HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE201500231 Correspondence 2015-12-3112122/2015 Fwd: (PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zoning Request for a Famil... - Miles Davis
Fwd: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zoning Request for a Family
Day Home
Kristie Davis
Fri 12/18/2015 2:28 PM
To:Miles Davis <miiesjd24@hotmail.com>;
Kristie Davis
Charlottesville Beautiful MINDS Preschool, LLC
434, 244.4446
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: DonakIlsom Bridget M. (WWT) <Bridget.Donaldson@vdot.virainla.aov>
Date: Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 1:55 PM
Subject: RE: [PPCA Members; Peacock Hill - Zoning Request for a Family Day Home
To: Kristie Davis <krisldavis7200gmail.com>
Hi Kristie
I fully support your school. It was obvious from your neighbor's email that he may have been infected by a bit of
the scrooge virus, but 1 hope it doesn't discourage you — and good luck with your licensure process.
From: Members [rrailto:members-bounces(a�oeacockhlll.orcI On Behalf Of Kristie Davis
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2015 8:29 PM
To: Peter Drenan; Kristie Davis; Miles Davis; Ewrae6Q0aol.com
Cc: members kh]Il.or
Subject: Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zoning Request for a Family Day Home
To Our Wonderful Neighbors,
As you are aware, during our attempt to obtain state licensure for our existing voluntarily registered family day home, we've received a
few neighbors that are opposed.
Mtps:lloudock.live.canlowaWewmodel=ReadMessageltem& MmID=AQMKADAwAiYOMDABLTHZGYtYTZINCOwMAMM DAKAEYAAAOmutfTWmgvSLGn... 115
1212212415 Fwd: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zordng Request for a Famil... - Miles Davis
I would first and foremost like to stress than we have no intention of enrolling the maximum allowed 12 students next fall, nor do we
plan to provide full days. At this point and time we would like to maintain our current five children per day and possibly add up to
three more per day, 9 am to 1 pm, M-TH. We are not a full-time family day home. We feel the letter distributed by the Albemarle
County Zoning Office did not reflect our intentions, rather reflected the maximum figures allowable under Albemarle County code and
Virginia State law. We are attempting to achieve two primary objectives; obtain state licensure as the next step toward transitioning to
a commercial space and keep siblings of currently enrolled students together.
We purchased our Peacock Hill home understanding that a family day home previously operated in this neighborhood and was
accepted in this community. Not only was it approved, but it also served many of the families in Peacock Hill as an established element
of the character of this neighborhood.
I have my Master's Degree in Education and taught for Albemarle County Public Schools, The Peabody School and Millstone of Ivy
prior to having my own children. I have multiple character letters of recommendation highlighting my integrity and dedication to my
families and our community.
Regardless of my experience and master's degree in teaching, we decided to go through the procedures of State Voluntary
Registration during our first year of opening our school, so parents felt comfortable knowing my husband and 1, along with substitute
teachers, have gone through the rigor of Virginia State regulations and requirements to include but not limited to; unannounced
inspections, TB testing, background checks, etc. This was not required for the number of students we accepted during our first year. As
the name suggests, our current state registration is voluntary.
We fully intend to apply that same responsible approach with regard to maintaining the character of this great neighborhood, for
which we hope to make our long-term home. We currently allow five children per day from 9:00 AM until noon (with the option for
extended day until 1 pm on occasion). Again, I have no inhydions ofbaktg o AveW famireas in each dale To be frank, exceeding seven
or eight children per day is not likely. Without full licensure, I be forced to ask parents to split up their children. It would be extremely
hard for me to ask any of our wonderful families to leave our school and/or to split up families because I cannot accept younger
We're asking for your consideration to allow for three additional children per day. This will allow us to obtain the capital required to
secure a commercial space to continue responsible growth.
My husband and I feel e-mail can quickly become negative and at times easily misinterpreted. Several of the concerns raised are valid
and warrant additional dialog. We ask that if you have further concerns or questions about our school that we meet face to face so we
can fully understand the nature of your concerns and perhaps identify a common ground.
We are a veryhartordble farruljr with young children of our own We are not b7ln9 to take awayartypeaceMaspect of our
mghborhoiad but rather alga loving, caring environment where ourneighbor toddlers can leam and flourish
tTUps:ll mock.live.comlava*Aewmodel=ReadMessagerwn<ernlD=AQMkADAwATYOMDABi_TbiZGYtYTZINC4wMAHMDAKAEYAAAOmutfTWrngvSLGn... 215
12/27lP015 Fwd: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zoning Rogpwstfar a Famil... - Miles Davis
With Utmost Respect,
Kristie Davis
Charlottesville Beautiful MINDS Preschool, LLC
cvi Ilebeautifulminds_com
On Dec 16, 2015 6:58 PM, "Peter Drenan" <pg er drenanOyahoo.com> wrote:
To all,
There is a zoning request at the County that is asking whether the neighbors would object to a Family Day Home (essentially a day
care center) to be located on Acorn Lane, at the very back of the Peacock Hill community. This Family Day Home has come into
existence just this year, but with a limit of only 5 children. The zoning request is to allow the facility to grow to as many as 12 children,
with a commensurate increase in staffing. The rules for Family Day Homes were modified in Albernarle just recently (2013), allowing the
use of a single-family house for a Family Day Home for five or fewer children by right (i.e. no approval required). The zoning
ordinance allows the facility to be used for up to ;2 chiiciren without further approvals, if there are no objections by the neighbors. If
objections are raised, the zoning request is referred to the Board of Supervisors for a decision.
Over the course of the last two weeks, I have called the PCHA manager's office and left ars e-inaii rn the PCHA website asking if there
is any community discussion about this zoning request to a;io x a Family Day Home. I have received ro response thus far to any of my
queries, so I am addressirig the community at large via this a -mail.
My questions to tie PCNA Board and community are:
5110 :id acre be engaged in a discussion about 'his as a community?
Should the PCNA Board be leadiir+g the community in this discussion?
The use of a house as a commerciai activity with significant traffic seems to violate Section 7.02 of the PCNA covenants, and likely
also Sect;or.7.04.
What should we do about this, in preparation for, and participating in the Board of Supervisor's meetings?
We have submitted an objection to the County. The County informed us that other objections were also received, meaning that the
County Zoning Department has no option other than refer the matter to the Board of Supervisors. The text of our objection is below
(with a few minor edits of typographic and grammatical errors),.-
rrors),:Ms. Ragsdale,
This letter is written in response to the County's letter dated November 16, 2015, pertaining to a
zoning request (CLE#20-15-231) for the Charlottesville Beautiful Minds (Family Day Home) located in the Peacock
Hill subdivision, a PUD community. The current zoning ordinance allows for a Family Day Home for less than five
children in a single-family residence without a zoning permit request, but requires additional consideration if the
Family Day Home intends to provide care for more than five children. This Zoning Ordinance was not in place when
Peacock Hill was created and zoned as a PUD, as the Zoning Ordinance was only implemented in 2013.
The current use of the property as a Family Day Horne with 5 or fewer children (exclusive of the provider's
own children) has been operational this year. We are not opposed to the continued use of the property under
the zoning ordinance allowing five or fewer children into be cared for in this facility.
We are landowners whose property abuts the property identified in the zoning request.
Upon notification by the County of the zoning request, we have engaged in discussions with lawyers, realtors, real estate
managers, and other neighbor in Peacock Hill about the proposed increased use of this property. We are formally
objecting to this zoning request based on the following concerns:
Daily Round -Trp Traffic
The zoning request as we understand it, would be to allow the Family Day Home to expand, allowing for the
idtps:lkxgook.live.comlowaWowmodei=ReadMessageltern&hem ID=AQMkADAwATYOMDABI_ThiZGYtYTZINCOwMAMADAKAEYAAAOmulfrWmgvSLGn... 315
112UZr2A 75 Fwd: [PHCA Members) Peacock Hill - Zoring Requestfor a Famil... -Miles Danis
care for more than five but not more than twelve children under the age of thirteen 03).
As we understand it, the staffing of the facility would need to increase to provide appropriate coverage for the operation of the facility
and appropriate care of the increased number of children.
Further, as we understand the regulations for Family Day Homes, the number of children refers to the
maximum Number of children at the facility at any given time, rather than referring to the total enrollment of
children. This means that if the facility is fully enrolled on any given day and a child is retrieved by the parents at
lunchtime, another child can be scheduled to fill the available opening for that afternoon. Together, the
increased staffing and daily child census at the facility would likely cause additional traffic generated by the family
day home to exceed twenty-four (24) vehicle round trips per day (excluding trips associated with the dwelling unit).
This is in excess of what the County zoning ordinance allows.
Further, this level of daily traffic transforms the nature of this cul-de-sac from a bucolic, wooded rural neighborhood to a
traffic -density similar to a commercial neighborhood.
Further, since the proposed facility is at the very back of the Peacock Hill subdivision, all of the additional vehicular traffic will be
traveling the full length of Turkey Ridge Road affecting virtually all of the residences in the neighborhood with the
increased traffic and safety concerns.
Property Values
We have had discussions with our realtor, other area realtors, and our property manager about the impacts of having a Family Day
Home directly adjacent to our property. Every person associated with real estate valuations, real estate
assessments, and the impacts on selling or leasing a property next to this type of facility stated that we could expect to
see a decrease in our property values_ The sale of our property would be inhibited by the noise, traffic, and the
nuisance of having an active 'child care facility' next-door to our house, and that it would be detrimental to all
adjoining properties and it would change the character of the residential community. This would have the impact
of reducing the marketability of our home, while also reducing the potential sale price of our house. Since our
house is our largest financial investment as we near retirement in the near-term future, having any reduction of
its potential value is a very concerning consideration for us.
Acorn Lane Roadway Performance Standard
Acorn Lane is not rated as a primary road within Albemarle County - it is not maintained, repa;red managed by Albemarle County.
The road was built to provide adequate roadbed integrity for a limited number of daily vehicles; includir:g the roadbed, subsurface
drainage and surface materials. Any additional vehicle traffic on this road should not exceed the design rating of the road as was
origina!ly installed.
Further, if the zoning request is approved, any subsequent repairs, maintenance and servicing of the roadway should be pro -rated
as to its usage. Any agreement should be required (and negotiated) by the County Zoning Ordinance to address the physical
of the roadway and its subsequent repairs in a manner commensurate with its use.
On -Street Parking
The children that will be cared for in this potential facility will need to be dropped -off and picked -up daily, requiring as many as
a dozen vehicles at any one time that will be parking on the shoulders of the roadway. It is not clear by the
County's zoning, permitting ordinances, and codes whether parking is allowed on the roadway of Acorn Lane, or
along its shoulders. I ask the County to provide clarification of this point
In addition to the direct concerns of the permitted level of parking allowed, that quantity of parking raises some additional concerns.
The staff parking plus the parent's parking for pick-ups and drop-offs might require as many as 12-14 cars to be parked
on or along the small road of Acorn Lane on a daily basis. The entire length of Acorn Lane is only about 275 feet long and
as narrow as 15 -feet, it is difficult to understand how this small road will be safely used when each standard parking
space requires an area that is approximately 9 -feet by 20 -feet. The zoning clearance application for this request
should require clear answers to issues regarding parking, including perhaps having County staff conduct an inspection
to confirm adequacy of parking.
Further, beyond the physical limitations of parking spaces, the twice -per -day high -demand parking will likely
lead to parking on the roadway shoulders and/or private property. During wet conditions, the impacts of this
vehicular traffic on unsupported landscaped areas would be to produce ruts and damaged areas adjacent to the roadway.
Fdtps:/Amgook.live.corn/awaNMewmodel=ReadMassegeltem&Ilem1D=AQMkADAwATY(PADABLTNZGYffMNCOwMAItMDAKAEYAAAOmuttTWmgvSLGn... 415
=222015 Fwd: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zoning Requestfor a Famil... -Miles Davis
Further still, during coo[/cold condition the motors of vehicles might be left running while the children are being retrieved from the
facility. This can result in significant concentrations of noxious and dangerous fumes that might contaminate the air
quality and the existing vegetation in the vicinity of Acorn Lane.
When considering the physical limitations of accessing the proposed facility on Acorn Lane and considering the further restriction of
overcrowded drop-off and pick-up activities, the public health, safety and welfare are likely to be impacted by a significantly curtailed
ingress and egress to the facility. The Zoning Administrator should request review/approval of an entrance/access by the County
Engineer or VDOT, if they deem it necessary, to ensure that the minimum standards necessary to protect the public health, safety and
welfare by providing safe ingress and egress will be met ... for both the family day home as well as for the residents of Acorn Lane.
Compliance requirements for any identified entrance and access improvements should be a condition of approval of a zoning
clearance, in this circumstance.
Based on all of the above considerations, we (Peter Drenan and Sarah Drenan), as abutting neighbors to the identified property, object
to the
zoning request for the use of the facility as a Family Day Home for more than five children.
Thank you for your consideration.
Peter Drenan
Sarah Drenan
Members mailing list
Members@just77 justhog.Com
http:a( r� st77justhost.com/maiiman/iistinfo/mgmkgs Qeacockhill.org
WJkudoak.live comhrwa!#`Aewmadel=ReadMessagebm&kemiD=AQMkADAwATYOMDABLThiZGYtYTZINCOwMANMDAKAEYAAAOmtOTWmgvSLGn... 515
12J2217A15 Fwd Re: fPHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zorirg Request for a F... - Miles Davis
Fwd: Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zoning Request for a
Family ®ay Home
Kristie Davis
Sat 12/19/2015 1:17 PM
To:Miles Davis <milesjd24@hotmail.com>;
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Louise Smith" <swanwalk2cimalom>
Date: Dec 19, 2015 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Nils - Zoning Request for a Family Day Home
To: "Kristie Davis" <krisidavis720@amail.com>
Use it in any way that might help. Best of luck.
On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 8:29 AM, Kristie Davis <krisldavis720QgmaiI.com> wrote:
Thank you so much for your k nd words, support and for sharing your experience with a similar situation. It truly means the world to
our family. ,,Vcrds cannot express our gratitude.
Do we have your permission to share your message with the board of supervisors in the support of the zoning decision hearing?
Happiest Holiday Wishes and Blessing in the New Year!
Warmest Regards,
Kristie and Miles Davis
Kristie davis
Charlottesville Beautiful MINDS Preschool, LLC
434.2 .044b
On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 6:08 AM, Louise Smith <swanwalkPgmail.com> wrote:
Although I don't have children I believe that good day care is essential to our society. Good luck with your zoning application.
I'm sure you are providing a most -needed service, and I wish you all the best.
As for real estate values, I remember owning a home in upstate New York next to which it was proposed to establish a residence
for mentally retarded people --a much more drastic use than what you proposed. Everyone was afraid that it would detract from
property values. However, it was approved. The home residents and carers proved to be wonderful neighbors, and when I went
to sell my house several years later I was able to do so for full price within a week of listing it.
Hang in there.
Louise Smith
On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 8:29 PM, Kristie Davis <krisldavis7200gmai1.com> wrote:
To Our Wonderful Neighbors,
hW-f xMock.livecanlawaAPAewmodel=ReadMessageltem&ItersID=AQMkADAwATYOMDABLTNZGYtYTZINCOwMAIIMDAFWEYAAAOmutrrWmgvSLGn... 1/5
'l212212O15 Fwd: Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zoning Request for a F... - Miles Davis
As you are aware, during our attempt to obtain state licensure for our existing voluntarily registered family day home, we've
received a few neighbors that are opposed.
I would first and foremost Ulm to stress that we have no Intention of enrolling the maximum allowed 12 students next fall, nor
do we plan to provide full days. At this point and time we would like to maintain our current fire children per day and possibly
add up to three more per day, 9 am to 1 pm, M-TH. We are not a full-time family day home. We feel the letter distributed by
the Albemarle County Zoning Office did not reflect our intentions, rather reflected the maximum figures allowable under
Albemarle County code and Virginia State law. We are attempting to achieve two primary objectives; obtain state licensure as
the next step toward transitioning to a aommerdal space and keep siblings of currently enrolled students together.
We purchased our Peacock Hill home understanding that a family day home previously operated in this neighborhood and was
accepted in this community. Not only was it approved, but it also served many of the families in Peacock Hill as an established
element of the character of this neighborhood.
I have my Master's Degree in Education and taught for Albemarle County Public Schools, The Peabody School and Millstone of
Ivy prior to having my own children. I have multiple character letters of recommendation highlighting my integrity and
dedication to my families and our community.
Regardless of my experience and master's degree in teaching, we decided to go through the procedures of State Voluntary
Registration during our first year of opening our school, so parents felt comfortable knowing my husband and I, along with
substitute teachers, have gone through the rigor of Virginia State regulations and requirements to include but not limited to;
unannounced inspections, TB testing, background checks, etc. This was not required for the number of students we accepted
during our first year. As the name suggests, our current state registration is voluntary.
We fully intend to apply that same responsible approach with regard to maintaining the character of this great neighborhood,
for which we hope to make our long-term home. We currently allow five children per day from 9:00 AM until noon (with the
option for extended day until 1 pm on occasion). Again, I have no iftwWons ofbdnnuna tw9W fw2 res In each day. To be frank,
exceeding seven or eight children per day is not likely. Without full licensure, I be forced to ask parents to split up their children.
It would be extremely hard for me to ask any of our wonderful families to leave our school and/or to split up families because I
cannot accept younger siblings.
We're asking for your consideration to allow for three additional children per day. This will allow us to obtain the capital
required to secure a commercial space to continue responsible growth.
My husband and I feel e-mail can quickly become negative and at times easily misinterpreted. Several of the concerns raised
are valid and warrant additional dialog. We ask that if you have further concerns or questions about our school that we meet
face to face so we can fully understand the nature of your concerns and perhaps identify a common ground.
We aro a waryhaonorable family mM young dv7 mn of our own. We are not trying to h*e away anypeaceful aspect of our
neighborhood but rattler oflbre lowng caring environment wtwm ourmvhbor tladdlers can learn and flourish
hftps:lloWook.live.com/owa*Aewmocld=ReadMessage =&ItemiD=AQMkADAwATYOMDABLTl iZGYtYTZINCOwMAItMDAKOkEYAAAOFnuttTWmgvSLGn... 215
12172/2015 Fwd: Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zoning Request for a F... - Miles Davis
With Utmost Respect,
Kristie Davis
Charlottesville Beautiful MINDS Preschool, LLC
cvi Ilebecutifulminds.com
On Dec 16, 2015 6:58 PK "Peter Drenan" <12eter drenanCr ahoo.com> wrote:
To all,
There is a zoning request at the Counts that is asking whether the neighbors would object to a Family Day Home (essentially
a day care center) to be located on Acorn Lane, at the very back of the Peacock Hill community. This Family Day Home has
come into existence just this year, but with a limit of only 5 children. The zoning request is to allow the facility to grow to as
many as 12 children, with a commensurate increase in staffing. The rules for Family Day Homes were modified in Albemarle
just recently (2013), allowing the use of a single-family house for a Family Day Home for five or fewer children by right (i.e. no
approval required). The zoning ordinance allows the facility to be used for up to 12 children without further approvals, if
there are no objections by the neighbors. If objections are raised, the zoning request is referred to the Board of Supervisors
for a decision.
Over the course of the last two weeks, I have called the PCHA manager's office and left an a -mail on the PCNA website
asking if there is any community discussion about this zoning request to allow a Family Day Home. I have received no
response thus far to any of my queries, so I am addressing the community at large via this e-mail.
My questions to the PCHA Board and community are:
Should we be engaged in a discussion about this as a community?
Should the PCHA Board be leading the community in this discussion?
The use of a house as a commercial activity with significant traffic seems to violate Section 7.02 of the PCHA covenants,
and likely also Section 7.04.
What should we do about this, in preparation for, and participating in the Board of Supervisor's meetings?
We have submitted an objection to the County. The County informed us that other objections were also received, meaning
that the County Zoning Department has no option other than refer the matter to the Board of Supervisors. The text of our
objection is below (with a few minor edits of typographic and grammatical errors):
Ms. Ragsdale,
This letter is written in response to the County's letter dated november 15, 2015, pertaining to a
zoning request (CLE#2015-231) for the Charlottesville Beautiful Minds (Family Day Hone) located in the Peacock
Hill subdivision, a PUD community_ The current zoning ordinance allows for a Family Day Home for less than free
children in a single-family residence without a zoning permit request, but requires additional consideration if the
Family Day Home intends to provide care for more than five children. This Zoning Ordinance was not in place when
Peacock Hill was created and zoned as a PUD, as the Zoning Ordinance was only implemented in 2013.
The current use of the property as a Family Day Home with 5 or fewer children (exclusive of the provider's
own children) has been operational this year. We are not opposed to the continued use of the property under
the zoning ordinance allowing five or fewer children into be cared for in this facility.
We are landowners whose property abuts the property identified in the zoning request.
Upon notification by the County of the zoning request, we have engaged in discussions with lawyers, realtors, real estate
managers, and other neighbors in Peacock Hill about the proposed increased use of this property. We are formally
objecting to this zoning request based on the following concerns:
Daily Round -Trip Traffic
The zoning request as we understand it, would be to allow the Family Day Home to expand, allowing for the
care for more than five but not more than twelve children under the age of thirteen (13).
As we understand it, the staffing of the facility would need to increase to provide appropriate coverage for the operation of
h4sJlou@ook.live.comlowaNAdewmodel=ReadMessageltem<am lD=AQMkADAwATYOMDABLTNZGYtYTZINCOwMANM DAKAEYAAAOtnt#TWmgvSLGn... 35
122212015 Fwd: Re: JPHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zanng Request for a F... - Miles Davis
the facility and appropriate care of the increased number of children.
Further, as we understand the regulations for Family Day Homes, the number of children refers to the
maximum number of children at the facility at any given time, rather than referring to the total enrollment of
children. This means that if the facility is fully enrolled on any given day and a child is retrieved by the parents at
lunchtime, another child can be scheduled to fill the available opening for that afternoon. Together, the
increased staffing and daily child census at the facility would likely cause additional traffic generated by the family
day home to exceed twenty-four (24) vehicle round trips per day (excluding trips associated with the dwelling unit).
This is in excess of what the County zoning ordinance allows.
Further, this level of daily traffic transforms the nature of this cul-de-sac from a bucolic, wooded rural neighborhood to a
traffic -density similar to a commercial neighborhood.
Further, since the proposed facility is at the very bark of the Peacock Hill subdivision, all of the additional vehicular traffic will
traveling the full length of Turkey Ridge Road affecting virtually all of the residences in the neighborhood with the
increased traffic and safety concerns.
Property Values
We have had discussions with our realtor, other area realtors, and our property manager about the impacts of having a
Family Day
Home directly adjacent to our property. Every person associated with real estate valuations, real estate
assessments, and the impacts oo selling or leasing a property next to this type of facility stated that we could expect to
see a dzcrease in our property values. The saie of our property vmuid be inhibited by the noise, traffic, and the
nuisance of ravine an active: 'child care facility' next-door to our house, and that it would be detrimental to all
adjoining properties and it would change the c iaracter of the residential commun=ity. This would have the impact
of reducing the marketability of our home. vvN'le also reducing t,re potential sale price of our house. Since our
house is our largest financial investment as we near retirement in the sear -term fiture, having any reduction of
its potential vane is a very concerning consideration for us.
Acorn Lane Roadway Performance Standard
Acorn Lane is not rated as a primary road within Albemarle County - it is not maintained, repaired managed by Albemarle
The road was built to provide adequate roadbed integrity for a limited number of daily vehicles, including the roadbed,
subsurface soils,
drainage and surface materials. Any additional vehicle traffic on this road should not exceed the design rating of the road as
was originally installed.
Further, if the zoning request is approved, any subsequent repairs, maintenance and servicing of the roadway should be pro-
as to its usage. Any agreement should be required (and negotiated) by the County Zoning Ordinance to address the physical
of the roadway and its subsequent repairs in a manner commensurate with its use.
On -Street Parking
The children that will be cared for in this potential facility will need to be dropped -off and picked -up daily, requiring as many
a dozen vehicles at any one time that will be parking on the shoulders of the roadway. It is not clear by the
County's zoning, permitting ordinances, and codes whether parking is allowed on the roadway of Acorn Lane, or
along its shoulders. I ask the County to provide clarification of this point.
In addition to the direct concerns of the permitted level of parking allowed, that quantity of parking raises some additional
The staff parking plus the parent's parking for pick-ups and drop-offs might require as many as 12-14 cars to be parked
on or along the small road of Acorn Lane on a daily basis. The entire length of Acorn Lane is only about 275 feet long and
as narrow as 16 -feet, it is difficult to understand how this small road will be safely used when each standard parking
space requires an area that is approximately 9 -feet by 20 -feet. The zoning clearance application for this request
should require clear ans-vers to issues regarding parking, including perhaps having County staff conduct an inspection
to confirm adequacy of parking.
MtpsJlmMook.live.camlowaho`++iewmodei=ReadMessagehem&ItemlD=AQMkADAwATYUMDABLTNZGYtYTZINCOwMAItMDAKAEYAAAOmW WmgvSLGn... 415
12r22W15 Fwd: Re: [PHGA Members] Peacock Hill - Zoning Request for a F... - Miles Davis
Further, beyond the physical limitations of parking spaces, the twice -per -day high -demand parking will likely
lead to parking on the roadway shoulders and/or private property. During wet conditions, the impacts of this
vehicular traffic on unsupported landscaped areas would be to produce ruts and damaged areas adjacent to the roadway.
Further still, during cool/cold condition the motors of vehicles might be left running while the children are being retrieved
from the
facility. This can result in significant concentrations of noxious and dangerous fumes that might contaminate the air
quality and the existing vegetation in the vicinity of Acorn Lane.
When considering the physical limitations of accessing the proposed facility on Acorn Lane and considering the further
restriction of overcrowded drop-off and pick-up activities, the public health, safety and welfare are likely to be impacted by a
significantly curtailed ingress and egress to the facility. The Zoning Administrator should request review/approval of an
entrance/access by the County Engineer or VDOT, if they deem it necessary, to ensure that the minimum standards necessary
to protect the public health, safety and welfare by providing safe ingress and egress will be met ... for both the family day
home as well as for the residents of Acorn Lane. Compliance requirements for any identified entrance and access
improvements should be a condition of approval of a zoning clearance, in this circumstance.
Based on all of the above considerations. we (Peter Drenan and Sarah Drenan, as ab:itting neighbors to the identified
property, object to the
zoning request for the use of the facility as a Family Day Home for more than five children.
Thank you for your consideration.
Peter Drenan
Sarah Drenan
Members mailing list
http:/Aust77.iusthost.com/mailman/listinfo/member5 peacackhilL-Q
Members mailing list
http:Z4ust77.justhost.com/mailman/listinfo/members peacockhill.org
hftpsJ/oulo* live.=nlowaA*AewmoM=RexNessagdtemgliemID=AQMkADAwATYOMDABLTHZGIRYTZINCOwMAItMDAKAEYAAAOmuttTWmgvSLGrt._ &5
12/27M15 Re: IPHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zodng Request for a Family... - Miles Davis
Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zoning Request for a Family
Day Home
Wayne Fusco
Fri 12/18/2015 A d
To:Kristie Davis <krisldavis720@gmaii.com>; Peter Drenan <peter drenan@yahoo.com>; Miles Davis <milesjd24@hotmail.com>;
Ewrae60@aol.com <Ewrae60@aol.com>;
�--c:members@peacockhill.org <members@peacockhill.org>;
I would like to go on mord letting all of our neighbors know that I fully support Kristie and Miles adding a few children
to their day care. They are upstanding, kind, and thoughtful neighbors who keep a well-maintained, fenced property and
are respectful to their neighbors.
With all due respect to Mr. Drenan; While he may own the property next door, it is my understanding that he uses the
property for rental purposes only and has not lived in the house for several years. I would contend that a rental home in
our neighborhood is worse for our property values than a well kept, fenced house which happens to run a daycare.
Additionally; hosting a day care between the hours of 9am-1 pm (no matter how loud playing children might be) could
not be as disruptive as neighbors who allow their dogs to bark at all hours into the night.
We live in the house next door to where the Metz's used to run a daycare some years ago. At that time, the daycare
was welcomed by neighbors. I believe we should welcome this daycare as well.
Wayne Fusco
On Friday, December 18, 2015 3:17 AM, Kristie Davis <krisldavis720@gmail.com> wrote:
To Our Wonderful Neighbors,
As you are aware, during our attempt to obtain state licensure for our existing voluntarily
registered family day home, we've received a few neighbors that are opposed.
I would first and foremost like to stress that we have no intention of enrolling the
maximum allowed 12 students next fall, nor do we plan to provide full days. At this point
and time we would like to maintain our current five children per day and possibly add up to
three more per day, 9 am to 1 pm, M-TH. We are not a full-time family day home. We feel
the letter distributed by the Albemarle County Zoning Office did not reflect our intentions,
rather reflected the maximum figures allowable under Albemarle County code and Virginia
State law. We are attempting to achieve two primary objectives; obtain state licensure as
the next step toward transitioning to a commercial space and keep siblings of currently
enrolled students together.
We purchased our Peacock Hill home understanding that a family day home previously operated
in this neighborhood and was accepted in this community. Not only was it approved, but it also
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1212=15 RC [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill -Zoning Request for a Family... - Miles Davis
served many of the families in Peacock Hill as an established element of the character of this
I have my Master's Degree in Education and taught for Albemarle County Public Schools, The
Peabody School and Millstone of Ivy prior to having my own children. I have multiple character
letters of recommendation highlighting my integrity and dedication to my families and our
Regardless of my experience and master's degree in teaching, we decided to go through the
procedures of State Voluntary Registration during our first year of opening our school, so parents
felt comfortable knowing my husband and I, along with substitute teachers, have gone through the
rigor of Virginia State regulations and requirements to include but not limited to; unannounced
inspections, TB testing, background checks, etc. This was not required for the number of students
we accepted during our first year. As the name suggests, our current state registration is
We fully intend to apply that same responsible approach with regard to maintaining the character
of this great neighborhood, for which we hope to make our long-term home. We currently allow
five children per day from 9:00 AM until noon (with the option for extended day until 1 pm
on occasion). Again, I have no intentions of bringing twelve, families in each da k To be frank,
exceeding seven or eight children per day is not likely. Without full licensure, I be forced to ask
parents to split up their children. It would be extremely hard for me to ask any of our wonderful
families to leave our school and/or to split up families because I cannot accept younger siblings.
We're asking for your consideration to allow for three additional children per day. This will allow us
to obtain the capital required to secure a commercial space to continue responsible growth.
My husband and I feel e-mail can quickly become negative and at times easily misinterpreted.
Several of the concerns raised are valid and warrant additional dialog. We ask that if you have
further concerns or questions about our school that we meet face to face so we can fully
understand the nature of your concerns and perhaps identify a common ground.
We are a very honorable family with young children of our own. We are not trying to take
away any peaceful aspect of our neighborhood but rather offer a loving, caring
environment where our neighbor toddlers can learn and flourish.
With Utmost Respect,
Kristie Davis
Charlottesville Beautiful MINDS Preschool, LLC
On Dec 16, 2015 6:58 PM, "Peter Drenan" <peter_drenan ,a@yahoo.com> wrote:
To all,
There is a zoning request at the County that is asking whether the neighbors would object to a
Family Day Home (essentially a day care center) to be located on Acorn Lane, at the very back
of the Peacock Hill community. This Family Day Home has come into existence just this year,
but with a limit of only 5 children. The Zoning request is to allow the facility to grow to as many
as 12 children, with a commensurate increase in staffing. The rules for Family Day Homes were
modified in Albemarle just recently (2013), allowing the use of a single-family house for a
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1212M15 Re: [PHCA Membe s] Peacock Hill -Zoning RegAdfar a f=amily... -Miles Davis
Family Day Home for five or fewer children by right (i.e. no approval required). The zoning
ordinance allows the facility to be used for up to 12 children without further approvals, if there
are no objections by the neighbors. If objections are raised, the zoning request is referred to
the Board of Supervisors for a decision.
Over the course of the last two weeks, I have called the PCHA manager's office and left an e-
mail on the PCHA website asking if there is any community discussion about this zoning
request to allow a Family Day Home. I have received no response thus far to any of my
queries, so I am addressing the community at large via this e-mail.
My questions to the PCHA Board and community are:
Should we be engaged in a discussion about this as a community?
Should the PCHA Board be leading the community in this discussion?
The use of a Douse as a commercial activity with significant traffic seems to violate Section
7.02 of the PCHA covenants, and likely also Section 7.04.
What should we do about this, in preparation for, and participating in the Board of
Supervisor's meetings?
We have submitted an objection to the County. The County informed us that other objections
were also received, meaning that the County Zoning Department has no option other than refer
the matter to the Board of Supervisors. The text of our objection is below (with a few minor edits
of typographic and grammatical errors):
Ms. Ragsdale,
This letter is written in response to the County's letter dated November 16, 2015, pertaining to a
zoning request (CLE#2015-231) for the Charlottesville Beautiful Minds (Family Day Home)
located in the Peacock
Hill subdivision, a PUD community. The current zoning ordinance allows for a Family Day
Home for less than five
children in a single-family residence without a zoning permit request, but requires additional
consideration if the
Family Day Home intends to provide care for more than five children. This Zoning Ordinance
was not in place when
Peacock Hill was created and zoned as a PUD, as the Zoning Ordinance was only
implemented in 2013.
The current use of the property as a Family Day Home with 5 or fewer children (exclusive of the
own children) has been operational this year. We are not opposed to the continued use of the
property under
the zoning ordinance allowing five or fewer children into be cared for in this facility.
We are landowners whose property abuts the property identified in the zoning request.
Upon notification by the County of the zoning request, we have engaged in discussions with
lawyers, realtors, real estate
managers, and other neighbors in Peacock Hill about the proposed increased use of this
property. We are formally
objecting to this zoning request based on the following concerns:
Daily Round -Trip Traffic
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12127M5 Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill -Zoning Request for a Family... - Miles Davis
The zoning request as we understand it, would be to allow the Family Day Home to expand,
allowing for the
care for more than five but not more than twelve children under the age of thirteen (13).
As we understand it, the staffing of the facility would need to increase to provide appropriate
coverage for the operation of the facility and appropriate care of the increased number of
Further, as we understand the regulations for Family Day Homes, the number of children refers
to the
maximum number of children at the facility at any given time, rather than referring to the total
enrollment of
children. This means that if the facility is fully enrolled on any given day and a child is retrieved
by the parents at
lunchtime, another child can be scheduled to fill the available opening for that afternoon.
Together, the
increased staffing and daily child census at the facility would likely cause additional traffic
generated by the family
day home to exceed twenty-four (24) vehicle round trips per day (excluding trips associated
with the dwelling unit).
This is in excess of what the County zoning ordinance allows.
Further, this level of daily traffic transforms the nature of this cul-de-sac from a bucolic, wooded
rural neighborhood to a
traffic -density similar to a commercial neighborhood.
Further, since the proposed facility is at the very back of the Peacock Hill subdivision, all of the
additional vehicular traffic will be
traveling the full length of Turkey Ridge Road affecting virtually all of the residences in the
neighborhood with the
increased traffic and safety concerns.
Property Values
We have had discussions with our realtor, other area realtors, and our property manager about
the impacts of having a Family Day
Home directly adjacent to our property. Every person associated with real estate valuations,
real estate
assessments, and the impacts on selling or leasing a property next to this type of facility stated
that we could expect to
see a decrease in our property values. The sale of our property would be inhibited by the noise,
traffic, and the
nuisance of having an active 'child care facility' next-door to our house, and that it would be
detrimental to all
adjoining properties and it would change the character of the residential community. This would
have the impact
of reducing the marketability of our home, while also reducing the potential sale price of our
house. Since our
house is our largest financial investment as we near retirement in the near-term future, having
any reduction of
its potential value is a very concerning consideration for us.
Acorn Lane Roadway Performance Standard
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1212=15 Re: [PHCA Members] Peacw* Hill - Zoning Request far a Family... - Miles Davis
Acorn Lane is not rated as a primary road within Albemarle County - it is not maintained,
repaired managed by Albemarle County.
The road was built to provide adequate roadbed integrity for a limited number of daily vehicles,
including the roadbed, subsurface soils,
drainage and surface materials. Any additional vehicle traffic on this road should not exceed the
design rating of the road as was originally installed.
Further, if the zoning request is approved, any subsequent repairs, maintenance and servicing
of the roadway should be pro -rated
as to its usage. Any agreement should be required (and negotiated) by the County Zoning
Ordinance to address the physical consideration
of the roadway and its subsequent repairs in a manner commensurate with its use.
On -Street Parking
The children that will be cared for in this potential facility will need to be dropped -off and picked -
up daily, requiring as many as
a dozen vehicles at any one time that will be parking on the shoulders of the roadway. It is not
clear by the
County's zoning, permitting ordinances, and codes whether parking is allowed on the roadway
of Acorn Lane, or
along its shoulders. i ask the County to provide clarification of this point.
In addition to the direct concerns of the permitted level of parking allowed, that quantity of
parking raises some additional concerns.
The staff parking plus the parent's parking for pick-ups and drop-offs might require as many as
12-14 cars to be parked
on or along the small road of Acorn Lane on a daily basis. The entire length of Acorn Lane is
only about 275 feet long and
as narrow as 164set, it is difficult to understand how this small road will be safely used when
each standard parking
space requires an area that is approximately 9 -feet by 20 -feet. The zoning clearance
application for this request
should require dear answers to issues regarding parking, including perhaps having County staff
conduct an inspection
to confirm adequacy of parking.
Further, beyond the physical limitations of parking spaces, the twice -per -day high -demand
parking will likely
lead to parking on the roadway shoulders and/or private property. During wet conditions, the
impacts of this
vehicular traffic on unsupported landscaped areas would be to produce ruts and damaged
areas adjacent to the roadway.
Further still, during cool/cold condition the motors of vehicles might be left running while the
children are being retrieved from the
facility. This can result in significant concentrations of noxious and dangerous fumes that might
contaminate the air
quality and the existing vegetation in the vicinity of Acorn Lane.
When considering the physical limitations of accessing the proposed facility on Acorn Lane and
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12x2=15 Re: AICA Members] Peacock Hill - Zorrng ReWW fbr a Family... - Miles Davis
considering the further restriction of overcrowded drop-off and pick-up activities, the public
health, safety and welfare are likely to be impacted by a significantly curtailed ingress and
egress to the facility. The Zoning Administrator should request reviewlapproval of an
entrance/access by the County Engineer or VDQT, if they deem it necessary, to ensure that the
minimum standards necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare by providing safe
ingress and egress will be met...for both the family day home as well as for the residents of
Acorn Lane. Compliance requirements for any identified entrance and access improvements
should be a condition of approval of a zoning clearance, in this circumstance.
Based on all of the above considerations, we (Peter Drenan and Sarah Drenan), as abutting
neighbors to the identified property, object to the
zoning request for the use of the facility as a Family Day Home for more than five children.
Thank you for your consideration.
Peter Drenan
Sarah Drenan
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itllps:llo Aook.liw-=nlawaWewmoM=ReadMessegahmnBJtrtIDc;AQMkADAwATYOMDAKTItZGYWTZINCOwLMWDAKAEYAAAOmulffWmgv&Gn... 66
12/l=15 Fwd: Re: IPHCA Members] Peacmk Hill - Zoning Request for a F... - Miles Davis
Fwd: Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hall - Zoning Request for a
Family Day Home
Kristie Davis
Fri 12/18/2015 9:17 AM
TaNiles Davis <milesjd24@hotmail.com>;
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Paul Dowell" <cvillebound@gmail.com>
Date: Dec 18, 2015 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock !-fill - Zoning Request for a Family Day Home
To: "Kristie Davis" <krisldavis7200cmail.com>
Cc: <Suzanne.r.schaefferCa7gmail.com>, "Allen Biilyk" < alien (a)reaipro er inc.com>, 'Beth Hallen" <bhollen@grnail.com>, "Charles
Molhoek" <molhoek@gmail.corn>, "Debra Ross" < o s 4b h m i . >, "Greg Lohr" <gmlohr@yahoo.com>, "Jacqueline Koenig"
<jacquikoenig6gmail.com>, "Jan Dutton" <jf dutton@yahoo.com>, "Maureen Minor" <senexva@amail.com>
Hello Kristie,
Please note that I copied the Peacock Hill Board of Directors, and our property managers at Real Properties, Inc., on
this email.
On behalf of'the Board, and the entire Peacock Hill community, I want to thank you for your communication.
It clearly states the short term and long term intentions for your Child Care business.
Shortly after the notice letter was sent to your neighbors by Albemarle County, I (representing the Board)
received one written communication, and one phone call, each expressed concerns about increased traffic, noise,
and such. We asked our property management firm to provide any information that was relevant to the
subject. The Board concluded that Beautiful Minds was not in violation of the Peacock Hill Covenants and issued the
following statement to everyone that expressed a concern about the expansion of the Day Care:
The follow response was sent to the family that originally brought the letter to my attention:
"Thanks for sharing this concern over the expansion of the Childcare business located in the home at 707 Acorn
Lane. Speaking for the Board, we want to be aware of these issues in the community and it is always good to know
about applications and notices of hearings such as the one that you forwarded to us.
After a review with the PHCA Board and our management team at Real Properties, Inc., we concluded the following:
Although our community covenants regulate appearance and protect us from ongoing nuisances in the use of land
in our community, the Association is not aware of anything that precludes an owner from conducting business out
of their home.
Owners are required to obtain a business license from the County of Albemarle. The County and its zoning
administrators make the determinations as to the compliance with the residential zoning laws. All owners should
take care and ensure that any personal orbusiness use of land in the community is done without creating burdens
on our common areas or disturbances to other homeowners.
At this time, the Association will not be involved in this issue beyond welcoming updates and encouraging aft parties
to talk with one another. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this reply."
Since Peter Drenan sent his community wide email, I have received multiple communications from concerned
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12f22M5 Fwd: Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zoning Request for a F... - Miles Dark
Peacock Hill residents. To each email, I send the text that represents the Board's position on this matter -- quoted
above. Because Peter Drenan asked the Board to reconsider this matter, it will be on the agenda of the January
21, 2016 meeting of the Board. As I noted in my email to Peter Drenan, "the status of the Day Care will be added
to the agenda for informational purposes."
Please feel free to contact me directly, at 434-282-2466.
Paul Dowell
President, Peacock Hill Community Association Board of Directors
On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 8:29 PM, Kristie Davis <kriisldQvis772Q&amail.com> wrote:
To Our Wonderful Neighbors,
As you are aware, during our attempt to obtain state licensure for our existing voluntarily registered family day home, we've
received a few neighbors that are opposed.
I would first and foremost like to stress that we have no Intention of enrolling the maximum allowed 12 students next fall, nor do we
pian to provide full days. At this point and time we would like to maintain our current five children per day and possibly add up to
three more per day, 9 am to 1 pm, M-TH. Weare not a full-time family day home. We heel the letter distributed by the Albemarle
County Zoning Office did not reflect our intentions, rather reflected the maximum figures allowable under Albemarle County code
and Virginia State law. We are attempting to achieve two primary objectives; obtain state licensure as the next step toward
transMoning to a commercial space and keep siblings of currently enrolled students together.
We purchased our Peacock Hill home understanding that a family day home previously operated in this neighborhood and was
accepted in this community. Not only was it approved, but it also served many of the families in Peacock Hill as an established
element of the character of this neighborhood.
have my Master's uegree ►n Lclucation anch taught for Albemarle County Public Schools, The Peabody School and Millstone of Ivy
prior to having my own children. I have multiple character letters of recommendation highlighting my integrity and dedication to my
families and our community.
Regardless of my experience and master's degree in teaching, we decided to go through the procedures of State Voluntary
Registration during our first year of opening our school, so parents felt comfortable knowing my husband and 1, along with
substitute teachers, have gone through the rigor of Virginia State regulations and requirements to include but not limited to;
unannounced inspections, TB testing, background checks, etc. This was not required for the number of students we accepted during
our first year. As the name suggests, our current state registration is voluntary.
We fully intend to apply that same responsible approach with regard to maintaining the character of this great neighborhood, for
which we hope to make our long-term home. We currently allow five children per day from 9:00 AM until noon (with the option for
extended day until 1 pm on occasion). Again, I have no inftydbns ofhdgghV ft6m femii►es in each deh! To be frank, exceeding
seven or eight children per day is not likely. Without full licensure, I be forced to ask parents to split up their children. It would be
extremely hard for me to ask any of our wonderful families to leave our school and/or to split up families because I cannot accept
younger siblings.
tftslloulook.live.camlowafiPAewmodd=ReadMessageltem&ftemID=AQMkADAwATYOMDABLTHZGYtYTZINCOwMA MMDAKAEYAAAOmWTWmgvSLGn... 26
12r4=15 Fwd; Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zoning Request far a F... - Miles Davis
We're asking for your consideration to allow for three additional children per day. This will allow us to obtain the capital required to
secure a commercial space to continue responsible growth.
My husband and I feel e-mail can quickly become negative and at times easily misinterpreted. Several of the concerns raised are
valid and warrant additional dialog. We ask that if you have further concerns or questions about our school that we meet face to
face so we can fully understand the nature of your concerns and perhaps identify a common ground,
We are a myhonoraN� family *0young chrkhm of our om We am not Wng io We away any peamfirl aspect of our
neighborhood but rather offer a kwngt; caring environment whwre our rwgV" toddlers can learn and 11bunsh
With Utmost Respect,
Kristie Davis
Charlottesville Beautiful MIND5 Preschool, LLC
cvi I lebeautif u lmi nds.com
On Dec 16, 2015 6:58 PM, "Peter Drenan" <peter drenanOyahoo.com> wrote:
To all,
There is a zoning request at. the County that is asking whether the neighbors would object to a family Day Home (essentially a
day care center) to be located on Acorn Lane, at the very back of the Peacock Hill community. This Family Day Home has come
into existence just this year, but with a limit of only 5 children. The zoning request is to allow the facility to grow to as many as 12
children, with a commensurate increase in staffing. The rules for Family Day Homes were modified in Albemarlejust recently
(2013), allowing the use of a single-family house for a Family Day Home for five or fewer children by right (i.e. no approval
required). The zoning ordinance allows the facility to be used for up to 12 children without further approvals, if there are no
objections by the neighbors. If objections are raised, the zoning request is referred to the Board of Supervisors for a decision.
Over the course of the last two weeks, I have called the PCHA manager's office and left an e-mail on the PCHA website asking if
there is any community discussion about this zoning request to allow a Family Day Home. I have received no response thus far to
any of my queries, so I am addressing the community at large via this e-mail.
My questions to the PCHA Board and community are:
Should we be engaged in a discussion about this as a community?
Should the PCHA Board be leading the community in this discussion?
The use of a house as a commercial activity with significant traffic seems to violate Section 7,02 of the PCHA covenants, and
likely also Section 7.04.
What should we do about this, in preparation for, and participating in the Board of Supervisor's meetings?
We have submitted an objection to the County. The County informed us that other objections were also received, meaning that
the County Zoning Department has no option other than refer the matter to the Board of Supervisors. The text of our objection is
below (with a few minor edits of typographic and grammatical errors):
Ms. Ragsdale,
This letter is written in response to the County's letter dated November 15, 2015, pertaining to a
zoning request (CLE#2015-231) for the Charlottesville Beautiful Minds (Family Day Home) located in the Peacock
Hill subdivision, a PUD community. The current zoning ordinance allows for a Family Day Home for less than five
children in a single-family residence without a zoning permit request, but requires additional consideration if the
Family Day Home intends to provide care for more than five children. This Zoning Ordinance was not in place when
Mlps:llmMook.live.comlowaMMewmoM-ReadMessageltm&tternlD=AQMkADAwATYUMDABLTItZGYtYTZINCOwMA11MDAKAEYAAAOm&Mmg4LGn... 36
12122=6 Fwd: Re: [WHOA Members] Peacock Hill - Zoring Request for a F_.. - Miles Davis
Peacock Hill was created and zoned as a PUD, as the Zoning Ordinance was only implemented in 2013.
The current use of the property as a Family Day Home with 5 or fewer children (exclusive of the provider's
own children) has been operational this year. We are not opposed to the continued use of the property under
the zoning ordinance allowing five or fewer children into be cared for in this facility.
We are landowners whose property abuts the property identified in the zoning request.
Upon notification by the County of the zoning request, we have engaged in discussions with lawyers, realtors, real estate
managers, and other neighbors in Peacock Hill about the proposed increased use of this property. We are formally
objecting to this zoning request based an the following concerns:
Daily Round -Trip Traffic
The zoning request as we understand it, would be to allow the Family Day Home to expand, allowing for the
care for more than five but not more than twelve children under the age of thirteen (13).
As we understand it, the staffing of the facility would need to increase to provide appropriate coverage for the operation of the
facility and appropriate care of the increased number of children.
Further, as we understand the regulations for Family Day Homes, the number of children refers to the
maximum number of children at the facility at any given time, rather than referring to the total enrollment of
children. This means that if the facility is fully enrolled on any given day and a child is retrieved by the parents at
lunchtime, another child can be scheduled to fill the available opening for that afternoon. Together, the
increased staffing and daily child census at the facility would likely cause additional traffic generated by the family
day home to exceed twenty-four (24) vehicle round trips per day (excluding trips associated with the dwelling unit).
This is in excess of what the County zoning ordinance allows.
Further, this level of daily traffic transforms the nature of this cul-de-sac from a bucolic, wooded rural neighborhood to a
traffic -density similar to a commercial neighborhood.
Further, since the proposed facility is at the very back of the Peacock Hill subdivision, all of the additional vehicular traffic will be
traveling the full length of Turkey Ridge Road affecting virtually all of the residences in the neighborhood with the
increased traffic and safety concerns.
Property Values
We have had discussions with our realtor, other area realtors, and our property manager about the impacts of having a Family
Horne directly adjacent to our property. Every person associated with real estate valuations, real estate
assessments, and the impacts on selling or leasing a property next to this type of facility stated that we could expect to
see a decrease in our property values. The sale of our property would be inhibited by the noise, traffic, and the
nuisance of having an active 'child care facility' next-door to our house, and that it would be detrimental to all
adjoining properties and it would change the character of the residential community. This would have the impact
of reducing the marketability of our home, while also reducing the potential sale price of our house. Since our
house is our largest financial investment as we near retirement in the near-term future, having any reduction of
its potential value is a very concerning consideration for us.
Acorn Lane Roadway Performance Standard
Acorn Lane is not rated as a primary road within Albemarle County - it is not maintained, repaired managed by Albemarle
The road was built to provide adequate roadbed integrity for a limited number of daily vehicles, including the roadbed,
subsurface soils,
drainage and surface materials. Any additional vehicle traffic on this road should not exceed the design rating of the road as was
originally installed.
Further, if the zoning request is approved, any subsequent repairs, maintenance and servicing of the roadway should be pro -rated
as to its usage. Any agreement should be required (and negotiated) by the County Zoning Ordinance to address the physical
of the roadway and its subsequent repairs in a manner commensurate with its use.
On -Street Parking
Mps:l/oLMook.live.camlow&WewmWd=ReadMessagefGem&hemlD=AQMkADAwATYOMDABLTtiZGYtYTT-INCQwMAUMDAKAEYAAAOmutfTWmgvSLGn... 416
1=2=15 Fwd: Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zorirq Request for a F... - Miles Davis
The children that will be cared for in this potential facility will need to be dropped -off and picked -up daily, requiring as many as
a dozen vehicles at any one time that will be parking on the shoulders of the roadway. It is not clear by the
County's zoning, permitting ordinances, and codes whether parking is allowed on the roadway of Acorn Lane, or
along its shoulders. I ask the County to provide clarification of this point.
In addition to the direct concerns of the permitted level of parking allowed, that quantity of parking raises some additional
The staff parking plus the parent's parking for pick-ups and drop-offs might require as many as 12-14 cars to be parked
on or along the small road of Acorn Lane on a daily basis. The entire length of Acorn Lane is only about 275 feet long and
as narrow as 16 -feet, it is difficult to understand how this small road will be safely used when each standard parking
space requires an area that is approximately 9 -feet by 24 -feet. The zoning clearance application for this request
should require clear answers to issues regarding parking, including perhaps having County staff conduct an inspection
to confirm adequacy of parking.
Further, beyond the physical limitations of parking spaces, the twice -per -day high -demand parking will likely
lead to parking on the roadway shoulders and/or private property. During wet conditions, the impacts of this
vehicular traffic on unsupported landscaped areas would be to produce ruts and damaged areas adjacent to the roadway.
Further still, during cool/cold condition the motors of vehicles might be left running while the children are being retrieved from
facility. This can result in significant concentrations of noxious and dangerous fumes that might contaminate the air
quality and the existing vegetation in the vicinity of Acorn Lane.
When considering the physical limitations of accessing the proposed facility on Acorn Lane and considering the further restriction
of overcrowded drop-off and pick-up activities, the public health, safety and welfare are likely to be impacted by a significantly
curtailed ingress and egress to the facility. The Zoning Administrator should request review/approval of an entrance/access by
the County Engineer or VDOT, if they deem it necessary, to ensure that the minimum standards necessary to protect the public
health, safety and welfare by providing safe ingress and egress will be met ... for both the family clay home as well as for the
residents of Acorn Lane. Compliance requirements for any identified entrance and access improvements should be a condition of
approval of a zoning clearance, in this circumstance.
Based on all of the above considerations, we (Peter Drenan and Sarah Drenan), as abutting neighbors to the identified property,
object to the
zoning request for the use of the facility as a Family Day Home for more than five children.
Thank you for your consideration.
Peter Drenan
Sarah Drenan
Members mailing list
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Members mailing list
Members 'ust77Justho t m
htt: st hos .corn mailman listinfo m m r eacockhill.or
Paul Dowell
hdps:IAY tx*Jive cflmlowaMMewmodel=ReatlMmmgeltem&kemlD=AQMkADAwATYOMDABLThiZGYtYTZ1NCOwMAItMDAKAEwYAAAomWMmgvSLGn... 56
1271=15 Fwd: Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zorfrq Requestfor a F... - Miles Davis
Home: 434-282-2466
Cell: 847 951 4824
cv'I eboun m il.com
hMs:Ik Wook.live.ccmlawaWewmodel=Read Aessagel6em&rwmlD=AQMkADAwATYOMDABLTI iZGY1YTZINCOwMAkMDAKAEYAAAOmkAt7WmgvSLGn... W
1222=5 Re: [P'HCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zoring Request for a Family— - Miles Davis
Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zoning Request for a Family
Day Home
Kristie Davis
Sat 12/19/2015 8:54 AM
ro:lgnacio Provencio <ip7m@virginia.edu>;
cc:Miles Davis <miiesjd24@hotma1l.com>; Suzanne R. Schaeffer<suzanne.r.schaeffer@gmail.com>;
Iggy and Susi,
Thank you so much for your for your kind words and support. It truly means the world to our family.
We are extremely grateful to have such lovely neighbors! My cell is 434.466.3719, please never hesitate to call if I can repay the favor
and help you in anyway_
We look forward to getting to know you and your beautif�si family better.
Happiest Holiday Wishes and Blessing in the New Year!
Kristie Davis
Charlottesville Beautiful MINDS Preschool, LLC
cvil lebeautifulminds.com
On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 10:59 PM, Ignacio Provencio <i 7m vir ini > wrote:
Hi Kristie and Miles,
Susi and I wanted you to know, that we too support your adding a few children to your day care. We think you are extremely
thoughtful as neighbors and conscientious in the manner you run your day care. We wish you the best of luck in this endeavor.
Iggy Provencio
620 Biq Oak Rd.
Charlottesville, VA 22403
On Dec 18, 2015, at 10:15 AM, Wayne Fusco <waynefusco@yahoo.com> wrote:
I would like to go on record letting all of our neighbors know that I fully support Kristie and Miles adding
a few children to their day care. They are upstanding, kind, and thoughtful neighbors who keep a well-
maintained, fenced property and are respectful to their neighbors.
With all due respect to Mr Drenan; While he may own the property next door, it is my understanding
hB :Ift po&-Iive.camlawa*AewmoM=ReadlAessagebwn&MmID=A4MkADAwATYOMDABLTNZG1RYTZ1NCOwMA1tMDAKAEYAAAOFnff WmgvSLGn... 1/7
12r2212015 Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zaring Request for a Family... - Miles Davis
that he uses the property for rental purposes only and has not lived in the house for several years- I
would contend that a rental home in our neighborhood is worse for our property values than a well kept,
fenced house which happens to run a daycare. Additionally; hosting a day care between the hours of
gam -fpm (no matter how loud playing children might be) could not be as disruptive as neighbors who
allow their dogs to bark at all hours into the night.
We live in the house next door to where the Metz's used to run a daycare some years ago. At that
time, the daycare was welcomed by neighbors. I believe we should welcome this daycare as well.
Wayne Fusco
On Friday, December 18, 2015 3:17 AM, Kristie Davis <krisldavis720fdlgmail.corn wrote:
To Our Wonderful Neighbors,
As you are aware, during our attempt to obtain state licensure for our existing
voluntarily registered family day home, we've received a few neighbors that are
I would first and foremost like to stress that we have no intention of enrolling
the maximum allowed 12 students next fall, nor do we plan to provide full
days. At this point and time we would like to maintain our current five children
per day and possibly add up to three more per day, 9 am to 1 pm, M-TH. We are
not a full-time family day home. We feel the letter distributed by the Albemarle
County Zoning Office did not reflect our intentions, rather reflected the
maximum figures allowable under Albemarle County code and Virginia State
law. We are attempting to achieve two primary objectives; obtain state
licensure as the next step toward transitioning to a commercial space and
keep siblings of currently enrolled students together.
We purchased our Peacock Hill home understanding that a family day home
previously operated in this neighborhood and was accepted in this community. Not
only was it approved, but it also served many of the families in Peacock Hill as an
established element of the character of this neighborhood.
I have my Master's Degree in Education and taught for Albemarle County Public
Schools, The Peabody School and Millstone of Ivy prior to having my own children. I
have multiple character letters of recommendation highlighting my integrity and
dedication to my families and our community.
Regardless of my experience and master's degree in teaching, we decided to go
through the procedures of State Voluntary Registration during our first year of
opening our school, so parents felt comfortable knowing my husband and I, along
with substitute teachers, have gone through the rigor of Virginia State regulations
and requirements to include but not limited to; unannounced inspections, TB testing,
background checks, etc. This was not required for the number of students we
accepted during our first year. As the name suggests, our current state registration is
hfipsJkMook.live.00mlavahMewmoM=ReadhAessagaft n&hwlD=AQMkADAwATY(*ADABLTNZGYtYTZINCowMAUMDAKAEYAAAOmulfTWmgvSLGn... 217
12r2M15 Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zoning Request for a Family... - Miles Davis
We fully intend to apply that same responsible approach with regard to maintaining
the character of this great neighborhood, for which we hope to make our long-term
home. We currently allow five children per day from 9:00 AM until noon (with the
option for extended day until 1 pm on occasion). Again, I have no intentions of
bringing twelve families in each da x To be frank, exceeding seven or eight
children per day is not likely. Without full licensure, I be forced to ask parents to split
up their children. It would be extremely hard for me to ask any of our wonderful
families to leave our school and/or to split up families because I cannot accept
younger siblings.
We're asking for your consideration to allow for three additional children per day.
This will allow us to obtain the capital required to secure a commercial space to
continue responsible growth.
My husband and I feel e-mail can quickly become negative and at times easily
misinterpreted. Several of the concerns raised are valid and warrant additional
dialog. We ask that if you have further concerns or questions about our school that
we meet face to face so we can fully understand the nature of your concerns and
perhaps identify a common ground.
We are a very honorable family with young children of our own. We are not
trying to take away any peaceful aspect of our neighborhood but rather offer a
loving, caring environment where our neighbor toddlers can learn and
With Utmost Respect,
Kristie Davis
Charlottesville Beautiful MINDS Preschool, LLC
cvi Ukebeautifulmin-d—& m
On Dec 16, 2015 6:58 PM, "Peter Drenan" <peter drenan yahoo.com> wrote:
To all,
There is a zoning request at the County that is asking whether the neighbors
would object to a Family Day Home (essentially a day care center) to be located
on Acorn Lane, at the very back of the Peacock Hill community. This Family Day
Home has come into existence just this year, but with a limit of only 5 children.
The zoning request is to allow the facility to grow to as many as 12 children, with a
commensurate increase in staffing. The rules for Family Day Homes were
modified in Albemarle just recently (2013), allowing the use of a single-family
house for a Family Day Home for five or fewer children by right (i.e. no approval
required). The zoning ordinance allows the facility to be used for up to 12 children
without further approvals, if there are no objections by the neighbors. If objections
are raised, the zoning request is referred to the Board of Supervisors for a
Over the course of the last two weeks, I have called the PCHA manager's office
and left an e-mail on the PCHA website asking if there is any community
discussion about this zoning request to allow a Family Day Home. I have received
hlgpslloutlnak.live.comlowa*Aewmodel=ReadMessagdtemBJremlD=AQMkADAwATYOMDABLTNZG'AYTZINCOwMAUMDAKAEYAAAOmuir WmgvSLGti-. Y7
12!2712015 Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zarrng Request far a Family... - Miles Davis
drainage and surface materials. Any additional vehicle traffic on this road should
not exceed the design rating of the road as was originally installed.
Further, if the zoning request is approved, any subsequent repairs, maintenance
and servicing of the roadway should be pro -rated
as to its usage. Any agreement should be required (and negotiated) by the
County Zoning Ordinance to address the physical consideration
of the roadway and its subsequent repairs in a manner commensurate with its use.
On -Street Parking
The children that will be cared for in this potential facility will need to be dropped -
off and picked -up daily, requiring as many as
a dozer) vehicles at any one time that will be parking on the shoulders of the
roadway. It is not clear by the
County's zoning, permitting ordinances, and codes whether parking is allowed on
the roadway of Acorn Lane, or
along its shoulders. I ask the County to provide clarification of this point.
In addition to the direct concerns of the permitted level of parking allowed, that
quantity of parking raises some additional concerns.
The staff parking plus the parent's parking for pick-ups and drop-offs might require
as many as 12-14 cars to be parked
on or along the small road of Acorn Lane on a daily basis. The entire length of
Acorn Lane is only about 275 feet long and
as narrow as 16 -feet, it is difficult to understand how this small road will be safely
used when each standard parking
space requires an area that is approximately 9 -feet by 20 -feet. The zoning
clearance application for this request
should require clear answers to issues regarding parking, including perhaps
having County staff conduct an inspection
to confirm adequacy of parking.
Further, beyond the physical limitations of parking spaces, the twice -per -day high -
demand parking will likely
lead to parking on the roadway shoulders and/or private property. During wet
conditions, the impacts of this
vehicular traffic on unsupported landscaped areas would be to produce ruts and
damaged areas adjacent to the roadway.
Further still, during cool/cold condition the motors of vehicles might be left running
while the children are being retrieved from the
facility. This can result in significant concentrations of noxious and dangerous
fumes that might contaminate the air
quality and the existing vegetation in the vicinity of Acorn Lane.
When considering the physical limitations of accessing the proposed facility on
Acorn Lane and considering the further restriction of overcrowded drop-off and
pick-up activities, the public health, safety and welfare are likely to be impacted by
a significantly curtailed ingress and egress to the facility. The Zoning
Administrator should request review/approval of an entrance/access by the County
hto :Ikxdo*live.DornkwaWowmoM=RwdMessageftern8dffimID=AQMkADAwATYWDABLTNZGYffMNCDwMA11MDAKAEYAAAOmuIfTWmgvSLGn._. 617
1212202015 Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zoning Request for a Family... - Miles Davis
appropriate coverage for the operation of the facility and appropriate care of the
increased number of children.
Further, as we understand the regulations for Family Day Homes, the number of
children refers to the
maximum number of children at the facility at any given time, rather than referring
to the total enrollment of
children. This means that if the facility is fully enrolled on any given day and a
child is retrieved by the parents at
lunchtime, another child can be scheduled to fill the available opening fcr that
afternoon. Together, the
increased staffing and daily child census at the facility would likely cause
additional traffic generated by the family
day home to exceed twenty-four (24) vehicle round trips per day (excluding trips
associated with the dwelling unit).
This is in excess of what the County zoning ordinance allows.
Further, this level of daily traffic transforms the nature of this cul-de-sac from a
bucolic, wooded rural neighborhood to a
traffic -density similar to a commercial neighborhood.
Further, since the proposed facility is at the very back of the Peacock Hill
subdivision, all of the additional vehicular traffic will be
traveling the full length of Turkey Ridge Road affecting virtually all of the
residences in the neighborhood with the
increased traffic and safety concerns.
Property Values
We have had discussions with our realtor, other area realtors, and our property
manager about the impacts of having a Family Day
Home directly adjacent to our property. Every person associated with real estate
valuations, real estate
assessments, and the impacts on selling or leasing a property next to this type of
facility stated that we could expect to
see a decrease in our property values. The sale of our property would be inhibited
by the noise, traffic, and the
nuisance of having an active 'child care facility' next-door to our house, and that it
would be detrimental to all
adjoining properties and it would change the character of the residential
community. This would have the impact
of reducing the marketability of our home, while also reducing the potential sale
price of our house. Since our
house is our largest financial investment as we near retirement in the near-term
future, having any reduction of
its potential value is a very concerning consideration for us.
Acorn Lane Roadway Performance Standard
Acorn Lane is not rated as a primary road within Albemarle County - it is not
maintained, repaired managed by Albemarle County.
The road was built to provide adequate roadbed integrity for a limited number of
daily vehicles, including the roadbed, subsurface soils,
https:l/oullook live corn/owa&Aewmodel=ReadMessagekem&Rem ID--AQMkADAwATYOMDABLTNZGYtYTZINCOwMAHM DAKAEYAAAOmutFf WmgvSLGn... 517
1222!'X175 Re: [PHCA Members] Peacm* Hill - Zorrng Request for a Family... - Miles Davis
no response thus far to any of my queries, so I am addressing the community at
large via this e-mail.
My questions to the PCHA Board and community are:
Should we be engaged in a discussion about this as a community?
Should the PCHA Board be leading the community in this discussion?
The use of a house as a commercial activity with significant traffic seems to
violate Section 7.02 of the PCHA covenants, and likely also Section 7.04.
What should we do about this, in preparation for, and participating in the Board
of Supervisor's meetings?
We have submitted an objection to the County. The County informed us that other
objections were also received, meaning that the County Zoning Department has
no option other than refer the matter to the Board of Supervisors. The text of our
objection is below (with a few minor edits of typographic and grammatical errors):
Ms. Ragsdale,
This letter is written in response to the County's letter dated November 16, 2015,
pertaining to a
zoning request (CLE#2015-231) for the Charlottesville Beautiful Minds (Family
Day Home) located in the Peacock
Hill subdivision, a PUD community. The current zoning ordinance allows for a
Family Day Home for less than five
children in a single-family residence without a zoning permit request, but requires
additional consideration if the
Family Day Home intends to provide care for more than five children. This Zoning
Ordinance was not in place when
Peacock Hill was created and zoned as a PUD, as the Zoning Ordinance was only
implemented in 2013.
The current use of the property as a Family Day Home with 5 or fewer children
(exclusive of the provider's
own children) has been operational this year. We are not opposed to the continued
use of the property under
the zoning ordinance allowing five or fewer children into be cared for in this facility.
We are landowners whose property abuts the property identified in the zoning
Upon notification by the County of the zoning request, we have engaged in
discussions with lawyers, realtors, real estate
managers, and other neighbors in Peacock Hill about the proposed increased use
of this property. We are formally
objecting to this zoning request based on the following concerns:
Daily Round -Trip Traffic
The zoning request as we understand it, would be to allow the Family Day Home
to expand, allowing for the
care for more than five but not more than twelve children under the age of thirteen
As we understand it, the staffing of the facility would need to increase to provide
https:llmgook.live.comlewal#viewmodd=ReadMessageltem8dtemID=AQMkADAwATYOMDABLTt iZGYtYTZINCOwMAHMDAKAEYAAAOmt#TwmguSLGn... 47
1217111015 Re: ]PHCA Members] Peawrk Hili - Zoning Request for a Family... - Miles Davis
Engineer or VDOT, if they deem it necessary, to ensure that the minimum
standards necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare by providing
safe ingress and egress will be met ... for both the family day home as well as for
the residents of Acorn Lane. Compliance requirements for any identified entrance
and access improvements should be a condition of approval of a zoning
clearance, in this circumstance.
Based on all of the above considerations, we (Peter Drenan and Sarah Drenan),
as abutting neighbors to the identified property, object to the
zoning request for the use of the facility as a Family Day Home for more than five
Thank you for your consideration.
Peter Drenan
Sarah Drenan
Members mailing list
hffp:L/just77.-iusthost.com/mailman/listinfo/members oearockhill.ora
Members mailing list
h ://must77.justhost.com/ma' /lis info/members eacockhi r
Members mailing list
http1[j.tist77,justhost.com/mai lm a n/listi nfo/mem berpeacockh i ll.org
ht4)s:IbAook.live.corn/owaNNaiewmodel=ReadMessagel m&ItemiD=AQMkADAwATYOMDABI_TtdZGYtYTZINCOwMA1tMDAKAEYAAAOmu tTWmgvSLGn... 717
12r71C10'15 Fwd Re: [PNCA Members] PaacDc* Hill - Zoning ReWestfar a F... - Miles Davis
Ford: Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zoning Request for a
Family Day Horse
Kristie Davis
Sat 12/19/2015 145 `= F'
To:Miles Davis <milesjd24@hotmail.com>;
--- - - - - - Forwarded message ----------
From: "Rosemary Dowell" <tuturose660(cDgmail.com>
Date: Dec 19, 2015 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: LIPHCA Members] Peacock mill Zoning Request for a Family Day Home
To: "Kristie Davis" <kdsldavis7200grnail.com>
Dear Kristie,
I hope you are having a peaceful holiday season. Just know that you are such lovely, kind and intelligent neighbors!
I only wish I had someone like you in my neighborhood when I did my undergraduate and graduate degree. It was so stressful to
have to seek out safe, excellent child care; having a neighbor to assist me would have been a blessing.
Have a glass of wine and know that this is just a hoop that you are being forced to jump through.
It makes me remember why I took an early retirement! Ha!
Rose Dowell
Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 17, 2015, at 8:29 PM. Kristie Davis <kr1sldavis720@)amail.com> wrote;
To Our Wonderful Neighbors,
As you are aware, during our attempt to obtain state licensure for our existing voluntarily registered family day home,
we've received a few neighbors that are opposed.
I would first and foremost like to stress that we have no Intention of enrolling the mmdmum allowed 12 studerds next
fafi, nor do we plan to provide full days. At this point and time we would lila: to maintain our current five children per
day and possibly add up to three more per day, 9 am to 1 pm, M-TH. We are not a full-time family day home. We feel
the letter distributed by the Albemarle County Zoning Office did not reflect our intentions, rather reflected the
mmdmum figures aflowable under Albemarle County code and Virginia State law. We are attempting to achieve two
primary objectives; obtain state licensure as the next step toward transitioning to a commercial space and keep siblings
of cunw* enrolled students together.
We purchased our Peacock Hill home understanding that a family day home previously operated in this neighborhood
h ipsl/oWcx*.Iive combwaMMewmodd=ReadMessageftam&MMID=AQMkADAwATYOMDABI_TtiZGYtYrZINCOwMAMMDAKAEYAAAom&MmgvSI-Gn... 1/5
12122120'15 Fwd: Re: [PHCA Members] Peamck Hill - Zaning Request for a F... - Miles Davis
and was accepted in this community. Not only was it approved, but it also served many of the families in Peacock Hill
as an established element of the character of this neighborhood.
I have my Master's Degree in Education and taught for Albemarle County Public Schools, The Peabody School and
Millstone of ivy prior to having my own children. I have multiple character letters of recommendation highlighting my
integrity and dedication to my families and our community.
Regardless of my experience and master's degree in teaching, we decided to go through the procedures of State
Voluntary Registration during our first year of opening our school, so parents felt comfortable knowing my husband
and I, along with substitute teachers, have gone through the rigor of Virginia State regulations and requirements to
include but not limited to; unannounced inspections, TB testing, background checks, etc. This was not required for the
number of students we accepted during our first year. As the name suggests, our current state registration is voluntary.
We fully intend to apply that same responsible approach with regard to maintaining the character of this great
neighborhood, for which we hope to make our long-term home. We currently allow five children per day from 9:00 AM
until noon (with the option for extended day until 1 pm on occasion). Again, I have noktfftli=ofbr3nathat> Ive
famt%Fin each day To be frank, exceeding seven or eight children per day is not likely. Without full licensure, I be
forced to ask parents to split up their children. It would be extremely hard for me to ask any of our wonderful families
to leave aur school and/or to split up families because I cannot accept younger siblings.
We're asking for your consideration to allow for three additional children per day. This will allow us to obtain the
capital required to secure a commercial space to continue responsible growth.
My husband and I feel a -mai[ can quickly become negative and at times easily misinterpreted. Several of the concerns
raised are valid and warrant additional dialog. We ask that if you have further concerns or questions about our school
that we meet face to face so we can fully understand the nature of your concerns and perhaps identify a common
We are a mThanoraW fe wly with young chddrlen of our own We are not &yfng to take aW arty peaceful aspect of
our n6ghbodlood but rather offera l wmg raring environment where our neW9w iaddAws can Alam and f mnssk
With Utmost Respect,
Kristie Davis
Charlottesville Beautiful MINDS Preschool, LLC
cvi llebeautifulminds.com
On Dec 16, 2015 6:58 PM, "Peter Drenan" <12eter drenan h o.com> wrote:
To all,
There is a zoning request at the County that is asking whether the neighbors would object to a Family Day Home
(essentially a day care center) to be located or. Acorn Lane, at the very back of the Peacock Hill community. This
hVs:lPoutlook.live.comlowa*Aewmodel=ReadMess<emlD=AQMkADAwATYOMDABLTNZGYtYrZINCOwMAIIMDAKAEYAAAOmutFrWmgvSLGn... 25
12122!2095 Fwd: Re: [PHCA Members] Peacock Hill - Zodng Request for a F... - Miles Davis
Family Day Home has come into existencejust this year, but with a limit of only 5 children. The zoning request is to
allow the facility to grow to as many as 12 children, with a commensurate increase in staffing. The rules for Family
Day Homes were modified in Albemarle just recently (2013), allowing the use of a single-family house for a Family
Day Home for five or fewer children by right (i.e. no approval required). The zoning ordinance allows the facility to
be used for up to 12 children without further approvals, if there are no objections by the neighbors. If objections are
raised, the zoning request is referred to the Board of Supervisors for a decision.
Over the course of the last two weeks, I have called the PCHA manager's office and left an e-mail on the PCNA
website asking if there is any community discussion about this zoning request to allow a Family Day Home. i have
received no response thus far to any of my queries, so I am addressing the community at large via this e-mail.
My questions to the PCHA Board and community are:
Should we be engaged in a discussion about this as a community?
Should the PCHA Board be leading the community in this discussion?
The use of a house as a commercial activity with significant traffic seems to violate Section 7.02 of the PCHA
covenants, and likely also Section 7.04.
What should we do about this, in preparation for, and participating in the Board of Supervisor's meetings?
We have submitted an objection to the County. The County informed us that other objections were also received,
meaning that the County Zoning Department has no option other than refer the matter to the Board of Supervisors.
The text of our objection is below (with a few minor edits of typographic and grammatical errors):
Ms. Ragsdale,
This letter is written in response to the County's letter dated November 16, 2015, pertaining to a
zoning request (CLE#2015-231) for the Charlottesville Beautiful Minds (Family Day Home) located in the Peacock
Hill subdivision, a PUD community. The current zoning ordinance allows for a Family Day Home for less than five
children in a single-family residence without a zoning permit request, but requires additional consideration if the
Family Day Home intends to provide care for more than five children. This Zoning Ordinance was not in place when
Peacock Hill was created and zoned as a PUD, as the Zoning Ordinance was only implemented in 2013.
The current use of the property as a Family Day Home with 5 or fewer children (exclusive of the provider's
own children) has been operational this year. We are not opposed to the continued use of the property under
the zoning ordinance allowing five or fewer children into be cared for in this facility.
We are landowners whose property abuts the property identified in the zoning request.
Upon notification by the County of the zoning request, we have engaged in discussions with lawyers, realtors, real
managers, and other neighbors in Peacock Hill about the proposed increased use of this property. We are formally
objecting to this zoning request based on the following concerns:
Daily Round rip Traffic
The zoning request as we understand it, would be to allow the Family Day Home to expand, allowing for the
care for more than five but not more than twelve children under the age of thirteen (13).
As we understand it, the staffing of the facility would need to increase to provide appropriate coverage for the
operation of the facility and appropriate care of the increased number of children.
Further, as we understand the regulations for Family Day Homes, the number of children refers to the
maximum number of children at the facility at any given time, rather than referring to the total enrollment of
children. This means that if the facility is fully enrolled on any given day and a child is retrieved by the parents at
lunchtime, another child can be scheduled to fill the available opening for that afternoon. Together, the
increased staffing and daily child census at the facility would likely cause additional traffic generated by the family
day home to exceed twenty-four (24) vehicle round trips per day (excluding trips associated with the dwelling unit).
This is in excess of what the County zoning ordinance allows.
Further, this level of daily traffic transforms the nature of this cul-de-sac from a bucolic, wooded rural neighborhood
to a
traffic -density similar to a commercial neighborhood.
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1212212015 Fwd: Re: fPHCA Members] Peacock Hill -Zoning Request for a F... -Miles Davis
Further, since the proposed facility is at the very back of the Peacock Hill subdivision, all of the additional vehicular
traffic will be
traveling the full length of Turkey Ridge Road affecting virtually all of the residences in the neighborhood with the
increased traffic and safety concerns.
Property Values
We have had discussions with our realtor, other area realtors, and our property manager about the impacts of
having a Family Day
Home directly adjacent to our property_ Every person associated with real estate valuations, real estate
assessments, and the impacts on selling or leasing a property next to this type of facility stated that we could expect
see a decrease in our property values. The sale of our property would be inhibited by the noise, traffic, and the
nuisance of having an active 'child care facility' next-door to our house, and that it would be detrimental to all
adjoining properties and it would change the character of the residential community. This would have the impact
of reducing tine marketability of our home, while also reducing the potential sale price of our house. Since our
house is our largest financial investment as we near retirement in the near-term future, laving any reduction of
its potential value is a very concerning consideration for us.
Acorn Lane Roadway Performance Standard
Acorn Lane is not rated as a primary road within Albemarle County - it is not maintained, repaired managed by
Albemarle County.
The road was built to provide adequate roadbed integrity for a limited number of daily vehicles, including the
roadbed, subsurface soils,
drainage and surface materials. Any additional vehicle traffic on this road should not exceed the design rating of the
road as was originally installed.
Further, if the zoning request is approved, any subsecUent repairs, maintenance and servicing of the roadway should
be pro -rated
as to its usage. Any agreement should be required (and negotiated) by the County Zoning Ordinance to address the
physical consideration
of the roadway and its subsequent repairs in a manner commensurate with its use.
On -Street Parking
The children that will be cared for in this potential facility will need to be dropped -off and picked -up daily, requiring
as many as
a dozen vehicles at any one time that will be parkifig on t le shoulders of the roadway. It is not clear by the
County's zoning, permitting ordinances, and codes whether parkipg is allowed on the roadway of Acorn Lane, or
along its shoulders. I ask the County to provide clarifcation of this point.
In addition to the direct concerns of the permitted level of parking allowed, that quantity of parking raises some
additional concerns.
The staff parking plus the parent's parking for pick-ups and drop-offs might require as many as 12-14 cars to be
on or along the small road of Acorn Lane on a daily basis. The entire length of Acorn Lane is only about 275 feet
long and
as narrow as 15 -feet, it is difficult to understand holm this small road will be safely used when each standard parking
space requires an area that is approximately 9 -feet by 20 -feet. The zoning clearance application for this request
should require clear answers to issues regarding parking, including perhaps having County staff conduct an
to confirm adequacy of parking.
Further, beyond the physical limitations of parking spaces, the twice -per -day high -demand parking will likely
lead to parking on the roadway shoulders and/or private property. During wet conditions, the impacts of this
vehicular traffic on unsupported landscaped areas would be to produce ruts and damaged areas adjacent to the
Further still, during wcl/cold condition the motors of vehicles might be left running while the children are being
retrieved from the
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12222015 Fwd: Re: (PHCA Members) Pewjxk Hill - Zoning Requestior a F..,- Miles Danns
facility. This can result in significant concentrations of noxious and dangerous fumes that might contaminate the air
quality and the existing vegetation in the vicinity of Acorn Lane.
When considering the physical limitations of accessing the proposed facility on Acorn Lane and considering the
further restriction of overcrowded drop-off and pick-up activities, the public health, safety and welfare are likely to
be impacted by a significantly curtailed ingress and egress to the facility_ The Zoning Administrator should request
review/approval of an entrance/access by the County Engineer or VDOT, if they deem it necessary, to ensure that
the minimum standards necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare by providing safe ingress and
egress will be met -..for both the family day home as well as for the residents of Acorn Lane. Compliance
requirements for any identified entrance and access improvements should be a condition of approval cf a zoning
clearance, in this circumstance.
Based on all of the above considerations, we (Peter Drenan and Sarah Drenan), as abutting neighbors to the
identified property, object to the
zoning request For the use of the facility as a Family Day Horne for more than five children.
Thank you for your consideration.
Peter Drenan
Sarah Drenan
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