HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-08-21 '!" FIN A L August 21, 1991 7:00 P.M. Room 7, County. Office Building 1) Call to Order. 2) Pledge of Allegiance. 3) Moment of Silence. 4) Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the PUBLIC. 5) *Consent Agenda (starts on bottom of this sheet). 6) Public comments will be received at this meeting on the appointment of a School Board member to represent the Jack Jouett Magisterial District. 7) SP-91-28. Emit Kutilek. For a private airport on 46~25 ac zoned RA. Property on SE side of Rt 810 approx 3/10 mi S of inters of Rts 789/810. TM40B , P69 . White Hall Dist. 8) SP-91-29. CBC Partners. For a miniature golf course on 1.4 ac zoned HC & EC. Property on W side of Rt 29 adjacent to Kegler's Bowling. TM45, P112C1. Charlottesville Dist. 9) An ordinance to vacate a portion of a certain plat of a portion of Phase 1, Section 1, Mill Creek P. U . D .; this property is shown on a plat recorded in Jhe office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in Deed Book 944, page 695. 10) SP-90-10. Centel (Deferred from August 14, 1991). 11) Request from the School Board for a transfer of funds to the Hollyrnead Elementary and the Burley Middle School projects from the Brownsville Masonry Repair project. 12) Set Meeting Schedule,:with the School Board for 1991-92. 13) Appointments. 14) Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. 15) Adjourn. CON S E N T AGE N D A FOR APPROVAL: 5.1 Memorandum dated July 29, 1991, from V. Wayne Cilimberg re: Tree Caliper size requirements in the EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District. 5.2 Memorandum dated August 12, 1991, from Robert W. Tucker, Jr., stating that the Albemarle County Service Authority's installation of additional water and sewer lines in the Scottsville area has been reviewed by the Planning Commission and they have determined that this installation is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan 5.3 Resolution to the Planning and Coordination Council (P ACC) designating PACC Tech as the Regional Coordination Body for Entrance Corridor Guidelines. 5.4 Letter dated June 7, 1991, from Alvin Edwards, Mayor, addressed to Fredel'ick R. Bowie, Chairman, re: how the City and County can work with the University in a partnership of looking to the future and discussing a community vision, and letter from the Chairman in reply. 5.5 Memorandum dated August 16, 1991, from V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning and Community Development,- re: ZMA-90-19, Glenmore, Clarification of Proffer. FOR INFORMATION: 5.6 Copy of letter dated August 9, 1991, from Gary L. McAninch, AIPM Supervisor, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, addressed to Taylor Williams, Albemarle County Gypsy Moth Office, stating that treatment costs in Zone II will be 100 percent funded by the AIPM Program. 5.7 Memorandum dated August 13, 1991, from Amelia Patterson, Zoning Administrator, re: Status of the draft Sign Ordinance. 5.8 Monthly Bond Report on Arbor Crest Apartments for the Month of July, 1991. 5.9 Letter dated August 15, 1991, from Ray D. Pethtel, Commissioner, Virginia Department of Transportation, noting that roads in Mill Creek, Section 4 were taken into the State Secondary System of Highways effective August 15, 1991. 5.10 Letter dated August 16, 1991, from John G. Milliken, Secretary of Transportation, in reply to the Chairman's letter of August 1 about the Route 29 North improvements, etc. 5.11 August, 1991 Superfund Program Fact Sheet from the Environmental P.l'Otection Agency re: Greenwood Chemical Site. 5.12 Copy of order from the State Corporation Commission dated August 15, 1991, establishing the 1991/92 fuel factor for North Carolina Power. 5.13 Copy of Virginia Employment Commission, Charlottesville VEC Manpower Bulletin for June, 1991. ---- . \ Distributed to Board: . ~;, /~. Cf L Agenda Item No. cJ/"O;;;'/.{.f,)} COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 lo ._. MEMORANDUM TO: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning/1h\;? . and Community Development ~Vu~ FROM: DATE: July 29, 1991 RE: Tree Caliper size requirements in the EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District On April 10, 1991, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors adopted the interim design guidelines for the Architectural Review Board. This action reflected tree caliper measurement to be taken six inches above ground rather than eighteen inches as originally proposed. This action, however, did not adjust minimum caliper sizes to accommodate a lower and wider caliper area. In response, the Architectural Review Board now requests that the Board of Supervisors increase tree caliper sizes by one half inch for all of those measurement guidelines that were changed from 18" to 6" above the ground. VWC/blb .. . Architectural Review Board Interim Guidelines Page 6 Insofar as possible, structures should fit the natural topography and be oriented to special natural features of the site, or distant views of the surrounding hills or mountains. G. Grading: Requirements Site grading shall blend with and fit the topographic characteristics of the site and adjacent properties. Site grading shall not change the basic relationship of the site to surrounding conditions. Steep cut or fill sections are generally unacceptable. Cut and fill slopes shall be rounded (minimum ten foot (10') radius) to meet adj acent conditions. No grading or other earth-disturbing activity (including trenching or tunnelling), except as necessary for the construction of tree wells or tree walls, shall occur within the drip line of any trees or wooded areas designated for preservation or intrude upon any other existing features designated in the Certificate of Appropriateness for preser- vation. Areas designated on approved plans for preservation of existing features shall be clearly and visibly delineated on the site prior to conunencement of any grading or other earth-disturbing activity (in- cluding trenching or tunnelling) and no such disturbing activity or grading or movement of heavy equipment shall occur within such area. The visible delineation of all such existing features shall be main- tained until the completion of development of the site. RecODIIleIldations Natural drainage patterns should be incorporated into the finished site to the extent possible. H. Trees: 1. Treatment of frontage along EC streets: Requirements The EC street shall be clearly defined by large shade trees conunon to the area which shall be planted to align the entire frontage of developing parcels along EC streets. In most cases, a three- or four-board fence typical of the Albemarle area shall also be required to align this frontage. Where warranted by existing conditions elsewhere within a designated corridor, low stone walls may be required instead of fencing. A planting area ten feet (10') wide to acconunodate such trees, fencing, or walls and such shrubs, grass, or groundcover as may be required, shall be established along such frontage, but out of the area of road rights of way and utility easements. .". i " Architectural Review Board Interim Guidelines Page 7 /' Frontage trees shall be at least three and one-half inches (3 1/2") minimum caliper (measured six inches [6"] above the ground) when planted, and shall be spaced no more than thirty-five feet (35') on center. Native flowering ornamental trees shall be interspersed among required shade trees. 2. Treatment of interior roads and pedestrian ways: Recommendations Trees should align interior roads spaced no more than forty feet > (40') on center and measuring at least two and one-half inches (2 1/2") in caliper (measured six inches [6"] above the ground). Trees spaced no more than twenty-five feet (25') on center and ~ measuring at least two and one-half inches (2 1/2") in caliper (measured six inches [6"] above the groUI~ should align pedestrian ways. 3. Treatment of parking areas: Requirements Within parking areas, trees shall be planted in planters or medians protected by curbing and shall be evenly spaced and planted at the rate of one (1) tree for every ten (10) parking ~ spaces. Such trees shall measure at least two and one-half /' inches (2 1/2") in caliper (measured six inches [6"] above the ground). RecoDmeIldations Trees should align the perimeter of parking areas, spaced forty -?> feet (40 I) on center and measuring at least two and one-half inches (2 1/2") in caliper (measured six inches [6"] above the ground), except for any portion of the perimeter which fronts on an EC street, in which case the requirements for treatment of frontage along EC streets shall be complied with instead. 4. Treatment of long exterior walls: Requirements Trees shall be planted to relieve the appearance of long exterior walls. The spacing, size and type of such trees shall depend upon the length, height and blankness of such walls. 5. Tree species: Requirements Tree plantings required shall conform to the "Generic Landscape Plan Reconunended Species List" adopted by the County of Albemarle. INTERIM GUIDELINES AMENDED 8-21-91 Albemarle County Architectural Review Board The following guidelines are supplemental to the Illlmmum standards found in Section 32.7 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance and elsewhere in the Albemarle County Code. Furthermore, where these guidelines specify sizes, dimensions, or quantities, such specifications are the minimum acceptable for development in the designated corridors and the Architectural Review Board (ARB) may, where justified by the nature of the site or proposed development, require different specifications in order to achieve the objectives set forth in the General Statement. I. GENERAL STATEMENT A. Purpose of architectural review of development in the designated corridors : Albemarle County is endowed with a beautiful landscape and a uniquely significant history. These valuable legacies, renowned throughout the world, are accessible by a number of transportation corridors which are also important as sites of commercial and residential activity. While such activity and the expansion of such activity is important to the community, the law of the Commonwealth recognizes that these approaches to Albemarle's significant historic sites and to the City of Charlottesville are worthy of protection as an important part of the cultural experience of the many persons who visit the area annually to enjoy its significant beauty and history. It is to protect these approaches that the Board of Supervisors enacted the Entrance Corridor (EC) Overlay District (Sections 30.6 et seq. of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance) and charged the Albemarle County Architectural Review Board (ARB) with the responsibility for reviewing development within the corridors designated in the ordinance to insure that such development is compatible with the important historic sites to which these corridors lead. The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors has stated the intent of the EC Overlay District to be as follows: The entrance corridor overlay district is intended to implement the comprehensive plan goal of protecting the county's natural, scenic and historic, architectural and cultural resources including preservation of natural and scenic resources as the same may serve this purpose; to ensure a quality of development compatible with these resources through architectural control of development; to stabilize and improve property values; to protect and Architectural Review Board Interim Guidelines Page 2 enhance the county's attractiveness to tourists and other visitors; to sustain and enhance the economic benefits accruing to the county from tourism; to support and stimu- late complimentary development appropriate to the promi- nence afforded properties deemed to be of historic, archi- tectural or cultural significance, all of the foregoing being deemed to advance and promote the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the county and visitors thereto. (Section 30.6.1 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance) B. Requirement of compatibility with historic structures: Many of the designated corridors are either undeveloped or only partially developed. A few are almost completely developed. While one objective of architectural review might be to require structure designs which would be compatible with nearby or adjacent existing structures, that is not the charge to the ARB given by the statute, or the ordinance. The enabling statute and the ordinance provide that new development in the designated corridors should be compatible with the historic structures to which the designated corridors lead rather than to adjoining structures which mayor may not meet this standard of compatibility. For this reason, while designs which demonstrate sensitivity to nearby existing structures are encouraged by these guidelines, these interim guidelines establish compatibility with the historic places in this area as the primary standard for review of designs for new development within the designated corridors. This standard of compatibility with local historic places is not intended to impose a rigid design solution for new development. Replication of the design of the important historic places in the Albemarle area is neither intended, nor desired. The standard of compatibility can be met through building scale, materials, and forms which may be embodied in architecture which is contemporary as well as traditional. C. Requirement of common landscaping elements: In order to respect the unity implied in the term "corridor" and to provide visual order, these interim guidelines provide for certain common elements to be repeated in the landscaping of each individual parcel. Such repeated common elements allow for more flexibility in the design of structures because common landscape features tend to harmonize the appearance of each individual parcel as seen from the EC street. D. Structural design and the relation of structure and setting are both subject to review: Visitors to the important historical sites in this area experience these sites not just as free floating structures, but as an ensemble ~ Architectural Review Board Interim Guidelines Page 3 of structure, land, and vegetation. The EC Overlay District recognizes this fact and calls upon the ARB to review development within such districts as an ensemble of structure and setting. E. General design standards: New structures and substantial additions to structures shall reflect the traditions of classical architecture in Albemarle County since the early 18th century as reflected in the important historical buildings for which this area is internationally known. Each new building or structure shall contribute to establishing an overall coherence and visual order in the designated corridor. It is an important objective of these guidelines to establish a pattern of compatible architectural characteristics throughout a designated corridor in order to achieve unity and coherence while allowing individuality in design to reflect both varying tastes as well as special functional requirements. Where a designated corridor is already substantially developed, the standards contained in the preceding paragraph will require striking a careful balance between the importance of harmonizing new structures with existing nearby structures, and the goal of reflecting the traditional architecture of the area in the design of new structures. Supporting structures (e. g., parking areas, mechanical systems, refuse disposal facilities, lighting, retaining walls and the like) shall contribute to the objectives of these guidelines. The landscaping of individual parcels along the edges of EC streets shall contribute to the establishment of a continuous, unified, and harmonious corridor. The design of the landscape (meaning the ensemble of buildings, outdoor spaces, site development, land, and vegetation) for each parcel shall contribute to the accomplishment of this goal. Site development shall be sensitive to the existing natural landscape and shall contribute to the creation of an organized plan which supports the unity and harmony of the designated corridor as a whole: trees and rolling terrain typical of the area shall be preserved to the extent possible; new trees shall be planted along streets and pedestrian ways which reflect native forest elements; grading shall blend new conditions with surrounding topography and create a continuous landscape; river and stream valleys shall remain open and unimpeded by development and should be incorporated into the design of surrounding development; building mass and height shall be limited to a scale which does not overpower the natural setting of the site or the entrance corridor itself. Architectural Review Board Interim Guidelines Page 4 II. DESIGN SPECIFICS The specifics which follow are characterized either as "Requirements" or "Recommendations." This distinction is for the guidance of the applicant and should not be considered binding upon the ARB. The ARB may, where justified by the nature of the site or proposed development, waive some "Requirements" or mandate some "Recommendations." A. Structure design: Requirements The design of structures shall reflect the Albemarle County setting and shall use forms, shapes, materials, colors, and textures derived from the architectural tradition embodied in the important historic buildings for which. the area is known. Structures shall incorporate elements and details which lend human scale. Large or long buildings shall be designed with divisions and details which relieve blankness. Window treatment shall contribute to the human scale requirement. The predominant character of roof lines shall be sloped or pitched using gabled, hipped, and shed roof forms. Where such sloping roof forms are predominant in a roof line, some flat roof segments may be acceptable. "Trademark buildings" and related features shall be modified to meet the requirements of these guidelines. Recommendations Arcades, colonnades and other architectural connecting devices should be used between groups of buildings within a development to unify the overall design. Within the limits allowed by federal or state re- quirements for handicapped access, accommodations for handicapped persons should be integrated with the architectural form of the structures to which those accommodations pertain and should avoid being overly conspicuous. B. Treatment of accessory structures and equipment: Requirements Loading areas, service areas, refuse areas, storage yards, mechanical equipment, utilities, and the like shall be located or screened with vegetation (or in the case of equipment located on roofs, hidden by roof lines) so that they are not visible from the EC street. Walls, screens, and fencing shall be compatible with historic places in the area. Chain link fencing, barbed wire, razor wire and similar security fencing or devices shall not be visible from the EC street. Architectural Review Board Interim Guidelines Page 5 Recommendations Surface runoff structures and detention ponds should be designed to fit into the natural topography so as to avoid the need for the screening of such structures. C. Lighting: Requirements All exterior lighting shall be incandescent in quality, be shielded or otherwise designed or located so as not to create glare, and shall not spill over onto adjacent properties or streets. D. Signs: Specific regulations regarding signs are contained in Section 30.6.5 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. E. Preservation of existing features: Requirements Existing trees, wooded areas and natural features shall be preserved except as necessary for location of improvements as described in Section 32.5.6. n. of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. Such improvements shall be located so as to maximize the use of existing features in screening such improvements from EC streets. F. Site layout: Recommendations Site development should be well related to nearby properties and should include provisions for connections to pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems, extension of open spaces and should provide for overall continuity with adjacent and surrounding conditions. Where topography permits, a grid pattern of roads, service lanes, and pedestrian walks should guide the layout of the site. Important natural features, such as creek valleys, steep slopes, or significant trees or outcroppings should alter the grid system of organization and in such cases such natural features should dictate site layout. Structures should align with the pattern of streets and walkways thus established, front on roads and streets abutting the site where possible, and be parallel to or at right angles with the EC street. There should be variation in building setbacks from the roads or streets upon which they front. Architectural Review Board Interim Guidelines Page 6 Structures should accommodate views and vistas related to the site, including views across the site from EC streets to surrounding land- scape features or historic sites and be located to relate visually and functionally with other structures in the designated corridor to achieve continuity and a clear hierarchy of circulation, structures and open spaces. Insofar as possible, structures should fit the natural topography and be oriented to special natural features of the site, or distant views of the surrounding hills or mountains. G. Grading: Requirements Site grading shall blend with and fit the topographic characteristics of the site and adjacent properties. Site grading shall not change the basic relationship of the site to surrounding conditions. Steep cut or fill sections are generally unacceptable. Cut and fill slopes shall be rounded (minimum ten foot [10'1 radius) to meet adjacent conditions. No grading or other earth-disturbing activity (including trenching or tunnelling), except as necessary for the construction of tree wells or tree walls, shall occur within the drip line of any trees or wooded areas designated for preservation or intrude upon any other existing features designated in the Certificate of Appropriateness for preser- vation. Areas designated on approved plans for preservation of existing features shall be clearly and visibly delineated on the site prior to commencement of any grading or other earth-disturbing activity (in- cluding trenching or tunnelling) and no such disturbing activity or grading or movement of heavy equipment shall occur within such area. The visible delineation of all such existing features shall be maintained until the completion of development of the site. Recommendations Natural drainage patterns should be incorporated into the finished site to the extent possible. H. Trees: 1. Treatment of frontage along EC streets: Requirements The EC street shall be clearly defined by large shade trees common to the area which shall be planted to align the entire frontage of developing parcels along EC streets. In most cases, Architectural Review Board Interim Guidelines Page 7 a three- or four-board fence typical of the Albemarle area shall also be required to align this frontage. Where warranted by existing conditions elsewhere within a designated corridor, low stone walls may be required instead of fencing. A planting area ten feet (10') wide to accommodate such trees, fencing, or walls and such shrubs, grass, or groundcover as may be required, shall be established along such frontage, but out of the area of road rights of way and utility easements. -, i ~ ~ t f l ~ ~~ Frontage trees 1 /2" ) minimum ground) when thirty-five feet shall be at least three caliper (measured six planted, and shall be (35') on center. and one-half inches (3 inches [6"] above the spaced no more than Native flowering ornamental trees shall be interspersed among required shade trees. 2. Treatment of interior roads and pedestrian ways: Recommendations Trees should align interior roads spaced no more than forty feet (40') on center and measuring at least two and one-half inches (2 1/ 2") in caliper (measured six inches [6"] above the ground). Trees spaced no more than twenty-five feet (25') on center and measuring at least two and one-half inches (2 1/2") in caliper (measured six inches [ 6" ] above the ground) should align pedestrian ways. 3. Treatment of parking areas: Requirements Within parking areas, trees shall be planted in planters or medians protected by curbing and shall be evenly spaced and planted at the rate of one (1) tree for every ten (10) parking spaces. Such trees shall measure at least two and one-half inches (2 1/2") in caliper (measured six inches [ 6"] above the ground) . Recommendations Trees should align the perimeter of parking areas, spaced forty feet (40') on center and measuring at least two and one-half inches (2 1/2") in caliper (measured six inches [6"] above the ground), except for any portion of the perimeter which fronts on an EC street, in which case the requirements for treatment of frontage along EC streets shall be complied with instead. Architectural Review Board Interim Guidelines Page 8 4. Treatment of long exterior walls: Requirements Trees shall be planted to relieve the appearance of long exterior walls. The spacing, size and type of such trees shall depend upon the length, height and blankness of such walls. 5. Tree species: Requirements Tree plantings required shall conform to the "Generic Landscape Plan Recommended Species List" adopted by the County of Albemarle. I. Shrubs: 1. Treatment of parking areas: Requirements Parking areas fronting on EC streets shall, in addition to tree plantings as required for such frontage, be screened by the planting of shrubs sufficient in quantity and size to minimize the view of the parking area from the EC street. Parking areas effectively hidden from view from the EC street by vegetated earth berms located behind required plantings of frontage trees shall require no further screening. 2. Treatment of other areas: Recommendations Shrubs in other areas should be planted as necessary to integrate structures properly into the site. '3. Shrub species: Requirements Shrub plantings required shall conform Landscape Plan Recommended Species List" County of Albemarle. to the "Generic adopted by the III. ADMINISTRATION A. Preliminary Conference: The ARB strongly recommends that persons who will be required to obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness from the ARB request a Preliminary Conference with the ARB prior to undertaking any substantial Architectural Review Board Interim Guidelines Page 9 work in the formulation of development plans. A list of materials which should accompany any request for a Preliminary Conference is attached to these Guidelines. The Preliminary Conference is an informal discussion between a poten- tial applicant and the ARB. No participant in such a conference is bound by the conference. However, a written summary of suggestions resulting from the conference will be provided to the potential applicant. An application for a Certificate of Appropriateness which incorporates such suggestions is more likely to receive prompt approval and result in the least expense for the applicant. B. Application for Certificate of Appropriateness: An application for a Certificate of Appropriateness must be filed for any project within a designated EC which requires site plan approval. Such an application (as opposed to a request for a Preliminary Conference) cannot be filed until preliminary site plan approval has been obtained. A list of materials which should accompany any request for an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness is attached to these Guidelines. Issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness is a prerequisite to obtaining final site plan approval for projects within a designated EC. C. Who to contact: Requests for Preliminary Conferences and Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness should be made to the Albemarle County Department of Planning and Community Development or, in the case of sign permits, the Office of the Albemarle County Zoning Administrator. D. Appeals: An applicant for a Certificate of Appropriateness aggrieved by a decision of the ARB may appeal to the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors and the Albemarle County Circuit Court in accordance with Section 30.6.8 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, correct copy of the "Interim Guidelines for the Albemarle County Architectural Review Board" as originally adopted by the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors at a regular meeting held on April 10, 1991; a as amended n gust 21, 1991. -~~ Board of ounty .' 'If" \. (OJ ({II \?J \V7 t~ tQJ IJ LI R. (Rick) Bowie Ril.',mna COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 979-1281 MEMORANDUM Charlotte Y Humphns Ji1.Cv. jout'll dward H 8am. Jr Samuel Mdl~r :avid P. Bowerman Charlottesville Walter F Perkms Whit,=, I!all Peter T. Way Scoltsville TO: V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director Planning and Community Development Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive Lettie E. Neher, Clerk ~~ DATE: August 22, 1991 FROM: SUBJECT: Board Actions of August 21, 1991 At the Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 21, 1991, the follow- ing action was taken: Agenda Item No.4. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the PUBLIC. There was no one present to make a request of the Board. Agenda Item No. 5.1 Memorandum dated July 29, 1991, from V. Wayne Cilimberg re: Tree Caliper size requirements in the EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District. APPROVED change requested. A revised copy of the Interim Guidelines of Albemarle County Architectural Review Board is attached. Agenda Item No. 5.2 Memorandum dated August 12, 1991, from Robert W. Tucker, Jr., stating that the Albemarle County Service Authority's installa- tion of additional water and sewer lines in the Scottsville area has been reviewed by the Planning Commission and they have determined that this installation is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. RECEIVED memo and made no comments. . Agenda Item No. 5.3 Resolution to the Planning and Coordination Council (PACC) designating PACC Tecll as the Regional Coordination Body for Entrance Corridor Guidelines. ADOPTED attached resolution approving request. .., . 't .. Memo To: Date: Page 2 Mr. Cilimberg and Mr. Tucker August 22, 1991 Agenda Item No. 5.4 Letter dated June 7, 1991, from Alvin Edwards, Mayor, addressed to Frederick R. Bowie, Chairman, re: how the City and County can work with the University in a partnership of looking to the future and discussing a community vision, and letter from the Chairman in reply. RECEIVED. Agenda Item No. 5.5 Memorandum dated August 16, 1991, from V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning and Community Development, re: ZMA-90-19, Glenmore, Clarification of Proffer. APPROVED as set out in letter dated August 2, 1991, from Frank A. Kessler to Ron Keeler. (Copy attached). Agenda Item No.6. Public comments will be received at this meeting on the Appointment of a School Board member to represent the Jack Jouett Magis- terial District. APPOINTMENT to be made September 4, 1991. Agenda Item No.7. SP-91-28. Emit Kutilek. For a private airport on 46.25 ac zoned RA. Property on SE side of Rt 810 approx 3/10 mi S of inters of Rts 789/810. TM40B,P69. White Hall Dist. APPROVED with 7 conditions as set out in full below: 1. Special use permit is issued to the applicant only and airfield is for usage by the applicant only; 2. Limited to two base aircraft; 3. Landings and takeoffs shall be limited to three per week during daylight hours only, except in emergencies; 4. All maintenance, repair and mechanical work, except that of an emergency nature, shall be performed in an enclosed building; 5. All areas used by aircraft under its own power shall be provided with a reasonably dust free surface; 6. Approval/registration by/with the Federal Aviation Administration and the Virginia Department of Aviation; 7. Airstrip shall be located no closer than 500 feet to the nearest residential lot line. Agenda Item No.8. SP-91-29. CBC Partners. For a miniature golf course on 1.4 ac zoned HC & EC. Property on W side of Rt 29 adjacent to Kegler's Bowling. TM45, P112C1. Charlottesville Dist. Since the applicant did not appear, DEFERRED to September 4, 1991. ~ . . Memo To: Date: Page 3 Mr. Cilimberg and Mr. Tucker August 22, 1991 Agenda Item No.9. An ordinance to vacate a portion of a certain plat of a portion of Phase 1, Section 1, Mill Creek P.U.D.; this property is shown on a plat recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in Deed Book 944, page 695. At the applicant's request, the hearing was DEFERRED to September 4, 1991. Agenda Item No. 10. SP-90-10. Centel. At the applicant's request, DEFERRED to September 11, 1991. Agenda Item No. 11. Request from the School Board for a transfer of funds to the Hollymead Elementary and the Burley Middle School projects from the Brownsville Masonry Repair project. APPROVED request. Resolution form sent to Melvin Breeden. Agenda Item No. 12. Set Meeting Schedule with the School Board for 1991-92. Decided not to change current schedule, Mr. Bowie will write the School Board Chairman a letter. Agenda Item No. 13. Appointments. Reappointed William C. Thacker to BOCA Code Board of Appeals. Reappointed Thomas F. Stephens and D. James Firster to Jordan Development Corporation. Agenda Item No. 14. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. Mr. Bowerman brought up the subject of the County's Noise Ordinance and requested staff to look at wording of the ordinance and suggest some more effective wording. The Scottsvi1le Annexation committee will be Mr. Bain and Mr. Way. LEN:bwh Attachments (4) cc: Robert B. Brandenberger Richard E. Huff, II Bruce Woodzell Amelia Patterson George R. St. John File " .. ,;, ,;:. FRANK A. KESSLER P O. Box S207 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 2290S ;-~ m?~~~/" .:;Tj~\:0a~ iJ ~i~'...,~; '.;"'~; \qJ . .~ ~ "'1..~"~"~,,",:I Qlw,j ~ I. ~'J .. ' (. II ~-.;~ . r\uG 2 1991 . ,. ;. I; ~ ~ ~ PLANNING DIVISION ~---.. . . ,"':;ii~ August 2, 1991 Mr. Ron Keeler Albemarle County Planning Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville VA 22901 Dear Ron: Attached is the letter we discussed. The permit has been issued for the Glenmore Tertiary Plant and I would like this clarification submitted to the Board of Supervisors to be on their approved consent agenda as we discussed. . Thanking you in advance, and with warmest personal regards, I remain rs, ~ Frank A. Kessler .. 10 July 18, 1991 I~EWqJ 'WG 2 1991 The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 PLANNING DIVISION Re: Rivanna Growth Area Ladies and Gentlemen: Glenmore Associates Limited Partnership, as successor owner to Frank A. Kessler of Glenmore, represents to the County of Albemarle that the sewerage treatment facilities to be built by Glenmore Associates for the Rivanna growth area will be a tertiary treatment plant with ultraviolet disinfection. It will be located on approximately 2 acres ~ and be designed for 381,000 gallons per day design flow which is the amount of property and flow required for a plant to serve the presently designated Rivanna growth area. The plant will be designed to be capable of producing an effluent at the end of the discharge pipe of a quality of 14 milligrams 5 day b.o.d. per liter, 30 day average and 14 milligrams of suspended solids per liter, 30 day average. You will recall that at the time of your consideration of the application for Glenmore (ZMA-90-19) it was represented to you that the developer would build a plant at Glenmore such as that. described above if the requested rezoning was granted. < This letter is, therefore, offered as simply a clarification of proffer number five as set forth in a memorandum dated December 10, 1990 from Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, to V. Wayne Cilimburg regarding Board Actions of December 5, 1990. ., July 18, 1991 Page 2 The undersigned asks that this representation be accepted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County as a clarification of said proffer number five, and it is agreed by the undersigned that the County of albemarle may enforce the representations herein made against the owner as a part of said proffer number five. Sincerely, Glenmore Associated Limited Partnershi BAGCM245.LTR APPROPRIATION REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 91/92 NUMBER 910010 TYPE OF APPROPRIATION ADDITIONAL TRANSFER X NEW ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED ? YES NO X FUND CAPITAL PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: TRANSFER FROM BROWNSVILLE TO HOLLYMEAD AND BURLEY PROJ-ECTS. EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ************************************************************************ 1900060205999999 HOLLYMEAD CONTINGENCY $53,000.00 1900060251999999 BURLEY CONTINGENCY 32,000.00 1900060202800902 BROWNSVILLE MASONRY PROJECT (85,000.00) TOTAL $0.00 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ************************************************************************ $0.00 TOTAL $0.00 ************************************************************************ REQUESTING COST CENTER: EDUCATION APPROVALS: SIGNATURE DATE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ;JE~-= 9-/.>~9/ /-~~-;;J?/ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RES 0 L UTI 0 N ,( I t ; to Planning and Coordination Council (PACC) Designating PACC Tech as Regional Coordination Body for Entrance Corridor Guidelines WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville (City), the County of Albemarle (County), and the University of Virginia (University) share a number of roadway corridors leading to places of historic significance in the region; and WHEREAS, the City, County and University have a common interest in the visual quality and the consistency in appearance of these corridors; and WHEREAS, the City, County and University each have review mechanisms intended to promote and/or preserve the visual quality and integrity of new development along these corridors; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Technical Committee of the Planning and Coordination Council (PACC Tech) is designated as the regional body responsible for reviewing and coordinating entrance corridor guidelines in the City, County and University in an effort to assure that such guidelines are complementary. Such review and coordination is advisory only and non-binding. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a resolution unanimously adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on August 21, 1991. . (/~ ~'0~~ ~k, Board of ~untj Supervisors ')d;("..k... L h,,,k rtliz~9 ( COUNTY OF ALBEMARL~rd.'l ::"~H N,^ -~Z/.'P~?-/(~2 J MEMORANDUM August 12, 1991 of Supervisors ~ County ExecutiV~/ TO: FROM: DATE: Albemarle County Board Robert W. Tucker, Jr., RE: Review for Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan (15.1-456) The Planning staff and Planning Commission have determined that the Albemarle County Service Authority's installation of additional sewer and water lines in the Scottsville area as proposed are in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan (see attachment). In addition to those properties being serviced by the installation, there are others that adjoin these new lines that are not being offered service because they are outside the Comprehensive Plan designated growth area and/or are outside the ACSA's jurisdictional area. In the event the Board wishes to entertain adding properties to the jurisdictional area, there are provisions whereby an individual applicant may request service or the Board of Supervisors could initiate such amendments. In response to Board action of August 7,1991, the staff will review proposed amendments for the properties mentioned by Rev. Way on August 17 and make appropriate recommendations. RWT,Jr/RBB/dbm 91.112 Attachments . \ ~ .... IATTACHMENT CI ~.",~ SCOTTSVILLE UTILITY EXTENSIONS - . I, , . \- , ~ " , \ \ ! '\' \ ~, 'osj -) ( I \. , elf , T r ) SCOTTS - VILLE (~ i- I . LEGEND TO O'LLWYN Growth Area Sewer Line Water Line ; ~ .-' , . Distributedio Board: f,Cj,.9! _. 9/'~f?/ 'I, VIa COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 MEMORANDUM TO: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive and~G FROM: v. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning Community Development DATE: July 23, 1991 RE: Resolution to PACC Designating PACC Tech as Regional Coordination Body for Entrance Corridor Guidelines The Architectural Review Board (ARB) has discussed the attached resolution and can provide the following comments: 1. The ARB is seriously interested in distributing information about development of its guidelines to regional interests, receiving their comments and discussing the guidelines with those interested persons and organizations. The ARB feels that PACC Tech is an appropriate body for providing this type of review and comment and would welcome PACC Tech's input. 2. The ARB has some reservation about the designation of PACC Tech as responsible for "coordinating entrance corridor guidelines in the city, County and University." It feels that each jurisdiction has a somewhat different perspective in dealing with corridors--the County under the pressure of new development, the City with very limited new development but redevelopment potential, and the University and its interests as a developer, particularly when UREF is considered. It is unlikely that guidelines will be the same in each jurisdiction's case. Therefore, the ARB feels "coordinating entrance corridor guidelines" should be a general reference to an attempt to have complimentary guidelines rather than common guidelines. 4- y . Robert W. Tucker, Jr Page 2 July 23, 1991 3. The ARB feels that PACC Tech's participation should be advisory and non-binding, as is the case for other interested persons and organizations. Please provide this response to the Board of Supervisors. Let me know if the ARB needs to further address this matter. VWC/jcw , . ATTACHMENT 2 RESOLUTION TO PACC DESIGNATING PACC TECH AS REGIONAL COORDINATION BODY FOR ENTRANCE CORRIDOR GUIDELINES WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville (City), County of Albemarle (County) and University of Virginia (University) share a number of roadway corridors leading to places of historic significance in the Region; and WHEREAS, the City, County and University have a common interest in the visual quality and the consistency of appearance of these corridors; and WHEREAS, the City, County and University each have review mechanisms intended to promote and/or preserve the visual quality and integrity of new development along these corridors; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Technical Committee of the Planning and Coordination Council (PACC Tech) requests that the Planning and Coordination Council (PACC) designate PACC Tech as the regional body responsible for reviewing and coordinating entrance corridor guidelines in the City, County and University. RES 0 L UTI 0 N to Planning and Coordination Council (PACC) Designating PACC Tech as Regional Coordination Body for Entrance Corridor Guidelines WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville (City), the County of Albemarle (County), and the University of Virginia (University) share a number of roadway corridors leading to places of historic significance in the region; and WHEREAS, the City, County and University have a common interest in the visual quality and the consistence of appearance of these corridors; and WHEREAS, the City, County and University each have review mechanisms intended to promote and/or preserve the visual quality and integrity of new development along these corridors; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Technical Committee of the Planning and Coordination Council (PACC Tech) is designated as the regional body responsible for reviewing and coordinating entrance corridor guidelines in the City, County and University in an effort to assure that such guidelines are complimentary. Such review and coordination is advisory only and non-binding. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a resolution unanimously adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on August 21, 1991. Clerk, Board of County Supervisors RES 0 L UTI 0 N J 1 I to Planning and Coordination Council (PACC) Designating PACC Tech as Regional Coordination Body for Entrance Corridor Guidelines WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville (City), the County of Albemarle (County), and the University of Virginia (University) share a number of roadway corridors leading to places of historic significance in the region; and WHEREAS, the City, County and University have a common interest in the visual quality and the consistency in appearance of these corridors; and WHEREAS, the City, County and University each have review mechanisms intended to promote and/or preserve the visual quality and integrity of new development along these corridors; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Technical Committee of the Planning and Coordination Council (PACC Tech) is designated as the regional body responsible for reviewing and coordinating entrance corridor guidelines in the City, County and University in an effort to assure that such guidelines are complementary. Such review and coordination is advisory only and non-binding. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a resolution unanimously adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on August 2~ .~~ ~~k, Board of ~nty Supervisors t.,> D;:t;.;:\"~.;~ : CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE Office of the Mayor P.O. Box 911. Charlottesville, Virginia. 22902 Telephone 804-971-3113 i. 1\,;' June 7, U-,C ", I'. Mr. Frederick R. Bowie, Chairman Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Va. 22901 Dear Rick: I found it a most interesting discussion last week to look to the future. It seems to me to be critical that we seriously look to where we are going as a community. There are many issues of vital interest to the City, County, and University that make us all one community. I hope you will join me in exploring further how the City can work with the University in a partnership of looking to the future and discussing a community vision. I would like to suggest that we appoint a steering committee to explore how we might go about having a community discussion on this important issue. I found the debate last week invigorating, and believe it is a discussion that we need to have within our community. I look forward to hearing from you. I will be calling soon to discuss this further with you. Sincerely, rfJtJ ~ Alvin Edwards Mayor cc: Walter Perkins , , Distributed to Board: 'lAt,Jf L Agenda Item No. tJ j,t))/Z/f'S-iS) - i\l.{\; -~ , ....'...it. , -~>J d ;tl COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 ~-- :) ~:rl } i i I;: I ,I f~' ".~) ~_.~~,~~)I ~ MEMORANDUM FROM: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors v. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning and /?,lA / Community Development L10y'-/ TO: DATE: August 16, 1991 RE: ZMA-90-19 Glenmore - Clarification of Proffer The Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the above-referenced rezoning on December 5, 1990. With this approval, the Board accepted the following proffer: "5. To provide water and sewer collection, distribution and treatment facilities at his expense for the residential lots in Glenmore and private country club and to dedicate such facilities to the Albemarle County Service Authority and/or the Rivanna Service Authority. These facilities are to be built at no cost to the taxpayers of Albemarle County or to the customers of the Albemarle County Service Authority." Recently, Mr. Frank Kessler has requested that the Board accept the attached as clarification of the intent of this proffer. Staff has reviewed the attached and believes it is totally consistent with the original proffer, simply providing a definitive description of the sewerage treatment facilities to be built. Staff recommends the Board accept this clarification on its consent agenda. with this acceptance, staff will include this in the Glenmore file as part of the approved conditions. VWC/jcw ATTACHMENT , FRANK A. KESSLER P O. Box S207 CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 2290S I--~. ~j"-';li/'~' >;;~~ ':0\~ {'...w.... r ~'" ,'., ''.,. r" I . . < I.. " ... .. "'.'ft! ,'. ~!,~ ' ,',,"r..' .\,.', \".i" ',':'1 ~ \'.,~~"~ltt.t..~"~ "1>>4'" ~ '.'~:'1 ~"..:~! ' .....~',~ [l. AUG 2 1991 . PLANNING DIVISION ...":.~;;. August 2, 1991 Mr. Ron Keeler Albemarle County Planning Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville VA 22901 Dear Ron: Attached is the letter we discussed. The permit has been issued for the Glenmore Tertiary Plant and I would like this clarification submitted to the Board of Supervisors to be on their approved consent agenda as we discussed. Thanking you in advance, and with warmest personal regards, I remain rs, Frank A. Kessler July 18, 1991 i~wq f"UG 2 1991 The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 PLANNING DIVISION Re: Rivanna Growth Area Ladies and Gentlemen: Glenmore Associates Limited Partnership, as successor owner to Frank A. Kessler of Glenmore, represents to the County of Albemarle that the sewerage treatment facilities to be built by Glenmore Associates for the Rivanna growth area will be a tertiary treatment plant with ultraviolet disinfection. It will be located on approximately 2 acres ~ and be designed for 381,000 gallons per day design flow which is the amount of property and flow required for a plant to serve the presently designated Rivanna growth area. The plant will be designed to be capable of producing an effluent at the end of the discharge pipe of a quality of 14 milligrams 5 day b.o.d. per liter, 30 day average and 14 milligrams of suspended solids per liter, 30 day average. You will recall that at the time of your consideration of the application for Glenmore (ZMA-90-19) it was represented to you that the developer would build a plant at Glenmore such as that described above if the requested rezoning was granted. , This letter is, therefore, offered as simply a clarification of proffer number five as set forth in a memorandum dated December 10, 1990 from Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, to V. Wayne Cilimburg regarding Board Actions of December 5, 1990. .. July 18, 1991 , Page 2 The undersigned asks that this representation be accepted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County as a clarification of said proffer number five, and it is agreed by the undersigned that the County of albemarle may enforce the representations herein made against the owner as a part of said proffer number five. Sincerely, Glenmore Associated Limited Partnershi BAGCM245.LTR C NTY 9F ALBEMARU:. i..lJStnbuted to Board: ,/. <7.. . Agenda Item No. ( II"TO'\ \, TlR"FR COMMISSIONER COl\:1M,ON\\TE .\LTlil of \TIRGINIAExEcur~.QH.JNAIlI..JR. .. ;1 DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUL TURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES Division of Product and Industry Regulation P. O. Box 1163, Richmond, Virginia 23209 731-0 E. M3r~0~ strpet Herrisonbur,s. VA. ?>.801 AilgUst q '991 Mr, Taylor' Williams Albemarle County Gypsy Moth Office 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virsinia 22901 Dear Taylor: This letter is to confirm our recent telephone conversation that the Gypsy Moth AIPM Program will require only Zone I counties to cost share for treatment expenses during the 1992 treatment season. Treatment costs in Zones II-IV will be 100% funded by the AIPM Program. Treatment costs will include expenses for contracting of the spray and observation aircraft and for the purchasing of the insecticides, The cost share formula requires that localities in Zone I pay 30% of treatment ce=ts and AIPM pay 70% of the treatment costs, Zone I counties, as described in the 1991, AIPM Plan of Work include: Greene, Madison, Page, Rappahannock and Shenandoah, Sin~er(?ly; /!~~;: j litt- Cl/v-;v,~(J( Gary L. McAninch AIPM Sup,=,rvif'.or Distributed to Board: t! - It,t:j/ !t;'1'\ L'o. 9/. 092/{~> 7 ) COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM TO: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. , County Executive FROM: Amelia Patterson, Zoning Administration ~%~ DATE: August 13, 1991 RE: status of Draft Sign Ordinance The draft sign ordinance has been written and is currently under review by other departments. Public worksessions will begin August 28th. It is expected that formal zoning text amendment review will begin in early October with the Planning commission. Our intern began full-time work on the new ordinance as of July 1st. We met to go over the extensive work and research compiled on the draft sign ordinance. He has since reviewed all of this material and reviewed key issues with George st. John. On August 7th, we sent out 250 surveys to related "design professionals" asking their quantitative opinions on 13 physical issues dealing with signs, such as height, sign area, setbacks, etc. This group included all locally listed advertising consultants, architects, graphic designers, landscape architects, and sign contractors, as well as the design faculty of the school of architecture at UVA (which comprised some 55 members) and the Southern Environmental Law Center. At this time, we invited these members of the community to a public information-gathering meeting on August 28th at 7 pm. This meeting will have three basic purposes: first, it serves as a good public relations medium to express our good intent. Second, it gives us the opportunity to inform the public at an early stage in the process, and with a less formal format than an official work session. Third, it gives the public a chance to address issues which we may not have considered. Other localities have experienced significant concern and confusion by the public that I feel we will avoid through this approach. Following a final "in-house" work session pursuant to the draft sign ordinance, copies will be made available to the public one week prior to the August 28th meeting for their perusal. We will meet with the ARB and Planning Commission at a subsequent working meeting, prepared with the survey results, public input, and the efforts of the administrative Zoning staff throughout a dozen work sessions. It SER:ll(:~:S, It.~C. .It.. ".. 300 East Lombard Street Suite 1100 Baltimore, Maryland 21202 3 0 l...h.$,Q"'7 7 ')()f) ", . r'/ L. J 9 Llr;:)dit'~..,.;m-ro ijOafd: J...: ~.! Agenda I~i~rt! r;o, _:lL,oi 21{~,g_) August 13, 1991 , , ,.,1' I' . 1'1 !~ ; ; t.' L2,~', i: j' Mr. Bob Richardson Sovran Bank, N.A. Post Office Box 26904 Richmond, Virginia 23261 Re: Arbor Crest Apartments (Hydraulic Road Apts.) Dear Mr. Richardson: Enclosed please find the Bond Program Report and Monthly Report Pursuant to Section 7(a) of the Deed Restrictions for the month of July 1991. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 301-659-7500. Sincerely, dlQJ.~ 1,1\, -11( &.tVVU-~, Sheila H. MoynihaJ' Project Monitor jshm enclosures cc: Ms. Lettie Neher Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Albemarle County Office Building 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 ,oJ qo It BONO PROGRAM fl~PORT Month July Year 1991 p'openy: Arbor Crest Apartments loution: Charlottesville, VA Loretta Wyatt M.nager (Hydraulic Road Apts.) Pro~t .: Number of Units August 5, 1991 Effective July 31, 1991 O.T. Total Occupied Bond Occupied 051-35371 66 SubmlUtl2 by: 66 I. LOWER INCOME 15 The lollowlng units ".~ be'en d~slgnaled as "tower Income" units 1 Arbor Crest Dr. 21 Eleanor Blair 4t et. 1 4 Arbor Crest Dr. 21 Margaret Q. Sandford42 62, 3 5 Arbor Crest Dr. 23 Fannie G. Tisdale 43 63, 4 6 Arbor Crest Dr. 24 George C. BArnett 44 &4, 5 9 Arbor Crest Dr. 25 Virginia Burton 45 6S, 6 12 Arbor Crest Dr. 16 G. Robert Stone 46 68, 7 , 15 Arbor Crest Dr. 27 Jane Wood 47. 67, 8 20 Arbor Crest Dr. 28 Evelyn MAndeville 48 ea 9 24 Arbor Crest Dr. 29 Gertrude Breen 49 69, 10 78 Arbor Crest Dr. 30 Ernest M. Nease 50 70. " 84 Arbor Crest Dr. 31 Juanita Boliek ~1 71. 12. 86 Arbor Crest Dr. 31 Mary A. Hoxie 52. 72. 13 90 Arbor Crest Dr. J) Florence Wheeler 53 73. 14 94 Arbor Crest Dr. J4 Sarah E. Fischer 54 74. 15 106 Arbor Crest Dr. 35 Katherine T. Nowlen ~5 75, - 16 36 ~ 76. 11 37 ~7. 77, lit 38 sa.. 78. 19 39 - ~9 ]8, ~IO 40 60 80. T ne c"anges 'rom p'~v.ous r~pOfl 'f'f\~cled in th. above Iisllng .re Deletion. Mdl1Sont ,. H 1.' 11. 2 12 2 12, 3 13 3. 13, 4 14 4, 14. 5 15 5 15. 6 '6 6 16. 7 17 7 17. S '8 8. la.. t t9 9 11. 10 20 10. 20, ~ ~ Effective July 31, 1991 MONTHLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 7(a) OF THE DEED RESTRICTIONS TO: ABG Associates, Inc. 300 E. Lombard Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202 RE: Hydraulic Road Apartments - Aroor Crest Apa.rt:ments Charlottesville, Virginia Pursuant to Section 7 (a) of the Deed Restrictions (the "Deed Restrictions"), as defined in an Indenture of Trust dated as of April 1, 1983, between the Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia (the "Authority"), and your bank, as trustee, the undersigned author ized representative of Richmond-Albemarle Limited Partnership, a Virginia Limited Partnership (the "Purchaser"), hereby certifies with respect to the operation and management of Hydraulic Road Apartments, Charlottesville, virginia (the "Project"), that as of the date shown below: l} The number of units in the Project occupied by lower income tenants is 15. 2) The number of units in the Project unoccupied and held available for Lower Income Tenants is -0- . 3) The number of units rented and the number of units held available for rental other than as described in (1) and (2) is 51 . 4) The percentage that the number of units described in (1) and (2) hereof constitute of the total number of units in the Project is 23% . 5) The information contained in this report is true, accurate and correct as of the date hereof. 6) As of the date hereof, the Purchaser is not in default under any covenant or agreement contained in the Deed Restrictions or in an Agreement of Sale dated as of April 1, 1983, between the Authority and the Purchaser. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersi~?ed has signed this Report as of August 5, 1991 , iiw RICHMOND-ALBEMARLE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Virginia limited partnership By: ~~/~ 74~dL . Authorized Rep esentative Oii.TRi':,U";':':D TO 1.)0.'\1;;0 Ni8t,\3~~l:? ,?>-1..-1-9/ ON, , CO!\-fMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA RAY D. PETHTEL COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND,23219 August 15, 1991 Secondary System Additions Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: As requested in your resolution dated August 7, 1991, the following additions to the Secondary System of Albemarle County are hereby approved, effective August 15, 1991. ADDITIONS LENGTH MILL CREEK - SECTION 4 Route 1157 (Gristmill Drive) - From Route 1158 to 0.27 mile Southwest Route 1158 0.27 Mi Route 1161 (Alpine Court) - From Route 1157 to 0.03 mile Southeast Route 1157 0.03 Mi Route 1162 (Flagstone Terrace) - From Route 1157 to Route 1163 0.08 Mi " Route 1163 (Timberbranch Court) - From 0.11 mile North- east Route 1162 to 0.09 mile Southwest Route 1162 0.20 Mi /, (I: /)/o.l1fl/'''1J ,Ju k1/tc / k.r /.3(;L):>c/-l:.< -flLhfX- L ) 'tJLA.-( .(./l-... HU Sincerely, ~ ~;&;tM a J? ~ethtel OmInl.SSl.oner TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY [::,-- ~ !~:=U"~.L,:'\ T;.,,2. ~~\.\,',;'p i\~rJA~,OL~~~ ON -~-L=~;/ -?/ ~ COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA John G, Milliken Secretary of Transportation Office of the Governor Richmond 23219 August 16, 1991 ,~;Lj ;\J.r\.' (' ,. :. ::'{ijo'44 t~Q32 TOO (604J7~ttBs , , ! i 't~ ;' .' \ ;.~ ~ ; :., 1 .-' The Honorable F. R. Bowie, Chairman Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Cha~lottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 Dear Chairman Bowie: I have received and read with some care your letter of August 1. I believe it to be a very positive step forward, following up on the productive meeting that we had at the end of July. I have asked the staff of the Department of Transportation and the Office of the Attorney General to work with me in an effort to respond affirmatively to the request that you made in the last paragraph of your letter. We share the County's commitment to the CATS Plan and to the sequence of projects outlined in the Transportation Board's resolution and summarized in Enclosure II of your letter. In the interim, we are mindful of the importance of the process now underway to determine a proposed line for a future Bypass sufficient to address hardship right-of-way issues. In that effort and in the formal design process that will follow, we will be especially sensitive to the protection of the Ivy Creek Agricultural and Forestal District as well as the often unique his~oric resources that are ~o be found in your County. We look forward to continuing to work together on these important matters. I will respond to your August 1 letter in more detail after I have received comments from the Department and its lawyers. >~-, with all best wishes. ///) /1 C. . I 12/' Slnc~rely, / ;/A.I1/}ll~~~ JGMjcmg cc: Mrs. Constance R. Kincheloe Mr. Ray D. Pethtel Richard L. Walton, Jr., Esquire United States Environmental Protection Agency &EPA ,_.~ ~. "',,'''0 !.\iOA\U:;I'\S ';';.."~..~~-.:t;J:",1 1'--, ~'"."~, .,,, .., G.""". .';7~2'/ -5'1_ ON __ ,,)-,.~~~~- Region III Superfund Program Fact Sheet August 1991 , , ( Greenwood Chemical Site Albemarle County, Virginia Introduction'. . , . -.----.--- ..'.."......-.,..--,.---.---..,.---.---.-....--.-.-.-',-,','-'--.-.,.-..--...... ....---...',',':--:-::-:-:-:-:.-:-:-:.-:::-.<-.,.-----------..--.-..--'-.',-...,.,.-....,--:.,',,------.-.-,-------.-,',..-.---..,',..-.---..-,',.,',.........,.,..-.. The u.s. Environmental Prot~on;Agency .(F;P A}iscontinlJing>itscleanup of the .. Greenwood Chemical Site. .. Because. the problems at the Green-w-ood Chemical Site weremariy years in the making, Site cleanup . is along, complicated process. As part ofits effort tokeep residerits informed ofitsactivities at the Site, EP A has prepared this fact sheet. This fact sheet will tell you: " . ------. -- .-....--...,...,',.-,-"....'....'.-.'-.---....-..- -.., .... . ::.:....-:...-.-._-:::. :::':'::.-:-','--.-.-..'..----.-..':.---....-:..-.,.,.., ..... ..... .,..... ---...... . ",. c..............-..._......'.'........_._._-.-...._....._.___...__-.._..-_-_--_..'_..._............._.. ,. ..... ..',.,'..,.,','.'.'.'....-,....-.---_...,'_._----,-._-_._...---..---...,....,..-. ., '..'....,'-.-..'.'-.-..-.----.....-.--......----.---.---.--'_..'.-'.'.'.-."" . : - -: -. -.'.' ,',',', .'. '-: -, -:-: -: -: -' ~ - - - - -, -," -',',,'. . -. - - . - -' -.' - - - - - -' - . - - - -' . - , " ", . " '.' ' -.- .-..,',..'.-.,.,'...,.,.-.".,...-..-..,..--....-,..----..-.----...'.,..'-..---','-',..." ......',.,...,.--.---.-....-..-...". .. ......Whathashappenedat the Siteinthe past .. · What willhapp~n Ilext. .. ...... ... .. .. EP A answers to your questions .. · How to get more information. Site Background The Greenwood Chemical Site, located in the village of Newtown, Albemarle County, is a former chemical manufacturing facility. For nearly forty years, the facility produced chemicals used in industrial, agricultural, pharmaceutical, and photographic processes. During these years, many wastes generated by the facility were released onto soils on the property. Manufacturing ceased at the Site in April 1985, following an explosion and fire that destroyed a facility building and killed four workers. EP A first became involved in the Site in May 1985 when, at the request of the State of Virginia, EP A performed some preliminary Site sampling. Following another request by Virginia, the Site was placed on the National Priorities List, making it eligible to receive Federal funds for cleanup under the Superfund program. EPA's Superfund activities at the Site began in 1987 with an emergency action to remove some of the most dangerous sources of contamination. This action included removing drums and smaller containers of chemicals and removing lagoon sludges. After performing this short-term, emergency removal action, EPA began work on a long-term, remedial action to eliminate Site-related soil, lagoon water, and ground water contamination. The first part of this long-term cleanup involves removing, treating, and disposing of contaminated soil and of containers of chemicals stored in Site buildings. Prior to removing the soil, onsite process buildings will also have to be removed. The second part involves pumping and treating contaminated ground water and lagoon water. What Has Happened Recently? Residential Well Testing. To ensure that Site contamination has not affected residential wells, EP A sampled ten residential wells near the Site in April. This is the fifth round of residential well sampling conducted by EPA. EPA is currently analyzing the most recent results. Based on its review of available sample results, EPA has no evidence at this time of Site-related contamination of residential wells. EP A will continue to monitor residential wells on a periodic basis. Water Treatment. EPA intends to treat contaminated ground water and lagoon water in a water treatment building to be constructed onsite. In June and July of this year, a contractor hired by EPA performed onsite tests of key elements of the water treatment process. The initial mobile laboratory results of this testing were very encouraging. EP A expects to have the official laboratory results of the testing this fall. If these results confirm the initial data, EP A expects to begin its design of the water treatment building as early as the fall. r" - ,._~..'. 2'.>..<~'..: ., Soil Treatment. On July 24, EP A issued a document called an Explanation of Significant Differences. This document explains how EP A is planning to expand its original soil cleanup plans to address additional contaminated soil onsite. The Explanation of Significant Differences authorizes EPA to: · remove three Site process buildings . incorporate new soil data into its cleanup plans EP A also plans to expand the soil cleanup to include soils in a fonner drum disposal area and areas around the process buildings. Once completed, these plans will be presented to the public. Enforcement Action. EP A is pursuing enforcement action against companies and institutions who might be partly responsible for contamination at the Site. EP A will send letters to these Potentially Responsible Parties soon requesting their assistance in conducting or paying for the water treatment. The Potentially Responsible Parties have sixty days to respond. If they respond favorably, EP A will then enter into negotiations with these parties. If not, EP A will go ahead and begin its remedial design with Federal Superfund money. In addition, EPA will likely request that the Potentially Responsible Parties conduct the soil cleanup after EP A completes the Remedial Design for this work. ~ ~~ ~~ ~ What Will Happen Next? When it issued its Explanation of Significant Differences, EPA also opened a thirty-day public comment period to give residents a chance to review and comment on the document. Following the close of the public comment period, EP A will prepare a responsiveness summary which will be added to the Site's Administrative Record. In the fall, EP A expects to begin dismantling the three process buildings. Soil excavation and removal is expected to begin after the extent of soil contamination is identified and incorporated into the soil cleanup plan or Remedial Design. The soils will be taken offsite forthennal treatment stabilization and/or disposal. EP A expects that the design ofits water treatment building will take approximately six months. This means that the construction of the facility will start, at the earliest, in late spring. Water treatment operations, once they begin, will last for at least five years. Ground water downhill of the Site will be pumped out of the ground, piped to the treatment plant, and treated onsite. After treatment, the water will be discharged into an unnamed tributary of Stockton Creek. EPA Answers Your Questions In June, Amy Barnett (the EPA Community Relations Coordinator for the Site) and Keith Vida (a representative from the Virginia Department of Waste Management) came to Greenwood to speak with residents and learn more about the questions and concerns they have regarding the Site. Following are some of the questions asked by residen~, with responses provided by EPA. Additional questions will be answered in the next fact sheet. Q. Is EP A sure that it excavated all the buried drums? A. EP A, using geophysical sUIvey instruments, surveyed the entire Greenwood Chemical Company property for buried metal. According to our survey results, no more buried drums remain. The surveys identified six areas as possibly containing buried metal. However, when the areas were excavated with a backhoe, no drums were found. EP A, using aerial photographs taken over time, saw no signs of drum burial on adjacent properties. Q. Has EPA interviewed individuals who may have buried drums on the Greenwood Chemical Site? A. Yes, EP A has interviewed several people about drum burial activity. During those interviews, EP A asked each person to pinpoint areas on aerial photographs where he or she knew or suspected drums were buried. EP A continues to investigate any new leads about drum burial that come to our attention. Q. Will the UV/oxidation technology to be used in the water treatment building treat the cyanide in the ground water? Where will the unit come from? A. Yes, the UV /oxidation unit will treat cyanide. The unit will come from a vendor selected by EP A in a competitive bidding process held after the remedial design has been completed. Q. Can EPA conduct a tour of the water treatment plant after it has been constructed? A. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and EP A regulations prohibit individuals who have not taken forty hours of safety training and been entered into a medical monitoring program from entering the Site. Also, because the Greenwood Chemical property is privately owned, obtaining permission for such a tour might be difficult. However, EP A plans to produce a narrated, videotape tour of the treatment plant after the plant has been completed. EP A will make the videotape available to interested residents. Q. What effect will the water from the treatment plant have on the tributary to Stockton Creek? How much will. be discharged into the Creek in relation to the present flow? A. Water discharged from the treatment plant will meet all Federal and State standards protective of aquatic life. The amount of discharged water will be minimal in relation to the stream and should not cause any noticeable change in flow rate or course. Q. Why isn't EPA planning to reinject the cleaned water? A. EP A considers that the discharge of treated ground water into surface water is the best design alternative at this time. EPA's hydrogeologists and consuli:ants will work to ensure that pumping and treating the ground water will not affect the residential well water supply. Q. How will the water treatment affect residents' wells? A. The treatment will minimize migration of ground water contamination towards residential wells. There are no residential wells in the immediate area of where the treated water will be released. Q. What does EPA test residential wells for, and how much do the tests cost? . A. EP A tests for heavy metals and organic contaminants. . The cost of the tests is approximately $1,000 per well. Q. Why aren't there signs designating the area as a Superfund Site? A. In response to residents' concerns, EPA has posted several signs at the Site that read: "Danger. Keep Out. Hazardous Area." In addition, EPA intends to fence the entire Site this fall. Q. Why can't EPA isolate and condemn the Site instead of spending so much money on it? A. EPA, under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)- commonly known as Superfund-is mandated to design and implement a permanent remedy to contamination at the Greenwood Chemical Site. EP A is required to address both existing and potential risks posed by Site contamination. e Where Can You Get More Information? EP A is committed to providing the public with a way to examine relevant sample results, reports, correspondence, and other information. EP A has established a local information repository in order to give the community access to dOCwilents about the Greenwood Che!!ljcal Site and the Superfund process. The repository is located at: Cruzet Branch Library Box 430 Crozet, V A 22932 (804) 823-4050 If you would like more information or have any questions or concerns about the Site, please contact: Amy Barnett (3EA21) Community Relations Coordinator U.S. EPA, Region III 841 ChesOlut Building Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 597-6915 ... Post Office Box 26666 Richmond, Virginia 2326] !;,0:"'.h0 T') ~:-;:)/\,'W N&J\l\LlGRS ON _" f- i!.-t.:::.2L. ,_ " NORTH CAROLINA POWER August 15, 1991 SERVICE - VIRGINIA CASE NO. PUE910048 ORDER ESTABLISHING 1991/92 FUEL FACTOR PROCEEDINGS To: Local Government Officials: Pursuant to Paragraph No.8 of the state corporation Commission's Order of August 14, 1991, we hereby serve notice of a change in the Company's fuel factor. If you would like a copy of the Company's entire filing, please contact Ms. Patricia Gordon at (804)771-3621. t~d~ Kendrick R. Riggs Attachment -, . _ COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINlA91 0 8 2 02 15 "STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION ;" 1 I !f.:" J .i: J . to....., AT RICHMOND, AUGUST It'E :j--ft~\- [=/ APPLICA!~O~ Of" ~.': II S \~ -, 1_ l. \" l,: '_ . ,-I /-.'" .) .. VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY CASE N6":!~~E~ lb~d4 8 To revise its fuel factor pursuant to Va. Code ~ 56-249.6 PE:~~:~.,\~:'~:~ SE~V;C~S ORDER ESTABLISHING 1991/92 FUEL FACTOR PROCEEDING On August 1, 1991, Virginia Electric and Power Company ("Virginia Power" or "Company") filed with the Commission written testimony, exhibits and proposed tariffs intended to decrease its zero-based fuel factor from 1.641Q/kWh to 1.595Q/kWh effective September 15, 1991. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED: (1) That this proceeding be assigned Case No. PUE910048; (2) That a hearing is hereby scheduled at 2:00 p.m. on September 10, 1991, the Commission's 13th Floor Courtroom for the purpose of receiving evidence related to the establishment of Virginia Power's fuel factor for the twelve-month period commencing September 15, 1991 pursuant to Virginia Code 9 56- 249.6; (3) That Virginia Power forthwith make copies of its application and prefiled testimony available for public inspection during regular business hours at all Company offices in Virginia where customer bills may be paid; (4) That, on or before August 23, 1991, any person desiring to participate as a protestant, as defined in SCC Rule 4:6, shall file with the Clerk, Document Control Center, P.O. Box 2118, Richmond, Virginia 23216 an original and twenty (20) copies of a notice of protest as provided in SCC Rule 5:16(a) and serve a copy on the Company (service upon Virginia Power shall be directed to: Kendrick R. Riggs, Esquire, One James River Plaza, P.O. Box 26666, Richmond, Virginia 23261); (5) That, on or before August 30, 1991, each protestant shall filed an original and twenty (20) copies of a protest (SCC Rule 5:16(b)) and of the prepared testimony and exhibits protestant intends to present at the hearing, and serve two copies of each on Virginia Power and all other protestants; (6) That, on or before August 30, 1991, the Commission staff shall investigate the reasonableness of Virginia Power's estimated costs and proposed fuel factor and file a report with the Clerk, send a copy to Virginia Power and to each protestant; (7) That, on or before September 4, 1991, :Virginia Power shall file with the Commission an original and fifteen (15) copies of all testimony it expects to introduce in rebuttal to the direct prefiled testimony of both Staff and protestants; additional rebuttal evidence may be presented by Virginia Power without prefiling, provided it is in response to evidence which was not prefiled but elicited at the hearing and provided further, the need for additional rebuttal is timely addressed by motion at hearing and leave is granted by the Commission. A copy of the prefiled rebuttal evidence shall be sent to all protestants by Virginia Power; and 2 (8) That, on or before August 16, 1991, Virginia Power serve a copy of this Order on the Commonwealth's Attorney and Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of each county (or equivalent officials in counties having alternate forms of government) in which Company offers service. Service shall be made by either personal delivery or by first-class mail to the customary place of business or the residence of the person served. ATTESTED COPIES hereof shall be sent by the Clerk of the Commission to: Kendrick R. Riggs, Esquire, One James Plaza, P.O. Box 26666, Richmond, Virginia 23261; Richard D. Gary, Esquire, Hunton & Williams, Riverfront Plaza, East Tower, 951 East Byrd Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219-4074; the Office of the Attorney General, Division of Consumer Counsel, 101 North 8th Street, 6th Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219; Hullihen Williams Moore, Esquire, Christian, Barton, Epps, Brent and Chappell, 1200 Mutual Building, Richmond, Virginia 23219; Edward L. Flippen, Esquire, Mays & Valentine, P.O. Box 1122, Richmond, Virginia 23208; Dennis R. Bates, Esquire, Board of Supervisors of Fairfax County, 4100 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22030; John D. Jenkius, One County Complex Court, Prince William, Virginia 22192; Jean Anne Fox, 114 Coachman Drive, Tabb, Virginia 23602; and to the commission's Divisions of Energy Regulation. "A T~:~~-::i. - a.':iI__ Clerk of the Y ~ Statt: Corperatic,n Commission 3 -. ~ \,::T{':~-," If1':nr~!~1"~h t\: ~ ~I I;~I (. lib, ~, ~ \ "JJ~')~:~""~~)V1 ~,,\ ,. 1/' .~~~.lf.'f ".~~<~ ~~=i'~/~?)~D .A\ENi3ERS.. ,,--'. nal/,iI (;. Glllln.1I Co 11I11I is ,\ It II II! r (C'OMM\ON\Vl~~^l.;rlK of Vffff~(iHNKA V;'{2.; 11; (I ['.:" '[ Jh ~y 11/ ('II t C011/11/ ;.",,,; Oil 400 Preston Avenue P. O. Box 2063 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 , r/ '. ~l1Clrlot.tesville VEC ManpoweL!l~LLletin Charlottesville Local Office Activity Period ~une 91 June 90 Secured EmRl2Yment 262 180 Job OrdersLQR~ninqQ 117/211 125/218 l!lmJ.iG~nt ::?_~svicgE. 727 688 0.3% months. June 1991 Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers was 136.0 above May and increased 4.7% over the past twelve )une 1991 EmJllQyment Data Labor Force Metropolitan statistical Area Charlottesville Albemarle Fluvanna Greene '73,250 25,178 35, 751 6,666 5,654 Employed Unemploy_ed Rate 69,828 3, If 2,2 4.7 24,017 1 , 161 4.6 34,416 1,335 3.7 6,272 394 5.9 5, 123 531 9.4 Also Served by Charlottesville Louisa Nelson ~-- ) 11 ,726 6,402 10,897 5,820 829 582 7. 1 9.1 Virginia National 3,316.439 3,118,314 127,054,000 118,280,000 Manpower Hiqhlights 198,125 8,774,000 6.0 6.9 As expected, students entering the labor market increased area's unemployment rates. In most counties the 1985 level was reached. However it's also expected that next ~onth's labor force wi 11 be smaller (less students) and more employed, thus reducing the rate. Employment levels in most occupational categories showed gains signaling improvement in the number of adult workers. 0<2 r~ t3ow~ . .b~d ~~k DATE f~ ~./ ~ JY / AGENDA ITEM NO. JiJ( ~/ /~/ Ytb? AGENDA ITEM NAME ~tJ/ p~ ~ T DEFERRED UNTIL ~~. fL'.-f;! Form. 3 7/25/86 '. DATE /~'//- Y/ AGENDA ITEM NO. 5~- ~ /r / 9 / 5?-;JJ/-/~ ~ AGENDA ITEM NAME C .3;;:": . ,,', _ /:::- DEFERRED UNTIL ~- 7-7:/ Form.3 7/25/86 Distributed to Board: f' //'-9/ Agenda Item No 9/ Of2/. ' - , -:tf.:.?- COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 'J ., f'!. " July 24, 1991 Emil Kutilek P. O. Box 5525 Charlottesvil~e, VA 22905 RE: SP-91-28 Emil Kutilek Tax Map 40B, Parcel 69 Dear Mr. Kutilek: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on July 16, 1991, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted petition to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Special use permit is issued to the applicant only and airfield is for usage by the applicant only; 2. Limited to two base aircraft; 3. Landings and takeoffs shall be limited to three (3) per week during daylight hours only, except in emergencies; 4. All maintenance, repair and mechanical work, except that of an emergency nature, shall be performed in an enclosed building; 5. All areas used by aircraft under ~ts own power shall be provided with a reasonably dust free surface; 6. Approval/registration by/with the Federal Aviation Administration and the Virginia Department of Aviation. Emil Kutilek Page 2 July 24, 1991 7. Airstrip shall be located no closer than 500 feet to the nearest residential lot line. Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on August 21, 1991. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. YOU OR YOUR REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT FOR THIS MEETING. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ('I/L~, William D. Fritz Senior Planner WDF/jcw cc: Lettie E. Neher Amelia Patterson Jo Higgins STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WILLIAM D. FRITZ JULY 16, 1991 AUGUST 21, 1991 SP-91-28 EMIL K~LEK Petition: Emil Kutilek petitions the Board of Supervisors to issue a special use permit for a private airport [10.2.2(19)] on 46.25 acres zoned RA, Rural Areas. Property, described as Tax Map 40B, Parcel 69, is located on the southeast side of Route 810 approximately 3/10 mile south of the intersection of Route 789 and Route 810 in the White Hall Magisterial District. This site is not located within a designated growth area. Character of the Area: Two dwellings and several farm structures are located on this site. Thurston subdivision is located to the east. The property under review is a mixture of wooded and open fields. A low voltage power line is located to the east of the proposed landing strip. The minimum distance to the line is approximately 170 feet. A high voltage power line is located a minimum of 900 feet to the east. The minimum distance to a dwelling on adjacent property is approximately 800 feet. The closest structure on site is approximately 100 feet from the landing strip. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: The applicant is proposing to use an existing grassed field for a runway for personal use. No grading is proposed and the runway would remain grassed. Not more than two single engine airplanes will be on site at a time. The planes would be stored and repaired in existing farm buildings. Fuel storage is proposed., The applicant has provided a description of the request (Attachment C). SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with Section 31.2.4:1 of the Zoning Ordinance and recommends denial. PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: None available. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan makes no specific comments regarding private airports, but does recognize the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport. The general intent of the Comprehensive Plan is to discourage development in the Rural Areas which is not directly related to a bona fide agricultural or forestal use. Staff opinion is that this request will have a neutral impact on the Rural Areas. 1 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: The applicant is proposing to base not more than two single single engine planes on site. The planes would be used for private recreational use. Maximum usage is estimated at one to three times per week. The applicant has submitted information to the Virginia Department of Aviation as well as the Federal Aviation Administration. The applicant is seeking a personal airport as opposed to a private airport. A personal airport will not appear on aeronautical charts and will not be available for use by others. The applicant has provided a letter from the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport (Attachment D). In the opinion of staff, this letter adequately addresses the comments of Section 5.1.1(a) which states: "In review of a special use permit petition for an airport or heliport, the Board of Supervisors shall be mindful of the substantial public investment in the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport, and shall only approve such petition upon finding that: 1. Equivalent or better service is not available at the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport; 2. Operation of the proposed airport or heliport will in no fashion interfere with the physical operations of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport. Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with Section of the Zoning Ordinance. . Such use will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property. Staff has received a petition from the adjacent property owners in support of this request (Attachment E). The closest residence to the runway is approximately 800 feet distant. The approach and takeoff zone is over undeveloped land which is owned by a partnership which has signed the petition in support of this request. Due to support from the adjacent property owners it is the opinion of staff that approval of this request will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property. 2 o the character of the district will not be changed Adjacent property is zoned RA, Rural Areas. The properties to the east have been developed into a subdivision with an average lot size of three acres. The landing strip will be a grassed strip in the existing fields and no changes - grading, clearing - are required. A limited amount of tree clearing may occur in the approach zone for safety purposes. No new structures are proposed. Based on the limited activity on site, this use should not change the character of the district. Staff notes, however, that aircraft are not normally anticipated in relatively close proximity to a developed subdivision. o the use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the ordinance, with the use permitted by right in the district and with additional regulations provided in Section 5.0 and with the public health, safety and general welfare. Current farming activities will not be interrupted by the landing strip. The use is not clearly supportive of the RA district as it is not directly related to agricultural/forestal activities. Therefore, it is the opinion of staff that this use will have no affect on the RA district. Staff has reviewed the provisions of Section 5.1.1 which governs airports and is of the opinion that this request is not in harmony with that section. Staff reviewed with particular interest the provisions of Section 5.1.1 which states: "No runway or heliport area shall be located nearer than five hundred (500) feet horizontally or one thousand (1,000) feet longitudinally to any residential structure on any adjoining property. No hanger or aircraft storage shall be located nearer than five hundred (500) feet to any residential structure on an adjoining property. Within any agricultural or residential district, commercial activities and private clubs located on the premises with a private airport; flight strip, or helipad, are expressly prohibited;" The nearest dwelling on any adjacent property is approximately 800 feet horizontally from the runway. However, vacant parcels could be built on which would result in dwellings approximately 285 feet horizontally from the runway. The minimum distance to adjacent dwellings in past requests was 1,000 feet. (Staff 3 notes that this property owner is in support of this request). Storage of the pl~~es will occur in existing structures which are located within 500 feet of vacant properties. (Staff notes that both of these property owners are in support of this request.) This use does not meet the minimum distar1C,;t!s listed in the ordinance. If this request is appro~e~ it would be the first airport request which does not meet the minimum standards of Section 5.1.1. Swnmary: Staff has identified the following factors which are favorable to this request: 1. Lack of facilities at the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport. 2. Support from adjacent property owners. 3. Approach zones are over undeveloped Rural Areas land. Staff has identified the following factors which are unfavorable to this request: 1. Proximity of an existing subdivision which may allow for new construction 285 feet from the runway; 2. Close proximity (170 feet) of a low voltage power line; 3. Proximity of the developed area of Crozet; 4. Use is for personal use only and is not directly related to agricultural/forestal activities. In regards to the unfavorable factors, staff notes that the existing power line is located downhill from the landing strip and is close to the elevation of the-landing strip (the power lines are approximately ten to fifteen feet higher). The applicant's information indicates that the flight path across the power line will occur when the plane is at approximately 300 feet. Should this request be approved staff opinion is that federal and state approvals will ensure adequate operational safety. Staff opinion is that the negative factors outweigh the positive factors and, therefore, staff recommends denial. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Special use permit is issued to the applicant only; 4 2. Limited to two base aircraft; 3. Landings and takeoffs shall be limited to daylight hours only, except in emergencies; 4. All maintenance, repair and mechanical work, except that of an emergency nature, shall be performed in an enclosed building; 5. All areas used by aircraft under its own power shall be provided with a reasonably dust free surface; 6. Approval/registration by/with the Federal Aviation Administration and the Virginia Department of Aviation. ATTACHMENTS: A - Location Map B - Tax Map C - Applicant's Description of Request D - Letter from the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport. E - Petition from Adjacent Property OWners 5 I ," J ., .. .. .. .... g ... ~ ~ .. ... .. g; ... .. ~ ... u; 0 ... .. .. - '" ;:; '" '" ... 0 '" '" '" '" ~ ... s :.., N :.., ... .. '" ... '" 0 ... i ... ;:; ... .. .. ~ ... .. .. .. .. .. <5 ... ~ :., ... 0 .. 0 ... ~ ;:; .. 0 ~ t: ~ .. ;; ~ ~ 2 2l .. 0 .. ;:; ... ;:; ~ ~ .. 'f 0 .. ... ... is s: :ill = f .. ;:; ... .. - '" '" ~ uo 0 .. uo .. .;. !" g ... - '" i5 ... - .. .. ... ;; .. ::: ... .. '" '" 0 .. ... ... .. ~ ., ~ U; '" .. 0 0 ~-J.. ~ LII r Lt. fLA r MTN .)". /.... ~ ~ o u '< /.... c., ~ C:J ~ '< . (' . ~\ 'tillJ ~ HIGH ""\ ro. <fl o CASTLE ROCK -J.. ,~~ ;~~'" ~I\ Hear~ Mtn F T '( \~ '\ H..,d, . .-~ -" ------- ".\ ALBEMARLE COUNTY.' , ... : 1" 1 IATTACHMENT BI SECTION 40. _..._ ACIIU SEE 56.640 , 'THURSTON' 0) SECTION ONE @ ACREAGE G) PARCELS D. B. 637-456;45B (PIaU lOlI..... - - SCALE: '-.300' .. .. SP-91-28 EMIT KUTILEK ,- ~ .. WHITEHALL DISTRICT . SECTION 408 I J IATTACHMENT cl Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: Please acc,;~t my request for a special use permit allowing me to keep a personal airplane on the farm. The following are my intentions subject to your approval: 1) No more than two (2) single engine airplanes would be on the farm at one time, both being personally owned. Anticipated flying is one to three times per week or less. 2) No aviation fuel would be stored on the farm except possibly a 200 gallon above ground tank with hand pump. The purpose being to completely fill the aircraft fuel tanks to compensate for the fuel burned from the Charlottesville Airport to the farm. This is to prevent the formation of moisture in the aircraft fuel tanks due to condensation when they are not completely full. 3) No night flying is anticipated. 4) No grading will be necessary as an existing pasture field will be used for the landing area. 5) Application has been made to the State of Virginia and the Federal Aviation Administration for licensure. 6) In addition to being a licensed pilot, I am also a licensed aircraft and power plant mechanic. I plan to maintain my personal airplane only. Maintenance on the aircraft would be conducted in an existing building as well as storage. Discardable fluids will be stored with my other farm fluids and burned in an oil-fired stove. NOTE: In reference to Tax Map 40B Lot 60 Walter W. Baber.- Mr. Baber's signature was not obtainable due to the uncertainty of his whereabouts. The yard is overgrown as consequence of the house being deserted for several weeks. IATTACHMENT o[ I AIRPORT Charlottesville/Albemarle ~l rDuL 10- . ~. ~~ May 7, 1991 Mr. Emil Kutilek Cottonwood Farm Rt. 2, Box 558 Crozet, Virginia 22932 Dear Mr. Kutilek: This is in response to your recent request zor a review oz your proposal to construct an airzield on your property in Crozet, Virginia. It is my understanding that you intend to operate said airzield zor your own private use and benezit. Given this intended use and distance zrom the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport, it appears that your airzield would not compete with this zacility. This assessment does not extend to any Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or Virginia Department oz Aviation licensing/registration requirements. Iz you should require assistance in obtaining inzormation relative to said registration/ licensing requirements, please do not hesitate to contact me at 973-8341. s~nCerelYiPUf/ll!r ~ Ellintt Director oz Aviation pc: Wayne Cilimberg, Director, Community Planning and Development, Albemarle County Charlie Williams, Virginia Department oz Aviation Dave Arnold, Manager, Air Trazzic Control Tower, CHO Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport Authority 201 Bowen Loop . Charlottesville, VA 22901 . (804) 973-8341 ) IATTACHMENT E, Page 11 We the undersigned neighbors do not object to Emil J. Kutilek keeping an airplane at Cottonwood Farm. Siqnature ' Tax Map Parcel No. ~~....-M-:... /~L-----_4P.cA______________5-(L______ -ffi~ d~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _~f)~ tJ_ _ _ _ ___ _ ___ __ _ _ ~~ _ _ _ __ '- D '.. Lfl ~ 51 f:~. -' - -~--~~-~~- -~~~---------~~~--------___________~_~2____ ,~~ ~~/a--"-'. '/':~~~ d()13 5"0 -:~ -.~ I ' ~';107 ~----~c8---------------;-;----- ----~--~---~ ~h~----------------------------------------_____ ~~=~~-~~--~~-~~~~---s(~-~___________~__1f~______ I i /-4.~"=-------------u---h'jQ}b---___h____1.a!_____ ~, 'n~-=-~~_____1()JS___________~~______ (- mcf:' ffitd::pL---'-----{:h-~-h-------fh' __'L__ ~ -i~~-J,.-~~~- 0. _.h._0'd,':!-fY=___ <!L_______ , ;;I;? l \ ~ / . - - /5-~ - - _~(~t~~__ - - --~(~::71L-~~tt~-~~l~J '- _ _____ __ __ ____ ___ / ~I...- L./7-Qr - '-19 - 71 7 - - _:f./li _ tUl e _ _ ':l 1:L _ _ _ fA~<::( L JL _ _~..:: 3_I..:3.L 1 :_'f..c_'_V:_ 't.L_::: ~J:: :1.."--:':1$ "--r,~C- f>k---5-~~JL--L~-~-~f-(::AL-----~_-~------ -~-= - ~ ~~ ------ - -- -----.$;-:A-------------:>--------- ~~~~~~~(?:~:~~~~~~~~{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;r~~~~~~~~ ~ -' r? C",(V1A.-.. 9c i3 ~ 7 ----~---~--l~o--------__________________________________________ ~:~~!!~~~~~~~~:::~:~~~::~::::::::~~~::::: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- '''~Y IATTACHMENT E, Page 2\ We the undersigned neighbors do not object to Emil J. Kutilek keeping an airplane at Cottonwood Farm. Siqnature Tax Map Parcel No. _ _l...:. _ _ _ .;.~_ _ __ -<~ __ ::.~~~ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ ___ __ __ ~PJ3_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ -~.:-!. _1. _4.~::_ ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- DATE // .?/- V AGENDA ITEM NO. 91 t1 7/ t? / -3 ;? AGENDA ITEM NAME 1/ ~~ ~?1 ////tt( ~, r t- DEFERRED UNTIL 9 -f/'---tp/ Form.3 7/25/86 DEFERRED UNTIL r-,)I'-- c:j / ~/ / y/?::/ S/-*'--/~ ~. fl~ d(-;y/ DATE AGENDA ITEM NO. AGENDA ITEM NAME Form.3 7/25/86 r~@[Pw COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE OFFICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 401 MciNTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901-4596 MEMO TO: Melvin A. Breeden, Director of Finance FROM: Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC ~~~ DATE: August 22, 1991 SUBJECT: Transfer of Appropriation - Approved August 21, 1991 Attached is the signed appropriation form for transfer of funds from Brownsville to Hollymead and Burley projects. LEN:bwh Attachment cc: Jo Higgins Robert paskel ., APPROPRIATION REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 91/92 NUMBER 910010 TYPE OF APPROPRIATION ADDITIONAL TRANSFER X NEW ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED ? YES NO X FUND CAPITAL PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: TRANSFER FROM BROWNSVILLE TO HOLLYMEAD AND BURLEY PROJECTS. EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ************************************************************************ 1900060205999999 HOLLYMEAD CONTINGENCY $53,000.00 1900060251999999 BURLEY CONTINGENCY 32,000.00 1900060202800902 BROWNSVILLE MASONRY PROJECT (85,000.00) TOTAL $0.00 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ************************************************************************ $0.00 TOTAL $0.00 ************************************************************************ REQUESTING COST CENTER: EDUCATION APPROVALS: SIGNATURE DATE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ~~-= 9-/>-9/ /--F7---)?/ DIRECTOR OF FINANCE . 1 Distributed to Board: ..i, ((P,<J I.. COUNTY OF AL8EMARU:. Agenda Item No, qt', Of)..!', t/(,~""" EXECUTIVE OFFICE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Memorandum FROM: Mr. Robert Tucker, County Executive Robert W. Paskel, Superintendent of Schools ~ Capital Improvement Projects Transfer of Funds TO: RE: DATE: July 23, 1991 The Burley Middle School Auditorium and Gymnasium renovations and the Hollymead Elementary School classroom and library project were placed under contract without adequate contingency funding (10% of the project cost). Because the Brownsville masonry repair bid was less than the budgeted amount, funding is available for transfers to these two projects as follows: 1. $53,000 to the Hollyrnead Elementary Project 2. $32,000 to the Burley Middle School Project This will leave $79,750 in the Brownsville project as a contingency for the HVAC replacement and masonry repairs. At its meeting on July 15, 1991, the school Board voted to request the transfer of $53,000 to the Hollyrnead Elementary ClP Project for contingency and $32~000 to the Burley Middle School ClP Project for contingency from the Brownsville Masonry ClP Project. Al Reaser and Jo Higgins are managing these projects and they will be pleased to answer any questions you may have concerning the need for this transfer of funds. Thank you for your attention to these matters. LAR: npm 91-041 . ~ COlJNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM FROM: Robert W. TUCkel~J~~~o~~ty Executive Jo Higgins, Directl~~~ngineering TO: DATE: August 12, 1991 RE: CIP Transfer - Memo dated 23 July 1991 The Ho11ymead Elementary and Burley Middle School projects currently have no contingency funds. The attached memo is to transfer $53,000 to the Hollymead project and $32,000 to the Burley project from the Brownsvi11e project. In order to cover change orders that are necessary for the completion of the work that could not have been anticipated, it is important to have these funds in place to facilitate the timely completion of the project. In this case, both projects are existing buildings being expanded/renovated and renovated respectively. There are no contingency funds allocated. Renovation projects, unfortunately, require more changes due to the existing conditions being different from that anticipated during design. In any event, all additional work that is proposed will be reviewed to assure that it was not in the original contract, is necessary, and the price is ,-easonab1e. At the completion of these two project, as I understand, Al Reaser will recommend that the School Board request to transfer any funds not expended back to the Woodbrook Elementary HVAC Project where they were originally allocated and subsequently transferred to Brownsvi11e. If you have any questions, please advise. JH/ Attachment Copy: Robert Brandenburger Al Reaser COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE OFFICE Di,;..t~:';I,,~,"'(..4' -~'. 0 hJdlj"~.H....';,,; tD bJ3fCr _~ ~ "'I".?( Agenda Hem No, _ 9l.~f-;;;"_C;" ~ ALBEMARLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS f ,r- RLE\ Memorandum , -L si;,'.:' ,'I; TO: F.R. Bowie, Chairman, Board of Supervisors FROM: Clifford W. Haury, Chairman, School Board CJi~1tltf ew. IJ~:UO RE: Murray High School DATE: August 13, 1991 As we agreed in our discussion of the agenda items scheduled for the joint meeting on August 14, 1991 that we had to postpone, I am sending you the School Board's plan for the evaluation of Murray High School. First, in its July 8th meeting the Board asked the Superintendent to prepare an evaluation of the instructional program at Murray High School due at the end of the first semester in January 1992. This evaluation would include, but not be limited to, an assessment of instruction, administration, staffing, student attendance, student performance and placement, course scheduling and recommendations for changes in the program. Second, since the roof of the current facility needs replacement in the near future, the School Board would review the instructional program evaluation and then deliberate on the capital improvement needs commencing in January 1992 to coincide with the County's Five Year Capital Improvements Plan cycle. In sum, the Superintendent is working on a report and recommendations for both the program and the facility. On another matter, the School Board agreed to a joint meeting time and date of the second Wednesday of the month at 3:00 p.m. commencing in September 1991. However, the School Board requested that the Board of Supervisors consider a joint meeting on alternate months at 5:00 p.m. on the second or fourth Monday of the month. Please let me know if this is a possibility. CWH/cs cc: School Board Members '''^',,;k,b.-! In D"~rr!: _~, "L~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE OFFICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 401 MciNTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901-4596 MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the Board of Supervisors FROM: Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC~ DATE: August 9, 1991 SUBJECT: Appointments to Various Boards/Commissions/Committees Through September, 1991 EXPIRATION NAME OF AD ELIGIBLE FOR BOARD/COMMITTEE DATE MEMBER REQUIRED REAPPOINTMENT''( BOCA Code Board of Appeals 8-21-91 William C. Thacker No Yes Jordan Development 8-13-91 Thomas F. Stephens No Yes 8-13-91 D. James Firster No Yes JAUNT 9-30-91 Robert W. Tucker No Yes 9-30-91 Nathaniel Brown No Yes Land Use Classifi- cation Appeals Board 9-1-91 Dan M. Maupin No Yes 9-1-91 Samuel Page No Yes 9-1-91 Montie Page No Yes LEN:mms ;'.' '\. fDI.. n._1 \VJ\ 7' I I ~ ! , I \ ;; ! .~ , t .' ; ,."",,.k...} ',"'" " Edward H Baln, Jr Samu~l Miller COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 -4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 979-1281 August 23, 1991 Charlotte Y Humphns IrKk JOi.ldl David P Bowerman Charlottesville Walter F Perkin' Whllt;' Hall F R (Rick) Bowie Rivanna Peter T Way '-)c()l\sville Mr. William C. Thacker Thacker Construction 614 West Rio Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Dear Mr. Thacker: At the Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 21, 1991, you were reappointed to the BOCA Code Board of Appeals with said term to expire on August 21, 1996. On behalf of the Board, I would like to take this opportunity to express the Board's appreciation for your willingness to continue serving the County in this capacity. Sincerely, F. R. Bowie Chairman FRB:bwh cc: Jesse Hurt Lester A. Wilson, III (- "') (-;'') r.:1~, n ! .L!181 Vl r ',j I ; , I : ill l.,,,.. u Edward H. Bam, Jr Sarnu!?l Miller COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901A596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 979-1281 Charlotte Y Humphns Jack .10ul..'ll David P Bowerman Charlottesville Walt\::'r F Perkins Whl1O:' HCll1 F R. (Rick) Bowie Rivanna Peter T Way Scottsvllle August 23, 1991 Mr. D. James Firster 1360 Auburn Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 Dear Mr. Firster: At the Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 21, 1991, you were reappointed to the Jordan Development Corporation Board of Directors with said term to expire on August 13, 1992. On behalf of the Board, I would like to take this opportunity to express the Board's appreciation for your willingness to continue serving the County in this capacity. Sincerely, F. R. Bowie Chairman FRB:bwh cc: Forrest Kerns Lester A. Wilson, III r) ~""'. r-\\\ f7 t p..; 1 n \ \ D ) \~ f \: iHi\I'd' .1 " I q,,' I, ~' \" "C" } t'~ t"j 'C-il>~'''''' - F. R. (Rick) Bowie Rivanna COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 229014596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 979-1281 August 23, 1991 Charlolll' Y Humphris .JeH:k Jou<!l! Edward H. Balll. Jr Samuel Miller David P. Bowerman Charlottesville Walter F Perkllls While Hall Peter T Way SC01Isvilk Mr. Thomas F. Stephens Route 4 Box 234A Charlottesville, VA 22901 Dear Mr. Stephens: At the Board of Supervisors meeting held on August 21, 1991, you were reappointed to the Jordan Development Corporation Board of Directors with said term to expire on August 13, 1992. On behalf of the Board, I would like to take this opportunity to express the Board's appreciation for your willingness to continue serving the County in this capacity. Sincerely, F. R. Bowie Chairman FRB:bwh cc: Forrest Kerns Lester A. Wilson, III Z ::l -. >- cC ::IE: l>I: 11. cC l>I: ~ III W .... Z cC -. U W Q > 0 Z I- U 0 11. W III N ~ <.:l ::l ... cC . g: ..... ::l -. ::IE: C l>I: <.:l 0 l>I: 11. ~ l>I: ~ (II ... '- 8. 41 l>I: . - ~ ~ 41 .- -<f)"8~ l\I 41 ::IE: .- c: .- ..... ::l ~ < 'B .~ III (.J 01+'(1)- W III >- l\I d~~...Cii;1 CI:: QI .- u c: C Q. .s= ..., ,- c c ..... III l\I '- ~l\I'-t:t:"2 - ... 8..- l1i! l\I ~~~Qit>- .... .:L.U-- (II - .- ~ cacnc..-eJ ..... '- ::l 0 l\I ... < 41 (II ... U '- - c: c: (II (II l\I U 41 41 .- .- ::l w<:Iu:....a 11. III (II (II c: III - 11. '- III 41 >- >0 l ... III (II 1->-< UIIlI- W III -.mQ. 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