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SDP201400072 Plan - Approved 2015-06-08
SITE DATA: ENGINEER: TIMMONS GROUP 919 2ND ST. S.E. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 TELEPHONE: 434- 327 -1688 CONTACT: CRAIG KOTARSKI, P.E. CRAIG, KOTARSKI @TIMMONS.COM TAX MAP PARCEL: TM 59 -23B PROJECT DESCRIPTION: THIS PROJECT INVOLVES AN ADDITION TO AN EXISTING MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING. THE ADDITION INVOLVES IMPROVING THE RECEPTION AND LOBBY AREAS OF THE BUILDING. CHANGING THE ADA PARKING LOCATION. AS WELL AS UPDATING THE DROP OFF LOCATION IN FRONT OF THE PROPOSED ADDITION. ADDITIONALLY 3 TREES WILL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH 5 NEW ONES ON THE SIDE OF THE BUILDING FACING RTE. 250 ZONING: C1 EC MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: SAMUEL MILLER SOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY: TIMMONS GROUP, 2815 N AUGUSTA ST SUITE C STAUNTON, VA 24401 (540) 885 -0920 CONDUCTED ON OCTOBER, 6TH 2014 DATUM: HORIZONTAL: BASED ON PROVISION OF SURVEY MAPPING BY OTHERS, RECOVERY OF EXISTING BENCHMARKS AND BOUNDARY, AND CHECK TO NAD83(NA2011) VIRGINIA STATE GRID SOUTH FOOT, VERTICAL: MATCHED TO FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION OF THE REAR BUILDING ENTRANCE DEPICTED ON PRIOR SITE SURVEY BY OTHERS BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT: 30 FT SIDE: 50 FT(iF ADJACENT TO RURAL DISTRICT) REAR: 50 FT(IF ADJACENT TO RURAL DISTRICT) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: NO NEW EMPLOYEES BUILDING HEIGHT: 421811 BUILDING AREA: 20,478 SF (EXISTING) 4346 SF (PROPOSED) 24824 SF (TOTAL) PROPOSED USES: MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING PARKING REQUIREMENTS: PER SDP200800130 CUMULATIVE PARKING REQUIREMENTS WERE SHOW ON SHEET C24(UVA LONG TERM ACUTE CARE HOSPITAL) THE PARKING REQUIREMENTS CAN BE SUMMARIZED AS FOLLOWS: 348 PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 371 PARKING SPACES PROVIDED KIRTLEY WAREHOUSE AREA (TAKEN FROM SDP200800130 SHEET C24): 19 PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 34 SPACES PROVIDED PER SDP201200016 SHEET C1.0 (IVY FIRE STATION) ONSITE PARKING REQUIRED: 26 SPACES ONSITE PARKING PROVIDED: 64 SPACES THE CHANGES IN PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE KIRTLEY AREA FROM SDP200800130 TO SDP201200015 RESULT IN REQUIRED PARKING INCREASING BY 7 (26(IVY FIRE) - 19(ORIGINAL KiRTLEY REQ) =7) AND PROVIDED PARKING INCREASING BY 40 (64(IVY FiRE) + 10(LTACH SPACES EXCLUDED IN IVY COUNTS) - 34(ORIGiNAL KIRTLEY REQ) =40) CURRENT PLAN PARKING REQUIRED: 80% x 4346GSF = 3477NSF x 1 SPACE /200NSF =18 SPACES PARKING PROVIDED: 0 NEW SPACES. TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED: 348+26-19+18=373 TOTAL SPACES PROVIDED: 371 +64 -34 +10 =411 LOADING SPACES PROVIDED: NO NEW LOADING SPACE IS PROPOSED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE: 0.74 ACRES TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA (WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS): 0.32 ACRES WETLAND IMPACTS: NONE UTILITIES: ACSA DRAINAGE DISTRICT: SOUTH FORK RIVANNA RESERVOIR WATERSHED THERE ARE NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PROPOSED WITHIN THE 100 -YR FLOODPLAIN, VISIBILITY OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT FROM THE ENTRANCE COORIDOR SHALL BE ELIMINATED. 4=-- -111 161mgm sheet Inde Sheet Number Sheet Title C0.0 COVER C0.1 OVERALL PLAN C1.0 NOTES & DETAILS C2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN DEPARTMENT OF FUG RESCUE 919 SE ST SE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITYN- TEL 434.295.5624 VTRG MA DEPARMEN T OF TI ANSP Q� www.timmons.com IMALTH DEPARTMENT DATE REVISION 02/24/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 04/03/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 05108/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 06 /01 /15 REVISED PER COMMENTS C4.0 LAYOUT & UTILITY PLAN C5.0 GRADING PLAN Lic. No. 0402048507 �0/ I / �5 00 NOT SCALE DRAWING. The Contractor shall take field measurements and verify held conditions and shall carefully compare such field measurements and conditions and other information known to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing activities; Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contact Documents with each other and with Information furnished by the Owner and shall at once report to the Architect errors, Inconsistencies or omissions dlscoverad. If the Contractor performs any construction activity knowing it involves a recognized error, ln%aistenay or omisston In the Contract Documents without such L1.0 OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN L1.1 DETAILED LANDSCAPE PLAN L1.2 LANDSCAPE NOTES & DETAILS L1.3 LANDSCAPE EXHIBITS TOTAL: 10 SHEETS APPROVALS S DATE DEPARTI NT OF COMM•UU"NITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNER&ONI NG 434,995.5537 ENGINEER: fde INSPECTIONS YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. A.RB THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE DEPARTMENT OF FUG RESCUE 919 SE ST SE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITYN- TEL 434.295.5624 VTRG MA DEPARMEN T OF TI ANSP Q� www.timmons.com IMALTH DEPARTMENT DATE REVISION A Z M A 61`x-- o. - vl COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE -As Dept. of Planning & CommWty Developtinett 401 McIntire Ind Charlottesville, Virginia 229p24596 (864) 2955823 August 16,1994 C University of Virginia Health Service Foundation 2995 Ivy Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: ZMA -94-03 University of Virginia Health Service Foundation Tax Map 59, Parcel 23B Dear Sir: The Albemarle Coup Board of Supervisors, . County perni s, at its meeting on August 10, 1994, by a vote of 6/0, approved the above -noted request to rezone 5.026 acres from Light Industry to C -1, Commercial (proffered). Please note that this approval is as proffered in letter dated June 30 1994 to William D. Fritz, Senior Planner, County of Albemarle, from N. T. Britibnan, Inc., Owner's Representative, as. outhend below: 1 Health Services Foundation hereby extends/clarifies its use proffer to include that the following uses will be prohibited: Section 22.2.1a 1 through 15.inclusive Section 22.2.1b 2,7, So 9,10,11,12,14,15,16,22,24 If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above -noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me, Sincerely, Ronald S. Keeler Chief of Planning cc: N. T. Brinkman Amelia McCulley Jo Hosins APCHITPCTS DWG Architects, PLLC 1415 Sachem Place, Unit 2A Charlottesville VA, 22901 434,995.5537 TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. VIRGINIA i NORTH CAROLINA l WEST VIRGINIA THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE 919 SE ST SE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434.295,8317 www.timmons.com Site Development lResldential (Infrastructurel Technology DATE REVISION 02/24/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 04/03/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 05108/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 06 /01 /15 REVISED PER COMMENTS NLTIf 0 p U CR.AIGW.1. KO'rARSKI Lic. No. 0402048507 �0/ I / �5 00 NOT SCALE DRAWING. The Contractor shall take field measurements and verify held conditions and shall carefully compare such field measurements and conditions and other information known to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing activities; Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contact Documents with each other and with Information furnished by the Owner and shall at once report to the Architect errors, Inconsistencies or omissions dlscoverad. If the Contractor performs any construction activity knowing it involves a recognized error, ln%aistenay or omisston In the Contract Documents without such note to the ArchkecL the Contractor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such performanoe and shall beer an appropriate amount of the attributable cost, The Intent of the Contract Documents is to include all Items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work by the Contractor. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what Is required by one shall be as binding as If required by all; performance by the Contractor shall be required only to the extent consistent with the Contract Documents and reasonably inferable from them as being necessary to produce the intended results. in oase of conflicting requirements, the more stringent requirements shall apply, without change to Contract Sum or Time, Organization of the Specfncallons into divisions, sections and articles, and arrangement of Drawings shall not control the Contractor In dividing the Work among Subcontractors or in establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade. Information shown on this sheet does not authorize changes to Contract Sum or Time unless stated in a separate letter or Change Order, information shown Is subject to the requirements of the Contract Documents. Contractor Is responsible for dimensions, which shall be confirmed and consisted at the site, fabrication processes, techniques of construction, quantities, the coordination of his work with all other trades and Subcontractors, and the satisfactory performance of his work. M C C4 .cc s� CJ ..,» ttt� �1i' i.. Imo.,_ cm PROJECT PHASE: Design Development PROJECT #: DATE: 1401 11121114 SHEET NUMBER: Como I3 . ..... ......... 2, 5 T I6 > 6 I2 III6 iIIIIII. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... ... Iw D K I6 8 y I0 tItV, 0 / ii '2 IIp II0 I— ---- ---- ----- T IX II. . . ....... z 4 IINf A tA IAPPRO 'PIPE DIR, (TO UG DETENT1.0 C 6 2 fI4 ......... . II0, IIV r IIA IfII............... IIiIIIN 2 IIIII.......... IIL IIIz IIf-2 iIA fCIL?, Dr%1�111 fIV1, P ................ V -A IIE IIIIfIII......... .... .... . ... . .... ... II---- ------- ........... I. ......... . I.......... ifIYv f* I. . ............. I.......... IX tI. .. . ........... I... .... .... .......................... ,'I Iy 2 292,36' 4 tI....... .... ... .... IIIIIffIi........... X I . .... eA F) i A A I5, IIX X Ar II............ III. . ........ tZ ItfIIItIL I..... ....... IIIIIfII2 5. IfIfIIIIIIIIV ......... f2 f IPA ... . ............. I. ... ...... .......... IIi....... .... IIII5 IIIfIE3.. ........ . ............. ........ .. . ..... . ... . ........ If. . ....... . A C i f. ........... . I....... . .... ... . ....... I099 ItII4 ... . ..... . I........... . ........... . . III... ....... 5, A IIItIpf .. ..... ...... IIIII6 2, 5 P IIIII- - ------- XC PA .. ..... . ........ I2 0 IIA IfI6 I.... ....... IA f I2 I.. . .......... I. .. ..... ... P .... . ......... N ..... ....... ...... ... ..... ,35 7 V III4 . ...... . . . DWG Architects, PLLC 1415 Sachem Place, Unit 2A Charlottesville VA, 22901 434-995,5537 * * 0 *0*'* 0 T ILA ILA 0 imm NNS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. VIRGINIA I NOPTH CAROLINA I WEST VIRGINIA THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE A- 919 SE ST SE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 TEL 434,295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 — ---- Site Development lResidontial I Infrastructure I Technology DATE REVISION 02/24/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 4 05/08/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 06/01/15 REVIS90 PER COMMENTS ob CRAMW 1. KMARSKI . ... . ......... 0 All DO NOT SCALE DRAWING, The Contractor shall take field measurements and verity field conditions and shall carefully compare such field measurements and conditions and other Information known to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing activities; Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contact Documents with each other and with Information furnished by the Owner and shall at once report to the Architect errors, Inconsistencies or omissions discovered. If the Contractor performs any construction advIty knowing It Involves a recognized error, Inconsistency or omission In the Contract Documents without such notice to the Architect, ft Contractor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such performance and shall bear an appropriate amount of the attributable cost, The Intent of the Contract Documents Is to Include all items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work by the Contractor, The Contract Documents are complementary, and what Is required by one shall be to binding as If required by all; performance by the Contractor shall be required only to the extent consistent with the Contract Documents and reasonably Inferable ..... ..... shall apply, without change to Contract Sum or Time. Organization of the Specifications Into divisions, sections and articles, and arrangement of Drawings $hall not control the Contractor In dividing the Wb* smong Subcontractors or In establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade, Information shown on this shest does riot authorize changes to Contract Sum or Time unless stated In a seperste letter or Change Order, Information shown Is subject to the requirements of Me Contract Documents. Contractor Is responsible for dimensions, which shall be confirmed and correlated at the sit@, fabrication processes, techniques of construction, quantities, the coordination of his work with all other trades and Subcontractors, and the satisfactory performance of his work. 0110 4=1 cm C4 ...... C4 cc . . . . ....... *Now = E 0 CD Cc ..... . ...... C* cc &M ce An ra fIfIA 0 PROJECT PHASE: Design Development PROJECT#: DATE: 1401 11/21114 SHEET NUMBER: . . ........ 2 I 2 I0 P 'A 00 ... . .......... II2 I7" I7' SCALE 1 =20' . ....... . ........ IP W 40' APCHITECTS DWG Architects, PLLC 1415 Sachem Place, Unit 2A Charlottesville VA, 22901 434-995,5537 * * 0 *0*'* 0 T ILA ILA 0 imm NNS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. VIRGINIA I NOPTH CAROLINA I WEST VIRGINIA THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE 919 SE ST SE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 TEL 434,295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 www.timmons.com Site Development lResidontial I Infrastructure I Technology DATE REVISION 02/24/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 04/03/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 05/08/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 06/01/15 REVIS90 PER COMMENTS ob CRAMW 1. KMARSKI Lic. No. 0402048507 0 All DO NOT SCALE DRAWING, The Contractor shall take field measurements and verity field conditions and shall carefully compare such field measurements and conditions and other Information known to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing activities; Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contact Documents with each other and with Information furnished by the Owner and shall at once report to the Architect errors, Inconsistencies or omissions discovered. If the Contractor performs any construction advIty knowing It Involves a recognized error, Inconsistency or omission In the Contract Documents without such notice to the Architect, ft Contractor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such performance and shall bear an appropriate amount of the attributable cost, The Intent of the Contract Documents Is to Include all items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work by the Contractor, The Contract Documents are complementary, and what Is required by one shall be to binding as If required by all; performance by the Contractor shall be required only to the extent consistent with the Contract Documents and reasonably Inferable from them as being necessary to produce the Intended results, In case of oonflIcUng requirements, the more stringent requirements shall apply, without change to Contract Sum or Time. Organization of the Specifications Into divisions, sections and articles, and arrangement of Drawings $hall not control the Contractor In dividing the Wb* smong Subcontractors or In establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade, Information shown on this shest does riot authorize changes to Contract Sum or Time unless stated In a seperste letter or Change Order, Information shown Is subject to the requirements of Me Contract Documents. Contractor Is responsible for dimensions, which shall be confirmed and correlated at the sit@, fabrication processes, techniques of construction, quantities, the coordination of his work with all other trades and Subcontractors, and the satisfactory performance of his work. 0110 4=1 cm C4 C4 cc *Now = E 0 CD Cc C* cc &M ce An ra 0 PROJECT PHASE: Design Development PROJECT#: DATE: 1401 11/21114 SHEET NUMBER: GENERAL NOTES 1, ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION'S SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS. 2. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT THE ENGINEER AND VERIFY THE APPROVAL OF THE PLANS BY ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL AGENCIES, 3. LAND USE PERMITS (LUP -A) MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE EXISTING STATE MAINTAINED RIGHT OF WAY (INCLUDING ACCESS). 4, VDOT IS TO RECEIVE WRITTEN NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH INITIAL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE ELEVATIONS OF ALL POINTS OF CONNECTION OR PROPOSED WORK TO EXISTING CURBS, SANITARY LINES, WATERLINES, ETC, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 6. UPON DISCOVERY OF SOILS THAT ARE UNSUITABLE FOR FOUNDATIONS, SUBGRADES, OR OTHER ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY CONTACT THE OWNER. THESE AREAS SHALL BE EXCAVATED BELOW PLAN GRADE AS DIRECTED BY THE OWNER, BACKFILLED WITH SUITABLE MATERIAL AND COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT. 7. ALL STORM SEWER DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH VDOT I AND 1 LD -94 (D) 121.13. 8. ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE REINFORCED TONGUE AND GROVE CONCRETE PIPE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM -C -76. PIPE WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE MINIMUM CLASS ill OR GREATER IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT VDOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 9. IF PRE -CAST UNITS ARE TO BE USED, VDOT SHALL BE NOTIFIED AND THE MANUFACTURER SHALL SUBMIT DRAWING DETAILS FOR REVIEW. CERTIFICATION AND VDOT STAMP WILL BE REQUIRED ON ALL UNITS. 10, ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE A3 -AE (AIR ENTRAINED 3,000 PSI), UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 11, ALL ENTRANCES ARE TO BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT VDOT STANDARDS, 12, DESIGN CHANGES, SPECIFIED MATERIALS CHANGES AND /OR FIELD CHANGES FROM THE APPROVED PLANS NEED TO BE RESUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK, A LETTER OF EXPLANATION SHALL ACCOMPANY THE REVISED PLANS AND /OR THE DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS, WHICH MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON PLANS IN AREAS OF CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. CONTACT ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF LOCATION OR ELEVATION IS DIFFERENT FROM THAT SHOWN ON PLAN. IF THERE APPEARS TO BE A CONFLICT, AND /OR UPON DISCOVERY OF ANY UTILITY NOT SHOWN ON THIS PLAN, CALL MISS UTILITY OF CENTRAL VIRGINIA AT 1- 800 - 552 -7001. THE OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RELOCATION OF ANY UTILITY WITHIN EXISTING AND /OR PROPOSED RIGHT -OF -WAY REQUIRED BY THE DEVELOPMENT. 14. CASING SLEEVES SHALL BE PLACED AT ALL ROAD CROSSINGS FOR GAS, POWER, TELEPHONE AND CABLE TV SERVICE TRUNK LINES, (N /A) 15. THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER, WATER, AND GAS MAINS (INCLUDING SERVICE LATERALS AND SLEEVES) SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF AGGREGATE BASE COURSE, 16. VDOT & ALBEMARLE COUNTY APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS DOES NOT PRECLUDE THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE ADDITIONAL FACILITIES AS DEEMED NECESSARY. 17, VDOT SHALL HAVE APPROVED THE AGGREGATE BASE COURSE(S) FOR DEPTH, TEMPLATE AND PERFORMED THE REQUIRED FIELD INSPECTION (PROOF ROLL) PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY SURFACE COURSE(S). CONTACT THE OWNER FOR INSPECTION FOR THE AGGREGATE BASE COURSE($) 48 HOURS PRIOR TO APPLICATION OF THE SURFACE COURSE(S). 18, A PRIME COAT SEAL BETWEEN THE AGGREGATE BASE AND BITUMINOUS CONCRETE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE RATE OF 0.30 GALLONS PER SQUARE YARD (REC -250 PRIME COAT) PER VDOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 19. THE SCHEDULING OF AGGREGATE BASE INSTALLATION AND SUBSEQUENT PAVING ACTIVITIES SHALL ACCOMMODATE FORECAST WEATHER CONDITIONS PER SECTION 315 OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS. 20. THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE SHALL HAVE APPROVED THE AGGREGATE BASE COURSE(S) FOR DEPTH, TEMPLATE AND PERFORMED THE REQUIRED FIELD INSPECTION (PROOF ROLL) PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY SURFACE COURSE(S). CONTACT THE OWNER FOR INSPECTION FOR THE AGGREGATE BASE COURSE(S) 48 HOURS PRIOR TO APPLICATION OF THE SURFACE COURSE(S). 21. A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER IS TO ASCERTAIN CAUSE AND CERTIFY RECOMMENDED METHOD OF REPAIR FOR ALL PAVEMENT STRUCTURAL FAILURES PRIOR TO STATE ACCEPTANCE. (N /A) 22. ALL VEGETATION AND ORGANIC MATERIAL MATERIAL IS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE PROPOSED PAVEMENT LIMITS PRIOR TO CONDITIONING OF THE SUBGRADE. 23, CERTIFICATION AND SOURCE OF MATERIALS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER FOR ALL MATERIALS AND BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS, AND ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS. 24, APPROVAL OF A DETAILED CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING /MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC NARRATIVE AN E FOR ISSUANCE OF A LAND USE PERMIT ALLOWING F OR THE WORK ZONE IS A PREREQUISITE E ACCESS TO AND CONSTRUCTION WITHIN VDOT MAINTAINED RIGHT OF WAY. (N/A) 25. GRADE LINES ON PROFILES DENOTE FINISHED GRADE OF CENTER LINE OF ROAD, (N /A) 26. ALL APPROACH GUTTERS TO SAG INLETS SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM SLOPE OF 0.004 ft. /ft. 27. WHERE A TYPE "B" NOSE IS SPECIFIED ON AN INLET IN CONJUNCTION WITH ROLL FACE CURB AND GUTTER OR CG -7, THERE SHALL BE A 20' TRANSITION ON EACH SIDE OF THE INLET. (N /A) 28. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION /MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES CONTAINED IN THE 2011 EDITION OF THE VIRGINIA WORK AREA PROTECTION MANUEL FOR REVIEW BY THE ENGINEER, SCHOOL OFFICIALS, AND VDOT PRIOR TO STARTING WORK THAT IMPACTS TRAFFIC ON STATE ROADS, 29. ALL NEW HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE REQUIREMENTS ON -SITE AND WITHIN ALL NEW STRUCTURES SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2006 UNIFORM STATEWIDE BUILDING CODE, 2006 VIRGINIA CONSTRUCTION CODE, AND ICC /ANSI Al 17.1-03. 30. THE CLEAR ZONE IS TO BE FREE OF STORED MATERIALS AND PARKED EQUIPMENT. 31, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SIGHT DISTANCES SHALL BE FREE OF PARKED VEHICLES. 32. ALL EXCAVATED AREAS WITHIN THE CLEAR ZONE THAT HAVE A DEPTH GREATER THAN 6" SHALL HAVE A 6:1 STONE WEDGE PLACED AT THE END OF THE DAY ALBEMARLE COUNTY ENGINEERING GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1, PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN ANY EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, INCLUDING CONNECTION TO ANY EXISTING ROAD, A PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (VDOT). THIS PLAN AS DRAWN MAY NOT ACCURATELY REFLECT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT, WHERE ANY DISCREPANCIES OCCUR THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT SHALL GOVERN. 2, ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF VDOT. 3, EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING, GRADING OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION. 4. ALL SLOPES AND DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO BE FERTILIZED, SEEDED AND MULCHED, 5. THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE IS 2:1 (HORIZONTAL:VERTICAL). WHERE REASONABLY OBTAINABLE, LESSER SLOPES OF 3:1 OR BETTER ARE TO BE ACHIEVED. 6, PAVED, RIP -RAP OR STABILIZATION MAT LINED DITCH MAY BE REQUIRED WHEN IN THE OPINION OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, IT IS DEEMED NECESSARY IN ORDER TO STABILIZE A DRAINAGE CHANNEL, 7, ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM WITH THE VIRGINIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. 8, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CONCRETE PIPE SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE - CLASS III. 9. ALL EXCAVATION FOR UNDERGROUND PIPE INSTALLATION MUST COMPLY WITH OSHA STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY (29 CFR PART 1926). GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 1. THE PLAN APPROVING AUTHORITY MUST BE NOTIFIED ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE PRE- CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE, ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY, AND ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE FINAL INSPECTION. 2, ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED ACCORDING TO MINIMUM STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK AND VIRGINIA REGULATIONS VR 625 -02 -00 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REGULATIONS. 3. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ARE TO BE PLACED PRIOR TO OR AS THE FIRST STEP IN CLEARING. 4. A COPY OF THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON THE SITE AT ALL TIMES. 5. PRIOR TO COMMENCING LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES IN AREAS OTHER THAN INDICATED ON THESE PLANS (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, OFF -SITE BORROW OR WASTE AREAS), THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A SUPPLEMENTARY EROSION CONTROL PLAN TO THE OWNER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE PLAN APPROVING AUTHORITY. 6. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF ANY ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES NECESSARY TO PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION AS DETERMINED BY THE PLAN APPROVING AUTHORITY, 7. ALL DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO DRAIN TO APPROVED SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES AT ALL TIMES DURING LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES AND DURING SITE DEVELOPMENT UNTIL FINAL STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED, 8. DURING DEWATERING OPERATIONS, WATER WILL BE PUMPED INTO AN APPROVED FILTERING DEVICE. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PERIODICALLY AND AFTER EACH RUNOFF - PRODUCING EVENT, ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS OR CLEANUP TO MAINTAIN THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY, 10, ALL FILL MATERIAL TO BE TAKEN FROM AN APPROVED, DESIGNATED BORROW AREA. 11. ALL WASTE MATERIALS SHALL BE TAKEN TO AN APPROVED WASTE AREA. EARTH FILL SHALL BE INERT MATERIALS ONLY, FREE OF ROOTS, STUMPS, WOOD, RUBBISH, AND OTHER DEBRIS. 12, BORROW OR WASTE AREAS ARE TO BE RECLAIMED WITHIN 7 DAYS OF COMPLETION PER ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 5.1.28. 13. ALL INERT MATERIALS SHALL BE TRANSPORTED IN COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 13 -301 OF THE CODE OF ALBEMARLE. 14. BORROW, FILL OR WASTE ACTIVITY INVOLVING INDUSTRIAL -TYPE POWER EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE HOURS OF 7:OOAM TO 9:OOPM, 15. BORROW, FILL OR WASTE ACTIVITY SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN A SAFE MANNER THAT MAINTAINS LATERAL SUPPORT, OR ORDER TO MINIMIZE ANY HAZARD TO PERSONS, PHYSICAL DAMAGE TO ADJACENT LAND AND STRUCTURES /IMPROVEMENTS, AND DAMAGE TO ANY PUBLIC STREET BECAUSE OF SLIDES, SINKING, OR COLLAPSE. 16. THE DEVELOPER SHALL RESERVE THE RIGHT TO INSTALL, MAINTAIN, REMOVE OR CONVERT TO PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES WHERE APPLICABLE ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES REQUIRED BY THIS PLAN REGARDLESS OF THE SALE OF ANY LOT, UNIT, BUILDING OR OTHER PORTION OF THE PROPERTY. 17, TEMPORARY STABILIZATION SHALL BE TEMPORARY SEEDING AND MULCHING. SEEDING IS TO BE AT 75 LBS /ACRE, AND IN THE MONTHS OF SEPTEMBER TO FEBRUARY TO CONSIST A 50/50 MIX OF ANNUAL RYEGRASS AND CEREAL WINTER RYE, OR IN MARCH AND APRIL TO CONSIST OF ANNUAL RYE, OR MAY THROUGH AUGUST TO CONSIST OF GERMAN MILLET. STRAW MULCH IS TO BE APPLIED AT 80LBS /100SF. ALTERNATIVES ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE COUNTY EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR. 18. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE LIME AND FERTILIZER, PERMANENT SEEDING, AND MULCH. AGRICULTURAL GRADE LIMESTONE SHALL BE APPLIED AT 90LBS /I OOOSF, INCORPORATED INTO THE TOP 4-6 INCHES OF SOIL, FERTILIZER SHALL BE APPLIED AT 1000LBS /ACRE AND CONSIST OF A 10 -20 -10 NUTRIENT MIX. PERMANENT SEEDING SHALL BE APPLIED AT 180LBS /ACRE AND CONSIST OF 95% KENTUCKY 31 OR TALL FESCUE AND 0 -5% PERENNIAL RYEGRASS OR KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS. STRAW MULCH IS TO BE APPLIED AT 80LBS /100SF. ALTERNATIVES ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE COUNTY EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR. 19. MAINTENANCE: ALL MEASURES SHALL BE INSPECTED WEEKLY AND AFTER EACH RAINFALL EVENT. ANY DAMAGE OR CLOGGING TO STRUCTURAL MEASURES SHALL BE REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY. SILT TRAPS SHALL BE CLEANED WHEN 50% OF THE WET STORAGE VOLUME IS FILLED WITH SEDIMENT. ALL SEEDED AREAS SHALL BE RESEEDED WHEN NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE A GOOD STAND OF GRASS, SILT FENCE AND DIVERSION DYKES WHICH COLLECT SEDIMENT TO HALF THEIR HEIGHT MUST BE CLEANED AND REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY. 20, ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF FINAL SITE STABILIZATION, WHEN MEASURES ARE NO LONGER NEEDED, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE COUNTY EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR. 21. THIS PLAN SHALL BE VOID IF THE OWNER DOES NOT OBTAIN A PERMIT WTIHIN 1 YEAR OF THE DATE OF APPROVAL. (WATER PROTECTION ORDINANCE SECTION 17- 204G.) 22. PERMANENT VEGETATION SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL DENUDED AREAS WITHIN NINE (9) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE THE LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY COMMENCED. (WATER PROTECTION ORDINANCE SECTION 17 -207B) BLASTING NOTES 1. BLASTING SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED ON THIS PROJECT, ALBEMARLE COUNTY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NOTES 1. ALL DAMS AND CONSTRUCTED FILL TO BE WITHIN 95% OF MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AND 2% OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT. ALL FILL MATERIAL TO BE APPROVED BY A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER IS TO BE PRESENT DURING CONSTRUCTION OF DAMS. 2, PIPE AND RISER JOINTS ARE TO BE WATERTIGHT WITHIN STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES. 3, FOR TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS OR BASINS WHICH ARE TO BE CONVERTED TO PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES; CONVERSION IS NOT TO TAKE PLACE UNTIL THE SITE IS STABILIZED, AND PERMISSION HAS BEEN OBTAINED FROM THE COUNTY EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR. LEGEND STORM PIPE & STRUCTURE NO DROP INLET & STRUCTURE NO. 200 EXISTING CONTOUR 200 PROPOSED CONTOUR CONCRETE BUMPER BLOCK ANCHOR WITH 5/8" REBAR IMBEDDED 24" IN GROUND HANDICAP SIGN HANDICAP SIGN LOCATION (VAN) LOCATION (TYP.) y EOP 8' 1 5' 8' 8' 8' TYPICAL VAN ACCESSIBLE ACCESSIBLE HANDICAP SPACES TYPICAL PARKING SPACE DETAILS RKIY �100-�i00FfiE PBVAL.TY =100- 00FE MW AWAY ZOM Cli1 FACE OF CURB �- 4" PAINTED STRIPE 9, I (TYPICAL) REGULAR SPACE VAN - -7 6' ABOVE ACCEBMU- 6' ABOVE FINISHED FINISHED GRADE GRADE SPACES SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY ABOVE GRADE SIGNS AS RESERVED FOR PHYSICALLY DISABLED PERSONS. PROVIDE ONE (1) R -7.8 SIGN AT EACH PARKING SPACE INDICATED ON SITE PLAN. SIGN SHALL BE ALUMINUM (PAINTED WHITE) WITH GREEN LETTERS AND INTERNATIONAL WHEELCHAIR SYMBOL. SIGN SHALL BE PLACED ON STEEL POST 1 -1/2" 0 PAINTED BLACK SET IN MIN. 2' OF CONCRETE. VA. SIGN FOR THE DISABLED ON 0.80 GAUGE ALUMINUM. COLORS: GREEN BORDER & LEGEND, BLUE SYMBOL FOR ACCESSIBILITY, WHITE BACKGROUND. PARKING SIGNS FOR THE DISABLED No Scale CC -12 H GENERAL NOTES: P IN A, //Ar', 0A 1. 2, TH E DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL PROVIDED OEO B Y TR UNC AT ED DOMES, DETECTABLE WARNING TO BE CLASS A -3 CONCRETE (CLASS A•4 IF PRECAST) SAWCUT THROUGH U WITH SLIP RESISTANT INTEGRAL SURFACE COVERING THE FULL WIDTH OF THE 10:1 MAX COURSE RAMP FLOOR BY 2 FOOT IN LENGTH IN THE DIRECTION OF PEDESTRIAN & REMOVE TEL 434.295.5624 TRAVEL. OTHER TYPES OF MATERIAL WITH THE TRUNCATED DOMES DETECTABLE TYPE A Site Development lResidentiel I infrastructure I Technology WARNING MAY BE USED WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. PERPENDICULAR 3. SLOPING SIDES OF CURB RAMP MAY BE POURED MONOLITHICALLY WITH RAMP •6" 6 FLOOR OR BY USING PERMISSIBLE CONSTRUCTION JOINT WITH REQUIRED BARS, Y 4. 8' 1 5' 8' 8' 8' TYPICAL VAN ACCESSIBLE ACCESSIBLE HANDICAP SPACES TYPICAL PARKING SPACE DETAILS RKIY �100-�i00FfiE PBVAL.TY =100- 00FE MW AWAY ZOM Cli1 FACE OF CURB �- 4" PAINTED STRIPE 9, I (TYPICAL) REGULAR SPACE VAN - -7 6' ABOVE ACCEBMU- 6' ABOVE FINISHED FINISHED GRADE GRADE SPACES SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY ABOVE GRADE SIGNS AS RESERVED FOR PHYSICALLY DISABLED PERSONS. PROVIDE ONE (1) R -7.8 SIGN AT EACH PARKING SPACE INDICATED ON SITE PLAN. SIGN SHALL BE ALUMINUM (PAINTED WHITE) WITH GREEN LETTERS AND INTERNATIONAL WHEELCHAIR SYMBOL. SIGN SHALL BE PLACED ON STEEL POST 1 -1/2" 0 PAINTED BLACK SET IN MIN. 2' OF CONCRETE. VA. SIGN FOR THE DISABLED ON 0.80 GAUGE ALUMINUM. COLORS: GREEN BORDER & LEGEND, BLUE SYMBOL FOR ACCESSIBILITY, WHITE BACKGROUND. PARKING SIGNS FOR THE DISABLED No Scale 10, WHEN CURB RAMPS ARE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH A SHARED USE PATH, CC -12 H GENERAL NOTES: 434, 995.5537 1. 2, TH E DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL PROVIDED OEO B Y TR UNC AT ED DOMES, DETECTABLE WARNING TO BE CLASS A -3 CONCRETE (CLASS A•4 IF PRECAST) SAWCUT THROUGH U WITH SLIP RESISTANT INTEGRAL SURFACE COVERING THE FULL WIDTH OF THE 10:1 MAX COURSE RAMP FLOOR BY 2 FOOT IN LENGTH IN THE DIRECTION OF PEDESTRIAN & REMOVE TEL 434.295.5624 TRAVEL. OTHER TYPES OF MATERIAL WITH THE TRUNCATED DOMES DETECTABLE TYPE A Site Development lResidentiel I infrastructure I Technology WARNING MAY BE USED WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. PERPENDICULAR 3. SLOPING SIDES OF CURB RAMP MAY BE POURED MONOLITHICALLY WITH RAMP •6" 6 FLOOR OR BY USING PERMISSIBLE CONSTRUCTION JOINT WITH REQUIRED BARS, Y 4. IF RAMP FLOOR IS PRECAST, HOLES MUST BE PROVIDED FOR DOWEL BARS SO X000000000000 x THAT ADJOINING FLARED SIDES CAN BE CAST IN PLACE AFTER PLACEMENT OF 5' MIN such field measurements and conditions and other information known to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing PRECAST RAMP FLOOR. PRECAST CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS A•4, 52 5, REQUIRED BARS ARE TO BE N0, 5 X B" PLACED 1' CENTER TO CENTER ALONG ItstTvOrrm N BOTH SIDES Of THE( RAMP FLOOR, MID•DEPTH OF RAMP FLOOR. MINIMUM w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 from them as being necessary to produce the intended results. In case of conflicting requirements, the more stringent requirements CONCRETE COVER 1 /Z'. io 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6. CURB / CURB AND GUTTER SLOPE TRANSITIONS ADJACENT TO CURB RAMPS shall be confined and correlated at the site, fabrication processes, techniques of construction, quantities, the coordination of his work ARE INCLUDED IN PAYMENT FOR CURB / CURB AND GUTTER. PARALLEL 7. CURB RAMPS ARE TO BE LOCATED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS OR AS DIRECTED I VARIABLE FULL WIDTH OF RAMP FLOOR _I X N BY THE ENGINEER. THEY ARE TO BE PROVIDED AT INTERSECTIONS WHEREVER f"' pAY LIMITS AN ACCESSIBLE ROUTE WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF A HIGHWAY FACILITY CROSSES A CURB REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SIDEWALK IS EXISTING, PROPOSED, OR NONEXISTENT. THEY PEDESTRIAN '•� - sw■"" -•- MUST BE LOCATED WITHIN CROSSWALKS AS SHOWN ON PLANS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER, AND SHOULD NOT BE LOCATED BEHIND VEHICLE STOP LINES, EXISTING LIGHT POLES, FIRE HYDRANTS, DROP INLETS, ETC, ACCESSIBLE ROUTES PROVIDE A CONTINUOUS�y��y 1 12;1 MAX FIRM AND RESISTANT PATH 5' MIN UNOBSTRUCTED, STABLE, SLIP CONNECTING ALL ACCESSIBLE ELEMENTS OF A FACILITY THAT CAN BE APPROACHED, ENTERED AND USED BY PEDESTRIANS. 4, MIN 8. RAMPS MAY BE PLACED ON RADIAL OR TANGENTIAL SECTIONS PROVIDED THAT AT )K , 2" HIGHER THAN fOGE OF PAVEMENT THE CURB OPENING IS PLACED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CROSSWALK AND THAT THE SLOPE AT THE CONNECTION OF THE CURB OPENING IS AT X)K , SAME AS TOP OF CURB cc PERPENDICULAR TO THE CURB. 9. TYPICAL CONCRETE SIDEWALK IS 4" THICK. WHEN THE ENTRANCE RADIICANNOT ACCOMMODATE THE TURNING REQUIREMENTS OF ANTICIPATED HEAVY TRUCK TYPE C PARALLEL & PERPENDICULAR TRAFFIC, REFER TO STANDARD CG-13, COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE (HEAVY TRUCK TRAFFIC) FOR CONCRETE DEPTH. L OG 10, WHEN CURB RAMPS ARE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH A SHARED USE PATH, EXISTING PAVEM H THE MINIMUM WIDTH SHALL BE THE WIDTH OF THE SHARED USE PATH 434, 995.5537 •+ 11. WHEN ONLY ONE CURB RAMP IS PROVIDED FOR TWO CROSSINGS (DIAGONAL), SAWCUT THROUGH U A 4' x 4' LANDING AREA SHALL BE PROVIDED TO MANEUVER A WHEELCHAIR X COURSE INTO THE CROSSWALK WITHOUT GOING INTO THE TRAVELWAY, THIS 4'x 4' & REMOVE TEL 434.295.5624 LANDING AREA MAY INCLUDE THE GUTTER PAN. www.timmons.com Site Development lResidentiel I infrastructure I Technology 12. ALL CASES WHERE CURB RAMPS INTERSECT A RADIAL SECTION OF TRUNCATED DOME -2.4" C -C n c CURB AT ENTRANCES OR STREET CONNECTIONS THE DETECTABLE •6" 6 WARNING SURFACE SHALL HAVE A FACTORY RADIUS OR BE FIELD -MODIFIED AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER TO MATCH 0 0 O 0 O © CRMGW J. KOT'AR KT THE BACK OF CURB, X000000000000 x ®NAL DO NOT SCALE DRAWING. The Contractor shall take field measurements and verify field conditions and shall carefully compare such field measurements and conditions and other information known to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing ___ - - - -- LANDING RAMP 00000 0000000 6 000000000000000 '( Ia notice to the Architect, the Contractor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such performance and shall bear an appropriate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N the Contractor. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is required by one shall be as binding as If required by all; w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 from them as being necessary to produce the intended results. In case of conflicting requirements, the more stringent requirements shall apply, without change to Contract Sum or Time. io 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 dividing the Work among Subcontractors or In establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade. /- X A TOP DIAMETER 000000 000000000 shall be confined and correlated at the site, fabrication processes, techniques of construction, quantities, the coordination of his work DETECTABLE WARNING d M AT BACK OF CURB NOTE 12, I VARIABLE FULL WIDTH OF RAMP FLOOR _I X N SEE f"' pAY LIMITS DETECTABLE WARNING TRUNCATED DOME INSTALLED ON A RADIUS DETAIL DETECTABLE WARNING DETAIL XVDDT CG-12 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SPECIFICATION ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS REFERENCE SHEET t OF 5 REVISION DATE (GENERAL NOTES) 105 7/11 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 502 2os.os VDOT STANDARD CG -12A SOLID WHITE LINE TC =TOP OF CURB FC =FLUSH CURB TS = TOP OF STAIRS BS = BOTTOM OF STAIRS APPROX. =APPROXIMATE 2' � � 2' (TYP.) (TYP.) 7 1 PAVEMENT 2' MIN. 211+ EXISTING PAVEMENT MILL EX. --�' SURFACE COURSE SAWCUT EX. -� EDGE OF PAVEMENT �1 PROPOSED PAVEMEI MATCH EX. CROSS SLOPE UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON PLANS PROPOSED SURFACE COURSE BASE COURSE AGGR. BASE NOTE: PROPOSED PAVEMENT MUST TIE IN WITH EXISTING PAVEMENT PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT JOINT DETAIL No Scale !.►�.�! ctrl ��.�! i�� � COMPACTED SUBGRADE DENOTES LIGHT DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON PLANS LIGHT DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENT SECTION No Scale 1.5 "' ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE - SM -9.5A 2.5 "' INTERMEDIATE BASE COURSE - BM25.0 TYPE 21 -B AGGREGATE SUBBASE COURSE COMPACTED SUBGRADE R= CONTROL JOINT SPACED AT WIDTH OF WALK EXPANSION JOINT AT MAX OF 100' 4 3 , . 4 /�.:,;:. ' WITH PREMOLDED EXPANSION FILLER 4.' •�. +. CONC. WALK ° d• ' •d ° • ° . • ' .d •• . •� .. . d , `- COMPACTED SUBGRADE 4" 21 -B STONE CONCRETE SIDEWALK JOINT DETAIL No Scale NON -SLIP BROOM FINISH VARIABLE WIDTH' MAX. CROSS SLOPE 2% �-•- 4" 3,000 PSI AIR- ENTRAINED CONCRETE COMPACTED SUBGRADE 4" TYPE 21 B STONE COVER 4., "''' +•' DENOTES CONCRETE SIDEWALK PAVEMENT ON PLANS NOTE: SIDEWALKS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH VDOT STANDARDS, CONCRETE SIDEWALK PAVEMENT SECTION No Scale VDOT A -3 CONCRETE /-240,50 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION CONTINUE 21 B STONE BASE FROM ADJACENT PAVEMENT SECTION UNDER CURB ANCHOR WITH 8/8" REBAR IMBEDDED 24" IN GROUND; 2 PER WHEEL STOP 7 -1 /2" PRECAST CONCRETE WHEEL STOP No Scale IM F/C CROSSWALK DETAIL No Scale CUT AT NEAREST JOIN1 1' 3' 1' CURB TRANSITION DETAIL No Scale CUT AT NEAREST JOINT VDOT STANDARD CG -2 CURB No Scale 4 CURB TRANSITION DETAIL No Scale 51 Bill APCHITICTS EXISTING PAVEM H Charlottesville VA, 22901 434, 995.5537 •+ o- SAWCUT THROUGH U EX. SURFACE X COURSE Iu & REMOVE PAVEMENT 2' MIN. 211+ EXISTING PAVEMENT MILL EX. --�' SURFACE COURSE SAWCUT EX. -� EDGE OF PAVEMENT �1 PROPOSED PAVEMEI MATCH EX. CROSS SLOPE UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON PLANS PROPOSED SURFACE COURSE BASE COURSE AGGR. BASE NOTE: PROPOSED PAVEMENT MUST TIE IN WITH EXISTING PAVEMENT PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT JOINT DETAIL No Scale !.►�.�! ctrl ��.�! i�� � COMPACTED SUBGRADE DENOTES LIGHT DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON PLANS LIGHT DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENT SECTION No Scale 1.5 "' ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE - SM -9.5A 2.5 "' INTERMEDIATE BASE COURSE - BM25.0 TYPE 21 -B AGGREGATE SUBBASE COURSE COMPACTED SUBGRADE R= CONTROL JOINT SPACED AT WIDTH OF WALK EXPANSION JOINT AT MAX OF 100' 4 3 , . 4 /�.:,;:. ' WITH PREMOLDED EXPANSION FILLER 4.' •�. +. CONC. WALK ° d• ' •d ° • ° . • ' .d •• . •� .. . d , `- COMPACTED SUBGRADE 4" 21 -B STONE CONCRETE SIDEWALK JOINT DETAIL No Scale NON -SLIP BROOM FINISH VARIABLE WIDTH' MAX. CROSS SLOPE 2% �-•- 4" 3,000 PSI AIR- ENTRAINED CONCRETE COMPACTED SUBGRADE 4" TYPE 21 B STONE COVER 4., "''' +•' DENOTES CONCRETE SIDEWALK PAVEMENT ON PLANS NOTE: SIDEWALKS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH VDOT STANDARDS, CONCRETE SIDEWALK PAVEMENT SECTION No Scale VDOT A -3 CONCRETE /-240,50 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION CONTINUE 21 B STONE BASE FROM ADJACENT PAVEMENT SECTION UNDER CURB ANCHOR WITH 8/8" REBAR IMBEDDED 24" IN GROUND; 2 PER WHEEL STOP 7 -1 /2" PRECAST CONCRETE WHEEL STOP No Scale IM F/C CROSSWALK DETAIL No Scale CUT AT NEAREST JOIN1 1' 3' 1' CURB TRANSITION DETAIL No Scale CUT AT NEAREST JOINT VDOT STANDARD CG -2 CURB No Scale 4 CURB TRANSITION DETAIL No Scale 51 Bill APCHITICTS DWG Architects, PLLC 1415 Sachem Place, Unit 2A Charlottesville VA, 22901 434, 995.5537 •+ TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. VIRGINIA I NORTH CAROLINA I WEST VIRGINIA THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE 919 SE ST SE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434,295.8317 www.timmons.com Site Development lResidentiel I infrastructure I Technology DATE REVISION 02/14/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 04/03/18 REVISED PER COMMENTS 05/08/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 04/01/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS © CRMGW J. KOT'AR KT Lie. No. 0402048507 O x ®NAL DO NOT SCALE DRAWING. The Contractor shall take field measurements and verify field conditions and shall carefully compare such field measurements and conditions and other information known to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing activities; Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contact Documents with each other and with information furnished by the Owner and shall at once report to the Architect errors, Inconsistencies or omissions discovered. If the Contractor performs any construction activity knowing it Involves a recognized error, Inconsistency or omission In the Contract Documents without such notice to the Architect, the Contractor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such performance and shall bear an appropriate amount of the attributable cost, The Intent of the Contract Documents Is to Include all Items neceeaary for the proper execution and completion of the Work by the Contractor. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is required by one shall be as binding as If required by all; performance by the Contractor shall be required only to the extent consistent with the Contract Documents and reasonably Inferable from them as being necessary to produce the intended results. In case of conflicting requirements, the more stringent requirements shall apply, without change to Contract Sum or Time. Organization of the Specifications into divisions, sections and articles, and arrangement of Drawings shall not control the Contractor in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or In establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade. Information shown on this sheet does not authorize changes to Contract Sum or Time unless stated in a separate letter or Change Order. Information shown Is subject to the requirements of the Contract Documents. Contractor Is responsible for dimensions, which shall be confined and correlated at the site, fabrication processes, techniques of construction, quantities, the coordination of his work with all other trades and Subcontractors, and the satisfactory performance of his work. M X N � N CD Cn ..t 0 SIMMONS cc ■ p W CD L OG - CIS memo O N PROJECT PHASE: Design Development PROJECT M DATE: 1401 11/21/14 SHEET NUMBER: J l I /Ir SIG ,// / ' / r \ r A t % __"_� 1/l . / 1/ l �� �� / � '� /� / / // , �- / / ',~ rz� T__,'/ v �� ; n f! I �' .k� F_ M1 \ s=` Cry 1 / �% / y' -`""� 1, \\ , / �i„ „� fie• / I/ 7. ` ) f .,r / '('\.,,,___ 1' `"``_ v / _. �� \ 7 ?I / % ,. �� . ,� /' f v/ �;,,, , / / I t / f ...` 9 \ // l "°e .l lI 1/ "--- i� / •� -,_ =�j ,/ X r / 1 �, �� jt `� /' -�: I/ / °� �� ��`,�� ` 1� REMOVE AND REPLACE ASPHALT, / / ? ! l /F , / / / I '� - l ' , 1/ /' r CURB, AND GUTTER FOR STORMPIPE ;''` / 1y. ///) /` INSTALLATION, SEE SHEET C5.0 FOR / / / �' " `` `' . EXTENTS / r' �"/Z' /� ) ;' ,i'i� ft�t iFLf ;5 A A /'f /� (� 1 ' / , v, 1 y �/, r /fit A ` ' �- r it / �._ � - _ _ �/ , ��;I �� / / � APPROX. PE D!R ` -. / j/ / / ..,,.,,�.^ -.. „.,_ it ` �' / '! , I 1 1 '�- � ,`\ ..` ,, .� /r / ( lr \ �, °:. `$ / _ / / , r \ % j • (TO UG DETENTI JN) `'� /# I i f / / I / %,1 ., ; / / � _,, / f t/ i 'I tf f \- </ �/ zr-- I t / 1/ If cgs •� \ �,,t . I 6 h _ I/ ' mow. i // _ /t I \, L � � / ",3 I// t\ \ - `- -J,'. 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' W 3' ( I 3I F r., . , 1 I _ -- ,. _ _,. w. __ _ 7�..' f /r f 7 'f ., r 1 •: E w / __ -.- _ , -�. * I \ ,I REMOVE SIGN __..____ ' ' M _ , _. „ . , __ I _ ._ _.. . - --,., ivo \ I PI ,r , T -'�� I-, _1 I—, \""' . ; I" 1 7 ,/ I�; I 1___1. I -) " ''l- - I 1 i r I "`"�...» , _ �I # ; i j,�w n m , i I !' *- mw j f, I t , I i r i , m"'«' C79/` L7 a' I 7' I � J P I -'t f} � \t, f '_1 I I ) f j ,, l � t � , �< t .,� ,� fNst�'" sIp r�- �"'. 3 " II( 11 )) ✓ g j } i! I Ii I ! i �- F i i 1 1, I .A..,. V EL " /"�.�.tl!_.°.,)P°AJI'. L �i Z.. � r ,' �f.1/ 1' I if )31 41 I `. l i_. ° /.. 19 r 1 P t t dl it i; ti t j�. 1 DWG Architects, PLLC I t i i j n I , z" i, r r f ,. r t a f{ f 1 r f , 1 A 1, �, 434.995.5537 • 91 91 I 11 , 1 I __ \I "" i ' VIRGINIA I NORTH CAROLINA I WEST VIRGINIA I i i P 1 ( J ' CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE - . -,I.. __ \ .., ,,..- ..._.._ III 7 ii 1 � , �: r1 r ,/ o I. ! �. 1 `g . a t .ill .! X'`tr - l h ,�. 1 t I i C._ c M...._, s_. '..' Cz :3 Lt..._. ,,_ "t -.. .. _.. I" tt'�t_. / f... � ") www.timmons.com Site Development lResidentlolllnfra structuralTechnology !t 02 /Z4 /SS REVISED PER COMMENTS -V OS /0$ /iS REVISED PER COMMENTS I lt'jp�LT'R 0 II { if - Ili I j .- Lic. No. 0402048507 1 _,.� ! i�i I I 00 NOT SCALE DRAWING. The Contractor shall take field measurements and verBy fleid conditions and shall carefully compere I �_' I� activities; Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contact Documents with each other and with information fumished by the ,_) 0 I i any construction activity knowing it involves a recognized error, Inconsistency or omission in the Contract Documents without such y amount of the attributable cost, I I the Contractor. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what Is required by one shall be as binding as N required by ail; I j from them as being necessary to produce the intended results, In case of conflicting requirements, the more stringent requirements _I_ , ; II i Organization of the Specltications Into divisions, sections and articles, and arra ng ement of Drawings shall not control the Contractor in \' Information shown on this sheet does not authorize changes to Contract Sum or Time unless stated In a separate letter or Change Order. I Information n shown Is subject to the requirements of the Contract Documents, Contractor to responsible for dimensions, which shell be confirmed and correlated at the site, fabrication processes, techniques of construction, quantities, the coordination of his work r' 3��? i I I , ' c � I ' I i,� ' C404 -, t N ") - t_) 1 4) N ■... IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII P 1 `. �c CL I, - .._... .. I ;, (f I C )) "if' �v) - -__ _, 1 _l I. "" / _- _�_ I I THi SHEET ' /., I 1 �� ���) ' f I rr �, ( ,\ - I ..I' �__ _� � I ") I r jj r1 ` / j �1 M� ? : -` 1 I , I, ri i I , _- - ._ .., k I 1--- _,_,a.__, ,_ .,_, \.\ I REMOVE TREE i s i _ ,; r Jrr t i • J ' • i /, i z t,i` J' ARCH ITECTS <^ ,., � irJ' , :' i < Jf• - DWG Architects, PLLC \ 1415 Sachem Place, Unit 2A Charlottesville VA, 22901 434.995.5537 � rJ r .qtr• i • r TIMMONS GROUP I YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. VIRGINIA I NORTH CAROLINA I WEST VIRGINIA THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE � ,.' CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE ' ` �`m vw � �E� f a <.. f 3 i i � ! 1 919 SE T SE S VA 2902 CHARLTEL �' 34.295,8 &24 1 ':�> FAX 434.295.8317 www.timmons.com Site Development iResidential iInfrastructure Technology ? -.�• r f J is _- i I # ## j [I , DATE REVISION i J r t 02/24/15 REYiSED PER COMMENTS t { � v ;- I .• 04/08/18 REVISED PER COMMENTS t l05/08/18 ' REVISED PER COMMENTS # (t , e w' z•, r ' C r ;' ;` I J \ ' 06/01/19 REVISED PER COMMENTS Sfl'CURBCUT t �vt � SEE SHE ETC 1.0 �:•J� 1 ;' 1 DETAIL IFOR rt s f i , f f �t '# #, ,_ !'ii t.<l�s`,s'^'�' k: /i� ''s i f .✓: . : a.,, :•, <.. -.r .mss s.,,e .,^ < l f`��.� <: tit;- �.�w;,,..tt t : �.,f��p� # � �: t_t_'� f: E si � 1 ?i ,.... �. _., �r _.EZ..... •�` fi ii 1 ,t % 'fX"' < °? qsf '�.r s� • ..,r.J ,.z s ,�:,.� ................._...._ _.. t : 4 ... -_ _ ._,. v. �...:. M._..-,.,:..... .__.,....,....._.._._.,._....,- -.. � , ._._. t._.- „�.:: P: 1 _ ( )_. v t.' , rises 1 . . Jf `, E310FI LTER _..� � \•:, ' ; f,, : � „ ,, i.., �...�. , �a 1 . i i• F t t s s f; t f I I WHEEL' 1 t { I j `! ? i E '' � r STOPS f , (TYP.) K t 1 � f E t 1 s ,T ji 'tl ..... ...... .... .. .... (I , # 1' tf # t� t �'. r l R # i f : i is K' I' 3 'r f J if 3 ;; rf , , p\CRM -::. .:' :::: is ,l .rte; : Lie. No. 0402048507 r, CU R . k V i £ +t f I �A f # E A 3 2� ctrl F F. < E 4 , n .... 4 oft f "t F . 5 �...: _:. . <: < : ... • • , . ' 1. Sa ,° ° ° 00 NOT S AF DRAV VNO. The Contractor Shall take field measurements and verify field conditions and shall carefully compare ° ° °s auah Held measurements and conditions and other fntomteHon known WfP <DOStxIN CURB 4 '# � <,' .. • • . , • .. • to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing g activities; Contractor shall y y pa the Contact carefully stud and compare � i # SEI SHEET C11' . . :, .. , , << 4 , Documents with each other and with information furnished the �r i # � # � � � ;� £ E � . , • .. , ..... .. , . , � ' ... , . , .... .. , ... ” .I•, 4 s...•....,M ................... . Owner and shall at once the Architect report to errors. Inconsistencies or omissions discovered. If the Contractor 4 'C j < • , . . , ... • .. _ . .. °.. °._. performs as �; •` E : ; # ; ' E � ;< � ;;:; .;; .. ^ 4" , . , , 4 / � .. " " ... • " " . , . , .... 4 YaFi � CU�Gi <' _- ., i any construction activity knowing It involves a recognized error, incoraieten or omisalon kt the Contract Documents �Y WiH101it atlCh 4 _ .... 4 _ t .M. t notice to the Archftact, the Contractor shall assume appropriate t : f p . ' 4 -' FLUSI� CURB" � FAR DET�iL � u ,: responsibility for such performance and shall bear an appropriate amount of the attributable cost, ?iI < < � , / eeS <, ' +t' ' � is z The t of the Contrail Documents Is to include all items necessary for the execution and completion of the Work by 1 o ,�• 4 4 i proper the Contractor. The Contract Documents < : are complementary, and • { v 1'' :l , c what is required by one shall be as binding as If required by all; performance by the Contractor shall be required only to the extent conetatent kh the Documents ly , .'. .•.• ' •.•.•.`.`.'.".•.• • e , %' a ONE WAY DO NOT w and r easonab Inferable from seeo conflictingn�requu emmeens the morethaMngendequements \ \.; !s i i ��� STAIRS ENTER SIGN (3} shall without hat a wltho change apply, 9 to Contract Sum or Time. { r ;: ,: ".. . " . , , . • . 4 ` ; ::�. BOLLARDS (2) LIGHTED B actions and articles, aand arrangement the Specifications s shell not control the Contractor In ` dividing the Worts among Subcontractors or in establishing the extent i ± $� =`° s : <� , .. , ' , _'> . `�' 5 � � � s ' 4 ' / a at Work to be performed by any trade. .t y � , � �' - � � r � -• - f> i g information shown on this sheet does not authorize changes to Contract Sum or Time unless stated In a Separate letter or Change , t /r a r Order, Information shown Is subject to therequirements of the Contract Documents. Contractor Is re onsiblle for dimensions, which shall be conAntred and correlated at thee site, fabrication 14 . .� processes, toChnlquse of conatruclion, quantities, the coordination of his work with all other trades and Subcontractors, and the satisfactory .� .. . .... .. . < nce of his work. . ` . .. .', . .. . .. � < � (3) 7H STAIRS ' P .... ` , � LIGHTED BOLLARDS K #���I SEESMEErtC1�fl •.. ,4 � 4 t ., ... .......... # IwCR QITAIL . ., .. ... , , .., .... .. .• . , , • HANDICAPPED • , < .a 4 PARKING SIGN � y <: • �..�t �`� a ( ) � �< � I......... • � ,'.••• ... , < BUILDING �• BUCLDING CANOPY 4 s } , .4 < � : < 23 "< 4 BUMPER 4 • Y BLACK (TYP) 4 . , , a � r � if E: � , <, '•4� � � y - f t ° t x5 { £ X N i i l i 3 Sr 4 g a s, i;.; ',; s... <... f,. .. • ,...,.. ; a •.. ,.... , Y...:. kkE cc s �� • PRCJPOSED 30,14' t BUIILDING ADOITION y �. ,fit► � � 3 tiro " f BUILDING ENTRANCE DURING �`� 4 i 4 g � .✓i.,`f �f ti fl"fi:,t % "i ■a1a�10 Ir4 4' CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR AND OWNER TO COORDINATE DROP 4 / � " s ' OFF AND PHASING ii, %;�`/ ' ' „' .. yY 0 c it #�* .».�.w.W.>r:»k��.•, j ,..� «..:,� ohc.m�a..:,F,..r�4ue...u« ! <., �5 ff 7"1{:/ si' I f�v "` -f F i .w.,r.- �,.,«� ,w,w, Mx. >. . .. ..<mnr�vH..a�w. .wr ., e.e ,w a '� � '� ,.`"` ,..... ......... ,... ...... rF"^4/ s a r ■IlN11RI �r sljf '.,. tF f ti... - -.. .. � � e" '[` �.:'n�';>.,: -• .: «<,,.,�,awa.Fa+.c..i,w+w �....r.,>r,::�mrwv2m l`�' .f .: ,i,,, :7 s'f 3 /M 2,. �f bS L:, �; 30.25 ..a.. c ' £ � ... r,.,, x» �m � „<�,., �>,,,..� s .• .,.• ., ... , ? `.. =£?,: ;� ,'s �r � .a F._.<,u:s. O fir,% cc } 14 (�' � # # , �..,e..,,; C%41 mmmi , # `� i! � � i <. •- �f4 ? ?��fs, .:..t� g' fad, �, {.Jss .:f,.i� � L3J . PROJECT PHASE: i t om'}F D p si n Development Y PROJECT #: DATE: Go 1401 11%21114 F SHEET NUMBER: NOTE: REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLAN FOR SCALE��I� " -`�0' DETAILED BUILDING DIMENSIONS. VISIBILITY OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT FROM THE ENTRANCE CORRIDOR SHALL BE fl 10` 2fl'� ELIMINATED L SD CURB 1 Y 0!J . C--'? 7�3' , :' . 1144 fr ` f /d~C.�r a, RAt / f iN �✓ 6`712' t1Vt :6. {�f 11! 91.,.J�. �x }r'.,x 4--s ✓.1 i J lr 1 'i ._, _.. t, j;�i i{ \I f tips � t r ' i 1 1, J f i r . r/ I) �U� ( 0 y 0 Q1 - ' J � i TC 627.26 TW 629.28 fr BW 627.45 TW 629.28 TC 627.23 j BW 627.47 TC 626.64 626.4 i , 1 : f o °oo o i t / : " I I c TIC 623.40 TW 629.28 4 • 4 „ 4 r , ' .. _..._ _. BW 627.59 4, 4. 4` ; 62 i 4 4 l -TC, 626.78 e8M. f ` j TW 629. 4 ' TW 829.28 '-a,"' o �i BW 627 ' 4 if t BW 627.41 ` ' 4« C 62 6 4 T, 626.86 w * FC 2 1 TC 627.7 a t r 1 626. TC 6 e <i �....., t {, } it i { tj ... ♦ �_"'.':.+.i ( � � _..7 .. 2i TW 629:28 4 .TC 627. ,6 '' .1 d8a� LBW 627 Z8 . 627.47 -�� 4 000° .4� 4. J 4 . p f, f ' t f � % r t - o°o ° '4 .fit '� . 4 • 1. t . � � i x` TC 627.3 TC 627.0 4 7.52 7 \ f s TC 627.93 -' BS 627.80 a DRAIN a4 N TT S 1i " TS629.55 t i 4 � 4 t , d., `o:a•.,1. fro s -..... w � \ : j X i ! 4 TC 630.38 2 BS 629.79 .. f ` r , �i Y I I N 4 . +j TS t 4, r I t FC 628.12 , , go 1 4 4 ✓ if : j1! 1 4. TC 628.4$ M. 4 43CJ s ;.. v V? t ��s.L ? i TC 628.57 ` 4 628.47 K n 6 1' .:. 3��38 +: 628.22 I' ! TC 632.20 1 :.r - r t E TC 628.50 .... t 41/ 632.04 I'+ \ 632.14 11 CIVII, y 1 628.79 \ 632.04 4 1.. 4. >11..t. rr,f : m 629.35 TC 629.85 V ' ' FFE 632.24 �' �. a TC 629.15 4 t7 4 Y . 4 CORRIC OR 4 4 d � X „ X,..,,. e , X �u za ,e t_ bVar'• ." t ( ".ry i^6. 7. �i'f'' ti f f v x `a✓. . f 1,44/ !t /'a ➢ J 'b ("LASS ixilr¢4 .i iFyj / # ' �: V 4. !. v`!r ? I ;Y ! i t - I t f€.tC E J i` .' % I.Jd .'r "rl , DR, � SS: IV) ROAD NOTE: REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLAN FOR DETAILED BUILDING DIMENSIONS. VISIBILITY OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT FROM THE ENTRANCE CORRIDOR SHALL BE 0 ELIMINATED i s t S a/ 4� P , r 10' 20' '1 ARCHITECTS DWG Architects, PLLC 1415 Sachem Place, Unit 2A Charlottesville VA, 22901 434.995.5537 TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. VIRGINIA l NORTH CAROLINA I WEST VIRGINIA THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE 919 SE ST SE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 www.timmons.com Site Development lResidential I Infrastructure I Technology DATE REVISION 02/24/16 REVISED PER COMMENTS 04/03/16 REVISED PER COMMENTS 05/08/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 08/01/16 REVISED PER COMMENTS a CRAIG W r. SKI � Lie, No. 0402043507 ssx�%NAL 'G DO NOT SCALE DRAWING. The Contractor shall take field measurements and verify field conditions and shelf carefully compare such field measurements and conditions and other Information known to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing activities; Contractor shaft carefully study and compare the Contact Documents with each other and with Information furnished by the Owner and shall at once report to the Architect errors, Inconsistencies or omissions discovered. if the Contractor performs any construction activity knowing It involves a recognized error, Inconsistency or omission In the Contract Documents without such notice to the Architect, the Contractor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such performance and shall bear an appropriate amount of the attributable cost The Intent of the Contract Documents is to Include all Items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work by the Contractor, The Contract Documents are complementary, and What is required by one shall be as binding as if required by all; performance by the Contractor shall be required only to the extent consistent with the Contract Documents and reasonably Inferable from them as being necessary to produce the intended results. In case of conflicting requirements, the more stringent requirements shall apply, without change to Contract Sum or Time. Organization of the Specifications into divisions, sections and articles, and arrangement of Drawings *hall not control the Contractor In dividing the Work among Subcontractors or in establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade, Information shown on this sheet does not authorize changes to Contract Sum or Time unless stated in a separate letter or Change Order. information shown is subject to the requirements of the Contract Documents. Contractor is responsible for dimensions, which shall be confirmed and correlated at the site, fabrication processes, techniques of construction, quantities, the coordination of his work with ail other trades and Subcontractors, and the satisfactory performance of his work. O 07 N �cc E ■� �r0 V � ttearnftto U) WO cm :ri Ln cc Lases N PROJECT PHASE: Design Development PROJECT #: DATE: 1401 11121114 SHEET NUMBER: r ARCHITECTS DWG Architects, PLLC 1415 Sachem Place, Unit 2A Charlottesville VA, 22901 434.995.5537 TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. VIRGINIA I NORTH CAROLINA I WEST VIRGINIA THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE CORPORATE OFFICE 1001 BOULDERS PARKWAY SUITE 300 RICHMOND, VA 23225 TEL 804,200.6500 FAX 804.560,1016 www.tlmmons.com Site Development lResidential llnfroetructurel Technology DATE REVISION 02/24/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 04/03/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 05/08/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 00/01/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS P. Lic. No. 1628 05/29/2015 DO NOT SCALE DRAWING, The Contractor shall take field measurements and verify field conditions and shell carefully compare such field measurements and conditions and other information known to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing activities; Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contact Documents with each other and with Information furnished by the Owner and shall at once report to the Architect errors, Inconsistencies or omissions discovered, If the Contractor performs any construction activity, knowing it involves a recognized error, Inconsistency or omission in the Contract Documents without such notice to the Architect, the Contractor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such performance and shall beer an appropriate amount of the attributable cost, The Intent of the Contract Documents is to include all Items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the VWrk by the Contractor, The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is required by one shall be as binding as If required by all; performance by the Contractor shall be required only to the extent consistent with the Contract Documents and reasonably Inferable from them as being necessary to produce the Intended results, In case of conflicting requirements, the more stringent requirements shall apply, without change to Contract Sum or Time, Organization of the Specifications into divisions, sections and articles, and arrangement of Drawings shall not control the Contractor in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or In establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade. Information shown on this sheet does not authorize changes to Contract Sum or Time unless stated in a separate letter or Change Order, Information shown Is subject to the requirements of the Contract Documents. Contractor is responsible for dimensions, which shell be confirmed and correlated at the site, fabrication processes, techniques of construction, quantities, the coordination of his work with all other trades and Subcontractors, and the satisfactory performance of his work, Q N N r� r0) = cc •�rrr U) ■ CL cc CIO) tl C" C* V cc "o J •16= (z cc 0 > N PROJECT PHASE: Design Development PROJECT #: DATE: 1401 11/21/14 SHEET NUMBER: Li ■ PLANT KEY EXCLUDING BIOFILTER TREES BOTANICAL NAME ACE BLO ACER PALMATUM'BLOODGOOD' ACE GLO ACER RUBRUM 'OCTOBER GLORY' TM AES CAR AESCULUS X CARNEA 'BRIOTII' COR MAS CORNUS MAS PIC OMO PICEA OMORIKA QUE PHE QUERCUS PHELLOS FAX 804,560.1016 SHRUBS BOTANICAL NAME BUX GEM BUXUS MICROPHYLLA'WINTER GEM' CAM CLE CAMELLIA SASANQUA'CLEOPATRA' ILE BLU ILEX MESERVEAE *BLUE PRINCE' ILE WIN ILEX VERTICILLATA 'WINTER RED' JUN OWL JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA 'GREY OWL' PRU OTT PRUNUS LAUROCERASUS 'OTTO LUYKEN' RHO MAR RHODODENDRON HYBRIDA *MARTHA HITCHCOCK' ROS NOV ROSA X 'NOVAROSPOP' SPI SHP SPIRAEA JAPONICA'SHIROBANA' VIB MOH VIBURNUM X BURKWOODII 'MOHAWK' 60. GROUND COVERS BOTANICAL NAME ADI PED ADIANTUM PEDATUM DRY BRI DRYOPTERIS ERYTHROSORA 'BRILLIANCE' HEM BAB HEMEROCALLIS X'BABY TALK' LIR MUS LIRIOPE MUSCARI PER LIT PEROVSKIA ATRIPLICIFOLIA 'LITTLE SPIRE' TM PLANT KEY: BIOFILTER SHRUBS BOTANICAL NAME ILE WIN ILEX VERTICILLATA'WINTER RED' ITE SPR ITEA VIRGINICA 'SPRICH' JUN OWL JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA'GREY OWL' ACE GIGO 0 } 11 GROUND COVERS BOTANICAL NAME PAN SHA PANICUM VIRGATUM 'SHENENDOAH' SEE COMPLETE PLANT SCHEDULES ON SHEET L1,2 PRU OTT,' ROS NOV(6) SPI SHP(19) AES CAR (2) ILE WIN(3) ADI PED(49) PER LIT(22) HEM 12AB(48) VIB MOH (1) -- _ _ HEM BAB(38) ACE GLO(1) Li EXISTING TREE REMULCH TREE t-, ,{I LAWN � 1,F F' LAWN 1� i 4 r' , \ IB MOH(1) ILE WIN (3) HEM BAB(105) ADI PED (24) ACE BLO (2) PIC OMO(2) BUX GEM,(13) BUX GEM (13) r y_ y i • MULCH LINE (TYP.) ! 1 ILE BLU (5) HEM BAB(58) JUN OWL(8) y�l, fury CC? CAM CLE (3) ADI PED (81) DRY BRI (61)'1 • X11,11 XX> „< ILE BLU (5) HEM BAB(58) 1 • VICT STANLEYI�3ENCHES P ANENTLY AFRXED TO'��� ' L NCRETE, CLR: BLACK of { � LAWN ± +—i VICTOR STANLEY BENCHES , , PERMANENTLY AFFIXED TO CONCRETE. CLR: BLAG MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING } r r '' /li l� • lllil,'�iln Z�l`��� r r _ � ��1` �1 I � iii 1, i�, y�i_:. .IILL 11' i.i� �4 �1 __. It. �i'' 1I�. F' fV • • I ACE GLO(1) l � � • • .MULCH LINE ,;, n • • • yY (P') THIS PLAN HAS NOT RECEIVED It �Yti � �h zr/ �� �, - • v, ���� ' � FINAL APPROVAL, AND IS NOT PRU OTT (1) APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION, y v" 01, `� Y''r'S , `�i;f'" , ✓`/�' xX. j: s;Y �L, , S.ic :S. LIR,MUS (29) , \j ✓ ,� x / . T r ir: ''fix . r xY!�yK .< "Y. ' x k: _5? �n+^�.� . j _ d J°fir X �.X /YX� ix y y r rY fib • • . S r yr. �1,�S�;h'k' SJ'i� , `C `<, r�i '�` T � `Yn 1 - ��r'Y.i'�''r .. "~,,, y /�,; �C� 1�` � z'�'��'1 r� _ti '�C . r' jx� r� k'v`�! '�'r' �. c>,,7 ,..�. n � • j� TP W w SCALE 1"=10' 0 10' 20' �46mo III �I ARCHITECTS `LAWN 1415 Sachem Place, Unit 2A Charlottesville VA, 22901 434.995.5537 • TIMMONS GROUP — ACE GIGO 0 } 11 THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE CORPORATE OFFICE 1001 BOULDERS PARKWAY SUITE 300 ,, TEL 804.200,6500 FAX 804,560.1016 www.timmons.com Site Development iResidential I Infrastructure ITechnology J ( 02/24/18 REVISED PER COMMENTS 04/08/18 REVISED PER COMMENTS 08/08/16 REVISED PER COMMENTS 06/01 /16 REVISED PER COMMENTS SALTR / / P. Lie. No. 1628 05/29/2015 DO NOT SCALE DRAWNG. The Contractor shall take field measurements and verify held conditions and shall carefully compare such field measurements and conditions and other Informatton known to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing I Owner and •hail at once report to the Architect errors, Inconsistencies or omissions discovered, If the Contractor performs any construction activity knowing it involves a recognized error, Inconsistency or omission In the Contract Documents without such notice to the Architect, the Contractor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such performance and shall bear an appropriate amount of the attributable cost. The intent of the Contract Documents Is to Include all Items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work by 60. / from them as being necessary to produce the Intended results. In rase of conflicting requirements, the more stringent requirements shall apply, without change to Contract Sum or Time. Organization of the Speciflostions Into divisions, sections and articles, and arrangement of Drawings shall not control the Contractor in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or In establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade. Information shown on this sheet does not authorize changes to Contract Sum or Time unless stated in a separate letter or Change Order. Information shown Is subject to the requirements of the Contract Documents, Contractor is responsible for dimensions, which / with all other trades and Subcontractors, and the satisfactory performance of his work. M Lit X N N r 1 �cc Cn .son ♦ e CD 1100010010 .�. .� _ fA CL m tiff... O W cc LAWN cc C* t'3� •�N� J W Lnaa�• 0 QM! N D PROJECT PHASE: Design Development PROJECT #: DATE: 1401 11121114 SHEET NUMBER: ; LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE JUN OWL(3) ILE W,IN(5) EXISTINGITREE ITE SPR(10) F ITE 5PR(10) EXISTING TREE ! / REMULCH TREE ILE VI/IN(5) JUN OWL(5) !! / PAN SHA(46) REMULCH TREE `., HEM BAB(26) ROS NOV (5) ACE GLO (1 } __ ACE GLO(1) SPI SHP(24) SPI.SHP(9) PER LIT(66) ti X ! / k DRY BRI (44) CAMCLE(3) JUN OWL(8) LAWN ADI PED(124) ROS NOV(6) SPI SHP(19) AES CAR (2) ILE WIN(3) ADI PED(49) PER LIT(22) HEM 12AB(48) VIB MOH (1) -- _ _ HEM BAB(38) ACE GLO(1) Li EXISTING TREE REMULCH TREE t-, ,{I LAWN � 1,F F' LAWN 1� i 4 r' , \ IB MOH(1) ILE WIN (3) HEM BAB(105) ADI PED (24) ACE BLO (2) PIC OMO(2) BUX GEM,(13) BUX GEM (13) r y_ y i • MULCH LINE (TYP.) ! 1 ILE BLU (5) HEM BAB(58) JUN OWL(8) y�l, fury CC? CAM CLE (3) ADI PED (81) DRY BRI (61)'1 • X11,11 XX> „< ILE BLU (5) HEM BAB(58) 1 • VICT STANLEYI�3ENCHES P ANENTLY AFRXED TO'��� ' L NCRETE, CLR: BLACK of { � LAWN ± +—i VICTOR STANLEY BENCHES , , PERMANENTLY AFFIXED TO CONCRETE. CLR: BLAG MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING } r r '' /li l� • lllil,'�iln Z�l`��� r r _ � ��1` �1 I � iii 1, i�, y�i_:. .IILL 11' i.i� �4 �1 __. It. �i'' 1I�. F' fV • • I ACE GLO(1) l � � • • .MULCH LINE ,;, n • • • yY (P') THIS PLAN HAS NOT RECEIVED It �Yti � �h zr/ �� �, - • v, ���� ' � FINAL APPROVAL, AND IS NOT PRU OTT (1) APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION, y v" 01, `� Y''r'S , `�i;f'" , ✓`/�' xX. j: s;Y �L, , S.ic :S. LIR,MUS (29) , \j ✓ ,� x / . T r ir: ''fix . r xY!�yK .< "Y. ' x k: _5? �n+^�.� . j _ d J°fir X �.X /YX� ix y y r rY fib • • . S r yr. �1,�S�;h'k' SJ'i� , `C `<, r�i '�` T � `Yn 1 - ��r'Y.i'�''r .. "~,,, y /�,; �C� 1�` � z'�'��'1 r� _ti '�C . r' jx� r� k'v`�! '�'r' �. c>,,7 ,..�. n � • j� TP W w SCALE 1"=10' 0 10' 20' �46mo III �I ARCHITECTS DWG Architects, PLLC 1415 Sachem Place, Unit 2A Charlottesville VA, 22901 434.995.5537 • TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. VIRGINIA I NORTH CAROLINA ( WEST VIRGINIA THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE CORPORATE OFFICE 1001 BOULDERS PARKWAY SUITE 300 RICHMOND, VA 23225 TEL 804.200,6500 FAX 804,560.1016 www.timmons.com Site Development iResidential I Infrastructure ITechnology DATE REVISION 02/24/18 REVISED PER COMMENTS 04/08/18 REVISED PER COMMENTS 08/08/16 REVISED PER COMMENTS 06/01 /16 REVISED PER COMMENTS SALTR P. Lie. No. 1628 05/29/2015 DO NOT SCALE DRAWNG. The Contractor shall take field measurements and verify held conditions and shall carefully compare such field measurements and conditions and other Informatton known to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing actiNties; Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contact Documents with each other and with Information famished by the Owner and •hail at once report to the Architect errors, Inconsistencies or omissions discovered, If the Contractor performs any construction activity knowing it involves a recognized error, Inconsistency or omission In the Contract Documents without such notice to the Architect, the Contractor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such performance and shall bear an appropriate amount of the attributable cost. The intent of the Contract Documents Is to Include all Items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work by the Contractor. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what Is required by one shall be as binding as If required by all; performance by the Contractor shall be required only to the extent consistent with the Contract Documents and reasonably Inferable from them as being necessary to produce the Intended results. In rase of conflicting requirements, the more stringent requirements shall apply, without change to Contract Sum or Time. Organization of the Speciflostions Into divisions, sections and articles, and arrangement of Drawings shall not control the Contractor in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or In establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade. Information shown on this sheet does not authorize changes to Contract Sum or Time unless stated in a separate letter or Change Order. Information shown Is subject to the requirements of the Contract Documents, Contractor is responsible for dimensions, which shall be confirmed and correlated at the site, fabrication processes, techniques of construction, quantities, the coordination of his work with all other trades and Subcontractors, and the satisfactory performance of his work. M X N N �cc Cn .son O > cc CD 1100010010 .�. .� _ fA CL m tiff... O W cc cc C* t'3� •�N� J W Lnaa�• 0 QM! N D PROJECT PHASE: Design Development PROJECT #: DATE: 1401 11121114 SHEET NUMBER: NOTE: ONLY STAKE TREES WITH LARGE CROWNS, 2" CALIPER OR GREATER, IF LOCATED ON WINDY SITES, OR WHERE TAMPERING MAY OCCUR. PRUNE CODOMINATE LEADERS REMOVE BROKEN, BADLY DEFORMED, RUBBING, NARROW CROTCH ANGLES, WATER SPROUTS, OR CROSS - BRANCHES. REMOVE TAGS, LABELS, AND PLASTIC SLEEVING. DO NOT STAKE UNLESS SPECIFIED (SEE NOTE) DO NOT WRAP TRUNK PRUNE SUCKERS IF FIELD GROWN, CUT AWAY ALL BALLING ROPES, REMOVE BURLAP OR WIRE BASKET FROM TOP Y3 OF BALL. IF CONTAINER GROWN, REMOVE CONTAINER AND CUT CIRCLING ROOTS 1:1 SLOPE OF SIDES OF PLANTING HOLE SCARIFY SIDES BEFORE PLANTING TAMP SOIL AROUND ROOTBALL BASE FIRMLY WITH FOOT PRESSURE SO THAT ROOTBALL DOES NOT SHIFT DECIDUOUS TREE - STAKING SPECIFIED NOTE: STAKE EVERGREENS 6' OR TALLER, ON SLOPES, WITH LARGE CROWNS, OR IF LOCATED ON WINDY SITES. REMOVE TAGS, LABELS, AND PLASTIC SLEEVING. DO NOT STAKE UNLESS NECESSARY (SEE NOTE). DO NOT WRAP TRUNK SET ROOTBALL FLUSH TO GRADE OR 1 -2" HIGHER IN SLOWLY DRAINING SOILS. DO NOT COVER THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL WiTH SOIL. ROOTFLARE SHALL BE VISIBLE ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. PRUNE SUCKERS 1:1 SLOPE ON SIDES OF PLANTING HOLE SCARIFY SIDES BEFORE PLANTING PLACE ROOTBALL ON UNEXCAVATED OR TAMPED SOIL _ _ _ - -� 3 X ROOTBALL DIAMETER CONIFEROUS TREE - STAKING SPECIFIED TO SCALE REMOVE ALL DEAD, BROKEN, DISEASED, AND WEAK BRANCHES AT TIME ^� ^I AAITIAIP. COIR EROSION CI 2 -3" HARDWOOD N KEEP AWAY'. SO INSTALL SHRUBS SO THAT THE' ROOTBALL IS AT THE SAME GRADE AS ( GROWN OR 1 -2" ABOVE IN POOR DRAININ( NOT COVER THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALI BACKFILL PLANTING PIT WITH i INCORPORATE SLOW- RELEASE SCARIFY BOTTOM AND :W ROOT BALL 12 GAUGE GALVANIZED WIRE �`-- 3 -2 "X2" HARDWOOD STAKES GALVANIZED WIRE GUY 12 GAUGE. ALLOW FOR A SLIGHT AMOUNT OF MOVEMENT 8'2"4" HARDWOOD STAKE, 74" MIN BELOW SURFACE, STAKE SHALL BE DRIVEN A MIN 18" OUT FROM TRUNK AND OUTSIDE OF ROOTBALL 2 -3" MULCH LAYER TO EDGE OF DRIPLINE. KEEP 4-6" AWAY FROM TRUNKFLARE SET ROOTBALL FLUSH TO GRADE OR 1 -2" HIGHER IN SLOWLY DRAINING SOILS, DO NOT COVER THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL WiTH SOIL. ROOTFLARE SHALL BE VISIBLE ABOVE FINISHED GRADE 6" SAUCER BACKFILL PLANTING PIT WITH NATIVE SOIL. INCORPORATE SLOW - RELEASE GRANULAR FERTILIZER 1" COMPOST LAYER 4" x 18" PERFORATED CORRUGATED PLASTIC PIPE; CAP FLUSH WITH MULCH PLACE ROOTBALL ON UNEXCAVATED OR TAMPED SOIL PRUNE CODOMINATE LEADERS RUBBER HOSE GALVANIZED WIRE GUY 12 GAUGE. ALLOW FOR A SLIGHT AMOUNT OF MOVEMENT 2 "X2" HARDWOOD STAKE 2' -6" MIN BELOW SURFACE. STAKE SHALL BE DRIVEN A MIN 18" OUT FROM TRUNK AND OUTSIDE OF ROOTBALL IF FIELD GROWN CUT AWAY ALL BALLING ROPES. REMOVE BURLAP OR WIRE BASKET FROM TOP Y3 OF BALL, IF CONTAINER GROWN, REMOVE CONTAINER AND CUT CIRCLING ROOTS 1" COMPOST LAYER BACKFILL PLANTING PIT WITH NATIVE SOIL. INCORPORATE SLOW- RELEASE GRANULAR FERTILIZER 4" X 18" PERFORATED CORRUGATED PLASTIC PIPE; CAP FLUSH WITH MULCH 2 -3" MULCH LAYER, MULCH TO EDGE OF DRIPLINE. KEEP 4-6" AWAY FROM TRUNK FLARE W SAUCER TAMP SOiL AROUND ROOTBALL BASE FIRMLY WITH FOOT PRESSURE SO THAT ROOTBALL DOES NOT SHIFT BIO- RETENTION BASIN PLANTING INSTALL SHRUBS SO THAT THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL iS AT THE SAME GRADE AS ORIGINALLY GROWN OR 1 -2" ABOVE IN POOR DRAINING SOILS, DO NOT COVER THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL WITH SOIL REMOVE ALL STRING, WIRE, AND BURLAP FROM TOP Y3 OF BALL BACKFILL PLANTING PIT WITH - NATIVE SOIL. INCORPORATE - 1_4 1 --- SLOW - RELEASE GRANULAR FERTILIZER - SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES B &B CONTAINER OF PIT SHRUB PLANTING HEIGHT VARIES WITH Pl. 12" MIN. PLAN VIEW: REMOVE ALL DEAD, BROKEN, DISEASED, AND WEAK BRANCHES AT TIME OF PLANTING 2 -3" MULCH LAYER, KEEP AWAY FROM TRUNK A _1U 4 �--- -- PROVIDE MULCH UP AND OVER SAUCER �--- 6" SAUCER "-~- --- REMOVE CONTAINER, SCARIFY PERIMETER ROOTS EDGE OF BUILDING, WALK OR STRUCTURE VOIDS MULCH LINE PLANT UNDER DRIP LINE OF LIMBED UP SHRUBS & TREES TRIANGULAR iNFILL SPACING PLANT PERIMETER AT INDICATED SPACING PLANT UP TO EDGE OF SHRUBS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED PLANT 2 -3" MULCH LAYER 1" COMPOST LAYER AMENDED SOIL MIX UNDISTURBED EARTH GROUNDCOVERIPERENNIAL PLANTING NOT TO SCALE REMOVE ALL DEAD, BROKEN, DISEASED, AND WEAK BRANCHES AT TiME OF PLANTING INSTALL SHRUBS SO THAT THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL IS AT THE SAME GRADE AS ORIGINALLY GROWN. COIR EROSION CONTROL MAT ' 2 -3" HARDWOOD MULCH LAYER. KEEP AWAY SOD ON SLOP SM TRUNK. `` ..... � REMOVE CONTAINER. SCARIFY PERIMETER ROOTS �-- BACKFILL PLANTING PIT WITH BIORETENTION SOIL. BIORETENTION SOIL (REFER TO CIVIL) FILTER FABRIC (REFER TO CIVIL) STONE (REFER TO CIVIL) PIPE UNDERDRAIN (REFER TO CIVIL) PLANT SCHEDULE EXCLUDING BIOFILTER TREES QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MINIMUM INSTALLED SIZE ROOT REMARKS ACE BLO 2 ACER PALMATUM ' BLOODGOOD' BLOODGOOD JAPANESE MAPLE 7' HEIGHT B &B SPECIMEN ACE GLO 5 ACER RUBRUM 'OCTOBER GLORY' TM OCTOBER GLORY MAPLE 2.5" CAL B &B 3' O.C. AES CAR 2 AESCULUS X CARNEA'BRIOTII' BRIOTII HORSECHESTNUT 1.5" CAL, B &B SPECIMEN COR MAS 4 CORNUS MAS CORNELiAN CHERRY DOGWOOD 6' HEIGHT B &B ROOT PIC OMO 2 PICEA OMORIKA SERBIAN SPRUCE 6' HEIGHT B &B CONTAINER QUE PHE 5 1 QUERCUS PHELLOS WILLOW OAK 3.5" CAL, IB&B I SPECIMEN O SHRUBS QTY* BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MINIMUM INSTALLED SIZE REMARKS REMARKS BUX GEM 26 BUXUS MICROPHYLLA 'WINTER GEM' GLOBE WINTER GEM BOXWOOD 24" HT /SPRD CONTAINER 3' O.C. CAM CLE 6 CAMELLIA SASANQUA 'CLEOPATRA' ROSE PINK CAMELLIA 24" HT /SPRD CONTAINER 8' O.C. ILE BLU 10 ILEX MESERVEAE 'BLUE PRINCE' HOLLY BLUE 24" HT /SPRD CONTAINER 3' O.C. ILE WIN 6 ILEX VERTICILLATA'WINTER RED' WINTER RED HOLLY 30" HT /SPRD CONTAINER 6' O.C. JUN OWL 16 JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA 'GREY OWL' EASTERN REDCEDAR 24" SPRD. CONTAINER 5' O.C. PRU OTT 13 PRUNUS LAUROCERASUS 'OTTO LUYKEN' LUYKENS LAUREL 18" HT B &B OR CONTAINER RHO MAR 18 RHODODENDRON HYBRIDA 'MARTHA HITCHCOCK' MARTHA HITCHCOCK AZALEA 24 " HT /SPRD CONTAINER 4' O.C. ROS NOV 11 ROSA X 'NOVAROSPOP' DRIFT ROSE 18" SPREAD CONTAINER X O.C. SPI SHP 52 SPIRAEA JAPONICA'SHIROBANA' SHIROBANA SPIREA 24" HT /SPRD CONTAINER 2.5' O.C. VIB MOH 12 1 VIBURNUM X BURKWOODiI ' MOHAWK' MOHAWK VIBURNUM 36" HT. CONTAINER 8' O.C. GROUND COVERS QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MINIMUM INSTALLED SIZE ROOT ADI PED 278 ADIANTUM PEDATUM NORTHERN MAIDENHAIR FERN 2 GAL CONTAINER DRY BRI 105 DRYOPTERIS ERYTHROSORA 'BRILLIANCE' AUTUMN FERN 2 GAL CONTAINER HEM BAB 333 HEMEROCALLIS X 'BABY TALK' PASTEL PINK DAYLILY 1 GAL CONTAINER LIR MUS 429 LIRIOPE MUSCARi LILY TURF 1 GAL. CONTAINER PER LIT 88 PEROVSKIA ATRIPLICIFOLIA'LITTLE SPIRE' TM LITTLE SPIRE RUSSIAN SAGE 1 GAL CONTAINER *PLANT SCHEDULE QUANTITIES ARE FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY AND SHALL BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO BIDDING. PLANT SCHEDULE: B10FILTER SHRUBS QTY* BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MINIMUM INSTALLED SIZE ROOT SPACING ILE WIN 10 ILEX VERTiCILLATA'WINTER RED' WINTER RED HOLLY 30" HT /SPRD CONTAINER 6' O.C. ITE SPR 20 ITEA ViRGINICA 'SPRICH' VIRGINIA SWEETSPIRE 18" HT. CONTAINER 3' O.C. JUN OWL 8 JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA 'GREY OWL' EASTERN REDCEDAR 24" SPRD. I CONTAINER 5' O.C. AV GROUND COVERS QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MINIMUM INSTALLED SIZE ROOT SPACING PAN SHA 46 PANICUM VIRGATUM 'SHENENDOAH' BURGUNDY SWITCH GRASS 2 GAL CONTAINER 24" O.C. *PLANT SCHEDULE QUANTITIES ARE FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY AND SHALL BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO BIDDING. GENERAL NOTES PRE - CONSTRUCTION • CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING "MISS UTILITY" AT 1.800.552.7001 FOR LOCATION OF ALL UTILITY LINES.TREES SHALL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET FROM SEWERNIIATER CONNECTIONS. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF CONFLICTS, • VERIFY ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES ON THE PLAN PRIOR TO BIDDING, PLANT LIST TOTALS ARE FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY AND SHALL BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO BIDDING. • PROVIDE PLANT MATERIALS OF QUANTITY, SIZE, GENUS, SPECIES, AND VARIETY INDICATED ON PLANS. ALL PLANT MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION SHALL COMPLY WITH RECOMMENDATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF ANSI Z60.1 "AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK ". IF SPECIFIED PLANT MATERIAL IS NOT OBTAINABLE, SUBMIT PROOF OF NON AVAILABILITY TO THE ARCHITECTS, TOGETHER WITH PROPOSAL FOR USE OF EQUIVALENT MATERIAL. • PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL PLANTS AS IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAILS AND CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS. CONSTRUCTION /INSTALLATION • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY PLANTS AND MATERIALS THAT ARE IN AN UNHEALTHY OR UNSIGHTLY CONDITION, AS WELL AS PLANTS AND MATERIALS THAT DO NOT CONFORM TO ANSI Z60.1 "AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK" • LABEL AT LEAST ONE TREE AND ONE SHRUB OF EACH VARIETY AND CALIPER WITH A SECURELY ATTACHED, WATERPROOF TAG BEARING THE DESIGNATION OF BOTANICAL AND COMMON NAME. • INSTALL LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS AT ENTRANCES /EXITS AND PARKING AREAS ACCORDING TO PLANS SO THAT MATERIALS WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH SIGHT DISTANCES. • CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WATERING ALL PLANT MATERIAL DURING INSTALLATION AND UNTIL FINIAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OWNER OF CONDITIONS WHICH AFFECTS THE GUARANTEE. INSPECTIONS /GUARANTEE • UPON COMPLETION OF LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR WHO WILL VERIFY COMPLETENESS, INCLUDING THE REPLACEMENT OF ALL DEAD PLANT MATERIAL. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SCHEDULING A FINAL INSPECTION BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. • ALL EXTERIOR PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE FULL YEAR AFTER DATE OF FINAL INSPECTION AGAINST DEFECTS INCLUDING DEATH AND UNSATISFACTORY GROWTH. DEFECTS RESULTING FROM NEGLECT BY THE OWNER, ABUSE OR DAMAGE BY OTHERS, OR UNUSUAL PHENOMENA OR INCIDENTS WHICH ARE BEYOND THE CONTRACTORS CONTROL ARE NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR • PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES AND SIZES WILL BE INSPECTED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH APPROVED PLANS BY A SITE PLAN REVIEW AGENT OF THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO THE RELEASE OF THE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY, • REMOVE ALL GUY WIRES AND STAKES 12 MONTHS AFTER INSTALLATION. MAINTENANCE • ALL SITE PLANTINGS OF TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL BE ALLOWED TO REACH, AND BE MAINTAINED AT, MATURE HEIGHT; THE TOPPING OF TREES IS PROHIBITED. SHRUBS AND TREES SHALL BE PRUNED MINIMALLY AND ONLY TO SUPPORT THE OVERALL HEALTH OF THE PLANT. APCH ITECTS DWG Architects, PLLC 1415 Sachem Place, Unit 2A Charlottesville VA, 22901 434.995.5537 TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. VIRGINIA I NORTH CAROLINA l WEST VIRGINIA THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE CORPORATE OFFICE 1001 BOULDERS PARKWAY SUITE 300 RICHMOND, VA 23223 TEL 804.200,6500 FAX 804.560.1016 www.timmons.com Site Development iRe sidentlelllnfrastructurelTechnology DATE REVISION 02/24/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 04/03/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 05/08/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 06/01/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS O I' 1?1 B Lie. No. 1628 05/29/2015 AV DO NOT SCALE DRAWING. The Contractor shall take field measurements and verify held conditions and shall carefully compare such field measurements and conditions and other Information known to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing activities; Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contact Documents with each other and with information furnished by the Owner and $hall at once report to the Architect errors, Inconsistencies or omissions discovered. If the Contractor performs any construction activity knowing it involves a recognized error, Inconsistency or omisslon in the Contract Documents without such notice to the Architect, the Contractor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such performance and shall bear an appropriate amount of the attributable cost, The Intent of the Contract Documents is to include all Items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work by the Contractor. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is required by one shall be as binding as If required by all; performance by the Contractor shall be required only to the extent consistent with the Contract Documents and reasonably inferable from them as being necessary to produce the intended results. In case of conflicting requirements, the more stringent requirements shall apply, without change to Contract Sum or Time. Organization of the Specifications Into divisions, sections and articles, and arrangement of Drawings shall not control the Contractor In dividing the Work among Subcontractors or in establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade. Information shown on this sheet does not authorize changes to Contract Sum or Time unless stated in a separate letter or Change Order. Informaton shown is subject to the requirements of the Contract Documents. Contractor Is responsible for dimensions, which shall be confirmed and correlated at the site, fabrication processes, techniques of construction, quantities, the coordination of his work with all other trades and Subcontractors, and the satisfactory performance of his work. O X N C`V -M 110111111111111 ? CALCULATED PAVED PARKING AND VEHICULAR CIRCULATION = 0.26 ACRES = 11,304 SO, FT. N 900% 5"N aggg Q- 7. , po. _X_ it 1 W NO?, r KEY TREES TO BE REMOVED PAVED PARKING AND VEHICULAR CIRCULATION AREA INTERNAL LANDSCAPED AREA C-1 WE 01"I" I I "I ilks. ----------- W n 31 ne"I 11 161 I( Ij '00 ---------- lit, I ,.,,__I' It �q yr '6 M 0 , + im it t nft MWM* J, Illft if z/ Ii ji if LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE: = 0.48 ACRES = 20,909 SQ. FT. irj Ii!t LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE: = 0.48 ACRES = 20,909 SQ. FT. k w. 8 MW EWE!_ 5 F i - R 15— igr iyaiim, # ft MGM.' A �,V -2, a, 1�,, 4111 gr 162 L i2111f;1__A Z j 000 EIMER q if "t- 0 Aqw An 0 0 1 A"k 'K. VRR 0 0 A_4� i, -1 0 0 �Z 10 It ol w �13 f II p Q Ne" & Ila It 3 '"Raw h " al % Z� Ii = 0.26 ACRES = 11,326 SO, FT. EXISTING CONDITIONS ALBEMARLE COUNTY LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS = 0.26 ACRES =11, 326 SO. FT. PROPOSED LAYOUT AREA QUANTITY REQUIREMENT RATIO REQUIRED EXISTING PROVIDED PARKING ISLAND 18 PARKING MIN. 1 TREE / 10 SPACES 2 TREES 6 TREES EXISTING 3 TREES TREES FOR SPACES AESCULUS X CARNEA'BRIOTII' BRIOTII HORSECHESTNUT 6 TREES REMOVED 2 CONSTRUCTION 151 18 / 10 SPACES - 2 TREES QUERCUS PHELLOS 0 TREES REMAINING LARGE DECIDUOUS TREE AREA PROPOSED 471 2355 — ACER PALMATUM'SLOODGOOD' BLOODGOOD JAPANESE MAPLE INTERNAL 11,304 SQ. FT. 5 % OF PAVED PARKING 565 SQ. FT. 7232 SQ. FT. 6944 SQ. FT. LANDSCAPED PAVED PARKING VEHICULAR CIRCULATION INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL AREA VEHICULAR ORNAMENTAL CONIFER TREE LANDSCAPED AREA LANDSCAPED AREA LANDSCAPED AREA 56 CIRCULATION 11,304 SQ. FT. X (.05) BROAD-LEAVED EVERGREEN SHRUB 2 PROPOSED 22 44 -- 565 SQ. FT. TOTAL QUANTITY = 22 New TREE CANOPY 32;235 SQ. FT. 10 % OF SITE AREA 3,224 SQ. FT. 17 TREES EXISTING 22 TREES PROPOSED/ WITHIN 32,235 SQ. FT. X (.10) TREE CANOPY AREA 0 TREES TO REMAIN 5535 SQ. FT. CANOPY LIMITS OF (TREES WITHIN LIMITS Uj DISTURBANCE - 3,224 SQ. FT. OF DISTURBANCE) CANOPY CALCULATION SCHEDULE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CATEGORY QUANTITY EXISTING PROPOSED 10-YEAR CANOPY VALUE* (SQ. FT.) TOTAL CANOPY'VALUE (SQ FT.) ACER RUBRUM'OCTOBER GLORY' TM OCTOBER GLORY RED MAPLE LARGE DECIDUOUS TREE 5 PROPOSED 452 2260 AESCULUS X CARNEA'BRIOTII' BRIOTII HORSECHESTNUT LARGE DECIDUOUS TREE 2 PROPOSED 151 302 QUERCUS PHELLOS WILLOW OAK LARGE DECIDUOUS TREE 5 PROPOSED 471 2355 — ACER PALMATUM'SLOODGOOD' BLOODGOOD JAPANESE MAPLE SMALL ORNAMENTAL TREE 2 PROPOSED 163 326 CORN US MAS CORNELIAN CHERRY SMALL ORNAMENTAL TREE 4 PROPOSED 113 452 PICEA OMORIKA SERBIAN SPRUCE ORNAMENTAL CONIFER TREE 2 PROPOSED 28 56 IVIBURNUM X BURKWOODII'MOHAWK' IMOHAWKVIBURNUM BROAD-LEAVED EVERGREEN SHRUB 2 PROPOSED 22 44 TOTAL QUANTITY = 22 New TOTAL CANOPY PROVIDED = S79S *BASED ON ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANT CANOPY CALCULATIONS CHART THIS PLAN HAS NOT RECEIVED FINAL APPROVAL, AND IS NOT APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION. M Go SCALE 1"=20' 0 io. 40- WE ARCHITECTS DWG Architects, PLLC 1415 Sachem Place, Unit 2A Charlottesville VA, 22901 434.995.5537 TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. VIRGINIA I NORTH CAROLINA I WEST VIRGINIA THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE CORPORATE OFFICE 1001 BOULDERS PARKWAY SUITE 300 RICHMOND, VA 23225 TEL 804.200,6500 FAX 804, 560,1016 www.timmons.com Site Development lResidentiall I Infrastructure I Technology DATE REVISION 02/24/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 04/03/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS 05/0$/1$ REVISED PER COMMENTS 06/01/15 REVISED PER COMMENTS P. Lic. No. 1628 05/29/2015 00 NOT SCALE DRAWING. The Contractor shall take field measurements and verity field conditions and shall carefully compare such field measurements and conditions and other Information known to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing activities; Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contact Documents with each other and with Information furnished by the Owner and shall at once report to the Architect errors, Inconsistencies or omissions discovered. If the Contractor performs any construction activity knowing It Involves a recognized error, Inconsistency or omission In the Contract Documents without such notice to the Architect, the Contractor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such performance and shall beer an appropriate amount of the attributable cost. The Intent of the Contract Documents Is to Include all Rome necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work by the Contractor. The Contact Documents are complementary, and what Is required by one shall be as binding as If required by all; performance by the Contractor shall be required only to the Went consistent with the Contract Documents and reasonably Inferable from them as being necessary to produce the Intended results, In case of conflicting requirements, the more stringent requirements shall apply, without change to Contract Sum or Time, Organization of the Specifications Into divisions, sections and articles, and arrangement of Drawings shall not control the Contractor In dividing the Work among Subcontractors or In establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade. Information shown on this sheet does not authorize changes to Contract Sum or Time unless stated In a separate letter or Change Order. Information shown Is subject to the requirements of the Contract Documents. Contractor Is responsible for dimensions, which shall be confirmed and correlated at the site, fabrication processes, techniques of construction, quantities, the coordination of his work with all other trades and Subcontractors, and the satisfactory performance of his work, 0121 4= C* wtQ New Uj ■ '=3 � tt O cc cm PROJECT PHASE: Design Development PROJECT #: DATE: 1401 11/21/14 SHEET NUMBER: