HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201500128 Review Comments 2015-11-02 Margaret Maliszewski
From: Margaret Maliszewski
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 5:52 PM
To: 'Noel Mukubwa'
Subject: AT&T sign
I am reviewing your application for the AT&T wall sign at Shopper's World. I have a few questions:
1. The AT&T letter faces are black, right? Will they illuminate white at night?
2. Is the face color of the "Authorized Retailer" letters white or black?The"Finishes" chart says white and the
section says black.
3. The globe face is white, light blue and dark blue, and is proposed to illuminate in those colors, right?
Thanks for your help.
Margaret M. Maliszewski, Principal Planner
Albemarle County Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902
434-296-5832 x3276
Margaret Maliszewski
From: Margaret Maliszewski
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 11:56 AM
To: 'Doug Stemler'
Subject: RE: AT&T sign
Thanks for that info, Doug. With that clarification,the following revisions are requested to make the proposal consistent
with the Entrance Corridor Sign Guidelines.
1. The globe height should not exceed the letter height.
2. There is insufficient clear space at both ends of the sign. The approved architectural drawings show a wall area
measuring approximately 16'. Increase the clear space to reduce the over-crowded appearance, as per the EC sign
3. Clarify on the drawings that:
a. The AT&T letters will be day/night vinyl; black during the day, white at night.
b. The"Authorized Retailer"will be black and will not illuminate at night.
c. The globe face is proposed to illuminate with the w hite, light blue and dark blue visible at night.
Please respond by email within 15 days of the date of this message indicating whether you will or will not proceed with
these revisions. If you choose to complete the revisions, please email the revised drawings to me. If you choose not to
proceed with these revisions, staff will be unable to approve your application. Failure to respond to this letter shall be
presumed to be a request to proceed to action on the application without further revisions.
If you have questions,please contact me as soon as possible.
From: Doug Stemler [mailto:DougS @htsva.com]
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 9:14 AM
To: Margaret Maliszewski<MMaliszewski @albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: AT&T sign
Hi Margaret,
Thank you for forwarding this to me. My apologies as in reviewing my email to Stewart and Brent I did not alert you to
the fact Noel is no longer with the company. I will be taking on his existing permits. There is also permits I filed for him
(Price Kia) which I will touch base with you shortly.
To your questions on AT&T:
1. The AT&T will be day/night vinyl; black during the day, white at night.
2. The "Authorized Retailer" will be black and will not illuminate at night.
3. Yes, the globe face is white, light blue, and dark blue.They are proposed to illuminate as such at night.
Please let me know if there is conflict and/or you wish for me to have the client provide updated rendering to properly
express this.Thank you Margaret.
Doug Stemler I Project Manager ( Hightech Signs
[PH]: 434-974-7900 x105
[EX]: 434-974-6898
[I l: dougs @htsva.com
From: Margaret Maliszewski [mailto:MMaliszewski(a albemarle.orq]
Sent: Saturday, November 07, 2015 2:13 PM
To: Doug Stemler
Subject: FW: AT&T sign
Forwarding FYI
From: Margaret Maliszewski
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 5:52 PM
To: 'Noel Mukubwa' <Noel @htsva.com>
Subject:AT&T sign
I am reviewing your application for the AT&T wall sign at Shopper's World. I have a few questions:
1. The AT&T letter faces are black, right?Will they illuminate white at night?
2. Is the face color of the"Authorized Retailer" letters white or black?The "Finishes"chart says white and the
section says black.
3. The globe face is white, light blue and dark blue, and is proposed to illuminate in those colors, right?
Thanks for your help.
Margaret M. Maliszewski,Principal Planner
Albemarle County Department of Community Development
401 Mclntire Road,Charlottesville, VA 22902
434-296-5832 x3276
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Margaret Maliszewski
From: Doug Stemler<DougS @htsva.com>
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2015 10:53 AM
To: Margaret Maliszewski
Subject: RE: AT&T sign
Hi Margaret,
Yes, they wish to go with option #2 (stacked version).Are you able to utilize the existing rendering or do you wish for me
to send you a new PDF minus the option they did not chose?
Doug Stemler I Project Manager I Hightech Signs
Oa?? fAM,ort
[ CHI: 434-974-7900 x105
i FX I: 434-974-6898
dougs @htsva.com
From: Margaret Maliszewski [mailto:MMaliszewski @albemarle.org]
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2015 10:44 AM
To: Doug Stemler
Subject: RE: AT&T sign
Doug, Has AT&T decided which option they'll go with?
From: Margaret Maliszewski
Sent:Tuesday, November 24, 2015 10:34 AM
To: 'Doug Stemler' <DougS@htsva.com>
Subject: RE: AT&T sign
I think Option 2 looks more balanced, but I can approve either one. Let me know which one you'll go with and I'll
prepare an approval letter.
From: Doug Stemler [rnailto:DougS@htsva.com]
Sent:Tuesday, November 17, 2015 1:38 PM
To: Margaret Maliszewski<MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: AT&T sign
Hello Margaret,
Please find the updated AT&T renderings with the adjustment requests noted below. AT&T also reduced the overall size
of the wall sign and provided two versions (pages 3 &4 of the attachment) in hopes one meets your request. Please let
me know which version (or both) meet your approval and so I can alert them for final selection.
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/ 1. The globe height should not exceed the letter height.
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There is insufficient clear space at both ends of the sign. The approved architectural drawings
show a wall area measuring approximately 16'. Increase the clear space to reduce the over-
crowded appearance, as per the EC sign guidelines.
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3. Clarify on the drawings that:
.4. The AT&T letters will be day/night vinyl; black during the day, white at night. .
i 2!'The "Authorized Retailer"will be black and will not illuminate at night.
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The globe face is proposed to illuminate with the w hite, light blue and dark blue visible
at night.