HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-06-10 FIN A L * Added to final agenda June 10, 1992 Room 7, County Office Building 1) 2) *3) 4) & Critical Resource Plan. Personnel 7:00 P M. Re 1) C 11 to Order. 2) P edge of Allegiance. 3) M ment of Silence. 4) 0 her Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the PUBLIC. 5) *C nsent Agenda (on next sheet). 6) blic Hearing: Appointment of a School Board Member for the At-Large Position. 7) quest from Murray Whitehill to have property included in the service area boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority for "water only" service. 8) A-92-01. Charles McRaven. Public Hearing on an amendment to Section 10.2.2 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit outdoor theater by special use permit in the rural areas. 9) A-92-02. Donnie Dunn. Public Hearing on an amendment to Section 30.4. 2 . 2 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the storing and bottling of spring water by special use permit in the Natural Resource Overlay District. 10) A-92-06. Public Hearing on an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance under the Commercial Office District to provide medical and pharmaceutical laboratories as a use by special use permit. 11) -92-03. University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation. Public Hearing on a request to rezone 53.52 ac from PD-SC & R-10 to CO. Property on S side of Fontaine Ave E of & adjacent to Rt 29 Bypass. Site located in Neighborhood 6 is recommended for office service in the Comprehensive Plan. TM76,P17B&17Bl. Samuel Miller Dist. (This property lies within a growth area.) 12) S -92-13. University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation. Public Hearing on a request to allow supporting commercial uses, research development activities & medical and pharmaceutical laboratories on 53.52 ac to be rezoned under ZMA-92-03 (see description above). 13) S -92-16. Scott W. Campbell (applicant), George A. Ragsdale (owner). Public Hearing on a request to establish auto sales & rental on 1.6 acs zoned C-l. Property at end of & on the N of Rt 650 just E of Rt 631 (Rio Rd). TM61,P148. Charlottesville Dist. (This property lies in a growth area.) 14) S -92-19. Albemarle County Fair, Inc (applicant), Elizabeth Scott (owner). Public Hearing on a request to amend SP-88-90 to permit a fair. Property containing 50 ac is zoned RA & EC is located on N side of Rt 692 approx 0.4 mi W of Rt 29. TM87,P3. Samuel Miller Dist. (This property is not located within a growth area.) 15) S -92-20. Crozet Church of God. Public Hearing on a request to construct a church on 5 ac zoned RA & EC. Property on S side of R t 824 approx 800 ft W of Rt 250. TM55,P96A. Samuel Miller Dist. (This property does not lie within a growth area.) 16) S -92-22. Dale Wilberger (applicant); Roger Ward (owner). Public Hearing on a request to permit outdoor storage & display of autos, trucks & trailers on 0.49 ac zoned HC & EC Overlay Dist. Property located on N side of Rt 250E, W of & adjacent to White House Motel. TM78,P57B. Rivanna Dist. (This property is located within a growth area.) 17) MA-91-03. Dominion Land. Public Hearing on a request to rezone 8.79 ac from R-6 & C-1 to PD-MC. Property in SW quadrant of Rio Rd/ Berkmar Dr approx 3/10 mi W of Rt 29. Site is located in Neighborhood 1 & is recommended for Community Service in the Comprehensive Plan. TM6P1B,Sec 12. Charlottesville Dist. (This property is located in a growth area.) 18) conomic Development, Discussion of Draft letter on. 19) ppointments. 20) pproval of Minutes: May 20 (afternoon) and May 20 (night), 1992. 21) ther Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. 22) djourn. CON S E N T AGE N D A FOR I FORMATION: 5.1 etter dated May 26, 1992, from Ray D. Pethtel, Commissioner, Virginia De- artment of Transportation, stating that road had Paul H. Cale Elementary chool had been taken into the State Secondary System effective May 21, 1992. 5.2 etter dated May 26, 1992, from Ray D. Pethtel, Commissioner, Virginia De- artment of Transportation, stating that additions to and abandonments from t e Secondary System at Stony Point Elementary School, Crozet Elementary chool and Yancey Elementary School were approved effective May 22, 1992. 5.3 etter dated May 26, 1992, from Ray D. Pethtel, Commissioner, Virginia De- artment of Transportation, enclosing a copy of the "Tentative 1992-93 Con- s ruction Allocations and Six-Year Improvement Program for the Interstate, rimary and Urban Highway Systems, as well as Public Transit, Ports, and irports . 5.4 etter dated May 29, 1992, from Thomas F. Farley, District Administrator, irginia Department of Transportation, giving notice of a location and design ublic hearing for the Route 691 (Tabor Street) project. 5.5 etter dated May 29, 1992, from Thomas F. Farley, District Administrator, irginia Department of Transportation, giving notice of a location and design ublic hearing for the Route 20 (Scottsville Road) project. 5.6 ocal Funding - Social Services Department. Notification that total local funds a proved for 1991-92 in the Social Services budget will be exceeded by ap- roximately $23,500 to be reimbursed by an unexpected $26,000 refund from teState due to a reporting error in the Foster Care Program. 5.7 opy of the Planning Commission's Minutes for May 26 *and June 2,1992. 5.8 opy of Minutes of the Albemarle County Service Authority Board of Directors f r April 16, 1992. 5.9 opy of the Albemarle County Planning Commission's 1991 Annual Report. 5.10 opy of notice dated May 29, 1992, of an Application filed with the State orporation Commission by Virginia Power seeking a general increase in its e ectric base rates. FOR PROVAL: *5.11 Request for salary increase for Jefferson Madison Regional Library personnel for Fiscal Year 1992-93. *5.12 Resolution requesting acceptance of Colston Drive into the State Secondary System of Roads. ~ ~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE OFFICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 401 MciNTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901-4596 MEMORANDUM TO: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive v. Wayne Cilimberg, Director/Planning & Community Development Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC~ June 12, 1992 Board Actions of June 10, 1992 (Night Meeting) Following is a list of actions taken by the Board at its meeting on 10, 1992 (night meeting): Agenda Item No.4. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda. Mary Luce ared on behalf of the Jaycees to request financial support in the amount of 00 for their community fireworks display on the Fourth of July. Staff was TED to draft a staff report for review at the Board's meeting on June 17. Agenda Item No. 5.3. Letter dated May 26, 1992, from Ray D. Pethtel, issioner, Virginia Department of Transportation, enclosing a copy of the tative 1992-93 Construction Allocations and Six-Year Improvement Program for Interstate, Primary and Urban Highway Systems, as well as Public Transit, s, and Airports. REQUESTED a staff report on July 1 concerning the significant amounts of funds shown in this report. Agenda Item No. 5.11. Request for salary increase for Jefferson Madison Reg'onal Library personnel for Fiscal Year 1992-93. APPROVED the request of the Library Board to grant, from existing funds, a two and one-half percent increase in salaries for FY 92-93. Agenda Item No. 5.12. Resolution requesting acceptance of Colston Drive int the State Secondary System of Roads. ADOPTED the attached resolution requesting acceptance. , . ~ Date: Page 2. V. Wayne Cilimberg Robert W. Tucker, Jr. June 12, 1992 Memo To: Agenda Item No.6. Public Hearing: Appointment of a School Board Member for the At-Large Position. SCHEDULED interviews of certain applicants for July 1, 1992. Agenda Item No.7. Request from Murray Whitehill to have property included in the service area boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority for "wat~r only" service. ORDERED a public hearing for July 1, 1992. Time set for 10:20 a.m. Agenda Item No.8. ZTA-92-01. Charles McRaven. Public Hearing on an amendment to Section 10.2.2 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit outdoor theater by spec~al use permit in the rural areas. ADOPTED the attached ordinance. Amended Zoning Ordinance sheets will follow under separate cover. Agenda Item No.9. ZTA-92-02. Donnie Dunn. Public Hearing on an amendment to S~ction of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the storing and bottling of spring water by special use permit in the Natural Resource Overlay District. ADOPTED the attached ordinance. Amended Zoning Ordinance sheets will follbw under separate cover. Agenda Item No. 10. ZTA-92-06. Public Hearing on an amendment to the Zoning Ordipance under the Commercial Office District to provide medical and pharmaceutical laboratories as a use by special use permit. ADOPTED the attached ordinance. Amended Zoning Ordinance sheets will follow under separate cover. Agenda Item No. 11. ZMA-92-03. University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation. Advertised as a public hearing on a request to rezone 53.52 ac from PD-SC & R-10 to CO. Property on S side of Fontaine Ave E of & adjacent to Rt 29 Bypa:ss. Site located in Neighborhood 6 is recommended for office service in the Comprehensive Plan. TM76,P17B&17B1. Samuel Miller Dist. (This property lies within a growth area.) APPROVED subject to the following proffers set out in a letter from Robert B. McKee, McKee/Carson, dated May 15, 1992, and a 14th proffer agreed to verbally by the applicant at this meeting: To: v. Wayne Cilimberg Robert W. Tucker, Jr. June 12, 1992 Dat Pag 3. 1. UREF will construct at its expense along its property frontage improvements to Fontaine Avenue as recommended in the City Urban Design Plan and which are further described in the JPA/Fontaine Avenue Neighborhood Study. Generally these improvements will consist of a four-lane, landscaped median divided roadway which shall be designed to VDOT Collector Road standards. Based on traffic studies prepared for the project, these improvements are considered more than adequate to accommodate the additional traffic occa- sioned by the development of the University Research Park. Specifically, these improvements will consist of: (a) an additional full frontage eastbound lane extending from the existing northbound exit ramp of U.S. 29/250 Bypass to the easternmost corner of the property, (b) upgrade of the existing eastbound lane, (c) provision of a 100-foot taper plus 100-foot right turn lane adjacent to the new eastbound lane, (d) median improvements consisting of curbed landscape median extending from the project entrance west to the Bypass, (e) median improvements consisting of curbed landscape median to accommodate the necessary left turn movements into the park from westbound Fontaine Avenue, (f) left turn lane into the project, and (g) two westbound through lanes from the easternmost property line to the northbound on ramp of the Bypass. Specific design standards and specifications for all turn lanes and construction necessary for the widening of Fontaine Avenue shall be determined upon further discussion with County Staff and VDOT. Construction of these improvements is contingent upon acceptance by the City of Charlottesville in allowing necessary transitions into and within the City limits. Construction of these improvements is also subject to the successful acquisition of additional right-of-way and/or easements neces- sary for construction with the City limits. 2. UREF will construct at its expense full frontage bikeway improvements to be incorporated behind the curb along Fontaine Avenue. The bikeway shall extend from the northbound off ramp of the U.S. 29 Bypass to the easternmost corner of the Research Park. 3. UREF will construct at its expense sidewalk improvements along the south side of Fontaine Avenue from the proposed entrance to the Research Park to the easternmost corner of the property. .( Date: Page 5. V. Wayne Cilimberg Robert W. Tucker, Jr. June 12, 1992 Memo To: Research and development activities including experimental testing, and Laboratories, medical and pharmaceutical, subject to: 1. Compliance with Section 4.14, PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, of the Zoning Ordinance. In order to accomplish phasing of the plan as proposed, as well as to allow variations in the development schedule, staff was granted authority over approval of all phases of development, as well as administrative approval of all site development plans (and subdivisions plats), if any. Agenda Item No. 13. SP-92-16. Scott W. Campbell (applicant), George A. Ragsdale (owner). Advertised as a public hearing on a request to establish auto sales & rental on 1.6 acs zoned C-1. Property at end of & on the N of Rt 650 just'E of Rt 631 (Rio Rd). TM61,P148. Charlottesville Dist. (This property lies, in a growth area.) APPROVED with the following conditions: l. 2. 3. 4. Staff approval of lighting plan and landscape plan; No loudspeakers; There shall be no flags, pennants, banners, streamers or strings of lights; Area for storage and display of vehicles for sale or rent spall be limited to that area approximately shown on "New Parking Area Addit~on" on Attachment C initialled WDF 4/10/92. Agenda Item No. 14. SP-92-19. Albemarle County Fair, Inc (applicant), Eliz~beth Scott (owner). Advertised as a public hearing on a request to amend SP-8B-90 to permit a fair. Property containing 50 ac is zoned RA & EC is loca~ed on N side of Rt 692 approx 0.4 mi W of Rt 29. TM87,P3. Samuel Miller Dist. (This property is not located within a growth area.) APPROVED with the following conditions: 1. Such events shall be limited to six consecutive days excluding Sunday. 'Hours of operation shall be limited to 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Saturday, with no operation on Sunday ("operation" shall mean the period of time during which the fair is open to the public and shall not include set up, dismantling and restoration activities). This permit is issued for the conduct of the Albemarle County Fair by the Albemarle County Fair, Incorporated, and shall not be used for any other event requiring special use permit pursuant to Section and 5.1.27 of the Zoning Ordinance; 2. The applicant shall notify the Albemarle County Police Department, Virginia Department of Health, and servicing fire and rescue squads 60 days prior to , . ',' Date. Page 6. V. Wayne Cilimberg Robert W. Tucker, Jr. June 12, 1992 Memo To: each event and shall make adequate arrangements for the conduct of the event with each of these agencies; 3. Traffic management shall be approved annually by the Albemarle County Police Department, Virginia Department of Transportation and Albemarle County Planning Department, with the final responsibility being that of the Police Department. 4. The applicant shall abide by the approved site plan and submit any requests for amendments for administrative approval at least 30 days prior to each event. Not Docketed: The Board adopted the attached resolution re: duties of the Zoni g Administator. Agenda Item No. 15. SP-92-20. Crozet Church of God. Advertised as a publ'c hearing on a request to construct a church on 5 ac zoned RA & EC. Prop rty on S side of Rt 824 approx 800 ft W of Rt 250. TM55,P96A. Samuel Mill r Dist. (This property does not lie within a growth area.) APPROVED with the following conditions: 1. Administrative approval of site plan; 2. Seating capacity to be determined by adequacy of septic system, not to exceed a maximum seating of 250 persons; 3. Approval is for worship and related church use only. Day care or other such uses will require an amendment to this permit. Agenda Item No. 16. SP-92-22. Dale Wilberger (applicant); Roger Ward (own r). Advertised as a public hearing on a request to permit outdoor storage & display of autos, trucks & trailers on 0.49 ac zoned HC & EC Overlay Dist. Property located on N side of Rt 250E, W of & adjacent to White House Motel. TM78,P57B. Rivanna Dist. (This property is located within a growth area.) APPROVED with the following conditions: 1. Use shall not commence until a Certificate of Appropriateness is issued by the Architectural Review Board; 2. Storage areas shall be limited to those areas noted on sketch dated 4/16/92 and initialed WDF. Agenda Item No. 17. ZMA-91-03. Dominion Land. hea ing on a request to rezone 8.79 ac from R-6 & C-1 qua rant of Rio Rd/ Berkmar Dr approx 3/10 mi W of Rt Nei hborhood 1 & is recommended for Community Service TM6 1B,Sec 12. Charlottesville Dist. (This property are .) Advertised as a public to PD-MC. Property in SW 29. Site is located in in the Comprehensive Plan. is located in a growth " ' t' Date: Page 7. V. Wayne Cilimberg Robert W. Tucker, Jr. June 12, 1992 Memo To: APPROVED with the following agreements: 1. Building E shall be limited to those uses permitted in the CO, Commercial Office, and C-1, Commercial District; 2. The following uses shall be prohibited: a. Hotels, motels and inns (; b. Motor vehicles sales, service and rental (; c. Mobile home and trailer sales and service (; d. Modular building sales (; e. Sale of major recreational equipment and vehicles (; f. Machinery and equipment sales, service and rental (; g. Heating oil sales and distribution (; 3. All exterior lighting shall be face mounted to the exterior of the buildings; 4. Roof mounted mechanical structures shall be adequately screened from adjacent residential development; 5. Landscaping shall be of species similar to that on the adjacent Daily Progress site; 6. Plan shall be revised to indicate not more than thirteen (13) dwelling units; 7. Administrative approval of final site plan; 8. Privacy fence shall be maintained in good condition by the developer; 9. Fencing, designed to prevent pedestrian access, shall be installed adjacent to the residential development (and existing right-of-way shown in Deed Book 804, P. 527) in Berkeley prior to the commencement of grading activities for development of the site; 10. An eight (8) foot high privacy fence shall be installed adjacent to the residential development (and existing right-of-way shown in Deed Book 804, p. 527) in Berkeley and shall overlap for ten (10) feet the existing privacy fence on Tax Map 61M, Block 9, Parcel 9; 11. No burning on site. Agenda Item No. 18. Economic Development, Discussion of Draft letter on. A f w corrections were noted, and staff was directed to have the letter prepared for the Chairman's signature, and mailing. Agenda Item No. 19. Appointments. Grace Carpenter, Harold Dixon, and Jos ph Henley, III, were reappointed to the Piedmont Virginia Community College Boa d of Directors for terms to expire on June 30, 1996. Date: Page 8. v. Wayne Cilimberg Robert W. Tucker, Jr. June 12, 1992 Memo To: Agenda Item No. 21. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. Mr. Perkins asked that the Chairman draft a letter to WESTVACO encouraging them to keep their facility at Ivy open and not to move the facility out of the coun y. A draft letter should be prepared for Board review on June 17. Mr. Bain asked that staff draft a resolution in honor of Samuel Miller's 200t Birthday for next week. LEN: s Atta hments 5' Cf) cc: Robert B. Brandenburger Richard E. Huff, II Roxanne White Bruce Woodzell Amelia Patterson George R. St. John File I I I ~ . AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REENACT THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE IN SECTIONS 3 AND 10 IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle Virginia, that Section 3, Definitions, and Section 10.2.2, Special Use Permit in the Rural Areas District, are hereby and reenacted by the addition of the following words: 3.0, DEFINITIONS, add the following definition: Theater, Outdoor Drama: An establishment whether operated for profit or not, providing live performance recreations of events of historic significance to and having actually occurred within the locality or immediately adjacent localities. Section 10.0, Rural Areas District, RA, add the following use: 10.2.2 BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT 16. Theater, Outdoor Drama. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing w rding constitutes a true, correct copy of an ordinance adopted by t e Board of Supervisors of Albema e County, Vir ., at a r gular meeting held on June 0 92.~ C er , Board of C nty Superv sors AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REENACT THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE IN SECTIONS 3, 5 AND 30.4 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle COlnty, Virginia, that Section 3, Definitions, Section 5, Supple- me~tary Regulations, and Section 30.4, Natural Resource Extraction Overlay District, NR, are hereby amended and reenacted by the ad~ition of the following words: Section 3.0, DEFINITIONS, add the following definition: Spring Water: Water derived at the surface from an underground formation which flows to the surface through natural cracks and fissures under natural pressure. Section 5.1, SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, add the following words as: 5.1.33 SPRING WATER EXTRACTION AND/OR BOTTLING a. No such use shall operate without approval of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; b. No such use shall be established without approval of a site development plan; c. Bottling facilities on-site shall be used only for the bottling of spring water obtained on-site. Water used for bottling shall not contain any additives or artificial carbonation other than those required by regulating agencies for purification purposes; d. All structures shall be similar in facade to a single-family dwelling, private garage, shed, barn or other structure normally expected in a rural or residential area and shall be specifically com- patible in design and scale with other development in area in which located; e. These provisions are supplementary and nothing stated herein shall be deemed to preclude appli- cation of the requirements of any other local, state or federal agency. - 2 - Se tion 30.4, NATURAL RESOURCE EXTRACTION OVERLAY DISTRICTS, NR, am nd the Statement of Intent to read as follows: 30.4.1 INTENT This natural resource extraction overlay district (herein referred to as NR) is created to provide for the utili- zation of spring water for off-site consumption, sand, gravel, stone or other mineral deposits within the county in a manner compatible with adjacent land uses. NR districts may be established where deposits of sand, gravel, stone or other minerals exist; where the uses permitted hereunder are unlikely to create effects adverse to public health, safety and welfare or to the existing roads will not make it necessary to conduct trucking operations through developed residential areas or areas likely to be developed for residents during the course of any extractive use. S ction, BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT, add the following use: 8. Spring water extraction and/or bottling which does not involve pumping of water to the surface. * * * * * hereby certify that the foregoing correct copy of an ordinance adopted Albemarle County, Virginia, at a 1 1992~ r~, Board 0 ounty by I, Lettie E. Neher, do w rding constitutes a true, t e Board of Supervisors of r gular meeting held on Jun .. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REENACT THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE IN SECTIONS 3 AND 23.2.2 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle Co nty, Virginia, that Section 3, Definitions, and section 23, Co ercial Office, are hereby amended and reenacted by the addition of the following words: Se 3.0, DEFINITIONS, add the following definition: Laboratory, Medical: A building or part thereof devoted to bacteriological, biological, x-ray, pathological and similar analytical or diagnostic services to medical doctors or dentists including incidental pharmaceutics; and production, fitting and/or sale of optical or prosthetic appliances. Laboratory, Pharmaceutical: A building or part thereof devoted to the testing, analysis and/or compounding of drugs and chemicals for ethical medicine or surgery, not involving sale directly to the public. Se tion 23.0, COMMERCIAL OFFICE, CO, add the following use: 23.2 .2 BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT 13. Laboratories, medical or pharmaceutical. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing w rding constitutes a true, correct copy of an ordinance adopted by t e Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Vir inia, at a r gular meeting held on June 10, C ~ RES 0 L UTI 0 N RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, vi ginia, that the exhibits/displays admitted to the Albemarle Co nty Fair shall be at the sole discretion of the Albemarle County Fa'r Board. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing w rding constitutes a true, correct copy of resolution adopted by t e Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, V' inia, at a r gular meeting held on June 10, 92.~ er , Board of ounty Supervisors \.;} , -'.''''~lP.!-.-''!II_".iOl'J!:''''';~ A.c;.- e'fd.) ftl":lHl No ", , .. . ~-_..-'-."" '~"'.""'.~,-"",-......;. COMMON\VEALT~l of \7IRGINlA.. .. RAY D, PElrHTEL COMMISSI~NER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA TION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND,23219 , j; , '">",. May 26, 1992 .., Secondary System Addition Albemarle County B~ard of Supervisors Cqunty of Albemarle 4ql McIntire Road C~arlottesville, VA 22901 I I M~BERS OF THE BOARD: As requested in your resolution dated April 15, addition to the Secondary System of Albemarle County e~fective May 21, 1992. ~DITION I 1992, the following is hereby approved, LENGTH P L H. CALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Ro te 9572 - From Route 742 to 0,16 mile East Route 742 0.16 Mi -0' " L' ""\ r!r' j t . '/ a ^. '"""" ) 1- , 6 /I)t ~..~ ~ Sincerely, ~ ffi.. /!uittt ~y D. Pethtel Commissioner TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY -! ,'Ii, ./ I 1 I I I I I RAY D, PE~HTEL COMMISSlfNER : COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA .; }-\.. It- "," j",;- L DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND,23219 ~ \ .. ' " . \ \ 1992 May 27, 1992 Secondary System Additions and Abandonments Albemarle County i Bo~rd of Supervisors co~nty of Albemarle 40 McIntire Road Ch r1ottesvi11e, VA 22901 I I MErBERS OF THE BOARD: As requested in your resolutions dated April l5, 1992, the following itions to and abandonments from the Secondary System of Albemarle County are eby approved, effective May 22, 1992. LENGTH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL From Route 20 to 0,10 mile Southeast Route 20 0.10 Mi ZET ELEMENTARY SCHOOL te 9010 - From Route 810 to loop 0.19 mile East Route 810 0.19 Mi CEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL te 9771 - From Route 627 to 0,10 mile Southeast Route 627 0.10 Mi '~DONMENTS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL From Route 20 to O,lO mile Southeast Route 20 0.10 Mi ZET ELEMENTARY SCHOOL te 9010 - From Route 810 to loop 0.15 mile West Route 810 0.15 Mi CEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL te 9771 - From Route 627 to 0.08 mile Northeast Route 627 0.08 Mi Sincerely, 160. !!~ Commissioner .~ TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY ! D~TE --r T I#te / ~ / ~? 2- t' A~ENDA ITEM NO. ;1,,;: t7&"/ V7 ~s: -3 ) A~ENDA ITEM NAME ~ ,t?/-f1:! ~J~c?fe?~ #I//~y ~-~~~' D,lU' UNTIL -- /;; V~~ ~ ,?)?~ Form. 3 7/25/86 //.V-.~1.."''''''. '4 . / " i )Jlc. . ,,1 j tr'll :'~, COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA t '~, . RAY D, PET TEL COMMISSIO ER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P. O. BOX 671 CULPEPER, 22701 , : j ...>>.", . i I THOMAS F;.FARI;.{V D1S?ltC!.t1jl~ll'il~:R.f>.;TQR May 29, 1992 Location & Design Public Hearing Route 691 (Tabor street) Proj. 0691-002-234,C-501 Albemarle County Mem ers Alb marle Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Cha lottesville, Virginia 22901 Dea Board Members: Attached is a public hearing notice regarding project 069 -002-234,C501. The Hearing will be held Tuesday, June 16 at 7:30 p.m at the Crozet Elementary School, which is located on Route 810, app oximately 0.4 mile north of Route 240 in Crozet. VDOT represent- ati es will be present immediately preceding the hearing from 5:00 to 7:0 p.m. for an informal review of information. The purpose of the Public Hearing will be to consider the proposed loc tion and design of Route 691 (Tabor Street) in Albemarle County. Thi project consists of intersection improvements at the inter- sec ions of Route 240 and High Street (Route 1204). please let me know if you need additional information. Thomas F Farley :lc Att chment cc: Mr. D. S. Roosevelt TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY PUB L I C NOT ICE PROPOSED HIGHWAY PROJECT ROUTE 691 (TABOR STREET) ALBEMA RLE COUNTY Representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) will hold a Location and Design Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 16, 1992, at 7:30 p.m. at the Crozet Elementary School located on Route 810, approximately 0.4 mile north of Route 240, in Crozet. VDOT representatives will also be present at the Crozet Elementary School immediately preceding the hearing from 5 :00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. for an informal review of available information by interested citizens. All interested persons are encouraged to review the proposal prior to the formal hearing. The purpose of this Public Hearing will be to consider the proposed location and design of Route 691 (Tabor Street) in Albemarle County. This project consists of intersection improvements at the intersections of Route 240 and High Street (Route 1204). In conjunction with the proposed improvements to the intersections of Route 240 and High Street (Route 1204), adjacent streets that are within the project limits may be altered by the proposal. .. .,.. ~ '~, J i ~ " Crozat ~4'V ..- J!ll R4lt. WA Y '-.( ,;.. of- . ~$",", --.:::! ~ . ---.. -- ~ " tj ~ VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT TABOR STREET (ROUTE 691) ALBEMARLE COUNTY PROJECT: 0691-002-234. C-501 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 240 AND AT HIGH STREET (RTE 1204) 'ft.,. SCALE Lenqtn In Feet I o 1320 2640 All interested parties are urged to attend and give the Department the i r (; 0 mm en t ::; Cind suggestions ~elative to the proposed highway ~mprovements. Maps, drawings, and other information are available for public review in the Department of Transportation's District Office located on Business Route 15, just south of Route 3, in Culpeper and in its Residency Office located on Route 250, 3.0 miles east of Charlottesville. Written statements and other exhibits relative to the proposed projects may be presented i:1 place of, or In addition to, oral statements at the hearing. Such written statements and exhibits may also be submitted to the Department at any time within ten days after the public hearing. Individuals requiring special assistance participate in this meeting should contact the Resident Engineer at (804) 296-5102. to attend and Charlottesville ~..., VI'9in.. O'....m.nl .1 r..n......,ion Ma y 1 1, 1 99 2 f.." .~ COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA RAY D, PET TEL COMMISSIO ER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P. O. BOX 671 CULPEPER, 22701 THOMAS F. FARLEY DIS--RICT ADMINISTRA TOP May 29, 1992 Location & Design Public Hearing Route 20 (Scottsville Road) Proj. 0020-002-S21,PE101,C501 Albemarle County Members Albemarle Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear Board Members: ttached is a public hearing notice regarding project 0020-002-S21,PE101,C501. The Hearing will be held Thursday, June 18, at 7:30 p.m. at the Cale Elementary School, which is located on Route 742 (Avon street, Extended), 1.1 miles north of Route 20 South, in Albe arle County. VDOT representatives will be present immediately preceding the hearing from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. for an informal review of information. he purpose of the Public Hearing will be to consider the proposed and design of Route 20 (Scottsville Road) from 0.43 mile Route 1801 to 0.03 mile north of Route 1801 in Albemarle lease let me know if you need additional information. Farley :lcs Atta hment cc: r. D. S. Roosevelt TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY PUB L I C NOT ICE PROPOSED HIGHWAY PROJECT ROUTE 20 (SCOTTSVILLE ROAD) ALBEMARLE COUNTY LD-15-92 Representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) will hold a Location and Design Public Hearing on Thursday, June 18, 1992, at 1:30 p. m. at the Cale Elementary School located on Route 142 (Avon Street, Extended), 1.1 miles north of Route 20 South, in Albemarle County. VDOT representatives will also be present at the Cale Elementary School immediately preceding the hearing from 5 :00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. for an informal review of available information by interested citizens. All interested persons are encouraged to review the proposal prior to the formal hearing. The purpose of this Public Hearing will be to consider the proposed location and design of Route 20 (Scottsville Road) from 0.43 mile north of Route 1801 to 0.03 mile north of Route 1801 in Albemarle County. At this location and design public hearing, relocation assistance programs and tentative schedules for right of way acquisition and construction will also be discussed. All interested parties are urged to attend and Department their comments and suggestions relative proposed highway improvement. give to the the I Maps, drawings, an environmental evaluation, and other information are available for pUblic review in the Department of Transportation's District Office located on Business Route 15, just south of Route 3, in Culpeper and in its Residency Office located on Route 250, 3.0 miles east of Charlottesville. Written statements and other exhibits relative to the proposed project may be presented in place of, or in addition to, oral statements at the hearing. Such written statements and exhi bi ts may also be submi tted to the Department at any time ~ithin ten days after the public hearing. Individuals ~equiring special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting should contact the Charlottesville Resident Engineer at (804) 296-5102. ,~ VlfIIln.. 0.,........... Tron_rto.1on May 1 4, 1992 River ~, '''",-/ ~/ \=Jrter s ::r1dge HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ROUTE 20 SCOTTSVILLE ROAD ALBEMARLE COUNTY PROJECT: 0020-002- S21,PE-101,C-SOI FEDERAL PROJECT; HES-055-I(lOn FROM: 0.426 MI. N, RTE. 180 I TO: 0.03 MI.N.RTE, 1801 LENGTH: 0,396 MILES I I i 0, I 2 Mill. ,~ V''9inOO_,otT__tian " COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA RAY D, PETHTEL COMMISSION R DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND, 23219 EARL C.CdCH1:tAN; :UR, STATE LOCATION AND DESIGN ENGINEER May 14, 1992 Route 20 (Scottsville Road) proj. 0020-002-S21, PE-101, C-501 Fed. Proj. HES-055-1 (101) Albemarle County Fr: 0.43 Mi. N. of Route 1801 To: 0.03 Mi. N. of Route 1801 rs. Shelby J. Marshall lerk of the Court lbemarle County 01 E. Jefferson Court Sq. harlottesville, VA 22901 ear Mrs. Marshall: Attached is a Public Notice and Map advising of a proposed ighway improvement project. Should you desire additional information or have any uestions or comments concerning this highway matter, please efer to the above project number and description when you ontact this office. ~e_r~,. ~=-V~% E. C. Cochran, Jr., P.E. State Location and Design Engineer C1 1I.~ ~N lL..:c z: N O'l ...0 IJ') N %: (1... ....J 0: ~"! Y- .- t... .e:: J~~~ .;>=~ ,~]~~ .~~ -'j~ ':;-~% i-:'-<-j ij~>- '-"llGl 8~~ '5 ~ >' t.) _ TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY PUB L I C NOT ICE PROPOSED HIGHWAY PROJECT ROUTE 20 (SCOTTSVILLE ROAD) ALBEMA RLE COUNTY LD-15-92 Representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) will hold a Location and Design Public Hearing on Thursday, June 18, 1992, at 7:30 p.m. at the Cale Elementary School located on Route 742 (Avon Street, Extended), 1.1 miles north of Route 20 South, in Albemarle County. VDOT representatives will also be present at the Cale Elementary School immediately preceding the hearing from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. for an informal review of available information by interested citizens. All interested persons are encouraged to review the proposal prior to the formal hearing. The purpose of this Public Hearing will be to consider the proposed location and design of Route 20 (Scottsville Road) from 0.43 mile north of Route 1801 to 0.03 mile north of Route 1801 in Albemarle County. At this location and design public hearing, relocation assistance programs and tentati ve schedules for right of way , acquisition and construction will also be discussed. All interested parties are urged to attend and Department their comments and suggestions relative proposed highway improvement. give to the the Maps, drawings, an environmental evaluation, and other information are available for public review in the Department of Transportation's District Office located on Business Route 15, just south of Route 3, in Culpeper and in its Residency Office located on Route 250, 3.0 miles east of Charlottesville. Written statements and other exhibits relative to the proposed project may be presented in place of, or in addition to, oral statements at the hearing. Such written statements and exhi bi ts may also be submi tted to the Department at any time within ten days after the public hearing. Individuals requiring special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting should contact the Charlottesville Resident Engineer at (804) 296-5102. ,~" VI",.'. ~I oIT_..... May 1 4, 1992 ., . < .., HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ROUTE 20 SCOTTSVILLE ROAD ALBEMARLE COUNTY PROJECT: 0020-002- S2I,PE-101,C-501 FEDERAL PROJECT; HES-055-1(l01) FROM: 0.426 MI. N. RTE. 1801 TO: 0.03 MI. N. RTE. 1801 LENGTH: 0,396 MILES I I i 0, I 2 Mill. ,~ y;"",.. _...... .. ,,,,__'Ion .. \ County of Albemarle EXECUTIVE SUMMARY social Services AGENDA DATE: June 10, 1992 ITEM NUMBER: -") ci,{( ~ r: ) / ACTION: INFORMATION: SUBJECT Notifica local funds approved for 1991-92 in the Social Services budget ill be exceeded by approximately $23,500 to be reimbursed by an unexpected $26,000 refund from the State due to a reportin error in the Foster Care Program. CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: INFORMATION:~ STAFF CO Messrs. REVIEWED BY: ATTACHMENTS: Huff BACKGRO Between uly, 1991 and May, 1992, the County experienced a 70% increase in expenditures for Foster C re, 38% in transitional day care and 83% increase in JOBS day care over estimates in the F 92 budget. These are mandated programs which are 50% reimbursed by the State but which re ire local funds based on actual expenditures. Due to these large increases, local funds will be over-expended by approximately $20,000 in the current fiscal year. Within t e Housing Office, local funds are anticipated to be over-expended by approximately $3,500 d e to an unexpected law suit filed by a client which resulted in a $3,500 deductible for defe se costs related to the suit. No monetary award was made as a result of the legal action. Total a propriation within the department will not be exceeded so that an additional appropriation is not required, however, staff felt that Board should be made aware of these over-ex nditures in local dollars. Fortunately, to help offset these over-expenditures in local fu ds, the County expects to receive approximately $26,000 from the State after July 1st as a reimbursement for a reporting error in the Foster Care Program. information. RECOMME For the 92.079 COUNTY Of AL8E!'tJAHLl. 'I>'~.,. ""Fi!I H"'. ...... ~."" "'iU., "'.".',' '."""' "~- \',5 J.."of__~ '--~ .... '. . <'J~: - ti '-~ : f'\' ....:;.,.~,::.:."""-,"~'" ',J IAJ ~ 'liV' "'" 1- '"fif' 2 2'" ~ dl" JUN 199 - HI,~ "'.'\ ~"'" ~~ ", ~ ,~ '''.' .' ~ ,q . , tr-'lt, -........"'~..' ".. J'.- ~ _ ,';:~. ;;v ''lit .j ,_,.,1 o~,. ll. .~r.~ 'r~':>~,/ fJ; ~:t~':tl ;!t~? EXECUTIVE OfFICI ~ , COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Social Services 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 PH. (804) 972-4010 TOO (804) 972-4012 FAX (804) 972-4060 IVlEMORANDUM TO: Richard Huff, Deputy Co. Executive FROM: Kathy Ralston, Deputy Director ,i/r:J.fl Dept. of Social Services ~ ~ RE: Local Funding DATE: May 26, 1992 As the end of the fiscal year approaches, I realize that we will need additional local funds for mandated services within the Social Services budget. I had hoped that our administrative savings would be enough to offset the overexpenditures in foster care and day care but they have not. I am projecting the need for $20,000 in local dollars for these programs. These additional dollars will allow us to pay for services for the children we have in care and for child day care for working parents or parents who are in education/training. An issue you should be aware of is that due to a reporting error on our part, the county will be reimbursed roughly $26,000 that we had not anticipated in foster care. Unfortunately, I do not expect these funds in the current fiscal year, but I do expect them next year. Hopefully, this will offset the impact of having to come up with the $20,000 now. Below are figures that may be helpful in the request to the Board. Karen and I are available should you want us present at the Board meeting. Foster Care - Between July 1991 and May 1992 we had a 70% increase in expenditures resulting from several factors: 1) change in the rate structure of Community Attention resulting in triple the cost of some children, 2) two children came out of DeJarnette's Hospital and required residential treatment, 3) items " . . Richard Huff Page 2 May 26, 1992 previously covered under medicaid are now not allowed and have to be paid from foster care funds, i.e., psychotherapy, 4) provision of an aide for a long term foster child who is severely emotionally damaged at $2,000 per month and 5) impact of the CHINS legislation last year continues to bring more children into our system. Day Care Increase of 38% in Transitional Day Care and 83% increase in JOBS Day Care over budgeted figures. As you may recall, both of these programs resulted from the Family Support Act and both were relatively new last year. Consequently, there was a start up period that was very slow but has now caught on. Additionally, both of these programs result from ADC clients either getting jobs or going back to school. Therefore the increase is seen by us as a positive step away from welfare dependency. Also wi thin Housing I proj ect to overspend our budget by $3,500. This resulted from an insurance deductible posted against the Housing budget last fall from a lawsuit filed by a client. We of course had not budgeted for such an expense and cannot cover it now. Thank you for your help in this. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. mt c ., MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: I} ~-.--~:,L~. c.".- d ',> J...:~~=-<~-c S;'"} ) it;;;:, No. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive and~ v. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning Community Development May 28, 1992 Albemarle County Planning Commission - 1991 Annual Report Attached please find a copy of the 1991 Annual Report approved by the Albemarle County Planning Commission at their meeting on May 26, 1992. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. VWC/jcw ATTACHMENT 1991 ANNUAL REPORT ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION I, INTRODUCTION The Code of Virginia states that local Planning Commissions shall make recommendations and an annual report to the governing body concerning the operation of the Commission and the status of planning within the jurisdiction, This report is a brief summary of what the Albemarle County Planning Commission has accomplished during the past year and some of the problems which will be addressed during 1992. I . PERSONNEL The Commission is composed of seven members, one member from each of the six magisterial districts, and one member "at large." The Commission members during 1991 were: Keith Rittenhouse, Harry Wilkerson, Vice-Chairman Phil Grimm Thomas Jenkins Ellen I. Andersen Jacquelyn N. Huckle Walter F. Johnson Scottsvil1e 6/01/88 - 12/31/91 Chairman Rivanna Charlottesville Whi te Hall Samuel Miller Jack Jouett At-Large 1/18/84 - 12/31/91 1/03/90 - 12/31/93 1/06/88 - 12/31/91 1/03/90 - 12/31/93 1/03/90 - 12/31/93 1/17/90 - 12/31/91 II , EXPENSES The Commission does not have a separate budget. Expenses for commission members were a total of $24,050,00 all of which was spent on salaries for commissioners. REGULAR MEETINGS The Planning Commission held 47 regular meetings primarily to review current development proposals. A total of 212 items were reviewed. Zoning text amendments addressed such issues as broadening uses permitted within the various commercial and industrial zoning districts and providing new guidelines for Comprehensive Plan service areas; definition's for contractor's office and equipment storage yard or truck terminal; amending building setback regulations in the Rural Areas zone related to private roads; and, fees (see Appendix A). An important procedural measure implemented in March, 1988 was the Consent Agenda. The Planning Commission authorized staff approval of all of the 11 items which appeared on the Consent Agenda, resulting in an agenda time savings of about 5 hours or 2 meetings, I V, ACTION SUMMARY The number of actions considered by the Commission during 1991 and in each of the previous five years is shown by category in the following table. Consent agenda items are listed separately, 1 I . ~ CONSIDERED 1991 1990 cotPrehensive Plan Amendments 2 5 Zoning Text Amendments 9 9 Subdivision Ordinance Amendments 1 0 Co~prehensive Plan Compliance ~eviews 5 2 Zo~ing Map Amendments 19 23 Sp~cial Use Permits 67 63 Pr~1iminary Site Plans 25 Final Site Plans Pr~1iminary Plats 15 Fillal Plats Si e Plan Extensions Si e Plan Waivers Si e Plan Amendments 12 Si e Plan Administrative Approval 0 Fi~al Plat Extensions Fillal Plat Administrative ~pproval SUbdivision Waiver Ag icultural/Forestal Districts 4 21 5 21 3 2 o o 1 3 1989 4 17 3 5 23 65 32 2 1 1988 1987 1 0 5 14 o 1 3 2 22 15 56 54 45 23 24 3 5 15 24 8 1 17 16 o 1 23 23 9 6 5 o 1 1 1 1 3 11 CO~SENT AGENDA ITEMS tSenarate from Action Considered Above):: Pr~liminary Site Plans Fij),al Site Plans Pr liminary Plats Fi ~al Plats Ag icultural/Forestal Districts, (Referral of application) 2 o 5 2 2 2 o 6 2 4 o 2 o 1 5 4 2 3 4 6 2 5 2 2 5 5 2 7 3 8 1986 3 11 2 1 20 97 33 48 3 3 6 2 2 3 1 5 4 VI. OTHER PLANNING ACTIVITIES The Commission discussed a number of immediate and long-range planning issues in 1991, A number of work sessions of 1.5 - 2 hours duration were held in addition to weekly agendas to discuss the following topics: . Agricultural/Forestal Districts . The Commission reviewed and approved one new A/F district; two additions to A/F districts; and, reviewed two A/F districts for renewal, These A/F districts totalled 11,672,55 acres: High Mowing - 622.44 acres Keswick Addition - 263.00 acres Free Union Addition - 716.37 acres Totier Creek District Reviewed - 7,246.52 acres Hatton District Reviewed - 2,824,22 acres o Six Year Secondary Road Plan - The Commission reviewed the FY9l-92 budget for the Six Year Secondary Road Plan and the 1992-93 to 1997-98 Six Year Secondary Road Plan and County priority list for road improvements, The Six Year Plan and County priority road improvement list are adopted for a two year period with the budget reviewed annually. The recommended FY9l-92 budget and FY92-93 priority list were forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for final action. The amount allocated for the FY1992-93 to FY1997-98 Six Year Secondary Road Plan has yet to be finalized, but is estimated to be $20,024,104. The estimated cost for the County's priority list of projects is $81,500,000. . Six Year Primary Road Plan - The priorities of primary road projects in the County were reviewed as part of the Virginia Department of Transportation Six Year Plan process. . Capital Improvements Program - The Commission reviewed project requests for FY1992-93 to the FY1996-97 Capital Improvements Program. The Commission recommended fifty-four (54) projects to the Board to be funded in FY1992-93 at a cost of $16,298,491, . Comprehensive Plan Amendments - The Commission reviewed two comprehensive Plan amendments during 1991: CPA-9l-l Bicycle Plan for the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County CPA-91-2 Blue Ridge Neighborhood "Area B" Study . Review for compliance with the Comprehensive Plan - The Commission reviewed 6 public projects for compliance with Comprehensive Plan under Virginia Code Section 15.1.456. projects were: the These . Jefferson Village Sewer Line - Review of the proposed construction of a sanitary system to serve Jefferson Village, 3 April 9, 1991 Found to be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. · New Urban Transmission Line - Review of the proposed construction of new transmission water line extending from the South Rivanna Water Plant to an existing line in the vicinity of Ninth and Main Streets in Charlottesville. April 23, 1991 - Found to be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. o Commonwealth Drive Connection to Greenbrier Drive and Peyton Drive upgrade. July 24, 1991 - Found to be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. o Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) Scottsville Water and Sanitary Sewer Line Installation, July 24, 1991 _ Found to be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. · Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) Route 250 Water Line Extension, January 29, 1991 - Found to be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, o Installation of Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) Sewer Line to Serve the University of Virginia's new Dormitory and Dining Hall Located on Stadium Road, December 3, 1991 - Found to be in Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, VII. PLANNING ACTIVITIES FOR 1992: o Adoption of final sections of the Community Facility Plan. o Adoption of Open Space Plan. o Completion of Utilities Master Plan, o Completion of Neighborhood 3 Plan, . Housing Committee Final Report and Recommendations, o Consideration of Historic District Zoning. · Review of zoning text amendments resulting from Open Space Plan adoption. · Consideration of zoning text amendments resulting from Housing Committee, . Subdivision Ordinance revision, These activities are over and above the normal case workload and annual projects, 4 . , APPENDIX A 1991 ZONING TEXT AMENDMENTS ZTA-91-l Luck Stone Corporation - To amend the Zoning Ordinance Section SPECIAL USE PERMITS in the Natural Resource Extraction Overlay District. PLANNING COMMISSION: May 14, 1991 - Recommended denial, by a vote of 5-2. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: INDEFINITELY DEFERRED ZTA-9l-02 - To amend 5.1.2 Forestry PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: [PENDING; NO ACTION] (COMBINED WITH ZTA-92-05) ZTA-91-03 Amendments to Zoning Ordinance to Implement Comprehensive Plan as to Non-residential "Service Areas" Concept - To broaden uses permitted within the various commercial and industrial zoning districts and to provide a new section 9.0 GUIDELINES FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SERVICE AREAS for the purpose of implementing the non-residential land use guidelines as outlined by the "service areas" concept of the Comprehensive Plan. PLANNING COMMISSION: May 21, 1991 - Unanimously recommended approval. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: June 19, 1991 - Adopted ZTA-91-04 Schuyler Enterprises - Petition to amend Section 3.0 to include a definition for contractor's office and equipment storage yard or truck terminal, and to amend Section 5.1.33 to provide supplemental regulations for contractor's office and equipment storage yard or truck terminal and to include Section 10.2.2(44) which would provide for contractor's office and equipment storage yard or truck terminal by special use in the Rural Areas. PLANNING COMMISSION: September 4, 1991 - Unanimously recommended denial. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: September 18, 1991 - Denied. , . I ZTA-9l-05 To amend the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance in Section 5.6.2, Conditions of Approval for Mobile Homes on Individual Lots by the addition thereto of a subsection "f" reading: "No rental to be made of the mobile home, the same to be occupied by the owner of the land on which the mobile home is located, or by a lineal relative or bona fide agricultural employee of the owner. PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: [PENDING; NO ACTION] ZTA-91-06 - To amend the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance in Section 10.4 to amend building setback regulations in the Rural Area zone related to private roads. PLANNING COMMISSION: September 4, 1991 - Unanimously recommended approval. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: November 14, 1991 - Adopted. ZTA-9l-07 John Embree - Conventional development PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: [PENDING; NO ACTION] ZTA-9l-08 Fee Schedule - To amend and reenact Section 35.0, Fees of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance and to repeal language in Section, Sign Permits. PLANNING COMMISSION: September 24, 1991 - Unanimously recommended approval. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: December 11, 1991 - Adopted. . . ZTA-91-09 Sign Ordinance - This proposed sign ordinance will modify the current Zoning Ordinance as follows: All definitions relating to structures and to signs (in Section 3.0) shall be repealed and replaced within the proposed sign ordinance; all of Section 4.15 dealing with sign regulations shall be repealed and the new Section s 21.7.1, 21.7.2, 26.10.1 and 26.10.2. Sign regulations within Overlay Districts (Section 30.5 and 30.6) shall be amended comprehensively. PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: [PENDING; NO ACTION] May 29, 1992 LQcal Governmental Officials Ladies and Gentlemen: ,;Jo- ~".';' j~~ !' i , i~ \ \ . . ~ '\ " Post Office Box 26666 Richmond, Virginia 23261 'c, \i.,;.... &.:'& 7<:? 7:< L4. /? ( 5-/0) 'iq"l", ;'1110 ..... < " l .. ~:'vlj.fiNIA'A"WER .....,; Please take notice that on this 29th day of May 1992, Virginia P~wer has filed an Application with the state Corporation c~mmisslon seeking a general increase in its electric base rates. Pursuant to the Commission's Rules Governing utility Rate Increase A~plications and Annual Informational Filings, Virginia Power is providing you notice of this filing and enclosing a copy of its Application. A copy of the complete Application, including testimony, exhibits and filing schedules, may be obtained from Virginia Power at no cost by written request to Mr. Kendrick R. Riggs, Virginia Power, P~ O. Box 26666, Richmond, Virginia 23261, or by calling Mr. Riggs at (804)771-3299. f:, tl..L R- fN: endrick R. Ri s Senior Regulatory Counsel Virginia Power , , COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA BEFORE THE STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION APfLICATION OF VIfGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY I Fot a general increase in electric ba~e rates I ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. PUE9200___ APPLICATION OF VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY Pursuant to Section 56-237 of the Code of Virginia, the I copmission's Rules Governing utility Rate Increase Applications and Annual Information Filings, and the Commission's Rules of Practice I I I an~ Procedure, Virginia Electric and Power Company ("Virginia I po~er" or "company") hereby files this Application for a general , I inprease in its base rates for electric service. In support of , thlis Application, Virginia Power respectfully states the following: 1. Virginia Power is a public utility engaged in the g~neration, transmission, distribution and sale of-electric energy I i wilthin a 30,000 square mile area in Virginia and northeastern North I c~rolina and sells electricity to wholesale and retail customers. T~e service and operations of virginia Power and its rates and , I c~arges for retail electric service in Virginia, excluding gqvernmental agencies, are regulated by the State Corporation I cqrnrnission. The post office address of Virginia Power is P. O. Box 2~666, Richmond, virginia 23261. , 2. The Annual Informational Filing ("AIF") for 1991 and the other schedules, testimony and exhibits filed with this Application ~ de~onstrate that in 1991 Virginia Power did not earn its authorized ra~e of return. Based upon the commission's ratemaking me'thodology, and using the interim rates currently used by the co~pany for billing its customers, the deficiency in regulated op,rating revenues is approximately $166 million. The Company, therefore, is requesting in this Application an increase in its jutisdictional operating revenues of $165,864,000 over the level of revenue currently being collected through the interim rates approved in Case No. PUE910047. This increase is necessary to achieve a total level of operating revenues (including fuel) of $3~362,002,000. Without this increase in revenues, virginia Power cannot recover its cost of providing service, including a reasonable return. This increase is authorized by Chapter 10 of Ti~le 56 of the Code of Virginia. 3. The proposed increase in revenues is required to recover increases in the costs of providing service since the period in the last case that have not been offset by increases in revenues. Increases for capacity charges associated with power purchases, increases in rate base through the end of the proforma year, repovery of the year-end def iciency in the capacity memoranrlum I acpount and the uncertain outcome in Case No. PUE910047 are major factors creating the deficiency in operating revenues. 4. A detailed statement of the facts that the Company is pr~pared to prove in support of its Application is set forth in Schedules 1 - 36 and the Company's direct testimony and exhibits of Dr. James T. Rhodes, Larry W. Ellis, James P. Carney, William E. - 2 - f Avera, M. stuart Bolton, Jr., and E. Paul Hilton, all of which acoompany this Application and are incorporated by reference. The prqposed schedule of rates, terms and conditions designed to prqduce the requested level of operating revenue are contained in Sc~edule 32 and are marked with a proposed effective date of June 29( 1992. WHEREFORE, virginia Power hereby requests the Commission to dOfket this Application as a proceeding for a general increase in rates, suspend the proposed schedule of rates through and ending on Oc~ober 26, 1992 pursuant to Virginia Code ~ 56-238, and after I investigation and hearing, to approve the proposed rates and allow I th~m to become final. Respectfully submitted, VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY By: 1j:ns!;-f i2- ~~ I Da~ed: May 29, 1992 , I Charles K. Trible Kendrick R. Riggs virginia Electric & Power Company P.I O. Box 26666 R~chmond, Virginia 23261 E~ans B. Brasfield R~chard D. Gary H4nton & williams Rlverfront Plaza, East Tower 9~1 East Byrd street R~chmond, virginia 23219-4074 - 3 - . . CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned hereby certifies that on this 29th day of May, 19 2, a complete copy of virginia Power's Application for an in rease in electric rates, including Schedules 1 - 36 and the te timony and exhibi ts of Virginia Power's six witnesses, was se ved on Edward L. Petrini, Esquire, Office of the Attorney Ge eral, Division of Consumer Counsel, 101 North 8th Street, 6th Fl or, Richmond, Virginia, by hand delivery, and a true copy of th s Application, without accompanying testimony and exhibits, to ether with a statement that a copy of the complete Application ma be obtained at no cost by making a request therefor orally or in writing to the undersigned, was served by placing the same in th united states mail to be delivered first class and addressed to th place of business or residence of those persons required to re eive such service under the Commission's Rules Governing Utility Ra e Increase Applications and Annual Informational Filings. ~S~l:Jl fL ~~ virginia Electric and Power Company - 4 - AGENDA T TLE: Jeffers n-Madison Per sonne Increases SUBJECT Jefferso requests governin desire t increase STAFF CO Messrs. /:.' .(.A ,) J-. " -t. -{,Ii!...L..i:... ~:..... County of Albemarle EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA DATE: June 10, 1992 -ITEM NUMBER: ? Regional Library ACTION: INFORMATION: Library. Board CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: X INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: Yes REVIEWED BY: Huff. BACKGRO The 1992 93 Jefferson-Madison Regional Library budget did not include funds for staff salary increa~ss due to expected significant state cuts in funding. Now that most of the state funding as been restored and no salary increases were provided last year, the Library Board now re ests participating jurisdiction's concurrence with granting 2 1/2% increases from their existing funds which are delineated in the attached letter from Ms. Donna M. Selle to Robert . Tucker, Jr. dated May 29, 1992. No additional funding from localities will be needed. 1 I ! RECOMME ATION: Staff re ommends the Board of Supervisors concur with the Regional Library Board's desire to grant th small salary increase from approved funds. 92.078 Jefferson-Madison Regional Library 201 East Market Street · Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 · (804) 979-7151 · FAX (804) 971-7035 Office of the Director *. Robert Tucker Cfmnty Executive Afbemarle County Albemarle County Office Building 4Ql McIntire Road C~arlottesville, VA 22901-4596 I I D~ar Bob: At our Library Board of Trustees meeting on May 26, 1992, the Board discussed I t~eir desire to grant our employees a 2-1/2% increase, based on satisfactory performance, b~ginning July 1, 1992. I I , May 29, 1992 I As you are aware when the Library prepared the proposed budget for 1992/1993, w~ were under the cloud of greatly diminished State Aid funding - and our budget request d~d not include any salary increases for our staff. Since that time our financial picture has ~proved and we have been awarded our budget requests from all jurisdictions and the S ate reductions were not as drastic as the Governor originally proposed. By adjustments w thin our existing budget request, such as not continuing the employment of a temporary cifculation position at Central, elimination of the furniture/iooures line item for 1992/1993, a,d some personnel savings in the Regional Reference services, we have made reductions i~ our budget to allow the granting of a salary increase. I I , I The Board and I share great pride in the Library's accomplishments this year with ~creases in productivity on the part of all of our employees. Our staff will experience i~creased costs for family medical benefits, which this proposed raise will cover. 1 I We are not asking for additional funding for this proposed salary increase. The L,brary will live within the approved budget. We are requesting concurrence from our five j~risdictions for this request. If your jurisdiction has any questions or concerns regarding t~is request, please let me know as soon as possible. The Library Board plans to adopt the fipal budget for 1992/1993 at their June 23, 1992 Board meeting. We deeply appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, CGWNTY Of p.L~;:~;f1J;tU..i ,::. ~-~".~;., ..'i ~ltIJ.~ 1. \ " ':: .... -., I I DIMS: dig I ,JUN 1 1992 i I ~ ;:1' ,,(i' Donna M. Selle Director .. '.>~-T EX~CUiT.:~ OffiCI Serving Charlottesville, Albemarle County, Greene County, Louisa County, and Nelson County .. , , r" 1 ,.AfII*.>~\ ,..~,... \ . t I ....' ....--' Edward H. BaJ Jr Samuel Mille;I' COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 Forrest R Marshall. Jr Scottsville David P. Bowe man Charlottesvill Charles S Martin Rivanna Charlotte Y H mphns Jack Jouett Walter F Perkins White Hall M E M 0 RAN DUM I I Tal: I I i Hoyt B. Alford, III, Civil Engineer Engineering Department Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CM~ June 11, 1992 1 I I i I At its meeting on June 10, 1992, the Board of Supervisors ad~Pted the following resolution requesting the Highway Department to accept Colston Drive into the State Secondary System of High- wa s. Attached is the signed resolution. I I I L,:ec Atfachments: Resolution. Requesting Acceptance of Colston Drive into the State System of Secondary Highways Original and 3 copies of each , RES 0 L UTI 0 N ! BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle copnty, Virginia, that pursuant to Virginia Code Section 33.1-229, thr Virginia Department of Transportation be and is hereby re~uested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways, subject toh. final inspection and approval by the Resident Highway Depart- me t, the following road in Colston Subdivision: Colston Drive Beginning at Station 19+87, a point common with the edge of pavement of State Route 708 and the centerline of Colston Drive, thence in an easterly direction 1636 feet to Station 36+23, the end of the cul-de-sac. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Trans- po~tation be and is hereby guaranteed a 40 foot unobstructed ri~ht-of-way and drainage easements along this requested addition aSI recorded by plats in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit co~rt of Albemarle County in Deed Book 848, page 444, Deed Book 89~, page 640 and Deed Book 1070, page 505. I I ! * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a tr~e, correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Super- vi~ors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regula 'ng held on Ju\>e 10, 1992. Yd a ~d of County Supervisors " ~,' .,:. , ,J ). . r) ,..: (~>' / RES 0 L UTI 0 N BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that pursuant to Virginia Code Section 33.1-229, the Virginia Department of Transportation be and is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways, subject to final inspection and approval by the Resident Highway Depart- ment, the following road in Colston Subdivision: Colston Drive Beginning at Station 19+87, a point common with the edge of pavement of State Route 708 and the centerline of Colston Drive, thence in an easterly direction 1636 feet to Station 36+23, the end of the cul-de-sac. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Trans- portation be and is hereby guaranteed a 40 foot unobstructed right-of-way and drainage easements along this requested addition as recorded by plats in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 848, page 444, Deed Book 893, page 640 and Deed Book 1070, page 505. * * * * * , . COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE ;, :~\ 1 (,I?, MEMORANDUM ; ~ ~. 1 , I ITO: Lettie E. Neher, Board of Supervisors Clerk I IFROM: I I :OATE: I I IRE: I Hoyt B. Alford III, Civil Engineer -~~ .3 June 8, 1992 Colston Subdivision - Colston Drive ~he following is a description of Colston Drive which is located lin the Colston Subdivision. I pOLSTON DRIVE ~------------ I ~. eginning at Station 19+87, a point common with the edge of avement of State Route 708 and the centerline of Colston Drive, hence in an easterly direction 1,636 feet to Station 36+23, the ~nd of the cul-de-sac. I ~his road has a forty foot (40') right-of way and has been built ~n accordance with the approved road plans. The deed book references for right-of-way dedication and drainage easements ~re: 1) Deed book 848, page 444; 2) Deed book 893, page 640; and 3) Deed book 1070, page 505. , I frBA/ps I , I I T D ~TE -~ /~ / /~.v-- I A t;ENDA ITEM NO. ~.7, tI~/f1r 37'0 A I;mmA ITIlII NAME 1fr/~//;/-41h1/,p/ 5c.k#,/7!JriU/. · k~ D UNTIL ~/1fr/ r/?H".:::1 - -c77 1/??'''?'\ Form. 3 7/25/86 . ,~ I I ~ I MqTION: Mr. Bain S~COND: Mr. Martin , M$ETING DATE: June 10, 1992 (Afternoon session) CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE MEETING WHEREAS, the Albemarle County Board of c~nvened an executive meeting on this date a firmative recorded vote and in accordance with T e Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and I I i WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires ce!rtification by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors that s~ch executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia l~w; I I : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Albemarle County B~ard of Supervisors hereby certifies that, to the best of each m~mber's knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully e~empted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were d~scussed in the executive meeting to which this certification r~solution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as w re identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were hard, discussed or considered by the Albemarle County Board of s~pervisors. I I Supervisors has pursuant to an the provisions of ~ I A~S: I I I I N1YS: Mr. Perkins, Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Mr. Marshall and Mr. Martin. None. I [*or each nay vote, the substance of the departure from r~quirements of the Act should be described.] , ~SENT DURING MEETING: None. , Al$STAIN DURING VOTE: None. ~ Clerk, Al~~~sors the v ~ END~ ~TEM NAME '" /~~7.5J ~ D UNTIL D ~ ENDA ITEM NO. Form.3 7/25/86 . ... ~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 MEMORANDUM , T(J: Albemarle County Planning Commission F~OM: DATE: Ronald S. Keeler, Chief of Planning May 19, 1992 R$: ZTA-92-01 Charles McRaven (OUTDOOR DRAMA THEATER) ZTA-92-02 Henry Eiden (RIJRAL RETREAT) In 1980, at time of adoption of the current zoning ordinance, the Board of S~pervisors established that zoning text amendments and subdivision text amendments initiated by the public were to be reviewed twice annually. In t~is manner, the Board could assess the effects of a number of amendments on Cqunty policies simultaneously and avoid piecemeal change in ordinances to support the Comprehensive Plan, I Yqu have before you CWo amendments (rural retreat; outdoor drama theater) to tHe Rural Area zone, which, uniform with analysis over the past CWe1ve years, a~e recommended as inconsistent with, or at a minimum, not supportive of the intent of the rural areas. Regardless of the outcome of these CWo petitions, there is demand as evidenced by these and past petitions to warrant a pnoactive review and assessment of tourist-oriented uses and larger-scale s~asona1 uses in the Comprehensive Plan and subsequently in implementing r~gu1ations. TqURIST USES Tqurism, as an important sector of the economy, should be addressed in any eqonomic policy developed by the County. Positive determination as to the t~pes, scale, and locationa1 aspects of such development from a land use p~rspective should follow (i.e. some uses such as hotels, motels, restaurants a~e currently, and in staff opinion, appropriately confined to growth areas, Some uses may demand a more rural setting to flourish but also demand public ut~lities and other services to function and may, therefore, be considered for vi~lage locations), Staff opinion is that "rura1 retreat" and "outdoor drama th~ater" are of such intensity as to require public utilities, From the utilities and other services to function and may, therefore, be considered for village locations), Staff opinion is that "rural retreat" and "outdoor drama theater" are of such intensity as to require public utilities. From the history of amendment petitions, business interest i these types of uses has been consistent. Perhaps some positive program bebween such business interests and historic and other preservation efforts (apparently necessary to such businesses) could be established, Promotion of tourism also has its negative aspects, Retaining tourists through additional attractions adds additional burden on public services. As an example, Monticello reports 2,500 visitors per day during the height of the season. If these tourists are persuaded an additional day in the area, that's an additional 5000 population to be provided water, sewer, and other services. All of these factors can best be analyzed by deliberate study as opposed to individual ordinance amendment. LARGER-SCALE SEASONAL USES Albemarle County has no public or private fairgrounds. In past years, circuses have been unable to locate adequate sites. The Albemarle County Fair currently operates in a temporary location (a petition has been filed for extended usage), SPCA rummage sales have been held in inadequate locations resulting in one case in patrons parking in the median of Rte. 29N. Parking for craft fairs is generally inadequate, None of the uses apparently can sustain the cost of adequate facilities based on the brevity of the use. The Comprehensive Plan recommends as agricultural/forestal industrial support strategy: Assesses the need for a local or regional farmer's market and, if feasible, coordinate its development with the City of Charlottesville and the proposed statewide farmer's market system. " The Comprehensive Plan also recommends establishment of an Agricultural/Forestal Resources Advisory Committee. Analysis of the farmer's market should be an early task of such committee. It would seem reasonable that leasing to non-agricultural uses, could help offset any costs of supporting such a market. .. In closing, comments in this memo should not be viewed as recommendation except to the extent that "tourism" is a segment of the economy not dealt with either as policy in the text or as a land use on the maps in the Comprehensive Plan. Staff opinion is that there is a need to deliberately address this issue through the comprehensive planning process as opposed to a "backdoor" ,approach through zoning ordinance amendment. RSK/jcw I A;f AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REENACT THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE IN SECTIONS 3 AND 10 I I BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle c~unty, Virginia, that Section 3, Definitions, and Section 10.2.2, U es by Special Use Permit in the Rural Areas District, are hereby a ended and reenacted by the addition of the following words: S~ction 3.0, DEFINITIONS, add the following definition: Theater, Outdoor Drama: An establishment whether operated for profit or not, providing live performance recreations of events of historic significance to and having actually occurred within the locality or immediately adjacent localities. stction 10.0, Rural Areas District, RA, add the following use: 1~.2.2 BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT 44. Theater, Outdoor Drama. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing W~rding constitutes a true, correct copy of an ordinance adopted t e Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a r gular meeting held on June 10, ~. Cler~ ou by .'\' I f AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REENACT THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE IN SECTIONS 3 AND 10 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Section 3, Definitions, and Section 10.2.2, Usies by special Use Permit in the Rural Areas District, are hereby amended and reenacted by the addition of the following words: Section 3.0, DEFINITIONS, add the following definition: Theater, Outdoor Drama: An establishment whether operated for profit or not, providing live performance recreations of events of historic significance to and having actually occurred within the locality or immediately adjacent localities. section 10.0, Rural Areas District, RA, add the following use: 10.2.2 BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT ~. Theater, Outdoor Drama. ~1 * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing wording constitutes a true, correct copy of an ordinance adopted by the Board of supervisors of Albern e County, Vir . , , at a regular meeting held on June ]0 92.~ of C nty Superv sors I ..' \ f >,-, ; .. ~~, ,.: l~!g-:~j'::!~:l '-'--''''=-+~'.'''''".JOI:"'_', '\':.:, ~--_:_~ '. . f ,. J.e -.~ .' -~-'-..........' , COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & CommullIty Devel<Jpment 401 Mcintire Road C harlottcsville, V irginlil 22901 <1Sllb (H04) 2% ~)~)2J " May 21, 1992 .'-\ , ',1 Charles McRaven Drawer G Free Union, VA 22940 RE: ZTA-92-01 Charles McRaven Dear Mr. McRaven: The Albemarle County Planning commission, at its meeting on May 19, 1992, by a vote of 4-2, recommended approval of the above-noted zoning text amendment to the Board of Supervisors. Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on June 10. 1992. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, '(2j~ Ronald S. Keeler Chief of Planning RSK/jcw cc: Lettie E. Neher Amelia Patterson Jo Higgins . .-" <::)"\ j .... ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ \b.~~~ Drawer G __ Free union, Virginia ZZ940 -- (804) 973-4859 '\ \ l'" June 5, 1991 Mr. David BOwerman Chairman Board of supervisors co. Office Bld9-401 McIntire Rd Charlottesville, VA 22902 ThanK yoU very much fOl taking the time to meet with the Institute of outdOor Drama studY Team thiS weeK on behalf of our plans fa' a summer outdoor theater. Each man came out of your meeting expressing positive impressions of both you. concerns and the potential for the success of the project. We eagerlY await the studY itself. Dear Mr. Bowerman: 1 hope yoU concluded that we are seriOUS. conscientiOUS and a.are of the many sensitive aspectS of this project. We are confident that this will be a boon for Jefferson country in many waYs as well as for our arts community. Please note that on June loth, the Board of supervisors ."i I I consider the appropriateness of an outdOor summer drama in Albemarle county. We hope that many of your questions were answered this week and that yoU can see that sucn an enterprise can be an asset to the community, our youn9 people and the economy. vour voice at the proceedings would make this happen faster. Thank yOU again for your input. We will keep in touch 85 plans develoP and ask that yoU direct any of your concerns QuicklY to US for best resolution. SincerelY, Linda and c~arles McRaven .. STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: RONALD S. KEELER MAY 19, 1992 JUNE 10, 1992 ZTA-92-01 CHARLES McRAVEN: To amend 10.0 RA Rural Areas District to allow "OUTDOOR DRAMA THEATER: Bv SDecial Permit. PETITION: Charles McRaven petitions the Board of Supervisors to amend the Rural Areas zoning district to allow "OUTDOOR DRAMA THEATER" by special permit. The applicant's justification is provided in Attachment A. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: Staff has reviewed this zoning text amendment for consistency with specific provisions of the Zoning Ordinance: . . 1.4 PURPOSE AND INTENT . 1. 5 RELATION TO ENVIRONMENT . 1.6 RELATION TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN . 4.8.1 DETERMINATIONS CONCERNING UNSPECIFIED USES Staff offers the following comments (for discussion of 1.4.7. see ADDITIONAL SUMMARY COMMENT): . 1.4.8 To Drovide for the Dreservation of agricultural and forestal lands - Making agricultural and forestal lands available to unrelated commercial uses is not a form of preservation but contrary to such effort. . 1.5 RELATION TO ENVIRONMENT - Staff is unsure of any study or economic policy which recommends as appropriate, additional commercialization of the Rural areas. To introduce large scale commercial uses on the one hand and attempt to limit subdivision development on the other hand may be difficult to justify. The Comprehensive Plan contains no policies directed at the tourist economy. . 1.6 RELATION TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - This section of the zoning ordinance explicitly states that "development is to be encouraged in Villages, Communities, and the Urban Area, where services and utilities are available and where some development will not conflict with the agricultural/forestal or other Rural objectives; and development is not to be encouraged in the Rural Areas, which are to be devoted 1 .. to preservation of agricultural and forestal lands and activities, water supply protection, and conservation of natural, scenic, and historic resources and where only limited delivery of public services in intended." Analysis in this report concludes that the proposed use is contrary to this objective of the zoning ordinance. . 4.8.1 DETERMINATIONS CONCERNING UNSPECIFIED USES states that: "Uses other than those specified in district regulations as permitted by right or accessory uses may be added to a district on application by a landowner if the commission and board of supervisors find: a. That there is no clear intent to exclude such uses; and b. That the proposed use is appropriate within the district and would have no more adverse effects on other uses within the district, or on uses in adjoining districts, than would uses of the same general character permitted in the district. In such cases, the board of supervisors shall proceed to amend the ordinance in accord with the provisions of section 33.0." As will be discussed later in this report, Board actions have been consistently supportive of the intent of the Rural Areas zone. Compatibility of "outdoor drama theater" to other RA uses in also discussed. The remainder of this report will examine the proposed amendment in regard to general and specific issues related to the Zoning Ordinance section cited above as well as other considerations. A topical summary of this examination follows: . ADEOUACY OF CURRENT REGULATIONS: USES SIMILAR IN CHARACTER ARE CONFINED TO COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS. USES IN THE RA ZONE THAT DRAW LARGER CROWDS ARE OF LIMITED OPERATIONAL DURATION. . STATEMENT OF INTENT OF RA ZONE: "OUTDOOR DRAMA THEATER" DOES NOT CONTRIBUTE TO OR SUPPORT THE FOUR STATED PURPOSES OF THE RURAL AREAS ZONE. TO THE CONTRARY, ASPECTS OF THE USE COULD COMPETE WITH OR BE CONTRARY TO THESE OBJECTIVES, "OUTDOOR DRAMA THEATER" IS NOT COMPATIBLE TO INTENSIVE AGRICULTURAL AND FORESTAL OPERATIONS. 2 .. . DISPOSITION OF AMENDMENTS TO RA ZONE: 1980 TO PRESENT: THERE HAS BEEN CONSISTENT DECISION SINCE ADOPTION OF THE 1980 ZONING ORDINANCE NOT TO INCLUDE INTO THE RURAL AREAS ZONE USES WHICH DO NOT CONTRIBUTE TO, ARE NOT SUPPORTIVE OF, OR COULD CONFLICT WITH THE AGRICULTURAL/FORESTAL OBJECTIVE. THIS STATEMENT IS BOLSTERED BY THE FACT THAT THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HAS TAKEN POSITIVE ACTION TO CONSTRAIN OR REPEAL USES DEEMED INCONSISTENT WITH THE RURAL AREAS OBJECTIVES. RECOMMENDATION: While many tourist uses may desire rural location, only small-scale uses have been permitted in the Rural Areas zone. INCLUSION OF THIS USE WOULD BE IN OPPOSITION TO: . INTENT OF THE RA ZONE . RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN . DELIBERATE ACTIONS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RELATIVE TO USES IN THE RURAL AREAS ZONE. STAFF RECOMMENDS DENIAL OF ZTA-92-01. SHOULD THE BOARD CHOOSE TO ADOPT THE AMENDMENT, STAFF RECOMMENDS THE DEFINITION (PROVIDED LATER IN THIS REPORT) BE INCLUDED IN 3.0 DEFINITIONS. ADDITIONAL SUMMARY COMMENT: Tourist-oriented uses are not discussed in the Comprehensive Plan (see Attachment C). The Rural Areas zoning district provides for limited commercial uses (see Attachment D). The Rural Areas zone comprises the majority of the County and has received more qiscussion and attention than any other zoning district. Currently, 61 use categories are permitted by right and special user permit, more than specific listings for any other conventional zoning , district. Clearly the RA district provides for reasonable use of land. Section 1.4.7 of the zoning ordinance states that a purpose of zoning is "to encourage economic development activities that provide desirable employment and enlarge the tax base." Clearly, "outdoor drama theater" and other tourist businesses would enhance the County's tourist economy and provide employment. However, under the current Comprehensive Plan, the Rural Areas are to be devoted to agricultural and forestal sectors of the economy. DEFINITION: This section of the staff report will propose and discuss a definition of "outdoor drama theater." 3 ~ THEATER. OUTDOOR DRAMA: An establishment whether operated for profit or not, providing live performance re-creations of events of historic significance to and having actually occurred within the locality or immediately adjacent localities. This definition attempts to restrict "outdoor drama theater" to historical preservation as opposed to an unrestricted menu. staff generally does not favor such limited and narrow definition. However, some uses allowed in the Rural Areas zone have been narrowly defined in an attempt to exclude similar uses (agricultural museum; temporary events sponsored by local nonprofit organizations which are related to and supportive of the RA, rural areas district). ADEOUACY OF CURRENT REGULATIONS: "Outdoor drama theater" is not specifically listed use in the Zoning Ordinance. Uses similar in character are: drive-in theater (HC district) commercial recreation establishment (C-1 and HC districts) Within the Rural Areas zone, no similar listed uses appear. Two uses - the County Fair and Foxfield Races - draw larger crowds than anticipated for this use, but are both temporary operations. The County Fair operates about a week annually and the Foxfield Races is specifically limited to two races per year. An outdoor drama theater would operate during warmer months. Based on existing ordinance provisions, USES SIMILAR IN CHARACTER ARE CONFINED TO COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS. USES IN THE RA ZONE THAT DRAW LARGE CROWDS ARE OF LIMITED OPERATIONAL DURATION. STATEMENT OF INTENT OF RA ZONE This section of the staff report will discuss the relationship of the proposed use to the stated intent of the Rural Areas zoning district. The statement of intent of the RA zone was substantially amended in November, 1989 to reflect the increased emphasis of the Comprehensive Plan to identify the purposes of the Rural Areas. 1. As to the four stated purposes of the RA zone, the following comments are offered: Preservation of aaricultural and forestal lands and activities: "Outdoor drama theater" would use land for commercial usage as opposed to 4 ..t agricultural/forestal use. Amending the Zoning Ordinance to add commercial uses in the RA zone adds "commercial" value to properties to the disadvantage of agriculture and forestry. (In this regard, staff would not anticipate multiple applications for "outdoor drama theater" and inclusion of this particular use may not affect land values). Water suooly protection: Outdoor drama theater could involve extensive parking areas and other areas of impervious coverage. Limited service to the rural areas: Traffic generated by such a use could be significant. Of concern is accommodating a use of this scale on well and septic system. Recently staff recommended that an aOO-seat church would be more appropriately located within a designated growth area where public utilities are available. (The church subsequently petitioned to connect to public sewer). Based on the scale of operation, public utilities may be initially or subsequently required. Conservation of natural. scenic. and historic resources: Agricultural and forestal uses are more appropriate to this objective. Making rural land available to commercial uses appears contrary to this intent, since it would provide additional variety of development. Therefore, staff analysis is that "OUTDOOR DRAMA THEATER" DOES NOT CONTRIBUTE TO OR SUPPORT THE FOUR STATED PURPOSES OF THE RURAL AREAS ZONE. TO THE CONTRARY, ASPECTS OF THE USE COULD COMPETE WITH OR BE CONTRARY TO THESE OBJECTIVES. 2. The statement of intent of the RA zone also emphasizes conflicts between residential development and agricultural/forestal activities. While "outdoor drama theater" would operate evening hours, as described, it should be noted that commercial agricultural and forestal uses are industrial in character and can involve intensive activity, extended hours of operation, heavy machinery, noise, chemical and manure applications and odors. The RA statement of intent includes the language that "in relation to residential development, agricultural/forestal activities shall be regulated only to the extent necessary to protect public health and safety." Staff opinion is that "OUTDOOR DRAMA THEATER" IS NOT COMPATIBLE TO INTENSIVE AGRICULTURAL AND FORESTAL OPERATIONS. 5 <If DISPOSITION OF AMENDMENTS TO RA ZONE: 1980 TO PRESENT: Staff has compiled a summary report to provide background as to the disposition of zoning text amendments initiated by citizen petition or request since adoption of the current zoning ordinance in 980 (Attachment B). Staff opinion is that this listing demonstrates consistent decision regarding the intent of the Rural Areas district: AMENDMENTS APPROVED Farm Winery Hydroelectric power generation Convent, monastery Agricultural museum Temporary events supportive of Rural Areas AMENDMENTS DENIED Restaurant Health resort/health farm Expanded definition of public garage Rural salvage yard In addition, the following uses have been repealed as being inconsistent with the intent of the rural areas: Motels and inns Restaurants located on or adjacent to motel premises Also, the definition of "public garage" was narrowed to exclude renting and selling vehicles and to limited the use to repair and service. Finally, the following uses permitted in the prior A-1 zone were not included in the RA zone when adopted in 1980: - Planned communities - Country clubs - Hospitals - Horse trailer sales, limited - Professional offices Executive offices on a minimum of 100 acres in which are employed a maximum of 15 persons, etc. - Slaughterhouse, custom - Homes for adults Staff opinion is that THERE HAS BEEN CONSISTENT DECISION SINCE ADOPTION OF THE 1980 ZONING ORDINANCE NOT TO INCLUDE INTO THE RURAL AREAS ZONE USES WHICH DO NOT CONTRIBUTE TO, 6 ~ ARE NOT SUPPORTIVE OF, OR COULD CONFLICT WITH THE AGRICULTURAL/FORESTAL OBJECTIVE. THIS STATEMENT IS BOLSTERED BY THE FACT THAT THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HAS TAKEN POSITIVE ACTION TO CONSTRAIN OR REPEAL USES DEEMED INCONSISTENT WITH THE RURAL AREAS OBJECTIVES. 7 . I ATTACHMENT A I ATTACHMENT TO APPLICATION from CHARLES McRAVEN for a ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT Description of Request: This is a request for a zoning text amendment to allow for a specific use for property in Albemarle County, not currently listed. If successful, this amendment would allow, after proper procedure, the establishment of an outdoor theater for ongoing seasonal, regional presentations. Justification for Request: As the result of research, coupled with our background in the field, we believe that a carefully planned and executed outdoor drama would be an economic and cultural asset to the region. This limited, minimal-impact, seasonal land use would be compatible with the county's agricultural nature. (See attached letter) I ATTACHMENT AI February 21, 1992 Directors and Staff Planning and Zoning Commissions Albemarle County Office Building 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Ladies and Gentlemen: Our plan is to establish a permanent outdoor drama on the order of The Lost Colony production in North Carolina and The Stephen Foster Story in Kentucky. Our play is factual, historically accurate, and is set in and around Charlottesville, where the events occurred some 211 years ago. We are working closely with the Institute of Outdoor Drama, a national organization which represents 70 of these productions 1n 30 states. Institute officials see this area as being ideally suited to such a project, both for the richness of our Revolutionary-period heritage, and for the already-established flow of tourism to the community (around 2500 a day in summer). I ~,,,, ~. We have commissioned the Institute to do a feasibility study for the project. As part of this study, they will review potential sites and work closely with us to ensure that our plans are in accordance with your requirements. Specifically, we seek a parcel of land large enough to contain the theater, parking for an eventual estimate of 500 cars, the necessary adjunct structures (restrooms, rain shelter, office), plus a considerable natural buffer from surrounding property. This will be very close to a major highway to minimize traffic impact. Our estimate is for 60-plus acres of agricultural land, most of which would remain in agricultural use, or in existing timber, if present. Our aim is to disturb the site as little as possible, and our architect, Bill Edgerton, is in agreement with this goal. We plan to provide educational, historically valid entertainment in the evening for the visitors who already come here in summer. This project will result in attending visitors staying overnight in the area -- which many of them do not at present -- patronizing our restaurants and lodging. Our projections indicate a $3 million-plus impact on the economy the first season. As the attendance grows to the projected 2,000 level commensurate with similar locations, these benefits will increase proportionately. , , .' " I ,'r" .. This dollar influx is over and above the 50-75 jobs generated (some year-round) and the money spent locally on marketing, goods, construction and production. Finally, we see this as a non-polluting, environmentally friendly enterprise utilizing the talents of local residents, portraying events in our rich history, and providing an opportunity for Albemarle County to show more of what we have to offer. All to a market that already exists. Sincerely, tY~I//~#A Charles McRaven Drawer G Free Union, Virginia 22940 (804) 973-4859 J. I ATTACHMENT 8\ MONITORING REPORT APRIL 5, 1992 AMENDMENTS TO RA. RURAL AREAS ZONING DISTRICT 1980 TO PRESENT The purpose of this report is to provide background as to disposition of zoning text amendments to the RA zone initiated by citizen petition or request since adoption of the current zoning ordinance in 1980. This report will be updated and will serve as an attachment to all future staff reports dealing with amendments to the RA zone. The following listing includes only petitions acted upon by the Board of Supervisors. The petitions are briefly described including key staff comment (in quotation) and Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors actions. ZTA-80-05 Andre Arguad petitioned to allow RESTAURANTS by special use permit. "staff is opposed to further commercialization of the RA district. provisions for restaurants are more than adequate." Planning Commission - denial; Board of Supervisors - denied. ZTA-81-04 BY Resolution to amend RA district to allow FARM WINERY by special use permit. staff viewed farm winery as an agricultural use consistent with the statement of intent of the RA zone, and recommended farm winery "be permitted as a use by right with certain controls on related activities." Planning Commission - approval; Board of Supervisors - approved. ZTA-82-03 By Resolution - to amend RA district to allow HYDROELECTRIC POWER GENERATION by special use permit. staff noted that "these provisions are intended to encourage the use of water power as a natural and replenishable resource for the generation of electrical power. While serving energy conservation and natural resource goals, these provisions are also intended to limit such use so as: not to be objectionable in the area in which it is located; not to interfere with the passage of boats, canoes, fish or other aquatic life; not to degrade the riverine and aquatic habitat nor water quality, in general." Planning Commission - approval; Board of Supervisors - approved. ZTA-83-07 BY Resolution to amend supplementary regulations related to FARM WINERY. Staff at Board direction, developed amendments to provide broader operation and flexibility to farm wineries. Planning Commission - approval; Board of Supervisors - approved. ZTA-86-08 BY Resolution to allow CONVENT, MONASTERY by special use permit. "Monasteries and convents are generally internalized communities often relying on agriculturel agriculturally related activities as a means of 1 I ATTACHMENT BI Ipage 21 self-support. Such uses tend toward a more permanent character than "commercial" group living arrangements such as homes for the elderly, nursing homes, or even private residential schools. Therefore, staff opinion is that the monasteries and convents are generally long-term, low-intensity uses customary to rural settings." Planning Commission - approval; Board of Supervisors - approved. ZTA-87-04 Blanka Rosentiel petitioned to amend the RA zone to allow HEALTH RESORT/HEALTH FARM by special use permit. This amendment received extensive review. In the original report, staff stated that: "Most uses in the RA zone are agricultural/agriculturally related and residential with limited support uses. Effort was made in developing the RA zone to encourage agriculture/forestry and to discourage uses not viewed as compatible to agriculture/forestry. Uses permitted in the prior A-1 zone not found in the RA zone include: professional offices; country clubs; hospitals; executive offices (100 acre minimum; maximum 15 employees); radio/television stations; and homes for adults. In a November 1986 Comprehensive Plan work session report, staff stated that "effort was made to increase the number of agricultural uses permitted by right under the 1980 Zoning Ordinance. However, in view of existing subdivision development and environmental concerns, only limited changes were made. Some uses (currently) included in the RA zone bear little or no relationship to the statement of intent and need not be permitted (based on other zoning provisions) in the RA zone. These are basically uses permitted by special use permit, such as motels, restaurants, and public garages." "The statement of intent of the RA zone speaks primarily of the relationship of agricultural and residential development. Agriculture is to be encouraged while only limited residential development is to be permitted. Commercial uses are not discussed. Staff opinion is that health resort bears no relation to the continuation/ promotion of agriculture/forestry. Since patronage would be primarily non-local, health resort is not viewed as a support use to existing rural development." Planning Commission - denial; Board of Supervisors - denied. Note: The Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors has deleted provisions for motels and restaurants and significantly restricted activities related to public garages in the RA zone. ZTA-87-08 JWK prooerties petitioned to amend the RA zone to allow MUSEUM by special use permit. Staff recommended AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM noting that: "A stated purpose of the Rural Areas zone is that "the continuation and establishment of agriculture and II I ATTACHMENT 81 Ipage 31 agriculturally-related uses will be encouraged. During Comprehensive Plan committee work sessions, agriculture and forestry have received emphasis as the main purpose of the RA district. Support for active measures to promote the agricultural industry has been endorsed. Therefore, staff opinion is that "museum" would be an appropriate use in the RA zone if it were explicitly related to agricultural support efforts. The public purpose to be served by such amendments would be to promote and publicize the agricultural/forestal sector of Albemarle economy." Planning Commission - approval; Board of Supervisors - approved. ZTA-87-08 Albemarle County Fair - petitioned to allow TEMPORARY EVENTS by special use permit in the RA zone. "Staff opinion is that temporary events in the RA, Rural Areas zone which are related to and supportive of the intent of that zone are appropriate" and recommended TEMPORARY EVENTS SPONSORED BY LOCAL NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS WHICH ARE RELATED TO AND SUPPORTIVE OF THE RA, RURAL AREAS ZONE. Planning Commission - approval, Board of Supervisors - approved. ZTA-88-04 David Spradlin petitioned to expand activities permitted under the definition of PUBLIC GARAGE. "A salvage operation bears no relationship to the statement of intent of the RA zone." Planning Commission - denial; Board of Supervisors - denied. Note: Subsequently in 1989 the definition of public garage was amended to delete certain activities (storing, selling, renting, equipping) deemed inappropriate to the rural areas. ZTA=90-03 David and Mary Spradlin petitioned to amend the RA zone to allow RURAL SALVAGE YARD FOR AUTOMOBILES by special use permit. "It appears to staff that the level of regulation needed to minimize the impact of a salvage yard is itself evidence that such a use is not in keeping with the intent of the RA district and Comprehensive Plan." Planning Commission - denial; Board of Supervisors - denied. SUMMARY: Approved: farm winery hydroelectric power generation convent, monastery agricultural museum temporary events supportive of Rural Areas Denied: restaurant health resort/health farm expanded definition of public garage rural salvage yard ~ . IATTACHMENT cl COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Ronald S. Keeler, Chief of Planning David B. Benish, Chief of Community Development May 11, 1992 Eiden ZTA Request - To permit Rural Retreat in Rural Areas District The primary growth management policy of the Comprehensive Plan is to direct growth to designated growth areas while conserving the rural areas for agricultural/forestal activities and other resources protection purposes. The Growth Management Goal (page 107) places "emphasis on the importance and priority of the four major elements that form the basis for the Rural Areas: (1) preservation of agricultural and activities; (2) water supply protection; (3) limited service delivery to these areas; and (4) conservation of natural scenic and historic resources. Of these, the preservation of agricultural and forestal activities is the highest priority. The description of rural retreat as proposed in this request could permit activities that are similar or character to Resort/Conference Center uses. I believe these activities and uses would be inconsistent with the Plan's intent for the Rural Areas. Ongoing agricultural or forestal activities could be incompatible with the retreat activities, creating the potential for nuisance suits. One of the Plan's strategies for implementing the goal of preserving agricultural/forestal activities is: Make the permitted uses of the Rural Areas zoning district consistent with the intent of the Rural Areas policies and strategies (page 50)." " IATTACHMENT cl IPage 21 Ronald S. Keeler Page 2 May 11, 1992 Revisions to the ordinance after the adoption of the plan modified the uses permitted on the Rural Area District. These included the deletion of hotels and restaurants as permitted uses. Also, the type of use would be better located where public utilities services and facilities can be provided to serve it (water and sewer, police, fire and rescue service, road access). The Village Growth Area designation is intended to serve as rural service and residential centers, and provide a location for development with a rural character and setting. The plan is silent as to the appropriateness of tourist related activities in the rural areas, therefore I have made no comment on the economic benefit of this use. The consideration of the appropriateness and role of tourist activity in the County and its relationship to the rural areas should be considered during the review of the County Economic development policy and during the next review of the Comprehensive Plan. DBB/blb '" I ATTACHMENT 0 I COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 . . MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Albemarle County Planning Commission Ronald S. Keeler, Chief of Planning~ February 7, 1989 DATE: RE: Commercial Uses In Rural Areas This memorandum is intended to provide a general discussion of commercial/service uses in the Rural Areas and more.specifically to introduce the staff report analysis for SP-88-89 STEVEN SULLIVAN and SP-88-102 J. B. COFFEY. The Rural Areas zoning district provides for three general categories of commercial/service uses: 1. Aqriculture/Forestal uses including commercial fruit packing plants, veterinary services, wayside stands, and sawmills. For special permit review, the primary focus has been effects on adjoining properties and other environmental concerns; 2. Tourism uses including motels and inns, restaurants, gift, craft, and antique shops, and agricultural museums. Special use permit review has focused on location and accessibility relative to tourist routes (for larger scale uses). 3. Basic support uses intended to provide limited basic support to remote rural/agricultural populations including country store, public garage, and day care. Staff reports for support uses have historically made reference to availability of like uses in the general area. The remainder of this memorandum will discuss a framework for review of support uses. ... ." I ATTACHMENT D I Ipage 21 Albemarle County Planning Commission Page 2 February 7, 1989 . POLICY GUIDELINES: A problem for staff in reviewing support uses is the lack of definitive policy guidelines. The statement of intent of the RA, Rural Areas zone does not 'contain specific language addressing support uses. Likewise, the Comprehensive Plan contains no definitive economic development policy to guide staff in reviews. As to the intent of support uses in the Rural Areas, staff has relied on recollection of discussions during formulation of the Zoning Ordinance. . SERVICE TO THE AREA: Staff reports for support uses consistently refer to availability of other like uses in the general area. Since adoption of the 1980 Zoning Ordinance, only one case has arisen where adequacy of service in the general area was an issue in the public hearing process. Recently the Planning Commission recommended approval of a bank outside of a growth area with no discussion as to the need for such a use nor availability of such uses within the nearby growth area (Two other banks had been recently approved within two miles of the site). . ECONOMIC PROTECTIVE ZONING which seeks to preserve existing businesses by discouraging competition is not endorsed by staff as a legitimate purpose of zoning. At the same time, zoning is intended to provide for "the current and future land and water requirements of the community for various purposes as determined by population and economic studies and other studies" (Section 1. 5). Two concerns arise specifically in regard to the Rural Areas zone. The first is excessive commercialization to the extent that the rural areas becomes a "catchall" as opposed to an area devoted to agricultural and forestal uses. The second concern is in terms of alternative usage of development. As an example, most country stores are not desirable for residential usage or other "by right" uses. Therefore, should a country store fail as a result of competition, it may prove difficult to! resist petitions for alternate commercial uses including I rezonings to a commercial designation. I I i . STAFF APPROACH: In review of support uses, staff will employ three criteria in commenting on adequacy of service to an area: 1. Similar Uses: Staff will attempt to identify uses of a similar character within the general area as well as to identify services available at such locations. '" "' I ATTACHMENT D I Ipage 31 Albemarle County Planning Commission Page 3 February 7, 1989 2. Proximity to Growth Area: Staff will comment as to distance to a designated village, community, or urban area as defined by the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Traffic Counts: Traffic in the area will be used to indicate potential customer volume. Analysis based on the foregoing criteria is clearly arguable. Given available review time and manpower requirements, staff will be unable to undertake any market analysis or population analysis (based on distance or travel time). Incumbent upon the applicant will be: . Demonstration of unserved market; . Identification of services to be provided which are not duplicated in the general area. SUMMARY since no criteria, standards, or other guidelines exist in the Zoning Ordinance or Comprehensive Plan to direct staff in review of support uses, recommendations and outcomes may not be as consistent as for other reviews. While analysis outlined under STAFF APPROACH would consistently address certain aspects of a proposal, outcomes under such an approach could vary. RSK/jcw - . Educational & Employment Perspectives of the Albemarle Summer Outdoor Theater llWill ~~ l!..'lMl. plans an outdoor summer theatre for the production of an historical drama modeled after The Lost Colony in North Carolina. This pageant~style production will be performed throughout the summer,S or 6 nights a week. A major purpose of the summer outdoor theater is to tell an important story in America's history in an entertaining format. Staged with music and special effects, the tale concentrates on local Revolutionary War history with such legendary figures as Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Daniel Boone, Dr. Thomas Walker, General Stevens and Jack Jouett. The play draws together impressions gathered at Monticello, Ash Lawn, Michie Tavern, Montpelier and other historic sites -- making them especially meaningful. Instilling pride of country and in Albemarle's contribution to her history, the story will catch the audience up in that spirit and will leave them wondering, "Where would we be today if the events portrayed had not occurred?" Pr-oduction work runs from May through September, with almost 80 performances June through August. This is the quintessential "summer joo" for both young people and others with summers "off." Since all performances will be in the evening, it is possible for this work to be a second joo. We will also work with area arts associations and institutions to develop "for credit" internship programs at many levels: theater technical creation and production (lights, sound, set, props, etc.); acting; period music; choreography; theater administr-ation; business training to operate ticket sales, concessions and gift shops; etc. These positions will range up and down the pay-scale. Most dministrative positions and the cast will be filled with local residents. Some highly specialized joos or roles may require outside professionals. In addition to the summer performances, the theatre will cooperate with chool systems around the state to share this aspect of Virginia history in a ormat suited to school assemblies as well as classroom studies. We will provide tudy guides for in-class work to complement the special theatrical performances. he 50+ cast, the special effects and the horse-oriented action will be reworked Onto a more portable and manageable format, The adjunct show will include 4-6 ctors whose performance will be augmented by slide-show and/or moving icture/video action. The audience will be invited to become involved and "be art of history," Th(:! students will come to realize the importance of Virginia's place in istory, be able to appreciate this turning point in the American Revolution, and hereby, understand how these events changed our world. Young people enjoy learning through dramatic interpretation in which they re active performers as well as seeing a performance. History becomes real and elevant. Theater work encour-ages cooperation, discourages difficult behavior, i ves young people oppor'tuni ties to explore their talents, channels energy in a roductive and positive way. 1l./linrr. ~J~J'lM..~},,~ l!..'1M1. created the summer outdcx>r theater with community alues foremost in mind, We view the theatre as an important element of lbemarle life celebrating Charlottesville-Albemarle history, our scenery, and ur role as an American cultural, artistic and educational center. Address any questions, comments or suggestions to Charles or Linda McRaven 973-4859. .. ..... .,,~ .. " I~~m! ~~ ~~$ ~~!w~~m ~~~m &~~OOll!mm&Ymm Um~~~ W~~~li~~~~m~ ~~~ ~lli~ &li~~~~~li~ &~~~ ll'~ ~~ ~~ plans an outdoor summer theatre for the production of an historical drama on the order of the Outer Bank's The Lost Colony. This pageant-style production will be performed throughout the summer, 5 or 6 nights a week. The story, staged with music and special effects, concentrates on local Revolutionary War history with legendary figures Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Daniel Boone, Dr. Thomas Walker, General Stevens and Jack Jouett. The play draws together impressions gathered at Monticello, Ash Lawn, Michie Tavern, Montpelier and other historic sights -- making them especially meaningful. Instilling pride of country and in Albemarle's contribution to her history, the story will catch the audience up in that spirit and people will leave wondering, "Where would we be had the events portrayed not occurred?" The production has been created with community values foremost in mind. We view the theatre as an important element of Albemarle life and hope residents will bring guests to see the show often. However, the theatre will actually be targeted toward the tourist trade which already exists (2500+ visitors per day). Our aim is to give visitors historic, artistic, cultural evening entertainment, with the expectation that they will stay here overnight. The purpose of this project is multi-fold: I to provide evening entertainment for tourist families and tour groups telling the history of our beautiful area with pageantry and music, on a regular, dependable basis . to - broaden the artistic, theatrical and educational scope and opportunities ]n the Charlottesville area, creating new jobs and educational experiences (internships and youth jobs as well as professional positions) I to launch a business which, while economically beneficial to the area (with an annual projected impact of more than $20,000,000), will have a relatively mild environmental impact. The tourists will come, spend their money, enjoy their stay and LEAVE. I to give the 300,000+ summer visitors reason to stay one more night; eat another dinner & breakfast; see another sight, buy another souvenir, etc., changing Charlottesville from a "day trip" destination to one encompassing a longer stay so other attractions and businesses can benefit. Clearly, the outdoor summer dntma provides /BlWY opportunities and benefits. R('search shows that most visitors leave the area after a day at Monticello and perhaps one other attraction. Charlottesville is an in-transit stop on the way to Williamsburg or Virginia Beach (via Richmond). A single tour bus of 45 people spends $3,000+ a night for dinner, entertainment, a hotel, breakfast, etc. When an outdoor theatre opens, the economic benefits to an area can be enormous. For example, The Lost Colony production claims a 23-million dollar impact each year for the Outer Banks area. We expect our theatre to put more than 20--million dollars into the economy. At the same tillie, it will not overload our schools or other services (unlike a manufacturing or other year-round industry). And, tourism is relatively non-polluting and controllable and, although seasonal, will generate an economic "ripple" effect for the whole year. ';/I ... ~ .. For this concept to be successful, the site must start out beautiful and stay beautiful. The specific site has not been selected as of June, 1992, but some 50 have been considered. The ideal site must have many attributes, including a location as near as possible to where the actual events occurred. Our site must also be on or very near to a major highway to facilitate safe and quick traffic movement, avoiding narrow, twisting roads, and far from persistent traffic noise, railroad tracks, air flight patterns. Near utilities. We plan to nestle the amphitheater in the center of a 60-100 acre property and blend with the natural environment. We are working with local architect William Edgerton to design a 2,000-seat showcase theatre, with parking for 400+ cars and tour buses. We have looked at horse and cattle operations and even a vineyard. Keeping a farm at work year-round will be part of the charm and is logical since the theatre needs only 8-10 of the acres during the summer months. This investor-owned, tax-paying project will create some 75+ jobs each summer in the full pay-scale range with several year round. Student internships will be an important part of our program. We will cast many roles locally. Some highly specialized jobs or roles require professionals from outside the area. The theatre will work with school systems to share this aspect of Virginia history in a format suited to school assemblies as well as classroom studies. ~,~ ~~ ~~ is being guided by The Institute of Outdoor Drama (IOD), a national research and support organization affiliated with the University of North Carolina. The 10D has been counsel to 92 summer productions including The Lost Colony, Unto These Hills (North Carolina), The Lime Kiln Theater, The Trail of Tears (Oklahoma), Tecumseh (Ohio). The IOD is currently conducting a detailed marketing and feasibility study for us. Their findings and recommendations will cover every aspect of the proposed project and are based on comparables, visits here and a study of exhaustive data. Leader of the on-site Study Team is Dr. David Weiss, retired chairman of the lJVa Drama Department. Dr. Weiss has been instrumental in launching several successful outdoor dramas across the United States. Scott Parker heads the 100 as Executive Director. Mr. Parker completed graduate work at UVa and was the producer of The Lost Colony for several years. The third member is Arthur Cogswell, a North Carolina architect who is an authority on theater design. Charles McRaven heads ~,~ ~~\l ~~. He is a publ ished author, historian and nationally-recognized consultant on historic preservation and construction (stone, log, post-and-beam). Mr. McRaven also has a strong background in theatre and has been a professor of journalism. Entertainment is America's biggest business, even when the general economy falters. In fact, outdoor drama had its best year ever -- during the recession year of 1991. When the proper research, marketing, community support, plus ?areful and conscientious management guide outdoor theatre productions, longevity lS the norm. The Lost Colony is in its 54th season; many others are in their third, fourth or fifth decades. TIlis summer theater celebrates Charlottesville-Albemarle history, our scenery, and our role as an Amprican cultural, artistic and educational center. Address any questions, comments or suggestions to Charles or Linda McRaven at 973-4859. ~ .~ . AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REENACT THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE IN SECTIONS 3, 5 AND 30.4 IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle Virginia, that Section 3, Definitions, Section 5, Supple- Regulations, and Section 30.4, Natural Resource Extraction erlay District, NR, are hereby amended and reenacted by the dition of the following words: S 3.0, DEFINITIONS, add the following definition: Spring Water: Water derived at the surface from an underground formation which flows to the surface through natural cracks and fissures under natural pressure. S ction 5.1, SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, add the following words as: 5.1.33 SPRING WATER EXTRACTION AND/OR BOTTLING a. No such use shall operate without approval of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; b. No such use shall be established without approval of a site development plan; c. Bottling facilities on-site shall be used only for the bottling of spring water obtained on-site. Water used for bottling shall not contain any additives or artificial carbonation other than those required by regulating agencies for purification purposes; d. All structures shall be similar in facade to a single-family dwelling, private garage, shed, barn or other structure normally expected in a rural or residential area and shall be specifically com- patible in design and scale with other development in area in which located; e. These provisions are supplementary and nothing stated herein shall be deemed to preclude appli- cation of the requirements of any other local, state or federal agency. , . . - ~ - 2 - Se tion 30.4, NATURAL RESOURCE EXTRACTION OVERLAY DISTRICTS, NR, am nd the Statement of Intent to read as follows: 30.4.1 INTENT This natural resource extraction overlay district (herein referred to as NR) is created to provide for the utili- zation of spring water for off-site consumption, sand, gravel, stone or other mineral deposits within the county in a manner compatible with adjacent land uses. NR districts may be established where deposits of sand, gravel, stone or other minerals exist; where the uses permitted hereunder are unlikely to create effects adverse to public health, safety and welfare or to the existing roads will not make it necessary to conduct trucking operations through developed residential areas or areas likely to be developed for residents during the course of any extractive use. S ction, BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT, add the following use: 8. Spring water extraction and/or bottling which does not involve pumping of water to the surface. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing w rding constitutes a true, correct copy of an ordinance adopted by t e Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, virginia, at a r gular meeting held on Jun~~ ~d 0 ounty Supervisors COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE OFFICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 401 MciNTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901-4596 r"!!"'" ," ".~, ,. g'"\1~~~~.t.,;~.~;- : AUG 0 4 1992 ~}~.~,Pd~n\; ; -. ~'''>: \..} :L~ MEMO jo: V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director, Planning & Community Development FROM: Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC ~_~ / DATE: August 3, 1992 ~ SUBJE T: ZTA-92-02, Donnie Dunn I On Jun 10, 1992, the Board held a public hearing on ZTA-92-02 for Donnie Dunn, and su sequently adopted the zoning text amendments as recommended by the Plan- ning C mmission. A ques ion has come up about the wording of the Statement of Intent for the Natural Resour e Extraction Overlay District (30.4.1). Before this amendment was adopted, the s18 ement read (refer particularly to paragraph 2): T .s natural resource extraction overlay district (herein referred to as NR) is created to provide for the utilization of the sand, gravel, stone or other mi eral deposits within the county in a manner compatible with adjacent land us s. *" districts may be established where deposits of sand, gravel, stone or er minerals exist; where the uses permitted hereunder are unlikely to cr ate effects adverse to public health, safety and welfare or to the value of adjacent properties; and specifically where existing roads will not make it ne essary to conduct trucking operations through developed residential ar as or areas likely to be developed for residents during the course of any ex ractive use. ---"I ! The s18 ement as shown in your staff report, and as adopted by the Board, reads: T .s natural resource extraction overlay district (herein referred to as NR) is created to provide for the utilization of spring water for off-site con- su ption, sand, gravel, stone or other mineral deposits within the county in a manner compatible with adjacent land uses. Which v rsion of paragraph 2 is correct? districts may be established where deposits of sand, gravel, stone or er minerals exist; where the uses permitted hereunder are unlikely to ate effects adverse to public health, safety and welfare or to the exist- roads will not make it necessary to conduct trucking operations through eloped residential areas or areas likely to be developed for residents ing the course of any extractive use. R. St. John, Robert B. Brandenburger, Amelia Patterson }~~';r':n~i-~,>~ te! ):~~a{: _ _'-...l'n.".....___ _-'--,.-;:.; .;g~;;'i!;.~ ;;~.'I~'1 r'.:"~, _,~_ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE ./.\ "./ L t Dept. of Planning & Community Development; ,. 401 Mcintire Road : ' { Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 ._\ . , ;) '" May 27, 1992 Donnie R. Dunn P. O. Box 231 Free Union, VA 22940 RE: ZTA-92-02 Donnie Dunn Dear Mr. Dunn: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on May 26, 1992, by a vote 4-2, recommended approval of the above-noted zoning text amendment to the Board of Supervisors. Attached please find a revised staff report which denotes changes made at the Planning Commission meeting. Please note that the Board of Supervisors will review this amendment at its June 10, 1992 meeting. If you should have any questions or concerns about this action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, V~/l~ william D. Fritz Senior Planner WDF/jcw cc: I Lettie E. Neher Amelia Patterson Jo Higgins STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WILLIAM D. FRITZ MAY 26, 1992 JUNE 10, 1992 ZTA-92-02 DONNIE DUNN Oriqin: Request by Donnie Dunn. Public Purpose to be Served: To allow for the bottling of spring water for sale. STAFF COMMENT: The applicant proposes to amend Section to add the following: 8. Spring Water Extraction and/or bottling which does not involve pumping of water to the surface. This report will address the proposed zoning text amendment's relationship with the: 1. Current State Regulations Governing Water Bottling Activities 2 . Comprehensive Plan 3. Purpose and Intent of the Natural Resource Overlay District 4. Purpose and Intent of the Zoning Ordinance 5. Purpose and Intent of the Rural Areas Summary of the Current State Requlations Governing Water Bottlinq Activities Staff has discussed the issue of riparian rights with the County Attorney and is of the opinion that the use of water for bottling is permitted, provided that downstream entities are not unreasonably affected. Issues of reasonable use are best addressed by the courts. The water bottling industry is regulated in Virginia by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services with the assistance of the Department of Health. The regulations address the quality of water used for bottling and sanitary practices for bottling. The quantity of water used is not addressed by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Virginia has adopted the guidelines of the Federal Food and Drug Administration as they relate to bottled water. Staff opinion is that no County regulations are required to ensure the safety of the water source or bottling facilities. 1 The Natural Resource District is now, and is likely to remain, an overlay district found predominately or exclusively in the Rural Areas. This request was analyzed under this assumption. Comprehensive Plan The issue.of water extraction from springs is not directly addressed by the Comprehensive Plan. Spring water extraction is not a use directly related to agricultural/forestal activities which are the primary activities of the Rural Areas. However, the utilization of spring water may enable the preservation of agricultural/forestal lands without the subdivision of land. This is accomplished by allowing the landowner to derive benefit from a natural resource occurring on-site thereby removing the desire to develop the land for residential use. Regarding water resources the Comprehensive Plan states as a goal: "Protect the County's surface water and groundwater supplies for the benefit of Albemarle County, the City of Charlottesville, the Town of scottsville, and downstream interests." (page 57) Regarding water resources the Comprehensive Plan (page 57) provides several comments: "Protection of water resources is of vital importance to Albemarle County and Virginia in general. Albemarle's location adjacent to the Blue Ridge Mountains provides both the advantage of clean headwaters, and a responsibility to protect them." and "The County's Rural Areas playa crucial role in water supply protections, including protection of surface drinking water impoundment watersheds and protection of groundwater supplies for the Rural Area population." and "Therefore, it has been a County policy to severely restrict development in water supply watersheds..." The plan states generally that the County's water resources, surface and ground water, are to be treated in such a manner as to preserve quality and quantity. Water bottling should not adversely affect water quality but will affect quantity. The use of water for bottling is currently allowed in the LI, Light Industry District. Therefore, spring water extraction may be considered inconsistent with the water resource portion of the Comprehensive Plan. 2 The Water Resource Manager was contacted regarding this use and those comments are included as Attachment A. The Comprehensive Plan states on page 73 "Natural Resources in Albemarle include its surface and groundwater, floodplains, wetlands, aquatic and wildlife habitat, farmlands, and forestal resources, other wooded and open areas, critical slopes, soils, minerals, and air." The Comprehensive Plan recognizes the existence and importance of natural resources. Natural resources are to be utilized provided that the negative effects of the resource utilization are mitigated. The location and character of a request and its consistency with the Comprehensive Plan could be considered during the review of each rezoning and special use permit for its overall impact. Purpose and Intent of the Natural Resource OVerlay District The purpose and intent of the Natural Resource Overlay District is as follows: "This natural resource extraction overlay district (hereafter referred to as NR) is created to provide for the utilization of the sand, gravel, stone and other mineral deposits within the County in a manner compatible with adjacent land uses. "NR districts may be established where deposits of sand, gravel, stone or other minerals exist; where the uses permitted hereunder are unlikely to create effects adverse to public health, safety and welfare or to the value of adjacent properties; and specifically where existing roads will not make it necessary to conduct trucking operations through developed residential areas or areas likely to be developed for residents during the course of any extractive use." (Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, page 189). The purpose of this district is primarily extractive, however, some processing activities are permitted (concrete batching and asphalt mixing plants). The resources listed for the district are mineral in nature. staff recommends the inclusion of spring water as a natural resource if this ZTA is approved in order to clarify the proposed use within the intent of the NR district. In order to ensure that the proposed use is operated in a manner compatible with adjacent land uses, staff recommends that each special use permit be reviewed with emphasis on: 3 1. Effect of water withdrawal on downstream properties; 2. Size and appearance of water collection and bottling facilities to ensure compatibility with adjacent uses; 3. Access for trucks transporting water and bottling materials; 4. Adequacy of water source for consumption; 5. Measures to limit withdrawal of water during periods of drought. with appropriate review of each request, this use may be considered consistent with the purpose and intent of the Natural Resource Overlay District. Purpose and Intent of the Zoninq Ordinance One of the stated intents of the Ordinance is "to encourage economic development activities that provide desirable employment and enlarge the tax base" (Section 1.4.7). The proposed amendment provides for a use not currently listed in the Zoning Ordinance. The addition of this use may result in increased employment. However, under the current Comprehensive Plan, the Rural Areas are to be devoted to agricultural and forestal sectors of the economy. Purpose and Intent of the Rural Areas The Rural Areas district is intended to encourage and protect agricultural and forestal activities. Development not related to bona fide agricultural and forestal activities is encouraged to locate in the designated growth areas. As has been stated previously in this report, the NR district is now found and is likely to continue to be found in the Rural Areas. Therefore, staff opinion is that any amendment to the NR district must be reviewed with consideration to the Rural Areas which is the most probable underlying district. Current by-right processing activities in the Rural Areas are limited to Farm Winery [10.2.1(17)]. By special use permit processing activities are limited to sawmills [10.2.2(14)] and packing plants [10.2.2(23)]. All of these uses are directly related to agricultural and forestal uses. The proposed use is not directly related to agricultural and forestal uses. The Planning Commission and Board of supervisors should take into consideration the limited processing uses allowed in the predominate underlying district (RA) when considering an expansion of processing uses in the NR district. 4 staff opinion is that the processing activities, while not related to agricultural/forestal uses, can be regulated in such a manner as to minimize their impact. These regulations may include but are not limited to limitations on building size in order to restrict the appearance of the bottling activity to a scale' similar to that currently existing for farm wineries. These regulations would be determined during the review of each application. Summary: staff has identified the following factors which are favorable to this request: 1. Current state regulations exist to protect the public safety. 2. Allows opportunity for use of RA land that may avoid its further development and does not remove it from agricultural/forestal production. 3. Natural Resource utilization is anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Other Natural Resource extraction uses are permitted and spring water extraction and bottling is less intensive. staff has identified the following factors which are unfavorable to this request: 1. The proposed use may increase truck traffic on rural roads. 2. Spring water extraction is not directly related to agricultural/forestry. 3. Inconsistent with Comprehensive Plan water resource goal. While neither a positive or negative factor, staff notes that the requested water withdrawal use is not currently permitted in any Zoning District (Bottling as a use is permitted by-right in the Light Industry District). Staff opinion is that each request could be reviewed to ensure that the use is consistent with the area in which it is located. Conditions of approval for each request can limit the activity to a level that does not adversely impact adjacent properties or downstream interests. Staff opinion is that the positive factors outweigh the negative factors. 5 staff recommends approval of ZTA-92-02 with the addition of language to clarify the intent of the NR district, supplementary regulations governing spring water extraction and bottling, and a definition of spring water. staff recommends the following additions to the Zoning Ordinance: In Section 3.0 following Slaughterhouse, Custom add: Spring Water - Water derived at the surface from an underqround formation which flows to the surface throuqh natural cracks and fissures under natural pressure. In section 5.1 Supplementary Regulations add: 5.1.33 Sprinq Water Extraction and/or bottlinq gl No such use shall operate without approval of the Virqinia Department of Aqriculture and Consumer Services; Ql No such use shall be established without approval of a site development ?lan; Ql Bottlinq facilities on-site shall be used only for the bottlinq of sprinq water obtained on-site. Water used for bottlinq shall not contain any additives or artificial carbonation other than those required by requlatinq agencies for purification purposes; Ql All structures shall be similar in facade to a sinqle-family dwellinq, private qaraqe, shed, barn or other structure normally expected in a rural or residential area and shall be specifically compatible in desiqn and scale with other development in area in which located; gl These provisions are supplementary and nothinq stated herein shall be deemed to preclude application of the requirements of any other local, state or federal agency. In section 30.4 Natural Resource Extraction Overlay District - NR amend section 30.4.1 as follows: 30.4.1 INTENT This natural resource extraction overlay district (herein referred to as NR) is created to provide for the utilization 6 of ~ne sprinq water for off-site consumption. sand, gravel, stone or other mineral deposits within the county in a manner compatible with adjacent land uses. NR districts may be established where deposits of sand, gravel, stone or other minerals exist; where the uses permitted hereunder are unlikely to create effects adverse to public health, safety and welfare or to the existing roads will not make it necessary to conduct trucking operations through developed residential areas or areas likely to be developed for residents during the course of any extractive use. In section add: ~ Sprinq Water Extraction and/or Bottling which does not involve pumpinq of water to the surface. ATTACHMENTS: A - Water Resources Manager Comment 7 jATTACHMENT AI ALBEMARLE - CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE OF WATERSHED MANAGEMENT 401 MCiNTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901-4596 (804) 296-5841 ;')~' MEMORANDUM ,- ,." ."VG DEPT ,..../~~\"(,)l!~ . TO: William D. Fritz, Senior Planner DATE: J. W. Peyton Robertson, Jr., Water Resources Manager April 2, 1992 ~~~~~ FROM: RE: ZTA-92-02 Water Bottling Operations by Special Permit I have reviewed available information on water bottling operations and feel that consideration of this activity involves three primary issues: 1) water quality, both for source water and potential impact from operations; 2) water quantity, both in terms of impact on the resource and availability; and 3) land use. Each of these items are iaddressed below: 1) Water Quality - Bottled drinking water is currently not subject to the same water quality standards as water from a public supplier. Bottled drinking water is governed by standards of the Food and Drug Administration, while public supplies are subject to the Safe Drinking Water Act, administered by the Environmental Protection Agency. Though this is not of great importance to the County, it does limit the location of spring water bottling operations to sources which meet certain criteria. These criteria are applied by the Health Department and Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The larger issue is potential impacts of bottling operations on the public resources of groundwater and surface water. sanitary facilities, disinfection agents (chlorine, etc.), fuel storage, and other associated operational materials could have impacts on area water resources if not properly addressed. The magnitude of such impacts will depend on the ,nature and scale of the operation. 2) Water Quantity - Bottling operations which utilize a natural spring are not typically using all of the available water from the spring. Impacts to downstream water resources (such as a public water supply) would be negligible from a quantity standpoint and probably difficult to detect. Use of i springs and other water resources is governed by the common law 'principle of riparian rights - the property owner has a right :to reasonable use of the water so long as his use does not adversely affect the ability of another riparian to make memo to Fritz, 4/2/92 page 2 reasonable use of the water. Any disputes over riparian rights are adjudicated in a court of law. If a bottling operation is using a spring-fed source, there will likely be no substantial impact on groundwater resources since there is no active pumping of water from the subsurface. If a well is utilized, there could be drawdown effects from a pumping operation but this would depend on total daily withdrawals and site-specific circumstances such as well yield. 3) Land Use - Related to the potential impact of bottling operations on water resources is the issue of land use. The types of facilities necessary to actually bottle water in containers are industrial in character. While there is not a great deal of pollution associated with water bottling, facilities do require adequate floor area for container washing and sterilization, sanitary bottling, and packaging/storage for shipment. Associated loading areas, truck parking, road access, etc. are important considerations in terms of land disturbance for development and post-construction runoff characteristics. One means of addressing these types of impacts would be to allow water bottling operations only in designated Natural Resource Extraction Overlay zoning districts. Information necessary to evaluate the above mentioned issues could be addressed in a broader geographical/land use context and site-specific information could be further evaluated when siting a particular operation. I hope these comments are helpful. Please let me know if you need additional information. wr92-48 L AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REENACT THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE IN SECTIONS 3 AND 23.2.2 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle cqunty, Virginia, that Section 3, Definitions, and Section 23, cqrnmercial Office, are hereby amended and reenacted by the addition of the following words: s~ction 3.0, DEFINITIONS, add the following definition: Laboratory, Medical: A building or part thereof devoted to bacteriological, biological, x-ray, pathological and similar analytical or diagnostic services to medical doctors or dentists including incidental pharmaceutics; and production, fitting and/or sale of optical or prosthetic appliances. Laboratory, Pharmaceutical: A building or part thereof devoted to the testing, analysis and/or compounding of drugs and chemicals for ethical medicine or surgery, not involving sale directly to the public. S~ction 23.0, COMMERCIAL OFFICE, CO, add the following use: 23.2 .2 BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT 13. Laboratories, medical or pharmaceutical. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing wQrding constitutes a true, correct copy of an ordinance adopted by tfue Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Vir inia, at a r~gular meeting held on June 10, C ,,'" ..,. r \ ~ .'l \ .". ...~ '~ " ~.) ," .: () ~_,j :' .} ;.. \ -.:. ; -'. I), f COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 ~ 't\ i. I! i; j!: MEMORANDUM TO: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors and JuJU FROM: v. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning Community Development DATE: May 28, 1992 RE: ZTA-92-06 - To Amend The CO, Commercial Office District To Include Laboratories, Medical Or Pharmaceutical, By Special Use Permit And Provide Definitions The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on May 26, 1992, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted zoning text amendment. Attached please find a staff report which outlines this amendment. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. VWC/jcw .',' ... STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: RONALD S. KEELER MAY 26, 1992 JUNE 10, 1992 ZTA-92-06- TO AMEND THE CO. COMMERCIAL OFFICE DISTRICT TO INCLUDE LABORATORIES. MEDICAL OR PHARMACEUTICAL. BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT AND PROVIDE DEFINITIONS ORIGIN: Planning staff PUBLIC PURPOSE TO BE SERVED: To increase available office service uses to implement the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF COMMENT: On May 5, 1992, the Planning Commission, at staff request, adopted a resolution to amend the CO zone to include "laboratories-medical or pharmaceutical" by special use permit. The CO zone is intended to allow very limited uses adjacent to residential areas, but it also is intended to accommodate Office Service Area uses described in the Comprehensive Plan which would include corporate/major office parks, research/development, and information systems. "Laboratories" are listed under Industrial Service Areas, however, the Community Development Division has stated that there was no specific intent to preclude laboratory uses from Office Service Areas and that "laboratory" may be viewed as allied with "research/development." This position is bolstered by standard reference material. Review of Anderson's American Law of Zoning (3rd, 1986) shows a change in treatment for "research laboratories." Research laboratories have been seeking space in the suburbs. While these establishments usually are related to a profit-making corporation and are commercial uses, many of them present few problems to their neighbors. They generate a volume of traffic which varies in relation to their staffs and their need to receive deliveries of materials, and they require parking space, but commonly they produce little of the noise, litter, dust, or glare which are usually associated with commercial and industrial uses. Research laboratories cannot always operate in industrial neighborhoods, and commercial surroundings may interfere wi th their activities. Thus, one kind of research may require the use of precision instruments which cannot be used in a place subject to excessive vibration. Another type may be adversely affected by noise and air pollution. Anderson continues to state that "an increasing number of municipalities are anticipating the need for space to accommodate 1 .- .f" .. .. research laboratories, and are meeting it with a 'floating zone' for planned research office districts." Neither medical nor pharmaceutical laboratory under definition proposed by staff would be confined purely to scientific investigation, as may be anticipated by the term "research laboratory, " however, staff opinion is that environmental requirements are similar and that these uses would be compatible to other uses recommended for Office Service Areas. Staff recommends the following amendments: 1. Add to the CO COMMERCIAL OFFICE district by special use permit: Laboratories-medical or pharmaceutical 2. ADD TO 3.0 DEFINITIONS: Laboratory. Medical: A building or part thereof devoted to bacteriological, biological, x-ray, pathological and similar analytical or diagnostic services to, medical doctors or dentists including incidental pharmaceutics; and production, fitting, and or/sale of optical or prosthetic appliances. Laboratorv. Pharmaceutical: A building or part thereof devoted to the testing, analysis and/or compounding of drugs and chemicals for ethical medicine or surgery, not involving sale directly to the public. 2 ... \ ~// COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE OFFICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 401 MciNTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22901-4596 Board of Supervisors ! ' Lettie E. Neher, Clerk jjrt--l / D August 10, 1992 Supplement No. 66 (Amendment No.2) to the Zoning Ordinance Attached is an amended sheet #189 to be inserted in your copy of th Zoning Ordinance. A mistake was found on this page in Su plement No. 66 issued for the June 10, 1992, zoning text amend- me ts. LE /mms cc: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. Robert B. Brandenburger George R. St. John Water Resources Manager v. Wayne Cilimberg Amelia Patterson Clerk .' \ 30i.4 301.4.1 -7 / 30.4.2 the zoning administrator shall notify the applicant that such development may result in increased premium rates for flood insurance and that such development may result in increased hazard to life and property. 5. The zoning administrator shall maintain records of all such variance applications including such material considered in review and disposition of the same for review upon request of the Federal Insurance Adminis- tration. NATURAL RESOURCE EXTRACTION OVERLAY DISTRICT - NR INTENT This natural resource extraction overlay district (herein referred to as NR) is created to provide for the utilization of spring water for off-site consumption, sand, gravel, stone or other mineral deposits within the county in a manner compatible with adjacent land uses. NR districts may be established where deposits of sand, gravel, stone or other minerals exist; where the uses permitted hereunder are unlikely to create effects adverse to public health, safety and welfare or to the existing roads will not make it necessary to conduct trucking operations through developed residential areas or areas likely to be developed for residents during the course of any extractive use. (Amended 6-10-92) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT Within any NR district, uses may be permitted by right as for and subject to the district regulations of the under- lying zoning district. In addition, there shall be per- mitted by right within any NR district the following uses: 1. Except as otherwise provided in sections, or, removal of soil, sand, gravel, stone or other minerals by excavating, stripping, quarrying or other mining operation. (Amended 7-6-83) 2. Accessory uses to a use permitted by right such as blasting, washing, grading, sorting, stockpiling, grinding and the like; provided that such operations are located on the site of the main use. (Amended 4-28-82) -189- (Supp. #66, 6-10-92) . . . ,. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE OFFICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 401 MciNTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22901-4596 ' Board of Supervisors ~ ^ ) Lettie E. Neher, Clerk~~ M 0 TO: F August 10, 1992 S Supplement No. 66 (Amendment No.2) to the Zoning Ordinance L /mms cc: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. Robert B. Brandenburger George R. St. John Water Resources Manager V. Wayne Cilimberg Amelia Patterson Clerk tached is an amended sheet #189 to be inserted in your copy of e Zoning Ordinance. A mistake was found on this page in S pplement No. 66 issued for the June 10, 1992, zoning text amend- ments. D . . . '" 30.4 30.4.1 30.4.2 the zoning administrator shall notify the applicant that such development may result in increased premium rates for flood insurance and that such development may result in increased hazard to life and property. 5 . The zoning administrator shall maintain records of all such variance applications incl~ding such material considered in review and disposition of the same for review upon request of the Federal Insurance Adminis- tration. NATURAL RESOURCE EXTRACTION OVERLAY DISTRICT - NR INTENT This natural resource extraction overlay district (herein referred to as NR) is created to provide for the utilization of spring water for off-site consumption, sand, gravel, stone or other mineral deposits within the county in a manner compatible with adjacent land uses. NR districts may be established where deposits of sand, gravel, stone or other minerals exist; where the uses permitted hereunder are unlikely to create effects adverse to public health, safety and welfare or to the value of adjacent properties; and specifically where existing roads will not make it necessary to conduct trucking operations through developed residential areas or areas likely to be developed for residents during the course of any extractive use. (Amended 6-10-92) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT Within any NR district, uses may be permitted by right as for and subject to the district regulations of the under- lying zoning district. In addition, there shall be per- mitted by right within any NR district the following uses: 1. Except as otherwise provided in sections, or, removal of soil, sand, gravel, stone or other minerals by excavating, stripping, quarrying or other mining operation. (Amended 7-6-83) 2. Accessory uses to a use permitted by right such as blasting, washing, grading, sorting, stockpiling, grinding and the like; provided that such operations are located on the site of the main use. (Amended 4-28-82) -189- (Supp. #66, 6-10-92) j. I oJ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE OFFICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 401 McINTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901-4596 Board of supervisors f Lettie E. Neher, Cler~/ July 22, 1992 Supplement No. 66 to the Zoning Ordinance, dated June 10, 1992 (Amendment thereto) ached are amended sheets to be inserted in your copy of the ing Ordinance. An error was made in publiShing supplement #66 June 10, 1992, when new use "Theatre, Outdoor Drama" was listed The actual location of this use is For se of you who threw away page #90.1 with the amended date 1-89 in the lower right-hand corner, a new copy of that sheet is ached to be reinserted in your copy of the Zoning Ordinance. o attached is new page #91.1. Since we are now printing nded sheets only on one side of the paper, attached also are ies of pages #91 and 92, if they are needed. Sorry for the mix-up. If you have any questions, call 296-5843. Robert W. Tucker, Jr. George R. st. John Water Resources Manager v. Wayne Cilimberg Amelia Patterson Clerk ~/~ , 38. Exploratory drilling. (Added 2-10-82) 39. Hydroelectric power generation (reference 5.1.26). (Added 4-28-82) 40. Borrow area, borrow pit not permitted under section (Added 7-6-83) 41. Convent, Monastery (reference 5.1.29). (Added 1-1-87) 42. Temporary events sponsored by local nonprofit organi- zations which are related to, and supportive of the RA, rural areas, district (reference 5.1.27). (Added 12-2-87) 43. Agricultural Museum (reference 5.1.30). (Added 12-2-87) 10 3 APPLICATION OF REGULATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT BY RIGHT The following provisions shall apply to any parcel of record at 5:15 p.m., the tenth day of December, 1980 (reference 6.5). (Amended 11-8-89) -91.1- (Supp. #51, 11-8-89) . .. c/,~< COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE OFFICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 401 MciNTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901-4596 , Board of Supervisors Lettie E. Neher, Cler~ July 22, 1992 Supplement No. 66 to the Zoning Ordinance, dated June 10, 1992 (Amendment thereto) are amended sheets to be inserted in your copy of the ing Ordinance. An error was made in publishing supplement #66 June 10, 1992, when new use "Theatre, Outdoor Drama" was listed The actual location of this use is For se of you who threw away page #90.1 with the amended date 1-89 in the lower right-hand corner, a new copy of that sheet is ached to be reinserted in your copy of the Zoning Ordinance. o attached is new page #91.1. Since we are now printing nded sheets only on one side of the paper, attached also are ies of pages #91 and 92, if they are needed. Sorry for the mix-up. If you have any questions, call 296-5843. /mms c Robert W. Tucker, Jr. George R. st. John Water Resources Manager V. Wayne Cilimberg Amelia Patterson Clerk ~ .. 6. Electrical power substations, transmission lines and related towers; gas or oil transmission lines, pumping stations and appurtenances, unmanned telephone exchange centers; micro-wave and radio-wave transmission and relay towers, substations and appurtenances. 7. Day care, child care or nursery facility (reference 5.1.6). 8. (Repealed 3-5-86) 9. Mobile home subdivisions (reference 5.5). 10. Mobile homes on individual lots (reference 5.6). 11. Hog farms. 12. Horse show grounds, permanent. 13. Custom slaughterhouse. 14. Sawmills, planing mills and woodyards (reference 5.1.15 and subject to performance standards in 4.14). 15. Group homes and homes for developmentally disabled persons as described in section 15.1-486.2 of the Code (reference 5.1.7). -90.1- (Supp. #51, 11-8-89) 16. commercial stable (reference 5.1.3). 17. Commercial kennel (reference 5.1.11 and subject to per~ormance standards in 4.14). 18. Veterinary services, animal hospital (reference 5.1.11 and subject to performance standards in 4.14). 19. Private airport, helistop, heliport, flight strip (reference 5.1.1). 20. Day camp, boarding camp (reference 5.1.5). 21. Sanitary landfill (reference 5.1.14). 22. Country store. 23. Commercial fruit or agricultural produce packing plants. (Amended 11-8-89) 24. (Repealed 11-8-89) 25. Flood control dams and impoundments. 26. (Repealed 11-8-89) 27. Restaurants and inns located within an historic land- mark as designated in the comprehensive plan provided such structur~ has been used as a restaurant, tavern or inn; in such case the structure shall be restored as faithfully as possible to the architectural character of the period and shall be maintained consistent therewith. (Amended 11-8-89) 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. L 37. Divisions of land as provided in section 10.5. Boat landings and canoe livery. Permitted residential uses as provided in section 10.5. Home occupation, Class B (reference 5.2). Cemetery. Crematorium. Multi-crypt mausoleum. Church building and adjunct cemetery. Gift, craft and antique shops. Public garage. (Added 3-18-81) -91- (Supp. #51, 11-8-89) 38. Exploratory drilling. (Added 2-10-82) 39. Hydroelectric power generation (reference 5.1.26). (Added 4-28-82) 40. Borrow area, borrow pit not permitted under section (Added 7-6-83) 41. Convent, Monastery (reference 5.1.29). (Added 1-1-87) 42. Temporary events sponsored by local nonprofit organi- zations which are related to, and supportive of the RA, rural areas, district (reference 5.1.27). (Added 12-2-87) 43. Agricultural Museum (reference 5.1.30). (Added 12-2-87) 44. Theatre, outdoor drama. (Added 6-10-92) 10 3 APPLICATION OF REGULATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT BY RIGHT The following provisions shall apply to any parcel of record at 5:15 p.m., the tenth day of December, 1980 (reference 6.5). (Amended 11-8~89) -91.1- (Supp. #66, 6-10-92) . ~ Edward H. Bain. Jr. Samuel Millet COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 Forrest R. Marshall, Jr. Scottsville David P. Bowerman Charlottesville Charles S. Martin Rivanna Charlotte Y. H~mphris Jack Jouett Walter F. Perkins White Hall MEMO RAN DUM DATE: June 15, 1992 n :. I \ ~ \1 J CMC /'fj, - V(!..,C TO: Board of Supervisors FRlOM: , Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, SQBJECT: Supplement No. 66 to the Zoning Ordinance Attached are new sheets to be inserted in your copy of the Zdning Ordinance. This supplement was occasioned by amendments m~de on June 10, 1992. L~:ec co: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. George R. St. John Richard E. Huff, II Robert B. Brandenburger Peyton Robertson v. Wayne Cilimberg Amelia Patterson Clerk Inoperable Vehicle: (Repealed 6-10-87) Junk Yard: Any land or building used for the abandonment, storage, keeping, collecting or bailing of paper, rags, scrap metals, other scrap or discarded materials, or for the abandonment, demolition, dismantling, storage or salvaging of inoperable vehicles, machinery or parts thereof. Kennel, Commercial: A place designed or prepared to house, board, breed, handle or otherwise keep or care for dogs and/or cats for sale or in return for compensation except as an accessory to a single-family dwelling. -15.1- (Supp. #41, 12-2-87) sign, Roof: Any sign so erected or affixed to a building wholly upon the roof of the building or any sign that projects above the intersection of the roof decking and wall face or any sign extending above the eave or parapet shall be deemed a roof sign; provided that no sign located entire- ly on that portion of the wall of any building constituting the gable end thereof shall be deemed a roof sign. Sign, Sale or Rental: A sign, not illuminated, which designates all or portions of the lot or premises upon which it is located to be for sale or lease. Such signs shall be removed within one (1) week of sale or lease of the lot or premises upon which it is situated. The lettering or message on anyone (1) side of such sign may be different from any other side. Sign, Subdivision: A sign, not illuminated, sixty (60) square feet or less in aggregate area, identifying a subdi- vision and located thereon at the entrances to such subdi- vision. Said sign shall be not greater in height than six (6) feet and set back from any right-of-way for proper sight distance. Sign, Temporary Directional: A directional sign erected for a period of not more than ten (10) days. Sign, Temporary Event: A sign, not illuminated, describing a seasonal, brief or particular event or activity to be or being conducted upon the lot or premises upon which it is located. Such sign may be erected not more than one (1) month before the event or activity described, shall be removed within one (1) week of its conclusion, and in no event shall such sign be displayed for a period longer than six (6) months in anyone (1) calendar year. Sign, Wall: A business sign erected or painted on a build- ing, visible from the exterior thereof, no part of which is more than twelve (12) inches from the surface of the build- ing on which it is erected. Such sign may be illuminated. Slaughterhouse, Custom: An establishment for the slaughter of livestock, including cattle, sheep, swine, goats and poultry, as a service, and from which there is sold no meat or other product of such slaughter other than materials generally considered inedible for humans and which are generated as waste and/or by-products of such slaughter, including, but not limited to, blood, bones, viscera, hides, etc., which may be sold for purposes of removal from the site. Stable, Commercial: A building or group of buildings where, for compensation, members of the public are provided with horses for hire, accommodations for their horses and/or lessons in riding. -21- Story: That portion of a building, other than the basement, included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it. If there be no floor above it, the space between the floor and the ceiling next above it. Story, Half: A space under a sloping roof, which has the line of intersection of roof decking and wall face not more than three (3) feet above the top floor level, and in which space not more than two-thirds (2/3) of the floor area is finished off for use. Street: A public or private thoroughfare which affords access to abutting property. Street Line: The dividing line between a street or road right-of-way and the contiguous property. Structure: Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires permanent location on the ground, or attach- ment to something having a permanent location on the ground. This includes, among other things, dwellings, buildings, signs, etc. Tourist Lodging: One or more rooms located within a single- family dwelling which is actually used as such, which rooms are used secondarily to such single-family use for the temporary accommodation of transients in return for compen- sation, whether or not such rooms are used in conjunction with other portions of such dwelling. Townhouse: One of a series of attached single-family dwelling units, under single or multiple ownership, sepa- rated from one another by continuous vertical walls without openings from basement floor to roof. Travel Trailer: A vehicular, portable structure built on a chassis and designed to be used for temporary occupancy for travel, recreational or vacation use; with the manufacturer's permanent identification "Travel Trailer" thereon; and when factory equipped for the road, being of any length provided its gross weight does not exceed four thousand five hundred (4,500) pounds, or being of any weight provided its overall length does not exceed twenty-nine (29) feet. For the purpose of this ordinance, a travel trailer shall not be deemed a mobile home. ~riplex, Quadruplex: A multiple-family dwelling or series of attached single-family dwellings containing in either case three (3) or four (4) dwelling units, respectively. Warehousing, Light: Storage establishments designed to accommodate primarily individual households, not intended for use by heavy commercial users and not involving frequent heavy trucking. -22- Wayside Stand, Roadside Stand, Wayside Market: Any structure or land used for the sale of agricultural or horticultural produce or merchandise produced by the owner or his family on their farm. Wholesale Business: An establishment for the sale and distribution of goods and merchandise to a retailer for resale as opposed to sale directly to the public. (Added 12-2-87) Wooded Area, Forested Area: An area containing one of the minimum number of trees of specified size, or combinations thereof, from the following table: Diameter of Tree at Breast Height 3.0" - 4.9" 5.0" - 6.9" 7.0" - 8.9" 9.0" - 10.9" 11.0" - 12.9" 13.0" - 14.9" 15.0"+ Per Acre 60 38 22 14 10 7 5 Per One- Half Acre 30 19 11 7 5 4 3 Yard: An open space on a lot other than a court unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as otherwise provided herein. Yard, Front: An open space on the same lot as a building between the front line of the building (excluding steps) and the front lot or street line, and extending across the full width of the lot. Yard, Rear: An open, unoccupied space on the same lot as a building between the rear line of the building (excluding steps), the rear line of the lot and extending the full width of the lot. Yard, Side: An open, unoccupied space on the same lot as a building between the side line of the building (excluding steps) and the side line of the lot, and extending from the front yard line to the rear yard line. -23- (Supp. #41, 12-2-87) 5 1.32 TOWING AND TEMPORARY STORAGE OF MOTOR VEHICLES a. This provision is intended to provide locations for the towing and/or temporary storage of collision/disabled vehicles. No body or mechanical work, painting, maintenance, servicing, disassembling, salvage or crushing of vehicles shall be permitted; except that the commission may authorize maintenance and servicing of rental vehicles in a particular case; b. No vehicle shall be located on any portion of such property so as to be visible from any public road or any residential property and shall be limited to locations designated on the approved site plan. (Added 6-6-90) -69.7- (Supp. #55, 6-6-90) 8. Uses permitted by right, not served by public water, involving water consumption exceeding four hundred (400) gallons per site acre per day. Uses permitted by right, not served by public sewer, involving antici- pated discharge of sewage other than domestic wastes. (Added 6-14-89) 9. Unless such uses are otherwise provided in this section, uses permitted in section 18.0, residential R-15. in compliance with regulations set forth therein and such conditions as may be imposed pursuant to section 31.2.4. (Added 6-19-91) 10. Hotels, motels and inns (reference 9.0). (Added 6-19-91) 11. Supporting commercial uses (reference 9.0). (Added 6-19-91) 12. Research and development activities including experimental testing. (Added 6-19-91) 2 .3 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS In addition to the requirements contained herein, the requirements of section 21.0, commercial districts, generally, shall apply within all co districts. -149.1 (Supp. #62, 6-19-91) 3p.4 30.4.1 , the zoning administrator shall notify the applicant that such development may result in increased premium rates for flood insurance and that such development may result in increased hazard to life and property. 5. The zoning administrator shall maintain records of all such variance applications including such material considered in review and disposition of the same for review upon request of the Federal Insurance Adminis- tration. NATURAL RESOURCE EXTRACTION OVERLAY DISTRICT - NR INTENT This natural resource extraction overlay district (hereafter referred to as NR) is created to provide for the utilization of the sand, gravel, stone and other mineral deposits within the county in a manner compatible with adjacent land uses. NR districts may be established where deposits of sand, gravel, stone or other minerals exist; where the uses permitted hereunder are unlikely to create effects adverse to public health, safety and welfare or to the value of adjacent properties; and specifically where existing roads will not make it necessary to conduct trucking operations through developed residential areas or areas likely to be developed for residents during the course of any extractive use. 30.4.2 PERMITTED USES 3p.4.2.1 BY RIGHT Within any NR district, uses may be permitted by right as for and subject to the district regulations of the under- lying zoning district. In addition, there shall be per- mitted by right within any NR district the following uses: 1. Except as otherwise provided in sections, or, removal of soil, sand, gravel, stone or other minerals by excavating, stripping, quarrying or other mining operation. (Amended 7-6-83) 2. Accessory uses to a use permitted by right such as blasting, washing, grading, sorting, stockpiling, grinding and the like; provided that such operations are located on the site of the main use. (Amended 4-28-82) -189- (Supp. #19, 7-6-83) . . 3 .4.2.2 BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT 3 .4.3 Within any NR district, uses by special use permit shall be permitted as for and subject to the district regulations of the underlying zoning district. In addition, the following shall be permitted by special use permit in any NR district: 1. Concrete batching plants. 2. Asphalt mixing plants. 3. Mining and milling of uranium or other radioactive materials. (Added 4-28-82) 4. Extraction of oil and natural gas. (Added 4-28-82) 5. Coal mining. (Added 4-28-82) 6. Deep mining. (Added 4-28-82) 7. Accessory uses to a use permitted by special use permit or off-site accessory uses to a use permitted by right such as blasting, washing, grading, sorting, stock- piling, grinding and the like. (Added 4-28-82) PERMIT REQUIRED Prior to commencing any natural resource extraction activity within any NR district, the operator of such activity shall obtain a permit therefor from the zoning administrator. Such permit shall be issued upon filing with the zoning administrator of a plan of the proposed natural resource extractive activity, including all data sufficient to ensure compliance with the provisions of this section. The appli- cant may comply herewith by the filing of a copy of any plan of such proposed operation approved by the Virginia Depart- ment of Conservation and Economic Development filed pursuant to Title 45.1 of the Code, together with such additional data as the zoning administrator may require to ensure compliance with this section. In addition, the applicant shall provide evidence satisfactory to the zoning adminis- trator that he has complied with the provisions of Title 45.1 of the Code. Every such permit issued by the zoning administrator shall be subject to annual review and shall be revoked in the event that any permit issued for any such operation shall expire or otherwise terminate in accordance with the requirements of Title 45.1 of the Code or the regulations of the Virginia Department of Conservation and Economic Development. (Amended 4-28-82) -190- Supp. #11, 4-28-82) . . . .. Edward H. Bai . Jr. Samuel Miller David P. Bowe man Charlottesvill Charlotte Y. H mphris Jack Jouett TO: COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 Forrest R. Marshall. Jr. Scottsville Charles S. Martin Rivanna Walter F. Perkins White Hall MEMORANDUM Board of Supervisors ,/ Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC '~( <- June 15, 1992 Supplement No. 66 to the Zoning Ordinance Attached are new sheets to be inserted in your copy of the ing Ordinance. This supplement was occasioned by amendments e on June 10, 1992. :ec cc: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. George R. St. John Richard E. Huff, II Robert B. Brandenburger Peyton Robertson v. Wayne Cilimberg Amelia Patterson Clerk . Hog Farm: A place where hogs are kept and raised primarily for sale. . Home Garden: An activity accessory to residential usage of a property involving the cultivation of flowers, vegetables, fruit and/or other plants primarily for the consumption or enjoyment of the residents of such property, but expressly excluding the keeping of livestock and/or poultry. (Added 12-2-87) Home for Developmentally Disabled Persons: A building or group of buildings containing one (1) or more dwelling units designed and/or used for housing mentally retarded or otherwise developmentally disabled persons not related by blood or marriage. Home Occupation, Class A: An occupation conducted in a dwelling unit for profit in connection with which no person other than members of the family residing on the premises is engaged in such occupation. . Home Occupation, Class B: An occupation conducted in a dwelling unit, with or without the use of one or more accessory structures, for profit, in connection with which there are employed not more than two (2) persons other than members of the family residing on the premises, which persons may be in addition to such family members. Hospital: A building or group of buildings designed, used or intended to be used, for the care of the sick, aged or infirmed, including the care of mental, drug-addiction or alcoholic cases. This terminology shall include, but not be limited to, sanitariums, nursing homes and convalescent homes. Hotel: A building containing six (6) or more guest rooms intended or designed to be used, or which are used, rented or hired out to be occupied or which are occupied for sleeping purposes by guests. Inoperative Motor Vehicle: Any motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer, as such are defined in Virginia Code Section 46.1-1, which is not in operating condition; or which for a period of sixty (60) days or longer has been partially or totally disassembled by the removal of tires and wheels, the engine, or other essential parts required for the operation of the vehicle or on which there are displayed neither valid license plates nor a valid inspection decal. (Added 6-10-87) . -15- (Supp. #41, 12-2-87) Inoperable Vehicle: (Repealed 6-10-87) . Junk Yard: Any land or building used for the abandonment, storage, keeping, collecting or bailing of paper, rags, scrap metals, other scrap or discarded materials, or for the abandonment, demolition, dismantling, storage or salvaging of inoperable vehicles, machinery or parts thereof. Kennel, Commercial: A place designed or prepared to house, board, breed, handle or otherwise keep or care for dogs and/or cats for sale or in return for compensation except as an accessory to a single-family. dwelling. Laboratory, Medical: A building or part thereof devoted to bacteriological, biological, x-ray, pathological and similar analytical or diagnostic services to medical doctors or dentists including incidental pharmaceutics; and production, fitting and/or sale of optical or prosthetic appliances. (Added 6-10-92) Laboratory, Pharmaceutical: A building or part thereof devoted to the testing, analysis and/or compounding of drugs and chemicals for ethical medicine or surgery, not involving sale directly to the public. (Added 6-10-92) . . -15.1- (Supp. #66, 6-10-92) . Sign, Roof: Any sign so erected or affixed to a building wholly upon the roof of the building or any sign that projects above the intersection of the roof decking and wall face or any sign extending above the eave or parapet shall be deemed a roof sign; provided that no sign located entire- ly on that portion of the wall of any building constituting the gable end thereof shall be deemed a roof sign. sign, Sale or Rental: A sign, not illuminated, which designates all or portions of the lot or premises upon which it is located to be for sale or lease. Such signs shall be removed within one (1) week of sale or lease of the lot or premises upon which it is situated. The lettering or message on any one (1) side of such sign may be different from any other side. Sign, Subdivision: A sign, not illuminated, sixty (60) square feet or less in aggregate area, identifying a subdi- vision and located thereon at the entrances to such subdi- vision. Said sign shall be not greater in height than six (6) feet and set back from any right-of-way for proper sight distance. Sign, Temporary Directional: A directional sign erected for a period of not more than ten (10) days. . Sign, Temporary Event: A sign, not illuminated, describing a seasonal, brief or particular event or activity to be or being conducted upon the lot or premises upon which it is located. Such sign may be erected not more than one (1) month before the event or activity described, shall be removed within one (1) week of its conclusion, and in no event shall such sign be displayed for a period longer than six (6) months in anyone (1) calendar year. Sign, Wall: A business sign erected or painted on a build- ing, visible from the exterior thereof, no part of which is more than twelve (12) inches from the surface of the build- ing on which it is erected. Such sign may be illuminated. Slaughterhouse, Custom: An establishment for the slaughter of livestock,. including cattle, sheep, swine, goats and poultry, as a service, and from which there is sold no meat or other product of such slaughter other than materials generally considered inedible for humans and which are generated as waste and/or by-products of such slaughter, including, but not limited to, blood, bones, viscera, hides, etc., which may be sold for purposes of removal from the site. . Spring Water: Water derived at the surface from an underground formation which flows to the surface through natural cracks and fissures under natural pressure. (Added 6-10-92) -21- (Supp. #66, 6-10-92) Stable, commercial: A building or group of buildings where, for compensation, members of the public are provided with horses for hire, accommodations for their horses and/or lessons in riding. . Story: That portion of a building, other than the basement, included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it. If there be no floor above it, the space between the floor and the ceiling next above it. story, Half: A space under a sloping roof, which has the line of intersection of roof decking and wall face not more than three (3) feet above the top floor level, and in which space not more than two-thirds (2/3) of the floor area is finished off for use. Street: A public or private thoroughfare which affords access to abutting property. Street Line: The dividing line between a street or road right-of-way and the contiguous property. Structure: Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires permanent location on the ground, or attach- ment to something having a permanent location on the ground. This includes, among other things, dwellings, buildings, signs, etc. . Theater, Outdoor Drama: An establishment whether operated for profit or not, providing live performance recreations of events of historic significance to and having actually occurred within the locality or immediately adjacent localities. (Added 6-10-92) Tourist Lodging: One or more rooms located within a single- family dwelling which is actually used as such, which rooms are used secondarily to such single-family use for the temporary accommodation of transients in return for compen- sation, whether or not such rooms are used in conjunction with other portions of such dwelling. Townhouse: One of a series of attached single-family dwelling units, under single or multiple ownership, sepa- rated from one another by continuous vertical walls without openings from basement -floor to roof. . Travel Trailer: A vehicular, portable structure built on a chassis and designed to be used for temporary occupancy for travel, recreational or vacation use; with the manufacturer's permanent identification "Travel Trailer" thereon; and when factory equipped for the road, being of any length provided its gross weight does not exceed four thousand five hundred (4,500) pounds, or being of any weight provided its overall length does not exceed twenty-nine (29) feet. For the purpose of this ordinance, a travel trailer shall not be deemed a mobile home. -22- (Supp. #66, 6-10-92) Triplex, Quadruplex: A multiple-family dwelling or series of attached single-family dwellings containing in either case three (3) or four (4) dwelling units, respectively. . Warehousing, Light: Storage establishments designed to accommodate primarily individual households, not intended for use by heavy commercial users and not involving frequent heavy trucking. Wayside Stand, Roadside Stand, Wayside Market: Any structure or land used for the sale of agricultural or horticultural produce or merchandise produced by the owner or his family on their farm. Wholesale Business: An establishment for the sale and distribution of goods and merchandise to a retailer for resale as opposed to sale directly to the public. (Added 12-2-87) Wooded Area, Forested Area: An area containing one of the minimum number, of trees of specified size, or combinations thereof, from the following table: . Diameter of Tree at Breast Height 3.0" - 4.9" 5.0" - 6.9" 7.0" - 8.9" 9.0" - 10.9" 11.0" - 12.9" 13.0" - 14.9" 15.0"+ Per Acre 60 38 22 14 10 7 5 Per One- Half Acre 30 19 11 7 5 4 3 Yard: An open space on a lot other than a court unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as otherwise provided herein. Yard, Front: An open space on the same lot as a building between the front line of the building (excluding steps) and the front lot or street line, and extending across the full width of the lot. Yard, Rear: An open, unoccupied space on. the same lot as a building between the rear line of the building (excluding steps), the'rear line of the lot and extending the full width of the lot. Yard, Side: An open, unoccupied space on the same lot as a building between the side line of the building (excludipg steps) and the side line of the lot, and extending from the front yard line to the rear yard line. . -23- (Supp. #66, 6-10-92) 4. ( . 4. 4. .1 4. .2 4.~.3 . 4.~.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 . 4.1.7 ARTICLE II. BASIC REGULATIONS GENERAL REGULATIONS Except as otherwise specifically provided, the following general regulations shall apply. . AREA AND HEALTH REGULATIONS RELATED TO UTILITIES (Amended 6-3-81) The following regulations shall apply to all districts: For a parcel served by both a central water supply and a central sewer system, the minimum area requirements of the district in which such parcel is located shall apply. For a parcel served by either a central water supply or a central sewer system, there shall be provided a minimum area of forty thousand (40,000) square feet per commercial or industrial establishment or per dwelling unit as the case may be. For a parcel served by neither a central water supply nor a central sewer system, there shall be provided a minimum of sixty thousand (60,000) square feet per commercial or industrial establishment or per dwelling unit as the case may be. The provisions of sections 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 notwithstanding, in such cases where a greater minimum area is required by the regulations of the district in which the parcel is located, said district regulations shall apply. In the case of. unusual soil conditions or other physical factors which may impair the health and safety of the neighborhood, upon the recommendation of the Virginia Department of Health, the commission may increase the area requirements for uses utilizing other than a public sewer system. For lots not served by a central sewer system, no building permit shall be issued for any building or structure, the use of which involves sewage disposal, without written approval from the local office of the Virginia Department of Health of the location and area for both original and future replacement septic disposal fields adequate to serve such use. For residential usage, at a minimum, each septic disposal field shall consist of suitable soils of adequate area to accommodate sewage disposal from a three (3) bedroom dwelling as determined by current regulations of the Virginia Department of Health. (Amended 11-15-89) In a cluster development, open space may be used for septic field location only after the septic field locations on such lot are determined to be inadequate by the local office of the Virginia Department of Health. (Added 6-3-81) -24- (Supp. #52, 11-15-89) . . . 5.1.29 5. .30 5. .31 CONVENT, MONASTERY a. The ownership of the conventlmonastery shall conform in all respects to the provisions of Chapter 2 of Title 57 of the Code of Virginia, as the same may be amended from time to time, or any successor statute; b. This provision is intended to accommodate the long term residency of nuns, monks or friars in a communal setting as opposed to transient occupancy as may be experienced in other religious retreats; provided that nothing contained herein shall be deemed to preclude temporary lodging of guests as an accessory use to the convent-or monastery. (Added 1-1-87) AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM a. Items for display in such museum shall be directly related to past or present agricultural/forestal uses in Albemarle County; b. Activities may include: passive display; active demonstration including tours of processing areas; and public participation in such agricultural activity; c. Sale of display items and accessory items may be per- mitted only upon expressed approval by the board of supervisors. (Added 12-2-87) BODY SHOP a. There shall be no storage of parts, materials or equipment except within an enclosed building. b. No vehicle awaiting repair shall be located on any portion of such property so as to be visible from any public road or any residential property, and shall be limited to locations designed on the approved site plan. c. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the authority of the governing body in the review of any special use permit, including, but not limited to, the regulation of hours of operation, location of door and/or windows and the like. (Added 12-7-88) -69.6- (Supp. #45, 12-7-88) . . . 5. .32 5.1L.33 . TOWING AND TEMPORARY STORAGE OF MOTOR VEHICLES a. This provision is intended to provide locations for the towing and/or temporary storage of collision/disabled vehicles. No body or mechanical work, painting, maintenance, servicing,. disassembling; salvage or crushing of vehicles shall be permitted; except that the commission may authorize maintenance and servicing of rental vehicles in a particular case; b. No vehicle shall be located on any portion of such property so as to be visible from any public road or any residential property and shall be limited to locations designated on the approved site plan. (Added 6-6-90) SPRING WATER EXTRACTION AND/OR BOTTLING a. No such use shall operate without approval of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; b. No such use shall be established without approval of a site development plan; c. Bottling facilities on-site shall be used only for the bottling of spring water obtained on-site. Water used for bottling shall not contain any additives or artifi- cial carbonation other than those required by regu- lating agencies for purification purposes; d. All structures shall be similar in facade to a single- family dwelling, private garage, shed, barn or other structure normally expected in a rural or residential area and shall be specifically compatible in design and scale with other development in area in which located; e. These provisions are supplementary and nothing stated herein shall be deemed to preclude application of the requirements of any other local, state or federal agency. (Added 6-10-92) -69.7- (Supp. #66, 6-10-92) 6. . 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. . Electrical power substations, transmission lines and related towers; gas or oil transmission lines, pumping stations and appurtenances, unmanned telephone exchange centers; micro-wave and radio-wave transmission and relay towers, substations and appurtenan~es. Day care, child care or nursery facility (reference 5.1.6). (Repealed 3-5-86) Mobile home subdivisions (reference 5.5). Mobile homes on individual -lots (reference -5.6). Hog farms. Horse show grounds, permanent. custom slaughterhouse. Sawmills, planing mills and woodyards (reference 5.1.15 and subject to performance standards in 4.14). Group homes and homes for developmentally disabled persons as described in section 15.1-486.2 of the Code (reference 5.1.7). . 16. Theater, outdoor drama. (Added 6-10-92) . -90.1- (Supp. #66, 6-10-92) 16. Commercial stable (reference 5.1.3). . 17. Commercial kennel (reference 5.1.11 and subject to performance standards in 4.14). 18. Veterinary services, animal hospital (reference 5.1.11 and subject to performance standards in 4.14). 19. Private airport, helistop, heliport, flight strip (reference 5.1.1). 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. . 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. . 37. Day camp, boarding camp (reference 5.1.5). Sanitary landfill (reference 5.1.14). Country store. Commercial fruit or agricultural produce packing plants. (Amended 11-8-89) (Repealed 11-8-89) Flood control dams and impoundments. (Repealed 11-8-89) Restaurants and inns located within an historic land- mark as designated in the comprehensive plan provided such structure has been used as a restaurant, tavern or inn; in such case the structure shall be restored as faithfully as possible to the architectural character of the period and shall be maintained consistent therewith. (Amended 11-8-89) Divisions of land as provided in section 10.5. Boat landings and canoe livery. Permitted residential uses as provided in section 10.5. Home occupation, Class B (reference 5.2). Cemetery. Crematorium. Multi-crypt mausoleum. Church building and adjunct cemetery. Gift, craft and antique shops. Public garage. (Added 3-18-81) -91- (Supp. #51, 11-8-89) . . . 7. Electric, gas, oil and communication facilities, excluding multi-legged tower structures and including poles, lines, transformers, pipes, meters and related facilities for distribution of local service and owned and operated by a public utility. Water distribution and sewerage collection lines, pumping stations and appurtenances owned and operated by the Albemarle County Service Authority. Except as otherwise expressly provided, central water supplies and central sewerage systems in conformance with Chapter 10 of the Code of Albemarle and all other applicable law. 8. Public uses and buildings including temporary or mobile facilities such as schools, offices, parks, playgrounds and. roads funded, owned or operated by local, state or federal agencies (reference 31.2.5); public water and sewer transmission, main or trunk lines, treatment facilities, pumping stations and the like, owned and/or operated by the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (reference 31.2.5; 5.1.12). (Amended 11-1-89) 9. Temporary construction uses (reference 5.1.18). 10. Dwellings (reference 5.1.21). (Added 3-17-82) 11. Temporary nonresidential mobile homes (reference 5.8). (Added 3-5-86) 23 2.2 BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT 1. Hospitals. 2. Funeral homes. 3. Electrical power substations, transmission lines and related towers; gas or oil transmission lines, pumping stations a~d appurtenances; unmanned telephone exchange centers; micro-wave and radio-wave transmission and relay towers, substations and appurtenances. 4. Parking structures located wholly or partly above grade (Added 11-7-84) 5. Commercial uses otherwise permitted having drive-in windows (Added 11-7-84) 6. School of special instruction. (Added 1-1-87) 7. Clubs, lodges, civic, fraternal, patriotic (reference 5.1.2). (Added 1-1-87) -149- (Supp. #49, 11-1-89) . . . 8. Uses permitted by right, not served by public water, involving water consumption exceeding four hundred. (400) gallons per site acre per day. Uses permitted by right, not served by public sewer, involving antici- pated discharge of sewage other than domestic wastes. (Added 6-14-89) 9. Unless such uses are otherwise provided in this section, uses permitted in section 18.0, residential R-15. in compliance with regulations set forth therein and such conditions as may be imposed pursuant to section 31.2.4. (Added 6-19-91) 10. Hotels, motels and inns (reference 9.0). (Added 6-19-91) 11. Supporting commercial uses (reference 9.0). (Added 6-19-91) 12. Research and development activities including experimental testing. (Added 6-19-91) 13. Laboratories, medical or pharmaceutical. (Added 6-10-92) 23.3 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS In addition to the requirements contained herein, the requirements of section 21.0, commercial districts, generally, shall apply within all CO districts. -149.1 (Supp. #66, 6-10-92) . . . 30 4 30 4.1 30.4.2 the zoning administrator shall notify the applicant that such development may result in increased premium rates for flood insurance and that such development may result in increased hazard to life and property. 5. The zoning administrator shall maintain records of all such variance applications including such material considered in review and disposition of the same for review upon request of the Federal Insurance Adminis- tration. NATURAL RESOURCE EXTRACTION OVERLAY DISTRICT - NR INTENT This natural resource extraction overlay district (herein referred to as NR) is created to provide for the utilization of spring water for off-site consumption, sand, gravel, stone or other mineral deposits within the county in a manner compatible with adjacent land uses. NR districts may be established where deposits of sand, gravel, stone or other minerals exist; where the uses permitted hereunder are unlikely to create effects adverse to public health, safety and welfare or to the existing roads will not make it necessary to conduct trucking operations through developed residential areas or areas likely to be developed for residents during the course of any extractive use. (Amended 6-10-92) PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT Within any NR district, uses may be permitted by right as for and subject to the district regulations of the under- lying zoning district. In addition, there shall be per- mitted by right within any NR district the following uses: 1. Except as otherwise provided in sections, or, removal of soil, sand, gravel, stone or other minerals by excavating, stripping, quarrying or other mining operation. (Amended 7-6-83) 2. Accessory uses to a use permitted by right such as blasting, washing, grading, sorting, stockpiling, grinding and the like; provided that such operations are located on the site of the main use. (Amended 4-28-82) -189- (Supp. #66, 6-10-92) .. . , .. . . . 30.4.3 BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT within any NR district, uses by special use permit shall be permitted as for and subject to the district regulations of the underlying zoning district. In addition, the following shall be permitted by special use permit in any NR district: 1. Concrete batching plants. 2. Asphalt mixing plants. 3. Mining and milling of uranium or other radioactive materials. (Added 4-28-82) 4. Extraction of oil and natural gas. (Added 4-28-82) 5. Coal mining. (Added 4-28-82) 6. Deep mining. (Added 4-28-82) 7. Accessory uses to a use permitted by special use permit or off-site accessory uses to a use permitted by right such as blasting, washing, grading, sorting, stock- piling, grinding and the like. (Added 4-28-82) 8. Spring water extraction and/or bottling which does not involve p~ping of water to the surface. (Added 6-10-92) PERMIT REQUIRED Prior to commencing any natural resource extraction activity within any NR district, the operator of such activity shall obtain a permit therefor from the zoning administrator. Such permit shall be issued upon filing with the zoning administrator of a plan of the proposed natural resource extractive activity, including all data sufficient to ensure compliance with the provisions of this section. The appli- cant may comply herewith by the filing of a copy of any plan of such proposed operation approved by the Virginia Depart- . ment of Conservation and Economic Development filed pursuant to Title 45.1 of the Code, together with such additional data as the zoning administrator may require to ensure compliance with this section. In addition, the applicant shall provide evidence satisfactory to the zoning adminis- trator that he has complied with the provisions of Title 45.1 of the Code. Every such permit issued by the zoning administrator shall be subject to annual review and shall be revoked in the event that any permit issued for any such operation shall expire or otherwise terminate in accordance with the requirements of Title 45.1 of the Code or the regulations of the Virginia Department of Conservation and Economic Development. (Amended 4-28-82) -190- Supp. #66, 6-10-92) , .~ Ij t::.M Ie:. .' .'-~""-""',~"""","",,~~~' ,~ 'Plg~~f!:L' ~tt~fn No. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 / ','.. ~ !,' ':} ',': t ~ - ,-'~ F. i i'Ii . -...- ~,. , :'! I iF:J (-:~) f':J f1 rl n f ,- 'J ,;----; , , ".' ,........,..._._._~,_u-,.,.d--~_(J...lr-. i n.1 t l~l" ~ I j I) ." t \ 11 i' ." 'i ') IQ()I'\ 'I f ',' . " \ II, III' ",', ,,(, l. 'I' , I I ~.~ -.~ ~ . 1 r I..:'.:...... :.:-":rlT-ls I.~J t i ,; Fif ~"f t/ May 28, 1992 University of virginia Real Estate Foundation ATTN: David Westby 1709 University Avenue Charlottesville, VA 22906 RE: ZMA-92-03 University of virginia Real Estate Foundation Dear Mr. Westby: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on May 26, 1992, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted petition to the Board of supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to proffers 1-13 as outlined in letter from Robert B. Mckee to Ron Keeler, dated May 15, 1992 (copy attached). Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on June 10. 1992. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. sincerely, PW~mberg Director of Planni ommunity Development VWC/jcw cc: Lettie E. Neher Amelia Patterson Jo Higgins 'i.'....... .>, ;\..Jl2~ tv BGJr'il , ."-~~ 'to;eru.1 item ,~( ._-,.-Z/:.L~L~:..;;?~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 May 28, 1992 university of Virginia Real Estate Foundation ATTN: David Westby 1709 University Avenue Charlottesville, VA 22906 RE: SP-92-13 University of virginia Real Estate Foundation Dear Mr. Westby: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on May 26, 1992, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted request to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is for the following: Research and development activities including experimental testing; Laboratories-Medical and Pharmaceutical 1. Compliance with section 4.14 Performance Standards of the Zoning Ordinance. Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on June 10. 1992. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation Page 2 May 28, 1992 If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Uc Community Development VWCjjcw cc: Lettie E. Neher Amelia Patterson Jo Higgins ~ . ' McKEE/CARSON CONSULTING ENGINEERS LANDSCAPE ARCHITEC1S PLANNERS 15 May 1992 HAND DELIVERY Mr. Ron Keeler Department of Planning and Community Development County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, V A 22902 R~~~lH!:'D \;0-. "'-,rlh..... 1" :............. MAY 1 5 1992 PI ,.!lI"II',"'" ....r~-l l..J"\~'\:i'J~I..lJ U,"':i , RE: UREF Fontaine Avenue Research Park Rezoning Proffel'S Dear Ron: Pursuant to your request, I am writing to outline the latest proffers for Fontaine A venue Research Park. As we have discussed, the revised final report will be provided to you by Tuesday of next week. In the interim, I hope this letter will suffice to assist you in preparing your staff report. With the exception of the extent of the improvements along Fontaine Avenue and a minor modification in allowable building height and total project square footage, the proffers remain substantially the same as outlined in our preliminary report of April 6, 1992. The proffers to which UREF has agreed are listed as follows: 1. UREF will construct at its expense along its property frontage improvements to Fontaine A venue as recommended in the City Urban Design Plan and which are further described in the JPA/Fontaine Avenue Neighborhood Study. Generally these improvements will consist of a four-lane, landscaped median divided roadway which shall be designed to VOOT Collector Road standards. Based on traffic studies prepared for the project, these improvements are considered more than adequate to accommodate the additional traffic occasioned by the development of the University Research Park. Specifically, these improvements will consist of (a) an additional full frontage eastbound lane extending from the existing northbound exit ramp of U.s. 29/250 Bypass to the eastern most comer of the property, (b) upgrade of the existing eastbound lane, (c) provision of a l00-foot taper plus l00-foot right turn lane adjacent to the new eastbound lane, (d) median improvements consisting of curbed landscape median extending from the project entrance west to the bypass, (e) median improvements consisting of curbed landscape median to accommodate the necessary left turn movements into the park from westbound Fontaine Avenue, ({) left turn lane into the project and, (g> two westbound through lanes from the eastern most property line to the northbound on ramp of the bypass. Specific design standards and specifications for all turn lanes and construction necessary for the widening of Fontaine Avenue shall be determined upon further discussion with County Staff and VDOT. Construction of these improvements is contingent upon acceptance by the City of Charlottesville in allowing necessary transitions into and within the City limits. Construction of these improvements is also subject to the successful acquisition of additional right-of-way and/or easements necessary for construction within the Cty limits. QUEEN CHARLOTTE SQUARE 256 EAST HIGH STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902 804-979-7522 FJlX: ~977-1194 ~ L r , 1 ' STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: RONALD S. KEELER MAY 26, 1992 JUNE 10, 1992 ZMA-92-03 UNIVERSITY RESEARCH PARK SP-92-13 U~IVERSITY RESEARCH PARK PETITION: The University Real Estate Foundation petitions the Board of Supervisors to rezone 53.53 acres from Planned Development-Shopping Center (25 acres) and R-10, Residential (29 acres) to CO, Commercial Office (PROFFER)> This rezoning is sought under 9.0 GUIDELINES FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN in order to allow for unified development of the site and establish an Office Service Area as described by the Comprehensive" Plan, together with special use permit petition for: supporting commercial uses ( research and development activities (; and medical and pharmaceutical laboratories ( Property, described as Tax Map 76, Parcels 17B (35.682 acres) and 17B1 (17.84 acres), is located on the south side of Rte. 29 Business (Fontaine Avenue), west and adjacent to Charlottesville corporate limits in the Samuel Miller Magisterial District. ZONING APPLICATION PLAN The proffered zoning Application Plan proposes a maximum gross floor area of 389,000 square feet housed in seven buildings. Five percent of the floor area (19,450 square feet) would be devoted to supporting commercial uses. Pri vate roads would be provided internal to the development. A summary of land uses follows: Acreage Percentaqe Building Envelopes Parking/Driveways/Roads Landscaped/Open Space SITE 2.93 13.75 36.84 53.52 acres 5% 26% 69% 100% The buildings would be 3-4 stories resulting in a floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.16 (i.e. - floor area is equivalent to 16% of the site while building coverage is about 5% of the site). This relatively conservative development schedule is, in part, reflective of site constraints to development. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . UNIVERSITY RESEARCH PARK IS CONSISTENT WITH THE GUIDELINES SETFORTH IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR OFFICE SERVICE AREAS, AS THE FIRST 1 , l t' PETITION SUBJECT TO SECTION 9.0 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE, THE APPLICANT HAS BEEN MOST COOPERATIVE, THE PROCESS HAS WORKED SMOOTHLY, AND THE RESULT IS A PROJECT PROPOSAL CLEARLY SUPERIOR TO PAST DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS FOR THIS SITE. . THE APPLICANT HAS SUBSTANTIALLY ADDRESSED COMMENTS BY THE CITY. THE PROJECT WOULD NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT RESIDENTIAL AREAS IN THE CITY. . UNIVERSITY RESEARCH PARK SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES WITH DETAILED RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE JEFFERSON PARK AVENUE/FONTAINE AVENUE AREA "B" STUDY. . UNIVERSITY RESEARCH PARK SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES WITH THE FOLLOWING PLANS AND INDIVIDUAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS WILL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REGULATIONS: -ALBEMARLE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN -JPA/FONTAINE AVENUE AREA "B" STUDY -ALBEMARLE COUNTY OPEN SPACE PLAN (UNADOPTED) -CHARLOTTESVILLE/ALBEMARLE BICYCLE PLAN -ALBEMARLE PEDESTRIAN OBSTACLE STUDY REGULATIONS -EC ENTRANCE CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT -FH FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY DISTRICT -WATER RESOURCES PROTECTION AREAS ORDINANCE -WETLANDS REQUIREMENTS (U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS) -SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN/ZONING ORDINANCE CRITICAL SLOPES URBAN STORMWATER MANAGEMENT TREE CANOPY/LANDSCAPING/BUFFERING 4.14 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS PRIVATE ROADS . IN REVISION OF THE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH PARK PLAN EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO PROVIDE FORMAL BUILDING ORGANIZATION AND OPEN SPACES WHILE ENSURING A RESPECT FOR THE NATURAL FEATURES AND ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY OF THE SITE. . THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND UREF HAVE BEEN COOPERATIVE IN PLANNING FOR A SINGLE ACCESS TO FONTAINE AVENUE. THIS ACCESS WILL SERVE ALL PROPERTY TO THE SOUTH OF FONTAINE AVENUE IN THE COUNTY. STAFF REQUESTS MAXIMUM 2 , I 1 ' DISCRETION IN ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE FORESTRY AND INITIAL RESEARCH PARK OCCUPANT. . UREF HAS PROFFERED TO UPGRADE AND EXTEND PUBLIC UTILITIES AID SERVE THE SITE AS WELL AS RELOCATE AND MODERNIZE THE ANTIQUATED RWSA 18- INC RAW WATER LINE WHICH TRAVERSES THE PROPERTY, THE COST OF ALL IMPROVEMENTS TO BE BORN BY UREF. . UREF THOUGH PROFFERS HAS PROPOSED ADEQUATE MEASURES TO PROVIDE PUBLIC UTILITIES TO THE SITE WHILE UPGRADING THE RSWA SYSTEM AT NO COST TO THE PUBLIC. ON-SITE CONVENIENCE SERVICES WOULD BE PROVIDED TO EMPLOYEES. VDOT AND STAFF RECOMMEND THAT PROFFER #1 ADEQUATELY ADDRESSES ROAD IMPROVEMENT NEEDS AS MAY BE OCCASIONED BY THE PROPOSED UREF/FORESTRY DEVELOPMENT. SP-92-13 USES BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT: . PROVISION OF SUPPORTING COMMERCIAL USES WOULD NOT ONLY BE A CONVENIENCE TO EMPLOYEES BUT WOULD ALSO REDUCE OFF-SITE TRAFFIC, CONSISTENT WITH TRAFFIC REDUCTION EFFORTS. SUPPORTING COMMERCIAL USES: STAFF RECOMMENDS APPROVAL OF THIS SPECIAL USE PERMIT SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1. IN ADDITION TO LIMITATION UNDER PROFFER #6, TOTAL FLOOR AREA DEVOTED TO SUPPORTING COMMERCIAL USES SHALL NOT EXCEED TEN (10) PERCENT OF TOTAL FLOOR AREA AT ANY TIME DURING PHASED DEVELOPMENT. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES INCLUDING EXPERIMENTAL TESTING: AND LABORATORIES-MEDICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL ARE APPROPRIATE WITHIN AN OFFICE SERVICE AREA AND WOULD NOT BE OBJECTIONABLE TO THIS SITE. STAFF RECOMMENDS APPROVAL SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 4.14 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. . IN ORDER TO PROVIDE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE PHASING PLAN AS PROPOSED AS WELL AS TO ALLOW VARIATIONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE, STAFF SHOULD BE GRANTED AUTHORITY OVER APPROVAL OF ALL PHASES OF DEVELOPMENT AS WELL AS ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL OF ALL SITE 3 t; " DEVELOPMENT PLANS (AND SUBDIVISION PLATS, IF ANY) . . STAFF RECOMMENDS ACCEPTANCE OF THE APPLICANT'S PROFFERS TOGETHER WITH THE PROFFERED REZONING APPLICATION PLAN. IN THE SPIRIT OF SECTION 8. 5. 6 . 3 , THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SHOULD BE AUTHORIZED DISCRETION OVER REASONABLE VARIATIONS FROM THE ZONING APPLICATION PLAN. 4 , , . ' OFFICE SERVICE AREAS: This section of the report will discuss the appropriateness of this site for CO, Commercial Office zoning in relation to recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. An Office Service area as described in the Comprehensive Plan (p. 159 and 161) would require a site area in excess of 20 acres to accommodate a building floor area of 150,000 square feet or more. The site should be situated adjacent to a major collector or arterial road and be provided with adequate internal circulation. The purpose of an Office Service Area is to provide major employment center with limited production activities and marketing of products. Primary uses include corporate/major office parks, research /development activities, and information systems as well as professional uses providing services to the County and the region in general. Secondary uses may include residential development, supporting commercial uses, and hotel/motel/conference center. Rather than adding several hybrid districts to the zoning ordinance, staff developed measures intended to implement the various service area proposals of the Comprehensive Plan through existing conventional and planned districts. Section 9.0 GUIDELINES FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SERVICE AREAS provides strategies and regulatory provisions for implementation of service areas. SimUltaneously, with adoption of Section 9.0, various zoning districts were amended to incorporate uses envisioned in these service areas (All service areas are mixed use in nature with major distinction being the primary intended uses). Section 9.3 RELATION OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SERVICE AREAS TO ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS suggests three zoning districts as appropriate to establishment of an Office Service area: 23.0 CO COMMERCIAL OFFICE 27.0 LI, LIGHT INDUSTRY 29.0 PD-IP PLANNED DEVELOPMENT-INDUSTRIAL PARK In September, 1990, UREF submitted a rezoning petition for Planned Development-Industrial Park (PD-IP). In June, 1991, the zoning ordinance was amended to provide for the various service areas of the Comprehensive Plan. The PD-IP zoning was abandoned in favor of a CO Commercial Office designation as being more in keeping with UREF's intent for the development. Employing the guidelines setforth in Section 9.0, UREF has petitioned for 23.0 CO Commercial Office zoning accompanied by three special use permit requests including support uses as envisioned by Section 9.4. The rezoning petition is accompanied by a set of proffers pursuant to Section 33.3 of the zoning ordinance. The petition is also accompanied by a proffered Zoning Application Plan and other supporting plans which have been reviewed in accordance wi th the provisions and procedures as setforth in 5 Section 8.0 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, GENERALLY (While this is a proffered rezoning, the applicant has submitted the petition to rev1ew as for a planned development and staff analysis and recommendations will be as required for a planned development). STAFF OPINION IS THAT THE PROPOSED UNIVERSITY RESEARCH PARK IS CONSISTENT WITH THE GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR OFFICE SERVICE AREAS AS THE FIRST PETITION SUBJECT TO SECTION 9.0 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE, THE APPLICANT HAS BEEN MOST COOPERATIVE, THE PROCESS HAS WORKED SMOOTHLY, AND THE RESULT IS A PROJECT PROPOSAL CLEARLY SUPERIOR TO PAST DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS FOR THIS SITE. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Prior sections of this report have provided background as to the development of Comprehensive Plan recommendations for this site and general area and selection of zoning approach. Section 8.5.3 of PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS-GENERALLY requires an applicant "to meet with the planning staff and other qualified officials to review the Application Plan and original proposal prior to submittal" in order to "assist in bringing the application" into conformity with various planning and zoning regulations and policies. This process, informally and formally, has involved four years and has included multiple meetings with various agencies of the Site Review Committee as well as other agencies. The applicant has endeavored to address all issues raised by various agencies as well as adjusting plans to accommodate regulatory measures adopted during this time period. At this time, under Section 8.5.4 of the zoning ordinance, the University Research Park petition is forwarded to the Planning Commission which "shall proceed to prepare its recommendations to the Board of Supervisors," and "specifically, recommendations of the Commission shall include findings as to: a. The suitability of the tract for the generaltype of PD district proposed in terms of: relation to the comprehensive pan; physical characteristics of the land; and its relation to surrounding area; b. Relation to major roads, utilities, public facilities and services; c. Adequacy of evidence on unified control and suitability of any proposed agreements, contracts, deed restrictions, sureties, dedications, contributions, guarantees, or other instruments, or the need 6 , for such instruments or for amendments in those proposed; and d. Specific modifications in PD or general regulations as applied to the particular case, based on determination that such modifications are necessary or justified by demonstration that the public purposes of PD or general regulations as applied would be satisfied to at least an equivalent degree by such modifications. Based on such findings, the commission shall recommend approval of the PD amendment as proposed, approval conditioned upon stipulated modifications, or disapproval. While this petition is for a conventional zoning district, the applicant has voluntarily postured the petition under 8.0 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT--GENERALLY. In that respect, staff has viewed the proffers as proposed agreements as specified by 8.5.4.c. above. Staff has attempted to ensure that this development will be compatible to the area in which it is to be located and that the development will provide its "fair share" to infrastructure improvements. That is to say, that the proffers reflect the "rational nexus" test and are not inadequate nor excessive. The remainder of this report will address these various considerations. Items a. and b. will be discussed in the context of the Comprehensive Plan. Item c. is addressed by the applicant's proffers and phasing plans (Subsequent assurances such as bonds may be required at time of site plan approvals). Item d. will be specifically addressed under STAFF RECOMMENDATION. CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE RECOMMENDATIONS Charlottesville has made seven specific recommendations relative to this project. (These recommendations are provided by City staff). These recommendations are separate from and do not carry endorsement from the PACC Tech Committee. 1. Fontaine Avenue Development: The applicant should be reauired. at this time. to provide a four-lane road with divided medians as proposed in the JPA Study aqreed by the Citv/County/University. This is not so dissimilar a reauirement from previous proffer on this property for four-laninq of Fontaine Avenue. Proffers 1, 2, 3 and 4 in staff opinion adequately address this issue (See Fontaine Avenue Improvements in this report.) 7 I 2. sidewalk: Sidewalks should be across all the frontaqe of this orooertv and not only the oart as shown. My recollection from the Public Hearing in the Countv on the JPA Studv. was that many oeoole use this area for walkinq and ioqqinq: The sidewalk as proposed would provide pedestrian access from the City to University Research park. Staff would not recommend encouraging walking/jogging in vicinity of the interchange until signalization controls are provided. 3. Bike Lane: This is a designated bike lane in the Citv/County iointlY adooted olano Thus. the a01;)licant should be required to orovide imoroved bicycle lanes alonq its frontaqe: The applicant proposes a bikeway along the full frontage of the property. Location and design would be reviewed by Community Development staff. Landscaoinq/Buildinq: Landscaoinq should be aporooriate in keepinq with the entrance corridor conceot acceoted by the CitY/CountY/University. The nature and location of buildinqs should resoect the character of buildinqs in the City and its urban settinq. This property is subject to ARB review under the EC overlay district. One member of the ARB is familiar with the project which has also been reviewed by the ARB's Design Planner. City comments will be forwarded to the ARB for consideration. Proffer #11 states that "strict architectural and landscape architectural guidelines and restrictions will be adopted which shall govern the design and construction of all buildings and parcel specific site development." 4. 5. Drainaqe: Due to extensive surface parkinq an severe slopes. we want to be assured that this develooment adequatelY handles its drainaqe: This site is subject to urban stormwater management requirements and on-site detention will be required. 6. JPA/Maury Avenue/Fontaine Avenue Intersection: The County should make a soecial effort to assure that this deve100ment does not 8 adverselY affect the above intersection and that appropriate remedial measures are provided if necessary: This intersection is signalized and if traffic flow problems are encountered, the phasing of signals could be changed. (See Fontaine Avenue Improvements in this report). Future Road: The JPA Studv adopted by the Citv/Countv/Universitv indicates a road through this propertv connectinq to Sunset Avenue to take care of future development wi thout adverse impact on the City streets. We understand that the aliqnment shown in this studv is not feasible. We feel that the applicant should be responsible for suqqestinq alternatives which are feasible. This is the second time in the Countv's review of developments when proposed aliqnments west of the Citv have been deemed unfeasible without provisions for alternate routes. This can only lead to future problems unless confronted now: Due to the requested zoning change on this property (which would significantly reduce traffic generation in volume) and the City's closure of Sunset Avenue, the need for any new roadway should be reassessed by the County. The applicant previously provided an assessment of the feasibility of the Fontaine/Sunset connector, which has been determined as unfeasible to build by PACC and the County Board of Supervisors. No alternative connection seems to exist. However, it is proopsed that emergency access be retained over Route 782 to residential areas south of the railroad if Route 782 is abandoned by the Board of Supervisors. While not mentioned in the City's comments, this project is adjacent to a small residential development in the City. Due to intervening Rt. 782 and a stream, the closest dwelling is about 250 feet from a parking area and 400 feet from abuilding. UREF proposes landscaping to further buffer this residential area. Proffer #10 states that "UREF will design and install landscape buffer area as shown on the plan to screen the proj ect from Fontaine Avenue and residential neighborhoods adjoining the Research Park." 7. STAFF OPINION IS THAT THE APPLICANT HAS SUBSTANTIALLY ADDRESSED COMMENTS BY THE CITY. THE PROJECT WOULD NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT RESIDENTIAL AREAS IN THE CITY. 9 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN--SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS The JUly, 1989 Comprehensive Plan was substantially amended in October, 1989 to incorporate recommendations of the Jefferson Park Avenue/Fontaine Avenue "Area B" Study as stipulated in the Three Party Agreement among the University, City, and County. This section of the staff report will address recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan as identified by the Community Development Division as applicable to this petition. 1. To the extent feasible. traffic reduction measures should be encouraqed. Soecifica1lv. sidewalks should be orovided to. and on. the site. CTS and University Transit Service should be encouraqed to serve the site: Proffer #3 stipulates that "UREF will construct at its expense sidewalk improvements along the south side of Fontaine Avenue from the proposed entrance to the Research Park to the easternmost entrance of the property." Off-road walkways are proposed to add to a park-like atmosphere within the development. Proffer #3 states that "UREF will encourage traffic reduction measures within the Research Park through the provision of CTS and UVA bus drop off points and on-site [supporting] commercial uses." The Pedestrian Obstacle Studv and JPA/Fontaine Avenue Area B Studv recommend sidewalks alonq Fontaine Avenue. Sidewalks should be orovided on the south side of Fontaine Avenue from the UREF entrance eastward a10nq the lenqth of oroiect improvement related to this site: As stated in #1 above, the applicant has complied with this recommendation under Proffer #3. 2. 3. The citv-countv Bicvcle Plan recommends a bikewav alonq Fontaine Avenue. These imorovements should be incoroorated as a part of road imorovements. The design standards of the Bicycle Plan call for a seoarated bicycle oath: Proffer #2 stipulates that "UREF will construct at its expense, full frontage bikeway improvements to be incorporated along the eastbound travel way of Fontaine Avenue. The bikeway shall extend from the northbound off-ramp of the U.S. 29 Bypass to the easternmost corner of the Research Park.1I 4. The Community Facilities Plan indicates fire service to this qeneral area of the Countv may 10 be insufficient: Under cooperative agreement, the City Fire Department would be the first company to respond to this site. The applicant has stated an unwillingness to provide site area for a fire company due to lack of available area. 5. staff recommends the closure and abandonment of Rte 782 from Fontaine Avenue to the railroad as a public road. The road aliqnment should remain. however. for emerqencv access to this area. The Countv will be addressinq this issue with the citv and VDOT. The existing proffer on the propertv to improve Rte 782 is no lonqer considered necessarv for this development. Historically, the Board of Supervisors has dealt with public road abandonments and right-of-way vacations wi thout input from the Planning Commission. This matter will be presented to the Board of Supervisors. 6. Consider the recommendations of the JPA/Fontaine Neiqhborhood Study. Particular consideration should be qiven to these recommendations concerning road design characteristics and frontaqe improvements. The applicant has availed these design plans to PACC Tech Committee, City Planning,and University Architect (also a member of the County ARB). Negotiations as to visual design aspects will be addressed during site development plan review. STAFF OPINION IS THAT UNIVERSITY RESEARCH PARK SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES WITH DETAILED RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE JEFFERSON PARK AVENUE/FONTAINE AVENUE AREA "B" STUDY AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DOCUMENTS. OTHER PLANS AND REGULATIONS This project is subject to several plans and regulatory measures. Previous sections have outlined a few of these documents. The UNIVERSITY RESEARCH PARK SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES WITH THE FOLLOWING PLANS AND INDIVIDUAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS WILL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REGULATIONS: -ALBEMARLE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN -JPA/FONTAINE AVENUE AREA liB" STUDY -ALBEMARLE COUNTY OPEN SPACE PLAN (UNADOPTED) 11 . . -CHARLOTTESVILLE/ALBEMARLE BICYCLE PLAN -ALBEMARLE PEDESTRIAN OBSTACLE STUDY REGULATIONS -EC ENTRANCE CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT -FH FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY DISTRICT -WATER RESOURCES PROTECTION AREAS ORDINANCE -WETLANDS REQUIREMENTS (U. S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS) -SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN/ZONING ORDINANCE CRITICAL SLOPES URBAN STORKWATER MANAGEMENT TREE CANOPY/LANDSCAPING/BUFFERING 4.14 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS PRIVATE ROADS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SITE: RELATION TO SURROUNDING AREAS In approaching physical redesign of the University Research Park plan, a primary focus of McKee/Carson and other various consultants was to define the physical and environmental constraints to development and to respect these constraints in the development proposal. Additional considerations were access/circulation considerations, desire to maximize usage of existing site features to produce a formal building layout, and to capitalize on mountain views. The plan significantly downscales development from the 880,000 square feet proposed in 1990 to the current proposal for 389,000 square feet of floor area. As described in the applicants textual narrative, the following site characteristics were investigated (mapping also provided): site Characteristics -Soils and Geology -Slope and Terrain -Surface Drainage and Wetlands -Vegetation Depth to bedrock is 4-5 feet. An area of unconsolidated spoil would be reworked. (Staff recommends the spoil area not be subjected to 4.2 Critical Slopes). Soils on the site are very erosive. Proffer #12 states that "Best Management Practices will be implemented in all areas of earth disturbing activity. No earth disturbing activity shall be permitted within the limits of the flood plain." IN REVISION OF THE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH PARK PLAN EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO PROVIDE FORMAL BUILDING ORGANIZATION AND OPEN SPACES WHILE ENSURING A RESPECT FOR THE NATURAL FEATURES AND ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY OF THE SITE. An earlier section of this report discussed the relationship of 12 to or simultaneous with initial development of this site will be construction of a major office building complex on the adjoining Virginia Department of Forestry site (This is the same project originally proposed along Rte. 53 and subsequently on the Hillcrest tract between Rtes. 20 and 742). Several years ago staff recommended that the Forestry Department be provided access through the UREF site. Forestry is agreeable to this recommendation and, therefore, construction of the access to the University Research Park site may precede development within the site itself. Also, an initial occupant for the research park may submit site plan prior to Board action on this rezoning request. Due to the time demand on this user, staff will process the site plan as though requested zoning were in place. THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND UREF HAVE BEEN COOPERATIVE IN PLANNING FOR A SINGLE ACCESS TO FONTAINE AVENUE. THIS ACCESS WILL SERVE ALL PROPERTY TO THE SOUTH OF FONTAINE AVENUE IN THE COUNTY. STAFF REQUESTS MAXIMUM DISCRETION IN ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE FORESTRY AND INITIAL RESEARCH PARK OCCUPANT. PUBLIC UTILITIES An 18 inch raw water line located in a 30 foot easement traverses the site parallel to and about 700 feet from Fontaine Avenue. This is an old cast iron line with leaded joints and unknown bedding susceptible to leaks and fragile to development activity. UREF is negotiating with the Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (RWSA) to relocate/reconstruct this line. The line should be field located and surveyed and method of relocation approved by RWSA prior to review of any final site plan or grading activity. Proffer #8 states that "UREF will relocate the existing 18-inch raw water line in a manner acceptable to and in accordance with the standards of the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority." A 20-inch finished water line is in proximity to the site. A new 8-inch sewer line is under construction adjacent to the site. Proffer #9 states that "UREF will design and construct at its own expense all improvements and upgrades of utilities which are occasioned by the development of the Research Park." Consistent with County policy, UREF HAS PROFFERED TO UPGRADE AND EXTEND PUBLIC UTILITIES TO SERVE THE SITE AS WELL AS RELOCATE AND MODERNIZE THE ANTIQUATED RWSA 18-INCH RAW WATER LINE WHICH TRAVERSES THE PROPERTY, THE COST OF ALL IMPROVEMENTS TO BE BORN BY UREF. PUBLIC FACILITIES/SERVICES As stated previously in this report, UREF has proffered provision o.f sidewalk and bikeway consistent with recommendation of the Community Development Division, but is unwilling to provide a site for a volunteer fire company. A park-like atmosphere would be 13 provided on the site to provide employee open space amenity. In addition, a maximum of 19,450 square feet of building area would be devoted to employee convenience uses such as but not limited to: day care center, post office, banks, drug store, newsstand, dry cleaning/laundry, health club, and restaurants. Each use would be reviewed for consistency with CO Commercial Office subordinate uses and uses envisioned under Section 9.4.3 of the zoning ordinance. UREF THROUGH PROFFERS HAS PROPOSED ADEQUATE MEASURES TO PROVIDE PUBLIC UTILITIES TO THE SITE WHILE UPGRADING THE RWSA SYSTEM AT NO COST TO THE PUBLIC. ON-SITE CONVENIENCE SERVICES WOULD BE PROVIDED TO EMPLOYEES. PUBLIC ROADS FONTAINE AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS: Under existing PD-SC Planned Development Shopping Center and R-10 residential zoning, potential traffic generation would be about 13,900 vehicle trips per day from the UREF site only. Under proposed zoning for the UREF site and traffic from the Forestry property, anticipated traffic would be about 4,400 vehicle trips per day. While total traffic under proposed zoning would be about 1/3 of traffic levels under existing zoning, differences in dynamics became the focus and peak-hour traffic became the concern. The UREF site is situated in proximity to the U.s. Rte. 250/29S interchange and peak-hour capacity of the interchange as well as level of service of Fontaine Avenue was investigated and projected (Staff had informally observed that during the a.m. peak, the north bound bypass off-ramp appears to be approaching capacity). The applicant's traffic consultant (Wilbur Smith & Associates) and VDOT ran separate capacity analysis studies of Fontaine Avenue and the U.S. Rte. 250/Rte. 29S interchange, which provided staff with the following condensed review context: 1. The CATS shows a U4 (urban 4-lane) typical section for the proposed improvement. Fontaine Avenue is a Phase IV (final phase) improvement. The CATS projected an ADT of 10,700 for the year 2000. The 1990 ADT was 12,900. 2. VDOT and Wilbur Smith agreed to an annual background traffic increase of 2.7% to apply to all studied areas. 3. UREF anticipates a 15-20 year buildout and therefore, projection year is 2011. 4. VDOT agrees that the interchange would be in failure in year 2011 due to increase in background traffic but also states that the UREF development would accelerate that 14 , . condition. 5. VDOT stated that "background traffic will make Fontaine Avenue operate at LOS E in 2011 and with addition of site generated traffic, LOS will drop to F." Regarding interchange ramp failure, VDOT agreed with staff assessment that the north bound off-ramp would fail initially. VDOT stated that "eventually (by the year 2011 for the traffic analysis sUbmitted) the ramps for the Route 29 interchange will need to be signalized and upgraded due to the anticipated normal [background] traffic increases. This development would hasten (in about 8-10 years, depending on the amount of time for buildout) these needs." 6. 7. Staff approached these issues from the following perspective: 1. What improvements to the bypass interchange and Fontaine Avenue were necessary to avoid accelerated failure of these facilities due to introduction/conflicts of UREF traffic? That is to say, what improvements could be directly attributable to the UREF development? 2. Are these improvements (proportionately) equivalent to or superior to existing proffered improvements? In other words, would the proposed zoning compared to existing zoning equally or better serve the public interest regarding transportation improvements? Following multiple meetings involving UREF, VDOT, PACC Tech, and/or staff involving various road improvements/contributions on behalf of UREF, VDOT AND STAFF RECOMMEND THAT PROFFER #1 ADEQUATELY ADDRESSES ROAD IMPROVEMENT NEEDS AS MAY BE OCCASIONED BY THE PROPOSED UREF/FORESTRY DEVELOPMENT. While staff has calculated UREF traffic to represent 16-19% of the improvement need, UREF construction costs for improvements would represent 24-26% of the total costs to improve Fontaine Avenue to a U4 typical section in the City and County (i.e. - from JPA to bypass) as recommended by CATS. Lastly, the City staff has stated that "JPA/Maury Avenue/Fontaine Avenue Intersection: The County should make a special effort to assure that this development does not adversely affect the above intersection and that appropriate remedial measures are provided if 15 necessary." Wilbur Smith Associates assigned 30% of site traffic to arrive from the City by Fontaine Avenue and 70% to arrive from the bypass. VDOT accepted this distribution. This would represent a daily increase of 1320 vehicles through this intersection. Fontaine Avenue at this intersection provides three lanes eastbound (exclusive left, through, and right). Maury Avenue approaching this intersection provides three lanes southbound (right slip, through, left). JPA approaching this intersection provides three lanes (right slip, through, left) and JPA westbound provides two lanes (right/through, left). It would appear that any additional lanes would negatively affect existing development in the intersection quadrants (Staff is unaware of the extent of road right-of-way in this intersection. UREF does not have the right of eminent domain). SP-92-13 USES BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT: UREF has requested three categories of uses by special use permit, all of which are intended to be provided under appropriate circumstance, within areas shown for Office Service Area in the Comprehensive Plan. As stated earlier in the report, the closest dwelling is about 400 feet from the closest proposed building in the development and, therefore, the proposed uses regardless of location should not be obtrusive to the area (i.e. - the minimum setback for a heavy industrial use from an adjoining residential property is 100 feet). Special use permit requests include the following: supporting Commercial Uses are described by the applicant to possibly include uses such as: day care center, post office, branch bank, drug store, newsstand, dry cleaning establishment, small health club and restaurants. Uses permitted as supporting commercial uses would include uses permitted by right under the C-1 zone, as modified by Section 9.4.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant has proffered not to exceed the total floor area limit established by 9.4.2 (b) of the Zoning Ordinance (i. e. - 50%).. PROVISION OF SUPPORTING COMMERCIAL USES WOULD NOT ONLY BE A CONVENIENCE TO EMPLOYEES BUT WOULD ALSO REDUCE OFF-SITE TRAFFIC, CONSISTENT WITH TRAFFIC REDUCTION EFFORTS. 23 . 2 .2 . 11 SUPPORTING COMMERCIAL USES: STAFF RECOMMENDS APPROVAL OF THIS SPECIAL USE PERMIT SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1. IN ADDITION TO LIMITATION UNDER PROFFER * 6, TOTAL FLOOR AREA DEVOTED TO SUPPORTING COMMERCIAL USES SHALL NOT EXCEED TEN (10) PERCENT OF TOTAL FLOOR AREA AT ANY TIME DURING PHASED DEVELOPMENT. Research and develooment activities including exoerimental testing and Laboratories - medical and oharmaceutical are appropriate uses within Office Service Areas of 16 the Comprehensive Plan. As stated earlier, the closest dwelling to a proposed building is about 400 feet distant and these uses should therefore not be objectionable to the area (As a comparison, minimum building setback in the Heavy Industrial zone from an adjoining residential area is 100 feet). An additional assurance, these uses should be subject to the County's performance standards for industrial uses. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES INCLUDING EXPERIMENTAL TESTING; LABORATORIES-MEDICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL ARE APPROPRIATE WITHIN AN OFFICE SERVICE AREA AND WOULD NOT BE OBJECTIONABLE ON THIS SITE. STAFF RECOMMENDS APPROVAL SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1. COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 4.14 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. PROJECT PHASING: Three phases of development are proposed with the first phase being most extensive in terms of site preparation. As described earlier in this report and in the UREF textual submittal as well as plan maps, a substantial volume of unconsolidated fill needs to be removed and reworked (This is the only area of significant intrusion into steep slope, which are in this case, manmade). Mass grading would also occur during Phase 1 development, as would all Fontaine Avenue improvements. Substantial design/economic consideration has been devoted to the phasing schedule which would provide basic infrastructure together with public road improvements in the initial phase. IN ORDER TO PROVIDE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE PHASING PLAN AS PROPOSED AS WELL AS TO ALLOW VARIATIONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE, STAFF SHOULD BE GRANTED AUTHORITY OVER APPROVAL OF ALL PHASES OF DEVELOPMENT AS WELL AS ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL OF ALL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS (AND SUBDIVISION PLATS, IF ANY) . PROFFERS Thirteen written proffers as well as the proffered Zoning Application Plan accompany this petition. Most of these proffers have been discussed in the text of this report. STAFF RECOMMENDS ACCEPTANCE OF THE APPLICANT'S PROFFERS TOGETHER WITH THE PROFFERED REZONING APPLICATION PLAN. IN THE SPIRIT OF SECTION, THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SHOULD BE AUTHORIZED DISCRETION OVER REASONABLE VARIATIONS FROM THE ZONING APPLICATION PLAN. 17 I. , I COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296.5823 MEMORANDUM FROM: Albemarle County Planning Commission Ronald S. Keeler, Chief of Planning~ May 18, 1992 TO: DATE: RE: ZMA-92-03/SP-92-13 University Real Estate Foundation Attached please find the staff's report together with a document from the applicant entitled "University Research Park Supplement to Rezoning Application" (referred to here as the applicant's text). As you can see both the applicant's text and staff's report are lengthy. Regarding other materials, the Wilbur smith Associates and the VDOT traffic studies are so lengthy that only summary portions of these documents are enclosed. The applicant's text (which contains analyses maps as well as the proffered Zoning Application Plan) provides a very thorough analysis of most of the elements normally addressed in a staff's report. For that reason the staff's report does not repeat or rephrase much of this material. Let me recommend that you read the applicant's text first and then proceed to the staff's report. Also attached please find an extra copy of the applicant's proffers. You may wish to keep the proffers beside both reports for quick reference. Finally, I should explain the structure of the staff's report. I believe a staff report should perform two functions. The first is to document and present a deliberate and systematic review of a proposal in regard to ordinance regulations and various plans and policies. The , . . . Albemarle County Planning commission May 18, 1992 Page 2 second purpose is to provide a comprehensive presentation of the issues without being so lengthy and detailed as to overwhelm or confuse the reader. Since the structure of the report gives preference to the second purpose, let me assure you that it is not at the expense of the first purpose: 1) While specific reference is not made in the report to operative provisions of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6) such analysis has been made and the proposal, in staff's opinion, is consistent with those provisions; 2) The special use permit requests, in staff's opinion, are consistent with the positive findings required by of the Zoning Ordinance; 3) The proposed Office Service designation and accompanying proffers is superior in terms of the public interest to the existing proffered PD-SC/R-10 zonings on this site. The staff's report topically focuses on three issues: .. 1) Since this is the first such petition under new zoning regulations, discussion is provided as to the approach to establishing an Office Service Area designation for this property (NOTE: The plan map in the Comprehensive Plan does not show this property for Office Service. Designation was changed with adoption of the JPA/Fontaine "Area B" Study a few months after the Comprehensive Plan was printed); 2) Much of the text is devoted to analyzing the University Research Park in light of comments from the City of Charlottesville and County Community Development Division; 3) Traffic and road improvements also receive attention. More detailed description of the traffic dynamics which lead to need for improvements will be provided at the public hearing. RSK/mem . . " I ATTACHMENT B II Page II ,I.., f-". r---- ..' ,........., RAY 0, PETHTEL COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION POBOX 2013 CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22902 O. S. ROOSEVELT RESIDENT ENGINEER March 23, 1992 ZMA-92-03 UREF Route 29 B. The Department has reviewed the traffic analysis submitted for the above quest. Overall, the information appears adequate. The Jefferson Park Avenue tersection was not included in the study area and since this is within the City of arlottesville, the Department would not have any responsibility for this i tersection. The trip generation rates used were based on the Fourth Edition of t e ITE Trip Generation Manual instead of the current Fifth Edition. The Department mpared the rates between the two manuals and found some differences, but they were t major and we can accept Vilbur Smith's numbers. Figure 3 has what appears to be a typographical error, the brackets should be around the PM traffic and not the AM. F'gure 5's Route 29 southbound left turn movement does not match the southbound left t rn volume op the HCM analysis printout. It was assumed that 470 is the correct t tal volume. Unsignalized intersection capacity calculations and results as given i the 1985 HCM are almost meaningless and therefore were not reviewed by the D partment. . Ronald S. Keeler ief of Planning unty Office Building 1 McIntire Road arlottesville, VA. 22902 Mr. Keeler: The consultant gave level of service (LOS) for intersections based on overall L S as determined by the program. As a general policy, VDOT does not accept this p ocedure. Instead the LOS of an intersection is the LOS of a major movement at the i tersection. Using this method, the following LOS can be expected in 2011 at each of the intersections assuming only the improvements stated in the study, plus si nalization: Fontaine Ave. and Entrance Drive Route 29 NB Ramps and Fontaine Ave. Route 29 SB Ramps and Fontaine Ave. AM Peak D F PM Peak D E F TRANSPORT ATiC', FOR~h'c 21 ST CENTURY I ATTACHMENT B II Page 21 Page 2 March 23, 1992 M . Ronald S. Keeler EF Rt. 29 B. The conclusion that the greatest reason for failure of the Route 29 Bypass and siness interchange is background traffic is not completely correct. The traffic nerated by this site plays a big part in the failure of the ramps intersections th Fontaine Avenue. The following changes in LOS are observed by adding site nerated traffic to background traffic: Rt. 29 NB Ramps and Fontaine Ave. (PM) Rt. 29 SB Ramps and Fontaine Ave. (PM) Background Traffic D E Total Traffic E F Additionally, the VIC ratios for failing movements become much worse when site t affic is added to background traffic. Attached are the summary reports from the s'gnalized intersection analysis run by the Department. Background traffic will m ke Fontaine Avenue operate at LOS E in 2011 and with the addition of site nerated traffic, LOS will drop to F. Attached are the summary printouts for each these runs. Also attached is a sketch showing the minimum improvements necessary achieve an acceptable LOS. The LOS at the intersection of Fontaine Avenue and e Route 29 southbound ramps can not be improved to higher than a D without tensive redesign of the interchange. There are two configurations attached that prove the LOS, but even the second of these may be impractical due to the oximity of this interchange with the Route 29/1-64 interchange. VDOT policy ecifies LOS C as the minimum acceptable in rural areas and LOS D the minimum for banized areas. In addition, the CATS calls for LOS C in the Charlottesville area. ute 29 B (Fontaine Avenue) is classified as a principal arterial. The CATS shows a U 4 typical section for the proposed improvement and a 2000 plan of ADT 10,700 for 2 00. The 1990 ADT was 12,980. I ATTACHMENT sllPage 31 Page 3 March 23, 1992 r. Ronald S. Keeler F Rt. 29 B Eventually (by the year 2011 for the traffic analysis submitted) the ramps for he Route 29 interchange will need to be signalized and upgraded due to the nticipated normal traffic increases. This development would hasten (in pproximately 8-10 years, depending on the amount of time for buildout) these needs. he Department recommends that Fontaine Avenue be upgraded to a four-lane divided oadway and rebuilt to meet current geometric standards. This would be consistent ith previous proffers on this property. Development of this property does ecessitate some road improvements. If this is not be included as part of the evelopment, the Department recommends a right turn lane along the frontage of the roperty from the ramps to the proposed entrance. As the traffic analysis ndicates, a right and left turn lane along with a traffic signal are necessary for he entrance and therefore, are required. The entrance should have at least four anes. The left turn lane needs to be a minimum of 250' in length with a 200' taper nd the right turn lane should be 200' long with a 200' taper. The width of these urn lanes should be 12'. Should the full roadway improvements noted above not be uilt as part of this development, then the right of way for the ultimate mprovement should be dedicated or at least reserved. Sincerely, q-. 0 . eJ)~ J. A. Echols Assistant Resident Engineer AE/ldw , ' IATTAeH~~NT ell Page II f' ..'~-" '!" ~ ;' ;'-, '. ..~-'-~' .~_.. RAY D. PETHTEL co MISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION POBOX 2013 CHARLOTTESVILLE. 22902 D. s. ROOSEVELT RESIDENT ENGINEER March 23, 1992 Special Use Permits & Rezonings April 1992 . Ronald S. Keeler ief of Planning unty Office Building 1 McIntire Road arlottesville, VA. 22902 ar Mr. Keeler: The following are our comments: 1. ZHA-92-01 Ednam House Limited Partnership, Route 250 V. - This request is to ermit three dwelling units which would result in a traffic generation of 30 VPD. he access to this development is to a signalized intersection that is currently dequate on Route 250. ZMA-92-02 Virginia Land Trust & South 29 Land Trust, Route 1520 - This request to amend the PUD to permit residential usage on property that was designated as ommercial. The number of units indicated in your letter would result in a traffic eneration of approximately 900 VPD. Commercial development on the 19 acres could ertainly result in a higher traffic generation. The Department recommends a right urn and taper lane on South Hollymead Drive and a left turn and taper lane on North ollymead Drive for the two proposed entrances. Construction of the left turn and aper lane on North Hollymead Drive will require rebuilding a section of the xisting road because there is up to a 2 foot difference in elevation in the median etween the travel lanes on this road. Adequate sight distance will be necessary or these proposed entrances. Additional right of way may be needed for the turn anes. ZMA-92-03 University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation, Route 29 B. - This equest is to change the zoning from the current PD-SC and R-10 to CO. The epartment questions the status of Route 782 from Fontaine Avenue to the railroad verpass in conjunction with this request. Previous proffers on this property have ncluded reconstructing Fontaine Avenue to current standards with a four-lane ivided roadway. The Department supports this previous proffer. This site plan hows closing the existing Forestry entrance and having all access to both roperties through a single entrance. Consolidation of the accesses on the south ide of Fontaine Avenue is supported by the Department. There is adequate sight istance at the location of the proposed entrance shown on the plan. Comments oncerning the submitted traffic analysis and recommended roadway improvements will e addressed in a separate letter. F1AN5PORTATiON FOR rHE 21 5T CENTURY IATTACHMENT cl~ Page 2/ Page 2 March 23, 1992 r. Ronald S. Keeler pecial Use Permits & Rezonings SP-92-09 David D. Allen, Route 743 - This request is for a day care facility for p to 25 children which would result in a traffic increase of 125 VPD. Since the raffic generated by this request would occur during peak hours, the Department ecommends a 200 foot long right turn lane and whatever taper length can be ccommodated along the property frontage. Additional right of way would have to be edicated at this time to accommodate this turn and taper lane. SP-92-12 Ednam House Limited Partnership, Route 250 V. - This request for a ealtor office would result in some increase in traffic. The existing entrance at oute 250 for this development is currently adequate. SP-92-13 University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation, Route 29 B. - This equest is to allow supporting commercial uses and research development activities n conjunction with #3 above. This request should not result in traffic generations reater than what could be expected from the current zoning. Sincerely, j-,o , ~/t J. A. Echols Assistant Resident Engineer AE/ldw c: R. V. Hofrichter w/attach. . . . . . I . . . . . . .. \.,J'-J, l L- bUh ~M r- \ M Fl::.~. , \~~ 2- I ATTACHMENT 0 I Chapter 3 ANTICIPATED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS An evaluation of anticipated traffic impact on the surrounding roadway network requires an estimation of site-generated traffic volumes, which then are superimposed upon local traffic volumes. These combined volumes are used to test the adequacy of the adjacent highway network. This chapter summarizes this evaluation. Estimated Site Traffic Generation Anticipated traffic volumes generated by the proposed development are summarized in Table 1. The trip generation is based on the 4th Edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trio Generation Manual. Based on the trip generation, a total of 4,404 vehicles per day are anticipated to utilize the site. Approximately 12% of the total traffic is expected to be generated by the forestry site, while the remaining 88% is anticipated to be University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation traffic. For the forestry land uses, the employee unit of measurement was utilized instead of the building "'JIr.s-q'uare footage because the resultant generation was more reflective of the land use characteristic. Approximately 21 % of the building consists of non-office and non-employee areas and, therefore, use of the total square footage would reflect an unrealistically high trip generation. Approximately 1 03 employees are anticipated to use the building, however, 125 was used to account for possible future employment. A 37,000 square foot storage warehouse also is planned for the site (Table 1). This is not expected to generate traffic on a daily or peak-hour basis. The use of the facility is to house heavy equipment which would be used in rare cases such as forest fires. Therefore, no traffic is generated for the facility. Anticipated Site Traffic Distribution Anticipated site traffic distribution for the site was determined based on the A.M. and P.M. peak-hour turning movement counts conducted at the Route 29 Bypass/Route 29 Business interchange. A determination of the distribution to the east was based on an educated assumption of attraction to the City of Charlottesville. It was assumed that a low attraction, due to minimal residential housing, would be assumed (30%). The remaining 7CJ% was distributed onto the Route 29 Bypass based on the turning 4 . III . I ATTACHMENT 0 I ;; ;; C\l C\l :6 ll'I ll'I <Il ll'I ll'I ll'I ... ... G <0 <0 ll'I ll'I 0 0 ll'I Q) Q) ~ I ~ 0 ~ -,1",":";>'- .. :0 . ... > a: < :I :I ::I (/) Z OCD - ::J ~ ~ W< z.. We <:I. ~g ::... W (/) ::I o z :5 :I .( (/) <>. ...a: <I- ...a: 0::1 1-0 :I: ... C\l ... z W ::l; a: 1-::1 -m z< ::Iw ::l; ... o OW zO :58 ww I-{/) -::I . o I- co co Q) Q) ll'I ll'I i>> D E ::J Z C\l C\l r:o r:o #. ::! i>> D E ::J Z 00 ll'I ll'I ll'I It) #. ... r:o OJ (5 ... C\l C\l .., .., co co ... ... .., .., ...... ..,ri ... (/) 8 o OJ ~ 0 1i ::J <II o ~ ... w m ::I o z ~ w ... u; u.. w a: CD ~~ ::>0 co ~ co ~ r:o r:o o Q) .., ... ... ll'I I ll'I ... o CO ... <0 ll'I COI ~ I c:; It) ll'I :g C\l ... -' <>.... ::l;m w ll'IO C\l0 -0 ... OJ .., (5 1i ::J m -' ~ o I- o ~ ... CD <Il Uj ::I ... 0 u; li > ;;; a: ::: Iii .. UJ .. III a:.2 0 ~8iii 5 ~ . u "" '<; CD 0- 0> U IE ~ .. ~ ., e CD Q 2 "0 CD OJ 0- :2 c . '0 e ,!! CD <Il ::J o iii- m:= J :;: .,- QCD .., ~: ~iii.2 o~ z::' r:: g '6 w .c: . ;i o 1= ~ w z w <:I <>. a: I- iii Gi CD e .;;, e w e .2 OJ 1:: o Q. <Il e . ~ i5 CD '5 ... 1;; .5 W o a: ::> o (/) C\l Q) I ,.. I N ::I -' ... Z o ... . . . I . . . . . . . II . .' I ATTACHMENT 0 I movement counts conducted at this interchange (Figure 2). This resulted in a north/south split of 26%/44%, respectively. Based on telephone conversations with Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) officials and summarized in a January 1992 letter, this information is enclosed in Appendix A. Figure 3 presents the anticipated site traffic distribution. Local Traffic Growth As previously mentioned, traffic counts were conducted at the Route 29 Bypass/Route 29 Business interchange--more specifically the ramp junctions with Route 29 Business. These counts were utilized to determine the east/west volumes along Route 29 Business. These volumes are the basis for determining future projected volumes. Historical traffic volume data were obtained from the Commonwealth of Virginia Deoartment of Tr ns ort ti n Avera e Dail Traffic AD Volumes on Interstates Arterial and Prima R ute booklet. Data between 1976 and 1990 were evaluated to determine the average growth rate for that time period. The three road sections studied included the Route 29 Bypass, both north and south of Route 29 Business, and Route 29 Business east of Route 29 Bypass. Based on tables included in Appendix A and on conversations with VDOT officials, projected growth rates were determined. A growth rate of 2.7% for Route 29 Business, inclusive of the Route 29 Bypass ramps, was agreed upon. , ,'.,1"""''1'1'\1. mbined Traffic Volumes Anticipated traffic volumes, depicted in Table 1, were assigned to the roadway network based on the anticipated traffic distribution shown on Figure 2. These volumes then were superimposed on local raffic volumes to estimate total traffic demand. Figures 4 and 5 present the projected site and local raffic volumes for the A.M. and P.M. peak hours. 6 . . . . . . . .,~, .., .,. ' SS'td),.8 62 '3HI ~I ~ ATTACHMENT 0 Vl => lD "3^'V >U:I'Vd NOS~3.:k:l3r en N W I- 0:: "- W > < w z <( I- Z o u.. o '" L r o r- L~~ 9Z -.J N o r- . W I- a: 'a~ 3115 a3S0dO~d W 0:: G N 1--4 l.L z o - I- ::J en - 0:: l- V) - o W I- - V) C) Z - 0:: W I- Z W I- Z W U 0:: W 0.. ~II~ ~ ~..~ ~..~ ~==~ . III I " II . . . . , \ '-,''':''1:", .~. " 00 ,., ,., CD L{l I I 00 ,., ,., r- '<T :::E:::E 0<0. Z W~ (,:>00 WOO -l - I ATTACHMENT D I "3^V >IC1Vd NOSl:I3.:H3r VI ::J III 0'1 N " W f- a: "- W > < W Z <( f- Z o u.. "OCl 311S 03S0dOCld II "'W"l N'" o- N- -... N SSVdA8 6<: "31Cl ~ ...........-. N o r- " W f- a: W 0::: ::J rt) <.:> lL. (/) w :2 :::J -1 o > u ....... lL. lL. <( 0:: ~ ~ 01 01 ~ Q Z ....... ~ V) ....... x w ~II~ ~ :A..a;: ~..~ ~II~ '"' IL L , . Ir . 3A V )ll:lV d NOSl:l3.:l.:l3r V) Vl ::l III W . CTl 2 N " ::Jet: w I- -1::J 0:: . " 00 " w > >:r: <( w . Z <( U~ I- Z .........<( 0 u... - LL W ON . ",CO ...:: Ll5Z1 LLO- lL ,(59) <( ...0 N" et: Ir . . ' ,',':""'" ...... "a~ 311S 1-2 "'''' 0- NN ...... Jl _N a3SOdO~d -.. . . 0<( 11 W 00 l- I ...,., N <( . 0 ~ 0-0 - ......... ..- . uo ......... N l- . Z <( . SS'1dA8 6Z "3HJ 0 . N .. 0 - r- -- w lL I - l- I 0:: Ir "'0 i ..- ~~~~ ~ " ;.o..~ ~..~ ~==~ ATTACHMENT 0 W 0:: G ~ a z ::l o 0:: <.:) W:..: I-U -<( OV11I1 Z w- <.:) 00 woo -oJ ~ .......... LL . III . I I . \ . \ . \ . .- , \ I' o Z ::J o a: (;) w:.:: ....u -<( o VleD Z W- (;)00 WOO -1- ~ "r 'I') 'r' ,~ I ATTACHMENT D I 0111 ...... -N IL L r Ir '3^V >I1:Nd NOS~3=l=l3r III ::J m m N W .... oc " W > <( w z <( .... Z 0 111_ u.. 00 ~~ L(B91) IL r(SBtl tr .a~ 311S 0- a3SOdO~d ...on ....~ 0111 111111 ....'" Lost (SIo) JI rOz 11 1110 ....- ... SSVdA8 6l .31~ N o r- 111 0.... ...'" ~I --. . w .... oc lL - 111 ... N Ir 1110 W 0:: ::J C) L!) - l.L tf) w 2 :JO:: -1:J 00 >:r: U~ -<( l..L W l..L(L <( 0:: · 1-2 . O(L w 1-1 <( (LO -~ UO -N I- Z <( ~I=~ ~ !;....-: ~..~ ~=;1 , I . . i . . I I . \ . . . ! III III . . . ~ I ATTACHMENT 01 Chapter IV PROJECTED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AND CONCLUSIONS ",'1 r"('}.l',l, , , . . . . . . . . . . . III III III III III III III . I ATTACHMENT 0 I Chapter 4 PROJECTED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AND CONCLUSIONS This chapter presents a summary of the impact of the projected site and local traffic on the existing roadway network based on 20 year projections. Proposed Access Plan As previously stated, direct access to the site is provided by the Route 29 Business/Proposed Site Road intersection. The following analysis evaluates this intersection in terms of recommended geometrics to accommodate a projected 20-year buildout. Indirectly, the Route 29 Bypass/Route 29 Business interchange also is impacted by the proposed site development. Based on recommendations by VDOT officials, the interchange also was analyzed in terms of capacity constraints. Figure 6 presents the location of each of the subject interchanges. Plan Adequacy The intersection capacity analysis techniques outlined in the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual were used . ".~tl!ranalyze the capacity of the roadway network. These procedures provided a quantified "Level of Service" (LOS) which describes traffic conditions by intersection delay. These service conditions are defined by letters "A" through "F", with "A" being excellent (no delay) traffic conditions and "F" equating to congested, unstable traffic flow of excessive delay. Table 2 presents a summary of these service levels. Generally, these definitions cover both signalized and unsignalized intersections; however, an unsignalized intersection quantifies a LOS based on reserve capacity, while a signalized intersection utilizes delay (seconds). Reserve capacity numerically presents the number of available gaps in traffic for a vehicle to negotiate a turning movement. Enclosed in Appendix B are excerpts from the Highway Capacity Manual which summarizes the LOS criteria for signalized and unsignalized intersections. 7 . . . . ~ . ,; II II ',:;'\ . ,",I ,...t"." SSVdA8 6l "3Hl ~I ___ I ATTACHMENT 01 "3^,,1 )H:IVd NOS~3~.:13r III ::l CD en N . W I- a: ...... " w > -< w z -< I- Z o u.. I \ \ I "" .a~ 311S a3SOdO~d N' '~ o r- . W I- a: w n:: ~ c..o 1--4 LL V> Z o ........ t- <! U o ---1 z o ........ t- U W V> 0:: W t- Z ........ <! w 0:: <! >- o ::J t- V> ~I=~~ ....~ ~..~ ~;;~ .' . : . . \ Table 2 LEVEL OF SERVICE DEFINITIONS L.O.S. ,'.. "4('"1''''' SOURCE: ROADWAY SEGMENTS OR CONTROLLED- ACCESS HIGHWAYS A Freo flow, low troffic density. 8 DelLlY is nol unren::onnble, stable traffic flow. c Stablo condition, movemont:; somewhat restricted due to higher volumes, but not objectionable lor motorists. o Movements more restricted, queues and delays may occur during short peaks, but lower demands occur olten onough to permit clearing, thus proventing excossive delay. E Acluol copncily 01 the roadwny. Involves delay to all molorists due to congestion, F Forced flow wilh demand volumos greater lhLln capacity resulting in complele congestion. Volumes drop to zero in oxtreme co:;os. INTERSECTIONS No vohiclo wails longer than one signal indication. On 0 rara occasion, motori::ls will wait through moro than one signal indication. Intcrmillontly, drivers wail through moro than one signal indication, and occasionally backups may dovelop bohind lolt-turning vehiclos, Irallic /low still stablo and acceplablo. Dolays at intorsoctions may bocome oxtensivo with some, ospocially lolt-turning vohiclo::, waiting two or moro signal indications, onough cyclos with lowor demand occur 10 pormit pori odic clearonco, thus preventing excessivo backups. Very long quoues may creale longthy delays, especially lor lelt-turning vehicles. Oackups Irom locations downslream ro::lricl or provont movemont or vehicles oul or approach, creating a storage nroa during pnrt or 011 01 on hour. A PolicV on Dcsiqn of Urban Hiqhwoys nnd Arterial Slreets, AASHTO, 1984 bosed opon matorial publishod in tho Highway Capacily Manual, Transportalion Resaarch Boord, 1905. 8 I ATTACHMENT D I F ~ ~ ~~ @ @ ~~@~~V 4~~ ~~ ~ @ ~ ~ . . . ; . . . . . . . I I . . . . . " . . . I I . I ATTACHMENT 01 Existing Conditions The Route 29 Bypass/Route 29 Business interchange was analyzed based on the existing roadway and traffic conditions in the A.M. and P.M. peak hours. The results of this analysis are summarized in Table 3. Existing roadway geometries are shown on Figure 7. Proiected Roadway Conditions The following 2011 projected roadway conditions are presented for both the Route 29 Bypass/Route 29 Business interchange and the Route 29 Business/Proposed Site Road intersection. Route 29 Bypass/Route 29 Business - The Route 29 Bypass/Route 29 Business interchange was analyzed as unsignalized intersections based on 20-year traffic projections (Figures 4 and 5) and existing roadway conditions (Figure 7). Table 4 summarizes the results of this analysis. As shown on Table 4, some of the critical turning movements indicate "F" LOS, which are unacceptable service levels. Based on these unacceptable conditions, a signalized capacity analysis was performed based on the Highway Capacity Manual. Table 5 summarizes the results of this analysis. Due to the close proximity of the two intersections and potential for signalization, the Passer 3 "..I....'''.lt. signal timing optimization also was performed This Passer 3 software was developed specifically to assess progression at signalized diamond interchanges. This program evaluates the effectiveness of various geometric design alternatives for both pretimed and actuated type signals. For purposes of the following analysis, the existing geometric conditions are analyzed assuming both a pretimed and an actuated condition. The results of this analysis are summarized in Table 6. Capacity analysis worksheets for Tables 4 through 6 are enclosed in Appendices C through E, respectively. Route 29 Business/Proposed Site Road Intersection - This intersection was analyzed to determine the recommended roadway conditions required to accommodate projected traffic volumes. The recommended geometries utilized to analyze the intersections are shown on Figure 8. Table 5 summarizes the Level of Service and delay for the Proposed Site Road/Route 29 Business intersection. Capacity analysis workseets are enclosed in Appendix E. 9 'II' . , . . I . I . I I . III I . . ~ III i II . . . . . . , IN Ir-ERSECTION Rt~ 29 Bypass/Rte 29 Business Interchange -- . Rte 29 Bypass NB Off-Ramp . Rte 29 Bypass SB Off-Ramp , ,.., 'l!r'" "". Table 3 I ATTACHMENT 0 I UNSIGNALlZED CAPACITY ANALYSIS SUMMARY Existing Conditions Year 1991 A.M. PEAK HOUR (1 ) TU RN ReseNe (2) MOVMNT. Capacity L.O.S. P.M. PEAK HOUR (1 ) ReseNe (2) Capacity L.O.S. NBL 309 A 115 D NBR 279 C 615 A EBL 652 B 398 B SBL 347 B -131 F SBR 548 A 945 A WBL 863 A 426 A NCDTE: (1 ReseNe Capacity represents the number of available gaps in traffic for vehicle movement. (2 L.O.S. = Level of SeNice. Fe NTLOS3 1/17/92 10 . . z o !- < Z <.:l Vl W o W Z < 0-' z ~I -' I ATTACHMENT 0 I W 0: ::J C) r- >-< LL If) '3^V )I~:fVd NOS~3=:1=:13r U Vl ::l - lD 0'> 0:: N J- w W !- a: 2 " , W 0 > < W w z <.:) - < !- Z 0 >- l.L. <( 3: 0 'OH 311S <( I I 03S0dOHd 0 1".".1 r"''J'''''ll. 0:: <.:) Z - J- JI If) - X W SSVd),8 6Z '31H Ir N o r- -- , W !- a: -- ~=I~ ~ ....~ ~..~ ~==~ I' . . Table 4 I ATTACHMENT 01 UNSIGNALlZED CAPACITY ANALYSIS SUMMARY Year 2011 Projections A.M. PEAK HOUR P.M. PEAK HOUR (1 ) (1 ) , TURN Reserve (2) Reserve (2) I !.tJTERSECTION MOVMNT. Capacity L.O.S. Capacity L.O.S. I Rue 29 Bypass/Rte 29 Business I : Interchange -- I I ~ Rte 29 Bypass N B Off-Ramp NBL 67 E 12 E I NBR -603 F 295 C I I EBL 398 B 86 E I I I Rte 29 Bypass SB Off-Ramp SBL -133 F -544 E SBR 872 A 933 B WBL 719 A -284 E ~OTE: 1) Reserve Capacity represents the number of available gaps in traffic for vehicle movement. (2) L.O.S. = Level of Service. FOLTLOS42-20-92 I 11 . .I' . Table 5 SIGNALIZED CAPACITY ANALYSIS SUMMARY Year 2011 Projections A.M. PEAK HOUR (1 ) Delav (2) L.O.S. NTERSECTION te 29 Bypass/Rte 29 Business Interchange -- * F C . Rte 29 NB Off-Ramp . Rte 29 SB Off- Ramp 17.0 I I I I ~te 29 BusinesslProposed Site Rd 21.1 C ~OTE: (1) Delay indicates the average number of seconds a vehicle may I waite at a traffic signal . 1(2) L.O.S. = Level of Service. I I 1* Indicates the Delay & L.O.S. can't be meaningful when the V/C ratio is greater than 1 .2. I FONTLOS5 2/20/92 12 I ATTACHMENT 01 P.M. PEAK HOUR (1) (2) Delav L.O.S. 39.5 D F * 18.4 C .. '" II - I !!!. 0 <( <( o..J + (i) ~ c( tel c? '"': . 0; 0 ~ p~ u:- N ~ c? - N '"': a: :J ~~ i u:- u:- ~- 0 c( ...J ~ co UJ 01 a.. . tel C;; m 0 0; C\l :E 0 ~-I ~ 0 0 u:- ..J 0' < in a:j . tel ai ..... 0; ~ 0 ~Q; ~ u:- co 'OQ; .0 1-0 10 >- - I a: !!!. 0 W u:- c( o..J :E co in :E + u:i ai c( tel :J . 0; U) co (J) 0 (J) (jj GI :J pI ~ c:: ~ GI u:- 2: fI) c( > . zc( in - I rn~p"'c( GI u:i N ~ ~.~ co C\I a: Oc :J c( 0 L I a..U- c( () ~~ 0 co ~ c( ..J CO) UJ [0 <if a: << w a.. . III C\I << (J) 0; << (J) :E 0 c( a.. c( ~ ~i u:- u:- ~ (;) - C\I ~ 10 10 - u:- 0; ~ N 00; ai - 1-0 C\I 1i: 1i: E E a: a: I I :t: :t: 0 m GI 0 01 C\l0J 01 Z Z GI c:: en m 0 a:"i m C\I 1= -- () C\l GI .. ~ () .. GI GI ~ W tel- ~ en 0.5 GI a: >-.. GI "tl UJ 01 .. "tl Cii ?- m .. Cii ?; C\I .= 1: GI .. *' OJ "S :J .. if om ..J a: 0 0 13 I ATTACHMENT 01 co -' o:~ .. :>u u:w .. w Ul .... - * Z _:I: * .... wC) .. UlZ o:w .. :I:..J U. * * * * * * * * * :; m c:: 'c III III -; aiE G) .~o 'i ~ tel c:: 3: c:: ..c:: .. >. as~'- III ..c::GI>- E () - III Q;5"ii GI -Gl"tl o'E .5:-SG) :E G) CD_~ GlE -So; ~~ o~o {; ~ Glen; ;~ ~1:-S ~.!:! -= ~olj ..c GI C\I -c ...J~.....: 00) Q-c Qi'0 -See ..0'- cO-S E.!! oc::~ ~ .~ g ,g ~ G)"'== ~~! O)~ G):'!CJ) ~ III ~ GI .. ~o ~E.;; as ECD~ GlC GI..c::a: -S.2>~=-;;o !!! 0 .~ .s ; :> II CD CI) CD CD en ~.!';= "tl OGla:.. c:: 0;a:1I.; in g > II GI () c" jCll~'5 li.il:~;: 1I~~5 I- .= III en *' ..c:: << OGiOi O...~<< ZOO ..J..Ja:<< () ;: ~ .. w * U I * * zu I * W I I .. :=l I I c:; .. w :z: Ul 0 * - w or. . .... * Q ([ ..... 1:: * Ul u: I 0 * .... .... ~ :I: I .. C)([ I - I * u: I C) * * * :z: * * * * * ..... I Ul * I a: w I I :I: .. uu I I U. Z I I * W --:> ..J :=l a: * 0 :z: w C) * Ul ..... or.--:> Ul * W Q * - Ul * .. I I .... * .... I I .. * "-0: I I W I I * ..J - I .. * * * * * * '* * .. ..J ([ :> u: wa:: ....w zor. _Ii: :=l WZ Ul ([ :I: U. * * * '" * '* -0 GI 'lii :; () C <> . .!! GI <> .~ GI .en "'- o 0 3:"ii -a; ~ C..J ~olj c: >- III III ..c::"ii ~C. . . ~"tl c:: GI .- ,.: CD -.,;:: ..c:: c: - III 05- ~Ol ~~ _ ..c:: ~ 3: o ~ - 0 GI- :5"i .. > ::.~ ..- "tl 0 c: c: 8.2... !~ ~:6 G)~ 0_ . - .. u ~;-..+ ~~!P9~ C\I m -- C\I C\I -- - Ul en 9 I- Z o u. ;:-NM~iO' ----- r ... ti " ,- .; ~ ~~~ ;~ "1." :~ :;! ( -~;: f,:'. ~~ ,{., "t~ ii,r<, ~ '(~ ~ ~. ':, ,] ...,!, I ~ ~h"~. .1. U - LL WZ WZ LL za za < <- <- 0: ...11- ...11- I- < < .z .z . ...J 1-1.:) :::EI.:) :::E< Vl- 0- oz -Vl UVl UI.:) xw WW W- ~wo 0:0 O::Vl W , ~ I.:) , W , ...1 SSVdA8 62: '3Hl - - I ATTACHMENT 01 "3^ V >lHV d NOSH3=l=l3r Vl :J CD 17l N . W l- n: " W > < W Z < I- Z o u. L r r ;L r 'a~ 31lS a3SOdO~d N o ,... W I- 0: W 0:: ::J o ex) - LL (j) U - 0::: I- W 2 o w <..:) >- <( ~O o~ <(0 ON 0::: o w o z w 2 2 o u W 0::: ~=I~ ~ ........ ~..~ ~1;1 . III.. . 'rI '.'_ I ATTACHMENT D I ~Clusions , Ir summary, the existing Route 29 Bypass interchange is not anticipated to satisfactorily acc~mmodate year 2010 projected volumes. The greatest cause of unsatisfactory delay impacting the inter~hange is attributed to the background traffic destined to and from the south. For instance, I apprpximately 500 vph (in the A.M. peak hour) originate from the south and return in the P.M. peak via the i~terchange. Applying the 20 year growth rate to this volume nearly doubles the existing volume. I I I I lIhe existing two-lane Route 29 Business with the recommended turning lanes shown on Figure 8 will I accommodate projected 2011 site and local traffic. In addition to these turn lanes, a fully actuated I traffi~ signal is recommended. I , I l'ljll!lr"p~'" 14 Di:'~,; lJ B:):::d " t.. -~..-.-~. -.~ '-""--. .,-,....,"<0--'. ....., " (':0. -----~-~-.. -..:..~~. J COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, VirgiT1lCl 22901-4596 (804) 2965823 ''''i May 7, 1992 Scott W. Campbell 84 Mill Creek Court Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: .SP-92-16 Scott W. Campbell Tax Map 61, Parcel 148 Dear Mr. Campbell: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on May 5, 1992, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted request to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Staff approval of lighting plan and landscape plan; 2. No loudspeakers; 3. There shall be no flags, pennants, banners, streamers or strings of lights; 4. Area for storage and display of vehicles for sale or rent shall be limited to that area approximately shown as "New Parking Area Addition" on Attachment C initialled WDF 4/10/92.; Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on June 10. 1992. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. .... .11....... Q ....1 z I' W. ::::E " :I: I' (), ~ :..~;. I' ..... '\ I ~-~~.'I.. : " Ii l!i % o I' .. e '" o Ii' "" .,p '.:i <f C '7 e: \ ~ 6 \ 1''' 1\ f" 1\\\ c" 1\~6E\1.~ GE..O{\G_ e" \ 'tOt'ol'\:. -- ~:. ~ ~~-:j C- tJiP -;: 0 -;; () .iJ~ I "Z:r'" -:i:.I. O~ ~ ,d rJ ,l ------ T.M 101 PAR 0.63'; ACRES O.B. .769 P. ~ I> 7 \ 48 ~~ 7- ~ T.M. 61 PAR 149 06<15 ACRE.S D. B. 619 P. ~6' :i- ,- 0 (1: ~ _ ..:. - . c.... 0 <oJ - .... '.0 ..... -;. r 0 . .. \- ,,) 'Rb..fI':,rp ~\~ ~ "(""""L"",- 41iL'r" :,/2~lo,'L tJ....~1 L kL '~(.~~Vf a..IA.Oe.~ IN ....&~ ~1t\l.boIL. ~R1:.A. b.'ltE ~ '5". ocz..LE~ r..," ~iOI'J'i: on. t.Att,,-'e;Q. W\U,. t!E: iA'bC:O rN ~~ rMtt.lNl,.. ~A ''P 1'<l:~ oae..... ~ ~""~C ~..:: "T'I~~I:.O 'I'OQ, l..o....E: ~:: UI- ,...~ ItaU a- ;JU. 'i)c./~ ~ j...1/1/-- f f 'I C ~\ ,... Z " 0. ~ o '<I 'g ~~ '" ~ o CJ >- .. ~ -' W.rsE'" ",,'eO ,""- \ --r- << '" z t! o :r ... " _ 0 ~'O NO. ~- ~~ Cl\\lllOlIe.u~ 'D,StIl.I6 ~mAltLE Cjl..oJT'{ ,J". bt..Le ,o.!C' 'CROW"","" ~D ~ "" brre ~ ~\_~,.o Cl>W\'T YooH..'''''' 00; '''', ''IS, DI\<e 3/1!O1 'Il._ Scott Campbell Page 2 May 7, 1992 If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 1/~R ~.. william D. Fritz Senior Planner WDF/jcw cc: Lettie E. Neher Amelia Patterson Jo Higgins George Ragsdale STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WILLIAM D. FRITZ MAY 5, 1992 JUNE 10, 1992 SP-92-16 SCOTT CAMPBELL Petition: Scott Campbell petitions the Board of Supervisors to issue a special use permit for auto sales and rental [22.2.2(8)] on 1.6 acres zoned C-1, Commercial. Property, described as Tax Map 61, Parcel 148, is located at the end of and on the north side of Route 650 just east of Route 631 (Rio Road) in the Charlottesville Magisterial District. This site is located in a designated growth area (Neighborhood 2) and is recommended for Neighborhood Service. Character of the Area: This site is the former location of a tire store. The Southern Railway tracks are located adjacent to the east. Petroleum storage tanks are adjacent to the south. A gas station is adjacent to the west. Two dwellings are located beyond this site on Route 650 on the opposite side of the Railroad. This site is substantially lower than Rio Road. The area proposed for storage of the autos is level and open. Applicant's Proposal: The applicant proposes to operate a car sales and rental operation in connection with the repair service provided in the existing structure. The area proposed for the storage of autos is shown in Attachment C. The proposed storage area is anticipated to be adequate to store 35 autos. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with Section of the Zoning Ordinance and recommends approval of SP 92-16 subject to conditions. PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: August 28, 1984 - The Planning Commission approved the site plan for the tire store (now a repair garage). December 11, 1984 - A plat creating the parcel for the tire store was approved. April 12, 1988 - The plat creating the parcel currently under review was approved. 1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This area is recommended for Neighborhood Service in Neighborhood 2. STAFF COMMENT: Section of the Zoning Ordinance states: "The board of supervisors hereby reserves unto itself the right to issue all special use permits permitted hereunder. Special use permits for uses as provided in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding by the board of supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property, that the character of the district will not be changed thereby and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance, with the uses permitted by right in the district, with additional regulations provided in section 5.0 of this ordinance, and with the public health, safety and general welfare." Staff has reviewed this request for consistency with section of the Ordinance and offers the following comments and observations. This use will not be of detriment to adjacent properties nor will it change the character of the district due to the commercial activity on the adjacent properties. The nearby residential development is separated from this site by the Southern Railway and staff will recommend conditions to minimize the impact of this activity on those residential properties. (Those conditions include staff approval of a lighting plan and prohibition of loudspeakers.) This use will have minimal visual impact on Rio Road due to the lower elevation of this site and the existence of other commercial activity between this site and Rio Road. Route 650 is a low volume, dead end road; the 1990 trip count indicated 30 vehicle trips per day. Staff notes that this type of use, auto sales and rental, does not generate more vehicle trips than other uses which are permitted by-right. The Department of Transportation has provided comment regarding this request (Attachment D). Staff recommends a condition to ensure that an adequate entrance is constructed to serve the site. Summary: Due to the existing adjacent commercial deve~opment, the position of this site at a lower grade than Rio Road and the separation of this site from adjacent residential development, staff opinion is that this use will have minimal impact. With appropriate conditions staff opinion is that the potential negative impact of this site can be mitigated. Therefore, staff recommends approval of this request subject to the following conditions: 2 .. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Staff approval of lighting plan and landscape plan; 2. No loudspeakers; 3. There shall be no flags, pennants, banners, streamers or strings of lights; 4. Area for storage and display of vehicles for sale or rent shall be limited to that area shown on Attachment C initialled WDF 4/10/92; 5. Construction of a commercial entrance prior to the commencement of storage, sales or rental or motor vehicles. ATTACHMENTS: A - Location Map B - Tax Map C - Sketch Delineating Storage/Display Area D - Virginia Department of Transportation Comments 3 ~ 1130IIIlITO ~. 'Rt.. I . c 1..____ _ ______ ",1N o ) IATTACHMENT A: $'/ (j ~ ..0 - ....IN 'I G'~o "1-" 0,0 ~ ~ ~.A ~ ~ .. "'.~ } S R "- \ " .~ I, .... (-- T..... l!:i! "; ~fI GerGen -" /~ ffi21~: [ill]. Jt'r1.. rm1~ ~, .7;7 SP-92-16 -- CAMPBELL, SCOTT W. -~ . ~ .10 ~ ~ ~rr fJ. ~ go ~~ ~ ~~ // ;J,0.''- ~ ~ ~.~ ) ~ ~,.. .~ /-" ..'~,:" .~I~;' / // ~\,~: ~ ~.CT'OO J/'h \\:;, ('.. ' .0/"""7'/"- '. .~:I ~ ~~ .,. . Y" 7// : \ :{"~\) · ._ '....):~. 210 4Y / ,U \ " _\~:;.~ . ....,,; ~i.J.~ \ ...v /// \,' - - ... .""10 __ \ /f/ " 'I \ I iJ ~ /;/ ~ --, I ~ l~ /~ ~ I, i' -'~ '" ~ //1/ ~ 1/ I '/// ~ Iffl ~ 7I/ ~ 11/ A. ... 77 JACK JOUETT, RIVANNA AND CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICTS . ~ I. ).. -:...J--, ....----. I ~ ....-t---- ......... Ie '- I zo \ /... " ....... 2_,( J~ I.. '^" ..:r1i,I.~TO.~ rr . "'-J' .....~:.0~.;lJJ...~, . $ , , iEC'- 61-XI a. '!:/: . - FOUR ::,.SEAS ONS ~ EC 618 ". 10 60 , .. .1fISJ!j$J "'if!!!14 " .. ,....... T rll !\. ~~ IS.~ I~ a ../. 7J 'J-i ~J''' E'I In.'1111 '/!/J ~~~$~~ ~ ~~... ~ ~ ~ ><8 ~ ;:: "".,~~~~~ 4_~~_~~~ . ~ ~ :-.; ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~..........~ ~', ~: ~W:~:' "-/' ""\\ ' '-, / ,\ . / ~ ........ / ~. / 7 ~ / I '< / "^ -7 I fill ".Uc,\':f, I.wl /r .. 0 HILL SEe. 61 ~ ~ \ ~ "'- '\. , " In //f ///. II. W L__ /~V UI. .V// U /), /' :v ~~..,... ~ -.-/ - -------. ,,~'" \.',~ " \\ 1.j ~ \ \ \. \, \. \. \, - ..... .. ... - - '- ~61 ., IATTACHMENT 8: -. ~ :v .,~, '~'23 (/~ , . ,m Vir .~ ~.. ~~: [; .,OT"( , . SCcTlo. ISO .... ~.. '~XY/~~In ~ IlIA ~~~"2T. lit 10 I 127 "~ 'u. ~&-f.... ~ ''''' "," ~ ';""~ , .. :-......~~, ,'Ii '~~*.~ "";::.~,~-;:" '- ~~ <'~ :\ o _TIOlI IRA ~ ~~~ ~~ Q' ~ ~~~~' ~ >'1.310 'i'oc~ ---4 ) .", - ~,~ SEe 1011 61Z t ~ ~rJ!!j a",.NCH.LANDS "l I I! I ~ - "~~~ 'f7IJfi,I' dr.),.. ~~ ....0 " ~-:: /I ~ 'tf(V .... ' \ (i...-.....'-'~ 'I t \ '\. ~ ~ ...~ ,\, ,.."'-'-- . ~p. ~,-,'T~ ~Mt ~ \i!! l~ ~ ~ f-~ . -h'-.~:::-~ '- ___. ~"41 i) ..~~~ , !II" _ 164. ~t~::., '::::f 't ., '55 ~~~V I,';/,. - ---~ I.'" " I " I I I ~. J -Z- /!/, 62 CITY ~164 ~ l'< IO~ t; ifll \6111 .~ ~ flf(f :~ ~ 1ST ~~~ - , - OF CHARLOTTESVILLE \ \ \ \ ,,~ --.- \ SECTION 61 . "0. . ," - IATTACHMENT 01 . COMMONWEALTf11 of VIRGINIA RAY D. PETHTEL COM ISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P. O. BOX 201 J CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22902 D. S. ROOSEVELT RESIDENT ENGINEER April 20, 1992 Special Use Permits & Rezonings May 1992 Ronald S. Keeler f of Planning ty Office Building McIntire Road lottesville, VA. 22902 . Dea Mr. Keeler: The following are our comments: 1. SP-92-16 Scott W. Campbell, Route 650 - Route 650 is currently non-tolerable. Thi request would result in an increase in traffic from the current vacant use on the property. The usage in this request is in line with what would be expected for tra fic generation under the C-1 zoning. A commercial entrance with adequate sight dis ance will be required for the access to this property. Depending on the ent ance location, a sight easement could be needed on the adjacent property. 2. SP-92-19 Albemarle County Fair, Inc., Route 692 - This section of Route 692 is cur ently tolerable. A commercial entrance was constructed several years ago when the fair was first held at this site. Since that time Route 692 has been plant mix d and the entrance is surface treated. The entrance, particularly the east sid, is breaking up and it is recommended that it be plant mixed. A right turn and tap r lane is recommended along the frontage of the property to the east. The right tur lane should be 12 feet wide and as long as possible, with the taper lane tra sitioning back to the edge of pavement. The existing right turn taper lane on sou hbound Route 29 at the Route 692 intersection is approximately 150 feet in len tho With a heavy right turn movement at the intersection of Routes 29 and 692, the existing taper lane is inadequate. The existing left turn lane from northbound Rou e 29 is approximately 100 feet in length with a 150 foot taper lane. The exi ting crossover at the intersection of Routes 29 & 692 is fairly wide and unm rked. Pavement markings in this intersection would help control traffic. The cir ulation and on site parking design should be such that there is no backup of tra fic on either Routes 29 or 692 due to vehicles entering the site. This request is or a 30 year extension and it could be beneficial for the period of time to be sho ter so that it can be reevaluated as to the effectiveness of the operation. TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY r I Dlstr;buhJd tv UOt;;ci: _'..,~..",,,~.._"O"~_"- AQ~}n(1.1 H'~~~'1 ~\~(: ,-_f', .~_~~., :~~_",;, /' j. " \ 'd j COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 : i" .!._.LLi~' " "'~/) \,!' .,: :l,~. . June 3, 1992 Albemarle County Fair, Inc ATTN: Michael G. stewart 5 Lake Forest Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: SP-92-19 Albemarle County Fair Tax Map 87, Parcel 3 Dear Mr. stewart: The Albemarle County Planning commission, at its meeting on June 2, 1992, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted request to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Such events shall be limited to six consecutive days excluding Sunday. Hours of operation shall be limited to 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Saturday with no operation on Sunday ("Operation" shall mean the period of time during which the fair is open to the public and shall not include set up, dismantling and restoration activities.) This permit is issued for the conduct of the Albemarle County Fair by the Albemarle County Fair, Incorporated, and shall not be used for any other event requiring special use permit pursuant to Section and 5.1.27 of the Zoning Ordinance; 2. The applicant shall notify the Albemarle County Police Department, Virginia Department of Health, and servicing fire and rescue squads 60 days prior to each event and shall make adequate arrangements for the conduct of the event with each of these agencies; 3. Traffic management shall be approved annually by the Albemarle County Police Department, Virginia Department of Transportation and Albemarle County Planning Department, with the final responsibility being that of the Police Department. -l ~ Albemarle County Fair, Inc Page 2 June 3, 1992 Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on June 10. 1992. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, IJ/~/~ William D. Fritz Senior Planner WDF/jcw cc: Lettie E. Neher Amelia Patterson Jo Higgins Elizabeth P. Scott STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WILLIAM D. FRITZ JUNE 2, 1992 JUNE 10, 1992 SP-92-19 ALBEMARLE COUNTY FAIR INC. Petition: Albemarle County Fair Inc. petitions the Board of Supervisors to amend SP-88-90 to permit a fair [10.2.2(42)] on 50 acres zoned RA, Rural Areas and EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District. Property, described as Tax Map 87, Parcel 3, is located on the north side of Route 692 approximately 0.4 miles west of Route 29 in the Samuel Miller Magisterial District. This site is not located in a designated growth area (Rural Area 3). Character of the Area: This site is open pasture land. Properties between this site and Route 29 South are developed residentially. Other properties in the area are large farm tracts. Applicant's Proposal: The applicant is seeking approval of this permit in order to allow the fair to continue to operate as it has in the past. The applicant has obtained a 30 year lease for the property. I SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with the provisions of Section of the Zoning Ordinance as well as past approvals and history of the fair operation and recommends approval of SP-92-19 subject to conditions. Planning and Zoning History: March 23, 1988 - SP-87-109 was approved which authorized the operation of a fair for one (1) year. (A site plan was subsequently approved by staff.) November 16, 1988 - SP-88-90 was approved which authorized a fair until December 31, 1992. : The reports for the past approvals are attached to this report. , Comprehensive Plan: This site is in the Rural Areas. The report for SP-87-109 stated, "Staff's opinion is that the , County fair is consistent with the agricultural support objectives and would not detract from the existing agricultural/forestal district." The Comprehensive Plan has been readopted since that time, however, it is the opinion of staff that these comments remain valid. 1 I I " I STAFF COMMENT: In 1991 the fair attracted approximately 25,000 visitors. Staff is unaware of any significant problems and no complaints have been received regarding the past use. Staff and the applicant have met with the Police Department to determine alternate methods for traffic/parking control designed to improve the traffic patterns in the area. The recommendations of the Police Department are included as Attachment D. No condition is needed to address these recommendations as it is currently addressed by Condition 2 of the previous approvals. Staff has noted the recommendation of the Police Department as evidence that past approvals have contained adequate conditions to react to changing needs. Staff sees no change in circumstance to warrant disapproval of this request or change in conditions governing the operation of the fair. Therefore, staff recommends approval of SP-92-19 with the following conditions which are identical to past conditions with the exception of a time limit for the approval and the deletion of the condition requiring site plan approval. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Such events shall be limited to six consecutive days excluding Sunday. Hours of operation shall be limited to 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Saturday with no operation on Sunday ("Operation" shall mean the period of time during which the fair is open to the public and shall not include set up, dismantling and restoration activities.) This permit is issued for the conduct of the Albemarle County Fair by the Albemarle County Fair, Incorporated, and shall not be used for any other event requiring special use permit pursuant to Section and 5.1.27 of the Zoning Ordinance; 2. The applicant shall notify the Albemarle County Police Department, Virginia Department of Health, and servicing fire and 'rescue squads 60 days prior to each event and shall make adequate arrangements for the conduct of the event with each of these agencies; 3. Traffic management shall be approved annually by the Albemarle County Police Department, Virginia Department of Transportation and Albemarle County Planning Department, with the final responsibility being that of the Police Department. 2 A'rl'ACHMENTS: A -SP-88-90 Staff Report B -Location Map C -Tax Map D -Recommendation of Police Department 3 I ATTACHMENT AI TITION:: The Albemarle County Fair, Incorporated petitions the ard of Supervisors to amend a condition of SP-87-109 to permit ntinued usage of the North Garden site for the annual County Fir. Property, described as Tax Map 87, parcel 3 consisting of 50 acres zoned RA, Rural Areas is located on the north side of R ute 692 about 600 feet west of U. S. Route 29 South. Samuel M'ller Magisterial District. RONALD S. KEELER PLANNING COMMI-SSION: NOVEMBER 1, 1988 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: NOVEMBER 16, 1988 S -88-90 ALBEMARLE COUNTY FAIR INCORPORATED additional information see attached SP-87-109 staff e Albemarle County Fair had projected an attendance figure of a out 16,000 persons. The actual event was far more successful drawing, an attendance of 25,000 people, more than 50% higher t an the original estimate. ysical improvements as reflected in the site plan were adequate t accommodate the nearly 17,000 vehicles over the six day period. Due to coordinated efforts by Fair officials, the A bemarle County Police Department, and Virginia Department of . , T ansportation, traffic control and other operational measures m naged traffic without accident or injury. Traffic congestion o curred one evening as a result of (human) operational problems. C anges in parking procedures corrected this problem (See A tachment A). Staff is unaware of any other problems and no c mplaints were received from residents in the area. aff recommends approval subject to the following revised nditions: 1. ~nis s~eeiai ~se ~e~mi~ is iss~ed fe~ a ~e~ied ef eae yea~ ~e~iaaia~ ia i988 aad eadia~ ia i989. Such events shall be limited to six consecutive days excluding Sunday. Hours of. operation shall be limited to 4:00 P.M., to 11:00 P.M., Monday through Friday and 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. on Saturday with no operation on Sunday ("Operation" shall mean the period of time during which the fair is open to the public and shall not include set up, dismantling and restoration activities.) This permit is issued for'the conduct of the Albemarle County Fair by the Albemarle County Fair, Incorporated, and shall not be used for any other event requiring special use permit pursuant to Section and 5.1.27 of the Zoning Ordinance; 1 2. 3.: 4 .. , I The applicant shall notify the Albemarle County Police Department, Virginia Department of Health, and servicing fire and rescue squads 60 days prior to each event and shall make adequate arrangements for the conduct of the event with each of these agencies; The applicant shall submit a preliminary plan in accordance with Section 32.4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance for Planning Commission review no later than June 1, 1988; Traffic management shall be as approved by the Albemarle County Police Department, Virginia Department of Transportation and Albemarle County Planning Department, with the final responsibility being that of the Police Department. 2 . , . , '. PERSON RONALD S. KEELER REPORT HEARINGS: PLANNING COMMISSION: FEBRUARY 2, 1988 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: FEBRUARY 17, 1988 -87-109 ALBEMARLE COUNTY FAIR INCORPORATED TITION: Albemarle County Fair, Incorporated petitions the ard of Supervisors to issue a special use permit for a T MPORARY EVENT SPONSORED BY A LOCAL NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION ( on !50 acres zoned RA, Rural Areas. Property, d scribed as Tax Map 87, Parcel 3, is located on the north side o Route 692 about 600 feet west of U.S. Route 29 South at North G rden in the Samuel Miller Magisterial District. is site is open pastureland. Properties between this site and ute 29 South are developed residentially. Other properties in e area are large farm tracts. is site is within the designated North Garden village in the mprehensive Plan, however, remains zoned Rural Areas. The operty is currently within an Agricultural/Forestal district. e Comprehensive Plan objectives recommend that the County " ontinue to examine the County's policies which support a riculture and forestry and where necessary, modify policies to courage such support." Staff's opinion is that the County fair consistent with agricultural support objectives and would not tract from the existing agricultural/forestal district. e 1982 County Fair was held on 5th Street Extended on dustrially zoned property. Since that time the fair has been ld at Claudius Crozet Park. As the fair has become more p pular, space needs have ihcreased. The proposed North Garden site is over twice the size of Crozet Park. e Albemarle County Fair would be conducted on 6 days prior to La or Day (Attendance estimates by Fair officials. Traffic estimates by staff assume 3 people/vehicle): ' DATE/HOURS 29 Aug (4PM-11PM) s 30 Aug (4PM-11PM) 31 Aug (4PM-11PM) Th rs 1 Sept (4PM-11PM) Fr' 2 Sept (4PM-11PM) Sa 3 Sept (9AM-11PM) TOTAL ESTIMATED ATTENDANCE 1,000 person 2,500 1,600 1,800 3,200 6,000 16,100 persons ESTIMATED VEHICLE TRIPS 670 vehicle trips 1675 1070 1200 2140 ,4020, 10,775 vehicle trips 1 Me jor events of this nature are governed by such conditions of a~proval as may be imposed by the Board of Supervisors in a slpecific case as well as specific regulations of 5.0 SlffPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS of the Zoning Ordinance (see Attachment A Regulations governing TEMPORARY EVENTS SPONSORED BY LOCAL N(DNPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS). The remainder of this report will d scuss logistical concerns of accommodating such an event. O~F-SITE TRAFFIC: Staff anticipates that the largest percentage o traffic to the site would access from the southbound lane of Repute 29 South and that the majority of traffic would access t~rough the Route 29 South/692 intersection. Western portions of t~e County would access by Routes 692, 635, and other secondary rcpads . T~e Virginia Department of Transportation has stated that: "The existing right turn taper lane on southbound Route 29 at the Route 692 intersection is approximately 150 feet in length. With a heavy right turn movement at the intersection of Routes 29 and 692, the existing taper lane is inadequate. The existing left turn lane from northpound Route 29 is approximately 100 feet in length with a 150 foot taper lane. The existing crossover at the intersection of Route 29 and 692 is fairly wide and unmarked. Pavement markings in this intersection should help control traffic." T~e Virginia Department of Transportation will provide r~commended pavement markings at the crossover, however, has ... . sated that if the Board of Supervisors requests turn lane i~provements, such a project would likely not occur for 2-3 years a the earliest. Existing turn lanes do not meet current V rginia Department of Transportation standards and in staff opinion should be improved regardless of the outcome of this p~tition. D~e to inadequacies of the Route 29 South/692 intersection to a~commodate fair traffic, other traffic control measures should b~ developed by the Albemarle County Police Department, Virginia D~partment of Transportation, and Planning staff. I \00'/-\(;(")' S TE ACCESS: Access to the site would be from Route 692. The V~rginia Department of Transportation has state~ that: "This section of Route 692 is currently tolerable. The minimum 550 feet of sight distance required on Route 692 exists at a location approximately 50 feet east of the bridge. However, the sight distance to the east is no more than 550 feet and with the volume of traffic using this site during the fair, the Department recommends that the entrance be further to the west where visibility is much better. A commercial entrance with adequate radii will be required for this proposal. The Department recommends for right turn and taper lane on Route 692 to serve this 2 .1 .' I entrance due to the volume of traffic and the possibility of traffic queueing at the entrance." ny people attending the fair will be unfamiliar to the area and erefore maximum facility of access should be provided. Staff commends that site access be established where sight distance best. A turn and taper lane should be provided in accordance th the Virginia Department of Transportation recommendations to oid interference with local through-traffic. TE DEVELOPMENT: Fair officials have obtained a 5 year lease r this site. (See Attachment B). Section 5.1.27 of the Zoning dinance requires that "a separate special use permit shall be quired for each event." Staff recommends waiver of this ovision and approval for this special use permit for a period 5 consecutive years, subject to Planning Commission (as posed to administrative) approval of a preliminary site plan. tters of public concern relative to development of the property t addressed in this petition would be addressed at time of site an approval. While staff has no intent to contravene ovisions of the lease agreement, certain improvements are ewed as appropriate. The following comments are provided to d fair officials in plan preparation: 1 Objectionable uses/activities located in adjoining dwellings will be discouraged. should consult adjoining property owners preparation; vicinity to Fair officials during plan ~. 2 The County Engineer will provide recommendations to the Planning Commission as to specifications for the entrance road and parking areas in accordance with intensity of usage. Should the property owner object to such improvements, the County Engineer may require a bond appropriate to restore such areas consistent with provisions of the Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance; 3. Planning staff will recommend reasonable separation of vehicular and pedestrian circulation. Separate public road access and adequate on-site circulation for emergency service vehicles will be recommended. 4. The site plan will be referred to the Site Review Committee which for the purposes of this petition c~nsists of representatives of the Department of Planning and Community Development, County Engineering Department, County Fire Official, Virginia Department of Health, Virginia Department of Transportation, and soil Conservation Service. Recommendations of these agencies will be presented to the Planning Commission. Fair officials are encouraged to work with these agencies as well as the Department of Inspections in plan preparation. 3 I S~aff recommends approval subject to the following conditions: 1 This special use permit is issued for a period of 5 consecutive years beginning in 1988 and ending in 1992 to allow 5 County Fair events. Such events shall be limited to 6 consecutive days excluding Sunday. Hours of operation shall be limited to 4PM to 11PM Monday through Friday and 9AM to 11PM on Saturday with no operation on Sunday ("Operation" shall mean the period of time during which the fair is open to the public and shall not include set up, dismantling, and restoration activities). This permit is issued for the conduct of the Albemarle County Fair by Albemarle County Fair, Incorporated and shall not be used for any other event requiring special use permit pursuant to Section and 5.1.27 of the Zoning Ordinance. 2 The applicant shall notify the Albemarle County Police Department, Virginia Department of Health, and servicing fire and rescue squads 60 days prior to each event and shall make adequate arrangements for the conduct of the event with each of these agencies; ... . 3 The applicant shall submit a preliminary plan in accordance with Section 32.4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance for Planning Commission review no later than June 1, 1988. Such plan shall be reflective of: comments offered in this report; Virginia Department of Transportation comments of January 21, 1988 relative to access to Route 692; and Virginia Department of Health comments of January 13, 1988 (see Attachment C; Virginia Department of Transportation and Health Department comments). 4 J cJ CD'( .$ ../I} ~ /G .. A.. t\..90-.N " 9'Vc'~" .::> :J 1> - AIbema .'" Ie o ~ 1/ c:;.. -t- ~ -- -- ---./' . ----..../. - -..... 1 " I / \//~ I 7~ :', ) Jj. \/ \ ~ . //\ \/~ ..., / /. '\ '1V/ _ L~ ........ SP-92-19 COUNTY FAIR , INC. . ALBEMAR E ......... ./'\~ '..\ .... 'c', ~.. ... 1\1. .~~ ? 59 49 . I ATTACHMENT 0 I COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Police Department County Office Building 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville. Virginia 22901-4:)96 (804) 296-5807 April 6, 1992 Albemanle County Planning Department I . 401 Mc~nt1re Road Charlo~tesville, Virginia 22902 p.-,-.......'-' 1-0 ,<. .,.:!.~j; i::J t.' ' .. "... I :'-.~ ,;,.... > ~. I Mr. Wi~liam D Fritz: Senior :Planner I The concerns I have requarding the use of the present site on I Rt 692 :by the Albemarle County Fair are as follows: I I T~e traffic pattern in the parking lot needs to be modified so the I incoming traffic can proceed quickly to the upper side of the lo~. By having the vehicles proceed to the top of the hill to enter the lot every vehicle can be placed in the closest parking space ~o the entrance to the grounds. I I T~e pattern they are currently using allows people to look for clqse spots and creates arguments with parking lot attendants. This p~ttern also creates wanting in the people to stop and drop off pa~sengers before going into the parking lot. This delays traffi~ and also causes pedestrians to cross the incoming traffic furthet slowing the egress into the parking lot. I I T~e traffic pattern set properly would cause the drivers to enter bff Rt 692 and proceed to upper back side of the parking lot. T~ey would then follow down into the closet parking space. The pa$sengers would then leave vehicle in the lot and follow the rows t~ the grounds entrance without crossing incoming traffic. I I I T~e vehicles leaving would then proceed to the lower edge of the pat-king lot and exit to the main entrance. This would have pedestrians crossing only the exiting traffic. I I I~ the past years the I . have u~ed have been slow1ng RT 29.: They at the best vehicl~ per minute into the this u~ this pace. vehicles entering on the pattern they up and causing a back up of traffic on have been able to get six or seven lot. They have not been able to keep T*e Virginia Department of Transportation may suggestions on this, and I would like to meet with you the trfffic prOblem. I i I have some to discuss . I feel the permi t s huol,d be for the parking lot showing these issued only with improvements. Sincerely, .---;::?IJ, 711~ R. B. Martin Projects Sergeant attch~ent: ! Draft Idea of Traffic Pattern I cc: Chief John F. Miller qaptain Scott M. Hambrick Page 2 the site plan .. ' 1 I r (J c6 I If J r , \Il :1- , 3 Q <t. () (X. o 0 II! . --7 ---?>- -4 ~ "f: 6 , -"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ ~ ~ :> ~ ~ "> ~ ~ --~ L< I ~ ~---- Ql' ~ <;:, 3.l!dtl -- ~ f) '> t ~ ~i-~ ~~ 11 - ... If t i .11 j ~~ I ~~ 4 ~\. ~~T ~ : ~"!. : <} ~ r ~ \o! ~~ Q, ..6 t- "", ".:I .l .:!lo'-_A 1'- s~~ . ->,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -:> ~. ~ ~ .:'> --=> ~ ;,. .--~ ~ ~ _~ .. ::::;:i::JX~'l ~W7~I'i77--~:;>N::'"'>> '"";I' ~.,.' I',,.,r i?."i .L ,,/./ "l/"'(/,V1i?NI>'~;il ", .. ~"" ~_..__... .' ~..__..~.._. ...~ .,........ __.. n t --> J~ I r > J~ ~ ''? Q ~ {; . { JJ/ ~ . ~ - I ,~ I ~ ) )~" >\ ;::. t:"'\; n ........~ " . COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE RECFIVED MAY 2 6 1992 PI ~ ~l"l'"i''' "'''''~T _f't.;'<l'lb-'I ~',J U\::i'" . MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: William D. Fritz, Senior Planner .~ Amelia M. Patterson, Zoning Administratort~ SP-92-19 Albemarle County Fair May 26, 1992 l I appreciate your request for comments, and sincerely apologize for the delay in my response. The only two issues I wish to mention, I have mentioned verbally on prior occasions. They are as follows: I recall that the special permit approval did not require installation of a travelway surface, except that in the event of poor weather, gravel would be necessary on the entrance road. It might be advisable to require some stockpile onsite or nearby, for the necessary gravel to be used in short notice. otherwise, it could involve delays in being able to obtain it and install it when the road is not easily accessible, or it could disrupt the fair schedule. There has been some question in recent years of which vendors are permitted, or if there is any limitation to individual vendors. It arose in conjunction with a request for a multi-dealer car show at the fair. It would be extremely helpful to the administration of the zoning to have this discussed by the Board in the review of the current permit. The category of use under which the special permit application is made states that the events "are related to, and supportive of the RA, rural areas, district." Does this extend to require that the vendors and other displays be related to and supportive of the rural areas district? If so, other than agricultural and forestal use, and the other purposes of this district as stated within the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, what does this include? If not, then is it the legislative intent of this section that'~the event itself, the fair exemplify those rural area characteristics and qualities? In that case, with only a few exceptions, the individual displays would be irrelevant. II SCOTT'S POLlED HEREFORDS BOriDORflri FARM NORTH GARDEN, VIRGINIA 22959 FRED W. SCOTT, JR. OFFICE: 804-295-4188 HOME: 804-293-9221 COMPLETE PERFORMANCE RECORDS SINCE 1952 May 28, 1992 Mr. William D. Fritz Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596 Re: SP-92-l9 Albemarle County Fair Dear Mr. Fritz: I am writing in support of the above-referenced petition to come before the Planning Commission on June 2 and before the Board of Supervisors on June 10. As a neighbor of the County Fair, I support this sort of flexibility in the planning process_ Please feel free to contact me if you require any further input from me. Sinceji:cJ~ f I Fred W. Scott, Jr. Rt:GF'VED MAY 2 9 1992 HOME oI?h:A~~SEI&)N OUNTRY ~c SALE RES 0 L UTI 0 N RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, V'rginia, that the exhibits/displays admitted to the Albemarle C unty Fair shall be at the sole discretion of the Albemarle County F ir Board. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing w rding constitutes a true, correct copy of resolution adopted by t e Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, V' inia, at a r gular meeting held on June 10, 92.~ of ounty Super isors 10 B0~fd: ,~.:.1 ;:,:lin . i ~' ; '. . . '. '. --_.......~,......_..".__... --,-.,-, ",~--:.'.,- COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Depl. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 May 28, 1992 Crozet Church of God P. O. Box 190 Crozet, VA 22932 RE: SP-92-20 Crozet Church of God Tax Map 55, Parcel 96A Dear Sir: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on May 26, 1992, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted request to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Administrative approval of site plan; 2. Seating capacity to be determined by adequacy of septic system, not to exceed a maximum seating of 250 persons; 3. Approval is for worship and related church use only. Day care or other such uses will require an amendment to this permit. Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on June 10. 1992. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, p~~ William D. Fritz Senior Planner WDF/jcw cc: Lettie E. Neher Jo Higgins Amelia Patterson Les Rowsey .. STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WILLIAM D. FRITZ MAY 26, 1992 JUNE 10, 1992 SP-92-20 CROZET CHURCH OF GOD Petition: Crozet Church of God petitions the Board of Supervisors to issue a special use permit for a church [10.2.2(35)] 5.0 acres zoned RA, Rural Areas and EC, Entrance Corridor. Property, described as Tax Map 55, Parcel 96A, is located on the south side of Route 824 approximately 800 feet west of Route 250 in the Samuel Miller Magisterial District. This site is not located within a designated growth area (Rural Area 3). Character of the Area: This site consists of a prominent knoll with a Virginia Power transmission line crossing to the rear. Other properties in the area are rural in character with the closest dwelling over 1,000 feet away. A Virginia Department of Transportation maintenance shed is located at the end of Route 824. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: The applicant is proposing a church with a maximum seating capacity of 250 persons. The existing church in Crozet (St. George Avenue) will be used for day-care and the parsonage. No day care will occur at the Route 824 location. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with the provisions of Section of the Zoning Ordinance and recommends approval of SP-92-20 subject to conditions. PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: June 18, 1986 - The Board of Supervisors approved SP-86-26 and SP-86-27 permitting a 250 seat church and a 60 child day care center. May 17, 1989 - The Board of Supervisors approved SP-89-25 and SP-89-26. These special use permits were for reapproval of the previous permits which had expired. At that time the Board of Supervisors granted staff administrative approval of the site plan. \ COMPREBENSrvE PLAN: This site is located in the rural areas (Rural Area 3) and is approximately 1.25 miles from the Community of Crozet 1 ,I I I I STAFF COMMENT: The Board of Supervisors has approved the applicant's request for a church on this site on two prior occasions (June 18, 1986 and May 17, 1989). The staff report for SP-86-26 is included as Attachment C. The findings of SP-86-26 were reaffirmed during the review of SP-89-25. The current request is before the Board of Supervisors due to the expiration of the previous approval. The prior requests indicated day care, the current request does not include day care. Staff opinion is that there has been no change in circumstance to warrant disapproval of the applicant's current request. This request has been reviewed and approved by the Architectural Review Board. Their comments are included as Attachment D. Staff recommends approval of SP-92-20 subject to the following conditions: RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Administrative approval of site plan; 2. Seating capacity to be determined by adequacy of septic system, not to exceed a maximum seating of 250 persons; 3. Approval is for worship and related church use only. Day care or other such uses will require an amendment to this permit. ATTACHMENTS : A - Location Map B - Tax Map C - Staff Report for SP-86-26 D - Architectural Review Board Action Letters E - Sketch Plan 2 p ~ (/,! ~ i \ , i ) - I I I ! / Ij , 2 lr.1 "'" \~' u.. I /~ \ ... i2 ,\ I? : ~ ,/) .. o /<~-x ~;,~, v.., ~ ".. >,/, ,', 61' fit} f' ~ I .,(/ ...., ~ ~ /0.;. ~ 2' .... ~ ~o~Si~ ~ ~ ~ i :: r A.. ~ .::> o CJ .. MOUNTAIN A.. tl..'OO-.N " .::> <:J .::> ~ 't. IJ'I o 't. o o c::;. ~~~ .,~ '1 '0 y~. , //" -t~fl' \ ,/ SEE \/ i .1 70 '~~;..>.r:':h'-':~'e~V'" ATTACHMENT C STAFF REPORT HEARINGS: PLANNING COMMISSION: JUNE 3, 1986 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: JUNE 18, 1986 SP-86-26 CROZET CHURCH OF GOD Petition: The Crozet Church of God petitions the Board of Supervisors to issue a special use permit for the location of a CHURCH AND PARSONAGE ( on 5.015 acres zoned RA, Rural Areas. Property, described as Tax Map 55, parcel 96A, is located on the south side of Rt. 824 south and adjacent to the I-64/Rte. 250W interchange near Yancey Mills in the Samuel Miller Magisterial District. Character of the Area: This site consists of a prominent knoll with-a Virginia Power transmission line crossing to the rear. Other properties in the area are rural in character with the closest dwelling over 1,000 feet away. The property is outside the Albemarle County Service Authority service area at Yancey Mills. The property is located on an improved section of Rte. 824 about 600 feet from Rte. 250W. STAFF COMMENT: The applicant proposes a church with a seating capacity of 200-250 persons and a parsonage on this property. Church usage would involve regular worship services, revivals, and business meetings about two days per week (See SP-86-27). Staff opinion is that a church would not be objectionable to nor substantially change the character of the area. Staff recommends approval subject to the following conditions: 1. Site plan approval. Prior to Planning Commission review of site plan the applicant shall obtain Health Department and Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation approvals. 2. Seating capacity to be determined by adequacy of septic system, not to exceed a maximum seating of 250 persons. 1 o -, . 'ATTACHMENT 0 " Page 'I H' ~ A~, rt_y~ b'1 T '" ~ , /.i/RGi\'l\h COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Zoning 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville. Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5875 . . May'5, 1992 Crozet Church of God Rt. 1, Box 129 Crozet, Virginia 22932 ATTN: Pastor Rousy -OC,,; Re: ARB-P(SDP)-92-16 Crozet Church of God Tax Map SS Parcel 96A Dear Pastor Rousy: The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board reviewed the above noted request at its meeting on May 4, 1992. The Board unanimously approved the request subject to the following conditions: 1) submittal of a grading plan; 2) saving as many of the existing trees on site as possible; 3) location of Thomas Jefferson Health Department approved septic sites; 4) field locate and indicate existing substantial sized trees on the site plan; 5) indicate that the larger trees closest to Route 824 will be maintained; 6) submit window, door, steeple and trim color samples, the color should be uniform; 7) submit roofing sample, this should be a light gray; 8) provide a brick and mortar sample; 9) provide a lighting plan; 10) choose a steeple more in scale with the structure; . ......... , ) l ' . . I, ) I ATTACHMENT 0 II Page 21 ARB-P(SDP)-92-16 May 5, 1992 Page 2 11) change the plant materials surrounding the parking from dogwood to a larger shade tree. The Board has granted staff administrative approval for the certificate of appropriateness for this item. -'If you 'have any questions please call me. Sincerely, UA~~' I - ('\)\' / Marcia Jo ph Design Planner - MJ cc: Bill Fritz ..------; / / / v/' / I iJ t,,- ! '\"'fr~': "'- rr\ '" ~ f ;: n:1Un n~ lJ) ~,~;'::M5.kFJl ~l.!.- , r- ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ -1 '~~ll~tZ~~f11 'j r1 ~~ i _{\. 4' CI 0 ~ Gl F "'>'r,,'~~:t~~ ~ : ~ C. \J .> 'l' .0, ~ ~ ~ · ~.~~s.~~;.,S~ p: ~ ~ri~~~~ o~ I'. r 0 z J1l \l . , -I ~ ~ E ~ -::, llr)~~ ~~"F G ~t J f.~SQ ~ ~J ~ "JHQ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -,1 Z "e S; ;~~ ~~F~t "?a It '"lo ~l'LMi -0 \J?~tJz r- ;~~:i~ ~ ~1<\~~ :2 ~~~oo z:~;;z: .3 ii~?~ C) H?~~'" .tl: "'.~ .~.. l~," .'f) -.) Z r,';;~l r ~..._-~.:;:.I .' v"~1l L.. ....:...1. ~ ~-)) "L, ':~ !...~ ... Ii tf.J ~ i" ;,~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ , ~ 11 'Jl C ~ 1A"""^' 1'8 '" ~l :~~,^r~~~~'!o) :,. :- r -1\ I' {l,,:,,7'1 C '!l ;1 ~l F ~ ~ ~,--. ~ j I' n 1; ~-. ; ~,Tl r- in ? ~tf_ ~ ~ !~ r" I: X ~ ( ,:~ ~ v ~~ : ~ I.' 0 f' ~~.... z.'~ 'n ~ .j~.,. .Q (~ ?: : <1 ~ v ." '" ~ ..n ;:4 V> , !~",~,", - ' I. N I I -~ s I ! SITE PLAN CHURCH BUILDING for CROZEr CHURCH OF GOD RT. 824 ALeEM~RL e: COU~~_!_, 'vA:. .. _..-u_ --.-....,. _..... -.,1It __Ill_I''''' -.n,,, 1I1IlIIICT. .--....... ='lll:.:-~m: :::::..... .......-.... ~ ~ n :r J: IT: 2 -i m -, [ '''1;;\ ..... " ~ '< , ...-c...._/.~ . ~ V~ Verebcly & Associates, Architects Ch*up".kP VIr""I. , \ ",:;~rl I ~ , ;l COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road C harlollesville. Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296.5823 ~. i May 6, 1992 L)": Dale W. Wilberger 2213 Williamsburg Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: SP-92-22 Dale Wilberger (applicant), Rhodes Ward (owner); Tax Map 78, Parcel 57B Dear Mr. Wilberger: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on May 5, 1992, by a vote of 5-1, recommended approval of the above-noted request to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Use shall not commence until a Certificate of Appropriateness is issued by the Architectural Review Board; 2, Storage areas shall be limited to those areas noted on sketch dated 4/16/92 and initialed WDF. Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on June 10. 1992. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. s;;~~ William D. Fritz Senior Planner WDF/jcw cc: Lettie E. Neher Rhodes Ward Amelia Patterson Jo Higgins , .. STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WILLIAM D. FRITZ MAY 5, 1992 JUNE 10, 1992 SP-92-22 DALE WILBERGER (APPLICANT), RHODES WARD (OWNER) Petition: Dale Wilberger petitions the Board of Supervisors to issue a special use permit to permit outdoor storage and display of autos, trucks and trailers [] on 0.49 acres zoned HC, Highway Commercial and EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District. Property, described as Tax Map 78, Parcel 57B, is located on the north side of Route 250 East west of and adjacent to the White House Motel in the Rivanna Magisterial District. This site is located within a designated growth area (Neighborhood 3) and is recommended for Regional Service. Character of the Area: This site and all adjacent properties are commercially developed. This site is and has been used as an automobile repair and sales facility. Applicant's Proposal: The applicant is proposing to operate a vehicle rental service for autos, trucks and trailers, in addition to the current operation of auto repair and sales. [The auto sales use is grandfathered as it was in existence prior to the adoption of the EC district.] SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with the provisions of Section of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan and recommends approval of SP 92-22 subject to conditions. PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: March 1, 1974 - Original site plan for property approved. May 16, 1983 - Minor site plan amendment for an office trailer approved. April 20, 1992 - Architectural Review Board reviewed this request and granted staff administrative approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This site is recommended for Regional Service in Neighborhood 3. The Comprehensive Plan lists auto dealer as a primary use for this service designation. Staff opinion is that rental of vehicles is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 1 ~ , , STAFF COMMENT: This use is by special use permit due to the use of outdoor storage and display of vehicles and trailers within the Entrance Corridor District. This use is permitted by-right in the underlying HC district. The Architectural Review Board has reviewed this request for its visual impact on Route 250. Their action is included as Attachment D. Staff opinion is that based on the ARB's conditional approval that this use is consistent with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan and therefore, staff recommends approval of SP-92-22 subject to the following conditions: RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Use shall not commence until a Certificate of Appropriateness is issued by the Architectural Review Board; 2. Storage areas shall be limited to those areas noted on sketch dated 4/16/92 and initialed WDF. ATTACHMENTS: A - Location Map B - Tax Map C - Sketch Delineating Storage/Display Area D - Architectural Review Board Action Letter 2 011 1, & ~(~v q..l'" -l.. ..... l 1-/ / r \~ ~ \ ~ '" /1 ,A } ~!lf'~ ~ -.) o c, . i . ALBEMARLE t"l"\ll rv 62 I I I I , I I , I I IMONTICELLD I I i.... ZI --'" '" ."----j ~ '" u) ~~. ..--d:/ .--' ..... /./<.....' ~ \ .-- ,,/. , /.,./\'........ (I'(/~ . \ ~ . /' _..J .\- Y' ) / --+-., /"r.;;;;..A' / ,\ ;7 ~K:.". I .,.. .-...... -' SCAlI IN 'EET ... S 92 COTTSVI LLE AND RIVANNA DISTRICTS SECTION 78 c · " .. / A1 Pile 'T ,A U -r (), S(;(l.,r/ /C,€ .(<.~ 131 /Jd>< st' C~o:r-lf)"frf~SI./J //(,. I Vb. Z f,1J01 I . i /-11 ;1-c/.d I ! ZO/tU) H'c, I , I I ~ /, . pc.c.Je y~ :. ~' , I i , I , -- bFo.Jl<' ( ;;.~ t, l '" Ccl\c.t:e+-e pG.d ~(r9(c:A,.i ~l rc...^k\ (31 I, ~ 5 I d e '70' ;' I tf{) I -' Wo- 1< ~ I , 1//<''2. ~ I~ J ,:;- i 1.5' ( , I. I COr\ClefC :..Itl...) ( . r I fS' I ExIS'T1I</t4 "- ,f._Il-i}SO l~.(w . i~:: - - / ,~ 7 0' ~- .-~~ ~~ G.",...s , ~~~i. To /J.= ~j;Ja , ~"s:.F;J;i,.~ ~ ",- -- orJ€'- ./ CG-13 48' EI'IT/{fI.! . to I ATTACHMENT 01 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5875 April 23, 1992 RECEIVED APR 2 3 1992 PLANNING DEPT. Dale W. Wilberger 2213 Williamsburg Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Re: ARB-P(SDP)-92-05 Impact Auto Tax Map 78, Parcel 57B Dear Mr. Wilberger: The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board reviewed the above noted application at its meeting on April 20, 1992. The Board unanimously approved the staff's recommendations. A certificate of appropriateness will be granted subject to the following: 1) Placing trees along the area designated for "Auto Display"; 2) Placing screening trees or a wood slat fence adjacent to the building to screen the U-Haul vehicles for rental; 3) Placing street trees in the newly acquired area adjacent to Route 250 East. 4) Identifing the third space from Route 250 as the U-Haul space in the front of the site. 5) Removing the existing interior light pole and curbing. The Architectural Review Board has granted staff administrative approval of the plan. Please call me to make an appointment to discuss the specific locations, sizes, and heights that will be required for the plants and/or the fence. Sincerely, Design Planner cc: Rhodes Ward ~.Bill Fritz Di :~t:i t; ~J l sd to HQ:~ rei: - ~."""."".."-9!Ir,-.C"'o~,",-'l-~,~.,, , Ag~fi:iJ ;;,:.':'1': ~,h, . ...._,._.,;.:..:,_~ ":':._':h"."-'~: (2-,_"/ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development . 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 MEMORANDUM TO: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors William D. Fritz, Senior Planner ~/r FROM: DATE: June 4, 1992 RE: ZMA-91-03 Dominion Land During the Planning Commission's review of this request the issue of fencing was raised. The concerns of the Commission were: 1. Maintenance of required fencing. 2. Fencing to provide security during grading. 3. Fencing to provide screening from development in Berkeley. In an effort to address the concerns of the Planning Commission and residents of Berkeley, staff and the applicant have prepared additional agreements: 8. Privacy fence shall be maintained in good condition by the developer, his successors or assigns. 9. Fencing, designed to prevent pedestrian access, shall be installed adjacent to the residential development (and existing right-of-way shown in Deed Book 804, P. 527) in Berkeley prior to the commencement of grading activities for development of the site. 10. An eight (8) foot high privacy fence shall be installed adjacent to the residential development (and existing right-of-way shown in Deed Book 804, p. 527) in Berkeley and shall overlap for ten (10) feet the existing privacy fence on Tax map 61M, Block 9, Parcel 9. WDFjjcw COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 June 3, 1992 Smith/Lebo, Inc ATTN: Robert T. Smith 2004-A Morton Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: ZMA-91-03 Dominion Land Tax Map 61M, Section 12, Parcel 1B Dear Mr. Smith: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on June 2, 1992, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted petition to the Board of supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following agreements: 1. Building E shall be limited to those uses permitted in the CO, Commercial Office and C-1, Commercial District. 2. The following uses shall be prohibited: a. Hotels, motels and inns [24.2.1(2)J: b. Motor vehicles sales, service and rental [24.2.1(5)); c. Mobile home and trailer sales and service [24.2.1(23)J; d. Modular building sales [24.2.1(24)J; e. Sale of major recreational equipment and vehicles [] ; f. Machinery and equipment sales, service and rental [24.3.1(22) J; g. Heating oil sales and distribution [24.2.l(39)J; Smith/Lebo, Inc Page 2 June 3, 1992 3. All exterior lighting shall be face mounted to the exterior of the buildings. 4. Roof mounted mechanical structures shall be adequately screened from adjacent residential development. 5. Landscaping shall be of species similar to that on the adjacent Daily Progress site. 6. Plan shall be revised to indicate not more than thirteen (13) dwelling units. 7. Administrative approval of final site plan. 8. Privacy fence shall be maintained in good condition. Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on June 10. 1992. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, V~jJ~- william D. Fritz Senior Planner WDF/jcw cc: Lettie E. Neher Amelia Patterson Jo Higgins Dominion Lands, Inc STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WILLIAM D. FRITZ JUNE 2, 1992 JUNE 10, 1992 ZMA-91-03 DOMINION LAND (REVISED) Petition: Dominion Land petitions the Board of Supervisors to rezone 8.79 acres from R-6, Residential and C-l, Commercial to PD-MC, Planned Development - Mixed Commercial. Property, described as Tax Map 61M, Section 12, Parcel 1B, is located in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Berkmar Drive and Rio Road in the Charlottesville Magisterial District. This site is located in a designated growth area (Neighborhood 1) and is recommended for Community Service. Character of the Area: The site is currently wooded with a strip of cleared land on the northwest boundary. The site slopes upward from Rio Road. The Seminole Trail Fire station is adjacent to the south as is the Berkeley Subdivision. ADDlicant's ProDosal: The applicant proposes to rezone 8.79 acres to PD-MC. Currently 0.67 acres are zoned R-6 and 8.12 acres are zoned C-1. The applicant proposes to construct 13 dwelling units on 1.39 acres and 63,400 square feet of commercial use, including a drive-thru window for Building C on the remainder of the site. Two entrances on Berkmar Drive and one entrance on Rio Road are proposed. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance and recommends denial of ZMA-91-03 based on insufficient provisions for safe and convenient access. Planning and Zoninq Historv: Three requests were made for this site. All were withdrawn on February 22, 1984. Those requests were: SDP-84-3 VEPCO District Headquarters ZMA-84-04 Request to rezone to LI, Light Industry SP-84-04 Request to locate office and materials storeroom and microwave tower 1 STMFcomm~: The applicant is seeking PD-MC zoning as is the Comprehensive Plan's recommended approach for commercial rezonings of three acres or greater. A Planned Development (PD) approach offers advantages to the County by permitting review of the project as a whole. The Planned Development approach offers the developer the advantage of unified review and approval of the project. Section 8.5.4 of the Zoning Ordinance states: 8.5.4 PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS At such time as further conferences appear unnecessary, or at any time on request of the applicant, the commission shall proceed to prepare its recommendations to the board of supervisors. The date of the commission's determination to proceed, or of the applicant's request for preparation of recommendations, shall be deemed the formal date of submission of the application. Specifically, recommendations of the commission shall include findings as to: a. The suitability of the tract for the general type of PD district proposed in terms of: relations to the comprehensive plan; physical characteristics of the land; and its relation to surrounding area; b. Relation to major roads, utilities, public facilities and services; c. Adequacy of evidence on unified control and suitability of any proposed agreements, contracts, deed restrictions, sureties, dedications, contributions, guarantees, or other instruments, or the need for such instruments or for amendments in those proposed; and d. Specific modifications in PD or general regulations as applied to the particular case, based on determination that such modifications are necessary or justified by demonstration that the public purposes of PD or general regulations as applied would be satisfied to at least an equivalent degree by such modifications. 2 Based on such findings, the commission shall recommend approval of the PD amendments as proposed, approval conditioned upon stipulated modifications, or disapproval. The applicant has requested that this request proceed forward to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. staff will address each item of Section 8.5.4 individually. ~ The suitability of the tract for the qeneral type of PD district proposed in terms of: relations to the comprehensive plan; physical characteristics of the land; and its relation to surroundinq area; This site is recommended for Community Service in the Comprehensive Plan. Adjacent land use designations are Community Service and Low Density Residential (1-4 dwelling units per acre) to the south, Medium Density Residential (4.01-10 dwelling units per acre) to the west and north, and Community Service to the east. The rezoning request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation. The applicant has submitted a Planned Development rezoning request which is the method of rezoning recommended by the Comprehensive Plan for sites of three acres or more (p. 154). Medium density residential may be included as a secondary use (p. 159). The proposed residential development is within the range listed for medium density. (The applicant's proposal results in a density of 9.4 dwelling units per acre.) Agreements have been provided that prohibit those uses which are of Regional Service intensity. The development of the site does not involve activities on critical slopes. However, due to the natural grade of the property, substantial clearing and grading will be required to provide building footprints as well as parking and access aisles meeting slope requirements. The site is adjacent to the Berkeley Subdivision. The residential development is proposed adjacent to Berkeley as is one commercial building. The building closest to the Berkeley subdivision will be restricted by agreement to those uses provided in the C-I, Commercial and CO, Commercial Office districts. This represents the currently permitted C-1 uses and the less intensive CO uses while prohibiting the more intensive HC, Highway Commercial uses. Detailed landscaping and screening plans will be required where commercial development abuts residential development. The applicant has proposed an eight foot high privacy fence where the proposed development abuts Berkeley. (Screening is not required by the Zoning Ordinance between residential developments and is provided by the applicant in excess of Zoning regulations). 3 staff opinion is that this request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and that the agreements provided limit uses and activities which may be objectionable to adjacent residential development. Existing Zoning Ordinance requirements will allow for screening and landscaping which minimizes the impact of the commercial development on adjacent residential properties. ~ Relation to major roads. utilities, public facilities and services; This development proposes full frontage improvements on Berkmar Drive. A single entrance is proposed on Rio Road. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has stated that a right turn lane is required to serve this entrance. In addition, VDOT will require construction of a left turn lane on Rio Road to serve the entrance while Rio Road is two lanes. The length for this lane would be dependant upon the left turn lane length for Berkmar Drive (extended) (Attachment C). This left turn is recommended with the Rio Road widening project scheduled for construction in 1995. The proposed development is anticipated to generate 4,890 vehicle trips per day. The entrance on Rio Road is anticipated to accommodate 4,060 vehicle trips per day (2,030 entering and 2,030 exiting). staff believes that the left turn requirement of VDOT addresses concerns about access before Rio Road is widened. Further, staff feels it is unnecessary to have an agreement for a left turn lane with the widening of Rio Road. If development of the site occurs concurrent with or after Rio Road is widened, a left turn may be designed into the widening project or required during later site plan review if it is determined that the left turn lane is needed to provide safe and convenient access. It is the opinion of staff that this site will have safe and convenient access as required by Section 32.7.2 and of the Zoning Ordinance (Attachment D). This site is served by public water and sewer. Due to the existing fire flows in the area, it is likely that the buildings will need to be sprinkled. At the request of the Board of Supervisors, the Planning staff reviews residential rezoning requests for their fiscal impact on public and transportation facilities. This analysis is limited to those rezonings that have some effect on facilities that are identified in our CIP or six Year Road Plan and have a cost associated with them. The analysis is based on a fair share determination of a particular development's impact to affected facilities. It must be pointed out that this analysis is cursory, due to the lack of information on revenues and the amount attributable to this development. The cost outlined by 4 staff only indicates the proportionate share of construction costs from the additional development generated by the rezoning over by-right development. This development results in nine (9) more units than could be achieved "by-right". The following are those facilities which will be affected by the rezoning request and have a cost associated with them. A. Schools Schools affected by this proposal which have a cost as identified in the CIP are: Burley Middle School New Middle School Agnor-Hurt Elementary School $ 480,000 $ 8,291,000 $ 1,500,000 Based on the additional students as estimated by multipliers currently used by the County, one (1) additional elementary school student and two (2) additional middle school students are anticipated. Costs attributable to this development based on the proportion of students is $14,979 or $1,152 per dwelling unit. B. Libraries This proposal is considered to be in the service area of the Northside Library ($300,000). Based on the proportionate impact to library capacity, the proportionate share cost of this project is $165 or $13 per dwelling unit. c. Recreational Facilities Recreation facilities affected by this proposal which have a cost identified in the CIP are: Rivanna Five Senses Albemarle High School Tennis Rivanna Park Urban Area Elementary Recreation $ 25,000 $ 75,000 $ 143,144 $ 40,000 Based on the additional population generated by this request, the proportional share cost of this project is $311.50 or $23.80 per dwelling unit. 5 J Summary of Fiscal Impact Cost/DU Proportionate 13 DU Projects Total Costs $ Share $ $ Agnor-Hurt Elementary School 1,500,000.00 2,700.00 208.00 Burley Middle School 480,000.00 12,279.00 944.00 New Middle School 8,291,000.00 Rivanna Five Senses 25,000.00 27.50 2.10 Albemarle High School Tennis 75,000.00 82.50 6.30 Rivanna Park 143,144.00 157.50 12.10 Urban Area Elementary Recreation 40,000.00 44.00 3.30 Northside Library 300,000.00 165.00 13.00 TOTALS 10,854,144.00 15,455.50 1,188.80 Consideration of the fiscal impact of the development needs to be balanced against considerations of the County's growth management policy and other County policies. Excessive development exactions could have the effect of discouraging utilization of the holding capacity of area, and thus, lead to accelerated development in the Rural Areas. ~ Adeauacy of evidence of unified control and suitability of any proposed aqreements. contracts, deed restrictions. sureties, dedications, contributions. quarantees, or other instruments, or the need for such instruments or for amendments in those proposed; and This parcel is under single ownership. ~ Specific modifications in PD or qeneral requlations as applied to the particular case. based on determination that such modifications are necessary or iustified by demonstration that the public purposes of PD or qeneral requlations as applied would be satisfied to at least an eauivalent deqree by such modifications. The applicant is requesting a modification to allow grading within the 20 foot undisturbed buffer adjacent to residentially zoned land to the west. The area is currently an open field. Preservation of the undisturbed buffer would not provide for any landscaping/screening features. It is the opinion of staff that landscaping/screening can be installed at the time of development that meets the requirements of the ordinance and is superior to the existing situation. No other modifications are proposed with the exception of agreements intended to offset potential negative impacts. 6 Based on such findinqs, the commission shall recommend approval of the PD amendments as proposed, approval conditioned upon stipulated modifications, or disapproval. staff opinion is that the proposed development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation and that adequate agreements are proposed which are designed to minimize the development's impact on adjacent development. The Department of Transportation will require improvements on Berkmar and Rio sufficient to ensure that this site has safe and convenient access. Summary staff has identified the following factors favorable to this request: 1. Request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation. 2. Agreements are proposed designed to minimize the impact of this development on adjacent property. 3. Currently the site is zoned C-l and R-6 which permits a character of development similar (but less intensive as to use and number of dwelling units) to that proposed. However, the Planned Development approach provides for a unified development allowing multiple issues to be addressed at one time. Staff has not identified any significant factors which are unfavorable to this request and, therefore, staff recommends approval of ZMA-91-03 subject to the acceptance of the following agreements: 1. Building E shall be limited to those uses permitted in the CO, Commercial Office and C-l, Commercial District. 2. The a. b. c. d. e. f. following uses shall be prohibited: Hotels, motels and inns [24.2.1(2)]; Motor vehicles sales, service and rental [24.2.1(5)]; Mobile home and trailer sales and service [24.2.1(23)]; Modular building sales [24.2.1(24)]; Sale of major recreational equipment and vehicles [] ; Machinery and equipment sales, service and rental [24.3.1(22)] ; 7 g. Heating oil sales and distribution [24.2.1(39)]; 3. All exterior lighting shall be face mounted to the exterior of the buildings. 4. Roof mounted mechanical structures shall be adequately screened from adjacent residential development. 5. Landscaping shall be of species similar to that on the adjacent Daily Progress site. 6. Plan shall be revised to indicate not more than thirteen (13) dwelling units. 7. Administrative approval of final site plan. ATTACHMENTS: A - Location Map B - Tax Map C - Virginia Department of Transportation Comments D - Section 32.7.2 and of the Zoning Ordinance E - Site Plan 8 ~. " " I ATTACHMENT AI . ~ [f!1J \ \ '\ '\ '- \~ (' f S? jtiliJ t\J.I\ \ ~I. \~ / ;.vllle ;0 IG~ 0'\1 "'0;0 ~ " '.., 0(.. ([fl] l::.., , 't.-"A - l ~'t. " , I I Rt!cJbvd Ea. p..\~ ~'" )0 SEE INStT Z A Carter Mln F T ASh lawn. 11Bol] Ij .,>, ,,/, ~ 9~-/" [!EJ "" $' \ ,.. ZMA-91 03 DOMINION LAND INC. ILQ!l.I , . /' 61U- lID 000 61M LOTS 1 7 0,8, 79 .~ 249 REV. 1111161 ~ '~~'.!'J OPfN SPAU ~~ 8 ~ O"'CH ~ LBEMARLE I ATTACHMENT B I COUNTY .... 'lo ., . ,<I' ,," .,'" o~ " ,," ~o Q:rQM OFFICES lCol, ift h,l PH' O,B, 747 pQ,176-207 PH' 0, B. B 20 PQ 351-356 BERKELEY COMMUNITY SEC. I, O,B,337, Pgs,336,337 BERKELEY COMMUNITY' SEC. 2. O,B, BERKELEY COMMUNITY SEC. 3,0.8, 360,Pgs,I44A,1448 ZMA-91 03 DOMINION LAND INC. - - CHARLOTTESVLLE SECTION 61-M-U OISTRICT . , .. >i\rFd-",""'-, - S"!, ...~,I"',::('\" ,'., ' 4". I, erl 0{ ,'. - ," /Ii!~~~ )." J', f,~I\ \,' . 1,1 ~\ ~; " '.r.L"","~ N :;(' "l~1~.'!J' ,j,I~""{jf' t~~~~l' I ATTACHMENT CI ... ZS .. ....... DEPT.. COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA RAY D. P THTEL COM MIS lONER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION p 0, BOX 2013 CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22902 May 29, 1992 D, S. ROOSEVELT RESIDENT ENGINEER M . Villiam D. Fritz A bemarle County Planning Dept. 4 1 McIntire Road C arlottesville, VA 22902 R Dominion Lands Site Plan Route 1403 Mr. Fritz: This is in reference to our phone conversation of May 27, 1992 regarding the a ove subj ec t. Further review of the traffic analysis at this site indicates that a left turn lane into the Rio Road entrance is required under the existing two (2) lane cr ss section. The Department recommends a left turn lane into this entrance un er the ultimate four (4) lane cross section. The tentative design length of this left turn lane is a 100 foot long full width turn lane and a 100 foot long va iable width taper lane. Exact dimensions of the ultimate left turn lane will be determined as the plans for the Rio Road improvements are developed. Should you have any questions, please contact this office. Sincerely, Ass t. Engineer AG /yrm cc: Mr. V. A. Smith, Sr. Mr. J. DePasquale TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY SAFE AND C VENIENT ACCESS; CIRCULATIO' WAYS; PARK..L..~G AND LOADING ~ATTACHMENT DI PEDESTR AN Each development shall be provided with safe and convenient ingress from and egress to one (1) or more public roads designed to: reduce or prevent congestion in the public streets; minimize conflict and friction with vehicular traffic on the public street and on-site; minimize conflict with pedestrian traffic; and provide continuous and unobstructed access for emer- gency purposes such as police, fire and rescue vehi- cles. To these ends, the commission in review of a site development plan may specify the number, type, location and design of access points to a public street together with such measures as may be deemed appro- priate to insure adequate functioning of such access points. (Added 5-1-87) 32.U.2.1 Each entrance onto any public road for vehicular traffic to and from each development shall be subject to the approval of the commission upon the advice of the resident engineer of the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation and other staff and shall be constructed in accordance with the design standards of the Virginia Department of Highways and Transporta- tion. (, 7-15-81) - 219.2 - (Supp. #37, 3-18-87) . \ :;~J\ _ ,::l COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mclntire Road Charlottesville. Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 2965823 ' /. 'i' .' , 11 ; May 6, 1992 , , ,.., Dale W. Wi1berger 2213 Williamsburg Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: SP-92-22 Dale Wi1berger (applicant), Rhodes Ward (owner); Tax Map 78, Parcel 57B Dear Mr. Wi1berger: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on May 5, 1992, by a vote of 5-1, recommended approval of the above-noted request to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Use shall not commence until a Certificate of Appropriateness is issued by the Architectural Review Board; 2. Storage areas shall be limited to those areas noted on sketch dated 4/16/92 and initialed WDF. Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on June 10. 1992. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. s~~~ William D. Fritz Senior Planner WDF/jcw cc: Lettie E. Neher Rhodes Ward Amelia Patterson Jo Higgins , ~ STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WILLIAM D. FRITZ MAY 5, 1992 JUNE 10, 1992 SP-92-22 DALE WILBERGER (APPLICANT), RHODES WARD (OWNER) Petition: Dale Wilberger petitions the Board of Supervisors to issue a special use permit to permit outdoor storage and display of autos, trucks and trailers [] on 0.49 acres zoned HC, Highway Commercial and EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District. Property, described as Tax Map 78, Parcel 57B, is located on the north side of Route 250 East west of and adjacent to the White House Motel in the Rivanna Magisterial District. This site is located within a designated growth area (Neighborhood 3) and is recommended for Regional Service. Character of the Area: This site and all adjacent properties are commercially developed. This site is and has been used as an automobile repair and sales facility. Applicant's Proposal: The applicant is proposing to operate a vehicle rental service for autos, trucks and trailers, in addition to the current operation of auto repair and sales. [The auto sales use is grandfathered as it was in existence prior to the adoption of the EC district.] SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with the provisions of Section of the Zoning Ordinance and the comprehensive Plan and recommends approval of SP 92-22 subject to conditions. PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: March 1, 1974 - Original site plan for property approved. May 16, 1983 - Minor site plan amendment for an office trailer approved. April 20, 1992 - Architectural Review Board reviewed this request and granted staff administrative approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This site is recommended for Regional Service in Neighborhood 3. The comprehensive Plan lists auto dealer as a primary use for this service designation. Staff opinion is that rental of vehicles is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 1 , .. STAFF COMMENT: This use is by special use permit due to the use of outdoor storage and display of vehicles and trailers within the Entrance Corridor District. This use is permitted by-right in the underlying HC district. The Architectural Review Board has reviewed this request for its visual impact on Route 250. Their action is included as Attachment D. Staff opinion is that based on the ARB's conditional approval that this use is consistent with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan and therefore, staff recommends approval of SP-92-22 subject to the following conditions: RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Use shall not commence until a Certificate of Appropriateness is issued by the Architectural Review Board; 2. Storage areas shall be limited to those areas noted on sketch dated 4/16/92 and initialed WDF. ATTACHMENTS: A - Location Map B - Tax Map C - Sketch Delineating Storage/Display Area D - Architectural Review Board Action Letter 2 I o~ 1, ~ .... \ \~, (,'<." l"C' <?- . rOWWP'ltod ~ I .... ~ -..) o c, , I 0 ALBEMARLE ('1'\1. rv 62 TTS E I I : MONTICELLO r' , i ~ '\ ) / ~. ~d''/ ........-' ~.- /.-;:;-.....~ - \ .-- . /\ ./~ \ ... /' /'..........( , "" ~ Y'/ -," ) / ~,-/~...A / ,\ ;7 ~~.". I ZTI .-....... u "" I".. o S 92 COTTSVI LLE AND RIVANNA DISTRICTS I I .~ - - -I I , I SCALI IN ,[[T ... SECTION 78 , - l.~- I c . \ ' " - I I IMpAc I AUrrJ.. SG(<.f/IGe I " ,fd-/~ 131 /JtJ>< 56 C/ki-("If)H~.5v, I/t I f/",. Z z,?01 I ' : /1 r !1-c1.d i ZOltul H'C I I , I . ~ LC.JC y~ I, ~ ~' : -- G*o.itd "~,;,.'" t, l " CoI\,C,.f:e+'t pOod UJo,)<r9 ("fX,L~ 4.<<./ t:t..^k\ Gn l , n ~ 1 5 I d e , , '70 - I 40' I WOo- I< :J , /, '!{.iC,'2. L"vl' ( 1. 1S' { I IS' I '-' .. / .~ 7 0' CO/lCfefC. ;'S/tJ,.kd c" r '~o ~~~ .$.. ", . , - ~o - ' ~"l:.J'j,p.~, ,,~~.' -". G-r,,-~.s ,.4' exts.i7"'~ t.: . /U')5O l~lw -,f- - - - - - -- , iil'; "ONe\ - ." ,CG-13 '" .:' _ - 5"0 - . .,/ , . CDtJC.Ilr- r::: SlD,E.jl1k,,..,',.~.. .:;,/ 48 Ef/TfI../tJ .,!M....:_____. ,&-L . _ ....A.-..... ~., - . ~ ~ . Iio I ATTACHMENT oj COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5875 April 23, 1992 REceIVED APR 2 3 1992 PLANNING DEPT. Dale W. Wilberger 2213 Williamsburg Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Re: ARB-P(SDP)-92-05 Impact Auto Tax Map 78, Parcel 57B Dear Mr. Wilberger: The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board reviewed the above noted application at its meeting on April 20, 1992. The Board unanimously approved the staff's recommendations. A certificate of appropriateness will be granted subject to the following: 1) Placing trees along the area designated for "Auto Display"; 2) Placing screening trees or a wood slat fence adjacent to the building to screen the U-Haul vehicles for rental; 3) Placing street trees in the newly acquired area adjacent to Route 250 East. 4) Identifing the third space from Route 250 as the U-Haul space in the front of the site. 5) Removing the existing interior light pole and curbing. The Architectural Review Board has granted staff administrative approval of the plan. Please call me to make an appointment to discuss the specific locations, sizes, and heights that will be required for the plants and/or the fence. Sincerely, cc: Rhodes Ward ~,Bill Fritz w ... z w 1': J: ~ ~ t06ZZ '<tINI!)HI^ '3111^S3H01H'<tH:J S - '\\, " - aVOl:j O"3:JllNO~ trL6 S=-:""',...,-.:;,....- ,,- \. 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Ud-I'1, 51-:3 . .-.....-.. .'."...--........-. ..........., " Edward H, Baln, Jr, Samuei MilI~r I David p, Bowerman Charlottesvil~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 I' arrest R. Marshall. JL Scottsville Charles S, Martin Rivanna Charlotte Y. Humphris Jack Jouett I Walter F, Perkins White Hall TO: FROM: Albemarle County Board of sup~sors David P. Bowerman, Chairman ~ D.TE: RE: May 20, 1992 Discussion of Attached Letter to Mr. Framme Attached is a draft of a letter to Secretary Framme. It is my u~derstanding that the Fortune 500 company has not made a decision as yet regarding a site and I felt it important that Mr. Framme was aware of the status of the site here in Albemarle as well as our l~nd use process. I:look forward to reviewing this letter with you on June 3rd. DPB/dbm 9~.025 ~', 7 ... DRAFT .",'-' :.t :1't', I"' (. ., June 5, 1992 I T~e Honorable L. Douglas Wilder G vernor of virginia S ate capitol R'chmond, Virginia 23219 I , D~ar Governor Wilder: , i i I I I ~ant to convey to you as the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle , , Cqunty our continued support in maintaining an active dialogue with the unknown I I Fqrtune 500 company who has expressed interest in Albemarle County. I felt it I , in}portant to share this information with you, due to Mr. Framme's recent I I d~parture from your Cabinet. I : believe you are well aware of the interest in this company both from our , , b~siness community and the general public. While there are planning issues yet u~resolved, I can say these are not considered unsolvable impediments. E~ployment, traffic impacts and environmental concerns are examples that require I I f1rther analysis and can only be resolved with further information. I want to e~phasize our desire to have the opportunity to consider such issues. We are , h~ppy t.o work with them, or any other such business, on finding mutually I a~reeable solutions to these and any other issues or concerns, whenever possible. I I , W~ believe our process of rezoning and development is a positive yet flexible , p~ocess that ultimately provides us all with results that are compatible with our I C~unty's long range goals and objectives. The next step in this process would I I b, a rezoning application from the applicant. We anticipate such an application I I w,en the intentions of this company are known. This Board, our staff, and this ctmmunity would welcome the opportunity to review the details surrounding p+ssible location in our community by this company. , I , , , I~ closing, we request your support in these efforts and conveying our comments , I tt the appropriate individuals. Sincerely, David P. Bowerman Chairman DPB/dbm 92.033 cc: Mr. Sylvius S. Moore, Jr., Deputy Director, Department of Economic Development Ms. Kaye S. Burke, Marketing Manager, Department of Economic Development . . . DRAFT June 5, 1992 Honorable L. Douglas Wilder ernor of Virginia te Capitol hmond, Virginia 23219 De r Governor Wilder: I o conve u~ the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle ntY~~C~~d support in maintaining an active dialogue with the unknown , L..4- tune 500 company ~ has expressed interest in Albemarle County. I felt it i ortant to share this information with you, due to Mr. Framme' s recent arture from your Cabinet. I believe you are well aware of the interest in this company both from our siness community and the general public. While there are planning issues yet resolved, I can say these are not considered unsolvable impediments. traffic impacts and environmental concerns are examples that require rther analysis and can only be resolved with further information. I want to our desire to have the opportunity to consider such issues. We are work with them, or any other such business, on finding mutually solutions to these and any other issues or concerns, whenever possible. believe our process of rezoning and development is a positive yet flexible ocess that ultimately provides us all with results that are compatible with our unty's long range goals and objectives. The next step in this process would a rezoning application from the applicant. ~ ~..I-4. . '" At. III 11 #otrl r.l:"'l:,.,~Ll",,&& This Board, our staff, and this 1::he opportunity to review the details surrounding ssible location in our community by this company. 1l"\ closing, we request your support in these efforts~ conveying our comments the appropriate individualS. Sincerely, David P. Bowerman Chairman DPBjdbm 92.033 cc: Mr. Sylvius S. Moore, Jr., Deputy Director, Department of Economic Development Ms. Kaye S. Burke, Marketing Manager, Department of Economic Development Alib.UJ. b~ 0\') MOTION: Mr. Bain SE~OND: Mr. Martin MEETING DATE: June 10, 1992 (Night Session) CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE MEETING WHEREAS, the Albemarle County Board of convened an executive meeting on this date affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with T~e Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and Supervisors has pursuant to an the provisions of WHEREAS, section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires c~rtification by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors that s~ch executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Albemarle County Board of supervisors hereby certifies that, to the best of each m~mber's knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully e~empted from open meeting requirements by virginia law were d:hscussed in the executive meeting to which this certification r~solution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Albemarle County Board of S~pervisors. V<f>TE: AlES: Mr. Perkins, Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Mr. Marshall and Mr. Martin. NAYS: None. I [for each nay vote, the substance of the departure from the requirements of the Act should be described.] AaSENT DURING MEETING: None. Clerk, Albemarle Boa ~ f TO: FROM DATE ''j EJjrd ~~..\,,,,,,,/M't:"~~ . - '- '..... ,~-'~ <j.)",} COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE OFFICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 401 MciNTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22901-4596 MEMORANDUM Members of the Board of Supervisors Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC ~V J June 5, 1992 Appointments to Various Boards/Commissions/Committees REN AND YOUTH COMMISSION: The term of the student representative has ed. An appointee for this position has been solicited from the three high 1 principals. Albemarle has given the names of Ashley Edwards and Julie from which to pick a representative. We had not heard from the other two Is at this time. PIED ONT COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The terms of Grace Carpenter, d Dixon and J. T. Henley, III, all expire on June 30, 1992. All three rs have been contacted, and all would like to be reappointed. ITY SERVICES BOARD (REGION 10): The term of Dr. W. D. Buxton expires on 30, 1992. He is not eligible for reappointment. This vacancy will be tised. FIRE PREVENTION CODE BOARD OF APPEALS: The term of William C. Thacker expired Nove ber 21, 1991. He is eligible for reappointment. Y BOARD: The term of Mary V. Mikalson expires on June 30, 1992. She does ish to be reappointed. This vacancy will be advertised. The term of Michael J. Marshall as the at-large member expires on 30, 1992. All applications from interested persons were forwarded for your week. ' s . Piedmont Virginia Community College Office of the President ox 1, Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-8714 Tel. (804) 977-3900 (V/TDD) , . ,'" ., March 11, 1992 ! \ . David Bowerman, Chair bemarle County Board of Supervisors 1 McIntire Road arlottesville, VA 22901 ar Mr. Bowerman: Our records indicate that the terms of office on the p'edmont Virginia Community College Board of Ms. Grace H. rpenter, Mr. Harold G. Dixon, and Mr. Joseph T. Henley, III pire June 30, 1992, and that they are eligible for another ur-year term on the Board. Our College Board provides a vital link between the college d the community. We appreciate your help in assuring that we ways have outstanding individuals on our Board. We at PVCC look forward to continuing to serve the people of bemarle County and would appreciate hearing from you in the ar future regarding the three appointments of Albemarle County presentatives. sincerely, ~ Deborah M. DiCroce President D D:pnb c Mr. Ronald L. Kirby, College Board Chair Ms. Grace H. Carpenter Mr. Harold G. Dixon Mr. Joseph T. Henley, III Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr. Albemarle Charlottesville Fluvanna Greene Louisa Nelson Edward H, Bai , Jr Samuel Mille COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 June 15, 1992 Forrest R, Marshall. Jr Scottsville David p, Bowe man Charlottesvill Charles S, Martin Rivanna Charlotte y, H mphris Jack Jouett Walter F, Perkins White Hall Mr . Grace Carpenter 67 Chapel Hill Road Ch rlottesville, VA 22901 De r Mr_. Carpenter: - ~ At the Board of Supervisors meeting we e reappointed to the Piedmont Virginia of Directors with this new term to expire On behalf of the Board, I would like to take this opportunity to express the Board's appreciation for your willingness to co tinue serving the County in this capacity. It is only through th efforts of citizens such as yourself that the County continues to maintain a high quality of representation on its boards and co issions. y;elY, U~I David P. Bowerman Chairman DP :len cc Dr. Deborah DiCroce The Honorable James Camblos, III Edward H, Sai , JL Samuel Mille ;' I COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 May 12, 1992 Forrest R. Marshall, Jr, Scottsville Charles S. Martin Rivanna Walter F. Perkins While Hall . Grace H. Carpenter Chapel Hill Road rlottesville, VA 22901 De r Mrs. Carpenter: It has come to the attention of the Board of Supervisors that r term as a member of the Piedmont Community College Board of ectors will expire on Jaune 30, 1992. I have been asked to ertain whether or not you would like to continue to serve on s Board. A positive response to the undersigned at 296-5843 ld be welcome. Sincerely, ~~cf! Clerk, CMC Board of County Supervisors LE :mms )/1-9 - c;, .r . D ~ENPORT & CO. OF VIRGINIA, INC. E TABLISHED 186 3 600 EAST WATER STREET · p, O. BOX 1481 . CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902.1481 · TELEPHONE (804) 296-9013 Ma 14, 1992 , '. . ~11'"'Y t .,' 1':<' ) : ~ Lettie E. Neher, Clerk CMC Bo rd of Supervisors Co nty of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Ch rlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 I,,:> r Ms. Neher: ish to inform you, and the Board of Supervisors, of my desire be considered for reappointment as a member of the Piedmont ginia Community College Board of Directors. My term has been tifying to me and I hope beneficial to the College. ave attempted to keep the Charlottesville Supervisor informed situations developing within the College. uld you need further information, please contact me. nk you for your consideration. 'Y truly yours, ~~rCQ ~ / Gr ee H, carpenter~ MEMBER: NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE (ASSOCIATE) . SIPC Edward H, Sai , Jr Samuel Mille COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 June 15, 1992 ;Correst R. Marshall, Jr Scottsville Charles S Martin Rivanna Walter F, Perkins White Hall Mr. Harold Dixon 14 Bennington Road V Ch rlottesville, VA 22901 ? De r Mr. Dixon, ~ At the Board of Supervisors meeting held on June 0, 1992, you we e reappointed to the Piedmont Virginia Community ollege Board of Directors with this new term to expire on Decem r 1, 1996. On behalf of the Board, I would like to take this opportunity to express the Board's appreciation for your willingness to co tinue serving the County in this capacity. It is only through th efforts of citizens such as yourself that the County continues to maintain a high quality of representation on its boards and co issions. Sincerely, a2~ Chairman DP : len cc Dr. Deborah DiCroce The Honorable James Camblos, III ... Edward H. Bai . JL Samuel Miller David P. Bower an Charlottesville Charlotte Y. H mphris Jack Jouett COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 May 12, 1992 Mr. Harold Dixon 130 Bennington Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Dear Mr. Dixon: -, Forrest R, Marshall, JL Scottsville Charles S, Martin Rivanna Walter F. Perkins White Hall It has come to the attention of the Board of Supervisors that yo r term as a member of the Piedmont Community College Board of Dir ctors will expire on Jaune 30, 1992. I have been asked to asc rtain whether or not you would like to continue to serve on this Board. A positive response to the undersigned at 296-5843 wo ld be welcome. ~,~ Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC Board of County Supervisors LEN:mms Edward H, Bai , Jr Samuel Mille COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 June 15, 1992 Forrest R, Marshall. Jr Scoltsville David P. Bowe man Charlottesvill Charles S Martin Rivanna Charlotte Y. H mphris Jack Jouett Walter F, Perkins White Hall Mr. Joseph T. Henley, III Ro te 2, Box 163 0 Crozet, VA 22932 ~ At the Boa f Supervisors meeting held on JU~O' 1992, you we e reappointe 0 the Piedmont Virginia Community ollege Board of Directors with this new term to expire on Dece er 1, 1996. On behalf of the Board, I would like to take this opportunity to express the Board's appreciation for your willingness to co tinue serving the County in this capacity. It is only through th efforts of citizens such as yourself that the County continues to maintain a high quality of representation on its boards and co issions. /}e,lY' I~~~ ~avid P. Bowerman Chairman DP :len cc Dr. Deborah DiCroce The Honorable James Camblos, III . . Edward H, Bain Jr. Samuel Miller David p, Bower an Charlottesville Charlotte y, Hu ph,is Jack Jouett ~.,.....,- COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 May 12, 1992 Forrest R. Marshall, Jr. Scottsville Charles S, Martin Rivanna Walter F. Perkins Wh;te Hall Mr. Joseph T. Henley, III Rou e 2, Box 163 Crozet, Virginia 22932 Dear Mr. Henley: It has come to the attention of the Board of Supervisors that yo r term as a member of the Piedmont Community College Board of Dir ctors will expire on June 30, 1992. I have been asked to ascertain whether or not you would like to continue to serve on this Board. A positive response to the undersigned at 296-5843 wo ld be welcome. ~~ Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC Board of County Supervisors LE :mms Edward H, Ba' . Jr. Samuel Mille COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060 David P. Bow rman Charlottes viiI Charlotte y, H mphris Jack Jouett M E M 0 R' AND U M T Board of Supervisors ~ ! I F OM: Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC /, ' / D June 5, 1992 S BJECT: Reading List for June 10, 1992 M Y 20(A), 1992 - All - Mr. Marshall M y 20(N), 1992 - All - Mr. Martin L N:ec cr~~ r'lo. ./ Forrest R, Marshall, Jr. Scott5vilte Charles S, Martin Rivanna Walter F, Perkins White Hall