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WPO201400028 Application 2014-06-03
Application for Review of Erosion & Sediment Control Plan & Stormwater Management/BR1P Plan & Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan E Erosion & Sediment Control Plan ❑Storn»cater.\•lanagentent/RNiP Plan ❑ Stream Rutter Mitigation Plan ❑ E&S Plan Amendment ❑ S'%M Plan Amendment (Previous Plan# ) (Previous Plan # ) !❑ 1:&S Plan ssith Variance ❑ Request for Exception of Variances 0 SWM Plan Resubmittal E&S Plan Resubmittal WPO Application# WPO Application# 201L1. OOOfyY — Submit 2 copies each of applicable plans/narrative/computations I 'When a WPO plan is reviewed.but not approved,and a response to comments is not received ssithin 6 months front the date of county comments,the application sill be deemed ssithdrasrt. 1 Project tian,e: Pantops Corner ras map and parcel: Tax Map 78, Parcel 5A toning: HC. EC Amount of l.and Disturbance: 6•4(:, Nero; , location of property , . ,d:na,K. ;MCI.r,'c Unmrr.Of Oil i,211 Northeast Corner of the Intersection of Rte 20 and Rte 250 11 oirtact Person i\1 no stomld A.....Ail With','{,lira r•.Mt!'1n,t,n,eei'I Justin Shimp ,,d,i,,.„ 201 E Main St Suite M - ,',,,, Charlottesville •,, „ 'JA .,, 22902 r);-G,wile I'h.,n:4 434; 207-8086 i,,,,, ) i:-,,,,,,r Justin @shimo-engineering,;om Ossner of Record Pantops Corner, LC \tidrrs. 1100 Harris Street , tr, Charlottesville ,:,,,, VA r,:, 22903 i}sc:,111:Pn,.,nci F.tt i t r-m.nl ((mtractor I).t..,,mr Yh,n ;i 1— – FT,..i l-nte,l Plan Preparer Shimp Engineering, PC :>,td,,„ Same as Contact Person r r, OssneriApplicant Must Read and Sign its signing this application as on tier,I hereht certify that all requirements of the approved Erosion t nuavd Plan.Stornmatcr \1 anagenirni't3\lP Plan.:ind,or Mitigation Plan ssill be complied ssitli and I base the authority to authorize the land disturbing acticiiies and develop , I o, th subject t roper{}. I herd)) grant the County of Ubemarie the right to Ji•rater upon the properts as requited to ensure comp./ ¶fr rry plan. q Sign re of(lysner, )tttraci i'utchasei Date cjs- q__ Porn Name h,it tiizse phone number of tirgn<tt r Ft OR OFFICE USEttNI.'t %%PO# rv, �f}, I F,„ 1u.,un+'s Roc i';us! i –i Pi g°O fns .fib t�-.3-14��.,.,1�:,'�rn.� H:::,,,t,: �.tJO ('�,_ ' tr) t.Will O It■.i,td\„rnt',hri f-r, `tit: I'x:i ! ,1 Nato' Application for Review of _m...:,•,., Erosion & Sediment Control Plan & Stormwater \Ianagement/BMP Plan & `' Stream Buf'f'er Mitigation Plan ® Erosion& Sediment Control Plan ❑ Stormwater.\lanagement/BMP Plan 0 Stream Buffer !litigation flan ❑ F.&S Plan Amendment ❑ SN4N1 Plan Amendment (Previous Plan# ) (Previous Plan # ) ❑ E&S Plan with Variance ❑ Request for Exception #of Variances ❑SWM Plan Resuhmittat ►': &S Plan Relation#al ) ' Q.application # w•PO Application# ���-— (�/�j Submit 2 copies each of applicable Mans/narrativerconiputations � '\ hen a\VPO plan is reviewed,but not approved,and a response to comments is not received ssithin 6 months from the date of county comments,the application %sill be deemed Isithdrassn. ' Pantops Corner --_-- - _— Project Nante: p 'ray map and pared: Tax Map 78, Parcel 5A --toning: HC, EC Amount of Land Disturbance: o.56 >cres I Location Ur properr} ,Ian i,,,,tt.<,.• itcr,eru,mti.of„tF„r, Northeast Corner of the Intersection of Rte 20 and Rte 250 Contact Person I Who,Imild'.yc sail su,t ,rmi-ci;nc;hi,1,n vet'1 Justin Shimp Add,,„ 201E Main St. Suite M Charlottesville ,,i.:1c VA ,H, 22902 r>:,vn ne ph„„,,4434, 207-8086 r,,,a 1---' --- )--_„„-„/ justini©shimp-englneering.,,orn Owner of Record Pantops Corner, LC •\state>. 1100 Harris Street , ,t, Charlottesville `Nt.t.c VA 7,;, 22903 i-r.::I,:r,, I'hunc l --- , i..0. -- i t i -in.ul Contractor .1,htrr,. --- — _ ( tt, Ss,itC L' D.t■un,c t'h„rtc 1 _,--_- F:,;.,, L-mail Plan Preparer Shimp Engineering, PC 'dd,c„ Same as Contact Person s ,« >t.tt De11Mie I'hon•r _ , Far r, f -, rut Owner/Applicant dust Read and Sign its signing this application as on ner,i hereby certify that all requirements of the approved Erosion Control Plan.Stnrn»s atet Management'13MP Plan,and;or Mitigation Plan ssill he complied with and i have the authority to authorize the land disturbing activities and develops • t o, Ih subject wopert}. I herein grant the f ounty of Sibemarie the right to rater upon the property as required to ensure coropli � t�� ,'%' r Plan. ! — 3.1 )4 i q sign re oftlwncr, Intact Putchasei Date /n.. 143 kott,mzfq Print\amc D,rvumc phone number of Signatory 10R OFFiC'E LSE ONLY //` /�/IA PO t? y��/-/y�/ 1-,,.. -n!,.nin S 3W, VDa,s Pu,oS//5/1/14,,ih:,'. k,fit /' ,A(j,�;'/,5s.,0p,, cj.5I7 , t 1 i r / ,i, is �I J/ I,,,,.r..t November f•7_ 'tit: j•a12,. I,,, l!°; Albemarle Cc my 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 11 Planning Application Voice:(434)296-5832 Fax:(434)972-4126 PARCEL/ OWNER INFORMATION TMP) 07800-00-00-005A0 Owner(s): PANTOPS CORNER LC Application # WP0201400028 PROPERTY INFORMATION Legal Description ACREAGE Magisterial Dist. Rivanna Land Use Primary Residential --Single-family (incl. modular homes) Current AFD Not in A/F District Current Zoning Primary Highway Commercial APPLICATION INFORMATION Street Address 1248 RICHMOND RD CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22911 Entered By Application Type Water Protection Ordinances Todd Shifflett 03/31/2014 Project IPantops Corner Received Date 03/28/14 Received Date Final Submittal Date Total Fees 300 Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid 300 Revision Number Comments Legal Ad SUB APPLICATION(s) Type Sub Applicati Comment Erosion°and Sediment Control Plan -__..W.,....�-.._.,�„�W.._..W,.....WU.._�..�__-...._..-..-..-��..�.,-W..,..,W,...-......,,�..,..,..,,m_........��,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,W-:,......,.,--..W_W��..W_..W.,,...........,..:;.,...:,..W.:W.:.�W..:.:,_..�..w:.:.w...:;.,,:...,:...:.,.;....::d�..�:..-.....,�.,:...�:.:.;.,...:,:.....:W.-........,:;..< jAPPLICANT/ CONTACT INFORMATION ContactType I Name Address I CityState I Zip Phone PhoneCell Owner/Applicant ; 11.00 HARRIS STREET ARLOTTE PANT{JPS CORNER LC C H SVIIk 122903 - ' Primary Contact JUSTIN SHIMP 201 E MAIN ST,SUITE M CHARLOTTESVILL 22902 4342078086 Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Application for Review of Erosion & Sediment Control Plan & Stormwater Management/BMP Plan & Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan ® Erosion & Sediment Control Plan ❑ Stormwater .Management/BIsIP Plan 0 Stream Buffer 1litigation Plan ❑ F.&S Plan Amendment ❑ SW N1 Plan Amendment (Previous Plan # } (Previous Plan # ❑ E&S Plan with Variance ❑ Request for Exception #of Variances ❑SWAI Plan Resuhmittal ❑ E&S Plan Resuhmittal WPO Application # WPO Application Submit 2 copies each of applicable plans/narrative/computations When a WPO plan is reviewed.but not approved,and a response to comments is not received ss ithin 6 months from the date of counts comments, the application ss ill be deemed ssithdrasu. Project Name: Pantops Corner - - Tits map and parcel: Tax Map 78, Parcel 5A toning: NC. EC Amount of Land Disturbance: 6,56 Acres Location of property 'I,t21%,;',t;,,:1..rtr r:rh,,-, Northeast Corner of the Intersection of Rte 20 and Rte 250 Contact Person r\\. "Nc: r',tll W,ite,•rrrurrrtnt lin,Itrr,ieci''I Justin Shimp vii,,,„ 201 E Main St. Suite M Charlottesville VA 7„, 22902 ph.„,„4434 207-8086 Fa, -- , 1=-4„,„i Justin©shimp-engineenng,t,om Us ner of Record Pantops Corner. LC 1100 Harris Street t-rt. Charlottesville VA ,,;, 22903 I 1 I--itt,itl (ontractor :\ddres, tt'. State D time PI:4rat4{ F:1\ .- r t-maiI Plan Preparer Shimp Engineering, PC Addr.e„ Same as Contact Person Dar time i'hr+nc r- Fay F-nial Owner/Applicant dust Read and Sign Its signing this application as ms ner,t herehy certify that all requirements of the approved Erosion Control Plan.Storrns ater \tanagement/131MP Plan,anil or litigation Plan will he complied with and I hale the authority to authorize the land disturbing activities and develop t o r th subject rope/1y. t hereby grant the County or 1lhemarle the right to niter upon the property as required to ensure con►pli7 • r f. q:,t rrt d plan. d,/ ; + Sign' re of t►caner, - nn•act Purchaser Date ne -C-vt rh. 3 got S Print Name 1 I�,t.mnr phone of Signatory FOR OFFICE t SE O's l 1 1y PO Lc Fee Autk.wn Sloceo D;u Paul ZL ' iii hr," ��� t'6=- iii EROSION CONTROL PLAN: (SUBMIT 2 COPIES) Land disturbing activity pertaining to single family dwelling unit: 1. Plan Review $150 per review (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 2 Permit and First Year Inspection Fees $150 (TO BE PAID PRIOR TO SCHEDULING PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE FOR EROSION CONTROL PERMIT) 3. Annual Permit Renewal and Inspection Fees $150 (TO BE PAID ANNUALLY,STARTING WITH SECOND YEAR,UNTIL COMPLETION OF APPROVED PLAN REQUIREMENTS) 4. Each reinspection $150 (REINSPECTION FEES ARE INVOICED TO THE LANDOWNER) Land disturbing activity pertaining to non-exempt agricultural land: 5. Plan Review $150 per review (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 6. Permit and First Year Inspection Fees $150 (TO BE PAID PRIOR TO SCHEDULING PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE FOR EROSION CONTROL PERMIT) 7. Annual Permit Renewal and Inspection Fees $150 (TO BE PAID ANNUALLY,STARTING WITH SECOND YEAR,UNTIL COMPLETION OF APPROVED PLAN REQUIREMENTS) 8. Each reinspection $150 (REINSPECTION FEES ARE INVOICED TO THE LANDOWNER) All other land disturbing activity: 9. Plan Review,Disturbed Area Less Than One Acre $150 per review (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 10. Permit and First Year Inspection Fees,Disturbed Area Less Than One Acre $200 (TO BE PAID PRIOR TO SCHEDULING PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE FOR EROSION CONTROL PERMIT) 11, Annual Permit Renewal and Inspection Fees,Disturbed Area Less Than One Acre $200 (TO BE PAID ANNUALLY,STARTING WITH SECOND YEAR,UNTIL COMPLETION OF APPROVED PLAN REQUIREMENTS) 12. Plan Review,Disturbed Area One Acre or Larger 03-00 per review ) (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 13. Permit and First Year Inspection Fees,Disturbed Area One Acre or Larger $100/per disturbed acre (TO BE PAID PRIOR TO SCHEDULING PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE FOR EROSION CONTROL PERMIT) 14. Annual Permit Renewal and Inspection Fees, Disturbed Area One Acre or Larger $100/per disturbed acre (TO BE PAID ANNUALLY,STARTING WITH SECOND YEAR,UNTIL COMPLETION OF APPROVED PLAN REQUIREMENTS) 15. Each reinspection $250 (REINSPECTION FEES ARE INVOICED TO THE LANDOWNER) 16, Amendment to Approved Plan $180/per plan review (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 17. Variances $150/per request (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION) j '� 18. SUBTOTAL EROSION CONTROL PLAN $ 00 Revised November 14,2011 Page 2 of 3 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT/BMP PLAN & MITIGATION PLAN: (SUBMIT 2 COPIES) 19. Stonnwater Management/BMP Plan... $300/per plan review (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 20. Major Amendment of Plan $180/per plan review (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 21. Request for exception $240 (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION) 22. Request for development in a stream buffer or for reduction or modification of stream buffer and mitigation plan (if not part of another document)—Single family dwelling unit or accessory structure $85 (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION) 23. Each inspection or reinspection $60 (INSPECTION/REINSPECTION FEES ARE INVOICED TO THE LANDOWNER) 24. Mitigation Plan $150 (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION) 25. SUBTOTAL SWM/BMP PLAN $ TOTAL APPLICATION FEE: (Add lines 18 and 25) $ 30 U THE OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL REINSPECTION AND/OR ANNUAL RENEWAL FEES WHICH MAY BE CHARGED TO THIS PROJECT. Revised November 14,201 I Page 3 of 3