HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201500020 Review Comments Initial Site Plan 2015-06-03 (3)• �
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
June 3, 2015
Justin Shimp
201 E. Main Street, Suite M
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: SDP201500020 Inglewood Terrace — Initial Site Plan
Mr. Shimp:
The Site Review Committee has reviewed the development proposal referenced above. Initial
comments for the following divisions of the Department of Community Development and other
agencies, as applicable, are attached:
Albemarle County Planning Services
Albemarle County Engineering Services
Virginia Department of Transportation
Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue
Albemarle County Information Services (E911)
Albemarle County Service Authority
Albemarle County Inspections Division
Albemarle County Police Department
Comments reflect information available at the time the development proposal was reviewed, and
should not be considered final. However, the Site Review Committee has attempted to identify
all issues that will be required to be resolved prior to Final Site Plan approval. The Lead
Reviewer will either approve with conditions or deny the Initial Site Plan within 15 days of the
Site Review Meeting.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have questions or require additional
Senior Planner
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
June 3, 2015
Justin Shimp
201 E. Main Street, Suite M
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: SDP201500020 Inglewood Terrace — Initial Site Plan
Dear Sir:
Department of Community Development has reviewed the above referenced site plan (dated 4- 20 -15) against
applicable codes and ordinances. Comments are provided below:
1. [Comment] This application was reviewed against Site Development Plan requirements only. It
appears that lot lines are shown on the plan and a `private road', but no subdivision application nor
private road request was submitted. Any subdivision related comments are provided for reference only
unless necessary for site plan approval.
2. [32.5.2(m)] As depicted the private street serving the development is proposed within an existing
public right -of -way; however, as proposed this is not approvable. It appears that the portion of the right
of way labeled as `Unimproved Inglewood Drive' was never accepted into the State Secondary System
by VDOT, thus the County still owns this portion of right of way. As such the applicant should either
pursue vacation of the right of way pursuant to State Code 15.2 -2272 prior to final site plan and /or
final subdivision plat approval OR upgrade the existing roadway to meet current VDOT standards
from the point where VDOT maintenance ends. This will include a suitable turn around at the end of
state maintenance, removal of the existing parking area, continuation of curb and gutter, tie in of the
existing driveway of TMP 061KO- 05 -OD- 00400, and the dedication of right -of -way or easements as
necessary. Please show these improvements and easements or right -of -way prior to final site plan and/
or_ subdivision plat approval.
3. [Comment] VDOT approval of the proposed entrance to the site shall be required prior to final site
plan approval. (See VDOT comments dated 6 -2 -15, with special attention to #12)
4. [32.5.2(i)] On the site plan depict/ label the end of state maintenance of Inglewood Drive. Also please
show existing conditions of the property adjacent to the right of way mentioned above (TMP 061KO-
05 -OC- 01300.
5. [32.5.1(c), 32.5.2(i), 32.5.2(s)] On the plans accurately depict right of way for Inglewood Drive next to
the western most property line of TMP 061KO- 10- 00 -00OA2 (adjacent to the join access easement).
DB 1654 PG 294 (circa 1996) depicts the right of way differently than the current plans show.
Private Street
6. [32.5.2(i),15.2.1(3)] This plan proposes a private street. While streets (public or private) are not
reviewed or approved with site plan applications, it should be noted that the private street request must
be submitted when the subdivision application is submitted, advisably prior to final site plan submittal.
This private street request can be reviewed administratively due to the presence of attached dwellings.
A maintenance agreement for the private street must be submitted for review and approval by the
County Attorney's Office with the subdivision application.
[32.5.2(n),14- 410(H)] Private Streets in the Development Area. In the development areas, streets
shall be constructed with curb or curb and gutter, sidewalks and planting strips. Sidewalks and
planting strips shall be designed and constructed in compliance with section 14 -422 (Sidewalks and
planting strips for street trees and other vegetation shall be established on both sides of each new
street within a subdivision creating lots for single family detached and single family attached
dwellings in the development areas) Revise to provide sidewalks and landscape strips on both sides of
the new street. Otherwise when the private street request is submitted assure the appropriate variation
or exception to the requirement is made pursuant to Section 14- 422(F) & 14- 203.1.
8. [32.5.2(i)] The private street is labeled as Variable Width "Private Road Easement"; however, it shall
be relabeled as "Private Street Easement ". Revise appropriately.
[32.5.2(i), 4.6.3, 15.2.1(3)] Currently it is unclear that the Private Street Easement provides the
required frontage for Lots 4 -9. Assure that the Private Street Easement is extended to provide the
required frontage for these lots. Please note that setbacks are taken from the edge of the Private Street
Easement, rather than the property lines. Pursuant to section 4.6 3(a) Areas in parking bays shall not
be considered as part of the private road for purposes of determining front yard setback. Correct the
front setbacks on the plan for Lots 4 — 9 as it appears they are currently being taken from the proposed
property lines rather than the private street easement lines. Revise appropriately.
10. [32.5.2(i), 4.6.3, 15.2.1(3)] For Lots 1 - 3 the front setbacks appears to be incorrect. Please note that
setbacks shall be taken from the edge of the Private Street Easement, rather than the property lines.
Revise appropriately.
11. [32.5.2(n), 4.12.15(g)] Curb and gutter^ in parking areas and along travelways. Curbs shall be
established at the edges of parking areas or access aisles in all townhouse developments requiring eight
(8) or more parking spaces. Gutters shall be required where necessary to control or direct stormwater
runoff. Prior to final site plan approval revise appropriately.
12. [32.5.2(n), 4.12.16(e)] Bumper blocks. Bumper blocks shall be provided for the parking spaces
fronting Lots 4 — 9 because the parking area has no curb or curb and gutter, and because the sidewalk
fronting these lots is not a minimum width of six (6) feet. Bumper blocks shall be constructed of a
durable material such as concrete or treated timbers. Each bumper block shall be a - minimum length
of six (6) feet, a maximum height of five (5) inches, and shall be securely anchored into the pavement
in at least two (2) places. Prior to final site plan approval revise appropriately.
13. [32.5.2(b), 4.12.16(c)] Minimum parking space size. Dimension the parking spaces throughout the
plans. Currently the spaces fronting Lots 4 -9 provide lengths but no widths (some parking space
widths seem uneven). Also, currently the parallel spaces fronting Open Space B are provided with no
dimensions. Revise appropriately. Also, spaces shall be striped or signed (provide this on the plan).
Prior to final site plan approval revise appropriately.
14. [32.5.2(i)] Street trees shall be required for this development. Prior to final site plan approval a
landscape plan shall be provided.
15. [32.5.20)] Depict the existing water and sewer easements and provide widths of these easments rather
than just depicting the utility lines. The location of these easements may affect the ability for Lot 1 to
have a patio or a deck in the current location. Prior to final site plan approval work with the easement
holders to assure what is proposed is feasible in their easements.
The feature (stream, rip -rap ditch, or swale)
16. [32.5.2(f)] Please speak to the feature which is labeled on sheet 2 as "Rip -Rap Ditch ", is this a stream?
Numerous plats for the subject property and abutting properties from the 1960 to the 1990's label this
feature as an existing stream; however, the previous preliminary site plan SDP2006 -71 did not label it
as such, rather it labeled the feature as a "Swale ". Prior to final site plan approval please work with
Engineering staff to determine what this feature truly is and label it accordingly. A redesign may be
required pending the findings.
17. [32.5.2(d), 32.5.2(f)] On sheet 4 the above mentioned feature is not depicted, thus it is not feasible for
staff to determine how the water will enter the `New 60" HDPE Storm Sewer'. As depicted it appears
the 9' retaining wall is acting as a dam for the feature that may cause flooding on neighboring
properties. Will there be grading within Open Space D to tie the feature into the pipe? If so revise
plans and open space calculations to depict this.
Have any studies been conducted to assess the max flow.of this feature to assure that the 60" storm
sewer pipe is adequate to accommodate the maximum water levels of this feature?
Also, it appears the `New 60" HDPE Storm Sewer' discharges water into the neighbor's backyard into
the existing swale. Will piping the water under the proposed buildings increase the velocity /flow of
discharged water create increased erosion on the neighboring property? If so this may cause issues for
the neighboring property. Prior to final site plan approval please work with Engineering staff to
remedy this issue.
18. [32.5.2(p) & Screening. The proposed outfall of the feature shall be screened from the
adjacent residential lots (TMP 061KO- 05 -OD- 00400& 061KO- 09- 00- 003BO). Provide the required
screening on the final site plan's landscape plan.
19. [32.5.2(a),15.4.1, 3.1] Maintenance of existing wooded areas. In order to qualify the undisturbed
areas that are being utilized on the plan for a 10% density bonus, please demonstrate that the area
meets the definition of "Wooded Areas" per section 3.1 of the ordinance. The applicant can
demonstrate this through an exhibit which will be provided prior to final site plan and /or final
subdivision plat approval.
Also, a conservation plan shall be provided as specified in section 32.7.9 prior to final site plan
On the final subdivision plat assure that the following note is provided: "Lot acreages shown hereon
were calculated under the Bonus Level Cluster development requirements. Lots shown hereon comply
with section 15.4.1 "Environmental standards" by conserving acreage area that comprises
_% of the total area of the subdivided parcels. " Also, on the final plat assure that the conservation
area is visually depicted as well.
20. [32.5.2(x),15.4.3] Affordable housing. As proposed the development relies on affordable housing to
reach the density proposed. On the final subdivision plat assure that the affordable unit is clearly listed
on the plat.
21. [32.5.2(a),15.5, 15.3, 4.71 Cluster Development. The development provides four (4) sections of open
space: A, B, C, and D; however, it appears Open Space B and C have parking and portions- of a private
road going through the open space. Those types of improvements are not permitted in open space
which is required for a Cluster Development (25% required). On the plan clearly distinguish what area
is being counted towards the required Open Space B & C, and omit the square footage for the road and
parking from the open space totals. Revise open space square footage calculations.
On the final subdivision plat list who shall own and maintain the open space. Maintenance agreement
approved by the County Attorney's office shall be required to maintain the open space areas prior to
final subdivision plat approval.
22. [Comment] Prior to final site plan approval the vacation of the property line between TMP 61K -10 -OA
and TMP 61K- 10 -OA2 shall take place on a subdivision plat to be reviewed by the County, approved, and
then recorded in the Clerk's Office prior to final site plan approval. The DB page information of this action
shall be provided on the final site plan. It may be appropriate to combine all platting items on a single plat
(if other items exist).
23. [32.5.1(c), 15.3, 4.11.31 Setbacks. The side yard setbacks for R -4 zoning are 15 foot; however, the
plan utilizes 10 foot. The 10 foot setback is permitted provided the provisions of Section 4.11.3 are
met. Prior to final site plan/final subdivision plat approval the Fire Flow test shall be requested and
conducted and the Fire Official shall approve the reductions.
Also, revise the Setback note on sheet 1 to provide the following:
"Setbacks. ,
Front 25 feet
Rear 20 feet
Side 10 feet per requirements of Zoning Ordinance Section 4.11.3 "
24. [32.5.2(d)] Prior to final site plan approval provide a temporary grading and construction easement or
letter of intent from the owner of TMP 061KO -05 -OC -01300 for the installation of the proposed DI and
New 15" HDPE Storm Sewer. Also, revise the plan to provide this property owners name and TAP on
the plat as the proposed access to the site is adjacent to this land.
25. [Comment] If the applicant chooses or is required to resubmit the initial site plan on sheet 1 assure
that the site plan number is included: SDP20150020.
26. [32.5.2(r)] On sheet 1 the legend depicts `wetland' as a dotted feature; however, in the plans this
symbol is listed as `undisturbed open space'. Is the undisturbed open space truly wetland? If not,
please revise the legend to be accurate. Thanks
27. [32.5.1(c), 32.5.2(n)] Dimensions. On the plan provide the dimensions of the proposed structures.
28. [32.5.2(n)] Depict the maximum footprint for all proposed buildings.
29. [[32.5.1(c), 32.5.2(n)] Dimension the full width of the retaining walls required for construction.
30. [Comment] On the plans provide the deed book page reference information for the existing 30' Joint
Access Easement.
31. [32.5.2(n) & (p)] The following will be required for final site plan approval:
- If lighting is proposed: Outdoor lighting information including a photometric plan and location,
description, and photograph or diagram of each type of outdoor luminaire [Sec. 32.7.8 & Sec.
- A landscape plan in accordance with [Sec. 32.7.9].
32. [Comment] Attached is the Soil Report furnished by Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation
District dated May 1, 2015. Please take the soils into consideration when moving forward with the
design of the proposal.
Engineering Comments — Michelle Roberge
See attached comments dated 6 -3 -15
VDOT— Shelly Plaster
- See attached comments dated 6 -2 -15
Fire and Rescue — Robbie Gilmer
1. Dead end roads greater then 150' require an approved turn around for emergency vehicles. per 2009
VSFPC 503.2.5
2. Fire Flow test required prior to final approval.
E911— Andrew Slack
The applicant should have a new road name before the final plans are submitted. The road name of
'Inglewood Terrace' would be a name that meets the County standards for an acceptable road name. If the
applicant would like to use a different name; please contact this office with a list of three (3) proposed road
names for approval before submitting the final plans.
ACSA — Alex Morrison
• Submit 3 copies of the final water and sewer plans to the ACSA, attention Jeremy Lynn PE, along
with water and sewer data sheets for review and approval.
• Show the existing water and sewer easements.
• Call out existing and proposed line sizes.
• Call out all fittings.
• Provide fire hydrants spaced at 400'.
• Manholes are not permitted in parking spaces.
• The existing water main is a 6" cast iron main. The applicant shall furnish a hydraulic report that
shows that the required fire flow can be achieved.
• I hereby recommend approval of SDP201500020 with the above conditions.
Building Inspections — Jay Schlothauer
- No objections
Police Department — Steve Watson
- I have no advisory CPTED recommendations for the nine new units proposed for Inglewood Terrace.
Please contact Christopher P. Perez in the Planning Division by using eperez@albemarle.ora or 434 -296-
5832 ext. 3443 for further information or ifyou have questions.