HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201400067 Letter of Revision Letter of Revision 1 2015-09-21re COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 September 21, 2015 Bluestone Land LLC 1821 Avon St. Ext Suite 200 Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Letter of Revision (LOR) # 1 for SDP - 2014 -67 The Lofts at Meadowcreek Tax Map Parcel 061 AO -00 -00 -01500 Dear Sir, This letter is in response to the attached LOR request letter dated August 28, 2015. The Department of Community Development hereby grants approval of a LOR for the improvements described in the letter and shown on the attached sheets 2 and 6 dated September 21, 2015. The current proposal modifies the previously approved site plan by modifying parking onsite, to include: • Exterior parking lot — remove one handicapped sign • Interior parking lot - removing turn arounds at both ends of the parking garage and installing bollards to protect electrical equipment from vehicles turning around. • Interior parking lot - remove a handicap space from within the garage and replace it with no parking hatching. • Parking calculations on sheet 2 to match the above mentioned changes. This is the 1st LOR for this site. A total of three (3) LORs are allowed before all changes to the plan are required to be submitted in the form of a site plan amendment. Sincerely, Christopher P. Perez Senior Planner Attachments: Letter of Request Approved revised sheets 2 and 6 - Final Site Plan Copy: William Park Rebecca Ragsdale — Permit Planner SDP - 2014 -67 C RECEIVED JAN 23 2014 COUNTY OF ALHEMARLE Depalmeat of ComnlaoNy Development 401 McIntire Rod, Nndh Wing CM1.rbnevill4 Virgiew 22n2A596 Ph- (434)296 -5832 F- (434)9?, ]26 January 15. 2014 1821 Avon Street Stile 200 Charldraniae. VA. 22902 RE: ZMAMO Not - The LOOS at Mmdowcreek TAX MAP PARCEL. 061AtIM0001500 8 061A[ Dear Mr. Perk On DacerMis, 11, W13, BIB Board of Supervisors lin- the above noted reirning from Residential - NA to Neiphbmbood Model Distract - NMD in ocwrdance with Me Code of Development data t June 17, 2013 aid Me ather d none, dated November 11, 2013. An Bpptimtion plan noted January 22. 2.013 and revised May 13, 2013, wits Sleet 4 of 5 wbsequenay reviutl June 10, 2013, was approved as Dart of the rezoning Please refer b Mesa dowmemS for any future applitdand, no reques%on Mls property. In M IAM, Me Boats of Enervi m approved waivers of the fdlowing se s of the Zoning Ordinance: Soon, 2' 11(a) no (b). Mixlmeof Use, and Housing Types, Sedw 4.12 2 c.1, Number of parking spaces. and Section 4 2 Critical Slope.. Please be advent mat although the Albemado County apart of Su pery rs took eofi- an the project noted above, 11 11" on Me property an approved above may lawfully begin until all aPpli -1. apW-a have been rooi- and.0rou.ns have been met. This includon: • ompllance mM wI applicable PROFFERS; ompllance M mq.MMMMt. of the CODE OF DEVELOPMENT; • approval of and Co. pllance wIM a SITE PLAN; and approval of a ZONING COMPLIANCE CLEARANCE. Ii you have questions p.....menu ,g,,d,,g the shove -noted action, pleas. do tat hesitate to Rebecca Ragsdale .12% 5832. SAvn %cerely, W1a�ynle�y�lim/b�er�g �/� /J Diredrr rf Plannino�� / \ 605 Rio Road - East Ch,,I,h,sviit,, VA. 22901 Rebecca Ragsdale, Zoning Elise Hackett, DOS Tee Weaver, GDS ai. 1. 201' 12:04P.M Na. 3907 Pa- .''nfl . 1d7firt'£711Pgp GARAGE FOOTPRINT: MAR i 5 2911 LEVEL 1: nth, vlaoD LEVEL 2: Pranan Rydiri 10771 LEVEL 3: Flow Hydre.ID al: 11442 LOFTS: Fbw Hydrae! ID a2: ,n�°,.n.,�ea.....a...n .n, +Mq.n.,,, Flow HrdrulID 43: PIKE HYDRANT FLOW TEST REPORT - _ - -_ -_ - -_ Deft A Thee W111011. 14aday, 9:48 AM wMer Meie She: 8• 35 -1 BR UNITS Iseatla: vale. � PDSere Hydrnt: 10771 Smtic P-.: 82 Rmhreal Prm.- 78 . Flow Hydrant ID dl: 11442 Psa`Fn Halo m f' lit Tsai Flow #1(gpoi 920 -, fits sjMri. fw,.. -U+vn PIMt Pridemore 111: 30 °'9°tN( /- L.A•'- to Ormare Shape al: Smooth ,Hera .Sd , 4C; 1 JIS15, SIGNATURE SET DMJ •Y b S 9'7+ f Flow Hydrant ID 02: DINR BY. �De Tort Fbw a2 ( ®m): Pleat Pronoun ai: O.ifac6 Shape 92: Sn i Fbw Hydrant ID a3: Trial Flow 43 (gpm): Floor Prm.nre a3: Odfeee Shape 03: S-ub Looped or Nee: One FlowHydsnt (Not Looped) Mh1.tm of Flow: 2 Toth Fine, During Test (gpse): 920 [mutated C ... oeoplln0 (gap: 1840 AW WA Qm CdpWtlem (Epp: Imllffidat Pressure Drop For C.Imdadn C-: - enteana ea. ed . - Signore diffesmt: 9rdG Z.•.•.. (All tan oe d,ahed.sing 2.5 diaeb.rge ontkL tmlm oderwdm rpea fied) Opening Caefficimm: Smwth = I; Sq.- =0.88: Raised Sq- -0.77: Opus End Pipe= LI (picot pt to lbw ram omv,side using Pollard Wets Mundt eharl mbdulMo,. httpl /www.poDaddww r.conVpVpdf wcb_smrmaWFlow_Cleat Q hnpJ/ grliadAnftwdFomu /Opcmlinm/Hyd=tT lFlomVim.,T,71D -391 311 0U 11 rinuil PmR Amendment PROFFER STATEMENT ZMA No. 200-011001, I.of a at Mndoe-1 Tin Map mall Pausal Number(,): 06IA0- Otl-0111500 and 061A0- 110.00 -0I7W Owtar(s) of Record: MARY J. DICKENS Dam of Proffer Signal- Novenber Ii, NO 28 t/- acres to be retuned from RESIDENTIAL - RJ to NEIGHBORHOOD MODEL DLSTRICT (NMD) MARY J. DICKENS is the owner (the "Oedi of Tex Map and Petrel Number 061A609-00 -01500 And 051 A0410.00d1700 (the "Property ") which is the subject of,emning Whostion ZMA No. 2013- 00001, at projem known w "LOFTS AT MEADOWCREEK" (Me "Project "). The term 'Owner", referenced here m shell include Mte, i caning the o r of record and auc in muter. The "Applim im Pled refs, m Exhibit A M the Code of Dovdlopmwt let revised Jne 10, 2013 rs Pmsunt M Seth- 33.7 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordirunw, the (honer herehy vobmmily proffeas the conditions listed below which shall he applied a the Property if h is rezoned to the rmiing district idemiLed above. These conditions are proRered e a pan of the requested rezoning and Orc Owner azknowldges thus the mnditions in reeonabla I. Rio Road imam meats' At iu sdr expense, the Owner shall pin, design, bond nd ,mould the Arevel lane irep -hum" on its land burning Rio Rued (State Rome 63 1) in general accord with the pphmd. Pln. The travel lane in p-""ms shall . designed end oomtructed m County and vwl standards, irawdingthe design nd t-.in of reload drainag, slope and utility ememerm a's appii.W,. As a min idon for the I.. of the first wrtifiouc of occupanry for any structure no the Properly, the Owns shall complete onseed-do of the travel Idea impravemnu. Corst-odion of the aver Ire improvements shall he darned uumplete whm the Conty Engineer determines thin the roadway is safe and w-meat for traffic. M conjnction with the first sin, plan for the Project the rigMrof -way for Me -1 lane improvement. -,hell be dedicaN to public use. ". Moaner Rcservalin Arca The Chnxr shall reserve on Me f sin pin for the P ject an arm for a bus pull-off from Rio Road within Me wMwest portion of she Properly within the common open space in general e.ord with Me Application Plate. Should feed-mute bus servi. associand wits the Chielotmsville Arn Torten (CAT) aver be extended to serve the staion of Rio Road adjacent to the Properry, uPor' demnd rf the Country, the Owner, at iu own expense, shall wmnud the bus pull -off to - d-inodate a be palling off Rin Road arts pickirg up rider. In co jut i ion with the bus pull If area. Me Owner shall alw wmimm a small transit shelter to wmplem the bus stop. The ep.ifc d¢ign Contrarily thebuspulled tfandthey, days shallbCo. V,inedby ,,dom CA M, ndthe ssncc[orof Cote of IlevelopmeN within silty, days sue County's funnel request for Me I CA trop. M 1. the absence A try mm,e wi hin the the Project shall be designed i accommodate s, CAT laed, W th Link m1AUNT service within the cammwity m a means of providing public access m r¢idnu pin Ne -in. progta u. 3. Affordable Hoiss'nil. Th Ownershallprovid eaffixdablehousingequ totwntypi:rmm(2 .),ft), and r¢identini dwel4ngudu.witldnthe.&ojM in the forte of1ur .off Md.bIr deudli g tmi. (M. "Affordable Uriio', "Affordable Dwelling Units^l. Each site pled for Ind within the Property shell an, the aggiegye number of tarts designamd for Affordable Units. The Owns,lull wnvey the res ,uffillity of wnsuuding Me afoNeM, units to any -u itdmt purclaser .&M. Property. The went Owner or wbsaqu od Owns dh 11 cream units affordable to households wish mwmm 1¢s Mn 8w. ofher - medial ily income tat adjusted for family sirs (the 'Affordable Unit Qualifying hwome"), such that teaent -paid rent and taunt -paid utiliti¢ (with allownces for utifrties to be thus, adopted by the Housing Offm for the Housing Choice Voucher Program) do nut ezwed 30 fthe Afiotonle Unit Q..hlymg Inton, A. Rental Rams for Affordable Units The initial net rent for each for -rent ARordable Unit whm Mt Units) is evailabk for occupancy shall nut exceed the Mncurr,lt and applimble maximum net rent provided by the County Housing Office based on fair market mans published by the U.S. Depinment of Housing and Urban D- londent. In each whsequnt aInd,V year, the monthly net rat for mch fm -rent affordable unit may be nomad up m Oiree potent (31/6). For purposes of this proffer statement, the krm "twit rem" men, that the rust does Mat Molude. -, -paid utilities. The requirement that the rents for such for -rent Affordable Units may tat exceed the maximum runs established in this pamgmph 3A shall apply for a period of five (5) years following the date Om cenifimse of rccupanry Is I by the County for each f x,rent Affordable Unit or until the .nib arc sold as sIiod,b], nits as dfi xd by the County's Affordable Housing Policy approved by the Board of Supervisors February 4, 2005, which- conies fire (the "Affordable Term "). B. CmnMn.of annrert -All in-.. -tying any interest in the for-rout affordable units during the Affordable Term shall wnmin language reciting Chet vats unit is ,objet to the terms of this paragraph 3. In addition, ell contracts parmirmg m a t -crag. of ray fie-rent affordable urn, or ray part thereof, during Me Affordable Term shall contain a.omplae and full disclosure of the msfriorms Ind controls established by this pamguph 3. At laert thirty (30) days prior m the wnveynce many interest in any for -rent affordable unit during the ARordable Term, the ahen- rrent owmr shall notify the County in writing of Die do ... you. add provide the name, address .d Wept- umber of 1h. p -6.1 grnme, end stare that the taquiremnts of this puagrsph 3 have been sari :red. C. Ranorfna of Rental Son - During the ARordable Tart within thirty (30) days of each rental or I- teml fm mch for -rent affordable nit the thervcurrent owner shall provide m the Albemarle County Housing Off:. Me nit numb,, last name of tenet, le ".a date, and lease mount. In addition during Me Affordable Term, Ore ther -trnt owner shall provide to the County, if req-tod, any rq-, copies of rental or (rase agreements, or other data pedsming to r nell rated m Me County may rrsseeMbly require. 4. Cash Proffer for Sidewalk lmomw,.nys. The Owner shall contribute rash to the County in the amount ofT-m Thaumnd Dollars (120,00100) for the purpose of funding the construction of a sidewalk or pmts (es did, mined by the Corry) along Me w¢iem bouMary of County tax map pamc161 A -39 for a divalwe of appmximuely 175 fan. &rah wnnibution shall he paid m the County prier to the monde til Me first cedifimm of occupancy far the Pr,petty. If [he cash contribution has not been trd by the County fn [he tared purpose within ern (10) years form the date of the issuance of ate fm certif to ofaccupu,y ( Me Property, ell neepeded funds shall be refunded M the Owner: Begining Jaunty 1, 2014, the amount of the cash conirib ... d required by this proffer shall he adjusted somelly until paid, to refl d any irlc . or tamers, for the pro.eding mlendar year in the Marshall and Swift Building Cwt Td,, ("MST "). In no event shall any cash ...vibutkr amount be adjusted to a sum leas then the amount initially established by this proffer. The annual edjunreot shall be made by multiplying the proffered rash w.ovidi tlon amount for the preceding year by a fraction, the numerator of which shall he the MSI is of December I is the predating cd,nder year, and the denominamr of which shell he the MSI as of December I in On year preceding Ole teleran year most re.ntly _.ended:._ PARKING: PARKING REQUIRED: 35 1- BEDROOM UNITS O 1.5 SPACES PER UNIT = 53 SPACES 30 2- BEDROOM UNITS O 2.0 SPACES PER UNIT = 60 SPACES 113 SPACES HANDICAP SPACES - 2 REQUIRED OF WHICH ONE MUST BE VAN ACCESSIBLE 5. The Ownrr shall t, ,ft , rash an a per "market -rate" dwelling amt bast for the th-Moo of addr¢sing the fiscaltmpazis of the development on the county's publ'e fadbties and inf Nudure.'fhe cash co.Hbutiml shall he One Thousand a.d OOII OO littler, (51000.1X1) f mch residn[iai dwelling unit other tlrn an affordable dwelling unit qualifying as with usMar Proffer 3: fin man contribution shall be pint m the time of the issuer. of the building permit fm the Project, unless the timing of the eytaent (, otherwise specified by iota law. OWNER MARY J I LENS SURFACE PARKING SPACES = 13 SPACES (INCLUDES 1 VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACE) PODIUM GARAGE PARKING SPACES 67 SPACES (INCLUDES 1 VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACE) 80 SPACES A WAIVER OF THE NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES, ZO SECTION 4.12.2c.1, HAS BEEN APPROVED BY ALBEMARLE COUNTY WITH ZMA 201300001 (SEE LETTER ON SHEET 2). THERE HAS BEEN NO REDUCTION TO THE NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES SHOWN ON THE APPLICATION ASSOCIATED WITH ZMA 201300001. BUILDING DATA: ADDRESS felt SUBMISSION COMMENTS GROSS SQUARE FEET: 117,674 S.F. GARAGE FOOTPRINT: 25,127 S.F. LEVEL 1: 25,799 S.F. LEVEL 2: 24,494 S.F. LEVEL 3: 26,042 S.F. LOFTS: 16,212 S.F. FITNESS CENTER: 1,253 S.F. CONFERENCE ROOM: 322 S.F. No. UNITS: 35 -1 BR UNITS 65 TOTAL UNITS BUILDING HEIGHT: 50.60 FEET AVG. GRADE O BLDG-463.62 PARAPET HEIGHT: 7.00 FEET PARKING STRUCTURE USE GROUP: SEE BUILDING ARCHITECTURAL PLANS SHEEP GO.03 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 1 -A SPRINKLERS: YES PER NFPA 13 RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE USE GROUP: SEE BUILDING ARCHITECTURAL PLANS SHEET GO.03 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V -A SPRINKLERS: YES PER NFPA 13R AFFORDABLE UNITS: PER PROFFER 3 ABOVE, 13 AFFORDABLE UNITS ARE REQUIRED. 13 AFFORDABLE UNITS WILL BE PROVIDED. RWSA: 65 APARTMENT UNITS AT 135 GPD /UNIT = 8,775 GPD AVG. DAILY FLOW ACSA 316 WATER FIXTURE UNITS - 90GPM PER LIGHTHOUSE ENGINEERING Cog4f-1 APPROVED by MRAleawiE ( :(wnty Calm amity De ,,lopmeHt Depalt(1Wnt Dale_ 1-;14-Is 1 ADDRESS felt SUBMISSION COMMENTS DMJ 2/7/15 Si of `I lNQA/ r DAVID M. SEN ,d ° 1Lic.No. 11484 a p !'yr pti 9f °NAL ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS ASSOCIATES n�,=11 ,�.aawa.l'd=..,m _ Na,w ma.mm aide daa9ar ,m `...... i`e "" DESIDNED: PRaECr.THE LOFTS AT MEADOWCREEK FINAL SITE PLAN ALBEMARLE COUNTY VIRGINIA SET .REV. NO. 4 DRAWING NUMBER: C -2 DRAWN B.: KIM TITLE: PROFFERS. VARIATIONS AND WAIVERS 4 SIGNATURE SET DMJ 8/18/15 DINR BY. �De WWA NUMBER: 213001.05 FILE NAME: 300105C_ND -1.dwg DISCIPLINE: CML SCALE: H: N/!4 V: A N DATE: 09/30/14 SHEET NUMBER: 2 of 30 NO, SHEET REVISION BY DATE NO. SHEET REVISION BY DATE C// 7-1W RWSA WATER CONNECTION NOTES: I / MP 61A-25 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE RWSA AND ACSA I / CATHOLIC DIOCESE E OF OF RICHMOND 4" STORM DRAIN DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONNECTION ECTION TO THE EXISTING 50 F WALTER SULLNAN BISHOP ET AL RWSA 18' WATERLINE. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE DUE I / / / D.B. 1836 P. 444 DILIGENCE TO PROTECT THE RWSA 18" WATERLINE DURING zDNED: .- VACANT MLLL FROM GARAGE USE. VACANT FLOOR DRAINS INV. i CONSTRUCTION AND TAPPING. I 0 BLDG. 457.93 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL EX 20 DS 2055 PG 546 / r7P / 20' PUBLIC LOCATION, THE OUTSIDE DIAMETER AND THE PIPE MATERIAL OF STORM DRAIN m 4 THE 18" WATERLINE PRIOR TO ORDERING THE TAPPING 10 !� / / / EASEMENT m RF TMP LORI SLEEVE. RWSA SHALL BE CONTACTED 3 BUSINESS DAYS IN IRF _ _ �' _ _ S24'33'42 -W 3 _ JOSEPH B. 19 LORI 7 WOOD DD. 1962 P. 77 ADVANCE OF THE TEST PIT AND SHALL BE PRESENT DURING - - - - - - - / 386.78' - ZONED: R4 RETIDFJVTLLL THE TEST PR. THE TAPPING SLEEVE SHALL BE APPROVED BY / - D USE: RESIDENTALL IF THIS DRAWING IS A REDUCTION RWSA PRIOR TO BEING ORDERED. THE TAPPING CONTRACTOR _ 10 fjEAR SIB _ _ - - _ - - - - - - GRAPHIC SCALE MUST B USED SHALL BE APPROVED BY RWSA PRIOR TO THE TAP. w r -\ - - - - - - - SP�f / •(N _ YY N P _ _ _ . \ SCALE' 1" 20' 3. A MINIMUM OF 3 BUSINESS DAYS' NOTICE SHALL BE GIVEN "h li / NE / Q / / '^ I'" END 5' WIDE CONCRETE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE TAPPING SLEEVE. THE 18"X8' Hlm( / / / / \ / I °I^� SIDEWALK AND BEGIN TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE SHALL BE INSTALLED PLUMB. I \ / Q�� / Y1�1 G i m • ' GRAVEL PEDESTRIAN 2p' 0 20' FOLLOWING THE PLACEMENT OF THE 18"X8" TAPPING SLEEVE, 9 / / _aP.�r -�' 4 \�5 PATH A CONCRETE PAD AND THRUST BLOCK SHALL BE PLACED / • \ 5 ti�� Apr O gJ JS(i rl,'. IRF UNDER AND BEHIND THE TAPPING SLEEVE. IRF _ S2435'4 y _ _ _ _ _ / - _ 524'35'40 "W 8719 / / / / NEW ROOF S� (� M IRE ` p "e T� / � /y • \/ � 1 / ' ER Vy a g01.1AR0'� .,• ,. - =\ - - - - - � I EX 20' ACSA SAN ESMT LINE 5 // DUMPSTER PAD WITH TREE I DB 1989 PG 718 END 5' WIDE °0 BOARD ON BOARD LINE GRAVEL PEDESTRIAN FENCE WITH SWING I I 20' STORM / /10' PATH AND BEGIN GATES. SEE 71.48' DRAIN P� \ I 10' GRAVEL SWM �. ARCHITECTURAL 0 D S.• 9..: 3 EASEMENT / �' / % ACCESS ROAD // PLANS. BARBED WIRE SSMH FENCE TOP= 443.45 � ry z 1 � I BENCHMARK � H c) \ I y' / �� / / ' Q /�y DRAIN GG(1 r N I I �O DUMPSTER a-il CORE DRILL\ \ lo� 0 ♦ M1 ° EXISTING MANHOLE. S CONDENSATE _- Q7,�`1\, 6 R=5' ^ I CONNECT TO �T" -SQ� R =5' 6 2' CURB CUT WITH I EXISTING TREE I PROVIDE BOOTED �'1' gyp, �-gF4p DRAIN. PROVIDE // Q / CONNECTION \ �p� C Y BACKWATER VALV 61 CONCRETE SLAB 2' WIDE BY 3' I I LINE INV IN= 424.57 \ I / 'ey EN NEW RANC FLUSH WITH LONG PEDESTRIAN I SSMH \ I /S �( A ASP ASPHALT / / PLATE. SEE DETAIL OP =43752 / RO S� / R =1.45' ON DRAWING No. INV IN= 423.57 '90 'Ii L / ('10' / 1 / C -14 INV our -42337 X10, END ACSA ACCESS REtP�N��AE 5 1p1G LOW ENTRY 1 DUMPSTER EASEMENT. BEGIN PRIVATE 8. lg`( S6 gW� ROOF S� SEATING WA q0 APPROACH STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 'I^ SANITARY SF -PPS' LEADER (BY OTHERS) / (•,G P� / -NOTE: EXTERIOR GARAGE WALL OR MAINTENANCE EASEMENT. - SEWER / 3 { 600 S.F. I BARRIER HEIGHT TO BE A I `M— 6" WIDE WHITE BUILDING y a LATERAL MARKING R -112 10' PVC S4Si 40 REFUGE AREA I MINIMUM GARAGE FLOOR TO SHIELD 6' WIDE ��e" / VEHICLE LIGHTS. I cb 0 SNO S f 'S�+` CROSSWALK J / Ry�GG /.0 I � ,y � • / R -5 � � N I I PRIVATE G I STORMWATER 4 STORM DRAIN $ y / R =88'- EYE v MANAGEMENT FROM GARAGE g MAINTENANCE 1 FLOOR DRAINS INV. E WNS - �,D -1 �� NO �_ 1 I RIGHTROF WAY cw0 I EASEMENT AND �'.e( PARKI G ACSA ACCESS I ® BLDG. 456.00 SKI"'- �y / EASEMENT PUBLIC USE O I 5�1GE / fi` I I RETAINING WALL METER NOTE: 12' TRENCH DRAIN I 4" WHITE a- 3 22✓ S�G�j 4�%� / (4 INCH WIDE) ��' MARKING H0 A / e'er. 1CP. 1 JO / R =50' (BY OTHERS) 9�p 5 NS:.. '3 / / ' 7 SEPARATE BUILDING I THE DEMAND IS FOR A 1.5' METER 6' FARE / in HANDICAP PERMIT REQUIRED I BUT A 2" METER WILL BE INSTALLED SER\MCE SLG4N (TYP) 20' STORM I TO REDUCE FRICTION LOSSES AS 0'- ✓ °p BJ DRAIN I PERMITTED BY ACSA I of 5 \ gp NT �,/ `� �r /� / / / EASEMENT BUS STOP. SEE TMP 61A -z9 I VARIABLE WIDTH r R= GG, /6' WHITE / r — - -�'— BUS SHELTER CAT /JAUNT BUS PULL-OFF CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF RICHMOND 45' MARKIN / DETAIL DAWING NO C -10. d WALTER F. SU(LNAN BISHOP ET AL _ �' ACSA EASEMENT H - D.B. 1802 P. 311 R =27' R =5 IRS ` I IMP 61A -14 ZONED: R4 RESIDENTIAL RETAINING WALL CKFLOW DEVICE IS REQUIRED I ; R =5,- NEW RIGHT I I STANLEY C. cHANc USE: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL /0 _ J - - - \ ` _ OF WAY- - _ - I ZONED: 4R42 RESIDENTIAL I (BY OTHERS) I 2" WATER METER 10 8 .89 FN R -15 END 25 RAD ' IRS •S' _ \ USE.' RESIDENTIAL SEPARATE I I SEE METER NOTE, .� BUILDING PERMIT , PROJECT SIGNAGE WALL (BY THIS SHEET 3 90' HB R -i5• AT NEW R / _ , -.ACRE $IO IRS J REQUIRED I • . ' - ' OTHERS). SEPARATE BUILDING 10' I S _ - 'AEK', � _ _ — _ _ I PERMIT REQUIRED, HEF y 2g' STA 11 +94.60 _ — -- — —' - RF EX RIGHT _ — 10' FRONT SIB RR SPIKE GG -12 =2 _ R 5' m OF Y CL 10' WIDE CG -98 I SCR a I S ELEV-471.67 IRS 8 DRIVEWAY I CO K � _ _ � _ _ — _ _ • ."- _ _ .- .. �� � R= 0 r+ IRS I _ _�r•u�r/rr�' G DISTURBED 51D�- - 1 '5' •CONCRETE 61D ALK ... " _ - Or _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ E OHE tJHI. - 11.25' O.. EXISTING RWSA 18" - -- OHE ® RS 6' WIDE - CAST IRON WATER -W - R =1634' a 1 -4" GV WITH CROSSWALK _ __ _ �� -• —}- - - t� - � - C - IRE WEST BOUND LANE PLUG THREADED'♦ 8" _ WA1fER OHU g \ 10 00 — OHU c �� R =99.5' R= 532" ��� - - -� 8"X8" TEE B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- W -� W W 'N OHU =12+00- - - - __ W W W W _� 10+ TAPPING PT =9 +51.57 �� - - - - - - - o - - - - l RIO O '[, —_ W ,W ` W T BOUND LANE(S) SLEEVE AND VALVE - - - - - - - - - - - - - ROAD WATER D SEWER NOTES � RTE. W +_� W W - - -- N(SG - W - _ �y W G - - - - ' I DRAWING C-3 AND GENERAL O ye o S RTE• 63 O �R�W CARIES) W SHEEr) a sG IRF — /W— - /W /W— /W— _ _ — {i/W1 -•e— _ _ —'R/ /W - - IUD fi! I w TMP 61 -182 / ® g TREESDALE LP I ® ® z O ZONED: PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT g v USE: RESIDENTIAL / 12 "x12" w T Q I LO 1 ADDRESS lot SUBMISSION COMMENTS DMJ 2127/15 DESIGNED BY: PROJECT. SET REV. NO. 7 2 ADDED WATER CONNECTION NOTES AND MADE WATER REVISIONS DW 5/01/15 °F kr OMJ THE LOFTS AT MEADOWCREEK °D r SURVAEYORS DRAWN e� ALBEMARLE COUP VIRGINIA DRAWING NUMBER: N 3 REVISED iSdY TO 18"X8" OW 5/29/15 �`" / "E' w DAVQD M. Stir PLANNERS TITLE: w iLi 4 SIGNATURE SET DW 6/18/15 Lic.No.11484 DIHR BY: SITE LAYOUT AND U77LMES PLAN C -6 ~ ASSOCIATES JD8 0 0 SHEET NUMBER: d`y GS r- r��aa,�� - WWA NUMBER: FILE NAME: DISCIPLINE: SCALE: DATE: t- 1,- sT oRAl. - 300105C_SP -1. c- H. 1 6 of 30 0 a NO. SHEET REVISION BY DATE NO. SHEET REVISION BY DATE - ^- °- n�.��T, 213001.05 V. MIA 08130/14 �p�74, S B L U E S T 0 N E LAND, L.L.0 1821 AVON STREET, SUITE 200 CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22902 PHONE: 434 -979 -2900 FAX: 434-979-0001 August 28, 2015 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Rd Charlottesville VA 22902 Re: Lofts at Meadowcreek SDP201400067 Letter of Revision Dear Sir /Madam, Submitted herein are the application fee ($100), Application for Letter of Revision, and four copies of Sheet C.06 from the Approved Site Plan showing the following proposed changes: 1. Exterior parking lot. Removed one handicapped parking sign. 2. Interior parking lot. Removed one handicapped parking space and increased hatching for van next to existing handicapped parking space. 3. Removed turn around and added electrical meter boxes and bollards to each end of the building. These changes are requested to coordinate with the updated architectural plans submitted for review for the Building Permit (Application number B201501340MF). Sincerely, William N. Park Application for Letter of Revision ® Letter of Revision = $100 Final Site Plan Name and Number: Lofts at Meadowcreek SDP201400067 Contact (who should we contact about this project) William Park Street Address 1821 Avon St. Ext. Suite 200 city Charlottesville State VA Zip Code 22902 Phone Number 434 - 979 -2900 Email wparkga pinnacleconstructionva.com Owner of Record Bluestone Land, L.L.C. Street Address 1821 Avon St. Ext. Suite 200 City Charlottesville State VA Zip Code 22902 Phone Number 434 - 979 -2900 Email wpark @pinnacleconstructionva.com Applicant Bluestone Land, L.L.C. Street Address 1821 Avon St. Ext. Suite 200 City Charlottesville State VA Zip Code 22902 Phone Number 434 - 979 -2900 Email wpark @pinnacieconstructionva.com SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: ® The appropriate fee, �0 The site plan number that the change applies to, A] A request letter describing the proposed changes from the owner or authorized agent, �0 4 copies of the plan that shows the proposed changes, �0 aLp�1t fi x >, �t, Changes must be shown on the sheet or sheets from the approved final site plan, or on an 11 "X 17" copy of that portion of the approved final site plan. Owner /Applicant Must Read and Sign I hereby certifyjhaCi information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best of my k dgefiM 8/28/2015 Signature of Owner, Agent Date William N. Park 434- 979 -2900 Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory FOR OFFICE USE ONLY LOR # ) a` AD Fee Amount $ 100 Date Paid By who? S ` ""� Receipt # l o t t E a Ck# By: % , J County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296 -5832 Fax: (434) 972 -4126 REVISED 06/10/2015 Page 1 of 1