HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201500012 Plan - Approved 2015-10-13REVISION DATE 08-07 -15 8' BLDG. SHIFT Suthphin Architecture 654 Evergreen Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 434 -825 -7743 cd •iii � A O w N Z w � DATE: 08-07 -15 SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0' DRAWN: JSF CHECKED: HAS JOB NO. 1408 Ami S i 0 12 N 15 +j- 5. - -------------- - - - - - -- EXISTING SIDING " NEW B &B n FRONT ELEVATION 1 /41t = 11011 4' -8= eo e N PTD. WD. 20 ROOF STRUCTURE W/ 10 T&G SHEATHING & METAL ROOFING. tO PTD. WD. 44 FASTENED TO SOLID BLOCKING AT FACE OF BLDG. 0 N IL t VESTIBULE & VESTING ROOFS O MATCH EXIST. ENTRY ROOF co 0 fo MATERIALS NOTE: 1. NEW STANDING SEAM COPPER ROOF TO MATCH EXIST. 2. PAINTED WOOD BOARD & BATTEN SIDING TO MATCH EXIST. 3. VERTICAL PAINTED WOOD SHIPLAP SIDING WITH SCALLOP TO MATCH EXIST. 4. ALUMINUM CLAD WOOD WINDOWS, COLOR TO MATCH EXIST. ., .,.,.., n%l rwnr- 1// oRevn PAVERS & M. STEEL ATE -- 1 JLkYfl I El or V A I llll�l �i% 11411 _ le ®n ml REVISION DATE 08 -07 -15 8' BLDG. SHIFT Suthphin Architecture 654 Evergreen Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 434- 825 -7743 Alft •� O O H -w F� W • • DATE: 08-07 -15 SCALE: 114" = 1' -0' DRAWN: JSF CHECKED: HAS JOB NO. 1408 A=2 f J REVISION DATE 08 -07 -15 8' BLDG. SHIFT Suthphin Architecture 654 Evergreen Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 434- 825 -7743 Alft •� O O H -w F� W • • DATE: 08-07 -15 SCALE: 114" = 1' -0' DRAWN: JSF CHECKED: HAS JOB NO. 1408 A=2 f ALL SAINTS CHAPEL LANDSCAPE PLAN TM 48 P 16 SP 201500007 - SPECIAL USE PERMIT SCALE 1 30' SDP 2015 00003 INITIAL SITE PLAN JUNE 1, 2015 REVISED: SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 Existing Trees OCTOBER 5, 2015 All Saints - o 1. 24" Oak 25. 611 White Pine 2. 24" Oak 26. 24" Oak 3. 30" Oak 27. 36" Oak 4. 20" Oak 28. 16" Oak (To Be Removed) 5. 4" Oak 29. 20" Oak (To Be Removed) 6. 4" Oak 30. 16" Oak (To Be Removed) 7. 4" Oak 31. 20" Oak (To Be Removed) 8. 4" Oak 32. 14" Poplar and Oak (To Be Removed) Sa 9• 4" Maple 33. 30' Oak to. 4" Maple 34. 24" Oak (To Be Removed) 11. 4" Oak 35. 24" White Pine IPA% 12. 4- Oak 36. 2" Dogwood r 13. 4" Oak 37. 6" Poplar /I oft j 14. 24" Oak 38. 3" Beech 15. 24" Oak 39. 121, White Pine (To Be Removed) 16. 24" Oak 40. 31, Black Gum 17. 24" Oak 8" White Pine (To Be Removed) too 18. 20 " Oak 41, 42, 12" Oak (To Be Removed) � Po pv 5"o a rAP*,1Nr1 Lor/ 19. 4" Oak 43. 4" Maple L/ 20. 8" Oak 1". 5" Maple )e 45. 5" Maple 21. 8" Oak 46. 4" Oak 30" Oak 22. .3 23. 14" White Pine 47. 6" Maple 24. 20" Oak r 48. 6" Maple Significant trees to be preserved - 39 trees Signif icant trees to be removed - 9 trees ry 4a� Y% oo, 00010 LP VIC, + 7- V X- ALLOVA F16FL 1-44�1 OF eAl, N 00 A* oc, N 0-7 tn- 60 f?-C-e� u I t�l 7 1 i < jL I VVI"L + 640) 7 It A00-. 4%6 Jam' Cr --- 1i 4e jol% TW, Ciikt�OfKr z Mwnor (36) 1k TH� si-rE� -4 -Ar) VV I W, M ► 0-1 T)Lrg� 44,Nop-r bole-, Z� -T 41r' rjt4, �4 54;, 4 z ------ f 1 4 -17 -0, 4, -TO V, 7/01 415- HO;L ;01L� jtK "4NT�lr k Conservation Plan Checklist -To be placed on Landscape, Plans aF eD (Handbook, pp ft 1-284- t 11-297 for complete spvc1ifications) 14TRA 4 zo 1� Tile follouing items Shall be Shown on the nlalit. 7^1 T 4 11-Igg U TP 9 rees to I-,,- saved-- 4 E:) U Linlit, of Clearing (nuts de driplifte of trees to lie saved): eneing-, 5A , Lr] - trcc welk of xvalls,� 41 \ T Crade Changes rcquirilit) r Proposed I MCHle or hinDefiIII.I NA'011d the linlit, of clearina. tlJ L TP, A�-eA PAf4s��e L. -ro ex, 2. -,'Alurkiaus: 10 All trees to be saved strall he mucked with print or ribbon at height clearly visible weklifiPI-Acni operator", :� gratditlT shall begin until the tree unarking has been incltected anti appruled 11V a counix hisliceloy. 0600 L 1992 3.38 L 3. -Construction Co"ference: 'YP-- EU \11, I-rue: proerk•anon and nrolecIii:n rn nsures Ainil be reviewed with the contrictoron site. 4. Eutfinment Oneratiou acrd Slfwap-e2 Reavy equipmetiL vehiminy traffic and storage of construction tanterials incinding soil shall not lie pennined Nri thin the dripfiw± tit' trees to be s*ved_ 5. Soil EnCgq& iwd &ormwatcr Detention DLyices: SuelidevicLsshall not cic rely alt et trees tobesuved 6. Fires: Fires are not pemlitted Ntithin 100 feet of the d6plive of trees to be saved. I. Toxic Material.: rode litatedals ,;hall 11ol besloled withill lot) ii�cl (it the driplitle (if trees to be Sacred. S. Protecfiyee Fencing- 1`enciilg shall lie in place and shall tie inspected and approved by -,t County 111speetorprior to grading or 9. Tree \Vt-lls: D A.'hen the eround level auw lie raised xvMin the jriplitw of tree to be saved. a tree Vvell shall tie provided and a construction detail subniittcd for tipproval. N\jlea the ground lexel ninsi tit loweral "-ithin the dripline'l tree to jiesaved- u tree wall shall be provided: atul a construction detail submitted for appinvat It. Trienchiwit and Tunnelinu.- JS bjr n Crencltin is rckluiredwithill the limits orelewin-- it shall lie thnic as fiff uxuly from the trunks tic trees as possible. Tunneling widen` a lathe Uee shall be uw%idercd as all alternativc wilco it is anticipawd-thai nCeos' _11-Y tfCn&in, grill &'StRjV ftejff 12- Cleanup: !X protective fencing shalt be the last items wwovLd during ilic I-mal cir-soup. - ------ F, It"LAC A 61, 4014 1 F, Y 4,� T z OW 110 0 6 SO T Tw 0 T5-) 0 �j F, 1 t 0AK ��4r) -tvVo (Vl' rWL �S 7 X 13. Dntuw_,gd Trees-. 11.1luaged trees 11-111 he trowed initnedialeh- by pruning_ fertjjizljikaj ()r othLr nleflua& recommended by a tree specialist. Source: Va. IDSWC Plate 338-2 NOTE, IT IS THE DEVELOPER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONFER'%N71TH THE CONTRACTOR ON TREE CONSERVATION SHEET FOUR REQUiRENIENTS. M - 401 " A OF FOUR -41Z3�1 15'- OWNER SIGNATURE (DXTE) CONTRACT PURCHASER SIGNATURE (DATE) -T-F PL- STIc f6N445 MAY M 1-1( T6 0 L&(-c t) w i tH i N -rkc- P P4 f 1 1 1 ; .. . .. ..,.. m ...„......-:-.'!--7.4,"■p........__ zil , . .,....,.._ _.._ I., ,• • - . S , . , . _• ; .. • . . . . I 4.1-ti w-0-1.400.ipmma..,oprwri wira•Prig•04"-:iitisci ..wrier. awsporditio- ., waiimpoiONIP.---v410.W ....ellplo.-Alleatill1/;•41.11L- 4.1.116/41#11.- ri41 OPP Wank I pia lir 11110140.11b4410"111r:101040'' . ....ramiwall. obit„...1■...„..adli, :Oplintirpridipt illim.00PIPLWr■',.," allINNIAF.r"'""411111", ..0. -* ' 010,`414 19144111V... VIINIP-,„..,..,41.W.IffitrAb. 411,111 , PA.1486410-111111%Wirl:alliliMP.40ket. 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