HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA200000020 Plan - Approved 2000-08-08 ,ofAG
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Department of Building Code and Zoning Services
401 McIntire Road,Room 227
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
FAX(804) 972-4126 TELEPHONE(804)296-5832 TTD(804) 972-4012
August 8, 2000 CORRECTED COPY
M.E. Gibson
Tremblay & Smith, L.L.P.
P. O. Box 1585
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: Board of Zoning Appeals Action -Variance Application, VA-2000-020
Tax Map 73, Parcel 31 D
Dear Mr. Gibson:
This letter is to inform you that your variance application, VA-2000-020, was heard by the Albemarle
County Board of Zoning Appeals on July 18, 2000. The Board ruled (4:1) to approve your request subject
to the following conditions:
1. This variance is for the facility described in this file only. Any modification will require new variance
2. A tree conservation plan identifying all trees that have a diameter of six (6) inches or greater
(measured at six (6) inches above ground)within 25 feet of the proposed tower site shall be prepared
by the applicant and submitted with the building permit application for the tower. The plan should
note any trees to be removed to make space for the tower and its appurtenances
drime+rrey.. No trees may be removed for driveway purposes. The existing driveway shall be used to
serve this tower.
3. The cutting of trees within 75 feet of both the existing and the new tower shall be limited to dead trees
and trees of less than six (6) inches in diameter measured at six (6) inches above ground, except
those trees identified on the plans as necessary for the establishment of the towers;
4. Removal of the remaining trees or their limbs shown on either plan is prohibited unless recommended
by an arborist for the health of the tree or required by a public utility.
This approval allows relief from Section 10.4. of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to allow reduction of
the front yard setback from 75 to 15 feet to allow construction of a new 90-foot monopole tower. This
approval was granted with the deletion of the generator pad setback and the inclusion of the tower setback at
15 feet.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sin erely,
Jan Sprinkle
Chief of Zoning Administration
Cc:: VA-2000-20
David C. Weber
Va2000-020 approval.doc
STAFF PERSON: Jan Sprinkle
PUBLIC HEARING: July 18, 2000
OWNER/APPLICANT: David C. Weber, owner; 360° Communications Company of
Charlottesville, d/b/a ALLTEL Communications, Inc.,
TAX MAP/PARCEL: 07300-00-00-031D0
ZONING: RA, Rural Areas and EC, Entrance Corridor
ACREAGE: 30' x 40' lease area within a 10.31 acre parcel
LOCATION: East side of Rt. 708, approximately 0.5 miles north of its
intersection with RT. 637
TECHNICAL REQUEST AND EXPLANATION: The applicant requests relief from
Section 10.4, Area and Bulk Regulations, which requires a front setback of 75 feet on a
thoroughfare state road. A variance of 64 feet is requested to allow a wireless
telecommunications facility consisting of a tower, an equipment cabinet and a generator
pad. The generator pad is proposed to be 11 feet from the property line adjoining Rt.
708 while the ninety-foot wooden pole tower and equipment cabinet will be farther back
but within the 30' x 40' lease area.
[In addition to the underlying zoning district setbacks, Section requires that a
tower be setback a distance equal to its height. Although the Board of Zoning appeals
can reduce the minimum primary structure setbacks required under Section 10.4, the
additional setback required based on the height of the tower under Section •
must be reviewed and acted upon by the Planning Commission. Should the PC fail to
approve that reduction, the applicant could then choose to request a variance from that
section. It will be reviewed as part of the special permit application. This is not before
the BZA presently.]
RELEVANT HISTORY: SP-99-11 and VA-99-10 were approved last year to permit
one existing monopole tower on this parcel. There is a pending special use permit to
allow another tower on the property if this variance is approved. (SP-00-31.)
all requirements of the zoning ordinance. There is nothing about the size or shape or
topography of this parcel to qualify it for a variance. There is no hardship as defined by
the State Code. An unnecessary hardship only exists when the strict application of the
terms of the ordinance would effectively prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the
property or cause a clearly demonstrable hardship approaching confiscation, as
distinguished from a special privilege or convenience sought by the applicant. This
Variance Report, VA 00-20 2 July 18, 2000
parcel has two dwellings and one communications tower facility on it and it receives use
value taxation for its eight acres of agricultural use.
Siting a tower eighteen feet and a generator pad only eleven feet from Rt. 708 will be a
convenience for the applicant. The Board of Supervisors has recognized that siting
towers is very difficult under current regulations. At their direction and with assistance
from consultants, staff has worked to draft the Personal Wireless Service Facilities
Policy. The Planning Commission has considered this draft at work sessions, has
conducted a public hearing on the policy and has offered recommendations. A revised
document incorporating those recommendations will be presented for approval to the
Planning Commission on July 18, 2000. Once the Commission has completed its
review of the policy, they will pass it on to the Board of Supervisors. The public hearing
for adoption has not been scheduled at this time, but is imminent.
If the manual is adopted as it is currently written, this type of tower would be a Tier II
tower (out of three tiers) and would require Planning Commission approval, but not a
special permit from the Board of Supervisors. The proposed policy enables the Planning
Commission to establish setbacks to locate wireless communication facilities. This type
of request would not require any action of the Board of Zoning Appeals.
criteria provided by the applicant and comments by staff follows:
The applicant comments that the variance is necessary:
• The placement of the tower is carefully selected so the tower can provide adequate
coverage while still concealed among the trees. Movement of the facility would
either create a situation of inadequate coverage or would make the tower more
visible. The proposed site allows for adequate coverage and little visibility while
remaining faithful to the objectives of the setback ordinance.
As stated, staff acknowledges that siting towers in Albemarle County under our current
ordinance is difficult. However, staff cannot identify any hardship as described under
the Code of Virginia relating to granting a variance. Reasonable use already exists on
the property.
1. The applicant has not provided evidence that the strict application of the
ordinance would produce undue hardship.
Uniqueness of Hardship
The applicant notes:
• The hardship is created as the result of balancing adequate telecommunications
coverage and low visibility. Such considerations are not applicable to most other
1:IDEPTIBuilding&Zoning\Staff Reports\VA2000-20.doc
Variance Report, VA 00-2C 3 July 18, 2000
uses, but are unique to telecommunications facilities. The proposed facility satisfies
both conditions while preventing undue crowding and minimizing safety concerns.
Staff agrees that tower siting has its own unique hardships, however, the hardship is
one of the use—telecommunications towers—not of the parcel. There is no hardship
related to the land that could be unique. This parcel has plenty of area available without
a variance. All rural area properties must abide by the setbacks of section 10.4.
2. The applicant has not provided evidence that such hardship is not shared
generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same
Impact on Character of the Area
The applicant offers:
• In fact, authorization of the variance is the best way to prevent detriment in that
regard. Without authorization of the variance, the facility would have to be located in
an area where it would be more visible, and therefore have a more substantial
impact on its surroundings. As it is proposed, the facility has little impact because of
its minimal visibility among the trees.
Staff finds that locating another tower on this particular parcel in the area noted will not
change the character of the district if the surrounding trees are protected. The variance
may make it easier for the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors to permit a
tower in an area that will insure the least possible visibility.
3. Therefore, the applicant has provided evidence that the authorization of
such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and
that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since only one of the three criteria has been met, staff
recommends denial. However, should the Board find cause to approve the request,
staff recommends the following conditions:
1. This variance is for the facility described in this file only. Any modification will
require new variance review.
2. A tree conservation plan identifying all trees that have a diameter of six (6) inches or
greater (measured at six (6) inches above ground) within 75 feet of the proposed
tower site shall be prepared by the applicant and submitted with the building permit
application for the tower. The plan should note any trees to be removed to make
space for the tower and its appurtenances. No trees may be removed for driveway
purposes. The existing driveway shall be used to serve this tower.
3. The cutting of trees within 75 feet of both the existing and the new tower shall be
limited to dead trees and trees of less than six (6) inches in diameter measured at
six (6) inches above ground, except those trees identified on the plans as necessary
for the establishment of the towers;
4. Removal of tree limbs of the remaining trees shown on either plan is prohibited
unless recommended by an arborist for the health of the tree or required by a public
I:IDEPT\Building&ZoninglStaff Reports\VA2000-20.doc