HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201500038 Correspondence 2013-02-21 SHIMP PROJECT MANAGEMENT
February 21, 2013
Ms. Claudette Grant
Senior Planner
Albemarle County
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Regarding: ZMA201200002 Riverside Village
Request for Private Street Authorization
Request for Waiver of Street Standards
Dear Ms. Grant,
I am following up on a recent discussion we had with you and the County Engineer regarding Road "C"which
creates residential lot frontages in Block 2 of the proposed Riverside Village development. Mr. Brooks
pointed out that the Road "C"does not meet any private road standard for Albemarle County and you pointed
out that the Subdivision Ordinance does not allow the creation of lots without street frontage. With review of
the Albemarle County Subdivision Ordinance, it appears that Article IV, Division 1, Section 14-403 requires
that"each lot within a subdivision shall have frontage on an existing or proposed street..."and we have not
found a means that would allow us to waive this requirement.
However, it does appear that several provisions are included in the Subdivision Ordinance that will allow the
commission and agent to waive certain requirements that will permit creative design alternatives that would
"...accomplish county goals, policies, good planning practice and good engineering practice."
We therefore, in conjunction with the referenced rezoning (ZMA 201200002 Riverside Village), request the
1) In accordance with Section 14-233(A), the Applicant requests authorization from the commission to
develop a subdivision with two new private streets(Road"B"and Road "C"as delineated on the
Riverside Village Application Plan) in the following circumstances:
Neighborhood model development. The proposed private streets would enable the principles of the
neighborhood model to be more fully implemented than could be achieved with a public street, without
diminishing other principles of the neighborhood model,in the following circumstances: (i)the subdivision
would have a streetscape more consistent with the neighborhood model;(ii)the subdivision design would
allow it to better achieve the density goals of the comprehensive plan;(iii)rear vehicular access to
buildings would be provided so that the buildings may face a common amenity;(iv)a significant
environmental resource would be protected;or(v)relegated parking would be provided to a greater extent
than could otherwise be provided"
2) In accordance with Section 14-225.1, the Applicant requests a waiver, for Road "C"as delineated on
the Riverside Village Application Plan, of Section 14-234(C):
"The private street will be adequate to carry the traffic volume which maybe reasonably expected to be
generated by the subdivision."
In the case of Road "C", the Applicant would like to: create a pedestrian muse that would connect
Road "A"to block 1, provide road frontage for blocks 2A and 2B, and limit vehicular access to the
front of units in these blocks. Except for emergency services, all vehicular access in blocks 2A and
2B will be limited to alleyways located at the rear of lots.
3) In accordance with Section 14-225.1, the Applicant requests a waiver, for Road"B"and Road "C"as
delineated on the Riverside Village Application Plan, of Section 14-410(H)
"Curb,curb and gutter,sidewalks and planting strips. In the development areas,streets shall be constructed
with curb or curb and gutter,sidewalks and planting strips. Sidewalks and planting strips shall design and
constructed in compliance with section 14-422"
In the case of Road "B", the Applicant would like to waive the requirement for a planting strip and
street trees along the 100 ft of frontage at the end of the road in front of block 5. The waiver of this
requirement will allow a portico and drop off area to be integrated into the design of the turn-around.
In the case of Road "C", the Applicant requests to waive the requirement for curbs, gutters,
sidewalks, and planting strips to allow a single 12'wide pervious sidewalk with plantings and street
trees as shown in the attached exhibit.
4) In accordance with Section 14-224.1, the Applicant requests a waiver, for Road"B"and Road"C"as
delineated on the Riverside Village Application Plan, of Section 14-412(A)-3(b):
"Private streets in the development areas. For such private streets in the development areas, the agent may
approve Virginia Department of Transportation standards for mountainous terrain or an alternative standard
deemed adequate by the county engineer to be equivalent to or greater than the applicable standard in the
design standards manual,so as to adequately protect the public health,safety or welfare."
In the case of Road "B", the Applicant would like to waive the requirement for a traditional turn-
around and provide a narrow(26 ft. section)street. The length of road, measured along the frontage
of block 4, is 320 ft. and a 60 ft. inscribed diameter is provided in front of block 5. In addition,
vehicles have the ability to use the parking lot proposed in block 5 to turn around. In this regard, the
Applicant feels the options shown meet a greater standard than the VDOT standards (which apply to
roads greater than 300 ft. in length). The applicant would like to provide a 26 ft. road section (curb-
curb)assuming that no on-street parking will be provided. Should on-street parking be provided, the
road width will be increased to 29 feet.
In the case of Road "C", the Applicant requests to create a pedestrian muse similar to the
Charlottesville downtown mall, but on a residential scale with only 357 feet of frontage(measured
along block 2A). Emergency vehicles would have a dedicated travelway, but breakaway bollards
would prevent regular vehicular traffic from entering the street. Please see the attached exhibit for
further detail.
5) In accordance with Section 14-225.1, the Applicant requests a waiver, for Road"B" and Road "C" as
delineated on the Riverside Village Application Plan, of Section 14-422(A)"
"Requirement. Sidewalks and planting strips for street trees and other vegetation shall be established on both
sides of each new street within a subdivision creating lots for single family detached and single family attached
dwellings in the development areas."
Please see paragraph 3 above for justification of this requirement.
As always if you have any questions or concerns about these revisions please feel free to call me at(434)
207-8086 and we can discuss in further detail.
Best Regards,
Justin Shimp, P.E.
Shimp Engineering, P.C.
Attachments: Private Road "B" Exhibit(plan and section)
Private Road "C" Exhibit(plan and section)
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Ellie Ray
From: Claudette Grant
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2015 10:46 AM
To: Ellie Ray
Subject: RE: Riverside Village Proffer Amendment
This means the ZMA is officially approved. We do not need to re-advertise this.Thanks
From: Ellie Ray
Sent: Monday,October 05, 2015 8:43 AM
To:Claudette Grant<cgrant @albemarle.org>
Subject: FW: Riverside Village Proffer Amendment
Does this mean the ZMA is officially approved, or are we still waiting on something? I'm working from home today
(trying to wrap up deadlines before I take some days off) but if this is ready to go, I may try to get this approval sent
before I leave on vacation as well.
Senior Planner
Albemarle County Community Development
ph: 434.296.5832 x. 3432
From: Chris Henry[mailto:chenry @pbmcap.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 12:47 PM
To: Ellie Ray<eray @albemarle.org>
Cc: justin @shimp-engineering.com
Subject: Fwd: Riverside Village Proffer Amendment
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Rebecca Ragsdale<rragsdale@albemarle.org>
Date:September 30, 2015 at 12:23:12 PM EDT
To: "Schweller, Lori H." <Lori.Schweller @leclairryan.com>, "chenry @pbmcap.com"'
<chenry @pbmcap.com>
Cc: Claudette Grant<cgrant @albemarle.org>, "Justin Shimp, P.E." <justin @chimp-engineering.com>
Subject: RE: Riverside Village Proffer Amendment
Please see the attached zoning determination.
Nome ftwor
From: Claudette Grant
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2015 12:05 PM
To:Schweller, Lori H.<Lori.Schweller @leclairryan.com>
Cc: 'chenry @pbmcap.com'<chenry @pbmcap.com>; Rebecca Ragsdale<rragsdale @albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Riverside Village Proffer Amendment
Hi Lori,
As a follow up, we want to make you aware that Zoning is working to make an official determination
("county" requested) regarding the subject issue. You should be hearing from us shortly with a
resolution to this issue. We hope the determination will resolve any concerns. Thank you
Claudette Grant
Senior Planner
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596
(434) 296-5832, Ext. 3250
From:Schweller, Lori H. [mailto:Lori.Schweller @leclairryan.com]
Sent:Tuesday,September 15, 2015 12:25 PM
To:Greg Kamptner<GKamptne @albemarle.org>
Cc:Claudette Grant<cgrant@albemarle.org>; 'chenry@pbmcap.com'<chenry @pbmcap.com>
Subject: RE: Riverside Village Proffer Amendment
Greg, that's certainly welcome news. Thank you for the update.
Lori H. Schweller
Attorney at Law
123 East Main Street, Eighth Floor
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
(434)245-3448 Direct
(434)296-0905 Fax
(804)248-8700 Mobile
Lori.Schwel ler(c�leclai rryan.com
Please consider the environment before printing this email.
From: Greg Kamptner [mailto:GKamptne @albemarle.orq]
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 11:39 AM
To: Schweller, Lori H.
Cc: Claudette Grant; 'chenry @pbmcap.com'
Subject: RE: Riverside Village Proffer Amendment
We are re-thinking this. We have a couple of details to work out today, but we now think going back to
the BOS will be unnecessary.
Greg Kamptner
Deputy County Attorney
County of Albemarle
gkamptner @albemarle.org
(434) 972-4067 x3268
From:Schweller, Lori H. [mailto:Lori.Schweller @leclairryan.com]
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 4:28 PM
To: Greg Kamptner<GKamptne @albemarle.org>
Cc:Claudette Grant<cgrant @albemarle.org>; 'chenry @pbmcap.com'<chenry @pbmcap.com>
Subject: RE: Riverside Village Proffer Amendment
Hi Greg,
Claudette and I have spoken about the Riverside Village Properties proffer amendment notice issue. She
confirmed for me that your concern is that, before the proffer amendment was advertised (in August)
and approved (in September), the subdivision plat for the property was recorded and that,therefore,
the Tax Map parcel number for the whole property 07800-00-00-05800 was no longer valid, and the
TMPs for all of the new lots should have been cited in the advertisement instead. (The subdivision plat
was recorded with the declaration on June 10th, and I've learned since my previous email that the
County's mapping department assigned TMPs for the new parcels on July 31St )
We think re-noticing is unnecessary and will cause substantial delay. The County's notice
requirements incorporate by reference Va. Code Sections 15.2-2204, attached. Virginia notice
requirements do not require citing tax map parcel numbers. The description of the property
just needs to identify the location sufficiently so that those potentially affected will know it.
Please reconsider your direction on this matter.
Thank you,
Location: Located on the west side of Stony
Pointe Road/Route 20 and the east side of
Free Bridge Lane/Route 1421, approximately
350 feet south of the intersection of Route
20/Elks Drive.
Lori H. Schweller
Attorney at Law
123 East Main Street, Eighth Floor
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
(434)245-3448 Direct
(434) 296-0905 Fax
(804)248-8700 Mobile