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WPO201400013 Calculations 2014-02-17
STORM WATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS FOR FESTIV FARE February 17, 2014 LOCATION: Tax Map 77, Parcel 40N Albemarle County, Virginia PROPERTY OWNER & APPLICANT: Trem Commercial Rentals, LLC P.O. Box 818 Keswick, VA 22947 cL111 Lh , PREPARED BY: : .o Meridian Planning Group, LLC 1413 Sachem Place, Ste 1 .''' `f`" H Y RAY M i.:;.., 41 : ic. O._v;42 Charlottesville, VA 22901 434.882.0121 ;) t7 j �' '► . Notes: 1. Calculations for the existing Storm Water Management (SWM) Basin that is located on TMP 77-40P were approved in March, 1984 as part of the site plan for development on TMP 77-401. Subsequent developments along Broadway Street were not required to submit SWM calculations for this basin. 2. The topographic information for the conditions that existed prior to development on TMP 77-401 could not be found. For purposes of these calculations it was assumed that the overall drainage area was not significantly altered by the development of the parcels that drain to the SWM Basin. The pre-development flow path used to calculate the Time of Concentration was estimated for these calculations. DA-A CN Project: Festiv Fare DA-A: Pre-development Drainage Area 1. Runoff Curve Number(CN) Cover description CN Soil Group Area(Acre) Woods(Fair) 73 C 11.070 CN (weighted): 73.0 Total Area: 11.070 Acre 2. Time of Concentration (Tc) Curve Number: 76 Length of Flow: 909.00 ft Average Land Slope: 5.00 Time of Concentration: 0.248 hrs, 14.9 mins Page 1 DA-A 2 yr SCS SCS Hydrograph DA-A: 2-year Event Rainfall 3.7 in Peak Discharge (Qp) 19.41 cfs Time to Peak 12.20 hrs Time(hr) Flow(cfs) 10.40 0.05 10.50 0.09 10.60 0.10 10.70 0.11 10.80 0.14 10.90 0.18 11.00 0.22 11.10 0.28 11.20 0.33 11.30 0.40 11.40 0.48 11.50 0.56 11.60 0.68 11.70 0.79 11.80 1.90 11.90 3.67 12.00 6.72 12.10 12.86 12.20 19.41 12.30 16.75 12.40 9.36 12.50 6.05 12.60 4.34 12.70 3.46 12.80 2.97 12.90 2.62 13.00 2.43 13.10 2.20 13.20 2.04 13.30 1.88 13.40 1.73 13.50 1.64 13.60 1.54 13.70 1.47 13.80 1.38 13.90 1.28 14.00 1.23 14.10 1.17 14.20 1.14 14.30 1.09 Page 1 DA-A 2 yr SCS 14.40 1.04 14.50 1.01 14.60 0.96 14.70 0.93 14.80 0.88 14.90 0.83 15.00 0.81 15.10 0.80 15.20 0.80 15.30 0.80 15.40 0.80 15.50 0.78 15.60 0.74 15.70 0.71 15.80 0.70 15.90 0.69 16.00 0.69 16.10 0.69 16.20 0.69 16.30 0.69 16.40 0.69 1 6.50 0.70 16.60 0.70 16.70 0.70 16.80 0.66 16.90 0.61 17.00 0.59 17.10 0.59 17.20 0.59 17.30 0.59 17.40 0.59 17.50 0.59 17.60 0.59 17.70 0.59 17.80 0.59 17.90 0.59 18.00 0.57 18.10 0.53 18.20 0.49 18.30 0.48 18.40 0.48 18.50 0.47 18.60 0.47 18.70 0.47 18.80 0.47 18.90 0.47 19.00 0.48 19.10 0.48 19.20 0.48 Page 2 DA-A 2 yr SCS 19.30 0.48 19.40 0.48 19.50 0.48 19.60 0.48 19.70 0.48 19.80 0.48 19.90 0.48 20.00 0.46 20.10 0.42 20.20 0.38 20.30 0.37 20.40 0.36 20.50 0.36 20.60 0.36 20.70 0.36 20.80 0.31 20.90 0.23 21.00 0.20 21.10 Page 3 DA-A 10 yr SCS SCS Hydrograph DA-A: 10-year Event Rainfall 5.6 in Peak Discharge(Qp) 39.45 cfs Time to Peak 12.20 hrs Time (hr) Flow(cfs) 8.40 0.05 8.50 0.09 8.60 0.09 8.70 0.10 8.80 0.11 8.90 0.12 9.00 0.14 9.10 0.16 9.20 0.17 9.30 0.19 9.40 0.22 9.50 0.25 9.60 0.26 9.70 0.28 9.80 0.31 9.90 0.35 10.00 0.38 10.10 0.40 10.20 0.42 10.30 0.46 10.40 0.51 10.50 0.56 10.60 0.63 10.70 0.69 10.80 0.80 10.90 0.93 11.00 1.04 11.10 1.19 11.20 1.32 11.30 1.49 11.40 1.67 11.50 1.87 11.60 2.14 11.70 2.39 11.80 5.22 11.90 9.44 12.00 15.82 12.10 27.85 12.20 39.45 12.30 33.02 Page 1 DA-A 10 yr SCS 12.40 18.17 12.50 11.54 12.60 8.17 12.70 6.44 12.80 5.48 12.90 4.81 13.00 4.44 13.10 4.02 13.20 3.72 13.30 3.43 13.40 3.14 13.50 2.97 13.60 2.79 13.70 2.66 13.80 2.49 13.90 2.31 14.00 2.21 14.10 2.11 14.20 2.05 14.30 1.96 14.40 1.87 14.50 1.80 14.60 1.72 14.70 1.65 14.80 1.57 14.90 1.47 15.00 1.44 15.10 1.43 15.20 1.42 15.30 1.42 15.40 1.42 15.50 1.39 15.60 1.32 15.70 1.26 15.80 1.24 15.90 1.23 16.00 1.23 16.10 1.23 16.20 1.23 16.30 1.23 16.40 1.23 16.50 1.23 16.60 1.23 16.70 1.23 16.80 1.17 16.90 1.08 17.00 1.05 17.10 1.04 17.20 1.03 Page 2 DA-A 10 yr SCS 17.30 1.03 17.40 1.03 17.50 1.03 17.60 1.03 17.70 1.03 17.80 1.03 17.90 1.03 18.00 1.00 18.10 0.93 18.20 0.87 18.30 0.84 18.40 0.83 18.50 0.83 18.60 0.83 18.70 0.83 18.80 0.83 18.90 0.83 19.00 0.83 19.10 Page 3 DA-B CN Project: Festiv Fare DA-B: Post-development Drainage Area Runoff Curve Number and Runoff 1. Runoff Curve Number(CN) Cover description CN Soil Group Area(Acre) Open Space-Fair(50%to 75%grass) 79 C 5.280 Paved Streets w/Curbs&Sewers 98 C 5.790 CN (weighted): 88.9 Total Area: 11.070 Acre 2. Time of Concentration(Tc) Curve Number: 91 Length of Flow: 1320.00 ft Average Land Slope: 3.50% Time of Concentration:0.238 hrs, 14.3 mins Page 1 DA-B 2 yr SCS SCS Hydrograph DA-B: 2-year Event Rainfall 3.7 in Peak Discharge(Qp) 33.13 cfs Time to Peak 12.20 hrs Time(hr) Flow(cfs) 6.10 0.05 6.20 0.08 6.30 0.06 6.40 0.07 6.50 0.07 6.60 0.08 6.70 0.09 6.80 0.10 6.90 0.11 7.00 0.11 7.10 0.12 7.20 0.13 7.30 0.14 7.40 0.14 7.50 0.15 7.60 0.16 7.70 0.17 7.80 0.17 7.90 0.18 8.00 0.19 8.10 0.19 8.20 0.20 8.30 0.22 8.40 0.25 8.50 0.27 8.60 0.30 8.70 0.32 8.80 0.34 8.90 0.35 9.00 0.36 9.10 0.37 9.20 0.39 9.30 0.42 9.40 0.45 9.50 0.47 9.60 0.49 9.70 0.50 9.80 0.54 9.90 0.58 10.00 0.60 Page 1 DA-B 2 yr SCS 10.10 0.62 10.20 0.64 10.30 0.68 10.40 0.72 1 0.50 0.77 10.60 0.85 10.70 0.92 10.80 1.04 10.90 1.18 11.00 1.29 11.10 1.44 11.20 1.55 11.30 1.72 11.40 1.89 11.50 2.06 11.60 2.32 11.70 2.53 11.80 5.50 11.90 9.39 12.00 14.94 12.10 24.83 12.20 33.13 12.30 25.96 12.40 13.68 12.50 8.64 12.60 6.08 12.70 4.81 12.80 4.09 12.90 3.61 13.00 3.35 13.10 3.02 13.20 2.79 13.30 2.56 13.40 2.35 13.50 2.22 13.60 2.08 13.70 1.99 13.80 1.86 13.90 1.72 14.00 1.65 14.10 1.57 14.20 1.52 14.30 1.46 14.40 1.39 14.50 1.34 14.60 1.27 14.70 1.23 14.80 1.16 14.90 1.09 Page 2 DA-B 2 yr SCS 15.00 1.07 15.10 1.06 15.20 1.06 15.30 1.05 15.40 1.05 15.50 1.03 15.60 0.97 15.70 0.93 15.80 0.91 15.90 0.91 16.00 0.91 16.10 0.91 16.20 0.91 16.30 0.91 16.40 0.91 16.50 0.91 16.60 0.91 16.70 0.91 16.80 Page 3 DA-B 10 yr SCS SCS Hydrograph DA-B: 10-year Event Rainfall 5.6 in Peak Discharge(Qp) 55.18 cfs Time to Peak 12.20 hrs Time(hr) Flow(cfs) 4.40 0.04 4.50 0.07 4.60 0.07 4.70 0.08 4.80 0.09 4.90 0.10 5.00 0.11 5.10 0.13 5.20 0.14 5.30 0.15 5.40 0.16 5.50 0.17 5.60 0.18 5.70 0.19 5.80 0.20 5.90 0.21 6.00 0.22 6.10 0.23 6.20 0.24 6.30 0.27 6.40 0.31 6,50 0.34 6.60 0.35 6.70 0.37 6.80 0.38 6.90 0.40 7.00 0.41 7.10 0.42 7.20 0.43 7.30 0.44 7.40 0.46 7.50 0.47 7.60 0.48 7.70 0.49 7.80 0.50 7.90 0.51 8.00 0.52 8.10 0.53 8.20 0.54 8.30 0.59 Page 1 DA-B 10 yr SCS 8.40 0.65 8.50 0.70 8.60 0.76 8.70 0.81 8.80 0.84 8.90 0.86 9.00 0.88 9.10 0.89 9.20 0.91 9.30 0.97 9.40 1.04 9.50 1.08 9.60 1.11 9.70 1.12 9.80 1.19 9.90 1.27 10.00 1.31 10.10 1.34 10.20 1.36 10.30 1.43 10.40 1.52 10.50 1.61 10.60 1.77 10.70 1.89 10.80 2.12 10.90 2.37 11.00 2.58 11.10 2.84 11.20 3.04 11.30 3.33 11.40 3.63 11.50 3.93 11.60 4.38 11.70 4.73 11.80 10.07 11.90 16.92 12.00 26.20 12.10 42.32 12.20 55.18 12.30 42.75 12.40 22.40 12.50 14.04 12.60 9.83 12.70 7.74 12.80 6.57 1 2.90 5.79 13.00 5.36 13.10 4.83 13.20 4.47 Page 2 DA-B 10 yr SCS 13.30 4.10 13.40 3.75 13.50 3.55 13.60 3.32 13.70 3.17 13.80 2.96 13.90 2.74 14.00 2.62 14.10 2.50 14.20 2.42 14.30 2.32 14.40 2.21 14.50 2.13 14.60 2.02 14.70 1.95 14.80 1.84 14.90 1.73 15.00 1.69 15.10 Page 3 DA-B 100 yr SCS SCS Fiydrograph DA-B: 100-year Event Rainfall 9.1 in Peak Discharge(Qp) 99.82 cfs Time to Peak 12.20 hrs Time(hr) Flow(cfs) 2.80 0.04 2.90 0.08 3.00 0.09 3.10 0.11 3.20 0.13 3.30 0.15 3.40 0.16 3.50 0.18 3.60 0.20 3.70 0.22 3.80 0.24 3.90 0.25 4.00 0.29 4.10 0.34 4.20 0.39 4.30 0.43 4.40 0.46 4.50 0.49 4.60 0.51 4.70 0.54 4.80 0.56 4.90 0.58 5.00 0.60 5.10 0.62 5.20 0.65 5.30 0.67 5.40 0.68 5.50 0.70 5.60 0.72 5.70 0.74 5.80 0.76 5.90 0.77 6.00 0.79 6.10 0.81 6.20 0.82 6.30 0.91 6.40 1.02 6.50 1.07 6.60 1.11 6.70 1.13 Page 1 DA-B 100 yr SCS 6.80 1.15 6.90 1.17 7.00 1.19 7.10 1.21 7.20 1.23 7.30 1.25 7.40 1.26 7.50 1.28 7.60 1.30 7.70 1.31 7.80 1.33 7.90 1.34 8.00 1.36 8.10 1.37 8.20 1.38 8.30 1.49 8.40 1.62 8.50 1.73 8.60 1.88 8.70 1.99 8.80 2.04 8.90 2.07 9.00 2.10 9.10 2.12 9.20 2.14 9.30 2.26 9.40 2.41 9.50 2.48 9.60 2.52 9.70 2.55 9.80 2.68 9.90 2.84 10.00 2.91 10.10 2.96 10.20 2.98 10.30 3.12 10.40 3.28 10.50 3.48 10.60 3.78 10.70 4.01 10.80 4.47 10.90 4.97 11.00 5.36 11.10 5.87 11.20 6.25 11.30 6.79 11.40 7.34 11.50 7.90 11.60 8.73 Page 2 DA-B 100 yr SCS 11.70 9.35 11.80 19.60 11.90 32.48 12.00 49.25 12.10 77.88 12.20 99.82 12.30 76.69 12.40 40.00 12.50 24.95 12.60 17.39 12.70 13.66 12.80 11.56 12.90 10.18 13.00 9.42 13.10 8.49 13.20 7.84 13.30 7.19 13.40 6.58 13.50 Page 3 SWM-Stage-Storage Report Stage-Storage Report Elev(Ft) Storage(CF) Storage(CY) Storage(Acre-Ft) Area(SF) Area(Acre) 350.100 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.260 0.000 352.000 596.341 22.087 0.014 966.506 0.022 356.000 12105.072 448.336 0.278 5663.150 0.130 360.000 42497.897 1573.996 0.976 10220.260 0.235 364.000 92963.269 3443.084 2.134 15950.096 0.366 368.000 170234.620 6304.986 3.908 23212.405 0.533 372.000 279869.481 10365.536 6.425 32302.835 0.742 Page 1 SWM-Multiple Outlet Design Multiple Outlet Design Outflow Total Discharge: 152.65 cfs Water Surface Elevation: 372.00 ft Tailwater Elevation: 0.00 ft Detention Base Elevation: 350.10 ft Outlet#1: Riser, Drop Pipe Riser Top Elev: 358.41 ft Riser Base Elev: 350.00 ft Crest width: 36.00 in Crest Length: 36.00 in Orifice Coefficient: 0.60 Weir Coefficient: 3.33 Culvert Length: 139.00 ft Culvert Diameter: 48.00 in Culvert Invert In: 341.00 ft Culvert Friction Coefficient: 0.01 Culvert Entrance Loss Coefficient: 0.03 Discharge: 125.41 cfs Outlet#2: Orifice, Orifice Shape: Circular Diameter: 15.00 in Invert Elevation: 350.10 ft Coefficient: 0.60 Number of Openings: 1 Discharge: 27.24 cfs Velocity: 22.20 ft/s Page 1 SWM-Stage-Discharge Report Stage-Discharge Report Stage(ft) Discharge(cfs) 350.10 0.00 352.10 6.93 354.10 10.85 356.10 13.69 358.10 16.04 360.10 62.31 362.10 85.27 364.10 102.75 366.10 117.50 368.10 130.52 370.10 142.31 372.00 152.65 Page 1 DA-B 2 yr RTD Reservoir Routing: Storage Indication Method DA-B 2-year Routed Hydrograph Input Files: Inflow Hydrograph Curve: DA-B 2 yr SCS.hyd Stage-Storage Curve: SWM-x.cap Stage-Discharge Curve: Riser.stg Results: Inflow Peak Flow: 33.13 cfs Inflow Peak Time: 12.20 hr Routed Peak Flow: 14.78 cfs Routed Peak Time: 12.40 hr Maximum Pond Storage: 0.4574 acre-feet Maximum Pond Elevation: 357.03 ft Time(hr) Flow(cfs) Elev(ft) 6.10 0.00 350.10 6.20 0.08 350.12 6.30 0.07 350.12 6.40 0.06 350.12 6.50 0.07 350.12 6.60 0.08 350.12 6.70 0.09 350.13 6.80 0.10 350.13 6.90 0.10 350.13 7.00 0.11 350.13 7.10 0.12 350.13 7.20 0.13 350.14 7.30 0.13 350.14 7.40 0.14 350.14 7.50 0.15 350.14 7.60 0.16 350.15 7.70 0.16 350.15 7.80 0.17 350.15 7.90 0.18 350.15 8.00 0.18 350.15 8.10 0.19 350.16 8.20 0.20 350.16 8.30 0.21 350.16 8.40 0.24 350.17 8.50 0.26 350.18 8.60 0.29 350.18 8.70 0.32 350.19 8.80 0.34 350.20 8.90 0.35 350.20 9.00 0.36 350.20 9.10 0.37 350.21 Page 1 DA-B 2 yr RTD 9.20 0.38 350.21 9.30 0.41 350.22 9.40 0.44 350.23 9.50 0.47 350.24 9.60 0.48 350.24 9.70 0.50 350.24 9.80 0.53 350.25 9.90 0.57 350.26 10.00 0.60 350.27 10.10 0.62 350.28 10.20 0.63 350.28 10.30 0.66 350.29 10.40 0.71 350.30 10.50 0.76 350.32 10.60 0.83 350.34 10.70 0.90 350.36 10.80 1.01 350.39 10.90 1.14 350.43 11.00 1.26 350.46 11.10 1.40 350.50 11.20 1.53 350.54 11.30 1.67 350.58 11.40 1.84 350.63 11.50 2.02 350.68 11.60 2.25 350.75 11.70 2.48 350.82 11.80 4.52 351.40 11.90 7.01 352.15 12.00 8.14 352.72 12.10 10.71 354.03 12.20 13.62 356.05 12.30 14.49 356.78 12.40 14.78 357.03 12.50 14.59 356.86 12.60 14.20 356.53 12.70 13.72 356.13 12.80 12.48 355.25 12.90 11.07 354.26 13.00 9.49 353.40 13.10 8.11 352.70 13.20 6.97 352.12 13.30 2.44 350.80 13.40 2.46 350.81 13.50 2.23 350.74 13.60 2.13 350.71 13.70 2.01 350.68 13.80 1.90 350.65 13.90 1.75 350.61 14.00 1.66 350.58 Page 2 DA-B 2 yr RTD 14.10 1.59 350.56 14.20 1.53 350.54 14.30 1.48 350.53 14.40 1.41 350.51 14.50 1.35 350.49 14.60 1.29 350.47 14.70 1.24 350.46 14.80 1.18 350.44 14.90 1.11 350.42 15.00 1.07 350.41 15.10 1.06 350.41 15.20 1.06 350.40 15.30 1.05 350.40 15.40 1.05 350.40 15.50 1.04 350.40 15.60 0.99 350.39 15.70 0.94 350.37 15.80 0.92 350.36 15.90 0.91 350.36 16.00 0.91 350.36 16.10 0.91 350.36 16.20 0.91 350.36 16.30 0.91 350.36 16.40 0.91 350.36 16.50 0.91 350.36 16.60 0.91 350.36 16.70 0.91 350.36 16.80 0.88 350.35 16.90 0.81 350.33 17.00 0.77 350.32 17.10 0.77 350.32 17.20 0.76 350.32 17.30 0.76 350.32 17.40 0.76 350.32 17.50 0.76 350.32 17.60 0.76 350.32 17.70 0.76 350.32 17.80 0.76 350.32 17.90 0.76 350.32 18.00 0.74 350.31 18.10 0.69 350.30 18.20 0.64 350.29 18.30 0.62 350.28 18.40 0.61 350.28 18.50 0.61 350.28 18.60 0.61 350.28 18.70 0.61 350.28 18.80 0.61 350.28 18.90 0.61 350.28 Page 3 DA-B 2 yr RTD 19.00 0.61 350.28 19.10 0.61 350.28 19.20 0.61 350.28 19.30 0.61 350.28 19.40 0.61 350.28 19.50 0.61 350.28 19.60 0.61 350.28 19.70 0.61 350.28 19.80 0.61 350.28 19.90 0.61 350.28 20.00 0.59 350.27 20.10 0.54 350.26 20.20 0.49 350.24 20.30 0.47 350.24 20.40 0.46 350.23 20.50 0.46 350.23 20.60 0.46 350.23 20.70 0.46 350.23 20.80 0.41 350.22 20.90 0.31 350.19 21.00 0.25 350.17 21.10 0.24 350.17 21.20 0.23 350.17 21.30 0.38 350.21 21.40 0.68 350.30 21.50 0.79 350.33 21.60 0.69 350.30 21.70 0.56 350.26 .21.80 0.49 350.24 21.90 0.47 350.24 22.00 0.46 350.23 22.10 0.46 350.23 22.20 0.46 350.23 22.30 0.46 350.23 22.40 0.46 350.23 22.50 0.46 350.23 22.60 0.46 350.23 22.70 0.46 350.23 22.80 0.46 350.23 22.90 0.46 350.23 23.00 0.46 350.23 23.10 0.46 350.23 23.20 0.46 350.23 23.30 0.46 350.23 23.40 0.46 350.23 23.50 0.46 350.23 23.60 0.46 350.23 23.70 0.46 350.23 23.80 0.46 350.23 Page 4 DA-B 2 yr RTD 23.90 0.46 350.23 24.00 0.44 350.23 24.10 0.39 350.21 24.20 0.34 350.20 24.30 0.25 350.17 24.40 0.11 350.13 24.50 0.03 350.11 24.60 0.01 350.10 24.70 0.00 350.10 Page 5 DA-B 10 yr RTD Reservoir Routing: Storage Indication Method Input Files: Inflow Hydrograph Curve: DA-B 10 yr SCS.hyd Stage-Storage Curve: SWM-x.cap Stage-Discharge Curve: Riser.stg Results: Inflow Peak Flow: 55.18 cfs Inflow Peak Time: 12.20 hr Routed Peak Flow: 37.81 cfs Routed Peak Time: 12.30 hr Maximum Pond Storage: 0.8084 acre-feet Maximum Pond Elevation: 359.04 ft Time(hr) Flow(cfs) Elev(ft) 4.40 0.00 350.10 4.50 0.08 350.12 4.60 0.07 350.12 4.70 0.08 350.12 4.80 0.09 350.13 4.90 0.10 350.13 5.00 0.11 350.13 5.10 0.12 350.14 5.20 0.14 350.14 5.30 0.15 350.14 5.40 0.16 350.15 5.50 0.17 350.15 5.60 0.18 350.15 5.70 0.19 350.15 5.80 0.20 350.16 5.90 0.21 350.16 6.00 0.22 350.16 6.10 0.23 350.17 6.20 0.24 350.17 6.30 0.26 350.18 6.40 0.30 350.19 6.50 0.33 350.20 6.60 0.35 350.20 6.70 0.37 350.21 6.80 0.38 350.21 6.90 0.39 350.21 7.00 0.41 350.22 7.10 0.42 350.22 7.20 0.43 350.22 7.30 0.44 350.23 7.40 0.45 350.23 7.50 0.46 350.23 Page 1 DA-B 10 yr RTD 7.60 0.48 350.24 7.70 0.49 350.24 7.80 0.50 350.24 7.90 0.51 350.25 8.00 0.52 350.25 8.10 0.53 350.25 8.20 0.54 350.26 8.30 0.57 350.27 8.40 0.63 350.28 8.50 0.68 350.30 8.60 0.74 350.31 8.70 0.80 350.33 8.80 0.83 350.34 8.90 0.86 350.35 9.00 0.87 350.35 9.10 0.89 350.36 9.20 0.91 350.36 9.30 0.95 350.37 9.40 1.02 350.40 9.50 1.07 350.41 9.60 1.10 350.42 9.70 1.12 350.42 9.80 1.17 350.44 9.90 1.25 350.46 10.00 1.30 350.48 10.10 1.33 350.48 10.20 1.36 350.49 10.30 1.41 350.51 10.40 1.49 350.53 10.50 1.59 350.56 10.60 1.72 350.60 10.70 1.86 350.64 10.80 2.05 350.69 10.90 2.31 350.77 11.00 2.53 350.83 11.10 2.77 350.90 11.20 3.00 350.97 11.30 3.25 351.04 11.40 3.56 351.13 11.50 3.86 351.21 11.60 4.25 351.33 11.70 4.65 351.44 11.80 7.00 352.14 11.90 8.42 352.86 12.00 11.18 354.33 12.10 14.04 356.39 12.20 15.91 357.99 12.30 37.81 359.04 12.40 34.11 358.88 Page 2 DA-B 10 yr RTD 12.50 22.86 358.39 12.60 15.97 358.04 12.70 15.58 357.71 12.80 15.12 357.32 12.90 14.64 356.91 13.00 14.15 356.49 13.10 13.65 356.07 13.20 12.34 355.15 13.30 11.02 354.22 13.40 9.53 353.43 13.50 8.24 352.77 13.60 7.19 352.24 13.70 4.24 351.33 13.80 2.68 350.87 13.90 2.91 350.94 14.00 2.61 350.85 14.10 2.55 350.84 14.20 2.44 350.80 14.30 2.35 350.78 14.40 2.23 350.74 14.50 2.14 350.72 14.60 2.05 350.69 14.70 1.96 350.67 14.80 1.87 350.64 14.90 1.76 350.61 15.00 1.70 350.59 15.10 1.68 350.59 15.20 1.67 350.58 15.30 1.67 350.58 15.40 1.67 350.58 15.50 1.65 350.58 15.60 1.57 350.55 15.70 1.49 350.53 15.80 1.45 350.52 15.90 1.44 350.52 16.00 1.44 350.51 16.10 1.44 350.51 16.20 1.44 350.51 16.30 1.44 350.51 16.40 1.44 350.51 16.50 1.44 350.51 16.60 1.44 350.51 16.70 1.44 350.52 16.80 1.38 350.50 16.90 1.28 350.47 17.00 1.22 350.45 17.10 1.21 350.45 17.20 1.20 350.45 17.30 1.20 350.45 Page 3 DA-B 10 yr RTD 17.40 1.20 350.45 17.50 1.20 350.45 17.60 1.20 350.45 17.70 1.20 350.45 17.80 1.20 350.45 17.90 1.20 350.45 18.00 1.17 350.44 18.10 1.10 350.42 18.20 1.02 350.39 18.30 0.98 350.38 18.40 0.97 350.38 18.50 0.96 350.38 18.60 0.96 350.38 18.70 0.96 350.38 18.80 0.96 350.38 18.90 0.96 350.38 19.00 0.96 350.38 19.10 0.96 350.38 19.20 0.96 350.38 19.30 0.96 350.38 19.40 0.96 350.38 19.50 0.96 350.38 19.60 0.96 350.38 19.70 0.96 350.38 19.80 0.96 350.38 19.90 0.96 350.38 20.00 0.94 350.37 20.10 0.86 350.35 20.20 0.78 350.32 20.30 0.74 350.31 20.40 0.73 350.31 20.50 0.72 350.31 20.60 0.72 350.31 20.70 0.72 350.31 20.80 0.64 350.29 20.90 0.49 350.24 21.00 0.40 350.22 21.10 0.38 350.21 21.20 0.37 350.21 21.30 0.60 350.27 21.40 1.07 350.41 21.50 1.25 350.46 21.60 1.08 350.41 21.70 0.87 350.35 21.80 0.77 350.32 21.90 0.74 350.31 22.00 0.73 350.31 22.10 0.72 350.31 22.20 0.72 350.31 Page 4 DA-B 10 yr RTD 22.30 0.72 350.31 22.40 0.72 350.31 22.50 0.72 350.31 22.60 0.72 350.31 22.70 0.72 350.31 22.80 0.72 350.31 22.90 0.72 350.31 23.00 0.72 350.31 23.10 0.72 350.31 23.20 0.72 350.31 23.30 0.72 350.31 23.40 0.72 350.31 23.50 0.72 350.31 23.60 0.72 350.31 23.70 0.72 350.31 23.80 0.72 350.31 23.90 0.72 350.31 24.00 0.70 350.30 24.10 0.62 350.28 24.20 0.54 350.26 24.30 0.39 350.21 24.40 0.18 350.15 24.50 0.05 350.12 24.60 0.02 350.11 24.70 0.01 350.10 24.80 0.00 350.10 Page 5 DA-B 100 yr RTD Reservoir Routing: Storage Indication Method DA-B 100-year Routed Hydrograph Input Files: Inflow Hydrograph Curve: DA-B 100 yr SCS.hyd Stage-Storage Curve: SWM-x.cap Stage-Discharge Curve: Riser.stg Results: Inflow Peak Flow: 99.82 cfs Inflow Peak Time: 12.20 hr Routed Peak Flow: 72.28 cfs Routed Peak Time: 12.30 hr Maximum Pond Storage: 1.2562 acre-feet Maximum Pond Elevation: 360.97 ft Time(hr) Flow(cfs) Elev(ft) 2.80 0.00 350.10 2.90 0.08 350.12 3.00 0.09 350.13 3.10 0.10 350.13 3.20 0.12 350.14 3.30 0.14 350.14 3.40 0.16 350.15 3.50 0.18 350.15 3.60 0.20 350.16 3.70 0.21 350.16 3.80 0.23 350.17 3.90 0.25 350.17 4.00 0.28 350.18 4.10 0.33 350.19 4.20 0.38 350.21 4.30 0.42 350.22 4.40 0.45 350.23 4.50 0.48 350.24 4.60 0.51 350.25 4.70 0.53 350.25 4.80 0.55 350.26 4.90 0.58 350.27 5.00 0.60 350.27 5.10 0.62 350.28 5.20 0.64 350.28 5.30 0.66 350.29 5.40 0.68 350.30 5.50 0.70 350.30 5.60 0.72 350.31 5.70 0.74 350.31 5.80 0.75 350.32 Page 1 DA-B 100 yr RTD 5.90 0.77 350.32 6.00 0.79 350.33 6.10 0.80 350.33 6.20 0.82 350.34 6.30 0.88 350.35 6.40 0.99 350.39 6.50 1.06 350.41 6.60 1.10 350.42 6.70 1.12 350.42 6.80 1.15 350.43 6.90 1.17 350.44 7.00 1.19 350.44 7.10 1.21 350.45 7.20 1.22 350.45 7.30 1.24 350.46 7.40 1.26 350.46 7.50 1.28 350.47 7.60 1.29 350.47 7.70 1.31 350.48 7.80 1.32 350.48 7.90 1.34 350.49 8.00 1.35 350.49 8.10 1.37 350.49 8.20 1.38 350.50 8.30 1.46 350.52 8.40 1.59 350.56 8.50 1.71 350.59 8.60 1.84 350.63 8.70 1.96 350.67 8.80 2.03 350.69 8.90 2.07 350.70 9.00 2.09 350.70 9.10 2.12 350.71 9.20 2.14 350.72 9.30 2.22 350.74 9.40 2.38 350.79 9.50 2.47 350.81 9.60 2.51 350.83 9.70 2.55 350.83 9.80 2.64 350.86 9.90 2.80 350.91 10.00 2.90 350.94 10.10 2.95 350.95 10.20 2.98 350.96 10.30 3.08 350.99 10.40 3.24 351.04 10.50 3.43 351.09 10.60 3.69 351.17 10.70 3.96 351.24 Page 2 DA-B 100 yr RTD 10.80 4.33 351.35 10.90 4.85 351.50 11.00 5.27 351.62 11.10 5.73 351.76 11.20 6.17 351.88 11.30 6.59 352.00 11.40 6.76 352.05 11.50 7.01 352.14 11.60 7.30 352.29 11.70 7.68 352.48 11.80 9.17 353.24 11.90 12.35 355.15 12.00 14.72 356.97 12.10 33.34 358.85 12.20 66.03 360.42 12.30 72.28 360.97 12.40 68.36 360.63 12.50 53.11 359.70 12.60 30.49 358.72 12.70 19.89 358.27 12.80 15.94 358.02 12.90 15.67 357.78 13.00 15.35 357.51 13.10 15.00 357.22 13.20 14.63 356.90 • 13.30 14.25 356.57 13.40 13.85 356.23 13.50 13.16 355.73 13.60 12.00 354.91 13.70 10.97 354.18 13.80 9.78 353.56 13.90 8.73 353.02 14.00 7.85 352.57 14.10 7.11 352.20 14.20 5.28 351.63 14.30 3.77 351.19 14.40 4.02 351.26 14.50 3.71 351.17 14.60 3.60 351.14 14.70 3.43 351.09 14.80 3.27 351.05 14.90 3.07 350.99 15.00 2.97 350.96 15.10 2.94 350.95 15.20 2.92 350.94 15.30 2.92 350.94 15.40 2.92 350.94 15.50 2.87 350.93 15.60 2.74 350.89 Page 3 DA-B 100 yr RTD 15.70 2.60 350.85 15.80 2.53 350.83 15.90 2.51 350.83 16.00 2.51 350.82 16.10 2.50 350.82 16.20 2.50 350.82 16.30 2.50 350.82 16.40 2.50 350.82 16.50 2.50 350.82 16.60 2.50 350.82 16.70 2.50 350.82 16.80 2.41 350.80 16.90 2.23 350.74 17.00 2.13 350.72 17.10 2.11 350.71 17.20 2.09 350.70 17.30 2.09 350.70 17.40 2.09 350.70 17.50 2.09 350.70 17.60 2.09 350.70 17.70 2.09 350.70 17.80 2.09 350.70 17.90 2.09 350.70 18.00 2.04 350.69 18.10 1.91 350.65 18.20 1.77 350.61 18.30 1.70 350.59 18.40 1.68 350.59 18.50 1.68 350.58 18.60 1.67 350.58 18.70 1.67 350.58 18.80 1.67 350.58 18.90 1.67 350.58 19.00 1.67 350.58 19.10 1.67 350.58 19.20 1.67 350.58 19.30 1.67 350.58 19.40 1.67 350.58 19.50 1.67 350.58 19.60 1.67 350.58 19.70 1.67 350.58 19.80 1.67 350.58 19.90 1.67 350.58 20.00 1.63 350.57 20.10 1.49 350.53 20.20 1.35 350.49 20.30 1.29 350.47 20.40 1.27 350.47 20.50 1.26 350.46 Page 4 DA-B 100 yr RTD 20.60 1.26 350.46 20.70 1.25 350.46 20.80 1.12 350.42 20.90 0.85 350.34 21.00 0.69 350.30 21.10 0.65 350.29 21.20 0.64 350.28 21.30 1.05 350.40 21.40 1.85 350.63 21.50 2.17 350.73 21.60 1.88 350.64 21.70 1.52 350.54 21.80 1.34 350.49 21.90 1.29 350.47 22.00 1.27 350.47 22.10 1.26 350.46 22.20 1.26 350.46 22.30 1.26 350.46 22.40 1.26 350.46 22.50 1.26 350.46 22.60 1.26 350.46 22.70 1.26 350.46 22.80 1.26 350.46 22.90 1.26 350.46 23.00 1.26 350.46 23.10 1.26 350.46 23.20 1.26 350.46 23.30 1.26 350.46 23.40 1.26 350.46 23.50 1.26 350.46 • 23.60 1.26 350.46 23.70 1.26 350.46 23.80 1.26 350.46 23.90 1.26 350.46 24.00 1.21 350.45 24.10 1.07 350.41 24.20 0.93 350.37 24.30 0.68 350.30 24.40 0.30 350.19 24.50 0.09 350.13 24.60 0.04 350.11 24.70 0.01 350.10 24.80 0.00 350.10 Page 5 Short Version BMP Computations '"'' ""'® Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance: Modified Simple Method Plan: Festiv Fare Water Resources Area: Redevelopment/Development Area Prepare!Meridian Planning Group Date: 2/17/2014 Project Drainage Area Designation DA-Filterra .,14.V,r"I-TH ON L storm pollutant export in pounds, L =[P(Pj)Rv/12][C(A)2.72] �� fC' v Rv mean runoff coefficient, Rv=0.05+0.009(1) ✓ Pj small storm correction factor,0.9 :,c) R A percent imperviousness TIMOTHY RAY MILLER -7 40 P annual precipitation,43"in Albemarle ' Lir.No.30542 A project area in acres in subject drainage area, A= 0.27 .w • ,���// ` C pollutant concentration,mg/I or ppm target phosphorus a'\ottoti1/410,4^'' j f factor applied to RR ff,V required treatment volume in cy,0.5"over imperv.area= A(I)43560(0.5/12)/27 �Zv ,CjRR required removal , L(post)-f x L(pre) SIDNI %RR removal efficiency, RR100/L(post) Impervious Cover Computation(values in feet&square feet) Item pre-development Area post-development Area Roads Length Width subtotal Length Width subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Driveways Length Width no. subtotal Length Width no. subtotal and walks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Parking Lots 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gravel areas Area Area x0.70= 0 x0.70= 0 Structures Area no. subtotal Area no. subtotal 0 0 0 12000 1 12000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12000 Actively-grazed pasture& Area Area yards and cultivated turf 12000 x 0.08= 960 0 x 0.08= 0 Active crop land Area Area x0.25= 0 x0.25= 0 Other Impervious Areas 0 0 Impervious Cover 8% 102% l(pre) l(post) Rv(post) V 0.97 18.5 New Development(For Development Areas,existing impervious cover<=20%) C f I(pre)* Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR %RR Area Type 0,70 1.00 20% 0.23 0.38 1.60 1.22 76% Development Area 0.35 1.00 0% 0.12 0.10 0.80 0.70 87% Drinking Water Watersheds 0.40 1,00 1% 0.12 0.12 0.92 0.80 87% Other Rural Land *min.values Redevelopment(For Development Areas,existing impervious cover>20%) C f I(pre)* Rv(pre) L(pre) L(post) RR %RR Area Type 0.70 0.90 20% 0.23 0.38 1.60 1.26 79% Development Area 0.35 0.85 0%, 0.12 0.10 0.80 0.72 89% Drinking Water Watersheds 0.40 0.85 1% 0.12 0.12 0.92 0.82 89% Other Rural Land