HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201500123 Review Comments Road Plan and Comps. 2015-11-02�} � AI. n., f C "G Air County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Project: Old Trail Village Block 27ek 1 4 nd4 42° _ ROAD Plans 2015 0000740004G) Plan preparer: Chris Mulligan, Bill Ledbetter, Raleigh Davis — Roudabush, Gale & Assoc, Inc 914 Monticello Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902, cmulligan(a),roudabush.com, bledbetter(a)roudabush.com, rdavis(a,roudabush.com Owner or rep.: March Mountain Properties LLC f 1005 Heathercroft Circle, Suite 1001 Dave Brockman, dave6i),oldtrailvillage.com Plan ffppa -e D,...d..L,ush Gale P. Associates, kw Engineer-: Plan received date: De..,1..L.ush Gale A Assee:..te.. Me 2 Jul 21 Mr-219 Feb 2 :Aa14142015 (Rev. 1) 1 Oct 2015 Date of comments: 27 Jul 0 Ma -Y219 Mar 1 '°'y 204^2015 (Rev. 1) 2 Nov 2015 Reviewer: P--r'Qjee♦ rCoordinator- John Anderson r T Nel *herfy existing SWM bio- retention pond (Upper Ballard Pond)." Upper Ballard Pond (UBP) must be protected against all erosion and sediment impacts since it is not an ESC basin or measure. Plan notes, profiles, (text edit) revision request is based on RGA comment response to comment #4. RGA response is 3), and that Str. 148B (34.89 LF 15" DIA HDPE pipe, sheet 9) be placed prior to placing asphalt intermediate and surface asphalt courses on Belgrove St. Str -148, approved under block 28 -29B, road plan is essentially a temporary feature that changes with this plan. This is a recommendation. Contractual obligations may prevent relocation of Str. 148 prior to asphalt placement, but if this is the case, asphalt ' Formatted: Right: 0.5" Formatted: Font: 9 pt, Bold, Underline Formatted: Font: 9 pt, Bold, Underline Formatted: Font: 9 pt, Bold, Underline Formatted: Font color: Gray -50% Formatted: Font: Bold Formatted: Font color: Gray -50% Formatted: Font: Bold Formatted: Font: Bold Formatted: Font: Italic, Underline, Font color: Dark Red Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Font color: Gray -50% pavement and C &G must be demolished at owner's expense to effect block 27 design. JRev. 1) - Formatted: Font: Bold Addressed; recommendation considered. 4. Critical: Sheets 4, 6, 9 (Utility plan, Grading plan, Storm profile: Ex. #144 - #230 (outfall)) reflect a post- Formatted: Font color: Gray -50% construction stabilized condition by proposing removal of Ex. Sediment basin (see WP0201500042, ). This is problematic. There is possibility future development of blocks 7, 6, 26, or 35 will require trap/basin in similar location (ref. WP0201400004, sheets 3, 9, 10). Construction of structures between inlet #223 and UBP (outfall) is contingent upon complete upslope stabilization of all areasiblocks draining to Str. #223 to ensure negligible sediment -laden runoff reaches Str. #223. Str. #223 makes direct connection with UBP, an Formatted: Font: 9 pt Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 10 aesthetic amenity that provides habitat and quality/quantity Mgmt. (4 x WOV) for 43f on- site /110+ off -site Ac. (sheets 9. 10; WPO201400004). Revise site, road, and VSMP plans using notes, labels, details, and sequence to state that until all upslope areas requiring ESC control are stabilized (via Ex. Sediment basin approved under WPO201400004/ proposed to be modified under WPO201500042), only pipe #223A may be shown as an outfall from Str. #223 (WPO201500042, sheet 3). Str. #223 is proposed to replace Ex. Str. 156A. Note: This topic was discussed in detail in email (J. Anderson, 5/21/2015 6:46 AM) and Initial Site Plan comments, SDP201500015, 20 -May 2015, items 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 21. There is no discernible response to ISP comments. Please review ISP comments (SDP201500015) and 5/21/2015 email, and revise Final Site, Road, and VSMP plans accordingly. Please call if any questions. ,(Rev. 1) Addressed via redesign. 4s follow -up, Formatted: Font: Bold vaca�c � .a,.euar" �. �.., ....,�. .00yv.aoc �. «�, ��y,� Formatted: Font: Italic, Underline, Font color: Dark Red Please revise each Note to read f sheet 4/51: "Str. #229 will not be built until all upslope areas draining to Sir. #228 are stabilized, and the Ex. Sediment Basin is removed, per Count,} Inspector approval. These Formatted: Underline upslope areas include all of the contributing runoff from block 27 and fixture blocks 7, 6, 26 and 35." 5. Sheet 3 —Max spread at Sir. 213 =6' (sheet 14, spread = 8.9'). Revise. jRev. 1) Not addressed. Ref. Formatted: Font: Bold Table /Inlet Comp; 4 in. rain, sheet 14. 6. Sheet 5 Remove structures #227, 228, 229 from this plan view, or indicate when they may be installed. Formatted: Font color: Gray -50% rsxsu, ucur, ttZ, Y, auuvc. �nev. iJ rvuur eNNeu, pica 1, axnu sec ucm nV�uuuw -up, auuvc. - - -1 Formatted: Font: Bold Review ISP comment #11 revise accordingly. Note: RP sheet 14 does not account for future development „ Italic, Underline of block 7. Revise runoff coefficient "C" for inlet Str. #201, 203, 209, 211, 215. Revise storm sewer �� Formatted: Font: design table /calculations. Design must avoid situation seen between inlet Ex. Str. #132 and Ex. #154 where Formatted: Font color: Gray -50% runo ff CFS appears to exceed pipe capacity. jRev. 1) Addressed. . -- Formatted: Font: Bold Revise inlet computation tables to reflect increased runoff from future impervious areas in block 7 that may Formatted: Font color: Gray -50% reach inlets on Orion Lane. Also, #7, above. (Rev. 1) Addressed, Formatted: Font: Not Bold Golf View Dr. /Orion Lane Provide VC at PVI Sta. 21 +18.45 and at PVI Sta. 10 +18.00, respectively. Ref. ACDSM 7.A., which ref review checklist/Also, road plan application checklist: "Vertical curves at all Formatted: Font color: Gray -50% grade transitions." Required for public /private streets please note this item is checked on Applic checklist. (Rev. 1) Addressed, Formatted: Font: Not Bold 10. jMin. K, sag =15. Revise Orion Lane VC, PVC Sta. 13 +87.50, K=9.82. This VC is 72.24' from Int. Golf Formatted: Font color: Gray -50% View Drive. Additional curves with K < 15 are not as distant to intersecting streets. Apply Min K values ( ACDSM) to crest/sag curves except as needed to transition 2.08% cross -grade to intersecting street grade. (Rev. 1) Addressed: Formatted: Font: Not Bold 11. Aecommend show delayed construction of planting strip and sidewalk between Str. #223 and UBP to limit Formatted: Font color: Gray -50% demolition required when storm runoff structures between #223 and UBP are installed, which may be much later than other improvements. Ex. Sediment basin to be modified under WPO201500042 (Amendment to Formatted: Font: Not Bold WPO201400004) and shown on SUB201500123/SDP201500035 (sheet 6) will remain as both ESC and intermediate SWM control until all upslope areas are stabilized, which may be an extended period of time. f; Formatted: Font color: Gray -50% 4. Note: contours (WPO sheet 4) at end of Golf View Dr. may require revision since WPO sheet 4 must show Ex. Sediment basin (to be modified) continuing. Also, see #4. (Rev. 1) Addressed& Raleigh Davis_ suggested temporary barricade at the end of Golf View Drive, given vertical interval to floor of sediment basin. I appreciate her suggestion very much. Detail appears on sheet 3. Thank you. Jteconcile storm sewer profile Ex. #144 - #230 ( outfall) with plan view. In profile view, please revise to show riprap outfall protection above rather than below Upper Ballard Pond Normal WSE = 672.60'. (Rev. 1) Addressed, Aecommend consider inlet shaping detail relative to inlet Str. #223, which for the intermediate future, directs runoff via structure 223A to Ex. Sediment basin (ref. WPO201500042/ WPO201400004). Later, Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Font color: Gray -50% Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Font color: Gray -50% Formatted: List Paragraph, Space After: 8 pt, Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style, Line spacing: Multiple 1.08 li, Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5" Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Font: Italic, Font color: Gray -50% Formatted: Font color: Gray -50% Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Font: 9 pt Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 10 Formatted: List Paragraph Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 10 pt Formatted: List Paragraph, Space After: 8 pt, Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style, Line spacing: Multiple 1.08 li, Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5" Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering Formatted: Font: Courier, 12 pt, Italic G e f Hi F t i vate —dry I n aE_�e ease ts(tn leers) €ai= !R4,e� inlets) RW with acs -mod -1t _ — _ t-2 et-e-rza ______ _________ _______ -- - L l ; t . Fexfta�er -tF d- aT eeas e —ii:dt easeMent labe l s , s h-e 226 227 labels, sight- s} - - 4 S. and sheets �'r €a be €wpipeseet-4m and are -e ape ai e n s , and , bleek 27 drain sterm system a7nd • .] } -. is bl .-.ek 2'] -.!1 14ne— e jalr-r-et.. stm fff wi+7-. Formatted: Font: Courier, 12 pt, Underline a- b a- e d " .� a- ���T eT� 1- 6e- cart -c��s— irr�l�ira3- Fr�S3- irc�i -c eannet- lee installed dntil all rsl ; b, _ e r ar =as —ar-e st�ieel it has net been installed, , ` -''e- - �e pese st e , and —i is new epe sed + e be ; } Formatted: Font: 9 pt Engineering Review Comments Page 4 of 10 Fteael plan feLc bleek 24 miast pr- e�rde —Stmm ,,+er r neFf eelleetien .,,; , eenvey-anee— to —sediment b , a a.,r „ps- ep �T -F�9z 1�� ^��re- �H}�pe�$alla�d �' -e�td; tn+_ -l- all _�_ _- _� ,_�- Formatted: Font: Courier, 12 pt, Italic Bent ib,=+_'_n ^"_s (bleeks 28, 29B, 2 7, 7, Additien -al tiit-i-ile bierem Ballard Pend) .. 1 n i t i a 1 sire- p4-a-n ,,.l deer e+ ele ESG phase shop -#S. B e;peL 74/'l[]n (WPG201400004) Phase 1, inter-mediate GgL=ading, and PY - .... TT ESG is previded by a ;9eeli aen` bas-i�q. F'inall site jela^ Formatted: Font: Courier, 12 pt, Italic air -e I, bleek 2 , re ttj: re sVFrSP —mil iea4E:ie I . :P4 -9 1SP prepeses medifieatien to T..TPG201 400004 (eutF-,l i pipe #157 will net be WP9291 400004 r -eq,,; �z����l� —aS s�1 ^' °^ ` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ -_ . -- Formatted: Font: Courier, 12 pt, Italic AfRenelment, ja1 =ier to bleek 27 site pl fi , , l . 1�a ,gip BSE /SW��se�iptien /, title sheet. - -- -- - Iz- 1- al III Formatted: Font: Courier, 12 pt, Italic Formatted: Font: Courier. 12 nt. Small cans title, and p rev ide—S WP4 f e r T+ o_ 4 PL=eyi e SPq fei Prase 2 (Prase ; el,,,ae ) s Formatted: Font: Courier, 12 pt, Italic pL=eL=egraisite to site plan a eva4 VSHP Applieati -- -- Sheeta De net shew bleek IS lets as 4 l—Site Plan fer these lets is— appreved This isFaere - El bierem Ballard Pend) .. 1 n i t i a 1 sire- p4-a-n ,,.l deer e+ ele ESG phase shop -#S. B e;peL 74/'l[]n (WPG201400004) Phase 1, inter-mediate GgL=ading, and PY - .... TT ESG is previded by a ;9eeli aen` bas-i�q. F'inall site jela^ Formatted: Font: Courier, 12 pt, Italic air -e I, bleek 2 , re ttj: re sVFrSP —mil iea4E:ie I . :P4 -9 1SP prepeses medifieatien to T..TPG201 400004 (eutF-,l i pipe #157 will net be WP9291 400004 r -eq,,; �z����l� —aS s�1 ^' °^ ` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ -_ . -- Formatted: Font: Courier, 12 pt, Italic AfRenelment, ja1 =ier to bleek 27 site pl fi , , l . 1�a ,gip BSE /SW��se�iptien /, title sheet. - -- -- - Iz- 1- al III Formatted: Font: Courier, 12 pt, Italic Formatted: Font: Courier. 12 nt. Small cans title, and p rev ide—S WP4 f e r T+ o_ 4 PL=eyi e SPq fei Prase 2 (Prase ; el,,,ae ) s Formatted: Font: Courier, 12 pt, Italic pL=eL=egraisite to site plan a eva4 VSHP Applieati -- -- Sheeta De net shew bleek IS lets as 4 l—Site Plan fer these lets is— appreved This isFaere Formatted: Font: 9 pt Engineering Review Comments Page 5 of 10 were enee eembined, then split, then has-e4. i;-a s ueee'ssive iteratien f feets engineering eeffffftent Sim =rte= oa{e miast em n } - - - - , bttar are net yeta e wed as is the ease wi mh bleu l5- Sheet 4 - ElArrrinate FIete S. -Alse 2nd Sheet 4 —Laleel VaL=iable Width Sight Distanee e, r, Let 12. €er emten`" ig , 1-e- �o Formatted: List Paragraph, Space After: 0 pt, No bullets or se came adeitienal Lets. Alternatively, - - pi=evide- e{tl -Ele -saw numbering t st- ree tlength <150'. bLaaiieh-type— tircr5 in efe e h=ve(Ref. AGDSMT Sheet 3 - Delete icefF^r2??Qe —te SWHn dated nrt-,,,.eh 20 2013 S-i Ree -i t dvice fiet 19Lceyide SW "rr- zv- 1z2,,— ph-as -e 2 . Rey4 -& =riv ce eensisl ent with W-PG20' 4 00047 Fiete l tea#te ICI s ,tee La Lev±e w . B leek 12, jahas e ill e e# � vciii? l /.. / l F a�eva� � ma�ega�eTev�e6a, a�eva�e SydM— Masse =~ Formatted: Font: Courier, 12 pt, Superscript Formatted: Font: Courier, 12 pt, Superscript Formatted: List Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0 ", Space After: 0 pt Formatted: Font: Courier, Small caps Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering a 24 . S' (±) wiele drainage easement is L=egia4r-ed at this peint Previde Se e-i table f 6L- FGMr. ,^z-ft . image, ACDS) Formatted: Font: Courier, 9 pt, Bold, Underline, Font color: Blue Formatted: Font: 9 pt Engineering Review Comments Page 6 of 10 EASEMENT «iDTH ■ DIAMETER+ 2' r 2 (H -S') + 10'1101 MIN'.) L&SEMEYT WIDTH E[1LIPSiE1T L. NDING / I 1' -0" iTYPI DIAMETER 1' 4 \` STORZ11'6i:4TER PIPE E3g1fieeE'e d s-eetten , be h f', • • , , needed- StL=eet and Sidewalk TIYIP Eie 1 er!,/wa1=eLc 44ne —wa t erseL-vree 44iie— trireleL- eid L-19 , si t�1 #, wall: ( „e`_1- atteizi) Aaeld enEj1iieefed bae]Ef411-,--±-€ ;b, Formatted: Font: Courier, 12 pt, Underline Formatted: Font: 9 pt Engineering Review Comments Page 7 of 10 P r e�ide t.. e F wall: etcvti tie'ns Elifftinate —b r i e k Le . sidewalk. iJC FZ t"iCJz'l rsY eeneretc F y 1n s,a e sidewalk fflay be reigaiLceei, e e et- ie r}s >= e jal-a-e- 1c)eve Ft- + = rr-e Tlz s2 3,- 1=le ee �L.ez s 13, 18, 1 9 20/ Gr -G te L=- el l - +ep - Formatted: Font: Courier, 12 pt, Italic, Underline e'er-= a -ans3t - e ffiay limit dic iv.way width. En sdr- a - ^ " Formatted: Font: Courier, 12 pt, Underline Trre) =e aL-e l9L-6f€2rs en • Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering #e slimell iiEjs. PL=ejaesed la ' ,�^, ^ �rt�s is s�tewizi. 9-R— = 7,'Gr din PlLan, lease preyide --etc + + he L ett-. ..F , v'2r�1$13 --Cr�� • Formatted: List Paragraph 2. The steep Read "A" near let she l -- Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering +, T • Formatted: List Paragraph The- �-en±nff app>= e val: al lewed fer- the ase - F -- -- -1 - when - -- Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering 3ets +ter + aleng a green spaee ew to the pL=epesedplan ,let 14 deer net `'�_n+ ~----_ spaee. Please address. [Applies to 1,, eek 12; initial site plar3 +, T • Formatted: List Paragraph 4— he e£ te, per_ ry +,_ r.._ r^,_n near lets 12, 3 and �� � lets � � ' -- Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering 14 has been piehlemat e with et-he3� apieseel plans. it has been used _`e- parking spaees. Please em e+ read "A" e filer.. Valley ni, : , +. aveiel the +., a This will a- , reset �e –e^om. } 5 s±nee green sigaee can be gre�b-ided fer let • • Formatted: List Paragraph 2. 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The steep Read "A" near let she l -- Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering +, T • Formatted: List Paragraph The- �-en±nff app>= e val: al lewed fer- the ase - F -- -- -1 - when - -- Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering 3ets +ter + aleng a green spaee ew to the pL=epesedplan ,let 14 deer net `'�_n+ ~----_ spaee. Please address. [Applies to 1,, eek 12; initial site plar3 +, T • Formatted: List Paragraph 4— he e£ te, per_ ry +,_ r.._ r^,_n near lets 12, 3 and �� � lets � � ' -- Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering 14 has been piehlemat e with et-he3� apieseel plans. it has been used _`e- parking spaees. Please em e+ read "A" e filer.. Valley ni, : , +. aveiel the +., a This will a- , reset �e –e^om. } 5 s±nee green sigaee can be gre�b-ided fer let Formatted: Font: 9 pt Engineering Review Comments Page 8 of 10 t Formatted: List Paragraph S. Re r-aL=y new - - EA PPl ies ' - -- Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering 1 e 191 eek 12; initial l S3 Formatted: List Paragraph • ew ien - - -- - - -= - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - p te - Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering n-eaL�I,s ^. v eizi ,,} Way, eeirsist2 t- ..-}1 - -- - - - - - -- -- - detail, sheet 13. Als-e, dnless eenneetiens €eL= st3�ee-t Formatted: List Pa2graph Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering ± =sere— aeees. if rea ' "A„ will: s-e lets . E,IP te— E,'P— slye,, l d be 29' w-iele at a to bleek 12; initial site plan eefftmentl - Formatted: List Paragraph it appeaL=S ,v'— f-e th €L=e a r-ea %priv }- ` - -- Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering ally "A ", is neeessar- f^- planting _tYi - and d _ l L- . Please eliseidss with plafifiinq. [Applies te bleek 12; initial 9. �D ^GT R6aI4 & Bridge —st ar-ds, 2008 Edit, SMI! I1 Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering - fi=s slr et details feLn sanil aL seyvieLn 11) that sanitary 5tr•, •• S `�i- xzz- rirzrPT,,_�, --mom - er qi�eatei� shall have safety slabs in aeeer-elanee with V99 Standards. r L ink Commented [gl]: Did you mean storm sewer manholes? 30. Please add ^tome 1e the prefiles ha all str et"res Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering with a depth ef4' eLc gL=eate�- _hall have steps --- - eeeLceane-. St cn"-raaz aSirli�: """='" "' "' '"' - Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering m...,..n � DeT- R.W. ___(Rew..,.ess St./Fielding D,... Drive) 1 Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering �— Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering Formatted: Font: 9 pt Engineering Review Comments Page 9 of 10 34. ES- 4- 2 s- heuld be added _ __ Fielding _ -_ -__ and Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering F?eweL=ess Sheet. (VD9T Lcead plan eefffftents, 17 -T ""e 2914, lmtefft T vw ti.C,, ffer = et _= `e wit � Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering - cnrrc � S�Y-=e- am - -xTr� ce be rf i igate4 ianelei= WP9 /ViS?4Pappl=eal ien). 16 PL=evide pidblie dL=ainaqe easeffients F=r pipes 62 a^' Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering pipe e-= l -- str etir 2? amass St. Ref shee} 2, 9 dan 2014 initial site planfei-= e�Eample ef L=eeerde a Eirainage e- ase- me"nt, this bleek) . Formatted: List Pa agraph, No bullets or numbering lo. Fiat' site "l,ia "l/bleek 27rrLnegidireS: af3 Formatted: List Paragraph, No bullets or numbering to oSn4r/WPv2n149 nne4 (bleeks 28,129B; Appzeyed 26 — Atg 14) SMP Formatted: Font: Courier, 9 pt, Italic, Underline, Font color: Blue Formatted: List Paragraph Formatted: Font: Courier, 9 pt, Italic, Underline, Font color: Blue Formatted: Font: Courier, 9 pt, Italic, Underline, Font color: Blue Formatted: Font: Courier, 9 pt, Italic, Underline, Font color: Blue Formatted: Font: 9 pt Engineering Review Comments Page 10 of 10 Upper \ 5rmer 4 77�—— Phase— eContact John Anderson-4n -4ie Engineering Dept, if M questions. - at-janderson2@albemarle.org ems/ Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.25" 434 - 296 -5832 -xe4A069 ifany questions.