HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201400052 Review Comments 2013-08-19 (Nave
Cynthia C.Romero,Mll,FAAFP
State health Commissioner
Lexington,VA 24450
Phone: 540-463-7136
John J.Aulbach II,PE
Lexington Field Office Fax: 540-463-3892
Director,Office of Drinking Water
August 19,2013
SUBJECT: Albemarle County
Mr. William McKechnie
119 Rothery Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Dear Mr. McKechnie:
This letter refers to my July 3, 2013, inspection of a well site to potentially serve a proposed waterworks in Albemarle County,
Virginia. In accordance with §I2VAC5-590-280 of the Commonwealth of Virginia Waterworks Regulations, the proposed well
site is tentatively approved by this Department for the construction of a well to be utilized as a public drinking water supply,
subject to the following conditions:
Proposed Well Site No. 1
City/County: Albemarle County
Latitude: N 38.06217°
Longitude: W 78.64859°
Marked: Unmarked, adjacent to existing well of unknown construction. See attached.
Well Construction Class: Class H B(Minimum 50 feet of casing and grouting).
August 18, 2014. If drilling of the well has not commenced by this date,re-inspection of the well
Approval Expiration Date: . .
site will be required.
Shall be sited minimum of 10 feet from building foundation and minimum 10 feet from US
Route 250. Minimum distance of 50 feet between the well and all potential sources of
The well lot must be graded as necessary to divert surface run-off from the well and to
prevent ponding on the well lot.
Well Lot Characteristics:
The well lot must be served by an all-weather access road.
The entirety of the well lot must be located higher than the 100-year flood elevation.
Use cement mortar grout with a maximum 6% bentonite, in accordance with Waterworks
Grouting: Regulations. Notify this office of the date and time that the well will be grouted. Provide this
information as soon as possible so that a member of our staff may be present during grouting.
Protecting You and Your Fnvironment
Mr. VViUiamMoKcohoi«
Page 2u[3
SUBJECT: Albemarle County
} A yield and drawdown test must be run for at least lQ hours. We recommend the pumping rate
be controlled throughout the test to maximize the production from the well and to produce a
Yield and Druwdowo7eut stabilized pump water level for at least the last six hours o[the yield test. Immediately following
Duration: the yield and druwdowutest the water level recovery in the well should be recorded for no less
than 6 hours or until the well returns to its static water level, whichever occurs first If water
discharge d�ncha� into streams during pumping tests, please contact the Department of
Environmental Quality Northern Regional Office to determine if a discharge permit is required.
A series of twenty bacteriological samples must be collected from the well discharge and
submitted to a certified laboratory (DCLS or private laboratory) in order to determine the
bacteriological quality of the raw groundwater. One bacteriological sample must be collected
every 30 minutes or more during the last part test. These yump\eomuutbeuoulyaod
by the total coliform and E. coli Most Probable Number(MPN)test method.
Required Bacteriological — --
and Chemical Sampling: Water samples must be collected to analyze for cyanide, nitrates/nitrites, inorganic uhonuicab
metals, radiological, and volatile organic chemicals. The chemical samples should be collected
near the�
The wellhead area does not appear to be vulnerable to synthetic organic chemicals (SOCs). You
will not be required to take developmental samples for SOCs.
Well Completion Report(3W2).
Well yield and drawdown test results.
Results of requited bacteriological and chemical sampling.
Submittals Required Prior Preliminary engineering repnrt. --
to Issuance of
Construction Permit: Construction permit application(for completion of the well installation/waterworks).
Final construction plans and specifications prepared by a professional engineer licensed in
Virginia, including recorded plat of the well lot,and a recorded dedication document for the well
lot. The dedication document shall clearly state that the well lot will be used only for the
waterworks appurtenances as long as the lot is being used as part of the waterworks.
Upon receipt of the required documentation and after plans and specifications have been approved, a construction permit or
permits will be issued by the State Health Commissioner in accordance with § \2V&C5-592]O of the Waterworks Construction of the waterworks facilities shall not be started until the construction permit has been issued.
All water well drillers are required to be licensed by the State Board for Contractors. You may contact the State Board for
Contractors,Vi iuiaDepartme/¢nyProfeaojoouJund0ocopu1iona} }logu}uzion,g960K4uylundDrive Suite Richmond, VA
23233 (804867-851l)tod��*rmiooifu well dzJ)eris licensed. Drive, 400, `
Mr. William McKechnie
Page 3 of 3
SUBJECT: Albemarle County
If you have any questions,please contact me at 540-463-0424.
StevtKI.Kvech, P.E.
District Engineer
SJK/kl/t 30819_5
cc/w End VDH ODW—Richmond Central
Mr. Todd A. Beach,DEQ OSGWSP/Groundwater Characterization
CC Albemarle County Executive, Mr. Thomas Foley
Albemarle County Health Department—Attn: Dr. Lillian Peake, MD,MPH
VDH—ODW—Richmond Central
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Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434) 972-4126
April 22, 2013
Pete Caramanis
Royer, Caramanis & McDonough, PLC
200-C Garrett St.
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Re: Official Zoning Determination (LOD 2012-005) Mechums Trestle, LLC (Tax Map 57,
Parcel 31A}—Determination on "Nonconforming Parking Lot"
Dear Pete,
This is in response to your letter of determination request dated June 22nd. Your letter asked
for a finding in three areas: setbacks, nonconforming parking and requirement for site plan
approval. My letter dated July 10, 2012 is a final determination with regards to setbacks and the
requirement for site plan approval.
The determination about the "nonconforming parking lot"was made in the July 10th letter and
was later revoked with a September 10th letter. This is a determination under the Zoning
Ordinance and does not constitute a finding under the Water Protection Ordinance or other
regulations that I do not administer. The parking nonconformity addressed herein relates to the
parking setback and not to the design and construction standards for the parking lot.
Nonconforming Parking Lot
As stated in my joint 2005 determination letter with Jack Kelsey (and originally from the letter
dated May 11, 2004), "for the evaluation of parking setback nonconformity when parking is a
permitted use, a parking lot is most similar to a nonconforming accessory structure." The 2005
determination confirmed the presence of parking in this area prior to the 1997 approval of the
site plan (SDP 96-051 Café No Problem)which expired on October 8, 2002. The Mechums
River Farmers Market site plan (SDP 2001-054)was approved on October 4, 2001. The
Wayside Stand plan (SDP 2004-71)was approved by letter from Bill Fritz dated September 29,
2004 (attachment A).
The Wayside Stand use began and onsite accessory parking served the use. This plan has not
expired. This plan was approved with a condition which limited the location of parking to the
"red shaded area shown on the attached plan." The letter further states that the parking limit
was determined by Glenn Brooks based on a field visit to ascertain the extent of nonconforming
parking area. A more recent plan with the Mechums River and buffer is provided in attachment
B. The area in red (the line between the two other lines) corresponds with the 50 ft.
encroachment of the buffer and with the"red shaded area"from the Wayside Stand site plan.
There are approximately three or four parking spaces outside of the 50 ft encroachment and
closer to the river. These spaces are not found to be legally nonconforming because they were
Page 2
LOD 2012-005) Mechums Trestle, LLC—Nonconforming Parking Lot
April 22, 2013
not approved by the most recent approved and commenced site plan.
This nonconforming parking use has continued. As part of my travels between work and home,
I regularly observe parking (of both private and public vehicles) on this property. Vehicle
parking onsite is visible from both the google street view for this property and the 2007 aerial
photos maintained by the County Geographic Information System. While some minor
maintenance has been done, the parking area has been maintained in the then-structural
§6.3 G "Nonconforming Structures" states:
G. Discontinuance of use of nonconforming structure. Use of a nonconforming
structure shall be discontinued, and the structure shall thereafter comply with the
regulations set forth in this chapter applicable to the district in which the structure
is located, if the occupation or use is discontinued for more than two(2)years,
regardless of whether the prior occupancy or use of the structure was continuous
or seasonal. The two(2)-year period shall be tolled during any periods during
which the owner diligently and in good faith pursues obtaining an occupant or
use for the structure and during the period during which the owner diligently and
in good faith extends, enlarges, repairs, reconstructs or alters a structure as
authorized in this section 6.3.
As evidenced by the spreadsheet you have provided, the property owners have continued to
diligently and in good faith pursue obtaining an occupant or use for the structure. Marketing has
continued during the entire period from 2005 through today. At least five (5) separate actions
have been taken towards either agency approval or construction and design of a use on this
property. In addition, the owners have communicated with 13 different business prospects for
this site.
In summary, the parking area on the subject property that is beyond the 50ft buffer from the
Mechums River is legally nonconforming to parking setbacks. It is an approved accessory use
on the property based on two different site plan approvals. It has continued in essentially the
same use and a similar structural condition. It has not discontinued for more than two years
based on the diligent and good faith efforts to obtain an occupant or use the site. As long as the
nonconforming accessory parking use is maintained, it may serve a future new primary use.
If you are aggrieved by this determination, you have a right to appeal it within thirty (30) days
of this notice, in accordance with Virginia Code§ 15.2-2311. If you do not file a timely appeal,
this determination shall be final and unappealable.
An appeal may be taken only by filing an appeal application with the Zoning Administrator and
the Board of Zoning Appeals, in accordance with §34.3 of the Zoning Ordinance, along with a
fee of$240 plus the actual cost of advertising the appeal for public hearing.
Applications for Appeal of the Zoning Administrator's Determination are available at the
Department of Community Development located at 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia
22902 or online at www.albemarle.org/cdapps. This form applies to the appeal of a decision of
the zoning administrator or any other administrative officer pertaining to the Zoning Ordinance.
Page 3
LOD 2012-005) Mechums Trestle, LLC—Nonconforming Parking Lot
April 22, 2013
Regulations pertaining to the filing of an appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals are located in
Chapter 18, Section 34.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. They may be reviewed online at
www.albemarle.orq/cou ntycodebza.
(Please note that our online documents are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format and must be viewed
with the Adobe Acrobat Reader or an equivalent. A link to download the free plug-in is available
at the bottom of www.albemarle.orq/cdapps.)
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
(2iyat, itise
Amelia G. McCulley, A.I.C.P.
Zoning Adminstrator
Attachment A—Action Letter for SDP 2004-071 Mechum's Trestle Wayside Stand
'f ., 400,-6‘441 ( o r A
I;ii '.
w � '
Department of Community Development
401Mclntire Road,Room 227
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126
• September 29,2004
Mechum's Trestle LLC
99 Bloomfield Road
Charlottesville,VA 22903
RE:SDP 2004—71 Mechum's Trestle Wayside Stand
Dear Sirs:
I have reviewed the plan submitted for a wayside stand on property located at the intersection of Routes 250/240/680. The
plan indicates a small stand area near Route 240 and use of all the parking areas shown on the previously approved,but
now expired,Caf6 No Problem site plan. I cannot approve the plan as submitted but can approve it with the following
1. Parking is permitted only in the red shaded area shown on the attached plan.
This site is largely included within the Stream Buffer required by the Water Protection Ordinance,17-317B. Generally no
activity is permitted within the stream buffer. However some impact on the stream buffer is permitted based on Section
Sec.17-321 which states in part:
Types of development which may be allowed in stream buffer by program authority.
Development in a stream buffer may be authorized by the program authority in the circumstances
described below,provided that a mitigation plan is submitted to,and approved,by the program authority
pursuant to section 17-322:
3.on a lot which:(a)is located within a water supply protection area;or(b)was of record
on or after the date of adoption offing chapter and is located within other rural land:within the fifty(50)
horizontal feet of stream buffer that is the most landward,but only for stormwater conveyance channels or
other necessary infrastructure,and only if such development is determined by the program authority to be
necessary to allow a reasonable use of the lot.In all cases under this paragraph,the building site and the
sewage disposal system shall be located outside of the stream buffer;
5,on a lot on which the development in the stream buffer will consist of the construction
and maintenance of a driveway or roadway,and the program authority determines that the stream buffer
would prohibit reasonable access to a portion of the lot which is necessary for the owner to have a
reasonable use of the lot;
Glenn Brooks,who may act as the program authority,has field visited the site and determined the limits of the buffer and
it is this information that was used to determine where the parking may be approved. In making his determination staff
has used the location of trees on site which appear to be older than 6 years to determine the extent of any non-conforming
parking area for purposes of the Water Protection Ordinance. (The Water Protection Ordinance was adopted in August
As provided for by the Water Protection Ordinance,you may appeal the decision regarding the limits of the buffer to the
County Engineer,Jack Kelsey and then to the Board of Supervisors.(Reference Section 17-311)
If you have any questions regarding this letter please feel free to contact me.
Sincerel ,
William D.Fritz,AICP
Chief of Current Development
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