie disturbance is necessary to provide interconnection
required by the Code or the applicable regulations of other public entities; or (iV -)
prohibiting the facilities fi -cm being located on presen -ed slopes will cause all
unnecessary hardslup_ To the extent that public facilities are established Drs
preserved slopes, the presery-ed slopes should be preserved to the rnaxinrtuil
extent practicable consistent tv-itli the intent and purpose of this overlay district,
10. [14- 302(A)(14)] On the front cover it states that 4.56 acres dedicated to Albemarle
County. Does this include the park dedication and the right of way? If so, separate out
the two. If it is only intended to be the park area, then clarify if the dedication is 4.56
acres as stated on the front cover, or 1.6 as stated on sheet 2.
11. [14- 302(B)(7)] State that the property is within the Lickinghole Creek water supply
Please contact Megan Yaniglos at the Department of Community Development 296-
5832 ext. 3004 for further information.
Megan Yaniglos
From: Alex Morrison < amorrison @serviceauthority.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 8:11 AM
To: Megan Yaniglos
Cc: vfort @rivanna.org
Subject: FW: Wayland's Ridge - Preliminary Subdivision Plat
Attachments: Wayland's Ridge - RWSA GIS Map.pdf
Please see comments from RWSA below.
Alexander J. Morrison, EIT
Civil Engineer
Albemarle County Service Authority
168 Spotnap Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22911
(0) 434 - 977 -4511 Ext. 116
(F) 434 - 979 -0698
Like the ACSA on Facebook at www.facebook.com /acsaconnect
From: Victoria Fort [mailto:vfort @rivanna.org]
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 5:26 PM
To: ' amorrison @serviceauthority.org'
Subject: Wayland's Ridge - Preliminary Subdivision Plat
There was no county reviewer listed on the SRC Memo, so please forward this as necessary to the appropriate person.
RWSA has reviewed the preliminary subdivision plat for Wayland's Ridge as prepared by Shimp Engineering, P.C. and
dated 4/6/2015 and has the following comments for the engineer:
General Project Comments
A sewer Flow Capacity Certification will be required prior to final site plan approval.
Sheet C2 of 2
The existing RWSA 15" VCP sanitary sewer line is shown incorrectly. See attached GIS map for approximate
manhole locations.
2. Show the existing RWSA permanent sanitary sewer easement (30' wide, D.B. 829 P. 041)
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks a lot,
Victoria Fort, EIT
Civil Engineer
Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority
695 Moores Creek Lane
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(P): (434) 977 -2970 ext. 205
(F): (434) 295 -1146
56C � —L 56D- -OD -7;
O 56D - -OD-
_ O
Ej F1 56C OC -10 -0C -11 56D - -OD 9
56C - -OC -9 56D - -OD -8
CZI -MH- 101 `
56C -OC 8 —\ )
56C - -OC -7 CZI -MH- 102 I
-MH- I
56 -37A
CZI -MH- 104
C3 A
56 -36A
56 -35
56D;�OD -15
56D- -0D -16
56 -351
56 -35E \ 56 -35H
Wa land's Ridge -
Way land's
1 of 1
Created by: VF
Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority
695 Moores Creek Ln, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Date: 5/19/2015
(434) 977 -2970 www.rivanna.org
Subdivision Plat
Map data is provided by the RWSA, Albemarle
TMP 56 -36 & -36A
1 inch = 200 feet
County GDS, City of Charlottesville, ACSA, UVA
FM, and VGIN, Duplication of this data without
0 100 200 400
RWSA Engineering Department permission is
DiMm illil i UP ERXN5PURimiiv19
iv0 orange Ruau
C.Ip_p —, Vwyi -L 22701
Charles A. Kilpatrick, P.E.
May 11, 2015
ivis. iviegan Yani.los
Principal Planner
Cuu„ty of Albemarle
Department at Community Developttrcnt
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville. v A 22902
Re: SUB - 2015 -00066 Wayland's Ridge
Dear Ms. Yun;glos:
We have reviewed the Preliminary subdivision Plat rur Waylans'3 Ridge, as 5ubn,itted by Shimp
Engineering, dated April 67 2015 and offer the following comments:
1. A i;nc of sight pronle shouia be provides at the intersection of Road "A" and Crow
Ave. to ensure adequate night distance.
2. Right and left turn lane warrants should be provided.
3. The entrance Onto Crozet Ave. should be designed to meet Appendix B (1) of the
Road De5;gn Manual. A I2' ottbm and 4:1 taper should be provided, similar to the
"Corn .ercial Entice DeS;gns Along Highways with Shoulders ", figure 4 -y, in
Appendix r of the Road Dcsign Ma „ual.
4. Entrance radii should be labeled.
5. l he curb and gutter should be graphically shown on the .Ian view on sheet 2.
6. A minimum, 45' radius Should be used if a school bus is expected to use the cu[ -de-
sac. We , ccomrnenU coordi„atitrg with Ennergency Services and Albemarle
Engineering staff.
The following cOnnnents should be addressed in the Road clan submittal:
1. A Iine or 3,ght prows Should also be provided at the intenSection of Road "A” and
Road "%5" to ensure a clew, I ;nc of sight.
2. Ruuad:'wmerline profiles, storm profiles, stvrrrr computat;i-,n3 and =,,itary s,-.wet
prottle5 Should be pnovidea for review.
3. Tne waterline will need to be located outside of the wheel path.
4. The sturrnwatzz management plan and the etOSivn and sea;nnem control plan should
be submitted for review. i n;3 ...ay be 3ub.,,itted separately.
5. A peumit will be requited for the street connection as well us Lhe waterline connection
under Crozet Ave.,. %. Where puvr,nent exists, the petn,ittee shall byre_ push_ or jack
and maintain minimum cover of 36 inches.
6. A Maintenance of Traffic Plan (MOT) will be required with the ruwa plan suu,,,ittal.
7. Additional comments may be generatea during the Final Site Plan review.
If you need further info„►,µtiun concen,�„ g this project, u, it you wish tu schedule u meeting,
please do not hesitate to contact me at �434) 422 -9894.
Shelly A. Plaster
Lana Developme„ t Engineer
Cult.et.er Di3tri4t