HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201500165 Review Comments Road Plan and Comps. 2015-11-17i
1601 Oraige Road
Culpeper Vida 227rjl
Charles A. Kilpatrick, P.E.
November 17, 2015
Mr. John Anderson
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Re: SUB - 2015 -00165 North Pointe Middle Entrance & Route 29 Improvements
Dear Mr. Anderson,
We have reviewed the North Pointe Middle Entrance and Rte. 29 Improvements Road Plans
dated 9.126i 14 with revisions dated 9/22.115 as submitted by Townes Site Engineering and offer
the following comments:
1. The sheet index on the cover page does not agree with all of the plan sheet labels as
indicated below:
a. There are two sheets labeled C -4A. l believe that sheet C -413 in the index is
b. Sheet C -10 in the index appears to be labeled as C -14.
c. Sheet C -10A in the index appears to be labeled as C -14A.
d. Sheet C -I I in the index appears to be labeled as C -613.
2. It would be helpful if the cross - streets on sheet C -2 were labeled to help identify the
location in the field.
3. Are the entrance and improvements on Route 29 that are shown on sheets C -3, C -4, and
C -5 proposed to be constructed as part of this phase of the project?
4. An island needs to be provided in the crossover at the southern -most entrance to prevent
left turn movements from the North Pointe entrance and from Airport Acres Road.
5. The proposed island to be constructed in the crossover at the middle entrance to North
Pointe does not appear to prohibit left turns from either North Pointe or Northside Drive.
The geometries of the island may need to be revised to prevent this maneuver.
6. From the grading plan, there appears to be a low point in the median to the south of the
crossover at the middle entrance to North Pointe. As shown, this low point appears to not
7. The "bump -out" for the proposed U -turn north of the middle entrance to North Pointe
extends outside of the existing right of way for Route 29. The owners of North Pointe
will need to work with Mr. Beard to obtain the necessary right of way.
8. An auto -turn exhibit should be provided for the U -turn to confine that the proposed
"bump -out" is adequate.
9. Several entries in the Drainage Structure Summary on sheet C -313 do not match the
information found on the storm sewer profiles. The following are examples:
a. The length of pipe listed for most pipe sections do not agree with the lengths
shown in the profiles.
b. The length of pipe 33 was not provided in the summary.
c. The length of pipe 36 was not provided in the summary.
d. The pipe diameters of pipes 17, 33, 36, and 38 in the summary do not match the
diameters in the profiles.
e. In general, the BB and CC series of drop inlets should be used for structures that
are between 8 and 20 feet in depth. Several of the structures are labeled
incorrectly in the summary.
f. The top elevations of structures 18, 20, 26, 29, 31, 34, 49, and the EX DI
(between 59 and 60 in the summary) do not match the elevations shown on the
g. The inverts of structures 34, 40, and 51 in the summary do not match the inverts
in the profiles.
10. On sheet C -4, can the waterline shown in the inset be located behind the curb? If
possible, the waterline should not be located in the right turn lane.
11. The CG -12's shown at the middle entrance should be located perpendicularly to the
proposed subdivision road. As currently oriented, the ramps would direct a visually
impaired person towards the intersection of Route 29 and the proposed subdivision street.
12. The radius and taper on the north side of the middle entrance is shown incorrectly. The
radius should continue to the tangent point with Route 29. At that point, the taper should
begin. It is likely that storm structure 16 will need to move to the east when the radius is
13. Note that the WP -2 widening standard requires that the entire adjacent lane width is
resurfaced. Sheet C -4B should be revised accordingly to show the area of new asphalt
including the adjacent through lane.
14. Structure 54 should be moved to the median rather than in the crossover asphalt.
15. There are several storm structures that will be located in fill areas. What is the proposed
fill method to ensure that the structures do not settle?
16. Structure 20 does not appear to be shown correctly on the profile on sheet C -713.
17. The top elevations for structures 29 and 31 should be added to the profile.
18. Cross sections for Route 29 should be provided for the southern-most entrance, i.e.
between approximately station 3 +50 and 12 +00.
19. The cross - sections for Route 29 should show all edge of pavement locations in addition
to curb and right of way.
20. The cross - sections provided on not appear to agree with the grading plan. For example,
the grading plan does not show grading in the median between stations 25 +50 and 27 +50,
however, the cross - sections do.
21. The pavement section shown as Route 29 Pavement Addition Detail should match the
existing section for Route 29.
22. The Rte. 29 Improvements Typical Section should indicate the entire adjacent lane to be
resurfaced in accordance with the WP -2 standard.
23. What is the proposed pavement section for the middle entrance to North Pointe?
Pavement calculations need to be provided for review.
24. The proposed middle entrance shows dual right turn lanes for egress. This needs to be
revised to a single right turn lane. See comments on TIA below.
25. Hydraulic calculations for the storm sewer need to be provided for review. These
calculations will need to include HGL calculations in addition to velocity, capacity and
spread calculations.
TIA Comments
1. The concept and study show signals in the future scenario for the middle entrance and for
the northern U -turn. Route 29 is a Corridor of Statewide Significance and when the
Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) adopted the Route 29 Corridor study in
2010, VDOT was instructed to work to minimize the number of traffic signals on the
corridor per the following Policy Statement:
CoSS Access Point and Access Control Policy Statement: In managing the
Corridors of Statewide Significance, and to minimize the number of traffic
signals, it is the policy of the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) that
intersections or new access points to those corridors shall be planned, designed,
operated and maintained to ensure minimum delay to through traffic. Access
locations under consideration shall be evaluated for the impact to corridor travel
time and mitigation strategies, including., land use planning, access management,
mode shift, transit enhancements, and,'or aggressive traffic operational strategies,
In addition, the Virginia Supplement to the MUTCD states that:
On any roadway corridor designated by the CTB as a Corridor of Statewide
Significance, intersections or new access points which meet warrants for traffic
signals shall not have a new traffic signal installed until alternatives such as
grade separations, parallel service roads, roundabouts, and other possible
options have been evaluated and determined not to be appropriate for the
2. The road improvement plans show west bound dual right turn lanes in the initial phase of
the development of the middle entrance. This is not appropriate for the un- signalized
condition. In addition, the analysis was performed using a single right turn lane. The
road plans need to be revised accordingly.
3. The existing traffic volumes for Northside Drive and Cypress Drive were generated by
using Trip Gen 2013 software which is acceptable. The existing traffic counts at the
Airport Road /Rte. 29 intersection and the Lewis & Clarke Drive,-Rte. 29 intersection are
actual counts and should remain constant for the existing condition analysis. There are
also a number of additional business and a residential development on this portion of the
corridor that are not accounted for in the traffic data so the network does not have to be
4. The background traffic includes a proposed development at the north end of the North
Pointe development that is under separate ownership. This development would provide
the installation of the fourth leg to the intersection of Lewis & Clarke Drive and Route
29. The study indicates that this development, which consists of 184 townhouse units,
will be in place by 2018. This seems to be a very aggressive buildout schedule. The
background development should have a similar build schedule to the proposed North
Pointe development as discussed in the scoping meeting. It is recommended to run the
initial scenario without the development in the 2020 time period for the Phase A
evaluation and consider it as part of the 2023 Phase B buildout when the connection will
need to be in place, regardless of who constructs the connection.
5. The remarks in the Level of Service tables for the Lewis and Clarke Drive at Route 29
and Airport Road at Route 29 intersections indicating that the capacity issues exist in the
background conditions are accurate. However, this does not mean that the North Pointe
development will not contribute to further degradation of the intersections. The original
study for the entire development showed that an additional lane in each direction was
needed to support the entire development. That study was prepared over 11 years ago
and the need for those improvements for the entire development has not changed. The
improvements identified in the initial study were planned for the initial phase of
development of North Pointe. The phasing of development has been changed so that the
major improvements for Route 29 occur later in development buildout. This change in
phasing does not eliminate the need for improvements at other intersections to address
the impacts of the North Pointe development.
6. As part of the discussion for the current study, VDOT recommended including the
conversion of the existing signal at Lewis & Clarke Drive to an R Cut intersection similar
to the proposed middle entrance intersection for North Pointe in order to continue the
Super Street concept on the corridor. This will need to be reviewed before the fourth leg
of the intersection at Lewis & Clarke Drive is added. This will likely result in the
conversion of the Lewis & Clarke intersection to an alternative type of intersection that
does not require signalization.
7. The proposed development increases the delay at both of the adjacent signalized
intersections in all scenarios evaluated. The cumulative intersection delay experienced
by through traffic on the Route 29 corridor in this area increase in the AM southbound
direction from the current 43.9 seconds to 110.4 seconds, and in the PM northbound
direction form the current 79.1 seconds to 131.2 seconds. These increases are considered
significant and need to be addressed. The additional R Cut conversion of the Lewis &
Clarke Drive intersection Iikely would address some of the delay. Improvements at
Airport Road are likely to also be necessary.
8. When queues exceed capacity, a queue analysis needs to be done using SimTraffic to
determine the actual queue length. This analysis should follow the procedures outlined in
the "Traffic Operation Tools Guidebook ".
If you need additional information concerning this project, please do not hesitate to contact me at
(434 ) 422 -9782.
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Troy Austin, P.E.
Area Land Use Engineer
Culpeper District