HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201400045 Correspondence 2014-06-06 `r' v✓ rs ∎c'►°'s 4:)4. I Dominion 172 South Pantops Drive d y to •. Engineering Charlottesville, VA 22911 4 434.979.8121 (p) ",�?* .. ( 1 434.979.1681 (f) e, DominionEng.com June 6, 2014 Ms. Amelia McCulley Director of Zoning/Zoning Administrator Zoning &Current Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: Major Site Plan Amendment—Tip Top Restaurant Parking Expansion Parking Determination Request Dear Amelia, In accordance with Z.O.4.12.2(c),the developer is respectfully requesting a parking determination to increase the maximum off-street parking spaces allowed on the subject site to 19 spaces above the maximum allowed under Z.O.4.12.4(a)for a total of 102 spaces provided as shown on the accompanying Major Site Plan Amendment. The following information is being provided in support of the developer's request: (i) a calculation of the number of off-street parking spaces required by section 4.12.6; taken from Z.O.4.12.6- Restaurant use: Thirteen (13) spaces per one thousand(1,000)square feet of gross floor area including areas for accessory dancing. Drive-through lanes serving restaurants shall provide a minimum of five(5)stacking spaces that shall not impede any required parking or loading spaces or any pedestrian or vehicular circulation aisles. The five (5) stacking spaces shall be provided at the order board and additional spaces may be provided at the payment or pick-up windows. (Added 2-5-03) Parking spaces required: 13 spaces per 1,000 sf of gross floor area. Gross floor area=5,247 sf(includes 230-sf outdoor patio) 5,247 sf/1000 sf*13 spaces/1,000 sf= 68 spaces Maximum Parking Spaces allowed per Z.O.4.12.4(a): taken from Z.O.4.12.4(a)- Maximum number of spaces. The number of parking spaces in a parking area may not exceed the number of spaces required by this section by more than twenty (20)percent. Maximum Parking Spaces= 68 x 1.2=82 spaces Proposed Parking Spaces= 101 spaces,which is 19 spaces over the maximum. Therefore,this request is to allow 19 spaces above the maximum allowed. (ii) the total square footage of all uses within the existing and proposed development and the square footage devoted to each type of use therein; The proposed restaurant use is the only use on the property and is comprised of 5,247 sf of gross floor area,which includes a 230-sf outdoor patio space. (iii) trip generation rates expected for the uses within the existing and proposed development; Page 1 of 3 Niue °lase et c.o,a° Dominion 172 South Pantops Drive Engineering Charlottesville, VA 22911 434.979.8121 (p) 1,.% sum— 434.979.1681 (f) oe,s s DominionEng.com After development,there is no anticipated increase in traffic since the Institute of Transportation Engineers(ITE)Trip Generation manual bases trips on the restaurant square footage or the number of seats. Trip Generation expected for existing and proposed development: From the ITE Trip Generation Manual,7th edition for Use 932—High Turnover(Sit Down) Restaurant, (p. 1728) peak daily trips occur on a Saturday at a rate of 158 trips per 1,000-sf, or 829 vehicles per day, and the peak hour generator of 20 trips per hour per 1,000-sf is 105 vehicles per hour. (iv) data pertaining to a similar use or uses and the associated parking needs; The Red Robin site near the Potomac Mills Mall in Woodbridge, Virginia is a 5,800-sf restaurant and has a parking lot with 136 parking spaces. This use is also a high-volume, high turnover sit-down restaurant. Using a ratio of the square footages of the Red Robin restaurant to Tip-Top translates into 114 parking spaces maximum for Tip Top,which is above the 102 total spaces being requested. (v) the developer's plan to provide alternative solutions to off-street parking on the lot; The alternate solutions are as follows: a) obtain a shared parking agreement with the adjacent uses. This is economically and practically infeasible since the neighboring Free Bridge Auto and Car Max dealerships are currently maxed out on parking, and there is no palpable down time of either use. b) Purchase an offsite satellite parking lot and provide shuttle service. This is economically infeasible and impractical for a high turnover restaurant use. c) Mandate mandatory carpooling of employees and use of public transit. This is also not feasible since there are not adequate pedestrian or public transit facilities to serve the current employees. Also, this would not have an appreciable impact on parking requirements. None of the proposed alternate solutions are feasible. (vi) the developer's plan to provide incentives for employees to use transportation modes other than single- occupancy motor vehicles; and Refer to (v)c above. (vii) an amended site plan, The developer has submitted a major site plan amendment with this parking determination request. Page 2 of 3 �eeot5 co'4ae� "A Dominion 172 South Pantops Drive v h mr: \ Engineering Charlottesville, VA 22911 434.979.8121 (p) ",. e , 434.979.1681 (f) s DominionEng.com We thank you for taking the time to review this parking determination request and look forward to your review. Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Very truly yours, r.Micnael Myers, P.E., C.F.M. Attachments Cc: Katurah Roell Page 3 of 3