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WPO201400032 Approval - Agencies 2014-10-27
COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Street address: 629 East Main Street,Richmond,Virginia 23219 Molly Joseph Ward Mailing address:P.O.Box 1105,Richmond,Virginia 23218 David K.Paylor Secretary of Natural Resources www.deq.virginia.gov Director (804)698-4020 1-800-592-5482 October 27, 2014 Mountaintop Montessori 440 Pinnacle PI Charlottesville, VA 22911 carr @virginia.edu RE: Coverage under the VPDES Construction General Permit(VAR10) General Permit No. VAR10G315 Montessori Community School Phase 1 Commercial Albemarle Dear Permittee: DEQ has reviewed your Registration Statement received on April 09, 2014 and determined that the proposed land-disturbing activity is covered under the General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR10). The effective date of your coverage under this general permit is July 1, 2014 or the date of this letter,whichever is later. A copy of the general permit can be obtained from DEQ's webpage at the following location: http://www.dea.virginia.gov/Portals/0/DEQ/Water/Publications/CGP2014.pdf. The general permit contains the applicable Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) requirements and other conditions of coverage. Please print the general permit and read it carefully as you will be responsible for compliance with all permit conditions. DEQ staff has determined that the proposed land-disturbing activity will discharge to a surface water identified as impaired or for which a TMDL wasteload allocation has been established and approved prior to the term of the general permit for (i) sediment or a sediment-related parameter or(ii) nutrients. Therefore, the following general permit(Part I.B.4)and SWPPP requirements (Part II.A.5) must be implemented for the land-disturbing activity: • Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven (7) days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site; • Nutrients (e.g., fertilizers) shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations or an approved nutrient management plan and shall not be applied during rainfall events; • Inspections shall be conducted at a frequency of (i) at least once every four (4) business days or (ii) at least once every (5) business days and no later than 48 hours following a measurable storm event. In the event that a measurable storm event occurs when there are more than 48 hours between business days, the inspection shall be conducted on the next business day; and • Representative inspections used by utility line installation, pipeline construction, or other similar linear construction activities shall inspect all outfalls. The general permit will expire on June 30, 2019. The conditions of the general permit require that you submit a new registration statement at least 90 days prior to that date if you wish to continue coverage under the general permit, unless permission for a later date has been granted by the Board. Permission cannot be granted to submit the registration statement after the expiration date of the general permit. If you have any questions about this permit, please contact the DEQ Office of Stormwater Management at ConstructionGPt deq.virginia.gov. Sincerely, g /de ,..,...,, ..././:-- - ...., . 4 Frederick K. Cunningham, Director Office of Water Permits 2 DE'"w•tRTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL Q1h 1TY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY OPERATOR PERMIT FEE FORM (Please Type or Print All Information) Instructions: Applicants for a Construction Activity Individual Permit are required to pay permit application fees. Fees are also required for registration for coverage under a Construction Activity General Permit. Fees must be paid when applications for state permit issuance, reissuance, modification or transfer are submitted. Applications will be considered incomplete if the proper fee is not paid and will not be processed until the fee is received. The fee schedule for state permits is included with this form. Fees for state permit issuance, reissuance, maintenance, modification and transfer are included. Once you have determined the fee for the type of application you are submitting, complete this form. The original copy of the form and your check or money order payable to "Treasurer of Virginia" should be mailed to: Department of Environmental Quality Receipts Control P.O. Box 1104 Richmond,VA 23218 A copy of this form and a copy of your check or money order should accompany the permit application (or registration statement). You should retain a copy for your records. Construction Activity Operator: Name: Martin Horn Contact: Robert Menasco Mailing Address: 210 Carlton Rd. City: Charlottesville State: VA Zip: 22902 Phone: 434-293-6171 Email address (if available): Robert@martinhorn.com Name and Location of the Construction Activity: Name: Montessori Community School City: Charlottesville State: VA Zip: 22911 County: Albemarle Type of State Permit: ❑ Construction Activity Individual Permit © Construction Activity General Permit (from Fee Schedule) Type of Action: © New Issuance ❑ Reissuance ❑ Maintenance ❑ Modification [' Transfer Amount of Fee Submitted (from Fee Schedule): $1,350 Existing General Permit Registration Number(if applicable): FOR DEQ USE ONLY Date: DC#: 01/2014 Page 1 of 1 CONDUCTION ACTIVITY PERMIT FEE SDULE A. Individual Permits. The fee for filing a state permit application for a Construction Activity Individual Permit issued by the Board is as follows: (NOTE: Individual permittees pay an annual permit maintenance fee instead of a reapplication fee. The permittee is billed separately by DEQ for the annual permit maintenance fee.) TYPE OF STATE PERMIT ISSUANCE Individual Permit for Discharges from Construction Activities $15,000 B. Registration Statements. The fee for filing a state permit application (registration statement) for coverage under a Construction Activity General Permit issued by the Board, including a state or federal agency that does not administer a project in accordance with approved annual standards and specifications, is as follows: TYPE OF STATE PERMIT ISSUANCE General/Stormwater Management-Small Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Areas within common plans $290 of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage less than one acre) General/Stormwater Management-Small Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than one acre and $2,700 less than five acres) General/Stormwater Management-Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than five acres and $3,400 less than 10 acres) General/Stormwater Management-Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than 10 acres and $4,500 less than 50 acres) General/Stormwater Management-Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than 50 acres and $6,100 less than 100 acres) General/Stormwater Management-Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within $9,600 common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than 100 acres) The fee for filing a state permit application (registration statement)for coverage under a Construction Activity General Permit issued by the Board for a state or federal agency that administers a project in accordance with approved annual standards and specifications is as follows: TYPE OF STATE PERMIT ISSUANCE Construction General/Stormwater Management—Phase I Land Clearing("Large"Construction Activity— $750 Sites or common plans of development or sale equal to or greater than 5 acres) Construction General/Stormwater Management—Phase II Land Clearing("Small"Construction Activity— $450 Sites or common plans of development or sale equal to or greater than 1 acre and less than 5 acres) 01/2014 Page 1 of 2 C. State Permit Modification or Tran9lum.Fees. The following fees apply to the mod ion or transfer of a Construction Activity Individual Permit or a Construction Activity General Permit issued by the Board. The fee assessed shall be based on the total disturbed acreage of the construction activity. In addition to the state permit modification fee, modifications resulting in an increase in total disturbed acreage shall pay the difference in the initial Construction Activity General Permit fee paid and the Construction Activity General Permit fee that would have applied for the total disturbed acreage in Section B above. TYPE OF STATE PERMIT MODIFICATION General/Stormwater Management—Small Construction Activity/Land Clearing(Areas within common $20 plans of development or sale with land disturbance acreage less than one acre) General/Stormwater Management—Small Construction Activity/Land Clearing(Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than one and less $200 than five acres) General/Stormwater Management—Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing(Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than five acres and $250 less than 10 acres) General/Stormwater Management—Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing(Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than 10 acres and $300 less than 50 acres) General/Stormwater Management—Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing(Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than 50 acres and $450 less than 100 acres) General/Stormwater Management—Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within $700 common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than 100 acres) Individual Permit for Discharges from Construction Activities $5,000 D. State Permit Maintenance Fees. The following annual state permit maintenance fees apply to each state permit identified below, including expired permits that have been administratively continued. No annual state permit maintenance fee is required for coverage under a Construction Activity General Permit for a state or federal agency that administers a project in accordance with approved annual standards and specifications. TYPE OF STATE PERMIT MAINTENANCE General/Stormwater Management—Small Construction Activity/Land Clearing(Areas within common $50 plans of development or sale with land disturbance acreage less than one acre) General/Stormwater Management—Small Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than one and less $400 than five acres) General/Stormwater Management—Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than five acres and $500 less than 10 acres) General/Stormwater Management—Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing (Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than 10 acres and $650 less than 50 acres) General/Stormwater Management—Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing(Sites or areas within common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than 50 acres and $900 less than 100 acres) General/Stormwater Management—Large Construction Activity/Land Clearing(Sites or areas within $1,400 common plans of development or sale with land-disturbance acreage equal to or greater than 100 acres) Individual Permit for Discharges from Construction Activities $3,000 01/2014 Page 2 of 2