HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201400072 Correspondence 2015-02-25 sloe oft*. New
February 25, 2015
Ellie Carter Ray, CIA
Senior Planner
Albemarle County
Planning Division
Dept of Community Development
401 McIntire Rd, North Wing
Charlottesville,Va. 22902
RE: SDP20I400072-UVA Physicians Group—Northridge—Minor Amendment- Comment
Dear Ms. Ray:
We have reviewed all of your comments from December 1 9th, 2015 and made the necessary v
revisions. Please find our responses to the comments below in bold lettering. N M
L u.
U v,
The cover sheet has been revised to say minor amendment. N N
N -
A project description has been added to Sheet CO.0.
Acknowledged.An overall plan has been provided see Sheet CO.I,additionally
matchlines have been made more prominent.
4. b
Dimensions to the closet boundary line have been provided on Sheet CO.I.
Entrance Corridor has been added to the zoning note on Sheet CO.0.
The original ZMA letter has been added to Sheet CO.0. o
Nair New February 25,2015
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7. :32.5 L.adie and iuS4Or 5.. dIrg addition.
The building addition has been called out on Sheet C4.0.Additionally the Project
Description on Sheet CO.0 has been updated to include the intended use of the
8. 32.5,20-2,71. P-ovidv.3 the maximurn height of the lauiding addition.
The maximum building height has been added to the plans see Sheet CO.O.
9. 1-315.202ri Revise the barking note to irciude information about how many spaces are
being removed in addition to those provided.
Six spaces are being relocated as a part of this project. Parking requirements
have been shown on Sheet CO.0.
10. 132.5 21„ef3i; Show and iabei any existing landscape features as described in .32.7.9 4.t2 Make
sure required: ianciscaping in the bribiect area froth the original Site Plan is shown..
Acknowledged. Existing landscape features are labeled.
1 1. 132.5 2(i.k1ry Verify that tee iocation(s-,. and dirnensions of al! existing or proposed utties
and utility easements including water sewer. drainage, telephone: cable., electric and gas
are shown on the chin. Provide the Deed Book and Page reference for any existing
easement; Any proposed easements should be iabeied with the intended owner
All easements are shown on the plans.
12. [32,5 2(n) drrer'S)0115 fOr all existing and proposed lrnprovements including the
travelways, walkways, buiiding adtttion and other paved areas.
All proposed improvements have been dimensioned.
13. [32 C..3arf-,, if the sidewalk connection to the eastern side of the budding is being
reoliacc.d. it is not shiovvri on the iayout sneet, but it does appear to be present on the
landscape -sheet.
This connection is not being replaced see Sheet C4.0.
14. 132,54n; Rit 4, 2, 6(i.:sy! Access a:sies adjacent. to 9 wide parking spaces ii-rit.rat be a
minimum of 24` wide; verity that ad parking aisies are 24'.
All drive aisles are 24'with the exception of the drop off aisle under the canopy.
However the intent is for this to be one way.
15. 132 5.2iii:ro; 8it 4 12 i7y.i3j] indicate if the travel-way Hat goes under the canopy is meant (or
one way or twid-i,iray traffic, if one way provide rharix.„-igs and signs, if two-way, it must
be 20 wide
The intent is for this travel way to be one way. Markings and signs have been
provided, see Sheet C4.0.
16. 132.5.2(t).; Piriaide a iegerici snoviiing ad and :lot:iterations used on the oian.
A legend has been added to Sheet C1.0.
17. i-35.6.2-,:; & 32 7 95 It appears that thitee i;treet ti-ees r.,=2 being rernoved and are reoiaced
ve taoca stellata not sue; .:“•::e-nri-ed from the Large Dektiduoi..,-;
tree oat:ego—yr ""e Coo-'"y s Achreved Piaint sc is..3;agnoCa stetiatia is irsted : '"der Smmsd
to tnt ti n ' terientitaiiy —het Sire Pt=-3.e d3C:.17;-:=.: s
R:\I 03\36033-Northridge_Med_Center\DocO-Design\Letters
Noire NNW February 25,2015
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t"e R F' I S SJ,e'31,2s a- (: c c 7 "
tequ'aharttets as v,-ts,
Acknowledged. Magnolia stellata has been replaced with a large deciduous tree,
Quercus phellos.
18. 32.6.3..'.:J) & 3L 79 6 Ar are.a ch at east S'~3i e ne paveP par'ckg and' -4eracuiar eIrtL:oation
arca ina Sc al-tubscaped w trees and sbs. Rrovide a note ,rd;cat!ng novv mud-.
—ter-a; iardscaped area is -eh-toyed Arad kepvv —uch .S 'rcieoep tke revsed faes;gh
the,e s 3 net,: ;(:)ss, brovrae rlfernsattor, 3howah,e, req.:Jt-ertaent :tae,rri-4rnet ""or
-tine overall sce
Acknowledged. See Sheet 11.2 for internal landscape requirements and
19. 32 6 32.7.9 61 One 'ia-ge Or thecU, nt sr-re tree sas !.-sted on the s
or every ten parking spaces. Provrie a ote _rdicaPng
o,v - afty 'park:rg ;013 ;3...1--...y.es are being rerroVei; a.,n how ..nary are •nrr',...,.ar. "-he rev ker1
deSign, there .s a let ;oss. p rOvi de ,nrorheathan tienkaprstrating that ttac one ttee per tea
spaces requirerkert 5 s-th:i be-'g hket 1or the . m-a; site.
Acknowledged. See Sheet 11.2 for parking lot landscape requirements and
20. The Tretr.. ragoicernent 3'n1.; 's 10%. °royale a note ,thtt,.:.ahrtg rrow
much :s .rennoved -and hew .; induaed, e re..vsed cles:gh 's a ret
onev!dh ntfo--'a'n ahmwg O ' nt.,b,.;r.hrhert. ;s sr.!' berg met f ct,r tnra sate
Acknowledged. See Sheet L1.2 for tree canopy requirements and calculations.
21. [32.6.1`;',, & 32.7 9.4,17-ere are a fe,,,,v thp-bnsotenfpcs bersivee.!r a a c roe ua c71,c4t-rg
dt-:!sagn and the numbers brus,ac-C in the ;-aa,-;-r-. schedue. 'The p;art asts 23 Buxus
rhap:spery!a, vv!-°;!e :'e ,kdicate 25 are prbvftled arc actaJa" sytreei ei 2=1.
The oapt. :'5ts 33 Spr-aea;abort-ca. y.nrre 4:he acts mdcath ,19 am prov-iee
anc the act:Jai syrkbo; count ,s a] t appears the -lumbers orh%.nded the c-ar' sapreciJle
ck. both Adiarturn cedaturn and a; -c . not: r-ratrn -the -Iders
the pkiese veraft numner ant', makh sur a j 5yn-be'-3 raN-curs and the erant
schee-Jue are corsisuant,
Acknowledged. Corrected and verified plant numbers.
22. 32 .2:k & 4 hs any ,..-..,Litdo:)r• ,ignurg proposed:' so, lighttng 'bo,:iards
L;;iarig n.lounted 7.=..Ist res'-own or 3 `.; ht:e? ;afar, that -r1r,a,..oes a pkonn.,-leatr;c
ear ihrrarialre se and cut. sheets; for each orop.ose.O ' < r-
The lighting plan will be provided under a separate cover.
23. TH,s annehd,roent ca,rnnt k.a ACSA, VE307 E 'g,-eera--e.--, Inc; °:
cprms4ete renews anla' re- ap.oneva; 4,-,*!c;
rerehat atasevectkars Has C-a r an arm has on pisectrr.-„,,r;
R:\I 03\36033-Northridge_Med_Center\Docs\2-Design\Letters
•me February 25,2015
Nur Page 4 of 4
We have attached (8) full size copies of the revised plan package for your review. If you have any
questions or comments, please feel free to give me a call at 434.327.1688.
Craig Kotars , P.E., LEED AP
Project Manager
R:\103\3603 3-Northridge_Med_Center\Docs\2-Design\Letters
cur v.r/
Ellie Ray
From: Ellie Ray
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 10:23 AM
To: 'Craig Kotarski'
Subject: RE: Northridge
The code is not particularly clear on the matter of access aisles for handicapped parking, but I spoke with David about
this and I think it's fine to proceed as is.
I'm continuing to look for the Ivy site plan as well,so hopefully between the two of us we can figure the parking issue
Ellie Carter Ray, PL4,LEE[ CREE r\ASSOCIATE
Senior Planner
Albemarle County Community Development
ph: 434.296.5832 x. 3432
From: Craig Kotarski [mailto:Craig.Kotarski@itimmons.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 4:04 PM
To: Ellie Ray
Subject: Northridge
I'm still looking into the parking as it relates to Ivy Road Fire Station. Unfortunately the project was archived so it will be
a few days before I can get my hands on it.
With regards to the access aisles,you are correct that the west one is slightly less than 24' (per measuring in CAD 23.5').
The northern one is 24'.
That being said,when I look at your comment,you reference 9' parking spaces, however the County also allows 20' drive
aisles for 10'wide parking spaces. However, in both cases (24' or 20' drive aisles) code allows ADA parking spaces to
remain as 8' with the appropriate striped sections. Since these parking spaces are all ADA, we would like to leave it as is.
Please let me know if that is acceptable to you and I'll continue to dig for the Ivy Fire Parking information.
All the best,
Craig Kotarski, P.E., LEED AP
Project Manager
TIMMONS GROUP I www.timmons.com
919 2nd Street S.E. I Charlottesville, VA 22902
Office: 434.327.1688 I Fax: 434.295.8317
Mobile: 434.964.7148 I craig.kotarski(a)timmons.com
Your Vision Achieved Through Ours
Ellie Ray
From: Ellie Ray
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2015 5:05 PM
To: Ron Higgins
Subject: RE: Northridge/LTACH/Ivy Fire Station parking
I think I got what you're saying. Sorry about the confusion. Once I can get my hands on those other files, I think I'll have
a better idea about what's really happening....maybe then if it isn't clear,we should sit down and look it over.
Happy weekend!
Senior Planner
Albemarle County Community Development
ph: 434.296.5832 x. 3432
From: Ron Higgins
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2015 4:57 PM
To: Ellie Ray
Subject: RE: Northridge/LTACH/Ivy Fire Station parking
That is not what I am saying. IF there is a shared parking agreement,THEN there should be some type of recorded
instrument allowing it. Otherwise,the cumulative numbers still seem to work. It might be good to sit down and look at
what you have together so I can see the big picture you are seeing.
From: Ellie Ray
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2015 4:54 PM
To: Ron Higgins
Subject: RE: Northridge/LTACH/Ivy Fire Station parking
Wasn't the arrangement with Korean Community Church for the UVA site to use some of the church's"required"
parking since the times they would be used would be different? If that's the case, wouldn't the other developments be
able to use that parking(whatever the number was...I can't figure it out due to missing plans)toward their required
number? Maybe I'm not following what you're saying below, but it sounds like the you're saying the other
developments can't use any of the KCC'required' spaces toward their requirement.
Senior Planner
Albemarle County Community Development
ph: 434.296.5832 x. 3432
From: Ron Higgins
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2015 4:48 PM
To: Ellie Ray
Subject: RE: Northridge/LTACH/Ivy Fire Station parking
It might also be good to look at the latest minor amendment to the Korean Church site plan (which I could not find
either). If it does not affect their parking numbers on their site then all should be good. Their plans showed more than
the 80 spaces required so the other developments you list below should have parking in excess of the combined
From: Ellie Ray N"` r.r�
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2015 11:50 AM
To: Ron Higgins; Amelia McCulley; Francis MacCall; Rebecca Ragsdale
Subject: RE: Northridge/LTACH/Ivy Fire Station parking
Awesome! Thanks for this...is it safe to assume that everything with the parking is approvable? Esther and I still can't
locate the Ivy Fire Station plan, but we're working on it. I guess I'm just curious if it isn't even really necessary to look at
that one?
Senior Planner
Albemarle County Community Development
ph: 434.296.5832 x. 3432
From: Ron Higgins
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2015 4:22 PM
To: Ellie Ray; Amelia McCulley; Francis MacCall; Rebecca Ragsdale
Subject: RE: Northridge/LTACH/Ivy Fire Station parking
All: The attached is where the "90 Occupancy" note comes from. It would appear that they have more than sufficient
From: Ellie Ray
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2015 3:59 PM
To: Amelia McCulley; Francis MacCall; Rebecca Ragsdale; Ron Higgins
Subject: Northridge/LTACH/Ivy Fire Station parking
I wasn't sure who to send this to,so I'm aiming wide here. I am reviewing a minor amendment for Northridge; they are
proposing a roughly 4400 sf addition to the building and rearranging some of the parking and drop off area. They are
keeping the same number of parking spaces,while the building addition would seem to add 18 additional required
spaces. Due to all of the `combined'site plans, parking determinations,shared parking agreements, etc I'm having a
really hard time figuring out if they still meet the requirement. I feel like they have more than enough parking, but it's
been difficult to get definitive numbers. They provided a listing of parking information that reads like this:
SDP200800130 LTACH
*this information was provided as part of a "Northridge cumulative parking requirements" exhibit and was apparently
based on 90%occupancy
Parking Required: 348
Parking Provided: 371
SDP201200015 Ivy Fire Station
Parking Required: 13
Parking Provided:49
So, based on the new 18 space requirement,the new numbers are:
Parking Required:348+13+18=379
Parking Provided: 371+49=420
So, if their information is correct,they are good on parking. I don't have enough history on this to know if this is
accurate. SDP200800130 does list these numbers, but the 90%occupancy note seems odd. Additionally, it seems the
49 spaces with the Ivy Fire Station may be with a shared parking agreement on the Korean Community Church but I can't
locate the SDP, so that's a guess basse'on my feeble memory. Anyway, if any of U have any insight as to whether this
all makes sense and want to share it,that would be great!
Sorry for the long email...and thanks!
Senior Planner
Albemarle County Community Development
Planning Division
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902
ph: 434.296.5832 x. 3432
fax: 434.972.4126
April 6, 2015
Ellie Carter Ray, CIA
Senior Planner
Albemarle County
Planning Division
Dept of Community Development
401 McIntire Rd, North Wing
Charlottesville,Va. 22902
RE: SDP201400072-UVA Physicians Group—Northridge—Minor Amendment- Comment
Dear Ms. Ray:
Q co
We have reviewed all of your comments from March 12`'', 2015 and made the necessary revisions. >�,
Please find our responses to the comments below in bold lettering. >
iu rn
L tt
9. .
, N
The parking note on Sheet C0.0 has been updated. o
. ,+-, : 555 c o
Dimensions have been added Nto the building and canopy. _ ~
_ 3
3. 3
5555..: ..
. . . .. .._ _. 5555
. �:.. . . .. .. .. ... . .... .. 5555 , , _. , . _
Both plans show the same sidewalk configuration.The landscape plan has been
updated to clarify this. Lawn has been added and planting modified.
. _. .. - w
The spaces next to both drive aisles are ADA accessible spaces. The dimensions
of these spaces is always 8ft regardless of drive aisle width.
R:\103\3603 3-No rth ridge_M ed_Center\Docs\2-Design\Letters
April 6,2015
Now, NNW"
Page 2 of 2
20. [32.6.26)] The :ree canopy requirement for this site s 0%. Provide a note rdicating now
much is removed and how 7:ucn is ric;...Ided in the revised ci.es;gn if there is a net loss,
provide inFormatori snowing zne 10% requirement is st:11 being met for tne overall she
Rev. 1 Comment not fully addressed. The County Approved Plant Canopy
Calculations should be used to calculate the canopy provided instead of the
Virginia Nursery Landscape Association guide. Canopy provided is based on a I 0-
year calculation of all species that will get taller than 5' (as provided in the county
list). The information provided on the plan states 20 trees are existing within the
limits of disturbance with 3 remaining, but the plan shows I 9 trees with 2
remaining; please clarify. Revise the plant schedule to list the canopy provided
for all species that get taller than 5° using the values provided in the county's list
linked above. You can also specify the species that will remain and use the
canopy bonus as indicated in the landscape plan ordinances. Feel free to give me
a call if you need clarification or assistance on this .
Landscape plans have been revised to show trees to be removed within the
construction area only. Our intent is to replace removed trees with new species
that, collectively,will meet and exceed the 10%canopy requirement for our
disturbed area. Landscape requirements have been updated using the County
plant canopy calculations.A chart has been added showing the proposed trees
and their values. Exhibits clarify the number of trees to be removed within the
limits of disturbance. Please contact our Landscape Architect if you have any
23. This amendment cannot oe approved until ACSA, VDOT, Engineehng and Fire,'Rescue
compiete the,r reviews and grant their aporova1; comments wii1 be forwarded upon
receipt. 1-‘spect..'ors has reviewed tne ;Phan are has no obect1on. ARS comments have
Peen providec.'- Rev. 1 Comment not fully addressed. This amendment cannot be
approved until .ARB and Engineering complete their reviews and grant their
approval; comments will be forwarded upon receipt. Inspections, VDOT, ACSA
and Fire Rescue reviewed the initial submittal and had no objection,
We have attached (8) full size copies of the revised plan package for your review. If you have any
questions or comments, please feel free to give me a call at 434.327.1688.
ej," 1.5E-HALF 0F
Craig Kotarski, P.E., LEED AP
Project Manager
• ••••
May 8, 2015
Ellie Carter Ray, CLA
Senior Planner
Albemarle County
Planning Division
Dept of Community Development
40I McIntire Rd, North Wing
Charlottesville,Va. 22902
RE: SDP20I400072-UVA Physicians Group—Northridge— Minor Amendment- Comment
Dear Ms. Ray:
Q Op
We have reviewed all of your comments from April 21st, 2015 and made the necessary revisions. tea,-
Please find our responses to the comments below in bold lettering. N M
CD cr
— N
W �
'D Ni
o' F
0o O
C 0
= CCC 0
J 3
Rev.2: Comment not fully addressed. Please change the column heading it the
tree canopy chart to "10 year Canopy" instead of 20-year. The canopy numbers
provided for Acer rubrum, Aesculus x carnea and Quercus phellos are all
incorrect: Acer rubrum and Quercus phellos can use trle 2,5" caliper canopy
numbers that are provided on sheet I 0 of the County's plant canopy calculations
(since you are proposing 2.5" caliper trees at planting); Aesculus x carnea is x
considered a medium deciduous tree on the County's plant list and its canopy
value is on sheet 2. Please revise the canopy chart and ±andscape requirements
notes according'y. Additionally, please show and note all utilities and utility
easements on the Landscape Plan sheets; it appears that at least one tree may be
oroposed on top of a utility lateral, and permission From e.asernent holders will be
May 8,2015
Page 2 of 2
required if planting is proposed within any easements. As before, feel free to get
in touch if you have any questions.
Heading in the canopy chart has been changed to 10 years. Canopy calcs have
been adjusted to use the Entrance Corridor Values. Additionally, one small tree
along the street face has been shifted to 5 feet away from a 6"fire protection
water line entering the building. This line is identified on Sheet C2.0, "existing
conditions and demolition".
23. v_. .» .. _ =v
R'"+qY, Corn °,.en addressed, This a---enbrrenci carn< : r,.'.i
i,ins AR and E : reeds ° wflPY', a'.a ,. tt e t 'd' 'aro5 and g"n: w'?,a'r
:po,-ova!, ison" „?,n':s `J, ; be forwarb,—,id ^cceliet. i'"i.✓c::.:;-Sn_i, VDDQ7, AC SA
reyietiv.ni iniciai a Ytu. and a,� ;:, o is.,.. Rev. 2:
Comment not fully addressed. This amendment cannot be approved until
Engineering completes their review and grants their approval; comments will be
forwarded upon receipt. ARB comments have been provided.
We have attached (8)full size copies of the revised plan package for your review. If you have any
questions or comments, please feel free to give me a call at 434.327.1688.
Sin erely, 412_1
• /
Craig Kota ski, P.E., LEED AP
Project Manager