HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201500003 Staff Report 2015-07-14 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Project Name: ZMA 201500003 Riverside Staff: Claudette Grant
Village Neighborhood Model District
Planning Commission Public Hearing: Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: To Be
July 14, 2015 Determined
Owners: Riverside Village Properties, Inc. Applicant: Riverside Village Properties, Inc.
represented by Chris Henry with Justin Shimp of
Shimp Engineering, PC as the contact.
Acreage: Approximately 18.66 acres Rezone from: No change of zoning designation
is sought. This application seeks to amend the
current proffers and code of development.
TMP: Tax Map Parcel 07800-00-00-05800 By-right use: Mixed use development with
maximum residential units of 69 and up to
Location: Located on the west side of Stony 46,000 square feet of commercial uses.
Pointe Road/Route 20 and the east side of Free
Bridge Lane/Route 1421, approximately 350 feet
south of the intersection of Route 20/Elks Drive.
See Attachment A
Magisterial District: Rivanna Proffers: Yes
Proposal: Request to amend proffers and code Requested # of Dwelling Units: No change. 69
of development to allow affordable units in Block residential units maximum
5 and allow accessory apartments as affordable
rental housing. No additional dwellings proposed.
See Attachments B and C
DA (Development Area): Neighborhood 3— Comp. Plan Designation: Greenspace —
Pantops undeveloped areas; Neighborhood Density
Residential — residential (3-6 units/acre);
supporting uses such as religious institutions,
schools and other small-scale non-residential
uses; and River Corridor— parks, golf courses,
greenways, natural features and supporting
commercial and recreational uses.
Character of Property: The property has Use of Surrounding Properties: Elks Lodge,
sloping terrain and streams running through it Rivers Edge office park, and residential uses.
and is currently under construction.
Factors Favorable: Factors Unfavorable:
1. The rezoning request remains consistent 1. No unfavorable factors.
with the Comprehensive Plan and the intent
of the original rezoning.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of this rezoning ZMA201500003, Riverside
Village Neighborhood Model District, with the attached revised proffers and code of development,
dated May 21, 2012, revised June 18, 2015 (Attachments B and C)
1 Riverside Village
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STAFF PERSON: Claudette Grant
ZMA 201500003 Riverside Village Neighborhood Model District
PROJECT: ZMA201500003/Riverside Village Neighborhood Model District
TAX MAP/PARCEL: 07800-00-00-05800
LOCATION: Located on the west side of Stony Pointe Road/Route 20 and the east side of Free Bridge
Lane/Route 1421, approximately 350 feet south of the intersection of Route 20/Elks Drive.
PROPOSAL: Request to amend proffers and code of development to allow affordable units in Block 5
and allow accessory apartments as affordable rental housing.
PETITION: Request to amend proffers, and amend code of development on property zoned NMD
Neighborhood Model District which allows residential uses at a density of 3— 34 units/acre, mixed with
commercial uses, service and industrial uses. No increase of dwellings proposed.
OVERLAY DISTRICTS: Entrance Corridor(EC); Flood Hazard (FH); Steep Slopes
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Density Residential— residential (3-6 units/acre); supporting
uses such as religious institutions, schools and other small-scale non-residential uses; Greenspace—
undeveloped areas; and River Corridor—parks, golf courses, greenways, natural features and
supporting commercial and recreational uses in Neighborhood 3 — Pantops Comp Plan Area.
The site is located on Route 20 north, south of the Elks Lodge and adjacent to Free Bridge Lane and
the Rivanna River. Floodplain and stream buffer associated with the river are located on this site along
with a creek that runs along the southern property boundary of the site. The site is currently under
construction. Uses adjacent to the site include some residential uses and to the east, across Route 20,
residential at Wilton Farm, the Fontana Subdivision, and the Avemore development, along with the
nearby Frost Montessori School. Darden Towe Park is located to the north of the site and Rivers Edge
office park to the south.
The applicant proposes to amend the approved proffers and code of development from ZMA2012-
00002-Riverside Village. The applicant wishes to maximize the location options for affordable housing
units within the development by adding Block 5 as a location for affordable housing. The applicant also
wishes to allow accessory apartments as an affordable housing unit type. The changes proposed for
the code of development include:
• Development Block Summary. The maximum dwelling units in Block 5 is increased from 18 to
24 units (Sheet 4 of 8).
• Section IV. Table of Uses by Block now has the correct references regarding accessory
apartments in Block 5, along with the addition of the pertinent section of the Zoning Ordinance
(Sheet 5 of 8).
• Section V. Developed Square Footage Proposed is updated to include the maximum dwelling
units in Block 5 as 24 units (Sheet 5 of 8).
• Section VI. Affordable Units by Type and Block is now updated to reflect the appropriate number
of dwelling units per block (Sheet 6 of 8) (Attachment B).
2 Riverside Village
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Proffer 2, Affordable Housing (page 2 of the Proffer Statement) is also being amended to accommodate
the requested changes (Attachment C). The total number of residential units and density remain the
same as the original approval.
This proposal is currently under construction and the applicant wishes to have the option to provide
affordable units in Block 5 and to allow accessory apartments as affordable units.
ZMA2012-00002, a request to rezone from R-1 to Neighborhood Model District (NMD) was approved
on November 13, 2013. Prior to this rezoning action, there are no prior approvals for development on
this property.
The existing zoning approved for Riverside Village is consistent with the Pantops Master Plan land use
designations. This rezoning request does not propose to change the land uses previously approved for
Riverside Village in ZMA201200002 and the findings regarding consistency with the Neighborhood
Model provided at the time of that rezoning remain applicable.
The existing zoning approved for Riverside Village proposes to provide 10 affordable housing units.
This rezoning request does not propose to change the number of affordable housing units previously
approved for Riverside Village in ZMA201200002.
Relationship between the application and the purpose and intent of the requested zoning
Neighborhood Model Districts are intended to provide for compact, mixed-use development with an urban
scale, massing, density, and an infrastructure configuration that integrates diversified uses within close
proximity to each other.
There are no changes proposed to the zoning, density or land uses for this project from the approved
rezoning. The proposed amendments to the proffer and code of development do not violate the intent of
the Neighborhood Model District and the proposal is consistent with the intent of the original rezoning
Anticipated impact on public facilities and services
The proposed proffer and code of development amendment do not materially change the existing road
system, the approved road network or the street design within this development. There are no new
major impacts to the property or adjacent streets that were not already considered during the original
Schools/Fire and Rescue/Utilities:
There would be no additional impacts to public facilities and services from this proposal.
3 Riverside Village
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Anticipated impact on environmental, cultural and historic resources
There are no anticipated impacts from the proposed proffer and code of development amendments on
environmental or cultural and historic resources.
Anticipated impact on nearby and surrounding properties
There are no anticipated impacts from the proffer and code of development amendments on nearby
and surrounding properties.
Public need and justification for the change
The proposed proffer and code of development amendments will provide the applicant an opportunity to
provide a wider range of housing types and a wider range of locations within the development for the
affordable units.
The applicant has provided an amended proffer to ZMA201200002, which is summarized below. (See
Attachment C for black line of approved and amended proffers)
The applicant proposes the following two revisions to Proffer 2. Affordable Housing: 1) adding
accessory apartments as an affordable housing unit type and 2) permitting affordable housing units to
be constructed in Block 5 along with the original Block 1 and/or Block 2 locations for affordable housing.
There are no changes to the impacts of this development resulting from this proposal.
In summary, staff can support the proposed proffer and code of development amendments.
Staff has identified the following factors, which are favorable to this request:
1. The rezoning request remains consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the intent of
the original rezoning.
Staff has identified the following factors which are unfavorable to this request:
1. No unfavorable factors.
Staff recommends approval of this rezoning ZMA201500003, Riverside Village Neighborhood
Model District, with the attached revised proffers and code of development, dated May 21,
2012, revised June 18, 2015 (Attachments B and C)
ATTACHMENT B—Application Plan with Code of Development, dated May 21, 2012, revised. June
18, 2015
ATTACHMENT C— Blackline Proffers
A. If the ZMA is recommended for approval: Move to recommend approval of ZMA201500003 with
amended proffers and code of development, dated May 21, 2012, revised June 18, 2015 as
recommended by staff.
B. If the ZMA is recommended for denial: Move to recommend denial of ZMA201500003. Note
reasons for denial.
4 Riverside Village
PC Public Hearing 7/14/2015
Attachment A
iie ZMA 20• g -03
Riverside Village
Neighborhood Model District
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