HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201400184 Correspondence 2014-11-20 �oF A
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Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,Room 227
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126
Date:November 20,2014
Greg Kamptner
County Attorney's Office
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,VA 22902
Project Name: SUB201400184 Gregory Wells—final sub plat
Date Submitted: 11-20-14 (Private Street Maintenance Agreement)
Dear Mr. Kamptner:
The applicant of the above stated two lot subdivision has submitted a Private Street Maintenance
Agreement for review/approval of a 75' and variable width private street easement. On the attached plat I
have highlighted the street location. At your earliest convenience,please review these documents. Should
you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me.
Christopher P. Perez, Senior Planner
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
Division of Planning and Current Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,VA 22902
(434)296-5832,phone ext.3443
Christopher Perez
From: John Anderson
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 12:44 PM
To: Roger W. Ray&Assoc., Inc.
Cc: Christopher Perez
Subject: Planning Application Review for SUB201400184 GREGORY L WELLS- FINAL.
Attachments: SUB201400184-Gregory Wells-FPT-122314.pdf;
WPO_VSMP_Virginia_StormwaterManagement Program_Application.pdf
The Review for the following application has been completed:
Application Number=SUB201400184
Reviewer=John Anderson
Review Status = Requested Changes
Completed Date = 12/23/2014
Thanks for your patience. Brian, I especially appreciate your speaking with me earlier today.
Attached comments in CV. Please let me know if you have any questions. 434.296-5832—x3069.
Also attached—VSMP Application(if land disturbing activity>10,000SF).
best for the holidays,
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,Room 227
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126
Project: Gregory L Wells,Final Plat
Plan coordinator: Christopher Perez
Plat preparer: Gwen Lacy/Roger W.Ray&Associates,Inc, 1717-16 Allied St,Charlottesville,
VA 22903—rwrinc @earthlink.net
Owner or rep.: Wellington Estates,LLC, 12 Landslide Ct,Palmyra,VA 22963
Plan received date: 20 November 2014
Date of comments: 23 December 2014
Reviewer: John Anderson
(A plat is a record of property division or reservation. Code Chapter 14)
1. Alternate Lot BI-B2 boundary would preserve ability to construct on preferred building sites while dividing
acreage and limiting stream crossings to two,maximum. The proposed boundary between Lots B1 and B2
is problematic in that there is a portion of Lot B2 that would be inaccessible without a third(future)stream
crossing. A third stream crossing is not required if lot boundaries are revised. A third stream crossing will
not be approved. Revise Lot B1-B2 boundary.
2. Note-Stream crossings: 17-604.C.7 and-604.D.are relevant. Ref item#1,above:Engineering recognizes
that,with reconfigured lot boundaries,two crossings allow all portions of lots to be developed as permitted
in the underlying zoning district and under the applicable regulations of the Subdivision Ordinance. ACCD
Engineering is amendable to request to establish a second stream crossing. This concept was discussed with
Brian Ray on 23-Dec-12.
3. Propose stream buffer Mitigation Plan for stream buffer impacts associated with proposed(private)street.
4. Total land disturbance associated with proposed(or revised)private street location must be calculated for
comparison with VSMP permit Application threshold(10,000 SF). Calculate area of land disturbance.
5. If proposal to construct street is estimated to disturb>-10,000 SF,the street must be built or bonded,and
VSMP permit approval is prerequisite to plat approval,or land disturbing activity[14-417]. Please ref:
SWPPP,VESCP,SWMP,PPP, stream buffer Mitigation Plan and eligibility/exemption requirements at:
17-300,-301,-302,303;-401,-402,-403,-404,405,406]. SWPPP—abbreviated County template:
http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community Development/forms/Engin
eering and WPO Forms/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SWPPP template.doc. Provide VSMP
Application,if necessary.
6. Note:Proposed roadway width(=10'/gravel surface)meets roadway standards for residential private streets
serving two lots. Applicant should be aware that different standards,including vertical centerline curvature,
horizontal curvature,shoulder width,turnarounds,etc,listed at 14-412.A.2(a)apply to streets serving three
to five lots. Roadway(width 10'/gravel surface)does not meet the three to five lot private street standard.
Please call if any questions,or to schedule a plan(plat)review meeting.
Thank you.
Sincerely,John Anderson
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Christopher Perez
From: John Anderson
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2015 3:06 AM
To: rwrinc @earthlink.net;justin @shimp-engineerinp.com
Cc: Christopher Perez
Subject: SUB20142014-00184, Gregory Wells, Final Plat
Attachments: SUB201400184-Gregory Wells-FPT-060815_rev1.pdf
Brian, 7'
Thanks for your patience, for adjusting Lot B1/B2 boundaries.
I will save Attached comments to CV later today.
With only two days this week, I cannot promise to preview .PDFs should you revise Mitigation Plan, but will do my best.
I will check email while away, 10-19 June.
Thanks, Justin-
434.296-5832 -x3069
•OF A1444.1
..1 .:,WWII'
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,Room 227
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126
Project: Gregory L Wells,Final Plat
Plan coordinator: Christopher Perez
Plat preparer: Gwen Lacy/Roger W.Ray&Associates,Inc, 1717-16 Allied St,Charlottesville,
VA 22903—rwrinc @earthlink.net Mitigation:Justin Shimp,Shimp
Engineering,201 E.Main St.,Suite M,Charlottesville,VA 22902
ustin @shimp-engineering.com]
Owner or rep.: Wellington Estates,LLC, 12 Landslide Ct,Palmyra,VA 22963
Plan received date: 20 November 2014
(Rev. 1) 19 May 2015
Date of comments: 23 December 2014
(Rev. 1) 8 June 2015
Reviewer: John Anderson
(A plat is a record of property division or reservation. Code Chapter 14)
1. Alternate ;_ot[31-132 boundary would preserve ability- to construct on preferred building sites while di\sding
acreage and limiting stream crossings 1, two, nra1Jtnum. The proposed boundary. between Lots 13; and 132
is problematic: in that there is a portion of Lot 112 that would be inaccessible without r third(futures stream
crossinc. A third stream crossing is not required if lot boundaries are revised. A third stream crossing will
not be approved. Re\ise Lot B 1-132 boundary.(Rev. 1)Addressed.
2. Note-Stream cro sins: 17-604.('.7 and -604.D. are relevant. R t item;;.1.r1bove. Fingineering recognizes
that with reconfigured los boundaries,two crossing:-allow all portions of lots to he developed as permitted
in the underlying zoning district and under the applicable regulations of the Subdivision Ordinance. ACC[)
Engineering is amendable to request to establish a second stream crossing. This concern was discussed with
Brian Ra\ on 23-D c-12.(Rev. 1)Addressed.
3. Propose stream buffer Mitigation Plan for stream buffer impacts associated with proposed(private)street.
(Rev.1)Partially Addressed. Asfollow-up: Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan for Wellington Estates dated
05/08/2015 proposes 168 hardwood seedlings on 8' x 8' centers with tree tubes and mats. This addresses
6,086 SF south stream crossing impact. Please consider north crossing;provide mitigation(pipe-stem west
of Lot A). See Plat creating Lot A and Lot B,August 1,2014-Note J:"Any future improvements to create
a road or driveway to serve one or both of these Lots(Lot A or Lot B)that crosses the stream buffer will
require the submittal of a water protection ordinance plan." This Plat is first request to create a road with
any crossings,and there are two crossings,north and south. Also,see Plat creating Lot Al and A2. This
plat,dated October 31,2014,creates a 30'private street easement near the east boundary of Lot Al that
avoids the stream buffer entirely. A Mitigation Plan supporting Final Plat creating Lot B1 and Lot B2 must
address buffer impacts for north/south stream crossings(estimate area required to construct private 2-lot
street/provide 2:1 Mitigation). New 75'and Variable width private street easement provides Access to Lots
B1 and B2. Proposed location for 168 hardwood seedlings to offset south crossing impact lies within north
crossing buffer. It may be inconsequential,but as there is no access to Lot B1 without the north crossing, it
seems reasonable to mitigate north crossing impacts within the north buffer,and south crossing impacts
within the south buffer. Please consider this recommendation.
4. Total land disturbance associated with proposed (or revised)private street location nlusr be calculated lilr
comparison with VSNIP permit Application tnreshotd (10.000 SF). Calculate area of land disturbance.
Engineering Review Comments
Page 2 of 2
5. II proposal to construct street is estimated to disrurl' L10,000 SF,the strec:.mug' be built or hondee.. and
1'SNIP permit approval is prerequisite to plat approval, or land disturnni ;aeti ttr j 14-4!7j Please re:'
S\VPPI', \t S( P.S\VMP. PPP. stream huller Mitt atior. Plan and eligihiiit\-e.`cmptior, requn• incnts at'
i?- 0U,-301. -302.30 :-40i. -4022,-4,02. -404.41).,40i,1 S11'PPP—ahhreviatee Corny template.
http: www.albemarl ore.'upload ituage,!td;rms center departmentsrConununir. Development:atom /En:in
eet,ing_and_\':P(;)iunns:St'?rni ite iPottut.ion_Pres;eutiot.uyPlan S`<t:PPP_temphit .u,>_ . Provide 1 Stii!'
Application; if necessary. (Rev. 1)Withdrawn. 12-May 2015 Applicant response letter:"Since this is a
two-lot private street,no construction is required at this time."
6. Note: Proposed roadway width r=10 gravel surface)meets roadway standards for residential private streets
serving mtr,,lots, Applicant should be aware that different standards. including vertical centerline curvature,
horizontal curvature,shoulder width, turnarounds. etc listed at 14-412.A.2(a)appl\ 0,streets serving three
to live lots. Roadway(width 10' gravel suriacel doe:not meet the three to live lai private street standard,
(Rev. 1)Acknowledged.
Please call if any questions,or to schedule a plan(plat)review meeting.
Thank you.
Sincerely,John Anderson
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Christopher Perez
From: John Anderson
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2015 1:06 PM
To: Chris Norvelle; Christopher Perez
Cc: Justin Shimp, P.E.
Subject: SUB201400184-RE: Wellington Estates Final Plat-Mitigation Plan Comment Response
Since no stream buffer impact is proposed at the northern crossing(an existing 2-culvert stream crossing/see photos, 7-
Jul correspondence),no mitigation is required for this northern crossing(SUB201400184). Given this circumstance, 8-
Jun 2015 review comment, item#3 is addressed. Engineering has no objection to the proposed subdivision plat. I am
glad you wrote to remind of your note sent 7-Jul,which I overlooked—please accept my apology.
Your email with letter attachment with photos is descriptive and useful.
Thank you,Chris.
Note—please coordinate with Christopher Perez any outstanding review issues. Christopher is review
coordinator. Thanks,again.
From:Chris Norvelle [mailto:chris @shimp-engineering.com]
Sent:Tuesday,July 07, 2015 10:49 AM
To:John Anderson <janderson2 @albemarle.org>
Cc: rwrinc @earthlink.net; Gwells7 @hotmail.com;justin @shimp-engineering.com
Subject:Wellington Estates Final Plat- Mitigation Plan Comment Response
As we discussed earlier, I have compiled a comment response letter with photographs and descriptions of the
existing conditions of the northern crossing and proposed southern crossing for the Wellington Estates subdivision plat.
Please see the attached comment response PDF.
Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.
We really appreciate all your help and your ability to work with us without a full resubmittal.
Thanks again,
Chris Norvelle
Senior Design Technician
Shimp Engineering, P.C.
201 E. Main St,Suite M
Charlottesville,VA 22902
Phone: (434)227-5140(Office)
(434) 987-2543 (Direct)
chris @shimp-engineering.com
Christopher Perez
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2015 9:50 AM
To: 'Gwen Lacy'
Subject: RE: SUB201400184-Gregory Wells- Final
With John Anderson's recent review. The project is ready to move forward with owner signatures/notarization.
Please provide signed copies for Subdivision Agent approval.
Christopher P. Pet ez Senior Planner
Department of Community Development'County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road'Charlottesville.VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
From:Gwen Lacy [mailto:gwenlacy @earthlink.net]
Sent:Thursday,July 23,2015 2:13 PM
To:Christopher Perez<cperez @albemarle.org>
Subject:SUB201400184-Gregory Wells- Final
Good afternoon Chris,
Please let me know the status of approval for this project.
I believe Engineering's concerns have been met.
Gwen Lacy
Roger W. Ray &Assoc., Inc.
1717-1 b Allied Street
Charlottesville, Va 22903
434-293-3195 tel
434-293-4202 fax
From: Gwen Lacy
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 9:26 AM
To: Christopher Perez
Subject: Fw: Greg Wells- U.S. Route 250 &St. Rt. 794
Good morning,
Please see below VDOT approval for SUB2014-184 Gregory Wells (Lots B1 & B2).
Gwen Lacy
Roger W. Ray &Assoc., Inc.
1717-1 b Allied Street
Charlottesville, Va 22903
434-293-3195 tel
434-293-4202 fax
From: Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT)
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 10:08 AM
To: Gwen Lacy
Subject: RE: Greg Wells- U.S. Route 250 &St. Rt. 794
Good Morning Gwen,
I have reviewed the existing entrance and find the entrance to be safe with proper sight distance and is approved for use
with Lots B1 and B2. If you should have any concerns or questions please let me know.
Dennis Seale
Engineering Specialist Sr.
Charlottesville Residency
From: Gwen Lacy [mailto:gwenlacyCa�earthlink.net]
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 9:54 AM
To: Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT)
Subject: Greg Wells- U.S. Route 250 &St. Rt. 794
Please find attached a pdf copy of the Subdivision Plat of Lot B1 & Lot B2, located on U.S. Route 250
and State Route 794, near Boyd Tavern.
We plan to submit this to the county today for their review.
Thanks and have a good day.
Gwen Lacy
Roger W. Ray &Assoc., Inc.
1717-1 b Allied Street
Charlottesville, Va 22903
434-293-3195 tel
434-293-4202 fax