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SDP201400073 Review Comments 2014-12-17
Christopher Perez From: Margaret Maliszewski Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 3:20 PM To: Rebecca Ragsdale; Troy Austin; Glenn Brooks; Alex Morrison; Jay Schlothauer; Robbie Gilmer; Josh Kirtley Cc: Christopher Perez Subject: Virginia Asphalt Services-Special Use Permit Request Attachments: VA asphalt additional info h.pdf Dear Reviewers, Initial Site Plan SDP-2014-73 Virginia Asphalt Services was recently distributed for your review.A Special Use Permit SP- 2014-19 is being processed simultaneously with the Initial Site Plan for the proposed outdoor storage of equipment.The attached document is information submitted by the applicant for the Special Use Permit request,to be reviewed in addition to the site plan you have already received (or will receive shortly). Please forward me your comments on the Special Use Permit. - final comments are due b Note that separate comments on t e ni . e • an s ou • •e orwar•e• to Christopher Perez as outlined in t e memo that accompanies the site plan distribution. However,the proposed outdoor storage use is closely tied to the site plan layout, so a thorough review of the site plan will be needed for the S ecial Use Permit review. If you have questions please feel free to contact me. Thank you. Margaret Margaret M.Maliszewski,Principal Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3276 " XYe pr- e,AA UC-\ r JuL A-P dri/vet l C&t/ 1 - - - ~,0~ `ow December 1' 2O14 Ms. Rebecca Ragsdale—Planner Ms. Margaret Maliszewski—ARB Representative Albemarle County Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: Virginia Asphalt; Special Use Permit Request Dear Rebecca and Margaret: Today our team submitted a preliminary site plan for the above referenced development. Please permit this letter to serve as our documentation justifying a request for a special use permit associated with that proposal. The overall proposal for development is to create a small contractor's office for an asphalt paving ozrnpany, which is considered a by-right use within an LI-zoned district. Our special use permit request focuses on our need to provide areas for very limited outdoor storage of light-duty equipment on the subject parcel that lies within an Entrance Corridor Overlay District(Avon Street Extended—Rte 742). The subject site is just over 1.5 acres and resides between Avon Street Extended to the east and Moore's Creek to the west. Edgecombs automotive facility is immediately to the north. The area is exclusively commercial, industrial and municipal in natun*, so this development proposal is consistent with the activities already in-place within the corridor. The topography falls off considerably beginning just beyond the shoulder of the roadway to a modest sliver of open land that is considered buildable. Beyond that, the topography again drops off sharply and consistently until engaging Moore's Creek. All of the area that constitutes the slope below this buildable area is also considered to be a watershed protection zone (VVPCJ), which should not be disturbed. Aside from two specimen trees near the boundary with Edgecombs, noteworthy trees exist only along Moore's Creek. Access to the site is limited to a singular location at the northern property limits per VDOT's on-site evaluation of conditions. Since the building site is located roughly 10' lower than the adjacent roadway much of the northern portion of the buildable area is given over to a curvilinear access drive down into the site. The remaining buildable area is further restricted by a 60' building setback; forcing the proposed structure to be located near the southern limits of the site and adjacent to the limits of the WPO to the west. A portion of the buildable area at the very southern end of the property has been set aside for an on-site septic treatment system. The Applicant has met on an advisory level with the Architectural Review Board (ARB)and received suggestions regarding the initial layout of proposed improvements. Site sections seemed to indicate that small equipment stored outdoors would be most readily screened if it were placed near the toe of the slope that is part of the Avon Street Extended road fill. In this juxtaposition travelers view from the roadway would largely be focused overtop of and beyond the parked equipment. Furthermore, any screening provided by proposed ` ~...= *ay ^ - landscaping would be more immediate and effective. The plans that accompany this request reflect these recommended changes to the site plan. We are not certain that any public need is met or benefit to the public results from the granting of this Special Use Permit, but we do feel that the proposal has no detrimental impact of the community. Because of the unique and challenging nature of the property it has remained undeveloped until now. The Applicant's needs are for a small Light Industrial (LI) property and they have been able to shoehorn their facility needs onto this otherwise orphaned tract. This proposal would, at least, make the highest and best use of this property. The property is located within the Scottsville magisterial district and within the growth area, Neighborhood 4. The Comprehensive Plan designation is Industrial Service, It is not felt that this development proposal, nor specifically, the granting of this SUP, would have any negative impact on public facilities and infrastructure. Minimal entry improvements within the right-of-way of Avon Street Extended would be required and an extension of the public water supply from the roadway to the site would be constructed. Sanitary sewerage exjstmaopooaK800na'sCnaehandoonnmotionthenatowvou|dnoton|ybgdiffiou|t. butcost- prohibitive. From an environmental perspective, this property is very limited in terms of developable square footage. All disturbances will take place on the front half of the property. The rear portion of the site will be left untouched, thereby preserving the riparian area. At this point in the site planning process it appears that only one tree will need to be removed. No manufacturing or processing will take place on site and no bulk storage of hazardous materials is proposed. Impacts from noime, dust, odors and glare would be immeasurable. No proffers are being issued at this time for this development proposal. We hope you find our information in order and worthy of consideration. Please let us know if we can provide any further data for your consideration. rely, r ' .1 ^ , � � . `� wr .y' �»a�� E. ell: CLA � . Ixc: Bryan Hielman . *ow NOW 0 0 0 . co (NI •.:t. .zr , 1 , ..7.- I . 11 • VI I 3Ntfl aN1108HidON ] . • 1 7.A. 1 1 \ : • 1 1 ' . 3NN-ir1 N8111 \ , 1 1 I ! I I I 3NV1 aNnooRinos El 1 I , . 1 ! i ; ' 1 \ \ , • I 1 i f . . i 1 < 1 , Z Mi8 , — — .„-Ai H I- i *-• ,"-","'.:. "0,, i . z . -f.• 'Irl' - — P. W , jair 0 eL liVIIIV.ilailfr- allice, li.1 . •^4(71.,,, 14 .:,' 1 UJ ,— ..„,,,,„ mil 0 iIII! "R" --- -- cr < ! a. 1 ' I— z w iii 0, 1 i 11 H :KIM I ' 1 - I • ' . 1 I I . 3CIVOVJ ommin 1 1 I e isv3I L i 0 0 0 CY) CV N-I Now 0 o .t51 m cwt 3aV3VA DNIa1l1181Sv3'1 i I 1 '!iE_ ' E Z R A . : cc -(L1=-1.L)- a - 1 X1111 ° i Ii • W J ∎I iiII . 44141P , CID o ....0 z z r,,,,vir 7 ! i - a f . ii.t.,- iv ,:. :::,,,,_,„.... , .,,,..,,,,,:ags,"111.,-�,... _ - W MAI _ %' ,-. „ , / I , , 3N1n ©NI108H1f1OS fr 1' • • • I � 3Nt/1 N2i(11 I • I • I i • E 3NV1 GNf108H1dON i:',If a:11:',,rI j • . 0 0 0 {Y) (y ri Christopher Perez From: Margaret Maliszewski Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 10:10 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: FW: [BULK] FW: Virginia Asphalt Services, Inc Permit(VDH ID: 101-14-0533) Attachments: Applicationpdf.pdf; Untitled attachment 00156.htm FYI From: Alan Franklin, PE [mailto:alan@alanfranklinpe.com] Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 10:03 AM To: Margaret Maliszewski Subject: [BULK] FW: Virginia Asphalt Services, Inc Permit(VDH ID: 101-14-0533) Margaret, See correspondence from VDH below. Thanks, Alan From: Bryan Heilman [mailto:brvan heilman @yahoo.com] Sent: Friday,January 9, 2015 2:39 PM To:Alan Frankin Subject: Fwd:Virginia Asphalt Services, Inc Permit (VDH ID: 101-14-0533) Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Kirtley,Joshua (VDH)" <Joshua.Kirtlev @vdh.virginia.gov> Date:January 9, 2015 at 2:20:05 PM EST To: "Bryan Heilman @vahoo.com"<Bryan Heilman @yahoo.com> Cc: "Batten,Teresa (VDH)"<Teresa.Batten @vdh.virginia.gov>, "Willetts,Tess(VDH)" <Tess.Willetts @vdh.virginia.gov> Subject:Virginia Asphalt Services, Inc Permit(VDH ID: 101-14-0533) Good afternoon, Bryan. While reviewing your septic permit application, I note that there is an existing well on the property that your engineer states will need to be abandoned due to its proximity to the proposed drainfield. This email is to inform you that the well will need to be abandoned prior to receiving your septic approval. I have no issues with the septic design, and the approval will be issued as soon as the well is abandoned. Please complete the attached application and return either in person or by email so that a site visit can be arranged to conduct the necessary field work required to issue the abandonment permit. It is important to note that an application fee of$350.00 applies to the application as it is a well abandonment only. 1 • Nor If you have any questions, please let me,Teresa, or Tess know. Have a good weekend, Josh Josh Kirtley Environmental Health Technical Consultant Onsite Sewage and Water Programs Thomas Jefferson Health District 1138 Rose Hill Drive Charlottesville,Virginia 22903 Office(434)972-6288 2 Noe Christopher Perez From: Andrew Kellerman Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2015 8:08 AM To: Lisa Green Cc: Amelia McCulley; Rebecca Ragsdale; Christopher Perez; Margaret Maliszewski Subject: FW: Virginia Asphalt Services, Inc- initial site plan\Site visit Logged as ZVI02015-001 From: Amelia McCulley Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 3:15 PM To: Rebecca Ragsdale; Andrew Kellerman Subject: RE: Virginia Asphalt Services, Inc - initial site plan\Site visit Yes, Rebecca. I would add that they also don't have an approved zoning clearance. From: Rebecca Ragsdale Sent: Tuesday,January 06, 2015 2:30 PM To: Andrew Kellerman; Amelia McCulley Subject: FW: Virginia Asphalt Services, Inc- initial site plan\Site visit Hello, Pictures of this site (IMP 07700000000800) are at the link below. A preliminary site plan and special use permit are currently under review. Chris is the lead reviewer on the site plan and Margaret the special use permit for outdoor storage. I have review comments due on the special use permit this week and the violation needs to be addressed in my comments but I believe will also need a VIO entry in County View and official notice of violation too.\ Amelia,Should my review comments on the special use permit simply say: Upon visiting the site, it appears the proposed use has already commenced without an approved site plan or special use permit which is a violation of the zoning ordinance and has been turned over to our code compliance division. Mob-dtsO1\CityViewLnk\Docs\2014\SDP\SDP201400073 Virginia Asphalt Services.Inc - initial site plan\Site visit Also, I want to double check again that this does not qualify as heavy equipment.They sent us a few pictures prior to making their outdoor storage application and we determined it wasn't but now we have more examples of what they will be storing based on our site visit today. Heavy equipment:Equipment that requires an oversize/overweight permit from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles to be transported over public highways. (Added 11-12-08) Heavy equipment and heavy vehicle parking and storage yard:An area used for parking,storing and/or maintaining heavy equipment and heavy vehicles used off-site in the trade,business or other commercial or industrial activity of the owner or occupant(collectively,the?off-site activity?),and which may include storing and maintaining heavy equipment and heavy vehicles within buildings or structures and storing explosives,including blasting caps,that are used in the off-site activity, and kerosene and other volatile materials in volumes that are reasonably necessary to maintain equipment and vehicles;but which use does not include storing nuclear products,by-products or wastes.(Added 11-12-08) Heavy vehicles:Vehicles that have more than five(5)axles or haul heavy equipment. For the purposes of this definition,the axles of tractor trucks and their trailers shall be counted as though they are a single vehicle.(Added 11-12-08) Thanks! 1 •"From: Christopher Perez Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 1:57 PM To: Rebecca Ragsdale Subject: Virginia Asphalt Services, Inc - initial site plan\Site visit Site pictures from today's visit. \\Cob-dts01\CitvViewLnk\Docs\2014\SDP\SDP201400073 Virginia Asphalt Services, Inc-initial site plan\Site visit Copy and paste the entire link into your browser...let me know if you can access these pics.Thanks Christopher P.Perez j Senior Planner Department of Community Development 1County of Albemarle.Virginia 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 2 Christopher Perez From: Jack Kelsey Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 2:33 PM To: Christopher Perez Cc: David Benish Subject: RE: Avon Street Sidewalk project David Benish maintains a list of the projects included in the Sidewalk Construction Program. This includes an "Avon Street Walkway Phase 2" project to construct a sidewalk/asphalt walkway from the intended end of the Phase 1 project (Swan Lake Drive)along the east side of Avon Street to the City limits. It's not currently funded and has the complication of the bridge over 1-64 which was not constructed or designed with provisions for a future sidewalk. The parcel you've referenced is on the west side of Avon Street, but if it's consistent with the Comp Plan to provide for this type of infrastructure then you may want to require them. Maybe David can provide feedback on this. Jack M. Kelsey,PE Transportation Engineer Office of Facilities Development- Ext 3376 From: Christopher Perez Sent:Tuesday, January 06, 2015 1:55 PM To: Jack Kelsey Subject: RE: Avon Street Sidewalk project Jack, Do you/we plan to have sidewalk along the frontage of this property(TMP 07700-00-00-00800)? I have an initial site plan and Special Use Permit in our office for a contractor storage yard and am deciding whether or not to require sidewalks along the frontage...Do we anticipate sidewalks being constructed along the frontage of this property as part of your Avon Street Sidewalk project? Or for that matter along any of the adjoining properties? Please let me know. Also, attached are pictures of the frontage which shows the road and the guard rail. C ;srv.lowler t. g'erea i Senior Planner Department of Community Development!County of Albemarle.Virginia 401 McIntire Road 1 Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: Jack Kelsey Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 9:21 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: Avon Street Sidewalk project Christopher, Since you're working on the Church SP I thought you might be interested in the attached maps showing the conceptual scope of the sidewalk project. Our intent is to provide curb&gutter, 6 ft buffer strip and 5'sidewalk with at least 1 ft between the back of sidewalk and right-of-way limits wherever possible. Jack M. Kelsey,PE Transportation Engineer Office of Facilities Development-Ext 3376 1 Christopher Perez From: Margaret Maliszewski Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 11:18 AM To: Alan Franklin, PE Cc: Christopher Perez Subject: Virginia Asphalt scheduling Alan, Thanks for talking with me this morning about the Virginia Asphalt project.This email is to document our conversation and to outline the project schedule. We understand that your client would like to increase the size of the equipment storage area from that which is shown on the plan originally submitted with the Initial Site Plan,Special Use Permit,and ARB applications.This change will require a delay in the Special Use Permit and ARB reviews because the Special Permit is dependent on ARB comment, and the ARB will need the plan showing the increased storage area and corresponding increased landscaping for their review.This email is acceptance of your request to defer the ARB review and acknowledgement that you understand the required delay in the Special Permit process. The Initial Site Plan, however, can move forward on its current schedule (Site Review Committee meeting scheduled for January 22, 2015)with the original site plan. Please note that staff will provide Entrance Corridor comments on behalf of the ARB at the Initial Plan stage, and that comment will say that detailed comments will be provided by the ARB after the revised plan is submitted and reviewed at an ARB meeting,and that ARB approval will be required prior to final site plan approval. Please also note that by maintaining the Initial Site Plan schedule,you will have an opportunity to incorporate reviewers' Initial Plan comments into your revised plan for the ARB and Special Permit reviews. Once that revised plan is submitted,we can schedule the ARB review and we'll have a better idea of possible Planning Commission dates. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions about these scheduling issues or any other issues related to your proposal. Margaret Margaret M.Maliszewski,Principal Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3276 1 Notopf Christopher Perez From: Margaret Maliszewski Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 10:01 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: FW: [BULK] RE: Virginia Asphalt Services-Special Use Permit Request FYI rj-ta( ,Q( From: Alan Franklin, PE [mailto:alan@alanfranklinpe.com] PCARS) OsekA' .% Sent:Tuesday, January 06, 2015 8:30 AM To: Margaret Maliszewski Cc: bryan heilmar ayahoo.com Subject: [BULK] RE: Virginia Asphalt Services - Special Use Permit Request Margaret, In the increased storage scenario, I think the idea would be that all vehicle/equipment parking would occur within the hatched area. e hatched area is really just a parking area and not"storage" se i:•.. During non-working hours, pick- up trucks and •ump trucx " equipment on trai ers wou • se parked in the hatched area so that employees do no have to travel to and from work in/with this equipment. During working hours,the equipment would be replaced by employee personal vehicles. Part of the daily routine would like involve shuffling of equipment and personal vehicles within the hatched area. Longer term "storage"of equipment would be limited to periods of inclement weather, holidays,weekends.... I've copied Mr. Heilman to confirm this last statement. Thanks, Alan From: Margaret Maliszewski [mailto:MMaliszewskic albemarle.org] Sent: Monday,January 5, 2015 9:24 AM To:Alan Franklin, PE Subject: RE:Virginia Asphalt Services-Special Use Permit Request Thanks for the info,Alan. I'll need to look at the scheduling issue and get back to you. If the revision results in a delay in the schedule, I think that would be better than getting an approval for something that isn't workable,then having to deal with violations and/or going through the whole process again for an amendment. It would be best for the owner to really think it through and understand how much storage area/building area he really needs,then let's figure out how to deal with that. In the increased storage area scenario, where would the 8 parking spaces be located? Early conversations with other reviewers suggested that the 4 perpendicular spaces shown in the initial submittal weren't really workable due to the overlap with the equipment storage area. I am busy with an ARB meeting today, but I have time to meet tomorrow,Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon. Margaret Margaret M.Maliszewski,Principal Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3276 From: Alan Franklin, PE [mailto:alan(@alanfranklinpe.com] Sent: Monday, January 05, 2015 8:27 AM 1 To: Margaret Maliszewski Cc: bryan heilman@iyahoo.com Subject: RE: Virginia Asphalt Services - Special Use Permit Request Margaret, Happy New Year! I've attached a pdf of the site plan showing the site section line locations and darkened up the hatch on the proposed storage area for your use. I think it would useful to meet as soon as your schedule allows to discuss the second pdf.The owner started feeling like the proposed requested storage area was going to be too small and wants to request the additional red hatched area. I envision removing the 4 parallel parking spaces and converting that area to landscape buffer in this scenario.Also, we would extend the building into that sliver of hatched space on the side of the building and remove that from storage area.What does that do to the process? Thanks, Alan 2 *sew Nome Christopher Perez From: Margaret Maliszewski Sent: Monday, December 29, 2014 8:53 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: FW: Virginia Asphalt Services-Special Use Permit Request FYI From: Alan Franklin, PE [mailto:alan @alanfranklinpe.com] Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2014 9:14 AM To: Josh Kirtley; Margaret Maliszewski Subject: RE: Virginia Asphalt Services - Special Use Permit Request Margaret, All of the septic soils work had been done and we will be turning it in to VDH on Monday. Alan From: Kirtley,Joshua (VDH) [mailto:Joshua.Kirtlev @vdh.virginia.gov] Sent:Tuesday, December 23, 2014 11:03 AM To: Margaret Maliszewski Cc:alan @alanfranklinpe.com Subject: RE:Virginia Asphalt Services-Special Use Permit Request Margaret: The Site Plan and Special Use documentation doesn't usually contain the detail needed to adequately comment on a septic proposal. They'll show an area where its proposed, but nothing in the way of soils information, design calculations, etc. Typically, VDH Approval of the septic proposal is required before a Site Plan is approved. If this is the case, then I would recommend that the applicant submit a permit packet to our office for review. That's about the only way I can let you know whether the proposal will hold water or not. I'm out of the office today and tomorrow and will return on Monday. Alan: Are you working with another PE for the wastewater disposal system? If so, who are you using? From: Margaret Maliszewski [MMaliszewski @albemarle.org] -. Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 10:11 AM To: Kirtley,Joshua (VDH) Cc: clan@ alanfranklinpe.com Subject: RE: Virginia Asphalt Services - Special Use Permit Request Josh, I believe a copy of the initial site plan should be on its way to you,through our standard plan review process. But, to be sure, I'm copying Alan Franklin on this message.Alan is the applicant's engineer and our contact for both the site plan and the special use permit. Thank you. Margaret 1 • From: Kirtley,Joshua (VDH) [mailto:Joshua.KirtleyCa vdh.virginia.gov] Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 9:08 AM To: Margaret Maliszewski Subject: RE: Virginia Asphalt Services - Special Use Permit Request Thanks, Margaret. I haven't reviewed a proposal for the site in question. Please have the applicant or their engineer contact me so that we can arrange for a plan to be submitted to the Health Department for review and subsequent approval. I recall some preliminary drainfield work being completed several years ago but I don't recall whether or not a suitable solution was found. Josh From: Margaret Maliszewski [MMaliszewski @albemarle.org] Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 3:56 PM To: Kirtley,Joshua (VDH) Subject: RE: Virginia Asphalt Services - Special Use Permit Request Josh, The applicant proposes to connect to public water.The plan shows an "engineered septic system". Margaret From: Kirtley, Joshua (VDH) [mailto:J oshua.Kirtley(avdh.virginia.gov] Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 2:55 PM To: Margaret Maliszewski Cc: Christopher Perez Subject: RE: Virginia Asphalt Services - Special Use Permit Request Good afternoon, Margaret. If the proposed building is to be served by public water and public sewer, I have no concerns. If they are proposing to utilize a well and septic system,then they should submit plans as to the location and preliminary design to ensure that the project is feasible. Josh Kirtley Environmental Health Technical Consultant Onsite Sewage and Water Programs Thomas Jefferson Health District 1138 Rose Hill Drive Charlottesville,Virginia 22903 Office(434)972-6288 From: Margaret Maliszewski [mailto:MMaliszewskk albemarle.orq] Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 3:20 PM To: Rebecca Ragsdale; Austin, Nathran. (VDOT); Glenn Brooks; Alex Morrison; Jay Schlothauer; Robbie Gilmer; Kirtley, Joshua (VDH) Cc: Christopher Perez Subject: Virginia Asphalt Services - Special Use Permit Request Dear Reviewers, 2 NW"' , Initial Site Plan SDP-2014-73 Virginia Asphalt Services was recently distributed for your review.A Special Use Permit SP- 2014-19 is being processed simultaneously with the Initial Site Plan for the proposed outdoor storage of equipment.The attached document is information submitted by the applicant for the Special Use Permit request,to be reviewed in addition to the site plan you have already received (or will receive shortly). Please forward me your comments on the Special Use Permit. Draft comments are due by December 31,2014 and final comments are due by January 9, 2015. Note that separate comments on the Initial Site Plan should be forwarded to Christopher Perez as outlined in the memo that accompanies the site plan distribution. However,the proposed outdoor storage use is closely tied to the site plan layout, so a thorough review of the site plan will be needed for the Special Use Permit review. If you have questions please feel free to contact me. Thank you. Margaret Margaret M.Maliszewski,Principal Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3276 3 Christopher Perez From: Carla Harris-CDD Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2014 3:46 PM To: alan @alanfranklinpe.com Cc: Christopher Perez Subject: Adjacent Owner fees due-Virginia Asphalt Services, Inc. - Initial Site Plan Hi Mr. Franklin, This email is to inform you of the adjacent owner fees for the above name project. • Amount Due$200.00(payable to the County of Albemarle) • Due Date 12/30/14(by close of business 5 pm) • Project Number SDP20I4-73 • Project Reviewer Christopher Perez (please place the above project number on your check) If you have any questions concerning the fees, please give us a call. Thanks, Carla Harris BZA Clerk/Zoning Support 434-296-5832 ext 3834 mailto:charris @albemarle.org Christopher Perez From: Alex Morrison [amorrison @serviceauthority.org] Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 12:46 PM To: Christopher Perez Subject: RE: VA Asphalt comments Chris, I have reviewed the plan and hereby recommend approval with the following final site plan requirements: • Per the Albemarle Department of Fire/Rescue, a fire hydrant will be required.Show a new fire hydrant next to the new entrance to the site.The FHA should be served by a 6" DIP water main and connected to the existing main via a 6"x 12"tapping sleeve and valve. • Relocate the proposed water meter next to the entrance (in an area protected from traffic). • Call out the water connection on the new 6"water main via a 1" corporation stop and 1" copper. • Call out backflow protection on the domestic water service. • Submit 3 copies of the final site plan and a water data sheet directly to the ACSA(Attn:Jeremy Lynn, PE)for construction review. Alexander J. Morrison,EIT Civil Engineer Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville,Virginia 22911 (0)434-977-4511 Ext. 116 (F)434-979-0698 Like the ACSA on Facebook at www.facebook.com/acsaconnect From: Christopher Perez [mailto:cperez©albemarle.orq] Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 10:53 AM To: Alex Morrison Subject: RE: VA Asphalt comments Ok. hristopher r. Pere; Senior Planner Department of Community Development !County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville.VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: Alex Morrison [mailto:amorrison@ serviceauthority.orq] Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 10:53 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: RE: VA Asphalt comments Thank you Chris. i need to make a cuick site visit to cons:. s:°.le:hiig anc : wil: s:." es sr.',i! just a slight relocation of the Wate"meter End some notes on re conne;i3n. Alexander J. Morrison, EIT vow Civil Engineer Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville,Virginia 22911 (0)434-977-4511 Ext. 116 (F)434-979-0698 Like the ACSA on Facebook at www.facebook.com/acsaconnect From: Christopher Perez [mailto:cperezc albemarle.orq] Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 8:48 AM To: Alex Morrison Subject: VA Asphalt comments Fire and Rescues comments Based on plans dated 8/18/14 1. Install a hydrant to meet the 500 ft maximum travel distance from a structure. 2. Identify the type of construction to be used so the fire flow can be determined. 3.Submit a fire flow test before finally approval. Christopher P, Peru Senior Planner Department of Community Development 1County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 *rue Nue of A tAlri lartg COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,Room 227 Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126 January 21,2015 Alan Franklin 427 Cranberry Lane Crozet VA 22932 RE: SDP-2014-73 Virginia Asphalt Services,Inc_Site Plan-Initial Dear Mr.Franklin: Department of Community Development has reviewed the above referenced site plan(dated 12-1-14)against applicable codes and ordinances.Comments are provided below: 1. 132.5.3(a)] This application was reviewed against Site Development Plan requirements only.As proposed this project also requires a Special Use Permit for outdoor storage area in the Entrance Corridor prior to approval of the final site plan. 2. 132.5.1(c),32.5.2(a)] Boundary Lines. The property lines depicted on the site plan do not match that of the County's Web GIS.This discrepancy appears to affect the location and amount of preserved slopes which are present onsite.Please work to remedy this issue with Sheila Conrad of Real Estate who can be reached at 434-296-5856 ext 3202. Also,the platting information provided on the site plan references DB 594 PG 24 as the last plat of record for the property;however,this plat has the property at 0.77 acres,which does not match the acreage depicted on the site plan(1.681 acres).Nor does the plat appear to match the property lines depicted on the site plan.Please address this inconsistency.Also,on sheet 1 of the site plan,under Survey Sources the boundary lines are noted as being from June 13,2014.Provide some recorded documentation of the boundary lines which match what is depicted on the site plan. 3. [32.5.2(k),,4.1] Water and Sewer Facilities. The Zoning Ordinance(Section 4.1 Water& Sewer supplies)requires that properties within the Albemarle County Service Authority Jurisdictional Area be served by both public water and sewer.The site is located in this area and is required to connect to both.The applicant has provided the site with public water but requests permission not to connect to sewer.The applicant has provided the required application for an exemption.Prior to final site plan approval the exemption shall be reviewed and a finding shall be made to either approve or deny the request. If the request is denied then sewer shall be provided onsite and ACSA shall review/approve this aspect of the plan. If the the exemption request is approved to not provide Public Sewer,the Health Department will be required to review/approve the site plan to assure adequate septic systems are proposed/provided onsite.All private sewer facilities shall be designed and constructed to the standards of the Virginia Department of Health and be approved by the Health Director. Health Director approval is required prior to final site plan approval. Now *ago 4. [Comment] It is understood that the applicant wishes to substantially increase the size of the equipment storage area from that which is shown on the current site plan. If this is the case,assure that the plan is revised appropriately,to include revised hatching to distinguish between the equipment storage area and the other paved surface areas. 5. [4.12.16(d)]Minimum Design Requirements for Parking Spaces. When expanding the equipment storage area assure that all parking spaces are dimensioned and marked on the site plan. 6. [4.12.16(a)]Minimum Design Requirements for Parking Spaces. All parking spaces shall be perpendicular,angled,parallel or curvilinear to the vehicle access aisle.Assure that all spaces have adequate access and/or turn-around area. 7. [32.5.2(n)&4.12.16(e)] When relocating the parking spaces please note that all parking spaces that are next to a sidewalk that is less than 6' wide must have bumper blocks. 8. [Comment] On sheet 1,under Parking Provided,the 3rd line references "Facility Vehicle Parking Shown on Plan";however,on sheet 3 these spaces are simply listed as "Equipment Storage Area". To avoid confusion,on sheet 1 assure it is clear that"Facility Vehicle Parking"makes reference to the label "Equipment Storage Area". Also,on sheet 1,please provide the maximum number of Facility Vehicles provided onsite. 9. [32.5.2(n)]Proposed Improvements. Based on the steep grade and large ravine at the rear of the property,it is highly recommended that the applicant install a guard rail at the rear of the property,just beyond the paved area and curb.If a vehicle accidently goes over the edge it may result in death or serious injury. 10. [32.5.2 (m)&(n),4.12.17(b)] Entrances. "Entrances to parking areas from public streets or private roads shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Virginia Department of Transportation standards..."VDOT approval shall be required. 11. [32.5.2(a)] Add Entrance Corridor(EC)to the Zoning note on the cover sheet. 12. 132.5.2(a)1 Being this site is located in the Entrance Corridor(EC),approval from the Architectural Review Board(ARB)is required prior to final site plan approval.See ARB comments from Margaret below. 13. [32.5.2(a)] On sheet 1,under Zoning assure the Special Use Permit number is listed(SP2014-19)for Outdoor Storage within an entrance corridor. Prior to final site plan approval assure the approval date of the SP is also provided as well as any conditions of approval. 14. [32.5.2(a)] On sheet 1,under the title of the plan assure the site plan number is provided: SDP2014-73. 15. [32.5.2(a)] On sheet 1,under Proposed Use,to avoid confusion please label it as:"Contractor's office/equipment storage yard." 16. [32.5.2(a)] On sheet 1,under Waiver/Special Exception Request assure that the required Special Exception to modify the requirements of Section 5.1.52 from providing a fence to providing landscaping per ARB guidance is listed on the sheet.As noted by Zoning's comment below please make this special exception request in tandem with the Special Use Permit for the outdoor storage area.The applicable fee is$425. 17. [32.5.2(n)] Outdoor lighting. Currently no lighting is proposed;however if any outdoor lighting is proposed with the final site plan.A lighting plan shall be provided.Proposed lighting must comply with Nome *Nor requirements of Sec.4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance. 18. [32.6.2 j]Landscape plan.A landscape plan that complies with section 32.7.9 is required with the final site plan. -on sheet 4,under plant list,Cherry Laurel is listed as 18"at time of planting;however based on the County's Approved Plant Canopy list to receive a 10 SF canopy per tree,the tree shall be a min of 24"at time of planting.Revise appropriately. 19. [32.6.2 j]Landscape plan.On the landscape plan depict the location and type of preservation fencing that will preserve the existing trees onsite which are located outside the WPO buffer area. 20. []Landscaping within a parking area.An area of at least five percent of the paved parking and vehicular circulation area shall be landscaped with trees or shrubs with at least one large or medium shade tree per ten parking spaces or portion thereof. This requirement appears to have been met with the landscaping shown on the initial site plan.Please provide calculations to show this requirement has been met with the final site plan. 21. 132.5.2(p)&] Verify that no conflicts exist between landscaping,utilities,and utility easements. 22. [Comment] If any off-site easements are required,they must be approved and recorded prior to Site Plan approval. ARB—Margaret Maliszewski -We understand that the applicant wishes to increase the size of the equipment storage area from that which is shown on the current plan.ARB review of the expanded proposal will be scheduled when a revised plan is submitted. It is anticipated that the revised plan will show increased planting area corresponding to the increased storage area. Detailed ARB comments and an ARB recommendation on the Special Use Permit will be provided at the ARB meeting.ARB approval of the site plan will be required prior to Final Site Plan approval. Building Inspections—Jay Schlothauer 1)Provide a van-accessible,barrier-free parking space as close as practicable to the main building entrance. Fire and Rescue—Robbie Gilmer 1.Install a hydrant to meet the 500 ft maximum travel distance from a structure. 2.Identify the type of construction to be used so the fire flow can be determined. 3.Submit a fire flow test before finally approval. Health Department-Josh Kirtley 1. If the proposed building is to be served by public water and public sewer,I have no concerns. If they are proposing to utilize a well and septic system,then they should submit plans as to the location and preliminary design to ensure that the project is feasible. Zoning—Rebecca Ragsdale 1.As noted in the field,the site drops off significantly in the back so a fence/guardrail,etc. is recommended for safety. 2.Parking requirements for this use are below and Section 4.12.16 requires delineation of parking spaces, also below,and all other requirements of 4.12 apply to the employee parking.4.12.2 allows modifications by the Zoning Administrator can be submitted for review if the applicant proposes parking alternatives. Contractor's (construction office, shop, equipment storage and materials yard): One(1)space per employee assigned to work on-site plus one(1)space per facility vehicle. (Amended 2-5-03) 3.Delineation of parking spaces.Parking spaces shall be delineated in a manner that identifies and preserves the required dimensions by paint striping, signage,or by another means approved by the zoning administrator.The zoning administrator may authorize that bumper blocks or posts be used to delineate parking spaces on surfaces that are not conducive to paint striping. 4. Requirements of 5.1.52 apply,but if alternative designs are proposed that better achieve screening and meet ARB requirements,a waiver/modification should be processed with SP2014-19. Engineering—Max Greene 'VDOT approval is required prior to final approval. 'VSMP plan application and fee is required for final site plan approval. 'Public parking spaces will be clearly separated from equipment storage areas with a fence or other method of physical separation. Equipment storage is prohibited in parking areas. 18-4.12.3 '{OC �us�.ce� ble ACSA—Alex Morrison ,z4 ff' I have reviewed the plan and hereby recommend approval with the following final site plan requirements: • Per the Albemarle Department of Fire/Rescue,a fire hydrant will be required. Show a new fire hydrant next to the new entrance to the site.The FHA should be served by a 6"DIP water main and connected to the existing main via a 6"x 12"tapping sleeve and valve. • Relocate the proposed water meter next to the entrance(in an area protected from traffic). • Call out the water connection on the new 6"water main via a 1"corporation stop and 1'copper. • Call out backflow protection on the domestic water service. • Submit 3 copies of the final site plan and a water data sheet directly to the ACSA(Attn:Jeremy Lynn,PE)for construction review. E911 —Andrew Slack Approved VDOT—Troy Austin Comments pending.To be forwarded once received. 56,4- at-414-1-6 Please contact Christopher P. Perez in the Planning Division by using cperez @albemarle.org or 434-296- 5832 ext. 3443 for further information or if you have questions. Christopher Perez From: Amelia McCulley Sent: Monday, February 23, 2015 10:42 AM To: Christopher Perez Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale; Margaret Maliszewski; Bill Fritz Subject: RE: Good news! -previously special exceptions that can now be administrative Chris, I agree with your analysis. Thanks for this. From: Christopher Perez Sent: Monday, February 23, 2015 10:30 AM To: Amelia McCulley Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale; Margaret Maliszewski; Bill Fritz Subject: RE: Good news! - previously special exceptions that can now be administrative Amelia, I am reviewing an application for SDP2014-73 Virginia Asphalt Services — initial site plan. The applicant has recently requested waivers of two design standards Section 4.12.15 (a) Surface Material of parking area and Section 4.12.15 (g) Curb and Gutter for portions of their site that relate to stormwater runoff. Based on your discussion in the Dec 5th 2014 email (see below), I believe these waivers would qualify to be handled as an Administrative Agent review in consultation with the County Engineer. Please verify this is still how you want to process these and that nothing has changed since Dec. For your convenience I have provided the applicable sections of the ordinance below in red font and underlined. Thanks Applicable Sections of the ordinance for the requests. 4.12.15 MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARKING AREAS 4.12.15 a. Surface materials. All parking areas consisting of four (4) or more spaces shall be surfaced. The surface materials for parking areas and access aisles shall be subject to review and approval by the county engineer, based upon the intensity of usage and Virginia Department of Transportation pavement design guidelines and specifications. The county engineer may approve the use of alternative surfaces deemed equivalent in regard to strength, durability, sustainability and long term maintenance for the intensity of the use. 4.12.15 g. Curb and gutter in parking areas and along travelways. Curbs shall be established at the edges of parking areas or access aisles in the following circumstances: (1) in all commercial or institutional developments requiring eight (8) or more parking spaces; (2)in all multi-family dwelling and townhouse developments requiring eight(8)or more parking spaces;(3) where necessary to control or direct stormwater runoff. (4)where a sidewalk is located closer than four(4)feet from the edge of an access aisle;and(5)where necessary to contain vehicular traffic to protect pedestrians and/or property.Gutters shall be required where necessary to control or direct stormwater runoff. The county engineer may waive or modify this requirement if deemed necessary to accommodate stormwater management/BMP facility design_: - • _ . . : •. .. • • • . 4.12.2 c. Modification or waiver. The limitation on the maximum number of parking spaces required by subsection 4.12.4(a) and the design requirements in sections 4.12.15, 4.12.16, 4.12.17, 4.12.18 and 4.12.19 may be modified or waived, :.•: -• :.• :••••- : 2. The zoning administrator may modify or waive a design requirement in sections 4.12.15, 4.12.16,4.12.17,4.12.18 and 4.12.19 only after consultation with the county engineer, who shall advise the zoning administrator whether the proposed waiver or modification would equally or better serve the public health, safety or welfare. 3. In granting a modification or waiver, the zoning administrator may impose such conditions as deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety or welfare. • ; ••: : • : ••.:-• •. •••••••••• ••••.- Christopher P.Perez I Senior Planner Department of Community Development ICounty of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From: Amelia McCulley Sent: Friday, December 05, 2014 1:56 PM To: CDD - Zoning; CDD - Planning; Bill Fritz; Glenn Brooks; Mark Graham; Greg Kamptner Subject: Good news! - previously special exceptions that can now be administrative In an effort to save time with limited resources,the Deputy County Attorney(Greg)and I have re-evaluated what is required to go to the BOS as a special exception versus what we can handle as administrative agent review. It is our opinion that we are enabled to eliminate a fair number of special exceptions that have been going to the Board and can instead handle them administratively. The primary source of authority for site plans is under the State Subdivision Law. VA Code 15.2-2242 (1)allows for variations in or exceptions to the general regulations applicable to subdivision ordinances(see below).The current site plan regulations allow the agent to act on requests for variations and exceptions. Section 32.7 within the site plan regulations relates to minimum standards for improvements. This includes provisions relating to streets.travelways 2 4law 1r • and parking. Section 32.3.5 allows the agent to consider variations and exceptions from any requirement of Section 32.7. We are considering removing the site plan regulations from the Zoning Ordinance and placing them in a new chapter, relocating the regulations pertaining to site improvements(such as those for parking in Section 4.12 of the Zoning Ordinance),or at least revising the site plan regulations to better identify the site improvement requirements located outside of Section 32 that may be varied or excepted administratively. This and additional language will further clarify the process in the future. In the interim,for any variations and exceptions to Section 32.7,please process them as administrative agent review. If you have questions in a particular case, please contact me or put it on the legal agenda. **** § 15.2-2242. Optional provisions of a subdivision ordinance. A subdivision ordinance may include: 1. Provisions for variations in or exceptions to the general regulations of the subdivision ordinance in cases of unusual situations or when strict adherence to the general regulations would result in substantial injustice or hardship. 3 Nwir Christopher Perez From: Kirtley, Joshua (VDH) [Joshua.Kirtley @vdh.virginia.gov] Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 8:24 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: RE: SDP2014-73 Virginia Asphalt-initial site plan Good morning, Chris. Thanks for your email. The ept#C permit has been approved for` i , so we're good to go there. The applicant had to abandon an existing well on the property before the approval could be given, so that was a bit of a hang up. Nonetheless, everything looks to be squared away on our end. Let me know if you need anything further. Josh Josh Kirtley Environmental Health Technical Consultant Onsite Sewage and Water Programs Thomas Jefferson Health District 1138 Rose Hill Drive Charlottesville,Virginia 22903 Office(434)972-6288 From: Christopher Perez [mailto:cperez(aalbemarle.org] Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 6:20 PM To: Kirtley, Joshua (VDH) Subject: SDP2014-73 Virginia Asphalt- initial site plan SDP2014-73 Virginia Asphalt- initial site plan Josh, I am finalizing my comments for the above referenced project. Have you had a chance to look at the revisions which were sent out 2-23-15? I plan to send my comments out tomorrow by Noon. Has anything changed from your initial comments: "1. If the proposed building is to be served by public water and public sewer, I have no concerns. If they are proposing to utilize a well and septic system, then they should submit plans as to the location and preliminary design to ensure that the project is feasible. " Please note the County has approved the proposal to utilize private septic,provided they have Health Department approval prior to the final site plan being approved. The proposal will connect to public water (no well shall be provided). Let me know. Thanks C:ianstopher P.Perez.!Senior Planner Department of Community Development!County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville.VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 1 Christopher Perez From: Alex Morrison [amorrison @serviceauthority.org] Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 8:37 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: RE: SDP2014-73 Virginia Asphalt- initial site plan Attachments: 050601 GENERALWATER&SEWERCONDITIONS020613.pdf Chris, I have reviewed the updated plan and have the following comments: • Update the ACSA General Water and Sewer Conditions (attached). • Per the Fire Marshall (3/11/15) no FHA will be required for this project. • No utility construction review submittal is required for the ACSA due to the removal of the FHA requirement. • The ACSA is unable to locate the note for backflow protection. Update the note so it is located on Sheet 3 where the waterline enters the proposed building. • Remove the proposed flowering dogwood located 6' north of the proposed water meter. No trees shall be located within 10' of the proposed water meter. Let me know if you have any questions. Alexander J. Morrison, ElT Civil Engineer Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville,Virginia 22911 (0)434-977-4511 Ext. 116 (F)434-979-0698 Like the ACSA on Facebook at www.facebook.com/acsaconnect From: Christopher Perez [mailto:cperezalbemarle.orq] Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 6:21 PM To: Alex Morrison Subject: SDP2014-73 Virginia Asphalt- initial site plan SDP2014-73 Virginia Asphalt- initial site plan Alex, I am finalizing my comments for the above referenced project. Have you had a chance to look at the revisions which were sent out 2-23-15? I plan to send my comments out tomorrow by Noon. Has anything changed from your initial comments? Please note the County has approved the proposal to utilize private septic, provided they have Health Department approval prior to the final site plan being approved. The proposal will connect to public water(no well shall be provided). Let me know if you have any new comments. Thanks 1