HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201400138 Review Comments Final Plat 2015-06-03_ p
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,
Charlottesville, VA, 22902
Phone 434 - 296 -5832
Fax 434 - 972 -4126
To: Roger Ray & Associates (rwrinc(cDearthlink.net)
From: Ellie Ray, PLA, Senior Planner
Division: Planning
Date: April 2, 2015
Rev 1: April 22, 2015
Rev 2: May 22, 2015
Rev 3: June 3, 2015
Subject: SUB201400138 Riverside Village - Final
The County of Albemarle Planning Division will approve the plat referenced above once the following comments
have been satisfactorily addressed (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time.
Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.): [Each comment is
preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision /Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise
[14- 302(A)4] Private easements. Label all proposed private easements as private.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. Not all private easements are labeled as private on all sheets;
specifically the wording on storm sewer easements is inconsistent. Make sure all easements are
appropriately labeled.
Rev2: Comment not fully addressed. There are still storm sewer easements on sheets 1 and 6 that
are not labeled properly; revise accordingly.
Rev3: Comment addressed.
2. [14- 302(A)4] Private easements. As discussed during Site Plan review, all required landscaping located on
proposed private lots must have a landscape easement. The homeowner's associated documents should
address the maintenance of all required landscaping. Additionally, since the open space in Block 6 is to be
dedicated to the County, an easement will be required for the homeowner's association to maintain the
frontage landscaping and any proposed stormwater facilities located on the dedicated land. The deed of
dedication and /or C &R should state that the homeowner's association is responsible for maintaining the
landscaping and SWM facilities.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. The landscape easements must be shown on the plat.
Rev2: Comment not fully addressed. Landscape easements are still needed in the following areas:
• For the street trees along Trailside Drive on Lots 30 and 37.
• For all required landscaping in Block 2C (one easement area is shown but all other
landscaping needs easements too).
• For the sidewalk and street trees at the end of Block 4 (in the `courtyard' area). Both
appear to be outside of the private right -of -way shown on the plat; if this is the case,
both will need an easement.
• For the landscaping on Lot 1 next to the open space area.
• For the landscaping in Block 1, both screening and streetscape (outside of the r /w).
• For the landscaping in Block 6 that is outside of the r /w.
Rev3: Comment not fully addressed. As discussed, one small area of landscaping in Block 1 along
Trailside Drive is missing an easement.
3. [14- 302(A)8] Proposed lots. List the number of proposed lots, broken down by block, on the Cover Sheet.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. Block 2C only has 6 lots; the six lots will contain 12 dwelling
units, but only 6 parcels are being created. Revise the plat to reference the correct number of lots.
Rev2: Comment addressed.
4. [14- 302(A)14] Land to be dedicated in fee or reserved. A separate parcel must be created for the public
dedication of open space in Block 6. Label the open space in Block 6 accordingly and as 'Hereby Dedicated
to Public Use', and provide a Deed of Dedication for review and approval by the County Attorney's Office.
This deed must be recorded with the plat.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. The Deed of Dedication is currently under review by the
County Attorney's Office and Parks & Recreation; comments will be forwarded upon receipt.
Rev2: Comment still valid.
Rev3: Comment still valid; awaiting approval from the County Attorney's Office. Once the deed is
approved, it must be updated with the latest plat revision date and submitted for County signature.
5. [14- 302(A)14] Land to be dedicated in fee or reserved. Open Space is defined as, "Land or water left in
undisturbed natural condition and unoccupied by building lots, structures, streets, or parking lots except as
otherwise specifically provided in section 4.7." Many of the uses shown within "open space" areas (private
r /w, alley easements, SWM, etc) are not allowed. Please revise the "open space" labels to "Common Open
Space ".
Rev1: Comment addressed.
6. [14- 302(B)5] Zoning classification. Add "steep slopes overlay district" and a list of the proffers to the zoning
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. There is a typo in the ZMA note, it should be ZMA2012- 00002.
Rev2: Comment addressed.
7. [14- 302(B)8] Yards. In addition to the minimum setback, provide the maximum setbacks by block and
road. Please also provide the side setbacks.
Rev1: Comment addressed.
8. [14- 302(8)8 & 4.6.4] Yards. If an alley abuts the rear yard, the required rear yard shall be measured from
the edge of the alley right -of -way or easement. The rear yard lines in Block 2B are shown incorrectly; the
yard is 3' for accessory structures and 10' for primary structures and should be measured from the edge of
the alley easement, not the property line. Keep in mind that accessory structures for which any part is
located closer than three (3) feet to any part of a primary structure shall comply with the minimum applicable
yard requirements for a primary structure.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. The rear setback line has been revised on Sheet 3, but does
not appear to have been revised on Sheet 2.
Rev2: Comment addressed.
9. [14- 302(B)8] Flood plain. As discussed during Site Plan review, the floodplain line must be officially
adjusted through FEMA prior to Final Plat approval.
Rev1: Comment still valid.
Rev2: Comment still valid. Engineering has received the amended floodplain location as approved
by FEMA; the plat should be revised accordingly. Additionally, it appears that lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, &
11 still have floodplain shown on the lots. The building footprints shown on the approved Final Site
Plan indicate the floodplain encroaches into the building site for these lots (the building on lot 9 is
attached to the building that encroaches on lot 10). Lots with floodplain in the building site cannot
be approved. Please either remove these lots from the current plat or further amend the floodplain
(as discussed with Max) to remove the floodplain from these lots.
Rev3: Bill Fritz has determined that there is adequate building site available on the above -noted
lots; they may remain on the plat. Engineering will determine if the updated floodplain line in now
accurately reflected on the plat.
10. [14- 302(B)10] Stream buffers. Show the location of all streams buffers present on the property, and add
the following note: "The stream buffer(s) shown hereon shall be managed in accordance with the Albemarle
County Water Protection Ordinance."
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. Once comment #9 has been addressed, the stream buffer line
should be revised to show the amended location, instead of showing both existing and proposed.
Rev2: Comment still valid.
Rev3: See comment #9.
11. [14- 303(D)] Acreage of lots. There is a very minor discrepancy in the total open space area provided on the
Cover Sheet (414,834 sf) and the sum of all the areas provided on the plat (414,698 sf); please clarify.
Rev1: Comment addressed.
12. [14- 303(G)] Ownership of common areas. Provide the intended ownership of all open space areas.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. The intended ownership of all open space areas must be
provided on the plat in addition to being included in the maintenance agreement.
Rev2: Comment addressed.
13. [14- 303(K)] Temporary turnarounds. Provide the following note, "The area on this plat designated as a
temporary turnaround will be constructed and used as other streets in the subdivision until (street name)
is /are extended to (street name), at which time the land in the temporary turnaround area will be abandoned
for street purposes and will revert to adjoining property owners in accordance with specific provisions in their
respective deeds."
Rev1: Comment addressed.
14. [14- 303(N)] Statement pertaining to private streets. Provide the following statement: "The streets in this
subdivision may not meet the standards for acceptance into the secondary system of state highways and
will not be maintained by the Virginia Department of Transportation or the County of Albemarle."
Rev1: Comment addressed.
15. [14- 303(Q)] Water supply. Provide a statement as to whether the subdivision will be served by a public
water supply and a public sewer system.
Rev1: Comment addressed.
16. [14- 303(S)] Control points. Provide at least four (4) control points, evenly distributed across the property
and located at survey property corners, and shown on each sheet depicting the property. At the option of the
subdivider, the control points may be shown on a copy of the final plat, rather than on the original final plat.
Rev1: Comment addressed.
17. [14- 303(T)] Special lots. The parcel being created for dedication to the County is considered a `special lot'.
Accordingly, the following note shall be placed on the plat: "Lot `X' is a special lot established solely for
(insert purpose for the special lot as identified in the definition of special lot in section 14- 106)."
Rev1 - Comment addressed.
18. [14 -317] Instrument evidencing maintenance. If the subdivision will contain one (1) or more improvements
that are not to be maintained by the county or any authority or other public agency, the subdivider shall
submit with the final plat an instrument assuring the perpetual maintenance of the improvement. This
should include maintenance responsibilities for the required landscaping throughout the project. The
instrument shall be submitted for review and approval, and must be recorded with the plat.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. The Declaration is currently under review by the County
Attorney's Office; comments will be forwarded upon receipt.
Rev2: Comment not fully addressed. The declaration has been approved as to form, but will need to
be updated with the final revision date of the plat once the plat is deemed approvable. The updated
declaration should be submitted for final approval.
Rev3: Comment still valid; awaiting approval from the County Attorney's Office.
19. [Comment] This plat cannot be approved until Fire Rescue and Zoning complete their reviews and grant
their approval. Inspections, E911 and ACSA have reviewed the plat and have no objections. Engineering
and VDOT comments have been provided.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. This plat cannot be approved until VDOT and Zoning complete
their reviews and grant their approval. Fire rescue has reviewed the plat and has no objections.
Engineering comments have been provided.
Rev2: Comment not fully addressed. This plat cannot be approved until all reviewers grant their
approval. VDOT has reviewed the plat and has no objections. Zoning has no objection to the plat,
but would like to see the final version of the deed to dedicate the Park. Engineering comments have
been provided.
Rev3: Comment not fully addressed. Awaiting Engineering review.
Please contact Ellie Ray in the Planning Division by using erayCcDalbemarle.org or 434 - 296 -5832 ext. 3432 for
further information.