HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201500144 Review Comments Easement Plat 2010-04-10April 2, 2010
Access Management Exception Request
Faith Christian Center International
Route 250 East of Charlottesville, Albemarle County
Request your approval for an exception to the entrance spacing requirements as described
in the attached exception request package.
The existing entrance to the property is providing access to a small trailer park. The
entrance will be upgraded to current commercial standards and the trailer park will be
closed. There are m other reasonable access locations to the property and the proposed
entrance location is exempt from the spacing requirements as a concept plan for the new
usage was submitted prior to October 14, 2009. A shared entrance agreement could not
be reached with the adjoining property owner but an easement for a future shared
entrance is being provided should the adjacent property be redeveloped.
Let me know if you have additional questions.
Brent 1
Attachment — Exception Request
[Note: The exception request was submitted on March 2, 2009 but the developer
requested us to hold the request so as to further review the improvements proposed for
the right turn lane. No changes were made and on March 21', we were requested to
process the package as submitted on March 2`d.j
*' ,DOT February 2010
Submitted by: Brian P. Smith, FE
Date: March 2, 2010
Email Address: bpspe@embarqmail.com
Phone: (434) 296 -3644
Address: 105 West High Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Project Name: Faith Christian Center International Rte 0 250
Locality: Albemarle County
Description of Project: This will be a new church and daycare that will replace the existing Sleepy Hollow Trailer Court. To
the east, on the other side of a stream, is an existing business - C. R. Moore Wall Drilling
VDOT District: CulDeaer,
VDOT Residency: Charlottesville.
(1). Check the appropriate boxes for: 1. which exception(s) are requested, ii. the reason for the exception, and Iii. the
required document or study is attached to this form.
(2). See Section 120 D of the Regulations for details on the exception proem rules and procedures.
(3). Attach additional information as necessary to justify the exception request.
(4). If a traille engineering study is required, the decision on the request will be based on VDOT engineering judgment:
(S). Use the LD440 Design Exception or the LD448 Design Waiver forms for engineering related standards, e.g. sight
distance not the spacing standards). See JIM- LD-227 for additional instructions.
Z Exception to the shared entrance requirement.
Reason for exception:
A. An agreement to share the entrance could not be reached with adjoining property owner.
N Attached: Written evidence that adjoining pmperty owner will not share the entrance.
® B. Physical constraints: topography, adjacent hazardous land use, stream, wetland, other.
® Specify constraint: 100 -ft stream buffer on Shadwell Creek
Attached: Documentation of constraint such as aerial photo or topographic map.
❑ Exception to the vehicular /pedestrian connection to adjoining properties requirement.
Reason for exception:
❑ A. Physical constraints: topography, adjacent hazardous land use, stream, wetland, other.
❑ Specify constraint below and attach documentation such as aerial photo or topographic map.
B. Will not provide or extend connection. Entrance to be restricted to right-la/right-out movements.
❑ Exception to the requirement that an entrance shall not be located within the functional
area of an intersection or interchange.
See Appendix F, Rd Design Manual "Functional Area of Intersection" and "Comer Clearance" chapters.
❑ Attached: A traffic engineering study documenting impact on highway operation and safety.
February 2010
Exception to the spacing standards for entrances, intersections, and crossovers; for
entrances/intersections near interchange ramps. Tables 2-2,2-3,2-4, Appendix F, Rd Design Manual.
Reason for excee on•
® A. The specific loocatioa is identified on:
❑ A plan of development or In a written condition proffered as part of a rezoning that was
approved by the locality prior to October 14, 2009.
■ Date of rezoning approval:
® A site plan, preliminary/final subdivision plat, SSAR conceptual sketch submitted by the
locality to VDOT and received by VDOT prior to October. 14, 2009.
c Date VDOT received the site plan, plat, or sketch: Concept (03-00-12008)
® Attached: The above land development document.
❑ B. To be located within a new urbanism mixed use type development.
❑ Attached_ The design of the development and compliance with intersection sight distance.
rroviae the tallowtng Intormatron for the exceptions ttstea below
Type of entrance /intersection /crossover: Signalized ❑ Unsignalizeffull Access [@ Partial Access [
Posled speed limit: mph. Minor Arterial: Urban (3 Rural J@ Collector: Urban ❑ Rural ❑
Required spacing distance 105OR Proposed spacing distance 225 ft
Reduction in
❑ C. To be located on an older, established business section of an urban higbway corridor where
existing spacing did not meet the spacing standards prior to October 14, 2009.
❑ Attached: Dated aerial photo of corridor identifying proposed entranceAntersection location.
❑ D. The parcel does not have enough highway frontage due to parcel dimensions or a physical
constraint and owner does not want the entrance limited to right- hdright-out movements.
❑ Attached: A traffic engineering study that documents impact on highway operation and safety.
❑ E. Proposed signalized entrance does not meet the spacing standard, applicant does not want
B right- in/right out entrance.
❑ Attached: Traffic engineering study that (i) evaluates suitability of entrance location for
design as a roundabout and (il) documents impacts on highway operation and safety.
❑ F. The development's Z"s or additional entrance does not meet the spacing standards but are
necessary for the streets to be accepted into the secondary system.
❑ Attached: Information on the development that identifies the location of entrances And
whether the entrance will be on a minor arterial, or on a collector or local street.
❑ G. Meets VDOT/locality approved access management corridor plan spacing
❑ Attached: Copy of the access management corridor plan with location of entrance identified.
2 AM -2
'1"1 �� Virginia Department
�D of Transportation
February 2010
Recommendation on Exception Request: Approvej& Deny ❑ I Date: -.p - r�ol0
Residency Administrator or District Adm. Designee:
mar''The approval of this entrance location should be conditional
based upon the applicant being able to provide safe access
from the west. The site plan will need to show an analysis
that indicates no queuing will occur during peak hours of
operation that spill into the Route 250 through lanes or
creates unsafe conditions within the merge area of route 250
Exception Request Action: Approved ® Denied ❑ Date: ¢ . ' -W/o
District Administrator or Designee:
DistriatlResidency Staff: Please small copy to P ul.G ewicz VD T.Vir inis.Gov
3 AM -2
Excerpts from the Timmons Group Turn Lane Analysis
mie ibilmving three (3) shects only)
$11212009 Falih OWfsb►an C'enterinlemabbml rum cane Analysts — Albemarle Carmty, Kr9wa
Q proposed Site
-- -- Proposed Roadway
ra 124
Sleepy Hollow Ln
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Site Location and Site Layout
4I1212M9 F&M OWsdan Centar!nbmadonerf Trnn tare AnaWs - Ab ma* manly, Whp* Ja
Based on the results of the turn lane warrant analysis, the existing 55 -foot left turn storage lane on
eastbound US Route 250 at the proposed site entrance is not sufficient to accommodate the future
traffic volumes with development. The MOT nomograph indicates that 200 feet of storage Is
required and only 55 feet of storage is currently provided. The existing left turn storage lane should
be extended by 145 feet to achieve the required 200 feet of storage. Frain Figure C -1 -1 In VDOrs
Road Design Manual, for a roadway with a design speed of 35 mph or higher, the minimum taper
length Is 200 feet. Since the existing turn lane has only a 75 foot taper, the existing taper should be
extended by 125 feet to achieve the required 200 feet of taper. The existing median can be re- striped
to accommodate the Increased length of the left turn storage and taper.
Based on the results of the right turn lane analysis, a 200 foot right -turn taper is required on
westbound U5 Route 250 at the proposed site entrance. From Figure 2, there is an existing driveway
located approximately 190 feet east of the proposed slue entrance for Falth Christian Center
Intemattanal. Additionally, there Is a culvert allowing Shadwell Creek to pass under US Route 250
located approximately 10D feet east of the proposed site entrance. Assuming a 124bot lane and a
taper rate of 15 :1 (from the 2004 AASKrO Green Book), the required taper length would be 180 feet.
It Is recommended that a 190 foot right turn taper be constructed to serve the proposed sine
entrance. To accommodate the right turn taper the existing culvert for Shadwell Creek will have to be
extended and the existing guardrail will have to be relocated.
The proposed turn lane improvements are shown on Figure 8.
,Ii l?. 2M AM aesdan euterintemaGrO w rum Lane Anal xb — Abeina* county, WMInla
Extend the existing left turn lane on eastbound US 250 by re-striping the existing median to
allow a 700 -foot storage lane and a 700 -11oot taper.
Construct a right turn taper on westbound US 250 between the site entrance and the existing
driveway. To accornrnodate the taper, the exisfing culvert for Shadwell Creek will need to be
extended and the existing guardrail will need to be relocated.
Proposed Turn Lane Improvements
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