HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-09-18 FIN A L September 18, 1991 7:00 P.M. Room 7, County Office Building 1) Call to Order. 2) Pledge of Allegiance. 3) Moment of Silence. 4) Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the PUBLIC. 5) *Consent Agenda (on back of sheet). 6) ZTA-91-04. Schuyler Enterprises. Public Hearing on an amendment to Section 3.0 of the Zoning Ordinance to change the definition of public garage. 7) SP-91-21. Schuyler Enterprises. Public Hearing on a request to locate a public garage on 25.0 ac zoned RA (use proposed under ZTA-91-04 above). Property on S side at inters of Rts 800/602. TM126,P31A (part). Scottsville Dist. (This property does not lie in a designated growth area.) 8) CPA-91-02. Public Hearing on an amendment to the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan to include the recommendations of the Blue Ridge Neighborhood-Area B Study. Amendments include changes to the Land Use Map as follows: 1) Change land use designation of the Blue Ridge Hospital tract N of Rt 53 from RA to PublicI Semi Public. 2) Change approx 30 ac in N portion of Hillcrest tract from low density residential to PublicI Semi Public to accommodate the possible location of Forestry Department. 3) Replace residential holding capacity lost as a result of public/semi public designation by changing approx 10 ac of low density residential to medium density residential on Hillcrest tract W of unnamed tributary stream to Moores Creek. 9) ... SP-91-25. WCYK AM-FM. Public Hearing on a request to locate 2 satellite dishes atop the Jefferson Savings Bank on 1.186 acs zoned CO. Pro- perty located in NE corner of inters of Rt 29 & Rio Rd. TM61,P123A. Charlottesville Dist. (This property is located in a designated growth area. ) 10) SP-91-38. General Machinery Corp. Public Hearing on a request for a Home Occupation-Class B for a telephone business with 2 employees in an accessory structure on 92.5 acs zoned RA. Property in NW quad- rant of inters of Rts 636 & 691. TM84,P39. White Hall Dist. (This property does not lie in a designated growth area.) 11) Adoption of Resolution Providing for the Issuance of $16,070,000 School Bonds, 1991 Series B, of Albemarle County, Virginia, Heretofol'e Authorized to be Sold to the Virginia Public School Authority, and Setting Forth the Form and Details Thereof. 12) Solid Waste, Discussion on Voluntary Curbside Recycling Pilot Program (continued from September 11, 1991). 13) Approval of Minutes: . April 3, 1991. 14) Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. 15) Adjourn. - ,--~~ 0" "' + '.' ,", ;. q -/ :3 - (/' , istrliJU,eO [Q :,oarc. --__;~_ ", A~;eflrta ltt~m t-.;Q. ql. Oq1!tJl~ " COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 l, MEMORANDUM TO: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors and UoJu FROM: v. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning Community Development DATE: September 4, 1991 RE: Fire Hydrants Along Existing Water Lines outside of Jurisdictional Areas Staff has further analyzed the question of strategically locating hydrants along water lines outside of the jurisdictional area to provide additional fire service protection in those areas. In discussion with Bill Brent, he indicted that in the late 1970's, the County committed money to install hydrants in such locations. Although Bill did not believe all of this money was expended, it was used to install some number of hydrants. Therefore, some water lines outside of the jurisdictional area now have fire hydrants. Further contact with representatives of the Jefferson County Fire and Rescue Association (JCFRA) indicates merit in providing hydrants in more remote areas near developments (see Attachment A). Mr. John Hood of JCFRA did emphasize the need to strategically locate the hydrants for accessibility and to make sure all fire companies were aware of the hydrant locations in their service areas. The Albemarle County Service Authority has provided information on where lines exist that have potential to provide fire protection outside the jurisdictional area (see Attachment B). This indicates the extent to which such service may be made available. Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Page 2 September 4, 1991 It is staff's opinion that the location of fire hydrant's along lines providing finished water can be beneficial. Such hydrants should be located where they are immediately accessible from public roads or subdivision private roads. Location of all hydrants should be mapped and provided to the fire companies responsible for that area. Mr. Brent suggests that maintenance of such hydrants should be as currently provided on existing hydrants. Considering fiscal constraints, the County may want to indicate that installation of such hydrants will be at the private property owner's discretion and expense. Approval of such hydrants would be as currently handled through the development review process. VWC/jcw ATTACHMENTS cc: Bill Brent Mike Schlemmer Dennis Rooker " FUW~ llL 1'l 1991 PLANNING DIVISION COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Inspections 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville. Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5832 IATTACHMENT AI TO: Ken Baker, Planner FROM: Mike Schlemmer, Fire/Rescue Coordinator ~(~ DATE: July 17, 1991 RE: Rural Hydrants As per our conversation on ~ydrants in the rural area, it is my opinion, rural hydrants located near developments can be very benefical. These hydrants will provide the fire department with a good access and a clean water source to fill their tanks. If these hydrants are permitted, they must have enough pressure to make their function worthwhile. \.. I hope this is the information you need. Ifdy'ou have any questions, please give me a call. cc: Jay Schlothauer MSjnd IATTACHMENT Bj ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE MEMO To: FROM: DATE: RE: ccp 4 1991 PLANNING DIVISION Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning~ Engineerin~ K~ Paul A. Shoop, Director of September 4, 1991 Water Service Available for Fire Protection Outside the Service Authority's Jurisdictional Area As requested we haye reviewed the routing of finished water facilities that have the potential to provide fire protection outside our jurisdictional area. Lines extend in various sections of the urban area on the fringe of our jurisdiction. A line between Rivanna Park and Ashcroft could provide service north of the Virginia Power right-of-way. A waterline on Rt. 29 can provide service to property east of the highway between Proffit Road and across from the G.E. plant. The same line can serve the Airport Industrial Park property along the north fork of the Rivanna River currently outside our jurisdiction. A line in Rt. 29 can serve property on the west side of the highway between the south fork of the Rivanna River to property across from Hollymead. The 12" waterline between Montvue and West Leigh extends through a number of parcels outside our jurisdictional area. For the most part, parcels directly adjoining the line are agricultural and not developed. . In Crozet, the Yancey Mills area can be provided with limited fire protection. In scottsville, fire protection can be made available along Rt. 726 between its intersection with Rt. 1302 and the entrance to Totier Creek Park. Along these corridors we have reviewed the developed parcels for availability. Property with structures can be divided into the following categories. Specific parcels are identified for each. -Existing structures located outside our service jurisdictional area in the proximity of a waterline (finished water only): TM 32, Parcel 19(part), Parcel22P TM 59, Parcels 7D,7D2,20,12B,12F,15,15A,16 -Service has been made available to "existing structures only," no fire service has been obtained, and the property is located in the proximity of a waterline: TM 32, Parcel 22J,22E TM 33, Parcel 1A TM...46, Parcel C (part), 7, 28D TM 130, Parcels 37,38,40,40A,40B,42,43(part) TM 136, Parcels 26,27,36 If you need additional information please let me know. PAS:dmg cc: J. W. Brent ." ... " r t' I \ r7', 1 tj i .j I , "l7 \, ,I , .t : ! . ? Edward H. Bain, Jr Samuel Miller COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 979-1281 MEMORANDUM Charlotte Y Humphns ,J(\(I-. ,JOUl!lI David P Bowerman Charlottesville Walter F Perkins While Hall F. R. (Rick) Bowie Rivanna Peter T Way Scottsvdle AMENDED FROM: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director, Planning and Community Development Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CM~ DATE: September 19, 1991 TO: SUBJECT: Board Actions of September 18, 1991 Following is a list of actions taken by the Board at its meeting on Septem- ber 18, 1991: Agenda Item No. 5.1. Memo dated September 12, 1991, from V. Wayne Ci1imberg, Director of Planning and Community Development, requesting the Board's concurrence for changes to conditions of approval for ZMA-90-09, Cathcart-Turner. APPROVED the following substitutions for Conditions #1 and #2 of ZMA-90-09. Condition #3 through #6 remain as set out in letter of October 12, 1990, addressed to Cathcart-Turner Development. Condition #7 which reads: "The southern road en- trance to the future connector road to be closed off at such time as the connector road is accepted into the State Secondary Highway System," is' deleted. 1. Development shall be in accord with plan dated June 3, 1991, and titled "Exhibit C2 Lakeside Apartments"; 2. The applicant agrees to reserve for dedication, upon demand of the County, a 50-foot right-of-way from Route 742 to Tax Map 91, Parcel 2. The applicant agrees to construct a 40-foot curb-to-curb cross-section running approximately 600 feet perpendicular to Route 742 and then approximately 200 feet parallel to Route 742. Costs incurred in having the road accepted into the state system shall not be borne by the appli- cant unless the need for dedication is generated by this development. Agenda Item No. 5.3. Memorandum dated September 4, 1991, from V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning and Community Development, entitled "Fire Hydrants along existing Water Lines outside of Jurisdictional (Services) Areas." The Board asked for a firm recommendation from staff to be heard at it's October 9, 1991 meeting. Memo to: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. and V. Wayne Cilimberg September 19, 1991 Page 2. Agenda Item No. 5.4. Memorandum dated September 9, 1991, from Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive, entitled IIProposed Adult Day Care Center.1I The Board asked for a firm recommendation from staff to be heard at it's October 9, 1991 meeting. Agenda Item No.6. ZTA-91-04. Schuyler Enterprises. Public Hearing on an amendment to Section 3.0 of the Zoning Ordinance to change the definition of public garage. DENIED. The Board felt that this specific case is covered by the existing definition in the Zoning Ordinance. Agenda Item No.7. SP-91-21. Schuyler Enterprises. Public Hea~ing on a request to locate a public garage on 25.0 ac zoned RA (use proposed under ZTA-91-04 above). Property on S side at inters of Rts 800/602. TM126,P31A (part). Scottsville Dist. (This property does not lie in a designated growth area.) APPROVED with the following recommended conditions as outlined in Staff Report from William D. Fritz, Senior Planner: 1. Planning Commission approval of site plan. Use shall not commence until final sit plan approval has been obtained; 2. Hours of operation shall be limited to 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday; 3. No outside storage of parts including junk parts. Refuse awaiting dis- posal shall be stored in appropriate containers; 4. No freight shall be handled or stored on-site; 5. All work shall be conducted within the garage; 6. Repair work and storage shall be limited to equipment owned or operated by Schuyler Enterprises; and 7. No more than four tractor trailers can be parked in the outside area at anyone time. *Staff is to be mindful of the Board's concern that screening be required during site plan review. Agenda Item No.8. CPA-91-02. Public Hearing on an amendment to the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan to include the recommendations of the Blue Ridge Neighborhood-Area B Study. Memo to: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. and V. Wayne Cilimberg September 19, 1991 Page 3. Adopted with the following additions/deletions to the Comprehensive Plan: 1. Add: page 170 under EXISTING LAND USE, last paragraph, add "... and the Blue Ridge Hospital;" 2. Add: page 170 under Recommendations before last bullet "Evaluation of the feasibility of reconfiguring the Interstate 64 and Route 20 Inter- change to improve traffic circulation in the area and determine the impact such a reconfiguration would have on a future Interstate 64 and Avon Street Interchange. 3. Page 171 after "Industrial service and neighborhood service designation on Avon Street across from Lake Reynovia limited to existing' zoned land only, add: The expansion of the Growth Area to include that portion of the Blue Ridge Hospital tract south of Interstate 64 and north of Route 53 is based on the condition that the area be designated for publici semi-public use and development in this area be consistent with the Master Land Utilization Plan for the Blue Ridge Hospital tract dated May of 1991 (See Blue Ridge Neighborhood "Area B" Study.) The Albemarle County Service Authority jurisdictional area shall remain, but only provide additional water and sewer services for development consistent with the Master Land Utilization Plan. If the Virginia Forestry Department undertakes its proposed office development on approximately thirty acres in the northeast portion of the Hillcrest Tract adjacent to Piedmont Virginia Community College, change the Comprehensive Plan land use designation of that area from low density residential to public/semi-public. Concurrently, increase medium density land use designation by approximately ten acres on the same tract in an area west of an unnamed tributary stream of Moores Creek to replace the residential holding capacity lost due to the con- struction of the Forestry Department. This Land Use Map amendment would not be effective until the Forestry Department undertakes its relocation in this location. Consider recommendations of the City/County/University Planning and Coordination Council's Blue Ridge Neighborhood "Area B" Study as a guide for future development of that portion of Neighborhood Four within the study area except for reference to commercial service in this area. Delete next paragraph which reads: Consider recommendations of the City/County/University Planning and Coordination Council for the Blue Ridge Route 20 South Study Area. Incorporate adopted recommendations into the Comprehensive Plan for the County. Memo to: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. and V. Wayne Cilimberg September 19, 1991 Page 4. In Table 50 under Developable Acreage-Public the number should be 164; non-residential subtotal should be 319; and Undeveloped Land Total should be 1255. On May 20, Urban Area Land Use, Neighborhoods 1 through 7, make change attachment B (copy attached). Agenda Item No.9. SP-91-25. WCYK AM-FM. Public Hearing on a request to locate 2 satellite dishes atop the Jefferson Savings Bank on 1.186 acs zoned CO. Property located in NE corner of inters of Rt 29 & Rio Rd. TM61,P123A. ' Charlottesville Dist. (This property is located in a designated growth area.) APPROVED with the following conditions: 1. Approval is limited to two, eight-foot or less diameter dishes; 2. Dishes shall be painted same color as building; 3. Dishes to be located as shown on Attachment (copy attached to this letter) dated August 21, 1991, initialed W.D.F. Agenda Item No. 10. SP-91-38. General Machinery Corp. Public Hearing on a request for a Home Occupation-Class B for a telephone business with 2 employees in an accessory structure on 92.5 acs zoned RA. Property in NW quadrant of inters of Rts 636 & 691. TM84,P39. White Hall Dist. (This property does not lie in a designated growth area.) APPROVED with the following conditions: 1. Use shall be limited to three persons, whether or not same are employ- ees; 2. No entrance to the state road or parking area shall be allowed to serve this use; 3. Except as otherwise provided herein, compliance wit~ Section 5.2.2 of the Zoning Ordinance; 4. Permit is limited to applicants, Richard E. Rike and Gary Epsenhart. Agenda Item No. 11. Adoption of Resolution Providing for the Issuance of $16,070,000 School Bonds, 1991 Series B, of Albemarle County, Virginia, Heretofore Authorized to be Sold to the Virginia Public School Authority, and Setting Forth the Form and Details Thereof. ADOPTED resolution sent out with agenda materials. All original resolutions have been returned to Melvin Breeden. Agenda Item No. 12. Solid Waste, Discussion on Voluntary Curbside Recycling Pilot Program. ACCEPTED recommendation that effective January 1, 1992 the Pilot Program be extended to 3000 households. The Board adopted a Resolution asking the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority to issue an RFP on a Waste-to-Energy Study, which will include incineration. Please furnish the text to the Clerk, who will certify and forward to the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority. /' Memo to: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. and V. Wayne Cilimberg September 19, 1991 Page 5. Agenda Item No. 14. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. The Board asked that staff write a letter to State agencies concerning joint efforts for air permits, water permits, etc. Staff asked for clarification of the ZTA on rental of mobile homes, which will be advertised soon. The Board stated it would hear the ZTA on October 2, 1991. The staff was directed to review the question of requ1r1ng undisturbed buffer areas in the same right-of-way as that of public utilities. The staff is to look at an alternative name for the entire length of Route 53. LEN:bwh Attachments (2) cc: Robert B. Brandenburger Richard E. Huff, II Roxanne White Bruce Woodzel1 Amelia Patterson George R. St. John File Distributed to Board: q - /'3 - q ! Agenda Item No. ql, OQI1(6" 0 " COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596, (804) 296-5823 . / MEMORANDUM FROM: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors (Consent Agenda) v. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning and I~~ Community Development (Il TO: DATE: September 12, 1991 RE: ZMA-90-09 Cathcart-Turner The above referenced ZMA resulted in the rezoning of some 24 acres from R-1 to PRD on Avon Street south of I-64. The approval letter for that action is attached (Attachment A). In developing more detailed site development plans and working with the ARB, the applicant has found that an alteration in the plan is desirable to reduce environmental and aesthetic impact. The applicant proposes to substitute a plan dated June 3, 1991 titled "Exhibit C2 Lakeside Apartments" (Attachment B). The revised plan necessitates changes to the internal road system, including relocation of the entrances to the site. The internal through road has been relocated to the southern entrance. To reflect this change, the applicant proposes new wording for condition #2 (Attachment C). Furthermore, with the changes proposed by the applicant, Condition #7 would no longer be necessary. Changes in access and the internal road system have been discussed with the Virginia Department of Transportation. Entrance locations are acceptable. Ultimate approval of the internal through road for acceptance into the state system will be based on its ultimate connection into adjacent properties and the resulting traffic volumes. The Architectural Review Board has reviewed the proposed plan and on June 24, 1991 made comments regarding the plan (Attachment D). In general, the Architectural Review Board was receptive to the plan. Albemarle County Board of Supervisors September 12, 1991 Page 2 Staff opinion is that the proposed alterations are consistent with the intent of the original approval and will result in a development equal to or superior to the original plan. Staff recommends the following substitutions for Conditions #1 and #2 of ZMA-90-09 are appropriate: 1. Development shall be in accord with plan dated June 3, 1991 and titled "Exhibit C2 Lakeside Apartments". 2. The applicant agrees to reserve for dedication, upon demand of the County, a 50 foot right-of-way from Route 742 to Tax Map 91, Parcel 2. The applicant agrees to construct a 40 foot curb to curb cross-section running approximately 600 feet perpendicular to Route 742 and then approximately 200 feet parallel to Route 742. Costs incurred in having the road accepted into the state system shall not be borne by the applicant unless the need for dedication is generated by this development. Conditions #3-#6 are unaffected and Condition #7 is no longer necessary. Staff recommends that the Board accept these changes as meeting the intent of the original approval. With this acceptance, staff will include these modifications in the Cathcart-Turner file as part of the approved conditions. WDF/mem ATTACHMENTS cc: Rip Cathcart Amelia Patterson [ATTACHMENT Al " - ,- COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire- Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 '. '. '-.- ~ ti 1990 "' - .,.! ',' ,;.SSQCtATES ,'__,)L...I...;';'V-""~ " . "~""'T'i1='~~ October 12" 1990 Cathcart-Turner Development Co 415 Lexington Avenue Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: ZMA-90-09 Cathcart-Turner Development Company Dear Sir: ..' :~' ~.. . '.. ~ ..; The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on October 3, 1990, approved the above-noted request to rezone 24.06 acres from R-1, Residential, to PRD, Planned Residential Development, with a maximum of 360 units. Property located on the east side of Rt. 742 (Avon Street Extended) east of The Armory (Neighborhood 4). Tax map 91, Parcel 2 (part of). Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: t 1. Development shall be in accord with plan dated July 18, 1990, revised September 10, 1990, titled Lakeside Apartments, pages 1-3; 2. The applicant agrees to reserve for dedication, upon demand of the County, a 50 foot right-of-way from Rt. 742 to Tax Map 91, Parcel 2. The applicant agrees to construct a 40 foot curb to curb, cross-section running approximately 500 feet perpendicular to Rt. 742 and then approximately 520 feet parallel to Rt. 742. Costs incurred in having the road accepted into the state system shall not be borne by the applicant unless the need for dedication is generated by this development; 3. Recreational facilities shall be for the use of the residents and guests of Lakeside Apartments only; If .. \." Cathcart-Turner Development Co Page 2 October 12, 1990 4. Staff approval of maintenance agreement for dam to include a provision that the total lake level and lake ,?~ea.on 'this plan shall not be reduced; 5. A 15-foot pedestrian access easement shall be provided adjacent to the lake for the benefit of the residents of the Lakeside Development; 6. Administrative approval of final plans; 7. The southern road entrance to the future connector road to be closed off at such time as the connector road is accepted into the State Secondary Highway System. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, {) ~. Development VWC/jcw . ( '0' .';";.', "". ': .' cc: Amklia Patterson Richard Moring Hurt Investments Kurt Wassenaar IATTACHMEt,riC] WASSENAAR ASSOCIATES AR~HITECTS August 8, 1991 Mr. Bill Fritz Planner County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 RE: Lakeside Apartments; Project #90150 Site Plan Approval Dear Bill, Pursuant to your conversation with Rip Cathcart regarding the required information for your presentation to the Board of Supervisors on 21 August 91, I am enclosing proposed revised language for Condition #2 of the letter dated 12 Oct 91 from the County confIrming approval of rezone application ZMZ-90-09. This new text addresses the new alignment and location of the proposed VDOt section only, and is not intended to alter the condition in any other way. . . ..~~ ~; "2. The applicant agrees to reserve for dedication, upon demand of the County, a 50 foot right-of-way from Route 742 to Tax Map 91, Parcel 2. The applicant agree; to construct a 40 foot curb to curb, cross- section running approximately 600 feet . perpendicular to Rt. 742 and then approximately 200 feet parallel to Rt. 742. Costs . incurred iP having the road accepted into the state system shall not be borne by the applicant unless the need for dedication is generated by this development;" I have also attached one copy each of the above mentioned 12 Oct 91 letter and a letter from W AA to the County dated 29 April 91 which addresses our proposed road revision at that time. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance with this matter. cc: Rip Cathcart enclosure P.O. Box 2666 · Charlottesville, Virginia. 22902 Telephone: 804 971-2920 · Fax: 804 971-7048 . , IATTACH~ENT DI COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 July 3, 1991 Greg Donovan Cathca~t and Turner Development 415 Lexington Ave Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: ARB-P(SDP)-91-12 Lakeside Apartments (Route 742) Dear Mr. Donovan: On June 24, 1991, the Albemarle County Architectural Review Board discussed in a preliminary conference, your proposal to locate a total of 320 units on a total of 24.06 acr.es in the Scottsville Magisterial District. Property described as Tax Map 91, Parcel 2 is locate on the east side of Rt. 742 and east of the Armory. The following is a summary of the suggestions made, please be aware this summary should not be considered final. The Board made the following comments and suggestions: ,,' ~':.. ....~ ;>; (1) ~rovide more detail regaiding the 40-50' planting strip along Rt. 742; (2) Show existing trees that are worthy of saving; (3) Concern was expressed about the steep slopes (3-1); (4) Suggestion was made to have a three board white fence or berm along front of property or a healthy forest edge (oaks, ash, maple, etc.) or straight row; (5) Guidelines call for specific tree treatment along entrance and secondary roads. I.~ _'~ . If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Lipinski. YL/jcw . , cc: Wassenaar Associates ,~ T t'J ~ OJ :: I- - ~ Z - S 'W . ~ ~ :a: . ~ J: U ~ () - ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '"-l .~ ~O\, == ~ ~ ~ =: ~~~ ~....., ~~~ "0 ... .0 ... .3 .~ "0 c: ;:l ... .:.: C':I ,.J . ~~. :i? ..a F~ ~~ -:::...~ !L-/3-91 Di:;:nburcd to Board: . t;,:.;md:J lteID ND. CJ1Ji)Jlli~) ,. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Local Surveyors, Land Planners and Engineers / ) V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning andcJGJJ~ Community Development DATE: September 5~ 1991 RE: Subdivision Plat/Site Plan Extensions/Reapprovals The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting of August 27, 1991, endorsed the following clarification in procedure as regards requests for subdivision plats and site plan extensions/reapproval. This procedural clarification is intended to assure consistent consideration of such requests as allowed for under the Albemarle County Zoning and SUbdivision Ordinances. It will also allow staff and the Commission to maintain review of plats/plans under ordinance provisions in effect -at the time of extensionjreapproval. Subdivision Plats The Director of Planning and Community Development, as agent for the Board of Supervisors, may grant extension of preliminary plats under Section 18-50 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The Director will review preliminary plat extension requests administratively and base decisions on circumstances related to unusual delay beyond the control of the applicant rather than other factors such as economic hardship and the like. Appeals of the Director's decisions are available through the Board of Supervisors. Extension requests for final plats are not provided under current'ordinance regulations. In the future when the allocated time for a final plat expires, it can be reactivated by resubmitting the final plat on (or before) a submittal deadline with the appropriate application, fee, ~ ~ Local Surveyors, Land Planners and Engineers Page 2 September 5, 1991 _~id number of copies of the plat. The plat will be considered as new business with complete review by the site Review Committee under ordinance regulations in effect at the time of resubmittal. Once revisions are received in accordance with the site Review Committee recommendations, the plat will be placed on the Commission's agenda for action. site Plans The Director of Planning is empowered under section 32.3.3 to "establish from time to time such reasonable administrative procedures" necessary to properly administer the site plan provisions. The Director will review preliminary plan extension requests in a manner similar to the above stated policy "for preliminary plats; that is, based on circumstances beyond the control of the applicant. Approved final plans will not be granted extensions. As with final plats, expired final plans can be reactivated by resubmitting on a submittal date with an appropriate application, fee, and number of copies. The plan will go through the normal site review process and placed on the Commission's agenda for action. Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. VWC/jcw cc: Bob Brandenburger Site Review Committee Members Planning staff Planning Commission Members Board of Supervisors COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 MEMORANDUM TO: Albemarle County Planning Commission Members FROM: V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning & Community Development~vJ~ August 19, 1991 DATE: RE: Subdivision Plat Extension Requests PURPOSE: This memorandum regards subdivision plat extension or reapproval requests and, if endorsed by the Planning Commission, would establish consistent procedures for extension of preliminary plats and reapproval of final plats. BACKGROUND Attachment A references the Subdivision Ordinance sections discussed in this memorandum. Section 18-50 allows an applicant six months after Planning Commission approval of the preliminary plat to meet the conditions of approval and submit the final plat. This section contains an allowance for extensions by the Board of Supervisors or its agent (the Director of Planning). Such extensions have been granted based on delays encountered as a result of a public agency's delay beyond the control of the applicant or in case of severe weather, provided the applicant has demonstrated he has continued to make reasonable progress on the project. If the six month limit is met and the final plat is properly submitted for review, the applicant is allotted, in accordance with Section 18-54(c), an additional 18 months before the plat must be signed by the agent. Section 18-53(c) requires the plat to be recorded within six months of the signature date. This process allows for a total of 2 1/2 years from the time the preliminary plat is submitted until the final plat must be put to record. ., ' V. Wayne Cilimberg Page 2 August 14, 1991 There is no specific provlslon for extension of final plat validity ~n the Subdivision Ordinance. In lieu of extension, in the past, applicants have requested reapproval without resubmittal for review or a new application fee. Section 18-54(a) does provide the courtesy and convenience of posting a performance bond to cover the cost of necessary public improvements in lieu of construction in order to meet the 18 months time limit. RECOMMENDATION: The Director of Planning will continue to review preliminary plat extension requests administratively and base decisions on circumstances related to unusual delay beyond the control of the applicant rather than other factors such as economic hardship and the like. Appeals of the Director's decisions are available through the Board of Supervisors. As previously noted, extension requests for final plats are not provided under current regulations. In the future when the 18 months is expiring, the applicant will be required to resubmit the final plat on (or before) a submittal deadline with the appropriate application, fee, and number of copies of the plat. The plat will be considered as new business with complete review by the Site Review Committee under ordinance regulations in effect at the time of resubmittal. Once revisions are received in accordance with the Site Review Committee recommendations, the plat will be placed on the Commission's regular agenda for action. ACTION: Should the Planning Commission endorse this policy, staff will redraft this memorandum for distribution to local surveyors, land planners and engineers for their reference. VWC/blb . ~ ATTACHMENT A Section 18-50 - Time Limit on File; Final Plat After Approval Of Preliminary Plat. Subdividers shall have not more than six (6) months after rece~v~ng official notification concerning the preliminary plat to file in the office of the commission, or its agent, a final subdivision plat in accordance with this chapter. Failure to do so shall render preliminary approval null and void. The Board of Supervisors, or its agent, may on written request by the subdivider grant an extension of this time limit. Section 18-54 - Approvals And Conditions. (a) The final plat shall not be approved until the subdivider has complied with the requirements and standards of design in accordance with this chapter and has provided a performance bond to cover the cost of necessary improvements in lieu of construction, to the satisfaction of the Board of Supervisors, or its agent, if such authority has been so delegated. Approval of the final plat shall be shown by attaching a certificate showing the approval of the Board of Supervisors. (c) Any final plat which shall fail to be approved by the Board of Supervisors or its agent in accordance with this section within eighteen (18) months after approval by the commission shall be void; provided, however, that any final plat which was approved by the commission on or before May 5, 1982, shall be valid if it shall be approved by the Board of Supervisors or its agent as herein provided on or before November 5, 1983. (Added May 5, 1982). Distributed to Board: 9-1.3 -1/ fi:'1!id,. No, ~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE , .~ \, MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: September 9, 1991 of Supervisors Ii ~ County Executive~1 Albemarle County Board Robert W. Tucker, Jr., RE: Proposed Adult Day Care Center County staff has been approached by representatives of the Jefferson Area Board for Aging regarding the potential of using a county owned parcel of land on Berkmar Drive adjacent to the rescue squad building as a new adult day care center. Apparently, plans to use a site owned by the Catholic Diocese of Richmond at Branchlands has run into difficulties and alterntives are being explored. Mr. Gordon Walker, Executive Director of JABA, has requested to meet with the appropriate county representatives and staff recommends that the Board's Building Committee be instructed to meet with Mr. Walker and bring a recommendation back to the Board for its consideration. RWT,Jr/REH,II/dbm 91.128 Distributed to Board: 9 - /3 -<:-11 Azenrh Item No, q I.Oqfg(Q'~ HUNTON & WILLIAMS ATLANTA, GEORGIA BRUSSELS, BELGIUM FAIRFAX} VIRGINIA KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE RIVERFRONT PLAZA, EAST TOWER 951 EAST BYRD STREET N~ :YORK, NEW YORK NORF"OLK, VIRGINIA RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WASHINGTON, 0, C. RICHMOND) VIRGINIA 23219-4074 TELEPHONE (804) 788-8200 FACSIMILE (804) 788-8218 FILE No,: 32722,13 DIRECT DIAL: (804) 788-8727 september 5, 1991 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED Chairman, Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia $12,595,000 Residential Facility First Mortgage Revenue Bonds (Our Lady of Peace project) series 1991 Ladies and Gentlemen: In connection with the above-referenced financing, I enclose for filing on behalf of the Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia, a certified copy of United states Internal Revenue Service Form 8038. Please indicate the receipt of the enclosed Form 8038 by stamping the enclosed copy of this letter and returning it to me in the enclosed postage paid envelope. Very truly yours, I ! Ii ( LtC) C'l1 )i ('(/\2'- Alison M. La Mura Paralegal Enclosures cc: Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia CERTIFICATE AS TO INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE FORM 8038 The undersigned Secretary of the Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia (the Authority) hereby certifies that attached hereto as Exhibit A is a true and correct copy of united States Internal Revenue Service Form 8038 filed with the Internal Revenue Service in connection with the issuance on Septmeber 5, 1991, of the Authority's $12,595,000 Residential Facility First Mortgage Revenue Bonds (Our Lady of Peace project), Series 1991. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Authority this day of September, 1991. ~C:WJ J cretary, Industrial Development u hority of Albemarle County, v' ginia (SEAL) Form 8038 Information Return for Tax-Exempt Private Activity Bond Issues (Under Section 149(e)} ~ See separate Instructions. (Rev, May 1989) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service OMB No, 1545,0720 Expires 5/31/92 IDII Reporting Authority Check box if Amended Return ~ 0 3 Number and street C/O James B. Murray, Jr., Chairman, P.O.Box 1465 1 Issuer's name 2 Issuer's employer I~entlflcatlon number Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County, A 52-1297503 Bonds IDIII Type of Issue (check box(es) that applies and enter the Issue Price for each) 9 Exempt facility bond: a 0 Airport (sections 142(a)(l) and 142(c)) . , . . , , b 0 Docks and wharves (sections 142(a)(2)and 142(c)) c 0 Mass commuting faCilities (sections 142(a)(3)and 142(c)) d 0 Water furnishing facilities (sections 142(aX4)and 142(e)) e 0 Sewage facilities (section 142(a)(5)) , . , . . , . f 0 Solid waste disposal facilities (section 142(a)(6)) , , , g 0 Qualified residential rental projects (sections 142(a)(7) and 142(d)), as follows: Meeting 20-50 test (section 142(d)(1)(A)) , , , 0 Meeting 40-60 test (section 142(d)(l)(B)) , , . . . . , , . , 0 Meeting 25-60 test (NYC only) (section 142(d)(6)) , , , . . . . 0 Has an election been made for deep rent skewing, (section 142(dX4XB))? 0 Yes 0 No h 0 Facilities for the local furnishing of electric energy or gas (sections 142(a)(8)and 142(1)). .' i 0 Local district heating or cooling facilities (sections 142(aX9) and 142(g)). , , , , j 0 Qualified hazardous waste facilities (sections 142(aX10) and 142(h)), , . . , . k 0 High.speed intercity rail facilities (sections 142(aXll), 142(c), and 142(i)). , , , Check box if you elected not to claim depreciation or any tax credit (see instructions). . , . 0 o Facilities allowed under a transitional rule of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (see instructions) , Facility type. . . . . _ . . . _ . . . . . . _ . , _ . ..... .. . _. _ _ . 1986 Act section 10 0 Qualified mortg~~~' b~~d' '(-S~~ti~~" i43(~))'''' ~ - , Check box if you elect to rebate arbitrage profits to the U,S. . 0 11 0 Qualified veterans' mortgage bond (section 143(b)) Check box if you elect to rebate arbitrage profits to the U,S, , , , . , , . " . 0 12 0 Qualified small issue bond (section 144(a)). Check box for $10 million small issue exemption . 0 13 0 Qualified student loan bond (section 144(b)), , , , . . , , , . . , , , 14 0 Qualified redevelopment bond (section 144(c)), . , , , , , . . , . . , . , 15 0 Qualified hospital bond (section 145(c)) , , . , , , , , . , , . . , . . , 16 a Qualified 501(cX3) bond other than a qualified hospital bond (section 145), . , , . , . Employer identification number (EIN) of qualifying 501(cX3) organization 54-1582304 17 0 Nongovernmental output property bond (treated as private activity bondXsection 141(d)) . , . . 18 0 Other, Describe (see instructions) ~. _ . . _ _ . _ . , _ _ .. _ . .. . . . _ . . ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... _..... _ _ _ _ ..... . IDIIII Description of Bonds (a) (b) Maturtty date Interest rate (c) Issue price (d) Stated redemption price at maturity 19 Final maturity, , 8.00 % $ 1 064 250 20 Entire issue 12 522 550 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 1 of the Instructions. 1 645 000 2 595 000 4 Report number PA19 91 1 6 Date of Issue September 5, 1991 8 CUSIP number 012672 DB 4 Issue Price . 17 12,522,550 18 Form 8038 (Rev. 5-89) ~ Uses of Original Proceeds of Issue (Including underwriters' discount) Page; Amount 29 Proceeds used for accrued interest " . " ,.,.", Issue price of entire issue (enter amount from line 20,column c) , Proceeds used for bond issuance costs (including underwnters' discount) , Proceeds used for credit enhancement, , , Proceeds allocated to reasonably required reserve or replacement fund Proceeds used to refund prior issues (complete Part VI) Total (add lines 23, 24, 25. and 26), , . Nonrefundin roceeds of the issue subtract line 27 from line 22 and enter amount here Description of Property Financed by Nonrefunding Proceeds (Do not complete for qualified student loan bonds, qualified mortgage bonds. or qualified veterans' mortgage bonds.) Type of Property Financed by Nonrefundlng Proceeds: I Amount a Land, . , , , . . , . , . . ' 3 78 0 0 5 b Buildings and structures, . , , 547 629 c Equipment with recovery period of more than 5 years 378 . 005 d Equipment with recovery period of 5 "years or less '.' , Other describe D,ev:e~o~t; ~'e~, ,M"9rket:l~, 1 816 311 St d d' d t., 1ft" (SIC) f f d' 240,000 23 24 25 1 162 600 26 28 i 11 , 119 , 9 50 e 30 an ar In us na c assl Ica Ion o nonre un Ing proce s or e Inance pro/ec SIC Code Nonrefunding proceeds $ SIC Code Nonrefunding proceeds $ a 8361 11,119,950 c b d IDID Description of Refunded Bonds (complete this part only for refunding bonds) 31 Enter the remaining weighted average maturity of the bonds to be refunded 32 Enter the last date on which the refunded bonds will be called . , , , 33 Enter the date(s) the refunded bonds were issued . ~ Miscellaneous .. .. year! 34 Name of governmental unit(s) approving issue (see instructions) . . . ?~?~~. ~r. ?l!P.E?~Y.~ ?q~.~. .9.f. . A-~,1;>~,Tfl~~J~. .C;~':1~!-y. L.Y.~~gJ:l).~?__... ......... ,__, ........ ..... ....__.__ ...... ..........__..........."""'..""'. 35 Enter the amount of the bonds desi nated b the issuer under section 265 b 3 8 i III "",. IiIIIDD Volume Cap Amount 36 Amount of volume cap allocated to the issuer, Attach state certification, , , , , 36 37 Amount of issue subject to the unified state volume cap , , , , , , , , , , 37 38 Amount of issue not subject to the unified state volume cap or other volume limitations: a Of bonds for governmentally owned solid waste facilities. airports, docks, wharves or high.speed intercity rail facilities, " "',.".".."" 38a b Under a carryforward election. Attach copy of Form 8328 to this ;;:turn 38b c Under transitional rules of the Tax Reform Act of 1986, . , . . . 38c Enter the Act section of the applicable transitional rule, , , , ,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . _ d Under the exception for current refunding (section 1313(a)oft he Tax Reform Act of 1986) , , , , , 38d 39 Amount of issue of qualified 501(c)(3) bonds: a Qualified hospital bonds. . , . . , , 39. 12, 595 , 000 b Qualified non hospital bonds 39b c Outstanding tax.exempt nonhospital bonds, , 39c 40a Amount of issue of qualified veteran's mortgage bonds . 40a b Enter the amount of the state veterans' limit , 40b Arbitra e Rebate (see instructions) 41 Method of payment. ,.,",.""",.", 0 Check 0 Other 42 Amount being rebated. $ 43 CUSIP number. Under penalties of perJury, I declare that I have e mined thiS return, and accompanyi"l schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct, plete. Please Sign Here ~ 5i nature of oHicer Thomas McQueeney Type or print name of above oHicer ~ September 5, 1991 r Date Vice Chairman Title (type or print) of oHicer *U,S. Governllen.t Printins aff~ce; .~j-_._-..~l~O:2~ Form 8038 (Rev. 5-89) ~ Uses of Original Proceeds of Issue (including underwriters' discount) Page; Proceeds used for accrued interest ,. , , . . , , , , , , , Issue price of entire issue (enter amount from line 20,column c), . . Proceeds used for bond issuance costs (including underwriters' discount) , Proceeds used for credit enhancement, , , . , . . , , , , Proceeds allocated to reasonably required reserve or replacement fund Proceeds used to refund prior issues (complete Part VI) , , . , . Total (add lines 23, 24, 25, and 26). . , , , , Nonrefundin roceeds of the issue subtract 'lne 27 from line 22 and enter amount here Description of Property Financed by Nonrefunding Proceeds (Do not complete for qualified student loan bonds, qualified mortgage bonds, or qualified veterans' mortgage bonds.) 29 Type of Property Financed by Nonrefundlng Proceeds: Amount a Land, , , , , . , . . , , . 8 0 05 b Buildings and structures, , , , , . , , , . , 47 629 c Equipment with recovery periOd of more than 5 years . 78 005 d Equipment with recove1 period of 5 Fears or less , , , e Other deSCribe D,ev:e ,o~t; ,e~, ,~~et~g., $>r~-9P:~irig :~d :W<?r~: C?P~ 30 St d d' d t. I If t' (SIC) f f d' ed f th fed' ts Amount 23 24 25 26 1 162 600 21 11 025.61 22 I 1 2 , 5 2 2 , 55 0 28 I 11 , 119 , 950 1 816 311 an ar In us ria c assl Ica Ion o nonre un Ing proce s or e Inanc prolec SIC Code Nonrefunding prOCeeds S SIC Code Nonrefunding proceeds S a 8361 11.l119,950 c b d IDIII Description of Refunded Bonds (complete this part only for refunding bonds) 31 Enter the remaining weighted average maturity of the bonds to be refunded , ~ year! 32 Enter the last date on which the refunded bonds will be called . . , . , ~ 33 Enter the date(s) the refunded bonds were issued ~ I2III!DI Miscellaneous 34 Name of go~ernmenta/ unit(s) approving issue (see instructions) ~ . .l?~~J;'~. ~~.. ?qP.~F:Y.i:~.q~.!? .9.f.. A-J.)?~,rp.~~.~~. .c;~~~~y.!..Y.~~gJ:l).~9-.... ..... ....... .... ... :.. .................... ............... .............."....,._ 35 Enter the amount of the bonds desi nated b the issuer under section 265 b 3 B i III ",.. ~ I2!II!.DII Volume Cap Amount 36 Amount of volume cap allocated to the issuer. Atuch state certification. , . , , 37 Amount of issue subject to the unified state volume cap , . , , , . , , . , 38 Amount of issue not subject to the unified state volume cap or other volume limitations: a Of bonds for governmentally owned solid waste facilities. airports, docks. wharves or high.speed intercity rail facilities, , , , , , . , , . , , . . , , , , , . b Under a carryforward election. Attach Cl)PY of Form 8328 to this r..tum c Under transitional rules of the Tax Reform Act of 1986. , , . , . Enter the Act section of the applicable transitional rule, , . , ,~. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . d Under the exception for current refunding (section 1313(a) of the Tax Reform Act of 1986) 39 Amount of issue of qualifiect 501(c)(3) bonds: a Qualified hospital bonds. . , , , , , b Qualified non hospital bonds , , . . , . Outstanding tax.exempt nonhospital bonds, , Amount of issue of qualified veteran's mortgage bonds, Enter the amount of the state veterans' limit . Arbitra e Rebate (see instructions) Method of payment ~ ....,.,..,..., Amount being rebated ~ $ CUSIP number ~ . Under penalties of perJury. I declare that I have e1lilmlned thIS return, and accompanyi"l schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, theyar:::;o'i. P~//~~6 ~//>~,. ~j ~/~/ r Signature of officer / Thomas McQueeney' Type or print name of above officer 36 37 38a 38b 38c 12,595,000 41 42 43 o Check o Other Please Sign Here ~ September 5, 1991 r Oat. 'Vice Chairman Title (type Of prrnt) of offi~ -u.S. Governaeftc Prtfttinl OH:.ce: ...j-_ '_-. 'l/ao~~; Hugh C Miller. Director COMMONWEr\LTrl of VIRqtN1A , . , Department oj Historic Resourceis. 221 Go\ernor Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 I' 1 () ':1 : I: TOO (8P~) 786-1934 Telfi!J3Horje (804) 786-3143 , F-9-~; I~) 225-4261 "',' .! I'" ,'. ~ ~ ''',...mJ September 6, 1991 Harold W. Sinclair Route 6, Box 282 Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: SOLITUDE, Albemarle county (DHR 02-571) Dear Mr. Sinclair: For some time the Department of Historic Resources has been interested in including the above property on the Virginia Landmarks Register and nominating it to the National Register of Historic Places. Before this action is taken, I would like to clarify for you the nature of these designations. The Virginia Landmarks Register is an official listing of places in the Commonwealth judged to have state or national archaeological, architectural, and/or historical significance. At its next meeting on Tuesday, October 8, 1991, the State Review Board will have the opportunity to consider the inclusion of Solitude on this register. Should the board determine the prepared nomination for Solitude is acceptable, it will automatically nominate it to the National Register of Historic Places maintained by the Department of the Interior. Listing in the National Register provides recognition and assists in preserving our Nation! 5 heritage. Listing of a resource recognizes its historic importance and assures protective review of Federal projects that might adversely affect the character of the resource. If Solitude is listed in the National Register, certain Federal investment tax credits for rehabilitation and other provisions may apply. Listing in the National Register does not mean that limi tations will be placed on the properties by the Federal Government. Public Visitation rights are not required of owners. The Federal Government will not attach restrictive covenants to the properties or seek to acquire them. You are invited to attend the State Review Board meeting at which the nomination will be considered. The Board will meet at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 8, 1991, in Senate Room A of the Re: SOLITUDE, Albemarle county (DHR 02-571) September 6, 1991 Page 2 General Assembly Building, Richmond, virginia. We hope that you can come. This nomination will also be considered by the Historic Resources Board on October 9, 1991 at 10:00 in Senate Room A. This meeting is open to the public and you are welcome to attend. Enclosed, please find a notice that explains, in greater detail, the results of listing in the National Register and that describes the rights and procedures by which an owner may comment on or object to listing in the National Register. Should you have any questions about this nomination before the Department of Historic Resources State Review Board meeting; please contact me at (804) 371-0821. Sincerely, ~ J~Christi~n Hill, National Register State Historic Preservation Office Assistant JCH/sdm Enclosures cc: Frederick R. Bowie, Chairman Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Robert W. Tucker, Jr., Executive Albemarle County Keith Rittenhouse, Planning Chairman Albemarle County V. Wayne Cilimberg, Planning director Albemarle County Nancy K. O'Brien, Executive Director Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission Gina Haney, Consultant Hugn C. Miller, Director COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Department of Historic Resources 221 Governor Street RiclunODd. Virginia 23219 TOO: (804) 786-1934 Teleonone (804) 786-314 FAX: (804) 225-4261 FAC'l'S REGARDING HAfiOHAL REGISTER DESIGHAT:r:OH 1. National Register designation officially recognizes the cultural, architectural, and landscape features of an historically significant property, bringing it to the attention of the community, state, and nation. 2. National Register designation does not restrict an owner's use of his or her property in any way as long as private, non- federal funds are used. It does not, for example, prohibit any owner from altering or demolishing any buildings, nor does it restrict subdivision or sale. 3. National Register designation can help lessen the negative impact on an historic property from government funded projects. By law, an environmental impact study is required for any federally-funded projects - such as road building, utility installation, and public housing. Also, certain state projects are reviewed for their impact on historic resources. If any project is deemed to have an adverse effect on historic buildings, archaeological sites, or landscape features, the project may be redesigned to lessen that effect. 4. National Register designation confers two types of financial benefits on historic property owners. First, it allows the owner to claim investment tax credits for certified rehabilitations if the building is used for income-prOducing purposes. 5. For additional information on the investment tax credit program, contact the Department of Historic Resources, 221 Governor Street, Richmond, VA. 23219 (804)786-3143. National Register designation also makes properties eligible for matching federal grants for historic preservation. CUrrently, federal funds are not available for preservation projects. 6. Any restrictions on private property owners using private funds can only be enacted by the local governing body - i.e. the city or town councilor the county board of supervisors. Imposition of such restrictions does not necessarilY follow from National Reaister desianation. .-,~- ~,=.;,;~ - '.. .... ,tit l.~. -:. "11' It . '-'",.. ~i ~ r'''' '. ~....... ..;...1' ~;; '~ i"".,r...... ~"'~~ .;I ~~ COIvIMONvvE.4.LTH of VIRGINIA Department of Historic ResoW'ces 221 Governor 5tree! Ric:nmonc. VirgInia rel.onone f8041 78e reo: 804-78&-6276 RESDLTS OF I.ISTDlG m TBE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HiSTORIC PLACES Eliaibilitv for, Federal tax orovisions: If a property is listed in the National Register, certain federal tax provisions may apply. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 revises the historic oreservation ta~incentives authorized bv Conaress in the Tax Reform Act of 1976. the Revenue Act of 1978, the Tax Treatmen~ Extension Act of 1980. the Economic Recoverv Tax Act of 1981. and Tax Reform Act of 1984 and as of Januarv 1. 1987, orovides for a 20 oercen~ investment tax credit with a full adiustment to basis for rehabilitatina historic. commercial, industrial. and residential rental buildinas. The former 15 cercent and 20 percent investment tax credits (ITCs) for rehabilitation of older commercial buildinas are combined into a sinale 10 cercent ITC for commercial or industrial buildinas built before 1936. The Tax Treatment Extension Act of 1980 provides federal tax deductions for charitable contributions for conservation purposes of partial interests in historically important land areas or structures. Whether these provisions are advantageous to a property owner is dependent upon the particular circumstances of the property and the owner. Because tax aspects outlined above are complex, individuals should consult legal counselor appropriate local Internal Revenue Service office for assistance in determining the tax consequences of the above provisions. For further information on certification requirements, please refer to 36 CFR 67. Consideration in clannina for Federal, Federallv licensed. and Federallv assisted croiects: Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 requires that Federal agencies allow for the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation to have an opportunity to comment on all projects affecting historic proper~ies listed in the National Register. For further information, please refer to 36 CFR 800. Consideration in issuina a surface coal minina cermit: In accordance with the Surface Mining and Control Act of 1977, ~ere must be consideration of historic values in the decision to ~ssue a surface coal mining permit where coal is located. For further information, please refer to 30 CFR 700 et sea. Oualification for Federal arants for historic creservation when funds are available: Presently funding is unavailable. RIGHTS OF OWNERS TO COMKENT AND/OR OBJECT TO LISTING IN THE NATIONAL REGISTER Owners of private properties nominated to the National Register have an opportunity to concur with or object to listing in accord with the National Historic presrvation Act and 36 CFR 60. Any owner or partial owner of private property who chooses to object to listing may submit, to the state Historic Preservation Officer, a notarized statement certifying that the party is the sole or partial owner of the private property and objects to listing. Each owner or partial owner has one vote regardless of the portion of the property that the party owns. If a majority of private property owners object, a property will not be listed. However, the state Historic Preservation Officer shall submit the nomination to the Keeper of the National Register for a determination of eligibility of the property for listing on the National Register. If the property is then determined eligible for listing, although not formally listed, Federal agencies will be required to allow for the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation to have an opportunity to commment before the agency may fund, license, or assist a project which will affect the property. If YOU choose to obiect to the listing of your property, the notarized objection must be submitted to Hugh C. Miller, 221 Governor street, Richmond, Virginia, 23Z19 before the scheduled meeting of the state Review Board noted in your letter. If YOU wish to comment. on the nomination of the property to the National Register, please send your comments to the state Historic Preservation Officer at 221 Governor street, Richmond, virginia 23219 before the state Review Board considers this nomination. A copy of the nomination and information on the National Register and the Federal Tax provisions are available from the above address upon request. REV 1990 300 East Lombard Suite 1100 Baltimore, Maryland 21202 301-659-7500 September 9, 1991 Mr. Bob Richardson Sovran Bank, N.A. Post Office Box 26904 Richmond, Virginia 23261 Re: Arbor Crest Apartments (Hydraulic Road Apts.) Dear Mr. Richardson: Enclosed please find the Bond Program Report and Monthly Report Pursuant to Section 7(a) of the Deed Restrictions for the month of August 1991. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 301-659-7500. Sincerely, dJW1L ~ VrM~ Sheila H. Moynihan Project Monitor /shm enclosures _~~;i~tJil."(~0;~_8'-i(_fi'ift" Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Albemarle County Office Building 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 .- BOND PROGKAI\.\ Rf.PORT Monlh August VNr 1991 P t1 Arbor Crest Apartments ropt y: I' Charlottesville, VA lOCi Ion: Loretta Wyatt M.n.a~r (Hydraulic Road Apts.) Proj~t.: 051-35371 Num~( of Unit. September 5, 1991 D.Te Total Occupied Bond Occupied 66 Effective 8/31/91 SubmlUed by. 66 15 I. LOwt" INCOME The fOllow.ng unlls h.... ~n de-signAled a) "Iow~" Income" un,l) 1 Arbor Crest Dr. 2t Eleanor Blair 41 61. 4 Arbor Crest Dr. n Margaret Q. Sandford42 62, 2 5 Arbor Crest Dr. 23 Fannie G. Tisdale ~J aJ. 3 6 Arbor Crest Dr. 24 George C. Barnett 44 &4. 4_ 5 9 Arbor Crest Dr. 25 Virginia Burton ~5 65, 6 12 Arbor Crest Dr. 26 G. Robert Stone 46 ~, 7 . 15 Arbor Crest Dr. 27 Jane Wood 47 67. 20 Arbor Crest Dr. 28 Evelyn Mandeville 48 M 8 9 24 Arbor Crest Dr. 29 Gertrude Breen 49 fig, 78 Arbor Crest Dr. 30 Ernest M. Nease ~ 70, to 84 Arbor Crest Dr. 3t Juanita Boliek 51 71. 'I 86 Arbor Crest Dr. 32 Mary A. Hoxie 52, 72. 12. 90 Arbor Crest Dr. J) Florence Wheeler 53 73. '3 U 94 Arbor Crest Dr. 3~ Sarah E. Fischer ~ 74. 106 Arbor Crest Dr. 35 Katherine T. Nowlen ~5 75. t5 . '6 J6 ~ 76, \7 :\7 ~7. 17, lIS 38 ~. 78, 19 39 - ~9 78. :'0 40 60 10, 1 /'\c c/'\.n~s Itom pI e-v.ous fe-pc"l ff'f1e-Cled in th. .bov. ,"s\lng .'8 eel. Ilona Mdl1lone t -11 11. 2 12 2 12, 3 13 3 13, 4 14 4, ,,,. ~ 1~ 5 15. 6 16 6 16, 7 \1 7 11. I 16 8, ".. I 19 9 ". \0 20 \0, 20. .. Effective August 31, 1991 MONTHLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 7(a) OF THE DEED RESTRICTIONS TO: ABG Associates, Inc. 300 E. Lanba.rd Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202 RE: Hydraulic Road Apartments - Aroor Crest Apa.rt:1rents Charlottesville, Virginia Pursuant to Section 7 (a) of the Deed Restr ictions (the "Deed Restrictions"), as defined in an Indenture of Trust dated as of April 1, 1983, between the Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia (the "Authority"), and your bank, as trustee, the undersigned authorized representative of Richmond-Albemarle Limited Partnership, a Virginia Limited Partnership (the "Purchaser"), hereby certifies with respect to the operation and management of Hydraulic Road Apartments, Charlottesville, Virginia (the "Project"), that as of the date shown below: 1) The number of units in the Project occupied by lower income tenants is 15 . 2) The number of units in the Project unoccupied and held available for Lower Income Tenants is -0- . 3) The number of units rented and the number of units held available for rental other than as described in (1) and (2) is 51 4) The percentage that the number of units described in (1) and (2) hereof constitute of the total number of uni ts in the proj ect is 23% . 5) The information contained in this report is true, accurate and correct as of the date hereof. 6) As of the date hereof, the Purchaser is not in default under any covenant or agreement contained in the Deed Restrictions or in an Agreement of Sale dated as of April 1, 1983, between the Authority and the Purchaser. IN WITNESS WHEREOFl the undersigned has signed this Report as of September ~, 1991 ,~* RICHMOND-ALBEMARLE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Virginia limited partnership By: $u7ZZ.-- 7fJ-1/d~ Authorized Representative Distributed to Board: q -/3 Jt { Agenda Item No. G . (' C fj Cj) . {j ~ 1[. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & C~mmunity Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 i September 11, 1991 Schuyler Enterprises ATTN: James E. Clark, Jr 1130 Oakhill Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: ZTA-91-04 Schuyler Enterprises SP-9l-21 Schuyler Enterprises Dear Mr. Clark: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on September 4, 1991, made the following'recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. o ZTA-91-04 Schuyler Enterprises - Unanimously recommended denial. o SP-91-2l Schuyler Enterprises - Recommended denial by a vote of 5-2. Plea~e be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on September 18. 1991. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. YOU OR YOUR REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT FOR THIS MEETING, If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, .~~I?~ William D. Fritz Senior Planner WDF/jcw cc: ~ettie Albert /' Neher Clark Amelia Patterson Fred Landess Jo Higgins Distributed to Board: q - i ,)-.-'11 Ag,'nd[\ item No. !lLJ)j[S 1471 q,. (;€1/,J, .j'7r '''rT' , " '..I. r oL "", !';r., -~;,.!.r~-~" r' "'\ -...._,J.~._f. ..' ., .i, . i \ .lUI. R 1C::I ~"'l ... \ . ' , . .::: Hel ios Path Bal'~bouf"sv ill e, ~TuJ.y 5, :L9':H "r" " , . - ': .-'....~r;-.'. ..:/ /:' . ( ~ i.' ( ,",_r L' !' " I ' . . ,"! . .~. .! 1 ,'/; V i l'~ gin i a c~i~~'3i:::3 Mr. Wayne Cilimberg Director of Planning and Community Development 40:L McIntyre Road Charlottesville, Virginia 2290:L - 4596 Dear Mr. Cilimberg, This is in regard to the request to amend the zoning ordinance (by exception or otherwise) to permit a large garage to operate commercially in a rural area. We strongly oppose illegal operations being made legal by changing the law, rather than adhering to the usage permitted under the law. We are especially concerned the usage of lands in rural areas and with maintaining the ideals of the comprehensive plan. S i l'"ICel'~e), y, //~. .' ~- /'7 ./ ---- -' // '././ c: ~''- . /'C"../: -.' , ~C . - Winthl'~op C. ay ~ -, ') yC'/ #/a/'c~(a"2~-/-~_ /1:;;1 Margar~t B. Ray C cc. F. R. Bowie Distributed to Board: q - ( -5 - () / Agend3 Item No, eft, O(f! fd'11 q 1.6I(,g .4 '7;/ Friday, June 2(1991 Amelia Patterson Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Va. 22901 Dear Ms. Patterson: It has come to my attention that the Schuyler Enterprizes Truck Garage is an illegal enterprise and is operating in violation of county ordinances. I understand that this structure was put up illegally and that the owner is trying to obtain approval after the fact. If approval is given in these circumstances I feel that this action will serve as an example and be repeated by others who wish to get around country ordinances, making it very difficult to maintain the quality of rural life in Albemarle County. I understand that the disposition of this Truck Garage will soon be up for review by the Board of Supervisors. I would like to urge you and them to support denial of the request for approval of this structure. Sincerely yours, d,--".fJ./JJ\../ A. lC(l Yc9--h..St'ltY- VI Lillian A. Robertson ~~~ :-.. '\."'~ ,.:-. '~..'. \-,; P Y;,;;!''1@~~ .. f\ .. r''''l ~,':;fi :: \\,,; ,;11 ...\ II V. ~ ~ i ,o"i?! /;" :. i ,0"1 I I ~< j~~1__~ ".........~~~_~ -;.;~;;;:; I ~ JUL 2 1991 ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING DEPARTMENT ~\A-q\-0t\) DISTR18UTED TO BOAfW },A,;::;NiiJiCRS ON__ct.11-.91 .'. _ LEAGUE OF WOMEN OF CHARLOTTESVILLE & ALBEMARLE COUNTY TO: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors FROM: League of Women Voters RE: ZTA-91-04 Amendment of Section 3.0 to change the definition of public garage. September 16, 1991 While the two proposed additions seemed innocuous enough, we have looked at some of the possible ramifications and we would like to bring them to your attention. We are concerned that the addition of "which together with the adjacent land areas," might provide a loophole that would limit the discretion of the zoning administrator. Past approvals for public garages in rural areas have included as a condition a limit of four vehicles awaiting repair. We understand that it is not always possible to predict the time required for a repair (e. g ., waiting for parts) but the inclusion of the word "temporary" along with the expansion to undetermined adjacent land areas might be seen as obviating the necessity for other or more specific limitations in particular permits. There may be rural and forestal areas of Albemarle County where a "public garage" with an unregulated parking lot (whether operated by a profit-making or a non-profit organization) would not be compatible with the rural and forestal land uses stipulated in the Comprehensive Plan. We urge you to reject the proposed change and expansion of the description of a public garage in a rural or forestal area. Distributed to Board: q -/ "):<1L A;2nJ[j Item No, 9/.ctlf!r. :1'lL_ (ll- 0 tll A-7f September 4, 1991 Board of Supervisors Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Va. 22901 . ~ ; '.'l(, : f' .> : i 1 \ i' ~:.~::,'~ L.~:; J :.'~ ~-~: } _;\ L: i) r!' , ; f) f h "i >~ (" ,ll.{ ( Dear Sirs: I am writing this letter in support of Schuyler Enterprises' application for a change of zoning. As I understand it, the purpose of zoning is to keep a proper balance in land use for the greatest benefit to the people in the community. Our area is zoned almost 100 percent agricul tural. The majority of people in our area are not farmers and seek support and jobs from commercial enterprises. Wi thout your help there is little hope for our young people to work locally. There is little hope for this area to become self-supporting such as their neighbors in scottsville and Lovingston. I would ask you to consider the following: 1. Schuyler Enterprises provides employment for over 40 of our local residents. 2. They provide business and manufacturers with immediate services for transporting their products. 3. The return trips enable these same and other businesses to buy their raw products from a much wider market and make them more competitive. 4. Their future growth may stimulate addi tional needed small business ventures in our area. 5. Their establishment in Albemarle County will bring in much needed taxes and revenues. 6. This enterprise can do nothing but strengthen our local and county economy. 7. Last, but most important in my thinking, is the fact that this is not an absentee owner business. This business is owned and run by local people who live here. The profits will not be siphoned out of the county but will be used to build and stabilize our area. I would assume that this is a small business compared to the businesses you usually deal with. However, it is the small local county business that has to be encouraged and nurtured to enable the fringes of Albemarle to raise their standard of living to meet the other sections of the County. I respectfully submit these thoughts for your considerations and trust your decision will benefit both our area and the county. Yours truly, ,. /,1 'e.fJ L) ) ~,~kh# ./ Bi II/Luhrs Route 1, Box 158 Schuyler, Va. 22969 Albemarle County Distributed to Board: q -1.3-.J.L. "'"j"-" ""1 t'o (1/ OOJP A4f1f1 f"ti)__~':i.,_;..J..tt,':ll't. . f.~_ ql.MIK.41J' COOPER ELECTRICAL COOPER DISTRIBUTION PRODUCTS INOUSTRIES August 19,1991 C' (J l j f;j Ci f" /\ L !~:' L :;. / .'-\ ~-:' t "j f I'";:~:: r~ r'I:;':>'~ r-" .'''',' t~\ r"'~.,~,1 '"~'::'.~': I' " ' \ --' "d'.' ..J .... ,r I" I , i' ~." . ..~ .'. \ ~ I '. j ; , , " ,~ AI..le; '.:..' .1()1'.,.1 . ' , : i :~'\j(;\_ l~~ ,~: I !;) r.l'~':~TS:-;~~'r~:;.,j "T'~:(, :.": l'~ ': ,: c} ':- ~~ l.! 1- :.... :~~:' \/ ~ Albemarle Bpard Of Supervisors Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA. 22901 Dear Sir, As a satisfied customer, I would like Schuyler Enterprise to be able to store and repair their equipment at the Schuyler location at routes 602 and 800. By them being a local carrier, we can get much better service than we can get from out of town carriers. I urge you to support this operation from a safety point for the community of Schuyler. Sincerely, cf~Y(~ Louise Morris Traffic Manager PO Box 9050 Char1ottesvli!e, Vlrglrda 229069050 (8041974-5100 C::iCUSEr-m'JUSlIJ DISTRIBUTIOf\J EOU!P~1Ef\F ;'f=<ROvV HARTlIJ WiRING DEVICES ARROW HARTiIJ COMPONENTS DISTRj311T~:; T() nOAf.1D h\E;/l.:}~~RS oN_.,_CJ:if.--1.L.----....-- / Cl LEAGUE OF WOMEN R VOTERS M OF CHARLOTTESVILLE &AL~EMARLE COUNTY "~eptember 16\, . 1991 TO: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors FROM: League of Women Voters RE: SP-91-21: Special use permit to locate a public garage on 25.0 acres zoned RA (Schuyler Enterprises) The League of Women Voters supports recommendations of the staff and the Planning Commission to deny this request. We agree that the operation of a facility for the maintenance of semi-trailers is incompatible with rural areas and inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. We applaud the applicant for including environmental considerations in the plans, and we certainly support jobs for Albemarle residents. However, it is our opinion that Schuyler Enterprises constructed and operated a one-company trucking facility (not covered by any logical expansion of the term "public garage") and that such a facility should be 1) located in an area designated for commercial or industrial use and 2) accessed by major roads designed to accommodate tractor- trailers. Such a facility does not belong in an area served by rural roads such as #800 or 602. We believe that the approval of this petition would set an unfortunate precedent and make it even more difficult to turn down similar or other non-conforming requests in this or other parts of the county. The petition should be denied. 4~,9-/?-::Y ~ Citizens for Albemarle, I ne. Box 3151 University Station Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 statement to the Board of Supervisors, September 18, 1991 Re: SP-91-21 Schuyler Enterprises Mr. Chairman and members of the go~,r(\' It is precisely for situations like this that the county labored to produce our Comprehensive Plan, and then translated its vision and values into the Zoning Ordinance to protect the long-range interests of the county as a whole. We have here a request to establish a private garage that is labeled "public" only by distorting common sense. The facility is transparently inappropriate for the Rural Area where it is proposed, and inconsistent with what we intend for our Rural Areas. The issue seems pretty simple, complicated only by the fact that the facility has already been in operation -- illegally. The question is not whether the applicant is a pillar of the community -- on this issue we defer to the testimonials you have heard. The question is simply whether this truck repair yard should be allowed on this parcel of land. We should not be misled by arguments that the facility provides a source of income for a few nearby residents. If we follow that line of thinking, ~ could justify dotting all our rural areas with industrial parks. t It is obviously important that the county encourages opportu ities for employment where residents need jobs, but this objective should be achieved in the context of overall county planning. Less %+.ivolous is the applicants' claim that the truck depot should qe~Ilo~d to remain because its location on that site reduces the ~isk of a~~dents~r,rBut the evidence for this alleged advantage is / unpersuasi ve') , pattlicularly in view of the statement by the f Assistant Resid~nt Engineer that "this request would generate more j traffic than would,be allowed by right in the RA zoning." (~~, \ T~excellent sta,f.f,re:port examines the criteria by which a Special \ Us Permit might b~/ justified, and concludes that this request \ sold be denied.,' \ // \ citizens for/}.lhemarle agrees. ~ AA, _/ \ -?<7/1.u1N.~~~___ .~,:U- '/~, \ // ~//-.,,--~._-. __I ~ - , Virtually precedent. every Special Use Permit that is This case would set two precedents. granted sets a First, it would send a message that we're not really willing to protect our Rural Areas by steering development into Growth Areas. Second, it would suggest that the guardians of our county can be persuaded to wink at serious zoning violations, and legitimize them after the fact, Please don't send these messages. STAFF PERSON: PL~~:ING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WILLIAM D. FRITZ SEPTEMBER 10, 1991 SEPTEMBER 18, 1991 Z7A-91-04 SCHUYLER ENTERPRISES Origin: Request by Schuyler Enterprises. Public Purpose to be Served: The proposed amendment would provide clarification of the activities permitted as part of a public garage. History of ZTA-91-04: The applicant originally submitted a request to add contractor's office and equipment storage yard in the Rural Areas and to amend the definitions and add supplementary regulations for the use. Staff was unable to recommend approval of that request and on July 16th the Planning Commission deferred action on ZTA-91-04 until August 6. Staff prepared a revised ZTA after discussions with the applicant and the County Attorney. The revised report was prepared on the addition of truck terminal to the Rural Areas and to provide for supplemental regulations. Staff was unable to recommend approval of that proposal. The applicant then requested deferral of ZTA-91-04 on August 6. Subsequent to that request the applicant has now changed the requested ZTA-91-04 to amend public garage and has submitted a revised definition. APplicant's Proposal: The applicant is proposing to amend 3.0 Definitions as follows: Public Garage: A building or portion thereof, other than a private garage, which together with the adjacent land area is designed or used for servicing or repairing and temporary storage (not to exceed 48 hours) of motor driven vehicles. Staff Comment: History of Pub~ic Garages The following is a brief history of the County's approach to the issue of public garages: 1 In a special use permit review in 1978, staff stated that (SP-78-55 Walter Johnson): "the definition of public garage, has been problematic in the past. This use appears only in the A-1 zone, and staff opinion is that "renting, selling, or storing motor vehicles" are uses inappropriate to that zone. Therefore, staff recommends repealer of said wording thus restricting such use to the 'repairing, servicing, and equipping' of motor vehicles." In a November, 1986 Comprehensive Plan worksession report staff stated that: "Some uses included in the RA zone bear little or no relationship to the statement of intent and need not be permitted (based on other zoning provisions) in the RA zone. These are basically uses permitted by special use permit, such as motels, restaurants, and public garages." In 1989 the Board of Supervisors amended the definition of public garage to delete the equipping, renting, selling or storing of motor vehicles. Staff has identified nine applications for public garage since the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance. Of these nine, one was dismissed, four were denied, three were approved, and one was withdrawn. No applications for public garage have been approved since the amendment of the definition of public garage in 1989. All public garages approved by the Board and all recommended for approval by the Planning Commission (an additional two requests) had conditions limiting to four the number of vehicles awaiting repair, or a condition stating no storage of vehicles. It is clear from past approval of public garages that the intent of the Board was to limit the amount of activity and the visual impact that garages have on the Rural Areas. In 1989, reference to storage of vehicles was deleted from the definition of public garage. Under the prior definition, storage could occur independent of any repair activities. Under' the current proposed language, storage can occur only as an accessory use to the repair activities. , Purpose and Intent of the Rural Areas Zoning District In general, the purpose and intent of the Rural Areas zoning district reflects the Comprehensive Plan and is to encourage and preserve agricultural and forestal activities and to discourage development not related to bona fide agricultural 2 and forestal uses. This intent is reflected by the uses permitted in the district. The provisions for commercial, non-residential, non-agricultural/forestal uses are primarily for uses supportive of agriculture/forestry (Farm Winery, Sawmill) or supportive of a rural population (Country Store, Public Garage). Public Garage would remain supportive of a rural population under the applicant's proposal. Staff has discussed this amendment with the Zoning Administrator who has stated that temporary storage of vehicles is currently permitted as accessory to a public garage. This interpretation is based in part on the possible need to store a vehicle for a limited time while awaiting parts necessary to complete the repair. Therefore, staff does not object to the addition of temporary storage to the definition of public garage. Staff is concerned about setting a time limit to define temporary storage. This would remove any discretion on the part of the Zoning Administrator. In the past, storage of vehicles at public garages has been addressed by limiting to four the number of vehicles awaiting repair or restricting storage. This allows for a reasonable storage time and grants the Zoning Administrator and garage operator flexibility. Summary: The applicant's proposal would clarify the uses permitted at a public garage. Defining a time period for temporary storage may create an enforcement problem for the Zoning Administrator and does not provide for any discretion to allow for unforeseen delays in repair of vehicles which may result in storage for over 48 hours. Staff recommends that the following language be aqded to the end of the applicant's definition "whether or not for compensation". This additional language further clarifies a pUblic garage in the event that a facility is operated as not for profit by a club or individual or is used by only a single user. Staff recommends approval of ZTA-91-04 with following language: Public Garage: A building or portion thereof, other than a private garage, which together with the adjacent land area is designed or used for servicing or repa~r~ng and temporary storage of motor driven vehicles, whether or not for compensation. 3 STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WILLIAM D. FRITZ SEPTEMBER 10; 1991 SEPTEMBER 18, 1991 SP-91-21 SCHUYLER ENTERPRISES Petition: Schuyler Enterprises petitions the Board of Supervisors to issue a special use permit for a Public Garage [This permit is being processed with ZTA-91-04] on 25.0 acres zoned RA, Rural Areas. Property, described as Tax Map 126, part of Parcel 31A (31F) is located on the south side of the intersection of Route 800 and Route 602 in the Scottsville Magisterial District. This site is not within a designated growth area (Rural Area IV). Character of the Area: This site is developed with a recently constructed garage and a graveled storage/parking area. The areas surrounding the site are wooded and no dwellings are visible from the site. The garage is visible from the state road. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: The applicant is proposing to use the existing site to store and repair equipment used by Schuyler Trucking only. The applicant currently has similar facilities in Schuyler (Nelson County). Maintenance would include, but is not limited to, repairing or replacing tires, brakes, lights and routine truck maintenance. Hours of operation would be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. No freight will be handled or stored on site. A description of this request as well as a justification has been provided by the applicant (Attachment C). (Staff notes that the previous use of this site has been in violation of the Zoning Ordinance and as of the preparation of this report the Zoning Administrator is pursuing action pursuant to the violations.) SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with Section of the Ordinance and recommends denial. This report will be based on the assumption that ZTA-91-04 has been approved and that the general policy issue of permitting storage in conjunction with a public garage has been addressed. Therefore, the remainder of this report will be site and use specific. PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: May 2, 1990 - Board of Supervisors approved SP-90-11 allowing eight small lots on Parcel 31A. 1 June 21, 1990 - Staff approved subdivision plat creating lot currently under review. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan states on Page 203: "All decisions concerning Rural Areas shall be made L... the interest of the four major elements of the Comprehensive Plan. The four major elements are: 1) preservation of agriculture and forestal activities; 2) water supply protection; 3) limited service delivery to the Rural Area; and 4) conservation of natural, scenic, and historic resources." Based on information provided by the applicant, this use will have, at best, only an indirect relationship with local agricultural/forestal activities as the products trucked will typically have origin and destination outside of the County. (This relationship would be a direct one if the applicant's primary service was the trucking of agricultural commodities produced by or used in Albemarle County agricultural activities.) This site is not located within a watersupply watershed. This site is extremely remote to the developed portions of the County and the provisions of services, primarily police and fire protection, may be limited due to the distances involved. Other issues listed by the Comprehensive Plan will be discussed later in this report. It is the opinion of staff that this request is inconsistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan regarding the Rural Area and that this use would be more appropriate in a designated growth area. STAFF COMMENT: ) ~ ~- n the past, staff has recommended that publ~c garage uses are more appropriate to designated growth areas of the Comprehensive Plan than to random location in the Rural Areas. In past reports for public garages, staff has stated that commercial use of the property be evaluated in terms of appropriateness to the Rural Areas. That is to say, a determination should be made as to whether or not this garage would provide service to the area otherwise not conveniently available. It is clear that this use will not provide the limited support services for the Rural Areas that a typical public garage would provide. This is due to the applicant's proposal which would limit use of the garage to the repair 2 and maintenance of Schuyler Enterprise equipment only. If the proposal were for a public garage open to the genr=al public it is the opinion of staff that the use would then duplicate garage services which are available 1.8 miles from the site at the intersection of Route 6 and Route 630 (Dennis Brown, a non-conforming garage). The remainder of this report addresses the following issues: 1. Safety of Routes 800 and 602 in Albemarle and Nelson County. 2. Suitability of the Site for Development. 3. Consistency with Items Contained in Section of the Ordinance. Safety of Route 800 and 602 in Albemarle and Nelson County The applicant in Attachment C notes that this location will remove traffic hazards on Route 800 in Albemarle and Nelson Counties. The applicant currently performs the activities proposed on this site in Nelson County, but requires additional area to support the business. The applicant states that by moving this operation to Albemarle County it will reduce truck traffic coming from Route 6 on the Section of Route 800 between this site and Nelson County. Staff has obtained accident information from the Virginia Department of Transportation for Routes 800 and 602 (Attachment D and E). This information indicates that in the past three years there has been one fatal accident and that this occurred on Route 800. This accident occurred between the site currently under review and Nelson County. Based on the applicant's information, staff agrees that this request may reduce the number of trucks using Route 800 between this site and Nelson County. However, this site will not remove the risk of accidents as some trucks may still go to the Schuyler operation. This site will also involve the use of a portion of Route 602 previously unused for daily truck traffic. Staff does not support uses which will increase truck traffic on secondary roads in the Rural Areas which are not designed for such regular use. Staff also notes other traffic associated with the operation may increase on Route 800 due to the geographic separation of the applicant's two locations. Suitability of the Site for Development Staff notes that a portion of this site is currently developed and that no site plan has been approved. A variety of soils are located on this site, most of which are not suited to agriculture. However, the potential of tree production on-site is moderate to high except where 3 restricted by slope. Therefore, this use will not substantially restrict future use of the site for agriculture, due to the presence of unsuitable agricultural soils. The potential use of a portion of the site for forestal activities will be lost due to this development. It should be noted that available soils information is general in nature. Large deposits of soa~stone are located in this area and they may reduce tree productivity. For construction purposes, the soils on the developed portion of the site do not have severe limits. Other soils on site have severe to moderate limits and seasonally high water tables. provisions of Section o The Board of Supervisors hereby reserves unto itself the right to issue all special use permits permitted hereunder. Special use permits for uses as provided in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding by the Board of Supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property, All property adjacent to this site is wooded and parcel 31A is restricted by the conditions of SP-90-11 which allows division into lots of 21 acres or greater only. This use will result in a industrial use which may result in the storage of unsightly material and noise from the repair operation as well as increased traffic volumes on Route 602. This may result in a detriment to adjacent property. . o that the character of the district will not be changes thereby, The establishment of this Public Garage which is unrelated to local agriculture and/or forestry is inconsistent with the character of the district due to the scale and characteristics of the activity. Approval of this permit may encourage additional requests for commercial activities in this area. o and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance, This use will result in traffic volumes higher than what would be normally expected from a single family dwelling. Staff is unable to determine what the average traffic count to the site will be, but based on the applicant's information it would be a minimum of 24 vehicle trips per day with a majority being truck traffic. This increase may be considered inconsistent .4 with the intent of the ordinance as stated by Section 1.4.2 "To reduce or prevent cOh-Jestion in the public streets." This use would not appear to be consistent with the intent of the Ordinance as stated by Section 1.6 as this area is recommended as Rural Areas in the Comprehensive Plan. o with the uses permitted by right in the district, As stated in the intent of the Rural Areas District Section: "It is intended that permitted development be restricted to land which is 'of marginal utility for agricultural/forestal purposes, provided that _.such development be carried out in a manner which is compatible with other purposes of this district." As has been stated earlier this land is of marginal uti~ity for agriculture. The by-right uses of the Rural Areas District are limited. It does not appear that this use would directly interfere with existing agricultural/forestal operations in the area. However, due to the scale of this use and its industrial character, this use is not in harmony with the intended by-right uses of the district. o with additional regulations provided in Section 5.0 of this Ordinance, Section 5.0 contains no regulations governing public garages. o and with the public health, safety and general welfare. Due to the existing development on site it is unknown if storage areas can be adequately screened. The Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors should be aware that the site was developed without site plan approval and staff is unable to verify that all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance have been met. This site is served by private septic system and has obtained Health Department approval. Water service to the site is by the Nelson County pUblic water system. Safety issues regarding public roads have been previously addressed. Waste materials such as parts will be placed in dumpsters and removed from the site. Waste 'oil will be collected and used to heat the structure. Other waste fluids will be stored in barrels and then removed from the site. During Site Review, staff will take measures to e~sure adequate containment and disposal methods for all waste. 5 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: staff notes that a number of letters have been received in support of this request (Attachment F) and opposing this request (Attachment G). In general, this use re~~esents the introduction of a use which is inconsistent with the general character of the area and is not supportive of local agriculture/forestry or the existing rural population. Staff has identified the following factors which are favorable to this request: 1. The land is of marginal utility for agriculture. 2. Use may reduce truck traffic on a portion of Route 800 which is narrow and winding. Staff has identified the following factors which are unfavorable to this request: '1. Inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan due to incompatibility with the Rural Areas. 2. Lack of support of the Rural Area population or relationship with local agriculture/forestry. 3. Possibility for an increase in total traffic volumes of Route 800 due to the geographical separation of the operations for Schuyler Enterprises. 4. A use of this nature {industrial characteristics) is a potential detriment to adjacent properties. 5. A use of this nature (industrial characteristics) will change the existing rural character of the area. 6. Use appears to be inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the ordinance due to increased traffic and inconsistency with the Comprehensive Plan. 7. Due to existing site conditions, ensuring compliance with the Zoning Ordinance may be difficult. It is the opinion of staff that there are significant negative factors that make this use inappropriate in this location. Therefore, staff recommends denial of SP-91-12. Should the Board of Supervisors choose to approve this request, staff recommends the following conditions of approval: RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Planning Commission approval of site plan. Use shall not commence until final site plan approval has been obtained; 6 2. Hours of operation shall be limited to 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday thro~g~ Saturday; 3. No outside storage of parts including junk parts. Refuse awaiting disposal shall be stored in appropriate containers; 4. No freight shall be handled or stored on-site; 5. All work shall be conducted within the garage; 6. Repair work and storage shall be limited to equipment owned or operated by Schuyler Enterprises. ATTACHMENTS: A - Location Map B - Tax Map C - Applicant's Description D Virginia Department of Transportation Comments E - Accident Data F - Letters in Support of this Request G - Letters in opposition to this Request 7 ("l .~\~ \ ~ \ '\ HeardJ J(~ \ [ ) )~ IATTACHMENT AI -f" - 't- II BOAl MOUNTAIN ~8'~ .f 0~ /:...:. '._ .~t.f , .../ o c-~ ~ c. \ \ ..7~ 4 ESMONT & PORTER AREAS ~OUA TIMES MAP SCAlf ~ ~ ... -.:;....--:;: ( e \.\ c K \ N '- f SP-91-21 ~ SCHUYLER ENTERPRISES __ . 125 , Y I \ <Z K \ /'" I \ '.r. I IATTACHMENT BI 127 ( I ASSESSED IN i NELSON . .~7--~- "- --- / ! / ----'" /...... I / 13A , ' I ~ , , , L/ - . j SCHUYLER ENTERPRISES Schuyler Enterprise, Inr A.A. Clark P.O. Box 149 Schuyler, Virginia 22969 IATTACHMENT cl May 7, 1991 Ms. Amelia M. Patterson, Zoning Administrator County of Albemarle Zoning Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 RE: NEW S.P. 10.2.2 (U4) IIContractor's Office and Equipment Storage Yardll Dear Ms. Patterson: This permit will cover approximately two (2) acres of a twenty-five (25) acre plat of land located at intersection of State Routes 800 and 602, tax map 126, Parcel 31A (part). Per map attached, this land has a building located in the center of this plat on Route 602, 120' from highway, with a commercial entrance approved by the State Highway Department. Usage: This building will be used as a rp.pair facility to repair equipment for Schuyler Enterprise only. There will be no freight handled in or out of this building or property. No work performed for anyone other than Schuyler Enterprise, Incorporated. Records will be maintained for DOT; Department of Transportation. General Information: Number of Employees - Three (3) or four (4) at a given time. Number of Trucks - Six (6) to eight (8) at a given time. Type of work performed - checking tires, lights, brakes and all safety equipment. Fix required equipment. Safety: This location will increase the safety a great amount for the community of Schuyler, Virginia located on Route 800 in Nelson County. At present, our trucks have to travel on Route 800 approximately two (2) miles beyond this building, located on Route 602. This two extra miles of Route 800, which will be eliminated, is very curved and dangerous road. Thank you in advance for considering this new supplementary regulations - Contractor's Office and Equipment Storage Yard. Sincerely yours, James E. Clark, Jr. . Transportation Director /bbc cc: Reve,rend Peter Way i; I //'. , ;,../ f7.., / Ladies & Gentleman of the Planning Commission: !A~ACHMENT Cllpage 21 My name is James E. Clark, Jr. and I represent Schuyler Enterprises. I have liv~d or worked in Albemarle County for 35 years and I am 'here tonight requesting your approval of a Special Use Permit allowing Schuyler Enterprises to repair our equipment plus park our tractors, sometimes with trailers, on a Ii acre of a 25 acre parcel zoned RA. The ZTA will legalize an already existing situation throughout the county: a. Log and truck operations. b. Earth moving equipment. I would like to present Schuyler Enterprises initial actions in hopes to prove that we were not attempting to deceive the County of Albemarle with this endeavor. 1) On June 22, 1990, cash deposits of $2,500 was issued to the' Virginia Department of Transportation. This deposit was for a commercial entrance and approved by Mr. Tucker, Assistant Resident Engineer, on November 7, 1990. 2) Building Permit No. FB90-32 was issued July 11, 1990. 3) On September 7, 1990, Schuyler Enterprises applied for an Erosion Control permit with Ms. Roberta Shaw, Engineer Department of Albemarle County, and site plans were prepared and presented by Schuyler Enterprises' surveyor, Mr. Rodney L. Lum. Permit was issued September 25, 1990. 4) February 26, 1991, Schuyler Enterprises received certified letter #P701077243 from Mr. Jesse R. Hurt, Director of Inspections. This letter stated that Schuyler Enterprises was in violation of the Virginia State Building Code. At the point of inception of this letter, the site was strictly being utilized as a combination of a farm, parking lot and repairing of some trucks. There were approximately 2 trailers with. loads of fertilizer, a posthole digger, a bushhog, tractor and various equipment. Schuyler Enterprises was not cognizant that these items were not allowed. jATTACHMENT cllpage 31 The certified letter also stated Schuyler Enterprises must obtain a building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical pennit within 10 days. The day after receipt of this letter, I spoke with Mr. David Cook about this matter and proceeded to the Building Pennit Department applying for said pennits. I also went to the Health Department and applied for a Sewerage Disposal Pennit. Mr. John Crow with the Health Department issued Permit No. SD-91-063. It was my finn opinion that with the above mentioned actions taken, Schuyler Enterprises wan no longer in any violation of the Building Code. 5. May 7, 1991, I met with Ms. Amelia Patterson and Mr. Bill Fritz and was advised to obtain a Contractor's Office and Equipment Storage Yard Special Use Pennit. 6. June 14, 1991, Mr. David Cook advised Schuyler Enterprises to remove trailers and to stop production on said site or Schuyler Enterprises would receive a court order to do so. June 15, 1991, all equipment was removed and production stopped at said site which was witnessed by a personal appearance on June 17 and 18, 1991 by Ms. Patterson and Mr. Cook. No work has been perfonned since June 15, 1991. June 24, 1991, 9 summons were issued and delivered to my residence at midnight on June 25, 1991. These summons stated Schuyler Enterprises was in violation of operating in a rural area; 3 summons were for February 12, 1991, 3 summons were for March 20,1991 and 3 summons were for June 13, 1991 violations. From the beginning, we have tried to cooperate with county officials. We have never knowingly tried to deceive the county about what we were doing. We truthfully thought that a barn in which we would work on only our own equipment was perfectly legal. The moment we were informed that there were in fact some problems, we immediately met with county officials and obtained the pennits they requested. 7. Schuyler Enterprises petitions the Board of Supervisors to issue a Special Use Permit for a Contractors Office and Equipment Storage Yard approximately 1 mile from any other building, 1/10 mile from Route 800 on Route 602. This area would be utilized explicitly to work and store equipment. The work at this site would take place between 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Page 2 I"ATTACHMENT C\ ~age ~ Schuyler Enterprises would like to reference that most of the area is undeveloped, although it is zoned for rural. There would be no 48' trailers traveling Route 800 from Route 602 to Schuyler, approximately Ii miles. Koute 602 is 21 wider than Route 800 and the building site is only 1/10 mile onto Route 602. Route 602 is a straight and hard surfaced road to said site. As a sideline, on Page 3 of objections, Schuyler Enterprises is indicated in the involvement of a traffic fatality on Route 800. For the record, Schuyler Enterprises was in no way involved in this fatality. We are very proud of our driving safety performance and feel this statement is very detrimental to Schuyler Enterprises. Furthermore, Schuyl er Enterpri ses woul d 1 i ke, to express the potenti a 1 growth development in said area. This area is well known to be one of the poorest locations per populous in the central Virginia region. Schuyler Enterprises not only provides employment for many peoples in this area, but also by relocating its business in the Albemarle County region, provides revenue for the County. Schuyler Enterprises is a clean, environmentally sound, operation. Schuyler Enterprises, which includes myself as an Albemarle County residence, truly trusts that this is the very type of Industry the County of Albemarle would seek. Page 3 [ATTACHMENT CllPage 5\ SUMMARY OF PAGE 6 Items 3-7: Factors Unfavorable 3. Schuyler Enterprises feels this statement is a fallacy. Route 800 goes all the way to Schuyler, however, trailers would be parked at the Route 800/Route 602 site with drivers possibly taking tractors home. The few that live toward Schuyler would be the only drivers with a need to drive Route 800, which I may add they have been doing for years with their trailers attached. The new site would eliminate said trailers trave]ing through the residential and populous portions of Route 800. With the maintenance and storage at the Route 800/Route 602 site, Schuyler Enterprises personally believes the total volume on Route 800 through to Schuyler would actually decrease by at least 80%. Route 800 get curvy and more residential after the proposed new site. This is very hazardous in poor weather conditions such as snow and ice, especially with a trailer hitched. The new site would eliminate these safety hazards. 4. Use of thi s property located at ROl,!te aDO/Route 602 as a. potenti a 1 detriment to adjacent properties is erroneous. As stated earlier, the closest building is 1- miles from this site. In addition, the 25 acres which we are discussing is in a "Vii shape and on the East, South, and West sides adjacent to this property are soapstone quarries owned by the The New Alberene" Stone Company. There is no possible way this land could be utilized for agricultural purposes. Only 1; acres of the 25 acre parcel is being requested for the Special Use Permit... Schuyler Enterprises is not producing or manufacturing any products, nor are we digging into the soils for products. Schuyler Enterprises is a clean, environmentally detriment-free enterprise. 5. Use of this site as changing the existing rural not possibly be imposed by Schuyler Enterprises. Company has preempted this argument. character of the area could The New Alberene Stone I realize your concern that this operation might set a precedent throughout the county, but we feel our situation in unique by the fact that we are bordered on three sides by a commercial quarry operation. Page 4 ]ATTACHMENT CllPage 61 6. Traffic has' always been present with tractor trailers using Route 800 straight through to Schuyler. As stated before, with this new site, traffic . . would actually be reduced from the new site throuc~ to Schuyler. As stated before, with this new site, traffic would actually be reduced from the new site through to Schuyler ,with the exception of the few drivers who live in the Schuyler area driving only their tractors home. 7. Due to the existing conditions, compliance with ZTA-91-04 could be possible by planting trees, such as white pines, so that visibility would be obstructed from any neighbors. It is not Schuyler Enterprises intent to run a IIgaragell. Our only intent is to repair and work on Schuyler Enterprises. trucks and equipment. The building is also not intended to be used for storage. Schuyler Enterprises agrees to comply with ZTA-91-04. In addition, all parts and waste will be recycled or disposed of properly. A special furnace approved by the Environmental Protection Agency has been purchased for incinerating motor oil, transmission and engine grease. A large dumpster will be installed.to recycle used parts. Used tires will be hauled off to be utilized in other industrial purposes. The noise level is minimal. The trucks will be worked on inside the garage, which is well insulated. Page 5 ) IATTACHMENT 0\ Page 2 June 10, 1991 Mr. Ronald S. Keeler Special Use Permits & Rezonings 4. SP-91-21 Schuyler Enterprises, Route 602 - This section of Route 602 is currently tolerable. This request would generate more traffic than would be allowed by right in the RA zoning. Also, this request would have larger vehicles, such as tractor trailers associated with it. A permit for a commercial entrance was issued last year for the access to this property on Route 602 and attached is a copy. Also attached is a copy of the accident data for a three-year period on Route 800 from Route 6 to the Nelson County Line. There were no accidents recorded on Route 602 from Route 800 to Route 613 during this same time period. There are no statistics available for secondary roads to compare Route 800 accident data to a state-wide average. From past experience, the Department feels that this accident rate is relatively low since the average daily traffic on Route 800 is 1,382 VPD. 5. SP-91-23 Charlottesville Quality Cable Corporation, Route 53 - The existing access off of Route 53 that serves Carter's Mountain is adequate. 6. SP-91-24 Jean Baum, Route 20 N. - This request for a commercial stable could result in a traffic generation of 30 to 50 VPD based on information provided by the applicant for the number of students and employees. There is an existing gravel entrance that serves this property. The Department recommends that the access be upgraded to a paved commercial entrance with a minimum of 550 feet of sight distance in each direction. To obtain adequate sight distance to the north would require the removal and/or cutting of trees and vegetation in that direction. Sincerely, ~.Ct.~ J. A. Echols Ass't. Resident Engineer JAE/ldw Attachments . . ~ 't? Ie ~ - ~ " ~ 0 IATTACHMEtx, . \) ~ c:: cq \) \) \) ~ t"I (") 1- 0 I c:: \,J - ~ ~ t> z C> ~ , , -< ~ "- ~ , '=' t-.a > I , ~ . ~ ~ ~ .c t ~ ..0 ~ t"I - C ~ ~ ...a \D - - ~ - -- \)~ ~ ~~ ~ ~\) ~ ~~ ~ ::: ~ r.'\ ~ ~ ~ \' ~ c.\ ~ ~ t"I l) li\ ~ "- XI i') 0 ~ ~ ~ I t t ~ ~ \) ::u 0 '" tl\ ~ '" i' C'Hn c: OC: ~ "'" "1 --< "'i ~ Z::U t"I '=' I I - ~ I ~ ~ '" < 0 - -- - - t"I = , .. i ~ ~ I V\ ~ ~ I l' I ~ ~ I """ \) I I ~ ~ ~ I z ]) 1) ;b ):) I '" t"I ~ '" c:: - i:\ I - . ~ < " r- ~ :::0 ~ t"I ~ ~ C\ '" ~ '"'\ -1 ; ~ Ai () ~ ~ a: r I' t"I b - > . '" () ~ - '" ~ ."\ ~ c :4 = " ~ t"I "'. ""S , '" 0 ~ l;J~ ~~ '\J"'b ,>"'0 ~~ ~ ~~ ])~ en ~ :l) 0 ~~ ~~ t"I ~~ ~ '"t) 3~ < ~ t"I b '" ~t\ :t>0\ :i>~ '" ...... G\ b -<.~ " ~ "iD ,... ~ d\"'" "'l"'" G\-t ~ ~j ~ ~ ,... """t ~ :;;; ~~~ ...... ~ 3 ~ ~~ t : ~ ~ 0 - 0 ~~ - -t ~ "'b ~~ ~ 0 2b 0 ~\. ~ 'b ~ ~ '" () '" ~~~ .... - () ~ ""S r~ o ~ ~ ~ Cb C1'\ > ""4" " d I' ~ (") 0 ~ ~~ 0 ~ C' r ~ 0 ~!:! ~ ct, '" ~~ ~C) Q ::: ~ ~ ,.... () 0 t ~ ~ " ~ c:\ w .. OG\ I'~ "'6\ (/\6\ > - I) ~G\ ~'ib t"" ~ ;-. ~7\) c.'(V 1rJ~ ~'N ,... ~ C) ~~ i'>1) ~l) ~b .1)~ z ~ "'~ <"t) - ~ - ~ :I: n-, " ~II\ t"I 0', G'; 1'\0\ ra" "\t\ z ~ ~ \ 'l: ':t ... ~ . "" " \:::J b ~ ~ ~ ~ . . c.t U\ - C!~ . .(: 0 ~ ~ ~ enC"" .... ~t"I /' ~ .. .... ~ :;;; ;:; ~ c. / rhTTACHMENT F, Page 11 June 21,1991 To Whom It May Concern: Being a land owner near Schuyler Enterprises, Incorporated located at Routes 602 and 800, I have no objections of Schuyler Enterprises locating a contractor's office and storage area on this parcel of land. Sincerely, /U~~ .~ ( IATTACHMENT FI ~age ~ June 21,1991 To Whom It May Concern: Being a land owner near Schuyler Enterprises, Incorporated located at Routes 602 and 800, I have no objections of Schuyler Enterprises locating a contractor's office and storage area on this parcel of land. Sincerely, 4~f46 ,ATTACHMENT F, Page 31 June 21,1991 To Whom It May Concern: Being a land owner near Schuyler Enterprises, Incorporated located at Routes 602 and 800, I have no objections of Schuyler Enterprises locating a contractor's office and storage area on this parcel of land. Sincerely, /J /) /"'J;/ l' ~ 1J114 ' ~l1//t/ !-<' uelttz..z.l/ i - .~ ) {ATTACHMENT F, Page 41 June 21,1991 To Whom It May Concern: Being a land owner near Schuyler Enterprises, Incorporated located at Routes 602 and 800, I have no objections of Schuyler Enterprises locating a contractor's office and storage area on this parcel of land. Sincerely, ~v0- '~CL(V--) "I ,~ IATTACHMENT ~ Page 5\ June 21,1991 To Whom It May Concern: Being a land owner near Schuyler Enterprises, Incorporated located at Routes 602 and 800, I have no objections of Schuyler Enterprises locating a contractor's'office and storage area on this parcel of land. Sincerely, ~. ~. .~~ , ~CL-~~ . There have been 49 additional letters of support received. " I ATTACHMENT F;Page 61 DWIGHT RALPH MAYS, M.DIV. -" MINISTER INDUSTRIAL CHAPLAIN SCHUYLER~ VIRGINIA 22969 ROUTE 1 ' Box 67 804'831-2373 June 25, 1991 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN County of Albemarle Commonwealth of Virginia The purpose of this letter is to offer support on behalf of SCHUYLER ENTERPRISES and Mr. ,Albert Clark, that his new business location produces a minimal environmental impact on the community, and that Mr. Clark has acted in good faith to in- sure that his property and facility comply with accepted standards for health, safety and main- tenance. In fact, Mr. Clark has added some landscaping features to his grounds that make it especially attractive beyond its use. I supervise a volunteer group of youth and adult sponsors in a Virginia Adopt-A-Highway project that maintains the section of SiR 602 that in- cludes the roadway beside SCHUYLER ENTERPRISES as well as the portion of SiR 800 in Albemarle County. From an environmental point of view as we have cleaned these roadways, SiR 800 has re- quired far more maintenance than SiR 602, in part because Mr. Clark has voluntarily participated in helping us to do our job better, by keeping his property alongside the roadway clean and free of debris, even during construction phases. I trust this letter of support may be helpful in giving SCHUYLER ENTERPRISES and Mr. Albert Clark every consideration in the operation of his busi- ness for the benefit of all citizens of Schuyler. Unit Cooper Industries Cooper Distribution Equipment" Division P.O. Box 9050 Charlottesville, VA 22906-9050 IA.TTACHMENT F; Page 71 -- COOPER July 26, 1991 To Whom It May Concern: The purpose of this memo is to show support of Schuyler Enterprise, Inc. in their attempt to build a facility to support their business. Schuyler Enterprise has pI."OV ided a much n~eded transportation service to my company since 1987. 'Being a local firm they have the ability to provide services not available from firms not local to this area. These comments and " ) n~e2:,ce- _so s,a;;i}.y, t tthose of /;?z::7/~7~ t>/ John F. Via Manager/Distribution views are those the company. of the writer and not JFV/mhm Route 660 Earlysville, VA 22936 (804) 974-5100 r;"1 .TTACHMENT F, Page 81 Mr. Bill Fritz Dept. of Planning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,Va 22901 Dear Mr. Fritz; We the undersign residents of the community of Schuyler, Va., wish to express our desire for Schuyler Enterprise to be able to work on and park its equipment on the following location. The property at route 602 and route 800, approx. 1/10 of a mile from route 800 on route 602 which Schuyler Enterprises is only using approx. 1~ acres of a 25 acre parcel. The reason we feel will have dual assets to our community of safty and helps keep finance in ~ur neighborhood. Thank-you in advance for making this known to the Planning Commission, and Board of Supervisors. Signed: 1.)~ 2. ),; 3. ) 4. ) 5. ) 6. ) 7. ) 8. ) 9. ) 10. ) 11. ) ,-;" '-...". -- ! .I -<": ./ I r./ = J",\ ,I ,A-. , , , i.... , '. ',I .... , ~ f : (' L L/ .\, II~~ .,..,.-" "_.,r 18.) -,*, . < '.- ( lc::' ,-~-T -. ,f' / . i . ,,J--' , 'y ,I"; i'l/I; , /'! "-- ~ _--. ,l _ .. __ ~ // ~_.. .;....l ::: :-_;!-;~_ ./ ..1--./ / \. 19.) (, .C,--- " 20.) ;/ I ... ....-- ..-- I { ~'_ JF i . L ....------ r ,. ~:'/4 .;" ,,' /:' '. - ! \ " ('/.r-,&: S( I, ' \. _......~~,..</ l-J" ' I .- -' -'.._ " 21. ) ~. "~,' /', / /, _.,~. ,,,' 22.) ..<_f'" '~ I i i I ;~. ......\..'\. \.:'.:':--=~ " '" \;; . '_ t"..l_, \"--:..,-''-~,, / -- ,. '(' ff I / , . ,i /~D,U._~ 'I. " ,~. . '!--, I , r<,c~ '-.f ;;-V'\(-'I~': , . (""'-- ~ I ":" ~j .A , .-". \"",,-" /" \j, '--" ..'-/~,C-4 ..I ,//~ ',/" " -;,./;,..:,( 23. ) I / .... ,- /1 / , \- '7-'-' /I-()~ i-rz-- .....t , . / 24. ) __ ~ '--1 , - , ~ ~..A'.. .-; ~ ," -+"" \....~.. .: ",_ J r<~i 25.) 1 " ~- <~ , ./ ,~ . V'" .:'/ I ,/' / ~ / 1~ C.;( ,~",-\ '/~ / 26.) --'<0- ....;..:._.'_. J I ~--- '( I __"... 27.) r' /., J // . " ~~--"" ,'~ \., 12.) 13. ) 14.X 15. ) 16.) 1 7 .) '. .'.~>.: ':~. ,.:-,:/ ", ! \ / ')'" '/~://- ,/ ..~ '" ,,' f I .... .I.' ... ..-/ " ,-/ /' ) / <./ 1/' C~t'/ ,;.r .....,,' i ~"- "I :, t J " ,/. ..... ~,) f' J /: ') 28.) -+ ?- ,,'-- ^ :-/... _:-, - ~. :._ ~t--' ",' -,....,.-~_t/1 . ,-- '~r ';".- ,\/~d/ /1 >- --1".':': '- '- ') , ,.... <- '-:.- '-- ,(,.,.;.(:-<.:.-; 29.) /. ; \ " , .;'-","'7/ -/v. , (: c ..~-c t ,.-; ~ ___. , ',...- ,-- ~~~, 30. ) .. ) (' /' -..J .. I ,-/' ;' i-r-r ./ ..- ....' '\ I . ... I, )1(.. / . \ '-f "I' .f\ '. tr l.- 31. ) . -, '- ~- J /' (1) ~ COOPER INDUSTRIES IATTACHMENT FPage 91 COOPER ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION PRODUCTS ~~m:nwJr.~ AUG 27 1991 ' August 19,1991 ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING DEPARTMENT Amelia Patterson Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Va. 22901 Dear Ms. Patterson, As a satisfied customer, I would like Schuyler Enterprise to be able to store and repair their equipment at the Schuyler location at routes 602 and 800. By them being a local carrier, we can get much better service than we can get from out of town carriers. I urge you to support this operation from a safety point for the community of Schuyler. Sincerely, o)~ '7V(OAAA-J Louise Morris Traffic Manager Po. Box 9050 Ch.arlottesville. Virginia 22906-9050 (804) 974-5100 CROUSE-HINDS$ DISTRIBUTION EOUIPMENT ARROW HART$ WIRING DEVICES ARROW HART~ COMPONENTS To: Mr Bill Fritz From: Residents of community of Schuyler, Va 38.) ~~ &/~ \''f :::: :~t=- :::: 41.) 1/J<_)ifAt. , 42. ) 'l'll~'it;<.~ / .I-f CL, ''L~ 43.) l 4~ "---rj .-' . \ 44.) , fJ J ~r--l..( ,?} .-....) /.17 (/J \, c.~ .., 45.) VI "--~/ <L~(L(;(' 72.) 46)~~-. /J ~ j/vf~73.) 47l2& ;fA ~A.<p /YJ'1 ~~ 74,. ) 48.) i ~ ~Q*,,'fKUvtN"~"'-G (--!- I ,1~ .... ~ "- 49.) B~ j..JU ( .TCc::u.....Q . . () 50.) ,(l~I~J ~~tL 51.) , 0. . '/} 52.) ~~(cC 37.) 56. 57.) . 58.) 59. ) ,~ ,:): r t- If /..-_ ./. ~ , . . :' . ~.' l. 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To: Mr Bill Fritz From: Residents of community of Schuyler, Va //~ . 8 9 .~.:..:t, , ( ...____-.~-~.: f" ./ _of" : 1', 117) - f 90. ) \ ; : i'"'' I IY 91. )-'/ '.' ./K. \ 1 ," 118) , , I! j' , . '" '" ~; /- '- ..., . ....-).~. ~J:J ,,- 92;) -;.r.:,,/ /'D <'(./i,~. \ 120) ,/,/',,/ . /~ 4 If+-! f&:..t'l/3 93',J// ~~:;;:&:::._~_ c:- ~k'-"l!r-/l. 121) CJ;.) _:-::~ C,~,-/~:_':-~;-~C~~?_- ~'~ - 122) 95"")'-'<'\ '. ."""'--'. 123) I . \ ". " '. ") 11 9') - 96. 98. ) 99.) . ~ 100) :_\., ", I( ,,:[/ I --' / 101) ,ie, n ---'--'- /, l .,) ........' 128) ~ ./(' i ; _ :-.:.. ~~. / "'-'Y~ -,1 " '-' -./,: I ,'.;,1i .. 129) 130) ..; 131) .- ." .J I i ./ i 132) 102) J " \ ;,-, ~' -...\.....;;t-~~/~-.::-:J.-.~__: ":~~:;..::-._- - \ 103) 0-7' -r-, "",1'.. / /-1z..l 104) i , #.- ,/~' /1 ,-~... I' '/'..J" ~ ,'" ,.<-_",,/1 <11' ,>#.;</ ;, ~, )'"{ n../ ,i. ,'/'''.,..1.....2 -{ 105) ,.' ;.- , , . ' I . fl',...f ,.L'\: 1" j jl 133) 134) .1.,:;-, 106) i . j ", ,- ; I'" ;,0-1 / \.. '/ ' , 'l, ~ , ".) i'''' _..~ j 107) " - \~C !'-} \ , , ~J , >-- ,,-, 135) 136) ',.,.' ......~-... ,< ;1...(/,__1 ) \".:~ <) ! ;_.-' :~_>({. ~)i~___ (;/__ s.?~__'_.:_' .I'-_(~ ~..~"~"___ ,137) 138) 110)( '/ J' ! (- /'f-'~/ .,. ...... /. (. "1 ,~. ) ,-". , 111) 139) 112) 140) ! ~ ,1:./ 141) 113 -~ , 114~L~ 11;) I; - .. -~~ -. i 116) (h" -, . I-I t!fi' (,.t.t1 ( /t! ,-,,-,~ -- . 1 . 142) 143) 144) {~, - ," k, ~ ~,( , . , ,e , 'c ,/_(> " '. ~\l,-"_''''j"'''''l: (',.. -- , . " ::::....r,. , ~ /1 ' //~'~ I. /.' ", ~l ; ~ {,. "- ,- I { _.....' ,_". -/(i~, ' i__>" .', 1/' / "7l. . J - / / -1-, "i..,.,.. ~'.) / / :........./i '" }-, ./'2/"" /'.0(~/~-~ r~ ~ /, f ' ,. ,.', "-: . ---.. /' /' II .', f, // .' -.,.-. -... 1/ ,/,~ !~., . --- To: Mr.. Bill Fritz From~ Residents of 145.) 91 146.) 174.) 176. ) 177. ) ~ U;:1f~ ~. t:'9iJ rJv1A~~ r/I ~ ~ evlJh/l ~,~~~~ 178.) 1 79. ) 152.) 153. ) 80. ) 81.) ,_ IV:!.. 183.) 184. ) 185.) 186. ) 187. ) 188. ) 189. ) 190. J 191.) 166. 194. ) 195.) 196. ) \ 169. ) 197.) \ 198. ) "1. ) 199. ) 200. ) 201.) . .;,., ;J';':"';;';'$~'i.:.:,: ',,- "i'll", {i"~~";;' ".'" ,',' .' _ . .:",",:',:.-1 ~if~"'''-.':'~''.;:l.}: "-, " .-''' , / i J uliaJJ,st Rt. 1, Box: 66 Esmont, Virginia 22937 ) ~ . . IATTACHMENT GI 'page 1] PLANN1NG DtVISION ~ Inv, ./4 ~~ ~ .dv ~ cPcJ':<' tfi-u.d ,r#-C! ~ '-yn:kJA./ " ~ ~~ ~dE~~ I!.d-v ~~~ ./If''--a, . dv{l~h~ ~~/~, ~ J~ , ~r~~;Z:~~1o. ~~~~~" ~2 't~~~7'-~~~? ::J ~ ~ ,C;<-~~ ~ {X/ ~I ~ /tI-~??t~~d~u/t~ ~ ~~()& - ~.~-~ ~ ~~~ " ~;;do ~~ ~ ~~ ,'ft-vAw- r/ .~ .~ft~~J ~ ~y~ ~-t~~~~~ ~". ;~~~-r::-M ~ . ~ ~. __'>IL_ -,r-/ ~' ~~ ~~" ~th-- ~~.. ~ ol~ ~'Ui-f-v J~I- /C-~ ~ ~ /f/U::v ~ ativ ~~~~tv<-d /d.i.LI./Jvrt- ; ~ ~ ~ --LJ6-/'..#-0-V A-u ~ 1 a~x-n.dJ ~f 'r n. J.. /let/ '/ . , dd~~ . t=:r/~ IATTACHMENT GllPage 21 2 Hel i':'5 Path Barbour5ville, Virginia 22923 J"uly 5, 1991 Mr. Wayne Cilimberg Director of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntyre Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 - 4596 I~U';~~ . !UL 8 1991 Dear Mr. Cilimberg, PLANNING DIVISlON This is il"l t~egat~d tel the t~equest to:, amerld the Z-;:,"riing ordinance (by exception or otherwise) to permit a large garage to operate commercially in a rural area. We strongly oppose illegal operations being made legal by changing the law, rather than adhering to the usage permitted under the law. We are especially concerned the usage of lands in rural areas and with maintaining the ideals of the comprehensive plan. ~" s~:..et~E?IY, t) ~ ~ '~ ~ nthro~y -P;tVcg-(!t~r ~~ Mat~gat~et B. Ray cc. F. R. BI:lw i e ID~r:;", t..........e-".- --- i) \t. i f~\ t ~~'~. ~: -', 'c': ..,''':~ i' ~af. /!if: fhftl ~ ~:~~~\~91(~~IA~~~~N~~. Page 3 ,--,--; r PLANNING DIVISION I . , ) rx U/f7~:PL/ ~v It 11b ~ #1 jrutt trA . j ~Md JI5~fft/;1rJ l!J ttr . Ih f!f / vafllJi( ~ . ff 1m . o/tMt#l~; . ~911 ' (ftJ wpj/)mt f I~/ Ji1) ;1 Ia ~ Vi [1/8 ~ 2 rard i!1/1J:A ~#l / Jtltl il ih '1f: 'rl /~ /;(d/If ~ #J I/dtJdtl t/I1t1t. .1}JdI /lIltJ1Kl /iI//l{IM' ftJdJ 11m /tI! #11 ~1. lr /lift Z )d#t(~f!(/th #JJ( Md? , If) /(/JCl ./fl iA1 f/lJYFh / -p If/;d (ructs ~ ,. 1Ud cidt! Cj( ii {!wJ f[~ In kJ d4 rtl1J ~&i0!WL J /zd (HrJ #h 1I/i. /1114 if ~" ")I~1l ju/z' . jJ I 1)11 (/tf'. ;q/t/l!ifJ ;tI8 I/Z f1t /l , !1/11/ {~ ~ fl 1M! Ix fjlf4 ' v io JJw ifllAI {;(PJ:V,~ lrkf 7Kl[J -i ~!g{- !{f IJv Ih 9hrf 1tt/!1 ~ ~~. it1j11lvt [r11tn~Ai(I/t/;/~ IW/J1, /~ /5/1vd{i/lfJ1c ttizl /1;1In fP&/;;t( Ji #uu ft/fl)ln Jd f/)~L rtit f;. dIl/f A0",W {)~Ifi! #tiJ ipt ~ tftdi /aitl~ ~u _ i flltt f1~)15i/!1a ~ r/Irl. rtJIIZf 11M lis, . itJ/1I:' bKIf. Y/if fa ~ ria lib r#1lJ1. . . ? /~ 9NltJ Ik, 1lIliJf!'1)@/;; 9J .. !IrI !MJ I(ItfJ/(/uJt pJl( !J Izly ~ itrl!! (;J ;ef . ~ /J;cIYtI1f r tr~<<Jflrt f f kJ dI!jlfttlilrtl v ~aftlt / / JI/w;Jr$wlJ !LfltItfI Mr. Bill Fritz Department of Planning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Va. 22901 I '\TTACHMENT G, Page 41 ~!lwq JUl 2 1991 PLANNING 01V1S10N Friday, June Zf 1991 .... .... ." Dear Mr. Fritz: It has come to my attention that the Schuyler Enterprizes Truck Garage is an illegal enterprise and is operating in violation of county ordinances. I understand that this structure was put up illegally and that the owner is trying to obtain approval after the fact. If approval is given in these circumstances I feel that this action will serve as an example and be repeated by others who wish to get around country ordinances, making it very difficult to maintain the quality of rural life in Albemarle County. I understand that the disposition of this Truck Garage will soon be up for review by the Board of Supervisors. I would like to urge you and them to support denial of the request for approval of this structure. Sincerely yours, rxfnlL'- 'A. l20 M'-<-~ Lillian A. Robertson ,ATTACHMENT G, Page 51 May 3, 1991 Ms. Amelia Patterson Zoning Administrator Department of Zoning 41 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Dear Ms. Patterson, I am writing to you concerning the large, blue parking garage for trucks which recently appeared in the Schuyler /Howardsville area where I reside. In discussing this situation with a neighbor, I was advised that you folks at the Department of Planning are the ones who need to be contacted. In all respect, I do not understand how an enormous truck garage could have gone up this area when there are supposedly very strict ordinances preventing such buildings in rural Albemarle County. This building is unenvironmental in every way and counter to the rural setting of our neighborhood. I understand that a permit has yet to be issued to the company who put this building up. As a resident of this community, I must say that I do not support a parking garage for Mack trucks being situated on Route 602. These people have also trashed out the road in the surrounding area, and are not making any effort to clean it up, which only leads me to believe that they will be irresponsible neighbors,' (regardless of whether or not a "green screen" is put up). I am in the hopes that you will give these points your serious consideration in determining whether or not the truck garage stays or goes. Thank you very much for your time. " Steve Jarp.es : Howardsville ReSident", fJ.~' ,. ~" l1\l.Tl .,' " ~t~..'":, ~ Hi ~;j!,. ~wn" .' ~~ '""'i z.r? ~1 J~ ~ . " _,.pi } ;;"l'T.I , ~.~ ~ . MAY 8 1991 cc: Mr. Ron Ke'eler, Chief of Planning ALBEMARLE CO'lTr-nv .zON1NG DEPARTMENT '~7~ , 1b:hof~ ! ~l t--(cLJy-JJ, i C\J\\\~\ \JA ~qOl i '~TTACHMENT G, Page 61 , i ~,r\ ~~j1WfJIt @ }"a '\;"" ~- , ~'~ 1'l"f\.;~\,gbLi ~ ID ''ll ."."", ' ~_.~ '..' i.' ~ MAY 29 1991 ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING DEPARTMENT ~~.~~ I. ~W(i~J +0 t 40 \)(0- ~ -+0 '3kJ- ~ ~ ~cd;E7V6 of ~ lC4! ~ ~ccL ~1r. 'tw:J- \M:6 f~ ~\. e.c~ (002-. V\roX" ~ '2(f) ~"l \<<1 4\~k ~~. I. ~€- \e.o.x~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~{. C\~, lS '(\J~ ~ es-h~~ ) U ~J ~ \')v'\..~ ~-h-uckx-e....l SUrf~ ~ \WJL ~o..; <US 0w0.. cJ.; ~o.ikJ. ~ wW~ ~ ~ J. /5 cJsQ I \)V\Sc.L~. ~ (0.02 ~ 0--- V\p..x"fe.Y, ;llO-Mll- ~ 'food. 'n...a... ~ ~ ~ IWa +ro.cb- . +r~ \<us up o.vJ. ~ 'ltus fco.cl \ ":l Q.v\. !2AJe,( - I Ii iv'\.C{eo.si~ ~ '-\0 ~.~ \oc.J Ci-h~'S, . I~ oP~ Q).~\ L0~ "Jse ~5 ~ 11 u . I 0 ..----J~ rj .' I (... P\eo..se- do ~. \"':-. ~ ~ to dose.- i l'i'tNs ~Cu<<L'X'- ~ . ~ +rucks.~ ! ~kcs (~d. lk~~. I I I ^ I . 1 - -. -- . , , IATTACHMENT G, pag~ 71 . . . -' -- --- f)e~q /7&. fd-t~~.--'-' ----- --- c!1~ r M4-~ /;..eUl. (!.d.1LU( ~ /If a~ cJI<<1 o/d<- ftJ~ . ~ t/lLLL "'- +w-{L ~ it 1 ~ 0;2& ~ [~+.~ tOM Yo ~ruf ~ c~ ~Ci;J.1~ I-~ fk c4. Z4JCJi~ee. IL ..d~ b-~, " F:fuf AI ~ !wM..~ ~~y -!o /}1U i-v ~(fd 1 all! ~ o-tv& vr~ v.. /e~ ~ cmf-L-/t4 Mr (7. f-I~ -7-~' ~~a~A--oje~ ~. ~. ~ tUL h- firud ~' .. -------- __On' _~____ ~ oV:6 ?<- /l~ ~-a)- ~ (~JC) t'J ~tud~ u ~. tJA~ t'vtL ~ [,~ ~~#_ Ikc~ ~p ./&jf ~~ /~~ , ~ M ~d; -t1?J ~r r ~ hd ~dt?~. -?Low 1Lr:C ~i~~lcyl,(~d~ . :tJ ~::!]; ;::::- ~. ~~- z} ~~ ~ ~ jJt:: ~. .~.fr'- ~ r/h-t ~ ~ f/ r/t~ 'JULJ ~ 5'~- . r ~ u.'1vLG~ 4.,f- o,)/~. ~' /t~ ~u~ A- ~ ~ tH~C( tjj~~ h41-1;;'J ~ fi T-tt ~ ~ /t~ t<-~l {/>>L~ F~' <)10 ~ ~4 "~rf dtu /zr ~/}I M~ ~ f4.-- ~tll~~ r ~ t2-1/~rl-v'- - ~~# -/k"" 7- 1 . ~ir' " t2- /uuJ ~ ~' D Mr. Bill Fritz Department of Planning 401 McIntire Road. Charlottesville, VA 22901 . . ,)ATTACHMENTG, Page 81 ~~" ~"-'l\, '~~!7''';:;'';:~'\)'~-:;~T7?~. ~~ ,. ,~ I ~"~ ." '" r:7'< 'Qp.t.f, ~:~~!_~~ l'. . ,1''<) .A"~""'" rv1\ ..... :-, JUN 10 1991 PLANNING D1V\SlON June 2, 1991 Dear Mr. Fritz, While passing through the Scottsville area this weekend, I came across a sight which caused me great concern: a parking lot with commercial trucks and cabs, and a large garage-like structure to house them. Upon inquiring into this situation further, I was informed that this outfit is owned by a company called "Schuyler Enterprises" and is in direct violation of a county zoning ordinance--actually operating illegally. Of greater concern is the news that the man in charge of this operation is attempting to change the zoning ordinance which would then allow for these kinds of structures to go up in other rural settings throughout Albemarle County. Speaking for myself and my family who, live in another part of the county, I must say that I am absolutely opposed to an ordinance being passed which would allow for this, and moreover, I do not understand why this operation has yet to be closed down. As for re- arranging the zoning ordinance, I can only hope that no such change will be allowed to occur in the laws which protect the rural districts of Albemarle County. Thank you. Sincerely, 1.JrH~.~ PeterW. Heymann, M.D. (OJ ;qq( I~TTACHMENT G, Page 91 I , I~ I / . , 'p'f:<:':' '" > . . I ,~~L;'m:. · PLANNING DIVISION, ~' / (J. /I h I W ,/1 ",- -hI ~.. t ."", fJ,UUA.-0 1/1A.; -/ Yl ro- ~ OM :lvi'Uf(J ti ~~ rwr ~M?vJ c-1 ,ctJ--Q ~ ACd~ uo-ti-J. ~ fyudt- cter u:1 Vv-1 ~ fad 0 /.JtvJ S~~.~~ ~g I r;b; ~~ r(JJu to il ~ ~.Y ~L~(dA'7~ ~ I, ~ ~ &'Uctv ~ II /'-o~ ~, U- ' I I I 0- Ctvt CWrJ ~~tH~ I I I I I ! i I ! ,- }ACHMENT G, Page 101 17 June 1991 Harry Wilkerson 165 Walnut Lane Charlottesville. VA 22901 D ear Mr. Wilkerson: It has come to my attention th~t you are a member of the Albemarle Planning Commission and are going to be dealing with a very serious matter that I feel. if allowed, will have serious negative effects on the county as a whole, not to mention on the immediate area in question. I am a HowardsvillejSchuyler resident in Albemarle County and recently I have been witness to an absurd attempt by one of my neighbors to amend an existing ordinance to fit his desires. My neighbor is a Mr. Clark who has illegally built a truck garage on Route 602 near Route 800 in Schuyler. Not only did he lie to the Zoning Department to get his "barn" built, but he is now trying to get the ordinance which prohibits this kind of business in agricultural settings changed to allow his business to operate. If this amendment is approved, these structures could start appearing an)where throughout the county in the rural settings, without regard for the environment or the safety of the citizens. I hope you and the other members of the Planning Commission see the seriousness of what Mr. Clark is trying to do and will do all that you can to see that this amendment is defeated and that this kind of disregard for the law and the county ordinances is stopped. Thank you for your attention. A Concerned Neighbor . . ~ ,\TTACHMENT GI [Page 11] 9C(~ 199 I ~. Bi II Ffj b- "Dr of P[Cuttv0v:~ _ ~'iOt ~c..~{e w. Ow-loUeso\lk, VA- ;&'101' 11>> ~1? ~11\\~.~,.~'1ll ll~~ ~ I..~ " ~M . f"/ 3 0 1991 PLANNING DIVISION ......... . . -..." t ~~ax- ~f. Ri f-z . . If- ~o.s ~ -lo ~~ qkJ- ~~ o.J~ res ~S( b-h -G, (( ~ ~ ~ b..t ~ l,.j- --6 ctk ~ ~. O~0i;;e6 CM~ru~~ ~ 4vDcl ~ re.~ - o.vf2 ~ i~~~- 6 V\. A\~ ~ Y\QCU ~(e>r . r. ~ Wli ~'^'\ VY\.Cu5~ ~ L d.o 110:>+ 1.0\~ <+VUs I'SSe€- WJ .' cde- 4 0.. ~~ 9L;O-<<el bJw~ ~ ~ I U r ~~ VUG\ S' ~ ~f, O~~s \~ ~ ~ '-\'WL~siti &r&iV\0-V'(Q.. ) If Off"eveJ. 1 ~6) ~ ~~ G ci- 0-- Oi~o.~'.c..r ~ ~ ltws \VY\..VV1Q~O-.\Ii O-reo. I b.d-. ~ ~ evd(~ G . P\eo& ck QAlQfJ "i. i,^,- k ~ -0 ~ %s ~ .g.~ ~S'5i~\. Ii-iS iToJiOL 1 . --.. ..-..-.--------.-- ----....----....... r.1' _ ~ ~ Cit;UvE of' ~ S . \e(II~Js~II€- .... of- ~ o.x-& ~\ G.-wi (( . ~(. 00-4 \t\o..s yt.() ('.Gv\.c~,,\ G l<s VUljJ~~ O1lrw~ 4udu(~ ~Q 6- ~ b\-t- ~~ cvJ) wM--w~~ pOJ(~s o~ 4wL 10M). '!ws 16vJ.. C).f' dis r€SF-c+ ~ ~ S rJ;>> ~I ~ Gvw\(~ D.M.& ~ C~ ~V'O- ~ OKJ. sWQ k S~. > )0 Y\J )d--- i-'\i. Uolk sd- 0-. ~ce..cbJ- ~ l0;ll ~~~. ~~~~r~~~s.> > - A GMc~ Sc.~~ l6si~ '. _ ,ATTACHMENT GI!Page 121 ~. -----:----.-----."...............-.-..-.-...;.------.---'---......-. < ,,' ,- - ~~~ ., . _AtTACHMENT GllPage 131 ('J N~CflI . K~~\er C'^-'eJ. ~ Pl~"'.:\i ~{.., ~1'4<0"""''''+ "tOl ~C~{e..--W. .:J . ~r - - . ~o~u~l\e, vA ~qO( . . PLANN\NG D\ViS\ON - ,,, ..,,.;.'';;..~_. ...;.~..........-- ~ .~-~,...",'...... .... '- .... ~ ~. kooJe1 r OJIVLo... ~cbv~\\e..f S:-~\e..r Y~ick.d- ;'" A\~wk ~ ~ ~ ux;-\-i~~ +0 ~[cM'\. obwi ~ htwL -truc.L ~~ ~ w:6 Iowl~ S~~~'~~J h2cLr~. Ccnrvv;uf ~ ~Coo;z. ~ ~OO. AW ~':J tc~ i~ ~su\l\E:. -Gr ~ 7f1>-(~ r u.:o..c;, sk,c...~ 10 ~ '-tL.us '1f&- ~ ~(e.. ~I~ i"\. wW wc...s ~ 0... 9iJ\e:t, t.0oOc:kD CJ..;(eo...l\OM..~ skocL. is ~~...~ ~ bl~ W~7 M 0f w~~ - terr Srcioi use F;vv0--\-. -!-:: ~es{;9v\.. ~s fu~o(' :crre.. - b.D~ ~ ~ ~ e~ 4w-. ~ ~ ~M r\Gs. \b~ of \~'(esfCM-S~~c\i~(e.~OJJ {&r- ~ ~c\UecD 'flJ(al s~~ \~ b~ m:>kss'::J o-cl WiJJ'. . I IJ'ID\&v- 40 (e0f1 ~ S;W~i~.Q;~ . 0-. ~ss \ cMsf . . . 5wccJ.l ~ cd--. ~~j", 1k. Q.(eD.- .whu~ weo..s WUe.. cui- ~ 40 ~ 'I"'---~ I~ '. 'S\1\r"'~ d~0 u~\ ~~ ,~~ \ ,5 b (~~~ CA Ve>\.uV\..4eu . N 1",- ~L:j (e.(- Lt ~\ \..tws s;-k IS eM'\- rt1[[^\ ~QSef~ ~+ ~st' k ptJS~ da-;~ ~ \Y\-~ locoY O~Z€.KC;, W\CW&t V'A-Us0..( I wwlc9 ~ ~ . ~ dol lcus ~ bJ.VL,\ ~ WiS~ ~ ~ ~ -~als e\~4e~. c6 ~~ poslb ~<L Len-1SCtc9-<-^S of ~r ~f$v\5lla;(' \VLO+ '~ ~ ~ ~c\ W 40 ~ QJrwlr~ weJ l, J:.--{;us.+ ~ wilL leal .ivdo ~s ~~-kk wkw\e.veK ~s Qfl2.. V'QCeSSCW"\ +0 ~ ~k...r N~ ~ (~~ ~ ~\J~~ :;~d;&I\.. " _ l ~ wn~ ~s OvA~\~l~ <io ~e.,J- ~ ISSue.,. ~~ ~ ",' ()... F~ ~ .~r-~F'~~'. ' SAJ:~' ~~ " -' ..1ATTACHMENT GIIPag~ 141 1W ~0R ~~~'~~fiil lli$t~ij'U ~ , 1/ J N 1 0 1991 ,PtANNJ NG. DIVISION -.'..". ........;li"n:~ ...:....._ June 3, 1991 Mr. Bill Fritz Department of Planning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Dear Mr. Fritz, As a resident of .Charlottesville city, I have become concerned about, and am opposed to, any ordinance change which will allow for garages housing large vehicles to exist in a residential or rural area of Albemarle County. Although I realize that it may be desirable for an employee engaged in such work to have vehicles in close proximity to his' or her home, the noise and the pollution resulting from this type of commerce is intolerable to previously established neighbors. I know this personally because across the street from me in the city are two dump trucks, numerous family vehicles, a race car, and a bulldozer (new this weekend) . A great asset of.~he county is its attractiveness as a low- density, non-commercial area, and those paying their county taxes deserve to keep it so. Sincerely, (A.~~ A. Hollis Farris -' '. ,..ITACHMENT GllPage 15\ ~. ~".. ~"'\~;IT~':':"r.-.~. ".. J ~ ,',', ., ' d ~ .~- J:.;.~l . ~.'~~'.l .~..., .......r,Jl~ JUN 19 ;'8' /PLANNING DtVISION June 17 1991 Bill Fritz. Department of Planning 401 McIntire Rei. Charlottesville, VA 22901 Dear Mr. Fritz: As a resident in the Schuyler area of Albemarle County, I am writing you to urge you to do everything you can to defeat the proposed amendment being brought forward to. the Planning Commission by our neighbor, Mr. Clark. This amendment, as you know, will allow Mr. Clark to operate his currently illegal truck garage in our rural setting and would .set a precedent that could easily spread throughout Albemarle County with disastrous results -- not only for the environment, but for the safety and comfort of the citizens. I hope you and the other members of the Planning Commission see the seriousness of this matter and will do your utmost to prevent it from becoming part of the existing ordinance. r am. unfortunately, writing to you anonymously as Mr. Clark is a neighbor and I do not wish this affair to become a personal shouting match. However, this does not diminish the seriousness I feel about this situation. This kind of manipulation of the law and the ordinances that govern and protect our county must be stopped and you are the people who can do that Please act with all of Albemarle County as your concern. and not the desires of one irresponsible, inconsiderate neighbor. I thank you in advance for your help. A concerned neighbor. .. 13 / / I Ff/T2- .~, -----) 'ATTACHMENT GlIPage 161 -' ~ vJ;; :: ~, @1l&trl7 I 7b 6''ffe~ /11;-'--' ------- . OffS/liO/1 70 FI. a::; orddnc.e! '/Ita f (j)J !lId. a / /d I C1 r;r-12cJ)J7 /1I..lrCia I ~~ 10 build /J1 rLlrC(1 $t/l;1JB# fOr t)(tl/TlftL Se.hJur -rruc)!jllf, ~ /blow iMI- a:b CL Ao/lUOJjI1..if j h . a. rurell;xl/7frX fWrI- vtdtr htf (}i}/lC/ikJJ(}, s)d;v/d 0/1 or4Q/IIU-bL- {II/owed -tMr ffrtllJl3 3ucf. Rf1/CrjJJ7"Sa>, PLANNING DIVISION ~r#lj ~J~ Veil/zen. a=I- eClut) , .. " COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE .~ Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 MEMORANDUM TO: Lettie E. N~r, Clerk to the Board of supervisors Kenneth Baker, Senior Planner FROM: DATE: August 30, 1991 RE: CPA-91-02 Blue Ridge Neighborhood "Area B" study The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on August 27, 1991, unanimously recommended that the Comprehensive Plan be amended to include the recommendations of the Blue Ridge Neighborhood "Area B" study. Proposed amendments include both text and table changes and a change to a land use designation on the Land Use Map. Attached please find a staff report which outlines the proposed amendment. The Board of Supervisors is scheduled to review this proposed amendment at their September 18, 1991 meeting. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. KB/jcw 1.'" ;.. , Ii , il ,t ) . g:j -kJ [6 ,I.,. STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: KENNETH BAKER AUGUST 27, 199 I"~ It 'iC, SEPTEMBER 18, i9\9'1.:~: ,.I \ ' ,,:: ;,. i ~.::l r- CPA-91-02 BLUE RIDGE NEIGHBORHOOD "AREA B" STUDY - Proposal to amend the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan to include the recommendations of the Blue Ridge Neighborhood "Area B" Study as stipulated in the Three Party Agreement between the County, City of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia. Proposed amendments include both text and table changes and a change to a land use designation on the Land Use Map. Text Chanqes: o The expansion of the Growth Area to include that portion of the Blue Ridge Hospital tract south of Interstate-64 and north of Route 53 is based on the condition that the area be designated for pUblic/semi-public use and development in this area be consistent with the Master Land utilization Plan for the Blue Ridge Hospital tract dated May of 1991 (See Blue Ridge Neighborhood "Area B" Study). The Albemarle County Service Authority jurisdictional area shall remain on this tract. Expanded water and sewer services will only be provided for development of this tract consistent with the Master Land utilization Plan. o If the Forestry Department undertakes its proposed office development on approximately 30 acres in the northeast portion of the Hillcrest Tract adjacent to PVCC, change the Comprehensive Plan land use designation of that area from low density residential to pUblic/semi-public. Concurrently, increase the medium density land use designation by approximately 10 acres on the same tract in an area west of an unnamed tributary stream of Moores Creek to replace the residential holding capacity lost due to the construction of the Forestry Department. This Land Use Map amendment would not be effective until the Forestry Department undertakes its expansion in this location. o Evaluation of the feasibility of reconfiguring the Interstate-64 and Route 20 Interchange to improve traffic circulation in the area and determine the impact such a reconfiguration would have on a future Interstate-64 Avon Street Interchange. o The Neighborhood presently contains Piedmont Virginia Community College, a private school, two churches, the ... Regional Joint Security Complex, the National Guard Armory, the Thomas !efferson visitors center, and the Blue Ridqe Hos?ital. o Consider recommendations of the City/County/University Planning and Coo~~ination Council's Blue Ridge Neighborhood "L..:~a B" Study as a guide for future development of that portion of Neighborhood Four within the study area. Map,Chanqes: o Change the land use designation from Rural Area to pUblic/semi-public for approximately 148.2 acres of the Blue Ridge Hospital tract south of Interstate-64, east of Route 20, west of Route 1102, and north of Route 53. Table Changes: o Revise Table 50 to read as follows (Revisions indicated in bold) . DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD FOUR Developable Dwelling Acreage units Residential-Low 850 850-3400 Residential-Medium 36 144-360 Residential-High 50 501-1000 RESIDENTIAL SUBTOTAL 936 1495-4760 Neighborhood 6 Industrial Service 149 Public 164 NON-RESIDENTIAL SUBTOTAL 319 Undeveloped Land Total 1255 Attached are the pages of the Comprehensive Plan which include the proposed text and table amendments for Neighborhood Four (See Attachment A) and a map displaying the proposed land use designation change (See Attachment B). Attached also are the recommended land use changes that would occur with the development of the Forestry Department. This is not a proposed map amendment at this time (See Attachment C). ... . NEIGHBORHOOD FOUR LOCATION Neigllborhood four is bounded on the west by Biscuit Run, on the north by Moores Creek, on the east by Route 20 South and on the south by a stream tributary to Biscuit Run approximately 2,000 feet south of the intersection of Avon Street Extended and Route 20, Neighborhood Four also includes an adja- cent area which is bounded by the City's corporate limits, the lUvanna lUver, and Interstate 61, This in- cludes the Woolen Mills and the Moores Creek Waste- water Treatment Plant, EXISTING IAND USE Residential - The Neighborhood area is estimated (1985) to include 141 dwelling units and a population of 385 persons, More than one-half of the Neighbor- hood units arc single-family detached. Willoughby, Willow Lake, and Mill Creek have been the primary residential development areas in recent years, Commercial and Offiee - Very few retail commer- cial uses exist in Neighborhood four. The area con- tains less than 60,000 square feet of retail development and 28,000 square feet of office develop- ment, There exists no neighborhood shopping in the area. However, a small commercial area was approved in 1986 at the Mill Creek development. Industrial - There are a variety of industrial activi- ties located in Neighborhood Four which total 330,161 square feet of floor area, Othcr Land Uscs - The Neighborhood presently contains Piedmont Virginia Community College, a pri- vate school, two churches, the Regional Joint Security Complex, the National Guard Armory, the Thomas Jefferson Visitors Center. and the Blue Ridge Hospital. ENVIRONMENTAL CIlARACTERlSTICS The major portion of the area forms three sepa- rate watersheds, one draining into Biscuit Run and two smaller ones draining into Moores Creek. The area from Lake Reynovia south forms the eastern half of the Biscuit Run drainage basin. The two areas north of this point, on either side of Avon Street Extended, flow directly north into Moores Creek. Some steep slopes on both sides of Interstate 64 and floodplains along Moores Creek and lliscuit Run pose develop- ment limitations in those areas. The area contains two soil associations, Rabun- Myersville-Catoctin Association and Elioak-l-Iazel- Glenelg Association, These associations have some IATTACHMENT AI limitations for development activities (See Neighbor- hoods One and Two for explanation), PUBLIC WATER AND SEWER I Water service capacity sout11 of Interstate 64 is being upgraded with the construction of the Avon Street water tank (two million gallon capacity). Sewer service could incrementally bc extended out into un- developed areas through the Biscuit Run interceptor, but limitations also exist in the Moores Creek inter- ceptor. ROADS Avon Street has limited roadway capacity to handle future development, East-west access is vir- tually non-existent in the Neighborhood, No central access to Interstate 61 from the Neighborhood, com- bined with lack of cast-west connectors, has pre- viously restricted development potential. RECOMMENDATIONS: . Development plans along Route 20 arc to be sensi- tive to its status as an entry corridor to the Urban Area and Monticello. . Transportation improvements include: Roadway interconnection of Route 20, Avon Street Extended, and Fifth Street, which would provide access to Interstate 64 and traffic circulation within the Neighborhood, Two roadway projects will accomplish this-a connector road from Fifth Street to Avon Street across the northern part of the Mill Creek development, and a separate connector from Avon Street to Route 20. The first project to be developed should be the Avon Street!Route 20 connector. Interchange at Interstate 64 and Avon Street. - Evaluation of the feasibility of reconfiguring the Interstate-64 and Route 20 Interchange to improve traffic circulation in the area and determine the impact such a reconfiguration would have on a future Interstate-64 and Avon Street Interchange. . Establish medium and high density residential along Avon Street near possible alignmenLe; of cast- west connector roade;, . ,. De~ignate open space for former landfill site in northwest quadrant of Interstate 64/Avon Street due to unsuitability for development, · Construct Southern Area Elementary School along Avon Street. · Utility improvements include: - Second two million gallon water storage tank at Avon Street site based on demand, - Southern water line interconnecting Avon Street tanks with Observatory and Pantops tanks to provide desired water flow and pressure, Western loop of line to Obser- vatory is immediate priority, Eastern loop to Pantops based on demand, Moores Creek interceptor relief lines, The Quarry Road to treatment plant segment is a short-term need with further analysis of other segments needed in the utilities master plan. Moores Creek interceptor capacity will need to be increased to handle ultimate flow of Biscuit Run interceptor cur- rently under development. - Ultimate expansion of Moores Creek Ad- vanced Wastewater Treatment Plant from 15,() MGD to 3(),() MGD capacity (1995 or later) , . Industrial service and neighborhood service desig- nation on Avon Street across from L'lke Reynovia limited to existing zoned land only. . The expans ion of the Growth Area to include that portion of the Blue Ridge Hospital tract south of Interstate-64 and north of Route 53 is based on the condition that the area be designated for public/semi-public use and development in this area be consistent with the Master Land Utilization Plan for the Blue Ridge Hospital tract dated May of 1991 (See Blue Ridge Neighborhood "Area B" Study), The Albemarle County Service Authority jurisdictional area shall remain on this tract. Expanded water and sewer services will only be provided to development of this tract consistent with the Master Land Utilization Plan. · If the Forestry Department undertakes its ,proposed office development on approximately 30 acres in the northeast portion of the Hillcrest Tract adjacent to PVCC. change the Comprehensive Plan land use designation of that area from low density residential to publici semi~public. Concurrently. increase medium density land use designation by approximately 10 acres on the same tract in an area west of an unnamed tributary stream of Moores Creek to replace che residential holding capacity lost due to the construction of the Forestry Department, This Land Use Map amendment would not be effective until the Forestry Department under,takes its relocation in this location. . Consider recommendat10ns of the City/ County/University Planning and Coordination Council's Blue Ridge Neighborhood "Area B" ,Study as a guide for future development of that portion of Nei~lborhood Four within the study area, · ciddsl.d.drl /rkir/JVrltfrNr/c'/4m/ /qf/ ft'rn flifY/(j-fj>y.y.- ~~yq~ifYfi~~QQ~g/~~9/g99~~91V9ryI99V?9Y f61 1l1id .lli.~d iv.d.r/,ci!1/..f/JJj.tk/'/.rJ p/JNlj. f3N<J.y/ f\jcjaj. J'{I- /#t>fjJrjatr/. / M~t>m /rFPNryt"f'lIJCPf}0fy5/ f'f'f! / ylF (4)r/lNrfrf.9'rts'Jv~fP!1~ ~ fcJr;y.'f199yr; lJI' TABLE 50 DEVElOPMENT POTENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD FOUR DEVELOPABLE DWELLING ACREAGE UNITS Residential - Low .. 850 850-3400 Residential - Medium 36 144-360 Residential - High SO 501-1000 RESIDENTIAL SUBTOTAL 936 1495-4760 Neighborhood Service 6 Industrial Service 149 Public Jrj 164 NON-RESIDENTIAL SUBTOTAL ;I7r319 UNDEVELOPED LAND TOTAL /1;I~11255 Source: Albemarle County Department of Planning and Community Development; 1988 . ::..-- - ~ c H A R IATTACHMENT 81 s '~~~ it "- , .' --........ . -.:..:.- \\;,'~' ".. , ~...., "~ ~ . - , . '---\- . . '- \ - I.I~I.I"I.I.I.! ...."'\, '. LAND USE PATTERNS \ I '\ \ OFFICE SERVICE OFFICE/REGIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIAL SERVICE \ REGIONAL SERVICE COMMUNITY SERVICE \ " NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE VILLAGE SERVICE VILLAGE RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PU BLI C/SEMI-PU Bll C UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA RECREATIONAL INSTITUTIONAL · ...i DENOT~S LAND '~SE CHANGE. .. \ATTACHMENT cl "- " ... II POSSIBLE LAND USE EXPANSION AREAS ~ ,-- SECTION 77E(1) 8. 77 E(2) PVCC' ~ II \\ 'l\ ~ 1/' II II 7/,,11 //11 ~~ / ~ ~~::::: II ~ I; '" ~ .'", .1>. 1/ =: II ~" ~ 1/ -::- II ~ .::,. ',',', II ~ ~ .::,.11 II ""~ ~ ~ " \\ .::,. ~ ''::''11 ~ /I "" II I ~" II~\\ II~I>.~~ ~ ~~ \~~ ~ ~ /I ~ II "> 'I'''' // ~ "'1 // 1,,//~== ~I\'::"~""~ ~~" -\\~ ~ ~~~I \\=:-",=\\11=\\ II "" II ~ Ii =: ~ ~~~=~Il~u'::l = ~ II ~ - ;,~ 11.::,.11 '" //~" If I '~~ _ ~~----..::::- ~ \\ /I "" \I ~ -::-.::,. =: f::::-.....-.------= 1/'.:::; ~ ~; ~~ == Ii ~ fBlrpuBLlc I SEMI.PUBLlC " This is not a proposed amendment at this time. .. ;\ Distributed to Board: j -I ~ -'-7/ r~2Nldil Item No, q L Ctl{ il} 1{f. . 'il ; .... COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 ;' !"i rl September 6, 1991 WCYl< 1705 Seminole Trail Second Floor Charlottesville, VA 22906 RE: SP-91-25 WCYl< AM-FM Tax Map 61, Parcel 123A Dear Sir: 1-; The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on September ~ 1991, by a vote of 5-0-1, recommended approval of the above-noted request to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval is limited to two, eight-foot or less diameter dishes; 2: Dishes shall be painted same color as building; 3. Dishes to be located as shown on Attachment dated August 21, 1991, initialled W.D.F. Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on September 18. 1991. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. YOU OR YOUR REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT FOR THIS MEETING. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~~ William D. Fritz Senior Planner WDF/jcw cc: Lettie E. Neher Jo Higgins Jefferson Savmes & Loan Amelia Patterson Terry C. Kile ) STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WILLIAM D. FRITZ JULY 2, 1991 AUGUST 7, 1991 SP-91-025 - WCYK - AM-FM Petition: WCYK petitions the Board of Supervisors to issue a special use permit to locate two receiving dishes atop the Jefferson Savings Bank [23.2.2(3)] on 1.186 zoned CO, Conunercial office. Property, described as Tax Map 61, Parcel 123A, is located in the northeast corner of the intersection of Route 29 and Rio Road in the Charlottesville Magisterial District. This site is located in Neighborhood II and is in the EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District. Character of the Area: All properties in the area have been developed and are occupied by conunercial establishments. This tract is an out-parcel of Albemarle Square Shopping Center. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: The applicant proposes to locate the two satellite receiving dishes as shown in Attachment C & D. The applicant has provided a description and justification for this request (Attachment E). PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: December 4, 1972 - The Board of Supervisors approved ZMP-243 rezoning property to B-1. August 20, 1973 - The Planning conunission approved temporary savings and loan. April 15, 1974 - The Planning conunission approved temporary firework stand for one month. April 12, 1976 - Plat creating parcel approved. November 16, 1976 - The Planning Conunission approved site plan for bank subject to no conditions. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan states "Development plans along the Route 29 corridor are to be sensitive to its status as an entrance corridor to the urban area" (page 167). Accordingly, the applicant has stated that shielding material will be used to screen the dishes and both the dishes and shielding material will incorporate the color of the existing building. 1 STAFF COMMENT: The applicant is proposing to relocate two satellite receiving dishes from Crozet to this location. The applicant has worked with the staff and has proposed measures to limit the impact of the dishes. The shielding proposed will close the dishes in on three sides, the southwest side will remain open. The dishes are to be located in the center of the roof and due to the angle of vision will not be visible from the roadway adjacent to the site. The dishes will be visible from a distance, however, due to their limited size and the shielding proposed they will not be objectionable features. The applicant is put on notice that if there is a possibility that additional receiving dishes will be required in the future, provisions should be made to consolidate dish location. Staff has reviewed the request for compliance with Section of the Zoning Ordinance which states: RESERVED TO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Board of Supervisors hereby reserves unto itself the right to issue all special use permits permitted hereunder. Special use permits for uses as provided in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding by the board of supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property, that the character of the district will not be changed thereby and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance, with the uses permitted by right in the district, with additional regulations provided in Section 5.0 of this ordinance, and with the public health, safety and general welfare. It is the opinion of the staff that due to the commercial character of the area and the limited activity proposed that this use is consistent with Section of the Ordinance. Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with Section 5.1.12 which provides for regulation of Public Utility Structures/Uses. Based on the above statements, staff recommends approval of SP-91-25 WCYK subject to the following conditions. Recommended Conditions of Approval: 1) Approval is limited to two satellite receiving dishes similar to those shown in Attachment C whicn shall be located as shown in Attachment D. 2) Shielding material and receiving dishes shall be the same color as the exterior of the bank building. 2 Addendwn to SP-91-25 WCYK AM-FM On July 2, 1991 the Planning Commission deferred action on SP-91-25 indefinitely in order to allow for Architectural Review Board comment. The ARB reviewed the request on August 12 and made the following comment: The Board was supportive of the proposal of locating two (2) eight (8)-foot or less dishes on the roof of Jefferson Savings and Loan Bank located on the northeast corner of the southeast wing as indicated on the "Charlottesville Savings and Loan Association" site plan dated August 6, 1975 by Max Evans. The dishes shall be painted the same color as the ,structure so to compose well with the building. It is the opinion of staff that this action by the ARB addressed the concerns stated by the Planning commission at its July 2 meeting. The recommended conditions of approval reflect the comments of the ARB. The ARB did not require screening of the dishes as they believed that any screening measures would increase the visibility of the dishes. Staff recommends approval of SP-91-25 subject to the following amended conditions of approval: ,RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Limited to two eight foot or less dishes to be located as shown on the attached sketch dated 8/21/91 and initialed WOF; 2. The dishes shall be painted the same color as the structure. IATTACHMENT AI o~ ..qtv G~ ~~ t' i 00 '~ I@ ~~. , ~ -" , . '\ \, Irlotlesvi lie ,erVOlr Carter M In f T I80;sn Lawn', ~ . A'j~ 's ~v:"- ITEl .-f- _.c---.. I I I I . - I L..il:e rill1~ ~o~ ~~' ,.' \7' ~M'-'4 '~.:J'.~~J=.:l ~ ' ,.'. . 40F :;. , "" - \ \ 6S 70 ,. ~F4 '~7'/' :f-" 394~' 5F3 400 40C 408 ... \ 4 . '~F' ~~,~40E 'Ot--~ -- ~ . 4 \ ,~ A1\ 1~' 39C -'- ,,"\"1"'" .. S6 , 170 ," ,.. "0 '31 3IA 'O.~H J4 : >T. ,.~ \ 'l L 37 I.. ,~, - ~/ "'7' ,.. \ ~......./.......", ' f ~ ~A >T:1T-;'~~:.,~, I,:: ,,~32 -.-tp:: IATTACHMEt-1T 81 cd 1,... ,~J+(;; · ~ '( - ~G 7..\ ,.., ~! I T : ~ OF 'A' ~62. /~ ..., '" '~':-i, ~,,~,)\~w:,~~~' " :1 &~ ~~~.~'~"l'~ ,~~-.:.._:-" = n .u"n':~~~"'~. 1Mj'1--:. SCTO 08 , L ~ J "' ...If.. '.. "-':ZOO\ ,~." ~ :~,. ''i''~ Q 7 t / 31".... "'-';;;;\i91 ,.;---; ::~~..."v> ;) 700:: 16 7~ 80 &8C:8 ,~' 7A' 70 fI ." " ~\.. ~ ", 82. 81 ' ~ . ____ j{' ~ (;-'J ~.... ... -- <I .-: ?~,)' "" '".9 6eC- .: '. 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SEE 46./8D 1 ~4J ;;..-- ------ ------ --" 60 \\\V--~ 45C. ~~~~~ ~k:;::: ~~ -~fI' .". ..t. ~ I' 12~ ,," /~....- ~'''I'':<' ." , ""'NT ( s~c,~~'!.:. ,\ '\ \ ,,~~ ,~''- '~~~ '~ ,:,.: '~, .~ " ;:. ~~ ~... ,,~~~~E~~~ ~ , , ~ ... ~ ~;s:~ ,," v;/ / /, ~ ~ -r;;o. ,<:> '~ lzto /f,~/ , ~ %{:\/60C r 1 _~._--== ' :\ " " \;OA.;A r- S~C.TIOH 61l- =--==:\, ~ ~ ......:.c./ ~ 160 BR.LMCH,LAHDS " 0.'0 )I/)i-- 1~iP.:~ I '= II(' ,"~ (f~'"' I~:'~ ," ~.~-~ i.('''(~(~~ ~'J~'I ''^ ~ :-..:: _, _ _=~..I-',~ '1(/ t(f;j577,,,,, "' - l mN &IW c-- ---=~c.:,~': Ii ~ / ,~ ~,,~~'!'...~:' :, - ~'~ l ~ II.. \ , '~J' 0 144 . ~ _ __~:" ~ . ,,_ .s 't- :----.- ~ '-t '::1./. -u ",,' ~," '54 ~"-...." T5' UNE ,~,>AIA ..1..' .",-",~,.,.,~.,-,'e ~ -~,;'f ,- ..............'-~,~~.~ ~ \~147 ~- "Yf,,~-:-..~'.:;r /. _ '64A ~~~_ ~'::--'~.~ ~I b"'O~ I'IA I ""'!>. ~ - ----" h~<<~ otP. ~ s '{I';'ft ", Yi . '" A r;;'~ 1&4 JII ~61. \ ....-- , "z , , '. :~ "0 - CITY OF SP-91-25 WCKY-AM-FM / //' / \ ~~ ... CHARLOTTESVll ~ L~ ~ ~.- ,~ . I ~~ ~ ~~ ~, . 'S-, ~ ~ ~Q ~. 1 .~.~ I ~ \~ I ~ ~ ~ L~ ~ \f"Q c'{ ~ f <::.J 1 IATrACtiMENT cl . . " n I ~ '.) \ .~~ fi1 ~~~ '~ ~~ u. ..1~~ . ..0 ~ -, ':'-_:"-- i:~. .- -_.- . ~ <:.L lS"""-~ ~ --J ~ --J ~~~ .j ~~ I/) ~ ~ ~ 'i ~ ~ \':' ~ _ -; ~ ~~ -- ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IATTACHMENT 01 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ i~ ~~ \ . .~~ ~ ~~ .~~~ ~~~ _ .G- .~ ~-4 ' ~ ~~ .~.w~ ~l~ 'J) t Cl- ~ ~ 1 ~ .. -t- ~ 'D, '~~ ~ "..~+.~ .~~~ 0~~ ~~ ~~ 'r- , .. ,; \~ IATTACHMENT EI \...__..< DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: Operation of WCYK AM-FM at the Rio Road location requires that two satellite dishes from their present location on Hilltop Road, Crozet, Virginia, be relocated atop the Jefferson Savings Bank building. Appropriate shielding and color matching to prevent their visibility from most view areas will be provided. JUSTIFICATION OF REOUEST: WCYK AM-FM has provided a valuable community service to Albemarle County since 1970. In our new location we plan to provide more availability of our radio time to community groups, a meeting room for non-prOfit organizations and a higher profile in all of Albemarle County. Recently, our FCC engineering staff determined that our studios could be relocated to Rt. 29 and Rio Road where our business office has been since April, 1990. senior management of Jefferson savings Bank has acknowledged our request and have offered assistance in relocation by improving present facilities. T I "-:-..... '" , ...., .. ... , ... I '. / "'t, , , '-' , ~-"....,.. '\..' .... " "', " ... , ... ... '....... " .... \.' , I ...-- ' . ... ... \ \ \ . \ . \ ... \ \ , \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ # \ , I \ \ \ \ .. i .' I' \ ~ :: ..; ~ -~~j!l / C> <.......... . ~i '" r .,., .i"'.... .~~. 'i .......,.~ "" t ;(0 ' --J;~'~ ' ~, i ~ ~ ,; I.v , ~ ; J ; ,!~~"t I'" I ! " -....~ '" "", '-..... ~ "'-, '" "" ;1 i~ y,~t ~i..t ~;~l. '" ... ~::~ ~~i.~ , ~". " ~", .'" "'" '",,- ~ ~~ ~ ,,'\ ~ ~ ~~, \ ' .. ~~I.. ... , ~ , , .. \1:)\1 ~~ '+. \ ~ . nJ'~ ::- \~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \, " . '" . '" ~...Ii ~ ~,,~ ~ ~.." t .,,~~{: ~ ~ ~ ~ 't.: . -l " ~~? "'- " <I M' ~ ~ ~ \ ,\ t ~ t .... ~~ ~ t 'ilq ~ ~ \S' 'L-.. ---==~ rS.~ -...--'-- f<' ' ~ , j' '" / '............... /' - ---- ". " I ,/ ,/ I II U ,,'''/ ," -,' I ' " j , /i! .-,-' 'lor I 10 '; )_ >~i t' -- I ", ~\\ , ~, , . 'I I I I / I / I I / I , / i I I I -- ... J D...,' ~r, :J 2 :; '" .C1 - ...." <i LI ct J ( \J I.r " DI~'tributed to Board: 9 -13 -9} . A,?Dflda item No. qj. OtUJ f 4..5' Q . COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, Dept. of Planning & Community DeveloplT\ent 401 McInti're Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 r September 6, 1991 Richard Rike P. O. Box 266 Batesville,VA 22924 RE: SP-91-38 General Machinery Corporation Tax Map 84, Parcel 39 Dear Mr. Rike: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meet.ing on September 4, 1991, by a vote of 5-1, recommended approval of the above-noted request to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the fOllowing conditions: 1: Use shall be limited to three persons, whether or not same are employees; 2. No entrance to the state road or parking area shall be allowed to serve this use; 3. Except as otherwise provided herein, compliance with Section 5.2.2 of the Zoning Ordinance; 4. Permit is limited to applicant only. 9,/0 Please be advised that the Albemarle Coun y Board of Supervisors will review this petition receive public comment at their meeting on Octobe 1991. Any new or additional information regardin our application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. YOU OR YOUR REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT FOR THIS MEETING. , Richard Rike Page 2 September 6, 1991 If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~7 ,) ~G william D. Fritz Senior Planner cc: Bruce.Garwood Lettie E. Neher Amelia Patterson Jo Higgins . STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WILLIAM D. FRITZ SEPTEMBER 3, 1991 OCTOBER 2, 1991 SP-91-38 GENERAL MACHINERY CORPORATION Petition: General Machinery Corporation petitions the Board of Supervisors to issue a special use permit for a home occupation class B to permit a telephone business with two employees in an accessory structure [10.2.2(31)]. Property, described as Tax Map 84, Parcel 39, is located in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Rt. 636 and 691 in the White Hall Magisterial District. This site is not located within a designated growth area (Rural Area 3). Character of the Area: The site is currently developed with a dwelling and an accessory structure in which the applicant proposes to conduct the home occupation. The accessory structure is located at the intersection of Rt. 636 and 691. The property is mostly clear and adjacent properties are mostly in pasture. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: The applicant has submitted a description of the use (Attachment C). The applicant does not anticipate any traffic from customers to the site and the employees will walk to work as they live on ,the property. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with Section of the Zoning Ordinance and recommends approval subject to conditions. PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: None available. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This site is located in Rural Area 3 of the Comprehensive Plan. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: This application has not received any objection and is scheduled for review due to the fact that the structure to be used does not meet the 75 foot setback required in the Rural Areas. Section of the Ordinance states in part "Any accessory structure which does not conform to the setback and yard regulations for main structures in the district in which it is located shall not be used for any home occupation". The accessory structure is an old country store, the porch of which appears to be within the prescriptive easement of Rt. 636. ~ Staff' will address each prov~s~on of Section 31.2,4..1 of the Zoning Ordinance. That section states: "The Board of Supervisors hereby reserves unto itself the right to issue all special use permits permitted hereunder. Special use permits for uses as provided in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding by the Board of Supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property," The applicant's occupation is conducted 'entirely over the phone. No customers or material will come to the site and no traffic will be generated by this use as all employees will walk to work. Based on the low level of activity on the site and the existence of the structure this use will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property. "that the character of the district will not be changed thereby," As stated previously this use will have no impact due to the low level of activity. Therefore, this use will not change the character of the district. "and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance," Staff has reviewed the purpose and int~nt of the Ordinance as stated in Sections 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 and is of the opinion that this use is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Ordinance. "with the uses permitted by right in the district," This use will not interfere with any by-right uses in the district. This opinion is based on the fact that the structure is already present and that the applicant will not generate any traffic or outward appearance of the activity. "with additional regulations provided in section 5.0 of this ordinance," As stated previously this use will not comply with Section of the ordinance. The site will comply with all other provisions of Section 5.2.2 which governs home occupations. Under the provisions of Section 5.1 "the commission and board of supervisors may vary or waive any provision of this section as deemed appropriate in a particular case". Staff opinion is that approval of this request with a reduction in setback would not be inconsistent with the purpose of this section. This opinion is based on the fact that the structure is existing and the conduct of the business will not interfere with adjacent uses and will not be apparent from the road. 6 "and with the public health, safety and general welfare." The location of the structure at the intersection of Rt. 636 and 691 does not provide an entrance location at which adequate sight distance could be obtained. However, the applicant's situation is unique in that no entrance is required for the conduct of the business. This is due to the fact that the employees live on site and walk to work and that no customers or deliveries are made to the site. With a condition prohibiting the establishment of an entrance to the state road to serve this use the public safety will be preserved. The reduction in setback for a building used for a home occupation will not change the existing situation and the conduct of the business will not be apparent from the state road. Therefore, this use will be in harmony with the public health, safety and general welfare. Sunmary The general intent of the home occupation regulations is to limit the activity to a point that it is not apparent that the use is occurring. The applicant's proposed use will not generate any traffic and will not result in any outward appearance of the activity. Permitting the use to occur less than 75 feet from the right of way will not be inconsistent with the provisions of Section of the ordinance. Based on the above comments staff is able to recommend approval of the applicants request subject to the following conditions: RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Use shall be limited to two employees; 2. No entrance to the state road or parking area shall be established to serve this use; ATl'ACHMENTS: A - Location Map B - Tax Map C - Applicant's Description D - Virginia Department of Transportation 0 CASTLE ROCK -.' -r, \~ '\ Heerds ("l ~ \ \ - I 0 GENERAL MACHINERY CORP. $ :z: CI) o lU!!VlQ., ~ I _'. ~ _. u,. , '. .---.rr-.,J, \ ----_<; '-- " 3 70 \::--'~4() . -.--&t1:.(._-,:" ... ~ I.~..\..- /ra,nl - ~ 10... IATTACHMENT AI c, e-'f.S ~0 811 .::> " ~ ~ 3B- -z. ,~ (' <JI -JLu!--A j \;\ "// "" /1 r I) N\\ ", \ ..~ ~~ IATTACHMENT BI 71 54 39 I -~- / ( + ) 4011 \ \ liB , -1-- t{/ ' , \ I 83 12> 53 - (( IATTACHMENT cl G ENE R A L MACHINERY CORPORATION -- j) AUG 6 1991 PLANNING D1VIS'ON: The Better Machinery D9~/er P.O. Box 266 Batesvllle, V A 22924 Phone: (703) 456-6999 .. 8/2/91 DEAR MR. FRITZ, AS PER OUR MEETING AT THE WILLIAMS STORE, (RT.691 & RT.636) I HAVE CONTACTED MR. JEFF ECKELS AT THE DEP. OF TRANSPORTATION. ACCORDING TO MR. ECKELS,RT.636 IS A PRESCRIPTIVE EASMENT AND RUNS 15 FEET FRON THE CENTER LINE OF THE ROAD. AS WE DISCUSSED, GENERAL MACHINERY CORPORATION IS A TELEPHONE OPERATED USED MACHINERY SALES ORGANIZATION. DUE TO THE SIZE AND NATURE OF THIS MACHINERY, IT IS NOT PRACTICAL TO REMOVE IT FROM THE FACTORY WHERE IT ORIGINATED UNTIL IT IS SOLD AND CAN BE INSTALLED IN THE CUSTOMERS PLANT. PERSPECTIVE CUSTOMERS TRAVEL TO SEE EQUIPMENT, BUT DONT HAVE TO TRAVEL TO OUR OFFICE, AS THE'DEAL IS MADE OVER THE TELEPHONE. GENERAL MACHINERY CORP. WILL HAVE THREE EMPLOYEES; MYSELF,GARY EPSENHART,AND IRENE EPSENHART. WE WILL BE RESIDING IN THE FARM HOUSE ON THE PROPE~ AND WILL WALK THE 50 YARDS OR SO TO WORK EACH MORNING. I THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND EFFORT. IF YOU ARE IN THE AREA PLEASE FEEL FREE TO STOP BY AND SAY HELLO. REGARDS, RICHARD E. RIKE V.P. GENERAL MACHINERY CORP. ( .. COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA AUG 23 1991 PLANNING DIVISION J jATTACHIVlENT 01 RAY D. PETHTEL COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION p, 0, BOX 2013 CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22902 D. S. ROOSEVELT RESIDENT ENGINEER August 23, 1991 Special Use Permits & Rezonings September 1991 Mr. Ronald S. Keeler Chief of Planning County Office Building 401 McIntire Road CharlottesvilIe, VA. 22901 Dear Mr. Keeler: The following are our comments: 1. SP-91-38 General Machinery Corp., Route 636 - This section of Route 636 is currently non-tolerable. This request is for two employees who supposedly will walk to work and there would be no customers coming to the building. Therefore, there would be no increase in traffic to this building should the above situation occur. The existing old store building that will be used for this purpose is only 7 feet off of the edge of pavement on Route 636. This would put the front of the building approximately 15 feet from the center of Route 636. There is no existing entrance for this building and there is a gate for the fence near the building that apparently serves as access to the field. Obtaining sight distance for an entrance near the building could be difficult due to the location of the building and possibly due to the terrain. The existing entrance for the private drivew~y serving the house west of the old store only has approximately 120 feet of sight distance to the east along Route 636. The sight distance problem is due to a vertical curve on Route 636 and a bank along the road. The private driveway should have a minimum of 250 feet of sight distance. 2. SP-91-42 McDonald's Corp., Route 20 N. - This special use permit is for a drive through window as well as a fast food restaurant in the C-1 zoning. This request for a 2,854 square foot fast food restaurant with a drive-through window could generate between 1800-2000 VPD. Under the C-1 zoning, a by-right use'would probably generate less traffic for most uses. Therefore, it appears that with this special use permit more traffic would be generated on the property included in this site plan than could be by-right under the existing zonings. The Department has purchased right of way and easements on these properties and some of the proposed right of way shown on the site plan is not in agreement with our road plans. , \ f" l ("\ \ ; ; t"..3 , l :') c,.) # """,/ f0) [p. '{J,... ..1 t U ,) ( \:::y L,; The undersigned Clerk of the Board of supervisors (the "Board") of Albemarle County, Virginia (the "County"), hereby certifies as follows: " 1. A regular meeting of the Board was held on september 18, 1991, at the time and place established by such Board for its regular meetings in accordance with Section 15.1-536 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, at which the following members were present and absent: Edward H. Bain, Jr. PRESENT: David P. Bowerman F. R. Bowie Charlotte Y. Humphris Walter F. Perkins Peter T. Way None ABSENT: 2. A resolution entitled "Resolution Providing for the Issuance of $16,070,000 School Bonds, 1991 Series B, of Albemarle County, Virginia, Heretofore Authorized, To Be Sold to the Virginia Public School Authority, and Setting Forth the Form and Details Thereof" was adopted by a majority of all members of the Board by a roll call vote, the ayes and nays being recorded in the minutes of the meeting as shown below: MEMBER VOTE Mr. Bain Mr. Bowerman Mr. Bowie Mrs. Humphris Mr. Perkins Mr. Way Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3. Attached hereto is a true, correct and complete copy of such resolution as adopted at such meeting. WITNESS my signature and the seal of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, virginia, this 19~ day of September, 1991. ---- Cl~~ Albemarle County, Virginia (SEAL) .)''''1'',,''''' ....,..D -. .. """~v,,,, '~.ro~~,", ..,..,,_.... 'l,":.:r~f' ':':z' ...\,) ""'''''.", '...,'-, "/-"'"-''' COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE I ~ , 'I ~ MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors September 16, 1991 Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive VPSA Bond Issue Agenda Item 5.11 for the Wednesday, September 18, 1991 meeting was inadvertently distributed without the benefit of a cover memo which is needed to summarize the status of the proposed fall issue of school bonds. At the present time, we still have not been notified whether we will receive the amount approved by the Board of $16,070,000 through the fall Virginia Public School Authority bond sale. Bond counsel has advised us to proceed with the resolution included in your packet in order to meet the tight time schedules which will be imposed once VPSA makes a decision as to what portion of the total package will be financed this fall through their financing vehicle. Pages A-I through A-4 and Schedule I included with the resolution are for sample purposes only. Pages 1-6 represent the resolution which requires Board action at this time. This resolution sets into motion those details required by VPSA and approved by the County's Bond Counsel. RWT,Jr/dbm 91.131 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Finance 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 Telephone (804) 296-5855 . 'J 1(''')' i - l~:' \ . lol .... , "'~ MEMORANDUM TO: Robert W. Tucker, County Executive Melvin Breeden, Director of Finance ~ FROM: DATE: September 13, 1991 RE: VPSA Bond Resolution Attached is the Bond Resolution for the VPSA Bonds which must be adopted at the Board's meeting on September 18, 1991. All six (6) copies must be completed and returned to me. Exhibit "A" (Temporary Bond) Pages A-1 to A-4 and Schedule I are samples only. They are not to be signed. These items will be completed after the bond sale with the actual amounts and repayment schedule. All documents at this time are based on issuance of the full $16,070,000; however, this will probably be reduced by VPSA prior to the actual sale. /bd Attachments Distributed to Board: ;'-/3-? I ~-.~ Agenda Item No. 9~ t?.yt:l~$ 9/12/91 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $16,070,000 SCHOOL BONDS, 1991 SERIES B, OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HERETOFORE AUTHORIZED, TO BE SOLD TO THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCH90L AUTHORITY, AND SETTING FORTH THE FORM AND DETAILS THEREOF WHEREAS, by resolution adopted April 3, 1991, the Board of Supervisors (the "Board") of Albemarle county, virginia (the "County"), authorized the issuance of its general obligation bonds in the maximum amount of $19,070,000 to finance capital projects for school purposes, of which $3,000,000 bonds have been issued and sold; and WHEREAS, the virginia Public School Authority, a state agency prescribed by the General Assembly of Virginia pursuant to Article VII, Section 10(b) of the Constitution of Virginia (the "VPSA"), has offered to purchase the county's $16,070,000 school bonds pursuant to a Bond Sale Agreement (the "Bond Sale Agreement"); and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1. Issuance of Bonds and Use of Proceeds. The Board hereby provides for the issuance and sale of the remaining $16,070,000 bonds (the "Bonds") of the $19,070,000 school bonds described above in the form and upon the terms established pursuant,to this Resolution. 2. Sale of Bonds. It is determined to be in the best interest of the County to accept the offer of the VPSA to purchase the Bonds, and to sell the Bonds to the VPSA at par upon the terms established pursuant to this Resolution. The Chairman of the Board and the County Executive, or either of them, are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Bond Sale Agreement in substantially the form submitted to the Board at this meeting, which is hereby approved, and deliver it to the VPSA. 3. Details of Bonds. The Bonds shall be issuable in registered form in denominations of $5,000 and whole multiples thereof; shall be dated the date of their issuance and delivery; shall be designated "School Bonds, 1991 Series B;" shall bear interest payable semiannually on June 15 and December 15 (each an "Interest Payment Date"), beginning June 15, 1992, at the rate or rates, and shall mature on December 15 in the years (each a "Principal Payment Date") and in the amounts, established in accordance with Section 4. Interest on each Bond shall be payable (a) from its date, if it is authenticated prior to June 15, 1992, or (b) otherwise from the June 15 or December 15 that is, or immediately precedes, the , . date on which it is authenticated (unless payment of interest thereon is in default, in which case such Bond shall bear interest from the date to which interest has been paid). Principal and premium, if any, shall be payable, subject to the provisions of section 6, to the registered owners upon surrender of the Bonds as they become due at the principal corporate trust office of Crestar Bank, Richmond, Virginia, the Registrar. Subject to the provisions of section 6, interest shall be payable by check or draft mailed to the registereQ owners at their addresses as they appear on registration books kept by the Registrar on the first day of the month of the interest payment date. Principal, premium, if any, and interest shall be payable in lawful money of the United states of America. 4. Award of Bonds: Interest Rates. The County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to award the Bonds to the VPSA at a price of par and at an interest rate or rates established by the VPSA, provided that no such interest rate shall be more than ten one-hundredths of one percent (0.10%) over the annual rate to be paid by the VPSA for the corresponding maturity of the bonds to be issued by the VPSA (the "VPSA Bonds"), a portion of the proceeds of which will be used to purchase the Bonds, and provided further, that no interest rate on the Bonds shall exceed nine percent (9%) per year. Principal of the Bonds shall be payable in installments in years and amounts as set forth on Schedule I attached hereto; provided, however, that the County Executive is hereby authorized to award the Bonds to the VPSA in accordance with a principal payment schedule different from that set forth on Schedule I attached hereto as the VPSA may propose, provided that such schedule shall include annual payments in the years 1992 through 2011, inclusive. The execution and delivery of the Bonds as described in section 8 shall conclusively evidence the same as having been approved and authorized by this Resolution. 5. Form of Bonds When Owned bv VPSA. For as long as the VPSA is the registered owner of the Bonds, the Bonds shall be in the form of a single, temporary typewritten bond substantially in the form of Exhibit A attached hereto. Upon 20 days I written notice from the VPSA, the County shall deliver, at its expense, Bonds in marketable form in denominations of $5,000 and whole multiples thereof, as requested by the VPSA, in exchange for the temporary typewritten Bond. Such Bonds in marketable form shall be in substantially the form of Exhibit A attached hereto, with such changes as shall be necessary or appropriate for the Bonds to be in marketable form, as are not inconsistent with the terms of this Resolution and as may be approved by the County officials executing such Bonds. 6. Payment to VPSA: paving Aaent and Reaistrar. a. For as long as the VPSA is the registered owner of the Bonds, all payments of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds shall be made in immediately available funds to the VPSA at or before 11:00 a.m. (Richmond, virginia, time) on 2 the applicable Interest Payment Date and Principal Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or redemption, or, if such date is not a business day for Virginia banks or for the Commonwealth of Virginia, then at or before 11:00 a.m. (Richmond, Virginia, time) on the business day next preceding such Interest Payment Date and Principal Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or redemption; and b. All overdue payments of principal, and interest to the extent permitted by law, shall bear interest at the applicable interest rate or rates on the Bonds. c. Crestar Bank, Richmond, Virginia, is designated as Bond Registrar and Paying Agent for the Bond (the "Registrar"). 7. PreDavment or RedemDtion. The principal installments of the Bonds held by the VPSA coming due on or before December 15, 2001, and the definitive Bonds for which the Bonds held by the VPSA may be exchanged that mature on or before December 15, 2001, are not subject to prepayment or redemption prior to their stated maturities. The principal installments of the Bonds held by the VPSA coming due after December 15, 2001, and the definitive Bonds for which the Bonds held by the VPSA may be exchanged that mature after December 15, 2001, are subject to prepayment or redemption at the County's option prior to their stated maturities in whole or in part, on any date on or after December 15, 2001, upon payment of the prepayment or redemption prices (expressed as percentages of principal installments to be prepaid or the principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed) set forth below plus accrued interest to the date set for prepayment or redemption: December 15, 2001 to December 14, 2002, inclusive December 15, 2002 to December 14, 2003, inclusive December 15, 2003 to December 14, 2004, inclusive December 15, 2004 and thereafter 103% 102 101 100 Provided, however, that while the VPSA is the registered owner of the Bonds, the Bonds shall not be subject to prepayment or redemption prior to their stated maturities as described above without first obtaining the prior written consent of the VPSA. Notice of any such prepayment or redemption shall be given by the Registrar to the registered owner by registered mail not more than 90 nor less than 30 days before the date fixed for prepayment or redemption. 8. Execution of Bonds. The Bonds shall be signed by the manual or facsimile signature of the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Board, shall be countersigned by the manual or facsimile signature of the Clerk of the Board and the Board's seal shall be affixed thereto or a facsimile thereof printed thereon; provided, however, that if both of such signatures are facsimiles, no bond shall be valid until it has been authenticated by the manual signature of an authorized officer or employee of the Registrar and the date of authentication noted thereon. 3 9. Pledae of Full Faith and Credit. For the timely payment of the principal of and the interest on the Bonds provided for by this Resolution as the same shall become due, the full faith and credit of the County are hereby irrevocably pledged. In each year while any of the Bonds shall be outstanding, unless other funds are lawfully available and appropriated for timely payment of the Bonds, the Board shall levy and collect in accordance with law an annual ad valorem tax upon all taxable property in the County subject to local taxation sufficient in amount to provide for the payment of the principal of and the interest on the Bonds as such principal and interest shall become due, which tax shall be without limitation as to rate and amount and in addition to all other taxes authorized to be levied in the County. 10. School Board Approval. The Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this Resolution to be presented to the County School Board. The Bonds authorized hereby shall not be issued by the County until the County School Board shall have adopted an appropriate resolution consenting to the issuance of the Bonds. 11. state Non-Arbitraae Program: Proceeds Aareement. In accordance with the requirements of the VPSA, the Board hereby determines that it is in the County's best interests to participate in the State Non-Arbitrage Program in connection with the Bonds, and hereby authorizes and directs the Director of Finance to take such action as shall be necessary or desirable therefor. The Chairman of the Board or the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver a Proceeds Agreement with respect to the deposit and investment of proceeds of the Bonds by and among the County, the other participants in the sale of the VPSA Bonds, the VPSA, Public Financial Management, Inc., as investment manager, and Central Fidelity Bank, as depository; provided, however, that such proceeds shall be invested in such manner that none of the Bonds will be "arbitrage bonds" within the meaning of section 148 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,' including regulations applicable to the Bonds (the "Code"). The Proceeds Agreement shall be in such form as shall be approved by the County's bond counsel. 12. Maintenance of Tax-Exemption. The County hereby covenants that it shall not take or omit to take any action the taking or omission of which will cause the Bonds to be "arbitrage bonds" within the meaning of Code section 148, or otherwise cause interest on the Bonds to be includable in the gross income for federal income tax purposes of the registered owners thereof under existing law. without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the county shall comply with any provision of law that may require the County at any time to rebate to the united states any part of the earnings derived from the investment of the gross proceeds of the Bonds. The County shall pay any such required rebate from its general funds. 13. Use of Proceeds Certificate. The County Executive and the Director of Finance are hereby authorized and directed to 4 execute a Use of Proceeds certificate or certificates setting forth the expected use and investment of the proceeds of the Bonds and containing such covenants as may be necessary in order to show compliance with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and applicable regulations relating to the exclusion from gross income of interest on the Bonds and on the VPSA Bonds. The Board, on behalf of the County, covenants that the proceeds from the issuance and sale of the Bonds will be invested and expended as set forth in such Use of Proceeds certificate and other certificates and that the County shall comply with the other covenants and representations contained therein. Furthermore, the Board, on behalf of the county, covenants that the County shall comply with the provisions of the Code so that interest on the Bonds and on the VPSA Bonds will remain excludable from gross income for Federal income tax purposes. Such certificates may also provide for any elections such officers deem desirable regarding rebate of earnings to the united States for purposes of complying with the provisions of Code section 148. 14. Restrictions on Private Use. The County covenants that it will not permit the gross proceeds of the Bonds to be used in any manner that would result in (a) 5% or more of such proceeds being used in a trade or business carried on by any person other than a governmental unit, as provided in Code section 141(b), (b) 5% or more of such proceeds being used with respect to any "output facility" (other than a facility for the furnishing of water), within the meaning of Code Section 141(b) (4), or (c) 5% or more of such proceeds being used directly or indirectly to make or finance loans to any persons other than a governmental unit, as provided in Code section 141(c); provided, however, that if the County receives an opinion of bond counsel to the County with respect to the Bonds, and bond counsel to the VPSA with respect to the VPSA Bonds, that compliance with any such restriction is not required to prevent interest on the bonds of both issues from being includable in the gross income for federal income tax purposes of the registered owners thereof under existing law, the County need not comply with such restriction. 15. No Sale of Bonds of Same Issue. The County covenants that it will not, without the VPSA's consent, sell or deliver any general obligation bonds which are part of the same common plan of financing (and paid for from the same source of funds) as the Bonds between the dates that are 31 days prior to the date of sale of the VPSA Bonds and 31 days after the Closing Date. 16. Election of Prior Public Finance Act. Pursuant to the provisions of section 15.1-227.65 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, the County elects that the Bonds will be issued under the Public Finance Act as in effect immediately before July 1, 1991, rather than under the Public Finance Act of 1991. 17. Filinq of Resolution: publication of Notice. The appropriate officers or agents of the County are hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this Resolution to be 5 filed with the circuit Court of the County and, within ten days thereafter, to cause to be published once in a newspaper having general circulation in the County a notice setting forth (a) in brief and general terms the purposes for which the Bonds are to be issued and (b) the amount of the Bonds. 18. Further Actions. The members of the Board and all officers, employees and agents of the County are hereby authorized to take such action as they or anyone of them may consider necessary or desirable in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds, and any such action previously taken is hereby ratified and confirmed. 19. ReDeal of Resolutions in Conflict. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 20. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. 6 EXHIBIT A (FORM OF TEMPORARY BOND) NO. TR-1 $16,070,000 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA ALBEMARLE COUNTY School Bond, 1991 Series B ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA (the "County"), for value received, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to the VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY the principal amount of SIXTEEN KILLION SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($16,070,000), in annual installments in the amounts set forth on Schedule I attached hereto, payable on December 15, 1992, and annually on December 15 thereafter to and including December 15, 2011 (each a "Principal Payment Date"), together with interest on the unpaid installments from the date of this Bond, payable commencing on June 15, 1992, and semiannually thereafter on June 15 and December 15 of each year (each an "Interest Payment Date"; together with any Principal Payment Date, a "Payment Date"), at the rates per year set forth on Schedule I attached hereto, subject to prepayment as hereinafter provided. Both principal of and interest on this Bond are payable in lawful money of the United states of America. For as long as the Virginia Public School Authority is the registered owner of this Bond, Crestar Bank, Richmond, Virginia, as Bond Registrar, shall make all payments of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on this Bond, without the presentation or surrender hereof, to the Virginia Public School Authority, in immediately available funds at or before 11:00 a.m. (Richmond, Virginia, time) on the applicable Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment. If a Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment is not a business day for banks in the Commonwealth of Virginia or for the Commonwealth of Virginia, then the payment of principal of, premium, if any, or interest on this Bond shall be made in immediately available funds at or before 11:00 a.m. (Richmond, Virginia, time) on the business day next preceding the scheduled Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment. Upon receipt by the registered owner of this Bond of said payments of principal, premium, if any, and interest, written acknowledgement of the receipt thereof shall be given promptly to the Bond Registrar, and the County shall be fully discharged of its obligation on this Bond to the extent of the payment so made. Upon final payment, this Bond shall be surrendered to the Bond Registrar for cancellation. The full faith and credit of the County are irrevocably pledged for the payment of principal of and interest on this Bond. A-1 This Bond is duly authorized and issued in compliance with and pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including the Public Finance Act as in effect immediately before July 1, 1991, Chapter 5, Title 15.1, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and resolutions duly adopted by the County's Board of supervisors and the County School Board to provide funds, together with other available funds, to finance capital projects for public schools. " This Bond may be exchanged without cost at the principal corporate trust office of the Bond Registrar for an equal aggregate principal amount of bonds in definitive form having maturities and bearing interest at rates corresponding to the maturities of and the interest rates on the installments of principal of this Bond then unpaid, issuable in fully registered form in the denomination of $5,000 and whole multiples thereof. This Bond is registered in the name of virginia Public School Authority on books of the County kept by the Bond Registrar, and the transfer of this Bond may be effected by the registered owner of this Bond only upon due execution of an assignment by such registered owner. Upon receipt of such assignment and the surrender of this Bond, the Bond Registrar shall exchange this Bond for definitive Bonds as hereinabove provided, such definitive Bonds to be registered on such registration books in the name of the assignee or assignees named in such assignment. The principal installments of this Bond coming due on or before December 15, 2001, and the definitive Bonds for which this Bond may be exchanged that mature on or before December 15, 2001, are not subject to prepayment or redemption prior to their stated maturities. The principal installments of this Bond coming due after December 15, 2001, and the definitive Bonds for which this Bond may be exchanged that mature after December 15, 2001, are subject to prepayment or redemption at the County's option prior to their stated maturities in whole or in part, on any date on or after December 15, 2001, upon payment of the prepayment or redemption prices (expressed as percentages of principal installments to be prepaid or the principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed) set forth below plus accrued interest to the date set for prepayment or redemption: December 15, 2001 to December 14, 2002, inclusive December 15, 2002 to December 14, 2003, inclusive December 15, 2003 to December 14, 2004, inclusive December 15, 2004 and thereafter 103% 102 101 100 Provided, however, that while the virginia Public School Authority is the registered owner of this Bond or of the definitive Bonds for which this Bond may be exchanged, the Bonds shall not be subject to prepayment or redemption prior to their stated maturities as described above without first obtaining the prior written consent of the Virginia Public School Authority. Notice of any such prepayment or redemption shall be given by the A-2 , . . Registrar to the registered owner by registered mail not more than 90 and not less than 30 days before the date fixed for prepayment or redemption. All acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia to happen, exist or be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Bond have happened, exist and have been performed in due time, form and manner as so required, and this Bond, together with all other indebtedness of the County, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors authorizing the issuance of the Bonds provides, and section 15.1-210 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, requires, that there shall be levied and collected an annual tax upon all taxable property in the County subject to local taxation sufficient to provide for the payment of the principal of and interest on this Bond as the same shall become due which tax shall be without limitation as to rate and amount and shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized to be levied in the County. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, virginia, has caused this Bond to be signed by its Chairman, to be countersigned by its Clerk, its seal to be affixed hereto, and this Bond to be dated , 1991. COUNTERSIGNED: (SEAL) Clerk, Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia Chairman, Board of supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia ASSIGNMENT FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned sells, assigns and transfers unto (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPEWRITE NAME AND ADDRESS, INCLUDING ZIP CODE, OF ASSIGNEE) PLEASE INSERT SOCIAL SECURITY OR OTHER IDENTIFYING NUMBER OF ASSIGNEE: A-3 . the within Bond and irrevocably constitutes and appoints attorney to exchange said Bond for definitive bonds in lieu of which this Bond is issued and to register the transfer of such definitive bonds on the books kept for registration thereof, with full power of substitution in the premises. Date: Registered Owner Signature Guaranteed: (NOTICE: The signature above must correspond with the name of the Registered Owner as it appears on the front of this Bond in every particular, without alteration or change.) (NOTICE: Signature(s) must be guaranteed by a member firm of the New York stock Exchange or a commercial bank or trust company.) A-4 .. . ,"" SCHEDULE I [THIS WILL COME FROM VPSA] A-1 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE DISTRISUTED. T~OARD ^~Et^B~RS ON__ 'l-.J q! ~'_ L MEMORANDUM 9'~ tJ,/~ ,P'7f/' , TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors September 16, 1991 Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive Voluntary Curbside Recycling Program At your work session on Wednesday, September 11th, the staff recommended your consideration to expand the proposed Voluntary Curbside Recycling Program from a maximum of 1,000 households to a maximum of 3,000. The ensuing discussion on this program raised a concern that the pilot program, as proposed, may not succeed unless the County funded some or all of the private hauler's collection costs. The estimated participation of 3,000 households was based on both Rivanna Solid Waste Authority's (RSWA) and the private handler's assessment that 15-20% of all households will pay a small additional charge to have curbside collection of recycled materials. If the private hauler passes on some or all of their collection costs, this is the level of participation expected. RSWA met with the private haulers who are participating in the program and was able to reaffirm that the pilot program should generate 15-20% participation without underwriting or subsidizing their collection costs. Individual haulers have not notified their customers of the program and, thus, no firm numbers are yet available. The staff recommends proceeding with the 1,000 household voluntary program as soon as possible with program availability to all households (which is expected to be 3,000 households) on January 1, 1992. Delaying expansion to participation by all private haulers at an estimated 3,000 households will allow for an initial assessment of participation rates and more realistic cost estimates for the expanded program for FY 92-93. The broader issues raised during the work session will be studied by the staff and provided at a later date for inclusion in the budget process for FY 1992-1993. RWT,Jr/dbm 91.130 ( f F R. (Rick) Bowie Rivdnna COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901.4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 979.1281 October 2, 1991 Charlotte Y Humphris ,Jilck Jouett Edward H Bain, Jr Samuf?i Miller David P. Bowerman Charlottesville Walter F PerkinS Whill:' Hilll Peter T. Way' Scottsvil\", Mr. F. A. Iachetta Rivanna Solid Waste Authority P. O. Box 18 Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Mr. Iachetta: Attached is the resolution adopted by the Board on September 18, 1991, requesting the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority to undertake a study of the feasibility of waste-to-energy and incineration of solid waste as alternatives to, or in conjunction with, other solid waste management alternatives. ~:c ~~ Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC Board of County Supervisors LEN:bwh cc: Alvin Edwards Robert W. Tucker, Jr. ~. RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT TO RIVANNA SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY TO STUDY WASTE-TO- ENERGY ALTERNATIVES WHEREAS, the operation, maintenance, expansion and closure of landfills continues to become more complex, regulated and costly; and WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia has mandated goals for reducing household wastes going into landfill facilities; and WHEREAS, there are alternatives to waste stream reduction other than recycling; and WHEREAS, Albemarle County has supported the initiatives of the Charlottesville/Albemarle Solid Waste Task Force of 1989 and the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Solid Waste Management Plan of July 1991; and WHEREAS, the development of a comprehensive assessment of solid waste management requires the consideration of all alternatives; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, hereby requests the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority to undertake a study of the feasibility of waste-to-energy and incineration of solid waste as alternatives to, or in conjunction with, other solid waste management alternatives. * * * * * I, Lettie E. Neher, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on September 18, 1991. .. ~,t;r. Clerk, Board of ounty Supervisors 9-/3 _ci-L Distributed to Board: --" COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5843 M E M 0 RAN DUM FROM: Board of Supervisors Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, CMC ~ TO: DATE: September 13, 1991 SUBJECT: Reading List for September 18 1991 April 3, 1991 - Page 15 (#7) - Page 19 (#9) - Mr. Way LEN:ec