HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA200100015 Presentation ZMA 2007-09-10r.�
Martha Jefferson at Peter Jefferson Place
Architectural Review Board Work Session # -
latthews Development Company LLC
eptember 10, 2007
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.'f erson at Peter Jefferson Place
-L-1 Review Board Work Sessi6n #2 SHEET (D
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news Development Company LLC
Saptemb,pr 10, 2007
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Martha Preliminary Site Plan Submittal sAftews
jefferSon Hospital *kr'k.?,7M KaWrSlater
Martha Jfferson at Peter fefferson Place
Architectural Review Board
Final Site Development Plan Submittal
Matthews Development Company LLC
March 31, 2008
Depariment of Cummuoity development
401 Me[ntireRoad, North'Wing
Charloltmille, Virginia 22902-9596
Phone (434) 296-5$32 Fax (434) 972-4012
October B. 2007
Martha Jefferson Hospital Foundation
CIO Mike Mathews
459 Locust Ave
Charlottesville, Va 22902
RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital at Peter Jefferson Place
Dear Mike,
The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board, at its meeting on September 17, 2007, held a
work session on Mantra Jefferson Hospital at Peter Jefferson Place- Ttie ARB had the following
The mortar color should be chosen by preliminary site plan. "Concept" colors will be
Lighting on the roof is a concern.
Location of the helicopter pad should be identified due to the lighting concerns.
Anyventsiexhaust towers should be painted rather than shiny (like bare stainless steel).
Utility elements and mechanical equipment shall not be visible from EC.
Maming)Wate6als should be identified. It was suggaated that more than 1 calor prick be
used -
The ARS wants to see a normal submission, but will not be Comperned with finer details.
Colored 1132" elevations may be sufficient.
Lighting and landscape plans will be required. Include rooftop garden elements.
You may submit your application for continued ARB review at your earliest convenience. Application
forms, checklists and schedules are available on-line at www.albamarle.orgiplanning.
Drawings addressing the comments listed above are required. Include updated ARB revision dates
on each drawing- Please provide a memo including detailed responses indicating how each
comment has been addressed. If changes other than those requested have been made, identity
those changes in the memo also. Highlighting the changes in the drawing with "clouding' or byolher
means will facilitate review and approval.
If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free to call me.
S ince rely,
Margaret Maliszewski
Principal Planner
Kahler Slater
expenerice design
March 31. 20DB
Ms. Margaret Maliszewski
Principal Planner, County of Alb
Department of Community Dew
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Martha Berson at Peterjfferson Place � _kehlerslster.cum
AreBitectural Rev ew &-d
Final Site Development Plan Submittal
Milneukes Kohler Slater, Inc,
m8cm0" Martha Jeffarson Hospital. Project 206100.01
Bu dintio�NC Architectural Review Board Final Site Development Ptan Submittal
March 31, 2008
Page 2
111 was, Wittentin ,Avenue
Mi1wa4ke9,w15]2N.2W1 USA
P4I9.2t2.2009 F414.272.20D1 3, Locarfon of the befico Wer vad should be identified due to the li htin
concerns. - The heliped is not included in this initial phase of work so 45
Mf Itbe_ D-dopmau Company TIC lighting concerns are no longer applicable.
March 31, 2oo8
Re: Martha Jefferson Hospital at Peter Jefferson Place Architectural Review Board
— Final Site Development Flan Submittal
Dear Margaret:
We appreciate the opportunity to continue to work with the Architectural Review
Beard and present the development of our project_ As a follow-up to our March 19,
2007, work session and our second September 17, 20G7, work session, our planning
has matured through design development, and we are prepared to share additional
information with you. In fact, our plans have advanced to the point that we are
presenting the Final Site Development Flan Submittal.
Thereare s few planning revisions since we met last_ The most significant
modification that you'll see from the Entrance Corridor vantage paint is that the 5 -
level Parking Deck is not indicated in the current plans and photos. The Helipad is
also not included in the submitted plans. Both the Parking Deck and Helipad remain
components of the hospital campus masterplan, but neither will be included in this
initial phase of work- Other changes since our last work session include the
integration of the freestanding Support Services Building into the hospital footprint
and an approximate 5'-0" reduction of the overall hospital building height_ Previously,
the freestanding Support Services Building was closest to the 1-64 Entrance Corridor_
The hospital footprint location has remained the same_
We would like to address the issues raised during our last work session as indicted in
your October 8, 2007, letter (attached)_
1. The irwtsr color should be chosen by preliminary site plan- `Concept` colors
w#1 be suffrcmar. - We have included photos and samples of our palette of
exterior materials, including proposed mortar calors for brick and stone
2. Lfghrenq on rhe roof is a concern. - We've included site and building lighting
plans in this submittal and a photometric plan and fixture specifications with
appropriate cut-off that limits light spill beyond paved areas of the site_ Just
to note again, the parking deck is not included in this initial phase of work, so
Previous concerns regarding lighting the top floor of the deck are no longer
4.Any verntslaxhausf towers should be pamttsd rather than shiny (kke bare
stainless steel). - Any exposed vents or mechanical equipment will he located
behind scrasned walls or painted to match the exterior building colors.
5. 1169t elemenrs and mechanical a rrl menr shall not be visiWe front EC. - Any
axposad vents or mechanical equipment will be located behind screened walls
or panted to match the exterior hUilding colors_
6. Ntass+irafMaierfafs should be identified. It was suvnesfed that more Than One
U1 color 6*k be used. - We have included photos and samples of the palette
of exterior materials and the requested elevation drawings. The pTi nary
materials include a composition of one brick color, natural stone, and
clapboard siding to blend argdn,Cally into the site -
7. The ARB waf is ra $00 a normal submission, but will nor be concerned with
finer derails. Colored 1132' eievarions may be sufficient- - We are suhtnitting
the required items for the ARB Finaf Site Development Plan application. L'de
have included the requested exterior elevation drawings lat 1132" scala} as
seen from the Interstate 64 Entrance Corridor view point in this submittal.
8. Lighting and landscape plans wiff be required, lnolude ,&0fj&,0 OaPdOn
aMrrynts. - Lighting and landscape plans are included in this submittal. The
rooftop garden is being designed for future sail and planting leads, but will
initially be covered with dark -colored ballast.
We hope the responses listed here answer the questions appropriately.
We look forward to discussing this next submittal with you and the Architectural
Review Board. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions Or would like
additional information in advance of the meeting.
With hes e��z
an HA
Pri f
U(;= Ri)rl Cottrell and Barbara Eliar, Martha Jefferson Hospital
Mike Matthews, Matthews Development Company
Martha jfferson at Peter jfferson Place
Architectural Review Board
, Preliminary Review of a Site Development Plan
Matthews Develop
Company LLC
May 79, 2008
- A
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Martha Jfferson at Peter j&rson Place
Architectural Review Board
Final Site Development Plan Submittal
Matthews Development Company LLC
March 31, 2008
hvised Junes, 2008
f 1W r
Martha Hospital Campus Masterplan
Jeffers on Hospital m -,o 3,.2aoa
D apartment of Comm u n ityr ❑evelopme nt
dal McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 229024$98
Phone OU) 296-5832 Fax {434) 972-4126
July 2g, 2008
Matthews Development Company
do Mike Matthews
One Boar's Head Pointe, Suite 131
Charlottesvil le, VA 22903
RE: ARB2008.00048 Martha Jafferson Haepi•.al
Tau Map 76, Parcel 20M
Dear Mike.
I have reviewed the repent submittals for the above -referenced proposal, including-
r Exhlblt C revised June 6. 2008
+ EL100 Site Plan — Lighting revised 5115108
Landscape plan sheets LSI-LS5 revised June 10, 21)08 (received July 28, 2008)
Glass specifications
Lighting tut sheets
MechanicM equipment screening information
The revisions included In thls information resolve the outstanding conditions of ARB approval. However,
please nate that the lighting rut sheets must appear on a sheet in the site plan set.
You may consider this letter your Certificate of Appropriateness. This appilcation is approved with thecondition
that mechanical equipment shall not be visible from the Entrance Corridor. Also, this approval is predicated on
the fact that the design and materials, as proposed and exhibited for review, will be used. The acceptance of
approval implies that the applicant has agreed to execute the design as indicated on the site plan, attachments,
materials, samples, and other submittal items presented. Any change In the approved design or materials will
require an amendment to this plan and must be reviewed and approved by the Architectural Review Boa rd.
It you have any q uesnons, please do not hesitate to contact me_
Vargaret Maliszewski
Principal Planner
cc. Maruna Jefferson Hospital, clo Barbara Bias, 459 LoQuetAve., Charlottesville, VA 22902
*abler Slater, Inc., do Allan Krueger, 111 West Wisconsin Ave., Mitwaukee VVI53203
Summer Frederick, Current Developmerd
ARE File