HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-08-07 :F I N A L August 7>> 1991 7:00 P.M. Room 7>> County Office Building 1) Call ta Order. 2) Pledge .of Allegiance. 3) Mament .of Silence. 4) Other Matters Nat Listed an the Agenda fram the PUBLIC. 5) *Cansent Agenda (starts an battam .of this sheet). 6) SP-90-99. Rappahannack Electric Caap. To canstruct an electrical pawer substatian & transmissian line an praperties between Rt 29 & Rt 763 (near Piney Mtn) gaing in an eastern and sauthern directian ta the Praffit area. TM21.P12,12A.12D.14C; TM33.P1.2,4,4B,4C,10,12,12E,20, 21,36; TM46,P33B,33F; TM47,P2.3A. Rivanna Dist. 7) SP-91-23. Charlattesville Quality Cable Carparatian. Ta lacate a 190, ft transmissian tawer an part .of 234.2 ac zaned RA. Praperty an S side .of Rt 53 an Carter's Mtn. TM91,P28(part). Scattsville Dist. 8) SP-91-24. Jean Baum. Far a cammercial' stable an 25.1 ac zaned RA & EC. Praperty an E side .of Rt 20 apprax 4/10 mi S .of Rt 641. TM35,P43C. Rivanna Dist. 9) An .ordinance ta amend and reenact Sectian 2-52 .of the Cade .of Albemarle ta increase the number .of band issuances .of the Industrial Develapment Autharity fram twelve ta thirteen. 10) Band Inducement Resalutian: Our Lady .of Peace, Inc. 11) An .ordinance ta amend and reenact Sectian 2-2.1 .of the Cade .of Albemarle setting the campensatian .of the Baard .of Supervisars far Fiscal Year 1992 at $8,820.00, an increase .of faur percent. 12) SP-91-36. Verulam Farm Limited Partnership. Ta amend SP-90-119 and SP-90-120 (a 43 lat rural preservatian develapment & a bridge in flaad plain .of Ivy Creek) ta allaw pvt rds instead .of public rds. Praperty in SE quadrant .of 1-64 & Rt 637. TM74,P's18,18A,18B&23. Samuel Miller Dist. 13) Appraval .of Minutes: March 20(N), March 25, March 27, April 3(N), 1991. 14) Other Matters Nat Listed an the Agenda fram the BOARD. 15) Adjaurn. CON S E N T AGE N D A :FOR APPROVAL: 5.1 Ratify Caunty Executive's signature an a Right-af-way Agreement-Carparate Undergraund Easement far Virginia Pawer. 5.2 Request ta have raads in Mill Creek Sectian 4, taken inta the State System .of Secandary Highways. 5.3 Appraval .of Maving Expenses - Richard E. Huff, II. 5.3a Letter dated August 1>> 1991>> from :F. R. Bowie>> Chairman>> addressed to Secretary John G. Milliken>> Chairman>> COJmlOnwealth Transporation Board>> re: Sequence of the Route 29 Corridor Improvements. r ;FtW. IRroRMAnOR: 5.4 Letter dated July 23, 1991. addressed to F. R. Bowie, from W. Douglas Armstrong, President, IIMC, announcing that Lettie E. Neher, Clerk to the Board of Supervisors, has been awarded the designation of Certified Municipal Clerk. 5.5 Copy of letter dated July 16, 1991, from D. S. Roosevelt, Resident Engineer, to Mrs. Carnice Berti, concerning the speed limit on Route 648. 5.6 Letter dated July 22, 1991, from H. W. Mills, Maintenance Manager, Virginia Department of Transportation, stating that the existing superstructure over Doyles River (Route 668) will be repaired between August 5 and August 16, 1991. The bridge will be closed during that time. 5.7 Letter dated July 25, 1991, from Ray D. Pethtel, Commissioner, Virginia Department of Transportation, noting that roads in Wynridge and Quintfield were accepted into the State Secondary System of Highways effective July 25, 1991. 5.8 Letter dated August 1, 1991, from Roderic H. Slayton, Mayor, Town of Orange, concerning use of Route 15 as an Eastern bypass, either in lieu of the Western bypass around Charlottesville, or as a much needed improvement. 5.9 Copy of letter dated July 15, 1991, from H. Bryan Mitchell, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer, to R. L. Hundley, Environmental Engineer, Virginia Department of Transportation, re: Route 29 Bypass. 5.10 Letter dated June 25, 1991, from Peter Drenan, Race Director, concerning triathlon to be held on public roads on September 29, 1991, in and near Lake Monticello. 5.11 Monthly Bond Program Report of Arbor Crest Apartments for the Month of June, 1991. 5.12 Notices from H. Bryan Mitchell, Deputy Director, Department of Historic Resources, stating that the Department has been requested to make a preliminary evaluation of the following properties to determine eligibility for listing on the National Register of Historic Places and the Virginia Landmarks Register: East Bet.ont Fu. and Batton Grange Fu.. 5.13 Notice from James Christian Hill, National Register Assistant, State Historic Preservation Office, stating that the State Review Board will consider on August 20, 1991, placement of The Rectory and the Southwest Mountains Rural Historic District>> Aloo.arle Comlty>> on the Virginia Landmarks Register and nominating it to the National Register of Historic Places. 5.14 Notice from Margaret T. Peters, Information Director, Department of Historic Resources, dated July 31, 1991, noting that a public hearing for the S(JJ'JBWES"l !DJKl"AINS RURAL HIS'l'ORIC DISIRIC'r will be held on Thursday, August 8, 1991, at 7:30 p.m., at the Albemarle County Office Building. 5.11ta tte.orandua dated August 6, 1991, f~ Mary Joy Scala, Senior p1aJmer, addressed to the Board of Supervisors re: Southwest Mountains Rural Historic District. 5.15 Letter dated July 18, 1991, from Amelia M. Patterson, Zoning Administrator, addressed to William Gail Pickford, Esq., entitled "Official Determination of Number of Parcels - Section 10.3.1, Tax Map 94, Parcel 21." 5.16 Letter dated July 29, 1991, from Amelia M. Patterson, Zoning Administrator, addressed to Carroll Hensley, entitled "Official Determination of Number of Parcels - Section 10.3.1, Tax Map 79.A24, Block F, Parcel 7." 5.17 Copy of the Minutes of the Planning Commission for July 2, July 16, July 23 and July 30, 1991. 5.18 1991 Second Quarter Building Report as prepared by the Department of Planning and Community Development. 5.19 Copy of the Albemarle County Service Authority's adopted FY-92 Budget. 5.20 Copy of "1991 Thomas Jefferson Planning District Solid Waste Management Plan" received and on file. 5. ?1 Copy of "Comparative Report of Local Government Revenues and Expenditures for the Year Ended June 30, 1990" from the Auditor of Public Accounts. 5.22 Letter dated July 25, 1991, from Robert J. Walters, Jr., g1v1ng a six-month report on activities of the Jefferson Area Board for Aging Advisory Council. . \ EXTRACT FROM MINUTES ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AUGUST 7, 1991 Motion was offered by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Bowerman to approve Item 5.1 on the consent agenda to ratify the County Executive's signature on a Right-of-Way Agreement - Corporate Underground Easement with Virginia Power. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Bain, Bowerman, Bowie, Mrs. Humphris, Mr. Perkins and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing, is a true, correct copy of an extract from the minutes, of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on August 7, ~.~ Clerk, Board of Supervis s '\ Distributed to Board' e. 2. c) I . -~~ Agenda Item No. q" I /:)fiJ1.( -:;-~ I) VIRGINIA POWER Right of Way Agreement - Corporate Underground Easecnent COR 16-10-04 . THIS AGREEMENT, made this 19th day of July ,19 91 , between THE COUN'IY OF ALBEMARLE, acting by and through its Board of Supervisors a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "Owner" and Virginia Electric and Power Company, a Virginia corporation, hereinafter called "Company." WITNESSETH: That for the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Owner grants unto Company, its successors and assigns, the perpetual right, privilege and easement of right of way fifteen (15) feet in width to lay, construct, operate and maintain one or more lines of underground conduits and cables and one or more lighting supports and lighting fixtures, as Company may from time to time deem expedient or advisable, located on the right of way hereinafter described, for the purpose of transmitting and distributing electric power by one or more circuits; fortelephone, television and other communication purposes; and for lighting purposes; together with all wires, conduits, cables, transformers, transformer enclosures, concrete pads, manholes, hand holes, connection boxes, ground connections, meters, attachments, equipment, accessories and appurtenances desirable in connection therewith [hereinafter referred to as "facilities"]. The Company shall have the right to assign or transfer, without limitation, all or any part of the perpetual rights, privilege and easement of right of way granted herein. The said perpetual right, privilege and easeme,nt of right of way extend;3 over, under, through and across certain lands of Owner situated in C1.ty of Charlottesville , Virginia, as shown on Plat No. 81910145 hereto attached and made a part of this agreement, the location of boundary of said right of way being shown in broken lines on said plat. The facilities constructed hereunder shall remain the property of Company. Company shall have the right to inspect, rebuild, remove, repair, improve, relocate on the right .of way described above, and make such changes, alterations, substitutions, additions to or extensions of its facilities as Company may from time to time deem advisable. Company shall at all times have the right to keep the right of way clear of all buildings, structures and other obstructions [except fences], trees, roots and undergrowth. All trees and limbs cut by Company at any time shall remain the property of the Owner. For the purpose of constructing, inspecting, maintaining or operating its facilities on the right of way on the property of Owner or on its right of way on any other property, the Company shall have the right of ingress and egress over, upon and along such right of way. If the Company is unable reasonably to exercise the right of ingress and egress over, upon or along the right of way on the property of Owner, the Company shall have such right of ingress and egress over the property of the Owner adjacent to the right of we.y. Company shall have the further right of irlgress to and egress from the rights of way over such private roads as may now or hereafter exist on the property of Owner. The right, however, is reserved to Owner to shift, relocate, close or abandon such private roads at any time. If there are no public or private roads Form No. 720512(Jan 891 (Formerly 9755681 O) 2 (page 1 of 10 VIRGINIA POWER Right of Way Agreement - Corporate Underground Easement COR 16-10-04 . reasonably convenient to the rights of way, Company shall have such right of ingress and egress over the lands of Owner adjacent to the rights of way and lying between public or private roads and the rights of way in such manner as shall occasion the least practicable damage and inconvenience to Owner. Company shall be liable for all damages resulting from its exercise of the right of ingress and egress. Owner, its successors and assigns, may use the right of way for any purpose not inconsistent with the rights hereby granted, provided such use does not interfere with or endanger the construction, operation and maintenance of Company's facilities and provided that no buildings, structures or other obstructions [except fences] may be constructed on the right of way. Owner covenants that it is seised of and has the right to convey the said easement of right of way, rights and privileges; that Company shall have quiet and peaceable possession, use and enjoyment of the aforesaid easement of right of way, rights and privileges; and that Owner shall execute such further assurances thereof as may be required. . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Owner has caused its name to be signed hereto by its Chairm:m Cou-n1v as of the day and year above written. 6xw.Jhi,c /3-,~ ~pl.(~ Clerk, Board of STATE OF VIRGINIA By Albemarle County Board of Supervisors // fit! J~L ~ ~'~J&-' Attest: City OF Charlottesville } To-wit: City aforesaid, -<\ ,,\ \ 1 -\--\-- County aforesaid, I, ~()...~x.~'o.-. '(\'\" S \, l1)b l\.)'''\ , a Notary Public in and for the State of Virginia at Large, whose commission expires on the ?\ \ ~ day of \\\1~Li)\ ,19 a..t..\ ,do hereby certify that ~D ~ U"\ ~ \)..) 0 " \). r ).{ t J\ \ ~ f\ . whose name is signed to the foregoing writing dated the 19th 19 91 , as Ch::Iinmn, BC:lrd of Cuporviooro day of July . ...- ~~7J t::r..R~...rh~--e- ,of ( 4ft-- '.I I ..1)( , acknowledged the same before me County of Albemarle in the City aforesaid this 19th day of July ,19 91 . rv~~ \<\~ S~\\ \ ~-tl iJl3 Notary PubliC. Form No. 720512(Jan 89) (Formerly 9755681 0) (Page 2 of 2 .. -'------'-\ / / N ~1>-). .'): ~y 0~ .y Cj>'> In ./'J ."/) ,f ~ Q:}' ~.~ f\i . <J <Q;- l? # (l) .f;' -t..J ,t::' .f ~0 ~t. 01) 4k ~? 1,I0 l>:1:oDe '1'h.e :t'ty O~ COI.lr1 ty eo 617 Of ~ 4l~.t'le Plat to Accompany Right of Way Agreement COR 16 Virginia Electric and Power Company District Legend O1a=lottesville District- Township-Borough rIo v'- County-City State Form No. 720489(Jan 89) (Formerty 97556030) OlarIottesville Estimate Number 81-107-00418 Dan19/91 ~R..:-"/ ~ - - - Location of Boundary Lines of Right of Way Office 15 feet in width , .~ -- . . / / N , ..;..'0'"'> .y 'Oy ~ ~ 0" ~ (Sf> ~.~/' I C:)' ~'l.~ "i . ~ .<}.{) ~t. 01) 4k {)" t.;. {) Plat to Accompany Right of Way Agreement COR 16 Virginia Electric and Power Company District Legend - _ _ Location of Boundary Lines of Right of Way 15 feet in width Cha:::"10ttesvil18 District -Township-Borough rlott~svi- County-City State Form No. 720489(Jan 89) (Formerly 97556030) DliJ719/91 Office Charlottesville Estimate Number COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE OFFICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 401 MciNTIRE RaAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901-4596 M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Hoyt B. Alford, III, Civil Engineer Engineering Department FROM: Lettie E. Neher, Clerk ~ DATE: August 8, 1991 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Roads into the State System of Secondary Highways At its meeting on August 7, the Board of Supervisors adopted the attached resolution to have roads in Mill Creek Section 4, taken into the State System of Secondary Highways. LEN:ec Attachments: Original and 3 copies ~~7~~ RES 0 L UTI 0 N BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that pursuant to Virginia Code Section 33.1-229, the Virginia Department of Transportation be and is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways, subject to final inspection and approval by the Resident Highway Depart- ment, the following roads in Mill Creek, Section 4: Gristmill Drive: Beginning at Station 21+55, a point common to the centerline of State Route 1157 (Gristmill Drive) at the end of state maintenance, thence in a southerwesterly direction 1405.21 feet to Station 35+60.21, the end of the cul-de-sac. Alpine Court: Beginning at Station 10+27, a point common to the centerline of Alpine Court and the edge of pavement of Gristmill Drive, thence in a southeasterly direction 158 feet to Station 11+85, the end of the cul-de-sac. Flagstone Terrace: Beginning at Station 10+10, a point common to the centerline of Flagstone Terrace and the edge of pavement of Gristmill Drive, thence in a northwesterly direction 431.7 feet to Station 14+41.70, the edge of pavement of Station 10+00 on Timberbranch Court. Timberbranch Court: Beginning at Station 5+01.97, the edge of the cul-de-sac, thence in a northeasterly direction 1056.67 feet to Station 15+58.64, the end of the other cul-de-sac on Timberbranch Court. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Trans- portation be and is hereby guaranteed a 50 foot unobstructed right- of-way and drainage easements along these requested additions as recorded by plats in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 1042, pages 413 - 422; Deed Book 1074, page 480; Deed Book 1098, page 309; Deed Book 1160, page 490; and Deed Book 1116, page 222. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a resolution unanimously adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on August 7, 1991. :_~~ ~ Cler~.~~~~ors CRAIG BUILDERS OF ALBEMARLE, INC. l.' r'~ r \" () ';- .i\ i \ ;:.- :',,~~- ';:; j ,_ :_' r---'. r''''.. (-"', ' . ,-, j 1 ..-,1 ! ,"-..J ~ ,. \ I ; \y~_,_\_.J... Ii)) J'" I 1\ ... j'JI__ i '.\ II ' 1:~:'T':_-,,::":'j ", .' .-.... ... , . ",.... .~. ' '. , . ,.~'""-~ !: '! July 29, 1991 l ;.'. L' Estelle Neher Clerk of The Board of Supervisors Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Re: Mill Creek Section 4 Dear Estelle: We hereby request that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution to accept the following roads into V.D.O.T.'s system: 1. Gristmill Drive 2. Flagstone Terrace 3. Alpine Court 4. Timberbranch Court Please call me at 973-3362 if you have any questions. Thank you. sincerely, f.k,1v 6 ~ Hunter Craig;t;- HClkc c.c. Pam Shifflett - Albemarle County Engineering Dept. 338 Rio Road . Post Office Box 6156 . Charlottesville, Virginia 22906 · (804) 973-3362 , ;. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE ., \ MEMORANDUM TO: Lettie E. Neher, Board of Supervisors Clerk FROM: Hoyt B. Alford III, Civil Engineer1-(rYi:-"\ <' DATE: July 26, 1991 RE: Mill Creek, Section 4 Road Descriptions On behalf of Craig Builders, we request the Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution for acceptance of Gristmill Drive, Alpine Court, Flagstone Terrace, and Timberbranch Court in Section 4 of Mill Creek Subdivision based on the following descriptions: Gristmill Drive Beginning at Station 2l+55 of Gristmill Drive, a point common to the centerline of State Route 1157 (Gristmill Drive) at the end of State maintenance, thence in a southwesterly direction 1405.21 feet to Station 35+60.21, the end of the cul-de-sac. Alpine Court Beginning at Station 10+27, a point common to the centerline of Alpine Court and the edge of pavement of Gristmill Drive, thence in southeasterly direction 158 feet to Station 11+85, the end of the cul-de-sac. Flagstone Terrace Beginning at Station 10+10, a point common to the centerline of Flagstone Terrace and the edge of pavement of Gristmill Drive, thence in a northwesterly direction 431.7 feet to Station 14+41.70, the edge of pavement at Station lO+OO on Timberbranch Caur t . Timberbranch Court Beginning at Station 5+01.97, the edge of the cul-de-sac, thence in a nartheasterly direction '1056.67 feet ta Station 15+58.64, the end of the other cul-de-sac on Timberbranch Court. ~ . MEMO RE: Mill Creek, Section 4 July 26, 1991 Page Two The abave described ,-oads have a fifty (50) foot right-of-way and drainage easements included with the dedication. Deed book references are as follows: 1) D.B. l074, page 480; 2) D.B. 1160, page 490; 3) D.B. 1116, page 222, 4) D.B. 1098, page 309, and 5) D.B. 1042, pages 413 through 422. If you have any questions, please give me a call. HBA/ps Di~trjbt!t",d to OO?:rd: 8.2.... '1/....... .' C' ' CJ!:J2f.!J-1 (~.3 ) COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE rr,':::~ :\ ~) 1 ::- - ~-~-.~~ ;/ l: ;, MEMORANDUM TO: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors ~ FROM: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. , County Executive~1 DATE: August 2, 1991 RE: Moving Expenses - Richard E. Huff, II At the time Mr. Huff was hired as Deputy County Executive, you also authorized the payment of his moving expenses. Mr. Huff was able to move much of his family's belongings himself which kept his moving expenses well below the transfer company's original estimate. I am, therefore, requesting payment of his moving expenses from your contingency account in the amount of $1,536.86. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. RWT,Jr/dbm 91.104 'vI I~ -I' d ~_L"" -4 J ~'-1 ~1I ~{i::-:: .:7- :;;;;J~~ Agcl1dJ !'3rrl ;~a, {?.J'P'7 2..1- ~ ~ "7 " COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE OFFICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 401 McINTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901-4596 MEMORANDUM FROM: Members, Board of Supervisors F. R. Bowie, Chairma~ August 5, 1991 TO: DATE: As authorized by the Board, David Bowerman, Bob Tucker and I met with Secretary Milliken and some of his staff on July 31. It was a productive meeting. Enclosed is a copy of the letter I sent to Secretary Milliken on Friday, August 2. When we receive his response, we can discuss further actions at a future Board meeting. This letter will be placed on the Consent Agenda for approval on August 7. FRB:ec Enclosure .. David P Bowerman Charlollesville COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 979-1281 Charlotte Y Humphris J<lck Joueu Edward H Barn. Jr Samuel Miller Walter F. Perkrns Whlle Hall F. R. (Rick) Bowie Rivanna Peter T. Way Scoltsville August 1, 1991 The Honorable John G. Milliken Secretary of Transportation Office of the Governor Richmond, VA 23219 Dear Secretary Milliken: On behalf of the Albemarle County Board of Supervi- sors, I want to thank you for meeting with Mr. Bowerman, Mr. Tucker and me on Wednesday. The purpose of our meeting was to share with you our thoughts on how we can mutually and amicably resolve some of the transportation issues in our area. We felt the meeting was extremely productive. My letter of June 25, 1991, stated that the Board of Supervisors was inclined to accept the designation of Alternative 10 if we could obtain a positive commitment to carry out the CATS Plan. Enclosure I to this letter provides a brief history of the reasons for our concern as we discussed in our meeting. We feel the sequence of events since the Common- wealth Transportation Board (CTB) meeting at Natural Bridge in October, 1990, clearly shows a change in VDoT priori ties. There is a shift from completing CATS to building the Bypass. While we recognize that local and state transporta- tion interests priorities differ at times, it is our feeling that both intra-state needs and local needs can be met through a cooperative long-range implementation plan, outlined on Enclosure III. The Honorable John G. Milliken August I, 1991 Page 2 The purpose of this letter is to thank you, Mrs. Kincheloe, Mr. Pethtel and Mr. Hodge for meeting with us on July 31 and to obtain a firm agreement between the Cormnonwealth Transportation Board, VDoT and the County that the sequence of the Route 29 corridor improvements will be as specifically recormnended by VDoT and adopted by the Cormnonweal th Transportation Board, with the addition of Route 29-related CATS projects. Sincerely, ~J2&c~ F. R. Bowie Chairman FRB:ec Enclosures (3) ENCLOSURE I If and when a Bypass is constructed, the Sverdrup Study, as acknowledged by VDoT, states that no Bypass will work unless the CATS plan and the Meadowcreek Parkway are built. o This position was stated no less than three times by Mr. Hodge in his presentation to the CTB on October 24, 1990, at Natural Bridge. o Subsequently at Manassas, on November 15, 1990, Mr. Hodge reiterated that no Bypass will work unless CATS is part of the plan. o At this meeting on November 15, 1990, VDoT recom- mended, and the Commonwealth Transportation Board approved, a specific three-phased plan for Route 29 corridor improvements as set forth in Enclosure II. Nonetheless, it was at this same meeting that the emphasis apparently began shifting away from the CATS, other than the widening of Route 29 North. The County is concerned that the Bypass other CTB approved Phase I recommendations. strengthened this concern. is moving ahead of Recent events have First, at Natural Bridge the VDoT position was that CATS was required before any Bypass; Second, at Manassas the final VDoT position as approved by the CTB recognized the importance of the relevant portions of CATS; 1-1 Third, there was a shift in focus at Manassas in that Mr. Hodge made numerous references to needing the Bypass before 2010 because CATS funding is falling short and CATS won't be complete for another 30 to 40 years. Subsequent to the Commonwealth Transportation Board approval in November, the following has taken place: First, VDoT is moving ahead on funding hardship right of way in the Alternative 10 corridor; Second, VDoT figures show that the project to widen 250 East to I-64 came in under projection as did the Route 29 right-of-way planning figures. It appears that these funds were not reallocated to any local road project; Third, the City of Charlottesville's funding for the Meadowcreek Parkway has been delayed for three years. In summary, while the Commonwealth Transportation Board approved the phased plan for the Route 29 corridor per Enclosure II, actions taken to date are the cause for our ser ious concern. VDoT actions, as noted above, appear to be supporting the Bypass at the expense of CATS. 1-2 ~ ENCLOSURE II COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD'S APPROVED ROUTE 29 CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATIONS NOVEMBER 15, 1990 Phase I - Short Range Recommendations o Construct Route 29 Base Case; o Reserve right-of-way for the three interchanges; o Encourage the County and City to restrict further development in the right-of-way; o If necessary, VDoT acquire right-of-way; o Develop the North Grounds access facility; o Alternative 10 be approved as the future corridor; o Refine preliminary plan for Alternative 10; o Restrict access to Alternative 10 to preserve the watershed. Phase II - Medium Range Recommendations o Build the three grade-separated interchanges when needed; o Continue to preserve and acquire the right-of-way for Alternative 10. Phase III - Long Range Recommendation o Construct Alternative 10 when traffic on Route 29 is unaccept- able and economic conditions permit. ENCLOSURE III If VDoT commits to the phasing of projects listed below and assures us of this, the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County may be inclined to accept Alternative 10, move to preserve the necessary rights of way and do the things neces- sary within its power to advance these priorities. Prioritized Phased Projects o Widening of U. S. Route 29 to six lanes with continuous right turn lanes from the Route 250 Bypass to the South Fork of the Rivanna River, etc; o Remainder of CTB Phase I recommendation of November 15, 1990; o Completion of Meadowcreek Parkway from the Route 250 Bypass to U. S. Route 29 North; o Construction of grade-separated interchanges at U. S. Route 29 North and Rio Road (Route 631), Hydraulic Road (Route 743), and Greenbrier Drive (Route 866). o Remainder of CTB Phase II recommendation of November 15, 1990; and o Construction of Alternative 10 concurrent with remainder of 1985 CATS, if and when needed after completion of the above projects; ') S/'7 h 1/// -' /(t.:;,j/ PIEDMONT ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL fln\iI'ctlllg The Ellvironment b EUt'n/!)(jdy'~ Business August 7) 1991 The Chairman's August 1) 1991 letter to Secretary Milliken enclasure #3 gives the Piedmont Environmental Caunci1 concern for twa reasans: firstly, PEC is hopeful that the Baard .of Supervisars will in no way diminish its suppart far the creatian and pratectian .of Agricultural and Faresta1 Districts in all rural areas of the County; secandly) we wauld like ta express our concern that this Board take caution nat ta tie the hands of a future Baard in its necessary decisions pertaining to the Agricultural and Forestal Districts Act .of the Virginia Code. Virginia Cade Section 15.1-1512(D) states that a lacal governing bady, upan receipt .of natice fram an agency .of the Cammanwealth, "!Bf!!l review the prapased actian ta determine the effect such action wauld have . . " [Emphasis added.] A future Baard should have the freedom and ability ta perform that review independent of the actian of earlier Boards. 28-C Main Street, Box 460, Warrenton, Virginia 22186/703-347-2334/Fax 349-9003 1010 Harris Street Suite 1, Charlottesville, Virginia 22901/804-977-2033 . ~/ ~ . 1'1(' U,<-"-~ "~-i ~/~/ Citizens for Albemarle, Inc. Box 3751 University Station Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 August 7, 1991 To the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors has a long history of vigorously opposing Route 29 bypasses, through both the eastern and the western sections of our county. The people of Albemarle have strongly supported that position. For instance, Citizens for Albemarle collected 5,000 signatures of county voters who were against any bypass. The Board of Supervisors also has a history of protecting Agricultural and Forestal Districts and the watershed. Citizens for Albemarle applauds the Board's efforts to secure funding for the Meadowcreek parkway and improvements to Route 29, as well as efforts to ensure building of the three overpasses on Route 29. However, we strongly oppose any weakening of opposition to bypasses and consequent weakening of support for Agricultural and Forestal Districts and the watershed. Such a demonstration of weakness now would harm the credibility of future Boards of Supervisors and limit their ability to act on these issues. The Board's unanimous position on these issues in the past has reflected community sentiment. It is therefore essential that the Board remain united in opposition to bypasses, now and in the future. Dictributed tc Goard: '6.2. ell f\gt.;~d: ~~'::;;~ r--~o. '1/. O'{d [.$,: 'f ) . / The International Institute of Municipal Clerks BOARD OF DIRECTORS-1991-1992 W. DOUGLAS ARMSTRONG, CMC President Administrator Clerk Treasurer Peterborough County Courthouse Peterborough. Ontario K9H 3M3 CHRISTINA N. WILDER, CMC/AAE 1st Vice President Township Clerk, Hamilton Township CNOO/50. Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 NORMA S. RODRIGUEZ, CMC 2nd Vice President City Clerk, City Hall San Antonio, Texas 78285 DIRECTORS-1992 Expiration MARJE N. BEITERLEY, CMC/AAE Town ClerklTreasurer, Town Hall Stowe, Vermont 05672 ADELINE BROWN, CMC/AAE Borough Manager-Secretary, City Hall Oakmont, Pennsylvania 15139 MARY R. WRJXON, CMC/AAE Clerk of Council, City Hall Charleston, South Carolina 29401 MARY T. ZANDER, CMC/AAE City Clerk, City Hall Sterling Heights, Michigan 48078 EILEEN M. MARIINEZ, CMC/AAE City Clerk, City Hall Grants, New Mexico lJl020 MARIE K. O'CONNELL, CMC/AAE City Clerk, City Hall Bellevue, Washington 98W THOMAS P. O'CONNOR, CMC Town Clerk/Manager, Pan Hedland Box 41, Port Hedland, West. Austrolia 6721 DIRECTORS-1993 Expiration ELAINE M. WALLACE, CMC/AAE Municipal Clerk, Delaware Township Hall Sergeantsville, NelV Jersey 08557 A.J. LAICH~ CMC/AAE Town Clerk, Town Hall Gramercy, Louisiana 70052 FRANCENE CLARK-LEISINGER, CMC City Clerk. City Hall Mound, Minnesota 55364 roM G. ROBEKlS, CMC City Clerk, City Hall Kansas City, Kansas 66101 GWEN GRABOUSKI, CMC/AAE City Clerk. City Hall Beatrice, Nebraska 68310 J. W. (JACK) COPLAND, CMC/AAE Municipal Clerk, Corporation of Delta Delta. British Columbia V4K 3E2 roM McLEAN, CMC Chief Executive Off, District Council Papakura, Auck., Nerv Zealand DIRECTORS-1994 Expiration BEVERLY M. BROWN, CMC/AAE City/Town Clerk. City Hall Shelton, Connecticut 06484 GAIL BUSBEY, CMC/AAE City Clerk/Treasurer, City Hall Decatur, Alabama 35602 CINDY REMLER, CMC/AAE City Clerk. City Hall Fort Smith, Arkansas 72902 MARILYN S. SWING, CMC Clerk/Nashville-Davidson County Metropolitan Court House Nashville, Jennessee 37201 BERNARD W. KAHL, CMC/AAE Village Clerk/Treasurer, Village Hall Mukwonago, Wisconsin 53/49 LINDA E. MEDLOCK, CMC/AAE City Clerk, City Hall Saint Charles, Missouri 6330/ VIRGINIA MORRISON, CMC City Recorder, City Hall Metolius, Oregon 97742 C JOSIE KAn. CMC Town Clerk, Town Hall Mount Royal. Quebec H3R 1Z5 MARGERY PRICE, CMC/AAE lmmediate Past President City Clerk. City Hall Kennewick, Washington 99336 160 N. ALTADENA DRIVE · PASADENA, CALIF. 91107 · PHONE (818) 795-6153 . FAX (818) 795-3615 Jul Y 23, 19.-9-1 ' Francis L. Adshead, Ph.D. Director ?f Ffluca!ipn. , r I ,'_ . " The Honorable F. R. Bowie Chairman of the Board County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 !)~ .. I'; I i\; , jll , .': 'I ;;; r / 1 i I : 'r..,~. ~ L; '.. ..~,~. l,~._~..J q<) ~'.~' V'-"": ' . ,,:' ~ -~ \.~ ('} ;:: r.: ~ J r:?' f~- ;,~' ~< ~..: Dear Mr. Bowie: On behalf of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks, it gives me great pleasure to announce that Lettie E. Neher, Clerk Board of Supervisors, of County of Albemarle, Virginia, has been awarded the designation of Certified Municipal Clerk. This prestigious award recognizes the professional competency of Lettie E. Neher in fulfilling the responsibilities and duties of her office. It is granted only after a person has met the high educational, experience, and service requirements established by the IIMC. Such requirements are regularly updated to keep pace with the changing local government scene. We are pleased to have a person of Ms. Neher's professional capabilities as a member of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. ;~~ W. Douglas Armstrong, CMC/AAE Pres i dent, IIMC WDA/ch May 17-21, 1992 . . . 46th AnnualllMC international Conference. . . Salt Lake City, Utah (Academy May 16) . :r.:'~~;;';:; ,', G....itu. 8. z.. Cf C Agenda Item No. 91. o~o 7 ( s; 5-) .. f ~ :,: .. .JUt 18 IS;)l . . .' , ." . ~r' July 16, 1991 Route 648 Albemarle County Mrs. Carnice Berti Route 1, Box 1324 Keswick, VA 22947 Dear Mrs. Berti: Your letter of July 2, 1991, requesting a reduced speed limit on Route 648 has been forwarded to me by Mr. F. R. Bowie. Upon receipt of a telephone request in mid June I, in turn, requested our Traffic Engineer to review Route 648 for a reduced speed limit. I did not recard the name of the party who made the telephane request and you may have been that party. If so, I apolagize far failing ta record your name and respond to you. Based upon his review, the District Traffic Engineer has recommended that the speed limit on Route 648 be reduced to 35 mph. The Code of Virginia designates the State Transportation Commissioner as the party with authority to set speed limits in Virginia. The District Traffic Engineer's request has gone to him for review. Normally this review takes a month or so. If the Commissioner approves the District Traffic Engineer's recommendation, we will install the signs for the reduced speed limit. If his recommendation is rejected, I will so advise you at that time. I recammend yau laak far signs ta be installed araund mid August .of this year. If they are not in place at that time, you might cantact my .office for an update. Yaurs truly, D. S. Roosevelt Resident Engineer DSR/smk cc: F. R. Bowie f)1:~:~ljbL~::/';('1 f~... , " . ,,~ ....., Lr,.,,"w..I. f~ 2 C' AfJt:'l " ~'".". ---- . II ",,~rd.'] "~f11 ~': 91 -- 'J, _.~ 0 Po 7 (s: /) --_-....!.. .b ..... I ',-,~ COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA:~.. RAY D. PETHTEL COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P. 0, BOX 2013 CHARLOTTESVILLE. 22902 j t" C..~";~ Oil '-..' D. S. ROOSEVELT RESIDENT ENGINEER July 22, 1991 Route 668 Albemarle County Ms. Lettie Neher, Clerk Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Caunty Office Building 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA. 22901 Dear Ms. Neher: The Virginia Department of Transportatian intends to repair the existing superstructure over Doyles River during the period of August 5, 1991 thraugh August 16, 1991. Attached is a sketch indicating the location of the bridge. Signs will be up to assist traffic while the structure is clased. Should yau have any questions, please cantact this office at 804-296-5102. Yours Truly, @IJM. H. V. Mills Maintenance Manager HVM/ldw Attachments cc: T. F. Farley; R. H. Connack, Jr. D. B. Sprinkel; F. L. Edens R. V. Tucker, Jr. Board of Supervisors Charlottesville Post Office Ch'ville./Alb. Rescue Squad Vestern Alb. Rescue Squad Crozet Fire Dept. VA. State Police Alb. Caunty Palice School Transportation Officer Alb. County Schools J. E. Shifflett, Jr. J. R. Howe; S. C. Dean TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY '" '" w ;::; ~ ~ g: ~ <5 ~ '" ~ ~ 0 .. ;::; ~ ~ ~ g .. 0 ~ ;::; .. ~ <D W '" ~ .. iil 5l = .. .. J> N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ '" ~ ... . o .... > .... " :II ~ > :II -< ;:: r= m > (;l m Z .... I m n o c z ::;! > (fl ~ o m n " . II G ~ " ..;)~ o c.. I? <D '" .. ~ J> Ol '" J> ;:: ~ (fl ~ ~ ~'lt- ~0 ~' c, o ~ '" ~ ~ ~ ~ o u <r " '" ~ I I I I I Charlottesville I ReserVOIr I I I ; .J7ii2l.702 ~'1~ , P'2.91 l ~.~ -..."-.".--........"'....-,-..,.."..... . __ cl/.p /10 7 (s-..., 7 ) ,"', I'" 1 I:, t:\. \ ..:\:.._E~.:~~rA>/.l,~.~ -, t....'.-.. ,., . I;' COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA. !' '" ' ~ ; "I ~ ;" i \ , .Jtil.. - J lS,~l RAY D. PETHTEL COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND,23219 \ ~ ~" \. ' i I .' ~ '..._"':'.../ ::>(.; ,-.' \. l,~ l~ '~,.- f July 25, 1991 Secondary System Additions Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: As requested in your resolutions dated May 8, 1991 and June 19, 1991, the following additions to the Secondary System of Albemarle County are hereby approved, effective July 25, 1991. ADDITIONS LENGTH WYNRIDGE Route 1452 (Westfield Road) - From 0.03 mile Northwest Route 1499 to 0.21 mile Northwest Route 1499 0.18 Mi QUINTFIELD Route 1551 (Quintfield Drive) - From Route 664 to 0.09 mile South Route 664 0.09 Mi Sincerely, ('c' lbe# ft,,,('" ~J\f\ J\;\-', \ h..- ~"G-~"'~j ~"t~~~~ ~~~. D. Peth'Eel ommissioner TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY DATE ~ '}L'-1 ) c I ~\ "l I AGENDA ITEM NO. c~ \ . oS? 01 <- ') I (~) AGENDA ITEM NAME L \--1'2 ,,~~ J \; \ \ \. '\ \ {~V~ (!\c,- '1 V e 0 DEFERRED UNTIL A.j '\/J.. '.5 t " 0 \,--\ ,<::..'" \ ,,,,,-\ Farm. 3 7/25/86 DATE ~ I ". ~ c /,( ~H..>,,\ "a \ \ ') I I I 0 AGENDA ITEM NO. c\ \ '. C~ U\ ( <; l "'\ ') I I. . ~' 2 AGENDA ITEM NAME . I-..~ l2.. J ~ d '1 \ 1'S \ '\ I. VIr. f n~\l.~ ~\ \c\.--d\..., Cc,,- \2_~ ;:)C\ \~L'\V~ ''.:.'~ J DEFERRED UNTIL .' ) ~"- "if ';" \; \ '-\.' '. \ "\ ~ \ Farm.3 7/25/86 -Ols'tri!)I ,f.c-; i~ 4-" "-, ' (j . "-... d b.~<;rc;: (P2,' C) I Agenda ltsm I'io. ~() ) f.::.!. u(-:.:'rn.;:\ r" l'i l..l.t I j..;[n, ":\1'- C! ('","",. ::::;! [ f";!,.'-' r L H' ..., ... r:"! 1'" ,; :::!.; ,m:.' C: h .:';\ i ", fP ::, n /~. () 1 !"i! c J n t. :i. 1'" ('::' h~ () .;':\ d C: h .:';'1,1'" J () 1~ t. c.:1 ';::. 1..,/ i J .i. c.:' :~ , I. ......:;'. !: '" r- , :'~., I I ,;;. C, ~-{ "1 I r\, ...: 1)1'::''::' v' 1"i1!-"" .i:3c)v.} :L ! nc.:' Jj(.:.:, iJ.:':\ I" TJiH.:.:'n'r. (:o""r Ii" .:':'i.n ';::. PC) j'" 't.;':... -l..:, ()n h ':"I. ';;;. U(.:.:,(.:.:ln in c,n '1.'.-:':\ C t.('. u 'j' C'; \"j; ,i-'./ U i::' P(,:,::!"'rn:i. 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Va. 22905 The Charlottesville Triathlon Distributed to Board: _ ? z ' C; I 3CA~e~~ff!Ul:'f\}~ba:H! J>~relf- Suite l~O'O._d, ~7 S-'Ij) Baltimore, Maryland 21202 301-659-7500 .. " !l"''<!C~ ',_ '. ."'i , :'~ ,\,/ i:\ ;"f! ~, July 17, 1991 , i 1, ~' >-f )!Ii . (J,' ,,--:11 i:"::: ,r "-..-, '--',1 ,r I, "\ I! I ~ . I \ : t i I ! ,I l;J~1l ~:::/ ,/ 1 ~ i! ./ ~; I : ~~ : J: L t:~!j ; : I "r i:,>'/; ~:!(.. Mr. Bob Richardson Sovran Bank, N.A. Post Office Box 26904 Richmond, Virginia 23261 Re: Arbor Crest Apartments (Hydraulic Road Apts.) Dear Mr. Richardson: Enclosed please find the Bond Program Report and Monthly Report Pursuant to Section 7(a) of the Deed Restrictions for the month of June 1991. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 301-659-7500. Sincerely, ~A-vU~ Sheila A. Hannah Project Monitor /sah enclosures ...:~tii""'_:l".U:I" Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Albemarle County Office Building 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 'i 'l BONO PROGRAM REPORT Month June V.., 1991 Pro~r1y: Arbar Crest Apartments (Hydraulic Raad Apts.) Pro;.ct.: loc.tion: Charlattesville, VA Number of Unitt SubmtUed Cy: Loretta Wyatt Jul y 5, 1991 Effective June 30, 1991 Manager OaT. Total Occupied Bond Occupied 051-35371 66 66 I. LOW'fR INCOME 15 The 101lo""Ing units h.~ ~n d~s'gnated as "tower ,ncome" unIts 1 Arbar Crest Dr. 21 Eleanar Blair 41 el. '2 4 Arbor Crest Dr. 2'2 Margaret Q. Sandford42 e2, 3 5 Arbar Crest Dr. 23 Fannie G. Tisdale 43 63. 4 6 Arbar Crest Dr. 24 Gearge C. Barnett 44 84. 5 9 Arbor Crest Dr. 25 Virginia Burtan 45 65. 6 12 Arbar Crest Dr. '26 G. Rabert Stane 46 ee. 7 . 15 Arbar Crest Dr. 27 Jane Waad 47 e1. a 20 Arbar Crest Dr. 28 Evelyn Mandeville 48 ea 9 24 Arbar Crest Dr. 29 Gertrude Breen 49 69. 10 78 Arbar Crest Dr. 30 Ernest M. Nease 50 70. 11 84 Arbar Crest Dr. 3t Juanita Boliek ~1 71. 12. 86 Arbor Crest Dr. 32 Mary A. Haxie 52. 72 13 90 Arbar Crest Dr. 33 Flarence Wheeler 53 73. 14 94 Arbar Crest Dr. 34 Sarah E. Fischer 54 74. 1~ 106 Arbar Crest Dr. 3~ Katherine T. Nawlen ~5 - 7S. 16 36 ~ 7e 17 37 57. 77. III J8 50.. 78, 19 39 - 59 78. :'0 40 60 80. T ~ c"an~s from PI~VIOllS r~pOrl 'f'H~cted in the Abov. lisilng are O.'ellon. Addttlone .t Katherine M. Barman .., 42 Arbar Crest Dr. 1- 11. '1 12 2 12, 3 13 3 13. .. 14 4. 14. 5 IS S 15. 6 16 6 '6. 7 \1 7 17. e 18 8. la.. , '9 9 '8. lO 20 10. 20. .... ~ Effective June 30, 1991 MONTHLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 7(a) OF THE DEED RESTRICTIONS TO: ABG Associates, Inc. 300 E. Lombard street Baltimore, Maryland 21202 RE: Hydraulic Road Apartments - Aroor Crest Apart:ments Charlottesville, Virginia Pursuant to Section 7 (a) of the Deed Restrictions (the "Deed Restrictions"), as defined in an Indenture of Trust dated as of Apr ill, 1983, between the Industr ial Development Author i ty of Albemarle County, Virginia (the "Authority"), and your bank, as trustee, the undersigned author ized representative of Richmond-Albemarle Limited Partnership, a Virginia Limited Partnership (the "Purchaser"), hereby certifies with respect to the operation and management of Hydraulic Road Apartments, Charlottesvi lle, Virg inia (the "proj ect"), that as of the date shown below: 1) The number of units in the Project occupied by lower income tenants is 15 . 2) The number of units in the Project unoccupied and held available for Lower Income Tenants is -0- . 3) The number of units rented and the number of units held available for rental other than as described in (1) and (2) is 51 . 4) The percentage that the number of units described in (1) and (2) hereof constitute of the total number of units in the Project is 23%. 5) The information contained in this report is true, accurate and correct as of the date hereof. 6) As of the date hereof, the Purchaser is not in default under any covenant or agreement contained in the Deed Restrictions or in an Agreement of Sale dated as of April 1, 1983, between the Authority and the Purchaser. IN WITNESS WHEREOF~ the unders!~ned has signed this Report as of July 5, 1 91 ,HiHt RICHMOND-ALBEMARLE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Virginia limited partnership By: ~~2ZZ ;:$-'S,v_:ZZ;- Authorized Representative ... 1 "", . <;/.2.. Ci( Agen:l;; I,-;Iil Nt-. ~?/;;;-1{~7//x- t .1Pgl \ :.; :1 i , .; : i , II ; i:' Hugh C. Miller, Director COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Department of Historic Resources 221 Governor Street Richmond. Virginia 23219 TOO: (804) 786.1934 Telephone (804) 786-3143 FAX: (804) 225-4261 July 16, 1991 Frederick R. Bowie, Chairman Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, V A 22901 RE: East Belmont Farm, Albemarle County (DHR 02-23) Dear Mr. Bowie: Recently the Virginia Department of Historic Resources, the Commonwealth's agency responsible for administering historic preservation programs, received information regarding the history and significance of East Belmont Farm. This information was submitted by Geoffrey B. Henry for the owners, Mr. & Mrs. Archibald Craige along with a request that the department conduct a preliminary evaluation of the property to determine whether it is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places and the Virginia Landmarks Register. I must emphasize that this evaluation does not constitute a formal action to add this property to those registers. The National Register and Virginia Landmarks Register are lists of properties important for their prehistoric and/or historical associations. Only those properties found to be significant for their associations with events or persons or determined to be good examples of an architectural style or method of construction are eligible for inclusion on the registers. Additionally, properties must meet age and integrity standards. I have enclosed information explaining in more detail the factors that make a property eligible for the registers. Inclusion on the registers applies no restrictions regarding what the owner may do with his property. Registration makes a property eligible for protection and financial incentives such as easement donations, tax credits for rehabilitation and grant funds, not available to unregistered properties. More importantly, registration is a way of honoring the significance of a historic property and recording its history and appearance by collecting information that becomes a permanent record in the Department's archives. ... 1. The information submitted about this property has been considered by the department's National Register Evaluation Team, a group of staff representing a variety of disciplines and agency programs, at one of its semi-monthly meetings. It is the staff's opinion that East Belmont Farm is an eligible historic resource. While this review is not dependent upon an owner's consent, we are notifying the owner and you of the department's evaluation so that you can participate in this process should you so desire, and so that you may know to contact us should you have any questions. We will make a recommendation that this property is an eligible historic resource to the State Review Board, an advisory group consisting of preservation professionals from throughout the state. We anticipate that the board will consider the staff recommendation regarding the eligibility at its upcoming meeting. Meetings of the board are open to the public. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 20th, 1991, in Senate Room A of the General Assembly Building at the comer of Ninth and Broad streets, Richmond, beginning at W:ooam. As with the staff's evaluation, the Review Board's conclusion does not constitute any formal action to nominate this property to the registers. ( \ If the Review Board concludes that this property is eligible for registration, the applicant or any other interested party may wish to prepare and submit the more extensive formal register nomination. Prior to any action to register the property, federal regulations require the department to notify the owner, as well as local officials, and give both the opportunity to express opinions on the nomination before any formal action is taken. Though the formal notification requirements come into effect only when a formal nomination is being considered, we want to call your attention to the fact that the historical significance of this property is being considered and we would welcome any additional information you may wish to share with us. The enclosed materials should explain in more detail the register process and the implications of listing. However, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. H. Bry Deputy Enclosures Hugh C Miller, Director COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Department of Historic Resources 221 Governor Street Richmond. Virginia 23219 TOO: (804) 786-1934 Telephone (804) 786-3143 FAX: (804) 225-4261 NATIONAL REGISTER PROCESS IN VIRGINIA Preliminary Information Porm (PIP) ----- Department of Historic Resources received and reviewed, additional (DHR) archives checked for property information requested if necessary me and any additional information PIP reviewed and rated by National ------Owner and consultant informed of Register Evaluation Team at monthly team recommendation, additional meeting information requested if necessary PIF goes to State Review Board for ------Owner and consultant notified of review and recommendation (Board Board's decision meets every other month) IF STATE REVIEW BOARD RECOMMENDS NOMINATION: Preparer of nomination consults with Department staff regarding criteria, areas of significance, period of significance and boundaries. DeI>artment staff reviews nomination ----COMPLETE nomination due to DHR drafts upon request and provides seven weeks prior to meeting of technical assistance State Review Board and Virginia Board of Historic Resources Department staff reviews completed -----Owner, consultant and local nomination officials notified no less than 30 days prior to State Review Board meeting Copies of nomination sent to members --Nomination presented at State of both Boards two weeks prior to Review Board meeting. If approved, meeting State Review Board recommends that nomination be forwarded to Keeper of the National Register, Virginia Board of Historic Resources lists proQerty on the Virginia Landmarks Reglster Owner and consultant notified of ---------Nomination is forwarded to the Boards' decisions Keeper of the National Register in Washington, D.C. Property is logged in at National ---------Following 45 day review period, Register office Department is notified of decision Owner, consultant and local officials notified of Keeper's decision . _t.1~" ~::;'L;:~~. .r;:- ., r\ .. Th.. ,'" !-4: .;,.1 ~ .~, ~, ,~. ~..r t...,.:,;. J:: ~~...tl~'7 ",.~ '~""Zl~ CONIMrONvVEJA.LT1-1 of VIRGINt~\ Department of Historic Resources 221 Governor Street Richmond. Virgln.a 23; Telephonet80417R6-31 TOO: 804-786-4276 RESULTS OF LISTING IN THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Eliqibility for Federal tax orovisions: If a property is listed in the National Register, certain federal tax provisions may apply. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 revises the historic oreservation tax incentives authorized by Conqress in the Tax Reform Act of 1976. the Revenue Act of 197~. the Tax Treatment Extension Act of 1980. the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981. and Tax Reform Act of 1984 and as of January 1. 1987. provides for a 20 oercent investment tax credit with a full adiustment to basis for rehabilitatinq historic. commercial. industrial. and residential rental buildinqs. The former 15 oercent and 20 percent investment tax credits (ITCs) for rehabilitation of older commercial buildinqs are combined into a sinqle 10 oercent ITC for commercial or industrial buildinqs built before 1936. The Tax Treatment Extension Act of 1980 provides federal tax deductions for charitable contributions for conservation purposes of partial interests in historically important land areas or structures. Whether these provisions are advantageous to a property owner is dependent upon the particular circumstances of the property and the owner. Because tax aspects outlined above are complex, individuals should consult legal counselor appropriate local Internal Revenue Service office for assistance in determining the tax consequences of the above provisions. For further information on certification requirements, please refer to 36 CFR 67. . Consideration in planninq for Federal. FederallY licensed. and FederallY assisted oroiects: Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 requires that Federal agencies allow for the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation to have an opportunity to comment on all projects affecting historic properties listed in the National Register. For further information, please refer to 36 CPR 800. Consideration in issuinq a surface coal mininq oermit: In accordance with the Surface Mining and Control Act of 1977, there must be consideration of historic values in the decision to issue a surface coal mining permit where coal is located. For further information, please refer to 30 CFR 700 et seq. Oualification for Federal drants for historic oreservation when funds are available: Presently funding is unavailable. . ADDENDUM Please note that following consideration by the State Review Board on August 20, the Historic Resources Board will meet to consider the nomination of this property/historic district on Wednesday, August 21, 1991 at: Hunton & Williams (Board Room) East Tower Riverfront Plaza 20th Floor 951 E. Byrd Street Richmond, VA 23219 The Historic Resources Board meeting is also open to the public, and you are welcome to attend. Hugh C. Miller, Director . ~. , , · .! I i! COMMONWEALTH of VIRGIN~4\. ' Department of Historic Resources 221 Governor Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 S>.2 ''/1 ""I';, l~,' "...1.!:~)~<J 7 (S', 12 ) ... r i ~ { .~-\ .~. >.l L:. r /i i~, ,I, .::1 i(.~. ....-i"' '. ;.,,' ..L.~- '::,1 r i:':,'; '\ f:, i ;k " J S-,gl . , I I ,: {: ; i . ; ~ ( ~ I' _ I . 1 TDI):(804)78s~1~34 Teiepho~e (004;:786-3143 FAX (804) 225-4261 " I j' ,: .:" July 16, 1991 Frederick R. Bowie, Chairman Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, V A 22901 RE: Hatton Grange Farm, Albemarle County (DHR 02-105) Dear Mr. Bowie: Recently the Virginia Department of Historic Resources, the Commonwealth's agency responsible for administering historic preservation programs, received information regarding the history and significance of Hatton Grange Farm. This information was submitted by Geoffrey B. Henry for the owner, Mr. Guenther Hawrancke along with a request that the department conduct a preliminary evaluation of the property to determine whether it is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places and the Virginia Landmarks Register. I must emphasize that this evaluation does not constitute a formal action to add this property to those registers. The National Register and Virginia Landmarks Register are lists of properties important for their prehistoric and/or historical associations. Only those properties found to be significant for their associations with events or persons or determined to be good examples of an architectural style or method of construction are eligible for inclusion on the registers. Additionally, properties must meet age and integrity standards. I have enclosed information explaining in more detail the factors that make a property eligible for the registers. Inclusion on the registers applies no restrictions regarding what the owner may do with his property. Registration makes a property eligible for protection and financial incentives such as easement donations, tax. credits for rehabilitation and grant funds, not available to unregistered properties. More importantly, registration is a way of honoring the significance of a historic property and recording its history and appearance by collecting information that becomes a permanent record in the Department's archives. -. The information submitted about this property has been considered by the department's National Register Evaluation Team, a group of staff representing a variety of disciplines and agency programs, at one of its semi-monthly meetings. It is the staff's opinion that Hatton Grange Farm is an eligible historic resource. While this review is not dependent upon an owner's consent, we are notifying the owner and you of the department's evaluation so that you can participate in this process should you so desire, and so that you may know to contact us should you have any questions. We will make a recommendation that this property is an eligible historic resource to the State Review Board, an advisory group consisting of preservation professionals from throughout the state. We anticipate that the board will consider the staff recommendation regarding the eligibility at its upcoming meeting. Meetings of the board are open to the public. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 20th, 1991, in Senate Room A of the General Assembly Building at the comer of Ninth and Broad streets, Richmond, beginning at W:OOam. As with the staff's evaluation, the Review Board's conclusion does not constitute any formal action to nominate this property to the registers. If the Review Board concludes that this property is eligible for registration, the applicant or any other interested party may wish to prepare and submit the more extensive formal register nomination. Prior to any action to register the property, federal regulations require the department to notify the owner, as well as local officials, and give both the opportunity to express opinions on the nomination before any formal action is taken. Though the formal notification requirements come into effect only when a formal nomination is being considered, we want to call your attention to the fact that the historical significance of this property is being considered and we would welcome any additional information you may wish to share with us. The enclosed materials should explain in more detail the register process and the implications of listing. However, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. ~' H. B~he Deputy Director Enclosures ,. ADDENDUM Please note that following consideration by the State Review Board on August 20, the Historic Resources Board will meet to consider the nomination of this property/historic district on Wednesday, August 21, 1991 at: Hunton & Williams (Board Room) East Tower Riverfront Plaza 20th Floor 951 E. Byrd Street Richmond, VA 23219 The Historic Resources Board meeting is also open to the public, and you are welcome to attend. r. ~ .". l '~ ' , ~ ,1:- "" . \ f, '~II~> ~. ~V. *- ~ ~~) -=:7~. i L'~L,': ' ~'2". elf [,;, "C)/,(j&':'7{S.13) COMMONWEALT1-'l of VIRGINIA ,"ugh C Miller. Director Department of Historic Resources 221 Governor Street Richmond. Virginia 23219 " 1 (' c>': . ".:, .. ,. . TDD: (804) 786-1934 /\ '.. f, t. !'JI :fei&Pbbne (804) 786-3143 rf~X:,~804) 225-4261 -..' ! I . I "'\'\ ! II .; '" "c\ \ : 1 I (i J'- 01\ II.' I "J" . .1 . . .tI 1,1) ........_......., ! I 1 1 \ ~ \ l . ~ L._, 11) . , . \._...... 1...-.... July 19, 1991 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ranlet The Rectory Keene, VA 22946 , .~"\~ . J 1:-\' ,--,'. ::.?~"" RE: THE RECTORY, Albemarle county (DHR 02-1831) Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ranlet: For some time the Department of Historic Resources has been interested in including the above property on the Virginia Landmarks Register and nominating it to the National Register of Historic Places. Before this action is taken, I would like to clarify for you the nature of these designations. The Virginia Landmarks Register is an official listing of places in the Commonwealth judged to have state or national archaeological, architectural, and/or historical significance. At its next meeting on Tuesday, August 20, 1991, the state Review Board will have the opportunity to consider the inclusion of The Rectory on this register. Should the board determine the prepared nomination for The Rectory is acceptable, it will automatically nominate it to the National Register of Historic Places maintained by the Department of the Interior. Listing in the National Register provides recognition and assists in preserving our Nation's heritage. Listing of a resource recognizes its historic importance and assures protective review of Federal projects that might adversely affect the character of the resource. If The Rectory is listed in the National Register, certain Federal investment tax credits for rehabilitation and other provisions may apply. Listing in the National Register does not mean that limi tat ions will be placed on the properties by the Federal Government. Public Visitation rights are not required of owners. The Federal Government will not attach restrictive covenants to the properties or seek to acquire them. You are invited to attend the state Review Board meeting at which the nomination will be considered. The Board will meet at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, August 20, 1991, in Senate Room A of the ..,' ,., ~ Re: THE RECTORY, Albemarle county (DRa 02-1831) July 19, 1991 Page 2 General Assembly Building, Richmond, virginia. We hope that you can come. Enclosed, please find a notice that explains, in greater detail, the results of listing in the National Register and that describes the rights and procedures by which an owner may comment on or object to listing in the National Register. Should you have any questions about this nomination before the Department of Historic Resources' State Review Board meeting, please contact me at (804) 371-0821 sincerely, ~~ James Christian Hill, National Register Assistant State Historic Preservation Office JCH/sdm Enclosures cc: Frederick R. Bowie, Chairman Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Robert W. Tucker, Jr., Executive Albemarle County Keith Rittenhouse, Planning Chairman Albemarle County V. Wayne Cilimberg, Planning Director Thomas Jefferson Planning District commission Nancy K. O'Brien, Executive Director Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission Geoffrey B. Henry, Consultant Distributed to BOard: ~. 2. t::j I Agenda Item No. 91.(j.l:,i'16~i.J3) ~~ ':\ L:~:LJ;:~~.i r ~{~~~i \!Iii .~ f'\ ~ 0.'~ \: i : t t, ," .\",,1 " : ! I' .. \ ./ \ I j! ~"~\""'''Tt \" 1 " ,I..:':;:.) t~:~) .... Hugh C. Miller, Director COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Department of Historic Resources 221 Governor Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 :;' ~:' ;::; '..... ,~~ () ~.( S TOO: (804) 786-1934 Telephone (804) 786-3143 FAX: (804) 225-4261 July 19, 1991 Frederick R. Bowie, Chairman Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: SOUTHWEST MOUNTAINS RURAL HISTORIC DISTRICT, Albemarle county (DHR 02-1832) Owner by public notice Dear Mr. Bowie: For some time the Department of Historic Resources has been interested in including the above district on the Virginia Landmarks Register and nominating it to the National Register of Historic Places. Before this action is taken, I would like to clarify for you the nature of these designations. The Virginia Landmarks Register is an official listing of places in the Commonwealth judged to have state or national archaeological, architectural, and/or historical significance. At its next meeting on Tuesday, August 20, 1991, the State Review Board will have the opportunity to consider the inclusion of Southwest Mountains Rural Historic District on this register. Should the board determine the prepared nomination for this historic district is acceptable, it will automatically nominate it to the National Register of Historic Places maintained by the Department of the Interior. Listing in the National Register provides recognition and assists in preserving our Nation's heritage. Listing of a resource recognizes its historic importance and assures protective review of Federal projects that might adversely affect the character of the resource. If Southwest Mountains Rural Historic District is listed in the National Register, certain Federal investment tax credits for rehabilitation and other provisions may apply. Listing in the National Register does not mean that limitations will be placed on the properties by the Federal Government. Public Visitation rights are not required of owners. The Federal Government will not attach restrictive covenants to the .. Re: SOUTHWEST MOUNTAINS RURAL HISTORIC DISTRICT, Albemarle County (DHR 02-1832) Owner by public notice July 19, 1991 Page 2 properties or seek to acquire them. You are invited to attend the state Review Board meeting at which the nomination will be considered. The Board will meet at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, August 20, 1991, in Senate Room A of the General Assembly Building, Richmond, Virginia. We hope that you can come. Enclosed, please find a notice that explains, in greater detail, the results of listing in the National Register and that describes the rights and procedures by which an owner may comment on or object to listing in the National Register. Should you have any questions about this nomination before the Department of Historic Resources' State Review Board meeting, please contact me at (804) 371-0821 Sincerely, ~ ~1JJL James Christian Hill, National Register Assistant State Historic Preservation Office JCH/sdm Enclosures cc: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., Executive Albemarle County Keith Rittenhouse, Planning Chairman Albemarle County V. Wayne Cilimberg, Planning Director Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission Nancy K. O'Brien, Executive Director Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission Land and Community Associates, Consultants Charlottesville ~ .. .. . ' - , ~ (' ;2',9/ 91. ()J'q 7(611<1 ) ,If ,:~ ~ \ Hugh C. Miller, Director COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA ! Department of Historic Resources 221 Governor Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 ; :i TOO: (804i 781l~1934 Telephone' (80,fj 786-3143 FAX (8Q4) ,2g~-4261 ...~. '.~r"" , . 'i ,~ !~t) (" July 31, 1991 Frederick R. Bowie, Chairman Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Re: SOUTHWEST MOUNTAINS RURAL HISTORIC DISTRICT, Albemarle County Dear Mr. Bowie: A public hearing for the Southwest Mountains Rural Historic District will be held on Thursday, August 8, 1991, at 7:30 p.m., at the Albemarle County Government Building. Sincerely, . ,(</;/ ~/ ,'I . ! ,f ) ~~. Margaret T. Peters Information Director Attachment , .... Orange Co. Albemarle Co. c I ;;./ &'t-- gIg ~ ~. ..,/~ ;"/n pp . J I Southwest Mountains Rural Historic District Distributed to Boa"d:L~ L . i\(;;;;nda item No. 2Y'e:??,?, s-./~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE <.)i"J I: -'/ \')F /\LE:,~~ m\>"--,f<C~lC~_m~:lr~:. ' . ;f\j,1 ~'hJ".J lI,v.1__",l it, I \\.._._/;; : \ . I . ...."......,~"''".....-Q.....r''..-'....-.r-1.., 1 t ' :1 L~ :._:_:'.'~ ~.~;!~; ~,~'~:.1 tJ .: L.:".'.:J '.. "~~j MEMORANDUM r:~ ( ) }'" ;<~) c) 1: :.~ \ ) t"'; r::' ~;~ ',' -' ! ~_'\ l,-' ~~~. ~t TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Mary Joy Scala, Senior PlannerJn~ August 6, 1991 Southwest Mountains Rural Historic District The purpose of this memo is to explain the current status of the Southwest Mountains Rural Historic District. A National Register nomination report has been prepared by local consultants, Land and Community Associates. We are awaiting a copy of the report from the State. A public hearing by the Virginia Department of Historic Resources is scheduled for Thursday, August 8, 1991, 7:30 p.m., AUditorium, County Office Building. On Tuesday, August 20, 1991 the State Review Board and Historic Resources Board will consider the inclusion of the district on the Virginia Landmarks Register and, if acceptable, will automatically nominate it to the National Register of Historic Places maintained by the Department of the Interior. It is anticipated that the district will be listed on the National Register by October. The boundaries are roughly described on the attached map. It appears that most of the Agricultural/Forestal Districts in the area have been included, as well as both sides of the mountain range, as staff recommended to the State. An attempt was made to extend the district to include the Shadwell site on the Rivanna River but there are not any contributing properties between Rt. 250/I=64 needed to make a connection. Also attached is a fact sheet regarding National Register designation. MJS/jcw ATTACHMENT .~ l' .,~"- . , . , I -~~ ~ /~ :''-, l,. - -, '-.., "I). ',f- . '-, 0" _, 0" "'-'::! f!, 9k ;,., ~/I). ~~~,~) ~~', , .~...y~ " '" . " -'.i , "Ii ''', " " . "", \ , , , ''', ,-I " ,f' I',>, ! f ""- '-.,1 '-, , f -" .~ ~/',J'..J ~;:~~, ~ ~-I'~~,.:;r" . -, ;.... "', N.., I' \. ',::J...,"" ,.- O' ~. ,,,1 / r.~ ".,~ " ,.' I' I J I ~I : '\ I ~( " I \, ~ .....,J... , \', " , , t) 'C ~ .!!l C CJ 'C o ~ .!!l J: , r \'!: '.1; '~., " ~ I ! ' ....! ~ :J a:: III c: 'iij ~ c: :J o ~ .A _, ,- ,~ , . :./ Ii, i ' -~ ; ~ r t' \ ~~ Jr' '";,:;,~ i f~' ,...' " ;01 " J u , ~ III Q) ~ ~ '5 o (fJ ?!!.. '1~~~.. .l-~, 'I ,:,'~.<.~'~'~;;;')! ~ /T 1 . x-' 'iy\' ,;t~\,)! ,,:J-L-~J ! j ~: J \~. ',>)~~ 1 :!~:,\' ," ..;tt 0 J.\\'; ,( j' ~/ '~;:~il:'~ u! ~'I~~;'.r'{~::;P;' '.f', . ': ' L ,!,/ /! .! II' \ . ./ I . ,I' I, '" ........ ,I'"/ \-~ r ~' , , .. II L: 00 . r , I , I -- _.0;) ;:)[.lf1ll1;:)Qrv ---- .0;) f1SfOfYJ - _ > 0 t ;: ~ .... a = ~ ~ ., ;- n ::0 n ? .... Q . . .. Page 2 6. Any restrictions on private property owners using private funds within an historic district can only be enacted by the local governing body - i.e. the city or town councilor the county board of supervisors. Imposition of such restrictions does not necessarilv follow from National Reaister desianation. Often, historic district designation spurs communities to enact measures limiting demolition or alterations to historic properties. Such protective zoning may be applied to any part of an historic district and may also include areas not officially designated to the National Register. SUlUlARY National Register designation: 1. Increases public awareness of a community's historic resources and encourages preservation 2. Mitigates the negative impact of government-funded projects on the district. 3. Does not restrict the private property owner using private funds in any way. 4. Provides financial benefits, mainly in the form of tax incentives for rehabilitation of income-producing buildings. 5. May guide and encourage, but does not dictate, local historic district zoning. REV. 4-87 . ~ Distributed to 8eard: .p. 2. 7 L Agenda Item No. 91, () J' C) 7 ( ~.1 s) ') COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5875 ,,\ ,,; ;;', i -' "./ C" I ~ ;\ l~ ~-~'.~: L ~-): f~\ ~ ,i CI ~,'t,.)7, ; ," .\~ : \ \' ; [' I' , . " \ '; Ii '\ () _~~.~~)l ~ - . - :-"'~'r , ~ ,.~. . -. July 18, 1991 ~.) ,.\(':I~~" william Gale Pickford, Esquire 230 Court Square Charlottesville, VA 22901 Re: OFFICIAL DETERMINATION OF NUMBER OF PARCELS - Section 10.3.1 Tax Map 94, Parcel 21 Dear Mr. Pickford: The County Attorney and I have reviewed the chain of title you have submitted for the above-noted property. It is the County Attorney's advisory opinion and my official determination, that this property consisted of two (2) separate parcels on the date of adoption of the Zoning Ordinance. Each of these lawfully separate parcels is entitled to associated development rights. This determination considered the fact that the property east of Route 623 and the property west of Route 623 were separately deeded on December 10, 1980. No deeds or plats were found to combine the property. Subdivision of the property after 1980 maintained their separate status. The most recent deeds of record as of the date of adoption of the Zoning Ordinance are found in Deed Book 469, Pages 565 and 566. These deeds describe the following parcels: 1. Parcell (west of Route 623) Deed Book 469/page 565 of 386.44 acres (previously 519.42 acres) and with 5 development rights. It is currently owned by William H. Burruss and consists of 364.12 acres, with 5 development rights. The only subdivision since 1980 was the off conveyance of 22.32 acres with no development rights. 2. Parcel 2 (east of Route 623) Deed Book 638/page 301 of.150.97 acres (previously 340.46 acres) and with 5 development rights. It is currently owned by Charles Kincannon and consists of 143.91 acres in two non-contiguous pieces, with 4 development rights remaining. The only subdivision since 1980 was the off conveyance of 7.06 acres with 1 development right. .,., July 18, 1991 william Gale pickford, Esquire Page 2 Anyone aggrieved by this decision may file a written appeal within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. sincerely, ~,O-.- '-'\rn. '?(D1..Q)\~.--B1v /-5;1. Amelia M. Patterson Zoning Administrator AMP/st cc: Bill Roudabush Jan sprinkle Gay Carver vBstelle Neher Reading Files IITM94/P2111 & IIDETERMINATION OF PARCEL #11 \ " ..':': -j;:_?:-~5j_ 'g-"';" " '-:::'(,-n'7'-- 1_) i'\ t:li~~D !.,2rf; I\:J. _~~ .~~~-=- .(_~ IV? '~, 1"-' \!, "1"1 :".'" ," ," 1 -:--:', ~". ':<': COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5875 July 29, 1991 Mr. Carroll Hensley Route 2, Box 42 Keswick, Virginia 22947 RE: Official Determination of Number of Parcels section 10.3.1; Tax Map 79A2, Block F, Parcel 7 Dear Mr. Hensley, We have reviewed the documents you submitted. It is my official determination that Tax Map 79A2, Block F, Parcel 7 consists of three (3) separate parcels. Except for the acquisition of property by the Virginia Department of Transportation, the most recent deed of record is found in Deed Book 369, Page 82, dated June 15, 1961, from Hensley to Minor and Gilmer. In accordance with Faison V. Union Camp (224 VA 54), this determination is based on the descriptive clause of the deed, which delineates three (3) lots: Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block F. Therefore, Lot 9 is a parcel of record, entitled to a building site in accordance with section 6.5.1 of the Albemarle County zoning Ordinance, provided that the required setbacks and Health Department regulations can be met, and the use does not constitute a danger to the public health, safety and general welfare. Since each of these lots is less than two acres, they cannot be further subdivided. It appears that a house was built on the property line separating Lots 7 and 8. section 10.4.1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that houses be at least 25 feet from side property lines. This property line should be vacated so that the house no longer. stands in violation of section 10.4.1. I. July 29, 1991 Page 2 Anyone aggrieved by this decision may file a written appeal within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. sincerely, ~fY\,V~ Amelia M. Patterson zoning Inspector AMP/bt cc: ~stelle Neher, Clerk to the Board of supervisors Jan Sprinkle Gay Carver Reading Files .,' " Distributed to Board' e,;: ,ill "--- Agenda Hem No. ell. cf,t'.; 7 (S' f.) ) , / 1991 SECOND QUARTER BUILDING REPORT 7'V ()~.- /\t.-Ei[~-!~./i/.\l\i. ; .llIl s,,~!JJ!Q~'[Z~\ ii:; .. fl.,....... .J.'...\.7.1 rr I ',' ;~~;-::T'r'-n< i U I, \ ,'>1 County of Albemarle Department of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 . INDEX I. Comparison of New Residential Dwelling Units by Month (Charts A - B) II. Comparison of New Residential Dwelling Units by "TYpe (Charts C - D) III. Comparison of All Building Permits (Chart E) I'l Comparison of Certificates of Occupancy (Charts F - H) Key to "TYpes of Housing Used in this Report SF Single Family (Includes Modular) SFA Single Family Attached SF/TH Single Family Townhouse DUP Duplex MF Multi-Family Residence MHC MobileHomes in County -2- During the second quarter .of 1991, 160 permits were issued far 160 dwelling units. In additian, 12 permits were issued for mabi1e hames in existing parks at an average exchange value .of $2,500 far a tata1 of $30,000. I. COMPARISON OF NEW RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS BY MONTH Chart A. Nine Year Camparison of New Residential Dwelling Uni ts by Month YEAR 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 JAN 37 86 46 37 38 22 93 56 64 FEB 29 39 29 43 35 40 172 68 31 MAR 86 78 94 37 62 91 61 92 57 APR 131 60 48 78 70 71 49 82 62 MAY 65 78 121 -73 73 83 89 75 44 JUN 100 66 60 92 56 83 220 85 54 JUL 113 63 57 159 80 30 67 42 AUG 57 47 86 32 46 49 74 87 SEP 73 52 35 49 45 46 72 90 OCT 59 41 40 52 60 52 56 48 NOV 72 33 45 50 49 60 301 37 DEC 241 82 53 35 40 46 55 42 TOTAL 1063 725 714 737 654 673 1309 804 312 Chart B. Three Year Camparisan of New Residential Dwelling Units by Month 40 320 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 20 o JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC IZZl 1989 [:s:sJ 1990 f22Z1 1991 Prepared by Albemarle County Planning and Community Development -3- SECOND QUARTER 1991 II. COMPARISON OF RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS Chart C. Breakdawn .of New Residential Dwelling Units by Magisterial District and Dwelling Unit Type MAGISTERIAL DWELLING UNIT TYPE TOTAL % TOTAL DISTRICT SF SFA SF/TH DUP MF MHC D.U. D.U. CHARLOTTESVILLE 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 3% JACK JOUETT 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 1% RIVANNA 39 6 9 0 0 0 54 34% SAMUEL MILLER 24 0 0 0 0 0 24 15% SCOTTSVILLE 37 12 5 0 0 3 57 36% WHITE HALL 15 0 0 0 0 3 18 11% TOTAL 122 18 14 0 0 6 160 100% Chart D. Breakdown .of New Residential Dwelling Units by Comprehensive Plan Area and Dwelling Unit Type DWELLING UNIT TYPE TOTAL UNITS COMP PlAN AREA SF SFA SF/TH DUP MF MHC URBAN RURAL URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD 2 5 0 5 0 0 0 10 URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD 4 20 12 5 0 0 0 37 URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD 5 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CROZET COMMUNITY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HOLLYMEAD COMMUNITY 22 0 4 0 0 0 26 SCOTTSVILLE COMMUNITY 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 EARLYSVILLE VILlAGE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NORTH GARDEN VILLAGE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PINEY MOUNTAIN VILlAGE 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 RIVANNA VILlAGE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GROWTH AREA SUBTOTAL 56 18 14 0 0 1 89 RURAL AREA 1 14 0 0 0 0 2 16 RURAL AREA 2 14 0 0 0 0 0 14 RURAL AREA 3 19 0 0 0 0 1 20 RURAL AREA 4 19 0 0 0 0 2 21 RURAL AREA SUBTOTAL 66 0 0 0 0 5 71 TOTAL 122 18 14 0 0 6 160 Prepared by Albemarle Caunty Planning and Community Development -4- SECOND QUARTER 1991 III. COMPARISON OF ALL BUILDING PERMITS Chart E. Estimated Cost .of Constructian by Magisterial District and Constructian Type MAGISTERIAL NEW *NEW NON-RES. ~~EW COMMERCIAL FARM BUILDING DISTRICT RESIDENTIAL & ALTER. RES. & NEW INSTlTUT. & ALTER. COMM. ,TOTAL No. Amount-$ Na. Amount-$ No. Amount-$ Na. Amaunt-$ Na. Amaunt-$ CHVILLE 5 775,000 22 310,735 3 5,087,712 14 456,103 44 6,629,550 JOUETT 2 470,000 16 393,847 1 1,800,000 3 19,500 22 2,683,347 RIVANNA 54 3,872,059 48 482,535 4 880,400 14 609,400 120 5,844,394 S. MILLER 24 3,420,195 51 540,409 4 1,650,000 10 241,755 89 5,852,359 SCOTTSVILLE 57 3,808,410 53 588,970 2 65,000 4 80,000 116 4,542,380 WHITE HALL 18 2,064,600 44 715,297 3 159,000 13 544,100 78 3,482,997 TOTAL 160 14,410,264 234 3,031,793 17 9,642,112 58 1,950,858 469 29,035,027 * Additianal value of mabi1e homes placed in existing parks is included in Residential Alteration category. IV. CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY Chart F. Breakdawn .of CO's far Residential Dwelling Units by Elementary Schoal District and Dwelling Unit Type SCHOOL DWELLING UNIT TYPE TOTAL PERCENT DISTRICT SF SFA SF/TH DUP MF MHC D.U. TOTAL D.U. Broadus Woad/Henley 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Braadus Waod/Jauett 5 0 O' 0 0 0 5 3.18% Brawnsvi1le 6 0 0 0 0 2 8 5.10% Crazet 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 1.91% Greer 5 0 1 0 0 0 6 3.82% Ha1lymead 24 6 1 0 0 0 31 19.75% Meriwether Lewis 8 0 0 0 0 0 8 5.10% Murray 5 2 0 0 0 0 7 4.46% Red Hill/Wa1tan 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 3.82% Ca1e/Burley 3 0 11 0 0 0 14 8.92% Ca1e/Wa1ton 23 6 0 0 0 2 31 19.75% Scattsvi11e 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 1.91% Stane Robinson/Burley 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 3.18% Stone Robinson/Wa1tan 10 0 0 0 0 1 II 7.01% Stany Paint 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 4.46% Woodbraok 3 0 2 0 0 0 5 3.18% Yancey 6 0 0 0 0 1 7 4.46% TOTAL 122 14 15 0 0 6 157 100.00% Prepared by Albemarle Caunty Planning and Community Development .. ... ., -5- SECOND QUARTER 1991 IV. CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY (continued) Chart G. Breakdawn .of CO's for Residential Dwelling Units by Magisterial District and Dwelling Unit Type MAGISTERIAL DWELLING UNIT TYPE DISTRICT SF SFA SF/TH DUP MF MHC TOTAL CHARLOTTESVILLE 5 0 3 0 0 0 8 JACK JOUETT 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 RIVANNA 40 6 12 0 0 0 58 SAMUEL MILLER 15 2 0 0 0 3 20 SCOTTSVILLE 45 6 0 0 0 2 53 WHITE HALL 13 0 0 0 0 1 14 TOTAL 122 14 15 0 0 6 157 Chart H. Breakdown .of CO's far Residential Dwelling Units by Comprehensive Plan Area and Dwelling Unit Type DWELLING UNIT TYPE TOTAL UNITS COMP PLAN AREA SF SFA SF/TH DUP MF MHC URBAN RURAL URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD 2 6 0 13 0 0 0 19 URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD 4 22 6 0 0 0 0 28 URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 CROZET COMMUNITY 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 HOLLYMEAD COMMUNITY 22 0 1 0 0 0 23 SCOTTSVILLE COMMUNITY 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 EARLYSVILLE VILLAGE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PINEY MIN. VILLAGE 1 6 0 0 0 0 7 NORTH GARDEN VILLAGE 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 RIVANNA VILLAGE 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 GROWTH AREA SUBTOTAL 56 14 15 0 0 0 85 RURAL AREA 1 12 0 0 0 0 0 12 RURAL AREA 2 12 0 0 0 0 0 12 RURAL AREA 3 20 0 0 0 0 2 22 RURAL AREA 4 22 0 0 0 0 4 26 RURAL AREA SUBTOTAL 66 0 0 0 0 6 0 72 TOTAL 122 14 15 0 0 6 157 Prepared by Albemarle Caunty Planning and Community Deve1apment !)!$tilouted to Board: y, 2. <:'1/ ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERV(C='E'mf\~ITY P,O Box l009 40l MciNTIRE RD, CHARLOTIESVILLE, VA. 22902 (804) 296-58l0 ; j . I' . I . : " /.\ I ~ \ ;", \ ).1\ :..; July 23, 1991 Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County Office Building Charlottesville, virginia Dear Mrs. Humphris and Gentlemen: Attached for your information is a copy of the Authority's FY-92 Budget, adopted June 28, 1991. Please let me know if you have any questions. veryrU1Y yours, ____ .()/. L5~ J . . Brent Executive Director JWB:kst '_ . r "'" - ... - - - .. ... ~1iII - .. - .. - ... - ... - .... - .... - ,,,,.,.. - ... - .. - .- .. .- - .. - .- .. .. FY -92 BUDGET ADOPTED JUNE 20. 1991 ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY FY - 92 BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS Rates Effective July 1, 1991 i Revenue and Expense Summary 1 Departmental Staffing . . . . . . . . . 3 4 RWSA Expenses Administration Department Budget . 5 Accounting Department Budget: Customer Service . . . . . . Meter Reading . . . . . . . . 7 9 Engineering Department Budget . 11 Maintenance Department Budget . 13 ALBEM1UU.E COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY WATER AND SEWER RATE SCHEDULE Effective September 1, 1990 SERVICE C~GE $4.1'0 per account, per month. VOLUME CHARGES In addition to the fixed service charge, a volume charge based upon monthly metered water use will be assessed as follows: Water 0-1,500,000 gallons Over 1,500,000 gallons $2.04 per thousand gallons $1.80 per thousand gallons Wastewater Metered Consumption $2.04 per thousand gallons CONNECTION CHARGES Payment for the applicable connection charges will be accepted only after the issuance of a building permit. Connection Charges for metered services larger than 5/8" shall be equated to equivalent residential connections (ERC) according to the following ratios: 5/8" 1" 1 1/2" 2" meter = meter = meter = meter = 1 ERC 2.5 ERCs 5 ERCs 8 ERCs 3" meter 4" meter 6" meter = 15 ERCs 25 ERCs 50 ERCs = = Service Connection (Tap) Charge - To defray the cost of installa- tion of a service connection from the water and/or wastewater main in the public right-of-way to the curb or property line and/or the installation of meters, all new services will be charged according to the following schedule: Water 5/8" meter and connection 1" meter and connection Over 1" meter and connection $500 $575 Actual Cost Service Connection (Tap) Charge (Cont'd) 5/8" meter only 1" meter only Over 1" meter only $ 35 $ 75 Actual Cost 1 Wastewater All Taps Actual Cost Local Facilities Charge - To defray, in part, the cost of local facilities (mains, valves, hydrants, etc.) provided by someone other than the customer, the Authority charges each new connection $1,300 for water and $1,400 for sewer. If a developer or customer applying for service installs and funds the local facilities, this charge is not assessed. The Local Facilities Charge will apply only to water and sewer mains placed in service after July 1, 1983. [See Sections 6-01 and 12-04] System Development Charge - In order to defray, in part, the cost to Albemarle County Service Authority of providing maj or transmis- sion/distribution mains, collection lines, pumping stations and storage facilities necessary to provide water and wastewater service to new customers, a system development charge based on meter size will be assessed to all new customers as follows: Water Wastewater $475 per ERC $625 per ERC RWSA Capacity Charge - To defray, in part, the Authority's share of annual debt service on excess capacity in the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority facilities, all new water and sewer connections to the Authority systems shall be assessed the following, based on equivalent residential connections (ERC): Water Wastewater $615 per ERC $615 per ERC Buck Mountain Surcharge - In accordance with the joint resolution signed by the City of Charlottesville, County of Albemarle, Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority and the Authority, all new Authority water connections in the urban service area will be assessed a surcharge in accordance with the following table to pay a portion of the Buck Mountain land acquisition costs: Meter Size 5/8" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" Surcharge $ 200 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 1,600 $ 2,500 Meter Size 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" Surcharge $ 6,000 $12,000 $18,000 $29,000 $43,000 Miscellaneous Charges: (1) Account Charge - $6.00 per each new account (2) Delinquent Cut Off/On Fee - $15.00/trip during normal work hours $20.00 after work hours & wkends ii (3) Reconnection Fee 5/8" - 1 1/2" meter 2" - 4" meter Larger than 4" meter (4) Special Service Fee (5) Meter Size Change Fee 1" to smaller size Larger than 1" down (6) Returned Check Charge (Amended June 20, 1991) (7) Late Payment Charge (8) Meter Reread Fee (9) Hydrant Use Fee (10) Temporary Water Service $15.00 $20.00 Actual Cost $15.00/trip during normal work hours $20.00 after work hours & wkends $25.00 Actual cost $15.00 (Cash) 1 1/2% per month $15.00 $15.00 + water used, min. $20.00 $25.00 + water used, Deposit req'd Construction Plan Review Charge: Total Length of Water and Sewer Lines 0-1000 linear feet 1000-2000 linear feet 2000-3000 linear feet 3000-4000 linear feet 4000-5000 linear feet Over 5000 linear feet Construction Inspection Fee: Water and/or Sewer Fee $50 75 100 125 150 175 $.50/linear foot iii ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY REVENUE AND EXPENSE SUMMARY FY 1992 OPERATING REVENUE Total Volume Charges Total Service Charges Subtotal NON-OPERATING REVENUE System Connection Charges Rental Income Interest Income Buck Mountain Surcharge Misc. Utility Charges Inspection Fees Plan Review Fees Subtotal TOTAL REVENUE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Purchase of Water/Wastewater Administration Department Accounting Department- Customer Service Meter Reading Engineering Department Maintenance Department Transfer To Equipment Replacement Subtotal CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND DEBT SERVICE 800 Code Equipment Expenses Annual Maintenance & Replacement Buck Mountain Surcharge Payment Existing Debt Service Payments Engineering Department Subtotal 1 APPROVED BUDGET $4,826,314 436,847 $5,263,161 $863,025 35,000 298,553 69,000 70,000 17,000 3,000 $1,355,578 $6,618,739 $2,989,895 338,417 258,857 124,592 335,230 523,402 62,400 $4,632,793 $35,295 393,702 69,000 555,850 35,000 $1,088,847 DEPRECIATION TOTAL EXPENSES ANNUAL BALANCE (DEEICIENCY) 613,675 $6,335,315 $283,424 2 APPROVED BUDGET CODE DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT: RWSA EXPENSES PAYMENTS TO RWSA 960 BUCK MOUNTAIN SURCHARGE EXPENSE 965 PURCHASE OF BULK WATER 970 SEWER TREATMENT EXPENSE $69,000 1,682,804 1,307,091 SUBTOTAL: $3,058,895 TOTAL RWSA EXPENSES $3,058,895 RWSA EXPENSES BY SERVICE AREA: Water Total $1,262,060 295,584 125,160 69,000 $1,751,804 Urban Crozet scottsville Buck Mtn. Surcharge Wastewater Total $1,261,011 38,712 7,368 $1,307,091 Urban Scottsville Stone-Robinson School 3 DEPARTMENT STAFFING ADMINISTRATION Number of Positions Executive Director Administrative Assistant Secretary 1 1 1 1 ACCOUNTING Customer Service Manager of Accounting Accounting Supervisor Account Clerk III Customer Service Clerk Meter Reading Meter Reading Supervisor Meter Reader 1 1 1 3 1 2 ENGINEERING Director of Engineering Civil Engineer II Civil Engineer I Engineering Technician III Construction Inspector Engineering Technician II Secretary II 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 MAINTENANCE Maintenance Superintendent 1 Assistant Maintenance Superintendent 1 Utility Electronics Technician 1 Crew Supervisor 3 Hydrant and Valve Mechanic 1 Maintenance Worker 6 4 APPROVED BUDGET CODE DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT: ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES 205 COMPENSATION OF BOARD MEMBERS 210 SALARIES AND WAGES 220 OVERTIME PAY 230 SOCIAL SECURITY 240 RETIREMENT 250 HOSPITALIZATION 260 LIFE INSURANCE 270 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 280 MERIT INCREASE PACKAGE $ 5,400 111,904 150 7,875 9,244 4,932 958 277 22,000 SUBTOTAL: $162,740 OPERATING SUPPLIES 300 OFFICE SUPPLIES 305 COPIER SUPPLIES 360 FUEL, OIL AND GREASE $2,305 275 200 SUBTOTAL: $2,780 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 400 VEHICLE SUPPLIES $ 25 25 SUBTOTAL: PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTUAL SERVICES SUBTOTAL: $10,000 18,020 5,000 2,000 2,367 37,675 950 1,720 300 $78,032 500 LEGAL 510 AUDIT 520 FISCAL AGENT 550 CONSULTANTS' FEES 560 SERVICE CONTRACTS 570 OFFICE RENT 575 TELEPHONE 585 PRINTING AND DUPLICATING 590 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5 APPROVED BUDGET CODE DESCRIPTION REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 600 EQUIPMENT REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 650 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE $300 50 SUBTOTAL: $350 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES SUBTOTAL: $90,000 795 120 1,325 1,550 700 $94,490 710 INSURANCE 720 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 730 BOOKS AND PERIODICALS 740 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 745 TRAVEL 750 ADVERTISING CAPITAL OUTLAYS 800 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 810 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES 830 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL: 2,000 o 4,650 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $6,650 $345,067 6 APPROVED BUDGET CODE DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT: ACCOUNTING - CUSTOMER SERVICE PERSONAL SERVICES 210 SALARIES AND WAGES 220 OVERTIME PAY 230 SOCIAL SECURITY 240 RETIREMENT 250 HOSPITALIZATION 260 LIFE INSURANCE 270 WORKERS' COMPENSATION $154,913 500 12,185 13,076 9,864 1,355 410 SUBTOTAL: $192,303 OPERATING SUPPLIES 300 OFFICE SUPPLIES 305 COPIER SUPPLIES 360 FUEL, OIL, AND GREASE $10,042 240 200 SUBTOTAL: $10,482 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES SUBTOTAL: $ $ 25 25 400 VEHICLE SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 560 SERVICE CONTRACTS 575 TELEPHONE 580 POSTAGE 585 PRINTING AND DUPLICATING 590 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $11,120 1,380 31,000 4,505 2,772 SUBTOTAL: $50,777 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 600 EQUIPMENT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 650 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE $ 500 50 SUBTOTAL: $ 550 7 APPROVED BUDGET CODE DESCRIPTION OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 700 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 720 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 730 BOOKS AND PERIODICALS 740 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 745 TRAVEL 750 ADVERTISING $ 200 215 660 1,635 1,850 160 SUBTOTAL: $4,720 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 800 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 830 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL: $2,900 4,650 TOTAL ACCOUNTING - CUSTOMER SERVICE $7,550 $266,407 8 APPROVED BUDGET CODE DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT: ACCOUNTING - METER READING PERSONAL SERVICES 210 SALARIES AND WAGES 220 OVERTIME PAY 230 SOCIAL SECURITY 240 RETIREMENT 250 HOSPITALIZATION 260 LIFE INSURANCE 270 WORKERS' COMPENSATION $61,944 1,000 5,332 5,400 4,932 559 1,910 SUBTOTAL: $81,077 OPERATING SUPPLIES 300 OFFICE SUPPLIES 320 SHOP SUPPLIES 330 UNIFORMS AND CLOTHING 360 FUEL, OIL AND GREASE 380 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL: $430 60 350 2,200 375 $3,415 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 400 VEHICLE SUPPLIES 410 MATERIALS - WATER 425 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS $1,000 35,325 1,800 SUBTOTAL: $38,125 $675 $675 SUBTOTAL: 560 SERVICE CONTRACTS REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE SUBTOTAL: $700 $700 650 VEHICLE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 9 APPROVED BUDGET CODE DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT: ACCOUNTING - METER READING OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 740 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 745 TRAVEL $300 300 SUBTOTAL: $600 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 830 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL: 1,800 TOTAL ACCOUNTING - METER READING $1,800 $126,392 10 APPROVED BUDGET CODE DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING PERSONAL SERVICES 210 SALARIES AND WAGES 220 OVERTIME PAY 230 SOCIAL SECURITY 240 RETIREMENT 250 HOSPITALIZATION 260 LIFE INSURANCE 270 WORKERS' COMPENSATION $276,631 1,000 22,323 23,306 14,796 2,414 5,541 SUBTOTAL: $346,011 OPERATING SUPPLIES 300 OFFICE SUPPLIES 305 COPIER SUPPLIES 330 UNIFORMS AND CLOTHING 360 FUEL, OIL AND GREASE 380 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL: $2,650 944 150 2,345 1,000 $7,089 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES SUBTOTAL: $800 $800 400 VEHICLE SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 540 ENGINEERING SERVICES 560 SERVICE CONTRACTS 575 TELEPHONE 585 PRINTING AND DUPLICATING 590 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $2,000 1,025 2,800 600 2,000 SUBTOTAL: $8,425 11 APPROVED BUDGET CODE DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 600 EQUIPMENT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 650 VEHICLE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE $1,100 1,525 SUBTOTAL: $2,625 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 700 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 720 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 730 BOOKS AND PERIODICALS 740 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 745 TRAVEL 750 ADVERTISING 790 HIGHWAY PERMITS $350 300 800 1,200 1,080 200 1,350 SUBTOTAL: $5,280 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 800 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 810 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES 830 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL: $0 2,700 o TOTAL ENGINEERING $2,700 $372,930 12 APPROVED BUDGET CODE DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT: MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES 210 SALARIES AND WAGES 220 OVERTIME PAY 225 STANDBY PAY 230 SOCIAL SECURITY 240 RETIREMENT 250 HOSPITALIZATION 260 LIFE INSURANCE 270 WORKERS' COMPENSATION $286,651 7,245 5,500 26,567 25,292 21,372 2,620 9,548 SUBTOTAL: $384,795 OPERATING SUPPLIES 300 OFFICE SUPPLIES 310 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 320 SHOP SUPPLIES 330 UNIFORMS AND CLOTHING 360 FUEL, OIL AND GREASE 370 HEATING OIL 380 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL: $150 700 500 1,000 16,900 800 6,691 $26,741 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 400 VEHICLE SUPPLIES 410 MATERIALS - WATER 420 MATERIALS - SEWER 430 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 460 WATER PUMP STATION SUPPLIES 480' SEWER PUMP STATION SUPPLIES $6,500 34,930 3,641 2,295 3,000 4,450 SUBTOTAL: $54,816 PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 530 LABOR - OUTSIDE CONTRACT 560 SERVICE CONTRACTS 575 TELEPHONE 590 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $5,000 2,345 5,045 100 SUBTOTAL: $12,490 13 APPROVED BUDGET CODE DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT: MAINTENANCE REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 600 EQUIPMENT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 650 VEHICLE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE $3,000 4,000 SUBTOTAL: $7,000 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 700 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 720 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 730 BOOKS AND PERIODICALS 740 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 745 TRAVEL 750 ADVERTISING 760 ELECTRICITY - WATER PUMP STA. 770 ELECTRICITY - SEWER PUMP STA. 777 SHOP (CROZET) $500 100 50 1,815 1,000 200 26,425 5,470 2,000 SUBTOTAL: $37,560 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 830 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL 16,595 16,595 TOTAL MAINTENANCE $539,997 14 ..' ~ ."" L'.~ . ~j:.,L_'!L_ _ C, ,:-!..f~ L~S"' LO ) Ager.d~ LCrl"; f\:"). ~ ~~ ~rlN~ tf)~ -tj~ f~ m.ukf/ kJ-. ~/jtJ.z (~-&_., t~XM..-- ,.1.;<:'Oj-5.2/3 :kIc.j?knl/ YHI ~-'p-j720 /1 l Ctl?vrnl.4:UtJn.. . C:() U f'~TY 0 F ;\ L f3F.: i\.~ .L\!'~ L i r;-;) rr:.1 (:;J Ii \' n r-;::','j ;',: ! i II 1 I.. --'- ...- '. ,,_..I."_'-"''-q Ii' II \ ,I I') \. \ I , ; I. '" I L ~ llll c; ,,\11;':'1 : , I ,_ JI,...) .., '-' , , ,/ July 24, 1991 TO: Parties Interested in Solid Waste Management FROM: Nancy K. O'Brien, Executive Director ~ SUBJ: Thomas Jefferson Planning District Solid Waste Management Plan I am pleased to enclose the 1991 Thomas Jefferson Planning District Solid Waste Management Plan for your review. You will find it a valuable resource for gaining a better understanding of the solid waste picture in our Planning District and as a guide to future solid waste planning. I want to express my particular gratitude to Mr. William Middleton, Chairman of the Regional Solid Waste Task Force, and to all the Task Force members who made invaluable contributions to this plan. Solid Waste planning for our region will continue beyond this plan and I trust we can count on our Task Force members to provide continued guidance and leadership. Enclosure -'//' ./IA.-:')UL->;.t '. ..:~ ~.IPi~:d en rftvr;l~.~d p:!?t!r 1j," , . I.t'U"l~"1 J '.' :{(.1:/:~"J."11.1. J .. , , J~-~-"<"/'l!~':~' ) ..... ,'~( '{It,' , L../H~:1f \. v'c.(..-.';I:.tl ". v y. ,', / Ira..;" i ".......'-'-'1 ~ .,. '- ,; , /V.t.I..:,i; l,):'."t.., to [h;"';d: f: 2. I '7 I ~'!o. __'11'~~()7{--:~~2) July 25, 1991 ,J" ~-- .>, _. E:~ F r-~ /\~' ~~; ; Frederick R. Bowie Rivanna District Supervisor 3201 Shannon Drive Keswick, VA 22947 , "'::..f~7F~:; i ! . _, . ~_... \ I , ... '0 I':,.of 1 ~ j ; I ". '..: :"",,~::.). . "~',!..'. .' (- RE: Jefferson Area Board for Aging Advisory Council Dear Mr. Bowie: I would like to summarize the activities of the Advisory Council for the last six months. We are currently meeting at the offices of State Farm on the third Tuesday of each month. We formerly met at Virginia Power but moved after the relocation of Council member Deb Burnley. We have conducted three Public Forums at the Carver Recreation Center in Charlottesville, the Rising Sun Community Center in Louisa and the Green Mountain Church in Esmont. Each of these sites are nutrition centers offering lunch and activities (minimal) for the elderly. The field visits have allowed us to meet with the participants and discuss services. Senior JABA staff members have participated. We have all received a new awareness of the problems the elderly face with poverty, health, accessibility and lack of transportation. The Council has also participated in a review of the agency Budget, fund raising activities, the series of seminars on Caring for Older Adults, Adult Day Care Center and the transition by JABA to a Care Management approach to services. The Council is mandated by the Older Americans Act. was passive in its approach to its mandate. Today, a stronger and more active role in carrying out its responsibilities. Formerly, it it is taking _~iC/~Y~;.I ~ Rot~~~lters, Jr. 1645 Ravens Place Charlottesville, VA 22901-7527 804-978-4874 ".' Distributed to Board: r'2' 7 I Ag8fld9. n;:;rf! No, q /, ~~ (17, 'I -'i:.J.:- " , ...... -' ,-2/..~i>'i: in v -" .<g;P~(i..t~~- ~-' tj i _ - :? :1"-,-.. ..) /7,;/ J COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 .t2C'/J?iL L',' " July 3, 1991 Rappahannock Electric Cooperative Attention: John Dalton P. O. Box 7388 Fredericksburg, VA 22404 RE: SP-90-99 Rappahannock Electric Cooperative Dear Mr. Dalton: / The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on July 2, 1991, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted request to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The granting of this permit does not guarantee the availability of electric power to the applicant and shall not be construed as approving the modification, construction or reconstruction of any facility not specifically approved herein; 2. The granting of this permit shall not be deemed to impair or otherwise affect the rights of the applicant or any other person concerning the acquisition of any right-of-way or other interest in property for such line or the compensation to be paid therefor. Except for angle structures as described in Attachment G, right-of-way width shall not exceed one hundred feet (lOa'); 3. Suspension structures shall be in general accordance with Attachment G, provided that structures shall not exceed height or width dimensions described in Attachment G. A maximum height limit of 100 feet shall apply where height limits shown on the attachments must be exceeded due to topography; Rappahannock Electric Cooperative Page 2 July 3, 1991 4. outside of the right-of-way, the applicant shall have the right to cut danger trees only. A danger tree is defined as any tree which, if felled, would fall within ten feet of a conductor; within the right-of-way, the applicant shall preserve vegetation and trees within fifteen feet of stream crossings and public roads to the maximum extent practicable allowing for the safe operation and maintenance of the line; 5. The applicant shall take all reasonable measures to minimize the adverse impact of such line on adjacent properties, on the neighborhood and on the County, consistent with good engineering practice; 6. Department of Engineering approval of stream crossings; 7. Staff approval of site plans for substations; 8. Centerline of transmission shall not be located closer than 250 feet to any dwelling and shall be in accord with the routing indicated in Attachment A; 9. Rappahannock Electric will negotiate other means of maintenance with individual property owners objecting to herbicide usage. Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on Auqust 7. 1991. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. YOU OR YOUR REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT FOR THIS MEETING. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, t7v';/L-I2~ William D. Fritz Senior Planner WDF/jcw cc: Lettie E. Neher Amelia Patterson Jo Higgins 'J?eLLi'_d t/? /<1 I . Charles T. Lebo 2171 Viburnum Court Charlottesville, VA 22901 (804) 973-7249 August 6, 1991 MR. F.R. Bowie, Chairman Board of Supervisors Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Va. 22901 Dear Mr. Bowie, This letter is in reference to Rappahannock Electric's request to increase the size of their substation on Rt 29, next to GE. As a resident of the North Pines subdivision I drive by their existing facility daily. I am not opposed to their in- crea3ing their activity at this site, however, I would ask that it only be done with the following conditions: -increase the screening of the site with additional planting. It has some screening now but it is not adequate. -maintain weed and grass by cutting on a regular basis. It is neat in appearance now (perhaps due to this expansion request?) but it is not always maintained. I am not able to attend the meeting scheduled August 7, 1991, but I hope this letter will suffice. Thank you. ~~- Charles T. Lebo STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WILLIAM D. FRITZ JULY 2, 1991 AUGUST 7, 1991 SP-90-99 RAPPAHANNOCK ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (REVISED) This report is a revision to the report presented to the Planning Commission on December 18, 1990. At that meeting the Planning Commission requested additional information from the applicant. Petition: Rappahannock Electric Cooperative (REC) petitions the Board of Supervisors to issue a special use permit to construct an electrical power substation and transmission line [10.2.2(6)]. The properties crossed by this line are between Route 29 and Route 763 (near Piney Mtn.) in an easterly and southerly direction to the Proffit area. The properties are Tax Map 21, Parcels 12, 12A, 12D and 14C; Tax Map 33, Parcels 1, 2, 4, 4B, 4C, 10, 12, 12E, 20, 21, and 36; Tax Map 46, Parcel 33B and 33F and Tax Map 47, Parcels 2 and 3A. They are all in the Rivanna Magisterial District. Character of the Area: The area crossed by the transmission line is varied in topography. The line crosses rolling terrain and cleared and wooded areas. The nearest residence to the proposed line is 250 feet. The areas crossed are mostly wooded. However, significant cleared areas are also crossed. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: A complete description of the request is found in Attachment B. Further description of the line and a response to the concerns of the Planning commission is included in Attachment C. The need for these improvements is addressed in Attachment D. The new line will be a 115kv line which will be served by a new substation near the Better Living Home Center Truss Plant adjacent to the existing 230kv Virginia Power transmission line. These improvements will improve service in the Rappahannock Electric and Potomac Edison service areas (Attachment E). SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS: staff has reviewed this request for compliance with section of the Zoning Ordinance and recommends approval of SP-90-99 subject to conditions. 1 PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: This request represents the sixth special use permit by Rappahannock Electric Cooperative for a power substation in this area. Prior approved permits either expired or were abandoned due to the site location changes. The existing substation near General Electric was approved with SP-82-30. This is a 34.5kv substation which will be upgraded to 115kv. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The primary goal of the Comprehensive Plan is to "discourage rural residential development other than dwellings related to a bona fide agricultural/forestal use" (page 203.) While this use is not residential development, it does represent development, which is generally discouraged. A stated objective of the Comprehensive Plan is "maintain cooperative planning efforts between the County and other non-public utilities which provide essential services, such as telephone, electric, and natural gas utilities, to ensure the adequate provision of these services to support existing and anticipated development in the County. Private utilities provide essential services to the County. The most important of these are electric, telephone, and natural gas services" p.153. The applicant's proposal is intended to improve electric service in Albemarle County. A stated design standard is "design public utility corridors to fit the topography. Corridors should be shared by utilities, when possible. Distribution lines should be placed underground" (p. 88). This issue will be discussed later in this report. The applicant has stated that they will "work with and allow other utilities access to, and use of the right-of-way provided that REC can be assured that it will be able to operate and maintain its facilities in a safe and efficient manner. REC recognizes that joint use of a right-of-way can minimize environmental impacts and can result in a sharing of maintenance costs." The applicant states in Attachment C, Page 7 that the route may include provisions for communications. STAFF COMMENT: Currently power is provided to Rappahannock Electric Cooperative's Rivanna, Dunnes and Quinque Substations from a 34.5kv subtransmission line emanating from Virginia Power's Hollymead Substation. Energy flows in this line currently exceed the conductor's rated thermal capacity. The proposed substation and transmission line are the first steps in an effort to increase capacity in the area. The applicant proposes to complete a loop in the future that would connect to the 115kv Pratts substation in Madison County. Approval of this request in no way implies approval of any future proposals. 2 The applicant has revised the application and has revised the plan in order to address the commen~d the commission made at its December 18, 1990 meeting. A detailed response to those comments is included as Attachment C. The revised route will follow the existing rail corridor south of the Rivanna River. other revisions to the route have been made in response to public concerns (Attachment E and F). This revised routing may result in the use of taller towers as well as concrete or steel poles. In addition, the revised route may be more visible than the original route as the line will cross more open land and will not be located adjacent to wooded areas. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: Staff has reviewed this special with the Comprehensive Plan and special use permit ( comments: use permit for consistency criteria for issuance of a Staff offers the following a. The transmission line and substation would not be of substantial detriment to properties: the character of the district would not be chanqed. The applicant has reviewed other potential corridor routes and has chosen the proposed alignment so as to reduce the impact on properties. The proposed alignment results in one road crossing (Route 29) and limits crossing of the Rivanna River to a single point. The closest dwelling to the line would be approximately 250 feet away. No listed historic sites are in the area. Distance to dwellings should minimize visual impact. b. The use would be in harmony with the intent of the Zoninq Ordinance and other uses located in the area and with the ~ublic health, safety and welfare. The location of the substations would be adjacent to existing industrial uses (General Electric and Better Living Truss Plant) and will not conflict with those uses. The alignment of the transmission line crosses both forested and cleared land and would be respective of the existing uses. Once established, maintenance of the right-of-way becomes a concern. Staff will recommend that Rappahannock Electric Cooperative negotiate other means of maintenance with individual property owners objecting to herbicide usage. Staff has reviewed documents including a document prepared by the Virginia Department of Health in order to determine if adverse health effects will result from the proposed power line. Information reviewed by staff indicates that the potential health risks posed by the power line 3 are, at best, unclear. The applicant has included information indicating that the proposed power line would meet the guidelines set by Florida, New York and other states which are the only states that the Virginia Department of Health has identified as having regulations (Attachment C, page 5). Staff has identified the following factors which are unfavorable to this request: 1) The transmission line will cross Rural areas. Development in the Rural Areas is generally discouraged by the Comprehensive Plan; 2) The use of tall towers and the crossing of significant open areas will increase the visibility of the transmission line. It should be noted that more open space areas are crossed and taller towers are being used in response to Planning Commission concerns over the original alignment. Staff has identified the following factors which are favorable to this request: 1) The proposed line will increase electricity availability in the County which is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; 2) The applicant is utilizing the existing rail corridor and has stated that the transmission corridor may be used for communications. This sharing of corridor's is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3) The distance to dwellings, a minimum of 250 feet, will reduce the potential impact of the corridor. While not listed as a favorable or unfavorable factor staff noes that the potential risks are unclear. Staff notes that the applicant has stated that this transmission line will comply with the regulations of oier states. Staff opinion is that this request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Section of the Zoning Ordinance and recommends approval subject to the following conditions: Recommended Conditions of Approval: 1. The granting of this permit does not guarantee the availability of electric power to the applicant and shall not be construed as approving the modification, construction or reconstruction of any facility not specifically approved herein; 4 2. The granting of this permit shall not be deemed to impair or otherwise affect the rights of the applicant or any other person concerning the acquisition of any right-of-way or other interest in property for such line or the compensation to be paid therefor. Except for angle structures as described in Attachment G, right-of-way width shall not exceed one hundred feet (100'); 3. Suspension structures shall be in general accordance with Attachment G, provided that structures shall not exceed height or width dimensions described in Attachment G. A maximum height limit of 100 feet shall apply where height limits shown on the attachments must be exceeded due to topography; 4. Outside of the right-of-way, the applicant shall have the right to cut danger trees only. A danger tree is defined as any tree which, if felled, would fall within ten feet of a conductor; Within the right-of-way, the applicant shall preserve vegetation and trees within fifteen feet of stream crossings and public roads to the maximum extent practicable allowing for the safe operation and maintenance of the line; 5. The applicant shall take all reasonable measures to minimize the adverse impact of such line on adjacent properties, on the neighborhood and on the County, consistent with good engineering practice; 6. Department of Engineering approval of stream crossings; 7. Staff approval of site plans for substations; 8. Centerline of transmission line shall not be located closer than 250 feet to any dwelling and shall be in accord with the routing indicated in Attachment A; 9. Rappahannock Electric Cooperative will negotiate other means of maintenance with individual property owners objecting to herbicide usage Attachments A - Tax Map B - Description of Request C - Applicant's response to comments of the Planning Commission D - Justification for Request E - Electrical Service Areas Map F - Letter from adjacent owner G - Structure Diagrams 5 IATTACHMENT AI . I ! ~ ~ ' ~~ zo~ I=~~ -r T , ~ _..L ------- ~.a.--_.-- '- ~ "' < '" I !l. t ; 'u ~ ~i j; h <J . != :i! I ~i g ~ ,~ ~ = ill ~ gj~' IS ~ ~ Ii i !! IATTACHMENT 81 Exhibit 413 DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST This request is for a Special Use Pemit fc;- :en electric power substation located near Profitt, Virginia, and an associated transmission line from this substatian to Rappahannock Electric Cooperative's Rivanna Substation on Virginia Route 763. The substation shall consist ot low profile steel structures and rigid aluminum canductors to the greatest extent practical. The substa!ion site will encompass appraximately three and .one-half acres of land as shown an the accompanying tax maps. A tentative site plan of the proposed substation also accompanies this application (see Exhibit 415). The transmissian line will entail a 100 foot wide right-ot-way corridor and will be built with wood pole H-frame structures. The method of clearing and maintaining the right of way is described in the attached exhibit * 9. Typical structures are depicted in the attached drawings (Exhibits 416 and 417). The structures shall generally be spaced 300 to 700 feet apart, however, certain spacings may be either longer or shorter depending upon the topography along the line's right of way. These structures will suppart three conductors made of aluminum with steel reinforcing. These conductors will be attached to the structure with insulators. Additionally, two lightning shield wires will be carried from structure to structure and attached at the top of each pole. While studying possible substation sites and transmission line corridors, several criteria were utilized: 1 . If possible, the substation site should hot be located in an area of high density residential development. 2. The site chosen should be as compaible as practical with adjacent land use. 3. The substation site should be as close as possible to Virginia Power's 230kV Hollymead transmission line. 4. A site should be selected that is reasanably level and will not require extensive cut and fill. .- ,. IATTACHMENT B, Page 21 .. 5. The transmission line routing should avoid residential structures, to the greatest extent possible. 6. Neither the substation nor the transmission line should destroy any significant natural or cultural resources. 7. The line routing should be as direct as passible while cansidering other criteria mentioned above. 8. The line and substation shall be designed and sited using prudent engineering practices. Under these criteria, a substation location was selected. This location is immediately adjacent to the existing Virginia Power 230kV transmission line at the point where it passes the Better Living Home Center Truss Plant. The area initially selected is currently wooded. To the south and east of the site are the existing transmission line, the truss plant, and the Southern Railroad single rail line through Profitt, Virginia. To the north and west is more woodlands followed by light residential development. From this site, the transmission line would head northeast through woodlands for approximately 7300 feet, folawed by 350 feet of non-production fields and 550 feet of production fields. The line would then reenter existing woodlands for approximately 600 feet where it would then cross the North Fork - Rivanna River. After crossing the river, the line would reenter woodlands for approximately 2900 feet at which point it would turn and head in a northwesterly direction towards the Rivanna Substation. The transmission line would continue in woodlands for approximately 2100 feet followed by 4100 feet .of pastureland. After crossing the pastureland, the line would turn west and reenter woodlands far a distance of 2600 feet until reaching U.S. route 29 opposite and just south of the Rivanna Substation. The line would cross route 29 at this point, turn, and enter the Rivanna station from the south. A site plan showing the changes to the Rivanna station has been included as Exhibit 41 10. Because the steep sloping grade away from the Rivanna station and because of the proximity .of the property line to the substation .- .. IATTACHMENT B, Page '31 - .. fence, visual screening by installing two rows of evergreen trees on fifteen foot centers is not practical, nor would it be effective. The revised site plan indicates additional screening trees which will be planted to effectively block the view of the substation. The location of the proposed Piney Mountain substation and transmission line have been indicated an the attached aerial phatographs (Exhibit * 11) as well as tax maps * 46, 47, 33, and 21 (Exhibits * 8). .~ RAPPAHANNOCK ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE jATTACHMENT cl P.O. Box 7388 Fredericksburg, Virginia 22404-7388 Telephone (703) 898-8500 BOWLING GREEN DISTRICT P.O. Box 308 Bowling Green, Virginia 22427-0308 Telephone (804) 633-5011 ~ /;r CULPEPER DISTRICT P.O. Box 392 Culpeper, Virginia 22701-0392 Telephone (703) 825-8373 May 21, 1991 fY~ I [:;~'(?~ F','.',T,-;'} :-;:'70~I' ~,,'7l V if I ~~ \':""";': "-,.. "',,' ':. .": ; ~! ,~ ~'':1, )~/"1 .".,=""' :,:1' :,",~'" ;;'ill", ~ j\ ~ \j';;>': t.! . ' J!1 ~ "~" - . " \\ '.,~ t ! ~ ... ' ~~\. VAY 21 1991 Mr. william D. Fritz, Senior Planner Department of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 PLANNING DIViSION RE: SP-90-99; Rappahannock Electric Cooperative Dear Mr. Fritz: Since the occasion of the previous public hearing before the Planning commission in December, the engineering staff and engineering consultants of Rappahannock Electric Cooperative have been diligently engaged both in seeking answers to certain questions raised by the Commission and in exploring potential alternatives to the routing of a portion of the proposed transmission line, taking into account certain suggested criteria set forth by the commission. This letter addresses in detail each of the questions raised by the Commission. In addition, it proposes modification to the routing of a portion of the proposed transmission line, requests amendment to the application of Rappahannock Electric Cooperative to include additional items, and formally requests that a date certain be set for a second hearing before the Commission at the earliest possible date. RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS RAISED BY THE COMMISSION Q1: Can a route be found which is a minimum of five hundred feet from any dwelling? A1: Such a route is not possible. For the vast majority of properties along the line, it is possible to maintain a distance of five hundred feet to the edge of the ROW (550 feet to the centerline of the transmission line); however, the dwelling on Parcel #12A, Map #21 is located less than five hundred feet from the existing Rivanna Substation which was constructed for a specific transmission line entrance corridor. This is also the location where the line will - IATTACHMENT CllPage 2\ Mr. william o. Fritz, Senior Planner May 21, 1991 Page Two cross u.S. Route 29, as the topography along Route 29 dictates the location for a line crossing. While the suggested separation is not possible at this particular location, a distance of two hundred feet (250 feet to centerline) can be maintained. Although a route can be achieved which is at least five hundred feet from all other dwellings, such a route would involve crossing through the proposed residential development approved in ZMA-77-19. This line routing through the PRO, while not passing within five hundred feet of any existing dwellings, would impact approximately 133 potential dwellings and would reduce the potential for proposed improvements on the approved PRO. Additionally, such a line routing would cross through the middle of more properties. The line routing modification proposed later in this letter attempts to stay close to property lines wherever engineering considerations permit. The proposed line route lessens the impact upon the approved PRO and maintains a distance of three hundred feet (350' to centerline) from the residence on Parcel #4, Map #33. This alignment is also in accordance with the changes sought by the owner of Parcel #4, Ms. Amy B. Safley, in her December 17, 1990, letter to the Planning Commission, as discussed below in response to the Commission's Question #2. The Cooperative has been unable to locate any governmental, environmental or aesthetic regulations which require a minimum distance limitation of five hundred feet between a residence and a transmission line. It is the Cooperative's position that such a limitation is not appropriate, nor is it possible, in this instance. The proposed line was originally routed in such a manner that most dwellings were more than five hundred feet from the physical components of the transmission line. It is also quite conceivable that individual property owners may prefer a routing of the line through one section of their property, although it may be less than five hundred feet from a dwelling, rather than a more distant route, which may have a greater impact upon their property. Because of these facts, REC requests that such a minimum distance not be imposed. In return, REC will work with property owners, whose dwellings are less than five hundred feet from the electrical facilities, to the lATTACHMENT C1IPage 31 Mr. William D. Fritz, Senior Planner May 21, 1991 Page Three greatest extent possible. It has been and will continue to be, one of REC's objectives to work in a cooperative spirit with all property owners affected by its transmission projects. Q2: Two alternative routes have been presented by the public. Can the line be relocated in accordance with these proposed alignments? A2: The line can be rerouted as proposed by the public with slight modifications as follows: Routinq Proposed bv Boyd Peery and Rachel Peery: The line routing as indicated in the Peery sketch can be followed except in the northernmost portion of the Peery property where, due to environmental considerations such as steep grades and potential flood plain areas, etc., prudent engineering practice dictates that placement of a transmission line be avoided. REC proposes a line route which parallels the right of way of Norfolk Southern Railway, as requested by Mr. and Mrs. Peery. This route would be as far to the northeast as can be readily accessible by maintenance vehicles. From this point, the line would turn back to the northwest at a slightly sharper angle than indicated by the Peery's. This line routing is indicated in the attached exhibit #14. As can be seen, the difference in REC's proposed alignment and the requested alignment is minimal. It should be noted that the terrain which this route crosses requires that the transmission line be built with taller and stronger structures than those which REC had earlier contemplated. For this reason, REC requests amendment to this application so as to include additional items which shall be discussed later in this letter. Routing Proposed by Amy Saflev: The alignment proposed by Ms. Safley involves crossing a small pond on Parcel #13, Map #33 (not shown on tax maps). Prudent engineering practices dictate that water crossings be avoided if at all possible. With a slight adjustment, the pond crossing may be avoided while still maintaining the IATTACHMENT CllPage 4 Mr. william D. Fritz, Senior Planner May 21, 1991 Page Four requested route near the Safley property. The proposed alignment is indicated in exhibit #16, attached. Q3: What are the health effects of the proposed line and substation? A3: Effects upon health from transmission lines and substations are unknown at this time; however, research has been and is being undertaken to determine what effects, if any, such facilities may have on health. The Virginia Department of Health publishes an annual report monitoring ongoing research into this matter. The latest issue of this report (copy enclosed) concluded that research studies so far "provide only contradictory results." The report further concludes that basic questions concerning health effects that can be attributed to long-term exposure to electric or magnetic fields have yet to be answered. The United States Environmental Protection Agency published in December 1990, a review draft report on the potential carcinogenicity of electromagnetic fields (EMF). In the report, EPA summarizes that electromagnetic fields are a possible, but not proven, cause of cancer in humans. EMF emanates from a variety of sources, including appliances within homes. Electrical World Magazine, in its November 1988 issue provided the following figures for magnetic strengths of certain common household appliances: Appliance Field Strenqth Color Television 200 - 800 milligauss 2,000 - 7,000 milligauss Vacuum Cleaner Electric Range 175 - 625 milligauss By contrast, the calculated fields at the edge of the right of way (ROW) from REC's proposed transmission line will be less than half that of a color television set. Outside the ROW, these fields rapidly decrease to values less than that of the earth's magnetic field. IATTACHMENT C, Page 5\ Mr. william D. Fritz, Senior Planner May 21, 1991 Page Five The state of Florida, which has set commonly referenced standards for magnetic field levels near transmission lines, requires that the field level at the edge of a ROW not exceed 150 milligauss.. The fields surrounding REC's proposed transmission line will be significantly less than that level. Additionally, seven states have established levels for electric fields associated with transmission lines. These levels are as follows: State Field Limit Montana 1 kV/meter at ROW edge in residential areas Oregon 3 kV/meter at ROW edge 1.6 kV/meter at ROW edge 2 kV/meter at ROW edge 8 kV/meter within ROW 9 kV/meter within ROW 9 kV/meter within ROW New Jersey New York Florida Minnesota North Dakota As with magnetic fields, the calculated electric field strength associated with REC's proposed line is less than half that permitted by even the most stringent jurisdictions. In summary, the possible health effects, if any, of electrical facilities are unknown at this time. However, EMF levels outside the ROW which are created by the proposed transmission line shall be lower than those created by common appliances within most homes and shall be significantly below the most stringent requirements of those jurisdictions which regulate this type of activity. The Cooperative has staff members available to measure electric and magnetic field levels associated with its facilities and will perform such measurements as may be reasonably reqested by the public. IATTACHMENT C, Page 6\ Mr. william D. Fritz, Senior Planner May 21, 1991 Page Six Q4: Do any corridors exist other than the rail corridor, which could be used or followed? A4: The only apparent corridors other than the railroad would be highway corridors including State Routes 649 and 600, and u.S. Route 29. Use of these corridors would have a significantly greater impact upon the citizens of Albemarle County and upon existing land use and residences than the proposed route. Q5: Prepare a map indicating the results of a straight corridor between the VEPCO 230 kV line and the existing Rivanna (G.E.) Substation. A5: Such a map is attached to this letter as Exhibit #15. This corridor would pass close to approximately twenty homes, would involve crossing over parts of two large ponds, and would be visible from Route 649. Furthermore, this type of alignment would not be in accordance with Federal guidelines for transmission line corridors. REC does not consider this alignment to be a viable alternative. PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO ROUTING OF A PORTION OF THE PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINE REC requests that application SP-90-99 be modified to substitute the alignment as indicated on the attached Exhibit #16. Although a five hundred foot distance between the edge of the ROWand dwellings is not maintained throughout the length of the line, the modification does increase separation from dwellings. Under this alignment, the dwellings on Parcel #12A, Map #21 and Parcel #4, Map #33 are less than five hundred feet to the ROW. However, sufficient distance is maintained from these dwellings to minimize the impact of the line. REC would also like to reserve the right to modify the exact alignment of the transmission line upon any particular property. While the general alignment would be as shown on the maps, REC recognizes that actual property lines do not always agree with property lines indicated on tax maps. REC would like to be able to shift the exact location of the line by small amounts, if such a shift in placement is necessitated by actual property line locations as determined during surveying for the IATTACHMENT C, Page 7\ Mr. William D. Fritz, Senior Planner May 21, 1991 Page Seven line, or if such a shift in the line is mutually agreeable to the affected property owner and REC. The alignment presented in Exhibit #16 does not affect any property owners not previously REQUESTED AMENDMENT TO APPLICATION In view of the above proposed modification to location of the transmission line, REC requests to further amend the application so as to include the following. 1. In areas where topography places heavy design tensions on the structures, or unusually high structures are required, the use of concrete or steel poles may be substituted. The basic structure arrangement will be unchanged. No steel lattice towers will be utilized. 2. In areas where topography places heavy design tensions on the structures, or unusually high structures are required, cross braced H-frame structures may be utilized (see exhibit #17) . 3. The maximum height of any structure will be 100 feet above grade level, the typical structure height on level ground will be 65 feet. 4. One of the two shield wires (connected at the top of each pole) may include such conductors or light carrying fibers to provide communication facilities. This will not affect the appearance of the transmission project. 5. Engineering design considerations may require the use of paired conductors. This would mean that two smaller wires placed close together would be used instead of the larger conductors originally proposed. The determination of the number of conductors required would be made during the design of the transmission line. REC requests that the permit include the ability to use either single or paired conductors. IATTACHMENT C, Page 8\ Mr. william D. Fritz, Senior Planner May 21, 1991 Page Eight REQUEST FOR HEARING DATE Having fully addressed the questions posed to it by the Commission and having fully explored potential alternatives to the routing of a portion of its proposed transmission line, REC hereby requests that a date certain be set for further hearing before the Commission and that any and all notice which may be required in conjunction with said hearing be given to all appropriate parties. If you should have any other questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be calling the Planning Commission in the next few days to see if a date has been established for a second Planning Commission hearing. Sincerely yours, ~ /I ~~ John N. Dalton, P.E. Enclosures . \ ""1& r... ~ J 1"--.,.... ......... . -" -'<. ' ~ F= -< ~ ;1 ~ I~ (.) != d 1 ~i ~ ~ li~ ~ : i! t -< iD I. ~ ~ ~i iI ~ ..., a SEE ,....1& ~ .' I '-. "- \ ~ F= < Q: . ~ ;1 ~ la ~ !; ~ ~ i~ ~ ..~! ( ~ =~! ~ Q.. CD gj S ~ 8 li ~ , ? IATTACHMENT 0\ Exhibit *4 ,. - JUSTIFICATION FOR REQUEST Currently, Rappahannock Electric Cooperative's (REC's) Rivanna, Dunnes, and Qui~que Substations in Albemarle and Greene Counties are supplied from a 34.5kV subtransmission line eminating from Virginia Power's Hollymead Substation. This line roughly parallels U.S. Route 29 in Albemarle County. Energy flows on this line in December 1989 exceeded the conductor's rated thermal capacity by 25 percent. It is projected that by 1992 loads on this line will exceed conductor limits by more than 40 percent. Energy requirements in this rapidly growing area are expected to increase approximately 6 percent per year. Emergency measures are currently being undertaken to provide continued service, however, this is only a short term improvement. A reliable, high capacity source of electricity must be brought into the area as soon as possible. The failure of the Cooperative to provide a new high capacity source to this area will result in the Cooperative not being able to provide continuous service to its consumers. Additionally, without a new source, the Cooperative will not be able to connect the new homes and businesses it anticipates being built in northern Albemarle and Greene Counties. The Piney Mountain substation and the Rivanna transmission line are the first steps of this economical long term plan to provide adequate and reliable electric service to coonsumers of both REC and Potomac Edison (PE). In addition to REC's need for greater capacity into the area, Potomac Edison has also been seeking to strengthen its transmission system' in the area. Because the service areas of REC and PE are contiguous and intertwined, it is believed that the .- IATTACHMENT D, Page 21 ,. .. solution to each utility's problems can best be found by joint planning. This one-utility approach to planning should result in fewer miles of transmission line beng constructed and lower costs for both utilities. Power supply problems in Albemarle, Greene, and Orange counties, and various solutions, have been analyzed. A multiyear plan has been devised to provide adequate and reliable service to four REC substations and three PE substations. This project includes a 230kV - 115kV transformation from Virginia Power's 230kV Hollymead transmission line plus a 115kV transmission loop to REC's and PE's substations. This loop would connect to PE's Pratts substation in Madison County which is currently supplied via a 115kV transmission line from Virginia Power's 230kV - 115kV substation at Gordonsville in Orange County. A 115kV supply can provide a strong source of electricity into this area of Virginia. The use of a loop system provides high reliability which results in fewer nuisance outages and a continuation of service even in the event of a major component failure. The Piney Mountain substation and Rivanna transmission line will be an integral part of this long term, reliable supply system. .- j IATTACHMENT EI Q c: I- Q w ..J W .)." Jo.. ~ .;:) o (.) tI-,so I/) ( .. 0/ ....z o en c w c( l&.I a: c( '.:::c: Q o Z z <( J: <( a. a. <( c: Q <( ~ o I- o ... ~ :1. :; .. '" . l&.I . t: ~ 9 a: c( J: U .)." Jo.. ~ .;:) o (.) ,. IATTACHM-ENT FI .... ., RFD ;14, Bo;\: 116, Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Decernber 5, 1990 Attention: William D. Fritz RE: Tax Hap 47, Parcel 2 ID. ~W{~Sp~n~.. n; , . 1__ .;:.;;f 1 \"\.f~ J" .I . ~ \~q-} ,-.: il \ r/. I~,. I ~.ln . f\\l;J "'-'" .; ~WI DEe 6 1990 ..... PLANNiNG DiYIS10~ County of Albemarle Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia Dear Sir: This letter concerns the location and construction of the Rappahannock Electric Cooperative transmission line. We, as property owners, feel the current location of the line which crosses our property is not the best possible route. We '\olould like to he.ve the Plannins Gorro."rlission study the possibility of locating the line parallel and adjacent to the Norfolk Southern Railroad to a point SW of the Rivanna River, then turn left to intercept the existing proposed right of Hay. We feel this route would be less d~naging enviromentally as there is less rieht of way to clear, as approximately 3000 feet is mostly open pasture and would require little right of way preparation. The land through out this area is gently rolling with no steep grade. We feel that locating this right of way parallel and adjacent to the railroad right of way Hould certainly be less dc.unaging to our property. \O/e '\olould like to thank you for your time and consideration. If 'He can be of any help, please call 973-3857. Sincerely, ~ Rachel P. Peery Ene: Map with our proposed rieht of way relocation .- d I J ' I'''''' -..\. I ,.._t:A ! 1.. I I I. 1 .. I /1 I \ATTACHMENT F, Pag-e 3\ t: Rt. 4, Box 265 Ch~rlattesville, VA 22901 December 17,1990 Mr. Williem O. Fritz, SEnior Planner Albemarle County Planning Commission 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 Ra: SP-90-S9, Rappah~nnock Electric Cooperative proposed routing of high-power transmission line Dear Mr. Fritz: . Please present to your board on the 18th my request to reconsider the proposed leg of this transmission line designated "C" on the enclosed map, for the following reasons: 1. Impact on the health of the dwellers on parcels 2, 4, and 4b. There is even now an investigation underway to study the potential link between the electromagnetic fields surrounding such lines and childhood leukemia, as well as other types of cancer. There are also innumerable reports of debilitating headaches in farmers who spent long hours tilling the soil under such lines. The proposed aasement comes virtually to the doorstep of two of the homes on the ;::...bove properties, precluding ;;'inY protective intervening shrubbery whatsoever. 2. The devaluating of parcels 4, 4b, 4c, 12, and 12e due to the manner in which the proposed easement limits future use (building). (In my own case, this would make the third electric easament around my dwelling.) 3. The ecological impact of clear-cutting the stee~est part of a w~tarshed. It seems redundant to point out that the soil we wi~h to prevent being washed away would also be most UNwelcome to persons, livestock, and wildlife from the Rivanna to the Atlantic. . I therefore request that the easement be relocated to the ~est- southwest of thet originally proposed by a distance approximately equal to its own width. It has been explained that the policy in the past has been to use forested areas to diminish the visual annoyanca of such power lines, however, in clear-cutting the forest immediately adjacent to open fields, this guideline becomes self-defeating. Especially where the woodland is narrow, as in this case, the visibility is merely opened up to more angles of sight. May I also suggest that my alternative would be cost-effective to REC? encl: 1 Ipi1~'11.l'''\~5?; li'i\. r.~. . 1,1 ~jiS. \~! l~..~ 1111 \d ~ I ;J~ .. ~ ~t.~~~ ~ ! K,) >> ~: . t~ DEe 1 7 1990 ResPa:;llr~t/~d.., . Amy B. (Siel~:Zley .- PLANNING DIViSION :"/ ",':' '\",,~.' .: "/ ",.. -' '~'>'" ..\')-----.-- "" IATTACHME I :~:-._( I .:~' I': ' > ....>/ / ". ,;' i~,- ," '(. - NT F; Page 4 ,,(1).\)...-<: ~r"..,\,\,. / L,'J /\ I :)~ -. '-. " ~. . ... .,/ ~ ", :., w ,.' "-. .---..... ; -:;,,;..) , I ~ 11,\) \ '-.~ \~: ,.f;;)"--c'.'~' I :/J -,----....: I ~ / ;\ ' ':, \ / / 1 "1/ , ~ ~ ~-.~.:..,'( /.--.-- -/ /' . - / ~.t ,I j: /' :: I: . / '/ " i !. ""'" . Ie:- ' .. "J- J - -. / ,,'" J_I~ i \ i~"~,:'~:\\~\~~'" !~--.:-..__ /:' I'-} ../,:: Y I ( \1 040C i-""-:t ")(' /:/("':$'<:\"t::..,\~~.>~- ~~~]\' ! ,,/,.\~,~-;~_.-l.<' ---;~--li ~\l~J / ~.-)-" ;'. 11_11 \~/ r ._-/'<<'.' "">:",'~:;;"\ G ! _.,<'-' ~ ,'/' /' ---- /1\ "'1~-<;- !. '\:::" //v-/--- . "." \ : 0" jlJ" /. ,- \. /'\' " r. '(1 !i,\ 1 ~..I j~. . //.1 / .:;' '., '. '. .,./ 'v" "1/' _1 / ;1 ()7' .\ I-;:::r'-~~/Ir ........- .~, \ 'i: I C'''~./D; / ':;Cj:'~:::f~I/, / ,1;-\ \ \ ~ \ J/ I --.::..::;:;? !\"c (-"--:-.:;./"./.'11 "'". I " ," 0/\ . \ ..~ : 11";];1. 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J~ i '\ , r "",","'1,..,.. ~4 1 Y !~ 'k /~,?~ ~ "j{~':~~~~'!.~ r . \\. . . t~~~' ,~~ \ .....,,,/\,.::\:/--...\ '. '~tf.f%'Z0\\ \,.:,~ Z~ \i\-,1 .j '---- ......~./ ~'i'~. ....0 '/' "'\\''/ \ \ . /': y,.", .., \, \ - ---.../ 3~ '. /~..........: \'. \ ..........-"'1'., nil I \\ ':-::(f r.~' ow ..... " ~.....-:. \./ \,'" \ '''U ,,~( y \ '201; l .. _ ...0/, .. 1":'(~1: ~~:r? /--; "'>." \ l' .. . <,:i-j/ .....-:c.! \)) \ ''r';..]' ',T"- .\ ~~/~ t/ -~~ )'.!>,.' ",.I ,~;~','i N~"" ).':~ I ':'-....,; 1~3" ~~r-- ---I \ j\'.\ ," " ,," \ 5:7 I Z'L tt' \" . 'j~ t% ~I/~ ~....~" ,: . /,/ \ (/ \ II . "/'" '" "y '-'" \ 20 ........~ !~:m\ ,"". .:,: /. \\ ,} \ IJ" /' .,,, ! \ !/",'-":.-I//;;':;,.-, ,t'\" ..: __/ \.~ .,....~') '- J. 1:/:/"~/."~l . ..:.---....'.".. \ . . /' . _...J' ---.{__ " . " 1__ ,,':>;;J';,-':/~:.c.--- "'),;.'.'.' \\/ )_;r-1[ , ~21 \ '-..... ~ -...... lc.r'~' ,;{i'o'iY: .1\\ ( \...-J. 1-UQ i ~-~/..;..~._._':' [ .Y;;,,:;:,; ~. \ \.- /'\ 2~ ..J.' ! t ..J,.._-A::;V"- \ > ~;~ q\~,~,:i!~;OL\(' t=U'OK\L " /~)' '~-1:cf' (/ '/ ~~n It ,\ '\ II 11 ui , i T ~ ~ :T to ~T J~ ~ 1 l"'I ..... 1 (IDO!d{l) ,,0 - ,99 ~ l/) E ... o en l/) o v '- ... 0 ::l .,..., -0 U 0 ::l 0 .;; 3: U) ..c ~ ~ to 0'1 ~ ~ ~ I- I- 0 OJ lL I X W o U "0 a.. 0 ~~ IATTACHMENT G, Page 1\ L- V ..c .~ ::r: l/) v C .0 0 >.:::: 0-0 ~c o _0 ..c Ole 'v'o It: v el- :J 0 u...... :J Q) .t::J (/)0 . o I '0 ... II . ... q; '0 o tI) ., IATTACHMENT G, Page 31 1--12' - 6" I 12' - 6~ 1--12' - 6"---1 EXHIBIT # 17 -;/ r I: o '""' c o in ~ to t:, Typical Cross-braced Tangent Structure Wood Poles with Wood Crossarms Structure Height May be Higher Due to Terrain Conditions Scale: ,. - , 0'-0. ~ . . .. . IATTACHMENT G, Page 41 15' - 6" 15" - 6" ~ ~I" ~ 15' - 6" ~ ~ EXHIBIT # 18 Typical Cross-braced Tangent Structure Wood Poles with Wood Crossarms Structure Height May be Higher Due to Terrain Conditions Scale: 1. - 10"-0. 1: o .-.. o .~ 'in ~ to t:. ~ , , . . o. ~ u 5 11'I . a c < E a1~ -'i "'::1 !::a lIlu 8! . CD I r. - . CD I r. ... IATTACHMENT G, Page 5/ lri .&. DO :i: II ':j >.= cOO ::18 _CJ -a..s ~g . et- o. ~.s 2 · u;6 ~ . - // // / / J J // / / ,/ / // ,/ ..... a . u .,,- CD~ t:. ,- / . :"", ,{ ; J:.:.l::..fLL,,;,;;;.. D:'~~r~but;;~j ~D bvaru. - I", ',"'. q{,o~(J 7. <I't..1 ~genda Item NQ, - ~ '-'/ (: COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 ", .:..:/ July 3, 1991 Charlottesville Quality Cable Corporation ATTN: Dean Johnson Rt. 3, Box 661 Crozet, VA 22932 RE: SP-91-23 Charlottesville Quality Cable Corp. Tax Map 91, Parcel 28 (part) Dear Mr. Johnson: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on July 2, 1991, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted request to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Tower height not to exceed 200 feet. Tower, ground equipment and satellite dishes to be located and configured as described by applicant in Attachment C adn sketch initialled W.D.F., dated July 2, 1991. 2. Administrative approval of site plan to include: a. Staff approval of equipment building and satellite receiving dishes sites and, if appropriate, screening measures; 3. As to future tower users, staff may administratively approve additional antennae installation under the following circumstances: a. continued compliance with 'section 5.1.12 (Attachment D) of the Zoning Ordinance including safety measures related to cumulative RF radiation such as fencing of areas where ANSI standards would be exceeded; f Charlottesville Quality Cable Corporation Page 2 July 3, 1991 b. If such installation is an element or segment of a network or system which requires Board approval, such installation shall not be authorized until Board approval has been obtained for the entire network or system. 4. Department of Engineering approval of tower design to insure that in the event of collapse the tower falls within the lease area. Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on August 7, 1991. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. YOU OR YOUR REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT FOR THIS MEETING. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ..,l ..i' 0/</.' <jdZ(;,~ a~ william D. Fritz Senior Planner WDF/jcw cc: Lettie E. Neher Amelia Patterson Jo Higgins Crown Orchard Company .- 't' STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSIC:;: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WILLIAM D. FRITZ JULY 2, 1991 AUGUST 7, 1991 SP-91-23 - CHARLvTTESVILLE QUALITY CABLE CORPORATION Petition: Charlottesville Quality Cable Corporation petitions the Board of Supervisors to issue a special use permit for an approximately 190 foot transmission tower [10.2.2(6)] on a portion of 234.2 acres zoned RA, Rural Areas. Property, described as Tax Map 91, Parcel 28 (part) is 10cated on the south side of Route 53 in the scottsville Magisterial District. This property, on Carter's Mountain, is not 10cated within a designated growth area. Rural Area IV. Character of the Area: This property is at the top of Carter's Mountain, with approximately seven towers 10cated in proximity to the proposed tower site. The two adjacent towers were approved by the Board of Supervisors for Motorola (200 feet) and CVET (293 feet). APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL The applicant is proposing to construct a transmission tower of approximately 190 feet. The tower will be used for "wireless cable television". Two to three ground satellite receiving dishes are also proposed as well as any equipment building. The tower design will accommodate additional users. The signal is received by the customer through a, smaIl antenna. This antennae is approximately 1/10 the size of a standard VHF antenna. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff has reviewed the request for compliance with section of the Zoning Ordinance and recommends approval of SP-91-23. PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: October 4, 1978 - The Board of Supervisors approved SP-78-42, a request for a 200 foot communication tower. January 18, 1980 - The Board of Supervisors approved SP-79-76, a request for a five meter satellite receiving dish. 1 'I' March 19, 1980 - The Board of Supervisors approved SP-80-22, a request to r€.~..uve an existing 230 foot tower and replace it with a 186 foot television tower. May 41. 1988 - The Board of Supervisors approved SP-88-14, a request for 2~3 foot television tower. September 19, 1990 - The Board of Supervisors approved SP-90-74, a request for a 150 foot cellular telephone tower. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: A stated design standard of the Comprehensive PIan is "design public utility corridors to fit the topography. Corridors should be shared by utilities, when possible. Distribution lines should be placed underground". The intent of this statement is to consolidate 10cationsi therefore, since the tower is 10cated in an area with many other towers, the application is consistent with this standard. The opportunity to cluster towers is limited by topography. Staff has encouraged consolidation of new towers in existing tower farms such as on Carter's Mountain. STAFF COMMENT: Attachment C is the applicant's submittal entitled "SUMMARY OF INFORMATION" which is presented in the form of a planning staff report and analysis. Staff is in basic agreement with opinions stated by the applicant and recommends that the proposal satisfies criteria for issuance of a special use permit as setforth in "Special use permits for uses as provided in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding by the Board of Supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property, that the character of the district will not be changed thereby and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance, with the uses permitted by right in the district, with additional regulations provided in Section 5.0 of this Ordinance, and with the public health, safety and general welfare. The following summary comments are offered: 1) Location: The applicant attempted to 10cate on existing towers on Carter's Mountain. These attempts were unsuccessful due to a lack of available capacity on existing towers or technical incompatibility with other users. The proposed tower will be located within 2 " 500 feet of three existing towers and will be of equal or less ~leight than existing towers. The nearest dwelling is 10cated approximately 3,000 feet distant. 2) Capacitv: As stated by the applicant in Attachment C, the tower will be designed to accommodate additional users. Further information from the applicant indicates that the applicant will use approximately 1/3 of the total capacity of the tower and has already been in contact with prospective users. This approach, providing excess capacity, is consistent with the County efforts. 3) Visibilitv: The tower will be visible from large areas of the county. However, the towers proximity to existing towers will result in a minimal change in the appearance of the mountain. The ground equipment for the existing towers 10cated adjacent to this site have limited visibility. Staff is recommending administrative approval of the site pIan for the 10cation of all ground equipment. In review of -the site pIan staff will require screening measures if necessary. Therefore, based on the towers proximity to existing towers and a condition allowing staff to require screening of the ground equipment this use will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent properties , and the character of the district will be changed. To further enhance shared usage of the tower, staff will recommend that no separate special use permits be required for future users on this tower, provided that certain conditions are satisfied. Staff recommends approval of SP-91-23 Charlottesville Cable Corporation subject to the following conditions: Recommended Conditions of Approval: 1. Tower height not to exceed 200 feet. Tower to be located as described by applicant. 2. Administrative approval of site pIan to include: a. Staff approval of equipment building and satellite receiving dishes sites and, if appropriate, screening measures; 3. As to future tower users, staff may administratively approve additional antennae installation under the following circumstances: a. continued compliance with section 5.1.12 (Attachment D) of the Zoning Ordinance including safety measures related to cumulative RF radiation such as fencing of areas where ANSI standards would be exceeded; 3 . ~' b. If such installation is an element or segment of a network or system which requires Board approval, such installation shall not be authorized until board approval has been obtained for the entire network or system. 4. Department of Engineering approval of tower design to insure that in the event of collapse the tower falls within the lease area. ATTACHMENTS: A - Location Map B Tax Map C Applicant's Summary of Information D section 5.1.12 of the Zoning Ordinance 4 IATTACHMENT AI ., ~v (,(5 ~I" '" .,., g-..f~ .-of \.<1' \S " _.::9' ~-0 o~ t' .,0,. /.//:- i. ~ ,..t ~~ ~(('" \ ,( \ .; ,/ ~ , / L' ~~ [ill) / ~ " ~ "'~ ~ s ~ -.) \ ( 1.-, "!.' 0.., 'J.' ~""~-'''\.., o " ~ { .~ ~ ...~ .~ cl -'~~ '.\<'''-~.~ .. -~~. \, :)) .:~ < '. '" ""oj , '?' ~ , '" "" ., 17 (ill]618_ v-~ . ilx',! .. SP-91-23 CH'VILLE QUALITY CABLE CORP. . COUNTY ALBEMARLE 77 , , . . .IATTACHMENT 81 /~- /k,~. '\.,..- 29 I \~ '\ ~ '\ + ~ ~-J- '" ../ ""-- . '", "-- \ '------.... '"", X~ '--'\"-",,, \ " ~ ') ) '~/'''\ " \ I I 'i 92 \ ~"" ( :} / ," \. \ "'" '\ \ \ -\- J- / \VY)__~-L.____ \ \\ ( 24 '--~ ,,~ \ )0~~ > 27 / ~'--..,~, .. . ""'" ~,~~ . .--\. X ' 'J 6::' _ _ SCALE IN ~t~~T 1.00 1;00 ( '" x: '~-------};;L----L. " SP-91-2~ QUALITY \ /"' I CHARlOllEOSX~~RA liON ~\ (- CABLE C ~, \..{ ~ - SECTION 91 103 SCOTTSVILLE OiSTRICT -- IATTACHMENT cl SUMMARY OF INFORMATION May 13, 1991 rCHARLOTTESVILLE QUALITY CABLE CORP., APPLICANT AND CROWN ORCHARD COMPANY, OWNERl Reauep~. Microwave Television Transmission Tower Acreaqe: [234 +\- acres] Zoninq: RA Location: Property, described as Tax Map 91, parcel 28, is located off of Route 20, approximately 3 miles south of Charlottesville and is located on Carter's Mountain. Plat map showing approximate location of tower is attached along with a drawing showing the relation of the proposed tower to existing towers. Character of the Area: The site will be accessed over the existing fire tower road through the property owned by the Crown Orchard Company. The property is developed with orchards and with other towers. There are no dwelling units located in the area. Other lands in the area consist of agricultural and forested tracts. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: Charlottesville Quality Cable Corp. (CQC) is petitioning the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors for approval to construct a tower approximately 190 feet high for transmission of microwave radio frequencies and possibly for one or more than one FM radio stations. The tower would be located at an elevation of 1440 AMSL, North Latitude: 38-58-57, West Longitude 78-28-58. Construction would involve installation of a concrete foundation, tower, related building of approximately 20'x 20', and two to three satellite receiving dishes at the base of the tower. The tower will be designed to accommodate six top-mounted antennae of approximately seven feet in length (total height 197 feet), one four bay FM antenna at approximately 170 feet. The tower is also being designed to accommodate two way communications uses at 135' and 110'. The transmitter building will be similar in appearance to existing buildings near other towers on Carter's Mountain. The applicant has attempted to obtain space on existing towers on Carter's Mountain but was unsuccessful because of existing loading or refusal of owners to accept new users. SUMMARY OF RELEVANT FACTORS: IATTACHMENT C, Page 21 1. The tower will not be of substantial detriment to adjoininq properties: There are no dwellings located in the area, therefore proximity to dwellings is not a factor. Due to the close proximity to the existing transmitter sites, property val'''-Qs would not be affected. The property in question would not be appropriate for future residential or commercial development. 2. The tower would not chanqe the character of the district (aesthetics and visibility; industrial appearances): The tower would be located in close proximity to the existing cluster of towers on Carter's Mountain and would not create any different visual appearance from any point in Albemarle County from which the tower may be seen. The tower itself will be a 24 inch faced guyed tower. A preliminary design drawing depicting the tower is attached. The tower and antennae will be very similar in structure and appearance to those already existing on Carter's Mountain and, thus, the overall visual effect will not be changed. The tower would not change the character of the district, but would merely be adding one tower to an existing field of towers and the new tower will be no more visible than any of the existing towers. The tower will be solid steel and will be in accordance with the current Federal Communications Commission and Federal Aviation Administration requirements. The character of the area will not be affected by the color due to the existing nearby tower facilities. The height of the proposed tower (190') will be lower relative to the height of the nearest existing tower (Motorola) and thus the skyline intrusion will not be changed by the addition of one new tower. 3. The tower would be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Zoninq Ordinance includinq provisions of 5.0 sup~lementary requlations: As stated, the tower will be located in proximity to existing towers and will therefore not be located in a random location. Should the the radius property. tower are tower collapse, it will be designed to do so within of its guy wires which will not cross into adjacent The possibility of a collapse of a new solid steel remote. The tower and related antennae will not endanger the health and safety of workers and/or residents in the community and will not impair or prove detrimental to neighboring properties or the development of same for the reasons previously stated. , ' IATTACHMENT C, Page 31 The radiation from the microwave antennae will fall within ANSI guide1.tnes. Frequencies used for this service are 2.15-2.69 Ghz as defined by the Federal Communications Commission for use in Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service (MMDS), Instructional Television Fixed Service (ITFS) and Multipoint Dis~ribution Service (MDS). The transmitters themselves will initially operate at 20 watts and will not exceed 100 watts. These power levels are well below those for radio or television transmissions and will comply with any changes in Federal Communications Commission guidelines for microwave services. Any FM antennae located on the tower will also follow all regulatory and environmental standards. 4. The tower would be consistent with the public health safety and welfare (non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation; signal interference, safety of tower): Several aspects of this petition are addressed under this criteria: a) Access: Access will be over the existing fire tower road. Access is not particularly important except during the initial construction of the tower in order to transport the tower, crane and construction equipment. Once the tower is constructed, access will be required on an infrequent basis. This is an unmanned facility and the only time access will be required is for periodic maintenance. There will be no mixing of residential and commercial uses since most of the traffic would be for servicing other broadcast facilities. b) Safety of the tower. The tower will be engineered and constructed to appropriate wind and ice loads. Copies of the final plans and calculations relative the collapse area as mentioned above will be submitted with application for the building permit. c) Siqnal Interference. The proposed tower will not interfere with any existing broadcasts. 6. Benefits to the Public: The applicant desires to construct the tower to provide the public with "wireless cable" television service. Wireless cable, which has been well received in other markets, operates similarly to traditional cable except that the signal is received by a small antenna on the subscriber's roof instead of through coaxial cable. The applicant will provide this service to homes in Albemarle and other surrounding counties. This will afford households without access to wired cable the opportunity to receive programming such as Cable News Network, the Discovery Channel, HBO, and other IATTACHMENT C, Page 41 cable programming services. These homes only current recourse is the ~cquisition of a satellite dish for receipt of such programming. The applicant is discussing relationships with several local e~hools whereby the applicant will provide the schools with ~~uipment and free programming in return for leasing excess air time on their educational frequencies. This relationship will provide these schools with educational benefits and the ability to broadcast their programming for continuing education and other uses. The applicant has been in discussions with a local radio station to sublease space on its tower and will entertain similar proposals in an attempt to minimize the need for construction of new towers in the area. 5.J,..12. PUBLIC UTILITY STRUCTURES/USES IATTACHMENT 01 a. The proposed ~se at the location selected will not endanger the health and safety of workers .and/or residents in the community and will not impair or prove detrimental to neighboring properties or the devel- opment of same; b. Public utility buildings and structures in any resi- dential zone shall, wherever practical, have the exterior appearance of residential buildings and shall have landscaping, screen planting and/or fencing, whenever these are deemed necessary by the commission; In addition, trespass fencing and other safety measures may be required as deemed necessary to reasonably protect the public welfare; In cases of earth-disturbing activity, immediate erosion control and reseeding shall be required to the satisfaction of the zoning administrator; c. Such structures as towers, transmission lines, trans- formers, etc., which are abandoned, damaged or other- wise in a state of disrepair, which in the opinion of the zoning administrator pose a hazard to the public safety, shall be repaired/removed to the satisfaction of the zoning administrator within a r~asonable time prescribed by the zoning administrator'; In. approva~ of a public utility use, the commission shall be m~ndful of the desirability of use by more than one utility company of such features as utility e~seme~ts ~nd river crossings, particularly in areas h~stor~c,v~sual or scenic value, and it shall insofar as practical, condition such'approvals so as to mini- mize the.proliferation of such easements or crossings, as descr~bed by the comprehensive plan. d. . ," LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT M. GOTTSCHALK ROBIN HILL ROUTE 2 BOX 14 CHARLOTTESVI LLE, VI RGI N IA 22901 ADMITTED VA. AND N. Y. BARS (804) 977-4110 \ I":' TELEX 6730473 I LAW UW FAX 8049774113 July 5, 1991 Mr. F. R. Bowie, Chairman Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear Mr. Bowie: I understand that the Board of Supervisors will be considering the matter of Quality Cable transmission towers. This letter is to recommend to you that maximum help be given to Quality Cable. We live directly across from Green Croft Country Club on Route 250 West and have been quoted over the years $1,500.00 or more for Adelphia Cable to connect our house to their services. On each occasion, we were made to feel that this was a great favor done for us and a "take it or leave it" option. In the last couple of years, we have found them to be surly if not rude. This was an easy position for them to take since there was no competition. It is to Albemarle Counties' benefit to bring in Quality Cable and its antenna system for all those who would otherwise face enormous charges from Adelphia Cable or no service at all. Please accept our thanks for your kind consideration. -) B;z:;~rd".: L~. .:'......""........, .,'... /r:fa:-eui-~1t, J~e(/ / ..."".---". / Robert Gottschalk f/ RMG : vwz , , 1 i -2.(1/ , ,-~.~ - ,-~. ,. ....-..... ,1":. :, ;, t,.m,' ,-' 1flfi ,'''~' . '" q/.og;,;.,,__ . ,.",j~ It,,!'1' I'.J. --- ,1,1t;:;",,,, \ ..' " " ,:~-) 4 ,_.. " I, - I : .'~, r"i ;.J1 ) " I /;. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 " July 3, 1991 Jean B. Baum 9828 West 121st street Overland Park, Kansas 66213 RE: SP-91-24 Jean Baum Tax Map 35, Parcel 43C Dear Ms. Baum: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on July 2, 1991, unanimously recommended approval of this petition to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Riding rings and riding surfaces shall be covered and maintained with a material such as pine bark to minimize dust and erosion; 2. Fencing and other methods of animal confinement shall be maintained at all times; 3. Not more than three (3) employees; 4. Not more than fourteen (14) horses shall be boarded on-site; 5. Hours of operation for outdoor activities shall be during daylight hours only; indoor facilities may operate between 6 a.m. and 10:p.m.; 6. Facilities shall be limited to that shown on Attachment C, provided that the existing stables may be expanded in order to achieve an Olympic size ring; 7. Upgrading of entrance in accordance with Virginia Department of Transportation comments of June 10, 1991. Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on Auqust 7. 1991. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be . Jean B. Baum Page 2 July 3, 1991 submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. YOU OR YOUR REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT FOR THIS MEETING. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~~ /J~ William D. Fritz Senior Planner WDF/jcw cc: Lettie E. Neher Amelia Patterson Jo Higgins Sabrina Gussin John J. McGrath, Jr . , . WI LLIAM D. FR'L'.n'0 :'] JULY 2, 1991 rr'.-~_-.- ,'_"'~.,M .'~ AUGUST 7, 199~ ii U. I' f , .' SP-91-24 JEAN BAUM i 1:1 \ \h"':",~, "t:" '.._.".,_,_' :. i; Petition: Jean Baum petitions the BO~~:c);::'pii:~~p~,8?,j,~6t$'; to issue a special use permit for a comme'r'C/la.! \~:tal:)ter-, v ~L. '\,:; [10.2.2(16)] on 25.1 acres zoned RA, Rural Areas. Property, described as Tax Map 35, parcel 43C, is 10cated on the east side of Rt. 20 approximately 4/10 miles south of Rt. 641 in the Rivanna Magisterial District. This site is not located within a designated growth area., This site is within the EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District. STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Character of the Area: This site is mostly wooded with evergreen trees and is developed with a single family dwelling, stables and riding ring (Attachment C indicates the 10cation of existing structures. The riding ring location has been added by staff and is approximate). A single family dwelling is 10cated on property to the south. The stables and riding ring are not visible from the state road or dwellings. Applicant's Proposal: The applicant is proposing to operate a commercial stable housing up to 14 horses. The applicant will train the horses in the art of dressage. A maximum of three employees is proposed, two full time employees and one student intern. The applicant anticipates a maximum of eight horses being trained and boarded at a time. The applicant has provided a description of this request (Attachment D). Summary and Recommendation: Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with section and 5.1.3 of the Zoning Ordinance and recommends approval subject to conditions. Planninq and Zoninq History: April 30, 1984 the plat creating this parcel was approved. Comprehensive Plan: This site is 10cated in Rural Area II. An adjacent property, Tax Map 35, Parcel 26, is in the Blue Run Agricultural/Forestal District. This use should have no impact on the district due to the distance of the stables from the district and the wooded nature of the area. The Comprehensive Plan states as a goal "promote the continuation of a viable agricultural and forestal industry and resource base" page 40. It is the opinion of staff that the proposed use is in accord with this goal. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: The facilities needed for the proposed use currently exist and only minor maintenance/improvements are necessary. The applicant has stated that this site was used as a commercial stable in the past. However, staff is unable to locate any County records indicating approval for a commercial stable (This site is not being used at this time). VDOT has stated that the existing entrance does not have the minimum necessary sight distance (Attachment E). Only limited trimming and clearing of vegetation is needed to improve the entrance in accordance with VDOT comments. No dwellings are visible from the site. A maximum of three employees is proposed and a maximum of 14 horses will be boarded. Conditions limiting activity to the above levels will limit the maximum activity on-site to a level that will not affect adjacent properties. Staff notes that this use wil1 increase traffic volumes. Staff calculations indicate this use may generate between 22 to 34 vehicle trips per day which is equal to two to three dwellings. This property does not retain any development rights. Therefore, this use will increase traffic over that normally expected. Staff opinion is that the proposed use is supportive of the Rural Areas and that the limited activity on-site will not effect other properties or change the character of the district. Compliance with the provisions of Section 5.1.3 wil1 protect the public health, safety and welfare. Based on the above comments, staff recommends approval of SP-91-24 Jean Baum subject to the following conditions: 1. Riding rings and riding surfaces shall be covered and maintained with a material such as pine bark to minimize dust and erosion; 2. Fencing and other methods of animal confinement shall be maintained at all times; 3. Not more than three (3) employees; 4. Not more than fourteen (14) horses shall be boarded on-site; 5. Hours of operation for outdoor activities shall be during daylight hours only, indoor facilities may operate between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.; 6. Facilities shall be limited to that shown on Attachment C provided that the existing stables may be expanded in order to achieve an olympic sized ring; 7. Upgrading of entrance in accordance with Virginia Department of Transportation comments of June 10, 1991 ATTACHMENTS A. Location Map B. Tax Map C. Sketch Plan D. Applicant's Description E. VDOT Comment. IATTACHMENT AI o l.J ~ FOUR TIMES MAP ~n''''''h 0-9 -<l~ G~ ~~ :>< ~:............-............ ( 0JS <> ?>~ t- OV ~ \- /0.., tJ. I ~ SP.91-24 JEAN BAUM ... . . ':' ALBEMARLE COUh,'Y IATTACHMENT 81 34 . 14 \, \ '\. \ >01 21 / .. SP-91-24 JEAN BAUM ., 49 SCAU IN 'EET .~ _ _ 0 I" 111I' IICUI ~OO --.eLlJE IlUI AGIlIClA.n.M a FORESTAL D1S1IICT RIVANNA DISTRICT SECTION 35 ~ lATTACHMENT 01 BOBY G, JANNEY BOBBJlT S, JANNEY JOHN 07, MCGElATH, JB,- JANNEY, JANNEY 8 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1.2 SOUTB.:JURT STREET P. O. BOX 166 LURAY, VIRGINIA 228315 - 0166 ,. ". MAY SO 1991 ~ PI..ANNING Dt't-j5+ef+93 FAX 703-743-4042 ..A.LSO ADMITTED IN DISTlUCT OF COLUKBIA. AND NEW YOBK 'fJf~y 28, 1991 -, .."' ,..~-""it"l-.f- .........~-...-'" ,.-fiI william D. Fritz Senior Planner County of Albemarle Department of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, virginia 22901-4596 RE: SP-91-24-BAUM Dear Mr. Fritz: I am responding to the five questions you raised in your letter of May 23, 1991. 1. Parcel 43C does have a recorded easement over Parcel 26D. The Deed from Teresa Ismond to Sabrina Gussin (Deed Book 1067 at Page 541) provides, that Lot 43C shall have a perpetual nonexclusive easement 25 feet in width over Lot 26D for ingress and egress from State Route 20 to the referenced property. We have also forwarded to the owners of Lot 26D (Tony Blanc and ~{nn Brubaker) a copy of Mrs. Baum's application for a Special Use Permit. 2. My cover letter of May l3, 1991 may have contained an ambiguity. What was meant was that although at any given point in time there may be as many as eight horses being boarded at -the facility for the purposes of receiving training, only one (or at the maximum, two) horse is undergoing training at a given time. It is difficult t~ say at this time how many training sessions will be held during a day, but it would most likely be two or three sessions per day consisting of one or two horses per session. 3. It is proposed to have two full-time riding instructors and a student intern who will assist with the training and general handling of the horses. 4. The operations would normally take place between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. , ~. IATTACHMENT I~ IPage 21 5. The training that: will be conducted at the facility will be done at two locations. First, most of the training will be conducted in the indoor ring which is adjacent to the stable and is part of the building marked "stables" on the survey attached to the Special Use Permit application. A second area that will be used on occasion is the outdoor ring, which is located directly behind the stables and is enclosed by a wooden horse fence. All fencing and riding surfaces are and will continue t:o be in compliance with zoning Regulation 5.1.3. I will be contacting you immediately after June 3, 1991 for the purposes of arranging a site visit. If there is anything further we can provide to you, do not hesitate to either drop a line or give us a call. JJM,jr./smb . ~, . , {ATTACt-!MENT El Page 2 June 10, 1991 Mr. Ronald S. Keeler Special Use Permits & Rezonings 4. SP-91-21 Schuyler Enterprises, Route 602 - This section of Route 602 is currently tolerable. This request would generate more traffic than would be allowed by right in the RA zoning. Also, this request would have larger vehicles, such as tractor trailers associated with it. A permit for a commercial entrance was issued last year for the access to this property on Route 602 and attached is a copy. Also attached is a copy of the accident data for a three-year period on Route 800 from Route 6 to the Nelson County Line. There were no accidents recorded on Route 602 from Route 800 to Route 613 during this same time period. There are no statistics available for secondary roads to compare Route 800 accident data to a state-wide average. From past experience, the Department feels that this accident rate is relatively 10w since the average daily traffic on Route 800 is 1,382 VPD. 5. SP-91-23 Charlottesville Quality Cable Corporation, Route 53 - The existing access off of Route 53 that serves Carter's Mountain is adequate. 6. SP-91-24 Jean Baum, Route 20 N. - This request for a commercial stable could result in a traffic generation of 30 to 50 VPD based on information provided by the applicant for the number of students and employees. There is an existing gravel entrance that serves this property. The Department recommends that the access be upgraded to a paved commercial entrance with a minimum of 550 feet of sight distance in each direction. To obtain adequate sight distance to the north would requirl~ the removal and/or cutting of trees and vegetation in that direction. Sincerely, ~.a.~ J. A. Echols Ass't. Resident Engineer JAE/ldw Attachments '. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REENACT SECTION 2-52 OF ARTICLE IX CODE OF ALBEMARLE ENTITLED "INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY" BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Code of Albemarle is hereby amended and reenacted in Section 2-52 of Article IX, Industrial Development Authority, as follows: Sec. 2-52. Limitation on number of bond issues. There shall be no more than thirteen bond issuances of the industrial development authority of the county in existence at any one time. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of an ordinance unanimously adopt:ed by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on August 7'~.~ Clerk, Board of nty __--.-:-'iB~~~:~~J;~1:~~:,ll ~~~'~'<r~.:" ~~1(~~~'~ ~~. i '~'. ~i~~~:-;~ , '" "~',~, -. " ,~,I).',.' I, '-.-.0..------ _ " " 1 I I j i i \ \ I . 'I ; I .i .1 .! I l . .J I I I i I . .1 j . I TIlE DAlLY PROGRESS 685 WEST RIO ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22906 CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION TO: C\.~~. ~, ~~\J~ I hereby certify that the attached notice was published in "The Daily Pro- gress", a newspaPxr in Charlottesville, Virginia, and appeared in the issue(s) dated ~0\ ~ ,23 / ,1tl , 19"\\ . ". :};lW:;';~ .:.{;:.! . ". '1 Given Under My Hand This ,.'~' A I.I.(S' , 19 en ~ aJ-....rJ\ ~Q..J-0"'c.rL. \ Credi t Manager The Daily Progre~ . . \ 5 ~ ~O THE DAIl.)'PROGRES~'~~~~~~~~/T' . .{i1'!~gals:o~ . "1!';'~~ls'l~>,.tt:*," 'j.' , .,f"'a~"SJ~Ji.~~; ;... ,..., "~tIc"~1s' rli.fl.. l., ""'''..",;,c<.''Lelliit.''FNeher.'~' ....;.,. .,..: - ...I'IU e'~ "'lhatlhe"';':;' ',,">,~,.~.,... . ,'.,', .','" :.1 ~'8J~~:.~."rg~.:~~~.:.~~.~~.,.....~r~~";~o.h"l " , . ductC3f:Ei:~'on'AugUst,~'~'~:~~on" ;. :: ~,1i.~:~~u~:~~=~~~~'~~., ., Oflice'BUDcing'JrCCJ1rl:Uclntlre'>'iSldo of'ftt.'63bn'~ Mbi. ' . Road CharI tt8Svi . .. I Tax M8b 91'~ce1 28'{part) , tD.~,~ J~ Vlrglri'!o'ScoIlsVlIIeDiSirt!fl:~":"'';i~ '.' . "lions::" A'""" . . !:'9j peti- , 3) SP-91~24. Jeari'SaumlFor a " . ~,.~,eo.QlI ~. '-"'"l:!J .,..,'~ 1 I :' _~~ . . ~ar\"l1 . " . ..x....[' ~' . ~ - ~ . 1 \ Day of .i ,I I . I i \ i ! .1 Publishing Fee $ . ,./ ':}}j'\ ~ '( "- . r '~!:( ..,~;:,:, '!/J) . <jf:" . '::k:. l; .~i~. ;'l: ,,~!: '.. "i!.: ;/". .'"";.1.; .,'.1 ~;~~~. . ~:(:f. 1.'\0-,''- :.~i, ~:t: ~.~: ..~~' .z:. ;...,.. . ,~~f: ,:~:~. .' ~. , " ':J,~::' ;~;:; : ~~: . ,~ r'~' ,.' :~j .~ ". i '. ~ j<~:I',' '.';;,)};r~,..: ., " . r'", : "!:~~::;'<:':' <'i,(~:\l:'; ..:,~ ....~'Ij..,~ ' ;tl~H,'" ; '.':\:~s' . ::,:. '::/:~~;~;.<:>; 'f ,...'~.'.,. . .)(~1t?, . .'. , . ...m . .',. . , ' .' J~/~':>'" ".. . '. ',,','~,':, '., . '. ' '" :;.~~.~ ~~ '.. : . . " . . "::'~""" t. '. . \J~f~.~: ',' .', ';~;jk', ..., ~j~1.~f,' .;i." . ,...~~.{,. ,'.. ..' / "'. ", ::f'r)i!\)~:';.wfJjlH~t. . ,', .' i ,:~"" , :i ':t. " AN ORDINANCE TO SECTION 2-52 CODE OF ENTITLED "INDUSTRIAL ~ -. (' , DI'c^,(. i}-"""d h t;'I"rO" (!j'.,t.. l/ .J lv....t-l; l''-' 1.-'\..0. . ... . Agenda Item No, q /, ()S'U7 'I >"9 AMEND AND REENACT OF ARTICLE IX ALBEMARLE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY" BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Code of Albemarle is hereby amended and reenacted in Section 2-52 of Article IX, Industrial Development Authority, as follows: Sec. 2-52. Limitation on number of bond issues. There shall be no more than ~we%ve thirteen bond issuances of the industrial development authority of the county in existence at anyone time. * * * * * r " \ .J ; \ ~ :' WI David P. Bowerman Charlottesville COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 979-1281 August 8, 1991 Charlotte Y Humphns Jack Jouett Edward H Bain. Jr Samuel Miller Walter F Perklr15 While Hal: F R (Rick) Bowie Rivanna Peter T. Way Scothville Ms. Alison M. La Mura Paralegal Hunton & Williams Riverfront Plaza, East Tower 951 East Byrd street Richmond, VA 23219-4074 Dear Ms. La Mura: At its meeting on August 7, 1991, the Board of Supervisors adopted the attached ordinance to amend and reenact Section 2-52 of the Code of Albemarle to increase the number of bond issuances o:f the Industrial Development Authority from twelve to thirteen. The Board also adopted the attached Bond Inducement Resolution for Our Lady of Peace, Inc. As previously requested I am also sending you the original Certification of publication for notice of advertisement of the ordinance. v~~:?~ Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC LEN:ec Enclosures: (3) cc: Robert McNichols .. ,.. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA The 7th day of August, 1991 WHEREAS, the Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia (the "Authority"), has considered the application of Our Lady of Peace, Inc. (the "Corporation"), for the issuance of the Authority's revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $14,000,000 (the "Bonds") to assist the Company in acquiring, constructing and equipping a facility for the residence and care of the elderly of approximately 112,780 square~ feet (the "Project"), to be located in Albemarle County, Virginia, on a site of approximately 7 acres at 751 Hillsdale Drive; and WHEREAS, the Authority has held a public hearing on the issue of the Bonds for the financing on August 1, 1991; and WHEREAS, section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Tax Code"), and section 15.1-1378.1 of the~ Code of Virginia, as amended (the "Virginia Code"), provide that the governmental unit having jurisdiction over the issuer of private activity bonds and over the area in which any facility financed with the proceeds of private activity bonds is located must approve the issuance of the bonds; and WHEREAS, the Authority issues its bonds on behalf of Albemarle County, virginia (the "County"); the Project is located in the County and the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, virginia (the "Board") constitutes the highest elected governmental unit of the County; and WHEREAS, the Authority recommends that the Board approve thE~ issuance of the Bonds; and WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority's resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds, a record of the public hearing and a "fiscal impact statement" with respect to the financing and the Project have been filed with the Board; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA: 1. The Board hereby approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Authority for the benefit of the Company to the extent required by Section 147(f) of the Tax Code and Section 15.1- 1378.1 of the Virginia Code, to permit the Authority to assist in the financing of the Project. ,r 2. Approval of the issuance of the Bonds as required by section 147(f} of the Tax Code does not constitute an endorsement to a prospective purchaser of the Bonds or the creditworthiness of the Project or the Company, and, as required by section 15.1- 1380 of the Virginia Code, the Bonds shall provide that neither the County nor the Authority shall be obligated to pay the Bonds or the interest thereon or other costs incident thereto except from the revenues and moneys pledged therefor, and neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the County or the Authority shall be pledged thereto. 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Adopted by a majority of a quorum of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, on August 11, 1991. [SEAL] Clerk, Boar the County of rs of Virginia 2 .., AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REENACT SECTION 2-52 OF ARTICLE IX CODE OF ALBEMARLE ENTITLED "INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY" BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Code of Albemarle is hereby amended and reenacted in Section 2-52 of Article IX, Industrial Development Authority, as follows: Sec. 2-52. Limitation on number of bond issues. There shall be no more than thirteen bond issuances of the industrial development authority of the county in existence at any one time. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of an ordinance unanimously adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on August 7'~. ~ Clerk, Board of nty Supervisors ",";;i\:;i~; ~:/'i. '~\ ~,;:..:: ,:.y~ :';;. " :' ;;. ;', J ~'i:;'.' "..~. j'~~":"1 '~ ,: :.. .;' '. ' '_" !:. ' ~~~~*~'.1.AA.J:i,~:'t.:4i.,~~"""J.~~~.~_,__., .,.t..... ~.,..~~~.... " , 1 I i ) I i i \ i I '1 "j I .i 1 .J. .j I I ') I I I i -I ,1 . , . l'l . "'!I.'ll .' ',,\;t':' ""..t,/I':,/.-;, .: ~~---,- TI-IE DAlLY PROGRESS 685 WEST RIO ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22906 CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION ~~\J~ I hereby certify that the attached notice was published in "The Daily Pro- gress", a news~::r ~n ~harlottesville, Virginia, and appeared in the issue(s) dated 3 I 3IJ , 19q\ . Given Under My Hand This j,~' A U.c; , 19 ct\ Q oJo-....cJ\ ~Q...JJJv.,c.rL \ Credit Manager The Daily Progre~ . \ =5 5: ~ 0 THE DAIl.Y PROGRES,S. ,Charlottesvilie, \I'~:,T' .,.., 1:ougals' <" ". . 1. "',~.g.J~i, J.~: :,~:;}.~' - '~'PUBUCNO .'~"'"~,,.~.;.::\\-, ~~\t.~'::"':~;:,;",,",;-.t ,', r . ),...;r1CE ,.,'..."...,...., '. "'ix. "'" .. '."" 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'" RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA The 7th day of August, 1991 WHEREAS, the Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia (the "Authority"), has considered the application of Our Lady of Peace, Inc. (the "Corporation"), for the issuance of the Authority's revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $14,000,000 (the "Bonds") to assist the Company in acquiring, constructing and equipping a facility for the residence and care of the elderly of approximately 112,780 square feet (the "Project"), to be 10cated in Albemarle County, Virginia, on a site of approximately 7 acres at 751 Hillsdale Drive; and WHEREAS, the Authority has held a public hearing on the issue of the Bonds for the financing on August 1, 1991; and WHEREAS, section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Tax Code"), and Section 15.1-1378.1 of the Code of virginia, as amended (the "Virginia Code"), provide that the governmental unit having jurisdiction over the issuer of private activity bonds and over the area in which any facility financed with the proceeds of private activity bonds is located must approve the issuance of the bonds; and WHEREAS, the Authority issues its bonds on behalf of Albemarle County, Virginia (the "County"); the Project is located in the County and the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia (the "Board") constitutes the highest elected governmental unit of the County; and WHEREAS, the Authority recommends that the Board approve the issuance of the Bonds; and WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority's resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds, a record of the public hearing and a "fiscal impact statement" with respect to the financing and the Project have been filed with the Board; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA: 1. The Board hereby approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Authority for the benefit of the Company to the extent required by section 147(f) of the Tax Code and section 15.1- 1378.1 of the Virginia Code, to permit the Authority to assist in the financing of the Project. ~ 2. Approval of the issuance of the Bonds as required by Section 147(f) of the Tax Code does not constitute an endorsement to a prospective purchaser of the Bonds or the creditworthiness of the Project or the Company, and, as required by Section 15.1- 1380 of the Virginia Code, the Bonds shall provide that neither the County nor the Authority shall be obligated to pay the Bonds or the interest thereon or other costs incident thereto except from the revenues and moneys pledged therefor, and neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the County or the Authority shall be pledged thereto. 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Adopted by a majority of a quorum of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, on August ?" 1991. [SEAL] rs of Virginia 2 " Distribut:;d to 8eard: g 2.,91 A2t:nd3 It~f1'!' No,' ,C;/( ().f~7; ,'1,;'1,5 _ . ",': ':~",'~h\:_,~, COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE 19;)1 i i " Ii ~ " MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: UE: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors ~ Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive August 2, 1991 Bond Issuance Approval - OUr Lady of Peace, Inc. On August 1, 1991, the Albemarle County Industrial Development Authority passed an inducement resolution for Our Lady of Peace, Inc. to apply to the Board of Supervisors to approve the issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds not to exceed $14,000,000. The project consists of the construction of approximately 112,780 square feet on a 7 acre site at Branchlands to house and care for the elderly. The Board's approval does not constitute an endorsement of the project, but does allow them to secure tax-advantaged financing as permitted by the Code of Virginia and the Internal Revenue Service Code. The Board of Supervisors approved the special use permit on September 5, 1990 for this project and the building permit has been issued for construction. The applicant will be represented by J. Franklin williams should there be any questions by the Board. RWTJr/REH,II/bat 91-1.3 j ',' INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA APPLICATION STATEMENT 1. Applicant a. Legal name of applicant and state of incorporation or in which partnership agreement filed: Our Lady of Peace, Inc. Virginia b. Address and 10cation of principal office: c. Tremblay & Smith P. O. Box 1585 Charlottesville, Va 22902 Telephone number: 804-977-4455 d. Names and address of officers or partners, as applicable: See attached list. e. To whom correspondence should be directed: M. E. Gibson, Jr. Esq. Tremblay & Smith P. O. Box 1585 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 f. Name and address of counsel for applicant: Augustus C. Epps, Jr., Esq. Christian, Barton, Epps, Brent & Chappell 1200 Mutual Building Richmond, Virginia 23219-3095 g. Indicate name, state of incorporation and relationship of all direct or indirect parent companies of applicant or any _related partnerships: Catholic Virginian Family Services - Catholic Charities of Richmond, Inc. Our Lady of Peace, Inc. Elizabeth Ann Seton Center Our Lady of the'Valley, Inc. Marion Manor, Inc. St. Mary's Woods, Inc. Holy Angeles St. Francis Horne , . ' " 2. Statement of benefits to the County of Albemarle and the Cornmonwealth of Virginia from the project a. State what new employment opportunities will be created as a result of this project, including number, types of jObs, and estimated payrol1. State number of employees in terms of full-time equivalents. 41~-Full time equivalent employees including 20~ nurses and nursing service employees, 15~ service and maintenance employees, and 5~ administrative personnel when fully operated b. Estimate all taxes by type and amount projected to be paid to the County of Albemarle as a result of this project. approximately $70,000 c. Specifically state other potential benefits which will accrue to the inhabitants of the County of Albemarle and the State of Virginia, including economic, socIal, or other non-monetary benefi.ts: The Corporation is intended to provide affordable housing for the middle-income elderly, a niche often not filled by other elderly housing organizations. 2 ., 3. Identification and description of proposed project a. Location of proposed project in the COUllty: approximately 7 acres at 751 Hillsdale Drive Charlottesvil1e, Virginia 22901 b. Describe the type of facility for which you are applying for financing. What manufacturing or other processes wil1 be conducted at the project? Construction and maintenance of a residential and health care facility for the aged, consisting of 64 congregate care apartments, 36 assisted living units for the,elderly and a 16 unit (30 bed) intensive personal care center. c. Are you applying for pol1ution control bonds? If so, please state the types of pollution generated by your facility and briefly describe the type of equipment which you propose to meet your pollution problems: n/a d. Describe the proposed arrangement to finance the cost of construction or acquisition of the project. Briefly detail a projected time schedule. UnQerwriting of Authority's revenue bonds by Scott & Stringfellow Investment Corp. Bonds to be sold in late August, with closing approximately September 5, 1991. e. If the Applicant now owns the project site, indicate: (I) date of purchase (2) purchase price $700.000 (3) balance of eXisting mortgage -0- (4) holder of mortgage -0- 3 ., " f. If the Applicant is not n~w the owner of the project site, does the Applicant have an option to purchase the site and any buildings on the site? If yes, indicate: n/a (I) date option agreement signed with owner (2) purchase price under option (3) expiration date of option g. Has the Applicant entered into a contract to purchase the site? If yes, indicate: n/a (1) date signed (2) purchase price (3) settlemeut date h. Present owner of the site of the project, ana the relation- ship between the present legal owner and ,~he, applicant: Use of the site has been committed by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Richmond i. If pollution control bonds are to be issued, please indicate: (I) Whether the total project is designed for any significant purpose other than the control of pollution, i.e., does the project result in an increase in production or capacity, or in a material extension of the useful life of a manufacturing or production facility or a part thereof. n/a (2) Estimated incremental cost of the project if the project is for the purpose of controlling pollution and for a significant purpose other than controlling ,pollution. n/a 4 j . Status of Plans for the Project. Please indicate architect, engineer, general contractor and major subcontractors, if available. The Architect is Collins & Kronstadt, 1111 Spring Street, Silver Springs, MD The Engineer is Gloeckner & Osborne, Inc., 710 East High Street Charlottesville, Virginia The General Contractor is Donohe Construction Company, ~4,61 Cm Road, Suite 150, Glen Allen, Virginia ~he maior Subcontractors are unavailable Has construcE~on worK on tn~s proJect oegun? If yes, complete the following: k. ( 1) site clearance yes ...A.-no % complete (2) foundation yes ..lLno % complete (3) footings --yes X no % complete (4) steel _yes -X..- no % complete (5 ) masonry work --.:Ie s X no % complete (6 ) other --yes ..lLno % complete (describe below) 1. List principal items or categories of equipment to be acquired as part of the project: Furniture Smallwares $350,000 $ 50,000 m. Has any of the above equipment been ordered or purchased? If yes, indicate: Item Date Ordered Delivery Date Price No 5 , , ., , n. State the proposed uses of bond proceeds: Description of Cost Amount Land Buildings Equipment Engineering Architecture Interest during construction Bond discount Costs of financing Oth~r (please explain) $ 400,000 6,993,000 400,000 339,000 2,089,00~ Face amount of issue o. Have any of the above expenditures already been ma~e by the applicant? If yes, indicate particulars: Architect $237,000 Legal 25,000 Engineering 15,824 Consulting 81,000 Feasibility 55,000 County Fees/bld~ permit 18 QOO . Have any o~ ~ne aoove expend1tures been 1ncurred but not paid by the applicant? If yes, indicate particulars: p. Diocese has paid for all expenditures and expects to be reimbursed at closing. q. Are costs of working capital, moving expenses, work in process, or stock in trade included in the proposed uses of bond proceeds? r. Will any of the funds to be borrowed thrQugh the Authority be used to repay or refinance an existing mortgage or outstanding 10an? No . , ~ s. If any space in the project is to be leased to third parties, indicate total square footage of the project, amount to be leased to each tenant, and proposed use by each tenant: No t. Type and amount of outstanding bonds. State the type and amount of outstanding bonds or other obligations, if any, on the present facilities or any other facilities of the applicant. Include the amount of annual payments required and the year when the bonds will be paid off. None u. Brief description of existing facilities: None (1) Describe the location and type of existing facilities (including, if applicable pollution abatement equip- ment now provided, its design, capacity, and year constructed)~ Indicate if the existing facilities are to be abandon9d or will continue in use as part of the proposed new facility. n/a (2) Annual operation and maintenance cost. The operation and maintenance cost of any existing facility should be itemized to show amount per year for labor, utilities, and supplies. Also the estimated costs of operating the proposed facility should be itemized. n/a 7 , , ' (3) Aqe and condition of existing buildings, if any improvements included within this project are to be made thereto, and whether owned in fee or leased. None v. Will the construction, occupation, operati9n or use of the project involve the creation of any pollutants or ~ , other emissions, or the use or manufacture of any toxic or hazardous substances? Will operation of the project involve consumption or use of large amounts of electricity, water, gas, or other services or products customarily furnished by utilities? Will construction or operation of the project have any impact upon 10cal businesses or residents, such as emission of odors, traffic in and out of the project, or storage of large amounts of materials at the project site? Please provide particulars. generally no. Facility is compatible with existing apartment complex nearby 4. Financial a. 'Description of present debt, guaranty, long-term contracts, prior liens, and other contingent liabilities: None b. Proposed immediate and long-term capital expenditures: None other than Project c. Commercial banking connections and for how long a period: None 8 I d. Attach to application th& following financial statements for each of the preceding three (3) years: (I) Statement of financial condition. (2) Profit and 10ss statement. (3) Statement of surplus. Attached are copies of the J'years of audits for the Diocese. If the applicant is a new or recently formed business entity, without recent financial statements, the applicant should furnish the financial i.nformation required by the application for each principal shareholder, partner or other principal of the applicant. If the applicant is a subsidiary corporation without its own financial statements, financial statements of the parent corporation or consoli- dated financial statements may be submitted in lieu of financial statements for the applicant. If the obligations of the applicant will be guaranteed by any person or busi- ness entity, then financial statements of such guarantor should also be included with the application. Pro forma financial statements, if available, should be submitted with the application. Since this application will become a part of the public records of the Authority, in the event the applicant does,not desire financial records not other- wise available to the public to be included in the 'public record, please so indicate so such records may be returned to the applicant. e. Has the applicant, any proposed guaranto~ or any of their partners or principal shareholders ever declared bankruptcy or been involved in any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding whether voluntary or involuntary? If so, describe particu- lars. No f. Has any, underwriter, broker or investment ,banker been retained by applicant in connection with this proposed bond issue? If so, who? Scott & Stringfellow Investment Corp. g. Please indicate the person or institution to whom the bonds will be sold or any persons or institutions which have indicated an interest in purchasing the bonds. A public offering will be made. 9 '" , ' . .. . 5. Miscellaneous a. Is the applicant or any major shareholder or partner presently involved in any litigation, investigation, or proceeding? If so, please describe. No b. Is the applicant or any major shareholder or partner of the applicant, or any other person working for the applicant in this proposed financing subject to any order, decree, or judgment of ar.y court or administrative or other governmental agency or body? If so, pleas~ describe. ' No c. is the applicant, or any of its maJor shareholders or partners, or any guarantor, or any other person repre- senting applicant in connection with this ,proposed financing, involved in any investigation, litigation, or proceeding relating to the issunnce or sale of securities or any applicable banking laws or regulations? Have any of the foregoing persons ever been involved in any such investigation, litigation,or proceeding?' 'If so, please describe in full. No lO " & . d. Is the applicant subject to regulation (other than regulations generally applicable to all businesses) by any Federal or State administrative agencies or bodies? If so, please provide details. Welfare Department Does the proposed Project on the site meet Albemarle County zoning and subdivision requirements? Yes e. f. Does the proposed Project on the site comply with the Albemarle County Comprehensive PIan? Yes g. State the attorney for the applicant. State the proposed bond counsel for the applicant. Applicant attorney: Augustus C. Epps, Esq. Christian, Barton, Epps, Brent & Chappell Bond Counsel: B. Darrell Smelcer. ESQ. Hunton & Wil1iams 6. Agreement to Pay Authority's Costs and Expenses To induce the Industrial Development Authority of the County of Albemarle, Virginia to consider this application and to adopt an inducement resolution agreeing to assist applicant in the financing of the project, applicant, by submitting this application to the Authority agrees: ' a. To pay all costs and expenses of the Authority and the Authority's administrative agent, the County of Albemarle, including, but not limited to, costs of transcripts or preparation of minutes of meetings required by the Code of Virginia, advertising costs required by the Code of Virginia and the Internal Revenue Code, office expenses incurred by the Authority and the Authority's administrative agent, the County of Albemarle, such as telephone calls and copying, as a result of the application and the fees and disbursements of the Authority's counsel in connection with the authoriza- tion (notwithstanding any later disapproval of the financing by the Authority or the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County), issuance and sale of the bonds contemplated by this application. : b. To comply with the Authority's Rules and Procedures, a copy of which has been received by the applicant; and c. TO advise the Authority in writing of any material changes to the information contained in this application. Dated: /1: '^\ d Lj I \ 9 C{l By Its '" . '. ~ Attachment 1 section 1. d. Ruth DePiro Gene Albro Mary Elizabeth Smith Courtney Richard Funk Reverend Raymond Barton Rose Chioni, R.N. Peter Colo Helen Dorning, M.S.W. Reverend William Lafratta James Leitch James Morrisard Catherine Russell, Ph.D. ... ~ ~... AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REENACT ARTICLE I, CHAPTER 2, "ADMINISTRATION" OF THE CODE OF ALBEMARLE SETTING THE COMPENSATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992 BE IT ORDAINED that Article I, Chapter 2, "Administration" of the Code of Albemarle, in Section 2-2.1, be amended and reenacted to read as follows: Sec. 2-2.1. compensation of board of supervisors. The salary of the board of supervisors is hereby set as follows: Eight thousand eight hundred twenty dollars and no cents ($8,820.00) for each board member; provided, that in addition to his/her regular salary, the vice-chairman shall receive a stipend of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) for each and every meeting chaired; provided, further, that in addition to his/her regular salary, the chairman shall receive a stipend of one thousand eight hundred dollars ($1,800.00). (6-13-84; 5-8-85; 5-14-86; 7-1-87; 7-6-88; 6-7-89; Ord. of 6-13-90; Ord. of 8-1-90) State law reference-Compensation of board of supervisors, Code of Va., Sec. 14.1-46.01:1. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of an ordinance unanimously adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on August 7, ~ Clerk, Board ~~nty Su \- COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE OFFICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 401 MciNTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901-4596 M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Dr. Carole A. Hastings, Director of Personnel/Human Resources FROM: Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC~ ~ DATE: August 19, 1991 SUBJECT: Board of Supervisors' Salary At its meeting on August 7, the Board of Supervisors adopted the attached ordinance which sets the Board's salary for FY 1991-92. Following is a list of the names of the Board members, social security numbers and respective salaries: Edward H. Bain, Jr., David P. Bowerman Frederick R. Bowie Charlotte Y. Humphris WaIter F. Perkins Peter T. Way - 225-52-1699 - $8,820.00 - 273-40-2606 - $8,820.00 - 493-26-4449 - $10,620.00 - 525-74-8156 - $8,820.00 - 229-58-1781 - $8,820.00 - 478-38-3275 - $8,820.00 LEN:ec .... 1.,S.tJ( (j'I~tr;bl!~'?d to Board: r '," - , : ;C" __3!~Z~!..~ / '/- AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REENACT ARTICLE I, CHAPTER 2, "ADMINISTRATION" OF THE CODE OF ALBEMARLE SETTING THE COMPENSATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992 BE IT ORDAINED that Article I, Chapter 2, "Adminsitration" of the Code of Albemarle, in Section 2-2.1, be amended and reenacted to read as follows: Sec. 2-2.1. Compensation of board of supervisors. The salary of the board of supervisors is hereby set as follows: Eight thousand ~e~~ eight hundred ei~ft~y twenty dollars and ~e~~y-~e~~ no cents +$8,488.44t ($8,820.00) for each board member; provided; that in addition to his/her regular salary, the vice-chairman shall receive a stipend of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) for each and every meeting chaired; provided, further, that in addition to his/her regular salary, the chairman shall receive a stipend of one thousand eight hundred dollars ($1,800.00). (6-13-84; 5-8-85; 5-14-86; 7-1-87; 7-6-88; 6-7-89; Ord. of 6-13-90; Ord. of 8-1-90) State law reference-CQmpensation of board of supervisors, Code of Va., Sec. 14.1-46.01:1. Distributed to OGJrd: B' 2. <?L Agend:l Item No, '11. 1..73' en, <.;SO ... COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 August 2, 1991 Verulam Farm Limited Ptrn 1 Village Green, suite 100 Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: SP-91-36 Verulam Farm Limited Ptrn Tax Map 74, Parcel 18, 18A, 18B, and 23 - , Dear Sir: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on July 30, 1991, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted petition to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Not more than four dwellings/lots shall be allowed in the preservation tract and shall be located as shown on the preliminary plat. Lots shall be no less than 2.0 acres and no greater than 4.3 acres in size. All dwellings/lots must qualify as "Family Divisions". Approval of SP-90-119 does not guarantee approval of "Family Division"; 2. A minimum of ten trees per acre shall be provided on the development 10ts in accordance with Section of the Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of providing screening from the public roads, i.e., I-64 and Route 637. Trees shall be installed within two planting seasons of the date of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the dwelling on the 10ts; 3. Clearing shall be limited to the minimum amount necessary for the construction of access roads and dwellings; Verulam Farm Limited Ptrn Page 2 August 2, 1991 4. New dwellings shall be of earth tones. 5. The bridge shall not be constructed until the following approvals have been obtained: a. Department of Engineering issuance of an erosion control permit; b. Department of Engineering approval of bridge design; c. Department of Engineering approval of hydrogeologic and hydraulic calculations to ensure compliance with section 30.3 of the Zoning Ordinance; d~---Vi~gi"ia-Be~a~~me"~-ef-~~a"~~e~~a~ie"-a~~~eva~-ef h~idge-a"d-~ead-~~a"~~ 6. Department of Enqineerinq approval of private road plans and drainaqe calculations. Private road shall be desiqned to Virqinia Department of Transportation mountainous standards. Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on AUQUst 7. 1991. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. YOU OR YOUR REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT FOR THIS MEETING. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 1/~/~ william D. Fritz Senior Planner WDFjjcw cc: Lettie E. Neher Jo Higgins Amelia Patterson Pete Bradshaw .. McKEE/CARSON CONSULTING ENGINEERS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 12 July 1991 ~ ' , , , ( i :' Ms. Lettie E. Neher Clerk of the Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 !~ ~" I,il \, RE: The Rocks (SP-91-36 Verulam Farm Limited Partnership) Dear Ms. Neher: Pursuant to my discussion today with your office, I am writing to formally request that the Board hearing for above referenced project be rescheduled from September 4th to August 7th. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please let me know if this change is not acceptable. Very: truly yours, ././ ~;~p /;: /.', t?' ~/ .... 'f--1!:7r~..'-. Robert B. McKee, PE, CLA xc: Bill Fritz Hi Ewald CHARLOTTESVILLE 0 NORFOLK QUEEN CHARLOTTE SQUARE 256 EAST HIGH STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 804-979-7522 FAX: 804-977-1194 .~~'~':~:~~r '. '- . t,-,' ~.) I \; I 1 0 f. /\ ~,~~: ;'-,t STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WILLIAM D. FRITZ JULY 30, 1991 AUGUST 7, 1991 i.'\:"'.;~ f-j-:;:':~ l'.~,:-:'!~L::~~~::~~_. ! ,~_.~' :i\\)/- -- ." ! LJ,K AUC':, J '\;:,1 ), ! f, \ ~ 1".1 J. , : ' i :! 1\ \tC;di,:t~5c;'Cr U ~,. !.... L:' , SP-91-36 VERULAM FARM LIMITED PARTNERSHIP /\ I-~ L) (~I ~_. ~'-, ~'"; . Petition: Verulum Farm Limited Partnership petitions the Board of Supervisors to amend SP-90-119 and SP-90-120 (a 43 lot Rural Preservation Development and a bridge in the floodplain of Ivy Creek) to allow the use of private roads instead of public roads. Property, described as Tax Map 74, Parcels 18, 18A, 18B, and 23, is located in the southeast quadrant of Interstate 64 and State Route 637. Zoned RA, Rural Areas and EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay, in the Samuel M~ller Magisterial District. The property is not in a de'signated growth area (Rural Area III). Character of the Area: The property under review is a mixture of pasture and woodlands. There are currently three dwellings and various farm buildings on the site. The lower portion of the site adjacent to Route 637, is in the floodplain of Ivy Creek. The property then rises to the top of Bear Den Mountain and includes land on the eastern slope of the mountain. The land between the stream and top of the mountain is rolling with moderate to critical slopes. The steeper slopes and stream valleys are wooded. The property parallels I-64 for approximately 1.5 miles. The development area parallels I-64 for approximately 0.6 miles and is approximately 0.5 miles deep from I-64. The property adjacent and to the south is Rosemont which is currently being developed with single family houses. Other properties in the area are used for pasture or hay with the steeper slopes remaining wooded. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: The applicant is proposing to amend SP-90-119 and SP-90-120 in order to allow the use of private roads (designed to virginia Department of Transportation mountainous standards instead of public roads designed to Virginia Department of Transportation rolling standards) to serve a 43 lot Rural Preservation Development. The use of public roads was indicated on the previous special use permits. The use of private roads will permit the applicant to realign the road in order to avoid areas requiring significant grading and to use the 10cation of the existing stream crossing. (The Engineering Department has stated that it is unable to determine at this time if the existing bridge structure is adequa te. ) SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with the SUbdivision and Zoning Ordinances and the approvals for SP-90-119 and SP-90-120 and recommends approval. 1 "~~;i,,{;.>' ~,~~ PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: March 19, 1991 - The Planning Commission approved the preliminary subdivision of the Rocks subject to approval of SP-90-119 and SP-90-120. April 3, 1991 - The Board of Supervisors approved SP-90-119 (a 43 lot rural preservation development) and SP-90-120 (a bridge in the f100dplain of Ivy Creek). SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: Staff has reviewed the applicant's request for a private road based on the provisions of Section 18-36b(1) of the Subdivision Ordinance (Attachment C). The applicant has submitted a letter of justification (Attachment D) as well as engineering data which has been reviewed by the Engineering Department and the Water Resource Manager. The comments of those departments are included as Attachments E and F. The applicant has cited that the use of a public road, designed to Virginia Department of Transportation rolling standards, will result in an increase of approximately 73% in the total grading volume when compared to the construction of private roads designed to Virginia Department of Transportation mountainous standards. The Engineering Department has reviewed this information and has agreed with the applicant's calculations and supports the applicant's request. The Water Resource Manager has also reviewed the applicant's information and has stated "To the extent that use of the existing crossing of Ivy Creek can be utilized, private roads should provide for, greater overall protection of water quality, both during construction and after completion." It is the opinion of staff that the applicant has successfully addressed the issues contained in Section 18-36b(1) of the Subdivision Ordinance and that the use of private roads is consistent with the previous approval of the Rural Preservation Development and stream crossing for this site. Therefore, staff recommends approval subject to the following conditions. The recommended conditions of approval for SP-91-36 are the same as those for SP-90-119 and SP-90-120 except as noted below. Staff has restated the previous conditions for convenience of review. Changes to conditions not directly related to the issue of public vs. private roads are not within the scope of the applicant's request. 2 ..,~~.. .~" RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Not more than four dwellingsjlots shall be allowed in the preservation tract and shall be located as shown on the preliminary plat. Lots shall be no less than 2.0 acres and no greater than 4.3 acres in size. All dwellingsjlots must qualify as "Family Divisions". Approval of SP-90-119 does not guarantee approval of "Family Division"; 2. A minimum of ten trees per acre shall be provided on the development 10ts in accordance with section of the Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of providing screening from the public roads, i.e., I-64 and Route 637. Trees shall be installed within two planting seasons of the date of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the dwelling on the lots; 3. Clearing shall be limited to the minimum amount necessary for the construction of access roads and dwellings; 4. New dwellings shall be of earth tones. 5. The bridge shall not be constructed until the following approvals have been obtained: a. Department of Engineering issuance of an erosion control permit; b. Department of Engineering approval of bridge design; c. Department of Engineering approval of hydrogeologic and hydraulic calculations to ensure compliance with section 30.3 of the Zoning Ordinance; d.---Vir~i"ia-Be~ar~me"~-ef-~ra"5~er~a~ie"-a~~reva%-ef ~rid~e-a"d-read-~%a"5. 6. Department of Enqineerinq approval of private road plans and drainage calculations. Private road shall be desiqned to Virginia Department of Transportation mountainous standards. ATTACHMENTS: A - Location Map B - Tax Map C - section 18-36b(1) of the Subdivision Ordinance D - Applicant's letter of justification E - Department of Engineering comments F - Water Resource Manager comments G - Virginia Department of Transportation comments {/I' ;; ~~!.J-N' IU1Ul ~ ,,' While Hall, ,/""', "!:AtTACHMENT AI ,:/ , ' MOUN' AIN " ~'...~O'/'J j' " c;t..S <00 ~, ::' .(- ~. c:;. ~"':/ , iil ijhite Jf' - --,~~-.........' . @B ,[ ';..~~ , ;; \ I ~:1 [@J\ \ '\ \'\ o .p lillJ ..Y ~ HIGH TOP ~ ~:' ~"', ~~ '\, ~ ~ 't ~ @E)--; \ -;. \ \" \ -z. } Hearu, M'n F T He.rds .~ "/..-- ..... """ -!,--;., \ .~~):-' ~-S--- ".l'\ , ..;; ~J..:!J cotts ~ '" \J ..\~ v'li.... ~., -, ~ " ';/" BOAl Js" <!l/ MOUNT AIN @if " CASTLE ROCK :>....... '\~ . ~"\ 16981:: ~.\ , . ' "'I' I Carl." .,~ !:It'd". \ .y_' '\l ",\ ~l 0.-\ 'a;- <>~ ( o \ c- \ v. --, ~i ~I +~: ~,,~' r I 69~n, .., ,<\'-~ \ <\"~ ~11 ''<' ./,,/ ~ f (} ALBEMARLE CttUNTY , "<)'t":';';'I':,. "'? ' IATTAC~MENT 81 ' 58 J ( -A l.) / . \ / r-~. '(-X + // \. ) X / (/ '1/ [ / /, , / I . ./ '/l / / , . <^'. ""- (""---'-- ./ -" ,/ te ( \_._.....,_.' ...-- (' ( .. - '== "ACT Be .. SAMUEL MILLER DISTRICT I , SECTION 74. . - Ie.lLl II 'EET Me .. .~. .... .r !J 0....._....---.. _.. ... .....__~_...-.....~. _, '. ._. . . :__'~_"__"--_' "_ . .. ,,' ,.' .' ',.....- -" ',,- ---,-.- _..,~,.., ..!.,................. --~-, ,-. !__..~..,------~. ---"--..-.......,..-- ,; w..........-. -- ----:J..-- .-.~ -.. '.-- {ATTACHMENT CI ) . space set aside for both off facilities, as required by t ARTICLE III Division 6. Streets. Sectidn 18-36. Private Roads. (a) Any subdivi~ion, any lot of which is served by a private road shall be subject to a;,Jproval by the commission in accordance with this chapter. Any further subdivision of land involving additional use of such road shall be deemed a subdivision subject to the provisi)ns of this chapter. In order to insure adequate capacity of suc~ road and equitable maintenance costs to property owne:s, except as the commission may provide in a particular case, ~ot more than one dwelling un~ shall be located on any parcel ser-,ed by such road. Private roads are intended tc be permitted as the exception to construction and dedication of ?ublic roads in the subdivision approval process. Granting of pri-,ate road usage shall be discretionary by the commission ani shall be based on the circumstances and requirements con~ained herein., Private roads are intended to promote sensitivit'! toward the natural characteristics of the site and tc encourage subdivision consistent and harmonious with sur~ounding development. Except as otherwise expressly provided he:-ein and permitted in accordance with procedures of ~ 1E-36(h), no waiver, modification or variation of standards, and no ~xceptions to the application of these regulations shall be pern~ i tted. (b) The commission may apprc1e any subd"ivision served by one or more private roads under the following circumstances: (1) For property zonedTh, Rural Areas, the subdivider, in acccrdance with Section lS-36(h) of this chapter, demonstrates to the reasonalbe satisfaction of the commission that: Approval of such rC3.ds will alleviate a clearly -demonstrable danger of significant degradation to the environment of the site or adjacent properties which would be occasioned by the construction of public roads in the same alignments. For the purposes of this provision, in addition to such other factors as t~a commission may consider, "significant degrac3.tion" shall mean an increase of thirty (30%) percent in the total volume of grading for construction of a public road as , compared to a pri va te road: and No alternative public road alignment available to the ~ubdivider on tne adoption date of this section would alleviate significant degradation of the environment; ar. j No more lots are proposed on such private road than could be reali.zed on a public road due t~ right-of-way dedicc.tion. (AMENDED 11-16-S9) I (2) For property zoned RA, Rural Areas, or VR, Village Residential, where such subdivision contains only' two lots and such private road serves only the lots in such subdivision: and is the sole and direct means of access to a road in the state I .~~~~"- '".~- (IATTACH~ENT 01 [page ~ McKEE/CARSON CONSULTING ENGINEERS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS PLANNERS }-r.~I~t.~~T~rrnt.';)'m~. lJ~'~i' {.;:tJ ~....~.lt ~<t j ~ I.. . JUl 9 1991 ~PLANNING DIVISION 8 July 1991 Mr. William D. Fritz County of Albemarle Planning Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 ~--, RE: The Rocks . ':';' Dear Bill: On June 28, 1991 Bob McKee, Hi Ewald, and myself met with Charlie Steinman of the Albemarle County Engineering Department and presented to him several drawings and calculations illustrating the differences between the approved public road scenario versus a private road scenario for the above ' referenced project. The purpose of these drawings was to satisfy the county's requirement to determine the percent of degradation between public and private roads. The vertical alignment and earthwork quantities were computed for each road and for each scenario using our CADD system. We have tabulated the resulting earthwork quantities for each road as well as for the project total. We are forwarding this data along with the horizontal and vertical alignment plots to Charlie Stienman at his request. As a result of our meeting with Charlie and after further review of the road design, we anticipate full support of the private roads from the Engineering Department. Pursuant to our findings, we hereby request support from the planning department and seek approval for the use of private roads in this subdivision. Our justification is as follows: 1. Earthwork calculations show that construction of public roads would result in an increase of approximately 73% in the total volume of grading; 2. Private road standards allow the entrance to be shifted approximately 680 feet eastward along state route 637 and allows much of the existing driveway alignment to be used which minimizes the work required within the floodplain; 3. The environmental impact caused by public roads can be substantially reduced by preserving a larger portion of the existing vegetation and reducing the amount of disturbed area. As you may know, sediment trapping facilities are only 80 percent efficient at best. The remaining 20 percent of sediment usually finds it's way downstream and, in this case, fnto Ivy Creek. The final grading for a private road will substantially reduce the amount of surface area disturbed which will significantly t:educe the volume of material discharged into Ivy Creek. CHARI..OITISVILLE 0 NORFOLK QUEEN CHARlOTIE SQUARE 256 EAST HIGH STREET CHARI..OITISVILLE. VIRGINIA 22901 804.979,7522 FAX: 804.977.1194 o ,'- ( ,/,-, ","4",~,,, Mr. William D. Fritz 8 July 1991 Page 2 of2 'ATTACHMENT o1!Page 2\ After having prepared horizontal and vertical plots and performed earthwork computations and having met and briefly reviewed our findings with Charlie Stienman, I trust that the information presented above is sufficient to justify the use of private roads for this development. If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to call upon me. u:::z~ . Steven L. Drive;~ xc: Charlie Steinman Hi Ewald ~~WlE111l / IATTACHMENT E, Page 1\ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Engineering 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5861 - .,- MI!MJRANIXIo! TO: Mr. Bill Fritz PROM: Charlie steinman Lt~ DA7E: July 11, 1991 HE: The Rocks / / Private Road Justification / / SUB 90-224 cc: Mr. Steven Driver Bill , We have performed a review of the applicant's private road proposal as submitted in demonstration of compliance with the provisions of SUB.ORD.Sec 18-36.b.(1). In additicln to mapping the necessary clearing and grading associated with both a public and private road, the applicant has demonstrated that the use of VDOT 'rolling standards' versus 'mountainous (private) standards' in the design of the proposed roadways requires an increase in necessary earthwork from 46559 c. Y . (private) to 80528 c.y. (public), representing a 33969 c.y. increase (or 73%). It appears therefore that the applicant has demonstrated full satisfaction of said provisions, and we therefore support approval of the use of Private Roads within the subdivision, designed in accordance with VDOT r-tmntainous Standards. The following Cormnents are hereby provided for informational purposes: 1) VDOT approval of sight distances and paving and drainage improvements is required relative to the revised location of the CcmmIercial Entrance to SR 637; 2) The Conditions of Approval (with the exception of VDOT approval') associated with SP-90-120 apply to the re-use of any of the existing bridge components; (continued) FAX (804) 979-1281 'I . ,r", ; t' ..~,~.L;.t:~. ;,.l Mr. Bill Fritz J'UJ.y 11, 1991 Page Two IATTACHMENT E, Page 2\ 3) The applicant must provide a Certification from a qualified professional engineer, and construction details for approval relative to the re-use of any of the existing bridge c~ts; 4) Per previous Condition of Approval, the applicant must provide hydrologic and hydraulic calculations indicating the performance of the existing (or a modification thereof) bridge structure when subjected to the 100-year stream flow rates; 5) We recomrrend re-submitting for our records a revised Preliminary Plat indicating the currently proposed horizontal roadway alignments, and the currently proposed roadway cross-sections. Should additional information be required please contact us. .. /,,-- - '\ ....,~-:~. ,. IATTACHMENT ~ Page 11 , ALBEMARLE - CHARLOTTESV lLLE OFFICE OF WATERSHED MANAGEMENT 401 MciNTIRE CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRG (8041 296-!: MEMORANUUL"l TO: william D. Fritz, Senior Planner FROM: J. W. Peyton RObertson,~ Water Resources Manager July 15, 1991 ~ ~~ DATE: RE: The Rocks/Burruss Branch stream Crossing This memo will serve to provide comments on the above mentioned items as relates to the recently adopted Water Resourqe Protection Areas Ordinance. Item 1: The Rocks In review of Steve Driver's letter to you dated July 8, 1991, it appears that use of private roads will result in significantly less earthwork and realignment of existing roads than would the use of public roads. To the extent that use of the existing crossing of Ivy Creek can be utilized, private roads should provide for greater overall protection of water quality, both during construction and after completion. I have also reviewed the supporting documentation of McKee/Carson which was submitted for the Rural Preservation Development dated February 6, 1991. Under the section on Potential Environmental Impact, page 6, paragraph 3, the applicant indicated a willingness to voluntarily comply with what was then the proposed Water Resource Protection Areas Ordinance. I don't know if this was made a condition of approval or not, but if it was, I propose that a water quality impact assessment be submitted prior to the issuance of a grading permit. The required items for this assessment are outlined in the recently adopted Water Resource Protection Areas Ordinance and have not changed since the draft with which the applicant agreed to comply. Item 2: Burruss Branch Stream Crossing While this proposal will likely result in less impact to Burruss Branch (during construction) than the building of a darn, I would recommend that a water quality impact assessment be submitted for this project. From the description of the proposed crossing (it sounds as if less than 10,000 square feet (; :; .. .. .-,..-..... .--'-- .....~~-;:;.. ,.~ memo to Fritz page 2 IATTACHMENT F, Page 2\ of area will be disturbed), only a minor water quality impact assessment would be required. This essentially equates to a site drawing which shows the location of the crossing, a delineation of the Resource Protection Area, and any BMP's which will be used to mitigate the impact. If you or either of the applicants have any questions on these items, pI ease fee 1 free to contact me. ws91-124 '- ,- . .. '.~;;.;IATTACHMENT GI v: o. o. r-'(4,mtnC-Ats To: ~. Ia:I!./er No_"': J. {{' &: Jwls Page 2 July 16, 1991 Mr. Ronald Keeler Special Use Permits & Rezonings 3. SP-91-36 Verulam Farm Ltd. Partnership, Route 637 - This request is to amend the previous special use permits on this property to allow for private internal roads instead of public roads as previously approved. Also the entrance location off Route 637 is being changed to be at the existing farm entrance area instead of that previously shown. The Depar~ment does not support the use of private roads. The sight distance at the location now proposed does have adequate sight distance with the trimming of vegetation to the northeast. There is only 535 feet to the northeast and a minimum of 550 feet is needed. The existing farm entrance should be upgraded to a street entrance. The existing entrance is only approximately 500 feet from the 1-64 ramp while the previous plan showed the entrance to be 1200 feet from the ramp. The Comprehensive Plan recommends minimum distances from commercial entrances to interstate ramps on page 203. The minimum distance is 800-1000 feet for the interchanges listed. Route 637 is not one of these interchanges, but there are benefits having commercial entrances. separated from the ramps by certain distances at all interchanges. A 100 foot long taper lane is still recommended to serve this subdivision. Sincerely, ~.C<.~ J. A. Echols Ass't. Resident Engineer JAE/ldw COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of County Executive 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5841 M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Board of Supervisors FROM: Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC~ DATE: August 2, 1991 SUBJECT: Reading List for August 7, 1991 March 20 (N), 1991 _paqe 1 - 8 (end at *8) - Mr.~ccJ - Page 8 (#8) - End - Mrs. Humphris March 25, 1991 - ....~e 1 16 (end U) - Mr. Buw~Lman~ - Page 16 (#4) - End - Mr. Perkins March--2--7-,"-1-9-9-l,-,-= "A 11 - Mr. R()~A7i..e \1zJ April 3 (N). 1991 - .p..ge ~ ("nd *7) - ML. Wd~ LEN:ec - I' ',' RES 0 L UTI 0 N WHEREAS, the Board was requested by a citizen to abandon sections of an old roads not in the State Highway or Secondary System; and WHEREAS, the Board, on September 12 , 1990 , ordered that this matter be advertised for public hearing in accordance with virginia Code Section 33.1-157; and WHEREAS, after holding a public hearing on November 28, 1990, the Board finding that the said sections of roads serve no public purpose; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that certain roads in Rosemont II and Ragged Mountain Farm (and shown on the attached exhibits) be abandoned to public use as per the following descriptions: The public road beginning at the easternmost corner of Tax Map 74-60; thence in a southwesterly direction as it crosses Tax Map 74-60 and Tax Map 74-61 and intersects the preserved road at the southeasternmost corner of Tax Map 74-61; thence, beginning again and continuing generally southeasterly along the common border of Tax Map 74-62, 63, 64, 65 with Tax Map 74-68; thence continuing generally southeasterly along the common border of Tax Map 74-66 and 69; thence, continuing generally southeasterly along the common border of Tax Map 74-67 and 70 to a point of conveyance with the southwesterly corners of Tax Map 71, 72, 73 and 74; continuing generally westerly along the southern border of Tax Map 74-67, 661 65, 64, 63; thence, generally westerly as it crosses the southern portion of Tax Map 74-5 to its intersection with State Route 708. Also, possible expansions of the above roads those running parallel to the above described roads on Tax Map 74-60 and 61; those bisecting Tax Map 74-62 and 63 from the above described roads in a westerly direction until it intersects with the above roads at the western corner of Tax Map 74-63; those leaving the above described road at the northeast corner of Tax Map 74-64 and running southerly to Tax Map 74-65; thence, southwesterly until it intersects with the above roads at the western corner of Tax Map 74-65; those leaving the above described road at the common boundary of Tax Map 74-65, 66, 68 and 69; thence, a short distance southwest along the common boundary line of Tax Map 74-65 and 66; thence, westerly over Tax Map 74-65 until it intersects with the road described just previously as crossing Tax Map 74-65; those running parallel to the above described road on Tax Map 74-69 to the southwestern corner of Tax Map 74-70; and those running parallel to the above described roads for a short distance southerly on Tax Map 74-67. -2- In addition, a short section of parallel road just south of the 01d McGeehee Road on Tax Map 7 4-57G, and an obliterated section just east of the relocated road on Tax Map 74-57F, and a short section of relocated road running northeasterly across the southeastern corner of Tax Map 74-57D. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a resolution unanimously adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on March 6, 1991. ~~ . Clerk, Board of ounty Supervisors " ~..-. .~ ; ,"., . '.. t t; ;"t, i ~ \.....",.j: ; :1./:: !,." ,Li:: Un,LZJ.,.. 'j I ':.'1' ! I" .~, \: U;: , \. 1':' , · '";'i~~tT'!,:~~~rr~T'IT''' ( , ,'_J <' I i"': COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of County Attorney 416 Park Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Telephone 296-7138 JAMES M, BOWLING, IV DEPUTY COUNTY ATIORNEY August 1, 1991 GEORGE R. ST,JOHN COUNTY ATTORNEY Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr. County Executive 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 Re: Bucks Elbow RMLR Site Albemarle County GSA Control No. 4-U-VA-684 (Our File #ACG 91-986) Dear Bob: You will find enclosed a copy of the Deed from the Federal Government to Albemarle County, of the Buck's Elbow Tower Site. This has been recorded and the transaction is concluded. This Deed and correspondence should be placed in the minutes of the Supervisors book"or wherever you keep the deeds to County property. Wherever ie, is kept, I feel the Supervisors should be notified that the transaction has been concluded, and some notation of this should be in their minutes. Sincerely yours, ~- George R. St. John County Attorney GRStJ/tlh Enclosure COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTtvE OFFICE '"'\ i /:--~~';:~~t ("~'..-:- .",\,," \f!!!J)"<: ' '-~,-- , .-.._.. ....c.' " . . ~_''''''h "... . /,.' ~'-~,~'-:A' I,H..?'IE:: >,1 '-)W 0/' ,< Adrnin:SII,,;,;,')t1, Hf,gion 4 40 1 V.'~.;t Peachtree Street Atlar ita, GA 30365-25::>0 ~.,~ ~9' ~" i ~ ~ ~ f~rl '. I~'~, . & ~_._- .... '. . 6il.f.."'.TE.....\.,.~. July 24, 1991 Mr. George St. John County Attorney 416 Park Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear Mr. St. John: Subject: Bucks Elbow RMLR Site Albemarle County GSA Control No. 4-U-VA-684 There is enclosed a properly executed and acknowledged Quitclaim Deed from the United States of America to Albemarle County, Virginia. We have also enclosed a Certificate of Recordation for the Deed. When it is recorded, please have the Register of Deeds fill in the certificate and sign it, then please return it yourself to this office. Sincerely, Gabriel N. Steinberg Regional Counsel Enclosures r- egional Counsel IV, Atlanta, GA QUITCLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this the 2'f~ day of ~, 1991, between the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, acting by and through the Administrator of General Services, under and pursuant to the powers and authority contained in the provision of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (P.L. 81-152) approved June 30, 1949, as amended (40 U.S.C. 484), and regula- tions and orders promulgated thereunder, Grantor, and ALBEMARLE COUNTY VIRGINIA, in Charlottesville, Virginia, Grantee. WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the sum of SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/lOO DOLLARS ($7,500.00) the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor has remised, released and forever quitclaimed unto said Grantee, its successors and assigns, all of the right, title, and interest, claim and demand which said Grantor has or may have had in and to ell that tract, parcel of plot of land known as the Bucks Elbow RMLR Site, situated in the Albemarle County, Charlottesville, State of Virginia, said property being more particularly bounded and described as follows: .- All that tract or parcel of land situated in the Whi te Hall Magisterial District of Albemarle County, Virginia, on Buck's Elbow Mountain and more fully described as follows: from a point being at the intersection of existing road and RML Drive, proceed S 390 59' E, 67.26 feet to a point, said point being the point of beginning, thence N 400 11' E, 16.00 feet to a point, thence S 490 49' W, 100.0 feet to a point, thence S 400 11' W, 100.0 feet to a point, thence S 490 49' E, 100.0 feet to point, thence N 400 11' E 84.0 feet to the point of beginning, containing in all 0.23 acre, more or less. Permanent non-exclusive right-of-way From a point being at the northwesterly corner of the above described plot proceed N 400 11' E, 16.0 feet to a point being the point of beginning and on the centerline of a 30 foot-wide right-of-way thence S 390 59' E, 42.26 feet to a point, containing .029 acre, more or less. The records disclose that title was vested in the United States by deed dated February 2, 1976, filed in the Albermarle County, Virginia Book of Deeds at Liber No. 589, pages 451-453. SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all existing easements and rights- of-way for streets, roads, highways, railroads, pipelines, public utilities, if any, whether of record or otherwise. GRANTEE COVENANTS for itself, ~ts successors, and assigns, and every successor ~n interest to the property hereby conveyed, or any part thereof, that the said Grantee and such heirs, successors, and assigns shall not discriminate upon the basis of race, color, religion, national ~rigi~" C?r se~ in the use, occupancy, sale, or lease of the property, or in their employment practices conducted thereon. This covenant shall-not, apply, however, to the lease or rental of a room or rooms within a family dwelling unit; nor shall it apply with respect to - 2 - religion to premises used primarily for religious purposes. The Uni ted States of America shall be deemed a beneficiary of this covenant wi thout regard to whether i 1: remains the owner of any land or interest therein the looali ty of the property hereby conveyed and shall have sole right to enforce this covenant in any court of competent jurisdiction. GRANTEE FURTHER COVENANTS the following: ( a ) This covenant shall run with the land for a period of 3 years from the date of conveyance. With respect to the property described in this deed, if at any time within a 3 year period from the date of transfer of title by the Grantor, the Grantee, or its successors or assigns, shall sell or enter into agreements to sell the property, either in a single transaction or in a series of transactions, it is convenanted and agreed that all proceeds received or to be received in excess of the Grantee's or a subsequent seller's actual allowable costs will be remitted to the Grantor. In the event of a sale of less than the entire property, actual allowable costs will be apportioned. to the property based on a fair and reasonable determination by the Grantor. (b) For purposes of this covenant, the Grantee's or a subsequent seller's allowable costs shall include the fol~owin~:. _ (1) The purchase price of the real property; (2) -file.direct costs actually incurred and paid for improvements which serve only the property, including road construction, storm and sani tary sewer constructions, other - 3 - public facilities or utility constructions, building rehabili- tation and demolition, landscaping, grading, and other site or public improvements; (3) The direct costs actually incurred and paid for design and enginerring services with respect to the improve- ments described in (b)(2) of this section; and (4) The finance charges actually incurred and paid in conj unction with loans obtained to meet any of the allowable costs enumerated above. (c) None of the allowable costs described in paragraph (b) of this section will be deductible if defrayed by Federal grants or if used as matching funds to secure Federal grants. (d) In order to verify compliance with the terms and conditions of this covenant, the Grantee, or its successors or assigns, shall submit an annual report for each of the subsequent 3 years to the Grantor on the anniversary date of this deed. Each report will identify the property involved in this trans- action and will contain such of the following items of information as are applicable at the time of subllission: ( 1 ) A description of each portion of the property that has been resold: (2) The sale price of each _such ~~S9Id pqrtion: (3) The identity of each purchaser: (4) The proposed land use: and (5) An enumeration of any allowable costs incurred and paid that would offset any realized profit. - 4 - .", . (e) The Grantor may monitor the property and ins~t records related thereto to ensure compliance with the terms ~d condi tions of this covenant and may -take any actions which it deems reasonable and prudent to recover any excess profits realized through the resale of the property. If no resale has been made, the report shall so state. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in an~se appertaining, unto the said Grantee, its successors and assi~, forever. The property hereby conveyed has heretofore been declared surplus to the needs of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 1s presently under the jurisdiction of the General Services Administration, is available for disposal and its disposal has been heretofore authorized by the Administrator of General Services, acting pursuant to the above referred to laws, regulations and orders. WITNESS the following signature and seal. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Acting by and through Administrator of General Services ;Z;:S~ ~~~7~' By:'~ - ~..~ PAT-teU B. BAILBY I Contracting Officer Office of Real Estate Sales General Services Administration Region 4, At-lanta, Georgia - 5 - ... STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF FULTON I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Georgia, whose commission as such expires on the 2nd day of March, 1992, do hereby certify that this day personally app~ before me in the state and county aforesaid, PATRICIA E. BAI~, Contracting Officer, Office of Real Estate Sales, GenenU Services Administration, Region IV, Atlanta, Georgia, for and ~ behalf of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, whose name is signed ~ the foregoing document dated the ~ day of ..rUI~ ' 1991, end acknowledged the same. Given under my hand and seal this ~q~ day of ,tl < , .... ,.. t .._.... .,' -:. :..... , .,:/\~ 0 T /. ,', ;' ....~#!!' "":;::-. ~ - < .",.I'~':: L" .,. ...... ,,-' 4-U-VA-684 Bucks Elbow RMLR Site Albemarle County Charlottesville, Virginia - 6 - .3"Ll~ ~ 1991. CERTIFICATE OF RECORDATION STATE OF VIRGINIA ) ) COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE ) day of This is to certify that Quitclaim Deed, dated the ,;? L(t1'. JLLLy 1991, from the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to ALBEMARLE COUNTY VIRGINIA of Maywood, Virginia, filed for record at 3~ o'clock --f2-.m. on the 3tl~day of ~, 1991, and has been recorded at pages i'~ to 570 , inclusive, of Deed Book No. 1/ It, ~ of the public records of my office. This the 9o~day of M ,1991. -2hJ1~ili-06c.1l C-I~ Register 0 eds I Albemarle County, Virginia By: \~O--(ZQ,,", f ~~Uk Deputy RETURN TO: General Services Administration Office of Regiona1 Counsel (4L) 401 West Peachtree Street At1anta, GA 30365-2550 4-U-VA-684 . 0< . :. -"'J,; ~ . -.. '.','-.'4<.:0.4-' ......-4.bV~,_,__, . ,. ~ .- COMMO]\'WEALTH OF VIRGI]\'IA (, " (" :~~~~w:,~, .&'fI&t~._ ( .~'\ ........ ...' l ,.......W\;~ ~~~:f.. J:. c " c, GFF:CIA~ RECtT A~BENARLE CIRCU:' CDUh' DEfT RECE 1 PT DATE: 0/130/91 TIME: 15:12:29 ACCOUNT: 003CLR9i0007095 RECEIPT: Q1000010277 C4SHIER: RHr. REG: AB05 TYPE: DEED PAYMENT: FU~~ PHYMEN; ItJSTRUI'!EN~ : 910007095 BOOK: 11.80 PASE: 564/0 RECDF:DED: 07/30/91 AT 15:12 6RANTOR NA~E : UNITED STATE DF A~ERICA EA: N LOCALITY: CD GRANTEE NAME : P.LBE~ARLE COUNTY VIR5INIA EX: N PERCENT: lOO~ AND ADDRESS : N/A RECEIVED OF: ST. JOHN ETAL DATE 0; DEED: 00100/00 CHECK: $14.00 CASH: $2.00 DESCRIPTION 1: QUITCLAIM DEED l,. \ 2: CDNSIDERATION: CODE DESCRIPTION 301 DEEDS .00 A5SU!'!PT I ON: .0(' PAID CODE DESCRIPTIO~ 15.00 145 VSLF I'\A P : PAID 1 Ml Z._ TOTAL TENDERED : TOTAL AMOUNT PAID: TOTAL CHANGE A~T 16.00 16.00 .00 ( CLERK OF COURT: SHELBY J, KAR5HHL~ ( (, .:-;rc.......,.,.. . ::~:.~-'~..':._' .-' . r, -~ -. "'- ..~-- '.~: -. , ...;..:. . Y'-: ~'~--.' :;'~~2" .~'.' -'. i:- .,~ '=ltl;~>; ~ J~'., ," - - : ~.' __:' ;:. 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