HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201400044 Correspondence 2014-06-25 Noy Christopher Perez From: Christopher Perez Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 2:35 PM To: 'L.J. Lopez' Cc: Max Greene; David Benish; Mark Graham; silmanm @charlottesville.org; Graham Murray; Dennis Seale; 'Scott Collins'; Troy Austin Subject: RE: Lochlyn Hill- Revised Limits of Clearing/Grading LJ. The request to modify the entrances for Lots 13 and 14 require an Easement Plat subject to Section 14-208.2. The reason why these entrances require this procedure is be those entrances have a platted shared driveway easement which was associated with the final sub plat for Lochyln Hill. Thus to modify this, you need to vacate that easement. If your Covenants and Restrictions document specifies who is permitted to utilize the alley for access, then it shall also be revised to include these new lots. After an initial glance at that doc, planning staff did not see that your covenants and restrictions went into that much detail and would not need to be revised. The plat shall be submitted to the County for review/approval, and then recorded in the Clerks Office. The application/review fee is $200. Please note that each owner of the lot whose access you are affecting shall sign the easement plat(lot 13 and 14 owners). Below is a link to the application. http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms_center/departments/Community Development/forms/applicatio ns/Easement_Plat &_Checklist.pdf For Lot 21 and Lot 14 to have their accesses switched from Lochyn Hill Lane to the alley, staff does not see this to be a problem, as the required frontage is provided along these lots. You should be advised Planning Staff is reviewing a final site plan for the town home lots submitted by Scott Collins, and the site plan has a note provided which states: "Access easement for lots 22—26 only. No other lots shall access the shared driveway. " which they are referring to the alley/20' access easement. This issue shall be coordinated with the townhomes site plan. Christopher P.Perez 1 Senior Planner Department of Community Development lCounty of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road l Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: L.J. Lopez [mailto:Ilopez @milestonepartners.co] Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 11:41 AM To: Christopher Perez; Troy Austin Cc: Max Greene; David Benish; Mark Graham; silmanm @charlottesville.org; Graham Murray; Dennis Seale Subject: Re: Lochlyn Hill - Revised Limits of Clearing / Grading Chris + Troy: I'll try to address all questions/concerns raised below. 1. Sidewalk—The approved road plan currently shows 5' sidewalk adjacent to curb and gutter from the intersection of Penn Park Lane and Rio heading east along the south side of Penn Park Lane where the Lochlyn Hill Neighborhood starts. The sidewalk transitions in front of the specimen tree and along lots 7+8 to provide for the planting strip, on the approved road plan. In the field it was determined that preservation of the specimen tree would require a retaining wall and a shift of the 5' sidewalk to be adjacent to the curb and a modification of the transition. No where on the approved plan is there an 8' sidewalk adjacent to curb. 2. Crosswalk/ Handicap Ramp—In conjunction with the revision to the sidewalk above, a handicap ramp and crosswalk have been added across Lochlyn Hill Lane at the intersection of Lochlyn Hill Lane and Penn Park Lane. We felt this was 1 'taw Noe an oversight in our original plan as the only crosswalk was at the southern end of Lochlyn Hill Lane. It is my understand that this addition of a crosswalk was also suggested by Dennis Seale when our site contractor applied for their`work in street' permit. 3. Driveway Entrances— Lots 1 and 6 are corner lots and show entrances on the approved plans. These entrances however, may not align exactly with where the builder needs them to for their residential site plan because it is unknown if the garage will be attached or detached to the house. As such, we have poured a straight curb(with no entrance) and will allow the builder to coordinate their entrance with the residential site plan and install the entrance ramp at the time of residential construction. On the approved plan, lots 13 + 14 show a shared driveway easement and entrance on Lochlyn Hill Lane along with Lot 21 showing an entrance onto Lochlyn Hill Lane. We have modified these to the following. Lots 21 + 14 will access from the rear through the alley that connects to the emergency access road and ultimately to Lochlyn Hill Drive. Lot 13 will have a single driveway entrance onto Lochlyn Hill Lane. The request to modify the entrances for Lots 13 and 14 require an Easement Plat subject to Section 14-208.2. The reason why these entrances require this procedure is be those entrances have a platted shared driveway easement which was associated with the final sub plat for Lochyln Hill. Thus to modify this, you need to vacate that easement. If your Covenants and Restrictions specify who is permitted to utilize the alley for access, then it shall also be revised to include these new lots. After an initial glance at that doc,planning staff did not see that your covenants and restrictions went into that much detail and would not need to be revised. The plat shall be submitted to the County for review/ approval, and then recorded in the Clerks Office. The application/review fee is $200. Please note that each owner of the lot whose access you are affecting shall sign the plat(lot 13 and 14 owners). For Lot 21 and Lot 14 to have their accesses switched from Lochyn Hill Lane to the alley, staff does not see this to be a problem, as the required frontage is provided along these lots. You should be advised Planning Staff is reviewing a final site plan for the town home lots submitted by Scott Collins, and the site plan has a note provided which states: "Access easement for lots 22—26 only. No other lots shall access the shared driveway. " which they are referring to the alley/20' access easement. This issue shall be coordinated with the townhomes site plan. Perhaps we can handle these modifications to the road plans with the exhibits currently provided. We will then follow up with the asbuilt drawings as soon as the improvements are completed. Please let me know if you have any further questions and what course of action needs to be taken to approve these revisions. If a meeting is necessary to discuss this further, I am able to meet at your convenience. Best -LJ Louis J. Lopez III 'stone milestone partners 300 2nd Street NE Charlottesville VA 22902 434.245.5803 T 434.409.1005 C 866.948.7684 F 2 NNW *aril c<ir■'*(i,-.N ft r= �i�.�t�r;Fsirf :.t ,.,, ;t's'�tir:�:.; tit,, 10,1 From:Christopher Perez<cperez @albemarle.org> Date:Wednesday,June 25, 2014 at 9:23 AM To:Troy Austin<Nathran.Austin @vdot.virginia.gov>, "L.J. Lopez III" <llopez @milestonepartners.co> Cc: Max Greene<mgreene @albemarle.org>, David Benish<dbenish @albemarle.org>, Mark Graham <mgraham @albemarle.org>, "Silman, Martin"<silmanm @charlottesville.org> Subject: RE: Lochlyn Hill- Revised Limits of Clearing/Grading Troy, I have responded to your questions below in red, and am forwarding your email/this response email to LJ Lopez. From your email below dated 6-25-14 it appears that the tree being saved should be cut down and the plan's sidewalks/landscaping strip need to remain as they were approved per VDOT requirements, as the VDOT requirement for an 8' sidewalk will defeat the purpose of tapering/omiting the landscape strip for that portion of the proposal. Christopher P.Perez'Senior Planner Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road l Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: Austin, Nathran. (VDOT) [mailto:Nathran.Austin@vdot.virginia.gov] Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 8:42 AM To: Max Greene Cc: Christopher Perez Subject: RE: Lochlyn Hill - Revised Limits of Clearing / Grading Max, I have a couple of comments/questions concerning the attached amendment: 1. VDOT allows for sidewalks to be placed adjacent to the curb, however, in those locations,the sidewalk is to be 8' instead of 5' by regs. My understanding from Dennis is that the sidewalk is in per approved plan, so this may not be an issue. I am going to take a look at for myself to see what has been installed. 2. With the reconfiguration of the entrance of Lot 13, how are they proposing to provide access to Lot 14 and Lot 21? This change was never discussed in any of the previous emails and was not reviewed by planning staff. Let me discuss it now: the final plat depicts a shared driveway easement for lots 13 and 14. If the applicant wants to modify this,they need to amend the final subdivision plat. I do not believe this was a requirement of the County to have a shared driveway, rather the applicant volunteered it. About Lot 21,the entrance is depicted on the road plans and that entrance is not changing, and was always entering onto Lochlyn Hill Lane.Also, Lot 6 has an entrance off Lochynl Hill Drive depicted on the road plan. 3. Has any formal changes to the road plan been submitted/approved? I have not seen anything as of yet. It would be best to review the changes prior to them actually being implemented. No changes have come in. Troy Austin, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation Land Development—South Culpeper District P.O. Box 1017 Troy,VA 22974 Phone: (434) 589-5871 3 ..r vii Fax: (434)589-3967 From: Max Greene [mailto:MGreene(dlalbemarle.orq] Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 1:57 PM To: Austin, Nathran. (VDOT) Subject: FW: Lochlyn Hill - Revised Limits of Clearing / Grading FYI From: Christopher Perez Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 1:27 PM To: Max Greene Cc: silmanmCa�charlottesville.orq; Mark Graham; David Benish Subject: RE: Lochlyn Hill - Revised Limits of Clearing / Grading Max, The County has requirements in the subdivision ordinance (see below)that this project have sidewalk and 6' planting strips. I believe the project was originally permitted to have a transitioning landscape strip on lot 7 and portion of lot 8 as permitted in Section 14-22D because the existing road has no landscape strip, and it felt appropriate to soften the landscape strip block into the site. I believe you could transition it down even further under that same section as you have proposed on the plan to avoid the tree which is to be preserved; however, I don't think it is a good idea to have a jag in the sidewalk as proposed. I'm hesitant to give up any more of the required 6' landscape strip. Please note that there was no requirement for that tree to be saved/preserved; rather, the applicant volunteered to have it preserved on the road plan. I believe that if they propose to cut the preserved tree down, the road plan should be revised to depict this. If they modify the sidewalk and landscape strip the road plan should be revised. Sections of Albemarle County Subdivision Ordinance Sec. 14-410. H. Curb, curb and gutter, sidewalks and planting strips. In the development areas,streets shall be constructed with curb or curb and gutter, sidewalks and planting strips. Sidewalks and planting strips shall designed and constructed in compliance with section 14-422. Sec. 14-422 Sidewalks and planting strips. Sidewalks and planting strips shall be provided as follows: A.Requirement. Sidewalks and planting strips for street trees and other vegetation shall be established on both sides of each new street within a subdivision creating lots for single family detached and single family attached dwellings in the development areas. B.Sidewalk design. Each sidewalk proposed to be accepted for maintenance by the Virginia Department of Transportation shall be designed and constructed according to Virginia Department of Transportation standards or to the standards in the design standards manual, whichever is greater. Each sidewalk proposed to be privately maintained shall be constructed using concrete,designed so that no concentrated water flow runs over them,and otherwise satisfy the standards in the design standards manual. The agent may allow privately maintained sidewalks to be a 10-foot multi-use asphalt path in unique circumstances such as a path leading to a school or major employment center. The asphalt path generally shall run parallel to the street and shall be constructed to a standard deemed adequate by the county engineer to be equivalent to or greater than the applicable standard in the design standards manual,so as to adequately protect the public health,safety or welfare. Sec. 14-422 D.Planting strip design. Each planting strip shall be a minimum of six(6)feet in width except that the minimum width may be less in areas of transition between rural cross-section and urban cross-section streets. On an urban cross-section street,the planting strip shall be located between the curb and the sidewalk. The planting strip shall be located between the paved travelway and the sidewalk. Christopher P. Perez Senior Planner Department of Community Development iCounty of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road l Charlottesville,VA 22902 4 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: Max Greene Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 12:34 PM To: Christopher Perez Cc: silmanmftcharlottesville.orq Subject: FW: Lochlyn Hill - Revised Limits of Clearing / Grading Importance: High Chris, Is the sidewalk being moved to the edge of pavement an issue for Planning? They are getting rid of the 6' planting strip near the tree. Not sure why they are moving it for the entire length... Thanks, Max From: Mark Graham Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 12:16 PM To: silmanm@acharlottesville.orq; Max Greene; Glenn Brooks Subject: FW: Lochlyn Hill - Revised Limits of Clearing / Grading Importance: High Marty, Thanks for the heads up. I'm pushing this on to Max Greene,who reviewed the road and drainage plans, noting this moves some sidewalk and may affect a couple of the drainage inlets on the plan. Max will let you know if he sees any issues with it. Thanks, Mark From: Silman, Martin [mailto:silmanm@acharlottesville.orq] Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 12:07 PM To: Mark Graham Subject: FW: Lochlyn Hill - Revised Limits of Clearing / Grading Importance: High Mark, obviously the E&S component of this is on us, but does Albemarle County need/want to weigh in on the proposed changes? Do they need to be submitted to the County? Also, I understand that footers have been poured for at least one lot but we haven't issued any Agreements-in-lieu of plan yet. I thought no building permits were to be issued until the Agreement-in-lieu of plan was acquired? Thanks, Marty Silman 434-970-3991 From: L.J. Lopez [mailto:Ilopez(amilestonepartners.co] Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 10:03 AM To: Silman, Martin Cc: Graham Murray 5 Subject: Lochlyn Hill - Revised Limits of Clearing / Grading Importance: High Marty: Please find attached an exhibit demonstrating the proposed revisions to clearing limits and grading for Lochlyn Hill. We are requesting this for two primary reasons: 1. When the builders construct the homes on these lots, they will be clearing these lots to the rear setback in order to build their house and detached garages. It makes more sense for us to do it now, comprehensively than to have each individual builder clear on their own. 2. The road to lot elevation shown on the original plan looked fine on paper, but in reality the condition creates a cavernous road. With the revised grading, we can improve the first floor to sidewalk relationship. Here again, the builder would likely fix this condition during their construction, but makes more sense for us to complete the work comprehensively. Please let either Graham or I know if you have any questions and we will do our best to answer. Thanks in advance for your consideration on this matter. Best -LJ Louis J. Lopez Ill stone milestone partners 300 2nd Street NE Charlottesville VA 22902 434.245.5803 T 434.409.1005 c 866.948.7684 F 6 COLLINS Now 200 GARRETT ST, SUITE K CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 434.293.3719 PH 434.293.2813 EX www.collins-engineering.corn June 26, 2014 Christopher Perez ®6`� Senior Planner County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: SDP-201400044 Lochlyn Hill—Final Site Plan Phase IB Dear Chris: Thank you for your comments dated June 18, 2014. Revised plans are hereby submitted incorporating the following changes in response to the items in your letter: Albem County Division of Planning . The reference to the zoning ordinance has been added to the setback note on the cover sheet._ 2,.,-11------ n opaque fence minimum 4' tall has been included on the plan sheet (3). The fence and evergreen trees have been modified as well as the landscaping easement to allow access .from Lots 14 and 21 to the alley. The landscaping easement is proposed to be amended with this plan. 4 e note on sheet 3 has been revised to include Lots 14, 21, and 22-26 with access to the alley. 5. All phase IB plantings have been included to meet the minimum coverage. 6. The Leyland cypress tree canopy value has been updated from 50 sf to 23 sf. 7. Parking signs delineating the guest spaces are now included on the plans, consistent with the approved Phase IA and IB Road and Utility plans. 8. The Lochlyn Hill Drive approved typical street sections have been added to the plan. 9. The required and proposed parking calculations have been provided on the cover sheet. 10. The dwelling unit types have been added to the use section of the notes on the cover sheet. 11. The ownership has been revised. 12. The signature panel has been updated on the cover sheet. 13. The project number has been included on the cover sheet. 14. The applicant acknowledges this requirement. 15. The applicant acknowledges this requirement. ACSA 1. The applicant will provide phase 1 as-builts as required by ACSA. Please contact me if you have any questions or require any further information. Sincerely, Scott Collins, PE Christopher Perez From: Christopher Perez Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 9:40 AM To: 'Kaitlyn Kostelec Walthall' Subject: RE: Lochlyn Hill Phase IB <ia Attachments: Email from LJ_7-31-14.pdf � �c� Kaitlyn, SDP2014-44 Lochyln Hill Final Site Plan Final copies of the site plan for signatures has not been submitted by the applicant. There was one outstanding item to be added to the plan, a note to address VDOT and Planning concerns about the trees in the sight distance. LI authorized the note to be added to the plans (see attached email), but after that email staff saw no resubmittal. Being it is such a minor change,provide it on the plans for signatures. Once its added, assure that the plans are signed by Scott Collins and are ready for County approval. For signatures the applicant is required to submit four(4)print copies of the plan. One (1) copy is retained by the Planner for the file,two (2) copies are passed on to Zoning, and one (1) copy is returned to the applicant. If you want additional copies,please provide additional copies for signature. Christopher P.Perez j Senior P1a er Department of Community Develop County of Albemarle.Virginia 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 q I Qif From: Kaitlyn Kostelec Walthall [mailto:kaitlyn(acollins-engineering.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 8:27 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: Lochlyn Hill Phase IB (1) Chris, v L. Have the Lochlyn Hill Phase IB plans been signed? The owner has asked us to follow up today. Kaitlyn Kaitlyn Kostelec Walthall,PE LEED AP BD+C Project Manager Collins Engineering,Inc. 1400 Key Boulevard Suite 100 Arlington,VA 22209 PI-I:434.327.6528 1 '411111, NNW' Christopher Perez From: L.J. Lopez[Ilopez @milestonepartners.co] Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 3:07 PM To: Christopher Perez; Scott Collins Cc: Troy Austin; Kirk Hughes; Graham Murray Subject: Re: SDP2014-44 (Lochyln Hill Final Site Plan) Scott: Please proceed with the changes as requested by Chris. Appears that a few simple notes will address the comments. Once the PDF is approved, please followup with hardcopies of the site plan for approval. -LJ Louis J. Lopez Ill . Stone milestone partners 300 2nd Street NE Charlottesville VA 22902 434.245.5803 T 434.409.1005 c 866.948.7684 F P!e:`.se car;:a»-!:hs-en irenmer, j"t r;rltfr ":'.w e-mai From:Christopher Perez<cperez@albemarle.org> Date:Thursday,July 31,2014 at 2:50 PM To: "L.J. Lopez Ill"<Ilopez @milestoneoartners.co>,Scott Collins<scott @collins-engineering.com> Cc:Troy Austin<Nathran.Austin a( vdot.virginia.gov>, Kirk Hughes<kirk@ khals.net> Subject:SDP2014-44(Lochyln Hill Final Site Plan) L1/ Scott, Attached is VDOT's comment on SDP20I4-44 (Lochyln Hill Final Site Plan). It appears VDOT is ok with the trees in the sight distance easement as long as they are Limbed to a height of 6' above finish grade. i On the landscape plan provide information that staff can use to verify this requirement will he met at time of planting: ie, plant height at time of planting. These plantings should be larger than 6" at the time of planting to accommodate this requirement without killing the tree. ll9):17on'7.the landscape plan provide a note that reads something to the affect: "These three (3) ver Birch and two (2) Red Oaks which are in sight distance easements are to he limbed to a height of 6' above finish grade. A PDF resubmittal of the landscape sheet to Planning shall be fine to assure the above is met. If the applicant does not want to comply with the above, relocate these 5 trees out of the sight distance easement and in a more appropriate location. Christopher P. Pereil Senior Planner Department of Community Development ICounty of Albemarle.Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: Christopher Perez Sent: Wednesday,July 30, 2014 5:45 PM To: Kirk Hughes; TL.J. Lopez' Cc: Scott Collins; Troy Austin Subject: SUB2014-109 (easement plat) LJ/ Kirk, Attached is VDOT's comment on SUB2014-109 (Lochyln Hill Easement Plat), it appears he has one comment to address (#2). After reviewing his comment letter, I also support his finding that the 20' easement should be extended to serve Lot 14. This is primarily to assure Lot 14 can access and maintain their complete driveway from this alley and that Lot 19 cannot cause any trouble from that happening. Attached is a visual of what we're talking about: "EXAMPLE". Also, when this is done assure the owner of lot 19 is added to the plat as a signature: Dickerson Homes and Development, LLC. Christopher P.Perez Senior Planner Department of Community Development'County of Albemarle.Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: L.J. Lopez [mailtodlopezmilestonepartners.co] Sent: Monday, July 28, 2014 2:49 PM To: Christopher Perez Cc: Scott Collins; Kirk Hughes; Troy Austin Subject: Re: SDP201400044: Lochlyn Hill - Final Site Plan &SUB2014-109 (easement plat) Chris: Thanks. Will wait to hear back from Troy on the site plan and easement plat. Rob will be providing modifications via pdf for your final review. Let us know when approved and we will submit for signatures. 2 w -LJ Louis J. Lopez III 'stone milestone partners 300 2nd Street NE Charlottesville VA 22902 434.245.5803-r 434.409.1005 c 866,948.7684 F y,- I>;E:::. •)r.:.;er°DOE:eny'rormeW before er£n1 r3c rn£> From:Christopher Perez<cperez @atbemarle.org> Date:Monday,July 28,2014 at 10:57 AM To: "L.J. Lopez Ill"<Ilooez @milestonepartners.co> Cc:Scott Collins<scott @collins-engineering.com>, Kirk Hughes<kirk @khals.net>,Troy Austin <Nathran.Austin@vdot.virginia.eov> Subject:SDP201400044: Lochlyn Hill-Final Site Plan &SUB2014-109(easement plat) U , See my comments/responses below in red. Christopher 4'. Perehl Senior Planner Department of Community Development'County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: L.J. Lopez [mailto:llopez(amilestoneuartners.co] Sent: Friday,July 25, 2014 12:23 PM To: Christopher Perez; Scott Collins Subject: Re: SDP201400044: Lochlyn Hill - Final Site Plan Chris: Thanks for the final site plan review and providing comments. It is my understanding that trees have been allowed in sight distance easements so long as they are limbed up to a height of 6'from the ground. The sight distance easements are VDOT's realm, thus it will be up to VDOT to approve the location of those trees in these easements. Once I get their review of the plan I will forward it to you. Troy is back from vacation and that plan's review on his radar. Hopefully this is still the case and there is no further coordination issue with tree locations and sight distance easements. 3 Auw Also, do you have a status on the shared driveway easement plat vacation?I've conducted my review and have attached the comment letter for SUB2014-109 (also available in Countyview). I do not need a true resubmittal to move forward with this, a PDF will suffice for such minor modifications. Scott: Is that your understanding as well? -LJ Louis J. Lopez Ill Stone From:Christopher Perez<cperez( albemarle.org> Date:Thursday,July 24,2014 at 5:09 PM To:Scott Collins<scott @collins-engineering.com> Cc: "Li. Lopez Ill"<Ilopez @milestonepartners.co> Subject: RE:SDP201400044: Lochlyn Hill-Final Site Plan Scott, SDP2014-44 for Lochlyn Hill final site plan Attached are the comments to the above noted plan. The only issue I see floating around deals with the proposed landscaping as depicted on the latest revision, which appears to be in conflict w/the sight distance lines required by VDOT. I'm awaiting VDOT's review but will forward it to you asap. Otherwise 1 have received all other approvals. Thanks C'hristophaer P.Perez'Senior Planner Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road'Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 4