HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP200000023 Action Letter (2) APPLICATION WITHDRAWN ..~L oI~I":~rs":r'_':..i~ ~~:'-:'~':3 T:, ~'.l:irg,:i'L;t P',:kar~ 'i =:CJ~:: 'T1~ ::-'..).:: " ~,,' / I LAW OFFICES SCOTT & KRONER, P. C. ,-,\ PROFESSIONAL CORPORAIlON "". STEPHEN SCOTT ROBERT .J. KRONER NEAL L. \VAL fERS C. LAMAR GARREN 418 EAST WATER STREET POST OFFICE BOX :!737 CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA :!:!902 IELEPHONE ',8041 !96-:! 161 FACSIMILE ,8041 ~93-~0~3 June 5~ 2000 BY FACSIl\IILE AND U.S.l\lAIL \fargaret \L Pickart. Design Planner Albelnarle County Department of Planning and COlnmunit)" Developtnent 401 !\Iclntire Road Charlottesville. VA 22902-4596 RE: SP 00-023 Hertz Corporation Rental Office SP-OO-024 Hertz Corporation Outdoor Storage Tax ~Iap 3L Parcel17E Dear :\ fargaret: As we discussed on the telephone this tnOlning, the Hertz Corporation has decided to \.vithdra\.v its applications for a special use pennit and for Architectural Review Board approval of the above-captioned applications. Hertz will be "vithdra"ving the applications~ rather than deferring thetn. as it is no longer seeking an interest in the subject real property. Cnless you inform me othenvise. I \vill aSSUlne that nothing else is required to complete the process of \'vithdra\ving these applications. If there is an~thing else that I can pro\'ide. please let tne knO\v. \'ery truly yours. /11 /; /r--;-". ,t) }!, '/ ',' / ',Il .vd, I~ "J r;f. i/ \ j ---> Neal L. \Valters cc: :\fr. Brett Sten1s .-\Ian J. V\,7 eisblatt. Esq. ....; _~ -=~, 7' fr...";s',':~ ::-nr i= ':,.;;.'S,C::'~n~r al L""Jallj-,,:,,,,,rt.~., ~ ~ ir1