HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201500051 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2015-10-29r x
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 229024596
Phone (434) 296 -5832
To: Marcia Joseph
From: Christopher P. Perez, Senior Planner
Division: Planning
Date: Revised comments October 29, 2015
Subject: SDP - 201500051 All Saints Chapel — Final Site Plan
The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plan referenced above once
the following comments have been satisfactorily addressed (The following comments are those that have
been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on
further review.): [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the
Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.]
Conditions of Initial Plan Approval (from approval letter dated Sent 24, 2015:
1. [32.6] A site plan meeting all the requirements of section 32.6 of Chapter 18 of the Code.
Final: See Final Plan comments below. Comment still valid.
2. [Commentl The location of the stones (possible grave stones) are within relative close proximity to
the proposed construction work. On the final site plan assure these areas are protected by protective
fencing. Final: Comment addressed.
3_ [Comment] Currently the initial site plan depicts the proposed entrance to the site traversing a small
portion of the neighboring property's front yard (TMP 04800- 00- 00- 019E0); however, the entrance to
the site shall be located completely on the Church property or an easement shall be granted
by /recorded on the neighboring parcel. Prior to final site plan approval an offsite easement shall be
granted by the owners of TMP 04800- 00- 00 -019EO for the Church's proposed entrance, OR a
Boundary Line Adjustment shall take place between the two properties to relocate the entire entrance
on the Church property while maintaining a minimum of 130' of frontage for TMP 04800-00-00 -
019E0 as required in the VR district.
Final: Comment still valid. As discussed please submit an easement plat & application for
County review. The plat shall be approved and recorded prior to the final site plan being
approved. Once the plat is recorded please revise the site plan to depict the easement and
provide Deed Book Page Reference information on the site plan.
4. 14.12.16(c)ll As depicted the aisle widths adjacent to the parking spaces scale out at 19' wide;
however, they truly need to be 20' wide at a minimum. Assure this is corrected on the final site plan.
Also, the parking spaces proposed scale out to be 9' wide: however, for a 20' aisle with they are
required to be 10' wide. Final: comment addressed.
5. 132.5.2(a)] Zoning. On sheet 3 of the final site plan under the gravel parking waiver note, please add
the following note for the other waiver that was approved:
"18' bide access aisle neur the entrance has been perntitted,for the site pursuant to Section 4.12,2c
of fhe County Code as it has been detennined the modyication tirouhl equally or better seriv the
puhlic health, sgfett' or welfare. " Final: comment addressed.
6. f Comment] On the site plan TMP 48 -19E is listed as AG /forest; however, this property is not located
in an Ag ForestaI District. Please remove this labeling, or provide proof it is located in this district.
Final: Comment Addressed.
7. [32.5.2(a)] Prior to final site plan approval assure the approval date of SP2015 -7 is provided on the
site plan, as well as the following conditions of approval: Final: Comment Addressed.
8. [17 -1003] Groundwater Tier I Assessment. Per direction from County Engineering staff a Tier I
Groundwater Assessment is required prior to approval of final site plan.
Final: Comment still valid. Per discussions with the Health Department the applicant needs to
contact a licensed well driller, contract them to do the study and then forward that study to the
Health Department wl an application & well drilling permit. Please contact Josh Kirtley at the
Health Department if you have any questions on how this is completed. Also, Justin Deel of
Engineering may be able to provide guidance on this requirement.
9. [Comment] Virginia Department of Health approval of septic permit is required prior to final site
plan approval. Please submit 3 copies of the soil work to Planning Staff and these will be forwarded
to the Health Department for review with the final site plan.
Final: Comment still valid. Soil work has been distributed to the Health Department. Per
discussions with Josh Kirtley on 10 -27 -15 the applicant needs to submit a fee and an
appropriate HD form for the Health Department septic review. Please contact Josh Kirtley at
the Health Department if you have any questions on how this is completed.
10. ]32.5.2(a)] Being this site is located in the Entrance Corridor (EC), approval from the Architectural
Review Board (ARB) is required prior to final site plan approval. Final: Comment addressed.
11. 132.5.2 (m) & (n), 4.12.17(b)] Entrances. VDOT approval shall be required prior to final site plan
approval. Final: Comment addressed.
12. 132.5.2(n) & (p)] The following will also be required for final site plan approval:
If any outdoor lighting is proposed - Outdoor lighting information including a photometric plan
and location, description, and photograph or diagram of each type of outdoor luminaire [Sec.
32.7.8 & Sec. 4.17]
A complete landscape plan in accordance with [Sec. 32.7.9]
Final: Comment addressed.
New comment generated by the final site plan submittal
13. [32.6.1] Authorized preparer. The plan, and any amendments to a plan, shall be prepared and
sealed, signed and dated by: an architect, professional engineer, land surveyor, or certified
landscape architect, each of whom shall be licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of
Virginia. Please assure the above is provided on the signature copies of the site plan.
14. [Comment] Previously Engineering required the limits of disturbance to be revised on the plan.
The applicant's response letter states it was increased to 9,244 SF; however, on the plans the
disturbance is listed as 8,296 SF. Assure the plans are revised to match the response letter if that is
the true disturbance area.
15. [32.5.2(a)] On the final site plan provide the magisterial district QUvanna District), and provide
the County and the State (Albemarle County, Virginia). I was unable to locate these items. If they
are already on the plan, please explain where.
16. [Comment] Because revisions are required to the plan assure that sheet 1 of the site plan
provides the following `ISDP2015 -51 All Saints Chapel — Final Site Plan" as this will help
distinguish this plan as the final site plan in case it becomes separated from the file or viewed
electronically. Staff suggests the requested title be provided on sheet I above the current title of the
playas or on sheet I in the center of the plans above the picture of the chapellremaining stone pillar.
E911— Andrew Slack
Building Inspections — Jay Schlothauer
No objections
Fire and Rescue — Robbie Gilmer
No objections
Engineering Comments — Justin Deed
Comments attached dated 10 -21 -15
VDOT— Shelly Plaster
Comments attached dated 10 -14 -15
ARB- Margaret Maliszewski
Approval — see the attached Certificate of Appropriateness dated 10 -15 -15 as it has 2 conditions
associated with it.
Health Department — Josh Kirtley
Comments Pending
Please contact Christopher P. Perez in the Planning Division by using cperez @albemarle.org or
434 -298 -5832 ext. 3443 for further information.
•� r
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Christopher Perez, Planning
From: Justin Deel, Engineering
Date: 21 October 2015
Subject: All Saints Chapel (SDP201500051) Final Site Plan
The final site plan for All Saints Chapel has been reviewed. The following concerns should be addressed
prior to approval;
1. The proposed entrance improvement encroaches onto tmp 41 -19E, provide an access easement
signed by the owner of the parcel.
2. Plans must be prepared and sealed, signed and dated by either an architect, professional engineer,
land surveyor, or certified landscape architect, who is licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of
Virginia [18- 32.6.1]. Please provide.
3. Provide a Virginia well drilling completion report (GW -2), with latitude and longitude coordinates
of the well location, in order to comply with the Tier 1 assessment provided by Michelle Roberge
in her 10 March 2015 email correspondence. Note that this must be submitted and accepted as
complete and accurate prior to issuance of the building permit [ 17 -1001 ].
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1801 Orange Read
COpeper. W inie 22701
Charles A. Kilpatrick, P.E.
October 14, 2015
Mr. Christopher Perez
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Re: SDP -2015 -00051 All Saints Chapel Final Site Plan
Dear Mr. Perez,
We have reviewed the All Saints Chapel Final Site Plan, prepared by Marcia Joseph, latest
revision date of October 5, 2015. VDOT has no objection to the Final Site Plan as submitted,
- A Land Use Permit will be required prior to any disturbance within the VDOT
maintained right -of -way.
I€ you need further information concerning this project, please do not hesitate to contact me
at (434) 422 -9894.
Shelly A. Ptaster
Land Development Engineer
Culpeper District
Department of Community Development
401 Mdntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (-4341296-5932 Fax (434) 972 -4126
October 15, 2015
Marcia Joseph
481 Clarks Tract
Keswick VA 22947
RE: ARD201500012 All Saint's Chapel
Dear Marcia,
I have reviewed your recent resubmittal for the above- referenced project (including elevation drawings ofthe easternmost stone
pier dated 101512015; architectural plans dated 8 -7 -15, no revision date; and site plan revised 101512015). The revision included
in these drawings resolve the outstanding conditions of ARB approval. You may consider this letter your Certificate of
This approval is predicated on the fact that the design and materials, as proposed and exhibited for review, will be used. The
acceptance of approval implies that the applicant has agreed to execute the design as indicated on the site plan, attachments,
materials, samples, and other submittal items presented. Any change in the approved design or materials will require an
amendment to the plait and must be reviewed and approved by the Architectural Review Board.
Please note the following:
1. This application is approved with the condition that mechanical equipment shall not be visible from the Entrance Corridor.
2. Ccrtificates ofAppropriateness are valid for the same period that the corresponding site plan is valid Ifthere is no site plan
required for the proposed work, the Certificate of Appropriateness is valid for 3 years. Applicants requesting an extension of
the period of validity must do so in writing. The letter must be received by the Director of Planning prior to the expiration
If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free to call me.
Margaret Maliszewski
Principal Planner
cc: ARB- 2015 -12