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SDP199500074 Plan - Approved 1996-05-02
V HAR 0 S..-,E ORAG SVI Phase Four 1"= 2000' bounty of Albemarle* Virginia THE COX COMPANY Planners • Landscape Architects CNiI Engineers • Urban Designers THE COX COMPANY Planners • Landscape Architects Civil Engineers • Urban Designers August 14, 1995 Revised September 11, 1995 November 13, 1995 December 22, 1995 January 30, 1996 N LT II Ok FRANK D. COX, A No. 7719 P�ujESStON "E E. Sheet Key 0.00 Cover Slleet 1.00 General Notes 2.00 Site Plan 3.00 Landscape/ Layout Plan 4.00 Storm Sewer Profiles 5.00 E & S Plan 5.10 E & S Key/ Sediment Basin Detail 6.00 Construction/ E & S Details 6.10 Construction Details \I �L BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES O Charlottesville Self- Storage: Phase Four -- EXISTING INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR - -- • -- •r -•-- General Descri Lion Plant Material & Quality Standards A vegetative BMP practice shall be utilized during Phase Four of the Charlottesville Self- All plants shall be nursery grown in accordance with good horticultural practices and shall Storage development. Implementation of these measures shall enhance the function, be grown under climatic conditions similar to those of the site. Plants shall be typical of amenity value and habitat quality and diversity of the site. While generally speaking, their species or variety, have normal growth habits, be free of disease, and shall have vegetative BMPs are not capable of entirely handling all the runoff control and pollutant healthy, well developed root systems. All plants shall conform to the American Standard removal necessary for a large scale development site, they are well suited to small scale for Nursery Stock by the American Association of Nurserymen. filtration and water quality enhancements which are found within the Avon Street project. Vegetative BMP implementation will take the form of both existing and established native Recommended Plant Materials species as well as the introduction of proposed plant materials. The physiographic 331 components of the site, including the Moore's Creek floodplain area and the RPA area Trees shall function as existing vegetative BMPs. In addition to the natural mitigation functions Acer rubrum of these systems, grass filter strips and bio- retention shall be.integrated into the proposed Betula nigra design. These measures shall be implemented as needed according to the proposed Site Quercus phellos Phasing Plan as submitted. Quercus rubra Blo- Retention Shrubs PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER Ilex glabra Bio- retention efficiently manages sheet storm water runoff originating from impervious Viburnum sp. surfaces. After the runoff passes through a grass filter strip, it moves into the biio- retention Euonymus sp. area, where it is infiltrated into a sand bed. Once the infiltration capacity of the sand bed Jumiperus communis "Compressa" is exceeded, storm water is discharged at the surface of the planting soil. The runoff is - w --1° -- infiltrated through a surface organic layer of mulch and /or a ground cover to the planting Groundcovers soil. Once at this vegetation zone, pollutant reduction is achieved by using native plant Vinca major materials in concert with soil conditioning and infiltration to remove pollutants from storm Vinca minor water runoff. The natural processes employed to achieve this include absorption, filtration, Hedera helix volatilization, ion exchange, and decomposition. The runoff is stored in the planting soil andropogon gerardi where it is discharged over a period of days to the soil underlying the bio- retention area. r Pollutant loadings are concentrated in the "first flush" of runoff from impervious areas. The Plant Material Layout proposed bio- retention areas are designed to contain this pollutant laden runoff. The storm water runoff design operates within the storm water detention waver currently The layout of woody plant material should not be placed within the immediate area where applied to the site. The BMP facility is designed to contain and filter only this '"first flush ". flow will be entering the bio- retention zone. Besides concentrating the flow, trees and The proposed structure includes an overflow outfall channel constructed of sand and shrubs can be damaged as a result of concentrated runoff. Trees should be planted aggregate material. This emergency outfall channel is designed to safely and efficiently primarily on the perimeter of BMP areas to maximize the shading and sheltering of the discharge the runoff for a 10 and 100 year storm while maintaining the "first flush" infiltration areas. `This will create a microclimate which will limit the extreme exposure from containment and infiltration practices. summer solar radiation and winter freezes and winds. The final layout of plant material PROPOSED WATER VALVE should resemble a random, natural placement of plants rather than an "orderly' approach EXISTING ELECTRIC SERVICE with trees and shrubs in rows or similar geometry. The most important focus of each '• consideration is to provide optimal conditions for plant establishment and growth. y,��a,,,.,�,,�, �,,: • . "r PROPOSED REDUCER IN kit (a - - STOP SIGN Q PROPOSED GAS LINE CREEK 11m, I NATIVE MTL AND S6No d Flli�I� 1 ! ._ Flo f NTI�N AF-C -A It (�o'N�IN•) B104?CTENTION NM DEVIL 5Hr 5.10) Filter Strips and Filter Areas Filter strips provide a low to moderate rate of removal for urban pollutants which is usually calculated at 10 % -20 %, depending on slopes, and vegetation types. • They remove particulate pollutants better than soluble pollutants. These waste materials are removed by filtering through vegetation and /or soil, settling /deposition, and uptake by vegetation. Filter strips are not generally capable of reducing the peak flow to pre-development levels. They are used as a portion of an integrated BMP management system. The strips can reduce the runoff velocity, slightly reduce the peak volume and the watershed imperviousness, and contribute somewhat to groundwater recharge. The success with which particulate pollutants are removed seems to be a function of the length and soil permeability of the strip and the size of the contributing area. A minimum fifteen to twenty foot filter strip is often suggested. When establishing filter strips, extra watering, fertilizing and reseeding for the first several months and years are needed to ensure the strip is adequately established and functioning correctly. The application of filter- strips to the Charlottesville Self- Storage facility will significantly enhance the effectiveness of the bio- retention structure. The two methods working in tandem will adequately maintain clean downstream outfall material through the course of site development and maintenance. All BMP structures shall be checked and maintained at least annually for damage by foot or vehicular traffic, erosion, encroachment, and evidence of concentrated flows. The density of vegetation as specified shall be adequately monitored and maintained as necessary to be in keeping with the design intent and efficiency of the structure. 6PAS9 6 M � rna�teo) (vN.Mo�) . 20` MIN FILTER STRIP 1 i gym. is &;-, . COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Z2324z, Charlottesville, Virginia 229024596 (804) 2965823 r September 22, 1995 �.� I t rl MC Partnership c/o David Turner t I Boar's Head Place „ P.O. Box 5347 Charlottesville, VA 22905 Re: SDP 95 -074, Charlottesville Self - Storage Major Site Plan Amendment Dear Mr. Turner: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on September 19, 1995, granted a waiver of on -site stormwater management facilities under Section of the Zoning Ordinance, a modification to allow disturbance of critical slopes under Section of the Ordinance, and a modification to permit one -way circulation under Section of the Ordinance. Specifically, these waivers /modifications allow substitution of appropriate BMP facilities for on -site stormwater detention facilities, disturbance of critical slopes as shown on the preliminary site plan, and one -way circulation as shown on (lie preliminary site plan. The preliminary site plan can be administratively approved upon completion of plan review. Sincerely, Ronald A. Lilicy Senior Planner copy to: `Fred Missel, The Cox Co. - c 1� O BKP PL" I FINAL SITE PLAN NOTES Charlottesville Self- Storage: Phase Four 1. Owner /Developer MC Partnership 1 Boar's Head Place P.O. Box 5347 Charlottesville, VA 22905 2. Landscape Architects /Engineers /Planners The Cox Company 220 East High Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 804.295.7131 3. Parcel Information - Tax Map /Parcel 77 (E)2, Parcel 2 4. Existing Zoning LI (Light Industrial) 5. Planned Land Use Self- Storage Facility No change in use. 6. Building Setbacks Setback from State Route 742 Right -of -Way: 50' 7. Datum and Benchmark Reference FEMA benchmark RM-42 described on panel 510006 - 0240 -B. Top of a 6" I -Beam approximately 2.5' above ground and 3' south of VT &T pole. PH 63, 0.2 miles north of 1-64 bridge on Route 742. Published elevation= 474.8'. 8. Parking Area Analysis: Relocated parking around the office /apairtment building exceeds the 20 required parking spaces,. 9. General Construction Notes A. The abbreviation VDOT made hereafter refers to the Virginia Department of Transportation. The term County refers to the County of Albemarle, Virginia. See March 29, 1991 approved VDOT road plans. B. Prior to commencement of any construction within any existing public right of way, including connection to any existing road; a permit for said construction shall be obtained from VDOT. C. All paving and drainage related materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. D. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. E. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and /or mulched. Maximum allowable fill or cut slope is 2:1. Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 4:1 or better are to be achieved. F. All drainage inlets shall have a 2 -inch local depression. G. Paved or rip rap lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the Director of Engineering, or his designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. H. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices, per latest edition. I.. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR P8rt 1926) J. No construction shall commence until the owner /developer has secured all necessary plat and plan approvals, on- and off -site easement approvals, construction permits and development authorizations from the County, State and other, authorities operating in the project area, and has posted all necessary bonds ,for required improvements. K. A preconstruction conference shall be conducted prior to site improvements in order to coordinate project and to clarify Phasing of construction documents. L. Proposed building locations and dimensions shown are approximate. See building plans for exact location, dimensions and detaills. M. The location of existing underground utilities is shown in an approximate way only. Contractor shall confirm location of all utiliities prior to commencement of any construction activities. N. Contractor to ensure adequate cover over proposed utilities and adequate separation between existing and proposed utillity lines in +accord with local and state requirements. 0. All signs shall be installed in accord with local, state and federal standards. P. The engineer/landscape architect assumes nio responsibility with respect to design or construction changes caused by inaccuracies, in the vertical or horizontal alignment of any and all existing underground utilities shown or not shown or for which field surveys were not performed or which were taken from available records. Q. All erosion and sediment control measuries shall meet all requirements of the county and the latest edition of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. Removal of any existing pavement at locations where existing and new pavement meet shall be done on a "line of saw cut" to a full construction depth. R. The contractor shall take proper measures to ensure that all paved areas are sloped or cross pitched to drain without puddling on the pavement surfaces. The contractor shall ensure positive surface drainage away from all building and vertical walls. S. Where proposed paving meets existing, the contractor shall blend the two smoothly without rough spots or abrupt grade changes. T. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying "Miss Utility" (1 -800- 552 -7001) and shall be otherwise responsible for the location of all existing utilities which may be impacted by this project. U. No improvements shall commence until Owner provided survey control has been established. V. Excavation of underground pipe shall comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction industry (29 CFR Part 1926) W. Trees, shrubs, and other landscape elements that are removed or destroyed shall be replaced with an equal or improved material. All landscape features disturbed during construction shall be preserved and restored to conditions equal or better than those prior to construction. Methods and materials shall be approved by the owner. X. Contractor shall provide certified as -built drawings of the project and site improvements at the completion of construction. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Charlottesville Self- Storage: Phase Four I 1. Proposed Use: Addition of three self storage buildings. General site use shall not be altered. 2. Gross square footage: 38,560 in three buildings. 3. No additional parking required. Replace parking as shown. 4. Retaining walls shall be less than five (5') feet in height. 5. Maximum building heights not to exceed thirty -five (35') feet. 6. F.A. R. = 17% Impervious Surface = 6.29 acres (42 %) Open Space = 8.63 acres (58 %) Total Site = 14.92 acres 7. Building Setbacks: Fifty (50') feet from Route 742. 8. All buildings shall have a separation of thirty (30') feet minimum. PHASING SCHEDULE Charlottesville Self Storage: Phase Four PHASE 4A (See attached graphic for general location of Phase 4A work). Items: Erosion & Sediment Control: • Permanent Seeding • Surface Roughening • Silt Fence • Inlet Protection Stormwater Management: • Existing stormwater detention seems adequate to handle the slight increase in runoff due to the imperviousness of the proposed building. Pre -Phase One Runoff. 0.90 cfs. Post -Phase One Runoff. 1.61 cfs. Additional Runoff after completion of Phase One: 0.71 cfs. PHASE 4bEr- Items: • Phase 46i C, consists of all other work presented on this site plan and Legend w w wn . f w THE COX COMPANY Planners - Landscape Architects Civil Engineers • Urban Designers i 220 East High Street. Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 _ 804.295.7131 Signature Panel Department of Planning Date Department of Engineering Date Zoning Department Date ( Fire Officer Date Virginia Department of Health Date Virginia Department of Transportation Date g P P O PROPERTY LINE. -- EXISTING INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR - -- • -- •r -•-- F� - EXISTING CONTOUR INDEX --- •° ------- - ----- CENTERLINE PROPOSED CONTOUR --- -35 1� EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS 331 PROPOSED EDGE OF PAVEMENT PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS --, ►► EXISTING CURB EXISTING TREE LINE PROPOSED CURB C1 PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER « EXISTING TREE WITH DRIPLINE ! REJECT CURB & GUTTER Ill1IIIIIl1Ull11 (II1U111111111WUUlUU PROPOSED TREE EXISTING WATERLINE W/TEE - w --1° -- O - PROPOSED WATERLINE WITEE --�• -w - O .- EXISTING TELEPHONE LINE - r Signature Panel Department of Planning Date Department of Engineering Date Zoning Department Date ( Fire Officer Date Virginia Department of Health Date Virginia Department of Transportation Date g P P O PROPERTY LINE. -- EXISTING INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR - -- • -- •r -•-- EASEMENT - EXISTING CONTOUR INDEX --- •° ------- - ----- CENTERLINE PROPOSED CONTOUR --- -35 k LIMITS OF CLEARING & GRADING EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS 331 PROPOSED EDGE OF PAVEMENT PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS --, ►► EXISTING CURB EXISTING TREE LINE PROPOSED CURB EXISTING TREE PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER « EXISTING TREE WITH DRIPLINE ! REJECT CURB & GUTTER Ill1IIIIIl1Ull11 (II1U111111111WUUlUU PROPOSED TREE EXISTING WATERLINE W/TEE - w --1° -- FLOW LINE OF SWALE - PROPOSED WATERLINE WITEE --�• -w - FENCE LINE .- EXISTING TELEPHONE LINE - r EXISTING UTILITY POLE PROPOSED TELEPHONE LINE r PROPOSED UTILITY POLE 4 EXISTING STORM SEWER EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT -♦ EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING WATER VALVE -.r PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER 0 - PROPOSED WATER VALVE >~ w EXISTING ELECTRIC SERVICE - 'f - EXISTING REDUCER -w - PROPOSED ELECTRIC SERVICE "r PROPOSED REDUCER IN EXISTING GAS LINE* - - STOP SIGN Q PROPOSED GAS LINE TEST PIT vj Signature Panel Department of Planning Date Department of Engineering Date Zoning Department Date ( Fire Officer Date Virginia Department of Health Date Virginia Department of Transportation Date g P P Job No: • f Ql1 NLT if OA, o� Gf� .4 FRAM 0. COX, JR. _ No. 7719 PAOFESStON�'�' Date: August 14, 1995 Revision: September 11, 1995 November 13, 1995 December 22, 1995 January 30, 1996 Sheet Title: General Notes Drawn: File: Sheet No: 1.00 of sheets O CC3 U Job No: • f Ql1 NLT if OA, o� Gf� .4 FRAM 0. COX, JR. _ No. 7719 PAOFESStON�'�' Date: August 14, 1995 Revision: September 11, 1995 November 13, 1995 December 22, 1995 January 30, 1996 Sheet Title: General Notes Drawn: File: Sheet No: 1.00 of sheets 0 L U L 0 I GH4 RL O T TE-5 VILLE_ TMP 513-3 79 5 56 4477' E MOORES GREEK aDGE OF WATER) 198.54 _ - - - - - - - 75.35' E - 5 (02 _ 1 305.98 _ -- EK s LINE � � � EX. MH SAN• SEW ` S 3g ORES GRE • 5_ 0 LI ��- - -�XIM NT) / I W --�— _ -- � � GI-tARLOTTFSV/LLf TMP 5(7 -382 ,o _,- _� , --� _ _ - - - " ! _ - - \ `� � ♦ \ � � \ � Oho 2 � ���(jUARDRA) I, ON TDP of _ - ! i_ -------------- - - - - - rush d \ \` ` ` �6 - \ � __ O ve ;Zr --- - _____- - - -- - - - - -_ ��� ` !_ -- - - -- B - -- \\ \ �a 't \ 1 �•'/ _ _ - - - - -- -Small Trees _ _ _ - �� \ ` ��� GI�ARLOTTFSVILLf 0� • Y_=__T — _ _ - - - - - - - - - _ - _ - \ \� TMP 57-372 \ 1 1 \ \ 1 1 1111 I / \ 3� -- _ \\� \\� \\ \\` _ -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - _ - - - - -- --- ---------------------- ---------------- -- 1 \ \`- -- - - - - -- -- - ---------------------------- - -- - -- ------ - - ---- - - -- -- ���\ \ \\ \\ \\ \t 111 \`\ \ \\ \ \ I I ' / �i1}�=�j�5• (`�� \ - -- ------------ - - - - -- _ - - -- \ \ I ` \ '�W•31q °� �`b - -- 1 -4,\ \0\ o ONE WAY DIRECT_ ION21, -- - -- --- - - - - -- __ �_------------------ - - - - -- ) ,`� S� - - - - - -- PdMf MARK11ab (TYP.) -- - - -- -- ------- - - - - -- \ \ 1 \ _ - - - ` \ ` 1 \\ \\ \ !0 %MAIx. GRADE 370— _ _ - --------------------------------------- - - - --- ------------- - - - --- \\ Permanent �lralnage asem�nt \ 37 - -------------------------------- - - - -_ ------ - - - - -- - -- __ -- - - - - -- - - - -- \ \ \ \ \ tS - - - -- - -- - -_ - - - - -- hc. iz; �V- / /�''/ —— — ---- -— \ \\ i/ / / -- - -- ----------- - - - - -- " 360-- _ -- / / /, � -_ - ----------- \\ \ \\ \ \\ ����` - ---- ------------------ - - -APP :0 1A _E.E.El 38 -__ grass `\ \ \ \ `\ 1\ \ 1 It 11 'd _____ 9 \ \;:::r -- - ------------ - - - - -- - o % DI -1 Dl -1 Jc- T ®Dl -1 stub -outp �:::� a / G2'-15* RCP _ 96 -15 RGP O 4G -15 RCP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 88 15 RCP (j ❑ }' Permanent Drainage Easement 1 I I I I I r ' 1 / \ 1 38p-1 Direction of Flow g DI -1 ' 11 1 i i I i I li II \ \ 1 I I I I \ I I ' r t9 / N tq I I LOT 22 QOJ 1 C (31) (3o) �� f t li i I i ' �I i vl� Rli' \ \ \ r 12 I D/ EX. 12 RGP J EX. 12 RGP `- J EX. 12 RGP (2 9) ;k It 11 1 \ I I I I I I \ A�ONS A5 \ \ ` \ �'' \ 0 DI -1 ❑ ❑ ❑ I I I I ' I I I \ I SHOWN C P) \ � \ ` \\ \ o. 0- l"1.... I h I 1 1 I I I � \ \ \ \ �M�RGENGy VENICI.E ACCESS ; \\ � PVMT EXTENSION To MATGi 2�- EXT6. PVMT• I \ / s WV - :11; (NSTALI, GATE I N EXTb. IN WE \ \ FE. PROVIDE rrI \ \ LGY.•K \ ::a I . ~ 11 11 11 \ tl 11 11 11 11 1 \\ PG 2A TYPE A GLAD IL \ �\ RIP- RAP \ \ \ v \ EX.12 RGP D/ EX.12 RGP D/ EX.12 RGP D/ EX. 12 RGP J \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ `\ `\ \\ \ \\ EX\ MH o� \ Dl ❑ ❑ �� \\ \\ \ ` \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 2 \ \ \ 'n'.) \\ n \\ \\ \ I \ / "\ \` QO \ ` \ ` I I \ \ �oI.�\ \ Align new `\ I I,y'1y \ \ ` \\ `\ \ O C I4 ` \ \ \ - i'.�.';::f I tj \ \ race-of-cu \ I I I� / \� \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ EX. 1 STORY BLOCK BULD/NG w /existing curb ` I sat _ _ \ a� °_a. r I •e < \ i \ ex mode r inlet. \ \ I r \ block \ \ \ \ :J1. I `i. `\ \ re t ainin D/ DI (19) Dll �2 R P `\ \ \ \� \\ FX.I2 RGP I EX.12 RGP EX. 12 RGP (17) ex.edge pvm't. 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I \ \ - „� \ \ � \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I 1 D Pad \ \` \ \` \ r ap \ r N �� I ® I - \ I (10) WV \ I I D/ EX. 12 RGP DI EX. 15 RGP 5D 10' DRA /N GE E5117 \ \ ,' /Proposed Parking 1 Above Ground (13) I \ , I (See dht. 3. uro_for /a out I Petroleum Tanks J ' I A 1 I 1 y II CReloctated parking around the office /apartment \1 + \I I U I} I 1 I 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ BENCHMARK I) I EX. 1 STORY BLOCK BUI.D/NG 1 - building exceeds the required �o spaces. I I \ 1 , 1 1 ti I - \ I I �.I I I I I I I 1 1 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ TWO NAILS NEAR BASE � II i EX. telephone �-D IN UTILITY POLE I booth w i 11' 1 I 1 \ TAX MAP 77CE�2. PARCEL 2 ELEY. = 413.33' �I i \� TG I \`\ \ Ii I I I Ili Io I I I \ \\ \ \ \ \\ ' � � N/f MG PARTNERSrNP I (7) I r (b Ex. Office/ \\ \\ i i i I i I I II III \\ /-'\ D/ EX. 12 RGP 5D -� D/ EX. 12 RG 5D Dl I r c� APa-tm�t I \ • 1 i (8) �' 2 -Story �x PVG 55 Ii I I Go' I Brick + Block I Buildin g G O r (Building EX. elect rr'`c aco back ' Q I ' Set meter v I p I l U I t�. 1 1 II ► '1 I \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \\ \ I I Line Ctyp� I - 2 I J I i / EX. 1 STOJ�Y BLOCK BULD/NG EX. gas meter tAIC units II J 'P I� II \ 1 01 I 1 1 I \ \ \ \\ \ \ °C \ EASTNG PARKNG LOT' d M 1 1 ' 1 1 1 \ \ \\ ` \ • I I i '- PRIP'IE + DOUBLE SEALI\ SURFACE a- tI 11 \ \ ` I I i DI C 4) 12 RGP 5D I D/ TG I \ I �- El 1 1 \\ (5) N 3479.23' E i i �5>g2,_ 30' ELEGTR/G E5/17. 24.93 cha /n -llnk fence Q `-J \\ n ` \ I I \ ` i i I i I\ \\ I 1 \ F opo d fence\ \ \ 20' WA D/ (3) \, \ 1170.84 _ J \ EA5 'MEN T ` _ ❑_ I �� `' `� ,I _ \\ \ \ \ ® WV cc _ ____ -- — — - -_` - _ —' — — — — — `� WV ` chain \ \ \ ' 1 \ \ \ ` \ \ WV — - — \\ \\ lk r -1 (� link ` rlp�ra� d)tC/7\ R =40.48 14 i l I \\ I fence \ \ \ I I \ \ \ L-0102 .' ; asphalt \ / Note: Ex. Fire Hydrant ocated approximately 1t 55' south of this point on the waterline. THE COX COMPANY Planners • Landscape /Architects Civil Engineers • Urban Designers 220 East High Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 804.295.7131 Job No.. q5 -90 ��,PLTN p, 4, FRANK 0. COX, 1 No. ► w 7719 ; nr•r'lF.�tfN�� ' Date= Revision :, November 13, 1995 December 22, 1995 January 30, 1996 North Sheet Title: Site Plan Scale 10=30' Sheet No.: 2000 [�TQ �Cz v1 rMl 4� O O O c s, Job No.. q5 -90 ��,PLTN p, 4, FRANK 0. COX, 1 No. ► w 7719 ; nr•r'lF.�tfN�� ' Date= Revision :, November 13, 1995 December 22, 1995 January 30, 1996 North Sheet Title: Site Plan Scale 10=30' Sheet No.: 2000 Ac 'Ar \► !. 1/ A - THE COX COMPANY Planners • Landscape Architects Civil Engineers • Urban Designers 220 East High Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 804.295.7131 Q ct 0 bjQ V1 V1 aj lam( e r.{ O 0 C- U P= a� L) E—+ Job No: Iq,p.LTlf 0p �-4 tf� FRANK D. COX, 1R. — � a 0. :�,F Date: August 14, 1995 Revision: September 11, 1995 November. 13, 1995 December 22, 1995 January 30, 1996 Sheet Title: Layout/ - 'Landscape Plan Drawn: P, = 30' File: Sheet No: .3.00 Of sheets d // NIL THE COX COMPANY Planners • Landscape Architects Civil Engineers • Urban Designers 220 East High Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 804.295.7131 4:�,q,1,, LT H OP ANK D. COX, R. S z — a o. q- 119 pAOF f. 1 b Revision: November 13, 1995 December 22, 1995 Sheet Title: Storm Sewer, Profiles Date: Job No: 95-90 Sheet No: 4.00 r'1 1� CIZI ct C V1 V1 Cz � O ' Pal r c� 4:�,q,1,, LT H OP ANK D. COX, R. S z — a o. q- 119 pAOF f. 1 b Revision: November 13, 1995 December 22, 1995 Sheet Title: Storm Sewer, Profiles Date: Job No: 95-90 Sheet No: 4.00 GNARL O T TE5 VILLE I TMP 59 -379 5 56'4417' E MOORES GREEK CEDGE OF WATER 198.54 __- 3O5.g8 _��� _ SEW LINE EX. M/1 ._-- GREEK SAN • � %_ O EX M O ORES 3so-- -�- ALIGNMENT) �O N --- - - - - -- CAPPR03O AEASEMENT — 2 , _ — — ------- - - - - -- - - �` ` - _____ - - - --- \ �i \111 1 / //� • �. Lrmit5 of G1ear1#1 Distutbrd A1'cA__ - _ - - -_ -- - _------- -Small -Trees ,. 1 1 111 '! . •'' - 3 G0 1 1 - 362 356 \ 1 t I 1 � -- - - -_ -_ -_ `� � moo __ -' - •• ' -� \ 11 I - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - -- -364 -- _ - 366 - - -- - - -- VIA \ ------- - - - - -- \ \\ i l I P Mall \ ��-------------------------------- - - - - -- 2 - - - -- _------------------- - - - - -- \ , One Way Travelway __ - - -- - - -- - - -- --- ------------------------------ / ------------------ - - - - -- _, -- '------ - - -- -- _--------------- - - - - -- - \ \ \ 370— _ ------- - - - - -- - -- --------------- - - - - -- \ \ \ \ \ L \ It _� _ - 38 - - -- v 3 - -' _ - - - -- - - - -- -------- - - - - -- - - ----- - - - - -- - -- - -- --- - - - - -- - - - -- ---------------- -- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _____ -- _______ _p_- ---------- ------- '��•��(� �_� \ \\ \ \ \ \ - -- --------- - - - - -- - - ------ /- '---------- ��� --- _ - I 382 \•',i1 ul�/ / / __— --- - ------ ------ _----------- �- ��`VAII i g4 +1 I I coon of Flow `• 1 I I I I I \ :::::1 I `�� • 11 1 I I � � I (31) (3 D) ED It ► i i l 1 IZ EX. 12 RGP - EX. 12 RCP J £ X. 12 RGP ` DI 1;:;: 1♦ �� 1 1 1 I I I I I X J 1 1 11 1 1 11 1' 1 fx N\ / I WV ° ,� I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I / I 1 1 1 \ I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I \ \\ 1 I I 00 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I 4 r< \ -v I I \ t I I I I t l I I I I 1 1 I I I I (31) (3 D) ED It ► i i l 1 IZ EX. 12 RGP - EX. 12 RCP J £ X. 12 RGP ` DI 1;:;: 1♦ �� 1 1 1 I I I I I X J 1 1 11 1 1 11 1' 1 fx N\ 1 I I I WV ° ,� I 1 1 \\ 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 \ I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I \ \\ 1 I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 \ 1 I I I I I I I \ t I I I I t l I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I (31) (3 D) ED It ► i i l 1 IZ EX. 12 RGP - EX. 12 RCP J £ X. 12 RGP ` DI 1;:;: 1♦ �� 1 1 1 I I I I I X J 1 1 11 1 1 11 1' 1 fx EX.12'RGP DI £X.12 RGP DI £X.12 RGP DI £X.12 R P (20) (21) (22) (23) -s< .• \ \\ \ ` `\ ` I \ `\ '\ CO Cl �:' • \ C / 1 p \ \ \ EX. 1 5 TORY BLOCK BUILDING \ \ r1l I ,, \ ex. mode r \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ c�``•:1: 1 J ` block retolnin \ \ \ f X.12 RGP £X.12 RGP EX.12 RGP ex.edge pvm't. \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ :•1 I `\ \ \ \\ - - - - - -- 390— NEW CG Co \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \\ EX. TFF55 (TYP) \:fit 1 - -_ -- ---- - - - - -- - - -- - ------------------- -- -- --- - - - - -- - -- - -- \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ 1\\ \\ \ \\ ,..: I --- - - - - -- --------------- �_�_= BtL�tf� - - -- \ \ APPROX407' - - - -- IMATE E.E- E. ------ - - - - -- - - - - --- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1� � t Lm- if- j of Djstvrbed 14 r -- -- - - - - -- v O 12 "RGP 5D l• \ \\ - - - --�\ \ \\ ` `\ I I ' A \ \ (2) •_L; I I I \ I \I r I I - N 36 30:35' E 1 1 4.08 tength Qf existmg, \\� `\ • ` pavement to be designated as \ \ \ \ `\ ` �s > CE � Construction Entrance. All constructio?>\ \ \ � \ \ \ \ \ \ � !>< \ \ ^ vehicles to be washed at this location \\ and wash water will be directed to drain \ onto the construction site and into \, W cone. I ` sediment traps and /or basins. Existing\ \ \ a \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ I curb and gutter will be utilized to direct `\ ED \ pa dum d I wash water f low. \ 9 \ ` \ ` \ \ \ \\ 1 06,1 WV DI \\� ( e7 ) EX. 12 'RCP ❑ EX. 15 RGP \ \\ \\ 1\ 1 \ \ \ .. =4G 1 10' DRA /N G£ E5M'T. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Proposed Parking 1 Above Ground (13 > \II \ 1 \ \ 1 \\ \ \\ \ \I \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ 1 \ r 10 Spaces 9x18' Ctyp-) I Petroleum Tenks \ I 1 I I 1 CRcloctated parking around th& office /apartment \ 1 1` 1 \ it la\ \ It 1 \ � i v I bu!ld/ng exceed�e required �D spaces. II�1 �1 BENCIHMARK I - - -� _ -- 1► TWO NA /LS NEAR BASE I I EX. 1 STORY BLOCK BUILD /NG - EX. telephone ED I 1 \\ \ `I I 1 ; 11, t 11 11 1 IN UTILITY POLE I I booth i \ \ 1 t 1 0 1 1 `' ELEV. = 413.33 " I I I \ I� , I I IJ° I i Dl < 7 ) I 1 `* Apartment Off ment / \I\ \\ \ \\ 1P1 I I 1 1 I li ti EX. 12 RGP 5D `- J D/ EX. 12 RG 5D I r P \ \ I <1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 \ DI / \ \ I I I I I I 1 I x (8) 2 -5tory �X. PVG 55 1 l i l 1 ► �\ GO I Bock +Block GO I M I r I i i i I I i 1 1\ 1 Building 1 Ub Bullding co I I r rJ / 1 1 EX. elect //c 1 1 1 I I \ Z i Setback meter v I ❑ i �e ` P I t; 1 4r 1 t \ \ I ix Llne Ctyp� EX. 1 STORY BLOCK BUILDING EX. gas 1 / Z t 1 I ► I \ \ I meter Q.� i X v I W I 1 \ A/G un/ts I pj °r° •1 I i `--` I ES \ \\ EXISTING PARKING LOT I 1 i DI <4) 12 RGP SD ID/ G 1 CTY \\ PRIME + DOUBLE 5EAL11 SURFACE � ❑ \ 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 \ (5 N 3479'23' E i i �5�2 30' £L£GTRIO £5M'T. chain-link fence 4 �J 24.93 \ _ --------- o "; \ \ I 1 11 it cc 20' WATERLI L�\ DI (3) ` `;y� \ 1170.84 410` EA5EMENT �\ El \ `\ ) /I I `\ ` \\ •� �q o WV cc — - — _— — — — =- --�- — — — — — `� -`� WV \ chain WV —` •�\ \\ 4 (� link \\ i rlpr -rap d)tch R =40.48 % \ N � / I \\ fence FX. TREES �\TYP.) \ I / I ► \ \ L =31.02 tt •'� p asphalt \ a I \ \ o ,� , S, ILA `, 3 O v� \ In D 3 11 \7 N v� 1 Ll \ b \ \ J \ \ TAX MAP 77(E -)2, PARCEL 2 N/F MG P4RTNER5111P \ \ It \ ••: `\ it • o d �enc\ \ \ \ \ 1 Mh O \ \\ I \ \ \ \ t 1 1 I it 1 1 FOR EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL USE ONLY _c I ® ©,� THE COX COMPANY Planners • Landscape Architects CW Engineers • Urban Designers 220 East High Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 804.295.7131 O V.[ ct r= � • CC3 d� as !—� (1) t� CU 0 J� O Q� �f Job No.: 95 -90 q N LT if OP r G : �KK D. COX,. R. r ' ;ay 0. n pA�'�ESS1 Date Revision: November 13, 1995 December 22, 1995 January 30, 1996 North Sheet Title: E & S Plan Scale= 1' =30' Sheet No.: 5.00 Zo N\ 1 WV ° ,� f I 1 1 .!-. 1 1 1 I t 1 1 Fr 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ \\ 1 1 EX.12'RGP DI £X.12 RGP DI £X.12 RGP DI £X.12 R P (20) (21) (22) (23) -s< .• \ \\ \ ` `\ ` I \ `\ '\ CO Cl �:' • \ C / 1 p \ \ \ EX. 1 5 TORY BLOCK BUILDING \ \ r1l I ,, \ ex. mode r \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ c�``•:1: 1 J ` block retolnin \ \ \ f X.12 RGP £X.12 RGP EX.12 RGP ex.edge pvm't. \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ :•1 I `\ \ \ \\ - - - - - -- 390— NEW CG Co \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \\ EX. TFF55 (TYP) \:fit 1 - -_ -- ---- - - - - -- - - -- - ------------------- -- -- --- - - - - -- - -- - -- \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ 1\\ \\ \ \\ ,..: I --- - - - - -- --------------- �_�_= BtL�tf� - - -- \ \ APPROX407' - - - -- IMATE E.E- E. ------ - - - - -- - - - - --- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1� � t Lm- if- j of Djstvrbed 14 r -- -- - - - - -- v O 12 "RGP 5D l• \ \\ - - - --�\ \ \\ ` `\ I I ' A \ \ (2) •_L; I I I \ I \I r I I - N 36 30:35' E 1 1 4.08 tength Qf existmg, \\� `\ • ` pavement to be designated as \ \ \ \ `\ ` �s > CE � Construction Entrance. All constructio?>\ \ \ � \ \ \ \ \ \ � !>< \ \ ^ vehicles to be washed at this location \\ and wash water will be directed to drain \ onto the construction site and into \, W cone. I ` sediment traps and /or basins. Existing\ \ \ a \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ I curb and gutter will be utilized to direct `\ ED \ pa dum d I wash water f low. \ 9 \ ` \ ` \ \ \ \\ 1 06,1 WV DI \\� ( e7 ) EX. 12 'RCP ❑ EX. 15 RGP \ \\ \\ 1\ 1 \ \ \ .. =4G 1 10' DRA /N G£ E5M'T. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Proposed Parking 1 Above Ground (13 > \II \ 1 \ \ 1 \\ \ \\ \ \I \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ 1 \ r 10 Spaces 9x18' Ctyp-) I Petroleum Tenks \ I 1 I I 1 CRcloctated parking around th& office /apartment \ 1 1` 1 \ it la\ \ It 1 \ � i v I bu!ld/ng exceed�e required �D spaces. II�1 �1 BENCIHMARK I - - -� _ -- 1► TWO NA /LS NEAR BASE I I EX. 1 STORY BLOCK BUILD /NG - EX. telephone ED I 1 \\ \ `I I 1 ; 11, t 11 11 1 IN UTILITY POLE I I booth i \ \ 1 t 1 0 1 1 `' ELEV. = 413.33 " I I I \ I� , I I IJ° I i Dl < 7 ) I 1 `* Apartment Off ment / \I\ \\ \ \\ 1P1 I I 1 1 I li ti EX. 12 RGP 5D `- J D/ EX. 12 RG 5D I r P \ \ I <1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 \ DI / \ \ I I I I I I 1 I x (8) 2 -5tory �X. PVG 55 1 l i l 1 ► �\ GO I Bock +Block GO I M I r I i i i I I i 1 1\ 1 Building 1 Ub Bullding co I I r rJ / 1 1 EX. elect //c 1 1 1 I I \ Z i Setback meter v I ❑ i �e ` P I t; 1 4r 1 t \ \ I ix Llne Ctyp� EX. 1 STORY BLOCK BUILDING EX. gas 1 / Z t 1 I ► I \ \ I meter Q.� i X v I W I 1 \ A/G un/ts I pj °r° •1 I i `--` I ES \ \\ EXISTING PARKING LOT I 1 i DI <4) 12 RGP SD ID/ G 1 CTY \\ PRIME + DOUBLE 5EAL11 SURFACE � ❑ \ 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 \ (5 N 3479'23' E i i �5�2 30' £L£GTRIO £5M'T. chain-link fence 4 �J 24.93 \ _ --------- o "; \ \ I 1 11 it cc 20' WATERLI L�\ DI (3) ` `;y� \ 1170.84 410` EA5EMENT �\ El \ `\ ) /I I `\ ` \\ •� �q o WV cc — - — _— — — — =- --�- — — — — — `� -`� WV \ chain WV —` •�\ \\ 4 (� link \\ i rlpr -rap d)tch R =40.48 % \ N � / I \\ fence FX. TREES �\TYP.) \ I / I ► \ \ L =31.02 tt •'� p asphalt \ a I \ \ o ,� , S, ILA `, 3 O v� \ In D 3 11 \7 N v� 1 Ll \ b \ \ J \ \ TAX MAP 77(E -)2, PARCEL 2 N/F MG P4RTNER5111P \ \ It \ ••: `\ it • o d �enc\ \ \ \ \ 1 Mh O \ \\ I \ \ \ \ t 1 1 I it 1 1 FOR EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL USE ONLY _c I ® ©,� THE COX COMPANY Planners • Landscape Architects CW Engineers • Urban Designers 220 East High Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 804.295.7131 O V.[ ct r= � • CC3 d� as !—� (1) t� CU 0 J� O Q� �f Job No.: 95 -90 q N LT if OP r G : �KK D. COX,. R. r ' ;ay 0. n pA�'�ESS1 Date Revision: November 13, 1995 December 22, 1995 January 30, 1996 North Sheet Title: E & S Plan Scale= 1' =30' Sheet No.: 5.00 Zo 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ \\ 1 1 1 1 \ ED 1 EX.12'RGP DI £X.12 RGP DI £X.12 RGP DI £X.12 R P (20) (21) (22) (23) -s< .• \ \\ \ ` `\ ` I \ `\ '\ CO Cl �:' • \ C / 1 p \ \ \ EX. 1 5 TORY BLOCK BUILDING \ \ r1l I ,, \ ex. mode r \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ c�``•:1: 1 J ` block retolnin \ \ \ f X.12 RGP £X.12 RGP EX.12 RGP ex.edge pvm't. \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ :•1 I `\ \ \ \\ - - - - - -- 390— NEW CG Co \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \\ EX. TFF55 (TYP) \:fit 1 - -_ -- ---- - - - - -- - - -- - ------------------- -- -- --- - - - - -- - -- - -- \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ 1\\ \\ \ \\ ,..: I --- - - - - -- --------------- �_�_= BtL�tf� - - -- \ \ APPROX407' - - - -- IMATE E.E- E. ------ - - - - -- - - - - --- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1� � t Lm- if- j of Djstvrbed 14 r -- -- - - - - -- v O 12 "RGP 5D l• \ \\ - - - --�\ \ \\ ` `\ I I ' A \ \ (2) •_L; I I I \ I \I r I I - N 36 30:35' E 1 1 4.08 tength Qf existmg, \\� `\ • ` pavement to be designated as \ \ \ \ `\ ` �s > CE � Construction Entrance. All constructio?>\ \ \ � \ \ \ \ \ \ � !>< \ \ ^ vehicles to be washed at this location \\ and wash water will be directed to drain \ onto the construction site and into \, W cone. I ` sediment traps and /or basins. Existing\ \ \ a \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ I curb and gutter will be utilized to direct `\ ED \ pa dum d I wash water f low. \ 9 \ ` \ ` \ \ \ \\ 1 06,1 WV DI \\� ( e7 ) EX. 12 'RCP ❑ EX. 15 RGP \ \\ \\ 1\ 1 \ \ \ .. =4G 1 10' DRA /N G£ E5M'T. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Proposed Parking 1 Above Ground (13 > \II \ 1 \ \ 1 \\ \ \\ \ \I \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ 1 \ r 10 Spaces 9x18' Ctyp-) I Petroleum Tenks \ I 1 I I 1 CRcloctated parking around th& office /apartment \ 1 1` 1 \ it la\ \ It 1 \ � i v I bu!ld/ng exceed�e required �D spaces. II�1 �1 BENCIHMARK I - - -� _ -- 1► TWO NA /LS NEAR BASE I I EX. 1 STORY BLOCK BUILD /NG - EX. telephone ED I 1 \\ \ `I I 1 ; 11, t 11 11 1 IN UTILITY POLE I I booth i \ \ 1 t 1 0 1 1 `' ELEV. = 413.33 " I I I \ I� , I I IJ° I i Dl < 7 ) I 1 `* Apartment Off ment / \I\ \\ \ \\ 1P1 I I 1 1 I li ti EX. 12 RGP 5D `- J D/ EX. 12 RG 5D I r P \ \ I <1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 \ DI / \ \ I I I I I I 1 I x (8) 2 -5tory �X. PVG 55 1 l i l 1 ► �\ GO I Bock +Block GO I M I r I i i i I I i 1 1\ 1 Building 1 Ub Bullding co I I r rJ / 1 1 EX. elect //c 1 1 1 I I \ Z i Setback meter v I ❑ i �e ` P I t; 1 4r 1 t \ \ I ix Llne Ctyp� EX. 1 STORY BLOCK BUILDING EX. gas 1 / Z t 1 I ► I \ \ I meter Q.� i X v I W I 1 \ A/G un/ts I pj °r° •1 I i `--` I ES \ \\ EXISTING PARKING LOT I 1 i DI <4) 12 RGP SD ID/ G 1 CTY \\ PRIME + DOUBLE 5EAL11 SURFACE � ❑ \ 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 \ (5 N 3479'23' E i i �5�2 30' £L£GTRIO £5M'T. chain-link fence 4 �J 24.93 \ _ --------- o "; \ \ I 1 11 it cc 20' WATERLI L�\ DI (3) ` `;y� \ 1170.84 410` EA5EMENT �\ El \ `\ ) /I I `\ ` \\ •� �q o WV cc — - — _— — — — =- --�- — — — — — `� -`� WV \ chain WV —` •�\ \\ 4 (� link \\ i rlpr -rap d)tch R =40.48 % \ N � / I \\ fence FX. TREES �\TYP.) \ I / I ► \ \ L =31.02 tt •'� p asphalt \ a I \ \ o ,� , S, ILA `, 3 O v� \ In D 3 11 \7 N v� 1 Ll \ b \ \ J \ \ TAX MAP 77(E -)2, PARCEL 2 N/F MG P4RTNER5111P \ \ It \ ••: `\ it • o d �enc\ \ \ \ \ 1 Mh O \ \\ I \ \ \ \ t 1 1 I it 1 1 FOR EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL USE ONLY _c I ® ©,� THE COX COMPANY Planners • Landscape Architects CW Engineers • Urban Designers 220 East High Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 804.295.7131 O V.[ ct r= � • CC3 d� as !—� (1) t� CU 0 J� O Q� �f Job No.: 95 -90 q N LT if OP r G : �KK D. COX,. R. r ' ;ay 0. n pA�'�ESS1 Date Revision: November 13, 1995 December 22, 1995 January 30, 1996 North Sheet Title: E & S Plan Scale= 1' =30' Sheet No.: 5.00 Zo Virginia Erosion z NA », - _, RECOMMENDED PLAN SYMBOLS: and SedimentControl o THE COX COMPANY Z Z Z Existing Contour g _ _ _ , Handbook Z � Z O � Z Nta� 'Landscape Arc gtects o O 9 - _ _ - _ _ _ - _ Limit of Grading _ _ ; v ,, O O Q CC ?- O Z O Civi En meers •Urban Ocsi Hers VIRGINIA UNIFORM CODEN"rG SYSTEM Finishe W z Q¢ W ¢ U d Contour Storm Sewer ass aer r� Z W O U W Z lY N Z N a W r>u o (n W W W � Cl- Z Q 0 -_► Q --1 Charlottesville, Virginia V't Street nia ¢ I- Z Z Drainage Divide 1_ Boundary of a - -- - -- - W > ~ a- I"" - a- W a- m 1i m for Erosion and Sediment Control Practices >- 0 l- O Control Measure `'°TTM°� U W Iz z O O 0 ¢ Q M 2 Q Q 22901 844.295.7131 L-r C__ - -- - � July 1992 n � U) F- Q U) � U) CL U) I- Z c3 2 Cr Indicates normal applicability of a specific practice w W� M z w J J NO. TITLE KEY SYMBOL DESCRIPTION A B C D E F G to one or more of the seven control categories U W z O O o¢ a g Q Q U CC W O J (L W tr T H W I- W F-- Small, temporary stone dams constructed across a drainage ditch to reduce the velocity of concentrated NO. TITLE KEY SYMBOL 3.20 ROCK CHECK DAMS CD won*. ---� flows, reducing erosion of the swale or ditch. Limited to use in small open channels which drain 10 acres DESCRIPTIONA B C D E F G or less; should not be used in live streams. ® An outlet for dikes and diversions consisting of an excavated depression constructed at zero grade across 3,01 SAFETY FENCE SAF A protective barrier installed to prohibit undesirable use of an erosion control measure. LS a slope to convert concentrated, sediment -free runoff to sheet flow and release it onto areas of undis- 3.21 LEVEL SPREADER J turbed soil which is stabilized by existing vegetation. TE MPOR AR Y TO N E A stone pad, located at P° t n o of vehicular ingress and egress ess on construction e , to the soil VEGETATIVE ETAT IVE vss O transported onto public roads and other Pa v ed areas. 3.22 S TREAMBANK The establishment of appropriate vegetation lion on tream b an ks t o P r otc the banks fr om erosion. on. ENTRANCE STABILIZATION STRUCTURAL 0 • CONSTRUCTION ROAD CRS � Temporary stabilization with stone of access roads, subdivision streets, parking areas and other traffic ��� � Stabilizing the banks of live streams with permanent structural measures to protect them from erosion. I� areas immediately after grading to reduce erosion caused by vehicles during wet weather, and to prevent STREAMBANK _ 3,03 STABILIZATION g gr perms grading 3.23 -"-� not applicable to' tidal streams. courses which must pass increased Wows due to upstream development having to re grade Went roadbeds between initial adin and final stabilization. STABILIZATION �^ p A temporary sediment barrier composed of straw bales placed across or at the toe of a slope to intercept �i TEMPORARY r 3,04 STRAW BALE BARRIER STU and detain sediment and decrease now velocities from drainage areas of limited size; applicable where w ; """ w "w t^ w. A temporary structural span across a live stream to provide vehicular access to construction activity on sheet and rill erosion may be a problem. Maximum effective life is 3 months. 3.24 VEHICULAR STREAM SC ry w , µ "t^° - , . either side of the stream while keeping sediment out of the stream and preventing damage to the channel CROSSING ���� bed and banks. A feet sediment barrier constructed of Sts, filter fabric and, in some cases, a wire support fence, A strategy for crossing small waterways when in -stream utility construction is involved. The strategy - .....:.............. PoTarY Po w�j •• ' 0.' "" helps to prevent sediment from entering he affected watercourse and minimizes the amount of distur- laced across or at the toe of a slope or in a minor drainage way to intercept and detain sediment and I i� UTILITY STREAM ` p p g SF drainage areas of 1' it size; applicable where sheet arid rill erosion or +•: bance within the stream itself. USC :...:.:..::. SILT FENCE decrease flow velocities from limited , pp CROSSING small concentrated flows may be a problem. Maximum effective life - 6 months. A temporary sediment barrier composed of limbs, weeds, vines, root mat, rock, and other cleared materials 3,06 BRUSH BARRIER BB Pushed together to form a berm; located across or at the toe of a slope to intercept and detain sediment and DEWATERING DS A temporary settling and filtering device for water which is discharged from dewatering activities. decrease flow velocities. • 2 6 STRUCTURE J The installation of various kinds of sediment trapping measures around drop inlets or curb inlet structures 1 A floating eotextile material which minimizes sediment transport from a disturbed area adjacent to or T RM DRAIN l� g P t g g sPo J STORM v.� IPprior to stabilization of the disturbed area: limited to drainage areas not exceeding one acre I within a bod y o water. It provides sedimentation protection for r a watercourse from u slo land 27 INLET PRO TECTION . TURBIDITY CURTAIN and not mt ended t o control lar a , concentrated stormwater flows. disturbance or from dredging or filling within the watercourse. CULVERT INLET A sediment filter located at the inlet to storm sewer culverts which prevents sediment from entering, A perforated conduit installed beneath the ground to intercept and convey groundwater. Prevents sloping accumulating in and being transferred by the culvert. It also provides erosion control at culverts during soils from becoming excessively wet and subject to sloughing, and improves the quality of the vegetative 3.08 PROTECTION I P the phase of a project where elevations and drainage patterns are changing, causing original control SUB SURFACE DRAIN -�' - - --� - ' - P Pr J g P S 8• 8 3.28 SD growth medium in excessively wet areas by lowering the water table. Can also be used to drain detention measures to be ineffective. structures. Grading practices such as stair - stepping or grooving slopes or leaving slopes in a roughened condition by D D A ridge a of compacted soil construct ed a tt the aseofasl sloping ar ea w which diverts o ff - site no t fine-grading adin 8 the m. Reduces velocity, ocit Y • provides sediment trapping o g a nd increases infiltration, all T EM POR AR Y D runoff away fr om om un ro tected slopes and to a s tabili ed outlet, o to di ve rt sediment-laden t - laden ru n off t a : � yy of which facilitate establishmen t of on exposed slo ieS A PP li cab ] e t o ll slo P� s steeper than DIVERSION DIKE sediment trapping structure. Maximum effective life is 18 months. SU RF AC E ROUGH ENIN G 3:1 or that have received final grading but will not be stabilized immediately. Also recommended for - other exposed slopes with flatter grades. 1'o Pe A channel with a supporting ridge on the lower side, constructed along the top of an active earth fill TEMPORARY FD constructed in order to divert runoff away from the unprotected fill slope to a stabilized outlet or sediment Preserving and using topsoil to provide a suitable growth medium for vegetation used to stabilize 3.10 trapping structure; applicable where the area at the top of the fill drains toward the exposed slope and TO disturbed areas. Applicable where preservation or importation of topsoil is most cost- effective method of O FILL DIVERS ION FD continuous fill operations make the use of a TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE infeasible; maximum 3.30 TOPSOILING TO providing a suitable growth medium; not recommended for slopes steeper than 2:1 unless other measures effective life is one week. are taken to prevent erosion and sloughling. TEMPORARY RWD A ridge of compacted soil or loose gravel constructed across a disturbed right -of -way or similar sloping outlet. 'v runoff to a stabilized ' and d t divert the 'size strip w' a disturbed n w length within th O area t o shorten the flow e� P �{ Establishment of feet vegetative cover on disturbed areas that will not be brought to final grade for - -WAY • "on traffic within the right-of- TEMPORARY SEEDING Ts �°�' g g � RIGHT OF RW v applicable where there will be little or no constructs 3.11 Earthen diversions are appl cab i i * TS nods of 30 da s to one ear b seedin with a ro riate ra idl - owing plants. DIVERSION way, and gravel structures are applicable where vehicular traffic must be accommodated. Pe Y Y Y 8 PP P P Y 8r g P r .. DV - Establishment of perennial vegetative cover by planting seed on rough - graded areas that will not be -- O permanent channel with a ridge the lower side constructed across a slope to reduce slope length and A pe g brought to final grade for a year or more or where permanent, long -lived vegetative cover is needed on DV Ps � DIVERSION intercept and divert stormwater runoff to a stabilized, outlet at non - erosive velocities. `;3' '.' PERMANENT SEEDING PS fine-graded areas. 3.12 � ® , A small ndin area, formed by constructing an earshpn embankment with a stone outlet across a Po g Stabilizing fine-graded areas b establishing anent s stands with sod. Provides immediate - TEMPORARY _ 8 g � Hoff from small disturbed areas for enough time to allow most � y �� drainage Swale, to detain sediment -laden runoff g •v wa and water -was or in areas where �/W ST SODDING so protection against erosion, and is especially effeca a to grassed s les n y � � (� of the suspended solids to settle out. Maximum effective life is 18 months. So SEDIMENT TRAP P� an immediate aesthetic effect is desirable. � • ?-'� A temporary barrier or dam with controlled stormwater release structure which is formed by constructing soil across a draina ewa . It is used to detain sediment -laden runoff from • an embankment of compacted g y � � B ERM U DAG RASS & � --�- -� � • N w f e'sus nded solids to settle out. It h time to silo most o th TEMPORARY PORARY eater for enough Pe E drainage areas 3 saes or g vegetative 'v Q g or Establishment of co er with hybrid bermudagrass or zoysiagrass by planting sprigs, stolons of SB topography. Maximum effective 4 ZOYSIAGRASS o riate 3.3 ' sufficient space and appropriate can be constructed only where there is spa PP P Y plugs to stabilize fine-graded areas where establishment b sod is not preferred. SEDIMENT BASIN life is 18 months unless designed as a anent pond b 8 qualified professional. ESTABLISHMENT P g gr Y P Z - -♦ O A flexible tubing or conduit, used before permanent drainage structures are installed, intended to conduct Application of plant residues or other suitable materials to disturbed surfaces to prevent erosion and TEMPORARY TSD concentrated runoff safely from the top to the bottom of a disturbed slope without causing erosion on or reduce overland flow velocities. Fosters plant growth by increasing available moisture and providing 3.15 TSD below the slope. 3.3 5 MULCHING M U MU insulation against extreme heat or cold. Should be applied to all seeding operations, other plant materials o3 SLOPE DRAIN which do not provide adequate soil protection by themselves, and bare areas which cannot be seeded due to the season but which still need protection to prevent soil loss. A permanent concrete -lined channel constructed to conduct concentrated runoff from the top to the ,.t!- O SOIL STABILIZATION B treat Of " The installation of a protective blanket (Treatment 1) or a soil stabilization mat (Treatment 2) on a �{ r 3.16 PAVED FLUME P F bottom of a slope without causing erosion on or below the slope. 3.3 6 B LAN K ETS & MATTING " I �/� .�� prepared planting oC a steep slope, channel or shoreline. treat. - 2�'� �rr-//^� A livable to man -made STORMWATER A permanent channel designed to carry concentrated flows without erosion. pp O channels, including roadside ditches, and natural channels that are modified to accommodate increased * Stabilizing disturbed areas by planting trees, shrubs, vines and ground covers where turf is not preferred. SCC 3.37 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES VEG These plant materials also provide food and shelter for wildlife as well as many other environmental .�i •-J 3.17 CONVEYANCE vows generated by land development; not generally applicable to major, continuous - Wowing natural benefits. Especially effective where ornamental plants are desirable and turf maintenance is difficult. CHANNEL Streams' AND GROUND COVERS t reduce O drain o outlets o w torn stil "n b basins bel o s sec lions an and/or h c channel / ' a h installation ation of n g The r ns Pr P trees from c an t of 'n existing tr f m mechant al d o her i 'u u' Pr Protecting e n d n land-disturbing n a e nd co 'v' w e t rs � nstructio ac t crier n � n n t re corm g beo s 8 velocities f injury 8 w velocs t e o THE zee n E P R to reduce E I Y outlets and r SERVAT N a[ u O 'n o - from sc scouring tt "n r " an d and under -cutting f to os o 8 erosion Q� g T P survival o desirable to ensure e s ry 1 f d sir ble trees when th w' 'v u th u e e 1 CC will bee effective o e f r erosion e st and i (� sed en I N P m t control and cT o o TP OUTLET T PR PROTECTION Y ut ets. w these 1 1 to th es a esbe �{ ch nn civet rev g ' >' AND PROTECTION v� v- provide other en environmental and aesthetic benefits. , t wherever soil e installed stop i v f large, loos e angular d o - sista nt ground co cover ' n e osto r A permanent, erosion-resistant Pe t, gro u' v c Reducing surface and air mo movement dust d' disturbance, demolition s m of du Burin land ss b e or s activities a soil m a erode g g construction acs rues e such th t 'v cover, [c. ar s v vegetative c ere Job No: w turbulence an d velocity, ez expected e y ter ur u d' 'ons a t 8 on tt c t P� Y• D UST DC 3.10 R I P RAP RR CONTROL in areas subject to dust problems in order to prevent soil loss and reduce the resent under design flow conditions. J Pr p p e of potentially harmful airborne substance. 4�'p.L'T $ OAI. A1�K D X, J t V ,SEDIMENT BASIN SCHEMATIC _Soils Map ° Qt,FJ� wIIY: tf P ESSIU .�'L EA TIONS- _; / I, -V. - T iY �e`y' i �i �� i �q* r�''��� y • -1 1 • •=` ' ._i� ' I. . Vr. : j. x T Date: 1 _ w ✓ ✓Y tom./�. .• / rte.. 9-''' 'r •. I wa+• T" ^r'•`•••�'"••... i- "f�.- - L CREST OF EMERGENCY Sediment Basin Trap Calculations Bioretention Structure Design '�T �; '� ;�fr;? ° *;`' .� ,�; `: -: • : %i�;,- ,- ••`-• -; ',`,•:..,; -� `� �� • , ,`v.. . !t -- AID F ,.,^!'..fir 1.:�t��,;, SPILLWAY Rwlalon: DESIGN HIGH WATER �,, (25-YR, STORM ELEV.) � g '.�cr�s. �� •_ •'� • Total a 6.88 acres 9 acres � � t -,. � • -: �. To I Drainage Ar a: ,• � ,- ; ",. �-'• r_ Drainage ea: 6.88 ,� �., •�' :�' - =- Total Draina Ar .� MIN. 1.0'1 358.00 Required W y Runoff Coeficient: 0.75 Wet Storage: 461 c Required Dry Storage: 461 cy Q2 Intensity: 5.2 in/hr November 13, 1995 --- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- 357.00 �� I S .y{a�v,�._ r P.. �'� • �- r ,�. MIN. 1.0• 356.00 Total Wet Storage Provided: 474 cy First Flush Storage (0.5 "): 461 cy .�-I ° ,�'" -;; i►?' �!j .' -.�'` •�';ti�. tie December 22, 1995 RISER CREST Total D Bed: 986 c at 354 ! , Dry Storage Provided: y Embankment Elevation: ' t3t;RN► u2E5T ELEV. t 81:yoND) - 35a' ., •._ ;� ,w " 67 C.Y./ AC. DEWATERING Total Stora a Provided: 1460 c ,� _',,t }`• D : j, �r t, �, r - Storage y DRY STORAGE Seconds Filter Storage 1.0" = ''�� ' "� e '�t `'�";'�t, .' ►� DE1/ICE Secondary g ( ) 922 cy ' i S3 GONPARY FILTER I•v" 350 � 4 ` Sit � Runoff Coeficient: 0.75 Embankment Elevation: 356 �; "� -b_ ,, �,;� �., . ,.�:y . ►; ... 67 C.Y. AC. r �, 1�E. 2c3 �ti " " /Q2 Intensity: 5.2 in/hr n a:r' �" _t a wET STORAGE ,tt:r..; . : tr, r a , 't �t < , i 1 I Berm Cr st lev i - - �J }„ Total CFS: 26.83 e E at on: 358' FIRST FLUSH O.5" 354 �, 352.25 t� 3 SKr �.a%it3. A 'r r ,i - - i I.EV 352.25 -�� �� ..� B ,� � "• ., '� ./' Riser Diameter, 33" SEDIMENT CLEANOUT POINT „ + i} • 4 t' 88 ,ti0 4,= ''G ,71 WET STORAGE REDUCED Barrel Diameter: 15 D •I o ri t5 c " NATIVE V�TI,AN . ; t , F TO 34 C.Y./ ACRE) Trash Rack/Anti- vortex: 48 Diameter /10" Ht. Z z D ICED ct+ _ 71lp DESIGN ELEVATIONS WITH FIL�h t '! � FILTER �• �..: `F: Y J EMERGENCY S P I SPILLWAY �� r• _ ^�: ���� ,.r ��rt- �,-- 88 • t r•: �' ..�4 yY B 7tB 71 9@ .'7�h� °' -� _ u;..r t - . : �, 'r•. Shot Title: 12D 7203 121( 1716 r` 88 - g8 r ` P �(oTET CEP+ 88 m E & S Key c�y 638S . ,d� y 58C , v .58C `c1 °`• 71B Drawn: • Bio- retention Structure Design Elevations Fn.: Ll I Ll Ll Sheet No: 5.10 of ShWe s X 3kai DI -I Steps aotobepravided - e when H s 4'•dor gr•dw. NOTES wires K f 3 • I- 7,7A,78 a =� ' P Fa details see Std.ST -1. 4' -2• - tithe ourf l P is P S R S B r 7•� d the than 1 obo d• s --I 1F� }•Cie weep Isola M time n depth D0 ro De 10: For greater depth use NOor stru the ,thee 1 1 • " standard Co-LA. ° wt Of it' THE COX o _ rid'er1 speati•0 m,laths nr Irwert k 10 be shaped f s. COMPANY 3.29 -1 g ,.'.•::: Cellar '� tz•min. Melt e. moped pion of Prarners Landscape Arc)AutNY 'Ti- sent meta ro rq pronort - ' � N ..�. • � hracoreonc• with sroroa.d Ptn tS -L Tr+t cost of �„d;t,y d � -- - - --- - -- -- Civi Engineers Urban Designers • a ` n8'^e T T R N N N n O'Q e68 .« rng and placing dl maftnes s X,,KId 10 to water n the lan etwit. _ i ` A A e c 1 : • t shaping n to be included m Mo price bid for the drop BLOCK AND GRAVEL DROP INLET CRA VEL CURB INLET SEDIMENT �; f = t Ir 2- t5 -ba2.- «Bx6•w.IR motcom0014. -- -- i SEDIMENT BASIN SCHEILIA TI C N > r o,n _ _L _�__ SEDIMENT FILTER FILTER ELL' VA TIONS __ t This item mcY be weccst or east m pace ` , 220 East High Street 74747 IZ?7= AR cost n pl «e Concrete to be CI°ss A3 For precast A•4' -4'pY 36'Plp•1 See .Shoot 1030} CREST OF EMERGENCY °` -• • - - • ••Y- o'p2= x'Ptp.) Charlottesville, Virginia SPILLWAY •� • • - The'it'dimension shown on the Standards and specified �'w A•4'- IO'f42'np•) ' 8 WIRE SCREEN CONCRETE BLOCK -�~ DESIGN HIGH WATER on rho plans will be meosurM from me mverf d me out- (COVER REVVED) 6•Y- fii4ZF -p•) 22901 804 . 295 . 7131 /J_- Steps v to be PLAN W provided Weep Mae (COVER RE.MCVEO) 5 -YR. STORM ELEV. I SECTION A-A fret _ when 'H'is 4' -0 "or greater. (117 reauirtd)� (- ) I = ore aopa mate D otter estimating ' Pt °n'H'olm.rrs:ens For step details see Std. ST•L IAN. 1.0' "'�9 F--� Z; Ct fuel d,mam,Ona shall De detwn•d by IM Contractor from field conditions. cow i ® ^ ' -lam MiN. Ito. --- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- PLAN e s s e'Smo°rn Dowels Q °,trod 12' Yt the sver+f fM irnwt d too aMd Vpo it Hpx Than (fw dera 'h wt YMM 2421 ' Carxh•C. -1 -- - / �'�1��- (Grate Ronoved) C•C to be placed if all area odj«eM CONCRETE OUANTITIES FOR MIN. DEPTH me boll to, d Ro ,tnrctv,,»r n..rl d Rv sv,,M, .• -� i dtfads see shed 2tr21 • ®® - �� ----�� `` RISER CREST I2_ "c one.Ppe- L•40CuYds ConenHe s!�ed with cement mortar to - - - - - .l• "WOOD hole with 12•s 12 plastic hardware Io oDulYeq m+crel�e to prevent sMl De prt,ant „r,b,q _.--- -'� �• 1 67 C.Y. AC. 1S coot ape- 1.328 C¢Yds. Concrete a diameter t ter ncr rVI ✓, 'r , DLY/CE NC cloth U4' mesh or galvanized steel wire, se Hle menf. pending d relw n the ood i the The cat far weep bale with �- _ -- �' � �f ORY STJRACE DE�nCE mm.num rot dim 003 then, hum Or 4 yt liwddo.r•Nazs4'nach ono E• le" cam qDt- L620 Cu Yds. Concrete hen anaoitq fltdl D• i+[Alded in poke ,id for ••••� 12'1112 "plesnc hardwa, Cblh ��-� �- �/� •✓- Y w' mash or gdraruzad eteM I •• weep Hal• mesh hardware cloth anchored firmly ro provided. S•• Stesdad T-DI.3,4 24•cone. pot- 1817 W. Yids. Concrete the struc%". ,sin x,is dia.00S ���- �� �.••�""���- �' -�'f outside of struchr•. Add 0 469 CU.Yda.pwadditional foot of depth W W I I �1•I (as re.."Od) C.V./ AC. :_';.. odwrah design. s! -2 •...e wan ni loth 4 men hard- i ........ .... EACH LIFT OF THE FILL IS COMPACTED, BUT THE OUTER FACE 'wet • STORAGE SECTION STEEL SECTION 7 IRON ro odsd of%itry •d 1 1 -1- .! OF THE SLOPE IS ALLOWED TO REMAIN LOOSE SO THAT THE 'r;- ":'' " "`' " '' IpM 'F I 'F CAS Y-6' •�„ NOTES �• �, ,,,,, c'o. d 'ate. � p ram .r.•, _....... ROCKS, CLODS, ETC. REACH THE NATURAL ANGLE OF REPOSE. °° I- 2 -T I'• } }'..,J1 -�•{II N = - ••- I f IO-4'bnq ( - }� -Lugs b M t 1 1 1 = 1; o-L�nndwl L� 11 L2Ts2 #s }- ' t SEDIMENT STORAGE REDUCED , ' FILL SLOPE TREATMENT (' WET STORAGE R;DUCED , cast won cater ®4'decth 70 31 C.Y. ACRE OppegaH i are welded GRAVEL FILTER t2- ` O 0 D mooch the o Engineer, 1 w68,rT8,ar.8 Any at ornate methods d anchorage, ' •'� ; a b'ridth. g ppravol of the meet, sd may be substituted for IN Cost won lugs as shown hereon. � DESIGN ELEVATIONS WITH war 1 3.61Ds. , 66!3 111 1- eror�am ,� 1 � • '� I " GRAVEL' FILTER RUNOFF WATER ynRE MESH Source: Va. DSWC Plate 3.29 -3 ou • FILTERED WATER t EMERGENCY SPILLWAY al c liar on tnI rp stcludnit " A_ �J Y HEIGHT CHART wt+E SCREEN - . • ' •-. - coca connects lugs HIM �„ SECTION RE MENOEO MINIMUM {.- ro U��O��o COM I FILTERED WATER e d k ' B'i Y STEEL CAST 1 CAST IN PLACE FOR USE WiTH 12• mat dY PIPES �'� ""'�• ' _ s- \ s IRON I• I• ( For details of Precast DL7 not shown hereon see s Z< CONC.aME V5CCR 9. ME". AL OVERFLOW I I - ' {, ! • ...� ' � --._ � _ , - 4 }•X II i 4"' lugs I T •'-I I•- 2 -i i•-r Gau A -3 mnoee to be used. RUNOFF WATER _•, .. I� '� =;! _ < > II - o �. \ DESIGN HIGH WATER -j- Ss CSC c -j�l• .,,J4, "(,,• Maun,m depth (H)bbelY -9: Precast Una Assembly Diagram, page 103.01, SEDIMENT iiE I 125 -YR. STORM ELEV. 1- - - - t- -- �, if y ,� _ ) MI j Pbe Precast General Notes, page 103.02 and ts• r -;t t; a• _ N. 2.0 i tar• 1 r -err z$• WITH • Ih� --+� 'i a 'A a r, •r MIN. 3.0• I Sit 12' 13' 18' 2: lo' 36• 42' Applicable Precast Base. Riser and To �Z�I �1 'i I'•-� M•`^y* Details, pages 103.07 thry 103.12. 2r I r•r r -s• (j I 9 <7 L015 L143 US? L 3S 1731 t X27 MIN. 1.0 �- }- 1- Dean K 7d 2'J�a 2-6 7 -I• YaI 111 4'•ff "_ --I i• IS 2r I r -10 lit' r r IIII II I•O•. SEDIMENT �IIIII A - -,�I yv� .- .: N �'!Is 3C r•1 Ilr -1I t SECTION C -C cam • DROP INLET -� --- • .� ' al ," • 67 C.Y./ AC. '.. `'.'._.'..:..:�. �. rr r.ya• .• -r e WITH CRATE - "� •� I 3C 1 4•.8• 4' -3• • DRY STORAGE f i -2I-'I Ircrsm.m per loot of adatad Mam(H 0362 a, Idf.aY- J6apit RISER CREST APPROXIMATE WEIGHT '�• y/ SECTION B-B OIMENSIOWS FOR Cost Iron Reinforcing concrete footing may be precast or cast in place. Two SEaMENT ° CONCRETE CUTTER ,2• .040 ev oar, err s' -z yr r•e t• CURB RR.ET "�/yy � ''.. iii+++iii wet .Y. AC. �' CAST I" ONLY PRECAST �� � •' . • ST CF � � ' - 'NG Wort 363 z IB IDs. Bhnq hooks of fabricators design ro he provided In precast footing. • \ .. ... .... ..._ DEVICE :....... ... ...... DEVICE 0-711 - Single '"hir srhw0 area III is on a grade. When speafed a e RAL NOTE$ increments :hewn are ter inlets without piles. Pipe d'spl°cens" mw be SPECIFIC APPLICATION � ', '' ti ^;::.. n::•'.. ::•:i9;:::j nni SPECIFIC APPLICATION DOZER TRFADS CREATE - - when a n a IH•wt grades. 6 I. Dims Ilr inert r to be pod In OcCOrdanc•.Ith Std. .. ...:`:' -: -: � �• d 78 DouW guitar drop' - � f1i0 deducted m obtain but gumlm". xis s09 a MO 9!N - Paved ditches an b be 3mnsdoned bowl laid gutter as stown in S14. PO% THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION iS APPLICABLE WHERE 10 Till GROOVES PERPENDICULAR / SEDIMENT CLEAN OUT POINT DETAILS OF COLLAR AND GRATE The Iynotinletde,o"d nessn mbe mnstnrd d .31 b4 tr Ih4 Safety Slabs are to be provided at R minimum and 12' maximum ARE t0 TIIC SLOPE. - / op +ten d Ford lint of 2 of Cater, talky and gran, and method d yaceq 000roacn vertical intervals and are to be s HEAVY FLOWS AR._ EXPECTED AND WHERE AN OVERFLOW � -•� ��r•; � � so eontrtetw. g+!!-r foie shat 21112 paces so as net b conflict with THIS E PON METHOD OF INLET' PROTECTION IS CT UCADI E AT CURB INLETS Op �' openings for pines as directed by the Engir•er. CAPACITY IS NECESSARY TO PREVENT EXCESSIVE PONDING WHERE PONDINC IN FRONT OF THE STRUCTURE IS NOT LIKELY TO CAUSE 'V a'•+ DESIGN ELEVATIONS WITHOUT SPECIFICATION AROUND THE STRUCTURE. INCONVENIENCE OR DIAMACE TO ADJACENT STRUCTURES AND UNPROTECTED SPECIFICATION REFERENCE AREAS. EMERGENCY SPILLWAY STANDARD DROP INLET REFERENCE STANDARD MEDIAN DROP INLET • GRAVEL SHALL BE VDOT I3, 1357 OR I5 COARSE AGGREGATE GRAVEL SHALL BE VDOT 13. 1357 OR 5 COARSE ACCRECATE TRA CKING (RISER PASSES 25 -YR. EVENT) (2 -2d PIPE MAXIMUM DEPTH (H) =101 233 241 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 302 503 10401 TRANSPORTATION VIRGGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Sheet 1 of 2 104.22 ST OP TP SB TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP PIPE OUTLET CONDITIONS FENCING AND ARMORING RISER PIPE BASE CONDITIONS °'- 7• 7A`7e t• vARUptF A A 1 r I 1 4x3' -6'• Bars C FOR EMBANKMENTS LESS -S`d PG-' I P`� Inlet THAN 10' HIGH - -__ D , ° t D eg'd. � -, - I _ - 1 " Construction Joint oPKeML rA"A Channel A: _ - -- -J 1•_0� r� LBor B tLEV• ado - ---•----' - Outfall CFS: 8.50 B �'-C6..1 ' 6. 4' 4" do I CONCRETE BASE FOR EMBANKMENT 10' OR LESS fit HEICHT e7 «, YD /ACRE � V,,m,� I � Slope: 10% A g" A SECTION B -B SECTION C -C N tJ PIPE OUTLET TO FIAT I Depth: 0.2 inches L T AREA WITH NO DEFINED URP LINE o Strong 87 W. w. /ACRE CHANNEL -_- I 'n 11'-4" Open Pipes to a ends 1 6.41" eel Pi Extra 2" • 70oli LDSel PLAN VIEW Width: 4� I 3 -S 1 of 1 Steel P. • 2" Die. Said Sleet (CU. YD./O) I I p 1 I I pipes to W sealed P 4 MAX. Side Slopes: 2:1 FLYER CLOTH pnF,MAL SNOW FENCE 10' OR LESS Y coo"" - L p I 1.- ______,__ -___ 8._0.. weld q -- weld I( C See DetoidA I l 2 1 2"X2 t /2 "X1 4'• -�e -- l 2 1/2 "x2 1/2 "xt /4• ea 1 �'i. I'I i�l / „1 I• H NI!�N� I��i� I d L_J__ -_ - _- `,__J_L / .__._.L 2 "X2 "X3 /B" / L 2..x2., %3 /6., CLCV. � I Weld 1 t 2-xa-AD t 2 °xa••� " -SEE PLATE 3.13 -1 COARSE AGGREGATE" CLASS I PrRAP U 1,) uG I "' She Connector Shea Connector d 4 I � _ ------ Hides to D• drilled 1 CROSS SECTION OF OUTLET ''� 1 I 1 n L 2 %2 %3 /B at a «h SECTION A -A FILTER CLOTH KEY IN r -9'; RECOMMENDED FOR E. RE PERIMETER end of each pipe ALTERNATE DETAIL A N },,{�." ,�, QT Channel B: DETAIL A CLASS I RIPRAP BOARD FENCE N ", x xfi"` f' � I Outfall CFS: 4.63 LENOTN ;�'" - }:� r : y rr CORO FENCE qe`. ore • Apron 'a b be constructed to a depth d �• `- (rH FEET) - A I►M I 20 CONLeRCTE Slope: 10% % �-, 8 R DRAINAGE AREA n' � P �- (IN AG) •• rf• 'CI t' -O• on bock slope see d inlet (DI -7 On r < , : tix1 Depth: 0.13 inches ) �•° fit a> 3d (MIN.) tC .,d'i ��T; P n e sae the depth is to be 1' -0" or to the DNrNC10N A O ""L �._ YVldth: 4' B?• C7 Pay Line for Inge V -11der e4voDa+ rh Cheerer is the I.. PLASTIC FENCE 4 DIKE STEEL BASE FOR EMBANKMENT 10' OR LESS IN HEICHT o I d I CORRECT METHODS OF TREE FENCING Side Slopes: 2.1 -table d app y 0 i, - the _ . ` CDR E N -o' 6X4 0" r itch wd be «te^ � , e I. mehods anchoring le PIPE OUTLET TO WELL 4 C -C 4 R Coygde a De 9dvoized _ �w•F�ia � / Bo s A and e b T ?., in accordance w +tit loo specificaoans. DEFINED CHANNEL oar 2" d n t Oubde 6mensons d qae b be 3'- 4'•x2' -11 3/4" L I O concrete to a of g ate ��`��`��� -�� r, � � � �,•`���a�� Plan vtew 1 (r t,g Jl, L to OR LESS 0 "o� +s T" 3 ~ 4" Normal ditch is b De o-atitioned to be APPROXIMATE OUANTITIES .o r Dikes ode is to De \�� �� \�. -"`` �_ � I •Bar t4 Yp. 3" Did. T/1 / i Channel C: g c V'( l COARSE AGGREGATE � o; N 4.091 Cu Ids. pcx AJ Concrete R C weep Hole 9vKe • 9r e odj,a:ed a necessary b meet grate Nevdion. • 8'• C -C 6 Red d. •, utcrerneM= er foot d FILTER /// �� �-- - - =' d I - - -- Outfall CFS: 6.84 i 6O ene Ranlarootg steel ouar,titiet yto.n are e•, -sod a, deem H w s• -o•'. Ct E �V�eTED CLOTH Slope: 1 �% / tXI' -0" Bors depat(H) 0.362 w. Ids. � SECTION A -HL ..on111 - I P 8•• The 0-4,14 e de d concrete obtain t eel by pipes FILTER CLOTH KEY IN S -P, RECOMMENDED FOR LNnRE PERIMETER /ixM + aVd must De oeducted b ODtdn ,-ire gwnbbcs. 11��11 ' '/ •'d1 T• Depth: 0.16 inches ±;_o• -�- ackle Ch yds. Concrete b be For each lad d difference in depth H NOTES 1 APRON LINING LAY BE RIPRAP, GROUTED RIPRAP, CABlON ••" , p• OdOed when aaAie gV!cer is odd a subiroct itcremoM as shown. ..COARSE AGGREGATE SIIALL DE VOOT 13, 1357 OR 15 BASKET, OR; CONCRETE. 0000 r^' � �'' Width: 4 repined. 2. Le, IS THE UiNGTH OF THE RIPRAP APRON AS CALCULATED «M CORRECT TRUNK ARMORING SECTION A -A See Std. I D1 -7A 7B for details OUTLET (PERSPECTIVE VIEW) USING PLAT ES 3.18 -3 AND 3 18 ow 20 Ile STEEL PuTE Side Slopes: 2 :1 and din+ens au not she- he,.., 3 a - 1.S TIMES THE MAXIMUM STONE DIAMETER, BUT NOT tF THAN a INCHES TRIANGULAR BOARD FENCE ® SS OUTFALL DITCH SECTIONSICALCULATIONS sPECFCATIyI hoot R�ERfNtE STANDARD DI -7, 7A OR 7E3 WITH FLUME CONNECTION 7r2 VIRCINN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ct 104.23A e �"•'( I - ;Rho{ • PS CE DC �% SF SF SB . CONSTRUCTION OF A SILT FENCE CONSTRUCTION OF A SILT FENCE d) TABLE 3.32-D (WITHOUT WIRE SUPPORT) (WITH WIRE SUPPORT) RECOMMENDED DEWATERING STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TABLE 339 -A � i•-4 SITE SPECIFIC SEEDING PIIXTURES FOR PIEDMONT AREA 1. SET THE STAKES. 2. EXCAVATE A 4 "X 4" TRENCII 1. SET POSTS AND EXCAVATE A 4•X4' 2 STAPLE WIRE FENCING TO THE POSTS SYSTEM FOR SEDIMENT ci3 UPSLOPE ALONG THE LINE OF TRENCH UPSLOPE ALONG THE LINE ADHESIVES USED FOR DUST CONTROL Total Lbs. STAKES. of POSTS BASINS PAVEr[Nt ^ � 711 MIN [XISTba 6 Minx. Ij P! A 3 Water Application lei/ Pcr Acre �-" � ,f I Asa - I / f Ell, r � Dilution Type of Rate Minimum Carc La%% ~ � fIL JCR CLUfN� KIlRIT AMr BORN / / j i e MIN' A t'v fAdhecive: Water) I Nozzle �allons/Acre - Commercial or Residential 175 200 lbs. -l�II I l / ( / 1) SIDE ELEVATION �� �~ I Fall. (I (I / PROVIDE ADEOWiC I Kentuck 31 or Turf-Ty pc Tall Fescue 95 -100% % r - -, r % - - -t i - /� sr»ArPNC txlsntc GROUND Anionic Y• { r C i I / POLYETHYLENE CAP im Trovcd Perennial R e rays 0 -5 /o r it �JI ( ( �/ Asphalt Emulsion 7 1 Coarse Spray 1 ?00 O ( }' g °r A•tor � � � i -��1- i ( ` I�II ��-�. 11 l) / - ',I��II / 7th MIN � P P Y Kentucky Bluegrass 05 °'cIf ;I' // I �/ _ / INFOI Ili�it • �'/ - /// - -- (� ( '- „_' p NASNPACK ' lo• Hu,. Latex Emulsion 12.5:1 Fine Spray 235 Ilieh- Maintenance UN%-n 200 -250 lbs_ i LLL ✓✓✓ /.' li (((����� ✓� III- - -- DEPTH trrnrsAU /11 ur -i- -1-J � Resin in Water 4:1 Fine Spray 300 3. TO FILTER MATERTAL 4. BACK EX AND COMPACT I �I _ -- VARIES AS P ` �' to NIN O TO STAKES AND EXTEND THE EXCAVATED SOIL. FLOW I III III �lI"- TACK WELD - -- REQUIRED 12 Kua• OJ �I PERFORATED POLYETHYLENE' �•--- Ex1snNG Acrylic Emulsion Kcntuck 31 or Turf -T • lc "hall i''escue 100,0 IT INTO THE TRENCH, -- FOR• DRY - PAVLK HIT rY Y ) { i _ DRAINAGE TUBING, DIAMETER STORAGE 1•� VARIES (SEE CALCULATIONS w (Non- Traffic) 7:1 Coarse Spray 450 O �� a APPENOX J.14 -A) General Slope (3:1 or less) y ;' / Y III ATTACH THE FILTER FABRIC TO THE WIRE 4 BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE Acrylic Emulsion rv, VIXTT G I '� Pt1S1 TIVE DRAINAGE ) Ir MIN �' FENCE MIO EXTEND H INTO THE TRENCH ExGVatEO SOIL. I Kentucky 31 Fcscue 123 lbs. _ _ % _ WET -(- � Q� iNN'r LNG IEVI[[ crsuRSL AFL.kEGATt m ScmrcNr (Traffic) 3.5:1 Coarse Spray 350 Red Top Grass 2 lbs. 'lll� •-�� :IIII a . ' I },' d • iERNCO -sTnE • couPUNC s7oRACE MUST EXTEND FUtt WIDTH -� A') oF•r'Hn,Rt „s AND Lcr LSS PLAN VIEW - Seasonal Nurse Crop ' lbs / �/ � '' �►/ -11 ��..., • . � L �.� "'j� * DEWA7ERING ORIFICE, /' FLOM 150 Ih$. r 9 7 dr If J 1 / SCHEDULE 10 STEEL STUD 1 -FOOT MINIMUM. / DIAMETER VARIES ,(SEE CALCULATIONS IN 12' CAN I TAw- Maintenance Slopc (Steeper than 3:1)4 T d f CORRUGATED METAL RISER APPENDIX 3.14 -A) y, IIII SHEET FLOW INSTALLATION Kentucky 31 i'CSCUC 103 lbs. 7 , (PERSPECTIVE VIEW) Rcd Top Grass 2 lbs. I�I�� FLOW -IIII- FIUER Cl Brit SECTION A -A • SCasonal Nurse Crop ' 20 lbs. I FLOW ( � NOTE: WITH CONCRETE RISER, USE PVC SCHEDULE 40 STUB • Crowiivctcli " 20 Lbs, A ,,.. A -MI6 u ill ~' - 150 lbs. B -' FOR DEWATERINC ORIFICE 6• -T t}er ���\ JII - IUF�� -" Ai TN EXTENSION OF FABRIC AND WIRE INTO ME TRENCH � O't' ' Use seasonal nurse crop in accordance with seedin • dates as stated below:,;vk. fl . ��� �,' DRAINAGE TUBING SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM F667 �• 't}.•!.'. �J' «.Y y fv Ul {� „� AND AASHTO M294 ��. Februa III throe h April ...................... Annual Rye //� u / FILTER FABRIC Y ry g { } _ \\� \�I RANK U. COX K. z May 1st through AL ILSt 15th Foxtail Millet TIJ 1l�IPORA 1� Y SEDIMENT TRAP N August 16th through Octobcr ...................... Annual Rye POINTS A SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN POINT B _ II RFINFnRtra crHCRETr DRAIN SPACC `• Noscmbcr through hchruary 15th ................... Winter i2yc DRAINACEWAY INSTALLATION ��wIRE 1�� I a (FRONT ELEVATION) DTI i;)T1 -1 SECTION B -B " Substitute Scricca icspedua for Crownii-ctch cast of Farn)ville, Va. (May 1 vAR,AFILF o- Sc tcmhcr use hulled Scricca all other )triads, use unhullcd Scricca . ��� ��� 7] through p { ) If irlatpea is used in lieu of Crowntretch, increase rite to 30 lbs. /acre. All legume OROUND vARUr1LE' CNOUND � prOFE331 N II ELEV. seed must be properly inoculatcd. \Vccping Lovcgrass may be added to any slope or low - maintenance mix during warmer seeding periods; add 10 -20 Ibs. /acre in 67 CU. YD. /ACRE Date. mixes. 3 PCs -2A END - SECTION 12'- 60' PIPE ALTERNATE END- SIECTION 12 "- 60" PIPE ES-I ry OUTSIDE ROAD DITCHES MEDIAN DITCH rabwidon aft, wid- sectrort Hvbendaw,Wwd -s.t t Revision' stpa w< m nwr wW- wersvn C5o4o, wd an nor end - ,.Chant TYPED so IDS- 67 CU CRE - YD. /A AREA _2 November 13 1995 D•DEPTH w w, SURFACE % 1._ x I Xe _�________- X TS D D F { 4000 PSI Mo. - -- 4000 PSI Min • (EXCAVATED) FILTER CLOTH 0f8CINAL PER UN. FT � � -- E Concrete ro De -- E Concrete to De GROUND s "6" i r- DR �°�', ,. 2._9. 2• -� :---- - - - - -- - _ I - - - -- ELE�. December 2210 1995 -- -- ti.w rws� PLAN •PLAN -SEE PLATE 3.13 -1 COARSE AGGREGATE"" CLASS I RIPRAP January 30, 1996 TABLE 3.31 -B f t TYPE D FRONT BACx TEMPORARY Y DI VERSION DIKL' SLOPE :LOPE ''' w, K AREA I.F At 6' fit 4 1 3' -0' Z -1• 48 0567 F-- C I B C •i• 8 ACCEPTABLE TEMPORARY SEEDING PLANT MATERIALS a' 6 1 4 1 4' z -9• 1D4 0759 K. I , A2 61 31 3' -0' 1.7 42 0589 Bas�w1 3 y� I CROSS SECTION OF OUTLET r a 6 I 3 1 . - i 2-1 z DITICH AT TOE OF FILL OR TOP OF CUT 6 6 1 2 1 3 -0 -2 M 0 463 ' ' �- - Pp , �s +eel !aloe renbcemem - 7 dnP+ay +.w '' "QUICK REFERENCE FOR ALL REGIONS" A3 a 6 1 2 1 4 -1 1 -6 62 TYPE E 12• z -3 z' -Y 0500 A A 1 . 81 6' a I 4 1 z•i 2' -I' 38 0463 ~, • r -�_- � �,• % e 4 L 4 1 -9 -9 36 82 II Imo- iy I - - - - -- CLASS i RIPRAP Compacted SOIL 6 4'1 3 1 -9 2- 72 0611 r D ~E� r D �E� �_ LENGTH�4' Rate ei PC, s 1 3 1 s' z' -6' 1 uo T' SECTION X X END VIEW SECTION X X ENO VIEW A Plantine Dates Species I $, aCFC 63 e' 4 1 1 9 i -6 6o 04n D + to' 4 1 2 1 3• -5' 1' -i0' 1n 0563 h j E. SeCT10MJ DI MEN N A8" min. B4 4 1 11/2 1 ' -9' rws ENO-SECTION DWNSiONS 2M a 2 0" ONfRS10N -Flow 10' 4 1 11/2'1 3' -5' 1' -6- 101 0546 AM A B C D IA = _ Cl a E - / / 1 Feb. 15 S0 50 Mix of =I I= l• - Io s 2 2' -8 i'_q' B2 0398 12" 4" 2.0" 2'•0' I 4'-d 7.0' 24 0 ?'� 3 -2' 6-1 a- DIKE Sept / llll I -ILLL ...�;,.•LLl( LLLL L.11ll- ?1 5- 2' -II \ -- �- 1 1 U I ' -8 i -6' 9 046 IS" 6" 2'-3' r -9" 11'-0' 7-6' �'-- e 18" 9" 2-3" r -9" 4• -0" 3'-d 7_T 14e - -I's -I' 4'-6' Annual: R c rasa Ill�llll {I 111_ _ 1� fillli= K.115 4'- >. _ 10' 3 1 i , z•8' 1•z 70 0426 �� .� �- �'Nr•'<�� • Y � 211• '• 3'-7' 2'-6' K•I' a' -o' - - - Lolium multi- florum) 33 Y 4'I y. IV• \\��_ .� �_ - -� \'+' PLAN FOR TRANSITION OF PAVED MEDIAN DITCH TO MEDIAN DROP INLET GUTTER 3o r d 11'•6" r -7 " 6'•I " s' -o" � 4.5' min. 36" I' -3" s3' ' " ell" 6 o• & 50 - 100 a 8 42 L9 2 -110P 9 - 6 54 If -4 7-6- Cereal (Winter) Rye E C e ALTERNATE METHOD are" 2'•0" 6' -0" 2' -2' 8' 2' 7 -0' -6 5 -0 3 8 -0 (Secale cereale) ri L,3tw tw,I sE�o E•E tTp pp OF FORMING DITCHES S4 2 -u 5 -5 2' -9 g2t" 8-60' T : J S A CT CN JO NT MED AN w I � OPT 10N4 DROP 1 RADih6 �� �- -I- wvERT �rFLAr eOrTDMI ME7+AN IroP INLET GUTTER Curfoin woN b be located a � � Feb. 16 - Apr. 30 Annual Ryegrass 60- 100 It ` PAY NE ,HLET beignrg m end d of dtarmeR I �.y \Y I COARSE AGGREGATE ' \�_ �._ ShppMR (LOTium multi- flonilm) LME04AN04 PAVES owmthe lowereidddad NOTE Pro.wgne c o"pertan �� r / / / - \�- ��, JOee tpe-4 do Ena Sw+ion detia,t inawn 'i MEDWN pTCN I on the WI 11 m• canr,acror dKrs E O C B .-- 5uoo- -� NoTE u1 e,crws mw e. canrrvc+w _ r we nw a+vnsw I to re troth y EXCAVATED / FILTCR CL0111 '"� Construction/ g" won w.nca cheat ter re nDiron of eu n,nr,Iene+M • -1 W redieea ex ./ // NOTES For sections C-C and e-B see S+ordwdt DI oi+e 01-76 _!_ Ar tan+.x +w �r ew ditlw.ncw aem4n.dt •D'. Ili W.n-iApro+,truth 01 paved arts to be Paid la dr ,n. oath �( t-_6- E & S Details May I - Aug 31 German Millet 50 wKe Ixd p< to yes I. class A Doane home arch 1 II SLOPE DETAIL sia PG -2A a crew to a Cms A3 carve >.. tuRmN WALL •• SPECIFICATION COARSE AGGREGATE SHALL BE VDOT 3, 357 OR 5 Drown: REFERENCE (Sctaria italica) SPECIFICATION STANDARD PAVED DITCHES REFERENCE FLARED END - SECTIONS FOR CONCRETE PIPE CULVERTS I $02 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 302 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT File: of TRANSPORTATION 109 01 TRANSPORTATION 102 01 OUTLET (PERSPECTIVE VIEW ) -01 Sheet No.: ' Source: Va. DSWC i 6.00 - I