HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201400050 Review Comments 2014-12-04Short Review Comments Report for:
SubApplication Type:
Acme Stove & Fireplace Center - Final
Final Site Development Plan
Date Completed:12/04/2014
Reviewer:Max Greene Engineering
Review Status:No Objection
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:07/10/2014
Reviewer:Jay Schlothauer Inspections
Review Status:No Objection
Reviews Comments:Based on plans dated July 7, 2014.
No comments or conditions.
Date Completed:07/24/2014
Reviewer:Margaret Maliszewski ARB
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:ARB 8/18/2014 action:
Motion: Mr. Lebo moved for approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness for ARB-2014-90: Acme
Stove and Fireplace Center with the conditions listed in the staff report, as follows:
1. Indicate the tower entrances on the site plan.
2. Coordinate the sidewalk location with the tower entrance.
3. Provide detail drawings for the trellis and canopies. With specification of material that has proven
to perform successfully in an exterior application over an extended period of time.
4. Add window glass notes to the architectural drawings showing that visible light transmittance (VLT)
shall not drop below 40% and visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 30%.
5. Provide a detail for the dumpster screening wall and identify the wall materials.
6. Increase the height of the equipment screening shrubs to fully screen the equipment at planting.
7. Add the standard mechanical equipment note to the architectural drawings. “Visibility of all
mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated.”
8. Provide a lighting plan including all site and exterior building lighting for review.
9. Correct the lighting note on the cover sheet to include the standard language: “Each outdoor
luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire
and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away
from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in
residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one-half footcandle.”
10. Revise the IG and IC shrub heights to 24” minimum at planting.
11. Revise the design of the signs on the tower to include a more restrained palette that is consistent
with the architecture of the building.
Mr. Missel seconded the motion.
The motion carried by a vote of 4:0.
Date Completed:07/10/2014
Reviewer:Andrew Slack E911
Review Status:Approved
Reviews Comments:Approved.
Date Completed:07/23/2014
Reviewer:Alexander Morrison ACSADivision:
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Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:07/24/2014
Reviewer:Max Greene Engineering
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:08/05/2014
Reviewer:Troy Austin VDOT
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:08/01/2014
Reviewer:Christopher Perez CD
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:07/17/2014
Reviewer:Robbie Gilmer Fire Rescue
Review Status:No Objection
Reviews Comments:Based on plans 7/7/14
No comments or objections
Date Completed:09/05/2014
Reviewer:Christopher Perez CD
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:09/11/2014
Reviewer:Troy Austin VDOT
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:09/09/2014
Reviewer:Margaret Maliszewski ARB
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:The ARB approved the Acme Stove plan with conditions on 8/18/2014. Two major changes are
shown on the site plan with revision date of 8/25/14 that were not included in the version of the plan
reviewed by the ARB: 1) The property line along Seminole Lane has changed and the frontage trees
are now proposed off-site; and 2) The size and shape of the corner entry tower have changed. As
indicated in the ARB action letter sent as a follow-up to the 8/18/14 meeting, the applicant is required
to submit 2 full sets of revised drawings addressing each of the ARB’s conditions, together with a
memo of detailed responses indicating how each condition has been satisfied. That resubmittal
should also address the two changes to the proposal illustrated on the 8/25 plans (and any other
changes not requested by the ARB). Prior to receiving a Certificate of Appropriateness, confirmation
that VDOT will allow the off-site trees is required, as are revised architectural elevations illustrating
the tower change. Updated perspective views showing the tower change would also be helpful. Note
that staff will update the ARB on the recent changes to the proposal when the resubmittal is made to
determine if additional ARB review will be necessary.
Date Completed:10/02/2014
Reviewer:Max Greene Engineering
Review Status:Pending
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Reviews Comments:Site plan approval requires WPO/VSMP approval prior to final site plan approval.
Date Completed:09/17/2014
Reviewer:Alexander Morrison ACSA
Review Status:Approved
Reviews Comments:
From: Alex Morrison [mailto:amorrison@serviceauthority.org]
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 12:52 PM
To: Christopher Perez
Subject: SDP20140050: Acme Stove and Fireplace Center
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Dear Chris :
The Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) has received and reviewed the
plan/document/project described above. All ACSA comments have been addressed by the applicant.
The ACSA hereby recommends approval of the plan/document/project described above.
Please feel free to contact me at the number below with any comments or questions you may have.
Thank you.
Alexander J. Morrison, EIT
Civil Engineer
Date Completed:10/28/2014
Reviewer:Christopher Perez CD
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:10/28/2014
Reviewer:Troy Austin VDOT
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:10/22/2014
Reviewer:Margaret Maliszewski ARB
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:10/21/2014
Reviewer:Max Greene Engineering
Review Status:See Recommendations
Reviews Comments:Site plan approval requires WPO/VSMP approval prior to final site plan approval. Please see
Date Completed:11/07/2014
Reviewer:Margaret Maliszewski ARB
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
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Date Completed:11/19/2014
Reviewer:Christopher Perez CD
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:11/25/2014
Reviewer:Margaret Maliszewski ARB
Review Status:Approved
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:12/02/2014
Reviewer:Max Greene Engineering
Review Status:Approved
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:12/03/2014
Reviewer:Christopher Perez CD
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2014 11:35 AM
To: 'Scott Collins'
Cc: 'Adam Long'
Subject: ACME Stove & Fireplace Center SDP2014-50
SDP2014-50 - ACME Stove & Fireplace Center – Final Site Plan
As requested I’ve completed a status update for your project, which follows very closely to the last
comment letter which was sent to you on Nov 19th (see attached). There are three major differences
in the comment letter and where your project is currently at: (1) ARB has approved the plan as of
11-25-14 (2) Engineering has approved the plan as of 12-2-14 (3) The lighting plan is approvable by
both ARB and Planning (assure that it’s a part of the site plan vs just living on the “Final ARB plan”
which was submitted to Margarete).
Outstanding items:
* I’m still waiting for VDOT approval? Have you received their approval? If so, please provide me a
* Also, I’m still awaiting comment #2 to be addressed.
Once the two items above are rectified we can move forward with approvals. Hope that helps.
Christopher P. Perez | Senior Planner
Department of Community Development |County of Albemarle, Virginia
401 McIntire Road | Charlottesville, VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext. 3443
Date Completed:12/04/2014
Reviewer:Christopher Perez CD
Review Status:No Objection
Reviews Comments:
From: Christopher Perez [mailto:cperez@albemarle.org]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2014 3:17 PM
To: Adam Long
Subject: RE: ACME Stove & Fireplace Center SDP2014-50
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Looks good to me. Please feel free to submit signature copies of the plan.
I’ll need you to submit a minimum of four (4) print copies of the plan. Signed and dated by Scott
Collins. One (1) copy is retained by the Planner for the file, two (2) copies are passed on to Zoning,
and one (1) copy is returned to the applicant. (if you want more than 1 copy for yourself, provide
additional copies beyond the 4 required).
Christopher P. Perez | Senior Planner
Department of Community Development |County of Albemarle, Virginia
401 McIntire Road | Charlottesville, VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext. 3443
From: Adam Long [mailto:adam@collins-engineering.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2014 3:12 PM
To: Christopher Perez
Subject: RE: ACME Stove & Fireplace Center SDP2014-50
Hey Chris,
Thanks for the clarification. Does the attached PDF address your remaining comments? Since we
now have VDOT approval, we’d like to get copies down for signatures this week.
Adam Long, PE
Project Manager
Collins Engineering, L.L.C.
200 Garrett Street, Suite K
Charlottesville, VA 22902
PH: 434.293.3719
Date Completed:12/04/2014
Reviewer:Troy Austin VDOT
Review Status:Approved
Reviews Comments:
From: Austin, Nathran. (VDOT) [mailto:Nathran.Austin@vdot.virginia.gov]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2014 1:03 PM
To: Adam Long
Cc: Christopher Perez
Subject: RE: Acme Stove & Fireplace
Looking closer at the pdf you sent at the end of October, you have addressed our review comments.
Please provide 2 signed copies to our office and go ahead and submit the signature copy(s) to the
County. Let me know if you have any questions.
Troy Austin, P.E.
Area Land Use Engineer
Virginia Department of Transportation
Charlottesville Residency
701 VDOT Way
Charlottesville, VA 22911
Phone: (434) 422-9782
Fax: (434) 984-1521
Date Completed:12/11/2014
Reviewer:Christopher Perez CD
Review Status:Approved
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Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:08/05/2015
Reviewer:Jay Schlothauer Inspections
Review Status:No Objection
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:08/05/2015
Reviewer:Christopher Perez Planning
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 8:04 AM
To: 'Scott Collins' <scott@collins-engineering.com>
Cc: 'Jenni Pack' <jenni@collins-engineering.com>; Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org>
Subject: SDP2014-50 Acme Stove & Fireplace Center - Letter of Revision
SDP2014-50 Acme Stove & Fireplace Center - Letter of Revision
I’ve conducted a thorough review of the proposed LOR and find it requires revisions prior to approval.
See my three comments below:
1) [18-4.12.6, 4.12.2(c)] Parking Requirements. With this LOR parking provided onsite has been
revised to omit 1 required parking space. Upon review of the parking calculations it appears 20
spaces are required for the use; however, it appears the site was incorrectly approved with 19
parking spaces and 1 loading space. Notably loading spaces cannot count towards
customer/employee parking spaces. Thus with the proposed LOR to omit another space, the site
would be down 2 required spaces.
In order to facilitate this LOR’s parking reduction request and correct the previous error, on sheet 1
the Parking Requirements shall be revised.
Possible ways to correct this error: Reduce the number of maximum employees at one time from 7
down to 5. This will reduce the site’s required parking down to 18 spaces. If that is not amendable to
the applicant, please apply for a parking reduction as provided for in Section 4.12.2(c) and the Zoning
Administrator will review it.
2) [18-4.20] Setbacks. It appears that during previous revisions to the Tower Entrance a crucial issue
dealing with the building setbacks was overlooked. Specifically the Tower Entrance is depicted on the
current final site plan as slightly crossing over the front 30’ building setback. This is not permitted;
however, this can easily be fixed during this LOR by taking advantage of the recently adopted
(6-3-15) setbacks in the HC district pursuant to Chapter 18 Section 4.20 of Albemarle County Code.
To remedy this item you would need to revise the cover sheet to utilize the new setbacks in the HC
(see the setbacks below) and revise sheet 3 to visually depict the new setbacks (other sheets in the
set would not need to be revised as sheet 3 is the site plan sheet).
“Setbacks pursuant to Chapter 18 Section 4.20 of Albemarle County Code
Front – Minimum
10 feet from the right-of-way
Front – Maximum
30 feet from the right-of-way
Parking – 10 feet setback from right-of-way
Side – Minimum
The abutting lot is zoned commercial thus any primary structure shall be constructed and separated
in accordance with the current edition of the Building Code (10 feet building separation).
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Side - Maximum
Rear – Minimum
50 feet setback
Rear – Maximum
3. [Comment] The LOR is listed as LOR #2; however, there is no record of an LOR #1. Thus it
appears this is truly LOR #1. Revise sheet 3 appropriately to reference this as LOR #1.
If you have questions or comments, please let me know.
Christopher P. Perez | Senior Planner
Department of Community Development |County of Albemarle, Virginia
401 McIntire Road | Charlottesville, VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext. 3443
Date Completed:08/05/2015
Reviewer:Margaret Maliszewski ARB
Review Status:Approved
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:08/17/2015
Reviewer:Christopher Perez CD
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2015 12:45 PM
To: 'Scott Collins' <scott@collins-engineering.com>
Cc: Jenni Pack <jenni@collins-engineering.com>; Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: SDP2014-50 Acme Stove & Fireplace Center - Letter of Revision
Today's my 1st day back in the office after vacation and I have looked at the revised LOR for Acme
Stove and Fireplace Center, page 3 looks good; however, page 1 has two items which need to be
cleared up. These are the same items mentioned in the August 6th email.
1) Sheet 1, under General Notes, under Maximum Employees the plan still lists 7 at one time;
however, under the Parking Requirements only 5 employees are being counted. These two notes
need to match. Revise to assure they both utilize the 5 employee number.
2) Sheet 1, under General Notes, under Setbacks, the side setback reads: "Side Yard: minimum 10'
building setback and no maximum setback". This does not read well and makes it appear there is a
10' side setback for the building from the property line, when in actuality there is no side setback
rather there is a building separation requirement of 10' on the side yard. Please revise the note to
read: "Side Yard: The abutting lot is zoned commercial thus any primary structure shall be
constructed and separated in accordance with the current edition of the Building Code (10 feet
building separation)."
Also, when you submit the revised copies assure you sign the LOR. Please submit 4 copies for
approval. I hope to knock it out the same day they are submitted.
Christopher P. Perez | Senior Planner
Department of Community Development |County of Albemarle, Virginia
401 McIntire Road | Charlottesville, VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext. 3443
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Date Completed:08/26/2015
Reviewer:Christopher Perez CD
Review Status:Approved
Reviews Comments:
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