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SDP201400043 Review Comments 2014-09-15
i a Ellie Ray From: Margaret Maliszewski Sent: Monday, September 15, 2014 4:54 PM To: Ellie Ray Subject: ARB action on Riverside Village Ellie, Here is the ARB's action from today's meeting on the Riverside Village proposal. Margaret Motion: Ms. Joseph moved for approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness for ARB-2014-94: Riverside Village - Final Site Development Plan with the conditions listed in the 9/2/2014 staff report, amended as follows, based on the revised drawings submitted 9/15/2014: 1. Indicate on the drawings that the window glass meets the following requirements: Window glass meets the following criteria: Visible light transmittance (VLT)shall not drop below 40%. Visible light reflectance (VLR)shall not exceed 30%. 2. Consider possible locations for a freestanding sign at the entrance to the development as the landscape plan at the entrance is revised. Coordinate the landscape design on both the south and north sides of the entrance. 3. Consider developing a design that eliminates the requirement for a handrail along the sidewalk at the front entrance. If this is not possible, provide in the plan a detail for the safety railing.The railing shall have an appropriate appearance for the EC. 4. Add the standard mechanical equipment note to the architectural drawings. 5. Continue the large shade and ornamental tree planting along the EC frontage south of the site in all areas where grading and/or tree removal are proposed. 6. Replace all the green ash with an alternate species. Replace the large trees adjacent to the overhead line at the northeast corner of the property with medium shade trees. 7. Coordinate the quantity of willow oaks and serviceberry trees listed in the plant schedule with the number drawn on the plan. Do not reduce the number drawn on the plan to achieve coordination. 8. Revise the planting along the north side of the development to meet the landscape requirements of the rezoning and to include a mix of screening trees north of Block 2A. Show adequate planting area in the vicinity of the retaining wall. 9. Revise the landscape plan to be consistent with the other site plan sheets regarding Blocks 1 and 5. If the architectural designs are not available for review at this time, these building footprints should be removed from the plan. 10. Revise the grading plan to round contours with a ten foot minimum radius where they meet the adjacent condition, for a natural appearance south of the pipe that crosses Rt. 20. 11. Revise the landscape plan at the northeast corner of the site to provide a coordinated planting scheme that accounts for the loss of the trees previously shown as to remain. Coordinate the planting and landscape design of this area with the design of the overall frontage along the EC. Mr. Chambers seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4:0. (Wardell absent) 'Now Igoe Margaret M. Maliszewski,Principal Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3276 2 Ellie Ray From: Ellie Ray Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 2:13 PM To: 'Justin Shimp' Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale Subject: SUB201400138 Riverside Village- Final Plat Justin, As discussed by phone earlier,this plat cannot be reviewed as submitted until the Final Site Plan (SDP201400043) has been approved. It will be noted as 'incomplete application' in our tracking system until the final site plan is approved. At that point, it will be noted as'under review' and distributed to the various reviewers/agencies. I spoke with Rebecca about this and she said it is fine in terms of showing progress toward meeting the proffer. If you want the Deed of Dedication for the park to have a preliminary review by the County Attorney's Office (we would normally do this is conjunction with review of the plat),you can email a copy to Rebecca and she will send it to them for initial comments. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Ellie Carter Ray, PLA, LEE ,,RFFN ASSOE_!AT€ Senior Planner Albemarle County Community Development Planning Division 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville,Virginia 22902 ph: 434.296.5832 x. 3432 fax: 434.972.4126 1 Ellie Ray From: Rebecca Ragsdale Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 10:35 AM To: justin @shimp-engineering.com Cc: Ellie Ray Subject: Riverside Village Justin, Regarding your 8' building separation requirement, no encroachments of architectural features or eave overhangs are permitted but gutters may encroach. Regarding the park dedication, I took a look at the plat and deed you dropped off and consulted with Ellie.We will need a subdivision application and applicable fee depending on what type of plat you're submitting: • The park could be subdivided as a special lot if you'd like to do the dedication before platting the rest of the subdivision. • The park can also be dedicated at the same time you are platting the rest of the subdivision. If you do that before the final site plan is approved,a preliminary plat will be required and will need to go to SRC. Thanks, Rebecca Rebecca Ragsdale,Senior Planner County of Albemarle Department of Community Development-Zoning Services 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 (434)296-5832 Ext.3226 E-mail:rragsdale @albemarle.org 1 NSW Ellie Ray From: Rebecca Ragsdale Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 9:36 AM To: Justin Shimp Cc: Bob Crickenberger; Dan Mahon; Ellie Ray Subject: Riverside Village Attachments: ZMA 12-02_SDP 14-43_Riverside Village_Proffer request letter 7-7-14.pdf Justin, Please see the attached letter regarding the park proffers associated with Riverside Village.The letter was mailed yesterday to the owner of record according to our files but please forward it to other owners/developers of the project if necessary.This letter is the County's official request for the park land dedication and cash proffer payment. Thanks, Rebecca Rebecca Ragsdale,Senior Planner County of Albemarle Department of Community Development-Zoning Services 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 (434)296-5832 Ext.3226 E-mail:rraizsdale @albemarle.org 1 Ellie Ray From: Rebecca Ragsdale Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 4:43 PM To: Ellie Ray;justin @shimp-engineering.com Subject: SDP 2014-43 Riverside Village-Zoning comments I have the following comments which I will also upload into County View. I hadn't provided my final comment site plan yet because I wanted a chance to review them along with the variation requests. I have not had a chance to look at the variations yet. I really have only two comments so far as what would need to be updated in the plan set and they are in bold below. • The tables on the site plan will need to be revised if the variations that have been submitted are approved and the variations reference on the cover sheet of the site plan. • Proffer 1- Park Land Dedication/Trails system- A separate letter was sent on 7/7/14 requesting this cash proffer and park land dedication. The cash proffer has been paid. The park land dedication remains outstanding and must be addressed. Dedication of the parkland is not required prior to final site plan approval however. I sent an email on 8/814 regarding this as well. In the 7/7/14 letter I requested that final design details for the trails, including trail standard, be specified on the final site plan. I do not see where this has been addressed with the latest revision. • Proffer 4-Frontage and Other Road Improvements- All necessary plans and plat(s) must be submitted and reviewed by VDOT to ensure this proffer is met for both the on-site and off-side dedications. The proffer requires the frontage improvements as part of the first site plan or subdivision plat. See Planning comment #4 from Ellie Ray in her 11/4/14 memo for more detail. Rebecca Ragsdale.Senior Planner County of Albemarle • Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 (434)296-5832 Ext.3226 E-mail:rrai sdale(kalbemarle.org 1 Ellie Ray From: Ellie Ray Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 4:00 PM To: 'Chris Norvelle' Subject: RE: Riverside Village Resubmittal Copies Chris, Rebecca hasn't entered her review into countyview for the Site Plan, and I spoke with her earlier and she hadn't yet done her review....so, as far as I know, she hasn't issued her`no objection'. As for the variations, Robbie Gilmer does have comments on the setback variation (he spoke to me about it earlier today) but he hasn't formally submitted the comments yet...and I haven't done my review of the revised variations because I was waiting on the other reviewers and I have other applications in front of that one. At this point,this isn't going to meet the deadline to get the variations on the December 10th agenda, so I'm not in a huge rush to complete my review. So, I would wait until you get everyone's comments on both the SDP and the variations before you resubmit. Ellie Carter Ray, PLA, LEED GREEN ASSOCIATE Senior Planner Albemarle County Community Development ph: 434.296.5832 x. 3432 From: Chris Norvelle [mailto:chris@ shimp-engineering.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 1:58 PM To: Ellie Ray Subject: Riverside Village Resubmittal Copies Ellie, Justin has informed me that we have talked with Rebecca Ragsdale and she doesn't have any objection with the most recent final site plan for Riverside Village.We are still waiting to see if she has any comments on the variation request and plan on resubmitting to you tomorrow once we get final word from her. We are mainly confirming she is ok with the proposed 3'side setback that was included in the variation. If she is ok with that we plan on showing the 3' setback on the plan we resubmit tomorrow. Do you have a final count on how many sets you are looking for? Thanks, Chris Norvelle Senior Design Technician Shimp Engineering, P.C. 201 E. Main St,Suite M Charlottesville,VA 22902 Phone: (434)207-8086 (Office) (434) 987-2543 (Direct) chris @shimp-engineering.com 1 New Nesse Ellie Ray From: Robbie Gilmer Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 11:48 AM To: Ellie Ray Subject: RE: Scanned image from Current Dev 1M3512 Ellie, Thanks for clearing up the mews, Fire Rescue is fine with it. As far as changing the setback requirements in Riverside Village I have one comment. I need to see the Fire Flow modeled to assure that they will have a minimum of 2750 gpm @ 20 psi, I'm looking for the AWWA Q-20 calculations. After talking with Alex Morrison about this calculation he said Justin Shimp will have to model the system for Riverside Village not ACSA. Do I need to put this comment in County View under ZMA-2012-00002 or should it go under a different number? Thank you, Robert Gilmer Assist. Fire Marshal Albemarle County Fire Rescue 460 StageCoach Road Charlottesville, Va. 22901 Office 434-296-5833 Cell 434-531-6606 Original Message From: Ellie Ray Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2014 3:09 PM To: Robbie Gilmer Subject: RE: Scanned image from Current Dev IM3512 I talked to David about the 14' versus the 12' paver section for the mews. . .and it is confusing and inconsistent. The sections are actually labeled as 'conceptual' on the approved application plan, so he thinks the "12' minimum" listed in the other chart is the governing requirement. It has always been shown as 12' on the Final Site Plan submittals. . .so he said as long as you are fine with it, that we'll recommend approval of the variation b/c nothing is really changing from what's been shown on the site plan thus far. Let me know if you need any more info! Thanks, Ellie Carter Ray, PLA, LEED GREEN ASSOCIATE Senior Planner Albemarle County Community Development ph: 434.296.5832 x. 3432 Original Message From: Ellie Ray '•••e „goof Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 4:24 PM To: Robbie Gilmer Subject: FW: Scanned image from Current Dev IM3512 Attached is the setback variation we discussed for SDP201400043 Riverside Village. Thanks, Ellie Carter Ray, PLA, LEED GREEN ASSOCIATE Senior Planner Albemarle County Community Development ph: 434.296.5832 x. 3432 Original Message From: im3512CurDev @albemarle.org [mailto:im3512CurDevOalbemarle.org] On Behalf Of im3512CurDev@ Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2014 5:59 AM To: Ellie Ray Subject: Scanned image from Current Dev IM3512 DEVICE NAME: CurDev-IM3512-2 DEVICE MODEL: im3512 LOCATION: CDD Current Development FILE FORMAT: PDF MMR(G4) RESOLUTION: 300dpi x 300dpi Attached file is scanned image in PDF format. Use Acrobat(R)Reader4.0 or later version, or Adobe(R)Reader(TM) of Adobe Systems Incorporated to view the document. Acrobat(R)Reader4.0 or later version, or Adobe(R)Reader(TM) can be downloaded from the following URL: Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, the Adobe PDF logo, and Reader are registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and other countries. http://www.adobe.com/ 2 Ellie Ray ..., From: Ellie Ray Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 12:05 PM To: 'Justin Shimp' Cc: Chris Norvelle Subject: RE: How many copies of riverside back to you? Wait until you get comments from Zoning before you resubmit. ACSA has indicated the project is under construction review. Engineering comments were entered into CV on Friday. . .see below. Engineering comments: Road and VSMP plans need to be approved prior to final site plan approval. Ellie Carter Ray, PLA, LEED GREEN ASSOCIATE Senior Planner Albemarle County Community Development ph: 434.296.5832 x. 3432 Original Message From: Justin Shimp [mailto:-Justin @shimp-engineering.com] Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 11:54 AM To: Ellie Ray Cc: Chris Norvelle Subject: How many copies of riverside back to you? Thanks! Sent from my iPhone 1 Review Comments Project Name: Riverside Village- Final Final Site Development Plan Date Completed: Friday, November 07, 2014 Reviewer: Max Greene Department/Division/Agency: Engineering Reviews Comments: Road and VSMP plans need to be approved prior to final site plan approval. Review Status: See Recommendations Ellie Ray From: Ellie Ray Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 4:30 PM To: Rebecca Ragsdale; Robbie Gilmer Subject: FW: Riverside Variations Attachments: Mews Section Variation Request(11-05-14).pdf; 110514-Landscape Screening Variation Request- Revision.pdf; Variation Application -Alley Width and Setbacks (11-05-14).pdf The revisions to the Riverside variations are attached. This does not include the side setback variation, as I didn't give any comments on that one. My hope is to get this on the December 10th BOS agenda, which would mean I have to have my report written and entered into the ES system by the 17th'which would mean I likely need your comments by about the 12th....I don't know what your timeline usually is for a review such as this, but let me know if you think this will work from your end. Of course, if there are additional comments/revisions required,that date likely goes out the window O Thanks!! Ellie Carter Ray, PLA,LEED GREEN ASSOCIAT€:. Senior Planner Albemarle County Community Development ph: 434.296.5832 x. 3432 From: Kelly Strickland [mailto:kellyCalshimp-engineering.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 4:24 PM To: Ellie Ray Cc: 'ustin • shim•-en•ineerin•r, om Subject: RE: Riverside Variatio Ellie, The attached revisions for the two variat s n requests should address •ur comments#12 and#15 from yesterday (November 4). At this point, we're hoping not to address any c• ments on the se back variation request other than to specify that all construction will conform to requirements of the .te Fire Prey:. tion Code. Let us know if you have any questions. Thanks, Kelly Strickland Shimp Engineering, PC 434.981.6029 From: Ellie Ray [mailto:eray(aalbemarle.orq] Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 3:25 PM To: Kelly Strickland Subject: Riverside Variations Kelly, I finally spoke to Zoning concerning these variations and they do want to review them. Th_ said that Fire/Rescue will also have to review the one regarding setba ks. So, if you still plan to submit revisions tom rrow, please submit three copies so I can distribute to the others. If y u want to wait and see if they have comment on the first submittal,that's fine as well...just let me know what you pla to do. Thanks, Ellie Ray From: Kelly Strickland [kelly @shimp-engineering.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 4:24 PM To: Ellie Ray Cc: justin @shimp-engineering.com Subject: RE: Riverside Variations Attachments: Mews Section Variation Request(11-05-14).pdf; 110514-Landscape Screening Variation Request- Revision.pdf; Variation Application -Alley Width and Setbacks (11-05-14).pdf Ellie, The attached revisions for the two variation requests should address your comments#12 and#15 from yesterday (November 4). At this point, we're hoping not to address any comments on the setback variation request other than to specify that all construction will conform to requirements of the State Fire Prevention Code. Let us know if you have any questions. Thanks, Kelly Strickland Shimp Engineering, PC 434.981.6029 From: Ellie Ray [mailto:eray@ albemarle.orq] Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 3:25 PM To: Kelly Strickland Subject: Riverside Variations Kelly, I finally spoke to Zoning concerning these variations and they do want to review them. The said that Fire/Rescue will also have to review the one regarding setbacks. So, if you still plan to submit revisions tomorrow, please submit three copies so I can distribute to the others. If you want to wait and see if they have comments on the first submittal,that's fine as well...just let me know what you plan to do. Thanks, Ellie Carter Ray,PLA, LED GREEN ASSOCIATE Senior Planner Albemarle County Community Development Planning Division 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville,Virginia 22902 ph: 434.296.5832 x. 3432 fax: 434.972.4126 1 NNW more Ellie Ray From: Margaret Maliszewski Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 11:53 AM To: Ellie Ray Subject: RE: SDP 201400043 Riverside Village- Final I'll send them. From: Ellie Ray Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 11:52 AM To: Margaret Maliszewski Subject: SDP 201400043 Riverside Village - Final Hey Margaret, I just noticed that you have entered your comments for this sdp revision. I guess you must have entered them yesterday after I sent mine...did you send them directly to the applicant or do I need to do that? Thanks, Ellie Carter Ray, PLA, LEED GRE-FN ASSOCIATE. Senior Planner Albemarle County Community Development Planning Division 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville,Virginia 22902 ph: 434.296.5832 x. 3432 fax: 434.972.4126 1 Ellie Ray From: Kelly Strickland Ikelly @shimp-engineering.com] Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 3:40 PM To: Ellie Ray Cc: justin @ shimp-engineering.com; chenry@pbmcap.com Subject: Riverside Village-ZMA 12-02 Variation#143 Attachments: 111414-Landscape Screening (Variation#2) Request- Revision.pdf; 111414-Building Separation (Variation#3) Request-Revision.pdf Ellie, Thank you again for meeting with us this afternoon and please accept my apologies for taking up so much of your time on these variations. Please find the attached digital copies of revised Variations#2 and#3. The original variation is highlighted in yellow and the current revisions are highlighted in magenta. As per your comments: Variation#1 is in order and ready for your recommendation. On Variation#2, we have adjusted Table IX and broken down the SWM facilities into two categories,those requiring ARB review and those that do not. In response to your request for clarification on the Green Space, Civic Space,and Amenities Table;we have responded to your earlier comment and updated the two Tables in this request to more consistently match the original application. The Green Space in the Mews has been reduced to eliminate the impervious area of the Mews. While the plan has always included a mews with concrete pavers,the area of the concrete pavers, by definition, cannot be included in the calculation for Green Space. On Variation#3,we have included Table X and we have added the two notes as requested. Thanks for all your help with this project, Kelly Strickland Shimp Engineering, PC 434.981.6029 1 Ellie Ray From: Ellie Ray Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 10:21 AM To: 'Justin Shimp, P.E.' Subject: SDP201400043 Riverside Village- Final Variations#1-3 Attachments: SDP201400043-Varations 1-3 Memo.pdf Comments attached. This includes comments from Zoning. Ellie Carter Ray,PLA, LED GREEN ASSOCIATE Senior Planner Albemarle County Community Development Planning Division 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville,Virginia 22902 ph: 434.296.5832 x. 3432 fax: 434.972.4126 1 Ellie Ray From: Robbie Gilmer Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 8:32 AM To: Justin Shimp, P.E. Cc: Ellie Ray Subject: RE: Riverside Village- Fire Flow Calculation Justin, Thank you for modeling the 0-20 for Riverside Village. Ellie, The numbers Justin modeled for Riverside Village meets the fire code requirements. I will enter my comments in County View for Fire Rescue. Thank you, Robert Gilmer Assist. Fire Marshal Albemarle County Fire Rescue 460 StageCoach Road Charlottesville,Va. 22901 Office 434-296-5833 Cell 434-531-6606 From: Justin Shimp, P.E. [mailto:justin(ashimp-engineering.com] Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:04 PM To: Robbie Gilmer Cc: Ellie Ray Subject: Fwd: Riverside Village- Fire Flow Calculation Hi Robbie, I've attached the Q20 fire flow information that you needed. If you would please reply to Ellie to let her know this is what you were looking for I would be most appreciative. If there are any other items needed,please let me know,thanks! Justin Shimp, P.E. 434-953-6116 Begin forwarded message: 1 , Ellie Ray From: Rebecca Ragsdale Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 2:27 PM To: Ellie Ray Subject: RE: Riverside Village variations 11/12/14 Comments on Variations submitted 10/23/14 and revised 115/14 Zoning has no objection to these variations as the proposed changes are all eligible to be varied under Section I have provided comments on each variation below. Variation to side setbacks for Blocks 2, 3, and 4- (Eligible for variation under Section changes to yard requirements, build-to lines or ranges, maximum structure heights and minimum lot sizes) • A 3' side setback, rather than a building separation requirement, is consistent with side setbacks approved in other Neighborhood Model developments such as Belvedere. A setback is also easier to administer than building separation. • In addition to revising the table on Sheet 4, the table on Sheet 6-Table X of the application plan will also need to be updated if this variation is approved. • Notes to require in the updated table: o No encroachments of architectural features or overhangs are permitted into the 3' setback. o Also, other NMD developments (Belvedere) have required a maintenance easement along the side property lines as a condition of approval. If this is required, it should also be a note added to the code of development that the maintenance easement will be recorded with the subdivision plat. Variation to Landscape Treatments- (Eligible for variation under (4). Minor changes to landscape or architectural standards) • I don't understand why the variation to reduce the green space area for the "civic area/muse" is requested. If the pavers were included in the area approved with the application plan, it does not need to be changed. • I also don't think it is necessary to rename the SWM facilities or Northern Buffers. • The proposed standard for the Northern Buffer in Block 4, with a minimum of 6 shade trees proposed, is not consistent with the mix of planting, including evergreens, required for the Northern Buffer in other blocks. If Planning is OK with this, I have no objection. It is preferable to have a specific standard instead of what was approved with the application plan "rear yard landscaping adjacent to northern boundary." Variation to street cross sections for alleys and the "Mews" cross section Eligible for variation under (5). Minor changes to street design and street location, subject to a recommendation for approval by the county engineer • No comment on the alley variation request. • Regarding the Mews cross-section, the cross section approved with the variation should match the narrative on the variation application and what has been proposed on the site plan. Also, Sheet 10 figure 13 shows a 30' private road easement instead of 36'. From: Ellie Ray Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 10:04 AM To: Rebecca Ragsdale Subject: RE: Riverside Village variations Sounds good. Justin was asking yesterday if I thought you'd have any additional comments on the site plan...have you had a chance to look at that? 1 Nor Thanks, Ellie Carter Ray,PLA, LEED CRF.N Asst/ PTE Senior Planner Albemarle County Community Development ph: 434.296.5832 x. 3432 From: Rebecca Ragsdale Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 9:51 AM To: Ellie Ray Subject: Riverside Village variations I am hoping to be able to focus on Riverside Village this afternoon and get comments to you by your deadline of tomorrow. From: Ellie Ray Sent: Wednesday, November 05,2014 4:30 PM To: Rebecca Ragsdale; Robbie Gilmer Subject: FW: Riverside Variations Attachments: Mews Section Variation Request (11-05-14).pdf; 110514-Landscape Screening Variation Request- Revision.pdf;Variation Application-Alley Width and Setbacks(11-05-14).pdf The revisions to the Riverside variations are attached.This does not include the side setback variation, as I didn't give any comments on that one. My hope is to get this on the December 10th BOS agenda, which would mean I have to have my report written and entered into the ES system by the 17th'which would mean I likely need your comments by about the 12th....I don't know what your timeline usually is for a review such as this, but let me know if you think this will work from your end.Of course, if there are additional comments/revisions required,that date likely goes out the window O Thanks!! Ellie Carter Ray, PL 4,Lz GRr r:AssocIArr: Senior Planner Albemarle County Community Development ph: 434.296.5832 x. 3432 From: Kelly Strickland [mailto:kell • shims-engineering.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 05, '0'4 4:24 PM To: Ellie Ray Cc:justin©shimp-engineering.com Subject: RE: Riverside Variations Ellie, The attached revisions for the two variation re• es should address your comments#12 and#15 from yesterday (November 4). At this point, we're hoping not to address any •m -nts on the setback variation request other than to specify that all construction will conform to requirements o he Stat- ire Prevention Code. Let us know if you have any questions. Thanks, Kelly Strickland Shimp Engineering, PC 434.981.6029 From: Ellie Ray [mailto:era a albemarle.• • Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 3:25 P 2 Ellie Ray From: Justin Shimp, P.E. [Justin @shimp-engineering.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:36 PM To: Ellie Ray Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale Subject: Riverside Variations Hello Ellie, I spoke with Robbie Gilmer to see what his concerns were on the variation. All he needs is a confirmation of available fire flow for 2750 GPM. This should not be a problem at all and we can get this into him by the end of the day. I don't know what other issues remain (none that i am aware of) So i do not understand why the variations cannot move forward. I have spoken with Max about the subdivision plans and the substance of those plans has been reviewed. We just need to pay a fee to open a file for the bonds/etc. We can do that today. The Boundary adjustment plats can be in by the end of this week. With those things done we would be getting very close to being able to sign off on the plans sometime around Dec 10th +/-. Can you please help us with the variations to give us a chance to make this happen?? Thanks, Justin Shimp, P.E. 434-953-6116 Ellie Ray From: Justin Shimp, P.E. [justin @shimp-engineering.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 9:29 AM To: Rebecca Ragsdale Cc: Ellie Ray Subject: Re: SDP 2014-43 Riverside Village-Zoning comments Ok,well that is quite confusing, seems that the road plan(siteplan) would need to be approved to know how wide the ROW needs to be dedicated. I guess I'll check with Troy to make sure we are good and then submit that plat and hope for no changes. Justin Shimp, P.E. 434-953-6116 On Nov 12, 2014, at 9:16 AM, Rebecca Ragsdale <rragsdalea,albemarle.org> wrote: I apologize, I didn't mean to confuse things below. Please follow Ellie's comments. I misspoke below and it is prior to the final site plan.The proffer says the dedication must occur with the first site plan or subdivision plan,you have proceeded with a site plan first so the dedication must occur prior to that site plan approval. Rebecca, So then the answer is we need to submit plats showing the ROW dedication after the siteplan is approved but before the subdivision plat can be approved? That makes more sense than with the siteplan as I don't know how much to dedicate until VDOT has given the final blessing (which we are pretty close on at this time). Justin Shimp,P.E. 434-953-6116 From: Rebecca Ragsdale Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 8:49 AM To: 'Justin Shimp' Cc: Ellie Ray Subject: RE: SDP 2014-43 Riverside Village-Zoning comments Justin, The entire proffer and Ellie's comments are below for reference.The Rt. 20 ROW dedication must occur prior to final + approval and all necessary plans to construct the frontage improvements must be approved. <image001.png> <image002.png> <image003.png> 1 From: Justin Shimp [mailto:juusstin@shimp-engineering.com] •.� Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 7:35 AM To: Rebecca Ragsdale Cc: Ellie Ray Subject: Re: SDP 2014-43 Riverside Village-Zoning comments Hi Rebecca, So,just to make sure i understand its just the bold items? The boundary adjustment plats will not be required until after site plan approval? is that correct? My plan would then be to submit a boundary adjustment for the parcel across the creek with the ROW dedication and then the final subdivision plat showing the ROW dedication and park dedication along with all of the lots. Are we thinking that is going to work now? Thanks, -Justin On Nov 11, 2014, at 4:42 PM, Rebecca Ragsdale <rragsdale(aialbemarle.org> wrote: I have the following comments which I will also upload into County View. I hadn't provided my final comment site plan yet because I wanted a chance to review them along with the variation requests. I have not had a chance to look at the variations yet. I really have only two comments so far as what would need to be updated in the plan set and they are in bold below. • The tables on the site plan will need to be revised if the variations that have been submitted are approved and the variations reference on the cover sheet of the site plan. • Proffer 1- Park Land Dedication/Trails system-A separate letter was sent on 7/7/14 requesting this cash proffer and park land dedication. The cash proffer has been paid. The park land dedication remains outstanding and must be addressed. Dedication of the parkland is not required prior to final site plan approval however. I sent an email on 8/814 regarding this as well. In the 7/7/14 letter I requested that final design details for the trails, including trail standard, be specified on the final site plan. I do not see where this has been addressed with the latest revision. • Proffer 4-Frontage and Other Road Improvements- All necessary plans and plat(s) must be submitted and reviewed by VDOT to ensure this proffer is met for both the on-site and off-side dedications. The proffer requires the frontage improvements as part of the first site plan or subdivision plat. See Planning comment#4 from Ellie Ray in her 11/4/14 memo for more detail. Rebecca Ragsdale,Senior Planner Counts of Albemarle • Department of Conmiunity Development 401'McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 (434)296-5832 Ext.3226 E-mail:rragsdale(i0lbemarle.org 2 Nor .rs 4pY A1.�, n `� �f9SR91�1 • t'/1tC1,yYP COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,Room 227 Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126 Project: Riverside Village—Road Plan SUB201400185 Plan preparer: Shimp Engineering [Justin @shimp-engineering.com] Owner or rep.: HEDGEROW HOLDINGS I LLC C/O LOUISA HEYWARD Plan received date: 14 November 2014 Date of comments: 21 November 2014 Reviewer: Max Greene The Riverside Village Road Plans(SUB201400185)submitted 14 November 2014 has received Engineering Review and does not appear to meet Albemarle County minimum checklist items for approval. Please adequately address the following comments for final approval: A.Road and drainage plans(SDP200400042) 1. VDOT approval is required. Comments will be forwarded when received. [DM905] 2. Please submit an Auto-turn Diagram to demonstrate the impact of a single unit truck on all road radii fewer than 25 feet. 3. Please show the radii for the second entrance on the right from State Route 20. 4. Second entrance on right appears disconnected to Trailside Drive due to lack of shading,but curbing is shown on one side of entrance. Please make connection obvious on plan sheets. 5. Please show the pavement width of the alley/parking strip on the plan view with cross-section detail. 6. Please show limits of cement-treated aggregate on the plan view. 7. Page numbers appear to be missing the"C"portion of the numbering sequence. 8. Please put the 50' road stations on the plan view with profiles pages. 9. Under-drains/cross-drains should be located at all breaks from cut to fill/fill to cut sections and low points. 10. Please show barricades on road sections without curb or gutter. 11. Please show road signs and markings on the plan view pages. Street 911 names, speed limit, and stop signs appear missing, only"No Parking"signs were located. 12. Street trees within sight lines may need to be limbed up to 7' or more for sight easement. This will be VDOT call as to requirement. Once these comments have been addressed,please submit 3 copies of the revised Road plans,calculations, and narratives to Current Development Engineering. Current Development Engineering is available from 2:30-4 PM on Thursdays to discuss these review comments. Please contact Max Greene at 434-296-5832 ext. 3283 or email mgreene @albemarle.org to schedule an appointment.