HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201500026 Review Comments Minor Amendment 2015-06-09YlAGIl`11A County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Project: Avinity 1, Phase IV —Minor Site Plan Amendment Plan preparer: Scott Collins; Collins Engineering [200 Garrett St., Suite K, Charlottesville, VA 22902, scott(gacollins -en ing eering com] Owner or rep.: Avon Properties LLC, P.O. Box 1467, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Plan received date: 29 May 2015 Date of comments: 9 Jun 2015 Planning Coordinator: Johnathan Newberry Reviewer: John Anderson Engineering has completed review of proposed plans. Minor Site Plan Amendment (SDP201500026) 1. T -1 — (Proposed changes, Item 3) Modifications to existing travelway may require adjustment to existing Avinity 1 road/drainage subdivision bond. Contact Engineering to discuss bond requirements attending proposed change to existing travelway, or attending revision/deletion /addition of drainage items. Minor Site Plan Amendment #2 changes requiring new or increased bond amounts must complete bond process prior to Minor Site Plan Amendment Approval. 2. To extent changes affect Approved WPO ESC /SWM plans for Avinity 1, provide letter (if only trivial change), or revised WPO plan sheets for insertion into Approved WPO to guide review and inspection. All sheets that reference `Approved impacts to stream (Typ.)' or make reference to WPO Approval must reference Approved WPO# for Avinity 1, or Amended WPO# for Avinity 1. Add WPO# to labels that reference WPO Approval Approved impacts to stream, for example —S -1, S -2, S -3, LL -1. 3. Contact engineering to discuss possible change in WPO bond amounts for Avinity 1 (ESC measures /SWM facilities), unless proposed ESC measures /SWM facilities are covered by existing bonds. Riprap outlet protection for pipe 1, for example, may be candidate for new or increased WPO bond amount. 4. T -1 —List WPO# with other site data. 5. T -1 — Confirm via narrative that proposed changes (1. -5.) do not increase impervious area, decrease turf areas, or affect SWM calculations for Approved WPO, Avinity 1, in any respect. Reviewer received verbal confirmation of this during brief discussion, 9 -Jun, 10:30am (Scott Collins /COB). 6. S -1 — Please revise pavement parameters /design table entries for accuracy: Dp = 16.05; Dr =12.9 (ADT =583, using Trip Generation Manual values for single family detached (9.57) and Apartment (6.72) to estimate single family attached (Ave = 8.16). Trip Generation Manual does not list single family attached. Using townhouse (5.86) to estimate single family attached may be unrealistic. No change in pavement design/section required. Please revise ADT, Dp, and Dr values to: 583, 16.05, and 12.9, respectively. Feel free to call to discuss. 7. S -1 —Add Note: "Phase I, II, III, IV are Avinity 1. Avinity 2, future development, is not depicted or shown on this sheet." 8. S -1 — Include 3' -4' (speed limit dependent) buffer between back of curb and sidewalk, Degraw St. to Avinity Loop merge lane. —Ref VDOT Road Design Manual, Section B(1)- 4.LPedestrian and Bicycle Facilities, l .A.(4). Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 2 (4) Sidewalks shall be a minimum of 3 feet behind the back of curb on curb and gutter sections, however, if posted speed is greater than 25 mph a 4 foot buffer is required to allow for the placement of signs in accordance with the MUTCD, Part 2 and, if trees are to be planted between the curb and the sidewalk, the buffer strip shall not be less than 6 feet wide with the trees planted so that the center of the tree trunk is not less than 3 feet behind the curb. Sidewalk placed adjacent to the curb shall be 8 feet in width to accommodate the opening of car doors. See Figure 6 and 10. 9. S -1 — Revise Street Pavement sub - caption to read Street Parking Spaces, rather than Parking Spaces. 10. DP -12 — Provide cross drains at required locations —ref Road Plan review checklist: cross drain locations shown and labeled with VDOT designations (CD -1,2) at every major cut and fill transition or sag curve 11. DP -12 —Limit profile view of Degraw St. to only that portion included with Site Plan Amendment #2. Minor Site Plan Amendment approval will exclude portions of Degraw St. included with Avinity 2 site plan. 12. DP -13 —Add notes for drainage structure steps and safety slab for structure height > 4712', respectively. Include VDOT typ. details for drainage structure steps, and safety slab. 13. DP -13 — Recommend add structure number labels for all pipes in drainage profiles. 14. DP -14 —Add many more contour labels to interim and final drainage area plans, and proposed inlets drainage area plan. Increase font pitch in all views so contour labels more easily readable. DP -14 — Revise slope, structure 19, to 0.50, consistent with plan view (Drainage Descriptions table). Please contact John Anderson at janderson2kalbcmarlc.orj4, or 434 - 296 -5832 - 0069, if any questions. File: SDP201500026 Avinity 1- Phase- IV_Minor Amend-060915