HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201300065 Correspondence 2014-05-20 E R `r4e"28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201 Warrenton, VA 20186 211 B PHONE 540.349.4500 E N G I N E E R I N G FAX 540.349.0321 May 20, 2014 Via Federal Express County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,North Wing Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 Attn: Shawn Maddox Re: Wegman's Final Site Plan SDP201300065 5th Street Station 5th Street SW&Avon Street Ext. Charlottesville, VA 22902 Albemarle County BE#V122001 Dear Mr. Maddox: Bohler Engineering is pleased to submit on behalf of S.J. Collins, the Wegman's Final Site Plan to construct a Wegman's grocery store and associated parking on 65.64 acres for the 5t" Street Station application in Albemarle County, VA. The following is our comment response letter addressing comments received from you dated April 10, 2013. Each comment is addressed and responded to as follows: Fire Rescue—Steve Maddox: Comment 1: Where new water mains are extended along streets where hydrants are not needed for protection of structures or similar fire problems, fire hydrants shall be provided at spacing not to exceed 1,000 feet to provide for transportation hazards. Please install hydrants on Bent Creek Parkway at 1,000 foot intervals. Response 1: Fire hydrants have been provided for protection where no buildings are planned on being proposed.Please see Sheets 8A-J. Comment 2: Please place a note on the plans that indicates the ordering and installation of a Knox Box must be coordinated with the Fire Marshal's office at 434-296-5833. Response 2: The note has been provided. Please see Sheet 2B. Comment 3: The FDC shall be moved from the side of the building to the island containing the fire hydrant directly across the travel lane. Response 3: FDC has been relocated directly across the travel lane. Please see Sheet 8F. Comment 4: The fireflow needed for this structure, assuming it will be type 1 sprinklered construction, is approximately 1200 gallons per minute. Please provide documentation OTHER OFFICE LOCATIONS: •Southborough, MA •Albany, NY • Purchase, NY • Ronkonkoma, NY •Warren, NJ •Center Valley, PA 508.480.9900 518.438.9900 914.251.9800 631.738.1200 908.668.8300 610./09.9971 •Chalfont, PA •Towson, MD •Sterling, VA • Bowie, MD • Fort Lauderdale, FL 215.996.9100 410.821.7900 703.709.9500 301.809.4500 954.202.7000 CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • PROJECT MANAGERS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS www.BohlerEngineering.com BO FILER `� 2:11 H E N G I N E E R I N G Shawn Maddox 5`h Street Station Wegman's Final Site Plan— 1st Submission 5/20/14 Page 2 of 2 from the Albemarle County Service Authority that this flow is available on site. If these assumptions are incorrect please provide the construction type and other required information to calculate the correct flow needed. Response 4: Comment acknowledged. Fire flow will be verified. Comment 5: The radius shown on the roundabout is 18' and the road is only 20' wide. The radius needs to be increased to 25' or mountable curb must be installed to accommodate emergency apparatus. Response 5: Comment acknowledged. Mountable curb has been proposed. Please see Sheet 6D. Should you have any questions regarding this project or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at(540)349-4500. Sincerely, Boh ngineering .....g7 ....7 - aniel R. Hines, P.E. cc: Dan Tucker, S.J.Collins DRH/Ib 1-1:\12\V122001\Permitting\Jurisdictional Letters\Wegman's Final Site Plan 1st Review Comments\140520 Wegman's Final Site Plan 1st Review CRL-Fire.doc CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS "' 28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201 Warrenton, VA 20186 BO LER PHONE 540.349.4500 ENGINEERING '4•0'28 FAX 540.349.0321 May 20, 2014 Via Federal Express County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,North Wing Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 Attn: Margaret Maliszewki Re: Wegman's Final Site Plan SDP201300065 5th Street Station 5th Street SW&Avon Street Ext. Charlottesville,VA 22902 Albemarle County BE#V122001 Dear Ms. Maliszewki: Bohler Engineering is pleased to submit on behalf of S.J. Collins, the Wegman's Final Site Plan to construct a Wegman's grocery store and associated parking on 65.64 acres for the 5th Street Station application in Albemarle County, VA. The following is our comment response letter addressing comments received from you dated April 10, 2013. Each comment is addressed and responded to as follows: ARB Comments—Margaret Maliszewski: Comment 1: Revised the plan to indicate if the windows in the shorter towers are transparent glass or some other material. Indicate if the interior tower space is illuminated. Response 1: Please see comment responses from Architect. Comment 2: Revise the plan to indicate if the clock in the tower is to be illuminated. If it is, provide details and clarify brightness. Response 2: The elevations have been revised to note an internally illuminated clock face. Comment 3: Clarify if/how the concrete stains will match the corresponding materials listed on the materials board. Response 3: Please see comment responses from Architect. Comment 4: Revise the elevation drawings to distinguish between Brick 1 and Brick 2, and to accurately label the concrete stain colors. Response 4: The materials board have been corrected. OTHER OFFICE LOCATIONS: •Southborough, MA •Albany, NY • Purchase, NY • Ronkonkoma, NY •Warren, NJ •Center Valley. PA 508.480.9900 518.438.9900 914.251.9800 631.738.1200 908.668.8300 610.709.9971 •Chalfont, PA •Towson, MD •Sterling, VA • Bowie, MD • Fort Lauderdale, FL 215.996.9100 410.821.7900 703.709.9500 301.809.4500 954.202.7000 CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • PROJECT MANAGERS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS www.BohlerEngineering.com B O H L E R Margaret Maliszewki E N G I N E E R I N G 5t'Street Station Wegman's Final Site Plan— 1s`Submission 5/20/14 Page 2 of 4 Comment 5: Provide a physical sample of the standing seam metal for review. Response 5: A physical sample was provided at the ARB hearing in February. Comment 6: Provide elevations with the roofline,equipment heights shown. Response 6: Building elevations have been provided Comment 7: Add the standard mechanical equipment note to the plan: "Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated". Response 7: The standard mechanical equipment note has been added to the Site plan. Please see Sheet 6F. Comment 8: Revise the photometric plan to eliminate spillover in excess of .5fc, including at the entrance to the site from Bent Creek Road. Response 8: Photometric Plan has been revised to eliminate spillover in excess of 0.5fc. Please see Sheets 15A-J. Comment 9: Eliminate the OA fixture that is proposed off-site. Response 9: Fixture has been eliminated. Please see Sheet 15F. Comment 10: Revise the photometric plan to carry the footcandle readings out to the property line on the I64 side of the site. Response 10: Photometric Plan has been revised. Please see Sheets 15F-G. Comment 11: Limit illumination to 20 fc maximum. Response 11: Illumination has been limited to 20fc maximum. Please see Sheets 15A-J. Comment 12: Indicate on the plan if bases are proposed for the pole lights and indicate that the base height is included in the maximum 20' height. Response 12: A note has been added to the Plans indicating that all light poles shall be limited to 20' maximum in height, including bases. Please see Sheets 15A-J. Comment 13: Eliminate pole fixtures from the slope up to I64. Response 13: Pole Fixtures from I64 slope have been eliminated. Please see Sheet 15F. Comment 14: Coordinate the plan and fixture schedule regarding the quantity of HC and HD fixtures. Response 14: The Fixture schedule has been revised accordingly. Please see Sheet 16A. Comment 15: Revise the lighting plan to eliminate light pole and utility conflicts. Response 15: Lighting plan has been revised. Please see Sheets 15A-J. Comment 16: Coordinate al drawings regarding the wall-mounted lantern fixtures. Response 16: Drawings have been revised to coordinate wall-mounted fixtures. Please see Sheet 15F. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS PN ?I' Margaret Maliszewki 5`f'Street Station Wegman's Final Site Plan— 1st Submission 5/20/14 Page 3 of 4 Comment 17: Add the standard lighting note to the plan: "Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or mote initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed on half footcandles. Response 17: Standard lighting note has been added. Please see Sheets 15A-J. Comment 18: Locate all EC frontage trees within the limits of the parcel,not in the right-of-way. Response 18: EC Frontage trees have been revised and placed out of the right-of-way. Please see Landscape Plan, Sheets 13A-J. Comment 19: Intersperse flowering ornamental trees among the Sycamores along Avon Street. Response 19: Flowering ornamental trees have been interspersed among the Sycamores along Avon Street. Please see Sheet 13J or Sheet 9C on the Bent Creek Parkway Road Improvement Plan. Comment 20: Submit the revised road plans for review. Label all tress, coordinate plant count with quantities listed in the plant schedule, and clearly show trees coordinated with retaining walls. Response 20: Comment Noted. All trees have been labeled and coordinated with the quantities listed in the plant schedule. Road Landscape Plan has been provided for reference, on Sheets 13H-J, but please refer to the Bent Creek Parkway Road Improvement Plan for full design. Comment 21: Provide trees at a minimum of 2 '/s" caliper, spaced 40' on center, along the travelway that connects Bent Creek Road with the Wegman's parking lot. Response 21: Trees have been provided along travelway that connects Bent Creek Road with Wegman's parking lot. Please see Sheet 13D. Comment 22: Provide medium trees, 2 1/2: caliper, spaced 25' on center along the sidewalk that runs through the parking lot to the northeast corner of the building. Response 22: 21/2 caliper trees have been provided along the sidewalk. Please see Sheet 13F. Comment 23: Provide perimeter parking lot trees on the north side of the northern parking lot, 2 'h' caliper at planting,40' on center. Response 23: Perimeter parking lot trees have been added on the Northeast side of the northern parking lot; however they were not added on the Northwest side of the parking lot due to retaining wall, utility easement, and sight distance issues. Please see Sheets 13D and 13F. Comment 24: Provide the parking space count on the plan. Provide large trees at the interior of the parking lot,one(1)for every 10 parking spaces,2 'h"caliper at planting. Response 24: One large interior tree has been added for every 10 parking spaces. Please see Sheets 13A-G and 14A for calculation. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2 ,.....- B O H L E R Margaret Maliszewki E N G I N E E R I N G 5th Street Station Wegman's Final Site Plan— 1st Submission 5/20/14 Page 4 of 4 Comment 25: Continue the planting on I64 side of the site the full length of the grading along the property line. Response 25: Plantings have been continued along the full length of graded berm along property line. Please see Sheet 13G. Comment 26: Coordinate the quantities of ZS, PS and IG on the plan and in the plant schedule. Response 26: Plan and Plant schedule have been revised. Please see Sheets 13A-14A. Comment 27: Provide documentation showing that the planting and grading in the right-of-way is acceptable to VDOT. Response 27: Comment Acknowledged. Documentation that approves planting and grading in the ROW will be provided with VDOT plan approval. Comment 28: Add the standard landscape note to the plan: "All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant." Response 28: Landscape note has been added to the Plan. Please see Sheets 13A-J. Comment 29: Provide updated visualization from 164 depicting updated proposed landscaping. Response 29: Updated sight sections will be provided with the review of this submission. Comment 30: Install all plantings 3' from the top of the berm to ensure that lower foliage provides full screening. Response 30: Plantings have been revised to ensure that lower foliage provides full screening. Please see Sheets 13F-G. Should you have any questions regarding this project or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at(540)349-4500. Sincerely, Bohle •n.ineerin, 7 ), P.niel R. Hines, P.E. cc: Dan Tucker, S.J.Collins DRH/Ib H:\12\V122001\Permitting\Jurisdictional Letters\Wegman's Final Site Plan 1st Review Comments\140520 Wegman's Final Site Plan 1st Review CRL-ARB.doc CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS '+• 28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201 Warrenton, VA 20186 BOHLER PHONE 540.349.4500 ENGINEERING � FAX 540.349.0321 May 20,2014 Via Federal Express Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority 695 Moores Creek Lane Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Victoria Fort Re: Wegman's Final Site Plan SDP201300065 5th Street Station 5th Street SW&Avon Street Ext. Charlottesville, VA 22902 Albemarle County BE#V122001 Dear Ms. Fort: Bohler Engineering is pleased to submit on behalf of S.J. Collins, the Wegman's Final Site Plan to construct a Wegman's grocery store and associated parking on 65.64 acres for the 5th Street Station application in Albemarle County, VA. The following is our comment response letter addressing comments received from you dated April 10, 2013. Each comment is addressed and responded to as follows: Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority: General Plan Comments: Comment 1: Correctly show RWSA sanitary sewer line and easement on Sheets 6A-6, 7A-G, 13A-G, 15A-G. Response 1: RWSA sanitary sewer line and easements have been revised. Please see Sheets 6A-J, 7A-J, 13A-J, and 15A-J. Comment 2: Change existing sanitary sewer labels from `30"TCP SS' to '30 RWSA RCP SS'. Response 2: Existing sanitary sewer labels have been revised. Please see Sheet 8A. Comment 3: Label RWSA sanitary sewer easement with Deed Book and Page Number. Response 3: RWSA sanitary easement has been labeled with Deed Book and Page Number. Please see Sheet 8A. OTHER OFFICE LOCATIONS: •Southborough, MA •Albany, NY • Purchase, NY • Ronkonkoma, NY •Warren, NJ •Center Vattey, PA 508.480.9900 518.438.9900 914.251.9800 631.738.1200 908.668.8300 610,709.9971 •Chalfont, PA •Towson, MD •Sterling, VA • Bowie, MD • Fort Lauderdale, FL 215.996.9100 410.821.7900 703.709.9500 301.809.4500 954.202.7000 CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • PROJECT MANAGERS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS www.BohlerEngineering.com • 2:1 y `...-BOH LER Rivana ENGINEERING Water and Sewer Authority 5`h Street Station Wegman's Final Site Plan—1St Submission 5/20/14 Page 2 of 2 Other items related to this project: Comment 1: Please provide an update on the stream mitigation plan. Response 1: Stream Mitigation Plan is in design and will be submitted by Draper Aden. Comment 2: Please provide RWSA a copy of the "Road Improvement Plan for Fifth Street and Bent Creek Road Intersection"when it is available. Response 2: RWSA will be provided a copy of the Plan. Comment 3: Note that prior to final site plan approval, a new flow acceptance request should be sent to RWSA for all phases of the development with updated flow numbers. Response 3: Comment Acknowledged. A new flow acceptance request will be submitted prior to overall final site plan approval. Should you have any questions regarding this project or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at(540)349-4500. Sincerely, Boh gi eer' aniel R. Hines,P.E. cc: Dan Tucker, S.J.Collins DRH/lb H:\12W122001\Permitting\Jurisdictional Letters\Wegman's Final Site Plan 1st Review Comments\140520 Wegman's Final Site Plan 1st Review CRL-RWSA.doc CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS BOHLER '4..I'28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201 Warrenton, VA 20186 _; PHONE 540. 49. 500 E N G I N E E R I N G FAX 540.349.0321 May 20, 2014 Via Federal Express V DOT Culpeper District 1601 Orange Road Culpeper, VA 22701 Attn: Troy Austin Re: Wegman's Final Site Plan SDP201300065 5th Street Station 5th Street SW&Avon Street Ext. Charlottesville,VA 22902 Albemarle County BE#V122001 Dear Mr. Austin: Bohler Engineering is pleased to submit on behalf of S.J. Collins, the Wegman's Final Site Plan to construct a Wegman's grocery store and associated parking on 65.64 acres for the 5th Street Station application in Albemarle County, VA. The following is our comment response letter addressing comments received from you dated April 10, 2013. Each comment is addressed and responded to as follows: Comment 1: Since the new road will connect to Bent Creek Road, the bridge design over Moores Creek should be approved prior to the road plans being approved. Response 1: Bridge plans have been submitted for preliminary review. Final plans will be submitted for approval. Comment 2: The signal design for the intersections of Bent Creek Road/Bent Creek Parkway and Bent Creek Parkway/Avon Street Extended should be approved prior to the road plans being approved. Response 2: Signal plans have been submitted. The signal at Avon has been approved. The signal at Bent Creek Road is under final review. Comment 3: The proposed signal at the intersection of Bent Creek Road and Bent Creek Parkway does not meet the traffic signal spacing requirements with the signal the intersection of Bent Creek Road and 5th Street. Response 3: Per discussion it was determined from previous meetings involving traffic consultant Carl Hultgren with Ramey Kemp and Chuck Proctor with VDOT, that the signal spacing was acceptable. OTHER OFFICE LOCATIONS: •Southborough, MA •Albany, NY • Purchase, NY • Ronkonkoma, NY •Warren, NJ •Center Valley, PA 508.480.9900 518.438.9900 914.251.9800 631.738.1200 908.668.8300 610.709.9971 •Chalfont, PA •Towson, MD •Sterling, VA • Bowie, MD • Fort Lauderdale, FL 215.996.9100 410.821.7900 703.709.9500 301.809.4500 954.202.7000 CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • PROJECT MANAGERS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS www.BohlerEngineering.com B O H L E R Troy Austin E N G I N E E R I N G 5D'Street Station Wegman's Final Site Plan— 1St Submission 5/20/14 Page 2 of 6 Comment 4: What is the reasoning behind using a design speed of 30 mph? With the connection to two roads that are posted 45 mph, a posted speed limit of 25 mph with an ADT of 8,900 vpd may be low. Response 4: As discussed, reasoning behind design speed of 30 mph is to increase safety due to the numerous entrances coming out of commercial development, pedestrians using sidewalks and crosswalks, and horizontal and vertical road geometry. Comment 5: There is a note on the plan view (sheet 4A) that the design of the roadway is based on GS-7, Urban Collector with a design speed of 30 mph. There are several aspects of the GS-7 that need to be corrected in these plans: a. The minimum radius at 30 mph is 251 feet. The center line radius appears to be 249 feet. b. At 30 mph with a minimum radius of 251 feet, the road section should have a 4% superelevation. Per TC-5.11, in order to have a normal crown at 30 mph, the minimum radius needs to be 333 feet. Refer to TC-5.11 ULS in the 2008 Road and Bridge Standards. c. A minimum of 200 feet stopping distance needs to be provided based on a design speed of 30 mph. The street trees along Bent Creek Parkway between stations 14+00 and 18+00 may impact this requirement. In addition, any parking in the vicinity of this horizontal curve outside of the right-of-way will need to be considered as well. d. The plans indicate that the lane width will be 11 feet. However, note 1 on GS-7 indicates that if the ADT exceeds 2000,the lane width is to be 12 feet. Response 5: a. As discussed, the minimum radius of the centerline has been revised to 273 feet, per ULS Standards. b. Road geometry has been revised to ULS standards. Minimum radius is now 273 feet, therefore a 2%superelevation has been provided. Please see Sheet 5A. c. A note has been added to the Plan stating that the proposed street trees will be limbed up to eliminate sight distance concerns. Please see Landscape Sheets 9A-C. d. Lane widths have been revised to 12'.Please see Sheet 4A. Comment 6: The guard rail warrants need to be provided. In addition, the guard rail location shown be shown on the typical sections. Response 6: Guard rail is shown on typical sections and guardrail warrants have been provided.Please see Sheets 13A-B. Comment 7: Warrants for the turn lanes need to be provided for review. Response 7: Warrants have been provided by the traffic consultant prior to this submission for review. Comment 8: The lane transitions are shown to be 165'. This is based on 11' wide lanes. This needs to be revised based on 12' lanes. Response 8: Lane transitions have been revised based on the 12' lanes. Please see Sheets 4A-C. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS BOHLER E N G I N E E R I N G Troy Austin 5t'Street Station Wegman's Final Site Plan— 1"Submission 5/20/14 Page 3 of 6 Comment 9: A sight easement needs to be provided for Entrance 2. In addition, the street trees along Bent Creek Parkway appear to be in conflict with the sight line for this entrance. Response 9: A sight easement has been provided. In addition, a note has been added to the plans stating the street trees will be limbed up to eliminate any sight distance concerns. Please see Sheets 9A-C. Comment 10: The turn lane warrants need to be provided for review. Response 10: Please see response to Comment 7. Comment 11: A sight easement needs to be provided for Entrance 3. In addition, the street trees along Bent Creek Parkway appear to be in conflict with the sight line for this entrance. Response 11: A sight easement has been provided. In addition, a note has been added to the plans stating the street trees will be limbed up to eliminate any sight distance concerns. Please see Sheet 9B. Comment 12: On Sheet 4B, there is a note indicating that the taper for the left turn lane for Entrance 3 is 100', however, the taper scales to approximately 65'. This should be revised to meet the minimum taper length. Response 12: The taper for the left turn lane at entrance 3 has been revised to 100'. Please see Sheet 4B. Comment 13: If the temporary turn around shown at station 33+50 will become a permanent entrance, it will need to be constructed to commercial entrance standards including minimum radii of 25'. If the turnaround will be removed, I would recommend the curb and gutter end at structure D-13 and extended toward Avon when Bent Creek Parkway is extended. Response 13: Entrance has been revised and designed to the commercial entrance standards including minimum radii of 25'. Please see Sheet 4B. Comment 14: The plans need to be clarified to clearly indicate the end of VDOT right-of-way. Currently,the same line type is shown throughout the road plans for the right-of-way. Response 14: Right-of-way has been revised to clearly distinguish between VDOT right-of-way and county reserved right-of-way. Please see Sheet 4C. Comment 15: It is our understanding that the roadway from station 34+00 to Avon Street Extended, including the park and ride,will be privately owned and maintained. Response 15: Yes, the roadway from 33+97 to Avon Street Extended, including the park and ride will be privately owned and maintained. Comment 16: The connection to Avon Street Extended shown on the profile on Sheet 6C should be a vertical curve. Response 16: The Bent Creek Parkway profile has been updated to include a vertical curve at the connection to Avon Street Extended. Please see Sheet 6C. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2 ,....„ B OH LER Troy Austin E N G I N E E R I N G 5t'Street Station Wegman's Final Site Plan—1st Submission 5/20/14 Page 4 of 6 Comment 17: Sight distance 7(233')does not meet minimum sight distance. Response 17: As discussed, the purpose of this sight distance is to show a worst case scenario as a car comes around a bend in a blind spot. Therefore it is not the intention of this sight distance to meet minimum standards. Sight distance 7 has been revised to sight distance 6 for this subdivision,Please see Sheet 7D. Comment 18: What is Proposed Sight Distance 5 Profile attempting to show? Response 18: The sight distance shown as sight distance 5 in the last submission has been eliminated. Comment 19: What is Proposed Sight Distance 9 Profile attempting to show? Response 19: As discussed, the purpose of this sight distance is to show a worst case scenario as a car comes around a bend in a blind spot. Therefore it is not the intention of this sight distance to meet minimum standards. Sight distance 9 has been revised to sight distance 8 in this submission. Please see Sheet 7E. Comment 20: The street trees as shown appear to conflict with the sight lines of several of the entrances and as previously mentioned, may interfere with the stopping sight distance through the horizontal curve between station 14+00 and 18+00. Response 20: A note has been added to the Plan stating that the proposed street trees will be limbed up to eliminate sight distance concerns. Please see Landscape Sheets 9A-C. Comment 21: The street trees along Avon Street Extended need to be located at least 30 feet from the end of the radius as indicated in Appendix B(1)of the Road Design Manual. Response 21: Street trees have been revised to be 30 feet from the end of the radius of Avon Street Extended. Please see Sheet 9C. Comment 22: VDOT maintenance of the storm sewer system will end at the structures located within the dedicated right-of-way. Response 22: Comment acknowledged. Comment 23: Notes need to be added to the storm sewer profiles indicating that standard steps (ST-1) will be require on all storm structures with a depth of 4' or greater and that safety slabs (SL-1) will be required on all storm structures with a depth of 12' or greater in accordance with the 2008 Road and Bridge Standards. Response 23: As requested,notes have been added to the storm profiles. Please see Sheets 11 A-J. Comment 24: The invert of structure B-3 from structure B-11 is lower than the invert out of structure B- 3 on the profiles labeled "Proposed Storm Profile — (B-1 to B-9) and "Proposed Storm Profile—(B-3 to B-11)". Response 24: The inverts have been revised. Please see Sheet 11B. Comment 25: Storm structures B-10, B-11, B-12, and B-13 do not meet minimum height requirements as shown in the 2008 Road and Bridge Standards. Response 25: Storm structures listed above are not located along VDOT roadway. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS %,...0, 21 BOFILER '..` Troy Austin ENGINEERING 5t'Street Station Wegman's Final Site Plan— 1st Submission 5/20/14 Page 5 of 6 Comment 26: While structure C-2 is located on the private section of Bent Creek Parkway, I would argue against allowing a 48' deep structure. I'm not entirely sure how this will be installed and any necessary maintenance is going to be problematic. It appears that this structure and structures C-2, C-3, and C-5 could be removed and runoff from the road could run to structures D-14 and D-13. The lengths of these structures could potentially need to be increased. Response 26: As discussed, Structure C-2 is needed to outfall the Landfill BMP pond at the water surface elevation of the wetland area at the bridge crossing. Comment 27: There appear to be some discrepancies between the hydraulic calculations and the storm sewer profiles. While none of the discrepancies appear to make the design inadequate,the calculations and profiles should match. Segments noted, but not excluded to, are F7-F6, F6-F5,F5-F4, G6-G5, G5-G4, G4-G3,and G3-G2. Response 27: Calculations and profiles have been revised to match. Please see Sheets 11J. Comment 28: The typical sections provided need several revisions, many of which have been previously noted: a. Based on ADT,the travel lanes should be 12' wide. b. Superelevation needs to be provided in accordance with the GS-7 standard and the 2008 Road Design Manual. c. The strip between the back of curb and the sidewalk should be at least 6'. d. The design calculations for the road sections need to be provided for review. Response 28: a. Travel lanes have been revised to 12' wide. Please see Sheet 4A. b. Superelevtation has been provided in accordance with the GS-7 ULS standard. Please see Sheet 6D. c. Planting strip between sidewalk and back of curb has been revised to be 6' wide. Please see Sheet 13A-B. d. The design calculations for the road sections have been provided. Please see Sheet 13B. Comment 29: The traffic barricade should have the chevrons as shown in the VA Work Area Protection Manual for"Road Closed". Response 29: Traffic barricade has been updated to shown chevron design. Please see Sheet 16C. Comment 30: The Maintenance of Traffic Plan should include a plan view showing the signage layout rather than only the details from the VA Work Area Protection Manual. Also, the details should be from the current Work Area Protection Manual(2011 Edition). Response 30: The Maintenance of Traffic plan will be provided under separate cover. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS BOH LER E N G I N E E R I N G Troy Austin 5th Street Station Wegman's Final Site Plan— 1st Submission 5/20/14 Page 6 of 6 Should you have any questions regarding this project or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at(540)349-4500. Sincerely, Bohler ginee 'n aniel R. Hines, P.E. cc: Dan Tucker,S.J. Collins DRH/Ib H:\12\V122001\Permitting\furisdictional Letters\Wegman's Final Site Plan 1st Review Comments\140131 Wegman's Final Site Plan 1st Review CRL-VDOT.doc CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS s.r+28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201 Warrenton, VA 20186 BOFTLE1Z PHONE 540.349.4500 ENGINEERING FAX 540.349.0321 May 20,2014 Via Federal Express County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,North Wing Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 Attn: Max Greene Re: Wegmans Final Site Plan SDP201300065 5th Street Station 5th Street SW&Avon Street Ext. Charlottesville, VA 22902 Albemarle County BE#V122001 Dear Mr. Greene: Bohler Engineering is pleased to submit on behalf of S.J. Collins, the Wegmans Final Site Plan to construct a Wegmans grocery store and associated parking on 65.64 acres for the 5th Street Station application in Albemarle County, VA. The following is our comment response letter addressing comments received from you dated February 7, 2014. Each comment is addressed and responded to as follows: Engineering Review—Max Greene: Comment 1: Site Plan a. This site plan appears to be contingent on the completion (installation) of the road plans (SUB201300179) and Stormwater Plans (WPO201300079) prior to issuance of a Grading Permit for this site. b. Retaining walls are very tall and step back with each course. Please show actual construction thickness of face of wall/footing to back of wall/top on the plan view sheets. c. Stormwater drainage easements in accordance with ACDSM will be shown on this site plan. Drainage easement size is required to establish building clearance and clearance for future repair/replacement of pipes. d. Please state on plans the class of concrete to be utilized for dumpster pad, curbing, sidewalks etc. Response 1: a. Yes.This plan is contingent on obtaining approval of the Road& SWM Plans. b. Retaining walls have been revised to show actual construction thickness on plans. Please see Site Plan sheets 6A-G. OTHER OFFICE LOCATIONS: •Southborough, MA •Albany, NY • Purchase, NY • Ronkonkoma, NY •Warren, NJ •Center Vaitey, PA 508.480.9900 518.438.9900 914.251.9800 631.738.1200 908.668.8300 610.709.9971 •Chalfont, PA •Towson, MD •Sterling, VA • Bowie, MD • Fort Lauderdale, FL 215.996.9100 410.821.7900 703.709.9500 301.809.4500 954.202.7000 CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • PROJECT MANAGERS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS www.BohlerEngineering.com B 0 H L E R Max Greene E N G I N E E R I N G 5`"Street Station Wegman's Final Site Plan— 1st Submission 5/20/14 Page 2 of 2 c. Stormwater drainage easements have been provided. Please see Utility Sheets 8A- G. d. Class of concrete has been provided as a note on Site Plan Sheets 6A-G. In addition details have been provided showing the concrete sections. Please see Construction detail sheet 22B. Should you have any questions regarding this project or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at(540)349-4500. Sincerely, Bohl• Ln 41161- Daniel R. Hines, P.E. cc: Dan Tucker, S.J.Collins DRH/lb H:\12\V122001\Permitting\Jurisdictional Letters\Wegman's Final Site Plan 1st Review Comments\140520 Wegman's Final Site Plan 1st Review CRL-Engineering.doc CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 14c) Veer BOHLER ENGINEERING 28 Blackwell Park Lane,Suite 201,Warrenton,VA 20186 Professional Engineering Services Telephone:(540)349-4500 Fax:(540)349-0321 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL VIA: Hand Delivery TO: Albemarle County RE: Final Site Plan—2nd Submission 401 McIntire Road SDP201300065 Charlottesville,VA 22902 5`h Street Station 5th Street SW&Avon Street Ext. (434)296-5832 Charlottesville,VA 22902 Albemarle County ATTN: Megan Yaniglos DATE: May 20,2014 JOB NO: V122001 WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑Shop drawings ❑Copy of letter ZAttached ❑ Prints ❑Change order COPIES JOB# DATE REVISION REVISION SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 V122001 5/20/14 1 of 1 ARB-Revised Application Submittal 1 V122001 5/20/14 Comment Response Letters 1 V122001 5/20/14 1 of 1 Fire Flow Calculations 1 V122001 5/20/14 1 of 1 Water Calculations 1 V122001 5/20/14 1 of 1 Sewer Calculations 1 V122001 12/2/13 1 of 1 Materials Board 7 V122001 12/2/13 1 of 1 Materials Board Print 11 V122001 12/13/13 1 5/15/14 1-86 of 86 Final Site Plan These Are Transmitted: ®For approval ❑For your use DAs requested ❑For review and comment DApproved as submitted ❑Approved as noted ❑Returned for corrections REMARKS: Please find enclosed the Final Site Plan and corresponding documents for the above mentioned project in Charlottesville,VA.Please distribute the Comment Response Letter and Final Site Plan to all applicable agencies. We have included a copy of the transmittal as proof that the package was submitted separtely. If you have any questions or require additional information,please do not hesitate to contact this office at(540) 349-4500. COPY TO: SIGN •aniel R. Hines, P.E. File `r. 28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201 Warrenton, VA 20186 BOHLER PHONE 540.349.4500 ENGINEERING � FAX 540.349.0321 December 17, 2013 Via Federal Express County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,North Wing Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 Attn: Megan Yaniglos Re: Final Site Plan SDP2013000012 5th Street Station 5th Street SW&Avon Street Ext. Charlottesville,VA 22902 Albemarle County BE#V122001 Dear Ms. Yaniglos: Bohler Engineering is pleased to submit on behalf of S.J. Collins, the Initial Site Plan to construct a shopping center and associated parking on 65.64 acres for the 5th Street Station application in Albemarle County, VA. The following is our comment response letter addressing comments received from Review agencies dated April 10, 2013. Each comment is addressed and responded to as follows: Planning Services: Comment 1: [32.5.2 (a)] Tax Map 77-1 1E needs to be added to the plans. Response 1: Tax map 77-11E has been included in the plans. Comment 2: [32.5.2 (a)] Need to shade back topography on sheet 4, it's difficult to see the owners listed. Response 2: The printing issues with the existing topography have been corrected. The topography is now shaded back as requested. Comment 3: [32.5.2 (b); Proffers 2 and 3] Provide the percentage of open space. Also, show the greenway trail and associated grading for the trail. Response 3: The open space percentage has been shown in the table on Sheet 2B. This table will be populated as the project develops. The greenway trail is shown on Sheet 18 for reference purposes. Per the proffer, the County will be responsible for construction of the trail. Its final location shall be determined at the time of construction. OTHER OFFICE LOCATIONS: •Southborough, MA •Albany, NY • Purchase, NY • Ronkonkoma, NY •Warren, NJ •Center Valley, PA 508.480.9900 518.438.9900 914.251.9800 631.738.1200 908.668.8300 610.709.9971 •Chalfont, PA •Towson, MD •Sterling, VA • Bowie, MD • Fort Lauderdale, FL 215.996.9100 410.821.7900 703.709.9500 301.809.4500 954.202.7000 CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • PROJECT MANAGERS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS www.BohlerEngineering.com BOHLER Megan Yaniglos E N G I N E E R I N G 5"' Street Station Final Site Plan— I S`Submission 12/17/13 Page 2 of 11 Comment 4: [32.5.2 (c)] On sheet 6 in the legend, the BMP information/symbol doesn't show up. Revise. Response 4: The SWM and BMP design has been shown in a separate WPO Plan. Comment 5: [32.5.2 (d)] Indicate with shading those areas of the site where existing slopes are critical slopes. Response 5: The erosion and sediment control design has been shown in a separate WPO Plan (Phase I) for the site. That plan shows the existing critical slopes and which will be preserved or disturbed. Comment 6: [32.5.2 (e)] Label all the existing wooded areas and provide a general description of the type of of trees(ie deciduous, evergreen, or mixed). Response 6: A label has been added to the existing wooded areas describing the type of trees. See the landscape plans, Sheets 13A— 13J. Comment 7: [32.5.2 (i); 32.5.2 (n)] Provide the material type and dimensions for the shoulder along Bent Creek Road. Response 7: The shoulder along Bent Creek Road has been removed. A separate road improvement plan for Bent Creek Parkway has been submitted which proposed an urban condition with curb and gutter. Comment 8: [32.5.2 (i)] Provide a sidewalk from the parking to the bus stop within the park and ride lot. Response 8: A sidewalk has been provided along Bent Creek Parkway from the bus stop and park and ride to the development. Comment 9: [32.5.2(n)] Provide the height for all proposed fences. Response 9: At this time, no fences are proposed on the site. Screening behind the Wegmans has been provided with a berm and dense evergreen vegetation. Please see Sheet 13F. Comment 10: [32.5.2 (n)] What kind of walls are the retaining walls? The width being shown seems to be inaccurate. If they are block/redi-rock walls, the full width needs to be shown. Also, the limits of disturbance seem to be inaccurate to construct these walls, revise to show possible full impact. Response 10: The retaining walls are anticipated to be modular block walls. A detail of the wall sections has been shown on Sheet 21. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS r BOHLER E N G I N E E R I N G Megan Yaniglos 5th Street Station Final Site Plan— 1 S`Submission 12/17/13 Page 3 of 11 Comment 11: [32.5.2 (n)] Show the proposed concrete ditch along the edge of the wall along Bent Creek Parkway on the grading plan. Response 11: The concrete ditch along the top of the walls adjacent to Bent Creek Parkway is shown on the Road Improvement Plan for Bent Creek Parkway. The details for the retaining walls also show the concrete ditch. Comment 12: [32.5.2 (o)] Show all areas intended to be dedicated or reserved for public use including the greenway trail and park. Response 12: The right-of-way and right-of-way reservation areas are shown on the Bent Creek Parkway Road Improvement Plan. The public use areas for the greenway trail and park are shown on Sheet 18. It should be noted though that these areas are subject to change per final coordination with the County.A note to that effect is show on Sheet 18. Comment 13: [32.5.2 (p)] Provide on a landscape sheet the conservation plan checklist. Response 13: The conservation plan checklist has been shown on Sheet 14A. Comment 14: [32.5.2 (p)] A waiver for the requirement of street trees needs to be provided for the minor variation in accordance with Section 32.3.5 (b). Staff would like street trees to be provided all along Bent Creek parkway where possible. This will also be a factor when reviewing the request in Comment#18. Eliminating the gravel shoulder and putting in an urban section of road will allow room for street trees. Response 14: Street trees have been provided along Bent Creek Parkway. These trees are shown with the Road Improvement Plan for Bent Creek Parkway. Comment 15: [32.7.9] Show the right of way lines on the landscape plan. Trees shall be located within the right of way where feasible. Response 15: The right-of-way lines have been shown on the landscape plan. Street trees have been provided along Bent Creek Parkway and are shown on the Road Improvement Plan for Bent Creek Parkway. Comment 16: [32.7.9] Show the utility easements for all utilities on the landscape plan to ensure that the trees are outside of the easements. Response 16: The utility easements are shown on the landscape plan. Comment 17: [4.12.16 (e)] Bumper blocks need to be provided wherever curb and gutter is not, unless waived by the County Engineer. Response 17: Curb and gutter has been provided within the development. The need for bumper blocks is not anticipated. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS BOHLER E N G I N E E R I N G Megan Yaniglos 5`t' Street Station Final Site Plan— 1st Submission 12/17/13 Page 4 of 11 Comment 18: [Proffer #1-C] Provide a request for a waiver for the street requirements to be a "rural section" in design for review by staff and the Board of Supervisors. Response 18: A waiver is no longer required as the roadway has been designed as an urban section. Comment 19: [Proffer#1-G] See comments from CAT regarding the park and ride lot and transit stops. Coordinate the location of all transit stops with CAT. Response 19: Acknowledged. The developer shall coordinate with CAT as the project develops for the location of all transit stops within the shopping center. CAT Options: Option 1: We believe this option would better serve the shopping center and allow passengers better access to the locations. However, it does entail going through the facility rather than going around it. Questions we had were if the parking spaces that are marked with squares can be converted into bus pull outs/stops. Additionally, we were not sure if the circle is capable of handling a 35 foot bus. Option 2: There are 2 locations I see possible for bus stops. The western stop would be located and what seems to be a pavilion/entrance. However, because the location is right after a turn, it might have to be pushed further north. The eastern stop would have no issues if a cut out can be built into the median there. Additionally, stops will have to be put on the opposite of each stop to serve in both direction. Department of Community Development: A. Application Information Comment 1: Please identify special use permit number (SP2012-00029) in "floodplain special use permit"on sheet 1. Response 1: A reference to the special use permit for the floodplain has been added on Sheet 1. Comment 2: Please provide US Army Corps approval for "wetlands to be demolished" and fill in floodplain per 3/13/2013 #4 condition of Board of Supervisors approval of SP2012- 00029. Response 2: The US Army Corps recently approved disturbance of the wetlands on the property. A copy of the Approved Wetlands Permit shall be provided to the County for reference. B. Existing Conditions Information Comment 1: Please provide date and source of topographic information. All topography should be at least visually field verified by the designer with the last year. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS ` B O H L E R y `� M ENGINEERING Megan Yaniglos 5 Street Station Final Site Plan— 1st Submission 12/17/13 Page 5 of 11 Response 1: The date and source of topography has been provided on Sheet 2A. The topography has been field verified within the last year and is accurate with the exception of a stockpile adjacent to the existing grand piano building. This stockpile however, shall be removed with the construction efforts for the site. Comment 2: Please provide a benchmark location, elevation, and datum for topography. An existing utility or other known position will suffice. Response 2: Benchmark location, elevation, and datum for topography have been provided. Comment 3: Please darken the labels and/or indicate the the 100' (beyond stream banks or edge of wetland) Water Protection Ordinance buffer limits for Moore's Creek, Biscuit Run, and all non-tidal wetlands on sheets 5A-5J. These limits inform the buffer incursion area and needed mitigation area(which is part of WPO plans and also need to be included with an approved initial site plan. Response 3: The Water Protection Ordinance buffer limits for Moore's Creek, Biscuit Run, and the wetlands have been shown in a separate WPO Plan (Phase I) for the project. These areas shall be mitigated as necessary and as coordinated with the County Engineering Department. Comment 4: Please indicate dimensions and record deed book and page number for all existing easements including: a. an existing gas line and overhead utilities which appear on sheet 5C. b. an existing road which appears on sheet 5D. c. existing overhead utilities,a road, and a water line which appear on sheet 5E. d. existing road which appears on sheet 5F. e. e. existing water line which appears on sheet 5G. Response 4: The dimensions and deed book and page information for the existing easements have been added to the plans and shown in the WPO Phase(Phase I) for the project. That plan also identifies which easements shall be vacated and removed during construction. Comment 5: Please indicate all critical slopes(>25% slope)with grey shading for clarity. Response 5: The critical slope areas have been shown on the WPO(Phase I)for the development. C. Proposed Plan View Information Comment 1: Please indicate guardrail with VDOT designations for all retaining walls next to parking or travelways [18-32.7.2]. Response 1: Guardrail has been provided along Bent Creek Parkway and along the parking areas above all retaining walls as required. Please see Sheet 6D and the Road Improvement Plan for Bent Creek Parkway. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Na BOH LER E N G I N E E R I N G Megan Yaniglos 5`h Street Station Final Site Plan— 1st Submission 12/17/13 Page 6 of 11 Comment 2: Please expand legend to include symbol for a proposed easement(appears to be a circle) and abbreviations for proposed easement types (apparently including: drainage, sanitary sewer, gas, water, access, stormwater management, and possibly intersection and/or entrance sight distance). Please include a callout for each proposed easement on each sheet (i.e. if a proposed easement area appears on three sheets, please label it on each of the three sheets). Response 2: Easement labels have been added to the plans. The legend for the easements is shown on Sheet 2B. Comment 3: Please expand drainage easements to include erosion control riprap at pipe outlets (appears to be riprap outside of the proposed easement area on sheet 9A). Response 3: The drainage easements shall be updated to include the rip rap at the pipe outlets. Comment 4: Please clearly indicate by station the limits of proposed public right of way and access easement for privately maintained sections of Bent Creek Pkwy proposed. Response 4: The public right-of-way, access easements, and right-of-way reservation areas are shown with the Bent Creek Parkway Road Improvement Plan. Comment 5: Please indicate intersections and entrance sight distance lines in plan view at minimum. Intersection and/or entrance sight distance easements may be needed. Response 5: The intersection and sight distance lines for each entrance have been shown with plan and profile in the Road Improvement Plan for Bent Creek Parkway. Comment 6: Trees are prohibited in drainage easements. It appears one "SJR" tree is proposed in conflict with a drainage easement on sheet 11F. It appears one "TCG" and one "QPH" tree are proposed in conflict on sheet 11G. Please revise proposed drainage or landscape plan to avoid these conflicts. Response 6: Proposed trees have been removed from the drainage easements as requested. Comment 7: Commercial entrances appear to be proposed on sheets 8C, 8D, 8E, 8G, and 8I. Please provide VDOT designation type for these entrances(e.g. PE-1, CG-9a, etc.). Response 7: The commercial entrances have been noted as CG-11 entrances with the Road Improvement Plan for Bent Creek Parkway. Comment 8: Please label proposed radius for NW corner of entrance proposed on sheet 8G. Response 8: The radius labels have been shown at the entrances. Those entrances are shown with the Bent Creek Parkway Road Improvement Plan. Comment 9: Turn lanes and tapers for intersection of Bent Creek Pkwy and Avon St appear to be proposed on sheet 9J. Please label the widths and taper rates proposed. Response 9: Turn lanes and tapers along Bent Creek Parkway have been shown with the Bent Creek Parkway Road Improvement Plan. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS B O H L E R Megan Yani los E N G I N E E R I N G 5th Street Station Final Site Plan-- 1st Submission 12/17/13 Page 7 of 11 Comment 10: Please include by note or leader description the type of curbing proposed on all parking areas with VDOT designations(e.g. CG-2, CG-6). Response 10: The curb and gutter along Bent Creek Parkway has been noted as CG-6. Comment 11: Please label edges of proposed paving areas proposed which appear to not have curb adjacent(see sheets 8E and 8I). Response 11: Areas which do not have curb have been noted as EP or edge of pavement. Comment 12: Please provide a unique label for each proposed structure and pipe for calculations reference. Response 12: Each structure has been labeled with a unique identifier and referenced in the calculations as such. Comment 13: Please provide spot elevations are proposed dumpsters to ensure they are not in low spots for drainage. Response 13: The proposed Wegmans has a compactor at the back of the building. The drainage in that area flows away from the building. Spot shots have been shown for clarity. D. Proposed Plan Detail Information Comment 1: Please provide source of information for proposed traffic volumes(a previously approved plan or ITE Trip Generation handbook of equivalent are acceptable). Response 1: The traffic volumes shown on the plan are taken from a traffic study prepared by Ramey Kemp and Associates which has been coordinated and approved by VDOT, Albemarle County, and the City of Charlottesville. Please adequately address the following comments for final site plan approval. E. Application Information Comment 1: Owner is required to provide a completed copy of the standard stormwater maintenance agreement and fee for recordation for any stormwater facilities (could reference an existing agreement with a comparison of proposed vs previously approved impervious surface). Response 1: Acknowledged. A maintenance agreement shall be provided prior to approval. Comment 2: Prior to final site plan approval, a separate set of Water Protection Ordinance plans must be approved including: stormwater management plan and erosion and sediment control plan (could reference an existing plan with w comparison of proposed vs previously approved impervious surface for SWM). Response 2: Acknowledged. A separate set of Water Protection Ordinance plans has been submitted for review and is currently with Albemarle County. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS BOH LER � Megan Yaniglos E N G I N E E R I N G 5"' Street Station Final Site Plan— 1st Submission 12/17/13 Page 8 of 11 Comment 3: Please provide a separate set of road plans for proposed public and private sections of Bent Creek Parkway. Please submit the subdivision plat application available here: http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms_center/departments/Community Develo pment/forms/applications/Subdivision_Plat Preliminary & Checklist.pdf and include "PRIVATE STREET FEES" ($400 fee) for a review of proposed road plans. Please note: all streets and alleys proposed in the development area require curb and gutter, a planting strip,and sidewalks [14-410.H]. Response 3: Acknowledged. A separate set of Road Plans has been provided for Bent Creek Parkway and is in review with Albemarle County and VDOT. Comment 4: Prior to final site plan approval: • water protection ordinance — erosion and sediment control and stormwater management • subdivision-water and sewer and subdivision-road bonds must be calculated by the county(water and sewer bonds are calculated by ACSA) and paid by owner after receipt of a Bond Request Form from owner(could reference an existing SWM bond or county accepted SWM facility with a comparison of proposed vs previously approved impervious surface). Response 4: Acknowledged. The appropriate bonds shall be provided prior to construction. F. Plan Detail Information Comment 1: Please propose a pavement design on typical sections for each public and private road proposed which supports proposed traffic loadings per 2009 VDOT Pavement Design Guide for Subdivision and Secondary Roads in Virginia or equivalent. Response 1: A pavement design has been provided on the typical sections for Bent Creek Parkway. A final pavement design shall be provided during construction once the subgrade has been established and final CBR values have been determined. Sidewalk and dumpster pad details have been determined. Comment 2: Please include sidewalk and dumpster pad details meeting requirements per 14-422 and Albemarle County Design Standards Manual. Response 2: Sidewalk and dumpster pad details have been provided with this plan on Sheets 22B & 22C. Comment 3: Please provide typical retaining wall details referenced from the plan. A typical manufacturers drawing for segmental block walls, or VDOT reference, is acceptable, with any applicable safety hand rails or guardrail shown on the detail. Response 3: Typical retaining wall details have been provided for the segmental walls on Sheet 21. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS BOH LER E N G I N F. E R I N G Megan Yaniglos 5`h Street Station Final Site Plan— 1S`Submission 12/17/13 Page 9 of 11 Comment 4: Please provide details for any pipes or drainage structures through or under walls, showing endwalls, casings, or structureal measures to bridge pipes or structures (e.g. proposed pipe shown crossing proposed wall on sheet 9C). Response 4: Profiles for the drainage structures have been provided and show the pipes underneath the retaining walls. In addition,a detail of a pipe coming through a wall has been provided on Sheet 21. G. Drainage Profiles Comment 1: Please include drainage profiles for all proposed pipes and ditches. Response 1: Drainage profiles have been provided for all storm pipes proposed on the site. H. Drainage Computations Comment 1: Please include drainage computations including for proposed trench drain outlet. Response 1: Drainage computations have been proposed for all inlets and storm drains on the site. RWSA: General Plan Comments: Comment 1: RWSA previously issued a flow acceptance for this project; however, the flow capacity certification has expired. Prior to final site plan approval, a new request should be sent to RWSA for acceptance of sewage flows with updated flow numbers. Response 1: Acknowledged. A flow capacity certification shall be requested prior to final site plan approval. Comment 2: The RWSA Moores Creek Interceptor (located along the north bank of Moores Creek) should be surveyed and shown on all plan sheets. Response 2: The RWSA Creek Interceptor has been field surveyed and shown on the plans. Comment 3: Label RWSA interceptor with ownership, size, and material (e.g. `RWSA 30" RCP Sanitary Sewer'). Response 3: The RWSA interceptor has been labeled on the plans. Comment 4: Correctly show and label RWSA sanitary sewer easements with deed book and page numbers. Response 4: The RWSA sanitary sewer easement has been labeled with deed book and page numbers on the plans. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS BOHLER Megan Yaniglos E N G I N E E R I N G 5`h Street Station Final Site Plan— 1st Submission 12/17/13 Page 10 of 11 Utility Plan (Sheets 10A-J): Comment 1: The Utility Plan shows several stormwater outfalls to Moores Creek for this project. The RWSA Moores Creek Interceptor is located adjacent to the north creek bank along the entire project site, and erosion has been observed since the interceptor was constructed in 1974. RWSA is concerned that the stormwater design shown on the plans may exacerbate existing erosion conditions and as a result, undermine the stability of the sewer line. Of particular concern are structures STM D1 (sheet 10C) and STM D9 (sheet 10D), both of which may substantially alter stream flow patterns. Please provide documentation on how you intend to mitigate velocity and channel modifications caused by outfalls which would cause erosion on the north side of the creek. Response 1: A separate stream mitigation plan is currently being designed by Draper Aden and Associates for the Moores Creek strem mitigation efforts required with the approved proffers. Comment 2: Sheets 9A and 9E show connections to both City of Charlottesville and ACSA water lines. RWSA is currently developing a wholesale master metering program to monitor urban water usage by the City and the County. Further details on the program will be forthcoming; however it is likely that a meter and vault to be owned and operated by RWSA will be required at the interconnection. Exact details may be coordinated through future site plan work. Response 2: Acknowledged. Landscape Plan(Sheet 11A): Comment 1: On sheet 11A, portions of the "tree conservation" areas intersect the existing RWSA sewer line easement. Please be aware that RWSA routinely performs maintenance clearing of its easements,and as such,trees in this area will be removed. Response 1: Acknowledged. The tree conservation areas within the RWSA easements have been removed. Proffers: Comment 1: Proffer#7 describes the contractor's requirements to complete erosion and buffer projects for Moore's Creek in the areas designated in the attached Exhibit B. RWSA would like a copy of the scope and schedule of these projects to determine their impacts on the existing Moores Creek Interceptor. Response 1: Acknowledged. A separate stream mitigation plan is currently being designed by Draper Aden and Associates for the Moores Creek stream mitigation efforts required with the approved proffers. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS BOHLER E N G I N E E R I N G Megan Yaniglos 5"'Street Station Final Site Plan— 1st Submission 12/17/13 Page 11 of 11 Engineering: Comment 1: Please provide a forest stewardship plan in accordance with proffer#5. Response 1: A forest stewardship plan shall be provided in accordance with proffer #5 as shown on the landscape plan with this site plan. More than 7 acres within the development area and 5 acres within the landfill area have been preserved for tree conservation. Comment 2: Please indicate location of greenway dedication easement per proffer#2. Response 2: The greenway trail and trailhead park areas shall be dedicated to the County when requested. The final location of the trail and park shall be determined in conjunction with the County as the project develops. Sheet 18 has been provided to show the approximate location of these areas. Comment 3: Please indicate proposed easement for any proposed off-site grading including grading adjacent to I-64 right of way shown on sheet 9F. Response 3: At this time, the only off-site grading anticipated is within the I-64 right-of-way. An easement is not required for that grading however; permission from the State in the form of a permit shall be provided prior to construction. Comment 4: Please provide details for proposed transit stop for final site plan approval per proffer #1G. Response 4: Details of the transit stop shall be provided with the Bent Creek Parkway Road Improvement Plan and as coordinated with the Charlottesville Area Transit. Should you have any questions regarding this project or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at(540)349-4500. Sincerely, Bohler Engineering Daniel R. Hines, P.E. cc: Dan Tucker, S.J.Collins DRH/ly H:\12\V122001\Permitting\Jurisdictional Letters\Initial Site Plan 1st Review Comments\131217 Initial Site Plan 1st Review CRL.doc CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS