HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE201500081 Application 2015-06-25FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CLF # Zb Fee Amount $ T (7 .off Date Paid S14 By who? � -1 �� rQ Receipt # 9 1 k# 1 9 7 S By: D _ Zoning Clearance for Family Day Home Clearance Fee= $50 M/Family day home checklist items (See page 2). Please schedule a pre -application meeting with staffprior to submitting an application to go ensure that all requirements are met. nrP•-r;+;��+;�•, +�,r+ •,�+;r�ftl,__� is application has been provided to ihe pcope���+-a�iier, --if-owtrer-is-clil��� Pr^,ter-wnpplical�t:� Fancily day home: Child day program offered in the dwelling unit of the provider or the dwelling unit that is the home of any of the children in care for one (1) through twelve (12) children under the age of thirteen (13), exclusive of the provider's bwn children and any children who reside in the home, when at least one child receives care for compensation. For the purposes of this definition, a child day program is a regularly operating service arrangement for children where, during the absence of a parent or guardian, a person has agreed to assume responsibility for the supervision, protection, and well-being of a child under the age of thirteen (13) for less than a twenty-four (24) hour. eriod Project Name: Tax map and parcel:(e Zoning: 5 SS told ���a� � C'�1a� &", t__s W //,n�� q��- Physical Street Address (if assigned): � (� (� Location of property (landmarks, intersections, or other): Contact Person (Who should we'ecall/write concerning this prgiect?): 0�"'/OZMDE� - Address 10,5 8' Old Brod k- / �Q City cl?a y VSttate 11'q- Zip o�c5lgb,��, Daytime Phone ( j� �MZy(vi� % tVY� Fax # (_) E-mail Owner of Record V++°'V � G"pla 1 / i /i rQ r11 `iil �Qq C NIlL� { / I / Address I �� ol t�C�o��. City G�1G l'CD lesv% Vtlrtate� ,/�QZipto Daytime Phone (�u n q0el - C)7yy Fax # L E-mail m %7 f j" 1x�.Gb+.eh Gina,; l • C ori Applicant (Who is the Contact person representing?):%J� _( [ /LTL( � ����/��G�%L� Address � lL/ 5 5 '��� cjl _ -,b�pr ,r�ic— -m City Char 26MS Vi k State r b- Zip ;94;2 O Daytime Phone 7 �/"/ � `►� J Fax # L E-mail � QiY%� � ca/yz, ogahno CD 1>7 Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief Signature of Owner, Agent Date h0:?_ AV&N- M o k9 rez- r, q5(4_40_0(05 Print Name �Dnayttime phone number of Signatory County of Albemarle De r W't Community Development - 401 McIntire Road CharlottW en* VQi QC. 34 2 6-5832 Fax: 434 972-4126 Cmwilk D veld ent Depa(r m�nt� ( ) Date File -- 10/4/13 Page 1 of 3 FAMILY DAY HOME CHECKLIST (FROWONING ORDINANCE SECTIONS 5.1.56 & 31.5) children you are licensed to care for, number of Zeployees, how long you have been licensed, and any additional information to address the zoning regulations below. etch of our ro ert a GIS ma h sical surve or lat of the ro ert ma be used that shows the followin : Y property Y( P� physical Y� P property Y Y ) g a. Show the location of parking spaces used for the dwelling and Family Day Home (see parking requirements below) b. Show the location of the access (ex. Driveway) for the Family Day Home PLEASE READ ALL OF THE INFORMATION BELOW AND THEN CHECK EACH BOX SO THAT IT IS CLEAR THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THE REQUIREMENTS FOR FAMILY DAY HOMES: E- Traffic. The additional traffic generated by a family day home, excluding trips associated with the dwelling unit, shall not exceed twenty-four (24) vehicle round trips per day. For the purposes of this section, a "vehicle round trip" means one vehicle entering and exiting the site. See waiver information below. 2 Parking. Each family day home shall provide one (1) parking space plus one (1) parking space for each additional employee. The parking spaces may be located on-site, on the street where authorized by law, or in a parking lot safe and convenient to the family day home. (For example, a single family dwelling needs 2 parking spaces and 1 space for If roily day home) Additional improvements to entrance and access. A zoning clearance shall not be issued if, after review of any site, additional improvements are necessary to protect public health or safety. In conjunction with each application for a zoning clearance, the zoning administrator shall identify, if necessary, the applicable design and improvements required that are at least the minimum necessary to protect public health and safety by providing safe ingress and egress to and from the family day home site, safe vehicular and pedestrian circulation on the site, and the control of dust as deemed appropriate in the context of the use. The zoning administrator may consult with the county engineer or the Virginia D partment of Transportation. regarding the minimum design and improvements for the entrance and access. State licensure. Each family day home shall acquire and maintain the required licensure from the Virginia Department of Social Services. The owner or operator of the family day home shall provide a copy of the license to the zoning administrator. The owner or operator's failure to provide a copy of the license to the zoning administrator shall be deemed to be willful n�npliance with the provisions of this chapter. (Please provide a copy ofyour license.) (7 LYJ Inspections by fire official. The Albemarle County fire official is authorized to conduct periodic inspections of the family day home. The owner or operator's failure to promptly admit the fire official onto the premises and into the dwelling unit to conduct an inspection in a manner authorized b�law shai 1 be deemed to be willful noncol .plian e with the provisions of this chapter. Vto d `'"r✓ ' [ V ��� 1'J �(�i 115 — Cd( �.&�, t01 Rq1 V5 Lvl Relationship to other laws. The provisions of this section are supplementary to all other laws and nothing herein shall be deemed to preclude application of the requirements of the Virginia Department of Social Services, Virginia Department of Health, Virginia State Fire Marshal, or any other local, state or federal agency. (Your application will be forwarded to the Building Otf�ficial, Social Services, an Fire Marshal l to confirm any applicable requirements are met.) C Illi a CA� �� (o 116 — IJU1.lfd i (l e 6 HCl a" cylp r� c5D. 11'a -I 6 I Notice to abutting lot owners. At least thirty (30) days prior to acting on the zoning clearance, the zoning administrator shall provide written notice of the application for a zoning clearance to the owner of each abutting lot under different ownership than the lot on which the proposed family day home would be located. The notice shall identify the proposed family day home, its size and capacity, its location, and whether a special exception under subsection (see below) is requested. The notice shall injviit,ey the recipient to submit any comments before the zoning clearance is acted upon. (Staff �.' l� � � � I `� r Ili p✓/C`'e�1`(� V I.,GQ�t� lJ 10/4/13 Page 3 of 3 `y will provide you a list o ' our neighbors that will be notified under this requirement. See section below or process i P_ Y_ .fY g_ _�' f� P f neighbor objection is received.) wa ❑ Neighbor Objection received -Special exception. If the zoning adt 'strator receives a written objection to the family day home from the owner of an abutting lot within thirty (30 ys after the notice was mailed or delivered, the zoning clearance shall not be approved until after the a cant obtains a special exception for the family day home as provided in sections 33.5 and 33.9. In acting on a cial exception, the board shall consider whether the proposed use will be a substantial detriment to abutting ❑ Traffic waiver. The limitation on number of vehicle round trips per day may be waived or modified by special exception. In acting on a sp a exception, the board shall consider whether the waiver or modification of the number of vehicle round s per day will change the character of the neighboring agricultural area or the residential neighborhood, as ap 'cable, and whether the additional vehicle trips per day will be a substantial detriment to abutting lots. Noti of the application for a special exception shall be posted as provided in section 33.4(m)(2). RF.VTFW PR(N".FSS BY -RIGHT: BOA OF SUPERVISORS APPROVAL NEEDED: Submit Zoning Clearance application and required 1. Su mit Zoning Clearance application and requ' ed ii ation (see checklist above). infoi ration (see checklist above). 2 taff will review for completion and mail abutting 2. Staff 1 review for completion and mail utting own notification to your neighbors who will have owner no ' ication to your neighbors o will have days and to review and comment on your request. 30 days an review and commen n your request. 3 Staff will forward a copy of your application to the 3. Staff will for d a copy of your pplication to the Fire Marshal, Building Official, and Social Services Fire Marshal, Bu ding Officia and Social Services their review, comment, and approval. for their review, col ment, a d approval. aff will schedule a time to visit your property. �(� [ 4. Staff will schedule a t e visit your property. VStaff will approve application if requirements have 5. Staff will schedule yo plication to be heard at been met. next available Plan l ' ig Co mission meeting. 6. A public notice s' n will be sted at your property. 7. Following the anning Comm sion meeting, staff will coordi to the date of the ne available Board of Super sors meeting. 8. Boar ill take action to approve or iy your a ication. 9. tall willpick-up public notice sign. APPROVAL INFORMATION Approved as proposed [ ] Approved with conditions [ ] Denied Conditions Zoning Official t ,�'. Date 0 10/4/13 Page 3 of Description of daycare operation: Hours are 7:30am-5:30pm and there is one shift of 12 children, 2 helpers and the business has been in operation at this location for 10 years. Parking is available in driveway and on -street where employees park. Within traffic limits of ordinance. Description of daycare operation: Hours are 7:30am-5:30pm and there is one shift of 12 children, 2 helpers and the business has been in operation at this location for 10 years. House has 2 -car garage. Parking for parents is available in driveway and on -street where employees park. Within traffic limits of ordinance. W4 �= d o H s°. PSD V � y t b O Ri w U 4~ U 4� O 0 d � U o F bo dw �� •O � y W � d CC ai L a O G. H Z z o d F4� a i�i�Avhif�E+� o x � o ° W .0 N wi W V-4 �a 4 A CH A c N V--4 ti O so.. ice+ M N h H O ti U 4� O d � U bo dw �� CSS Rt � y d CC op.�.-aMN a Q Z z o d F4� a i�i�Avhif�E+� U r'IRGINZP COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4012 NOTICE SENT FIRST CLASS MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL May 6, 2015 RE: CLE # 2015-81 Gentle Care Daycare (Mozhdeh Monjezi) 1658 Old Brook Road; Tax Map Parcel 046A2090007600 Albemarle County Department of Community Development has received a request for a Family Day Home on the parcel listed above. Per Section 5.1.56(B)(7) of the Zoning Ordinance, you are receiving this notification because you are the owner or agent of abutting property to the site tinder review, shown on the attached map. This request is for zoning approval of an existing family day home to continue caring for up to 12 children in the residence at 1658 Old Brook Road. The family day home hours are typically 7:30am-5:30pm. No waiver or modification of zoning regulations has been requested. While the family day home is already licensed by Social Services and has been in operation for several years, zoning approval is also now required. The County will not take action on this request until at least 30 (thirty) days after the date of this letter. Zoning staff will review this application to confirm it meets all of the Zoning Ordinance regulations of Section 5.1.56, which includes traffic limits, provision of adequate parking, adequate entrance/access to the family day home, review by the Building Official, Fire Marshal, and compliance with the licensing requirements of the Virginia Department of Social Services. If the application meets all applicable regulations, it will be approved by staff. Per Section 5.1.56(B)(7) of the Zoning Ordinance, if a written objection to the family day home is received from the owner of an abutting lot within thirty (30) days after the notice was mailed or delivered, the zoning clearance will not be approved until after the applicant obtains a special exception from the Board of Supervisors. If a written objection is made, it must state the specific reason for the objection and describe how the proposed family day home would cause substantial detriment to adjoining property. If the application will be heard by the Board of Supervisors, you will receive a second notice. All information related to this request is available for review in the Department of Community Development during normal business hours (8 a.m.- 5p.m., Mon -Fri). To assure the information is ready for your viewing and to allow staff to be available to help with any questions, we encourage you to schedule an appointment. Please contact Rebecca Ragsdale at (434) 296-5832, ext. 3226 or rragsdale@albemarle.org if you have questions or need more information. Since • 1 , ebecca Ragsdale, Senior lanner Zoning Services N N N z ° N tiM 'li 3 O E m ��a��°�Sg; I y� 4, " a88� R88�d�@o Gfi--LO-Zt(9ti L < O 'I \ ci ]} cv ; d:, 4 Ri 1 r'N O 00 $ / r to cfl MO hCN t0. N N. N00 :. 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O O O 0000000 00000 00 U Q Q Q Q Q Q O_ o.0000000 oCOX, ROBERT M JR - 1649 OLD BROOK RD CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22901 NYGREN, CHRISTOPHER D tJ 1665 OLD BROOK RD CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22901 9TIERNEY, JAMES P JR OR SHELLEY C 1650 OLD BROOK RD CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22901 6)DAV'S,' ICHAEL AOR SHARON R 1666 OLD BROOK RD CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22901 SHIRBACHEH, MOHAMMAD REZA 658 OLD BROOK RD CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22901 foo cw-� 91 7199 9991 7035 5775 9567 91 7199 9991 7035 5775 9550 91 71999991 7035 5775 9543 91 7199 9991 7035 5775 9536 91 7199 9991 7035 5775 9529 91 7199-9991 7035 5775 9512 \STEPHENS, JARRET MICHAEL & VICTORIA VON DER AU MICHAEL 415 STEAMBOAT RD IRVINGTON VA, 22480 _J MOSS, C MURPHY TR OF C MURPHY MOSS TRUST MARY A COFFEY TR OF MARY COFFEY TRU 1657 OLD BROOK RD \STEPHENS, JARRET MICHAEL & VICTORIA VON DER AU MICHAEL 415 STEAMBOAT RD IRVINGTON VA, 22480