HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201500022 Review Comments Initial Site Plan 2015-06-020 A O G� U ;3 �'IRGII`11Q" COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 June 2, 2015 Deviri Keeler 4805 Lake Brook Drive Suite 20D Glen Allen, VA 23060 RE: SDP201500022 UVA Golf Facility — Initial Site Development Plan Dear Mr. Keeler: The Site Review Committee has reviewed the development proposal referenced above. Initial comments for the following divisions of the Department of Community Development and other agencies, as applicable, are attached: Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) Albemarle County Information Services (E911) Albemarle County Building Inspections Albemarle County Planning Services (Architectural Review Board) Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue Albemarle County Service Authority (to be forwarded upon receipt) Albemarle County Police Department (CPTED) Rivanna Sewer and Water Authority Virginia Department of Transportation Comments reflect information available at the time the development proposal was reviewed, and should not be considered final. However, the Site Review Committee has attempted to identify all issues that will be required to be resolved prior to Final Site Plan approval. The Lead Reviewer will either approve with conditions or deny the Initial Site Plan within 15 days of the Site Review Meeting.. Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Rachel Falkenstein Senior Planner Planning Services ,alt �'�HGINI� County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA, 22902 Phone 434 - 296 -5832 Fax 434 - 972 -4126 Memorandum To: Devin Keeler (dkeeler @dewberry.com) From: Rachel Falkenstein, Senior Planner Division: Planning Date: June 2, 2015 Subject: SDP 201500022 UVA Foundation Golf Facility — Initial Site Development Plan The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plan referenced above once the following comments have been satisfactorily addressed (The following comments are those that have been identified'at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.): [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision /Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] .1. [Comment] This application was reviewed against Site Development Plan requirements only. There is a Special Use Permit for the proposed facility currently under review. Staff recommends the applicant defer the initial site plan approval until the special use permit is approved. 2. [32.5.2 (1b)] The plan shall be prepared to the scale of 1 " =20'. Current scale is ok for existing condition sheets but site plan sheets should be revised. 3. [32.5.2 (a)] Show amended property lines and TMP and deed book /page number for recent boundary line adjustment plat on final plan. 4. [32.5.2 (a)] Include a description of special use permit and conditions thereof on final site.plan (once approved). 5. [32.5.2 (a)] Include the source of survey and source of topography. 6. [32.5.2 (a)] Include names of owners, zoning district, tax map and parcel numbers and present uses of abutting parcels. 7. [32.5.2 (b)] State number of parking spaces required for the use and how many are provided. 8. [32.5.2 (b)] Include area of paved parking and vehicular circulation areas. .9. [32.5.2 (d)] Indicate areas of the site where existing slopes are.steep.slopes. 10. [32.5.2 (e)] Identify whether existing wooded areas are composed of evergreen, deciduous or mix of type. 11. [32:5.2 (i)] Provide width of Birdwood Drive and Golf Course Drive. 12. [32.5.2 1] Indicate deed book and page reference as well as ownership and width of existing utility easements. 13. [32.5.2(1)] Provide the location of any other existing or proposed utilities and utility easements including telephone, cable, electric and gas. 14. [32.5.2(k)] Show the storm drainage system indicating the direction of flow in all pipes and watercourses with arrows. 15. [32.5.2(n)] Provide the dimensions of parking spaces. 16. [32.6.2(k)] Include a photometric plan and location, description and photograph or diagram of each type of outdoor luminaire on the final site plan that complies with section 4.17. 17. [32.5.2(p)] Provide a landscape plan that complies with section 32.7.9 with final site plan. Please contact Rachel Falkenstein in the Planning Division by using rfalkenstein@olbemarle.org or 434 -296- 5832 ext. 3272 for further information. Frojeot Marne. Date Completed'. Reviewer: DepartmantdD vision/Agencl. Reviews Comments: Review Comments Review Status:, I la ©bj c i n ... [ Page - COUntS'ofAlbemarle Frintedfln. t16��02J2G,15 , I ACCREDITED L,4 w ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Preliminary Site Plan Lead Reviewer: Rachel Falkenstein Item Number: SDP201500022 Project Name: UVA Golf Facility Due Date: June 2, 2015 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE POLICE DEPARTMENT All Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (OPTED) recommendations are considered to be advisory. The recommendations are meant to be utilized as a design strategy to build a safer environment for the citizens of the County of Albemarle. Advisory Landscaping Recommendations • All shrubbery and ornamental grasses used in foundation planting areas should follow the CPTED two foot six foot rule. Shrubs should be no taller than two feet in front of building windows. Tree crowns in common areas, near buildings, and along pedestrian walkways should be pruned no less than six feet from ground level to maximize surveillance opportunities. Shrubbery should always remain below the window line so natural surveillance is not hindered from the building interior out onto property grounds. • All shrubs, grasses, and ornamental flowering trees should be planted no less than four to six feet from pedestrian walkways to eliminate concealment and ambush opportunities. • The existing dense vegetation, and any proposed site landscape plantings should be pruned or planted at least four to six feet away from all parking space areas. Areas to take into consideration are the proposed eight reinforced grass parking spaces and the ten permeable grass paver spaces. Special attention should be placed on all vegetation bordering outlying parking spaces that offer a potential ambush opportunity. • Light poles should not be placed where the growth of tree crowns will obscure the illumination of the site. Future tree growth should be considered in all security lighting plans and installation. • Landscape material, in conjunction with signage, should be used as a wayfmding system to guide all users to the main entrance of the facility. Advisory Lighting Recommendations .• All lighting should be within the IESNA guidelines for minimum security lighting standards for parking lots. • It is advised that the parking area be illuminated to a minimum,3.0 fc horizontal on pavement and a minimum of .5 fc to .8 fc vertical 5' above ground. • All lighting on site should be at a 4:1 average to minimum ratio (background to face), and designed to limit light trespass and glare. • All lighting on site should be sufficient to allow facial recognition at thirty feet. Security lighting should be no less than .5 fc to .8 fc vertical 5' above ground. Thirty feet is the minimum for reaction time to determine if the person is friendly or hostile. • It is advised that the lighting sources in the parking area be pedestrian scale to eliminate shadowing between vehicles and potential light pollution in the rural area. • Illumination should fall throughout the parking area, along pedestrian walkways, along the building edge, and 'building entrances. • All lighting should be uniform, should not create shadowing, or sharp contrasts for concealment. The lighting on site should not create a transient adaptiomvisual environment where the eye has to adapt to different light levels, low to high, high to low, during short intervals of time. • All lighting sources should be HID Metal Halide or LED luminaires equipped with break resistant polycarbonate lenses. • Proper lighting design should stimulate normal users and observers to scrutinize anyone not in proper areas. • The lighting environment should create a greater perception of risk in the abnormal user accessing inappropriate areas on facility grounds. • Security lighting in the parking lot will alleviate the potential for premises liability lawsuits involving injuries from unseen hazards or criminal activity. Advisory Natural Access Control • No trespassing signs displaying facility operational hours should be placed at the Ivy Road and Birdway Drive roadway entrances. • A precise wayfmding system utilizing directional signage should be put in place along access roads and in the parking area to guide users to the main entrance facility the facility. • All users should be directed to one main entrance to increase the Natural Surveillance of normal users and increase the perception in abnormal users they will be easily observed and apprehended. Advisory Territorial Recommendations • All sidewalks and entranceways should be constructed with textured and colored concrete or pavers which demonstrates territorial reinforcement and- adds to the development of a celebrated entryway. and delineates movement from semi - private to private space. • Property boundaries should be delineated by dwarf . variety shrubbery to demonstrate territoriality and define . transition zones. The use of dwarf shrubbery will eliminate potential concealment and ambush opportunities along the boundaries of the site. MPO Steve Watson, ICPS, CPD Albemarle County Police Department Crime prevention Unit Project Name: Date Completed: Reviewer: DepartmentIlDivisionlAg.encl: Reviews Comments, , I Review.Status- es ed',,"Chan age: County of Albemarle Printed0n: p Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (RWSA) General Water .& Sanitary Sewer-Notes Last Revised: February 2011 1. All materials and methods of construction shall comply with the latest version of the General Water and Sewer Construction Specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority on January 15, 1998, except as modified below or modified in Special Notes. 2. RWSA shall approve all construction materials and methods of construction. A preconstruction conference shall be held with RWSA prior to the start of any work. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying Miss Utility (1- 800 -552- 7001). 4. RWSA Engineer (Victoria Fort at (434) 977 -2970 ext. 205) shall be notified three business days prior to the start of construction. 5. All work is subject to inspection by RWSA staff. No tie -ins to the existing system shall be made without coordination with and the presence of RWSA staff. No work shall be conducted on RWSA facilities on weekends or holidays without special written permission from RWSA: 6. For sanitary sewer line construction: RWSA may require bypass pumping for tie -ins to the existing system. All doghouse manholes must be pressure- tested before a connection is made to the system. 7. The location of existing utilities as shown on the.plans is from data available at the time of design and is not necessarily complete or accurate. The Contractor shall be responsible for the verification of the location, size and depth of all existing utilities, both surface and subsurface. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any discrepancies between the plans and field conditions. The Contractor shall use due diligence to protect all utilities and structures from damage at all times, whether shown on the plans or not. Damage to any existing utilities shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the Owner. 8. Erosion and sediment control facilities shall not be permitted in the RWSA easement without special written permission from RWSA. No grading shall be permitted inthe RWSA easement unless.permitted otherwise by RWSA in writing. 9. No blasting shall be permitted within 100 feet of RWSA facilities without written permission and RWSA approval of the blasting plan. Ground monitoring during blasting and a pre -blast survey may be required. For blasting within 100 feet of any operative RWSA sewerlines, bypass pumping and /or pre- and post -CCTV may be required. RWSA may also require certification from a licensed professional engineer stating that the proposed blasting will not damage any RWSA facilities. Damage to any utilities due to blasting shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the Owner. 10. The contractor shall observe minimum separation requirements for utility crossings. When a crossing is made under an existing facility, adequate structural support shall be provided for the existing pipe. The area.of the crossing shall be backfilled with compacted 57 stone to the springline of the existing pipe. 11. New water main installations shall'be pressure tested, chlorinated, flushed and have water samples approved prior to making any permanent connection to the public water system. Approved methods of filling and flushing new water mains will be required to prevent any contamination of the public water system. 12. All easements for new RWSA facilities shall be recorded.prior to placing the new facilities into service. 13. No permanent structural facilities will be permitted in the RWSA easement. This includes building overhangs, retaining walls, footers for any structure, drainage structures, etc. 14. Trees are not permitted in the RWSA easement. IE fcI x�, 1 e Guy s + 76C -OA -2 Ift /MRI -MH -6Q b.. ». I77[[[ I ^^Q j rOV to `••v1 .. k'S� R MRI!A I -59 76 • -OA�4 B- i1�. C. s Z 7 `63 r ;' Aft d MRI -MH -56 -Z6C B 10 76C -OA 9 . MRI -MH -55 6C`OB- , s� OA i O� i 1 Created by; VF 695 M a Water and Sewer Authority 4 Date; 6�2�2O1S 695 Moores Creek Ln, Charlottesville, VA 22902 1 Q SDP201500022 (434) 977 -2970 www.rivanna.org tt (fit UVA Foundation Map data is provided by the RWSA, Albemarle " 1 inch = 200 feet County cos, City of Charlottesville, ACSA, UVA 1VATER &SEWERAUTNOFITY Golf Practice Facility Feet FM, and VGIN, Duplication of this data without 0 100 200 400 RWSA Engineering Department permission is prohibited. COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Charles A. Kilpatrick, P.E. Cwpc-pv.AArgm!a 22M1 Commissioner June 1, 2015 Ms. Rachel Falkenstein Senior Planner County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: SDP-2015-00022 UVA Foundation Golf Facility, - Initial Site Plan Dear Ms. Falkenstein: We have reviewed the initial site plan for the University of Virginia Foundation Golf Facilities dated 411712015 as submitted by Dewberry and offer the following comments: 1. The connection of Birdwood Drive to Route 250 is not adequate as a commercial entrance. The proposed golf facility should not have access to Birdwood Drive as shown on the proposed site plan. Rather, all trips to the facility should be via the primary access shown on the site plan which is Golf Course Drive. If you need additional information concerning this project, please do not hesitate to contact me at (434) 422-9782. Sincerely, Troy Austin, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Culpeper District WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING