HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-12-11 -_.._~ FIN A L 9:00 A.M., December 11, 1991 Room 7, County Office Building YOUTH-IN-GOVERNMENT DAY 1) Call to Order. 2) Pledge of Allegiance. 3) Moment of Silence. 4) Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the PUBLIC. 5) *Consent Agenda (on next sheet). 6) Approval of Minutes: April 10, 1991. 7) Highway Matters: a) Work Session: Six-Year Road Plan. b) City/County/University Resolution re: Road Improvements. c) Report from County Attorney on private condemnation laws in Virginia. d) Memorandum dated December 2, 1991, from Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive, concerning the public hearing which had been scheduled on the vacation of Peyton Drive as a public right-of-way d) Other Highway Matters. 8) Appeal: Sara Watson Preliminary Plat (Deferred from November 13, 1991). (Appli- cant requests deferral to February, 1992.) 9) STA-91-1. Public Hearing: Amendment to Chapter 18 of Albemarle Code to incor- porate VDoT mountainous terrain and rolling terrain standards. (Deferred from October 16 and November 13, 1991.) 10) Comprehensive Plan, Yearly Status Report. 11) Covenant Church of God, request to be included in the service area boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority on Tax Map 46, Parcel 22D. 12) Stormwater Management Report. 13) Presentation: Fiscal Year 1991 Audit Report. 14) Request: Traffic Unit - Motorcycles. 15) Request for Exception to Payment Procedure for Terminating Employees. 16) 11:30 A.M. - Public Hearing: An Ordinance to amend the "Equalization of Pay Ordinance" to add the BOCA Code Board of Appeals and the Fire Prevention Code Board of Appeals effective July 1, 1992. 17) Appropriation requests: a) From the Education Department to appropriate Additional State Revenues. b) Fire/Rescue Coordinator. 18) Executive Session: Personnel. 19) 1:30 P.M. ZTA-91-08. Public Hearing on An ordinance to amend and reenact Section 35.0 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance entitled "Fees." 20) STA-91-02. Public Hearing on An ordinance to amend and reenact Article 18-43, Chapter 18, Subdivision of Land, of the Code of Albemarle, entitled "Fees." 21) Public Hearing: An ordinance to amend and reenact various sections and chapters of the Code of Albemarle to increase fees as follows: Sec 2.1-2 relating to the application fee for an agricultural/forestal district; Sec 7-4, erosion and sedimentation control, to increase the fee for plan review; to amend Sec 9 of the Water Resources Protection Ordinance in subsection (c) and subsection (d) to require payment of a fee. 22) Public Hearing: The Board will also consider adopting a resolution setting a fee for submission of a Comprehensive Plan amendment, a fee for requests to be included in service area boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority; and, requests for abandonment of roads which mayor may not have been a part of the State Secondary System of Highways. 23) SP-90-31. Little Keswick School. Public Hearing on a request for extension of special use permit issued June 6, 1990, to allow expansion of the School by utilizing the existing community building for East Rivanna Fire Company. Pt'o- perty consists of 1. 0 ac zoned RA located on E side of Rt 731 approx 200 ft S of R t 22. TM80, P110A. Rivanna Dist. (Property is not in a growth area.) 24) Discussion: Legislation re: Landfill Closures. 25) Road Naming Status Report 26) Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. 27) Adjourn to December 18, 1991, at 4:00 P.M. jn Room 5/6. i . I I CON S E N T AGE N D A FOR APPROVAL: 5.1 Memorandum dated November 22, 1991, from Melvin Breeden, Director of Finance, addressed to Rick Huff, Deputy County Executive, forwarding a request from the Albemarle Housing Improvement Program (AHIP) that they be allowed to retain the surplus from Fiscal Year 1989-90 for use in other projects. 5.2 Memorandum dated December 6, 1991, from Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive, entitled "Approval of Job Description for Community Resource Coordinator. " 5.3 Memorandum dated December 6, 1991, from Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive, entitled "Approval of local Virginia Cooperative Extension Services Director. " FOR INFORMATION: 5.4 Letter dated November 26, 1991, from John G. Milliken addressed to F. R. Bowie, Chairman, concerning the County's letter re: Secretary Milliken's funding proposals. 5.5 Letter dated November 26, 1991, from David R. Gehr, Assistant Commissioner Operations, Virginia Department of Transportation, re: Changes in the Primary System on Route 240. 5.6 Letter dated December 3, 1991, from D. S. Roosevelt, Resident Engineer, Virginia Department of Transportation, enclosing copy of "Current Projects-Construction Schedule. " 5.7 Memorandum dated November 20, 1991, from Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Execu- tive, re: Public Information Dissemination. 6,,:,8 _ _ Memorand lun -dated - Beeemeer -2, - ~99 ~, -from - Ro be:rot:- W ':' - !fl:leker, -d:ro ':', -€Ol:l n ty - Exeeli-- ti-ve,-eonee:ron:mg -t:he -l'l:lbHe -hea:ro:mg -whieh -had -eeen -8ehedl:lled -on -t:he -vaeat:ion -of Peyt-on-Bri've-as-a-l'l:lblie-rir;ht-of-way. (Moved to Item 7 - Highway Matters) 5.9 Memorandum dated December 2, 1991, from Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Execu- tive, re: Group Health Insurance Coverage. 5.10 Notice dated November 19, 1991, from the State Corporation Commission re: Applica- tion of Wiltel of Virginia, Inc. for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide inter-LATA interexchange telephone service in Vi.rginia and to have rates determined competitively. 5.11 Copy of "Strategic Plan for the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services" from Dr. Clinton V. Turner, Commissioner. 5.12 Copy of "Greenwood Chemical Site" report for December, 1991 from the United States Environmental Protection Agency. 5.13 Copy of Minutes of the Planning Commission for November 26, 1991. 5.14 scottsville Annexation Committee Update. 5.15 Proposed Legislation for Land Use Taxation, Local Agricultural/Forestal Districts and Decal Fines. 5.16 Memorandum dated December 5, 1991, from Clifford W. Haury, Chairman, Albemarle County School Board, entitled "School Board Action on the Proposed New Middle School. " , F. R. (Rick) Bowie Rivanna COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 979-1281 MEMORANDUM Charlotte Y Humphris Jack Jouett Edward H Bain, Jr Samuel Miller David P. Bowerman Charlottesville Walter F Perkms White Hall Peter T. Way Scottsville TO: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive FROM: V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning and Community Development Lettie E. Neher, Clerk. CMC~ December 12, 1991 DATE: SUBJECT: Board Actions of December 11, 1991 At the Board of Supervisors' meeting held on December 11, 1991, the follow- ing actions were taken: Agenda Item No.4. Other Matters not Listed on the Agenda from the PUBLIC. There were none. Agenda Item No. 5.1. Memorandum dated November 22, 1991, from Melvin Breeden, Director of Finance, addressed to Rick Huff, Deputy County Executive, forwarding a request from the Albemarle Housing Improvement Program (AHIP) that they be allowed to retain the surplus from Fiscal Year 1989-90 for use in other projects. AUTHORIZED AHIP to carryover FY 1989-90 surplus County funds in the amount of $13,840.06. Agenda Item No. 5.2. Memorandum dated December 6, 1991, from Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive, entitled "Approval of Job Description for Commu- nity Resource Coordinator." APPROVED the attached job description for a Commu- nity Resource Coordinator and approved the conversion of a police officer posi- tion to a civilian position. The Board asked staff to communicate with Virginia Power, Centel and C&P Telephone to see if they are willing to allow the County to include information fliers in their respective bills to County customers. Agenda Item No. 5.3. Memorandum dated December 6, 1991, from Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive, entitled "Approval of local Virginia Cooperative Extension Services Director." CONFIRMED the appointment of Charles Goodman as the director of the local Virginia Cooperative Extension Service. Date: Page 2 Robert W. Tucker, Jr. V. Wayne Cilimberg December 12, 1991 Memo To: Agenda Item No. 5.16. Memorandum dated December 5, 1991, from Clifford W. Haury, Chairman, Albemarle County School Board, entitled "School Board Action on the Proposed New Middle School." To be discussed at the joint meeting with the School Board in January, 1992. Agenda Item No. 7a. Highway Matters: Work Session: Six-Year Road Plan. The Board made the following comments: 1. Requested that the priority list include a column to show where funds are transferred within the plan when funding totals for projects change; 2. Requested a clarification on the status of the Meadow Creek Parkway project; 3. Board members to submit questions on various projects to the staff; 4. Requested the staff to schedule a meeting with the two newly elected supervisors to provide them with an overview of the projects in the plan prior to the January work session; 5. Set the work session on the Six Year Plan for the January, 1992, day meet- ing; 6. Requested a follow-up from Mr. Roosevelt on the status of the Millington Bridge project. Agenda Item No. 7b. City/County/University Resolution re: ments. AUTHORIZED the Chairman to sign the attached resolution. resolution has been forwarded to the City for signature. Road Improve- The original Agenda Item No. 7c. Report from County Attorney on private condemnation laws in Virginia. Staff to prepare a letter to be given to the legislators on December 18 requesting their support of the attached language recommended by the County Attorney. Agenda Item No. 7d. Memorandum dated December 2, 1991, from Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive, concerning the public hearing which had been scheduled on the vacation of Peyton Drive as a public right-of-way. No action. Agenda Item No. 7e. Other Highway Matters. Staff to prepare a letter to Secretary Milliken, for the Chairman's signa- ture, requesting that Alternative 10 not impact the Agnor-Hurt Elementary School property and the cemetery located in the area. Agenda Item No.8. Appeal: Sara Watson Preliminary Plat (Deferred from November 13, 1991). At the request of the applicant, DEFERRED to February, 1992. Date: Page 3 Robert W. Tucker, Jr. V. Wayne Cilimberg December 12, 1991 Memo To: Agenda Item No.9. STA-91-1. Public Hearing: Amendment to Chapter 18 of Albemarle Code to incorporate VDoT mountainous terrain and rolling terrain standards. ADOPTED an ordinance to amend Chapter 18 of the Albemarle County Code to incorporate VDoT mountainous terrain and rolling terrain standards as presented. All paperwork will follow under separate cover. Staff to consider language for inclusion in homeowner's association agree- ments that the homeowner's association shall collect an amount each year suffi- cient to maintain the private road in the subdivision. Requested staff to notify the Board if the ratio of requests for private roads vs. public roads dramatically alters. Staff to draft language for an ordinance amendment to allow the County to hold a performance bond for one year after acceptance of a private road or after construction of a subdivision using a private road. Agenda Item No. 10. Comprehensive Plan, Yearly Status Report. Requested the staff to move forward with some planning on an Agricultural/ Forestal Resources Advisory Committee. Staff to bring back a recommendation in January, 1992, on how to implement and accomplish recommendations #1 and #2 (copy attached). Agenda Item No. 11. Covenant Church of God, request to be included in the service area boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority on Tax Map 46, Parcel 22D. Set a public hearing for January 22, 1992, on a request to include Tax Map 46, Parcel 22D, adjacent to the Hollymead Growth Area, in the service area boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority for water and sewer. Agenda Item No. 12. Stormwater Management Report. No action. Agenda Item No. 13. Presentation: Fiscal Year 1991 Audit Report. No action. Agenda Item No. 14. Request: Traffic Unit - Motorcycles. APPROVED the addition of motorcycles to the County's traffic enforcement program as outlined in the attached memorandum from Chief Miller. Agenda Item No. 15. Request for Exception to Payment Procedure for Termi- nating Employees. APPROVED a recommendation to allow employees who are being terminated through no fault of their own to reexamine their original payment option for unused sick leave and to choose the option which best suits their needs at the time their employment is terminated. Date: Page 4 Robert W. Tucker, Jr. V. Wayne Cilimberg December 12, 1991 Memo To: Agenda Item No. 16. Public Hearing: An Ordinance to amend the "Equaliza- tion of Pay Ordinance" to add the BOCA Code Board of Appeals and the Fire Pre- vention Code Board of Appeals effective July 1, 1992. ADOPTED the attached ordinance to amend and reenact Article II, Chapter 15, of the Code of Albemarle, known as "Equalization of Pay of Certain Boards and Commissions," to add the BOCA Code Board of Appeals and the Fire Prevention Code Board of Appeals, effec- tive July 1, 1992. Agenda Item No. 17a. Appropriation request: From the Education Department to appropriate Additional State Revenues. APPROVED the attached appropriation request for an additional $108,524 in State funding received, to be held in reserve. The original appropriation form has been forwarded to Melvin Breeden. Agenda Item No. 17b. Appropriation: appropriation for $1300 to purchase office Rescue Coordinator's office. The original to Melvin Breeden. Fire/Rescue Coordinator. APPROVED an furniture and equipment in the Fire/ appropriation form has been forwarded Agenda Item No. 19. ZTA-91-08. Public Hearing on An ordinance to amend and reenact Section 35.0 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance entitled "Fees." ADOPTED an ordinance to amend and reenact Section 35.0 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance entitled "Fees," to be effective April 1, 1992. All paperwork will follow under separate cover. Agenda Item No. 20. STA-91-02. Public Hearing on An ordinance to amend and reenact Article 18-43, Chapter 18, Subdivision of Land, of the Code of Albemarle, entitled "Fees." ADOPTED an ordinance to amend and reenact Section 18-43, Fees, Chapter 18, Subdivision of Land, of the Code of Albemarle, to be effective April 1, 1992. All paperwork will follow under separate cover. Agenda Item No. 21. Public Hearing: An ordinance to amend and reenact various sections and chapters of the Code of Albemarle to increase fees as follows: Sec 2.1-2 relating to the application fee for an agricultural/forestal district; Sec 7-4, erosion and sedimentation control, to increase the fee for plan review; to amend Sec 9 of the Water Resources Protection Ordinance in subsection (c) and subsection (d) to require payment of a fee. ADOPTED an ordinance to amend and reenact the following sections of the Code of Albemarle to increase fees: Section 2.1-2 of Chapter 2.1, Agricultural and Forestal Districts, in subsection (c); Section 7-4 of Chapter 7, Erosion and Sedimentation Control, in subsection (d); Date: Page 5 Robert W. Tucker, Jr. V. Wayne Cilimberg December 12, 1991 Memo To: Section 9 of the Water Resources Protection Ordinance in subsection (c) Minor Water Quality Impact Assessment and (d) Major Water Quality Impact Assess- ment; All amendments to be effective April 1, 1992. All paperwork will follow under separate cover. Agenda Item No. 22. Public Hearing: The Board will also consider adopting a resolution setting a fee for submission of a Comprehensive Plan amendment, a fee for requests to be included in service area boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority; and, requests for abandonment of roads which mayor may not have been a part of the State Secondary System of Highways. ADOPTED a resolution to establish a fee for Comprehensive Plan amendments by amending and reenacting Paragraph No. 2 of the POLICY FOR SUBMITTAL OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA. ADOPTED a resolution to establish fees for requests to amend service area boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority to include property for water and/or sewer service. ADOPTED a resolution to establish a fee for requests to abandon roads which mayor may not have been a part of the State Secondary System of Highways. ADOPTED an ordinance to amend and reenact the Zoning Ordinance in Section, Sign Permits. All actions to be effective April 1, 1992. All paperwork will follow under separate cover. Agenda Item No. 23. SP-90-31. Little Keswick School. Public Hearing on a request for extension of special use permit issued June 6, 1990, to allow expan- sion of the School by utilizing the existing community building for East Rivanna Fire Company. Property consists of 1.0 ac zoned RA located on E side of Rt 731 approx 200 ft S of Rt 22. TM80,PI10A. Rivanna Dist. APPROVED an extension of SP-90-31 for 18 months to June 6, 1993. Agenda Item No. 24. Discussion: Legislation re: Landfill Closures. Adopted the attached resolution to be given to the legislators on December 18 along with a cover letter briefly outlining the proposal and requesting their support. Agenda Item No. 25. Road Naming Status Report. Took the following actions: Renamed Route 53 from its intersection with Route 20 proceeding easterly until it hits Route 795 and then continuing along Route 795 until it intersects Route 620 as Jefferson-Monroe Parkway. Date: Page 6 Robert W. Tucker, Jr. V. Wayne Cilimberg December 12, 1991 Memo To: Named Route 627 from its intersection with Route 795 over to Route 20 South at Carters Bridge as Carters Mountain Road. Renamed Route 53 from its intersection with Route 795 easterly to the Fluvanna County line as Buck Island Road. Renamed Route 729 from its intersection with Route 53 in a southeasterly direction to its intersection with Route 618 as Milton Road. Agenda Item No. 26. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. AUTHORIZED staff to purchase operating software from IBM for the mainframe. Requested an update on information services equipment and software needs prior to the budget cycle. Voted to discuss reconsidering the naming of Jefferson-Monroe Parkway on December 18. Requested language be drafted for possible legislation to not allow land use value taxation in the growth areas and to look at a longer roll back period for properties in the growth area. Staff to bring back a cost estimate on December 18 to extend the Crozet Recycling project for another month. LEN:ec Attachments cc: Robert B. Brandenburger Richard E. Huff, II Roxanne White Amelia Patterson George R. St. John File COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE POSITION DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE LOCATION Community Resource Co-Ordinator Police Department IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR Chief of Police GENERAL DEFINITION OF WORK Responsible for the management and supervision of all department crime prevention programs. PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES o Establishes, maintains and co-ordinates all departmental neighborhood watch programs and public relation activities. o Supervises, recruits and trains all neighborhood watch co- ordinators and block captains. o Supervises and recruits citizen volunteers to assist in the neighborhood watch program as well as with other department units. o Participates in developing the annual crime prevention budget which is then incorporated into the overall department budget. o Writes, edits and publishes the department newsletter for distribution throughout the community. o Supervises, plans and co-ordinates all department crime prevention programs, i.e. (business crime seminars~ senior center programs, traffic safety awareness, etc.) o Establishes and maintains good records which reflect quantifiable data describing program activities. o Identifies and solicits state and federal funds. o Represents Chief of Police and department with local committees/organizations, i.e. Albemarle County Crime Prevention Council, Alcohol/Drug Substance Abuse Council~ VA Crime Prevention Association; Mobile Watch Program; etc. o Maintains liaison with local media representatives RES 0 L UTI 0 N WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville, the County of Albemarle and the University of Virginia have reviewed the improvements proposed by the Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) for the 29 North Corridor; and WHEREAS, the City, County and University believe a unified and cooperative implementation agreement with the CTB and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDoT) is necessary to provide for these improvements in an expeditious and efficient manner; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City, County and University jointly support and request that the CTB and VDoT implement improvements to the 29 North Corridor in the following sequence: o Widen Route 29 North as provided for in 1985 Charlottes- ville Area Transportation Study; o Design the North Grounds connector road facility; o Address each element of CTB Phase I recommendation of November 15, 1990; o Construct the Meadowcreek Parkway from the Route 250 By-Pass to U. S. 29 North as soon as funding is avail- able; o Construct grade-separated interchanges on U. S. 29 North at Hydraulic Road (Rt. 743), Greenbrier Drive (Rt. 866) and Rio Road (Rt. 631) with early acquisition of right- of -way for these interchanges based upon hardship ( same program being used for early acquisition for Alternative 10 - Western alignment); o Construct an alternate controlled vehicle access for traff ic bound for Uni versi ty areas only, including the north grounds from Route 29/250 By-Pass; o Complete remainder of CTB Phase II recommendation of November 15, 1990; and o Construct Alternative 10 after completion of the above and when traffic on Route 29 is unacceptable and economic conditions permit, concurrent with remainder of 1985 Charlottesville Area Transportation Study. Sec. 33.1-18.1. Acquisition of Right of Way within three years of location.-- Within three years of the location of any route by the Board pursuant to Sec. 33.1-18, the Board shall, pursuant to Sees. 33.1-138 and 33.1-139, proceed to acquire all properties to constitute right of way for the route or routes so located. With respect to routes located prior to the effective date of this section, the Board shall acquire the properties to constitute such right of way within three years of the effective date of this section. Compensation shall be the fair market value of such properties on the date of location by the Board or on the date of acquisition, whichever is greater. Upon failure of the Board to comply with this section, owners of such properties shall be entitled to bring an action in the circuit court wherein their respective properties lie, to injoin the Board immediately to institute proceedings for the acquisition of such properties in accord with this section. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS 13. Annual "status of the Plan" Report - This is the first report since adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. Subsequent reports will be issued annually. Recommendations: The following are recommendations for further action to be undertaken: 1. The County should conduct a fiscal impact analysis to determine how development and population trends and projections will affect revenues and expenditures of the County. This analysis should be conducted at two levels: (1) based on existing growth areas as defined in the Comprehensive Plan; and, (2) based on expansion of growth areas to accommodate additional land use needs as noted in this report. This analysis has been recommended for several years. The analysis and ultimate development of a fiscal impact model is an important step in the process for evaluating how the County will support future growth in an effective manner. A fiscal impact analysis should be considered a high priority and begin in FY91-92. 2. The County should also establish a systematic annual review of the County's fiscal condition as recommended in the Comprehensive Plan (p. 222). This ongoing assessment would provide a method to monitor various financial indicators and identify any warning trends which could adversely affect the County's financial condition. This system should be established in FY91-92. 3. Upon completion of a fiscal impact analysis, the staff should evaluate growth area expansion to accommodate land use needs. Various locations for growth area expansion should be considered, but particular emphasis should be given to re-evaluating the Hollyrnead Community/Piney Mountain Village area for expansion potential. Based on a Board of Supervisors directive at the time of adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, the Hollyrnead Community was evaluated in 1989 for possible expansion. It was determined that expansion of Hollyrnead was not appropriate at that time due to a number of outstanding issues or additional planning work that needed to be resolved or completed. These issues/activities include: 1. Development of a Community Facilities Plan; 2. Development of a County Open Space Plan; COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE !'\~ ~". ~.. ,\ll: 1.;;: '".. "..... '".,.~ill~ . ' ~L_Jl1Lj41_ .:.: '\ {; 'c' , DEC..3. 19.~1 <\I:.'.~' ~1 ~~ U1.' . -':')~";' . .."" ,dI P.1:"'" ~ '. EXECUTIVE OFFICE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: RICHARD E. HUFF, JR., DEPUTY COUNTY EXECUTIVE CHIEF JOHN F. MILLER~' .~ DECEMBER 3, 1991 TRAFFIC UNIT - MOTORCYCLES During the first ten (10) months of calendar year 1991, the County Police Department investigated 1396 accidents, a 12.5% increase over the same period of 1990. The Department issued 1417 traffic citations during the first ten months of 1991, a 46.02% decrease over the same period of 1990. Traffic related calls accounted for 20.3% of the total calls for services during the first ten months of 1991. This data demonstrates the large demands placed on the patrol division for traffic related calls. While traffic enforcement and the maintenance of traffic flow will always be a primary function of the beat officer, a specialized traffic unit will allow the Police Department to accomplish this part of our mission more effectively. While staffing levels do not allow for a full time traffic unit at this time, a variety of benefits will be recognized by adding motorcycles to the police department's fleet. Some of the major benefits include: 1. More Effective Police Response - In areas of high traffic, or in an area where a traffic accident has occurred, maneuvering of police cruisers is very difficult. The use of motorcycles will allow officers to navigate in these areas much more easily, improving our response time to traffic incidents, as well as other emergency calls. Police motorcycles can also access areas that are not accessible by cruiser; ie. park trails, school grounds, etc. 2. Enhance Traffic Enforcement Efforts - Police motorcyles make traffic law enforcement much easier for the officer. In areas of high traffic volumes, a police o R DIN A N C E AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REENACT ARTICLE II, CHAPTER 15, OF THE CODE OF ALBEMARLE, KNOWN AS "EQUALIZATION OF PAY OF CERTAIN BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS BE IT ORDAINED by the County, Virginia, that Article Code of Albemarle, is hereby follows: Board of Supervisors of Albemarle II, Chapter 15, Section 15-2, of the amended and reenacted to read as Sec. 15-2. Enumerated. Each member of the following boards and commissions duly appointed by the board of supervisors shall be paid thirty-five dollars ($35.00) for each and every regularly scheduled meeting of the board or commission actually attended, as set forth in the rules and regulations of that board or commission: board of zoning appeals; BOCA code board of appeals; equalization board; fire prevention code board of appeals; and, land use tax advisory board. AND FURTHER ORDAINED that this ordinance shall be effective on and after July 1, 1992. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, correct copy of an ordinance unanimously adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on December 11, 1991. ~.~~ Clerk, Board of County Supervisors f APPROPRIATION REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 91/92 NUMBER 910028 TYPE OF APPROPRIATION ADDITIONAL X TRANSFER NEW ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED ? YES NO X FUND SCHOOL PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: ADDITIONAL FUNDING OF BASIC SCHOOL AID EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ************************************************************************ 1241061101580000 SCHOOL BOARD RESERVE $108,524.00 TOTAL $108,524.00 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ************************************************************************ 2200024000240202 BASIC SCHOOL AID $108,524.00 TOTAL $108,524.00 ************************************************************************ REQUESTING COST CENTER: EDUCATION APPROVALS: SIGNATURE DATE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ~~ /1'- .2 '7 - ? J /~-?/ , BOARD OF SUPERVISORS . . APPROPRIATION REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 91/92 NUMBER 910029 TYPE OF APPROPRIATION ADDITIONAL X TRANSFER NEW ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED ? YES NO X FUND GENERAL PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT IN THE FIRE/RESCUE COORDINATOR OFFICE. EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ************************************************************************ 1100032031800200 FURNITURE & FIXTURES $1,300.00 TOTAL $1,300.00 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ************************************************************************ 2100051000510100 GENERAL FUND BALANCE $1,300.00 TOTAL $1,300.00 ************************************************************************ REQUESTING COST CENTER: COUNTY EXECUTIVE APPROVALS: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE SIGNATURE ~.f~ DATE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS /.,,;;.'- ~..~/ //-/~-~/ . . RES 0 L UTI 0 N WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Waste Management Regulations UR 672-20-10 requires all sanitary landfill cells opened under existing permits after December 18, 1988 to be closed under the new regulations; and WHEREAS, while the Department of Waste Management's concern relates to lechate generated in these cells entering and contami- nating the environment, and groundwater in particular; and WHEREAS, requiring the placement of a cap atop these closed cells is a costly procedure with no proven benefit; and WHEREAS, owners of landfills are still responsible for ground- water quality irrespective of a requirement to cap cells under the new regulations; and WHEREAS, the requirement to monitor groundwater quality and take mitigating action when deemed necessary is an appropriate action; and WHEREAS, these actions should meet the intent of groundwater quality and environmental protection without incurring a costly closure procedure; and WHEREAS, the current waste management regulations do not allow for alternative monitoring and subsequent mitigation in lieu of a costly closure process; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle strongly requests its legislators to urge the General Assembly to create a separate legislative commission to review the efficacy of the State's current solid waste regulations. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on December 11, 199~. Clerk, Board ~unty Supervisors '\ ,'.,," J~:_r,-c(ijCOUNTY OF ALBEMARLE 9.// "IiJ"; pr"11W. ~' NOV 22 199~U '1 \ U' .~~ :~ ~ ~ 'r.-"",.... :~:~ :": ~b~~ t. b,"" .ifr,. n"JIl'; . EXECUTIve ornCE " . COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Finance 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 Telephone (804) 296-5855 MEMORANDUM TO: Rick Huff, Deputy County Executive FROM: Melvin A. Breeden, Director of Finance ~ November 22, 1991 DATE: RE: AHIP Attached is the explanation received from AHIP on their request to retain the $13,840.06 surplus from FY 89/90. The explanation is rather lengthy but comes down to they were able to use grant funds in place of local funds and would now like to retain the local funds for additional projects. Ms. Tapscott advises that this money can be refunded if necessary. Based on the services provided by this organization I would recommend approval of their request. MAB/bs Attachment I . AHIP Albemarle Housing Improvement Program 409C East High Street. Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 . (804) 293-5708 October 16, 1991 Mr. Melvin Breeden, Director of Finance Albemarle County Office Building 401 McIntire Rd. Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear Mr. Breeden, In my let~er to you dated August 14, 1991, I reques~ed the County allow AHIP to carryover FY 89-90 surplus County funds or $13,840.06. Several weeks lacer you phoned to request mere information regarding my request. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond to your request, but the following is a history of the $13,840.06 cash surplus. '..., During the period from March 1987 through September 1987, AHIP applied for two separate grants to fund housing rehabilitation activities in the County. The first was the Farmers Home Administration's Rural Housing Preserv2.tior. Grant (FmHA HPG), and the second the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Community Services, Discretionary Grant (HBS OCS). In addition, the County applied for a Community Developmen~ Block Grant (:DBG) to fund housing rehabilitation activities. Luckily (but quite unexpectedly) AHIP was funded' DV both programs, as well as the County being funded by CDBG. AHIP pledged County operating support to each or the yrograms as "leverage". County operating support was also used as match for the CDEG application. Howe':e:::-, be:.:ause all three g ran t pro p 0 s a I s we ref u n d ed, i t was p 0 s sib 1 e t 0 sub s tit ;1 t e dollars from the FmHA HPG and the HHS OCS Discretionary Grant fo~' the County's operating support to meet the leveraging requirements for the CDBG. Early in 1990, just as the County's 1987 CDBG was expiring, the Courrty chose to apply once again to that program for Housing Rehabilitation funding. Unfortunately, the proposal was no~ funded. At that point, it became obvious to me that AHIP's funding for rehabilitation carpentry labor for the fiscal year to begin July 1. 1990 was going to be a scarce commodity. I closely examined the CDBG budget and determined that all match requirements set forth in the application had not only been met, but far exceeded. In addition, I determined sufficient funding was still available from 1987 CDBG monies to fund AHIP's direct carpentry labor for the balance of the fiscal year. It An Affiliate of The Charlottesville Housing Foundation Page 2 was at that point, I decided to conserve funding for carpentry labor provided by instead apply the remaining CDBG funding. the balance of AHIP' s Albemarle County and My rationale was that AHIP was still performing work for CDBG project families, thus the use of that funding was appropriate. Also, looking into the future, it was my hope that any County funds saved as a result of my decision, could be carried forward for use during FY 90-91 to continue to fund carpentry staff already on board at AHIP. I discussed this proposal with Ray Jones on several occasions. Mr. Jones made clear that he did not have the authority to grant AHIP permission to carry the surplus over. However, he did view my decision as reasonable, and felt the Board of Supervisors would approve the carryover. Also, I felt the risk I was taking was minimal in that AHIP's audit which identifies surpluses/deficiencies is completed shortly after the conclusion of the fiscal year. My feeling was that I could obtain a decision from the Board before a considerable period of time had elapsed. As fate would have it, one set of unfortunate circumstances followed another at AHIP during that time period. Computer difficulties early in the fiscal year made it impossible for the audit to take place. As soon as the computer was "straightened out", AHIP's auditor became ill and was unable to complete the audit in a timely fashion. AHIP did not receive the completed audit until March of 1991. It was at that time that I began the process of formally requesting permission from the County to carry the surplus over. Again I apologize for making this request nearly a year after the fact. I hope however the Board of Supervisors will favorably consider this request. Fiscal year 90-91 was indeed unusual for AHIP in that funding was available for material and subcontract purchases, but very little was available to fund the labor necessary to perform the rehabilitation. The current year presents a much brighter picture in that the County was again funded for housing rehabilitation through the CDBG program and AHIP has secured on its own behalf another FmHA HPG. Thank you again for your patience in dealing with this matter. Please call if I can be of more assistance. Sincerely, ~(L~ Theresa L. Tapscott Executive Director-AHIP -"L~~teoe:"9 j 9;. IZ.!} (S' ).) COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors ~ r:-- County Executive ( I Robert W. Tucker, Jr., December 6, 1991 RE: Job Description - Community Resource Coordinator Attached is a copy of a new job description with a memo from Chief John Miller regarding the transfer of a sworn officer position to a civilian position. This civilian position will be responsible for all community based programs, activities, and coordination of over 85 Neighborhood Watch and business associations. Chief Miller feels this position will greatly aid in the implementation of our community policing initiative and will also be responsible for a regular newsletter disseminating department and county information. Additionally, the creation of this position will enable the department to shift an existing police sergeant into Youth Investigations to provide additional manpower to the growing case load in this area. He will also be responsible for supervising our D.A.R.E. and P.U.L.S.A.R. programs as well as a School Resource Officer Program, all of which are targeted to the needs of our young people. Staff recommends approval of the attached job description and associated civilianizing of one sworn police officer position. RWT,Jr/REH,II/dbm 91. 230 Attachment COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Police Department County Office Building 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5807 MEMORANDUM TO: Richard E. Huff, II, Deputy County Executive -'. FROM: Chief John Miller J~,A DATE: December 6, 1991 RE: Shift of a Police Officer Position to a Civilian Position I am requesting the authorization to convert a police officer position to a newly created civilian position of Connnunity Resource Coordinator (see attached). This new position is vital to our connnunity policing initiatives that will begin in January, 1992. The conversion will allow the department to continue to civilianize those administrative positions where sworn personnel are not needed. It will also allow re-aligning the responsibilities of an existing sergeant. .... This request, if approved, will make it possible to transfer a police sergeant from an administrator position to a supervisory position in our youth services unit. Because of our steadily growing youth investigative workload and in order to facilitate the managing of the D.A.R.E. program; the P.U.L.S.A.R. program and the School Resource Officer program, it is necessary to combine them into one unit with one supervisor responsible for the co-ordination and direction of these related activities. The police sergeant we will be assigning is trained and experienced in our youth programs. The Civilian Connnunity Resource Coordinator will be directly involved with the over 85 neighborhood watches and business associations in identifying specific problems and concerns and in coordinating department programs and activities to address them. This position will also be responsible for many other connnunity based programs and activities, as well as creating and publishing a department newsletter for the connnunity. The conversion of a police officer position to a civilian position is important to meeting our department needs and will not require any additional appropriation of funds. JFM/bat 91-6 Attachment COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE POSITION DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE LOCATION Community Resource Co-Ordinator Police Department IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR Chief of Police GENERAL DEFINITION OF WORK Responsible for the management and supervision of all department crime prevention programs. PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES o Establishes, maintains and co-ordinates all departmental neighborhood watch programs and public relation activities. o Supervises, recruits and trains all neighborhood watch co- ordinators and block captains. o Supervises and recruits citizen volunteers to assist in the neighborhood watch program as well as with other department units. o Participates in developing the annual crime prevention budget which is then incorporated into the overall department budget. o Writes, edits and publishes the department newsletter for distribution throughout the community. o Supervises, plans and co-ordinates all department crime prevention programs, i.e. (business crime seminars: senior center programs, traffic safety awareness, etc.) o Establishes and maintains good records which reflect quantifiable data describing program activities. o Identifies and solicits state and federal funds. o Represents Chief of Police and department with local committees/organizations, i.e. Albemarle County Crime Prevention Council, Alcohol/Drug Substance Abuse Council: VA Crime Prevention Association: Mobile Watch Program: etc. o Maintains liaison with local media representatives o Edits and prepares news releases on crime prevention programs and other department activities. o Acts as public relations advisor to the Chief of Police in the formulation of public information policies and implementation of department programs. o Makes crime prevention presentations to civic associations, businesses and other agencies. o Establishes and co-ordinates meetings between community groups and departmental command staff. o Other duties assigned. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES o Very strong oral and written communication skills. o Exceptional ability to work with people. o Ability to work and perform under pressure. o Ability to make effective presentations to civic/business organizations. o Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with community organizations. o Ability to develop and present community based crime prevention programs. o Possessing a working knowledge of the criminal justice system is required. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE Bachelor's degree in Public Administration, Public Relations or Criminal Justice. Minimum of two (2) years experience in designing and implementing community based educational programs; editing and writing newsletters. EVALUATION Performance will be evaluated on the ability and effectiveness in carrying out the above responsibilities. " .:, .l_?-..:.!:E.:.-7..1- :~, ..!1L~L?)LC':i~?) COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE .. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive December 6, 1991 Approval of Local Virginia Cooperative Extension Services Director As you may recall, Ms. Betty Payne, Director of the local Cooperative Extension Service for many years, retired this past September. Mr. Jesse Judy, Cooperative Extension's District Director, is requesting our approval to appoint Mr. Charles Goodman as the new local Director. Staff supports this appointment and recommends your approval. RWT,Jr/bat 91-112 Attachment \ VIRGINIA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE VIRGINIA TECH Northern District Extension Office 23 West Main street, suite B Luray, Virginia 22835 703-743-2009 VIRGINIA STATE November 26, 1991 COUNTY OF ALBE.lVlf\RLE ~ I~ 11.Jj!"" .DECd~~. EXECUTIVE OfFICE Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr. Albemarle County Administrator 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Dear Mr. Tucker: I am in the process of appointing the unit director for the Albemarle County/City of Charlottesville Extension office. I asked all of the agents on the staff to respond to me in writing indicating whether or not they were interested in being considered for the appointment. Charles Goodman is the only agent who is interested. Charles also has the support of the other agents on the staff. I plan to appoint Charles as the unit director of the Albemarle County/City of Charlottesville Extension office. Please inform me if this meets with the approval of the Board of Supervisors and yourself. s. ince.r~e..lY' ~~ II // ;j Jesse . J dy ! District Director JNJ/wsa Virginia Cooperative Extension Service is an Educational Service or the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and Virginia State University, Virginia's Land-Grant Institutions. with U.S. Department of Agriculture and Local Governments Cooperating. Programs, activities, and employment opportunities are available to all people regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap, or political affiliation. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. iz"Ct:,Cif i ',i! !::::. /1 ;' C' <I. \ . !. '. .;}, J / COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA John G, Milliken Secretary of Transportation Office of the Governor Richmond 23219 (804) 786-8032 TIDD (804;i~6p. November 26, 1991 ;J J~81 The Honorable F. R. Bowie, Chairman Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 Dear Rick: Thank you for your recent letter and Albewmarle County's position regarding the proposals set forth in my recent speech to the Virginia Municipal League. As I indicated, my purpose in advancing the proposals is to open a dialogue with local governments on the jurisdictional, programmatic and organizational aspects of dealing with our transportation problems in the Commonwealth. A number of jurisdictions have provided comment and I look forward to receiving additional input at the hearings in November. Again, I appreciate your letter and look forward to working with you in providing the most effective transportation system for the Commonwealth. with best regards. JGM/mwc cc: Mr. Oscar K. Mabry RAY D. PETHTEL COMMISSIONER COUNTY OF f\L8F r--::~ .-....... Gn--. rf=3 ,,.--,j ".~) , ! \ . J ! "....-i..'.........,' COMMONWEALTH of VIRGI~~~~= ;3 '""' DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION tv, \\ ~':::l.:':: .~I ~:':': 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND, 23219 '.?~~:,.2..r._ 9L C,-:/t Cs-~_rJ " ;::, ~,) t I, !q .. '\,':'- November 26, 1991 Changes in the Primary System Route 240 Project: 0240-002-102, PE-101, C-501 Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Dear Board Members: Changes in the Primary System made necessary by the relocation and construction on Route 240, Project: 0240-002-102, PE-101, C-501 in Albemarle County, were confirmed by the Commonwealth Transportation Board on November 21, as shown on the attached sketch and described as follows: SECTION ABANDONED AS PROVIDED UNDER SECTION 33. 1-148 OF THE 1950 CODE OF VIRGINIA: Section 1 - Old location of Route 240, east of the new location, from Station 53+00 to Station 46+00 O. 13 Mi. Sincerely, Q~bJ- David R. Gehr Assistant Commissioner Operations Attachments TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY MOVED BY Mr. Musselwhite , SECONDED BY Mr. Bacon , THAT WHEREAS, Route 240 in Albemarle County has been altered and reconstructed as shown on plans for Project: 0240-002-102, PE-101, C-501; and ~mEREAS, one section of the old road is no longer necessary as a public road, the new road serving the same citizens as the old; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 33.1-148 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, 0.13 mile of Old Route 240, designated as Section 1 on the plat dated June 11, Project: 0240-002-102, PE-101, C-501, be abandoned as a part of the State Highway System. Motion carried. 11 /21 /91 ~~< c: ., go :I go . ~ .... ....0 -...." _n"C t"t ~. -= ~(JIl 0 \Q~"" -:I ~ ~ ~ ., ., go .... :I :l al (JIl"C (JIl El .... S .." ,.,.~O...~ :r,.,...."""'" ~ IlO o "" t"t IlO (II .... Qo :l"(JIl ~ tI> ~ ~ "C I al (JIl ,., V'I n ~ G. 0 IlO <: l...- """ 9 ::s II ~ 0 "C Co n "'" """" ~ t"t S ~ "C .... t"t IlO .... .... ~ <: o ~:l" ., ." El ., ., ~ " " 0 :l IlO =,--",,.- t"t" Co ~ n ,... 0 ., t"t '< C l'D . -a ~ " ....tI> 0 "c: .... :l :l" I I , I I I / I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I ~i I I 1./ STA,44+50,OO I I \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ tI> t"t IlO J:o '" + o o j~ I ,:; .., ! A I > ""' I :;) ::= " '" ... 3: C? > :0 ) :;) ""' :;) '" " 0 ." x." ('l ~~ 0 N- c QQ z .- -; Sl.AS~ C"l -< 8FlANCH U\ Q ! I / I I r I J I I, I J I I I I <D" I I I I I ~ ._ ' I ~-__I / - " I , / ~ / en t"t . VI '-' + o o ~ ); ~ o STA, 53+ 7500 ... , (,~ I' C'I .-,., <:::.' \t:>' ; , (. . .... ~"."."---~--";"~'''-'-''- 1j.(lJI(:5j ~ ) RAY D. PETHTEL COMMISSIONER COMMONWEALTH of VIR({jRjiJAv 0 F 1\!_ 8 E t} r~' F: f ;-"', r~ .'-1 ~.' 'r.,:~~:, r~. :,\ r: f:-~,: r::.~. 'I ~ ;,;;:! ~ I)FC 4 '.,.:;~). I ~I~;\ROOSEVELT ii' \ rENT ENGINEER 1/ \ \, 11'~" > ,- '.~'_.."".-rr;" I \ I' 'I' ., J i ;L-~-l 'J t "':::::1 L DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION p, 0, BOX 2013 CHARLOTTESVILLE. 22902 December 3, 1991 D OF ',:,L! FE t~\i sc>~s Current Projects Construction Schedule Miss Lettie E. Neher, Clerk Board of Supervisors County Office Building 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Dear Miss Neher: Attached find the monthly update on highway improvement projects currently under construction in Albemarle County. Please see that this information is forwarded to the Board of Supervisors members. I will be prepared to discuss this matter with them at the next meeting if they so desire. Yours truly, 1" . S ,K~-'S c).Jt-\ v/ D. S. Roosevelt Resident Engineer DSR/smk attachment cc: R. Y. Tucker, Jr. w/attachment TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY '" PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION ALBEMARLE COUNTY DECEMBER 1, 1991 +------+-------------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------- IROUTE I LOCATION STATUS EST.COMP : INo. I DATE i +------+-------------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------~ I 1660 I I I BRIDGE OVER S. FORK RIVANNA RIVER I CONSTRUCTION 90% COMPLETE DEC 91 +------+-------------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------~ I I I 1250 I ST. CLAIR AVE. TO RTE. 64 I CONSTRUCTION 17% COMPLETE SEP 93 I I I +------+-------------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------~ I I I +------+-------------------------------------+------------------------------------+-----7------- I I I +------+-------------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------. I I I +------+-------------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------c. * REVISED DATE ** NEW PROJECT COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE -LZ0' 9/ q -'...... -, ~-.-lL?dl.J.i:J ) MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive November 20, 1991 Public Information Dissemination In an effort to identify a low cost yet effective means to communicate information about County issues and concerns, county staff will begin submitting information to be used in a mailing which goes to all Neighborhood Watch Groups throughout the County. This newsletter, published quarterly, is sent to all Neighborhood Watch Captains to be distributed to their group and will reach approximately 6,000 households each issue. A section will be reserved for news of general county interest and will be useful for disseminating pertinent facts on current county issues. We will moni tor this effort and seek feedback from newsletter recipients to determine if a countywide newsletter should be initiated. Additionally, as part of our Community Policing initiative, meetings will be held in each police sector of the County on a quarterly basis. These meetings will be used by the Police Department to discuss any issues of concern in each area of the County and can also be adapted to incorporate a speaker from the staff and/or the Board to communicate information in a "community meeting" setting. Any input the Board might have on either topics of interest or ways to improve the effort would be greatly appreciated. RWT,Jr/REH,II/dbm 91.215 tJ ,(,';. L2'& c'j-' ". '._1. -.. .~_.._"",-.,.-.--.!-L. -iLJ.Ul1f.Cj ) COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors ~ County Executiv~1 Robert W. Tucker, Jr., December 2, 1991 RE: Group Health Insurance Coverage Dr. Paskel and I have recently been discussing our group health insurance coverage with Dr. Hastings and Mr. Sam Rosenthal, our insurance consultant. It is Mr. Rosenthal's opinion and recommendation that the County consider obtaining competitive proposals from both our current provider, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and other insurance carriers, early next year. Mr. Rosenthal also indicates that he has assisted others recently in reducing their group health premium while increasing their benefits and for that reason is encouraging us to consider competitively bidding our group health insurance coverage. Unless you indicate otherwise, I will be requesting Dr. Hastings to seek competitive negotiable proposals in the near future. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. RWT,Jr/bat 91-218 c: Dr. Robert W. paskel ! . . Z)~)t:'~:t.ENT CO;', , ., ' ..y. . , '\~. - , .~MMONWEALTHOFVlRGINIA9111 20 3 151>'~11 ,S'TAlECORPORATION COMMISSI9ti. ,,"'.L?,:[P',91 (,j LJ2.LL(~J /6 ) AT RICHMOND, NOVEMBER 19, 1991 9 \ NO\J \ '3 PH 4: 45 APPLICATION OF WILTEL OF VIRGINIA, INC. CASE (;CHJ NTY Of tv. pr.~fl!.\ Pi r.. N~n r~.fr3tR:~"nI1,':!~!.'t~;:;; . ',- <. IliiF ',,:, Ii il: 1, " \ \ I,>' 0"(:('" ') 1:491 I,;, I ) 1 \ \. l,~ J f:W ~. I \ i i ~. '\ f " ,1 \ tJ :-...': ~..~>,'''...~~:~ ',~','.':-~.r>,/\.. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide inter-LATA, interexchange telephone service in Virginia and to have rates determined competitively . ",I,. \' 1 \) ~'\ L) I" ORDER PRESCRIBING NOTICE On OCtober 17, 1991, WilTel of Virginia, Inc. ("WilTel" or "Applicant") filed its application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide inter-LATA, interexchange telephone service within the Commonwealth and to have its rates determined competitively. NOW, THE COMMISSION is of the opinion that WilTel's application should be docketed, public notice of the application should be given, and, if sufficient objections are received, a public hearing to consider the application should be scheduled. Accordingly, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: (1) That this case is docketed and assigned Case No. PUC910037; (2) That the Applicant forthwith give notice to ~he public of its application by publishing as display advertising (not classified advertising), on one occasion the following notice in newspapers having general circulation throughout the Commonwealth: NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF AN APPLICATION BY WILTEL OF VIRGINIA, INC., FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO PROVIDE LONG-DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE WITHIN VIRGINIA AND TO HAVE ITS RATES DETERMINED COMPETITIVELY On October 17, 1991, WilTel of Virginia, Inc. ("WilTel") filed an application with the Virginia State Corporation Commission for a certificate of public convenience and necessity authorizing it to provide inter- exchange inter-LATA long distance service throughout the Commonwealth with its rates to be determined competitively. The corporation Commission will schedule a public hearing on the application of WilTel if sufficient objections are lodged against the application. Copies of the application are available for public inspection in the Commission's Document Control Center, located on Floor B-1 of the Jefferson Building, Bank and Governor Streets, Richmond, Virginia, open Monday through Friday 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or can be ordered from WilTel's attorneys, Brad E. Mutschelknaus, Esquire, Jane A. Fisher, Esquire, and Kurt E. DeSota, Esquire, Wiley, Rein, and Fielding, 1776 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. Any person wishing to lodge an objection to the application of WilTel should submit the objection in writing to William J. Bridge, Clerk, Document Control Center, P.o. Box 2118, Richmond, Virginia 23216 on or before December 31, 1991 and should refer to Case No. PUC 910037. WILTEL OF VIRGINIA, INC. (3) That Applicant, on or before November 30, 1991, give notice of its application to each local exchange telephone company operating in Virginia; to each interexchange carrier certificated in Virginia; and to the Division of Consumer Counsel, Office of the Attorney General by personal delivery or by first-class mail, postage prepaid to the customary place of business or residence of the person served; 2 .. (4) That on or before November 30, 1991, the Applicant furnish a copy of this order to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of every county in Virginia and the mayor or city manager of each city or town in Virginia (or on equivalent officials in counties, cities and towns having alternate forms of government) by personal delivery or first-class mail, postage prepaid to the customary place of business or residence of the person served; (5) That if sufficient objections to WilTel's application are received on or before December 31, 1991, the Commission will schedule a public hearing concerning each portion of the application; otherwise, the Commission may grant the requested certificate and authority for competitive rates without conducting a hearing; and (6) That on or before December 31, 1991, Applicant file proof of notice as described above. ATTESTED COPIES hereof shall be sent by the Clerk of the Commission to Brad E. Mutschelknaus, Esquire, Jane A. Fisher, Esquire, and Kurt E. DeSota, Esquire, Wiley, Rein, and Fielding, 1776 K street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006; to the Division of Consumer Counsel, Office of the Attorney General, 101 North 8th Street, 6th Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219; to the Commission's Office of General Counsel; and to the Commission's Divisions of Communications, Public utility Accounting, Economics and Finance, and Public Service Taxation. .".,~. ~T~u..Copyl) ll'I(),~' --r I'J~' .' lest@: 1v~ ~.1/J1 , . -~"". _ Cr~rk of the ;.,~ J '., ~ts~ C(jrpgrAtlen Commission ~. 3 -... C',: r.:~n ;,';:, ;~;:.\) ,'" .' c. J ~_.i:-~J..J - q I :J.,Z1[LhL./) r__ .. CLINTON V. TURNER COMMISSIONER u fi~;'\ \; ~ \ \ ~) \ I _, ~.'; r~ ("' I' \ :1 COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINI'A ' DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES p, 0, Box 1163, Richmond, Virginia 23209 (804) 786-3501 Facsimile (804) 371-7679 i "\;';i :'~ ; -:, ' ,., '. November 26, 1991 (,.. .l.C Dear Friend: We are most pleased to share with you the attached Strategic Plan for the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. As an organization, we are constantly reviewing all of our programs and activities to determine how we might provide more effective, efficient and progressive services to our clients. Our Agency Strategic Plan and complementing division and unit operating plans are major components in providing quality services. The Department's planning process has included input from VDACS staff, the participants of the Commissioner's Forum on Agriculture, Virginia Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services and other client groups. The information contained in this plan has been condensed for your convenience and by no means represents the entirety of our strategic plan or operating plans. Our internal documents reflect both performance measures and time frames to assure proper implementation. As always, we would appreciate your comments and suggestions as to how we might improve our services. Sincerely, &~ Clinton V. Turner G d Ch · !J1~~\YOFAL8Ei\.M~F::\ reenwoo emlcUfr;~\, ,1~(f{LC::D,:'~\,CC~' : \1.'\ \) 1;..>" , \ i' l. 2 1"""1 '\ \.. \~\, nEe ..,N . j\ United States Environmental Protection Agency &EPA Albemarle County, Virginia Keeping You Informed The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) has prepared this fact sheet to update you onEP A's cleanup of the Greenwood Chemical Site and provide answers to some of your questions. Public Meeting EP A will hold a public meeting about its plan to tear down and remove Site buildings. Staff from EPA and the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers will be on hand to present infonnation and address any questions you might have. Meeting date, time, and location are: Thursday, December 5 at 7:00 p.m. Emmanuel Episcopal Church Route 250 Greenwood, V A What Has Happened Recently? EPA is continuing its long-term, remedial action to ad- dress soil, lagoon water, and ground water contamination at the Greenwood Chemical Site. Water Treatment. The water cleanup will involve pumping water out of the ground and removing chemicals from it in a water treatment building to be built on the Site. EP A has offered Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs) the opportu- nity to design & implement this groundwater remedy. Note thatnoPRPhas agreed totheperfonn the worle. Atthistime, EP A is considering whether to order any of the PRP's to perfonn the worle. EP A also has the option of using Superfund money to pay for the worle. Soil Treatment. 'This past July, EP A armounced its inten- tion to dismantle and remove three process buildings on the Site. This action will pennit further investigation of soils underlying the buildings. To the extent appropriate, * Printed on recycled paper ~LZ. '~9.C Q/,/2f/ December 1991 i, f' Region III Superfund Program Fact Sheet i: , . ;L~ EP A plans to address soils under the buildings during the soil cleanup. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will oversee this activity for the EP A. EP A also plans to remove containers of chemicals stored' in the process buildings and take them offsite for disposal. EP A expects to complete its soil cleanup plans in early 1992. At that time, it will offer the PRPs an opportunity to perfonn the soil cleanup. EPA Answers Your Questions In June 1991, staff from EP A and the Virginia Department of Waste Management spoke with local residents to learn more about their Site-related questions and concerns. In August, EPA prepared and mailed a fact sheet which included answers to some of the questions that came up during those infonnal community interviews. Following are some additional questions from the June interviews, with answers provided by EP A. Q. What is the difference between EPA's removal and remedial programs? A. The removal program involves short-tenn actions to address immediate threats to human health or the environ- ment posed by rekascs or potential releases of hazardous substances. Removal actions can be implemented quickly and don't require detailed planning. The remedial pro- gram involves long-tenn actions to address releases or potential releases of hazardous substances which are not an immediate threat but still pose a danger. Remedial actions require extensive planning and can take up to 7 to 10 years to complete. Q. If I test my own well, what should I test for? A. If residents decide to test their own wells. they should test for volatile organics, semi-volatile organics, and inorganics (such as metals). It costs approximately $1,000 per well to test for these contaminants. Q. IfI live above the Site, do I need to worry about well contamination? A. EPA's investigations indicate that ground water is flowing southeast from the Site. There are no residences located close to the Site in this direction. Residents who live north of the Site should not experience Site-related well contamination. Q. Where are the residential wells that EPA tested in relation to the Site? A. In the last round of residential well sampling, EP A sampled 8 wells and found trace levels of some contami- nants in certain wells which mayor may not be Site- related. Dr. Dick Brunker, EP A Toxicologist assigned to the Site, says that these levels pose no health risk. The 8 wells are located east, west, and south of the Site. Since 1987, EP A has sampled 28 different residential wells on different occasions and found no significant Site-related impact. Q. What sort of monitoring will EPA do during the start-up of the water treatment plant? A. EPA will place piezometers (monitoring wells) around each extraction well in order to monitor water levels and ensure that primarily contaminated water (not clean wa- ter) is extracted for treatment. EP A will put the extraction wells into operation gradually and monitor them carefully to ensure that the residential well supplies are protected. Q. How can residents find out what chemicals are kept at the Site now? Does the Local Emergency Planning Committee know? A. The Virginia Departtnent of Waste Management and Charlottesville's Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) report that the Greenwood Chemical Company has not notified them under the provisions of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Title III law of any chemical storage on the Site. SARA Title III includes emergency planning, notification, and reporting requirements affecting manufacturers and handlers of hazardous substances. The majority of chemicals stored on-site are expected to be removed by the EP A & Anny Corps of Engineers during the upcoming action. If resi- dents have further questions about this issue, they can call Mr. Kaye Harden of the LEPC at (804) 971-3462. For More Information EP A has established a local infonnation repository in orderto give you access to documents about the Greenwood Chemical Site and the Superfund process. It is located at: Crozet Branch Library Box 430 Crozet, VA 22932 (804) 823-4050 If you would like more infonnation or have any questions or concerns about the Site, please contact: Amy Barnett (3EA21) Community Relations Coordinator U.S. EPA, Region III 841 Chestnut Building Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 597-6915 --------------------------------------- Mailing List Additions/Questions and Comments If you would like to be on our mailing list to receive additional fact sheets about the Greenwood Chemical Site, please complete this fonn and mail it to: Amy Barnett (3EA21), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 841 Chestnut Building, Philadelphia, PA 19107. If you have a question or comment about the Site, please write it below. Name Street Address City/State/Zip Te1ephoneNumber Question or Comment , I L .(o.q/ ,!.,.,....._....,~,'-, _q 1,11: i (([..Lv ) 1"'.1. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM It TO: Albemarle County Board DATE: December 4, 1991 of SUperViSOrS,e ~~ County Executi~L/VvJl ~ FROM: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., RE: Scottsville Annexation Committee Update Following several meetings between representatives of the Town of Scottsville and the County, two potential options for a boundary adjustment by the Town of Scottsville are under review and attached for information to the Board. Titled Option 4, this proposal represents a smaller land area and an estimated loss to the County of $50,614 annually. It stops short of picking up Stony Point subdivision and some industrially zoned land on Route 726. Option 5 provides a larger land area and would result in an annual revenue loss of approximately $61,398. It would include the Stony Point residential area and industrial land to the north of this subdivision. As you can see, the difference in the revenue loss is largely attributable to the sales tax distribution based on school-aged children. Neither proposal includes significant undeveloped land in the Totier Creek watershed as did earlier proposals. Both options include the shopping center and surrounding area down to the Scottsville Volunteer Fire Department. The committee has asked Scottsville Town Council to respond to these two options. Once that input is received, both governing bodies will be asked to authorize a public forum to be held in the area to seek comments from those affected. Following the public forum, if both governing bodies agree to proceed further, a formal public hearing must be held by both governing bodies and a request made for the Circuit Court to enter an order approving a boundary adjustment. A larger map reflecting these two options as well as current zoning designations is available in Room 11 on the 4th floor of the County Office Building if you should need additional detail. Once the Town of Scottsville has responded, time will be set aside on a future agenda to thoroughly discuss the issue and options. In the interim, if there should be any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or Rick Huff. RWT,Jr/REH,II/dbm 91. 225 Attachment NOVEMBER 26, 1991 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ESTIMATE OF REVENUE LOSS FOR SCOTTSVILLE ANNEXATION OPTION #4 BASIS COUNT RATE TAX UTILITY TAX RESIDENTIAL # RESIDENCES 66 4/MO $3,168 COMMERCIAL AVG BILL 27 6, 312 INDUSTRIAL AVG BILL 1 4,080 BUSINESS LICENSES GROSS RECEIPTS 24 26,231 SALES TAX # STUDENTS 23 4,082 TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY GROSS RENTS 2,511 VEHICLE LICENSE PER VEHICLE 188 22.50 4,230 TOTAL $50,614 OPTION #5 BASIS COUNT RATE TAX UTILITY TAX RESIDENTIAL # RESIDENCES 98 4/MO $4,704 COMMERCIAL AVG BILL 27 6,312 INDUSTRIAL AVG BILL 1 4,080 BUSINESS LICENSES GROSS RECEIPTS 24 26,231 SALES TAX # STUDENTS 67 11,890 TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY GROSS RENTS 2,511 VEHICLE LICENSE PER VEHICLE 252 22.50 5,670 TOTAL $61,398 ;:, '" ""_/. , ~ 19A ' r ..~ /. ~_~_-L ' 19 ' ~ / '< ----J, / ~.// . ..x , 26 "" \ \ \ 'y--\=:::- -i- \ (~J \ ~ _+\-11 17,\ - , I 2'K I 25 ........ OITION 4 onION 5 ,.. ... Z ? o '" IlIlIlUIII!llIllIlllIlIllI '-' ",,' . \ ',- ~'Iyt 12 I" \ ~ l COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM ''> r" i' ~.~ T\.' r' r:: 1'\\ P ;~.. '~\;,;\ \."{, -; \'= l,\J'.II. I I ,,II ,',C..'" ,- ,.".. ...... n:::-. G::'J ('~ fr':,; r'i '\"\ .1') ;.'i'.':~' i';':~\ 1\.1" - -....-.........-...............-..,..' "." I j '-..- .. >'<:'1 1,1 "V.... I \ I r I 1 'I \ " (, U. 0 EC 1 0 1991 \ : i i; I',' I., .1. .\ / Ii jl ,_...., ;' II i ::J (0 fL.\ L \.1 L::::'l L:;:'J UPERV1SORS TO: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors FROM: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive DATE: December 10, 1991 RE: Supplemental Information on Scottsville Annexation Issue As many of you know, the VML/VACO Joint Annexation Task Force has been attempting to reach agreement on future annexation procedures for several years. Recent actions by both VACO and VML have created interesting twists which are important to share on this issue. VACO's Executive Board failed, several months ago, to ratify the joint agreement which had been developed and approved by VML. According to VACO staff, there are approximately 12 counties actively opposing the draft that was released. At VML's annual conference in November, their Executive Committee placed a January 1, 1992 deadline on joint agreement and if it cannot be reached, VML has voted to move ahead with the version that they ratified in order to seek legislation in the 1992 session of the General Assembly. VACO representatives on the Joint Task Force met on December 9, 1991 and agreed to submit several proposed changes to VML which may make opposing counties more comfortable. The county representatives do not plan to be prepared to seek legislation in the 1992 session and will be asking that the existing city moratorium continue. The Grayson Commission, also studying annexation, has apparently disbanded and plans no further proposals. It is clearly up to VACO and VML to resolve the unanswered issues. It may also be important to note that even under the VML-VACO agreement being contemplated, no legislation would be effective until 1995 following a Constitutional Amendment referendum. This information is provided to keep you aware of other actions being contemplated regarding annexation. The VACO-VML draft, in its present state, clearly makes it easier for towns to annex and should, therefore, be closely monitored by staff for its potential impact. RWT,Jr/REH,II/dbm 91. 238 ,l"?:fq':1L _C)f,IZI! (~JS) k. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive December 4, 1991 Proposed Legislation for Land-Use Tax, Local Agricultural/Forestal Districts and Decal Fines At the November 13, 1991 meeting, the Board approved submitting three specific legislative amendments to the 1992 General Assembly Session: one, to allow Albemarle County to eliminate land use value taxation in designated growth areas; two, to enable Albemarle County to authorize local agricultural/forestal districts; and three, to allow the Police Department to ticket parked vehicles without a county decal. The language in these three amendments, which has been prepared by the County Attorney, is presented here for your information. These amendments will also be included as part of the legislative discussion on December 18. (1) Land-Use Taxation Section 58.1-3231. "The local governing body ~li-r&1:ia~ .:69 .e;ee:ei-ea 5S .-3:--3-r;r. i- may provide in the ordinance that property located in specified zoning districts or areas designated for growth by the local Comprehensive Plan shall not be eligible for special assessment as provided in this article." In this amendment. "Pursuant to Section 58.1-3237.1" refers to the code section that now grants authority to enact provisions based on zoning classifications to only those counties adjacent to counties with the urban County Executive form of government, i.e. Loudoun and Prince William. Deleting this section will, therefore, enable all Counties including Albemarle to have this authority. (2) Local Agricultural/Forestal Districts. Section 15.1-1513.3 "Local Governing Body" shall mean the governing body of any county having the urban County Executive form of government and any count~(ies) with a population of no less than 85,000 and no more than 90,000 or no less than 63,400 and no more than 73,900. ~. Albemarle County Board of Supervisors December 4, 1991 RE: Proposed Legislation for Land-Use Agricultural/Forestal Districts, and Decal Fines Page 2 Tax, Local (3) County Decal Ticketing - NEW CODE SECTION LANGUAGE 46.2-1240. Parking on public property or in privately owned parking areas open to the public; enforcement. No vehicles other than those displaying license plates or decals as required by 46.2- 752 shall park in any parking spaces on public property or in privately owned parking areas open to the public. A summons or parking ticket for the offense may be issued by law-enforcement officers or uniformed law-enforcement department employees. In any prosecution charging a violation of this section, proof that the vehicle described in the summons or parking ticket, citation, or warrant was parked in violation of this section, together with proof that the defendant was at the time the registered owner of the vehicle, as required by Chapter 6 of this title, shall constitute in evidence a prima facie presumption that the registered owner of the vehicle was the person who committed the violation. RWT,Jr/RWW/dbm 91. 226 _ ~ __, ;:", I?~-<<.;/i l"'nl I'.' -YLL?"''//(?2J (p) ~. ALBEMARLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Office of the Superintendent 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 " TO: F.R. Bowie, Chairman, Board of Supervisors FROM: Clifford W. Haury, Chairman, School Board Gur RE: School Board Action on the Proposed New Middle School DATE: December 5, 1991 In light of the questions raised last night at the Supervisors' public hearing on the Capital Improvements Program recommendations for 1992-93, I am sending you a calendar and actions of the School Board on the proposed middle school. May 8, 1991. Joint Meeting of the School Board and Board of Supervisors. Presentation of the Preliminary Report on Middle and High Schools (Attachment 1 - Minutes of May 8, 1991 meeting). May 23, 1991. Oversight Committee for Long-Range Planning. Revision of Preliminary Report to "Report on Middle and High Schools," dated May 23, 1991 to be presented to the Albemarle County School Board on May 28, 1991. May 28, 1991. Albemarle County School Board. School Board received the report and voted 5 to 1 in support of building a new middle school (Attachment 2 - Excerpt of minutes of May 28, 1991 meeting) . June 4, 1991. Memorandum from Robert W. paskel, Division Superintendent to Robert W. Tucker, Jr. Notification of School Board action on middle and high school (Attachment 3). June 12, 1991. Memorandum from Al Reaser, Director of Building Services, to Clifford W. Haury, Chairman, Long Range Planning Committee. Cost estimates to be used in discussion with the Board of Supervisors at the Joint Meeting, June 12, 1991 (Attachment 4) June 25, 1991. Albemarle County School Board meeting. Adoption of the Capital Improvements Program for 1992-93 through 1996-97. I hope this information clears up any questions that you may have. The Albemarle County School Board and the OVersight Committee for Long-Range Planning have given serious consideration to the middle school question and have sought School Board discussion and approval by vote. "We &pect Success" , . -2- A final reminder that I would offer you is that I appeared with Mr. Reaser and Ms. Holt at your November 13, 1991 work session on the Capital Improvements Program and reviewed with you the recommendations, including the middle school and the enrollment package to support them. At that time, the Board of Supervisors did not indicate that they had serious reservations about the project nor did they offer questions about the School Board's prior actions. I would have welcomed the opportunity to answer any inquiries on that occasion. If there are further questions about the middle school, the School Board will be ready to meet with the Board of Supervisors at your convenience. cc: Dr. Robert Paskel Mr. Robert Tucker Mr. Al Reaser School Board Members CWH/cs Distributed to Board: -Ll.:.:....re:3,I Ageneja Item No. .2.LJ.l./ /:J? Qj Edward H. Bain, Jr. Samuel Miller COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 979-1281 M E M 0 RAN DUM Charlotte Y Humphris Jack Jouett David p, Bowerman Charlottesville Walter F. Perkins Wh,te Hall F, R (Rick) Bowie Rivanna Peter T. Way Scottsville TO: Board of Supervisors FROM: Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC~ DATE: December 6, 1991 SUBJECT: Reading List for December 11, 1991 April 10, 1991 - p~~es 15 - 26 (Item #10) pagQ--,5-4-{-a.fter l'.rticle 27) ML. Way end ~-~o-.Q 001;8. Humphris \~RJ LEN:ec ". -~ II ~ '.".~.,' ,J Ll '\. ~~...;.'~.'~ - - Edward H. Bain, Jr. Samuel Miller COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 979-1281 Charlqtte Y,. Humphris Jack JoueU David P. Bowerman Charlottesville Walter F Perkins While Hall F. R, (Rick) Bowie Rivanna Peter T. Way Scottsville December 12, 1991 Mr. Dan S. Roosevelt Resident Engineer Department of Transportation PO Box 2013 Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Mr. Roosevelt: At its meeting on December II, 1991, the Board of Supervisors took the following actions: Agenda Item No. 7a. Highway Matters: Work Session: Six-Year Road Plan. The Board made the following comments: 1. Requested that the priority list include a column to show where funds are transferred within the plan when funding totals for projects change; 2. Requested a clarification on the status of the Meadow Creek Parkway project; 3. Board members to submit questions on various projects to the staff; 4. Requested the staff to schedule a meeting with the two newly elected supervisors to provide them with an overview of the projects in the plan prior to the January work session; 5. Set the work session on the Six Year Plan for the January, 1992, day meet- ing; 6. Requested a follow-up on the status of the Millington Bridge project. Agenda Item No. 7b. City/County/University Resolution re: Road Improve- ments. AUTHORIZED the Chairman to sign the attached resolution. Agenda Item No. 7c. Report from County Attorney on private condemnation laws in Virginia. Staff to prepare a letter to be given to the legislators on December 18 requesting their support of the attached language recommended by the County Attorney. ;g;z.? /~ Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC LEN:ec Attachments RES 0 L UTI 0 N WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville, the County and the University of Virginia have reviewed the proposed by the Virginia Commonwealth Transportation for the 29 North Corridor; and of Albemarle improvements Board ( CTB ) WHEREAS, the City, County and University believe a unified and cooperative implementation agreement with the CTB and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDoT) is necessary to provide for these improvements in an expeditious and efficient manner; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City, County and University jointly support and request that the CTB and VDoT implement improvements to the 29 North Corridor in the following sequence: o Widen Route 29 North as provided for in 1985 Charlottes- ville Area Transportation Study; o Design the North Grounds connector road facility; o Address each element of CTB Phase I recommendation of November 15, 1990; o Construct the Meadowcreek Parkway from the Route 250 By-Pass to U. S. 29 North as soon as funding is avail- able; o Construct grade-separated interchanges on U. S. 29 North at Hydraulic Road (Rt. 743), Greenbrier Drive (Rt. 866) and Rio Road (Rt. 631) with early acquisition of right- of-way for these interchanges based upon hardship (same program being used for early acquisition for Alternative 10 - Western alignment); o Construct an alternate controlled vehicle access for traffic bound for University areas only, including the north grounds from Route 29/250 By-Pass; o Complete remainder of CTB Phase II recommendation of November 15, 1990; and o Construct Alternative 10 after completion of the above and when traffic on Route 29 is unacceptable and economic conditions permit, concurrent with remainder of 1985 Charlottesville Area Transportation Study. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Virginia Secretary of Transportation, the Commissioner of the Virginia Department of Transportation and the Charlottesville-Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), requesting the MPO to amend the Charlottesville Area Transportation Study to reflect this resolution's priorities. ~#2- ~'o F. R. Bowie, Chairman Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Date: ~r//PI Alvin Edwards, Mayor City of Charlottesville Date: John T. Casteen, President University of Virginia Date: Sec. 33.1-18.1. Acquisition of Right of Way within three years of location.-- Within three years of the location of any route by the Board purs~ant to Sec. 33.1-18, the Board shall, pursuant to Secs. 33.1-138 and 33.1-139, proceed to acquire all properties to constitute right of way for the route or routes so located. With respect to routes located prior to the effective date of this section, the Board shall acquire the properties to constitute such right of way within three years of the effective date of this section. Compensation shall be the fair market value of such properties on the date of location by the Board or on the date of acquisition, whichever is greater. Upon failure of the Board to comply with this section, owners of such properties shall be entitled to bring an action in the circuit court wherein their respective properties lie, to injoin the Board immediately to institute proceedings for the acquisition of such properties in accord with this section. DATE AGENDA ITEM NO. AGENDA ITEM NAME DEFERRED UNTIL If! I: L ll;f. el?-h\ ~ -t /1, /97/ /J IJ ,') 1 /~JC,) \~ ~ ciCu,{ )~ic7J/.- r! .1L. ( f \/ j Form. 3 7/25/86 q /, I 2 1/. Y () 2-- ( , {J i~ Y lJ~ iLL ;( taL, / ') (j- it t- fie.- Je .) &K ~ ~ \ , t RES 0 L UTI 0 Ni" . L l. BOAi,L' . .' WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville, the County "6fr\A~tbemarle and the University of Virginia have reviewed the improvements proposed by the Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) for the 29 North Corridor; and WHEREAS, the City, County and University believe a unified and cooperative implementation agreement with the CTB and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDoT) is necessary to provide for these improvements in an expeditious and efficient manner; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City, County and University jointly support and request that the CTB and VDoT implement improvements to the 29 North Corridor in the following CON"C't""!I,...O. o....J_":1\.A,........""'- . o Widen Route 29 North as provided for in 1985 Charlottes- ville Area Transportation Study; o Design the North Grounds connector road facility; o Address each element of CTB Phase I recommendation of November 15, 1990; o Construct the Meadowcreek Parkway from the Route 250 By-Pass to U. S. 29 North as soon as funding is avail- able; o Construct grade-separated interchanges on U. S. 29 North at Hydraulic Road (Rt. 743), Greenbrier Drive (Rt. 866) and Rio Road (Rt. 631) with early acquisition of right- of-way for these interchanges based upon hardship (same program being used for early acquisition for Alternative 10 - Western alignment); o Construct an alternate controlled vehicle access for traffic bound for University areas only! including the north grounds from Route 29/250 By-Pass; o Complete remainder of CTB Phase II recommendation of November 15, 1990; and o Construct Alternative 10 after completion of the above and when traffic on Route 29 is unacceptable and economic conditions permit, concurrent with remainder of 1985 Charlottesville Area Transportation Study. .. .. BE IT E1JRTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Virginia Secretary of Transportation, the Commissioner of the Virginia Department of Transportation and the Charlottesville-Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), requesting the MPO to amend the Charlottesville Area Transportation Study to reflect this resolution's priorities. dlL ~ '0 F. R. Bowie, Chairman Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Date: At/r,,/YI' Oi...Ja CL Alvin Edwards, Mayor City of Charlottesville ---- I.J-/; (, / C; I , .. ~ . o n T. Casteen, President University of Virginia Da te : "'t. I "l--I '1 z.... . .. , ' ''''''\ ~ "',. 'j i 10liJ Lr' U F, R (Rick) Bowie Rivanna COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 979-1281 December 13, 1991 Charlotte Y Humphns Jack Jouell Edward H. Barn. Jr Samuel Miller David P Bowerman Charlottesville Walter F Perkins White Hall Peter T. Way Scottsville The Honorable Alvin Edwards Mayor, City of Charlottesville PO Box 911 Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Mayor Edwards: At its meeting on December 11, 1991, the Board of Supervisors authorized the Chairman to sign the attached resolution concerning proposed improvements by the Commonwealth Transportation Board for the Route 29 North Corridor. This resolution is forwarded to you for consideration by City Council and then should be forwarded to the University of Virginia for its action. Please return a copy of the City Council's action on the resolution for our files. Very truly yours, d!h;~ Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC LEN:ec Attachment It n; _,-z.(p'J/ ._9LL?-!Lj!~~. I;, to RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville, the County of Albemarle and the University of Virginia have reviewed the improvements proposed by the Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) for the 29 North Corridor, AND WHEREAS, the City, County and University believe a unified and cooperative implementation agreement with the CTB and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDoT) is necessary to provide for these improvements in an expeditious and efficient manner, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City, County and University jointly support and request that the CTB and VDoT implement improvements to the 29 North Corridor in the following sequence: o Widen Route 29 North as provided for in 1985 Charlottesville Area Transportation Study; o Design the North Grounds connector road facility; o Address each element of CTB Phase I recommendation of November 15, 1990; o Construct the Meadowcreek Parkway from the Route 250 By-pass to U.S. 29 North as soon as funding is available; o Construct grade-separated interchanges on U.S. 29 North at Hydraulic Road (Rt. 743), Greenbrier Drive (Rt. 866) and Rio Road (Rt. 631) with early acquisition of right-of-way for these interchanges based upon hardship (same program being used for early acquisition for Alternative 10 - Western alignment); o Construct an alternate controlled vehicle access for traffic bound for University areas only, including the north grounds from Route 29/250 By-Pass; o Complete remainder of CTB Phase II recommendation of November 15, 1990; and o Construct Alternative 10 after completion of the above and when traffic on Route 29 is unacceptable and economic conditions permit, concurrent with remainder of 1985 Charlottesville Area Transportation Study. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Virginia Secretary of Transportation, the Commissioner of the Virginia Department of Transportation and the Charlottesville-Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), requesting the MPO to amend the Charlottesville Area Transportation Study to reflect this resolution's priorities. F. R. Bowie, Chairman Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Alvin Edwards, Mayor City of Charlottesville John T. Casteen, President University of Virginia Date: Date: Date: RWT,Jr/dbm 91. 184 ., , DATE Ac /I J /97/ AGENDA ITEM NAME 1/, tOJ tp/~LfI ~PIfYI ~~}v\ C, A. 01 C''YIdemlllH1v,.) AGENDA ITEM NO. DEFERRED UNTIL {~~C ,~ ,/CJCJ;;l Form. 3 7/25/86 , .... .. t~ 6-.R, $'('" ~~. k~nda item No, q I. (O/~ .~v:/ ---......,.., Sec. 33.1-18.1. Acquisition of Right of Way within three years of location.-- Within three years of the location of any route by the Board pursuant to Sec. 33.1-18, the Board shall, pursuant to Sees. 33.1-138 and 33.1-139, proceed to acquire all properties to constitute right of way for the route or routes so located. With respect to routes located prior to the effective date of this section, the Board shall acquire the properties to constitute such right of way within three years of the effective date of this section. Compensation shall be the fair market value of such properties on the date of location by the Board or on the date of acquisition, whichever is greater. Upon failure of the Board to comply with this section, owners of such properties shall be entitled to bring an action in the circuit court wherein their respective properties lie, to injoin the Board immediately to institute proceedings for the acquisition of such properties in accord with this section. )> <,.- " ,z. 'I. "j ~ ,"rr '_L._,J{.)j~J_ _:11i(?1L(J.j}! ) COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE .. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors December 2, 1991 Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive Peyton Drive - Public Hearing for Vacation After further reviewing the status of Commonwealth Drive and Peyton Drive with the County Engineer and County Attorney, I am recommending that the public hearing to vacate the right-of-way on Peyton Drive be deferred until the Spring of 1992. This recommendation will not delay the construction of Commonwealth Drive nor the closing of Peyton Drive to through traffic once the extension to Commonwealth Drive is in service. Postponing the public hearing will allow for: o Work to be completed on Commonwealth and Peyton Drives scheduled for the Spring of 1992. o Development of a plat precisely locating the new property lines and easements for adjoining properties; o Reaching an agreement with adjoining property owners and obtaining the necessary road maintenance agreements in conjunction with the vacating of the right-of-way. Staff will continue to coordinate this with adjacent property owners as we move forward with the construction. A specific date for public hearing will be recommended to you in March or April. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. RWT,Jr/RBB/dbm 91. 223 cc: Jo Higgins, Director of Engineering I I I n 1\ I . . a . . . . ~. ~ ALBEMARLE COUNTY . . .. . . . . . It '. .CD @ ...... L.. , ,. '" V Otc.A \.C\ Ctsrr\4) i {4 L "-- ~Nt1I'\TG1.S c...e.aEIL ~L E:STA IE '-.....1 ... --- - - - lI'" .. I I ... r' I j " ~ CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICT SECTION S'-Vi . '" '~l ,( , ;\ :.,,j Edward H. Bain, Jr Samuel Miller COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 979-1281 Charlotte Y Humphns ,j,Kl<. .JOUl'tl David P Bowerman Charlottesville Walter F. Perkins Whitt' Hall F. R, (Rick) Bowie Rivanna Peter T. Way Scottsvdle November 14, 1991 Mr. George R. st. John County Attorney 416 Park Street Charlottesville, VA 22901 Dear Mr. St. John: At its meeting on November 13, the Board set a public hearing for December 11, 1991, to vacate the Peyton Drive public right-of- way from Commonwealth Drive to Greenbrier Drive. Please draft the appropriate ordinance since this is not a public road. I take for granted that we are vacating a portion of the plat under Section 15.1-482(b). Please provide the above information before November 20, as this office must prepare the proper advertisement and notification. Very truly yours, ~. - Lettie E. LEN:ec cc: Robert B. Brandenburger Robert W. Tucker, Jr. DATE AGENDA ITEM NO. AGENDA ITEM NAME DEFERRED UNTIL I~! e tI, f'fl/ QIII/I'3.113 0(1./\ Cc {1) ~k(/YJ ,{ hAALa-u:; j 7 Form. 3 7/25/86 tz,v(p ''i-( ql,/O OZI'I'i ~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, U'- Fe " ".1 ,: I) l;;I:;J ...-.., ;,.., , . i ,I J L,. ....1 r,~ '~ is;_ ./ Ll ~,). : ~ ! MEMORANDUM .)~-j TO: FROM: DATE: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors . 4 ~;>- County Executive~ Robert W. Tucker, Jr., December 6, 1991 RE: Private Roads In considering the adoption of VDoT' s mountainous terrain and rolling terrain standards for incorporation into the County's Subdivision Ordinance, the Board requested information on our ability to ensure private road construction meets acceptable standards. As discussed below, staff position is that current policies, procedures and practices are adequate to ensure private roads are constructed to acceptable standards. Background: The authority and standards for private roads as outlined in the subdivision ordinance specify: - Plans have to follow design standards given in the ordinance; and - Roads shall be bonded to ensure construction and completion to design standards; and - A sworn affidavit that improvements conform to approved plans and applicable sections of the ordinance. Private road inspection procedures have changed over the past three years. Prior to the addition of a full-time road inspector in 1988, private road inspection was limited. Since 1988, the Engineering Department inspects both private and public roads with the vast majority of time being assigned to public roads. This is driven by the larger number of public road projects; 84% of sites/subdivisions with roads under bond are public road projects. The inspector checks the private road to ensure that it meets plan specifications by checking the thickness of the aggregate base prior to any paving, verifying the width of the road; verifying the road alignment and verifying it meets all other plan requirements. Albemarle County Board of Supervisors December 6, 1991 RE: Private Roads Page 2 Additionally, private roads are bonded. The purpose of bonding a road is to ensure that funds are available to provide a road that meets the required standards. While some bonds were released with no recorded inspection, this has not been a recent occurrence. Staff has recently automated its bond program to improve our ability to manage this significant administrative process. Current practice requires all roads to be inspected and verified by the County Engineer prior to bond release or modification. Alternatives: Staff is continuing to pursue improvements in our procedures and will be examining the following: - Increasing frequency of private road inspections; - Review of the requirements for developers to certify conformance to plans and standards; - Requiring a subdivider to provide a one year performance bond after final acceptance as is currently required by VDoT on roads accepted into the state secondary system; - Review of the bonding process to provide improved management in an effort to attain earlier completion of roads; and - Review the County's role in inspection of public roads. In summary, County private road inspection procedures are adequate and the adoption of the proposed VDoT mountainous and rolling terrain standards are not expected to negatively impact staffs ability to provide inspection services. If staff resource issues are identified they will be addressed in the regular budget process. RWT,Jr/RBB/dbm 91.233 Distributed to Bo:nd: !lLJ.Zi'll A j Sr./}., - gent a Item rvo. 1.11J(),-~.1~3 2r.A 9/. 16IJ.1.4S . ,. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE " .r Dept of Planning & CO)l1munity Development: . " 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 ~ i ' .: t r' ;n MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors , ~ Ronald S. Keeler, Chief of Planning1L? DATE: September 10, 1991 STA-91-1 Private Roads ZTA-91-6 Private Roads RE: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on September 4, 1991 unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted text amendments. Attached please find a staff report which outlines these amendments. Please be advised . that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review these petitions and receive public comment at their meeting on October 2. 1991. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. RSK/jcw ATTACHMENT .~ ' '~3 STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: RONALD S. KEELER SEPTEMBER 3, 1991 OCTOBER 2, 1991 STA-91-01 PRIVATE ROADS INCLUDING ZTA-91-06 ORIGIN: Private Roads Committee; Planning Commission PUBLIC PURPOSE TO BE SERVED: To revise private road design standards to duplicate VDOT standards which in turn are based on (nationally recognized) AASHTO standards. STAFF COMMENT: After presentation of the ad hoc Private Roads Committee report, the Planning Commission on May 7, 1991 adopted a resolution of intent to amend the County's private roads provisions in the Subdivision Ordinance in accord with the recommendations of the Private Roads Committee (Report of the Private Roads Committee is attached). Staff has prepared amendments to Section 18-36 accordingly and eac~ amendment is accompanied by "comment". 4. Pu~lic benefits of these amendments would include the following: 1. Current private road standards are literally untraceable as to origin and represent an amalgamation of opinion of several past County Engineers. AASHTO standards are considered to be of national acceptance; 2. Recently, lot purchasers on private roads have complained as to "substandard" design. Such complaints should be allayed by #1 above; 3. During development of current VDOT design standards, County staff and local development interests lobbied strongly for application of various terrain standards on a local as opposed to regional basis. Should VDOT follow such course in the future, more private roads may be eligible for acceptance into the state Secondary System for maintenance; An enduring concern is whether or not private roads in the Rural Areas promote development of marginal or environmentally sensitive lands which the Comprehensive Plan may recommend for preservation. This is to say, do private road provisions promote development contrary 1 to the intent of the Comprehensive Plan? Staff opinion is that development in the Rural Areas is primarily market driven and secondarily controlled by government regulation and therefore, any contribution to development as may be realized through private roads is a secondary factor. STA-91-01 PRIVATE ROADS 1. Reorganize ~18-36(a) as follows: ARTICLE III. DESIGN STANDARDS. DIVISION 6. STREETS Section 18-36. Private Roads. Private roads are intended to be permitted as the exception to construction and dedication of public roads in the subdivision approval process. Granting of private road usage shall be discretionary by the commission and shall be based on the circumstances and requirements contained herein. Private roads are intended to promote sensitivity toward the natural characteristics of the site and to encourage subdivision consistent and harmonious with surrounding development. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein and permitted in accordance with procedures of ~18-36(h), no waiver, modification or variation of standards, and no exceptions to the application of these regulations shall be permitted. (a) Any subdivision, any lot of which is served by a private road shall be subject to approval by the commission in accordance with this chapter. Any further subdivision of land involving additional use of such road shall be deemed a subdivision subject to the provisions of this chapter. In order to insure adequate capacity of such road and equitable maintenance costs to property owners, except as the commission may provide in a particular case, not more than one dwelling unit shall be located on any parcel served by such road. Pr~va~e-reaas-are-~a~eaaea-~e-5e-~erm~~~ea-as-~he exee~~~ea-~e-eeas~r~e~~ea-aaa-aea~ea~~ea-er-~~5i~e reaas-~a-~fie-s~5a~v~s~ea-a~~revai-~reeess~--6raa~~a~-er ~r~va~e-reaa-~sa~e-shaii-5e-a~sere~~eaarY-5y-~fie eemm~ss~en-aaa-shaii-5e-5asea-ea-~he-e~re~s~aaees-aaa re~~~remea~s-een~a~aea-here~a~--Pr~va~e-reaas-are ~a~eaaea-~e-~reme~e-seas~~~v~~y-~ewara-~fie-aa~~rai 2 eft8r8e~erf~~fe~-er-~fte-~f~e-8~a-~e-e~ee~r8~e ~~~afvf~fe~-ee~~f~~e~~-8~a-ft8rme~fe~~-wf~h-~~rre~~af~~ aeVe%e~me~~~--E~ee~~-8~-e~fterwf~e-e~~re~~%y-~revfaea fteref~-8~a-~ermf~~ea-f~-8eeera8~ee-wf~ft-~reeea~re~-er ~~8-36fftTT-~e-w8fverT-meafffe8~fe~-er-v8rf8~fe~-er ~~8~a8ra~T-8"a-~e-e~eel'~fe"~-~e-~fte-8~~%fe8~fe~-er ~fteee-re~~%8~fe~e-~ft8%%-~e-~ermf~~ea~ Comment: The second paragraph of current 18-36(a) is primarily a policy statement and as such should serve as an introduction to the private roads provisions. 2. Amend ~18-36(b) as follows: (b) The commission may approve any subdivision served by one or more private roads under the following circumstances: (1) For property zoned RA, Rural Areas, the subdivider, in accordance with Section 18-36(h) of this chapter, demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of the commission that: Approval of such roads will alleviate a clearly demonstrable danger of significant degradation to the environment of the site or adjacent properties which would be occasioned by the construction of public roads in the same alignments. For the purposes of this provision, in addition to such other factors as the commission may consider, "significant degradation" shall mean an increase of thirty (30%) percent in the total volume of grading for construction of a public road as compared to a private road~-8~a~ As secondary considerations. amonq other thinqs. the commission may consider actual volume differential as well as surface area differential and removal of vegetative cover: and No alternative public road alignment available to the subdivider on the adoption date of this section would alleviate significant degradation of the environment; and No more lots are proposed on such private road than could be realized on a public road due to right-of-way dedication. (AMENDED 11-16-89) 3 (2) For property zoned RA, Rural Areas, or VR, Village Residential, where such subdivision contains only two lots and such private road serves only the lots in such subdivision; and is the sole and direct means of access to a road in the state highway system; or (AMENDED 1-21-88) (3) Such subdivision is intended for non-residential or non-agricultural purposes; or (4) Such subdivision is not located within a rural area of the Comprehensive Plan and such subdivision shall be into lots and/or units to be occupied exclusively by residential structures other than single-family detached dwellings including appurtenant recreational uses and open space; or (5) Such subdivision constitutes a "family division" as defined by ~18-56 of this chapter. Comment: In addition to a percentage differential, this amendment would encourage a broader view of environmental concerns (i.e. - The proposed Open Space Plan emphasizes tree preservation under several circumstances). That is to say a short road may qualify under the "30% rule", while a much longer roadway involving significantly more volume of disturbance may not qualify under the 30% rule. Obviously, when more factors of consideration are introduced, decision-making will become more complex and this is an important concern. Examples are offered: o Smith's analysis shows a 26%~difference in volume of grading, an actual volume differential of 1,400 cubic yards, and removal differential of 100 v. 160 trees. o Jones' analysis shows an 18% difference in volume of grading, an actual volume differential of 6,500 cubic yards and a removal differential of 10 v. 18 trees. Justification for approving a private road in one case and denying a private road in another case may prove to be dependent on the majority opinion as to the relative importance of these secondary considerations. That is to say, consistency in decision-making was a primary consideration in incorporating the "30% rule" and introducing other factors may result in less consistency. 4 I . 3. No change is proposed to ~18-36(c): (c) In addition to the prOV1S1ons of ~ 18-36(b), the commission may approve a subdivision served by one or more private roads in any case in which the subdivider, in accordance with ~ 18-36(h) of this chapter, demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of the commission that: o For a specific, identifiable reason, the general public interest, as opposed to the proprietary interest of the subdivider, would be better served by the construction of such roads than by the construction of public roads. In the case of any such approval, the commission may require such assurances from the subdivider in a form acceptable to the county attorney as it may determine to be necessary to protect the public interest with respect to such roads. Comment: While not employed extensively, this prOV1S1on has proved to be a useful "safety valve" and has been applied J..n measured fashion. Private roads were justified in the Branchlands retirement community based on security of the eld~rly residents. Several public purposes were cited in the approval of private roads (to be constructed to VDOT mountainous standards) in the Glenmore PUD. 4. Amend ~ 18-36(d) as follows: (d) No subdivision shall be approved pursuant to ~ 18-36(b) or ~ 18-36(c), unless and until the commission shall determine that: (1) Any such private road will be adequate to carry the traffic volume which may be reasonably expected to be generated by such subdivision; and (2) The comprehensive plan does not provide for a public road in the approximate location of such proposed private road; and (3) The fee of such road is to be owned by the owners of lots abutting the right-of-way thereof or by an association composed of the owners of all- lots in the subdivision, subject in either case to any easement for the benefit of all lots served by such road, and 5 (4) Except where required by the commission to serve a specific public purpose, such private road shall not be designed to serve through traffic nor to intersect the state highway system in more than one location, and (5) Any such private road has been approved in accordance with ~ 30.3 FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY DISTRICT of the Zoninq Ordinance and other applicable law. Comment: Issuance of a special use permit for a bridge or other stream crossing in the floodplain is a legislative act which should not be preceded (nor influenced) by subdivision, a ministerial act. (This issue was not discussed with the Private Road Committee, but has been involved in recent floodplain reviews) . 5. Amend 9 18-36 (e) as follows: (e) All private roads approved pursuant to this section shall be constructed in accordance with the following: (1) Pr~va~e-reaa-~erm~~~ea-~ftaer-~-~a-~6-f~T-f~T ~fta%%-eeftferm-~e-~fte-re~~remeft~~-ef-~ab%e-%~ Pr~va~e-reaa~-~erm~~~ea-~ftder-~-~a-~6-fbT-f~T sfta%%-eeftferm-~e-~fte-re~~~remeft~~-ef-~ab%e-% e~ee~~-~fta~-a-m~ft~m~m-eBR-ef-s~~~raae-ef-~a ~fta%%-~e-re~~rea-afta-~fte-ae~~ft-ef-ba~eT w~a~ft-ef-~raVe%WaYT-m~ft~m~m-~~~ft~-d~~~aftee afta-~~rfaee-~rea~meft~-may-be-~fterea~ed-~ft aeeeraaftee-w~~ft-~he-s~aftaaras-ef-~he-V~r~~ft~a Be~ar~meft~-ef-H~~hways-afta-~rafts~er~a~~eft-fer ~fte-mes~-~raff~e-~ft~efts~ve-~~es-~e-wh~eft-~~eft %afta-may-%awf~%%y-be-aeve~ea~--Pr~va~e-read~ ~erm~~~ea-~ftaer-~-~a-~6-f~T-f4T-Sfta%%-eeftferm ~e-~fte-re~~reme~~s-er-~ah~e-~~. (1) Private roads permitted under ~ 18-36 (b) (1). 18-36 (b) (2). and 18-36 (b) (5) shall conform to the requirements of Table A. Private roads permitted under ~ 18-36 (b) (3) and 18-36 (b) (4) shall conform to the requirements of Table B except that a pavement structure desiqn in accordance with Virqinia Department of Transportation Subdivision Street Requirements shall be required for the most traffic-intensive uses to which such land may be lawfully devoted for a private road approved subiect to ~ 18-36 (b) (3). Except as otherwise expresslY provided. 6 private roads shall be designed to conform in all regards to current Virginia Department of Transportation Subdivision Street Requirements. Private roads subject to Table A shall be designed to conform to Virginia Department of Transportation mountainous terrain classification. Private roads subject to Table B shall be designed to conform to Virginia Department of Transportation rolling terrain classification. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to preclude the commission from authorizing the application of Virginia Department of Transportation mountainous terrain design standards to a private road subject to Table B, upon finding that for a specific, identifiable reason, the general public interest as opposed to the proprietary interest of the subdivider, would be better served. In the case of any such approval, the commission may require such assurances . from the subdivider in a form acceptable to the County Attorney as it may determine to be necessary to protect the public interest. (2) Exee~~-as-e~herwise-~re~iaea-ift-~a~ie-%%,-afty sHeh-reaa-ser~ift~-mere-~haft-~i~e,-~H~-ft~~ mere-~haft-~weft~y,-ie~s-sftaii-ha~e-a ri~h~-e~-way-wia~h-e~-~hir~y-~ee~-afta-a maximHm-~raae-e~-fte~-mere-~ftaft-~i~~eeft ~ereeft~,-~re~iaea,-hewe~er-~ha~-~he-maximHm ~raae-e~-sHeh-reaa-may-~e-iftereasea-~e-fte~ mere-~haft-ei~h~eeft-~ereeft~-~er-ais~aftee-e~ fte~-mere-~haft-~hree-hHftarea-~ee~-where-ift-~he e~iftieft-e~-~he-eeHft~y-eft~ifteer,-~e~e~ra~hie ~ea~~~es-;l:ls~~~y-s~eh-~fterease-ana-s~eft ~fterease-wiii-ne~-res~i~-ift-a-sa~e~y-ha~ard. Except as otherwise expressly provided, a private road approved pursuant to Table A, serving fewer than six (6) lots shall have a minimum right-of-way of thirty (30) feet and all other private roads approved pursuant to Table A or Table B shall have right-of-way width conforming to the appropriate Virginia Department of Transportation standard. Virginia Department of Transportation practice notwithstanding, only those areas necessary to accommodate improvements and to achieve required sight distance shall be required to be cleared. Subsequent to construction ornamental plantings and other 7 improvements may be installed provided the same shall not conflict with sight distance, drainage facilities or other requirements. (3) Intersections of private roads shall have an approach grade not exceeding four percent for a distance of not less than forty feet in all directions. Intersections of private and public roads shall have an approach grade not exceeding two percent for a distance of not less than forty feet in all directions. Approach grade distance shall be measured from the edge of travelway of the road being intersected. f3t S~eei~iea~ienB-~er-erew~i~~,-ai~ehin~,-a~a e~her-~re~iBie~B-~er-arai~a~e-Bhaii-~e B~~;ee~-~e-a~~re~ai-e~-~he-ee~~~y-e~~i~eer~ f4t Exeel'~-aB-e~herwiBe-~re~iaea-i~-~a~ie-~~-a~a S-i8-36-fet,-a~y-B~eft-reaa-Ber~i~~-mere-~fta~ ~we~~y-ie~B-Bftaii-~e-ee~B~r~e~ea-i~ aeeeraa~ee-wi~h-~he-Vir~i~ia-Be~ar~me~~-e~ Hi~hwaYB-a~a-~ra~B~er~a~ieft,-iftei~aift~,-~~i ~e~-iimi~ea-~e,-fteri~eft~ai-aii~ftme~~,-miftim~ ri~ft~-e~-way-wia~ft-afta-maxim~-~raae~ (4) The developer shall submit to the county engineer a map of the proposed subdivision having contour intervals of not greater than twenty feet showing the horizontal alignment together with field-run profiles and typical cross-section of such roads. The county engineer may waive requirements of the field-run profile in the case of an existing road or where deemed appropriate due to topography. Comment: Amendments to ~18-36 (e) would achieve the primary recommendation of the Private Roads Committee that the Virginia Department of Transportation mountainous and rolling terrain standards should be adopted as County private road design standards. Generally, mountainous standards would be available in the rural areas, while rolling terrain standards would be applicable to urban development. provision is made to apply mountainous standards to urban development and each case would be judged on its merits. It is impossible to anticipate a body of circumstances generally applicable, therefore, language from S 18-36 (c) has been incorporated into S 18-36 (e) (1). Note that, in accord with recommendations of the Private 8 Roads Committee, no change is made to current design standards for a (rural) private road serving fewer than six lots. The committee believed that the current "farm lane" was appropriate and that Virginia Department of Transportation standards would be excessive (based on matters of density, aesthetics, etc.) 6. Maintain 18-36 (f), 18-36 (g), and 18-36 (h) as currently written: (f) Every such road shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of ~ 18-7 of this chapter. Any lot fronting on any such ro~~shall enter only onto such road and shall have n~ immediate access onto any public street, except 1n such c~se in which the subdivider in accordance with?~ ~ (h) of this caa~ter demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction ~~ flle commission that due to existing development, topography, or otherv~ physical consideration as distinguished ~ a special privilege or convenience, alternative access would alleviate a clearly demonstrable danger of significant degradation to the environment of the site or adjacent properties. (g) I.,The minimum right-of;way width requirements of 'JUl,Section ~ (e >>"~6twi thstanding, in the case of a subdivision served by an existing easement of fixed width, which easement cannot be widened by the subdivider after documented good faith effort by the subdivider to acquire additional right-of-way width, the commission ma~A~~~~o~e ~ such subdivision in accordance wi th y~ (h) 0 upon demonstration by the applicant that such easement is of adequate w~dth to accomm~ate such travelway as required b~ ~ (e)~b~~her with area adequate for maintenance of the same. . ~ VY" +hi <s 'Se c- , (h) A subdivide~requesting commission approval pursuant tOl')\l-~ ~ (c) , ~ 1trJ8'"' (f), or S- 18 36 (g) of this c~~~shall file with the agent a written request which shall state reasons and justifications for such request together with such alternatives as may be proposed by the subdivider. Such request shall be submitted prior to commission consideration by such date as may be specified by the agent. No such request shall be considered by the ,commission until the commission has considered the recommendation of the agent. The agent may recommend approval, approval with 9 conditions, or denial. A recommendation of approval or conditional approval shall be accompanied by a statement from the agent as to public purpose served by such recommendation, particularly in regard to the purpose and intent of this chapter, the Zoning Ordinance, and the Comprehensive Plan. Comment: Recommendations of Private Roads Committee do not occasion amendment to these provisions. ZTA-91-06: 1. Amend Table 10.4 AREA AND BULK REGULATIONS: Yards, minimum: Front (existinq public road) Front (internal public or private road) 75 75 Side Rear 25 25 35 25 25 35 Comment: This amendment would more than compensate for increased right-of-way requirements. In addition, the amE'mdment would offer: greater flexibility in house site location reduced construction costs reduced number of variances from setback requirements less environmental/aesthetic degradation 10 EXISTING Table I Single-Family Detached Residential (Also Agricultural/Commercial/Industrial) :;:~: SURFACE MINIMUM TREATMENT SIGHT DISTANCE ?\E#~p~as'pth~t~i~~.:: '.)((I~.As~()rd@<:eWith...".",... ,. ' expreSs,lyprovided) , VDOT methodology for , " '" ',' :', ",',' , ' stopping sight distance) WIDTH OF TRAVElWAY \<lh..agditi(jrytqAf9pt? .~H9liJg~r~.4@):fItdi) :'.......:r~,(mif~T~h~).. " DEPTH OF BASE ....,(YR9I&ggt~~t~. ,..".,',. ..B5's~}..H.:: ............... . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... ........... ......... ........."...... ,.. .................... '.- ......... .... ,". . ............ . Family Division Only (Any number of lots) See note ** See note ** See note ** See note ** 2 Lots See note ** See note ** See note ** See note ** 3 - 5 Lots 14 Feet Not required (unless 6" - #25 or #26 slope exceeds 7%)*** 1 00 Feet 6 - 1 0 Lots 1 4 Feet Prime & Double Seal or 6" - #21 or #21A Approved Equivalent 1 00 Feet 11 - 20 Lots 1 8 Feet Prime & Double Seal or 6" - #21 or #21A Approved Equivalent 120 Feet *NUMBER OF LOTS SERVED shall mean the aggregate of all lots served by such road segment and all lots having access over such segment to a public roa~. ROAD SEGMENT shall mean each portion of a private road between its intersection with other private or public roads (see illustration). **The surveyor shall certify on the plat that the existing and/or proposed right-of-way is of adequate width and horizontal and vertical alignment to accommodate a travelway passable by ordinary passenger vehicles in all but temporary extreme weather conditions, together with area adequate for maintenance of such travelway. Such certification may be accomplished by the following wording on the plat: "This private road will provide reasonable access by motor vehicle as required by 918-36 of the Albemarle County Code." This provision includes family divisions, ***If slope exceeds seven percent, 6" of #21 or #2lA and prime & double seal are required.. ILLUSTRATION TO ACCOMPANY NOTE ONE: A B D I \ C IE PUBLIC ROAD" NUMBER OF LOTS SERVED: Segment A = Lots on segment A Segment C = Lots on Segments A, B, and C Segment E = Lots on Segments A, B, C, D and E Note: Any lot with frontage on more than one road segment shall be counted on each road segment on which such lot fronts, unless access is specifically restricted by notation on the, final plat. 186 EXISTING Table II Residential Uses Other Than Single-Family Detached Dwellings 1. Right-of-Way Width Travelway Depth of Base Surface Treatment 30 feet 24 feet 6 inches VDH&T Aggregate Base 1121 or 1121A 1! inches S-5 Bituminous concrete or Approved Equivalent 2. Horizontal and vertical curvature shall ?e subject to approval by County Engineer in accordance with appropriate VDH&T standards. 3. The commission may require concrete curb and gutter and sidewalks or other pedestrian ways in accordance with ~ 18-39(n). 4. The commission may require increased travelway width to provide for on-street parking upon a determination that provisions for off-street parking may be inadequate to reasonably preclude unauthorized on-street parking. 5. Minimum sight distance shall be provided in accordance with Table I. 6. Where vehicular traffic on such road is projected to exceed 250 vtpd, depth of base and surface treatment shall be in accordance with Virginia Department of Highways & Transportation standards. ,I ;; (2) Except as otherwise provided in Table II, any such road serving more than five, but not mor,e than twenty, lots shall have a right-of-way width of thirty feet and a maximum grade of not more than fifteen percent, provided, however that the maximum grade of such road may be increased to not more than eighteen percent for distance of not more than three hundred feet where in the opinion of the county engineer, topographic features j~stify such increase and such increase will not result in a safety hazard. Intersections of private roads shall have an approach grade not exceeding four percent for a distance of not less than forty feet in all directions. Intersections of private and public roads shall have an approach grade not exceeding two percent for a distance of not less than forty feet in all directions. Approach grade distance shall be measured from the edge of travelway of the road betng intersected. (3) Specifications for crowning, ditching, and other provisions for drainage shall be subject to approval of the county engineer. PR.OPOSED Table A Single-Family Detached Residential (Also Agricultural) NUMBER OF LOTS SERVED BY ROAD WIDTH OF SURFACE MINIMUM SEGMENT* TRAVELWAY DEPTH OF BASE TREATMENT SIGHT DISTANCE ::::::::::::::::::;:,::,:::::::::::::::~fq]~ggr~!,~::::(~9ip~:M9~lj~rw!~~::::(mi~~9m~ij~f::wm~,:r Family Division Only (Any number of lots) See note ** See note ** See note * * See note ** 2 lots See note ** See note ** See note ** See note ** 3 - 5 lots 14 Feet (In addition to 4 foot shoulders and ditch requirements) 6" - #25 or #26 Not required (unless slope exceeds 7%)*** 100 Feet 6 lots or More Shall be designed to VDOT MOUNTAINOUS TERRAIN Standards *NUMBER OF LOTS SERVED shall mean the aggregate of all lots served by such road segment and all lots having access over such segment to a public road. ROAD SEGMENT shall mean each portion of a private road between its intersection with other private or public roads (see illustration). **The surveyor shall certify on the plat that the existing and/or proposed right-of-way is of adequate width and horizontal and vertical alignment to accommodate a travelway passable by ordinary passenger vehicles in all but temporary extreme weather conditions, together with area adequate for maintenance of such travelway. Such certification may be accomplished by the following wording on the plat: "This private road will provide reasonable access by motor vehicle as required by ~ 18-36 of the Albemarle County Code." This provision includes family divisions. ***If slope exceeds seven percent, 6" of #21 or #21A and prime & double seal are required.. ILLUSTRATION TO ACCOMPANY NOTE ONE: An B C D IE PUBUC ROAD NUMBER OF LOTS SERVED: - Segment A = Lots on segment A Segment C = Lots on Segments A, B, and C Segment E = Lots on Segments A, B, C, D and E Note: Any lot with frontage on more than one road segment shall be counted on each road segment on which such lot fronts, unless access is specifically restricted by notation on the final plat. 186 fI# PROPOSED ..... ,;( Table B, Residential Uses Other Than Single-Family Detached Dwellings (Also Commercial/lndustrial) 1. Shall be designed to VDOT ROlliNG TERRAIN Standards. 2. The Planning Commission may require concrete curb and gutter and sidewalks or other pedestrian ways in accordance with Section 18-39(n). 3. The Planning Commission may require increased travelway width to provide for on-street parking upon a determination that provisions for off-street parking may be inadequate to reasonably preclude unauthorized on-street parking. ;::(1:' ~,.. v.e cf. I ( /3/9/ REPUBLIC CAPITAL CORPORATION P.O. Box 7885 Charlottesville. Va. 22906 (804) 979-5748 FAX (g04) 979.0575 November 13, 1991 BY FAX Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle Albemarle County Office Building P.O. Box 911 Charlottesville. VA 22901 County Private Road Ordinance To the Board of Supervisors: As a member of the Private Roads) Work Committee. and as a member of the local Task Force working with the Hi~wa~ Department in their revision of the sUbdivision street requirements, and as a local home builder, I would like to encourage the Board of Supervisors to keep the private roads' option intact as a part of the zoning ordinance. The flexibilio/ of retaimng private road approvals in the County would help counteract increasll1gly difficult requirements imposed by the Highway Department, whose primary purpose is to make future roads as flat as possible. The changes recently implemented by the Highway Department in their subdivision street requirements include reducing the radius of curves, reducing the maximum slope of a grade, increasing the car trips' calculations; and other items which have the net effect of increasing costs of tIle roads, increasing vehicle speeds to rates substantially above the posted requirements. and reducingtlexibility to accommodate changes in terrain. Part of our suggestions to the Highway Department were to recognize that Albemarle COunty contains mountamous terrain. flat roads can mar hilly topography, and higher speeds generally do not make neighborhood roads safer. As far as I know, recommendations of our group were completely ignored by the Highway Department. The County-s private roads ordinance, therefore, is a measure wliich would allow the Cod~ some flexibility in accommodating road construction for some of the more . cult terrain that is a natural part of OUI area. ,Dv' 13 ) 91 09: 39 REP CRP 804-':f?9-k:):.?5 P.3 ~.---; I would appreciate if the Board would consider the need for flexibility, safety, and cost in desigmng roads to match the geography by keeping private roads as part of the ordinance. Yours, ~ ~ fY\~'" Blake Hurt President jmen Distributed to Board: if - t "1/ Agenda Item ~J?T,4 ql, J/Odt, 'f gJ 't:T4Q/')/O),4:sf COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY or .t\LE::\"j\{\RLF Dept of Planning & Community Developmenf',::~'\ 'I"::;'::''; r;:::-; r~~:' n ',', i-' ;';=.' r,\::~\ , \ ' 1" w........... .. '.'" .,... ,..,.. "'~""i "I i 401 McIntire Road Ill:' ).- ' '\ I; \ \ Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 \~'l~ OCT :2:8 lS8l ~; ;~\ (804) 296-5823 \:. \ \ / ) " ~ I U \\C:~;\~:'~~:',:.' ..;"'.;"'~~:-: :~:J 'F (i /\J<D (> C ,_,.' :)I~ S MEMORANDUM FROM: Harry Wilkerson Phil Grimm Jacquelyn Huckle Blake Hurt Mike West Bob McKee steve Key J V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning and' LJJv community Development TO: DATE: October 24, 1991 RE: Board of Supervisors Meeting - November 13, 1991 The Albemarle county Board of supervisors is conducting a work session to discuss private roads on November 13, 1991. This session is scheduled for 10:30 a.m., Meeting Room #7, County Office Building. The Board has asked that members of the Private Roads Committee attend this meeting to discuss private road issues. The Board has raised a basic question as to what extent private roads should continue to be allowed. In particular, they have asked if private roads are counterproductive to the County's Rural Area policies, especially the clustering provisions. Please contact me at 296-5823 if you will be unable to attend this meeting or if you have any questions regarding this matter. r VWC/jcw ~: Lettie E. Neher ~~'lIja j'.!!" !'.., COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE '" ,.' f~'::L- CJ I ':. ,c,,. ... '." . ;." ,... " " (/ ,),:1(\'HI(..;(1 tv .~.,alf.. -. ..., ~-" q 1...IJ!~,:'lf1 I..~,':, ',f,', 1 I" -"... I.. ~ICi-J~):!U \. 1,'.:....\ 1". I"" '''''." 1. I' .; .....'IIi t .'",......""."""...."'...,..",i...1 ;'~, NOV ;1 1981 MEMORANDUM .:'; .'; r;'TT1"'f""::.rrro . ,... .. I.. U ",j L__. '-=-' ' ni.:!\/V(381\fJ(\ ). c , -- "",,' .. '.." TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive November 8, 1991 Annual Report of the Comprehensive Plan Attached is the Summary of the Findings and Recommendations of the Annual Report of the Comprehensive Plan for your review and endorsement. Endorsement of the recommendations will allow staff to integrate these initiatives in their budget and work plans for FY 92-93. Copies of the entire Annual Report will be provided at the Board meeting. Other than this Summary, the full report also includes an update of data, a status report on the Strategies and Action Agenda, and approved amendments to the plan. RWT,Jr/RBB/dbm 91.197 Attachment ANNUAL REPORT OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Summary of Findings and Recommendations Summary of Findinqs: The following is a summary of significant new information and findings from the analysis undertaken for this report: Population Trends: The 1990 population for Albemarle County has increased to 68,040 from 55,783 in 1980. The average annual growth rate between 1980 and 1990 was 2.0 percent. The average annual growth rate for the County between 1970 and 1980 was 4.8 percent. There is a continuing decline in the percentage of households earning less than $15,000 and a consistent increase in households earning more than $40,000 a year (based on adjusted gross income class). In 1988, 34 percent of the total population made less than $15,000. Conversely, the percentage making over $40,000 in 1988 was 27.9 percent. To some extent, this reflects inflationary increases in income over the decade. But, this trend may also indicate that individuals and families with lower incomes are leaving as they can no longer afford the cost of living in the County. Median family income for Albemarle County in 1990 is $42,076, seven percent above the state median income ($39,175). The County's median income is highest in the region (Charlottesville $37,578, Greene $36,797, Fluvanna $33,285 and Nelson $30,045). Housing Cost: Based on the 1990 preliminary census information, the median value of owner-occupied housing in Albemarle is $111,200, 22 percent above the State median value ($91,000). The County median value is the highest in the region (Charlottesville $85,600, Fluvanna $75,100, Greene $73,700, and Nelson $53,100). Economy: Retail trade, finance, and service sectors of the economy are showing the highest level of employment growth in the County, and are growing faster than previous projections. Manufacturing and wholesale trade have not shown significant growth. Current national projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate that these trends will likely continue through the 1990's. Listed below are the Bureau of Labor statistics' moderate national projections for major employment sectors. These are annual growth rates for the period between 1990 and 2000: Manufacturing Transportation Wholesale Trade Construction 1.2% 1.2% Finance Services Retail Trade 1.3% 2.5% 1.5% -.1% 8~ . 0 Analysis of the local/regional economy may indicate different trends. Agricultural Trends: The number of farms in the County have decreased from 830 in 1982 to 722 in'1987, according to the 1987 Census of Agriculture. This reflects a sharp decline from the trend established over the previous 13 years (750 farms in 1974, 751 farms in 1978 and 830 farms in 1982). Land in farms continue a declining trend from 208,476 acres in 1978 to 201,465 acres in 1982, and 186,486 in 1987. Total farm products sold also show a decline in 1987 from previous years based on current dollar value and adjusted dollars. The total products sold totalled $19,072,000 in 1987, compared to $21,892,000 in 1982 (in adjusted dollars, 1987 = $16,788,732; 1982 = $22,686,010). Growth Management/Development Activity: According to building permit activity for the last five years, the Growth Areas have captured an average of over 55% of all new residential development in the County. In 1989, the Growth Areas received over 73% of all new residential development. Hollymead has received a higher percentage of growth in the last two years due primarily to development of Forest Lakes. (23% of total growth in 1989, and 12% in 1990). However, other Communities and Villages are not capturing a significant portion of new development. The Rural Areas have received, on average, 45% of the residential development over the last five years. The high mark for both total units and percentage of growth in the Rural Areas was 1987, with 427 new dwellings or 65% of the total for all new units in the County. The three subsequent years have shown a decline in total units from 395 in 1988 to 347 in 1989 and 335 units in 1990. The percentage of total units was 59% in 1988, 27% in 1989, and 42% in 1990. The basis for implementing the Growth Management Policy is the Land Use Plan and its goal to direct growth into Designated Growth Areas. The above information indicates that the trend is toward a somewhat greater proportion of new development locating in the Growth Areas. However, a significant portion of new development is continuing to locate in the Rural Area. Development in the Growth Areas is occurring exclusively in the Urban Area and Hollymead. Growth Areas are not capturing a significant development. almost The other amount of Land Use Inventory: There has been a significant reduction in the inventory of undeveloped land designated for high density residential use. A total of 84 acres were developed between 1988-91. The Agnor-Hurt School site, The Ridge Development, and University Village have utilized large areas of high density land in Neighborhoods 1, 5, and 7 respectively. Approximately 240 acres of low density land was also developed during this period, leaving a total of 3,961 developable acres. A large portion of low density land currently has limited development potential due to lack of road access or availability/proximity of utilities, particularly in Crozet and scottsville. Due to a relatively limited amount of land available, land costs have risen rapidly in the Urban Areas and Communities. This ultimately contributes to the increasing cost of housing. Based on the guidelines outlined in the Plan for designating non-residential lands, the total available area designated for commercial service use (Neighborhood, Community and Regional Service) now falls below the anticipated minimum needed by the year 2010. By 2010, there will be a need for 53 additional acres of commercial land not now designated in the Plan. This assessment does not include consideration of the commercial development potential of the Office Service and Office/Regional Service designations. There are over 340 acres so designated which can accommodate some portion of the anticipated commercial demand. Office/employment center activities are intended to be the primary uses in the Office Service, and Office/Regional Service designations. Commercial development is intended to be a secondary or supporting use. There does not appear to be a need for additional commercial lands in the short-term, particularly given current economic conditions. The current inventory of developable industrial land is still well in excess of anticipated need. Over four times the anticipated land area needed by 2010 is designated in the Land Use Plan. Plan Implementation: There have been four major ordinance or code changes which have implemented recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. 1. Rural Preservation Development option of RA District Zoning Regulations - This ordinance provision implemented the recommendations of the Plan to provide a method of clustering small lots while preserving large tracts of land which would be more appropriate for rural uses. 2. Entrance Corridor Overlay District - This district was adopted to protect the visual quality of major entrance roads into the County. The roads designated as entrance corridor routes are: Route 29, Route 250, Route 29/250 Bypass, Route 29 Business, 1-64, Route 20 North, Route 22, Route 231, Route 6, Route 151, Route 631 (from Route 708 to City limits), Route 53, Route 240, Route 654, and Route 742. 3. The Non-Residential Service Areas - The Zoning Ordinance was amended to permit non-residential "service areas" as recommended in the Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of the amendment is to permit the establishment of mixed use developments consisting of commercial, industrial, residential, and/or public land uses in a manner consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. 4. The Water Resource Protection Areas Ordinance of the County Code - This ordinance implemented the Plan's overall goal to protect the County's surface water resources and the specific objective to review and support the Chesapeake Bay protection initiatives. It provides water quality protection measures along all rivers and perennial streams. Action Agenda: Below is the prioritized list of activities recommended in the Plan to be undertaken and the status of these projects. 1. Public Facilities Plan - The Community Facilities Plan was adopted in June, 1991 as an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Open Space and critical Resources Plan - A draft of this Plan is complete and has been reviewed by the Planning Commission. Adoption is anticipated by the winter of 1991. 3. Criteria Based Ratinq System and Transportation Plan - A criteria based rating system for evaluating and prioritizing road improvement projects has been developed and used in reviewing the six Year Secondary Road Plan in 1990 and 1991. 4. Water Resources Committee and Water Resources Protection Measures - The Committee has been established and has begun an evaluation of various resource protection measures and other water resource related issues. They have reviewed and made recommendations on the Water Resource Protection Areas Ordinance, Runoff Control Ordinance changes, and Stormwater Management issues. 5. utilities Master Plan - Work is underway on this plan. A staff committee including representatives from the Albemarle County Service Authority and Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority has been formed to assist in the development of this plan. A draft Plan is anticipated to be completed by Summer, 1992. 6. Urban Drainaqe Plan Update - There has been no work on this project to date. There is a request in the Capital Improvements Program (for FY92-93) to fund a County wide drainage study. 7. Aqricultural/Forestal Resources Advisorv Committee - There has been no work on establishing this committee to date. 8. Housinq Committee The Committee was appointed in February of 1991. A draft report from the Committee for the development of a housing strategy is anticipated by early 1992. 9. Historic Preservation Committee - There has been no work on establishing this committee to date. An unofficial committee consisting of members of citizens for Albemarle is developing a draft historic district ordinance to present to the County. 10. Social Data Base - A social data base has not been developed to date. 11. Urban Street Corridor Desiqn Plans - The Entrance Corridor Overlay District has been adopted. An Architectural Review Board (ARB) has been established to enforce these provisions. The ARB has developed interim design guidelines for the Entrance Corridor routes. 12. criteria for qualifying scenic Roads and Streams - Proposed criteria for qualifying scenic streams have been developed as part of the Open Space Plan. There has been no work on Scenic Roads criteria to date. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS 13. Annual "status of the Plan" Report - This is the first report since adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. Subsequent reports will be issued annually. Recommendations: The following are recommendations for further action to be undertaken: 1. The County should conduct a fiscal impact analysis to determine how development and population trends and projections will affect revenues and expenditures of the County. This analysis should be conducted at two levels: (1) based on existing growth areas as defined in the Comprehensive Plan; and, (2) based on expansion of growth areas to accommodate additional land use needs as noted in this report. This analysis has been recommended for several years. The analysis and ultimate development of a fiscal impact model is an important step in the process for evaluating how the County will support future growth in an effective manner. A fiscal impact analysis should be considered a high priority and begin in FY91-92. 2. The County should also establish a systematic annual review of the County's fiscal condition as recommended in the Comprehensive Plan (p. 222). This ongoing assessment would provide a method to monitor various financial indicators and identify any warning trends which could adversely affect the County's financial condition. This system should be established in FY91-92. 3. Upon completion of a fiscal impact analysis, the staff should evaluate growth area expansion to accommodate land use needs. Various locations for growth area expansion should be considered, but particular emphasis should be given to re-evaluating the Hollymead Community/Piney Mountain Village area for expansion potential. Based on a Board of Supervisors directive at the time of adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, the Hollymead Community was evaluated in 1989 for possible expansion. It was determined that expansion of Hollymead was not appropriate at that time due to a number of outstanding issues or additional planning work that needed to be resolved or completed. These issues/activities include: 1. Development of a Community Facilities Plan; 2. Development of a County Open Space Plan; 3. Development of a fiscal impact model and analysis of the County to determine impact of growth on the County; 4. Resolution of the Route 29 Bypass location; 5. Resolution of the Meadow Creek Parkway; with the exception of the fiscal impact model/analysis all other items have either been addressed or will be under study this fiscal year. Therefore, upon completion of the fiscal impact model, Hollymead should be re-evaluated for potential expansion. It is anticipated that this analysis could being in FY92-93. 4. Develop "Neighborhood Plans" for the Designated Growth Areas. It is recommended that Neighborhood Plans be developed for each of the designated Growth Areas. These plans would provide a more detailed analysis of need, and a plan for the development of these areas. It would also provide an opportunity for the residents of these areas to become more involved in the planning process for their neighborhood. The following is the recommended priority for undertaking these plans. Work would begin in FY91-92 on priority #1. 1. Urban Area Neighborhood 3 2. Urban Area Neighborhoods 4 and 5 3. Hollymead/Piney Mountain 4. Crozet 5. Neighborhoods 1 and 2 6. Neighborhoods 6 and 7 7. Remaining Villages (North Garden, Earlysville, Rivanna) 5. Conduct an economic base analysis of the local economy. The most recent base analysis of the local economy is now seven years old. A new study should be undertaken by FY92-93 so this information will be available for the next review of the Comprehensive Plan. 6. It is recommended that the following items from the Action Agenda be pursued in FY92-93. o Urban Drainaqe Plan Update - This plan would analyze drainage needs in the urbanizing areas of the County. A Capital Improvements Program (CIP) request to fund this Plan in FY92-93 has been submitted. The CIP is currently under review and is expected to be adopted in December, 1991. o Aqricultural/Forestal Resources Advisory Committee - Due to the continuing decline of agricultural activities in the County as indicated in the 1987 Census of Agriculture it is recommended that the Agricultural/Forestal Resources Advisory Committee be established to address agricultural and forestal industry needs and develop and recommend programs to support the industry. 7. The only remaining Action Agenda item which has not either been completed or scheduled for completion is the development of a social data base. This project should be undertaken when a thorough analysis of the 1990 Census information is completed. Census data will be available on a flow-basis beginning in the fall/winter of 1991 and continuing through 1992. ," ~., Citi~ens fnr Albemarle, Inc. Box 3751 University Station Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 1 ! \ ~ statement to the Board of Supervisors ~ Re: 1991 Annual Report of the Comprehensive Plan Mr. Chairman and members of the Board: We would like to begin by commending the staff of the Department of Planning and Community Development for preparing this valuable document. We were particularly struck by two observations made by the report: First, it is very disturbing that individuals and families with lower incomes are forced to leave Albemarle County because they can no longer afford the cost of living here. This trend calls for immediate action to ensure that qualified residents can find affordable housing. We look forward to reading the final report of the Housing Advisory Committee, and especially to their recommendations. Second, the report confirms, once again, that our Rural Areas are, absorbing far more of the county's growth than anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan. The admirable goal in the 1982 Comprehensive Plan of limiting growth in Rural Areas to only 13% has never been reached; over the last five years 45% of residential development has occurred on land not designated for growth. This pattern is related to a number of other troubling observations of the report. For example, the area of farm land and the number of farms has declined significantly (p. 2). If our agricultural base diminishes much further, we will lose essential farm support services -- feed stores, tractor repair facilities -- and the remaining working farms cannot be sustained. This, of course, would increasingly erode the rural character which makes the county att~ive to both residents and tourists. .;/ '''..., ;the rep;~t.also points out that voluntary techniques to preserve / rural land '-are not being actively promoted (p. 27) , that ! preparation of"the Master utilities Plan is moving slowly (p. 63), ; and that population pressure forces consideration of expanding Growth Areas into a~~as now earmarked "rural". r \ The message that em~ges from reading this report is that growth \ is overtaking the/ Comprehensive Plan's good intentions about how \ to maintain th~ ,.' quali ty of life in the county. To us, this \ suggests that ,we must strengthen rural zoning patterns, adjust the ce/l'ax to serve its purpose more effectively, and ." 'f aggressively promote voluntary conservation measures. We need to get moving on the "fiscal impact analysis" proposed in the CompPlan (p. 5), and to consider innovative new measures to influence the location of development such as density transfers and authorization for TORs. Though the current recession has given Albemarle County a brief respite from growth pressures, we can soon expect a return of the pattern of rapid growth. [see CfA population growth chart] There is no reason to expect the trend in the past twenty years to change in the near future. The truth is that growth pressure in our rural areas is eroding our quality of life, and that current efforts to manage growth are not sufficient. This, we believe, is the most important lesson we can learn from this document. with reference to the CompPlan's action agenda, we look forward to timely consideration of the draft Historic Preservation Ordinance which CfA has almost completed, and to the approval of a Mountain Protection Ordinance in conjunction with the Open Space Plan. We also hope the CompPlan's call for the establishment of an Agricultural/Forestal Resources Advisory Committee will soon be heeded. Finally, we applaud the passage of the Water Resource Protection Areas Ordinance, the creation of the Entrance Corridor Overlay District, and the drafting and initial review of the Open Space Plan. .. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Albemarle County Planning Commission David B. Benish~~Chief of Community Development August 20, 1991 Status Report of the Comprehensive Plan The status Report of the Comprehensive Plan will be delivered to the Commission members later this week. Staff will provide a general overview of the report at the August 27th Commission meeting. The Commission may wish to schedule additional time at a subsequent meeting to further discuss the report. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. DBB/mem DATE i lj~c I 1/ 02 AGENDA ITEM NAME Q/./2f1,RoV ('I OV t/lCtVl f l~' tLu.. dl 0 { (~c4. 1>6 fhj Jct'l 22 ~ 2 AGENDA ITEM NO. DEFERRED UNTIL Form. 3 7/25/86 . ," ',' Ll-~jl( , . I' . ,., .~. ',', ~., J_.~__ ",..'.j"l' ......" \v 00410, VI)' , "....~ C". ~P1-- A" 1'" '1+"1'1I No, Wli3~~ ~JI... "l!\elll.. ", ALBEMARLE - CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE OF WATERSHED MANAGEMENT 401 MciNTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22901.4596 (804) 296-5841 MEMORANDUM TO: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors FROM: J. w. Peyton Robertson, Jr., Water Resources Manager November 6, 1991 ~~ status of stormwater Report Recommendations DATE: RE: The Board was presented a report from the Water Resources Committee at the August 14 meeting which outlined a number of recommendations for improving stormwater management in Albemarle County. The Board requested a status report on the implementation of the those recommendations in 90 days. The attached materials outline a comprehensive stormwater management strategy. The first attachment translates the recommendations of the Stormwater Report into program elements necessary to develop a Stormwater Management Master Plan. The STUDY/ASSESSMENT element is critical to moving forward with the rest of the program. CIP funds dedicated to this effort should be preserved. Other funding mechanisms (such as the stormwater utility) may eventually provide an additional revenue source to implement the program. The second attachment identifies the status of each of these program elements and projects a timeline for completion of tasks. Availability of resources will determine actual completion, depending on identified priorities in the Capital Improvements Program and other demands on staff. Changes in the status of regulations may impose additional time constraints on completion of a given element. Albemarle County should continue to move ahead in developing a comprehensive stormwater program. Experience from other localities indicates that this issue will continue to grow in importance. Opportunities for cooperation with the City of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia are being explored as a means of defraying program costs. ws91-176 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o u ~ ~ ;::l o ~ ~ ~ ~ CI) z o 1--4 ~ ~ ~ :E a u ~ ~ E-t ~ o p.. ~ ~ ~ ~ E-t < ~ ~ o E-t CI:l ~ ~ E-t E-t ~ o 0:: CI) I j o .g .g '" I-< "'C t:l.. Q) ] Q) ~ '" > ..2 ~o ... .S ~ '" .~ '" ~ ~ I Q) ~ 0 .0'0 - .... 013 ;.:: ~ ..2 &0:-:= o .... '60 ~ .o5~2 t:l.. El t:l.. '0 g.~ei:: o ~ ~ :;;c.s]U d El c.s .... .Sl '" 0 '" 8 .:2 .0 0> ~ .~ ._ o 0 :-:= U I-< '" 0 "'C t:l..~..sd 2 I-< ~ ~ c.s 2 c.s c.s ~ ; .~ >: I-< Q) .= ::> o .... ... .s u; ~ 0'" "'C ;.:: 0 ~ 55ld~ a d Q) I-< <8.s~ 000 0 ~ ~ E-t d Z o .....:l a ~ I-< 2 '" '" c.s El ::s c.s .... I-< d gf Q) I-< a t:l..~ -; c.s ] a I-< ::s .5 2 o c.s '0 ~ '" I-< ~ ,g 61JCI) o c.s I-< t:l..g. ~- o ~ ~ Q) E-<O o 0 Attachment 1 ~ II 1--4 1 II ~ II ~ II ~ Z II .... ... II ~ OJ) 0 II 0 .S a -- Q) II CI) '0' ] ~ El II E-td:; II U ~ '" ~ t:l...~ II ~ Q) .:2 '" 0 d II .<;: '" _ c.s II ...... ... I-< Q) Q) ..d 0 > .Sl '" > 0 II Q) '" Q) Q) II ~ ~ I-< Il. <O::S II p.. I I I II II V CI) ffi ~ ~ Q).~ ~ '8 l--4"'g.... .. d ~ .:2 ~ ~ '0 Q) 8 CI .~ ;a 0 '" 0 ~ '0 I-< I-< d d ......Il.oll. oc.s ~.... Q) Q) .;;; .S ~ 0 8 ~ g ';> "E U~d5~80 Z ... 0 '" '.. Il. d < ~ U ~ "E Q) .Sl Z ;.:: l:::: I-< 0 ';f.~ ~ 0 0 Q) '" d ,::: ~ '" 13 .... c.s ';;i "'C Q~~~~o.g ~uo < CI) o 1 0 0 ~ ~ :E CI) CI).... ~ 0 ~ci < .....; '" __ Oc-g >- .S ..d Q t:l.. '" ~ g. 2 E-t ::s c.s CI) 1 ~ '" .:2 .... ;.:: .... ... o 0 o..s ,g ~ 5 ~ > ... ..s ~ "'C I ) ;a Q) CI) ~ Q) o ,od.. d '" ~ o ;a I-< I-< ~ 0 o <Ii OJ) ~ '" ~) 8 ~ t:l.. ~ - c.s g ::s - I-< I-< 2 Q) c.s ..s ~ o OJ) El d I-< :a ,g o CI) 0 ~ ..; Il. 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CI) cl) ~ .~. ..... o:l (/) ~ ~ .Ci).. 0 .~.. .... ~ .8 Z (/) < .,j ~ > ~ D\~t' r'lb' "+ed' to i:\f'~ reI, Jr. C; {9 ( 'oJ;"a1. ...I-..Iu U, ~~.l Ap,enda Item No. '1 /. O~ (</. Y' /p f COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM TO: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors FROM: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. , County Executive DATE: July 11, 1991 RE: Stormwater Management Report Attached is the Stormwater Management Report prepared by the Water Resources Committee during the spring of this year. I requested the Planning Commission to review the report which was completed earlier this summer. During their review several members of the Commission have indicated their desire to serve as a subcommittee of the Planning Commission to work with the Water Resources Committee in the implementation of the recommendations in the report. While many of these recommendations will require further action by the Board, staff recommends your acceptance of the report and that you request the Water Resources Committee and a subcommittee appointed by the chairman of the Planning Commission to work jointly in developing the provisions and tools necessary to implement the short and long term aspects of the report. Should you have any questions concerning the report, please feel free to contact Mr. Robertson or me. RWTJR/bat 91-1.84 Attachment ALBEMARLE - CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE OF WATERSHED MANAGEMENT 401 MCiNTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901-4596 (8041 296-5841 MEMORANDUM TO: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive FROM: J. W. Peyton RObert~~., Water Resources Manager April 26, 1991 ~~ ~ DATE: RE: stormwater Management As chairman of the Water Resources Committee, I am forwarding to you the attached Special Report on Stormwater Management in Albemarle County. The committee has spent several meetings discussing the issue of stormwater management and has produced the report as a summary of its findings. The committee includes the following representation: J. W. Peyton Robertson, Jr., Watershed Management Official Office of Watershed Management V. Wayne Ci1imberg, Director Planning and Community Development Richard Moring, Director Engineering Department J. Gordon Yager, District Conservationist Thomas Jefferson Soil & Water Conservation District George W. Williams, Executive Director Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority The Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of Soil and Water Conservation has reviewed Albemarle County's water resources management policies to determine whether or not the county has a "local program" as described in the recently issued State Stormwater Management Regulations. The State has determined that Albemarle does not have a local program and has further determined that no local government in Virginia currently has the elements of a complete program. This will allow for a "bottom up" approach in building stormwater management programs across the state. Even though the State has made this determination, the Water Resources Committee feels strongly that stormwater management represents an important policy issue that should be discussed by the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. ws91-34 Attachment " SPECIAL REPORT ON STORMWATER MANAGEMENT IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY The Comprehensive Plan calls for the Water Resources Committee to address specific water resource questions and concerns. The Water Resources Committee has identified stormwater management as a major policy issue. In response both to periodic flooding and drainage problems in the urban area of the County and state and federal stormwater management regulatory activity, the Water Resources Committee has undertaken a review of local stormwater management policies. This review has included an analysis of existing programs to address stormwater and some preliminary analysis of impending changes to state and federal regulations. The committee has identified several issues for your consideration: Short Term: o Jurisdictional Issues Geographic scope of the stormwater provisions of the subdivision ordinance - Overlap of programs to address runoff control, erosion and sediment control, and stormwater (see Figure 1) o Scope of the Problem - Lack of a comprehensive inventory of existing drainage facilities - Limited effectiveness of existing programs - Fragmented administration and enforcement Lonq Term: o Financing - Limited CIP funds and alternative financing mechanisms to address remedial projects o comprehensive Stormwater Management - Need to develop regional strategy to address stormwater - Need to retain a special emphasis on drinking water supply protection (runoff control) o State and Federal Regulation - Increasing emphasis on water quality as well as quantity - Inspection and monitoring SHORT TERM: Short term problems revolve primarily around the current drainage provisions of the subdivision ordinance which specify a geographic area in which they apply. These boundaries relate to drainage basins in the urban area surrounding Charlottesville but do not correlate with those areas intended for development (growth areas) as identified in the current , stormwater Report, page 2 comprehensive plan. Development is occurring outside these defined drainage areas (example: Pantops Mountain) which does not fall under existing requirements. Lack of understanding on the part of the public has lead to confusion in determining what stormwater requirements apply for a given location. The runoff control ordinance applies within the watersheds of public drinking water impoundments, the erosion and sediment control ordinance applies county-wide, and the drainage provisions of the subdivision ordinance apply to "the drainage basins of Moores Creek, Meadow Creek, Powell Creek, Redbud Creek, Town Branch and those unnamed branches, whether perennial or intermittent, which flow directly into the Rivanna River from either Fork of the Rivanna and thence downstream with the Rivanna to its confluence with Moores Creek..." (Subdivision Ordinance). Enforcement and administration of stormwater management falls under different agencies. The Engineering Department approves drainage structures on site plans but may not inspect these facilities during construction. The erosion control officer is not specifically charged with stormwater management enforcement and may not discover stormwater problems during construction or when investigating complaints. Inspection of stormwater management facilities is beyond the normal scope of zoning and building inspectors and site plan violations may be overlooked. Quantifying existing drainage problems remains difficult in the absence of any inventory of on-site facilities constructed for individual development projects. Facilities for runoff control require a permit and thus can be identified. Other stormwater structures necessary to meet subdivision requirements have been documented only on individual site plans. There is no comprehensive inventory of all drainage structures nor an analysis of how these structures are related within a given drainage area. A file of drainage complaints has been compiled in the Engineering Department. A 1983 Urban Drainage Study was conducted in response to drainage complaints and CIP projects were prioritized on the basis of that study. While the number of complaints from a particular area can give some indication of drainage needs, it does not provide any engineering analysis of how to address problems. Prioritization of individual drainage projects should be based on an analysis of where a given control measure can produce the greatest benefit for the least cost. An identified staff person to begin an inventory of existing facilities and develop an analysis of the scope of the problem could facilitate better prioritization. These short term items describe the immediate problem. The following discussion of long term issues identifies the need for a more comprehensive stormwater management program. ... Stormwater Report, page 3 LONG TERM: Long term issues are related to lack of adequate financing to accomplish all drainage improvements and impending state and federal regulations which could impact local stormwater management. Remedial maintenance projects are beyond the means of an individual homeowner and often beyond the means of a homeowner's association. If the County responds to a particular problem by becoming involved in remedial maintenance, it has established a precedent of public involvement in drainage improvements which results in a never-ending and escalating reliance on public funds. This long term problem demands that the County begin to look at innovative financing mechanisms to achieve both retrofitting of existing drainage problems and planning of capital investment for future facilities. House bill 1770, passed in the General Assembly this year, enables the use of stormwater utilities by Virginia localities. A stormwater utility relies on user fees rather than general tax revenues to fund the planning, design and construction of capital projects, as well as ongoing maintenance, inspection, monitoring and enforcement for existing facilities. The utility acts to administer a comprehensive drainage program which responds to complaints, analyzes drainage problems, and prioritizes projects. stormwater utilities have the advantage of being able to issue revenue bonds to finance up front capital costs. The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of Soil and Water Conservation has issued Stormwater Management Regulations which became effective on December 5, 1990. These regulations establish minimum criteria for localities which have an adopted stormwater management program. The Division has recently reviewed the runoff control ordinance, stormwater provisions of the subdivision ordinance, and erosion and sediment control ordinance and determined that Albemarle does not have a "local program" which would require conformance to state regulations. Even though the determination does not require immediate action, the regulations could have a significant impact on local stormwater management efforts in the future. At the federal level, the EPA has recently issued guidance on a stormwater permitting program which will follow the existing National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting required for industrial discharges. Although federal regulations have not been developed for municipalities with populations less than 100,000, it is envisioned that similar regulations will be forthcoming for these smaller jurisdictions. Current regulations require facility NPDES (stormwater) permits for landfills, wastewater ~ stormwater Report, page 4 treatment plants, airports, vehicle maintenance facilities, and construction sites of 5 acres or more. Both state and federal regulations add water quality design criteria to stormwater management in addition to quantity controls. Monitoring of stormwater discharges and annual reporting of pollutant loadings and reductions will be required. These requirements will add significant costs to the administration of a stormwater program. RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on the issues identified, the Water Resources Committee recommends the following: Short Term: o Amend current stormwater provlslons to apply county-wide based on imperviousness/density thresholds consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. o Review existing programs and consider the consolidation of all water resource management policies in one codified document. o Continue to implement projects that have been funded on a priority basis in the Capital Improvement Program. o Authorize staffing (either in-house or on a contractual basis) to begin an inventory of existing drainage facilities in the county. Map regional watersheds and identify areas where drainage complaints/problems occur most frequently. Draft a preliminary report which outlines the scope of drainage needs and makes recommendations for a comprehensive drainage program. o Work with the university of Virginia and City of Charlottesville in a cooperative program to resolve drainage problems and plan for future needs. Cooperative stormwater management between the city, County and University can be addressed by the Planning and Coordination Council (PACC). Lonq Term: o Track the progress of other localities as they implement stormwater utilities and requirements of the state stormwater regulations and federal permitting program. o Develop a county-wide stormwater management master plan which considers the relationship between on-site and/or regional controls for any given drainage basin. ws91-7 . STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT Figure 1 " / "-.. 5V' -4> ~\ \ \ \ Runoff Control A..A.A.AJo. A..A.A.AJo. A..A.A.AJo. ~Stormwater ~ . .. .& ... L .... .... .& .... .... .... .... '.'"",,",,Erosion & Sediment L .. .... JI. .... JI. ... .. Detention Control .... ". ... D,sf /z/ II /~I WALTER J. KUCHARSKI AUDITOR COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Auditor of Public Accounts POST OFFICE BOX 1295 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23210 (804) 225-3350 p' '" " -, December 9, 1991 . 'l 't , i ~ , , ,I , .;..11 ". ....,; l...",;..) The Honorable Members of the Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear Members: j 0 }\ i~ i) \-; i \oJ U i) E. i~ I{i S 0 R S We have received copies of the audited financial statements of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, for the year ended June 30, 1991. Section 15.1-167, Code of Virginia, provides that the audits of local governments be conducted in accordance with the specifications of the Aud i tor of Pub 1 i c Accounts. The Un iform Fi nanc i a 1 Report i ng Manual for Virginia Counties and Municipalities issued in 1980, effective for years ending on and after June 30, 1981, requires that financial reports of Virginia localities be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). The only deviation from generally accepted accounting principles allowed by this Office is that we do not require the capitalization of general fixed assets. I n add i t i on to the report i ng requ i rements by the GASB, the Un i form Financial Reporting Manual prescribes certain supplemental information which must be included in local government financial reports. This information is prescribed to provide local officials and other readers with more detailed aud i ted i nformat i on to increase the mean i ngfu 1 ness of the reports. Upon the completion of each audit, reports are submitted to this Office for review and approval as being presented in accordance with our specifications. Our review is limited to proper financial reporting and our approval of reports only provides the governing body with assurance that such reports are presented in accordance with the specifications of the Auditor of Public Accounts. Our review does not consist of a review of the auditor's working papers to determine the quality of audit work. .^'.. ~ Board Members December 9, 1991 Page Two We have reviewed the financial report of the County of Virginia, and find that it is prepared in accordance specifications of the Auditor of Public Accounts and, therefore, is accepted by this Office. Albemarle, wi th the the report , WJK: s 1m cc: Robinson, Farmer, Cox Associates Certified Public Accountants Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland ". COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA WALTER J, KUCHARSKI AUDITOR Auditor of Public Accounts POST OFFICE BOX 1295 RICHMOND. VIRGINIA 23210 (804) 225-3350 TO: FROM: DATE: County Administrator/City Manager/Town Manager County of Albemarle DVlA,c0' Marycarol C. White, Manager, Systems and Quality Control December 9, 1991 Under the provisions of the Single Audit Act of 1984 and OMB Circular A-128, local governments are required to submit a copy of their single audit report to each provider of federal financial assistance. In addition, local governments must submit a Corrective Action Plan addressing all items of noncompliance and weaknesses in internal controls noted in the auditor's report. The Office of the Auditor of Public Accounts is providing a clearinghouse service in the distribution of audit reports and corrective action plans to state agencies which provided federal pass-through funds to local governments. Accordingly, we request that you provide the following copies of your single audit report as soon as possible: - Copies for distribution to state agencies --=-- Copies for APA files - Other In addition, our review of your single audit report indicates that one or more items of noncompliance and/or weaknesses in internal controls were reported on by your aud itors. Therefore, please forward to th is Office the following copies of your corrective action plan addressing these items as soon as it is available: --=-- Copies for distribution to state agencies --=-- Copies for APA files In addition to the copies requested above for distribution to state agencies, copies of your single audit report and corrective action plan, if applicable, must be submitted directly to the following federal agencies: ~ Copies to the Single Audit Clearinghouse, U.S. Bureau of the Census ~ Copies to your cognizant agency ~ Copy to each federal agency providing direct assistance Page Two Please be advised that failure to meet the requirements of the Single Audit Act may result in fiscal sanctions against the local government, including withholding of future federal financial assistance. Should you have any questions concerning the distribution of single audit reports and corrective action plans, please do not hesitate to contact me or Cynthia Hartley at (804) 225-3350. O!str~buL~d tJ ~ : ~.~ n; i,'.'" , I"" :.::j). --_._-~.._-" COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Finance 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 Telephone (804) 296-5855 MEMORANDUM TO: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive Melvin A. Breeden, Director of Finance ~ FROM: DATE: December 6, 1991 RE: FY 1990/91 Management Letter Attached is the FY 1990/91 Management Letter prepared by Robinson, Farmer, Cox Associates. This letter identifies several areas in which they are suggesting a change in our internal procedures. None of these items represent a significant problem, and action has been initiated to correct these items. In addition, they have made several suggestions that would simplify the consolidation of information for reporting purposes. This office will be investigating methods of implementing these changes during FY 1991/92. Please contact me if you have any questions. s Enclosure . 1p ROBINSON~ FARMER~ Cox AsSOCIATES A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS DATE: September 18, 1991 M&~ORANDUM TO: County of Albemarle FROM: RobinsQn, Farmer, Cox Associates ~~,,~CO)G a<fua~m This memorandum is a follow-up to our audit of the financial statements of the County of Albemarle for the year ended June 30; 1991. During our audit we became aware of several matters that we believe should be brought to your attention. This memorandum is primarily to communicate our finding to you and request your reply to corrective action initiated. Accounting System: The accounting system, as implemented, is designed to provide internal controls over financial management information. In particular instances the separation of this financial information within the accounting system does not readily complement financial reporting. During the preparation of both financial statements and the annual school report individual funds must be consolidated and reported in the school fund. This consolidation involves not only actual revenues and expenditures, but also the original budget as adopted for each fund. Similar circumstances exist with funds maintained as part of the Federal and State Grant Fund. Although such funds may be maintained internally for management control purposes, the individual funds should be merged with the appropriate fund type for financial reporting and preparation of the annual school report where appropriate, The capability of the present accounting system appears to limit the ability to summarize and report financial information at levels commensurate with the financial reporting requirements under the Uniform Financial Revorting Manual. Presently, preparation of the financial information for both financial and comparative cost reporting is independent of the accounting system. The ability to generate the appropriate financial and comparative cost report should be an extension of the present financial management information system and not as a direct effort requiring an additional verification and reconciliation process. Further, internal control procedures should be recording of all interfund transactions, Such reconciled on a periodic basis. implemented to ensure consistent interfund transactions should be Cash: o All bank accounts maintained by the County should be reconciled by accounting in a timely manner. Several bank accounts are reconciled by individuals outside the accounting department; however, no procedures exist to verify that these bank accounts reconcile to the accounting system general ledger. o Transactions of the McIntire Trust Fund should be recorded in the accounting system and reconciled to the trustee statements on a monthly basis. o Performance bonds should be accounted for in a separate agency fund. The subsidiary ledger should be reconciled to the accounting system general ledger control account on a monthly basis. Receivables: o Procedures should be implemented to record and reconcile year end accounts rece i vab Ie directly to a general ledger control account. Such procedures would eliminate a bank reconciliation adjustment and subsequent entries to record the accounts receivable. Further, this procedure would insure the proper recording of revenues to the current fiscal year. o Procedures should be implemented within the accounting system to control various local tax revenue accounts. This procedure would permit the control over uncollected billed revenues such as business and professional licenses. Also, any collected and unremitted revenue could be identified in a timely manner. Other: o Payments under capital lease obligations should be identified and recorded in the debt service fund as principal retirements and interest. o Activity of individual special welfare accounts should be reconciled to the accounting system general ledger on a monthly basis. o Procedures should be implemented to ensure accurate recording of designated year end fund balance adjustments in the accounting system. o The purchasing policy manual should indicate the specific number of required quotes for the purchase of particular goods and/or services. Also, quote sheets may be used as a method to document the procurement process. o Job responsibilities/descriptions should be documented to support various personnel functions within the accounting and finance departments. Consideration should be given to cross-training personnel for ensured operational support. Further, an accounting policy and procedures manual should be developed defining all accounting functions within the accounting system. o A comprehensive organization chart should be developed that clearly identifies each functional department with departmental lines of authority. General Fixed Assets: o Growth within Albemarle County in the next few years may require the issuance of additional indebtedness to finance needed capital proj ects, Bond rating agencies look favorably upon local governments who prepare a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report in accordance with standards set by the Government Finance Officers's Association. The maj or obstacle to the County's issuing such a report is having a record of its general fixed assets recorded in this audit report. We recommend the County develop a timetable for the recording of its general fixed assets and the preparation of a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. 12.(P,9/ .'1/,) ZA j.g ~t>~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Finance 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 Telephone (804) 296-5855 \: ) , \ I 1 II " , !.' I;. ,i! MEMORANDUM TO: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive FROM: Melvin A. Breeden, Director of Finance ~ DATE: December 5, 1991 RE: FY 1990/91 Audit Report Attached is the completed Audit for FY 1990/91 prepared by Robinson, Farmer, Cox Associates. No discrepancies or material weaknesses were found as indicated in their Audit Report on internal controls and compliance. There are no significant changes in fund balances resulting from their audit. Due to the consolidation of various grants and self-sustaining funds with the General Fund and School Fund, as required for reporting purposes, you cannot compare the audited fund balances as presented here to our previous reports. In reviewing the attached Audit I would suggest that attention be given to the "NOTES" found on pages 8-28. The contain essential data needed to understand how the financial statements are prepared and consolidated. special "NOTES" actual The Audit and Comparative Cost Report have been submitted to the State Auditor of Public Accounts and has been approved. Current plans are to present the Audit to the Board of Supervisors on December 11, 1991. Mr. Irving "Jack" Farmer will make this presentation and be available for questions. Please contact me prior to this meeting if you have any specific questions. MAB/bs Enclosure cc: Robert Paskel COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE lZc~' CZL, ;. ~/ZJI,ifJ~ ,.....~----..- ... MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors ~ r- County Executive ! '" Robert W. Tucker, Jr., December 3, 1991 RE: Traffic Unit - Motorcycles Attached is a copy of a proposal from Chief Miller regarding the addition of motorcycles to our traffic enforcement program which also carry several other operational benefits. Staff requests approval of the concept with the first two motorcycles purchased from existing resources. RWT,Jr/REH,II/bat 91-111 Attachment COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE ~~s ~r., m!f":"'?> t,;' !;1 ~ ;e,...'iIl.'J ,., ~,' '1i~: :;.~ ';-;1.... ~f 'L~ ~_~ :-:t .____..t<_"'-J',L..l.I...,.. ,. ~lfi ~ Dr'''' 3' 199 '1'1 p' , t.C.. 1 l~ ~ ~li ~, :I '. ,~', 5f--:'5~";; , , . ~11;if f~:" 4. ~~1I U EXECUTIVE OFFICE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RICHARD E. HUFF, JR., DEPUTY COUNTY EXECUTIVE CHIEF JOHN F. MILLER*' ~- DECEMBER 3, 1991 RE: TRAFFIC UNIT - MOTORCYCLES During the first ten (10) months of calendar year 1991, the County Police Department investigated 1396 accidents, a 12.5% increase over the same period of 1990. The Department issued 1417 traffic citations during the first ten months of 1991, a 46.02% decrease over the same period of 1990. Traffic related calls accounted for 20.3% of the total calls for services during the first ten months of 1991. This data demonstrates the large demands placed on the patrol division for traffic related calls. While traffic enforcement and the maintenance of traffic flow will always be a primary function of the beat officer, a specialized traffic unit will allow the Police Department to accomplish this part of our mission more effectively. While staffing levels do not allow for a full time traffic unit at this time, a variety of benefits will be recognized by adding motorcycles to the police department's fleet. Some of the major benefits include: 1. More Effective Police Response - In areas of high traffic, or in an area where a traffic accident has occurred, maneuvering of police cruisers is very difficult. The use of motorcycles will allow officers to navigate in these areas much more easily, improving our response time to traffic incidents, as well as other emergency calls. Police motorcycles can also access areas that are not accessible by cruiser; ie. park trails, school grounds, etc. 2. Enhance Traffic Enforcement Efforts - Police motorcyles make traffic law enforcement much easier for the officer. In areas of high traffic volumes, a police Mr. Richard Huff, Jr. December 3,1991 Page Two officer may observe a traffic violation, but is unable to stop the violator due to safety concerns. Due to the maneuverability of the police motorcycle, the officer is able to enforce traffic laws more effectively. Voluntary compliance of traffic laws increases with the presence of police motorcycles. The motoring public recognizes that the officer can very easily maneuver through traffic to apprehend violators. With a conventional police vehicle, some motorists recognize the near impossibility of an officer effecting a traffic stop during peak traffic times, or in high volume traffic areas. 3. Community Relations - The police motorcycle provides an excellent opportunity for the officer to relate with the community. The police rnotorcyle makes the officer more approachable by citizens. He is open, and highly visible. There are no "barriers" to communication, as found with a police cruiser. This increased level of approachability allows for more positive community contacts. 4. Special Events - There are many special events that are more effectively policed by an officer on a motorcycle. Examples include policing large crowds (such as Foxfield) and providing dignitary escorts. The approximate cost for one fully equipped police motorcycle is approximately $12,000.00. The cost to equip one officer with the helmet and other safety equipment is approximately $700.00. The police motorcycle will not replace the conventional police cruiser. However, this mode of transportation makes an officer much more effective in traffic enforcement efforts, and is a valuable resource for the agency to have access to assist with addressing a variety of law enforcement problems. With the Board of Supervisor's approval, two police motorcycles will be added to the fleet to be operational by spring 1992. No additional appropriation will be required in order to begin this worthwhile program with our goal stated to add a total of six motorcycles over the next 3-4 years. Please place this item on their next available agenda and feel free to contact me should questions arise. JFM/1bv . IZ<o'91 I'il.i ~~~ OF ALBEMARLe. o<If"'~j;M'" COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Personnel/Human Resources Department Albemarle County Office Building 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 EXECUTIVE OfFICE From: Dr. Carole A. Hastings, Director of Personnel/Human h Resources ~ To: Robert w. Tucker, Jr. County Executive Date: November 26, 1991 Re: Request for Exception to Payment Procedure for Terminating Employees Background Prior to November, 1989 local government employees who terminated their employment were paid $25 per day for unused sick leave up to a maximum of 100 days. with the completion of the work on commonality of personnel practices, the Board of Supervisors eliminated the payment for sick leave upon termination. In its place, the Board adopted a policy of paying $200 per year for each year of continuous service, for up to 25 years, upon retirement. In adopting the new retirement bonus, the Board provided that employees hired prior to November, 1989 could choose to be paid for sick leave or the retirement bonus upon leaving employment. The option chosen at that point was to be binding and was not to change despite the circumstances governing the termination. Recently, an employee was notified that their employment would be terminated due to the results of an election. Since she originally planned to retire, she had chosen the retirement option for payment. This situation, plus the possibility of other employees having their employment terminated through no fault of their own, has led to a recommendation for an exception. Rec01IIDendation That the Board allow employees who are being terminated through no fault of their own to reexamine their original payment option and to choose the option which best suits their needs at the time they are terminated. I would appreciate your presenting this recommendation to the Board for approval and would be happy to discuss this further with you if necessary. CAH/ac m-911126 ... ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REENACT ARTICLE II, CHAPTER 15, OF THE CODE OF ALBEMARLE, KNOWN AS "EQUALIZATION OF PAY OF CERTAIN BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS BE IT ORDAINED by the County, Virginia, that Article Code of Albemarle, is hereby follows: Board of Supervisors of Albemarle II, Chapter 15, Section 15-2, of the amended and reenacted to read as Sec. 15-2. Enumerated. Each member of the following boards and commissions duly appointed by the board of supervisors shall be paid thirty-five dollars ($35.00) for each and every regularly scheduled meeting of the board or commission actually attended, as set forth in the rules and regulations of that board or commission: board of zoning appeals; BOCA code board of appeals; equalization board; fire prevention code board of appeals; and, land use tax advisory board. AND FURTHER ORDAINED that this ordinance shall be effective on and after July 1, 1992. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, correct copy of an ordinance unanimously adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on December 11, 1991. ~.(f~ Clerk, Board of County Supervisors D;:';ibuted to Board- 11--% -u Ag(]nda Item No. 4/0///.3>'iis COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors ~. ~ Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive ~I October 31, 1991 Amendment to Equalization of Pay Ordinance This is a request to add the BOCA Code Board of Appeals and the Fire Prevention Code Board of Appeals to the County's Equalization of Pay Ordinance. In July, 1990, the Board approved a policy reVlSlon to the Equalization of Pay Ordinance that limited compensation to those agencies that are set by state statute as citizen appeal boards. The Ordinance now includes the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Equalization Board and the Land Use Advisory Board. The BOCA Code Board of Appeals and the Fire Prevention Code Board of Appeals were not added to the Ordinance at that time and have since requested that they also receive the $35 per meeting compensation. Both boards meet approximately 4-5 times a year for an additional cost to the County of $350. Staff recommends that the BOCA Code Board of Appeals and the Fire Prevention Code Board of Appeals be included in the Equalization of Pay Ordinance, that a public hearing be scheduled in December, and that the County Code be amended to reflect this change effective with the beginning of the fiscal year, July 1, 1992. RWT,Jr/RWW/bat 91-107 ... -.12",,&' 1L,. q / / 1/1 ~L?!~-:: 1;, o R DIN A NeE An Ordinance to Amend and Reenact ARTICLE II, CHAPTER 15, of the Code of Albemarle, known as "EQUALIZATION OF PAY OF CERTAIN BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS" BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Article II, Chapter 15, Section 15-2, of the Code of Albemarle, is hereby amended and reenacted to read as follows: Sec. 15-2. Enumerated. Each member of the following boards and commissions duly appointed by the board of supervisors shall be paid thirty-five dollars ($35.00) for each and every regularly scheduled meeting of the board or commission actually attended, as set forth in the rules and regulations of that board or commission: board of zoning appeals; BOCA code board of appeals; equalization board; fire prevention code board of appeals; and, land use tax advisory board. * * * * * ~ r.....~ {<'''-'''', I". r It. )/.':'.'!1 1 I"'. , . . I. . ,; I , . ~~, ., , ,::<::.,,~.,..Ij \ i " L..,,,,.J Edward H Baln, Jr Samuel Miller COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 979-1281 M E M 0 RAN DUM Charlotte Y Humphns .Jack Jouett David P Bowe,man Charlottesville Waite, F Perkins White Hall F R (Rick) Bowie Rivanna Pete, T Way ScottsvllI", TO: Melvin Breeden, Director of Finance FROM: Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC~ DATE: December 12, 1991 SUBJECT: Board Actions of December 11, 1991 At its meeting on December 11, 1991, the Board of Supervisors took the following actions: Agenda Item No. 5.1. Memorandum dated November 22, 1991, from Melvin Breeden, Director of Finance, addressed to Rick Huff, Deputy County Executive, forwarding a request from the Albemarle Housing Improvement Program (AHIP) that they be allowed to retain the surplus from Fiscal Year 1989-90 for use in other projects. AUTHORIZED AHIP to carryover FY 1989-90 surplus County funds in the amount of $13,840.06. Agenda Item No. 17a. Appropriation request: From the Educa- tion Department to appropriate Additional State Revenues. APPROVED the attached appropriation request for an additional $108,524 in State funding received, to be held in reserve. Attached is the signed appropriation form. Agenda Item No. 17b. Appropriation: Fire/Rescue APPROVED an appropriation for $1300 to purchase office and equipment in the Fire/Rescue Coordinator's office. the signed appropriation form. Coordinator. furniture Attached is LEN:ec Attachments cc: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. Roxanne White Tracy Holt Robert W. paskel Mike Schlemmer APPROPRIATION REQUEST J FISCAL YEAR 91/92 NUMBER 910029 TYPE OF APPROPRIATION ADDITIONAL X TRANSFER NEW ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED ? YES NO X I FUND GENERAL /PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT IN THE FIRE/RESCUE COORDINATOR OFFICE. -./ EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT /************************************************************************ 1100032031800200 FURNITURE & FIXTURES $1,300.00 . TOTAL / $1,300.00 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ************************************************************************ ./ J 2100051000510100 GENERAL FUND BALANCE $1,300.00 ! TOTAL $1,300.00 ************************************************************************ REQUESTING COST CENTER: COUNTY EXECUTIVE APPROVALS: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SIGNATURE ~.~ DATE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE /,;f'- ~"<7/ /,7-/:;1-';9'/ f APPROPRIATION REQUEST ... FISCAL YEAR 91/92 NUMBER 910028 TYPE OF APPROPRIATION ADDITIONAL X TRANSFER NEW ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED ? YES NO X -FUND SCHOOL -PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: ADDITIONAL FUNDING OF BASIC SCHOOL AID EXPENDITURE -COST CENTER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ************************************************************************ 1241061101580000 SCHOOL BOARD RESERVE $108,524.00 TOTAL $108,524.00 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ************************************************************************ - 2200024000240202 BASIC SCHOOL AID $108,524.00 TOTAL $108,524.00 ************************************************************************ REQUESTING COST CENTER: EDUCATION APPROVALS: SIGNATURE DATE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ~~ //- 2 '? - 7/ /-'-8 -? / , BOARD OF SUPERVISORS /Z'0'1./ ql,f 2-//. flog ALBEMARLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Memorandum , v.r.. .; FROM: Robert Tucker, Jr., County Executive Robert W. Paskel, Division superintenden~ November 15, 1991 TO: DATE: RE: Request for Appropriation of Additional state Funding As you are aware, Governor Wilder was successful in restoring $15 million for public education for the 1991-92 fiscal year. Albemarle county Schools' portion of the $15 million is $108,524.00. The Department of Education has also stated sales tax revenue is currently lower than projected and the average daily membership for the state as a whole is higher than anticipated. Based on this information, Albemarle County could see a reduction in state revenue in the near future. At its November 11, 1991 meeting, the School Board, therefore, agreed to accept this additional revenue and hold it in reserve as follows: REVENUE: 2-2000-24000-240202 Basic School Aid $108,524.00 EXPENDITURE: 1-2410-61101-580000 School Board Reserve $108,524.00 It is requested the Board of Supervisors amend the appropriation ordinance accordingly. /TLSH xc: Melvin Breeden Estelle Neher IL.' {p (1/ ~L~!i! i.,;. Cj " t LJ l ' g'(t-Ci _LLc~_._>~j COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive November 12, 1991 Request for Appropriation Funds in the amount of $1,800 were appropriated in the 1990-91 budget for office furniture and equipment for the Fire/Rescue Coordinator. Because the position was not filled until May, 1990 and due to space constraints, the funds were not spent in FY 91 and were not requested to be carried over into FY 92. These funds, therefore, reverted back to the General Fund. Now that a suitable space has been found for the position, staff recommends that $1,300 be appropriated to the Fire/Rescue Coordinator's budget in order to purchase a chair, a typewriter, a calculator, and some shelves. Other office furniture and equipment has been secured from other departments in order to reduce the request. RWT,Jr/REH,II/dbm 91. 200 MOTION: Mr. Bowerman SECOND: Mrs. Humphris MEETING DATE: December 11, 1991 CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE MEETING WHEREAS, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provi- sions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 requires a certification by the Supervisors that such executive conformity with Virginia law; of the Code of Virginia Albemarle County Board of meeting was conducted in NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors. VOTE: AYES: Messrs. Bowerman, Bowie, Mrs. Humphris, Mr. Perkins and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. [For each nay vote, the substance of the departure from the requirements of the Act should be described.] ABSENT DURING VOTE: Mr. Bain. ABSENT DURING MEETING: None. (- llcz W ( (tAu Deputy Clerk, Albemarle Cou y Board of Supervisors f ~ Edwa,d H. Bain, Jr. Samuel Miller COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 979-1281 MEMORANDUM Charlotte Y. Humph,is Jack Jouett David P. Bowerman Charlottesville Walter F. Pe,kins White Hall F. R. (Rick) Bowie Rivanna Peter T. Way Scottsville TO: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning and Community Development Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC ~ ~ ~ DATE: December 26, 1991 FROM: SUBJECT: Board Actions of December 11, 1991 Attached is paperwork for the following actions taken by the Board of Supervisors at its meeting on December 11, 1991: Agenda Item No.9. STA-91-1. Public Hearing: Amendment to Chapter 18 of Albemarle Code to incorporate VDoT mountainous terrain and rolling terrain standards. ADOPTED the attached ordinance to amend Chapter 18 of the Albemarle County Code to incorporate VDoT mountainous terrain and rolling terrain stand- ards as presented. Agenda Item No. 19. ZTA-91-08. Public Hearing on An ordinance to amend and reenact Section 35.0 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance entitled "Fees." ADOPTED the attached ordinance to amend and reenact Section 35.0 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance entitled "Fees," to be effective April 1, 1992. Amended Zoning Ordinance sheets will follow under separate cover. Agenda Item No. 20. STA-91-02. Public Hearing on An ordinance to amend and reenact Article 18-43, Chapter 18, Subdivision of Land, of the Code of Albemarle, entitled "Fees." ADOPTED the attached ordinance to amend and reenact Section 18-43, Fees, Chapter 18, Subdivision of Land, of the Code of Albemarle, to be effective April 1, 1992. Agenda Item No. 21. Public Hearing: An ordinance to amend and reenact various sections and chapters of the Code of Albemarle to increase fees as follows: Sec 2.1-2 relating to the application fee for an agricultural/forestal district; Sec 7-4, erosion and sedimentation control, to increase the fee for Date: Page 2 Robert W. Tucker, Jr. V. Wayne Cilimberg December 26, 1991 Memo To: plan review; to amend Sec 9 of the Water Resources Protection Ordinance in subsection (c) and subsection (d) to require payment of a fee. ADOPTED the attached ordinance to amend and reenact the following sections of the Code of Albemarle to increase fees: Section 2.1-2 of Chapter 2.1, Agricultural and Forestal Districts, in subsection (c); Section 7-4 of Chapter 7, Erosion and Sedimentation Control, in subsection (d); Section 9 of the Water Resources Protection Ordinance in subsection (c) Minor Water Quality Impact Assessment and (d) Major Water Quality Impact Assess- ment; All amendments to be effective April 1, 1992. Agenda Item No. 22. Public Hearing: The Board will also consider adopting a resolution setting a fee for submission of a Comprehensive Plan amendment, a fee for requests to be included in service area boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority; and, requests for abandonment of roads which mayor may not have been a part of the State Secondary System of Highways. ADOPTED the attached resolution to establish a fee for Comprehensive Plan amendments by amending and reenacting Paragraph No. 2 of the POLICY FOR SUBMIT- TAL OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIR- GINIA. ADOPTED the attached resolution to establish fees for requests to amend service area boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority to include property for water and/or sewer service. ADOPTED the attached resolution to establish a fee for requests to abandon roads which mayor may not have been a part of the State Secondary System of Highways. ADOPTED the attached ordinance to amend and reenact the Zoning Ordinance in Section, Sign Permits. Amended Zoning Ordinance sheets will follow under separate cover. All actions to be effective April 1, 1992. LEN:ec Attachments cc: Robert B. Brandenburger Richard E. Huff, II Amelia Patterson George R. St. John .. ,. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REENACT SECTION 18-36, PRIVATE ROADS, CHAPTER 18, SUBDIVISION OF LAND OF THE CODE OF ALBEMARLE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Section 18-36, Private Roads, Chapter 18, Subdivision of Land, of the Code of Albemarle, is amended and reenacted as follows: Sec. 18-36. Private roads. Private roads are intended to be permitted as the exception to construction and dedication of public roads in the subdivision approval process. Granting of private road usage shall be discretionary by the commission and shall be based on the circumstances and requirements contained herein. Private roads are intended to promote sensitivity toward the natural characteristics of the site and to encourage subdivi- sion consistent and harmonious with surrounding development. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein and permitted in accordance with procedures of section 18-36(h), no waiver, modification or variation of standards, and no exceptions to the application of these regulations shall be permitted. (a) Any subdivision, any lot of which is served by a private road shall be subject to approval by the commission in accordance with this chapter. Any further subdivision of land involving additional use of such road shall be deemed a subdivision subject to the provisions of this chapter. In order to insure adequate capacity of such road and equitable maintenance costs to property owners, except as the commission may provide in a particular case, not more than one dwelling unit shall be located on any parcel served by such road. (b) The commission may approve any subdivision served by one or more private roads under the following circumstances: (1) For property zoned RA, Rural Areas, the subdivider, in accordance with section 18-36(h) of this chapter, demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of the commission that: a. Approval of such roads will alleviate a clearly demonstrable danger of significant degradation to the environment of the site or adjacent properties which would be occasioned by the construc- tion of public roads in the same alignments. For the purposes of this provision, in addition to such other factors as the commission may consider, "significant degradation" shall mean an increase of thirty (30%) percent in the total volume of grading for construction of a public road as compared to a private road. As secondary considerations, among other things, the commission may consider actual volume differen- tial as well as surface area differential and removal of vegetative cover; and b. No alternative public road alignment available to the subdivider on the adoption date of this section would alleviate signifi- cant degradation of the environment; and An Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Section 18-36, Private Roads of the Code of Albemarle Page 2. c. No more lots are proposed on such private road than could be realized on a public road due to right-of-way dedication. (2) For property zoned RA, Rural Areas, or VR, Village Residential, where such subdivision contains only two lots and such private road serves only the lots in such subdivision; and is the sole and direct means of access to a road in the state highway system; or (3) Such subdivision is intended for non-residential or non-agricultural purposes; or (4) Such subdivision is not located within a rural area of the comprehensive plan and such subdivision shall be into lots and/or units to be occupied exclusively by residential structures other than single-family detached dwellings including appurtenant recreational uses and open space; or (5) Such subdivision constitutes a "family division" as defined by section 18-56 of this chapter. (c) In addition to the provisions of subsection 18-36(b), the commission may approve a subdivision served by one or more private roads in any case in which the subdivider, in accordance with subsection 18-36(h) of this chapter, demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of the commission that: (1) For a specific, identifiable reason, the general public interest, as opposed to the proprietary interest of the subdivider, would be better served by the construction of such roads than by the construction of public roads. In the case of any such approval, the commission may require such assurances from the subdivider in a form acceptable to the county attorney as it may determine to be necessary to protect the public interest with respect to such roads. (d) No subdivision shall be approved pursuant to subsection 18-36(b) or subsection 18-36(c), unless and until the commission shall determine that: (1) Any such private road will be adequate to carry the traffic volume which may be reasonably expected to be generated by such subdivision; and (2) The comprehensive plan does not provide for a public road in the approximate location of such proposed private road; and (3) The fee of such road is to be owned by the owners of lots abutting the right-of-way thereof or by an association composed of the owners of all lots in the subdivision, subject in either case to any easement for the benefit of all lots served by such road; and An Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Section 18-36, Private Roads of the Code of Albemarle Page 3. (4) Except where required by the commission to serve a specific public purpose, such private road shall not be designed to serve through traffic nor to intersect the state highway system in more than one location; and (5) Any such private road has been approved in accordance with Section 30.3 FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY DISTRICT of the zoning ordinance and other applicable law. (e) All private roads approved pursuant to this section shall be constructed in accordance with the following: (1) Private roads permitted under subsections 18-36(b)(1), 18-36(b)(2), and 18-36(b)(5) shall conform to the requirements of Table A. Private roads permitted under subsections 18-36(b)(3) and 18-36(b)(4) shall conform to the requirements of Table B except that a pavement structure design in accordance with Virginia Department of Transporta- tion Subdivision Street Requirements shall be required for the most traffic-intensive uses to which such land may be lawfully devoted for a private road approved subject to subsection 18-36(b)(3). Except as otherwise expressly provided, private roads shall be designed to conform in all regards to current Virginia Department of Transportation Subdivision Street Requirements. Private roads subject to Table A shall be designed to conform to Virginia Department of Transportation mountainous terrain classification. Private roads subject to Table B shall be designed to conform to Virginia Department of Transportation rolling terrain classification. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to preclude the commission from authorizing the application of Virginia Department of Transportation mountainous terrain design standards to a private road subject to Table B, upon finding that for a specific, identifiable reason, the general public interest as opposed to the proprietary interest of the subdivider, would be better served. In the case of any such approval, the commission may require such assurances from the subdivider in a form acceptable to the county attorney as it may deter- mine to be necessary to protect the public interest. (2) Except as otherwise expressly provided, a private road approved pursuant to Table A, serving fewer than six (6) lots shall have a minimum right-of-way of thirty (30) feet and all other private roads approved pursuant to Table A or Table B shall have right-of-way width conforming to the appropriate Virginia Department of Transportation standard. Virginia Department of Transportation practice notwithstand- ing, only those areas necessary to accommodate improvements and to achieve required sight distance shall be required to be cleared. Subsequent to construction ornamental plantings and other improvements may be installed provided the same shall not conflict with sight dis- tance, drainage facilities or other requirements. . An Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Section 18-36, Private Roads of the Code of Albemarle Page 4. (3) Intersections of private roads shall have an approach grade not exceeding four (4) percent for a distance of not less than forty (40) feet in all directions. Intersections of private and public roads shall have an approach grade not exceeding two (2) percent for a distance of not less than forty (40) feet in all directions. Approach grade distance shall be measured from the edge of travelway of the road being intersected. (4) The developer shall submit to the county engineer a map of the proposed subdivision having contour intervals of not greater than twenty (20) feet showing the horizontal alignment together with field- run profiles and typical cross-section of such roads. The county engineer may waive requirements of the field-run profile in the case of an existing road or where deemed appropriate due to topography. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this ordinance shall be effective immediately. *"I~"I<j(.* I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of an ordinance adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on December 11, 1991. ~. 7)%~/ ~~oard of County Supervisors Table A Single-Family Detached Residential (Also Agricultural) NUMBER OF LOTS SERVED BY ROAD WIDTH OF SURFACE MINIMUM SEGMENT'" TRAVELWAY DEPTH OF BASE TREATMENT SIGHT DISTANCE Family Division Only (Any number of lots) See note ** See note ** See note ** See note ** 2 Lots See note ** See note ** See note ** See note ** 3 - 5 Lots 14 Feet (In addition to 4 6" - #25 or #26 Not required (unless 100 Feet foot shoulders and ditch slope exceeds 7%)*** requirements) 6 Lots or More Shall be designed to VDOT MOUTAINOUS TERRAIN Standards. *NUMBER OF LOTS SERVED shall mean the aggregate of all lots served by such road segment and all lots having access over such segment to a public road. ROAD SEGMENT shall mean each portion of a private road between its intersection with other private or public roads (see illustration), **The surveyor shall certify on the plat that the existing and/or proposed right-of-way is of adequate width and horizontal and vertical alignment to accommodate a travelway passable by ordinary passenger vehicles in all but temporary extreme weather conditions, together with area adequate for maintenance of such travelway. Such certification may be accomplished by the following wording on the plat: "This private road will provide reasonable access by motor vehicle as required by S 18-36 of the Albemarle County Code. " This provision includes family divisions. ***Ifslope exceeds seven percent, 6" of#2l or #2lA and prime & double seal are required. ILLUSTRATION TO ACCOMPANY NOTE ONE: C A l I I E B D PUBLIC ROAD NUMBER OF LOTS SERVED: Segment A = Lots on segment A Segment C = Lots on Segments A, B, and C Segment E = Lots on Segments A, B, C, D and E Note: Any lot with frontage on more than one road segment shall be counted on each road segment on which such lot fronts, unless access is specifically restricted by notation on the final plat. 186 \,. Table B Residential Uses Other Than Single-Family Detached Dwellings (Also Commercial/Industrial) l.shall be designed to VDOT ROLLING TERRAIN Standards. 2,The Planning Commission may require concrete curb and gutter and sidewalks or other pedestrian ways in accordance with Section 18-39(n). 3. The Planning Commission may require increased travelway to provide for on-street parking upon a detennination that provisions for off-street parking may be inadequate to reasonably preclude unauthorized on-street parking. .( o R DIN A NeE To amend and reenact Section 35.0, Fees, of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended and reenacted in Section 35.0 entitled "Fees" as follows: 35.0 FEES Except as herein otherwise provided, every application made to the zoning administrator, the commission, or the board of supervisors shall be accompanied by a fee as set forth hereinafter, to defray the cost of processing such application. a. For a special use permit: 1. Mobile home - $35.00. 2. Rural area divisions - $990.00. 3. Commercial use - $780.00. 4. Industrial use - $810.00. 5. Private club/recreational facility - $810.00. 6. Mobile home park or subdivision - $780.00. 7. Public utilities - $810.00. 8. Grade/fill in the flood plain - $690.00. 9. Minor amendment to valid special use permit - $85.00. 10. Extending special use permits - $55.00. 11. Home Occupation-Class A - $10.00; Home Occupation-Class B - $350.00. 12. All other uses - $780.00. b. For amendment to text of zoning ordinance - $665.00. c. Amendment to the zoning map: 1. For planned developments - under 50 acres - $815.00. 2. For planned developments - 50 or more acres - $1,255.00. 3. For all other zoning map amendments under 50 acres - $815.00. 4. For all other zoning map amendments 50 or more acres - $1,255.00. 5. Minor amendment to a zoning map amendment - $175.00. d. Board of Zoning Appeals: 1. Request for a variance - $95.00. 2. For other appeals to the board of zoning appeals (including appeals of zoning administrator's decision) - $95.00, to be refunded if the decision of the zoning administrator is overturned. Ordinance amending Section 35.0 of the Zoning Ordinance Page 2 e. Preliminary site development plan: 1. Residential - $945.00. plus $10.00/unit. 2. Non-residential - $1.260.00. plus $10.00/1000 square feet. f. Final site development plan: 1. Approved administratively - $325.00. 2. If reviewed by the commission before approval of preliminary site development plan - $900.00. 3. If reviewed by the commission after approval of the prelimi- nary site development plan - $630.00. 4. For site development plan waiver - $215.00. 5. For site development plan amendment: a) Minor - alterations to parking. circulation. building size. location - $75.00. b) Major - commission review - $215.00. 6. Review of site development plan by the architectural review board - $160.00. 7. Appeal of site development plan to the board of supervisors - $190.00. 8. Rehearing of site development plan by commission or board of supervisors - $150.00. 9. Rejection by agent of incomplete site development plan: a) Rejected within ten days - $160.00. b) Suspended after site plan review - site plan fee shall not be refunded. $50.00 fee shall be required to reinstate project. g. For relief from a condition of approval from commission or land- scape waiver by agent - $140.00. h. Change in road or development name after submittal of site development plan: 1. Road - $15.00. 2. Development - $20.00. ; Ordinance amending Section 35.0 of the Zoning Ordinance Page 3 i. Extending approval of site development plan - $35.00. j. Granting request to defer action on site development plan, special use permit or zoning map amendment: 1. To a specific date - $25.00. 2. Indefinitely - $60.00. k. Bond inspection for site development plan, for each inspection after the first bond estimate - $45.00. 1. Zoning clearance - $25.00. m. Accessory lodging permits - $25.00. n. Official Letters: 1. Of determination - $60.00. 2. Of compliance with county ordinances- $60.00. 3. Stating number of development rights - $30.00. o. Sign Permits: 1. Any sign, except exempted signs and signs requ1r1ng review by the architectural review board - $25.00. 2. Signs required to be reviewed by the architectural review board - $60.00. In addition to the foregoing, the actual costs of any notice required under Chapter 11, Title 15.1 of the Code shall be charged to the applicant, to the extent that the same shall exceed the applicable fee set forth in this section. Failure to pay all applicable fees shall constitute grounds for the denial of any application. For any appli- cation withdrawn after public notice has been given, no part of the fee will be refunded. -/: '1< "!:* * BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this ordinance shall be effective on and after April 1, 1992. I, correct County, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, copy of an ordinance adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle Virginia, at a regular meetin~~~~/ Clerk, Board~~ty Su~visors o R DIN A NeE An Ordinance to amend and reenact Section 18-43, Fees, Chapter 18, Subdivision of Land, of the Code of Albemarle BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Section 18-43, Fees, Chapter 18, Subdivision of Land, of the Code of Albemarle, be amended and reenacted, as follows: Sec. 18-43. Fees. (a) Preliminary plat. The subdivider shall pay a fee at the time when the preliminary plat is filed. Such fee shall be in the form of cash or a check payable to the "County of Albemarle, Virginia," the amount thereof to be determined in accordance with the following schedule: (1) For review by the commission: a. One to nine lots, five hundred sixty-five dollars ($565.00). b. Ten to nineteen lots, eight hundred eighty dollars ($880.00). c. Twenty or more lots, one thousand sixty dollars ($1,060.00). (2) Each filing of a preliminary plat, whether or not a preliminary plat for the same property has been filed previously, shall be subject to the same requirements. (b) is filed. "County of dance with Final plat. The subdivider shall Such fee shall be in the form of Albemarle, Virginia," the amount the following schedule: pay a fee at the time the final plat cash or a check payable to the thereof to be determined in accor- (1) Commission approval: a. One to nine lots, five hundred sixty-five dollars ($565.00). b. Ten to nineteen lots, eight hundred eighty dollars ($880.00). c. Twenty or more lots, one thousand sixty dollars ($1,060.00). (2) Administrative approval, including family divisions: seventy-five dollars ($75.00). (3) Exempt plat: Twenty dollars ($20.00). (4) Condominium plat: Eighty dollars ($80.00). (5) In addition to the foregoing, in the case of any plat on which is shown any road to be dedicated to public use, or any private road, the subdivider shall pay to the county a fee equal to the cost of the inspection of An Ordinance to amend and reenact Section 18-43, Fees, Chapter 18, Subdivision of Land Page 2 the construction of any such road. Such fee shall be paid upon completion of all necessary inspections and shall be deemed a part of the cost of construction of such road for the purposes of section 18-19. (c) Waiver request of subdivision requirement: One hundred forty dollars ($140.00). (d) Relief from conditions by commission on plat: One hundred forty dollars ($140.00). (e) Appeal of plat to board of supervisors: One hundred ninety dollars ($190.00). (f) Redating of plat, approved and not recorded: Ten dollars ($10.00). (g) Change in road or development name after submittal of plat: (1) Change in road name: Fifteen dollars ($15.00). (2) Change in development name: Twenty dollars ($20.00). (h) Extending approval of plat: Thirty-five dollars ($35.00). (i) Granting request to defer action on plat to: (1) A specific date: Twenty-five dollars ($25.00). (2) Indefinitely: Sixty dollars ($60.00). (j) Bonding inspection for plat: Forty-five dollars ($45.00). (k) Request to board of supervisors to vacate a plat: One hundred thirty- five dollars ($135.00). -1<"1<"1::*"1: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this ordinance shall be effective on and after April 1, 1992. I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct of an ordinance adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, for a meeting held on December 11, ~ - ~~--L Cl~,~ard of cou~~;:;~isoiS. o R DIN A NeE An Ordinance to Amend and Reenact the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance in Section, Sign Permits BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance be amended and reenacted in Section entitled "Sign Permits" to read as follows: SIGN PERMITS No person shall erect or cause to be erected any sign, except auction and temporary event signs, in excess of five (5) square feet in area unless and until a permit therefor shall have been obtained from the zoning administrator. AND FURTHER RESOLVED that this ordinance shall be effective on and after April 1, 1992. "1< "/e "Ie "/< ,,< I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true correct, copy of an ordinance adopted by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on December 11, 1991. ~;f)1lA/ Clerk, Board of County Supervisors o R DIN A NeE An Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Sections of the Code of Albemarle Related to Fees BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Section 2.1-2 of Chapter 2.1, Agricultural and Forestal Districts, of the Code of Albemarle, in subsection (c), is hereby amended and reenacted to read as follows: (c) Each application for creation of an agricultural and forestal district shall be accompanied by a fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00). No fee shall be charged for adding parcels to an agricultural and forestal district, or for reviewing an existing agricultural and forestal district. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Section 7-4 of Chapter 7, Erosion and Sedimen- tation Control, of the Code of Albemarle, is hereby amended and reenacted in subsection (d) to read as follows: (d) Upon the submission of any plan sebmitted pursuant to section 7-3, the applicant shall pay to the county a~fee~~orty dollars to cover the cost to the county to review and to act upon soil erosion plans for residential or agricultural sites; and one hundred dollars ($100.00) to review and act upon such plans for all other sites. For each erosion control inspection necessi- tated by this plan, a fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) shall be paid by the applicant. The maximum fee chargeable under this section, inclusive of inspec- tions, shall not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that Section 9 of the Water Resources Protection Ordinance be amended and reenacted in subsection (c) and subsection (d) to read as follows: Sec. 9. Water Quality Impact Assessment. (c) Minor Water Quality Impact Assessment: A minor water quality impact assessment shall be required for any development which results in land disturbance of greater than two thousand five hundred (2500) square feet but less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet within resource protection areas and requires any modification or reduction of the landward fifty (50) feet of the one hundred (100) foot buffer area. A minor assessment must demonstrate that the remaining buffer area and necessary best management practices will effectively achieve pollutant removal equivalent to the one hundred (100) foot buffer. A request for a minor assessment shall include a site drawing, accompanied by a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) in the form of cash or a check made payable to the "County of Albemarle, Virginia," to scale which shows the following: . . An Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Sections of the Code of A bemarle Related to Fees Page 2. (d) Major Water Quality Impact Assessment: A major water quality impact assessment shall be required for any development which results in ten thousand (10,000) square feet of land distur- bance or greater within resource protection areas and requires modification or reduction of the landward fifty (50) feet of the one hundred (100) foot buffer area. A request for a major water quality impact assessment shall be accompa- nied by a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) in the form of cash or a check made payable to the "County of Albemarle, Virginia," and shall include the elements listed for a minor water quality impact assessment, and the following additional information: AND FURTHER RESOLVED that this ordinance shall be effective on and after April I, 1992. * "I: '1:: "!: "if: I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of an ordinance adopted by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on December II, 1991. ~ai.~ Clerk, Board of ounty Supervisors RES 0 L UTI 0 N BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that a fee is hereby established for a request to abandon roads which mayor may not have been a part of the State Secondary System of Highways, to read as follows: Request to abandon roads which mayor may not have been a part of the State Secondary System of Highways - $135.00. AND FURTHER RESOLVED that this fee shall be effective on and after April 1, 1992. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on December 11, 1991. ~/7~ Clerk, Board of County Supervisors RES 0 L UTI 0 N BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that a fee is hereby established for requests to amend service area boundaris of the Albemarle County Service Authority to include property for water and/or sewer service, to read as follows: Request to amend service area boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority to include property for water and/or sewer service - $130.00; however, no fee shall be charged for emergency requests when public safety is an issue. AND FURTHER RESOLVED that this fee shall be effective on and after April 1, 1992. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on December 11, 1991. 4~.?~4 Clerk, Board of County Supervisors . RES 0 L UTI 0 N BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that a fee is hereby established for Comprehensive Plan amendments by amending and reenacting Paragraph No. 2 of the POLICY FOR SUBMITTAL OF PROPOSED AMEND- MENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, to read as follows: 2. Comprehensive Plan amendment applications may be filed at the Depart- ment of Planning and Community Development on or before the first Tuesday, respectively, of the months of March and September. The application should be accompanied by cash or a check made payable to the "County of Albemarle, Virgin- ia," in the amount of three hundred and fifteen dollars ($315.00). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that fees are hereby established for items as set out below: Request to amend service area boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority to include property for water and/or sewer service - $130.00; however, no fee shall be charged for emergency requests when public safety is an issue. Request to abandon roads which mayor may not have been a part of the State Secondary System of Highways - $135.00. AND FURTHER RESOLVED that these fees shall be effective on and after April I, 1992. * "I:: -I:: * "I:: I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on December II, 1991. /7 .. ~~ c~cofm!!l4 Edward H Bain, Jr. Samuel Miller COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 979-1281 Charlotte Y Humphns Jack Jouett David P. Bowe,man Charlottesville Waite, F. Perkins While Hall F. R. (Rick) Bowie Rivanna Peter T. Way Scottsville M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Board of Supervisors FROM: Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC DATE: December 26, 1991 SUBJECT: Supplement No. 64 to the Zoning Ordinance Attached are new sheets to be inserted in your copy of the Zoning Ordinance. This supplement was occasioned by amendments made on December 11, 1991. LEN:ec cc: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. George R. St. John Richard E. Huff, II Robert B. Brandenburger Peyton Robertson V. Wayne Cilimberg Amelia Patterson Clerk be closer to another such sign than one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet on the same side of a right-of-way. Political, Public and No Trespassing, Hunting and Fishing Signs. Sale or Rental Signs: Provided: not more than two (2) signs with an aggregate area of sixty-four (64) square feet and limited to sixteen (16) feet in height. Temporary Event Signs: provided: (a) not more than sixteen (16) square feet in area; (b) not more than two (2) on any lot or premises. 4.15.4 ADMINISTRATION OF SIGNS SIGN PERMITS No person shall erect or cause to be erected any sign, except auction and temporary event signs, in excess of five (5) square feet in area unless and until a permit therefor shall have been obtained from the zoning administrator. Such permit shall be issued upon the payment of a fee in the amount of twenty dollars ($20.00) to cover the cost incident to the issuance of such permit and upon a finding by the zoning administrator that the proposed sign conforms to the requirements of this ordinance. (Amended 6-7-89) SIGNS PROHIBITED No sign which is visible from any federal interstate highway system or designated scenic highway or byway system is permitted in any zone, except for on-site sale or rental signs and on-site business signs, providing the permitted signs follow the requirements set forth in section 4.15. REMOVAL OF SIGNS Whenever a sign becomes structurally unsafe or endangers the safety of a structure or premises or the public, or is erected or maintained in violation of this ordinance, the zoning administrator shall order such sign to be made safe or comply with this ordinance, as the case may be, or be removed. Such order shall be sent by registered mail and shall be complied with within twelve (12) days from the date of mailing said order by the persons owning or responsible for the sign. Failure to comply shall constitute grounds for the zoning administrator to have the sign removed, and the cost thereof shall be added to any fine imposed for violation under this ordinance. -56- (Supp. #46, 6-7....89) 35.0 FEES Except as herein otherwise provided, every application made to the zoning administrator, the commission, or the board of supervisors shall be accompanied by a fee as set forth hereinafter, to defray the cost of processing such applic- ation. a. For a special use permit: 1. Mobile home and home occupation - $25.00. 2. Rural area divisions - $165.00. 3. Commercial use - $165.00. 4. Industrial use - $165.00. 5. Private club/recreational facility - $165.00. 6. Mobile home park or subdivision - $165.00. 7. Public utilities - $130.00. 8. All other uses - $100.00. b. For amendment to text of zoning ordinance - $65.00. c. 1. 2. d. 1. 2. e. 1. 2. 3. For amendment to zoning map - $165.00 plus $l/acre. For amendment to zoning map for planned developments - $520.00 plus $l/acre. For requests for a variance to the board of zoning appeals - $65.00. For other appeals to the board of zoning appeals - $25.00. For preliminary site development plan - $520.00. For final site development plan (administrative) - $260.00. For final site development plan (commission review) : a) Prior to preliminary plan approval - $720.00. b) After preliminary plan approval - $300.00. 4. For site development plan waiver - $130.00. 5. For site development plan amendment: a) Minor - alterations to parking, circulation, building size, location - $30.00. b) Major - commission review - $130.00. -229- (Supp. #46, 6-7-89) f. For relief from a condition of approval from commission or landscape waiver by agent - $65.00. In addition to the foregoing, the actual costs of any notice required under Chapter 11, Title 15.1 of the Code shall be charged to the applicant, to the extent that the same shall exceed the applicable fee set forth in this section. Failure to pay all applicable fees shall constitute grounds for the denial of any application. (Amended 5-5-82; 9-1-85; 7-1-87; 6-7-89) -229.1- (Supp. #46, 6-7-89) ~ POLICY FOR SUBMITTAL OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1. Comprehensive Plan amendment requests, made by citizens, shall be reviewed twice annually. The Planning commission or the Board of Supervisors may initiate a Comprehensive Plan amendment study at any time deemed appropriate. 2. Comprehensive Plan amendment applications may be filed at the Department of Planning and Community Development on or before the first Tuesday, respectively, of the months of March and Septem- ber. The application should be accompanied by cash or a check made payable to the "County of Albemarle, Virginia," in the amount of three hundred and fifteen dollars ($315.00). This fee shall be effective on and after April 1, 1992. It shall be the responsibility of the citizen requesting a Comprehensive Plan amendment to submit, in writing, the following: A response to each of the criteria specified in this report, includ- ing justification for the requested change (criteria are outlined herein as items A through E). An application form should be pre- pared by the Department of Planning and Community Development, summarizing the guidelines of each criteria point and providing a framework for a written response to be prepared by the applicant. This application in full would then be submitted directly to the Planning Commission for determination regarding the adoption of a resolution of intent to amend the Comprehensive Plan. Should the Planning Commission adopt a resolution of intent, the application would then be forwarded to staff and the Site Plan Review Committee as applicable. If additional information is required, it is the responsibility of the applicant to submit this information to the Planning Depart- ment in a timely fashion. Additional information may include, but is not limited to: slope studies, soil studies, engineering calcu- lations and profiles, preliminary site development plans, etc. The applicant will be informed of what specific items are required prior to the scheduled Site Plan Review Committee meeting. 3. Notice of Comprehensive Plan amendment submission shall be sent by first class mail to the last known address of all owners of the property adjacent to the subject property. In any case in which the applicant owns the adjacent property, notice shall be given to the owners of the next adjoining property. Mailing to the address shown on the current real estate tax assessment books of Albemarle County shall be deemed adequate compliance with this requirement. No Comprehensive Plan amendment shall be approved within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the mailing of such notice. The notice shall state the type of use proposed, specific location of develop- ment, county office where the site development plan may be viewed, <. " Comprehensive Plan Amendment Policy Page -2- and date of the public meeting. The applicant shall reimburse the County the cost of postage incurred for notification of adjacent property owners. 4. Wi thin ninety days after the application deadline, the Board of Supervisors shall take action to approve or deny applica- tions initiated by citizens. Prior to the Board of Supervisors' review of Comprehensive Plan amendment applications, the Planning Commission shall review all amendment requests and make recommenda- tions to the Board. The Site Plan Review Committee shall be consul- ted for recommendations as necessary. 5. No Comprehensive Plan amendment application from a citizen will be processed within six months prior to the expected date of adoption of a major five-year Comprehensive Plan revision. 6. Prior to the deadline for Comprehensive Plan amendment requests, the Board of Supervisors, or its agent (the Planning Commission) should hold a public hearing for the purpose of discus- sion and to entertain public comment on the Plan, in general. This public hearing would provide a public forum for Planning Commission/ Board of Supervisors' requests to amend the Plan. The date, time and purpose of the public hearing should be advertised in a newspa- per in advance. CRITERIA FOR THE REVIEW OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS A. The Comprehensive Plan provides a long-range guide for direction and context of the decision-making process for public and private land uses. The Comprehensive Plan is general in nature rather than attempting to identify specific geographic locations. The Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan suggests the relationship of recommended uses to general areas. Proposed amendments to the Land Use Map should be reviewed for compliance with the general plan rather than area-specific or parcel-specific requests for a change in the recommended use. The purpose of the Land Use Map is to provide and plan for a balance of land uses, equipped with adequate utilities and facilities, in a comprehensive, harmonious manner. Any proposed change in the Land Use Map will be evaluated for pro- tection of the health, safety, and welfare of the general public rather than the proprietary interests of an individual. B. The merit of Comprehensi~e Plan amendment requests shall be largely determined by the fulfillment of support to the "Goals and Objectives" specified in Chapter 9 and the "Plan Standards" outlined in Chapter 10 of the Comprehensive Plan. C. A primary purpose of the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map is to facilitate the coordination of improvements to the trans- portation network and the expansion of public utilities in an economical, efficient and judicious manner. Comprehensive Plan Comprehensive Plan Amendment Policy Page -3- amendments which direct growth away from designated growth areas shall be discouraged unless adequate justification is provided. Amendments to the boundaries of growth areas may be considered appropriate if the request is comprehensive, proposes to follow a logical topographic or man-made feature and is supported by adequate justification. No Comprehensive Plan amendment shall be considered in areas where roads are non-tolerable or utilities are inadequate unless the improvement of those facilities is included in the Comprehensive Plan amendment proposal. D. Proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments shall be evaluated for general compliance with adopted County plans, policies, studies and ordinances and to determine if corresponding changes are neces- sary. E. Except as otherwise provided, the following conditions may be considered in the evaluation of a request to amend the Comprehen- sive Plan. 1. Change in circumstance had occurred; or 2. Updated information is available; or 3. Subsequent portions of the Comprehensive Plan have been adopted or developed; or 4. A portion of the Plan is incorrect or not feasible; or 5. The preparation of the Plan as required by Article 15.1-447 of the Code of Virginia was incomplete or incorrect information was employed. * * * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a policy readopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, virginia, at a regular meeting held on December 11, 1991. Adopted 4-17-85; Amended 12-11-91 to be effective April 1, 1992. ..... , "~'-') .. ,j . I , I \ I U DavId P Bowerman Charlottesville COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 979-1281 Charlotte Y Humphns .Jack Jouett Edward H Bain, Jr Samuel Miller Walter F Perkms WhIle Hall F R (Rick) BowIe Rivanna Peter T Way Scottsville MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Supervisors FROM: Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC DATE: December 26, 1991 SUBJECT: Supplement No. 64 to the Zoning Ordinance Attached are new sheets to be inserted in your copy of the Zoning Ordinance. This supplement was occasioned by amendments made on December 11, 1991. LEN:ec cc: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. George R. St. John Richard E. Huff, II Robert B. Brandenburger Peyton Robertson V. Wayne Cilimberg Amelia Patterson Clerk Sale or Rental Signs: Provided: not more than two (2) signs with an aggregate area of sixty-four (64) square feet and limited to sixteen (16) feet in height. Temporary Event signs: Provided: (a) not more than sixteen (16) square feet in area; (b) not more than two (2) on any lot or premises. HEAVY INDUSTRY (HI) Auction Signs: Provided: (a) not more than thirty-two (32) square feet in area; (b) not more than one (1) on any lot or premises. Business Signs, Free-standing or Projecting: Provided: (a) if illuminated, no moving, flashing, blinking, color- changing or exposed, bare or uncovered neon illumination or lighting; (b) the aggregate area of such signs shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet; (c) no portion of such sign shall be greater than thirty (30) feet from ground level or the eave line of the roof of the main building located on the premises upon which such sign is erected, whichever is greater; (d) no more than two (2) free-standing signs on anyone (1) lot or premises; (e) no more than three (3) projecting signs. Business Signs, Roof: Provided: (a) signs shall in no manner be illuminated; (b) the aggregate area of all signs for any establishment shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet; (c) sign shall be in vertical plane; (d) no portion of sign shall exceed thirty (30) feet in height above ground level nor project above the roof peak, includ- ing mansard and fake mansard roofs. On a parapet wall, sign shall not project above the parapet wall; (e) no more than three (3) signs, including roof signs, shall be permitted for any establishment. Business Signs, Wall: Provided: (a) if illuminated, no moving, flashing, blinking, color-changing, or exposed, bare or uncovered neon illumination or lighting; (b) the aggre'" gate area of all such signs shall not exceed three hundred (300) square feet; (c) no portion of such sign shall be greater than thirty (30) feet from ground level or the eave line of the roof of the main building located on the premi- ses upon which such sign is erected, whichever is greater. Directional Signs: Provided no more than four (4) such signs have on them the same name. Location Signs: provided: (a) if illuminated, no moving, flashing, blinking or color-changing or neon illumination or lighting; (b) the area of the sign shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet; (c) no portion of the sign shall be greater than thirty (30) feet from ground level; (d) no more than six (6) such signs directing attention to anyone establishment; (e) provided further that no such sign shall -55- be closer to another such sign than one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet on the same side of a right-of-way. Political, Public and No Trespassing, Hunting and Fishing Signs. Sale or Rental Signs: Provided: not more than two (2) signs with an aggregate area of sixty-four (64) square feet and limited to sixteen (16) feet in height. Temporary Event Signs: Provided: (a) not more than sixteen (16) square feet in area; (b) not more than two (2) on any lot or premises. 4.15.4 ADMINISTRATION OF SIGNS SIGN PERMITS No person shall erect or cause to be erected any sign, except auction and temporary event signs, in excess of five (5) square feet in area unless and until a permit therefor shall have been obtained from the zoning administrator. (Amended 6-7-89) (Amended 12-11-91 to be effective 4-1-92) SIGNS PROHIBITED No sign which is visible from any federal interstate highway system or designated scenic highway or byway system is permitted in any zone, except for on-site sale or rental signs and on-site business signs, providing the permitted signs follow the requirements set forth in section 4.15. REMOVAL OF SIGNS Whenever a sign becomes structurally unsafe or endangers the safety of a structure or premises or the public, or is erected or maintained in violation of this ordinance, the zoning administrator shall order such sign to be made safe or comply with this ordinance, as the case may be, or be removed. Such order shall be sent by registered mail and shall be complied with within twelve (12) days from the date of mailing said order by the persons owning or responsible for the sign. Failure to comply shall constitute grounds for the zoning administrator to have the sign removed, and the cost thereof shall be added to any fine imposed for violation under this ordinance. -56- (Supp. #64, 12-11-91) 35.0 FEES Except as herein otherwise provided, every application made to the zoning administrator, the commission, or the board of supervisors shall be accompanied by a fee as set forth hereinafter, to defray the cost of processing such applica- tion. a. For a special use permit: 1. Mobile home - $35.00. 2. Rural area divisions - $990.00. 3. Commercial use - $780.00. 4. Industrial use - $810.00. 5. Private club/recreational facility.... $810.00. 6. Mobile home park or subdivision - $780.00. 7. Public utilities - $810.00. 8. Grade/fill in the flood plain - $690.00. 9. Minor amendment to valid special use permit - $85.00. 10. Extending special use permits.... $55.00. 11. Home Occupation-Class A - $10.00; Home Occupation-Class B - $350.00. 12. All other uses - $780.00. b. For amendment to text of zoning ordinance - $665.00. c. Amendment to the zoning map: 1. For planned developments - under 50 acres - $815.00. 2. For planned developments - 50 or more acres - $1,255.00. 3. For all other zoning map amendments - under 50 acres - $815.00. 4. For all other zoning map amendments - 50 or more acres - $1,255.00. 5. Minor amendment to a zoning map amendment - $175.00. d. Board of Zoning Appeals: 1. Request for a variance - $95.00. 2. For other appeals to the board of zoning appeals (including appeals of zoning administrator's decision) - $95.00, to be refunded if the decision of the zoning administrator is overturned. e. Preliminary site development plan: 1. Residential - $945.00, plus $10.00/unit. 2. Non-residential - $1,260.00, plus $10.00/1000 square feet. -229- (Supp. #64, 12-11-91) f. Final site development plan: 1. Approved administratively - $325.00. 2. If reviewed by the commission before approval of preliminary site development plan - $900.00. 3. If reviewed by the commission after approval of the preliminary site development ,plan - $630.00. 4. For site development plan waiver - $215.00. 5. For site development plan amendment: a) Minor - alterations to parking, circulation, building size, location - $75.00. b) Major - commission review - $215.00. 6. Review of site development plan by the architec- tural review board - $160.00. 7. Appeal of site development plan to the board of supervisors - $190.00. 8. Rehearing of site development plan by commission or board of supervisors - $150.00. 9. Rejection by agent of incomplete site development plan: a) Rejected within ten days - $160.00. b) Suspended after site plan review - site plan fee shall not be refunded. $50.00 fee shall be required to reinstate project. g. For relief from a condition of approval from commission or landscape waiver by agent - $140.00. h. Change in road or development name after submittal of site development plan: 1. Road - $15.00. 2. Development - $20.00. i. Extending approval of site development plan - $35.00. j. Granting request to defer action on site development plan, special use permit or zoning map amendment: 1. To a specific date - $25.00. 2. Indefinitely - $60.00. -229.1- (Supp. #64, 12-11-91) k. Bond inspection for site development plan, for each inspection after the first bond estimate - $45.00. 1. Zoning clearance - $25.00. m. Accessory lodging permits - $25.00. n. Official Letters: 1. Of determination - $60.00. 2. Of compliance with county ordinances- $60.00. 3. Stating number of development rights - $30.00. o. Sign Permits: 1. Any sign, except exempted signs and signs requir- ing review by the architectural review board - $25.00. 2. Signs required to be reviewed by the architectural review board - $60.00. In addition to the foregoing, the actual costs of any notice required under Chapter 11, Title 15.1 of the Code shall be charged to the applicant, to the extent that the same shall exceed the applicable fee set forth in this section. Failure to pay all applicable fees shall constitute grounds for the denial of any application. For any application withdrawn after public notice has been given, no part of the fee will be refunded. (Amended 5-5-82) (Amended 9-1-85) (Amended 7-1-87) (Amended 6-7-89) (Amended 12-11-91 to be effective 4-1-92) (NOTE: SECTION 35.0 WAS AMENDED IN ITS ENTIRETY TO BE EFFECTIVE 4-1-92) -229.2- (Supp. #64, 12-11-91) David P Bowe,man Chiulottesville COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 979-1281 Charlotte Y Humphns .Jack Jouett Edward H Bain. Jr Samuel Miller Waller F Pe,kms While Hall F R. (Rick) Bowie Rivanna Peter T. Way Scotlsvllle MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Supervisors FROM: Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC DATE: December 26, 1991 SUBJECT: Supplement No. 64 to the Zoning Ordinance Attached are new sheets to be inserted in your copy of the Zoning Ordinance. This supplement was occasioned by amendments made on December 11, 1991. LEN:ec cc: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. George R. St. John Richard E. Huff, II Robert B. Brandenburger Peyton Robertson v. Wayne Cilimberg Amelia Patterson Clerk Sale or Rental Signs: Provided: not more than two (2) signs with an aggregate area of sixty-four (64) square feet and limited to sixteen (16) feet in height. Temporary Event signs: Provided: (a) not more than sixteen (16) square feet in area; (b) not more than two (2) on any lot or premises. HEAVY INDUSTRY (HI) Auction Signs: Provided: (a) not more than thirty-two (32) square feet in area; (b) not more than one (1) on any lot or premises. Business Signs, Free-standing or Projecting: Provided: (a) if illuminated, no moving, flashing, blinking, color- changing or exposed, bare or uncovered neon illumination or lighting; (b) the aggregate area of such signs shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet; (c) no portion of such sign shall be greater than thirty (30) feet from ground level or the eave line of the roof of the main building located on the premises upon which such sign is erected, whichever is greater; (d) no more than two (2) free-standing signs on anyone (1) lot or premises; (e) no more than three (3) projecting signs. Business Signs, Roof: Provided: (a) signs shall in no manner be illuminated; (b) the aggregate area of all signs for any establishment shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet; (c) sign shall be in vertical plane; (d) no portion of sign shall exceed thirty (30) feet in height above ground level nor project above the roof peak, includ- ing mansard and fake mansard roofs. On a parapet wall, sign shall not project above the parapet wall; (e) no more than three (3) signs, including roof signs, shall be permitted for any establishment. Business Signs, Wall: Provided: (a) if illuminated, no moving, flashing, blinking, color-changing, or exposed, bare or uncovered neon illumination or lighting; (b) the aggre- gate area of all such signs shall not exceed three hundred (300) square feet; (c) no portion of such sign shall be greater than thirty (30) feet from ground level or the eave line of the roof of the main building located on the premi- ses upon which such sign is erected, whichever is greater. Directional Signs: Provided no more than four (4) such signs have on them the same name. Location Signs: Provided: (a) if illuminated, no moving, flashing, blinking or color-changing or neon illumination or lighting; (b) the area of the sign shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet; (c) no portion of the sign shall be greater than thirty (30) feet from ground level; (d) no more than six (6) such signs directing attention to anyone establishment; (e) provided further that no such sign shall -55- be closer to another such sign than one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet on the same side of a right-of-way. Political, Public and No Trespassing, Hunting and Fishing Signs. Sale or Rental Signs: Provided: not more than two (2) signs with an aggregate area of sixty-four (64) square feet and limited to sixteen (16) feet in height. Temporary Event Signs: Provided: (a) not more than sixteen (16) square feet in area; (b) not more than two (2) on any lot or premises. 4.15.4 ADMINISTRATION OF SIGNS SIGN PERMITS No person shall erect or cause to be erected any sign, except auction and temporary event signs, in excess of five (5) square feet in area unless and until a permit therefor shall have been obtained from the zoning administrator. (Amended 6-7-89) (Amended 12-11....91 to be effective 4-1-92) SIGNS PROHIBITED No sign which is visible from any federal interstate highway system or designated scenic highway or byway system is permitted in any zone, except for on-site sale or rental signs and on-site business signs, providing the permitted signs follow the requirements set forth in section 4.15. REMOVAL OF SIGNS Whenever a sign becomes structurally unsafe or endangers the safety of a structure or premises or the public, or is erected or maintained in violation of this ordinance, the zoning administrator shall order such sign to be made safe or comply with this ordinance, as the case may be, or be removed. Such order shall be sent by registered mail and shall be complied with within twelve (12) days from the date of mailing said order by the persons owning or responsible for the sign. Failure to comply shall constitute grounds for the zoning administrator to have the sign removed, and the cost thereof shall be added to any fine imposed for violation under this ordinance. -56- (Supp. #64, 12-11-91) 35.0 FEES Except as herein otherwise provided, every application made to the zoning administrator, the commission, or the board of supervisors shall be accompanied by a fee as set forth hereinafter, to defray the cost of processing such applica- tion. a. For a special use permit: 1. Mobile home - $35.00. 2. Rural area'divisions - $990.00. 3. Commercial use - $780.00. 4. Industrial use - $810.00. 5. Private club/recreational facility - $810.00. 6. Mobile home park or subdivision - $780.00. 7. Public utilities - $810.00. 8. Grade/fill in the flood plain - $690.00. 9. Minor amendment to valid special use permit - $85.00. 10. Extending special use permits - $55.00. 11. Home occupation-Class A - $10.00; Home Occupation-Class B - $350.00. 12. All other uses - $780.00. b. For amendment to text of zoning ordinance - $665.00. c. Amendment to the zoning map: 1. For planned developments - under 50 acres - $815.00. 2. For planned developments - 50 or more acres - $1,255.00. 3 . For all other zoning map amendments - under 50 acres - $815.00. 4. For all other zoning map amendments - 50 or more acres - $1,255.00. 5. Minor amendment to a zoning map amendment - $175.00. d. Board of zoning Appeals: 1. Request for a variance - $95.00. 2. For other appeals to the board of zoning appeals (including appeals of zoning administrator's decision) - $95.00, to be refunded if the decision of the zoning administrator is overturned. e. Preliminary site development plan: 1. Residential - $945.00, plus $10.00/unit. 2. Non-residential - $1,260.00, plus $10.00/1000 square feet. -229- (Supp. #64, 12-11-91) t. ).a-o.~ . I:.e o.e"e1.o?e<>1:. " - $'" ~ <; .00.1. of. '< \.<>"1. s'- . 1:."" I:.\. "e 1."1 """" 0"" eO. """,\.<>'-s .' 0<> "pef.o"e $ <;lOa' 00 . ~"""o" co~,-ss'- 1.,,<>- . eo."P"1 I:.",e "e1.0"",e<>I:." ,,0""1. of. 1. i "e",:e'" "1 s \. I:.e o.e . "f.l:.e" """- $".,,0.00. ~"e 1.\."''-<>'''' co~\. s s '- o';,e<> I:. ,,1.,,<> r "p" I:.",e , "e1.0"'" 'e",eo. " s\.l:.e ~e $~1.<;'00' 1. f. "e "s,'-e 1.\.",\.<>",,"1 '" ,,\. "e" - I:.",e " e<> I:. ,,1.,,<> o.e "e 1.0"'" "",e<>"",e<> I:. , . <> _ ~1.,,<> . _c"1.,,I:.'-O · , ~",e<>~ r . ~ c'-- o.e"e.Or ",,"\<'-<>~' 0 .0-o.S 'C.O $1~'o' a). 'C. e 1: a 'C.1- C a 'C.1. 0 -0. .. ~\.<>o".- g s\.$e. 1.0 $~1.<;'00' "p"\.1. 0.,-<> . <>" e" \. e'" - C"'\. I:. eC co~\.ss'-o "P"1 I:.",e "" ~"10" - e<>1:. ,,1.,,<> . o.e"e1.0"":: ,,0.00. 0. of. s'- I:.e 0. _ $' . I:.",e "po"" ~e,,\.e'" e,,\.e'" "po"" 1.,,<> 1:.0 1:."" ,,1. " 1. o"",e<> I:. " . -e o.e"e . · f. s'-~ <;l0 00. co~,-. ~~"e"1. .0 s _ $1. . ~1.,,<> "P"1 .r _",-so" ~",e<>1:. r s""e- . e o.e"e1.or $1.<;0.00. . g of. s,-I:. 'so"s - o.e"e ~e",e""'-<> i s""e""'- I:.e s\.l:.e 0" "po""o. 0 f. \.<>co",,,1.e age!\.'C. 0 ~e1ecl:.\.0<> "P"1 - $1.60.00. ,,1."<>' . . ~ I:.e<> aa1" ~ \131- 'C,.'n:\.P , ..1 ' 'ecl:.e~ "e",-e~ ~e1 '~e p1."<> <;0 00 a ail:.e" S'- aea. $ . ",,",,-genae 1. nO~ be "ef."n ~e project. f.ee s",..,: 0."<:.0 ,"~1.l\,,~a 1:e<!.\l1-1:e "pe . of. ",,-g"o" ~~ <-<II' co-o.o.1.'C.1-o-o. .. $~~~.~~. , t t1:0~ a pi age-o.t. ,<0" "e 1.,-e "'''\. "e" il:.e" . " 1."<>o.sc",,e nl:. n"",e " o o.e"e1.0"",e , 1:oao. 01: Cb,,<>ge '- <> ",e <>1:. ,,1.,,<>, s1.t.e o.e~e).o'Q ~ .. $).~.OO. ROau cl.'."'lO.OO. -o.'C. .. "1<- De"e1.0"",e . o.e"e1.0"",e<>1:. ). ot S1-'C.e """,,0"" s 'i'."l:.e<>o.\.<>g o.ef. e" "Cl:.\'o<> 0<> "" . "equeSI:. 1:.0 \.1:. 0" $o<>,-<>g G""nl:.,-<>g .,,1. "se pe""" p1."<>' speC'- - $~<;'OO' 'fi,C ao.t.e rto a speC:\. .' . l:.e1."1 - $60. 00. 1no.e;.1--o.1- ..~~9.~" ).. ~. 3. 1\. ~01: s1.'C.e ~01: s1.'C.e s. a) '0) 6. 1 . <0. 9. a.) '0) g. 'no ~. ~. 1-. "} . ).. \ S\l1? ~. k. Bond inspection for site development plan, for each inspection after the first bond estimate - $45.00. 1. Zoning clearance - $25.00. m. Accessory lodging permits - $25.00. n. Official Letters: 1. Of determination - $60.00. 2. Of compliance with county ordinances- $60.00. 3. Stating number of development rights - $30.00. o. Sign Permits: 1. Any sign, except exempted signs and signs requir- ing review by the architectural review board - $25.00. 2. Signs required to be reviewed by the architectural review board - $60.00. In addition to the foregoing, the actual costs of any notice required under Chapter 11, Title 15.1 of the Code shall be charged to the applicant, to the extent that the same shall exceed the applicable fee set forth in this section. Failure to pay all applicable fees shall constitute grounds for the denial of any application. For any application withdrawn after public notice has been given, no part of the fee will be refunded. (Amended 5-5-82) (Amended 9-1-85) (Amended 7-1-87) (Amended 6-7-89) (Amended 12-11-91 to be effective 4-1-92) (NOTE: SECTION 35.0 WAS AMENDED IN ITS ENTIRETY TO BE EFFECTIVE 4-1-92) -229.2- (Supp. #64, 12-1l-91) " IZ,1019/ ~l12fRiZd~ . .~ ;i .. .' ,. ,: COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 MEMORANDUM TO: Lettie E. Neher, Clerk V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning and I t, l~, Community Development LJ0v~ FROM: DATE: September 26, 1991 RE: STA-91-02 and ZTA-91-08 Fees The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on September 24, 1991, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted text amendments. Attached please find a staff report which outlines this proposal. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. VWC/jcw . ~ . COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 MEMORANDUM TO: Albemarle County Planning commission and~V FROM: V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning Community Development DATE: September 17, 1991 RE: Fee Schedule Please find attached information regarding fee schedule changes that have been under review over the past several months. Specifically, those amendments before you for action are amendments to Section 18-43, Fees, Chapter 18, Subdivision of Land and Section 35.0 Fees, and section, Sign Permits, Fees of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance (see Attachment II). The remaining is provided as background and additional information. Staff is recommending your approval of these amendments. VWC/jcw ATTACHMENTS .. \ATTACHMENT II COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning and Community Development Amelia M. Patterson, Zoning Administrator~ September 12, 1991 Fee Schedule Review At the request of the County Executive, the Departments of Plannning, Zoning and Engineering have reviewed the fees charged for services related to the subdivision and development of property. We undertook this review for two reasons: to insure that our fees better recover the costs incurred in providing services and to consider adding to the fee schedule services we currently provide gratis. This review, a most extensive examination of the County's development fees, revealed that many of the fees collected fall short of recovering even half the cost of providing the service. The review also uncovered potential new sources of revenue in procedures and services we now provide without charge. Included in this review are fees derived from the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, County Code and other sources. The only items before you for action are the fees covered under the Subdivision and Zoning ordinances; the rest are for your information. The following outlines the steps taken to date in this comprehensive review. December, 1990: Mailed surveys (Attachment A) to localities similar to Albemarle County in population and rate of growth. To insure that we would be comparing fees for similar services, we described each service in some detail and listed the departments which work together to provide the service. The results of this survey are provided in Attachment B. January - February, 1991: Studied the time and cost involved in providing each development-related service to . ~ Fee Schedule Review Page 2 of 3 September 12, 1991 determine to what extent our fees reflact the cost involved. Attachment C reflects this analysis.- 3ervices for which there is no charge are included on this spreadsheet and are indicated by shading. The spreadsheet also shows how changing the rate of recovery would increase the fees charged. Hay 21, 1991: Met with representatives of the development community and citizens' groups to discuss the results of the survey and the impact of any increases to our fees. While attendance was sparse, the participants offered many useful insights. Representatives of the Blue Ridge Homebuilders expressed concern that raising the fees might make it impossible for all but the wealthiest developers to develop their property and suggested two levels of fees for site plans and rezonings: a lower fee for smaller projects and a higher one for larger projects. A citizen representing citizens for Albemarle supported raising the fee if the increased revenue were used to hire more inspectors, particularly for soil erosion problems. Hay 21 - June 4, 1991: Incorporated the suggestion from the Blue Ridge Homebuilders, revising Attachment C to show two levels of fees for both site plans and rezonings. For site plans, we recommended two flat fees, one for residential and one for non-residential, with an additional charge per unit of residential development, and per square foot of non- residential development. We also recommended two fees for rezonings, based on the acreage of the development. June 12, 1991: Presented the results of the fee review to the Board of Supervisors. After some discussion, the Board deferred this item to its August 14, 1991 meeting in order to allow staff to revise the recommended increases. Historically, fees have been set to recover 50% of the costs of development-related services, with the understanding that our procedures governing development provide a public benefit. At its June 12 meeting, the Board expressed a desire to increase the recovery rate from 50% to either 75% or 100%, and to subsidize some fees. June 13 - August 13, 1991: Revised Attachment C to reflect new direction from Board of Supervisors. While our recommended fees now reflect a cost recovery of 100%, we have also supplied the figures for a cost recovery of 75%, should the increase in fees be phased. ~ Fee Schedule Review Page 3 of 3 September 12, 1991 In response to the Board's request that we further review fees charged for services t~~t benefit the public primarily and subsidize these fees at a standard rate of 50% of the cost, we identified four areas of possible subsidy. The first was the fee charged for special use permits for mobile homes since they serve a Comprehensive Plan goal by providing low- and moderate-cost housing. We recommended that fees for these special use permits be subsidized at a 50% cost recovery, which equals $35. (The current fee is $25.) We further recommended that this fee be standard, whether the special use permit is handled administratively or sent to public hearing, to avoid penalizing citizens whose requests for mobile homes raise objections from their neighbors. We also recommended that fees be waived when special use permits for mobile homes are requested due to emergencies such as the loss of a home to fire. We also recommended subsidizing the fees charged for establishing agricultural/forestal districts to recover only 50% of the costs. Since the current fee is only $50, this recommendation would result in an increase to $150. We further recommended charging no fee for additions to and renewal of existing agricultural/forestal districts. This is in part due to the impracticality of collecting fees for additions and renewals. We also recommended that fees for Comprehensive Plan amendments be subsidized to recover only 50% of the cost. Currently, there is no fee; we recommended charging $315. The proposed fee reflects only the cost of review up to the point when the Board passes a resolution of intent to approve the amendment. The last fees we recommended subsidizing were those charged for amendments to the Albemarle County Service Authority jurisdictional area in case of emergencies. We recommend charging nothing for emergencies and $70 for all other requests to amend the jurisdictional boundaries. currently, there is no fee for any of these requests. August 14, 1991: Revised recommendations presented to the Board of Supervisors. It was decided that enacting any increase in the fees would be postponed until January 1, 1992. l' - Attachment A KEY Department participating in review. 1 P Planning Department; reviews for planning and design standards, compliance with landscaping section of Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and guidelin~s of Comprehensive Plan. Z zoning Department; reviews uses, parking, setbacks, bulk regulations, etc., for compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. E Engineering Department; reviews calculations and performance standards for roads, drainage, stormwater detention. Also reviews measures required by the soil erosion and runoff control ordinances. BI Fire Officer. Reviews for compliance with fire code and handicapped access. (x) Department sometimes participates in review. Service Departments Tour Fee uur Fee lIme Req'd I. Special Use Permits ===================================================================================================================== A. Mobile Home 8. Home Occupation 8 (req'd if using an accesory structure or employees other than family members under same roof) C. Rural Area Divisions (req'd to subdivide less than 21 acres after 5 small lot divisions have been exhausted; also required for rural preservation subdivisions if over 20 lots) D. Commercial uses allowed only by SP Includes day care, schools, radio towers E. Industrial uses allowed only by SP. F. Private club/recreational fad l ity. G. Public Utilities H. Grade/Fill in the Floodplain. I. All other uses (includes churches) II. Amendments to the text of the Zoning Ordinance I I I. Amendments to the Zoning Map A. For Planned Developments B. All other Zoning Map Amendments $ 25 30-60 days (P) Z 25 30-60 days (P) Z (E) (81) 165 71-94 days P Z E 165 71-94 days P Z (E) (BI) 165 71-94 days P Z E (BI) 165 71-94 days P Z (E) (BO 130 71-94 days P Z (E) 100 71-94 days P Z E 100 71-94 days P Z E 65 120 days P Z 520+ 71/120 days p Z E BI $1/acre 165+ 71/120 days p Z (E) .. 2 Service Our Fee Time Req'd Departments Your Fee ======================================================================================================================== IV. Site Plans A. Preliminary Site Plans (optional for developer; includes review by the Planning Commission; intended as a feasibility study: detailed plans for water, sewer facilities, drainage, grading and road plans are not required at this this stage.) $520 50 days P Z E BI B. Final Site Pla~s 1. APpro~' 'aoministratively if if su itted within six months after ,site plan approved, unless Planning Commission asks to review final site plan. 260 17+ days P Z E BI 2. If reviewed by Planning commission a. before approval of a preliminary plan 720 50 days P Z E 81 b. after approval of a preliminary plan 300 50 days P Z E BI C. Site Development Plan ~aiver granted by Planning Commission if it determines that any improvement req'd by the Zoning Ordinance does not serve the public interest, or that an alter- native proposed by a developer would satisfy the purpose of the Ordinance. 130 50 days P Z (E) (BI) D. Amendments to Site Plans 1. Minor: alterations to parking 30 5/50 days P Z E BI circulation, building size, location. handled administratively. 2. Major: requires review by 130 50 days P Z E BI Planning commission. V. Subdivision Plats A. Preliminary Plats 1. 3 lots or less 65 50 days P Z E 2. 4 lots or more 260 50 days P Z E B. Final Plats 1. Requiring Commission approval 390+ 50 days P Z E $l/lot 2. Administrative approval, 30 5 days 'p Z E including family divisions 3. Exempt plat 15 5 days P Z 4. Condominium plat 65 5 days P Z E 81 C. ~aiver of subdivision requirements 65 50 days P Z (E) D. Relief from conditions by Planning 65 50 days P (Z) (E) (81) Commission on plat or plan " .J service Our Fee Time Req'd Your Fee Departments VI. Erosion Control Plan Review 75 =============================================================================================================== VII. Runoff Control Plan Review (Ordinance for the protection of public water supply impoundments) 1. For site plans/subdivision plat& -0- 2. For single-family residences -0- VII I. Vari ances 65 IX. Appeals A. Of Zoning Administrator's decision 25 B. Of Planning Commission's decision -0- X. Inspections A. For bonding estimates -0- B. Roads -0- C. Erosion Control 25 D. Field visits to gather information -0- for variances, other staff reports. XI. Sign Permit v 20 XII. letters of Determination -0- In some circumstances, the Zoning Administrator determines whether property in question is a separate parcel entitled to development rights, based on deeds, plats, and other documentation provided by the property owner. The Zoning Admini- strator verifies this documentation and pro- vides a letter stating the number of property rights held by the parcel. XIII. letters of Compliance -o- At the request of the property owner or lending institution, the Zoning Administrator researches an existing development and provides a letter stating that the property complies with County zoning regulations. XIV. preliminary Conferences -0- Property owners and private planning firms are encouraged to meet with County staff before submitting a site plan and applica- tions for zoning text or map amendments and special use permits. 30 days P E 15 days E 5 days E 28 days (P) Z 28 days (P) Z 60/ P Z 75 days day - E .',t. 1 day E 1 day E 1 day P Z E BI 10 days (P) Z BI 10 days Z 10 days (P) Z P Z E BI " 4 Service Departnnets Your Fee Our Fee Time Req'd =================================================================================================================== XV. Review by the Architectural Review Board Needed for all development along designated entrance corridors, except for single-family homes. XVI. Building Permits Includes review of permits for single-family homes to insure that property owner meets zoning regulations and any necessary runoff and erosion control measures. will include review to insure that property owner complies with the Chesapeake Bay regulations, if adopted by this County. XVI I. Bonding Includes maintaining bond files, sending letters of renewal and providing lists of bonds and expiration dates to developers upon request. (Inspections for bond estimates and completion of necessary improvements included under "X. Inspections") XVIII. Zoning Clearances Needed for new businesses and businesses changing ownership or location. XIX. Home Occupations. Class A May be granted instead of a Home Occupation Class B if applicant has no employees other than family members living in the house in which the business is to be. -0- 60 days P Z E BI P Z -0- Z days P Z -0- varies Z -0- 1 day Z -0- 1 day I\) . :- .. ... 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IATTACHMENT 11\ RES 0 L UTI 0 N o F I N TEN T BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgin- ia, does hereby state its intent to amend various ordinances and to adopt certain resolutions to set fees, all as set out below: To amend and reenact Section 2.1-2 of Chapter 2.1, Agricultural and Forestal Districts, of the Code of Albemarle, in subsection (c), as follows: (c) Each st1eh application for creation of an agricultural and forestal district shall be accompanied by a fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00). No fee shall be charged for adding parcels to an agricultural and forestal district, or for reviewing an existing agricultural and forestal district. To amend and reenact Section 7-4 of Chapter 7, Erosion and Sedimentation Control, of the Code of Albemarle, in subsection (d), as follows: (d) Upon the submission of any plan submitted pursuant to section 7-3, the applicant shall pay to the county a fee of-seyenty-fiye forty dollars to cover the cost to the county to review and to act upon st1eh soil erosion plans for residential or agricultural sites; and one hundred dollars ($100.00) to rev~ and act upon such plans for all other sites. For each erosion control inspec- tion necessitated by this plan, a fee of twenty-fiye thirty dollars ($30.00) shall be paid by the applicant. The maximum fee chargeable under this section, inclusive of inspections, shall not exceed three--httndred one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars. To amend and reenact Section 18-43, Fees, Chapter 18, Subdivision of Land, of the Code of Albemarle, as follows: (a) Preliminary plat. The subdivider shall pay a fee at the time when the preliminary plat is filed. Such fee shall be in the form of cash or a check payable to the "County of Albemarle, Virginia," the amount thereof to be deter- mined in accordance with the following schedule: El1--Three-lots-or-less---sixty-fiye-dollars. EZ1--Fot1r-lo~s-or-more---~wo-ht1ndred-six~y-dollars-plt1s-one-dollar-per lo~. (1) For review by the Commission: a. One to nine lots, five hundred sixty-five dollars ($565.00). b. Ten to nineteen lots, eight hundred eighty dollars ($880.00). c. Twenty or more lots, one thousand sixty dollars ($1,060.00). , . , ... Resolution of Intent Fees Page 2 (2) Each filing of a preliminary plat, whether or not a preliminary plat for the same property has been filed previously, shall be subject to thp- same requirements. (b) is filed. "County of dance with Final plat. The subdivider shall pay a fee at the time the final plat Such fee shall be in the form of cash or a check payable to the Albemarle, Virginia," the amount thereof to be determined in accor- the following schedule: (1) Commission approval: Three -httndred -ni:ne~y -doH:arsr -pIttS -one doiiar-per-io~,;, a. One to nine lots, five hundred sixty-five dollars $565.00). b. Ten to nineteen lots, ei~ht hundred ei~hty dollars ($880.00). c. Twenty or more lots, one thousand sixty dollars ($1,060.00). (2) Administrative approval, including family divisions: seventy-five dollars ($75.00). ~hir~y (3) Exempt plat: Fif~een Twenty dollars ($20.00). (4) Condominium plat: Six~y-fi~e Eighty dollars ($80.00). (5) In addition to the foregoing, in the case of any plat on which is shown any road to be dedicated to public use, or any private road, the sub- divider shall pay to the county a fee equal to the cost of the inspection of the construction of any such road. Such fee shall be paid upon completion of all necessary inspections and shall be deemed a part of the cost of construction of such road for the purposes of section 18-19. (c) Waiver request of subdivision requirement: Six~y-H~e One hundred forty dollars ($140.00). (d) Relief from conditions by Commission on plat: One hundred forty dollars ($140.00). (e) Appeal of plat to board of supervisors: One hundred ninety dollars ($190.00). (f) Redatin~ of plat, approved and not recorded: Ten dollars ($10.00). (~) Change in road or development name after submittal of plat: (1) Change in road name: Fifteen dollars ($15.00). (2) Change in development name: Twenty dollars ($20.00). (1 I .. Resolution of Intent Fees Page 3 (h) Extendin~ approval of plat: Thirty-five dollars ($35.00). (i) Grantin~ request to defer action on plat to: (1) A specific date: Twenty-five dollars ($25.00). (2) Indefinitely: Sixty dollars ($60.00). (i) Bondin~ inspection for plat: Forty-five dollars ($45.00). (k) Request to board of supervisors to vacate a plat: One hundred thirty- five dollars ($135.00. To amend Section 9 of the Water Resources Protection Ordinance in the Code of Albemarle, in subsection (c) and subsection (d) to read as follows: Sec. 9. Water Quality Impact Assessment. (c) Minor Water Quality Impact Assessment: A minor water quality impact assessment shall be required for any development which results in land disturbance of greater than two thousand five hundred (2500) square feet but less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet within resource protection areas and requires any modification or reduction of the landward fifty (50) feet of the one hundred (100) foot buffer area. A minor assessment must demonstrate that the remaining buffer area and necessary best management practices will effectively achieve pollutant removal equivalent to the one hundred (100) foot buffer. A request for a minor assessment shall include a site drawing, accompanied by a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) in the form of cash or a check made payable to the "County of Albemarle" , to scale which shows the following: * * * ". ... n n (d) Major Water Quality Impact Assessment: A major water quality impact assessment shall be required for any development which results in ten thousand (10,000) square feet of land distur- bance or greater within resource protection areas and requires modification or reduction of the landward fifty (50) feet of the one hundred (100) foot buffer area. A request for a major water quality impact assessment shall be accompa- nied by a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) in the form of cash or a check made payable to the "County of Albemarle". and shall include the elements listed for a minor water quality impact assessment, and the following additional informa- tion: * * * * * .. Resolution of Intent Fees Page 4 To amend and reenact Section 35.0, Fees, of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, as follows: 35.0 FKFS Except as herein otherwise provided, every application made to the zoning administrator, the connnission, or the board of supervisors shall be accompanied hy a tP.P. RS set forth hereinafter, to defray the cost of processing such application. a. For a special use permit: 1. Mobile home ana-home-oeettpation - $~5~aa~ $35.00. 2. Rural area divisions - $%65~aa~ $990.00. 3. Connnercial use --$%65~aa~ - $780.00. 4. Industrial use --$%65~aa~ - $810.00. 5. Private club/recreational facility - $%65~aa~ $810.00. 6. Mobile home park or subdivision - $165.00. 7. Public utilities - $%3a~aa~ $810.00. 8. Grade/fill in the flood plain - $690.00. 9. Minor amendment to valid special use permit - $85.00. 10. Extendin~ special use permits - $55.00. 11. Home Occupation-Class A - $10.00; Home Occupation-Class B - $560.00. 12. All other uses - $%aa~aa~ $780.00. b. For amendment to text of zoning ordinance - $65~aa~ $665.00. c. %~---For Amendment to the zoning map --$%65~aa-pitts-$%faere~ ~~---For -amendmen~ -~o -~oning -map -ror -pxanned -de~eiopments $5~a~aa-pitts-$%faere~ 1. For planned developments - under 50 acres - $815.00. 2. For planned developments - 50 or more acres - $1,255.00. 3. For all other zoning map amendments - under 50 acres - $815.00. 4. For all other zoning map amendments - 50 or more acres - $1,255.00. 5. Minor amendment to a Zoning Map Amendment, e.g., amendin~ use proffer - $175.00. d. %~---For-reqttests-for-a-~arianee-to-the-hoara-of-~oning-appeais-- $65~aa~ Board of Zoning Appeals: 1. Request for a variance - $95.00. 2. For other appeals to the board of zoning appeals (including appeals of zoning administrator's decision) $~5~aa~ $95.00, to be refunded if the decision of the zoning admin- istrator is overturned. . .. ~ Resolution of Intent Fees Page 5 e. %~---For freliminary site development plan --$5~a~aa~ 1. Residential - $945.00, pl\': $10.00/unit. 2. Non-residential - $1,260.00, plus $10.00/1000 square feet. ~~---For-finai-si~e-deYeiopmen~-pian-fadminis~ra~iYe1---$~6a~aa~ f. Final site development plan: 1. Approved administratively - $325.00. 2. If reviewed by the commission before approval of preliminary site development plan - $900.00. 3~---For-finai-si~e-deYeiopmen~-pian-feommission-reYiew1~ a1---Prior-~o-preiiminary-pian-approYai---$~~a~aa~ b1---Af~er-preiiminary-pian-approYai---$3aa~aa~ 3. If reviewed by the commission after approval of the prelimi- nary site development plan - $630.00. 4. For site development plan waiver - $%3a~aa~ $215.00. a 5. For site development plan amendment: a) Minor - alterations to parking, circulation, building size, location --$3a~aa~, $75.00. b) Major - commission review - $i3a~aa~ $215.00. 6. Review of site development plan by the architectual review board - $160.00. 7. Appeal of site development plan to the board of supervisors - $190.00. 8. Rehearing of site development plan by commission or board of supervisors - $150.00. 9. Re;ection by agent of incomplete site development plan: a. Re;ected within ten days - $160.00. b. Suspended after Site Plan Review - $515.00. g. For relief from a condition of approval from commission or land- scape waiver by agent - $65~aa~ $140.00. . ... . Resolution of Intent Fees Page 6 h. Change in road or development name after submittal of site development plan: 1. Road - $15.00. 2. Development - $20.00. i. Extending approval of site development plan - $35.00. ;. Granting request to defer action on site development plan, special use permit or zoning map amendment: 1. To a specific date - $25.00. 2. Indefinitely - $60.00. k. Bond inspection for site development plan, for each inspection after the first bond estimate - $45.00. 1. Zoning clearance for new businesses to occupy existing sites - $25.00. m. Accessory lodging permits - $25.00. n. Official Letters: 1. Of determination, such as parcel of record or cateRory of use - $60.00. 2. Of compliance with county ordinances- $60.00. 3. Stating number of development rights - $30.00. o. Sign Permits: 1. Any sign, except auction and temporary event signs, in excess of five feet - $25.00. 2. Signs required to be reviewed by the architectua1 review board - $60.00. In addition to the foregoing, the actual costs of any notice required under Chapter 11, Title 15.1 of the Code shall be charged to the applicant, to the extent that the same shall exceed the applicable fee set forth in this section. Failure to pay all applicable fees shall constitute grounds for the denial of any application. For any appli- cation withdrawn after public notice has been given, no part of the fee will be refunded. ., r . . . .. . Resolution of Intent Fees Page 7 To amend and reenact Paragraph No. 2 of the POLICY FOR SUBHI1.'TAL OF PRO- POSED AHENDHENTS TO THE COHPREBENSIVE PLAN OF ALBEKAIU.E COUNTY, VIRGINIA, to read as follows: 2. Comprehensive Plan amendment applications may be filed at the Depart- ment of Planning and Community Development on or before the first Tuesday, respectively, of he months of March and September. The application should be accompanied by cash or a check made payable to the "County of Albemarle, Virltin- ia," in the amount of six hundred and twenty-five dollars ($625.00). To adopt by resolution the following fees: Request to amend service area boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority to include property for water and/or sewer service - $130.00, however, no fee shall be charged for emergency requests when public safety is an issue. Emergency request to amend service area boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority for water and/ or sewer service (when public safety is an issue) - $130.00. Request to abandon roads which mayor may not have been a part of the State Secondary System of Highways - $135.00. AND FOK1~ STATES ITS INTENT to repeal language in Section, Sign Permits, of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, relating to fees: SIGN PERMITS No person shall erect or cause to be erected any sign, except auction and temporary event signs, in excess of five (5) square feet in area unless and until a permit therefor shall have been obtained from the zoning administrator. Sueh-permit-shall-be-issued-upon-the-payment-of a -fee -in -the -amottnt -of -twenty -dollars -E$r.S"SS1 -to -eoyer -~he -eost ineident -t.o -t.he -issuanee -of -sueh -permi~ -and -upon -a -finding -by -t.he zoning-administrator-that-the-proposed-si:8n-eonforms-~o-~he-require- ments-of-t.his-ordinanee.. 2:; ~ o AND FURTHER requests the Albemarle County Planning Commission to review and hold hearing(s) on this resolution of intent, and to return its recommendation to this Board as soon as possible. I, Lettie E. constitutes a true, Board of Supervisors August 14, 1991. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing correct copy of a resolution unanimously adopted by the of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular me on ~ ~ty superVi~ ... . 'r : !;;,ltJ"";:""J' 'u" ~:,,,,':,!,.i' ~'.'). '1/ ".1 '~;_I,."" l ....",../U....:, __..._....._....,.....'.... f::~'.::l :'''' ;:.}, q{.Of.:;lZ,I('i' -.--- - _.....""--....~--.. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE ",' ..~. :..~. L E , I..'ll ,! , : 'I , I 'I MEMORANDUM lu\ TO: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors FROM: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive DATE: August 6, 1991 liE: Fee Schedule Review Attached is a staff report addressing the various concerns and comments raised in June from our discussion of the development review fee schedule. The schedule itself provides a choice for your consideration of fees necessary for recovering 75% of the cost of services or for recouping 100% of the costs. If you choose to amend our development fees after review of the report and proposed fee schedule, a resolution of intent to amend the following code and ordinance sections will be necessary: Albemarle County Code Chapter 2.1 Agricultural and Forestal District, Section 2.1-2 Chapter 7 Erosion and Sedimentation Control, Section 7-4(d) Chapter 18 Subdivision Regulations, Section 18-43 FEES Chapter 19.1 Article II Protection of Public Drinking Water, Section 19.1-6 Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance Section Sign Permits Section 35.0 Fees RWT,Jr/bat 91-1.98 Attachments .. " COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive Amelia M. Patterson, Zoning Administrator~ August 5, 1991 Fee Schedule Review At its meeting on June 12, 1991, the Board of Supervisors deferred this item to a work session on August 14th during the regular day meeting. The deferral was to allow staff to: 1. increase incurred recommended fees from 50% of the costs to either: a phased increase of 75%, then 100%, or 100% all at once a. b. 2. review certain applications with the intent of subsidizing the fees for those services which serve a public purpose, such as: a. low and moderate cost housing b. agricultural/forestal districts c. other comprehensive Plan objectives 3. adjust fees if inequitable between: a. Individual homeowners and developers; and b. Small vs. large development projects We have changed our recommendations for all but a few fees to reflect the Board's desire to recover more than 50% of the costs of providing development-related services. While our recommendations now reflect a cost recovery of 100%, we have also supplied the figures for a cost recovery of 75%, should the Board wish to phase any increase. Since this review began, the Board has adopted the water resource protection ordinance. We have amended the fee worksheets to include a recommendation for the additional review made necessary by this ordinance. In response to the Board's request that we further review the fees charged for services that benefit the public primarily, we have identified four areas of possible subsidy: low- and . " moderate-income housing, agricultural/forestal districts, amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and certain emergencies. After some discussion with the Planning Department, we have concluded that planning and zoning fees for low- and moderate- income housing projects are minimal when compared to building permit fees. For example, the planning and zoning fees for Crozet Crossing equaled $800.00; for building permits, $8,800. We asked Mr. Jesse Hurt, Director of Inspections, to comment on the feasibility of waiving building fees for low- and moderate- cost housing; he responded that "fairness is better served by applying these fees consistently" (attached). Mr. st. John, in an attached opinion, stated "waiver of the [building permit] fees to individuals or groups who do not qualify for donations, simply because these individuals or groups are building low cost houses, is highly questionable". Furthermore, the cost of the documentation needed to receive a subsidy for development fees may offset the subsidy. Moreover, the Zoning Ordinance currently provides for a type of subsidy by allowing developers to increase the density of development offering low- and moderate-income housing. In recognition of the fact that mobile homes provide affordable housing, we recommend that fees for these special use permits be subsidized at a 50% cost recovery, which equals $35. (The current fee is $25). We further recommend that this fee be standard, whether the special use permit is handled administratively or sent to public hearing, to avoid penalizing citizens whose requests for mobile homes raise objections from their neighbors. We also recommend that fees be waived when special use permits for mobile homes are requested due to emergencies such as the loss of a home to fire. In addition to low- and moderate-income housing, agricultural/forestal districts also provide a public benefit. We recommend that fees for these districts be subsidized to recover 50% of the cost, in order to be consistent with other recommended subsidies. Since the current fee is only $50, this recommendation would result in an increase in the fee charged, to $150. We further recommend that no fee be charged for additions to and renewal of existing agricultural/forestal districts. This is in part due to the impracticality of collecting fees for additions and renewals. Applicants currently pay $25 for emergency mobile homes. We are also recommending that fees for Comprehensive Plan amendments be subsidized to recover only 50% of the costs. There is no fee currently, we recommend a fee of $315. Public requests for amendments to the Comprehensive Plans usually arise from those who intend to utilize the amendment for development. The proposed fee reflects only the cost of review up until the Board passes a resolution of intent to adopt the amendment, and not the actual study itself. . \ The last fees we recommend subsidizing are those charged for amendments to the Albemarle County Service Authority jurisdictional area in case of emergencies. There is no fee charged currently; we recommend that no fee be charged in the future for emergencies. We are recommending a fee of $70 for all other requests to amend the jurisdictional boundaries. Finally, staff was asked to consider reducing fees based on the scale and type of development. Several members of the Board expressed concern over charging individual homeowners the same fees as developers. Very few of the development-related services are used by homeowners. We are recommending that one such service, the review of erosion control plans, cost less for residential and agricultural uses ($40) than for commercial uses ($100). Both individual homeowners and developers pay building permit fees; these are based on the value of construction. Our recommendations also would tie fees to the size of the development, since large development require additional review and provide larger profit margins to the developer. The rezoning for a development of 50+ acres would require a higher fee than a development of less than 50 acres. The recommended fees for site plans would depend on both the type of development, commercial or residential, and the scale of development, by levying additional charges per unit or square foot of development. Please note that many smaller developments requiring less intensive review may be handled under site plan waivers and minor plan amendment, which cost much less than the site plan fee. In response to a question from Mr. Don Wagner, we have researched how much of the budgets for Planning, Engineering and zoning is derived from development-related fees. Depending on whether salaries alone or the total budget is considered, development fees make up 2 - 3.6% of the budget for Zoning, 2 - 4.6% of the budget for Engineering, and 10 - 13.2% of the budget for Planning. i.-. . COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of County Attorney 416 Park Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Telephone 296-7138 JAMES M, BOWLING. IV DEPUTY COUNTY ATTORNEY July 29, 1991 GEORGE R. ST.JOHN COUNTY ATTORNEY Mr. Amelia M. Patterson Zoning Administrator 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 Re: Waiver of Building Permit Fees (Our File #ACPZ 91-66) Dear Amelia: I find no authority for waiving building permit fees for low and moderate cost housing projects as such. In fact, I would not know what you mean by this term. I believe the County can waive fees with respect to a project sponsored by an organization which is eligible for donations or appropriations of money from the County, because in essence the waiver of such fees would amount to such a gift. However, waiver of the fees to individuals or groups who do not qualify for donations, simply because these individuals or groups are building low cost houses, is highly questionable. Sincerely yours, ft-Jen/~-- George R. St. John County Attorney GRStJ/tlh !. ~,,~ ~~ Df\';f rJ'~~::-:t ,,-...,. V. I ;110.\' : t- t .....J ,;i t~':- ; ;{:''''.!" j .\;'~ ..:\ . n..~,~7i~~}; t~~~: l'c'l1.....~l~R . ~_'" ~...,""","=j{ e,- ,_" . ._..., /. I _ #f .' - "" 't.?', <~'~ l ~ ! I JUL 31 1991 "':-} AL8EM,\h'! r: ;-',~: ZC;\j;r-:(~- '. fr/ \ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Inspections 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5832 MEMORANDUM TO: Amelia Patterson - Zoning Administrator FROM: Jesse Hurt - Director of Inspections ~~ DATE: July 31, 1991 RE: Your Memo of July 26 Concerning Fees Regarding your comments about development costs for low and moderate cost housing projects, the Inspections Department does not support the proposal to waive building permit fees. We have a couple of concerns here. First, The Inspections Department has experienced great success in applying our fee schedule consistently. We feel that our residential fees are fair, and, when considering the ongoing inspection services on any particular structure, they may be a bargain. Whether fancy or modest, residential projects typically require the same inspections and the same commitment of man-hours. Second, how does one define "low and moderate cost housing projects"? We can forsee never-ending debate with citizens whose residential construction sites do not occur in a "project", but who would readily, and accurately, describe themselves as being in a low to moderate income bracket. Section 104.1 of the 1990 Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code allows the local governing body to set fees to defray the costs of building code enforcement. This Section appears to a1low,the Board of Supervisors a great deal of discretion on how, and whom, to charge. However, regardless of the County Attorney's legal determination, we feel that fairness is better served by applying these fees consistently. JRH: wmh cc: Bob Brandenburger Jay Schlothauer George st. John Reading File 0) 01 CIl c.. oj o - Olni . c: Q. 11 01 ~ :J ,!:: <U :0 ~ .~ 0 0....3201 CD~~@ c: g? iE a:: ~~'O 0) >-....c::> t:: U) Q)E .~ 0) .;:: Q) g. 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'0 u :J c: c:;= c: 0 .- C ~ IJ) Ul Ol o 0 00 Iii f- o Z r . ~~9J O:<+r"b'jtpd to Board: ----.-/~' rJ :.,t".~ J. Qu, l ~:-.;;)7J Agenda Item No. c:i - COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE ..' ji " -"'"..! TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ;, K I' ,', ( I Ii ',.' I ,., 0, I' ',llJ~ ( I,', '1 I i I '; i\ .J ..; , ; ! ~ C':,~-'''''(.'':''>> : ,i .I ,-.' . ., ~~,. ~....," " ..' r.;:, _ . '_t': '__,;\i . _ \ ,F ::::::r:~ ::::::,B::~~ ::u:::e::~::::v~ ~ MEMORANDUM .., : ;, June 6, 1991 Development Ordinances' Fee Schedule Staff has completed a review of our development ordinances' fee schedule for your review and adoption. Meetings with local citizen groups and the development community were productive and their suggestions have been incorporated into the schedule (Attachment C). Please note that we have provided you with varying rates of fee recovery for your consideration. Staff has recommended a recovery rate of 50% which is generally the rate used in the past. While the majority of the recommended fees show an increase, when consistently applying the 50% recovery rate, several show a reduction. Some localities, as you know, are attempting to recover total costs for these services, which from a revenue perspective may be prudent at this time. If total recovery cost is ultimately the Board's goal, I would suggest that you stage the increase over a 12 - 18 month period since the 50% cost recovery increases purposed are in many cases significant. This would allow our local economy a chance to improve before imposing 100% of our service costs. As an incentive to encourage low-moderate cost housing in the County, I am recommending that you consider waiving all development activity fees for those proposals which provide low-moderate cost housing. Staff will develop criteria for determining which projects would be eligible for such waiver if you concur with this recommendation. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact me. RWTJr/gs 91-89 Attachment " , . COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive ~ Amelia M. Patterson, Zoning Administrator~ DATE: June 4, 1991 RE: Review of Fee Schedule At your request, the Departments of Planning, zoning, Engineering and Building Inspections have reviewed the fees charged for services related to the subdivision and development of property. This review was undertaken for two reasons: to insure that our fees better recover the costs incurred in providing services and to consider adding to the fee schedule services we currently provide gratis. Our review began with a survey of localities similar to Albemarle County in population and rate of growth. Attachment A is the survey mailed to these localities. To insure that we would be comparing fees for similar services, we described each service in some detail and listed the departments which work together to provide the service. We requested the same information from the responding municipalities and asked that they inform us if their development-related procedures differed greatly from those of the County. The results of this survey are displayed in Attachment B. The localities are presented in ascending order in accordance with the fees they charge. As you can see, the fees charged by the County fall in about the middle of the range, or fifth out of the 12 towns and counties surveyed. In addition to comparing development-related fees with those of other localities, we studied our costs and the staff time involved in providing each service to determine to what extent our fees reflect the cost involved. Attachment C presents the results of this analysis. The total cost for each service includes postage, advertising and an average of the hourly wage and fringe benefits of the administrative, clerical and other employees who take part in providing the service. This table also shows how changing the rate of recovery would increase the Review of Fee Schedule June 4, 1991 Page 2 fees charged. Services currently provided at no charge are indicated by shading. Before taking the results of this review to the Board of Supervisors, we wanted to share our findings with some of the citizens most concerned with development in Albemarle County. We invited representatives of the Blue Ridge Homebuilders, the American Association of Professional Engineers, citizens for Albemarle, the League of Women Voters and the American Association of Surveyors to meet with us and discuss the results of the survey and the impact of any increases to our fees. While attendance was sparse, the participants offered many useful insights. Representatives for the Blue Ridge Homebuilders and the surveyors expressed concern that raising the fees might make it impossible for all but the wealthiest developers to develop their property and suggested two levels of fees for site plans and rezonings: a lower fee for smaller projects and a higher one for larger projects. The representative of citizens for Albemarle supported raising the fees if the increased revenue were used to hire more inspectors, particularly for soil erosion problems. We have incorporated the first suggestion into Attachment B, showing two levels of fees for both site plans and rezonings. For site plans, we have recommended two flat fees, one for residential and one for non-residential development, with an additional charge per unit of residential development and per square footage of non-residential development. We have also recommended two fees for rezonings, based on the acreage of the development. This type of fee schedule resembles those adopted by several of the localities shown in Attachment A. Historically, our fees have been set to recover 50% of the costs for services benefiting the general public, such as planning and zoning review of development, and 100% of the costs for services benefiting the individual, such as building permits. It is hoped that the Board, during its work session, will either confirm this policy or authorize an increase in the rate of recovery. Based on the Board's direction, we will prepare the fee schedules for public hearing and provide revenue projections. cc: Ronald S. Keeler Jan Sprinkle Charles E. steinman Donald Wagner Eleanor santic Marilyn Gale . . Attachment A KEY Department participating in review. 1 P Planning Department: reviews for planning and design standards, compliance with landscaping section of zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and guidelines of Comprehensive Plan. Z Zoning Department; reviews uses, parking, setbacks, bulk regulations, etc., for compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. E Engineering Department: reviews calculations and performance standards for roads, drainage, stormwater detention. Also reviews measures required by the soil erosion and runoff control ordinances. BI Fire Officer. Reviews for compliance with fire code and handicapped access. (x) Department sometimes participates in review. Service Departments Tour Fee Our Fee T lme Req'd 1. Special Use Permits --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Mobi le Home B. Home Occupation B (req'd if using an accesory structure or employees other than family members under same roof) C. Rural Area Divisions (req'd to subdivide less than 21 acres after 5 small lot divisions have been exhausted; also required for rural preservation subdivisions if over 20 lots) D. Commercial uses allowed only by SP Includes day care, schools, radjo towers E. Industrial uses allowed only by SP. F. Private club/recreational faci l ity. G. Public Utilities H. Grade/Fill in the Floodplain. I. All other uses (includes churches) 11. Amendments to the text of the Zoning Ordinance Ill. Amendments to the Zoning Map A. For Planned Developments B. All other Zoning Map Amendments $ 25 30-60 days (P) Z 25 30-60 days (P) Z (E) (BI) 165 71-94 days P Z E 165 71-94 days P Z (E) (BI) 165 71-94 days P Z E (BI) 165 71-94 days P Z (E) (B I) 130 71-94 days P Z (E) 100 71-94 days P Z E 100 71-94 days P Z E 65 120 days P Z 520+ 71/120 days P Z E BI $1/acre 165+ 71/120 days P Z (E) 2 Service Departments Our Fee Time Req'd Your Fee IV. Site Plans ======================================================================================================================== 1. Minor: alterations to parking 30 5/50 days P Z E BI circulation, bui lding size, location. handled administratively. 2. Major: requires review by 130 50 days P Z E BI PLanning Commission. V. Subdivision Plats A. Preliminary Plats 1. 3 lots or less 65 50 days P Z E 2. 4 lots or more 260 50 days P Z E B. Final Plats 1. Requiring Commission approval 390+ 50 days P Z E $1/Lot 2. Administrative approvaL, 30 5 days 'p Z E incLuding famiLy divisions 3. Exempt pLat 15 5 days P Z 4. Condominium plat 65 5 days P Z E BI C. ~aiver of subdivision requirements 65 50 days P Z (E) D. Relief from conditions by Planning 65 50 days P (Z) (E) (BI) Commission on pLat or plan A. Preliminary Site PLans (optional for developer; incLudes review by the PLanning Commission; intended as a feasibiLity study: detailed plans for water, sewer facilities, drainage, grading and road plans are not required at this this stage.) B. Final Site PLans 1. APpro~. administratively if if su itted within six months after ,site plan approved, unless Planning Commission asks to review final site plan. 2. If reviewed by Planning Commission a. before approval of a preliminary pLan b. after approvaL of a preliminary plan C. Site Development PLan Waiver granted by PLanning Commission if it determines that any improvement req'd by the Zoning Ordinance does not serve the pubLic interest, or that an alter- native proposed by a developer would satisfy the purpose of the Ordinance. D. Amendments to Site PLans $520 50 days P Z E BI 260 17+ days P Z E BI 720 50 days P Z E BI 300 50 days P Z E BI 130 50 days P Z (E) (BI) '. .. . 3 " - Our Fee Service Time Req'd Departments Your Fee VI. Erosion Control Plan Review 75 =============================================================================================================== VII. Runoff Control Plan Review (Ordinance for the protection of public water supply impoundments) 1. For site plans/subdivision plats -0- 2. For single-family residences -0- VIII. Variances 65 IX. Appeals A. Of Zoning Administrator's decision 25 B. Of Planning Commission's decision -0- X. Inspections A. For bonding estimates -0- B. Roads -0- C. Erosion Control 25 D. Field V1SltS to gather information -0- for variances, other staff reports. XI. Sign Permit v 20 XII. letters of Determination -D- In some circumstances, the Zoning Administrator determines whether property in question is a separate parcel entitled to development rights, based on deeds, plats, and other documentation provided by the property owner. The Zoning Admini- strator verifies this documentation and pro- vides a letter stating the number of property rights held by the parcel. XIII. letters of C~liance -o- At the request of the property owner or lending institution, the Zoning Administrator researches an existing development and provides a letter stating that the property complies with County zoning regulations. XIV. Preliminary Conferences Property owners and private planning firms are encouraged to meet with County staff before submitting a site plan and applica- tions for zoning text or map amendments and special use permits. -0- 30 days E P 15 days E 5 days E 28 days (P) Z 28 days (P) Z 60/ P z 75 days ~- 1 day E 1 day E 1 day E 1 day P Z E BI 10 days (P) Z BI 10 days Z 10 days (P) Z P Z E BI .. ,J 4 -.... Service Departrmets Your Fee Our Fee Time Req'd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XV. Review by the Architectural Review Board Needed for all development along designated entrance corridors, except for single-family homes. XVI. Building Permits Includes review of permits for single-family homes to insure that property owner meets zoning regulations and any necessary runoff and erosion control measures. will include review to insure that property owner complies with the Chesapeake Bay regulations, if adopted by this County. XVI I. Bonding Includes maintaInIng bond files, sending letters of renewal and providing lists of bonds and expiration dates to developers upon request. (Inspections for bond estimates and completion of necessary improvements included under "X. Inspections") XVIII. Zoning Clearances Needed for new businesses and businesses changing ownership or location. XIX. Home Occupations, Class A May be granted instead of a Home Occupation Class B if applicant has no employees other than family members living in the house in which the business is to be. -0- 60 days P Z E BI P Z -0- 2 days P Z -0- vari es Z -0- 1 day Z -0- 1 day 0, 0> o .... ~ ~ o :T ~ :- .,.. 5?01~ rti Q ::l .g~~ ~5;;: ~~~ )> 3 (1) ;:) a. 3 (1) ;:) en :- N o ;:) ;:) lC -l (1) ~ )> 3 (1) ;:) a. 3 (1) ::> en ~ (]1 o ~ o o ~ o o + ~ - 9: ~ o :-?= 001 :T'i ~ l'S. -c ii> S' ~~ g;g; Z~ _ 0 > Z~ >Ol ~Z 8 ); o "tl c ~ 0' ~ 0;' '" :n ~~ o <' co III e m (5' 0 ::J C ~C" ~ (]1 o Z ); ~ o o rn ~0 ~ o:n~::I: o C (J') 0 ~ ~ '" ~ '" )> OJ 0 o CD (') ~ ~ g ~o ]. (tj~: o' o' :::J ::J ~ o ~ ., (]1 ~ -oJ (]1 ~ o .,.. 1: o 2: (i;' ::I: o 3 '" "tl '" ~ '" ~ (]1 o Z ); ~ -oJ Ul ~ o o :- (J) "0 (1) (") ~ C en (1) iJ (1) 3 en .... " ........... ~ (]1 o ~ Ul o Z ); ~ ., g; ~ QI o Z ); ~ o ~ o ::J 0.. 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Comprehensive Plan amendment applications may be filed at the Depart- ment of Planning and Community Development on or before the first Tuesday, respectively, of~e months of March and September. The application should be ?ccompanied by cash or a check made payable to the "County of Albemarle, Virgin- ia," in the amount of three hundred and fifteen dollars ($315.00). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that fees are hereby established for items as set out below: Request to amend service area boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority to include property for water and/or sewer service - $130.00; however, no fee shall be charged for emergency requests when public safety is an issue. Request to abandon roads which mayor may not have been a part of the State Secondary System of Highways - $135.00. AND FURTHER RESOLVED that these fees shall be effective on and after . 1992. " ... o R DIN A NeE An Ordinance to amend and reenact Section 18-43, Fees, Chapter 18, Subdivision of Land, of the Code of Albemarle BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of A~l. a \le County, Virginia, that Section 18-43, Fees, Chapter 18, Subdivision of Lan fo I he Code of Albemarle, be amended and reenacted, as follows: ' , Sec. 18-43. Fees. (a) Preliminary plat. The subdivider shall pay a fee at the time when the preliminary plat is filed. Such fee shall be in the form of cash or a check payable to the "County of Albemarle, Virginia," the amount thereof to be determined in accordance with the following schedule: f i ,- -!f-ht-ee- -It){s - or- less- - -s1.ox-ty-ftye - amlM"S-. - - f 2,- - Ftffi'r" 1.0~ ~r -mm-e- -- two- w!\ af'ett- "S'ixty- tlollafos- -rrJ:ug- "'Ofte' -aOHfl'f""' per }o{-. - ( 1) For review by the Commission: a. One to nine lots, five hundred sixty-five dollars ($565.00). b. Ten to nineteen lots, eight hundred eighty dollars ($880.00). c. Twenty or more lots, one thousand sixty dollars ($1,060.00). (2) Each filing of a preliminary plat, whether or not a preliminary plat for the same property has been filed previously, shall be subject to the same requirements. (b) Final plat. The subdivider shall pay a fee at the time the final plat is filed. Such fee shall be in the form of cash or a check payable to the "County of Albemarle, Virginia," the amount thereof to be determined in accor- dance with the following schedule: ( 1) Commission approval: -Three- w!\a-red- -ninety- .doH~rs- ,-f)ftts- ~ne amlM- 'Pef'" -It){ ':"- a. One to nine lots, five hundred sixty-five dollars $565.00). b. Ten to nineteen lots, eight hundred eighty dollars ($880.00). c. Twenty or more lots, one thousand sixty dollars ($1,060.00). (2) Administrative approval, including family divisions: t:fth-ty-- seventy-five dollars ($75.00). (3) Exempt plat: Wfee!\ Twenty dollars ($20.00). (4) Condominium plat: -S~~-:H~ Eighty dollars ($80.00). ,0"'- .. " An Ordinance to amend and reenact Section 18-43, Fees, Chapter 18, Subdivision of Land Page 2 (5) In addition to the foregoing, in the case of any plat on which is shown any road to be dedicated to public use, or any private road, the sub- divider shall pay to the county a fee equal to the cost of the inspection of the construction of any such road. Such fee shall be paid upon completion of all necessary inspections and shall be deemed a part of the cost of construction of such road for the purposes of section 18-19. (c) Waiver request of subdivision requirement: -5i~-ty-fiYe One hundred forty dollars ($140.00). (d) Relief from conditions by Commission on plat: One hundred forty dollars ($140.00). (e) Appeal of plat to board of supervisors: One hundred ninety dollars ($190.00). (0 Redating of plat, approved and not recorded: Ten dollars ($10.00). (g) Change in road or development name after submittal of plat: ( 1) Change in road name: Fifteen dollars ($15.00). (2) Change in development name: Twenty dollars ($20.00). (h) Extending approval of plat: Thirty-five dollars ($35.00). 0) Granting request to defer action on plat to: (1) A specific date: Twenty-five dollars ($25.00). (2) Indefinitely: Sixty dollars ($60.00). (D Bonding inspection for plat: Forty-five dollars ($45.00). (k) Request to board of supervisors to vacate a plat: One hundred thirty- five dollars ($135.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this ordinance shall be effective on and after , 1992. -' . o R DIN A NeE An Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Sections of the Code of Albemarle Related to Fees BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Section 2.1-2 of Chapter 2.1, Agricultural and Forestal Districts, of the Code of Albemarle, in subsection (c), is hereby amended and reenacted to read as follows: (c) Each -such application for creation of an agricultural and forestal district shall be accompanied by a fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00). No fee shall be charged for adding parcels to an agricultural and forestal district, or for reviewing an existing agricultural and forestal district. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Section 7-4 of Chapter 7, Erosion and Sedimentation Control, of the Code of Albemarle, is hereby amended and reenacted in subsection (d) to read as follows: (d) Upon the submission of any plan submitted pursuant to section 7-3, the applicant shall pay to the county a fee of-~tw-ent-y-f-iYe-forty dollars to cover the cost to the county to review and to act upon ~h soil erosion plans for residential or agricultural sites; and one hundred dollars ($100.00) to review and act upon such plans for all other sites. For each erosion control inspec- tion necessitated by this plan, a fee of tweflty-f~-thirty dollars ($30.00) shall be paid by the applicant. The maximum fee chargeable under this section, inclusive of inspections, shall not exceed three--ftliflmw one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars. BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that Section 9 of the Water Resources Protection Ordinance be amended and reenacted in subsection (c) and subsection (d) to read as follows: Sec. 9. Water Quality Impact Assessment. (c) Minor Water Quality Impact Assessment: A minor water quality impact assessment shall be required for any development which results in land disturbance of greater than two thousand five hundred (2500) square feet but less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet within resource protection areas and requires any modification or reduction of the landward fifty (50) feet of the one hundred (100) foot buffer area. A minor assessment must demonstrate that the remaining buffer area and necessary best management practices will effectively achieve pollutant removal equivalent to the one hundred (100) foot buffer. A request for a minor assessment shall include a site drawing, accompanied by a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) in the form of cash or a check made payable to the "County of Albemarle", to scale which shows the following: ,. An Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Sections of the Code of Albemarle Related to Fees Page 2. (d) Major Water Quality Impact Assessment: A major water quality impact assessment shall be required for any development which results in ten thousand (10,000) square feet of land distur- bance or greater within resource protection areas and requires modification or reduction of the landward fifty (50) feet of the one hundred (100) foot buffer area. A request for a major water quality impact assessment shall be accompa- nied by a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) in the form of cash or a check made payable to the "County of Albemarle", and shall include the elements listed for a minor water quality impact assessment, and the following additional informa- tion: AND FURTHER RESOLVED that this ordinance shall be effective on and after , 1992. . 1_-- :"""..jUi~-/.<ri/J~~-v ,,'( n,z~ POLICY FOR SUBMITTAL OF PROPOSED AMEN[MENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1. Comprehensive Plan amendment requests, made by citizens, shall be reviewed twice annually. The Planning Cornmis:;:,ion or the Board of Supervisors may initiate a Comprehensive Plan amendment study at any time deemed appropriate. ~. Comprehensive Plan amendment applications may be filed at the Department of Planning and Community Development on or before the first Tuesday, respectively, of the months of March and September. It shall be the responsibility of the citizen requesting a Compre- hensive Plan amendment to submit, in wriGing, the following: A response to each of the criteria specified in this report, including justification for the reques~ed change (criteria are out~ined herein as items A through c). An application form should be prepared by the Department of Planning and Community Development, surn-Inarizing the guidelines of each criteria poinG and providing a framework for a written response to be prepared by the applicant. This application in full would then be submitted directly to Ghe Planning Corr~ission for determination regarding the adoption of a resolution of intent to amend Ghe Comprehensive Plan. Should the Planning COIT~ission adopt a resolution of intent, the applicaGion would then be forwarded to staff and the Site Plan Review Committee as applicable. If additional information is required, it is the responsibility of v. applicant to submit this information to the Planning Department in a timely fashion. Additional information may include, but is not limited to: slope studies, soil studies, engineering calculations and profiles, preliminary site development plans, etc. The applicant will be informed of what specific items are required prior to the scheduled Site Plan Review COIT@ittee mee~ing. j. NotiCE of C8mprehensive Plan ameDdment sJbmission shall be se~t by first class ma~l to the last known addresE of all owners of the property ad~acel1: to the s~bjec~ pr8per~y. In any caSE in which the app~lcant cw~s the ad~acE~t property, no~ice shall be given ~o the owners of the next a~Jcining proper~y. Mailing tc the addre~s shc~~ on the current re21 e~~~~e tax assessme~~ books of Albe~c~le CG~n~J~ 2hall be dee~ed 2deoua~e cc~pliance wi~h this requirement. No Com~rEhensive ?l~n amendment sha:l be approved within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the mailing of such notice. The notice shall state the type of use proposed, specific location of develop~ent, county office where the site development plan may be viewed, and date of the public meeting. The applicant shall reimburse the Ccun~y the cost of pos~age incurred for notification of adjacen0 pro- p e r.t J1" 01:!ners. 4. Within ninety days after the applicatio~ deadline, the Board of SuperVisors shall take action to approve or deny applications initiated by citizens. Prior to the Board of Supervisors' review of Comprehensive Plan a: ~dme~t applications, the Planning CO~wission shsll review all amendment rC~uesGs and make recoIT@endations to the Board. Tte Site Plan Reivew OOI- Eittee shall be consulted for recoL~endations as ~ecessary. CcmIfrehehsive Plan Amendment Policy Page Two 5. No Comprehensive Plan amendment application from a citizen will be processed within six months prior to the expected date of adop- tion of a major five-year Comprehensive Plan revision. 6. Prior to the deadline for Comprehensive Plan amendment requests, the Board of Supervisors, or its agent (the Planning Commission) should hold a public hearing for the purpose of discussion and to entertain pub- lic CO~Eent on the Plan, in general. This public hearing would provide a public forum for Planning COIT@ission/Board of Supervisors' requests to amend the Plan. The date, time and purpose of the public hearing should be advertised in a newspaper in advance. CRITERIA FOR THE REVIEW OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS A. The Comprehensive Plan provides a long-range guide for direction and context of the decision-making process fer public and private land uses. The Comprehensive Plan is general in nature rather than attempting to identify specific geographic locations. The Land Use Map of the Com- prehensive Plan suggests the relationship of reco~~ended uses to general areas. Proposed amendments to the Larld Use Map sho~ld be reviewed for compliance with the general plan rather than area-specific or parcel- specific requests for a change in the recorr~ended use. The purpose of the Land Use Map is to provide and plan for a balance of land uses, equipped w~ h adequate utilities and facilities, in a comprehensive, harmonious ffi,-. _ner. Any proposed change in the Land Use Map will be evaluated for pro- tection of the health, safety, and welfare of the general public rather than the proprietary interests of an individual. B. The merit of Comprehensive Plan amendment requests shall be largely determiDed by the fulfillment cf s~~~c~: ts the "Goals and ObJec- tives" specified irl Chapter 9 and the "Plan Standards" outliried in Chap-cer 10 of the Comprehensive Pla~. c. A primary purpcse of the COffiprehe~sive Pla~ and Land Use Map is to facilitate ~he cocrdination of imprcveme~:s to the transportation ~etwcrk and the exp2DsioD of public utili~ies in 2n economic21, efficient and jUQlcious maDDer. Comprehensive Plan ameudments which direct growth away from designated growth areas shall be discouraged unless adequate just~fication is provided. Amendments to the boundaries of growth areas waY be considered approp~iate if the request is comprehensive, proposes to follow a logical topograp~ic or man-made feature and is supported by adequate justification. No Comprehensive Fla~ amendment shall be con- sidered in areas where roads ~re non-tolerable or utilities are inade- qua:e unless the imprcveme~t of those facilities is included in the Ccmprehensive Plan amennmen: prcpcsa~. D. Proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments shall be evaluated for ge~eral compliance with adopted County plans, policies, studies and o} nances and 00 determine if corresponding changes are necessary. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Policy Page Three E. Except as otherwise provided, the following conditions may be considered in the evaluation of a request to amend the Comprehensive Plan. 1. Change in circumstance had occurred; O~ 2. Updated information is available; cr j. Subsequent portions of the Comp~ehensive Plan have been adc'r~ed 4 . or developed; or A portion of the Plan is incorrect or not feasible; or The preparation of the Plan as required by Article 15.1-~47 of the Code of Virginia was incomplete or incorrect infor- mation was employed. h ..) . * * * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, de hereby certify that the foregoing writ~ng is a true, correct copy of a policy adopted by the Board of Supervisors 0: Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meetlng held on April 17, i c;J r:: ... ./ ' ~d;{{i~ o R DIN A NeE An Ordinance to Amend and Reenact the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance in Section, Sign Permits BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance be amended and reenacted in Section entitled "Sign Permits" to read as follows: SIGN PERMITS No person shall erect or cause to be erected any sign, except auction and temporary event signs, in excess of five (5) square feet in area unless and until a permit therefor shall have been obtained from the zoning administrator. Stieh- -pet"'fftit- .shaH -he -i8stted -tipml" -t.'i~ ~yment- i)f a -fee -ift -t-he- -am.Otiftt- m -t:wenty- .doH~~ -f$2e:-ge)- -to- -co"ifer -Hte ~t- :i:fteideftt- -t-c- -the- 1.l!lIl!lItitlftCe'" <<- ~tl'Ch- ~rmit-"'8:ftd -tipml" ~ '{4ftmft~ 4ly-1:he ~Ofttftg- tldmini~tI'at:or -Hmt- -t-he- -p:r'Ol" Ol!ll ed.- ~tgn.- eemftlnft8" -t-c- -the--req\t:tre- ment-s- <<- t:h.~ ""6rtiilmftee-: AND FURTHER RESOLVED that this ordinance shall be effective on and after , 1992. .' .. o R DIN A NeE To amend and reenact Section 35.0, Fees, of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended and reenacted in Section 35.0 entitled "Fees" as follows: 35.0 FEES Except as herein otherwise provided, every application made to the zoning administrator, the commission, or the board of supervisors shall be accompanied by a fee as set forth hereinafter, to defray the cost of processing such application. a. For a special use permit: 1. Mobile home mtd-ltome-~Htm --$-25-.-00. $35.00. 2. Rural area divisions - $-165-.-00-.- $990.00. 3. Commercial use --$-165-.-00-. - $780.00. 4. Industrial use --$-165-.-00-.- - $810.00. 5. Private club/recreational facility - $165-.-00-.---$810.00. 6. Mobile home park or subdivision - -$-165-.~ $780.00. 7. Public utilities - $138,:,88,:,--$810.00. 8. Grade/fill in the flood plain - $690.00. 9. Minor amendment to valid special use permit - $85.00. 10. Extending special use permits - $55.00. 11. Home Occupation-Class A - $10.00; Home Occupation-Class B - $350.00. 12. All other uses - $l-9G:-GG;- $780.00. b. For amendment to text of zoning ordinance --$6&-.-00. $665.00. c. h---Fm> Amendment to the zoning map---$i-&6-..{)O-1)itlS""-$i-{1tCr'e. 2,:, - - - Ft>t"- 5.tneftament- -to- i':fffl1ftg-1MI'-foI" -l'laftftea- de'Il'elt>pmeftts - $628,:,88-~~8-$lfae~e,:, 1. For planned developments - under 50 acres - $815.00. 2. For planned developments - 50 or more acres - $1.255.00. 3. For all other zoning map amendments - under 50 acres - $815.00. 4. For all other zoning map amendments - 50 or more acres - $1,255.00. 5. Minor amendment to a Zoning Map Amendment - $175.00. d . i -: - - - F-m- ~S'ts- -f-m-"ft- -vaft5.fl'Ce'" -to- tlte- boMd- -of-"2Oning -ap-l'eals-- $66,:,88,:, Board of Zoning Appeals: 1. Request for a variance - $95.00. ~ .. Ordinance amending Section 35.0 of the Zoning Ordinance Page 2 2. For other appeals to the board of zoning appeals (including appeals of zoning administrator's decision) - $2-S-~9:;-- $95 .00, to be refunded if the decision of the zoning admin- istrator is overturned. e. h-uFerr R.reliminary site development plan u$628-:88-: 1. Residential - $945.00, plus $10.00/unit. 2. Non-residential - $1,260.00, plus $10.00/1000 square feet. 2 -: - - - Fm- fm}- -site -devei6f'ment- -plt:l:fl- -( ~ist'f.t:l:ti'<.re)- -- -$2-&9 ~:;-- f. Final site development plan: 1. Approved administratively - $325.00. 2. If reviewed by the commission before approval of preliminary site development plan - $900.00. 3":' - - - Fm- fm}- -site -devei6f'ment- -plt:l.ft'" -( -eom~ion-"1."e'If":tew)-:- a, - - - Pmr -t:o-1,7reH,mint:l.'f)I"" -plt:l.ft'" "ftPi'r"Oval- - -$-1-20-.-00-.- ~- - - M-te:r- ~imifmry-r>htn -af'~- -- $Be&: e&: 3. If reviewed by the commission after approval of the prelimi- nary site development plan - $630.00. 4. For site development plan waiver - -$i-u&.-o&. $215.00. 5. For site development plan amendment: a) Minor - alterations to parking, circulation, building Hize, location --$3-9:-99:-, - $75.00. b) Major - commission review - -$-1-3&.-00-. $215.00. 6. Review of site development plan by the architectual review board - $160.00. 7 . Appeal of site development plan to the board of supervisors - $190.00. 8. Rehearing of site development plan by commission or board of supervisors - $150.00. "I .. Ordinance amending Section 35.0 of the Zoning Ordinance Page 3 9. Rejection by agent of incomplete site development plan: a. Rejected within ten days - $160.00. b. Suspended after Site Plan Review - Site plan fee shall not be refunded. $50.00 fee shall be required to reinstate project. g. For relief from a condition of approval from commission or land- scape waiver by agent --$66~99. $140.00. h. Change in road or development name after submittal of site development plan: 1. Road - $15.00. 2. Development - $20.00. i. Extending approval of site development plan - $35.00. ]. Granting request to defer action on site development plan, special use permit or zoning map amendment: 1. To a specific date - $25.00. 2 . Indefinitely - $60.00. k. Bond inspection for site development plan, for each inspection after the first bond estimate - $45.00. 1. Zoning clearance - $25.00. m. Accessory lodging permits - $25.00. n . Official Letters: 1. Of determination - $60.00. 2. Of compliance with county ordinances- $60.00. 3. Stating number of development rights - $30.00. o. Sign Permits: 1. Any sign, except exempted signs and signs requiring review by the architectual review board - $25.00. 2. Signs required to be reviewed by the architectual review board - $60.00. ....... ... ',., Ii Ordinance amending Section 35.0 of the Zoning Ordinance Page 4 In addition to the foregoing, the actual costs of any notice required under Chapter 11, Title 15.1 of the Code shall be charged to the applicant, to the extent that the same shall exceed the applicable fee set forth in this section. Failure to pay all applicable fees shall constitute grounds for the denial of any application. For any appli- cation withdrawn after public notice has been given, no part of the fee will be refunded. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this ordinance shall be effec- tive on and after , 1992. * * * * * ,. 7 {~~4.(~(__.. 9I,IZ/( If/a "~'--" ..........,..,~'.~.,~...,~~-,..<.,,' ! I,' ,. 1/.. :\ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE 6 lS~i : "u I MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors and c/oJv V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning Community Development December 4, 1991 SP-90-31 Little Keswick School - Request for Rv+-~n~;nn Robert A. Wilson, on behalf of the Little Keswick School, has requested extension of SP-90-31 for one year to allow for the relocation of the East Rivanna Fire Station (See Attachment A). The permit was originally approved on June 6, 1990 (See Attachment B) and expires December 6, 1991. Staff agrees with the applicant's request and would recommend a full eighteen month extension to June 6, 1992. VWC/mem ATTACHMENTS ,.. , IAT1Al;HMENT Al SCHOOL SCII90L, INC. President Headmaster Robert A. Wilson, Sr. Marc J, Columbus Vice-President Director Elizabeth K. Wilson Anna B. Columbus November 1, 1991 V. Wayne Cilimberg County of Albemarle Albemarle County Planning Co~~ission 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 Re: SP-90-31 Robert A. & Elizabeth K. Wilson ~".~~'..;.'.n.'~J.\f"""'- , ...."." . ~ ';j}}~....- '-' ~lm , ~ 4 1991 PLANNING DIVISjON '-- -." I Dear Mr. Cilimberg, I respectfully request a one year extension of SP-90-31. The East Rivanna Fire Company is getting closer to realizing their move of the fire station to its new location, but their plans are not yet finalized. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. ~O~.l0~~ Robert A. Wilson RAW/kw P.O. Box 24 Keswick, Virginia 22947 Telephone 804-295-0457 Fax 804-977-1892 ,- IATTACHMENT B COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Albemarle County Planning Commission 401 Mclntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 June 18, 1990 Robert A. & Elizabeth K. Wilson P.O. Box 24 _ Keswick, VA 22947 RE: SP-90-31 Robert A. & Elizabeth K. Wilson Dear Mr. & Mrs. Wilson: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on June 6, 1990, approved the above-noted request to permit expansion of the Little Keswick School [10.2.2(5)] by utilizing the existing community building for East Rivanna Fire Company. Property, consists of 1.0 acre zoned RA, Rural Areas. Property located on the east side of Rt. 731 approximately 200' south of Rt. 22. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Virginia Department of Transportation issuance of a commercial entrance permit in the event of increased enrollment or paving of Rt. 731; 2. Virginia Department of Health approval; 3. No increase in enrollment; and 4. Parcel to be combined with the existing parcel (Parcel 110) prior to the commencement of activity in the existing Fire Company building. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Si77;;lY, .. ~ WaY~mbeF~ Direct~ ~~~~lan~ & Community Development cc: Richard Moring Jeff Echols President Robert A. Wilson, Sr. Vice-President Elizabeth K. Wilson November 1, Headmaster Marc J. Columbus Director Anna B. Columbus COUI\fTYOFA, pq"'l'~I. [';:::,", r;::'-:J .......:" J'-_.."~_\ .... . I." t . I", L [- 'II' \ '[l..I, roo' (1\\ :,,,,,".-.., ,.-.. ii ; i .'~..,..."L .......!..-..".:. "-!;,LC:"' ! rl'] 1:.:1 \ I' .: I r; \'\ NOV 11 1901 1; I 1 : Ii., \J 1 i 1 I: 1\ 1''>'' j, j tl Ll 1 L~~.'~.~;.~T':';'.":"l"--:'.-r"-'-'r'i"/ ; ? . ~._l '-._ ,..:::; U U """,; t:'..' q'-j ('" ... '"'i "". .....~ 1991' <. ..It" ~ldljf>':"J!(',;.; ,~ ,~.t' j V. waynt Cilimberg County of Albemarle Albemarle County Planning Commission 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 Re: SP-90-31 lobert A. & ., Elizabeth K. Wilson PLANNING DIVISfON """""- ~." Dear Mr. Cilimberg, I respectfully request a one year extension of SP-90-31. The East Rivanna Fire Company is getting closer to realizing their move of the fire station to its new location, but their plans are not yet finalized. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. ~~.\D~~ Robert A. Wilson RAW/kw '^~ ~ Co I 19'70 0fc~~ ~ Co I (<=:9'( P.O. Box 24 Keswick, Virginia 22947 Telephone 804-295-0457 Fax 804-977-1892 -r?.' :..' ...... . . ",' .....; :,...........,. ','.' .:, ~.~, .. :;:;+{.::/..i;.;l:i:;.;',',' < '" ~i[lti~i; , I."."..~~,.. (,.~.~.::N';'" r.::(:'(.f\vx~; . . I.... "'::2~':'\' ." . 1;~!?'. l' ~ '. :'l~. :.'.1"...... . . t'".: ',. ~/\l)' . "'.' <.>/'''7J'?JO(1 V :... ':.' ~ . s -;; h i'/7 ,ox) "L g c;: - ~Q.-. -.... " lJ 7-" . ~ . .1 (1) . . ..~ rn +;f>.~ '/ <%~:~"" \ ~ . ':5 I\! C\} -...} ~ / A':::::::::':::::::":::'::\ \ 1."'-1 J) ~ .~.O'? ~ \: __ QQ' ,L7.' f'\.<;;rz ,c;Q o~ 9 I "- ____o__'cx:!.~ (1"Jtr.lc;? oN'(Y r \L ~R ~ ~~ ,~ ~~] ~ ~ ~O -38Sfl ~t\.r: -l-.: v~~ ~~~ I:)~~ ...: ,-. 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AGENDA ITEM NAME DEFERRED UNTIL Form. 3 7/25/86 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Waste Management Regulations UR 672-20-10 requires all sanitary landfill cells opened under existing permits after December 18, 1988 to be closed under the new regulations; and WHEREAS, while the Department of Waste Management's concern relates to lechate generated in these cells entering and contami- nating the environment, and groundwater in particular; and WHEREAS, requiring the placement of a cap atop these closed cells is a costly procedure with no proven benefit; and WHEREAS, owners of landfills are still responsible for ground- water quality irrespective of a requirement to cap cells under the new regulations; and WHEREAS, the requirement to monitor groundwater quality and take mitigating action when deemed necessary is an appropriate action; and WHEREAS, these actions should meet the intent of groundwater quality and environmental protection without incurring a costly closure procedure; and WHEREAS, the current waste management regulations do not allow for alternative monitoring and subsequent mitigation in lieu of a costly closure process; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle strongly requests its legislators to urge the General Assembly to create a separate legislative commission to review the efficacy of the State's current solid waste regulations. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing wri ting is a true, correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on December 11, 1991. c~~ 1:e::~rs DEFERRED UNTIL J:1c I / q, ,03 zo, 61 ~f1CXJd IIiUUj ?jMvs f?e.pt'Yf- be(l /9 DATE AGENDA ITEM NO. AGENDA ITEM NAME Form. 3 7/25/86