HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201400009 Review Comments 2014-02-26 kxi , Now' INNS" 1 5 b �` d 1 - tt M COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1601 Orange Road Culpeper,Yrgmma 22701 Charles A. Kilpatrick,P.E. Commissioner February 26, 2014 Mr. Johnathan Newberry County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: SDP-2014-00009 Old Trail Blocks 28,29B - Final Site Plan Dear Mr. Newberry: We have reviewed the final site plan for Old Trail Village, Blocks 28 & 29B dated January 31, 2014 as submitted by Roudabush, Gale &Associates, Inc. and offer the following comments: 1. The sight distance lines appear to originate at 10' from the nearest through lane. This distance needs to be 14.5' and the sight distance and need for sight distance easements need to be evaluated based on the new sight lines. 2. If possible, the water service connection for Lot 21 should come from the waterline located on Private Street `A' so that Golf Drive will not need to be open cut. 3. All deflections of the storm sewer should be at least 90'. It appears that the angles are less than 90° at structures 111-105-112, at structures 100-117-115,and at structures 130- 128-126. 4. Rather than running storm sewer from structure 117 to 115, could the storm sewer run from 115 to 100 to the structure near the intersection of Road `M' and Golf View Drive? 5. Will there be a need to connect the waterline shown on Ashlar Avenue to the proposed 12"dry waterline between Road `L' and the roundabout? If so, this connection should be made during construction of Ashlar Avenue so that roadway will not need to be open cut in the future. 6. The intersection connections of the roadways should be built and reflected as vertical curves on the profiles. 7. The profile for Golfview Drive should include the elevation and grade for the road extension at station 17-54 -r"- as shown in the approved plans for Block 35A. 8. Is Golfview Drive going to be built to station 24-00 as shown on the profile or to station 21-19 as shown on the plan view? 9. The station and elevation of Road L should be shown on the profile for Golfview Drive. 10. The elevation of Ashlar Avenue should be added to the intersection shown on the profile for Road `M'. 11. The Public Road noted on the profile for Ashlar Avenue should be labeled as Road L and the appropriate elevation should be added. Nage *we 12. It is difficult to distinguish the existing elevations on the profiles,but it appears that CD- 1's are required and should be shown on the profiles at the following locations: • Road L- Station 12+58 +r- • Road L— Station 13+55 +1- • Golfview Drive_ Station 19+65 +,• Road M- Station 13+70+1- • Road M-- Station 16+25 +_- • Ashlar Avenue—Station 14+90+1- 13. The storm sewer profiles should be shown on separate profiles. There is currently too much detail on the profiles to accurately compare the information with that in the calculations. In addition, it will be difficult to obtain accurate information from the current profiles to construct the storm sewer. 14. Final review of the storm sewer calculations is pending the clarification of the storm sewer profiles. 15.The plan view for the streets should clearly identify the on-street parking for Road `L'. 16. Pavement design calculations need to be submitted for review. 17. The sight lines should be added to the landscape plan to determine if the proposed street trees will impact the available sight distance at each intersection. If you need additional information concerning this project,please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, /./11)- Troy Austin,P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Culpeper District WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING June 9, 2014 Mr. Jonathan Newberry, Planner County of Albemarle Dept. of Community Development 401 McIntire Rd,NW Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: SDP201400009 Old Trail Blocks 28,29B—Final Site Plan Dear Mr.Newberry, I have reviewed and addressed your comments. The individual responses to those comments are below. Planning 1. On Sheet 1, please change the subtitle from"Site & Subdivision Plan"to "Final Site Plan". Title on Cover Sheet revised. In addition, plans have been split into a WPO, A Road Plan and a Site Plan. 2. On Sheet 1, under General Notes, please remove the note regarding development rights. Revised accordingly. 3. On Sheet 1, please list the setbacks for each block. Setback Table and Area Summaries have been provided. 4. On Sheet 1, please provide the density and area summaries for each block. Setback Table and Area Summaries have been provided. 5. [Code of Development] Please submit a variation for a reduction in setbacks where applicable. Variation request submitted under separate cover. 6. [General Comment] Upon resubmittal, please reflect the combination of Lot 13 in Block 29B with Lot 1 in Block 29A as reviewed under application number SUB201400032. OK. 7. [14-233, 14-234/General Comment] The current configuration of Private Street `A' does not show planting strips or sidewalks, nor does it have private street approval. Please submit a private street authorization request with waivers for planting strips and sidewalks. This is consistent with the process for private streets in Block 14. Private Street Authorization request submitted under separate cover. 8. [32.6.2(i)] Parking and loading areas. Please show details for any desired on-street parking. On Sheet 1, please provide a parking schedule. A parking schedule has been added to the cover sheet. Nor' NNW' 9. [32.6.2(k)] Outdoor lighting. If any outdoor lighting above 3,000 lumens is proposed, please submit a photometric plan and show the location of each luminaire. If none is proposed, then please add a note on Sheet 1 that states "There will be no outdoor lighting above 3,000 lumens". Noted. 10. [] Tree Canopy. On Sheet 25, please display the canopy (in sq. f) for each type of plant to confirm the amount of canopy proposed meets the canopy requirement. Noted. E911 1. The applicant should submit three (3) road name requests for each of the following: "Private Street A", "Road M", "Road L", and "Private Alley A, B, C" before approval is given. Noted. Engineering 1. Site plan: a. Please update the topography to within one year of submittal date. The topography should at least be field verified and stated on the plan with a date of verification. [14- 302, 18-32.5.2, policy] Topography is accurate at the time of plan submittal. Noted accordingly. b. Lot#20 driveways is shown across "Open Space" and appears to have adequate room on the lot for the driveway. Recommend moving driveway off"Open Space" lot. Client driven location for driveway. c. Storm drain pipes are missing from sheet 5 of 26. Site Plan shows above ground features only. See Grading & Utility Plan for u/g Utilities. d. Please provide a bench mark location, elevation and datum for topography. [policy] Added accordingly. e. Proposed grading has a mix of contour intervals making the topography difficult to decipher. Please pick either the 1' contour or the 2' contour for consistency. Contours revised to reflect 2' intervals. f Please make sure match lines are correct and page numbers are accurate. Match-line & sheet references revised to reflect the plans set changes. g. Please show all buffer limits on plans. WPO buffers added to the plan sheets. h. Buffer disturbance will need a mitigation plan. Except for the perpendicular storm sewer outfall pipe,we have avoided the buffer impacts at this time. i. Please show critical slopes on the plans. [18-4.2, 14-304] There are no critical slopes located within the development area. j. Please show the easements on the plan and check the depth to easement width for excavation limits. [18-32.6.2.g] See table on Sheet 14. k. Please show sight distance lines on landscape plan to verify unobstructed sight easements. Trees may need to be moved out of lines of sight. Added. 1. Please show road name and traffic sign locations on the plans. Signage added. m. Please change the line weight for existing pipes so they will not be counted as proposed. Existing shown as dashed/lighter to distinguish existing from proposed. 2. Drainage and road: a. Please show the Stormwater drainage easements on the site plan. [Code Sec. 18- 32.5.2, 18-32.6.2.d]. Existing& proposed easements are shown on the site plan. b. Future storm drainage systems shall have an outlet to prevent them filling with water over time. [structure 144] Noted for inlets to be watertight until future storm sewer construction. c. Please show VDOT designations for entrances on the plan. Duplex Entrance location shown. d. VDOT approval is required for final plan approvals. OK. e. Fire/rescue department approval is required for final plan approvals. OK. f. Alleys will be designed to prevent stormwater flows from entering intersections. Please use the rural street intersection criteria of continuing the -2% cross grade for a minimum 20' from the edge of pavement of the intersected street down the alley to provide a low point off the intersected street for drainage. Profiles now reflect the true CG-11 conditions at the proposed intersections. g. Please show Cross-drain locations on plans at every major cut fill transition or sag with VDOT designations. CD-2 & CD-1 locations added to profile and details provided. h. Please update all standard notes as shown in the ACDSM. Notes updated to the latest version. i. Please check angles of deflections on storm water system. Drainage pipe angles need to be 90 degrees or greater. For example stormwater structures 110 and 117 appear to be less than 90 degrees. Since deflected storm sewer pipes are unacceptable to Albemarle, additional inlets were added to provide separation and provide 90 degree junctions at the inlets. j. Please provide drainage profiles for the entire stormwater system. Independent profiles have been added to include all proposed storm pipes. k. Please show inlet shaping for stormwater manhole junctions to reduce the risk of standing water/breeding areas for mosquitoes. Inlet shaping has been added to all inlets per direction. 1. Pipes with slopes less than 0.5% are too flat and may not be self cleaning. Albemarle County Policy is for all stormwater systems will have a minimum 0.5% slope. The design manual refers to minimum cleaning velocity and not a minimum slope condition. If actual policy dictates 0.50%, then the design manual should be updated to reflect the actual requirements. Pipe Slopes were increased to provide the 0.50% as requested. 3. Stormwater Protection: a. Stormwater management proposal will be addressed by the County Engineer. The WPO plan for Upper Ballard as been designed to provide both water quality and 10 yr Pre-Post detention for the western portion of Old Trail Village, including the addition of the Block 3A & Old Trail Drive drainage. See UB Pond routings. 4. Erosion and Sediment Control: a. Blocks 29A & 35A do not appear to be shown correctly. Please show the existing topography now that grading has occurred on Blocks 29A& 35A. [14-302, 18-32.5.2, policy] Grading has been revised to reflect the current topography. b. Bulk grading plan has a mix of 1' and 2' contour intervals and is inconsistent. Please pick one contour interval to reduce misinterpretation of proposed grading. Contours now depict 2' contours. c. Double row of silt fence do not typically work and are difficult for the contractor to maintain. Please show a sediment trap in the lowest area near the pond. It can be filled in after site stabilization to finished contours shown. The sediment basin, located at the existing low point of this area will prevent any runoff from entering Upper Ballard pond. As such, the implementation of a small fill diversion along the existing WPO buffer will protect the pond from any sediment latent runoff and direct all runoff into the basin until the site becomes stabilized. The super silt fence along Upper Ballrd has been specified w/ chainlink backing. d. Please show temporary/permanent seeding on the "Bulk grading Plan". Seeding will not be required unless project or portions of project will not be completed within the 9 month land disturbance time limit. [Code Sec.17-207.B.2] Seeding, both temporary and proposed is shown on the EC and bulkgrade plans. e. Sediment basin construction details are required. Details of the proposed sediment basin, the actual storage for the sediment basin both before fill operations and after bulkgrading were both shown to provide ample storage per the specifications. f. Sediment traps with diversions that bisect the site do not work in the field and are a burden to both the contractor and inspector to maintain the drainage divisions. Can this side of the project be piped to the sediment basin? The sediment traps are being provided to isolate the future pad ready areas from running off into proposed Ashlar Avenue. The sediment basin is sized to receive all disturbed areas and runoff. The sediment traps have been included to reduce the burden on the temporary basin, as well as to provide additional storage and volume more close to the area of destabilization. Piping the inlets to the pond would be temporary, costly and subject to change. g. Blocks will need E&SC protection to keep mud off the new road construction. This office recommends a sediment trap behind inlet structure #112 with a pipe into the back of structure#112. The storm sewer will be utilized as temporary conveyance measure for the development area. Cleaning of the storm pipes is noted and will be required prior to acceptance by VDOT. h. Silt fence or earth berm draining to control structures should be placed behind sidewalks to protect the new road and sidewalk areas from sedimentation until the vegetation is established. Silt fence has been added to isolate the lot construction from the roadways. i. Please remove proposed 1' contours or make the whole plan with 1' contours. 1' contours have been removed. j. Please show the stock pile locations on the plan. Potential stockpile area shown k. Please show staging and parking areas for the contractors and other construction related areas. Potential staging areas shown. Fire and Rescue 1. Once the No Parking signs have been approved for the streets less than 36 ft FC/FC Fire Rescue will sign off with No Objections. No parking signs added to alleys. VDOT 1. The sight distance lines appear to originate at 10' from the nearest through lane. This distance needs to be 14.5' and the sight distance and need for sight distance easements need to be evaluated based on the new sight lines. Sight distance shown at 14.5' from ep. 2. If possible, the water service connection for Lot 21 should come from the waterline located on "Private Street A" so that Golf Drive will not need to be open cut. OK. 3. All deflections of the storm sewer need to be at least 90°. It appears that the angles are less than 90° at structures 111-105-112, at structures 100-117-115, and at structures 130-128-126. 4. Rather than running storm sewer from structures 117 to 115, could the storm sewer run from 115 to 100 to the structure near the intersection of Road "M" and Golf View Drive: Proposed road sag condition prevents this solution. 5. Will there be a need to connect the waterline shown on Ashlar Avenue to the proposed 12" dry waterline between Road "L" and the roundabout? If so, this connection should be made during construction of Ashlar Avenue so that the roadway will not need to be open cut in the future. They will not need to be connected within Ashlar Avenue. 6. The intersection connections of the roadways should be built and reflected as vertical curves on the profiles. Profiles and intersection grades have been detailed to reflect the CG-11 or vertical curve conditions. 7. The profile for Golf View Drive should include the elevation and grade for the road extension at station 17+54+ as shown in the approved plans for Block 35A. OK. 8. Is Golf View Drive going to be built to station 24+00 as shown on the profile or to station 21+19 as shown on the plan view? End Construction stations and labels added. 9. The station and elevation of Road "L" should be shown on the profile of Golf View Drive. Intersection labels, elevations and stations added for clarity and completeness. 10. The elevation of Ashlar Avenue should be added to the intersection shown on profile for Road"M". Intersection labels, elevations and stations added for clarity and completeness. 11. The public road noted on the profile for Ashlar Avenue should be labeled as Road "L" and the appropriate elevation should be added. 12. It is difficult to distinguish the existing elevations on the profiles, but it appears that CD-1's are required and should be shown on the profiles at the following locations: CD-1 & CD-2 added to the plans set. 13. The storm sewer profiles should be shown on separate profiles. There is currently too much detail on the profiles to accurately compare the information with that in the calculations. In addition, it will be difficult to obtain accurate information from the current profiles to construct the storm sewer. a. Road L— Station 12+58 ± b. Road L— Station 13+55 ± c. Golf View Drive—Station 19+65 ± d. Road M— Station 13+70± e. Road M—Station 16+25 ± f. Ashlar Avenue— Station 14+90+ Independent profiles added to simplify their appearance. 14. Final review of the storm sewer calculations is pending the clarification of the storm sewer profiles. OK. 15. The plan view for the streets should clearly identify the on-street parking for Road "L". Based on the proposed section, on-street parking is to be intermittent and 2 off-street parking spaces shall be provided on each lot. 16. Pavement design calculations need to be submitted for review. OK. 17. The sight lines should be added to the landscape plan to determine if the proposed street trees will impact the available sight distance at each intersection. Added. Nome Now, of AL gallkwil County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Chris Mulligan(CMulliganga,roudabush.com) CC: Bill Ledbetter(BLedbetter @roudabush.com) From: J.T.Newberry(jnewben-yaalbemarle.org) Division: Planning Date: September 12,2014 Subject: SDP201400009 OTV Blocks 28 and 29B—Final Site Plan The Planner will recommend approval of the plat referred to above when the following items have been satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.) Planning 1. [General Comment] The private street authorization request is scheduled to be heard on the consent agenda at the September 16,2014 Planning Commission meeting. 2. [General Comment] The variation request for 5' setback lines in Block 28 and 29B is scheduled to be heard on the consent agenda at the October 8,2014 Board of Supervisors meeting. 3. [General Comment] The alignment of the walking path for the lots that front on Hazel Grove Lane(as provided on a separate exhibit dated September 11,2014)looks good. Please show it accordingly on the site plan. 4. [General Comment] Please show the current property lines for Lot 1 in Block 29A to reflect the approval of SUB201400032(BLA with Lot 13 in 29B). 5. [General Comment] Consistent with other Old Trail site plans,please provide an updated table showing the cumulative impact of Blocks 28 and 29B on the overall development(as shown below). 6. [Section 32.6.2] A total of 69 parking spaces are required because one guest parking space is required for every four duplex units. Please show where at least three guest spaces will be provided on the site plan or on a separate exhibit. Additionally,please show how the parking will be provided in a table that shows"X"number of spots are"provided on lots"and"X"number of spots are"provided on-street." 7. [Section] On Sheet 20,please provide one additional street tree for Golf Drive and the proposed section of Golf View Drive. Please contact J.T.Newberry at 434-296-5832,ext. 3270 or jnewberry(a�albemarle.org for further information about the comments above. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (CUMULATIVE OF ALL BLOCKS SUBMITTED FOR OLD TRAIL VILLAGE) 000a01AL u4A m IF 1042-001100 TOTAL AVM NOM u212 'M1s W*"' e2310-6412 owns A2g06ASI uw A AIX 00011 �"-'� /MOT w- AAA MCA AMA IAA 6"1 /AIM 4Apl ai 3 v m s NAM _ - (AC) 2/6°(Ac - VAIN MACK 10141 m 00 0 ern r tDtK n wowr / ET%OF"lit /3,2/3,2 "A� 0 U -WE u.." 107 6.,V'1 00 MwE M1 I OF tarn h) 0 v ONis 6.1 AIM 06[ 4003 0 0 0 A A 10300 00 7.12 0 SI 0 14 17.00 2300 0 4.3 .01 0/71 2/• • as 4610+10[ 2260 0 4 23 a• 00 /6.442 43 16.60 0 0 0 0 16.46 0710 0 IA 22 0/4 0/4 1t 271 MAO 404 120 0 0 22 32 N 10001 46 0120 0 0 0 • 10111 0M0 0 24 .2 5/4• 0/A It 10 4606 0= 0200 0 0 V 00 00 ILONC A p10 10 0 0 A 14.70 1.1140 071 040 0/60 We 16 4.0 WO 0 14 0 0 0 A 16012 10 10461 0 0 0 0 060 0060 23 21 0 0/4' 0/60 10554. 24.2 004E 10 4 22 200 A2 NO MA 32 14 0 47 11.• 7*14 AM 473 2111 %4.,0tamF000•2j2471 ILA 44.. OQ4