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SUB201500147 Review Comments 2015-09-15
'owe Niro? ApF ALit � fit rl County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Steve Key(keyls @aol.com) CC: Sherri Snead (ssneadj @aol.com) From: J.T.Newberry(j newberry@albemarle.org) Division: Planning Date: September 15,2015 Subject: SUB201500147 Snead—Family Division The Planner will recommend approval of the plat referenced above when the following items have been satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.) Planning 1. [Section 14-302(A)(3)] On Sheet 2,please note the width of Park Road and Adele Street. 2. [Section 14-302(A)(4)] On Sheet 2,please show the name of the owner of record for the 20' right-of-way associated with D.B. 530, PG 94. Please also show the name of the owner of record and the deed book and page number for the existing 40' easement. 3. [Comment] On Sheet 2, please rename the"Proposed 20' R.O.W."to show"New 20' Private Street." Please also show how the new private street is providing frontage to Parcel"X"by showing its full length. (Please note that it may be necessary for other property owners to sign this plat depending on how street frontage is provided.) 4. [Comment] On Sheet 1, please remove Note 8 regarding development rights. 5. [Section 14-302(B)(7)] Please revise Note 10 to indicate that this property lies in the South Fork Rivanna Reservoir water supply watershed. 6. [Section 14-303(L)] Please affix the signature of the designated agent for ACSA and record the sanitary sewer easement plat. Once recorded,please update Sheet 2 to show the owner and deed book and page number of the easement. 7. [Section 14-316] Please submit approval from VDOT for the entrance onto a public street. 8. [Section 14-317] Please submit a private street maintenance agreement after it has been determined who needs to sign the plat based on how the street frontage is provided. Staff has provided references to the County Code. The Code is kept up-to-date by the County Attorney's office and may be found at www.albemarle.org/countycode. In accord with the provisions of Section 14-229(B)of Chapter 14, if the subdivider fails to submit a revised plat to address all of the requirements within six(6)months after the date of this letter,then the application shall be deemed voluntarily withdrawn. Please contact J.T.Newberry at 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 or jewberry a albemarle.org for further information about the comments above. ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE subsurface drainfields approved by the Virginia Department of Health if the lot will be served by a conventional onsite sewage system. 2. Development subject to section 32 of this chapter. Each building site in a development subject to section 32 of this chapter shall have an area of thirty thousand(30,000) square feet or greater and shall be of such dimensions that no one dimension exceeds any other by a ratio of more than five(5)to one(1)as described by a rectangle inscribed within the building site. The building site shall have adequate area for all buildings and structures, two (2) subsurface drainfields approved by the Virginia Department of Health if the lot will be served by a conventional onsite sewage system, parking and loading areas, storage yards and other improvements, and all earth disturbing activity related to the improvements. 3. Special exception. Notwithstanding section 4.2.5, the rectangular shape required by subsections (1) and (2) may be waived or modified by special exception under section 31.8 upon the board of supervisors' consideration of the recommendation from the Virginia Department of Health and information provided by the developer showing that: (i) the parcel has an unusual size, topography, shape, location or other unusual physical condition; (ii) no reasonable alternative building site exists; and (iii) modifying or waiving the rectangular shape would result in less degradation of the parcel or adjacent parcels than if those dimensions were adhered to. b. Uses served by a central sewage system. Building sites for uses served by a central sewage system shall be demonstrated by the applicant to have adequate area,as follows: 1. Residential development. Each building site in a residential development shall have adequate area for all dwelling unit(s) together with an area equivalent to the sum of the applicable required yard areas for the applicable zoning district and, if parking is provided in bays,the parking area. 2. Development subject to section 32 of this chapter. Each building site in a development subject to section 32 of this chapter shall have adequate area for all structures, parking and loading areas, storage yards and other improvements, and all earth disturbing activity related to the improvements. (§20-4.2.2, 12-10-80; §§ 20-4.2.2,20-, 11-15-89; §§ 18-4.22, 18-,Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; Ord. 01-18(7), 10-17-01;Ord. 12-18(4), 7-11-12) 4.2.3 LOCATION OF STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS Except as otherwise provided in section 4.2.2,this section applies to the location of any structure for which a permit is required under the Uniform Statewide Building Code and to any improvement shown on a site plan pursuant to section 32 of this chapter. a. No structure or improvement shall be located on any lot or parcel in any area other than a building site. b. No structure, improvement, or land disturbing activity to establish the structure or improvement shall be located on critical or preserved slopes except as otherwise permitted under sections 4.2.5, 4.2.6,4.3.1 and 30.7.4. (§ 20-4.2.3, 12-10-80, 11-15-89; § 18-4.2.3, Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; Ord. 01-18(7), 10-17-01; § 20-, 12-10-80, 11-15-89, § 18-, Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98; §, 12-10-80, § 18-, Ord.98-A(1), 8- 5-98; § 18-4.2.3,Ord. 12-18(4),7-11-12; Ord. 14-18(2),3-5-14) State law reference—Va.Code§ 15.2-2280., (Repealed 7-11-12) 18-4-7 Zoning Supplement#84,3-5-14 Nlier ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE c. Prior to considering a request to modify or waive, five (5) days' written notice shall be provided to the owner, owner's agent or occupant of each abutting lot or parcel and each parcel immediately across the street or road from the lot or parcel which is the subject of the request. The written notice shall identify the nature of the request and the date and time the commission will consider the request. d. The board of supervisors shall consider a modification or waiver of any standard of section 4.18.04 only as follows: 1. The denial of a modification or waiver, or the approval of a modification or waiver with conditions objectionable to the developer may be appealed to the board of supervisors as an appeal of a denial of the plat, as provided in section 14-226 of the Code, or the site plan, as provided in sections or, to which the modification or waiver pertains. A modification or waiver considered by the commission in conjunction with an application for a special use permit shall be subject to review by the board of supervisors. 2. In considering a modification or waiver,the board may grant or deny the modification or waiver based upon the finding set forth in subsection(A), amend any condition imposed by the commission, and impose any conditions it deems necessary for the reasons set forth in subsection(B). (Ord.00-18(3);Ord.01-18(4),5-9-01) State law reference—Va.Code§15.2-2280. 4.19 SETBACKS AND STEPBACKS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS The following shall apply within the R-1,R-2,R-4,R-6,R-10,and R-15 districts: Infill: Setbacks Front-Minimum Closest setback of an existing structure within 500 feet in each direction along street fronted Front-Maximum None Garage-Minimum Front loading garage: 18 feet from the right-of-way or the exterior edge of the sidewalk if the sidewalk is outside of the right-of-way Side loading garage: Closest setback of an existing structure within 500 feet in each direction along street fronted Garage-Maximum None Side-Minimum 10 feet,unless the building shares a common wall;provided that in the R-10 and R-15 districts if the abutting lot is zoned residential other than R-10 and R-15,Rural Areas,or the Monticello Historic district,any dwelling unit that exceeds 35 feet in height shall be set back 10 feet plus one foot for each foot the dwelling unit exceeds 35 feet in height Side-Maximum None Rear-Minimum 20 feet Rear-Maximum None Infill: Stepbacks Front Floors above 40 feet or the third story, whichever is less,shall be stepped back a minimum of 15 feet Side and Rear None 18-4-62 Zoning Supplement#91,6-3-15 Nape ..rl ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE Inert materials: Solid materials that are physically, chemically and biologically stable from further degradation and considered to be nonreactive, including rubble, concrete, bricks, broken bricks and blocks,and asphalt pavement. (Added 7-3-02) Will: As used in section 4.19, when forty percent (40%) or more, in the aggregate, of the residentially zoned lots fronting on a street are developed within five hundred (500) feet in both directions of the subject lot having less than one hundred twenty (120) feet of frontage on the same street at the time that it is developed. (Added 6-3-15) Inoperable motor vehicle: (Added 6-10-87;Repealed 10-3-01) Inoperable vehicle: Any motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer, as those vehicles are defined in Virginia Code § 46.2-100, which has one or more of the following characteristics: (i) it is not in operating condition; (ii) it does not display valid license plates if the vehicle is required by State law to display valid license plates; (iii) it does not display an inspection decal if the vehicle is required by State law to display a valid inspection decal; or(iv)it displays an inspection decal that has been expired for more than sixty(60) days. (Repealed 6-10-87; Added 10-3-01; Amended 1- 1-14) Junk: Any scrap, discarded, dismantled or inoperable: vehicles, including parts or machinery thereof; household furniture and appliances; construction equipment and materials; tanks, containers, drums,and the contents thereof; and tires,pipes,wire, wood,paper,metals,rags,glass, plastic,food and related types of waste material. (Added 10-3-01) Junk yard: Any land or structure used for the abandonment, baling, collection, dismantling, maintenance,recycling,sale,salvaging,storage,or wreckage of junk.(Amended 10-3-01) Kennel, commercial: A place designed or prepared to house, board, breed, handle or otherwise keep or care for dogs and/or cats for sale or in return for compensation except as an accessory to a single-family dwelling. Laboratories/Research and Development/Experimental Testing: Scientific research, testing, investigation or experimentation, the development of prototype products, and/or the assembly or manufacture of prototype products and including, but not limited to, bioscience and medical devices research, development and manufacturing, and information technology and defense security research, development and manufacturing; scientific or technical instruction. (Added 4-3- 13) Laboratofy, medical: A building or part thereof devoted to bacteriological, biological, x-ray, pathological and similar analytical or diagnostic services to medical doctors or dentists including incidental pharmaceutics; and production, fitting and/or sale of optical or prosthetic appliances. (Added 6-10-92) Laboratory, pharmaceutical: A building or part thereof devoted to the testing, analysis and/or compounding of drugs and chemicals for ethical medicine or surgery,not involving sale directly to the public. (Added 6-10-92) Livestock: Domestic animals normally raised on a farm such as draft horses, cows, swine, goats, sheep. Local agricultural products: Agricultural products grown or produced in Albemarle County or its abutting localities. (Added 5-5-10) Lot: A parcel of land either shown on a plat of record or described by metes and bounds or other legal description. Lot, corner: A lot abutting on two (2) or more streets at their intersection. The front of a corner lot shall be deemed to be the shortest of the sides fronting on streets except where existing development of such lot shall already have defined the front of such lot. Lot, interior: Any lot other than a corner lot. 18-3-16 Zoning Supplement#91,6-3-15 Johnathan Newberry From: KEYLS @aol.com Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 3:02 PM To: Johnathan Newberry Subject: Re: Comments for SUB201500147-Snead Family Division J.T. I hope you are well. Thanks for the review. I did change the 20' r/w to 20' street on sheet 3. As to full length....I show it to Park Lane....does it need to go to Park Road?. I have no idea if other folks need to sign. Can you shed light? Thanks. Steve In a message dated 10/26/2015 4:18:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,jnewberry @albemarle.org writes: Hi Sherri, I have received the revised plats that were dropped off last week. Thank you. Prior to approval of a building permit, the subdivision plat will need to be approved. I've attached updated draft comments based on a quick review of the revised plat. We are given 10 days to review revised plats and I've crossed out the comments that I can confirm have been addressed. However. I'll need additional time to assess whether the remaining comments have been addressed under the Subdivision Ordinance. Please look for an update from me by November 2nd. Thanks, J.T. From: Sherri [mailto:ssneadj @ aol.com] Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 12:47 PM To: Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry @albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Comments for SUB201500147 - Snead Family Division I dropped of revised plats last week i Now- Now. Section 14-410(F): <image004.jpg> From: Sherri [mailto:ssneadj @aol.corn] Sent: Monday, October 05, 2015 7:12 PM To: Johnathan Newberry<jewberry a,albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Comments for SUB201500147 - Snead Family Division Thanks Private street? Is that park lane? Cause her house will be 40' from Adele street? I'm still not sure why she can't come in that way since existing home(my dads rental)has always used that road, my grandfather was owner and started the trailer park that dads land abuts to. It's just odd that she has to drive by Crozet park at least 500'out of the way?? Create a road, two homes are past where cierra is going to build my dads and the fraziers they all use Adele street off park road. Thanks for helping us/me understand all of this I will bring by steves revisions tomorrow for you. Sent from my iPhone On Oct 5, 2015, at 6:20 PM, Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry(&,albemarle.org>wrote: Hi Sherri, Thanks for the update on the progress so far. To answer your question about anything else that's been left out: I'll need to review Steve"s revised plat once it is submitted. Comment #8 references a private street maintenance agreement, which is a document 3 Now Ns" Hi Steve, Attached are comments for this application. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 <CDP 1_SUB JTN_1500147_comments.pdf5 <Private_Street_Maintenance Agreement_Template.doc> <Checklist for Maintenance Agreements.pdf <mime-attachment> 5 Al4 Z 9 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Steve Key(keylsAaol.com) CC: Sherri Snead(ssneadj(&,,aol.com) From: J.T.Newberry(jnewberry@a albemarle.org) Division: Planning Date: September 15,2015; October 26,2015; November 4,2015 Subject: SUB201500147 Snead—Family Division The Planner will recommend approval of the plat referenced above when the following items have been satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.) Planning New comments: • [Section 14-302(B)(10)]The surveyor that prepared the family division plat creating adjacent parcel 50A (as reviewed under SUB200700159 and recorded in DB 3488,PG 318)shows a stream with a stream buffer within the boundaries of Parcel X. Please make the following changes: 1. On Sheet 1,please add the statement required by this section which states, "The stream buffer(s) shown hereon shall be managed in accordance with the Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance." 2. On Sheet 2,please show the 100' stream buffer and label the stream. • [Section 14-303(L)] Has the ACSA easement been recorded? If so,please add the deed book and page number. If not,please revise the note to read"dedicated to public use"instead of"to be dedicated to public use." 1. [Section 11 302(A)(3)] On Sheet 2,please note the width of Park Road and Adele Street. 2, [Section 14-302(A)(4)] On Sheet 2,please show the name of the owner of record for the 20' right-of-way associated with D.B. 530,PG 94. ' . _ . . _ . • _ . . . . . •- , . ,,, . , • . . e - ., . - . ... • .. . . ... . . • ..• .. easement7 Staff has provided references to the County Code. The Code is kept up-to-date by the County Attorney's office and may be found at www.albemarle.org/countycode. In accord with the provisions of Section 14-229(B) of Chapter 14, if the subdivider fails to submit a revised plat to address all of the requirements within six(6)months after the date of this letter, then the application shall be deemed voluntarily withdrawn. Please contact J.T.Newberry at 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 or jnewberry(a,albemarle.org for further information about the comments above. 1rr/ r►` Johnathan Newberry From: Johnathan Newberry Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 5:45 PM To: 'KEYLS @aol.com' Cc: 'Sherri' Subject: RE: Comments for SUB201500147-Snead Family Division Attachments: CDP3_SUB JTN_1500147 comments.pdf; DB 3488 PG 318.pdf Hi Steve and Sherri, I have completed my review of the resubmittal and highlighted the remaining comments. I'm also attaching another plat for your reference. The County can sign the plat with these changes. No additional property owners would need to sign it. I did speak with the County Engineer(Glenn Brooks) regarding the stream shown on the attached plat. He said if it is no longer there for some reason,then Steve can provide a written confirmation that it no longer exists and then someone from the Engineering Division would make a field visit to verify the conditions. Thanks, J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 From:Sherri [mailto:ssneadj @aol.com] Sent:Wednesday, November 04,2015 9:25 AM To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry @albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Comments for SUB201500147-Snead Family Division I was looking for a email with comments or something on Monday 11/2 Just wondering where we are with this? Sent from my iPhone On Oct 26, 2015,at 4:18 PM,Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org>wrote: Hi Sherri, I have received the revised plats that were dropped off last week. Thank you. Prior to approval of a building permit,the subdivision plat will need to be approved. I've attached updated draft comments based on a quick review of the revised plat. We are given 10 days to review revised plats and I've crossed out the comments that I can confirm have been addressed. However, I'll need additional time to assess whether the remaining comments have been addressed under the Subdivision Ordinance. Please look for an update from me by November 2"d Thanks, J.T. 1 -w "4e10' From:Sherri [mailto:ssneadj @aol.com] Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 12:47 PM To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Comments for SUB201500147 -Snead Family Division I dropped of revised plats last week Also we had a old private easement on file which acsa is ok with.There attorney reviewed. Let me know what else is needed for building permit. Sent from my iPhone On Oct 8, 2015, at 12:21 PM,Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org>wrote: Hi Sherri, I've attached an email from Dennis giving VDOT's approval. To answer your question below: Page 7 of the Family Subdivision Plat Checklist references Section 14-316 and Section 14-410(F). I've pasted these sections below. Basically,when a division occurs, the subdivider is establishing the "principal means of access" for the new lot(s) and not using that access would result in a Subdivision Violation. It's not often (although it does occur) that the County receives complaints about properties not using their designated means of access. If a complaint is filed,then the County has an obligation to investigate and (if necessary) pursue the violations. Hope that helps. J.T. <image002.jpg> Section 14-410(F): <image004.jpg> From:Sherri [mailto:ssneadj @aol.com] Sent: Monday,October 05, 2015 7:12 PM To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Comments for SUB201500147-Snead Family Division Thanks Private street? Is that park lane? Cause her house will be 40'from Adele street? I'm still not sure why she can't come in that way since existing home( my dads rental) has always used that road, my grandfather was owner and started the trailer park that dads land abuts to. It's just odd that she has to drive by Crozet park at least 500'out of the 2 Johnathan Newberry From: Sherri<ssneadj @aol.com> Sent: Friday, November 06, 2015 10:41 AM To: Johnathan Newberry Subject: Re: Comments for SUB201500147-Snead Family Division We are having vdot verify this also. It's never been a stream.The county made it to take water off road years ago..This has been the worst process I have ever been involved with. I too have a piece of my dads property and it was nothing like this So discouraged with all of it. Sent from my iPhone On Nov 4, 2015, at 7:46 PM, Sherri<ssneadj@aol.com>wrote: JT The "stream" is just a water runoff from Park rd. A ditch would be a better word for it, because after the rain it's dry. Currently it's dry.There is never constant flowing water. Thanks Sent from my iPhone On Nov 4, 2015, at 5:45 PM,Johnathan Newberry<inewberry@albemarle.org>wrote: Hi Steve and Sherri, I have completed my review of the resubmittal and highlighted the remaining comments. I'm also attaching another plat for your reference. The County can sign the plat with these changes. No additional property owners would need to sign it. I did speak with the County Engineer(Glenn Brooks) regarding the stream shown on the attached plat. He said if it is no longer there for some reason,then Steve can provide a written confirmation that it no longer exists and then someone from the Engineering Division would make a field visit to verify the conditions. Thanks, J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 From:Sherri [mailto:ssneadi@aol.com] Sent:Wednesday, November 04, 2015 9:25 AM 1 • Name Norie To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry @albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Comments for SUB201500147-Snead Family Division I was looking for a email with comments or something on Monday 11/2 Just wondering where we are with this? Sent from my iPhone On Oct 26, 2015,at 4:18 PM,Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry @albemarle.org>wrote: Hi Sherri, I have received the revised plats that were dropped off last week.Thank you. Prior to approval of a building permit, the subdivision plat will need to be approved. I've attached updated draft comments based on a quick review of the revised plat.We are given 10 days to review revised plats and I've crossed out the comments that I can confirm have been addressed. However, I'll need additional time to assess whether the remaining comments have been addressed under the Subdivision Ordinance. Please look for an update from me by November 2nd Thanks, J.T. From:Sherri [mailto:ssneadj @aol.com] Sent: Monday,October 26, 2015 12:47 PM To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry @albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Comments for SUB201500147 -Snead Family Division I dropped of revised plats last week Also we had a old private easement on file which acsa is ok with.There attorney reviewed. Let me know what else is needed for building permit. Sent from my iPhone On Oct 8, 2015, at 12:21 PM,Johnathan Newberry <jnewberry @albemarle.org>wrote: Hi Sherri, I've attached an email from Dennis giving VDOT's approval. To answer your question below: 2 rrwr Page 7 of the Family Subdivision Plat Checklist references Section 14-316 and Section 14-410(F). I've pasted these sections below. Basically, when a division occurs, the subdivider is establishing the "principal means of access"for the new lot(s) and not using that access would result in a Subdivision Violation. It's not often (although it does occur) that the County receives complaints about properties not using their designated means of access. If a complaint is filed, then the County has an obligation to investigate and (if necessary) pursue the violations. Hope that helps. J.T. <image002.jpg> Section 14-410(F): <image004.jpg> From:Sherri [mailto:ssneadi @aol.com] Sent: Monday, October 05, 2015 7:12 PM To:Johnathan Newberry<inewberry@albemarle.org> Subject: Re:Comments for SUB201500147-Snead Family Division Thanks Private street? Is that park lane? Cause her house will be 40'from Adele street? I'm still not sure why she can't come in that way since existing home( my dads rental) has always used that road, my grandfather was owner and started the trailer park that dads land abuts to. It's just odd that she has to drive by Crozet park at least 500' out of the way??Create a road,two homes are past where cierra is going to build my dads and the fraziers they all use Adele street off park road. Thanks for helping us/me understand all of this I will bring by steves revisions tomorrow for you. Sent from my iPhone On Oct 5, 2015, at 6:20 PM,Johnathan Newberry <iewberry @albemarle.org>wrote: 3 , Nowt 'NW' Hi Sherri, Thanks for the update on the progress so far. To answer your question about anything else that's been left out: I'll need to review Steve's revised plat once it is submitted. Comment#8 references a private street maintenance agreement, which is a document that is reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's office. Once the revised plat shows the full length of the private street,then the other properties impacted by its creation (if any) can be determined. If any other properties are impacted by the street, then they will need to sign the plat and be acknowledged in the maintenance agreement. I've attached an editable template created by the County Attorney's office that you can use to draft the maintenance agreement to address Comment#8. I've also attached a checklist you can use to confirm the agreement contains all the necessary information before it's submitted. I didn't hear from Dennis today, but I will let you know when I do. Thanks, J.T. From:Sherri [mailto:ssneadi @aol.com] Sent: Monday,October 05, 2015 7:24 AM To:Johnathan Newberry <iewberry @albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Comments for SUB201500147 -Snead Family Division Steve key made all requested changes, vdot approved entry. Dennis will call you today. Richard heavner signed easement for acsa. I will hopefully get all of this to you by Tuesday afternoon. Is there anything else we are leaving out? 4 . « I have read comments they are foreign to me. Not my forte. Thanks Sent from my iPhone On Sep 15, 2015, at 5:24 PM,Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry @albemarle.org> wrote: Hi Steve, Attached are comments for this application. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 <CDP 1_SUB JTN1 500147_comments.pd <Private_Street_Maintenance_Agree ment_Template.doc> <Checklist for Maintenance Agreements.pdf> <mime-attachment> <CDP2_SUB JTN1500147_comments.pdf> <CDP3_SUB_JTN_1500147_comments.pdf> <DB 3488 PG 318.pdf> 5 Johnathan Newberry From: Johnathan Newberry Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 10:14 PM To: Sherri Subject: Re: Snead Yes. I will coordinate the County's signature as soon as we receive a signed and notarized revised plat. On Nov 24, 2015, at 7:03 PM, Sherri <ssneadj�uaol.com> wrote: Thanks JT©'sorry if I've been a pain in your ass. But paperwork sucks;/ May I come by in morning? Sent from my iPhone On Nov 24, 2015, at 5:16 PM, Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org>wrote: Steve, this plat meets all the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and is ready for County signature. As a reminder, our office closes at noon tomorrow and reopens on Monday, November 30th at 8am. From: KEYLS @aol.com [mailto:KEYLS@aol.com] Sent:Tuesday, November 24, 2015 4:54 PM To:Johnathan Newberry<inewberry @albemarle.org> Subject: Fwd: Snead J.T. I think we have addresses all comments. Thank you for your review. Steve From: iaytlsembargmail.com To: keylsaol.com Sent: 11/24/2015 4:38:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: Snead Look this over and let me know if you think that's what they want Thank you, Jay Taggart, LS S.L. Key, Inc. P.O. Box 522 Nellysford, VA 22958 i \r r■/ Johnathan Newberry From: John Anderson Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 12:17 PM To: Johnathan Newberry Subject: RE: Snead Family Division Re. SUB201500147: J.T. Photos taken in cool weather(this year)give no indication a stream exists in location shown on plat recorded at DB 3488 PG 320,TMP 56-50A(1.134 Ac). This plat is titled Family Division Plat, Tax Map 56, Parcel 50 Near Crozet,by Thomas E. Shumate, 8/23/07. Engineering accepts position in S. L. Key correspondence to J. T.Newberry, 9-Nov 2015 that questions whether a stream or 100' buffer exists on New lot created with 8/23/07 plat. County GIS is accurate to the extent it indicates neither stream nor 100' stream buffer at this location. Engineering review comments will be sent by 5 pm, will recommend that plat dated 8/23/07 be revised, if necessary, or if required by ordinance to remove reference to stream/stream buffer. The question of stream or buffer on the 2007 plat does not appear to affect Steven L. Key 10/21/15 plat titled Family Division Tax Map 56, Parcel 51 Located off of Park Road Near Crozet. Feature shown in photos may receive periodic runoff from developed areas and streets, but the area lacks characteristics of even an intermittent stream. This is a drainage way,not a stream. Thanks for your patience, and link to photos. Photos support the position that this drainage way is not a stream. Please let us know if you have any questions—look for review comments on Family Division Plat by 5pm, today. Thanks for your patience- John E.Anderson, PE Civil Engineer II Department of Community Development I County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3069 From:Johnathan Newberry Sent:Tuesday, November 24, 2015 11:27 AM To:John Anderson <janderson2 @albemarle.org> Subject: FW:Snead Family Division John, Below is the link to the folder with the photos. Let me know if there's anything else I can do. J.T. From:Johnathan Newberry Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 6:05 PM To:Glenn Brooks<GBROOKS @albemarle.org> Subject: RE:Snead Family Division 1 Noie N r►' Sorry, this link should work: https://ia2010.albemarle.org/CDD/CV Docs/2015/SUB/SUB201500147 Snead - Family Division From:Johnathan Newberry Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 6:01 PM To: 'KEYLS @aol.com'<KEYLS @aol.com>; 'Sherri'<ssneadj @aol.com> Cc:Glenn Brooks<GBROOKS @albemarle.org> Subject: RE:Snead Family Division Steve and Sherri, I have received your letter and photos and transmitted everything to the County Engineer for his review. Please see the attached transmittal letter. Glenn, the applicant has provided photos to help with your determination. I downloaded them into a folder for easy viewing found here: https://ia2010.albemarle.org/CDD/CV Docs/2015/SUB/SUB201500147 Snead- Family Division/Photos provided by applicant Thanks. From: KEYLS @aol.com [mailto:KEYLS @aol.com] Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 10:50 AM To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry @albemarle.org> Subject:Snead Family Division J.T. Please see the attached letter regarding the drainage in question. Thanks. Steve 2 Nave Johnathan Newberry From: Johnathan Newberry Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 3:11 PM To: 'Sherri' Subject: RE: Snead Family Division Please let me know if you have trouble reading this picture. 01m p 0iNc County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Steve Key(keyls(a aol.com) CC: Sherri Snead(ssneadj,(a aol.com) From: J.T. Newberry(jnewbcrflr u albemarle.ort;) Division: Planning Date: September 15,2015;October 26,2015; November 4,2015; November 24,2015 Subject: SUB201500147 Snead—Family Division The Planner will recommend approval of the plat referenced above when the following items have been satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or condi( may be added or eliminated based on further review.) November 24"comments: The Engineering Division has determined the stream buffer required in the 2007 family division(as reviewed under SU 13200700159 and recorded in DE3 3488, PG 31 8) is not necessary to be shown. As a result, please make the highlig changes shown below. November 4°comments: • [Section 14-303(L)] Has the ACSA easement been recorded?If so,please add the deed book and pal number to Sheet 2. If not,please revise the label on Sheet 2 to read"dedicated to public use" instead "to be dedicated to public use." September 15's,October 26"comments: 2- [Section 14-302(A)(4)] On Sheet 2 and Sheet 3, please show the name of the owner of record for the 20' rigt way associated with D.B. 530, PG 94. ' . . - • . . . - . . 1 Sow' 1.04 From:Sherri [mailto:ssneadj @aol.com] Sent:Tuesday, November 24, 2015 2:27 PM To:Johnathan Newberry<jewberry @albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Snead Family Division Sorry, JT I misunderstood! Could you send me the two changes I'm not seeing any on this thread that I can open. Thanks Sent from my iPhone On Nov 24, 2015, at 1:59 PM, Johnathan Newberry<jnewberrygalbemarle.org>wrote: Sherri, The process Bill described provided options to getting your plat signed before Engineering made a determination about the stream buffer.They made their decision this morning, so it is no longer an issue. Bill agrees that the County can sign the plat once the two required changes are made. Steve, will you please let me know if you have any questions and make a revised plat available to Sherri for her signature? A deed should be recorded with the approved plat to transfer the ownership from the grandfather (William Snead)to the granddaughter(Cierra).The County is not involved in the recordation process. J.T. From: Bill Fritz Sent:Tuesday, November 24, 2015 1:46 PM To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Snead Family Division I am here whenever you want to talk. I did not tell her she could put the property into anyone's name and then make any necessary changes. I did tell her that should could make all of the required changes to the plat(including showing the buffer) and get the plat signed. If it was later determined that the buffer was unnecessary (during the building permit review) the fact that the plat showed the buffer would not be an issue. William D. Fritz,AICP 434-296-5823 extension 3242 From:Johnathan Newberry Sent:Tuesday, November 24, 2015 1:06 PM 2 To: Bill Fritz<BFRITZ @albemarle.org> ...r Subject: RE:Snead Family Division Bill, As soon as you're free this afternoon, can we discuss how to respond to Sherri's last two emails? Thanks, J.T. From:Sherri [mailto:ssneadj @aol.com] Sent:Tuesday, November 24, 2015 1:02 PM To:Johnathan Newberry<jewberry @albemarle.org> Cc:Thomas Loach<tloach @albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Snead Family Division Please let me know asap. Because last week Bill said I could have it put into her name, then come back and make any necessary changes. So please let me know how this works. Sent from my iPhone On Nov 24, 2015, at 12:14 PM, Johnathan Newberry<jewberry u,albemarle.org>wrote: Sherri and Steve, John Anderson from the Engineering Division has informed me that the stream buffer previously shown is not applicable to this division. I've attached an updated comment letter to acknowledge this determination and highlight the last two minor changes needed to be shown on the plat before the County can sign it. I can confirm these changes are correct via email prior to the plat being resubmitted, if desired. I'm also copying our building permit reviewers so they can anticipate your building permit application. Right now,this project is on step#2 as laid out in the list below. As a reminder,the County Office Building will close at noon tomorrow. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there's anything we can do. Thanks, J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 From:Johnathan Newberry Sent:Thursday, November 12, 2015 11:25 AM To: 'Sherri'<ssneadj @aol.com> Cc:Glenn Brooks<GBROOKS @albemarle.org>; 'KEYLS @aol.com'<KEYLS @aol.com>; Stewart Wright<swright2 @albemarle.org>; Rebecca Ragsdale 3 firo `ier, <rragsdale@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Snead Family Division Sherri, Let me lay out the path to obtaining a building permit: 1. Using Chapter 17 of the County Code (known as the Water Protection Ordinance), the Engineering Division will determine whether or not a stream with a stream buffer is required to complete this subdivision. It is not my decision --they are "working with me" only to the extent that they will let me know what they decide. 2. Steve Key will revise the plat to reflect the changes I requested on November 4th (and any future changes requested by Engineering) and I will confirm the plat is ready for the County's signature. 3. At least one signed and notarized copy will be provided to our front desk and then I will coordinate the County's signature on the plat. Once signed, I will make it available for pick-up at the front desk. 4. The plat must then be recorded in the Circuit Court. In this case, a copy of the plat with the recordation receipt will be needed to process your permit application.Applicants sometimes have questions about the recordation process, so you may want to contact the Circuit Court ahead of time if you have any questions. 5. You'll submit a building permit application for review,which can take up to two weeks to process. If you have any questions about this process, then please contact our Stewart Wright (ext. 3024) or Rebecca Ragsdale (ext. 3226). 6. You will be notified when the building permit is approved or what changes are required to obtain approval. Please let me know if you or Steve have any questions about the remaining steps. Thanks, J.T. From:Sherri [mailto:ssneadj @aol.com] Sent:Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:42 AM To:Johnathan Newberry<jewberry @albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Snead Family Division So Glenn Brooks emailed to say he is not personally working on this project, someone from engineering staff will work with you?? Our builder called last night. Because this started 9/14 they are ready to sell our house They can believe it's taken so long, so they think we are full of it!! Could you please get this approved asap The property beside us is building a house now too. Sent from my iPhone On Nov 10, 2015, at 12:18 PM, Johnathan Newberry <jnewberry@albemarle.org>wrote: 4 Great. Thank From:Sherri [mailto:ssneadj @aol.com] Sent:Tuesday, November 10, 2015 11:26 AM To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry @albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Snead Family Division I already have Sent from my iPhone On Nov 10, 2015, at 11:06 AM, Johnathan Newberry <jnewberry(albemarle.org> wrote: Please provide any additional information on the stream buffer directly to Glenn Brooks(the County Engineer). Ultimately, he will make the determination about the stream. For additional background, I'm attaching the 2007 review comments requiring the stream buffer (Comment#8) and a revised plat showing a stream with the buffer. Glenn, please let me know if you need any additional information from me. From:Sherri [mailto:ssneadi @aol.com] Sent:Tuesday, November 10, 2015 10:17 AM To:Johnathan Newberry<inewberry@albemarle.org> Subject: Re:Snead Family Division I had the engineer from vdh mike come by I will be sending you his comments. This should not have listed a stream buffer on my plat I guess that should have been caught by an engineer in 2007 Sent from my iPhone On Nov 9, 2015, at 6:01 PM, Johnathan Newberry <jnewberry(ii),albemarle.org>wrote: Steve and Sherri, I have received your letter and photos and transmitted everything to the County Engineer for his review. Please see the attached transmittal letter. Glenn, the applicant has provided photos to help with your 5 determination. I downloaded them into Vs a folder for easy viewing found here: https://ia2010.albemarle.org/CDD/CV Docs/2015/SUB/SUB201500147 Snead - Family Division/Photos provided by applicant Thanks. From: KEYLS @aol.com [mailto:KEYLS @aol.com] Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 10:50 AM To:Johnathan Newberry <jnewberry @albemarle.org> Subject:Snead Family Division J.T. Please see the attached letter regarding the drainage in question. Thanks. Steve <Transmittal_11-10-15.pdf> <2007 comments.pdf <2007 plat.pdf� <CDP4_SUB_JTN_1500147_comments.pdf5 6 Johnathan Newberry From: Alex Morrison<amorrison @serviceauthority.org> Sent: Friday, November 06, 2015 8:00 AM To: Johnathan Newberry Subject: RE: Snead Family Subdivision JT, The applicant has presented a deed of easement and plat from 2006 that gives them access to the private sewer, which was recorded. I no longer need the dedicated sewer main for the connection. Alexander J. Morrison, P.E. Civil Engineer Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville,Virginia 22911 (0)434-977-4511 Ext. 116 (C)434-981-5577 (F)434-979-0698 From: Alex Morrison [mailto:amorrison @serviceauthority.org] Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 12:28 PM To: 'Johnathan Newberry' Subject: RE: Snead Family Subdivision JT, I meant the easement plat. I had no comments on the subdivision plat. Alexander J. Morrison, P.E. Civil Engineer Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville,Virginia 22911 (0)434-977-4511 Ext. 116 (C)434-981-5577 (F)434-979-0698 From: Johnathan Newberry [mailto:jnewberrv(aalbemarle.orq] Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 11:48 AM To: Alex Morrison Subject: RE: Snead Family Subdivision Sounds good, Alex. Just to make sure I understand, are you referring to the easement plat or the subdivision plat when you wrote "I have instructed them to make the corrections to the plat and re-submit it." 1 °gnu' Nuror Thanks. From:Alex Morrison [mailto:amorrison@serviceauthoritv.org] Sent:Tuesday, October 20, 2015 10:52 AM To:Johnathan Newberry<jewberry @albemarle.org> Subject:Snead Family Subdivision JT, It may take a little time for the applicant to get the deed of easement in place for the sewer. I have instructed them to make the corrections to the plat and re-submit it. I do not need the deed in place to approve the plat and subdivision. The deed will be required before service is setup. I just wanted to give you a heads up and make sure you had no issues with that.We usally do not handle deeds until the dedication stage, so I did not want it to hold up the subdivision plat and associated easement plat. Alexander J. Morrison, P.E. Civil Engineer Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville,Virginia 22911 (0)434-977-4511 Ext. 116 (C)434-981-5577 (F)434-979-0698 2