HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE201500025 Application 2015-07-30 (2)I a c o V BRU RDELL IT 005283 RCHii£Cj project: CORPORATE DESIGN STUDIO EMERGING TECHNOLOGY CENTER 1 1670 DISCOVERY DRIVE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22911 for, UVA FOUNDATION fobnumber, 14037 droving: COVER SHEET revBiom: Dale I down by, checked by: Author Checker copyright: 0 2014 brwmchilects, P.C. T 'B>aNVJA R C II I T E CT S int loudh """ no c her 1pllosvllle IrOinla 22902 fo, 434.971.]166 prone 434.9717160 %fT'�.'e��R� .vwJvuce•¢tlei.com approval sed dale beet 12 DEC 2014 AO 0 PERMIT PRICING DOCUMENTS FOR CORPORATE DESIGN STUDIO INTERIOR SUITE RENOVATION EMERGING TECHNOLOGY CENTER 1 1670 DISCOVERY DRIVE GENERAL NOTES DEMO PLAN GENERAL NOTES FLOOR PLAN LEGEND LOCATION - CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA ROOM 1. ADJACENT WORK AREAS WILL BE OCCUPIED BY THE 1. THE CONTRACTORSHALL COORDINATE WITH THE OWNER WHICH ROOM NAME AND NUMBER `V^„ TENANT DURING THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THIS MATERIALS, PLUMBING FIXTURES, ETC SHALL BE SALVAGED. 101 2. PROJECT. ALL NEW WORKTO BE SCHEDULED FOR NORMAL 2. VERIFY WITHFACILITIESMANAGEMENT BEFORE REMOVING ANY EXISTING PIPING OR ELECTRICAL CONDUIT THAT IS NOT BEING USED. x DUMPSTER LOCATION: e6% 04 -- --- - --- -- -. ---� _-i 1 STANDING FINISH NOTES MEETING A. PAINT - MEETING RETREAT HOTFINISH PRINTER 106 -AucwewnuslN lHn ROOM IO BE P-Iw P-: MFR: BENJAMINMOORE TO ALL WALLS TO BE EGGSHELL, ALL PAIMEDTRIM �$ TO BE SATIN ��� I P COLORT.B.D.-ALL GWB WALLS-EGGSHELLOP-2: 7"LL -I: COLOR T.B.D.-ALL GWB CEILINGS -FLAT V S3 BP.UtI CORRIDOR VT3 P-3 COLOR T.B.D.-ALL PAINTED TRIM -SATIN WOLF GORDON. WINK DRY -ERASE PAINT.PROVIDE ELL �2P4: LEVEL 5 GWB FINISH, PREP AND INSTALLFERMANUF. '.I . �: :Ike' .:: • • •/�/ APPLYOVERWALL SURFACEFINISHED WITH P-1. — HIT£ �. B. PLASTIC LAMINATE 1#IVC TTO I WILSONART REMAIN CABINETI ERIORS TO BE WHITE MELAMINE: COLLABORATION COUNTERTOPS AT ROOMS 1068104 TO BE SOLID SURFACE SHOP O MATCH EXISTING. COUNTERTOPS METALTO T project: - 105 CH EXISTINGLES C CORPORATE DESIGN c ORRIDOR PL -1 COLORT.B.D. STUDIO � 101 I u 7 WALL 80ASE CABINETS THROUGHO i USEA NEW LAB `•..,,.''. --SHOP- � ,�. � • ,.. °. V(2 -WET 719 120. ,.' ' UHLMAN •. SS -1: CORIAN, T.B.D I 123 OPEN •.'�'=• ONC `'. - C 1•. C. MFS JOHNSONRE EMERGING TECHNOLOGY CENTER 1 1670 DISCOVERY DRIVE OFFICE CATERING 703 EQUIP. _ 104 VB - I: 4" VINYL COVE BASE COLOR T.B.D. PROVIDE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22911 VCT TO TO :••. CONC 1.•,•.•:�• I THROUGHOUT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED - REMAIN REMAIN VT 3 F. CEILING FINISH ZZ ACT I: ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG CORTEGA 703 ANGLED TEGULAR GRID: 15/1CARMSTRONG. PRELUDE XL, OR EQUAL for. (b:C TI _', I� :"'•"•;'•: •,.', •, '-:::; LJ •'•0'.'•`•:•.,'•.••.'�•-,•.•,••..'•"'•'•.'•'•'`'- ••••- E%POSED TEE GRID (WHITE) BAKED ENAMEL FINISH DIRECT HUNG SUSPENSION SYSTEM UVA FOUNDATION U •. .: R N ECIDD1O EPT '.,:; WALLIREAIMEM @ THIS GWB3: REFER TO PLAN FOR HEADER & SOFFIT HEIGHTS l FOOM BY TENANT I, VT 3 CONFERENCE:':._.:.::'•,.• :'•'^•""�_CONC1�.:" •,OPEN"'::•:.;•;''.:.,•;•-,;.. 117 T/SERVER', ' ' •�STORAGE'f 122,,.,; ;,..; G. VINYL COMP. 711E -PROVIDED BY TENANT, INSTALLED BY GC ��.CONC I Vf-1: A STR NG, Ai L CREATIONS EARTH 75, .. 1. .� - COLOR TBD, 18XIS. VT _2.ARMSTRONG, NATURAL CREATIONS EARTH CUTS, COLOR TBD, 18XI8 ,1 Job number: 4037 I Vf3: ARMSTRONG, NATURAL CREATIONS EARTH CUTS, 1 FINISH FLOOR PLAN COLORTBD, 18XIB \ A1,2 311 B`=1'-0` PROVIDE RUBBER ADA COMPLIANT TRANSITIONS AS REQUIRED BETWEEN DIFFERENT FLOOR FINISHES& ELEVATIONS. drawing: H. CON CRETE FLOOR FINISH FINISH PLAN & CONC•1: PAINTED FINISH PREP FLOOR TO ROUGH & RAW FREE AND CLEAR SCHEDULES OFALL GLUE, ESIDUE ANDCONTAIMINATES. PROVIDE SMOOTH ACID ETCH FINISH PRIOR TO COATING WITH BENJAMIN MOORE CORATECH PAINT V400 CLEAR FINSIH. revisions. Dote 1 DOOR SCHEDULE i i I I ck—by: checked by: DOOR DOOR FRAME Author Checker DO NO. LOCATION MATERIAL HEIGHT WIDTH TYPE TYPE HDWR SET NOTES j 100 RECEPTION 100 WD+GLASS.MATCHEXG r -J' -P B WD ENTRY FULL-HEIGM CLASS. PREP FOR CR COpyfight: ® 2014 brworoh110C15. P.C. CORRIDOR 10 DR )' - P 4'-P E ETR ENTRY EXBDNGTOREIAAIN (OSA COLLABORATION 105 GLASS —la J' -P A N/A PASSAGE (OSB COLLABORATION 105 GLASS B-,SvT P -P A N/APASSAGE HOTEL 110 WD 11111 r -J' -P F HM PASSAGE REUSEDS5IM0 109 HOTEL 110 WD d GLASS T -P J'•P F HIST PASSAGE REUSEEXISTING 110 HOTEL 110 IND &GLASS T -P 0'•P F HIST PASSAGE REUSE EXISTING 111 RETREAT 111 WD I GLASS T•P J' -P F HM PASSAGE REUSE EXISTING L�•� 11) CONFERENCE II) 11. WET UB 119 WD&GLASS OR T•P T•P J' -P 4'-P F HM E OR D HM PASSAGE ENTRY ENTRY NEWSIFAIOEXG. EXISTINGIOREMAIN REUSE EXGTING LAS DOOR I , �j�• 1190 WET LAB 119 1190 WETLASN9 1MA OPENSIORAGE122 00 STEEL STEEL STEEL T -P T -o' T -P 3'-P i•P 6'-P W.P D HIA C HM E OR PASSAGE PASSAGE ENTRY REUSE EXISTING LAB DOOR EXISIINGIOREMAIN 1208 SHOP 121 I1/SERVER121 122A OPENSTORAGE 122 OR $!EST OR )'-P T -P T -P ]'-P 4'7 D HM E OR C HM EMRT ENTRY ENTRY REUSEEXISRNGLABDOOR OasrRGi&TS'— O' R'r`W'"^•':P. R C TT 1 T E C T' ' 1228 OPENS70RAGE122 Q. OPENSTORAGE 122 STEEL SSEEL 7— T -P 6'-P A' -P E HIA ENTRY REUSE EasnNG FROM SURE MAIN EN TRY 1 I12100rih 511001 n0 Q 121A OPEN STORAGE 122 STEEL T -P 6'-P C HIA PASSAGE char10110 'V ILIO IrgiOla '2902 a 12JL UHlMAN IR] 12]D UHLMAN I2J DR DR T -P T -P J'•P 4'-P D DR E DR PASSAGE ENTRY EXGIINGIOREMAIN EXISTINGIOREMAIN IDX 434.971.7166 P °D'°°a�J�e"'ate DOOR TYPES ; DOOR HARDWARE M al RANSLUCENT 3'•0" 1'"0„ 3-0' 3'-0 vNOTE AL LEVERHANDLE MFR. SCHLAGE`S"SERIES EXISTING HARDWARE TOREON EXISTINGDORSiOREMAININ IS GOOD {II pProvd sed / FINISH:TBD. THE HARDWARE IN WORKING ORDER WALLMOUNTED DOOR STOP THE LOCKING FUNCTION IS 1 MFR. ROCKWOOD APPROPRIATE TOME SPACE I CLEAR Ll m v to b b b b MODEL N0.409 \ a m GLASS HINGES LAA L ` L ``� MFR. STANLEY MODEL NO. FBBI 79 dale sheat RANSLUCENT AAA LL /rrA 09SMA PROVIDE NON-LOCKING 49" MANEr PULLS BY 12 DEC 2014 1 DORMA, DOUBLE -SIDED, THROUGHOUT. DORMA PURE SWINGING GLASS DOOR W/ WOOD DOOR W1 FULL FLUSH STEEL DOUBLE FLUSH STEEL DOOR W/ UNEVEN STEEL DOUBLE WD HALF -LITE DOOR. PERMIT DECORAIIVETRANSLUCENTFILM ATTOP&BOTTOM LIGHT TEMPERED GLASS DOOR HALF LITE (EXISTING/ DOOR (EXISTING) (EXISTING/RELOCATED) HARDWARE BY DORMA, T.B.D. BY ARCHITECT RELOCATED) es SECTION 00010 General Contractor and Of subcontractors must provide a minimum I yea wanmty on the construction of INS project. SubsHluliom: The Conlroctorrepresenls that Its Contract is based upon the materials and equipment described in the Conlracl Documents. Standards: II sholl be the responsibilily of the Contractor to instal dl materials and building systems in full compliance with manufacturers specifications, standards and requirements, including, but not limited to the use of manufacturer required footeongs, sub surface blocking, surface preparation. finishing and detailing products orsystems. The Conlractc shall nolify the Owner or Owners Representative of dscreponcies or inconsistencies contained within the Contract Documents. If the Contraclor has not informed the Owner or Owners Representative of discrepancies or Inconsistencies prior to submiss[an of Its contract, the Owner or Owners Representative may direct the Contraclor to complete the work In accordance with manufacturers requirements, at no additional cost to the Owner or Owners Representative. Conlracl Time: The Agreement for construclim will Include a provision fa guaranteed lime for Mal complellon of the work, consistent with good workmanship and Issuance of a Cerlificale of Occupancy from the epprop0ate municipal wthcrilies. Sp.clal Impedions: The Contractor shill submil a complete Iisling of any Special Inspections that maybe required by International Building Code 2006. as interpreted by the local code enforcement officials. Special lnspeclions will be oordnated by the Contraclor with a testing agency employed by the Owner. Costs Incurred lar oddtiond Inspeclims ce a result of wily work a [alum to coordinale shall be recoverable by the Owner from the Contractor. schedule, The Contractor shall submfl a construction schedule and update H mmdhly. The Ovmer or Owners Representalive shall Incur no responsibilities to monilor the schedules, nor does the publication of a revised scheduled constitute notice of a change to the terms and condlions of the Agreement unless Incorporated by Change Order. N the event of weather related impacts m schedule, the schedule shall be a tool to assess Impact on caUlmellon time based m the liming of the weather Incident relative to critical path and milestone activilies. The Conlocla shot Include time within IIs schedule to accoml for Inclement wealher normally and reasonably expected for the lime of year. Builders Rlsklmurance: Builder's Risk shdl be cooled by the Owner a Owners Representative, with deductibles gold by the Owner ar Owners Representative. Deductibles gold by the Owner or Owners Representative shall be reimbursed by the Conlractor if the loss was the resutl of the Conlraclors failure to lake reasonable care In prolecling the project. No III from the Owner a Owners Representative. App(oTime Evd Wiom,ybeg ledfionwillbegrchtedwilhe Agmemenl. Willing p Representative tl atll only be granted tr extension outlined in the Agreement. The and appropriate mast Inform the Owner at on. Wl s Recasenlalid of its requestforextensiongired the along withadequate and apprapdalesupporting Information, within 14 ners R. days 1. the conding I iho[ required the chmge. In all cases the Contraclor shall nolily the Owner . Owner', Repres.nlativa In willing Immediately span dbeovery of condllions that could Impact completion dales or protect cast Pre con,lructlon Information: The Contractor shall, within days of notification of selection for the award of a contract for the Wark, submit the following information to the Omer or Owner's Representative: 1. A CPM Time Schedule for the Work that shot provide sufficient detdl to identify the intended progress of the Work for the course of the project. This shall be updated monthly or Gs requested by the Owner a Owners Representalive, 2. Sallsfaclory evidence that the Contractor possesses the necessary business licenses to constnlcl the project within the applicable juisdctial 3. A Cerfifi le of Insurance indcaling current Insurance coverage as required by the Contract. 4. Evidence the Contractor holds a current Cantiodors registration or olhersuch licensing required by the Stale or jurisdiction. SECTION 00020. COST CATEGORIES / DEFINITIONS Cost C.I.godes: The Owner requires that costs be accumulated according to three categories: SO,- that portion of General Conditions and Fee Incurred fa Interior finishes related activities shot be cooled as line Items within Interior Finishes or a Fixed percentage. Submlulon Form,: Please provide cost Information per the above cost categodes with the following minimum line items: Su" • Rough Capenlry/framing • Mllwak/Caewak • Doors and Hardware • Gypsum wtliboad/cellings • Flowing +Base • Acoustical Celling System • InledorPad fastdm) • Specialties HVAC Plumbing • Electrical Systems Lights • General Conations Fee • Other categories as defined or determined at the Contractors dscrelim Cost eslimales, schedules of values, requests for payment, and change orders shall of be submitted according to the three categories. The definilions are not Intended to be all inclusive but convey the general Items to be Included in each category. The Architect is available to respond to my questions of categories at any time. SECTION OOSOU- CONTRACT DOCUMENT AND AGREEMENT FORMS Refer to Cover Shoal For documen111sling. Contract Agmemenl Farm: Contract and Agreement as executed between the contracting entities. Other Documents: Ilcallon and Cedificolion tare menf'. latest edition. Payment Fonts: es FD unlet Document aY • Program l Sc Values Form: Alp Dwumenl G e size and type o Sheetroject which is • Progress Schedule: Afarm appropriate to the size and type al the project whichis acceptable to the Owner or Owners Representative. • Mechanics Uen Affidavit: executed fully and appropriately. • S,bmiHat,: As required by contract documents. • ehong.Ord.r. AIADocumenl G701. SECTION 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS OF TH E CONTRACT General Conditions: As Included In Contract and Agreement form. Faced—, of D,,um.nlu In dallying discrepancies or conflicts within the Conlracl Documents, the Contractor shall advise the Owner a Owners Representative of my discrepancies Immediately upon Idenlflicalion, and shall Include the higher cosi In its estimates until the dscmpmcy can be resolved. SECTION 01025 - PAYMENT General: The Contractor wil submit an Application fa Payment, AIA A701 on or before the fifth day of each month. The Owner or Owners Representative will reNew and process the application In accordance with the provisions of the execuled Agreement and the Schedule of Values submilled to and approved by the Owner or Owners Representative. Lien Wolves, The Contractor shall submfl to the Ovmer a Owners Representative with each Application for Payment property executed Uen Waiver forms for Itself and fa dl subconlrcelons and maledolmen who have performed work or provided materials to the site within the scope of the cunenl Coll These waivers sholl be an a form, executed to the satisfaction -of the Owner or Owners Representative and/or its Lender. Relaln.ga: The Owner or Owners Representative shot withhold five percent 15%) of each approved application Tor payment as Retainage. This reldnage shill be released to the Carl Will the Find Payment subject to the lens and condllons of the Agreement Old the Contract Documents. Though reldnoge shall be withheld from each line Item of the Schedule of Values, reldnage shill be viewed as a lump sum holding not otldbuled to any specific line Item. The Contractor shall make every afford and lake whatever actions are necessary to keep the project an schedule. Should the Contractor be more than 14 days behind schedule at the time of any Application for Payment, the Owner or Owners Representative may Increase the Retainage withheld from the payment to the Contractor fa an amount consistent with the value of the work behind schedule. If the Canlraclor has made up the lime by the next application for payment those additional retained modes will be released to him. SECTION 01040 - COOROIN ATION General: It shot be the Contractors responsibility to schedule and coordnale the work of all ,ubconlraclor, and materiel—n performing work a supplying malerid to the Project, including the Conlraclors own faces and those not underconlracl to the Conlmclor, in ammner Thal guamtees the safe, timely, fechnically proper, and qudily execution of the Project. The Conlrador shell provide ad,q,,f, notice to the Owner or Owner, Repm-1.11ve In willing when actions or docl,lons are r,q,lr,d of the Owner or Owner, Rapms.nlallve, Lessee, Its agents, ar hirm, to maintain the Conlraclar s schedule or c,nfmcf price. The Contractor sholl keep adequate supervisory personnel m the site to Insure the proper execution and protection of all work In the Project. Ind -111 11— The Contractor shod assume full responsibility la of of lis employees. officers, agents, subcontractors and business it lee.. The Contractor shot Indemnify and hold the Owner or Owners Representative and Lessee harmless against and Iron any and all claims, demands, actions, liabilities, obligalfom, or costs, including reasonable ailomeys' tees incurred by the Owner or Owners Representative or the Lessee arising wt of or in conneclion will any Injury, loss, death a damage suffered by or resulting from the aclions, or lack thereof, of the Contractors, Its employees, officers, agents, subconlractom suppliers, business invilees or other such entities or indlviducis, including, but not limited to, third party clams fa Injury or death otherwise covered under applicable workers compensation laws and regadess of the sole or concurring negligence of the Owner or Owners Representative. SECTION 01045 - WORK BY OTHERS V,HFi,allon: II shall be the Contractors responsibility to request verification. In writing, from the Owner or Owners Representative prior to Contract submlllal, of the extent of Its responsibilities with respect to anywak or system provided by other Suppliers or Conlraclors under seporale direct contract either to the Owner or Owners Representative, or other work taking place on the site. Such work sholl include (but not limited to) telephone, signal, security, data, and control systems, Go well Os equipment and cable TV. Signage may be contracted dreclly by the Owner or Owners Representative. The Owner or Owners Representative may contract separately for any work at its dscmilon. Conlraclors Responsibilities: Contraclor shall supply and Instol conduit, electrical boxes and electrical power a required to locations Indicated on Architectural Drawings in order to allow others to pull We to and install equipment in desired locations. The Contractor shall Include costs to establish of services to the bu9dng. Contractor shill cooperate with the Omer (and their separate contractors) in order to verify the exact Iocalion of electrical boxes for computer, telephone and other system locations, and required wall space In mechanical room for equipment. Conlractor shall coordinate with e0 vendors and Conlractom under separate drecl contract to the Owner or Owners Representative on Issues of scope, schedule, installation details, and related trades. The Contra,[,, ahold advise the Owner or Owners Repr—rd.live of miledone dales for Installation, and deliveries In adequate time to allow forselecllon, order, and delivery of all Items and related work. Canlracior shall coordinate with Owners equipment vendor/ consultant to provide und.,I,b and overhead rough. In for general equipment/sysfems. Reference diagram for equlpmenl localions will be provided for use by General Conlractor upon mq.esi. Conlractor to provide design/build services for equipment rough -In and Installation as mgdmd byOwner'a equlpmenl supplier's scope of work. Computer/Talephene Sysfems: Computer. security and telephone System equipment mdwidngwill be suppled mdinstalled under separate contracts by the Owner unless olhemise noted. Rough -in boxes are to be provided and installed per locations shown by General Contractor as noted above. Additional work: the Contractor shill not perform my wok that cwld effecl the project cost or schedule without having written aulhodzalion to do so by the Owner a Owners Representative. Any requests far changes or additions to the Work shod flow through the Owner or Owners Representalive to the Contraclor. SECTION 01060 - REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS General: The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits necessary and required to build the Project. The Contractor shall provide to the Omer or Owners Representative, if requested, photocopies of all required permits, approved and signed by the appropriate municipal officials, within 5 days of issuance. The Contraclor shill perform the work In accordmce with all applicable codes, laws, regulotime. and good practice. Llamas: Pdor to commencement of construclim the Contractor shot submit to the Owner or Owers Representative evidence that it possesses a current Contractors registration, as may be required by the ludsdclion and Ihel It has obtained the necessary business license to construct the project within the municipolly. The Contractor most only use such subconlroclou on the Project ce have obtained and do currently possess and keep in lull force and effect throughout the course of this project such licenses and milislralims m required by the judsdclions chat the local municipally to perform their work on the Project. Imp—lions: The Cmtroctor shill comply with all local rewfoliom regadng inspections by the Building Officials of the work in progress. The Contractor shall protide to the Owner or Owners Representative a photocopy of local Building Officiol's signed Cpprovd to proceed (or rejection memo) at each impeclion point required by IOc. regulation upon request. SECTION 01090 - STANDARDS General: The Cmiraclor shall perform all work to the highest standards of the trade. II shall not only comply with manufacturer and Trade Association recommended standards for proper instdlaliw of building products and systems, but II shall install, protect and mdnton dl products and systems with techniques and practices that will produce a quality bdldng conslrucled to the highest standards of the trade. All work shall be anchored a braced securely with mchoring systems proper and sufficient lar the specific application. All work shill be Installed plumb. level and square. Ail lords and edges shad be light, uniform, consistent and even. SECTION Dl 100- SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Solely: The Contractor shall Imlilule, monitor and maintain solely practices and procedures on the site, Including, but not limited to. those required la compliance with OSHA and other applicable standards. The Contractor shoal also take all due precautions duing comiruclion to =to leaving the building or site in a condition that would prove hazardous to the general public or which might prove to be on"attractive nuisance'. The Contractor shot be responsible for enforcing the same slondards and proclices of sate operation on dl of Its subcontractors, sub -subcontractors, and suppliers m the side. Protection During Censlrucllon: The Contractor shot take dl reasonable and responsible precoulions to protect the work during construction and work in such a manner to prevent damage to adjacent structures or dguplions of operations outside of the work. No dime extension a extra compensation shall be allowed for loss allilbulable to Contractors failure to protect work or materials, and the Contractor shall be liable for my Insurance deductibles. The Contractor shall protect dl glass during construclion. Glass which is broken or cordoned during the course of construction from whatever cause sholl be replaced by the Contractor at IIs sole expense and shot not be an Insurance claim item for the Owner or Owers Representative. The Contractor shall protect Of holdled elements of the project from damage by construction personnel or equipment. The Contractor shot repair my damage incurred to, in the opinion of the Ovmer or Owners Representative, like new"condllon. Scheduled Touch -,p: The Contractor shall make a touchup of the interior drywall and wall finishes approximately 6-12 months after occupancy at the request of the Owner or Owners Representative. DrW+dl repairs and paint touchups shall be made to areas that exhibit cracking,'ndl pops', ono simile defects- NOT for damage caused by the Owner or their clients. Touch up fdywdl paint and calking) shall be done to blend visually will sur uncing surface point - differences in color scheme or lexlure wilt not be accepted. SECTION 01500 - CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES / TEMPORARY CONTROLS The Conlra,tor shall furnish, Imlall, maintain In a safe and tunetioning condition, and remove when required all Temporary meamms..q,Irod for the complelion of the work, Including but not IImll,d lo: • Telephone - the conlraclorshall maintain at least one telephone on die at all Ilmes, Security: The Conlracl., shall be responsible for maintaining the prof,,[ in a secure .-dill— The Conlractor shall be responsible lar the s.,urliy of the work In place ordered, and tar IIs own equipment. SECTION 01700- PROJ ECT CLOSEOUT D Unitmm: Closeout is hereby defined to include general requirements near the end of the Contract Time, In preparation far find acceptance, find payment, nand terninallm of the Contract, occupancy and similor actions evidencing completion of the Work. Pmmquhlles To S.b, aM al Completion General: Prior to requesting Owner or Owners Representative Inspection forcertificallon of substantial complelion. the Contractor shall complete the following In addilim to other requirements vAthin the Agreement: Submit find Application fa Payment, Indcoling IOD% complete, with lien wdver, and a statement that dl Items required by this section have been completed. II anywork items remain lobe compleled, submit a listing of such Work w alts scheduled completion dales and value of wmk remdNng. Advise Owner or Owrl Representative of pending Insurance change -over requirements. AT no time shot there be a lapse of insurance coverage. Submit Iwo copies of specllic wortonlles and operating monuds for l equipment supplied and Installed under the Conlraclors contract. Provide Instructions to Owner. includng ors -site Ironing, in the operation of dI major building systems. Submit a minimum of one full gallon of each Inledor and exterior finish point, will the name, dale, source. and color formula of each clearly marked. Submit a minimum of one lull talon of each ceiling Ill.. Obtain and submit fully executed [[not Uen Waver releases fa the Conlractor and fa each subcontraclor and malerid men working an or supplying malerid to the Project. Make final hone -over of locks and trommil clealy labeled keys to the Owner or Owners Representative Complete slarl-up/testing of systems, including insluolion of Omer In basic opemling/maintenance procedures, and delivery of lechnlcd specification and malnlenance manuals for all equipment. Complete final cleaning up requirements, including iwch+up poi log of mored surfaces and cleaning of at windows. Provide a typed eleciricd panel directory for of circuits. Place one copy of the directory in the panel, provide an additional loose copy of the dreclory on 81/2'x 11"formal for the Owner. Recelpt of "m -bulli" ckmings, Ind locations of of vdves and access points. Submit two copies of a listing of all mala building components and finishes. Including where applicable the manufacturer. model or product number, color, and supplier. Submit a isling of OUT major subcontractors and suppliers inducing address, telephone, and key contact person for each. Statement of scheduled touch-ups per Section 01100. Pun.h UA Pm.adure: Upon mceipl of Contractors request, Owner a Owners Representative 1l eliherproceed with jobsite observation a advise Contractor of prerequisites not fulni led. Following iritftl observallon, Owner or Owners Representative will either prepare certificate of substantial complettm, or advise Contractor of work which must be performed prior to issuance of certificate and repeat observation when assured that work has been completed. Results of completed observation will font the iniltd "punch list" for find acceptance. Final A ... plance and Payment: Will occur when dl hems on punch list have been completed and when OF items are complete and current to the dale of final acceptance. The Owner or Owners Representative shall have the right to withhold montes from final payment far 150% of the value of work not complete or not acceptable to the Owner or Owners Representative and for my claims a costs which have been submitted or are reasonably anticipated. Including third party cldrl FINAL CLEANING: General: Provide rind cleaning of the Work pdor to delivery of the Project including removal of dl bash from the building Old site, and the clearing of each surface or Unit of work to normal "clew" cmdllion expected for a first- class building clewing and mdnlenonce program. Contractor shall remove od logs, labels, coverings, and other items not intended to remain by the manufacturer. Floors are to be cleaned and prepared for final Finish. Comply with mmufacdurers Instructions for cleaning apemlion. Comply with safety standards and governing regulations for cleaning operatims and disposal of waste. Do not bury waste materials on site. SECTION 01000 - WARRANTY The Conlractor shot provide a full and complete warranty on the entire project fbulldng and site work) far a period of we yea from rind acceptance by the Owner or Owners Representative. Tins wmonly shall not extend to Items which we generdly considered rouline and normal bdldng maintenance. Nor does it extend to defects or problems which are solely attributable to the work of other contractors under direct contract to the Owner or Owners Representative. Should the Owner or Owners Representalive inform the Contractor of a problem, the Conlractorshdl send la the site a representative qualified and equipped to work an the problem, In a period of time oppropdale to the nature of the problem and the polenlid for addliond damage caused by delay in firing the problem. In no case shill this lime exceed 48 hours. SECTION 01900 - REQUIRED SHOP DRAWINGS, SUBMITTALS, AND SAMPLES The Conlractorshdl provide shop drawings, submitlds, orsamples forArchilects reNew and record to include )but not limited tot the items listed below. Additional submlllal Items my be requested by the Owner a Architect. The Conlraclar may also provide submiltds for oddlional items a trades at their discretion. Please provide all shop drawings or submittals.Ip GITALLY. Please provide two (2) physical codes of each sample. 1. 12'x 12'sam Idstoint at each colorspecified 2. Al tenant request. 24}24"point somple an surface to be pointed within space 3. Cul sheets for Contraclor Provided appliances if my) 4. Door and hardware schedule 5. Laminale Samples 6. Door, frame, and hardware techdcci information 7. 72" x 12" Flooring somples ct each moledd and cola 8. FlCut samples at each material /color -12'lengih 9. Cul sheets forspecicity, items [incl. fire wdinguish.m) 10. Undersleb piping diogram(note clew -wt locations) 11. Plumbing fixture cut sheets 12. HVAC design dogran/duct layout 13. Electrical circull design dogram/panel dogrom 14. Light fixdue cut sheets I5. Sprinkler system diagram SECTION 06100 - ROUGH CARPENTRY General: All work is to be of the highest standards of the trade and shill comply with of applicable local, state and notional codes, manufacturer and trade Industry guidelines, and good practice. Molerids shall include: Fastener, and Anch,mg es: Of size, type. material and finish suited to application shown. Flreblocking: provide solid mod materials between studs as required Blocking: provide solid wood blocking at dl cabinet, toilet accessory, and shelving areas. Coordinate with interior elevations. SECTION 06400 - MILLWORK Cabinet,: All cabinets to receive high pressure laminate at dl visible surfaces. Cabinet box to be croslrucled of plywood with while melamine finish. Provide pre-driled holes far aajusloble shelves at all cabinet Interiors. C ... ledops: Refer to drovIngs for cwnlercp materials and dimensions. Counledops to be pool -formed with Integral 4" backsplash and square edge typical. Conlrador shot Include drilling and grommets far Ihrwgh-top penetrations for electrical cords. Hardware: Provide 120 degree European style door hinges. Provide fall extension drawer glides. File drawers to Include standard hanging file brackets and rails. Pull,: To be determined, provide samples for Architect reNew and approval. SECTION 07200. INSULATION d as Instill edr—Ing, In accordance with manufaclumm' re—mGeneral:d,1ll lnsulnd good p required I, by the taco Bell Insulation: and good practice. Maledal, Include: bul mmA. Imulalion: Inledor walls to et,, eef,, bollImulalionas noted an each sWle's,,ditto,types. Acoustical Treaimenl:3 1/2' "Noise Bortler edH Imulalion- by Owens-Corning or equal In Inledor walb and podiliom designated as receiving ... u t1 cal treatment. SECTION 07920 - SEALANTS AND CAULKING Catered: Provide.aulking,sealanl, and associated work to ensure wealhedighl conshucil,n. Mal,rials include: Sealant: mryll,latex caulk by Sonneborn.Sormloc, Tmmco, Sika Chemical Corp. or approved equal. Joint Backe, non -staining, non absorbent elosed cell polyethylene. All sealants to match eel., el adjacent mal.d.1, unless otherwl,, poled. Provide eolor,ampl, of ,had, lar approval SECTION 08100 - METAL DOORS AND FRAMES General: Door, and enlmn,e, to be as,p,clfi,d on the doorsched,le. Provide tempered, Insulated glass as required by coda. Provide submlllal dale for review. � Inledor Metol Door Frames: Frames to be 18 gauge cold rolled ,[eel, wrap-around hollow metal Iramea, Sleelerall "F seri., or equal. SECTION 08200 - WOOD DOORS !' General: Doors to be os specllled on the door,ched6le. SECTION 09250 -GYPSUM BOARD I General: All Porliliom shall be Finished with dywoll, Unijhed smoolh and even, with no seams a patches visible. ready for painting or wall covering. Provide level 3 or AFinish as appropriate to space. Provide level 5 finish if required by finish application (Dry Gose Point for instance). SECTION 09510 -CEI LING SYSTEMS General: Provide typical 2 x 4 suspend acoustic lite ceding system by Armstrong or as specified an Finish Schedule. SECTION 09650 -FLOORING General: All material to be applied to slab. Contractor to providelash'patch and/or spot leveling as required prior to installation of Finish materials. Refer to Room finish Schedules at each Suite for specific floating moledd references. I SECTION 09900 - PAINTING General: Painting will be done according to manufacturers' recommendations and good practice. The Architect will accept products from Benjamin Moore only. tried....... ISchedule c All interior color schemes to be determined by Room Flrish edule in each Suite. SECTION 104 DO -SIGNAGE I Infedor Sign.g.: The Cmiraclor shall furnish and insldlwllhin the contract price (not an dlowance) the minimum omwnt of signage required fa issuance of a Cerfificalu of Occupancy. SECTION 12492 - WINDOW COVERINGS General: Provide and lmtall window coverings that match UVA Foundation bullring standards. Blinds shot be Inside mwnled with dl eccessades recruited for o complete lnddlolion. Color to be selected by Owner. All sultes to have Simla blinds, colors may vary. SECTION 15300 -SPRINKLER General: The sprinkler system is to be design-bulld by the Conlractor to meet NAPA 13 requirements, including engineers seal If required. The system shall be designed Grid Installed to meet requirements of the IBC 20061n an offal to eliminate Fire -rented corridors and slef closing doors in the interior suites. The contractor is responsible for providing material and labor for the system. This work shall Include development and submission of mqu0ed dawings for obtaining required permits and apwovdS.bhop drawings / system drawings ore to be provided during Io ConstmoncliDocument Phare forcoordnalion vAtholher trades. Coadnalion with other trades is mandatary. Provide layout plan to Architect for review prior to huldlalion. Indicate all above slab riser localions and clearances Or well as location of valves. Meet specifications for NFPA 13 sprinklersysten!s, per IBC 903.3.1.1 Assume all rooms must be sp inklered, no excepilom per 12.903. Exempt locationsprovisions of the code Spdnklerheads to be throne finish. Sprinkler hoods do NOT have to be conceded heads. Contractor shall be responsible for deign/buil d and per milling of the find sprinkler system per local codes. SECTION 15400 - PLUMBING General: The plumbing system is to be design -bulla by lie Contractor, Including engineers sed if required. The contractor Is responsible for providing material and labor for the plundang system. This workshdl Include development and submissim of required drawings inclsl:Lng direr diagrams. for calcining required peadis and eppmvab'Shop drawings / system drawings are to be provided during to Construction Document Phase in AutoCAD or compatible computer platform format for coordination with other trades. Coordination wlTh other trades is mmdolory. Provide layout plan to Architect fol review prior to Irellalion of underslab work. Indicate all above slab sluboul locations ce well ce location of required cleornouls. i SECTION 15500 - HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING General: HVAC system to be design -build by Contractor. includng engineer seal if required. The contractor Is responsible for providing malerid and labor for the me nmicd system. Coadnation Alholherlradeslsrequl.d. General system description: • lO '1 .HVAC Desi nBuld contractor will be res oruble Provide permit documents as required cd�lhon / P q Y Y 9 P for obtaining n ra nils and ,chile men[ appr�vtls regssired to InslOil and operate the system. • Provide design dowings for architect review • Provide o,bulll drawings for Owners permane`recarof • Provide opeationd'walk-thrV with end user al •ompleti-of Insoll.tion • Provide two codes of OF worrmty, malntenanc•. and operolion manuds to Owner at completion of inldlotion. SECTION 16500- ELECTRICAL General: The 9ecldcalwoikislobedesign-buildbyCmlroclor.includngendneersedifrequired. The design shall include all required loading, riser diagrams, and other documentation for obtaining the required permits and opproveis. Coordination wilh other trades is required. Iqe Conlraclorls responsible for provldng malerid and labor la the eleclricd system. Provide emergency lighlipg as required. All communicalions, data, audio, and cable will be provided by the Owner and we not pad of the base contract for these bullrings. All devices to be while unless otherwise noted. Care will be taken to Intl 'dletecldcd de vices to minimize acoudicd transference between adjacent spaces (i.e., no back-to;beck wllels). NOTE: Close coordination will Owners Shop Equipment #Vpplier is required. Electrical Design/Build subcar"clor to vastly OF equlpmenl specifications and requirements plot to system design and load letter Preparation. Beclricd Design/BWd subconlroclor to submit electrical system design to Owners equipment supller for review and approval prior to installation/rough-In. j �E 0 �Ol�• C O V BRU RDELL S it 005297 4yCHi TEG project: CORPORATE DESIGN STUDIO EMERGING TECHNOLOGY CENTER 1 1670 DISCOVERY DRIVE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22911 to, UVA FOUNDATION lab number: 14037 dowing: INTERIOR SPECIFICATIONS evil dawn by: checked by: Author Checker copyright: ® 2014 brwachllects, P.C. R C it I T E C T S 112 Inrush shoot no c harlo [los cillo vLrglnio 2902 lox 434.971,7166 P hone A34,971. 1110 ..,., wwwMscexudal.cwn w+L2 approval sed dale sheet 12 DEC 2014 A9.3 PERMIT 4 P..4 M s 6 � �7_ .ya�ryir't Y MAg68r f��"ry UVA . I. „t? tgti rte.-.�9 �Y a 7e t� 1 1/�fY7c �P RESE PARK rf is �� #1 1I��r+ rLfT-`T I C +L'11a+ Fa'�.Or�r '{ ��•�^�C i. )•��{Y .l 3 -. c�_'. r --•� J'�cJ� rst-ht�+---`--'txta]E•lrJ �4 n ��, w. - Fk `1h�. ( fi 41� _ r�R f 9' • i�, '^7.Fr I ., n-_ P tlr°'-k+"'1 m•�i�[ ` 4�'"•', 1 . "l ✓ D '� _ ira, •�yY"5�. c,:, rt�iG7y'rtky Ith R u f3i�laa }o ir°%.., .'..8 i �P : � . c l ��Gi��� �' .a F a. _ .tirn.�.. r � ..nran t r"�.Q'.:.• M`}'.:. Q 3 3 � 1. e'.. r W�f;i� �4 „P.ht7 \ d4:F , r �°:;. . f• .. 4'Jx.:•a°r��l- "♦1� :,L. F'" r �w` �'"-. eS .I w: e " t?� l.�t � . 1�•,ai'n`,.-.-y 9?. 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