HomeMy WebLinkAboutZTA201500012 Staff Report 2015-11-04 (2)Draft: 09/17/15 ORDINANCE NO. 15 -18( ) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 18, ZONING, ARTICLE II, BASIC REGULATIONS, OF THE CODE OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA BE IT ORDAINED By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that Chapter 18, Zoning, Article II, Basic Regulations, is hereby amended and reordained as follows: By Amending: Sec. 4.15.4A Signs authorized by temporary sign permit Sec. 4.15.12 Regulations applicable in the C -1, CO and HC zoning districts Sec. 4.15.13 Regulations applicable in the PD -SC and PD -MC zoning districts Sec. 4.15.14 Regulations applicable in the HI, LI and PD -IP zoning districts Chapter 18. Zoning Article II. Basic Regulations Sec. 4.15.4A Signs authorized by temporary sign permit A permit shall be required for each temporary sign (hereinafter, a "temporary sign permit "), prior to its erection, alteration, replacement or relocation, as provided herein: a. Application. An application for a temporary sign permit shall be submitted to the department of community development, together with payment of the fee required for the application pursuant to section 35.1, and comply with the application requirements of subsection 4.15.4(a). b. Application review and permit issuance. A temporary sign permit application shall be reviewed and acted upon by the zoning administrator only as provided herein: Action on application. Within seven (7) days after receipt of a complete application, the zoning administrator shall either: (i) approve the application; (ii) deny the application; or (iii) refer the application to the applicant for more information as may be required by section 4.15.4(a)(3). An application shall be denied only if the proposed temporary sign is a prohibited sign or does not comply with the regulations set forth in this section 4.15. If the application is denied, the reasons shall be specified in writing. 2. Failure to timely act. If the zoning administrator fails to take one of the actions described herein within seven (7) days after receipt of a complete sign application for a temporary sign, the permit shall be deemed approved as received. Administration. The following regulations shall apply to the administration of temporary sign permits: Number ofpermits. No more than six (6) temporary sign permits shall be issued by the zoning administrator to the same establishment, or lot not containing an establishment, in any calendar year, provided that a temporary sign erected to replace a permanent sign as provided in subsection (c)(2)(b) shall not count toward this limit. 2. Period of validity. Each temporary sign permit shall be valid for the following periods: Draft: 09/17/15 (a) Generally. Except as provided in subsection (c)(2)(b), for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) consecutive days after the erection of the sign, provided that a temporary sign permit issued while a permanent sign is being made may be valid for longer than fifteen (15) days until the permanent sign is erected. (b) Within limits of MOT construction project during construction; where existing permanent sign removed. For the period between the date the sign is erected, which shall be on or after the date the Virginia Department of Transportation ( "VDOT ") issues a notice to proceed for a VDOT construction project, until the date of project construction completion as evidenced by the date that VDOT issues a form C -5 or makes an equivalent written determination, or until a permanent sign to replace the removed permanent sign is installed at the establishment or on the lot, whichever occurs first, provided that: (1) the temporary sign is erected to replace a permanent sign on a lot abutting a primary arterial or other public street within the project limits of the construction project that includes the primary arterial; and (2) the permanent sign was required by VDOT to be removed in conjunction with the construction project. cl Within limits of MOT construction nroiect during construction. For the Deriod between the date the sign is erected, which shall be on or after the date the Vir in =Department of Transportation ( "VDOT ") issues a notice to proceed for a VDOT construction nroiect, until the date of project construction completion as evidenced by the date that VDOT issues a form C -5 or makes an equivalent written determination, provided that: (1) not more than one (1) sign authorized by this subsection per lot may be erected: (2) the lot has an existing primary use or a structure for a pending primary use is under construction: (3) the lot abuts a primary arterial or other public street within the project limits of the construction project that includes the primary arterial: (4) the lot is within a zoning district subject to sections or 4.15.14: (5) on lots having three (31 or fewer establishments, the sign area of the sign shall not exceed thirty -two (321 square feet: and (6) on lots having four (4) or more establishments, the sign area of the sign shall not exceed forty -eight (48) square feet Aggregate duration for temporary signs in calendar year. Temporary signs shall not be erected at an establishment for more than sixty (60) days, in the aggregate, in a calendar year, provided that this limit shall not apply to a temporary sign °r -eete to r-eplaee pefma-neat sign as provided i authorized by subsections (c)(2)(b) and (cl(21(cl. 4. Portable signs; stabilization. A temporary sign that is a portable sign shall be stabilized so as not to pose a danger to public safety. Prior to the sign being erected, the zoning administrator shall approve the method of stabilization. d. Exemptions. A temporary sign permit is not required for a sign exempt from the sign permit requirement under section 4.15.6 or nonconforming signs subject to section 4.15.24. (Ord. 12- 18(2), 3- 14 -12) State law reference — Va. Code § 15.2 -2280. 2 Draft: 09/17/15 Sec. 4.15.12 Regulations applicable in the C -1, CO and HC zoning districts The following regulations pertaining to the number of signs permitted per lot or establishment, the sign area, sign height, and setback requirements shall apply to each sign for which a sign permit is required within the Commercial (C -1), Commercial Office (CO) and Highway Commercial (HC) zoning districts: *Each establishment may have both a projecting sign and a wall sign. If the establishment has both such signs, the allowed sign area of the wall sign shall be reduced by the sign area of the projecting sign (which may not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet). * *Temporary signs within the limits of Virginia Department of Transportation construction projects may have a sign area of up to forty -eight (48) square feet as provided in section 4.15.4A(c)(2)(c). (12- 10 -80; 7 -8 -92, §; Ord. 01-18(3),5-9-01; Ord. 12-18(2),3-14-12; Ord. 12- 18(5), 9- 12 -12) State law reference — Va. Code § 15.2 -2280. Sec. 4.15.13 Regulations applicable in the PD -SC and PD -MC zoning districts The following regulations pertaining to the number of signs permitted per lot or establishment, the sign area, sign height, and setback requirements shall apply to each sign for which a sign permit is required within the Planned Development- Shopping Center (PD -SC) and Planned Development -Mixed Commercial (PD -MC) zoning districts: Sign Type Number of Signs Allowed Sign Area Sign Height Sign Setback Sign Type Number of Signs Allowed 24 square feet, aggregated 6 feet 5 feet 1 per street frontage, or 2 per entrance, per lot (Maximum) (Maximum) (Minimum) Directory 1 or more per establishment, 24 square feet, aggregated 6 feet 5 feet Freestanding as authorized by zoning administrator provided in section 16 feet 5 feet 1 per street frontage, or 2 per entrance, 32 square feet, aggregated, plus per lot with 100 or more feet of bonus tenant panels as provided in Freestanding continuous street frontage plus 1 per section 4.1 if more than 1 12 feet 5 feet lot if the lot is greater than 4 acres and sign at an entrance, ce, no single sign has more than 1 approved entrance on shall exceed 16 square feet its frontage 30 feet, but not to Projecting* 1 per street frontage 32 square feet exceed the top of the Not applicable fascia or mansard 12 feet, if freestanding Temporary ** 1 per street 32 square feet sign; 30 feet if wall 5 feet frontage per establishment sign, but not to exceed the cornice line In the C -1 and CO zoning districts, 1.5 square feet per 1 linear foot of establishment structure frontage, Same as that Wall * As calculated pursuant to section not to exceed 100 square feet; in Not to exceed the applicable to 4.15.20 the HC zoning district, 1.5 square cornice line structure feet per 1 linear foot of establishment structure frontage, not to exceed 200 square feet *Each establishment may have both a projecting sign and a wall sign. If the establishment has both such signs, the allowed sign area of the wall sign shall be reduced by the sign area of the projecting sign (which may not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet). * *Temporary signs within the limits of Virginia Department of Transportation construction projects may have a sign area of up to forty -eight (48) square feet as provided in section 4.15.4A(c)(2)(c). (12- 10 -80; 7 -8 -92, §; Ord. 01-18(3),5-9-01; Ord. 12-18(2),3-14-12; Ord. 12- 18(5), 9- 12 -12) State law reference — Va. Code § 15.2 -2280. Sec. 4.15.13 Regulations applicable in the PD -SC and PD -MC zoning districts The following regulations pertaining to the number of signs permitted per lot or establishment, the sign area, sign height, and setback requirements shall apply to each sign for which a sign permit is required within the Planned Development- Shopping Center (PD -SC) and Planned Development -Mixed Commercial (PD -MC) zoning districts: Sign Type Number of Signs Allowed Sign Area (Maximum) Sign Height (Maximum) Sign Setback (Minimum) Directory 1 or more per establishment, as authorized by zoning administrator 24 square feet, aggregated 6 feet 5 feet 1 per street frontage, or 2 per entrance, per lot 32 square feet, aggregated, with 100 or more feet of continuous street plus bonus tenant panels as Freestanding frontage plus 1 per lot if the lot is greater than provided in section 16 feet 5 feet 4 acres and has more than 1 approved entrance 4.15.16(b); if more than 1 on its frontage sign at an entrance, no Draft: 09/17/15 *Each establishment may have both a projecting sign and a wall sign. If the establishment has both such signs, the allowed sign area of the wall sign shall be reduced by the sign area of the projecting sign (which may not exceed thirty -two (32) square feet). * *Temporary signs within the limits of Virginia Department of Transportation construction projects may have a sign area of up to forty -eight (48) square feet as provided in section 4.15.4A(c)(2)(c). One (1) sandwich board sign is permitted for each establishment, subject to the requirements of section 4.15.16(1). (12- 10 -80; 7 -8 -92, §; Ord. 01- 18(3), 5 -9 -01; Ord. 12- 18(2), 3- 14 -12) State law reference — Va. Code § 15.2 -2280. Sec. 4.15.14 Regulations applicable in the HI, LI and PD -IP zoning districts The following regulations pertaining to the number of signs permitted per lot or establishment, the sign area, sign height, and setback requirements shall apply to each sign for which a sign permit is required within the Heavy Industry (HI), Light Industry (LI) and Planned Development - Industrial Park (PD -IP) zoning districts...: single sign shall exceed 16 Sign Height Sign Setback Sign Type Number of Signs Allowed square feet (Maximum) 30 feet, but not to (Minimum) Projecting* 1 per street frontage 32 square feet exceed the top of the Not applicable as authorized by zoning administrator fascia or mansard 1 per street frontage, or 2 per entrance, per 32 square feet, aggregate, plus 12 feet, if freestanding Temporary ** 1 per street 32 square feet sign; 30 feet if wall 5 feet Freestanding frontage per establishment section 4.15.16(b); if more than 1 sign, but not to exceed 5 feet greater than 4 acres and has more than 1 sign at an entrance, no single sign the cornice line approved entrance on its frontage 1.5 square feet per 1 linear Same as that wajj* As calculated pursuant to section 4.15.20 foot of establishment Not to exceed the applicable to Projecting* 1 per street frontage structure frontage, not to cornice line structure exceed 200 square feet fascia or mansard *Each establishment may have both a projecting sign and a wall sign. If the establishment has both such signs, the allowed sign area of the wall sign shall be reduced by the sign area of the projecting sign (which may not exceed thirty -two (32) square feet). * *Temporary signs within the limits of Virginia Department of Transportation construction projects may have a sign area of up to forty -eight (48) square feet as provided in section 4.15.4A(c)(2)(c). One (1) sandwich board sign is permitted for each establishment, subject to the requirements of section 4.15.16(1). (12- 10 -80; 7 -8 -92, §; Ord. 01- 18(3), 5 -9 -01; Ord. 12- 18(2), 3- 14 -12) State law reference — Va. Code § 15.2 -2280. Sec. 4.15.14 Regulations applicable in the HI, LI and PD -IP zoning districts The following regulations pertaining to the number of signs permitted per lot or establishment, the sign area, sign height, and setback requirements shall apply to each sign for which a sign permit is required within the Heavy Industry (HI), Light Industry (LI) and Planned Development - Industrial Park (PD -IP) zoning districts...: *Each establishment may have both a projecting sign and a wall sign. If the establishment has both such signs, the allowed sign area of the wall sign shall be reduced by the sign area of the projecting sign (which may not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet). 4 Sign Area Sign Height Sign Setback Sign Type Number of Signs Allowed (Maximum) (Maximum) (Minimum) Directory 1 or more per establishment, 24 square feet, aggregated 6 feet 5 feet as authorized by zoning administrator 1 per street frontage, or 2 per entrance, per 32 square feet, aggregate, plus lot with 100 or more feet of continuous bonus tenant panels as provided in Freestanding street frontage plus 1 per lot if the lot is section 4.15.16(b); if more than 1 16 feet 5 feet greater than 4 acres and has more than 1 sign at an entrance, no single sign approved entrance on its frontage shall exceed 16 square feet 30 feet, but not to Projecting* 1 per street frontage 32 square feet exceed the top of the 5 feet fascia or mansard 12 feet, if 1 per street freestanding sign; 30 ** Temporary= frontage per establishment 32 square feet feet if wall sign, but 5 feet not to exceed the cornice line 1.5 square feet per 1 linear foot of Not to exceed the o Same as that wajj* As calculated pursuant to section 4.15.20 establishment structure frontage, cornice line applicable to not to exceed 200 square feet structure *Each establishment may have both a projecting sign and a wall sign. If the establishment has both such signs, the allowed sign area of the wall sign shall be reduced by the sign area of the projecting sign (which may not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet). 4 Draft: 09/17/15 "Temporary signs within the limits of Virginia Department of Transportation construction projects may have a sign area of up to forty -eight (48) square feet as provided in section 4.15.4A(c)(2)(c). Within the PD -IP zoning district, one (1) sandwich board sign is permitted for each establishment, subject to the requirements of section 4.15.16(1). (12- 10 -80; 7 -8 -92, §; Ord. 01-18(3),5-9-01; Ord. 12-18(2),3-14-12) State law reference — Va. Code § 15.2 -2280. I, Ella W. Jordan, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of an Ordinance duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of to , as recorded below, at a regular meeting held on Aye Nay Mr. Boyd Ms. Dittmar Ms. Mallek Ms. McKeel Ms. Palmer Mr. Sheffield Clerk, Board of County Supervisors