HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201500082 Application 2015-07-07 •
..a Albemarle Co ' t Community evelopmentDepartmel
n 7 �intire Road Charlottesville. A 2290:-4595
'kr r Voice:(434)296.5532 Fax '(434)972-4125
Planning Application
TRIP[ 056A1-01-00-06300 Ok,,ner(s)t CROZET PARTNERS L1C
Application# ARB201500082
Legal Description ACREAGE
Magisterial Dist, White ttall Land use Primary Residential-- Group quarters (incl.fraternities,t
Current AFD Not in A/F District : Current Zoning Primary Downtown Crozet District
Street Address 1220 CROZET AVE CROZET,22932 Entered By
., an,elle Roth E
Application TyPt Architectural Review Board 17'7.'2015
Project NTELOS Cvt l5 - Wyndham Apartments
Received Date 07/06/15 1 Received Date Final Submittal Date 07/06/15 Total Fees 225
Closing ile Date 9 Submittal Date Final Total paid 225
Revision Number
Legal gad
T Sub AIA.catio :...: Comment,
Revisions to Certificate of Appropriateness ' 07/06/15
CortaciType Name
..0 I: Addr s i Ck State.. p etkoti Cell
Signature Of Contractor or Authorized Agent Cate
Architectural Review Board Application (�
Part A: Applicant,Contact and Parcel Information
Project Name: NTELOS CV115 Wyndham Apartments
Tax map and parcel(s): 056A1-01-00-06300 Physical Street Address: 1220 Crozet Ave.
Contact Person: Jessie Wilmer
Business Name: Virginia PCS Alliance, L.C., d/b/a NTELOS
Address 1150 Shenandoah Village Drive City Waynesboro State VA Zip 22980
Daytime Phone(540 241-5060 Fax#(540) 941-4106 E-mail wilmerj @ntelos.com
Owner of Record: Crozet Partners LLC (Steve Stokes-JABA)
Address 674 Hillsdale Drive, Suite 9 City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22901 _
Daytime Phone(434) 817-5252 Fax#( ) E-mail sstokes @jabacares.org
Part B: Review Type and Fee
Select review type
Review by the Architectural Review Board
Conceptual Plan/Advisory Review(for a Special Use Permit or a Rezoning) No Fee
Preliminary Review of a Site Development Plan No Fee
Final Review of a Site Development Plan $1000.00
✓ Amendment to an approved Certificate of Appropriateness $225.00
Building Permit Review $590.00
County-wide Certificate of Appropriateness
Structures 750'or more from the EC,no taller than 5 stories No Fee
Structures located behind a structure that fronts the EC No Fee
Personal wireless service facilities No Fee
Fencing or Equipment or Lighting No Fee
Additions to ARB-approved buildings No Fee
Minor amendments to site or architectural plans No Fee
Building permits where the change is 50%or less of the altered elevation No Fee
Fee Amount$ Z 2•' , 6 Date Paid 7)(,p IC By who?j) +0 0 0 S Receipt#/ ' 5 l heck# L%7 — B
l/V ..'er2CSS
County of Albemarle Dept of Community Development,401 McIntire Rd,Charlottesville,VA 22902 Voice:(434)296-5832 Fax:(434)972-4126
1112010 Page 1 of 2
Part C: Description of Proposal
Describe your proposal.Attach a separate sheet if necessary.
See Attached.
Part D: Applicant Agreement
Applicant must read and sign
• Each application package must contain(8)folded copies of all plans and documents being submitted. Only
(1)set of building material samples is required. All submittal items, including building material samples,
become the property of Albemarle County. Applicants are encouraged to maintain duplicate copies of all
submittal items in their own files.
• Only complete application packages will be scheduled for ARB review. The application package is not
complete without the appropriate checklist, completed, signed, and included with the required submittal
materials indicated on the checklist.
I hereby certify that 1 own the subject property or have the legal power to act on behalf of the owner in filing this
application. *See submittal requirements below. I also certify that the information provided on this application
and accompanying information is accurate, true, and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that the attached
plans contain all information required by the appropriate checklist.
7/6/1 5
Signa{re of owner, owner's representative Date
or contract purchaser
Jessie Wilmer-NTELOS Sr. Site Acquisition Specialist 540-241-5060
Printed name,Title Daytime phone number of Signatory
*Ownership Information:
• If ownership of the property is in the name of any type of legal entity or organization including, but not
limited to, the name of a corporation, partnership or association, or in the name of a trust, or in a fictitious
name, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted certifying that the person signing above has
the authority to do so.
• If the applicant is a contract purchaser, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted containing
the owner's written consent to the application.
• If the applicant is the agent of the owner, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted that is
evidence of the existence and scope of the agency.Attach the owner's written consent.
11/2010 Page 2 of 2
Architectural Review Board
Amendment to a Site Development Plan
Submittal Requirements Checklist
Part A: Applicant Contact and Parcel Information
Project name NTELOS CV115 Wyndham Apartments ARB#
Tax map and parcel#:. 056A1-01-00-061300
Physical street address lit assigned): 1220 Crozet Ave.,, Crozet,VA
Location of property(landmarks,, intersections,or other): Mountainside Senior Living bud,sing rooftop
Contact person: Jessie Wilmer
Business name: Virginia PCS Alliance, LC-,d/bla NTELOS
Address: 1150 Shenandoah Village Drive City Waynesboro Stale: VA Zip: 22980
Daytime phone 540-241-5060 Fax_ 540-941-4106 Email: w lrrefjgrrJe;bs.com
Part B: Revisions to a CofA/Amendment to a SDP Requirements Checklist
p o rta n t Note SWAM-er packages must contain(8)collated copies of all,torn, n unless otherwise
A. Written description of the proposal
WI Provide a description al the revrsedlamended proposal. Identify all proposed changes from the
previously approved submittal-
�J Provide a revised materials is list ii any of the building materials or material courts)have changed
B. Site plan showing the following (drawn to the scale oil'=2O',clearly legible and faded):
lri+ Show all proposed changes to the previously approved plan including site ilayyout, landscaping,
lighting, and all site features,with changed features clouded and clearly identified on the pan.
• Sheet cumber,total number of sheets,date of the drawing,date and description of the latest revision,and
contact irfaormkation for the firm preparing the drawings in the tale block on al drawings
D Provide the original plan and existing conditions.
C. Appearance of the building(s)(architectural elevations, color perspective sketches,site sections):
64 Dimensioned architectural elevations of the proposed building(s) showing ai changes to the
previously approved building(s) design. Elevations must be drawn to a minimum scale of
1116"=1'-0"_ A larger scale may be required Include a building materials schedule and key on the
elevation drawings.
W) One set of all building materials f colors if changed from the previously approved submittal-
Revises 7128110
D. Additional material
0 The applicant is welcome to submit any additional material that will make the revision to a certificate
of appropriateness/amendment to a site development plan review more productive_ Drawings or
other submittal items that darify topography, visibdity, utilities, landscaping, or other unique or
unusual conditions are welcome.
Part C: Applicant Agreement
Applicant must read and sign
• Each appidition package must confer (8) folded copies of at plans and documents being submitted.
Only(1)set of bulking material samples is required the building materials have changed. All submittal
items,including budding material samples,become the pToperty of Albemarle County. Applicants are
encouraged to maintain duplicate copies of all submittal items in their own film
• All information in this checklist is required, unless specifically waived by the ARB, prior to processing
a revision to a certificate of appropriateness/amendment to a site development plan review by the
ARB. Additional submittal materials may be required,depending on the proposal
• Only complete application packages wit be scheduled for ARB review. The appication package is riot
complete without this checklist, completed, sinned. and included with the required submittal materials
indicated on the cheddist
In representing the above referenced firm submitting this application for review, J hereby slate that the
information provided in this application, and all accompanying informatior. is accurate, true and coned to
the best of my knowledge, and That the attached plans contain all infomnation required by this checklist
11111A ML 7/6/15
Sig i of person completing checklist Date
Jessie Wilmer-Sr_Site Acq. Specialist 540-241-5069
Printed Name I Te Daytime phone number of Signatoiy
County of Albemarle Department of Planning and Community Development
401 McIntire Road,Charlottesville,VA 22902-459€
1434)296-5832 Tel, 1434)9724126 Fax
Revised 7/28/10
1150 Shenandoah Village Drive
Waynesboro,VA 22980
July 6. 2015
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
40 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: NTELOS Wireless Tier IAppikaiion- Personal Wireless Service Facility
Amendment to Certificate of Appropriateness-ARB Application
C17115 Wyndham Apartments Rooftop(Alonntainside Senior Living)
Dear SirNladarn:
Virginia PCS Alliance, LC_( NITELOS')requests the consideration of Albemarle County for. Tier I and
an Architectural Review Board Application for a personal wireless service facility located on pros,-
owned by Crazes Partners D.E.described as tax parcel 56A1-1-63,and zoned R2 Residential in the
White Hall District. The proposed wireless service facility is located at the Mountainside Senior Living
facility at 1220 Crozet Ave.,Crozet
NTELOS is in the process of enhancing its existing 3G voice and data network by replacing old net-work
equipment with 4G{LTE(Long Term Evolution)equipment that will provide improved call performance,
expanded coverage,faster downloads and stronger indoor signals. The current 3(1 voice and data network
utilizes the 1900 MHz spectrum only_ Because of a unique partnership that NTELOS has with Sprint,
NTELOS is able to have diverse spectrum available for its use_ The proposed N31-2.LOS 4GILTE
upgrades will use a tri-band system that will: I)repurpose old Neve]spectrum(800 MHz spectrum) for
increased coverage and better in-building coverage,2)use Cleat-wire spectrum(2.5(1lIz spectrum) for
increased data capacity and 3)continue to use the existing Sprint!NTELOS spectrum(1900 MHz
spectrum). By using this tri-band system,NTELOS and Sprint customers will have LTE enhancement,
improved call quality and diverse data capacity. In addition to upgrading our current network of sites,
NTELOS is also adding sites to increase capacity in sarnrated areas.
NTELOS is requesting a Tier I application of the Personal Wireless Service Facility policy as well as an
ARB application review due to I - •uilding's vicinity to the Entrance Corridor. NTELOS first installed
its equipment on this rooftop in 199 _ Currently NTELOS has(5)panel antennas on the existing
__r_Lthouse along with a 5"xl 0' s 'r on the rooftop for base station eAtypinent cabinets With this
propoSELOS is proposing to remove the existing-0j antennas and replace them with(9)tri-band
ntonnasaan the existing penthouse thaiWill-Support multiple spectrum capabilities for 4GILTE
services Six(6)orth-i-remote radio head amplifiers will be mounted below the antennapn the penthouse
wall,however, the Al,_phaiseclao-r Eintennis are located on a portion of the penthouse without a parapet wall
arWforsa_fte yand maintenance reasons,the(3)remote radio head amplifiers will be located on the
rooftop of the penthouse_ Prki-ta-iiiiiiilations of the NTELOS proposal showing the location of the
proposed ainterinas andthe remote radio head amplifiers. N i ELOS did a simulation of the remote radio
head amplifiers on the penthouse rooftop and given their 3 heieit they were not visible from adjacent
property. NTELOS is also proposing to upgrade o ''- on equipment cabitietS.--AliiisNOTC-n on
sheet C-2 of the drawings,NTELOS is proposing to remove a small lattice type tower on the rooftop of
this building.
While the proposed antennas are not invisible, painting the antennas to match the existing penthouse will
mitigate their visibility from surrounding residential and business properties. The proposed equipment by
NTELOS are compatible with the existing character of the building and the upgrade will have minimal
visual impact on the surrounding area from its current scenario. This proposal will deliver a much
improved customer communications experience and will serve the public health and safety needs to the
community by providing increased wireless voice capabilities and improved high speed data services to
this well traveled area of Albemarle County. I look forward to receiving your comments regarding this
proposal. Please feel free to contact me if you need additional information.
Je' ie Wilmer
Sr. Site Acquisition Specialist
wi lmerj(dntelos.com